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io-archival · 1 year ago
[PT: panapis / panapisgender: being all bee- and honey-related genders within one’s experiences /end PT]
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panapis/panapisgender: being all bee- and honey-related genders within one’s experiences
for anon!
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eclipian · 7 months ago
Beelzebub Headmate
pt: beelzebub headmate
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
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" Ha ha! How my dirty bitches doing toniiiiight? "
Name: Beelzebub , Bee , Queen , Beelze , Kit , Veronica , Vexin , Kora , CottanCandy , Candy , Sweet , Doll
Age: Ageless
Pronouns: She/Her , Shy/Hyr , Shu/Hur , They/Them , Thy/Thym , Thuy/Thum , Bee/Bees , Buzz/Buzzes , Swarm/Swarms , Hive/Hives , Part/Party , Rave/Raves , Yip/Yips , Kit/Kits , Fox/Foxs , Dae/Daemon , Dem/Demon , Honey/Honeys , Cottan/Candy , 🦊/🦊s , 🐝/🐝s , 🍯/🍯s
Gender: Girl+ Futch , Panapisgender , Genderbuzz , Buzzsoundic , Genderbumble , Honeybeency , Beething , Buzzic , Honeyial , Mielgender , Honephosial , Honeycombcoric , Honeychunic , Gluttonyadored , Gluttonydeity , Gluttonydivine , Foxladything , Foxentiyian , Vulpipresentic , Cottoncandyaesic , Cottoncandyic , Cottonflavic
Attraction: Pan , Vestiagum , Alimentary attraction , Amousse , Gelatineux , Sugaric Attraction
Other IDs: Dissodiction , Dissopermdrunk Dissopermhigh , DissOLD , Dissostarpupil Dissoheartpupil , Bee Hive , ABeeAB , Alderapis , Honey Scented , Honeyrooted , Fox Sculk
Species: Fox Bee Demon
Role: Beesecutor , Mood Booster
Aesthetic: Honeycore , Warmcore , Foodie , Candyland , Candycore
pt: name , age , pronouns , gender , attraction , other ids , species , role , aesthetics
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artist credit & artist credit + tags: @bahtive
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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John Egbert from Homestuck is an autistic omnisexual gay vincian sapphic nonbinary loserboygender genderwind breathaspic person with ADHD who uses he/him, they/them, and ae/aer pronouns, and he's matesprits with Vriska, Rose, Roxy, and Dirk, moirails with Dave, and kismeses with Terezi!
Dave/Dove Strider is an autistic bisexual asexual redgender bigender person with ADHD, PTSD, and DID who uses he/him, they/them, and she/her pronouns, and he's matesprits with Nepeta, Terezi, Jade, Davesprite, and Jake and moirails with John and Vriska!
Rose Lalonde is an autistic transfeminine grimgender eldritchgender lightaspic mallgothix catgender demiromantic demisexual lesbian with tics who uses she/her, he/him, and light/lights pronouns, and she's matesprits with Kanaya, Jade, and John!
Jade Harley is an autistic transfeminine sparkledoggender pupgender sciencegender spaceaspic kidcoric tbhgender bi lesbian with ADHD and narcolepsy who uses she/her, they/them, fur/furs, woof/woofs, and 💕/💕s pronouns, and fur's matesprits with Aradia, Karkat, Rose, and Dave!
Roxy Lalonde is an autistic bisexual catgender voidaspic ultrapinkgender fluffyhousecatgender wizardic nyancatic techgender nonbinary with with ADHD, high empathy, and depression who uses she/her, cat/cats, they/them, nya/nyas, pu/pur, fae/faer, 💖/💖s, and 🍭/🍭s pronouns, and she's matesprits with John, Calliope, and Jane and moirails with Hal!
Dirk Strider is an autistic gay transfeminine robogender rainbowdashalfosic 2b2tgender urbanlegendaesic person with tics, depression, BPD, and DID who uses she/her, they/them, he/him, it/its, digi/digit, and zero/zeros pronouns, and she's matesprits with Nepeta, Karkat, and John!
Jane Crocker is a transmasculine cakegender sweetgender lesbian with BPD, depression, and ADHD who uses she/her and he/him pronouns, and she's matesprits with Roxy, Calliope, and Jasprosesprite!
Jake English is a transfeminine hopeaspic genderskull gay man with depression who uses he/him, she/her, and they/them pronouns, and he's matesprits with Dave and Gcatavrosprite!
Aradia Megido is an autistic genderdead ghostcoric cemeterygender crypdostaesic fossilgender ghostgender gxrl with depression, ADHD, and anxiety who uses she/her, ghost/ghosts, they/them, and fossil/fossils pronouns, and she's matesprits with Sollux, Jade, and Feferi!
Tavros Nitram is an autistic bisexual demisexual transfeminine nonbinary fairygender faikepic troll with ADHD, PTSD, and anxiety who uses any pronouns, and she's matesprits with Nepeta!
Sollux Captor is an autistic bisexual bigender beegender honeyobstric gamergender genderbee mellowapis panapisgender honeycoric beesproutaen troll with bipolar disorder who uses she/her, he/him, and any bee-themed pronouns, and he's matesprits with Kanaya, Aradia, Karkat, and Nepeta!
Karkat Vantas is an autistic bisexual transfeminine nonbinary greygender urbanlegendaesic quadragender romcomhypic trollthing with anxiety, PTSD, and DID who uses she/her, he/him, ♥️/♥️s, ♦️/♦️s, ♠️/♠️s, and they/them pronouns, and she's matesprits with Sollux, Nepeta, Terezi, Vriska, Feferi, Davepetasprite^2, and Dirk and moirails with Kanaya!
Nepeta Leijon is an autistic transmasculine catgender nyancatic catscenecoric gendernuisance meowzeric weirdkidgender 2010scringic sillycatboygender cringecatgender sparklecatgender eurowildcatheric gay guy with ADHD, high empathy, tics, and DID who uses he/him, mew/mews, meow/meows, fur/furs, fluff/fluffs, cringe/cringes, purr/purrs, kit/kits, and paw/paws pronouns, and he's matesprits with Tavros, Sollux, Karkat, Terezi, Gamzee, Dave, and Dirk, moirails with Equius and Vriska, and kismeses with Eridan!
Kanaya Maryam is an autistic transfeminine vampiregender vampirigender vampgothic autivampgender lesbian with depression and OSDD-1a who uses she/her, vamp/vamps, and fang/fangs pronouns, and she's matesprits with Sollux, Vriska, and Rose and moirails with Karkat!
Terezi Pyrope is an autistic blind transmasculine sillygender crayongender arcadegender dragongender scenix lesbian with ADHD and depression who uses he/him, silly/sillies, she/her, and it/its pronouns, and it's matesprits with Karkat, Nepeta, and Dave and moirails with Vriska!
Vriska Serket is a visually impaired transfeminine nonbinary 8gender spidergender spidercoric pirategender fembitch lesbian with low empathy, depression, and BPD who uses she/her, spid/spider, and 8/8s pronouns, and she's matesprits with Karkat, Kanaya, and John and moirails with Terezi and Dave!
Equius Zahhak is a gay transfeminine horsegender demiboy who uses he/him or any pronouns, and he's moirails with Nepeta!
Gamzee Makara is an autistic bisexual clowngender clowncoric circuscandyic malumclown clownstimmic clownthing with ADHD, depression, and tics who uses any pronouns with a preference for she/her and clown-themed neopronouns, and she's matesprits with Nepeta and moirails with Feferi!
Eridan Ampora is an autistic bisexual transfeminine sealifeous fishgender princessgender watergender wizardgender troll with ADHD, BPD, and depression who uses she/her, they/them, and occasionally he/him pronouns, and she's matesprits with Feferi and kismeses with Nepeta!
Feferi Peixes is an autistic transmasculine sharkgender sharkfriendic sharkplushic princessgender nighswimsharkic demigender lesbian with high empathy and ADHD who uses he/him, shark/sharks, and she/her pronouns, and he's matesprits with Aradia, Karkat, and Eridan and moirails with Gamzee!
Davepetasprite^2 is an autistic nonbinary PLURgender catcrowic rainbowcoric scenix sparklefurgender catgender crowgender cutoughix catnipgender verdeorangic gaybian with tics, ADHD, high empathy, PTSD, and DID who uses it/its, meow/meows, crow/crows, and they/them pronouns, and it's matesprits with Karkat!
Jasprosesprite^2 is an autistic transfeminine nonbinary catgender lesbiangender wizardic catgirlgender lesbian with tics who uses she/her, kitty/kitties, and it/its pronouns, and kitty's matesprits with Jane and moirails with Fefetasprite!
Davesprite is an autistic bisexual crowgender birdgender crowsproutaen orangegender corvidgender orangeflavorin boy with ADHD and PTSD who uses he/him and crow/crows pronouns, and he's matesprits with Dave and Jadesprite!
Gcatavrosprite is an autistic demiromantic bisexual transfeminine nonbinary catgender sprite with ADHD, PTSD, and anxiety who uses any pronouns, and they're matesprits with Jake!
ARquiusprite is an autistic bisexual robogender horsegender sprite with tics and depression who uses it/its and he/him pronouns!
Erisolsprite is an autistic bisexual transfeminine nonbinary depriflux sprite with ADHD, BPD, bipolar disorder, and depression who uses it/its, she/her, and he/him pronouns, and it's kismeses with Fefetasprite!
Fefetasprite is a nonverbal autistic transmasculine catgender genderfin catgirlgender lesbian with high empathy, ADHD, tics, and DID, and it's kismeses with Erisolsprite!
Jadesprite is an autistic bisexual transfeminine pupgender girl with ADHD and narcolepsy who uses she/her, they/them, and woof/woofs pronouns, and woof's matesprits with Davesprite!
Tavrisprite is an autistic transfeminine nonbinary bisexual lesbian with depression and PTSD who uses any pronouns!
Auto-Responder/Lil Hal is an autistic agender robogender queer boy with depression and BPD who uses he/him and it/its pronouns, and it's moirails with Roxy!
Calliope is an autistic plural intersex transfeminine greengender magicgender nonbinary demisexual lesbian with PTSD and ADHD who uses she/her, they/them, and it/its pronouns, and she's matesprits with Roxy and Jane!
Caliborn is an autistic plural intersex transmasculine gay guy!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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Cassey Medina is an autistic transmasc nonbinary taylorswiftica eldritchgender tbhgender catrelautian milkaesic darkacadeeric bataesic bloodtastic crypdostaesic twinmattressica mothmangender mothogender newbookstimmic cafeaesic meowsterenergygender mothfascifearic springaesic starryskyaesic cloveraesic pinkiepiealfosic recluminjuric faikepic urbanlegendaesic genderbee mellowapis beesproutaen beegender bloodaesic scemox honeyobstric panapisgender cemeterygender honeycoric syocomfic monsterenergygender sweateraesic strawbflavorin 2b2tgender libraryaesic hembonullcemrip bechillical weirdkidgender emoxcatboy bitaffectic sparklecatgender mascbitch sillycatboygender eurowildcatheric witchcraftium irenematronic shadgender lightmageic pinkgreengender timwishgirlica lemonflavorin aphmaurpfascic acrimoniousGenocidehandlic huntremlowen sc3n34ut1flagic scenecringautic aromantic nebularomantic demisexual omni turian cane user with DID, ADHD, and anxiety who uses he/him, it/its, xe/xem, ze/zir, vam/vamp, bloo/blood, gore/goreself, 🧋/🧋s, 💀/💀s, rem/rems, lo/los, end/ender, ro/rom, prin/prince, ax/axo, deer/deers, doe/does, bee/bees, 👾/👾s, 👻/👻s, frog/frogs, charge/bolt, bolt/bolts, moon/moons, star/stars, hon/honey, yellow/yellows, 🐝/🐝s, bu/buzz, 🍓/🍓s, 🍋/🍋s, 💿/💿s, digi/digi, ⚰️/⚰️s, corp/corpse, rot/rots, ram/rams, void/voids, lem/lemon, aer/aers, pinkie/pinkies, ny/nyx, nym/nyms, ang/angel, cri/crim, lemon/drop, di/dice, zero/zeros, bun/buns, rawr/rawrs, jam/jams, ze/zeph, de/der, glitch/glitchs, mew/meow, kit/kits, purr/purrs, cer/berus, zi/zip, and honey/dew pronouns!
Cassey is matesprits with Vriska Serket from Homestuck, an autistic transfeminine spidergender pirategender piratecoric 8gender dicegender bi lesbian with PTSD and depression who uses she/her, 8/8s, and spider/spiders pronouns!
Purr is moirails with Feferi Peixes, an autistic lesbian fishgender sharkgender watergender pringender gillgender bubblegender sharkfriendic trans guy with ADHD who uses he/him, they/them, blub/blubs, and she/her pronouns!
Void is kismeses with Sollux Captor, an autistic bisexual bigender beegender honeycoric gamergender computergender troll with bipolar disorder who uses he/him, she/her, and bee/bees pronouns!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
Cassey Medina is an autistic transmasc nonbinary demisexual aromantic nebularomantic taylorswiftica eldrichgender tbhgender catrelautian milkaesic darkacadeeric bataesic bloodtastic crypdostaesic twinmattressic mothmangender mothogender newbookstimmic cafeaesic meowsterenergygender mothfascifearic springaesic starryskyaesic cloveraesic pinkiepiealfosic recluminjuric faikepic urbanlegendaesic genderbee mellowapis beesproutaen beegender bloodaesic scemox honeyobstric panapisgender cemeterygender honeycoric syocomfic monsterenergygender sweateraesic strawbflavorin 2b2tgender libraryaesic hembonullcemrip bechillical weirdkidgender emoxcatboy bitaffectic sparklecatgender mascbitch sillycatboygender eurowildcatheric witchcraftium irenematronic shadgender lightmageic pinkgreengender timwishgirlica lemonflavorin aphmaurpfasic omni turian troll with DID, ADHD, Anxiety, he uses a cane, and rawr uses he/him, it/its, xe/xem, ze/zir, vam/vamp, bloo/blood, gore/goreself, 🧋/🧋s, 💀/💀s, rem/rems, lo/los, end/ender, ro/rom, prin/prince, ax/axo, deer/deers, doe/does, bee/bees, 👾/👾s, 👻/👻s, frog/frogs, charge/bolt, bolt/bolts, moon/moons, star/stars, hon/honey, yellow/yellows, 🐝/🐝s, bu/buzz, 🍓/🍓s, 🍋/🍋s, 💿/💿s, digi/digi, ⚰️/⚰️s, corp/corpse, rot/rots, ram/rams, void/voids, lem/lemon, aer/aers, pinkie/pinkies, ny/nyx, nym/nyms, ang/angel, cri/crim, lemon/drop, di/dice, zero/zeros, bun/buns, rawr/rawrs, jam/jams, ze/zeph, de/der, glitch/glitchs, mew/meow, kit/kits, purr/purrs, cer/berus, zi/zip, and honey/dew pronouns!
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^ Cassey
Sup! Can you add acrimoniousGenocidehandlic to the cassey medina request?
Hii.. sorry for sending so many asks about my req but can you add that casseys matesprits with Vriska Serket, an Autistic transfem spidergender pirategender piratecoric 8gender 8ballgender dicegender bi lesbian with PTSD and depression who uses she/8/spider pronouns, purr is moirails with Feferi Peixes, an autistic fishgender sharkgender watergender pringender gillgender bubblegender lesbian trans guy with ADHD, who uses he/they/blub/she pronouns and void is kismesises with Sollux Captor an autistic bigender bisexual beegender honeycoric gamergender computergender troll with bipolar disorder, who uses he/she/bee pronouns?
Y'ello can you add huntremlowen to cassey on my req?
Hi can you add huntremlowen, sc3n34ut1flagic, and scenecringautic to cassey on my request? Also sharkfriendic to feferi?
queued! i couldn't find the 8ballgender flag, but if you lmk where i can find it i'll get it added!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
Heads Up this is gonna be super fucking long sorry
John Egbert is an autistic omnisexual gay achillean sapphic nonbinary loserboygender genderwind breathaspic person who uses he/they/aer who has ADHD and he's matesprits with vriska, rose, roxy, and dirk, moirails with dave, and kismesis with terezi!
Dave/dove Strider is an autistic bisexual redgender bigender asexual person who uses he/they/she who has ADHD and PTSD and hes matesprits with nepeta, terezi, jade, davesprite and jake and moirails with john and vriska!
Rose Lalonde is an autistic demiromantic demisexual transfem grimgender eldrichgender lightaspic mallgothix catgender lesbian who uses she/he/light who has tics and she's matesprits with kanaya, jade, and john!
Jade Harley is an autistic transfem sparkledoggender pupgender sciencegender spaceaspic kidcoric tbhgender bi lesbian who uses she/they/fur/woof/💕 pronouns who has ADHD and narcolepsy and furs matesprits with aradia, Karkat, rose and dave!
Roxy Lalonde is an autistic bisexual catgender voidaspic ultrapinkgender fluffyhousecatgender wizardic nyancatic techgender nonbinary girl who uses she/cat/they/nya/pur/faer/💖/🍭 pronouns who has ADHD, high empathy and depression and shes matesprits with john, calliope and jane and moirails with Hal!
Dirk strider is an autistic transfem robogender rainbowdashalfosic 2b2tgender urbanlegendaesic gay person who uses she/they/he/it/digi/zero pronouns who has tics, depression, and BPD and shes matesprits with nepeta, karkat and john!
Jane Crocker is a transmasculine cakegender sweetgender lesbian who uses she/he pronouns who has BPD, Depression and ADHD and shes matesprits with roxy, calliope and jasprosesprite!
Jake English is a transfeminine hopeaspic genderskull gay man who uses he/she/they pronouns who has depression and hes matesprits with dave and gcatavrosprite!
Aradia Medigo is an autistic genderdead ghostcoric cemeterygender crypdostaesic fossilgender ghostgender gxrl who uses she/ghost/they/fossil pronouns who has depression, ADHD and Anxiety and shes matesprits with sollux, jade and feferi!
Tavros Nitram is an autistic transfem bisexual demisexual nonbinary fairygender faikepic person who uses any pronouns who has ADHD, PTSD and anxiety and shes matesprits with nepeta!
Sollux Captor is an autistic bisexual bigender beegender honeyobstric gamergender genderbee mellowapis panapisgender honeycoric beesproutaen person who uses she/he and any bee-themed pronouns who has bipolar disorder and hes matesprits with kanaya, aradia, karkat and nepeta!
Karkat Vantas is an autistic transfem nonbinary greygender bisexual urbanlegendaesic quadragender trollthing who uses she/he/♥️/♦️/♠️/they pronouns who has anxiety and PTSD and she's matesprits with sollux, nepeta, terezi, vriska, feferi, davepetasprite and dirk and moirails with kanaya!
Nepeta Leijon is an autistic transmasculine catgender nyancatic catscenecoric gendernuisance meowzeric weirdkidgender 2010scringic sillycatboygender cringecatgender sparklecatgender eurowildcatheric gay guy who uses he/mew/meow/fur/fluff/cringe/purr/kit/paw pronouns who has ADHD, high empathy and tics and hes matesprits with Tavros, Sollux, Karkat, Terezi, Gamzee, Dave and Dirk, moirails with equius and vriska, and kismesis with eridan!
Kanaya Maryam is an autistic transfem vampiregender vampirigender vampgothic autivampgender lesbian who uses she/vamp/fang pronouns who has depression and shes matesprits with sollux, vriska and rose and moirails with karkat!
Terezi Pyrope is an autistic blind transmasculine sillygender crayongender arcadegender dragongender scenix lesbian who uses he/silly/she/it pronouns who has ADHD and depression and its matesprits with karkat, nepeta and dave and moirails with vriska!
Vriska Serket is a vision impaired transfeminine nonbinary 8gender spidergender spidercoric pirategender fembitch lesbian who uses she/spid/8 pronouns who has low empathy, depression and BPD and shes matesprits with karkat, kanaya and john, and moirails with terezi and Dave!
Equius Zahhak is a transfeminine horsegender gay demiboy who uses he/any pronouns and hes moirails with nepeta!
Gamzee Makara is an autistic bisexual clowngender clowncoric ciruscandyic malumclown clownstimmic clownthing who uses any pronouns with a preference for she/her and clown neopronouns who has ADHD, depression and tics and shes matesprits with nepeta and moirails with feferi!
Eridan Ampora is an autistic transfem bisexual sealifeous fishgender princessgender watergender wizardic person who uses she/they and occasionally he/him pronouns who has ADHD, BPD and depression and shes matesprits with feferi and kismesis with nepeta!
Feferi Peixes is an autistic transmasculine sharkgender sharkfriendic sharkplushic princessgender nighswimsharkic demigender lesbian who uses he/shark/she pronouns who has high empathy and ADHD and hes matesprits with Aradia, Karkat and Eridan and moirails with Gamzee!
Davepetasprite^2 is an autistic nonbinary PLURgender catcrowic rainbowcoric scenix sparklefurgender catgender crowgender cutoughix catnipgender verdeorangic gaybian who uses it/meow/crow/they pronouns who has tics, ADHD, high empathy and PTSD and its matesprits with karkat!
Jasprosesprite^2 is an autistic transfeminine nonbinary catgender lesbiangender wizardic catgirlgender lesbian who uses she/kitty/it pronouns who has tics and kittys matesprits with jane and moirails with fefetasprite!
Davesprite is an autistic bisexual crowgender birdgender crowsproutaen orangegender corvidgender orangeflavorin boy who uses he/crow pronouns who has ADHD and PTSD and hes matesprits with Dave and Jadesprite!
Gcatavrosprite is an autistic transfem bisexual nonbinary demiromantic catgender person who uses any pronouns ADHD, PTSD and anxiety and their matesprits with Jake!
ARquiusprite is an autistic bisexual robogender horsegender person who uses it/he pronouns and has tics and depression!
Erisolsprite is an autistic bisexual transfeminine nonbinary depriflux person who uses it/she/he who has ADHD, BPD, bipolar disorder and depression and its kismesis with fefetasprite!
Fefetasprite is a nonverbal autistic transmasculine catgender genderfin catgirlgender lesbian who uses it/he/she who has high empathy, ADHD and tics and its kismesis with erisolsprite!
Jadesprite is an autistic transfem bisexual pupgender girl who uses she/they/woof pronouns who has ADHD and narcolepsy and woofs matesprits with Davesprite!
Tavrisprite is an autistic transfem nonbinary bisexual lesbian who uses any pronouns who has depression and PTSD!
Auto-Responder/Lil Hal is an autistic agender robogender queer boy who uses he/it pronouns who has Depression and BPD and its moirails with Roxy Lalonde
Calliope is an autistic transfem demisexual greengender magicgender nonbinary lesbian who uses she/they/it pronouns who has PTSD and ADHD and shes matesprits with Roxy Lalonde and Jane Crocker!
Sidenote: Please use the gay man flag when I say gay, and the omni gay man flag for john
Hii can you add that dirk, nepeta, dave, davepetasprite, fefetasprite and Karkat have DID, kanaya has osdd-1a and that calliope and caliborn are plural to the really really long homestuck request with almost every character?
Hiyo! Person who req'd the homestuck req with the kids, beta trolls, sprites, hal and calliope! Can you add that Karkat is romcomhypic?
Hii i just realised caliborn isn't in my request (all the beta trolls all the kids some of the sprites hal and calliope) can you add that caliborn is an autistic intersex transmasc gay guy? Also can you add that calliope is intersex?
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neopronouns · 2 years ago
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barcode header for anon! flags in order are: bataesic, 2b2tgender, aromantic, eldritchgender, darkacadeeric, scemox, genderbee, crypdostaesic, cafeaesic, emoxcatboy, catrelautian, cemeterygender, cloveraesic, lightmageic, sparklecatgender, panapisgender, beegender, honeyobstric, springaesic, mothogender, milkaesic, mellowapis, beesproutaen, sillycatboygender, omni gay, bitaffectic, faikepic, taylorswiftica, bechillical, mascbitch, twinmattressica, syocomfic, honeycoric, bloodaesic, newbookstimmic, sweateraesic, mothfascifearic, meownsterenergygender, weirdkidgender, starryskyaesic, urbanlegendaesic, nebularomantic, recluminjuric, demisexual, nonbinary, hembonullcemrip, libraryaesic, bloodtastic, strawbflavorin, pinkiepiealfosic, transmasculine, tbhgender, polyamorous, mothmangender, and monsterenergygender.
image id: the listed flags arranged side-by-side. they have been rotated 90 degrees so that their stripes are now vertical and have been resized so that each stripe is the same width. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
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neopronouns · 3 years ago
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barcode header for anon! flags in order are monsterenergygender, bloodaesic, nonbinary, mellowapis, genderhoney, panapisgender, honeyobstric, genderhoarder, nebularomantic, honeycoric, genderflux, demisexual, trans, and omni.
image id: the listed flags arranged side-by-side. they have been rotated 90 degrees so that their stripes are now vertical and have been resized so that each stripe is the same width. end id.
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years ago
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Medic from Team Fortress 2 is a rabiespunk GNC flamboric femme medcoric gorecoric goreaesic darkangelcoric angelcoric chaosgodic bloodaesic violencecoric intimidangelic evilcoric malmasc lexeprofane scivillainic harvelunaic faggot prettygender doriangender cruorangeligender fouscizte genderfag genderqueer whitegender evillaughgender ultragender redgender genderdead villainic screfian bloodgender genderpunk killgender anarchogender antagogender dovegender demongender angeligender angelfalleen bonea rabiesan hellgender incubian vampiregender corpsegender genderdamned devilgender madscientistgender evilqueer genderpierce knifegender rawbonegender polyamorous T4T bi gay man with ASPD, HPD, NPD, and hypersexuality who is dating Heavy, and the two use dove/doves pronouns for each other as a sign of their relationship! Medic is in a queerplatonic relationship with the Devil, an abrosexual devilgender person who uses only it/its pronouns and can change its physical appearance at will, but prefers to present as masculine!
Spy is a GNPNC flamboric polyamorous T4T midnight sapphic omnisexual postmale overfemme transfeminine succubian lunarian lunar-aligned victonoiric knifegender acrifgender diamondgender dappergender rosenkein suitgender winegender gendernoir darkrosegender wolatorix trans woman with PTSD, HPD, depression, hypsexuality, and anorexia who uses any pronouns besides he/him, but especially likes she/her, they/them, xie/xers, lune/lunes, noir/noirs, pri/prins, fleur/fleurs, purr/purrs, and meow/meows, and now goes by the name Celine! She’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Sniper and engineer and is still on good terms with her ex-wife, a transhet woman with OCD! The rest of the team supports Celine throughout her transition and help her overcome her internalized transphobia and body dysmorphia!
Sniper is an autistic rabiespunk casualic polyamorous T4T demiaroace angled aroace pan gay man naturecoric animalcoric coffeeaesic eucaromic coffeehouseaesic forestcoric transmasculine coffeegender knifegender hookknifen kiwiian rabiesan bozotician foretidian faunagender pannaturae veggender autigender riflegender froggender birdgener buggender mothogender buckgender felisgender bungender lizardgender reptilegender forestgender dirtgender wolfgender papiliogender rodentgender herbgender crochetforaestic fossiligender rawbonegender koala bear naturegender agender man with PTSD, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, OCD, depression, and selective mutism, and woof is a pronoun collector who uses he/him, they/them, it/its, woof/woofs, grr/grrs, howl/howls, roar/roars, hoo/hoos, meow/meows, buzz/buzzes, fir/ferns, branch/branches, leaf/leaves, twig/twigs, hor/horns, liz/lizards, claw/claws, fluff/fluffs, sta/stags, and any other animal- or plant-themed pronouns! He’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Demo, Scout, and Spy!
Heavy is an autistic casualic polyamorous T4T deminebularomantic aroacevague bi gay wintercoric wintfloric coffeeaesic coffeehouseaesic minimalaesic sweateraesic comforwinteric histudystrongic dymalic metallarian autimain libramasculine transmasculine asteroid-aligned crowgender coffeegender emphauntgender cassgender silencegender rawria beargender glaciagender polarnull blizzgender snowgender silinterow bibliogender librainian bear agender man with PTSD and selective mutism due to depression, and dove shares dove/dove pronouns with doves partner Medic as a sign of their relationship!
Demo is an autistic beehearted GNPNC casualic polyamorous T4T non-sam mspec turian ply gay heliancoric cottagecoric beecoric honeycoric solneu beegender genderhoneybee gilfleurabee mellowapis supernova-aligned boomgender genderbang hestiagender heliosgender genderhoney honeycolexic phoenilexic sunboy sugelian panapisgender calidatierramielgender sunfleurian yellowgender solsteseric bear with PTSD and alcoholism who is legally blind due to having one eye, and fae is a pronoun collector who loves finding new neopronouns related to suns special interests of bees, sunflowers, warm weather, and explosives! Some of faer favorites are fae/faer, ey/em, hy/hym, shay/sham, lad/lads, warm/warms, boom/booms, blast/blasts, flam/flames, bang/bangs, sol/sols, sun/suns, buzz/buzzes, yell/yellow, pol/pollens, and beau/beaus, and ey is in a queerplatonic relationship with Soldier, Engineer, Sniper, Scout, and Zhanna, a GNC butch bisexual azurgirl nonbinary man who uses she/her and he/him pronouns!
Engineer is an autistic casualic polyamorous T4T cupioromantic cupiosexual gay-oriented aroace cowboycoric comfycoric farmcoric coffeeaesic coffeehouseaesic cyberminimalaesic botic robothypic killerobotix robiline planet-aligned drustagemasculine modmasculine bullgender sweetteagender coffeegender metalligender botgender videogender arithmogender techgender gendertech cybergender digigender robotgender codegender pantechnicum techfluid tealgender aquagender mniofirin koala bear trans man with ADHD who is physically disabled due to being an amputee, and bo uses he/him, bo/bots, aut/autos, 101/101s, 10101/10101s, exe./exe.s, gear/gears, machine/machines, met/metals, bolt/bolts, nut/nuts, cog/cogs, beep/boops, da/datas, and any other technology-themed pronouns! He’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Spy and Demo and, along with the rest of their team, has informally adopted and raised Pyro as their own!
Scout is an autistic rabiespunk casualic polyamorous T4T bisexual kidcoric arcadecoric soursweetcoatic glitzimusica saturatic neonic rainbowcoric 80scoric trippyaesic glowwavic speedcoric quantum-aligned rabiesan transmasculine neoncoric animecoric boyflux maxspedan boyloud lexechaosic lexebonkyic laughgender gamegender gummygender energydrinkgender chickengender dykegender graffitigender boydyke luniangender adhdgender emojigender ravegender neongender plurgender 90scoric 00scoric zvachgender lesboy nonbinary man with PTSD, dyslexia, and ADHD who uses he/him, they/them, dy/kes, lesbo/lesbos, le/les, bonk/bonks, dino/dinos, rawr/rawrs, xd/xds, x3/x3s, h3/h1s, nya/nyas, loud/louds, cartoon/cartoons, toon/toons, pi/pikas, gummi/gummis, ne/neons, prank/pranks, and any other neopronouns aside from she/her and similar sets, and he’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Soldier, Demo, Sniper, and Miss Pauling, an autistic alloaro bi lesbian who uses she/her and they/them pronouns!
Pyro is an autistic dollhearted GNPNC polyamorous T4T objectum intersex adoragoric dollcoric sweetcoric marofloric floracornic agedreplushic agepetresoftic pastelpinkgender unicorngender sweetiegender plushpinsic fem-kudispec fuwaun pyrogender princessgender vitlisgender vitlisgender cookiegender candygender gendercute lovergender genderwarmth magicalgender joygender dollgender swufegender arsongender flamegender southgender amplexian genderplasma genderplush genderfluff pinkiegutgorgender kamomi kindgender genderblankie firegender ecstimmian pyrocesse nonbinary person with PTSD, DID, ADHD, epilepsy, maladaptive daydreaming, selective mutism, bipolar I disorder, psychosis, undiagnosed dyslexia, and pyromania who is a pet and age regressor and uses no pronouns! Pyro is a gender collector and collects xenogenders related to Pyro’s special interests, and Pyro is in a queerplatonic relationship with Pyro’s unicorn plush, a gay twink named Pinky, and Pyro’s flamethrower, a butch firegender akoisexual lesbian named Pepper! Besides the team, who Pyro consider to all be parental figures, Pyro also sees Pauling, Zhanna, Celine’s ex-wife, and the Devil as part of Pyro’s family!
Soldier is an autistic rabiespunk polyamorous T4T heteroflexible trashcoric maderaromic abandoe amasculine bitrashidae calighn metallarian brearomic rabiesan autigender skunkgender raccoongender cryptidboy awolgender feralgender warhistogender mayonnaisegender breadgender rockgender metalligender malewife trans man with PTSD, Tourette syndrome, epilepsy, dyslexia, psychosis, and an unspecified traumatic brain injury that causes memory loss, mood swings, and partial deafness who kept his birth name, Jane, and mainly uses he/him pronouns for personal convenience, but is open to any pronouns! He’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Demo and Zhanna!
dni transcript here
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neopronouns · 2 years ago
Could i req a barcode header with omni gay, demisexual, aromantic, nonbinary, polyamourous, nebularomantic, Transmasculine, taylorswiftica, eldrichgender, tbhgender, catrelautian, milkaesic, darkacadeeric, bataesic, bloodtastic, crypdostaesic, twinmattressic, mothmangender, mothogender, newbookstimmic, cafeaesic, meowsterenergygender, mothfascifearic, springaesic, starryskyaesic, cloveraesic, pinkiepiealfosic, recluminjuric, faikepic, urbanlegendaesic, genderbee, mellowapis, beesproutaen, beegender, bloodaesic, scemox, honeyobstric, panapisgender, cemeterygender, honeycoric, syocomfic, monsterenergygender, sweateraesic, strawbflavorin, 2b2tgender, libraryaesic, hembonullcemrip, bechillical, and weirdkidgender?
Can you add emoxcatboy to the really long barcode header req?
Can you add bitaffectic, sparklecatgender, mascbitch, and sillycatboygender to the reallly long barcode header?
Hi sorry for having so many additions to this request but can you add lightmageic to the super long barcode header req 😭 i swear this will be the last addition
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neopronouns · 3 years ago
Could you make a barcode header with omni, nonbinary, trans, nebularomantic, genderflux demisexual, Genderhoney, Honeyobstric, Honeycoric, Panapisgender, Bloodaesic, Mellowapis, and genderhoarder?
Could you add monsterenergygender to the barcode header request with Genderbee Genderhoney Honeyobstric Honeycoric Panapisgender Bloodaesic And Mellowapis in it?
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neopronouns · 4 years ago
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panapis/panapisgender: being all bee- and honey-related genders within one’s experiences
for anon!
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radiomogai · 4 years ago
[PT: panapis/panapisgender: being all bee- and honey-related genders within one’s experiences. End PT]
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panapis/panapisgender: being all bee- and honey-related genders within one’s experiences
for anon!
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