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dalsimoravskyblog · 3 months ago
Petr Štěpánek: Nes mě, loďko, ke břehu
hudba: Angelo Michajlov | text: Eduard Krečmar
hlas lidu: vím, že je asi trochu mimo nominovat písničku z pohádky, ale nemůžu si pomoct a nevidět tam ten potenciál pro Eurovizi — asi tak podobně, jako když se někdo rozhodne tam poslat baladu, na první místo to asi nebude, ale jako příjemnou vložku to lidé ocení
Divokou kartou tohoto lidově demokratického hlasování je herec Petr Štěpánek. Narodil se před 24 lety, je synem nedávno zesnulého herce Zdeňka Štěpánka a nevlastním bratrem rovněž herečky Jany Štěpánkové. Před třemi lety absolvoval DAMU a mezi jeho poslední filmy patří Údolí včel, Luk královny Dorotky, Princ Bajaja nebo Vlak do stanice Nebe. Píseň Nes mě, loďko, ke břehu je tak jeho ojedinělým vstupem do světa hudby.
Pod předělem najdete text písně.
Nes mě loďko ke břehu jedu, jedu pro něhu, jedu, jedu pro krásu, pro dívku s vlasy do pasu..
Zlatovlásko, krásko, kdo ví co bude dál? Zlatovlásko, krásko, chce tě bohatý král.
Jedu,jedu pro pannu, jakpak se k ní dostanu, když ji najdu, vyhraji, můj pan král tak získá ji.
Zlatovlásko, krásko, kdo ví co bude dál? Zlatovlásko krásko, chce tě bohatý král.
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dear-indies · 1 year ago
fc masterlist updates:
Suzy Eddie (1962) - genderfluid (she/her but "doesn't mind" he/him) - comedian, actor, and activist.
Samantha Béart (1984) - she/they - actor.
Max Crumm (1985) - they/them - actor and singer.
Kylie Sparks (1987) - they/them - actor.
Timothy LeDuc (1990) - they/them - pair skater.
 Noah Lamanna (1991) Italian, Ashkenazi Jewish, and Chinese - they/them - actor.
 Noah Lamanna (1991) - genderqueer (they/them) - actor.
Ellar Coltrane (1994) has spoken of their discomfort with binary gender roles "For me, the binary gender demarcation always has felt just kind of like … a charade, like this character that I have to play.” - they - actor.
Abbey Veffer (1995) - she/they - actor.
Damian Terriquez (1998) Mexican - he/they - actor.
Alin Szewczyk (1999) - they/them - model and actor - has resources!
Armand Fields (?) African-American - they/them - actor and performer. 
D.J. Mausner (?) - any pronouns - actor and comedian.
Rad Pereira (?) Black, Unspecified Indigenous Brazilian, and Jewish - genderqueer (they/he) - actor.
Myles Sexton (?) - they/them - instagrammer.
Maggie Bain (?) - they/them - actor.
Sarah Allyn (?) - IMDb uses they/them - actor.
Moriah N. Boone (?) - she/they - actor.
Sabrina Wu (?) Chinese - they/them - writer, comedian, and actor.
added Vico Ortiz's age and that they're pan and poly!
added Mara Junot's age!
added that Mae Martin and Ari Notartomaso hve resources!
Gisele Shaw (1988) Filipino - wrestler.
Rikkie Valerie Kolle (2001) Moluccan - model and Miss Universe Netherlands 2023.
added Summer Luk's age!
body diversity:
X Mayo (1987) Afro Mexican - comedian, writer, producer, and actress.
Louis Westwood / Kitty Scott-Claus (1992) -  is gay - drag performer. 
Victoria Scone (1993) - is a lesbian - drag queen and cabaret performer.
Keyla Monterroso Mejia (1998) Mexican - actress.
D.J. Mausner (?) - non-binary (any pronouns) - actor and comedian.
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miyokotranslations · 1 year ago
Qiang Jin Jiu - Kapitola 22
Dalšího rána převzal císař Xiande nad lovištěm osobní velení. Jeho zdraví mu nedovolovalo vyrazit na lov na koni, a tak přichystal odměny a nařídil přítomným mužům, aby na loviště zamířili sami a zkusili štěstí nějakou z cen vyhrát.
Li Jianhengovi se nedařilo dostat na koně a tak se na jeho hřbet posadil až na několikátý pokus.
Císař Xiande se na něho podíval a řekl: „Jianheng půjde příkladem. Budu čekat, dokud neochutnám tvou kořist!“
Li Jianheng sevřel otěže. Už dávno dal pokyn svým strážím. I kdyby nezasáhl cíl, věděl, že se nevrátí s prázdnou. Vyrazil tedy v povznesené náladě s kupou strážců za sebou.
Xiao Chiye jel na koni vedle něho.
Na konci rozlehlé pastviny Nanlinských lovišť byl kus lesa. Na větvích a zažloutlých listech ještě byla ranní rosa. Kořist všech velikostí, vyděšená křikem a zvuky koňských kopyt, která zde byla nasazená, se rozutekla do všech směrů.
Li Jianheng zaťal luk, zatímco seděl na koni, s velkým úsilím natáhl tětivu a vypálil šíp na králíka. Šíp se sotva zapíchl do země kousek od něj. Ze stran se nejprve ozval slepý potlesk a jásot, než strážce, který se šel podívat, přinesl zpátky předem připraveného králíka.
Spokojený Li Jianheng řekl Xiao Chiyemu: „Nestřílim špatně, co? Tehdy mě učil císařský dědeček!“
Xiao Chiye řekl upřímně: „Takovouhle ukázku lukostřelby sem nikdy neviděl. Dokonce ani v Libei.“
Li Jianheng se okamžitě zasmál a řekl: „Seš v Qudu už tak dlouho - nezapomněls jak se natahuje luk, že ne?“
Xiao Chiye si s sebou přinesl jen obyčejný luk, který nebyl ani tak dobrý, jako používaly císařské tělesné stráže. „Dovol mi, abych ti taky ukázal, co umim.“
S tím Xiao Chiye natáhl svůj luk a vypálil šíp na mýtinu před sebou. Jeho střela byla ještě slabší, než střela prince Chu, šíp se dokonce ani nezabodl do země. Ze stran se opět ozval slepý jásot a chvála. Xiao Chiye si v tom liboval.
Qiao Tianya už netrpělivě čekal za nimi. Vidíc tuto scénu, pobaveně řekl: „Vidíš to? Když nebudeš dobře trénovat, budou s tebou zacházet jako s blbcem!“
Při pohledu na Xiao Chiyeova ramena a paže si Shen Zechuan znovu vzpomněl na jeho kostěný prsten a neubránil se úsměvu.
Princ Chu jel sotva chvíli, než ho začala bolet záda, což utlumilo jeho ochotu jít dál. To byl důsledek včerejšího přílišného pití. V téhle chvíli se necítil příliš dobře. Vedl koně a chvíli se bezcílně potuloval kolem, dokud už nebyl skoro čas pobídnout své muže zpět. Stráže vzadu ještě ani nestačily vystřílet všechny šípy, když ho jako poryv větru doprovodili zpět. Ani se nestačili dostat do lesa na východě.
Li Jianheng sesedl z koně a poklekl před císaře. Pan Rugui po straně provedl pro císaře Xiande soupis kořisti. Čím víc jí Li Jianheng slyšel, tím byl spokojenější. Pak řekl: „Císařský starší bratře, je mezi nimi dokonce i liška obecná. Ta má krásnou barvu srsti. Bude z ní pro tebe dokonalý kožešinový límec.“
I císař byl potěšen. „Teď je mi ještě mnohem lépe, než když jsem byl v Qudu! Pan Rugui, dej ty věci princi Chu.“
Li Jianheng zvedl s velkým potěšením hedvábnou látku, jen aby uviděl velký luk, který žádný obyčejný člověk nedovedl natáhnout. Okamžitě o něj ztratil jakýkoliv zájem, přesto musel říct: „Děkuji Vaše Veličenstvo za odměnu!“
Císař Xiande se několikrát zasmál a zakašlal, než sám řekl: „Nelíbí se ti? Není myšlen, abys ho používal. Tenhle luk po sobě zanechal velký předek císař v počátečních letech. Je vyroben z černého železa spojeného kýlem a váží sto dvacet jinů (60 kg). Ani současní čtyři velcí generálové ho nedokážou natáhnout. Uděluji ti ho proto, že chci, abys byl vždy pilný. Kdykoliv uvidíš tento luk, vzpomeň si na útrapy velkého předka císaře při jeho velkém úsilí založit impérium.“
Li Jianheng jeho slova uznal a vyzval své muže, aby luk odnesli.
Během večeře si císař Xiande zavolal Li Jianhenga, aby si k němu přisedl a opřel se o něj. To byla nápověda, která už nemohla být zjevnější. Všichni přítomní úředníci to věděli, přesto museli hrát hloupé, protože starší sekretariátu Hua, Hua Siqian, byl stále na stejné úrovni jako princ Chu.
Jakmile se všichni nasytili vínem a jídlem, byl založen táborák.
Císař Xiande se za celý den nevzdálil a tak nemohli odejít ani ostatní. Li Jianheng už byl unavený sezením, ale všímal si, že se císař Xiande stále nemá k odchodu. O co jde? Vrhl tázavý pohled na Xiao Chiyeho.
Xiao Chiye předstíral, že si toho nevšiml. Tou dobou už tance a zpěvy ustaly a plamen ohně zuřivě plál. Císař Xiande si najednou upravil oděv a zvolal: „Můj drahý ministře Haii.“
Haj Liangyi si očistil róbu a uctivě poklekl před císaře, aby odpověděl: „Tento starý poddaný je zde!“
Císař Xiande se zeptal: „Co jsi to měl dnes v plánu udělat?“
Hai Liangyi se poklonil a odpověděl: „Tento starý poddaný by rád doporučil, aby vrchní dohlížející sekretář úřadu pro kontrolu příjmů šesti ministerstev, Xue Xiuzhuo, dostal pravomoc předložit Vašemu Veličenstvu petici!“
Hua Siqian vycítil, že se něco děje. Pohladil si vousy a řekl: „Renshi, proč to dělat takhle? Pro začátek má hlavní dohlížející sekretář pravomoc podat námitky přímo u Jeho Veličenstva.“
„To je možná pravda,“ řekl Hai Liangyi: „Ale Xue Xiuzhuo memoriál se opakovaně nedostal až k Jeho Veličenstvu. Proto může klidně požádat přímo o audienci.“
„Jak by mohl existovat memoriál, který se nedokázal dostat až k Jeho Veličenstvu?“ Otázal se Hua Siqian.
Císař Xiande řekl: „To by mě také zajímalo. Můj drahý ministře Haii, zavolej ho, aby k tomu řekl svůj díl.“
Po obdržení příkazu si Pan Rugui vyměnil s Hua Siqianem pohled a vykročil o dva kroky vpřed, aby zvolal: „Povolejte hlavního dohlížejícího sekretáře úřadu pro kontrolu příjmů, Xue Xiuzhuo, na audienci u Jeho Veličenstva!“
Xue Xiuzhuo na sobě neměl oficiální róbu. Vypadal unaveně, jakoby právě sesedl z koně. Když šel k nim, na nikoho se nepodíval. Místo toho poklekl, aby vzdal poklony císaři Xiande.
„Co chceš nahlásit?“ Zeptal se ve větru císař Xiande.
Xue Xiuzhuo řekl: „Tento poddaný je dohlížejícím sekretářem úřadu kontroly. Mým hlavním úkolem je do nejmenších podrobností kontrolovat finanční záležitosti ministerstva daní. Ve třetím měsíci pátého roku Xiande tento poddaný provedl audit účetní knihy výdajů za čtvrtý rok Xiande a objevil dotaci ve výši 2 000 000 taelů. Z důvodu obezřetnosti, zejména ve světle prohlášení ministerstva daní, že šlo o dotaci třinácti městům Juexi, si tento poddaný osobně do Juexi vyjel. Komisař provinční správy Juexi, Jiang Qingshan, souhlasil s kontrolou účtů a zjistil, že z dotace přidělené ve čtvrtém roce Xiande bylo Juexi skutečně poskytnuto pouze 1 530 000 taelů. Zbývajících 470 000 taelů zmizelo beze stopy. Následně ministerstvo vojenství vyplatilo v osmém měsíci téhož roku platy a proviant vojákům na hranicích. Ministerstvo daní vyčlenilo pro tento účel 2 800 000 taelů. Z tohoto množství bylo 1 800 000 taelů určeno pro posádkové jednotky pěti velitelství Qidongu a 1 000 000 taelů pro velké velitelství Libei. Ovšem v době, kdy tento poddaný tyto peníze dohnal až do průsmyku Luoxia, zbývalo po jejich předání pouze 830 000 taelů! A takto pokračuje incident za incidentem. Deficit státní pokladny představuje obrovskou částku. Kam všechny ty peníze zmizely? Kdo je vzal? Starší sekretariátu Hua si možná není jistý, ale tento poddaný má záznamy, které musí předložit k nahlédnutí Jeho Veličenstvu!“
„Plácáš nesmysly!“ Zpranýřoval ho Hua Siqian chladným tónem. „Ministerstvo daní musí na začátku každého roku odsouhlasit účty přímo v paláci! Jak to, že zrovna ty něco víš, když ministr příjmů, velký sekretariát a ředitel ředitelství obřadů císařského paláce držící štětec nemají ani tušení, že existuje nějaký deficit?!“
Hai Liangyi zvedl hlavu a řekl pevným hlasem: „Tento starý poddaný ví! Počínaje druhým rokem Xiande se účetní knihy předložené ministerstvem daní začaly dělit na skutečné a falešné. A pokud jde o rozhodnutí o tom, co se každý rok předloží, nerozhoduje slovo ministerstva daní, ale vaše Hua Siqiane!“
Praskot ohně explodoval jako náhlý úder hromu, který umlčel všechny přítomné. Nikdo nečekal, že začne císař Xiande klást z ničeho nic tak vážné otázky tímto způsobem.
„Dobře.“ Zasmál se Hua Siqian a udeřil do stolu, aby vstal: „Takže si teď budete vymýšlet absurdní obvinění? Jakápak frakce Hua?! Všechna půda na světě patří císaři. Já, Hua Siqian, jsem byl otevřený a důsledný ve všem, co jsem dělal. Po celou dobu jsem kladl Jeho Veličenstvo na první místo! Jestli existují nějaké pochybné účty, okamžitě je předlož. Zheng Guoshi, zkontroluj je s ním!“
Ministr příjmů Zheng Guoshi zmateně poklekl a řekl: „Vaše Veličenstvo, tento poddaný by rád položil otázku hlavnímu dohlížejícímu sekretáři Xueovi. Pokud jsou to účty za čtvrtý rok Xiande, ve kterých je problém, proč čekal až do dnešního dne, aby se o nich zmínil? Pokud je s nimi skutečně nějaký problém, pak by to znamenalo, že zamlčoval zásadní věc!“
Xue Xiuzhuo rychle řekl: „V dnešní době se místní úředníci, kteří vstupují do hlavního města, nesetkávají se svými nadřízenými ani neskládají poklony Jeho Veličenstvu. Místo toho nejprve posílají vizitku a následně míří do rezidence Hua a vedlejšího sídla Pan-gonggonga, kde vzdávají úctu. Frakce Hua je takhle mocná a vlivná. Můžeme se tedy jen ptát, kdo by se odvážil vzepřít staršímu sekretariátu Hua?!“
„Každý rok říkám delegovaným vyšetřujícím cenzorům, aby řekli, pokud najdou problém! Z čeho mám mít strach? Všechny účetní knihy mého rodu Hua byly předloženy Jeho Veličenstvu. Vše je jasné, čisté a korektní!“ Zíral Hua Siqian na Xue Xiuzhuo. „Xue Yanqingu, pamatuješ si ještě, kdo ti dal doporučení, když jsi vstoupil do Qudu, aby ses během let Yongyi stal úředníkem? Mohl bych být částečně považován za tvého učitele a ty mě tady teď takhle očerňuješ!“
Xue Xiuzhuo zvedl hlavu a na okamžik se setkal s Hua Siqianovým pohledem. „Na císařském dvoře je pouze vládce a jeho ministři, není žádný učitel a jeho žák.“
Hua Siqian se obrátil k císaři Xiande a zeptal se: „Věříte tomu, Vaše Veličenstvo?“
Císař Xiande sklopil oči a řekl: „Věřím účtům.“
Hua Siqian zvedl hlavu a vyprskl smíchy. Spojil dlaně a řekl: „Fajn! Vaše Veličenstvo, tenkrát bylo v Qudu bouřlivé období a bývalý císař si vás vybral na smrtelné posteli. Pamatujete si ještě, kdo byl tím, kdo vás podporoval, kdo vás celou cestu chránil a doprovázel?! Přesto tomu všemu dnes v noci věříte kvůli několika neloajálním, neuctivým zmetkům?!“
Císař Xiande zvedl ruku, aby se napil čaje. Konečně se podíval na Hua Siqiana, aby s očima plnýma odporu řekl: „Neměl bys říct jasněji, zda to byla ochrana a doprovod, nebo nátlak a komandování prince?“
Hua Siqian náhle odstrčil stůl a řekl: „Ji Leii!“
Císařská tělesná stráž na hostině tasila meče.
Hai Liangyi řekl: „Tvá drzost se vzbouřit!“
„To bych si netroufnul.“ Odpověděl Hua Siqian. „Ale vy sami už na mě tasíte. Snad nečekáte, že tu budu sedět a čekat až mě zabijete, že ne?“
„Co chceš?“ Zeptal se císař Xiande chladně. „Xi Gu'ane!“
Osm velkých výcvikových divizí najednou vykročilo o krok vpřed a postavilo se před císaře.
„Zneškodněte Hua Siqiana!“ Zavelel císař Xiande.
„Neopovažujte se!“ Křikl Hua Siqian. „Xi Gu'ane, tvoje žena a dítě teď popíjejí čaj s císařovnou vdovou. Jestli se opovážíš udělat ještě jeden krok, pokrevní linie rodu Xi bude přerušena! Císařovna vdova se k tobě v průběhu let chovala hezky, ale tys byl opakovaně nabádán jinými. Ještě není příliš pozdě, aby ses vrátil!“
Xi Gu'an zůstal bez možnosti volby, proto ze strachu udělal malý krok zpět.
Císař Xiande zlověstně řekl: „Není příliš pozdě? Xi Gu'ane, copak nebylo pro bývalého korunního prince příliš pozdě? Nebylo pro Shen Weie příliš pozdě? Kdo z nich nebyl loajálnější, než ty?! Ustoupili, ale nechala je císařovna vdova být? Už jsem požádal, aby byl napsán císařský edikt. Až princ Chu nastoupí na trůn, dcera rodu Xi bude císařovnou impéria!“
„Je už běžnou praxí Jeho Veličenstva, že vydává a ruší své rozkazy a ty tomu pořád zbožně věříš?!“ Vyhrnul si Hua Siqian rukávy. „Jeho Veličenstvo se kvůli své nemoci zbláznilo! Císařská konkubína Wei je už půl měsíce těhotná, tak jak by mohl princ Chu nastoupit na trůn?!“
Xi Gu'an sevřel svoji čepel. Čelo měl zalité potem.
Noční oblohu už zahalily vrstvy tmavých mraků. Vítr v předvečer bouřky také ustal. Prapory na lovištích vlály. Nikdo se nepohnul.
Xi Gu'an zaťal zuby, vytáhl meč a obrátil se na císaře Xiande. S jasnými obtížemi řekl: „Nemoc Jeho Veličenstva je... nevyléčitelná.“
„Dal jsem ti šanci,“ podíval se císař Xiande na Xi Gu'ana a pomalu se začal smát. Čím více se smál, tím hlasitější jeho smích byl. A čím hlasitější byl, tím více kašlal. Opřel se o stůl a chladně řekl: „Kdybych neměl naprostou důvěru, když jsem na tento podzimní lov vkročil, jak bych pak mohl lovit a zabíjet zrádné ministry a zrádce, jako jste vy?! Qi Zhuyin už mi vede jednotky na pomoc. Měla by tu být do čtyř hodin! Tak koho zabijete? Hm? Kdo se opováží?!“
Náhle se však ozval Ji Lei: „Vrchní velitelka Qi je daleko ve velitelství Cangjun v Qidongu. Císařská tělesná stráž je odpovědná za veškerou příchozí i odchozí korespondenci. Vaše Veličenstvo, je na čase, abyste se probudil ze snu!“
Císař Xiande se na něho rozzlobeně podíval: „Qi...“
Pan Rugui náhle zakryl císaři Xiande ústa a donutil ho posadit se. Rozhlédl se po davu a usmál se: „Jeho Veličenstvo má recidivu své nemoci.“
Všem státním zaměstnancům se třásly nohy. Hua Siqian se podíval na Li Jianhenga a ošklivě se usmál, když říkal: „Princ Chu měl v úmyslu uspořádat na lovištích vzpouru. Dokonce si s sebou vzal luk a šípy. Důkazy proti němu jsou nezvratné! Na co čekáte? Zabijte ho!“
Kromě stráží vedle něho všude kolem explodovaly chladné záblesky čepelí.
Li Jianheng šokovaně upustil hůlky. Jak ustupoval, spadl na zem i se svojí židlí. „Starší, starší sekretariátu! Nemám v úmyslu se prohlásit za císaře!“
„Vaše výsosti,“ řekl Hua Siqian. „Víte vůbec, jak se píší slova - proti své vůli?“
Na obloze zahřmělo.
Li Jianheng slyšel dav kroků, jak se k němu blíží a schoval se mezi své stráže. Nedokázal ani vstát, když slzavým hlasem říkal: „Jsem od přírody nečinný princ! Tak proč zacházet tak daleko?“
Záblesk něčího meče se mihl přímo před ním a tak se Li Jianheng chytl za hlavu a vykřikl. Hned na to ale zaslechl ohromnou ránu a stůl před ním se s bouchnutím převrhl. Někdo ho sevřel za límec a zvedl na nohy.
„Jeho Veličenstvo ti udělilo luk dobyvatele a tak seš korunním princem Da Zhou!“ Usmál se zlověstně Xiao Chiye. „Jako místokrál císařský armády chci já, Xiao Ce'an vidět, kdo potká svůj konec pod tímhle ostřím! Chen Yangu, pomoz korunnímu princi na koně!“
„Xiao druhý.“ Vytáhl Ji Lei pomalu svoji čepel. „Pro naše přátelství, musíš tohle dělat?“
„Tak dlouho sem nic nedělal,“ pustil Xiao Chiye Li Jianhenga: „že přímo prahnu po boji.“
„Chyťte ho.“ Řekl Ji Lei. „Pokud to neohrozí život druhého mladého pána, klidně mu můžete zlámat ruce i nohy.“
Xiao Chiye si svlékl svoji těžkopádnou svrchní róbu, jen aby odhalil jinzhuang přiléhající k tělu přímo pod ní. Rozhlédl se kolem sebe a řekl: „Kdo mi dokáže zlámat ruce i nohy, tomu nejen udělim sto taelů zlata, ale taky ho nazvu svym mistrem.“
Meč Langli, který v Qudu téměř nikdy neopustil pochvu, se začal vysouvat. Centimetr po centimetru se lesklo sněhobílé světlo spolu s mrazivou, vražednou aurou, která dokázala zastrašit.
„Ale pokud to nedokážete, pak přijdete o život.“
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erickbros76 · 2 years ago
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Y tomando el pan, después de haber dado gracias, lo partió, y les dio, diciendo: «Esto es Mi cuerpo que por ustedes es dado; hagan esto en memoria de Mí».
Lucas 22:19 NBLA
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creativeashproductions · 4 years ago
Pregnancy Test Roulette // Charlie Gillespie
Summary: As a college student living with your three best friends is the best and even better when they get along with your long-term boyfriend. However, one of your best friends decides to film a video inspired by another tiktok video. You just had to jinx yourself.
Warnings: Swearing, unplanned pregnancy, allusion to abortion (doesn’t use the actual word), college, and reader has a gender-neutral roommate and best friend named Lu.
Words: 2.4k
A/N: This inspired by a video I watched of someone announcing her pregnancy by taking a test with her friends. They each took one and put in a box to shake and hell exploded with the positive, the actual person was aware before the pregnancy roulette
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They say your ’20s are your best years and maybe that comes from being able to bounce back from a night out with your friends. A night that turned your memory into episodic moments you could recall and others you had to guess about. Maybe it’s because you’re in the years where you aren’t under lock and key with your parents but not at the point where you’re expected to have a marriage, kids and mortgage.
It was the sweet spot in life. Now you didn’t drink as much as you did your first year, but you did enjoy the odd glass of wine occasionally—a beer with your older brother or a shot with your best friend. But more often than not you were in bliss nestled into your boyfriend’s side watching an old movie with a bucket of popcorn you had argued over who would make. However, Charlie was in Vancouver filming for Julie and the Phantoms leaving you in your house for the upcoming season. The home you shared with your three college friends to save money but not be stifled in dorms.
“I have an idea!” Sophie spoke, sliding into the living room in her thick socks with duckies on them. Her sudden appearance received both Alice and your attention from the movie Bad Moms playing.
Sophie’s recently dyed blue hair concealing her face from you as she flipped the long strands from her hair. Her bright brown eyes glittering with the same happiness that typically exuded from her.
“What’s this idea?”
“Where’s Lu?” Sophie inquired scanning for them in the room, “Did they have a date?”
“Nah, I’m right here Phee,” Lu announced their presence from the kitchen island going over work emails.
Sophie quickly dragged them from the counter to Alice and you on the couch with a box in her hands. Everyone in the room shared a look as the blue-haired girl went into one of her tangents that could continue indefinitely.
“Phee, calm down. What do you want to do?” Lu questioned whereas Alice had leaned forward to grab a look at the box.
“I think the best question is: what does it have to do with the box of pregnancy tests in your hand?” Alice asked flicking her ocean blue eyes at the girl sheepishly looking at the group, “Do you think you’re pregnant?”
“What! No! I thought it would be hilarious to take a test each and put in the box.” Sophie replied, pursing her lips together with a pleading look in her eyes, “Plus I wanna know how you do it…?”
You sighed with a shake of your head, “You saw this on Tiktok. We’re all damn careful at preventative measures. There’s no harm in taking the test. Hand one over.”
Sophie was quick to hand you a test along with the rest of the group before splitting off to the attached bathroom to your master suite room. You hadn’t even fought for the room when you moved in your sophomore year of college. Lu had been quick to announce that as the only one in a relationship Charlie would be over and they didn’t want a show.
The instructions were straight forward enough you had capped the test brought it the hallway to drop in the box held by Sophie. The camera catching everyone as they did so. Lu followed with their test followed by Alice, and you wandered back to your seat in the living room.
“Is there a reason you made us pee on sticks?” You inquired grabbing one of the decorative pillows Alice had bought. It was mostly Alice’s touch that brought the living room together with her minor in interior design.
“I thought it would be fun.” Sophie simply shrugged joining Lu on their couch, leaving Alice back in her seat.
The movie still paused as per Sophie’s request, so no one forgot about the tests waiting to be revealed. You had no clue why it mattered to not forget about them, as you had said before. Everyone had a pact to keep up on contraceptive, hell there’s a box near the hallway filled with condoms. Everyone just added a few to the box if it was lower than twenty squares.
“Okay.” Lu trailed off, clicking their fingers on the phone in their hands. Their attention is easily taken away from the game Sophie wanted.
Sophie was always jumping on trends on Tiktok, a few even before they became real trends, so this wasn’t anything new. Sophie even had a few viral videos on the app that sometimes took all her attention for a few hours. That being said, you weren’t overly scared about the outcome.
“Ooh, Charamader is calling.” Lu snorted leaning overseeing the cheesy photo of Charlie kissing your cheek. His contact photo in your phone had been taken by Luk as well.
“One moment.” You told Sophie with her wide eyes pointedly staring at the box on the coffee table littered with magazines, “It will be a second!”
Sophie waved you off to the kitchen where you clicked on the green button.
“Hey!” Charlie beamed from the kitchen on the apartment he shared with Owen during filming. His wide eyes crinkled by the grin he wore, “What’s new? How was that exam?”
“I think I did a lot better than I had expected.” You admitted to the Canadian guy brushing the hair away from his face. He had to recut to Luke’s style when filming for the new season happened.
“I told you!” Charlie cheered, flipping his gaze from his phone to the pan he was carefully inspecting, “How lucky am I? My girl is going to graduate with a fancy degree! I’ll be front row when it happens.” 
“Just as I will be right there when you win an Oscar.” You teased your boyfriend as Sophie loudly counted down from the living room. Charlie’s attention was drawn to the trio of your best friends waiting.
“Did I pull you away from something?” Charlie’s brown brows furrowed as he mentally went over the plans you had informed him of.
There wasn’t a single plan he remembered so he relaxed marginally when the fear of missing something faded.
“Sophie’s made us do this video for TikTok. We’re halfway through-“
“Hey Charlie, she’ll call you back. We had pregnancy tests to check!” Sophie interrupted ending the video call with your boyfriend.
Both Charlie and you frantically talking as Sophie ended the call with that bomb and not clarifying further on it. To take it further, the blue-haired beauty pocketed your phone as well to avoid her video being interrupted.
You had no doubt the Canadian actor was freaking the fuck out that you were taking a pregnancy test. If he was spamming your phone, Sophie wasn’t reacting to the vibrating other than to aggressively point over to the couch.
“Just text him,” Sophie grumbled throwing your phone back at you when the line formed between her eyebrows. The frustration of Charlie overcoming her excitement for the video.
“PREGNANCY TEST?” Charlie screamed as soon as you accepted his phone call, “Am I missing something?”
“Sophie wanted to do a video of Alice, Lu, her and I took one. We’re good.” You soothed the ruffled feathers of the male who released a gasp.
“Sophie, you gave me a heart attack. Holy shit, I just about knocked Owen unconscious.” The man in question was speaking, but you couldn’t hear the words he spoke, “What! I thought my girl needed me!”
“I’m Charlie but I won’t if I don’t end the call-“
“We can mute the call.” Charlie interrupted dancing on the balls of his feet with anticipation in his blood even if you had denied being pregnant, “This sounds like-”
“Nice try Gillespie. Y/N will call tomorrow, it’s roomie night.” Lu spoke before ending the call for you just like Sophie had, “AS much as I like the dude, this is getting interesting.”
You simply shared a look with Alice as Sophie expertly stationed the camera to get everyone, Alice was the one to shake the box again. Each of you was given a test to hold with snickers falling from lips. Lu’s hand ran through the recently chopped hair while Alice repositioned her body on the floor.
“Okay…one, two, three.” Sophie calmly spoke before flipping her test around. Everyone followed suit.
“Negative.” You informed the group. Lu was quick to announce the negative in her hand.
Sophie simply shook her head before everyone turned to Alice, “Alice?”
 The brunette pixie-haired girl stared at the test before she lunged for the box, “What’s a positive?”
“The test is positive!” Alice snapped shakily reading the instructions as she gripped the test in her hand. Her lips mouthed the words she read with a speed that greatly impressed you.
Everyone was huddled around her after Sophie had ended the video in pure shock, reading the test that very much said positive. Your lips parted in stunned silence sitting back on your heels just as Sophie did.
“Who’s test is it?!” Sophie exclaimed roughly running her hand over her face, “Holy shit.”
“Not mine.” Lu informed the group with a nervous smile on their face, “The last person I was with was Susan from Statistics.”
That left three people.
“Eliminate the options.” You breathed looking at Alice, “Wasn’t the last guy you were with a few weeks ago? Jas or something from-“
“Jasper from my Mythology course, but that was like four months ago! I’ve been swamped with classes and work.” Alice spoke with a small smile, “He was terrific. I should see if he’d like to grab a- “
“Not the time Alice!” Sophie screeched frantically looking around the room, “Oh my god, what about you?”
Sophie’s eyes came down on you with a pleading look in her eyes at this very sudden twist on her once innocent game. Your mind went over the last few months, but you were blanking at every opportunity.
“I can’t. Shit. I need to call Charlie.” You grumbled tapping the screen of the phone, “Alice, can you go grab a box of tests from the store? We used all of them.”
“-grab as many as possible!” Sophie cried, shaking in her slippers and cosy clothing. This was not how she had expected the night to go.
“I thought it was roomie night.” Charlie spoke as soon as the phone connected, “Something wrong?”
“When was the last night we had sex?” You inquired, leaving the man in Canada to choke on his beer.
In Vancouver sharing a beer with Owen with a film that had interested the pair playing Charlie hadn’t expected your call. Owen barely blinked at the interruption when the movie was fascinating, but he did turn when he heard Charlie choke.
“W-what?” Charlie coughed wiping his chin with the back of his hand, “Is this some weird part of a card game-“
“Charlie, when was the last time we had-“
“Jesus, I stayed the night before we left for the airport two months ago? We had a quickie in the bathroom at the airport as well.” Charlie scrunched his face recalling the lack of time he had been physical with you. His face turning red with Owen’s full attention on the flustered Canadian actor.
“Everything good?” Owen asked his best friend but only received a wave off.
“You sound scared. Is everything okay?” Charlie now demanded while your lips parted to ask if it was possible the condoms you used broke. The frantic breathing of Alice interrupted you, however.
Your e/c eyes found the pixie-haired girl leaned over, catching her breath with the box in her hands. Without thinking, your phone fell from your fingers as you lunged to the box with three tests. Alice had thought ahead and bought a box each for you and Sophie.
“Sophie’s waiting in the living room. Lu’s got her.” Alice softly told you both deaf to the two males on the phone, “I’ll be right here.”
“Thank you, Alice.” You choked marching into the bathroom, “If it’s me…I-“
 “If you’re the one pregnant, then this baby will be blessed if you decide to continue the pregnancy. If you don’t, I’m right here for you. If you’re not pregnant, we can do a couple shots.” Alice squeezed your hands unintentionally, sending Charlie into a frantic moment once more.
Your feet stopped suddenly remembering you hadn’t hung up the phone with Charlie, “Fuck.”
Alice, already reading the situation, tossed your phone to you with a smile as she sat on your bed. With a thankful one sent back, you entered the bathroom with your thumb, clicking the FaceTime button.
“This is the second time!” Charlie exclaimed scanning the background for one of your roommates, “I thought you weren’t pregnant!”
“So did I! Until one of four tests turned out positive, and now I have three more tests I need to pee on!” You exclaimed, “I jinxed us! I literally said how all of us are so good keeping up with preventative measures!”
“Apparently not as well.” Owen spoke, shoving his head over Charlie’s shoulder to see you with his kind smile, “Can you take three slow but deep breaths for me?”
With a few words coaching your breathing, you calmed down enough to mute the call and turn the phone to the ceiling for your privacy. Once the toilet was flushed, tests capped waiting on the counter, and your hands washed, you turned back to the call.
“What’re we gonna do Char?” You sobbed with a deep ache to be in his arms just as he felt the same, “We don’t live together! How can we do this!”
As Owen had led you through the calming breathing, Charlie had dug deep to calm down eternally for you. He found clarity even in the storm of being terrified and somewhat guilty, which he knew was misplaced.
“If you’re pregnant I’ll be there for you. No matter what, I will be there for you. If we keep the baby, we will rock parenting. We have friends and our family.” Charlie soothed you with his pretty hazel eyes glittering at you, “We’ve been together since we were eighteen. We’ve talked about marriage and kids.”
“Should I le-“
“You can stay.” You softly told Owen who squeezed Charlie’s shoulder while you sat in silence with Alice quietly sitting by your side.
Alice’s hand grabbed yours in comfort and support, waiting for the minutes to end and when they did you cried.
Separated in different countries you and Charlie took in the news that there was, in fact, a child on the way. Charlie’s lips parted in glee as he easily read the excitement in your facial expressions amid the fear.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @merceret​ @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld​ @princessvader15​ @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle​ @joshy-obx​ @lovesanimals​ @oopsiedoopsie23​ @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you​ @jaskiers-sweetkiss​ @lostrandomfangirl​n @must-be-a-weasley-92​ @jatp-holland​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland​ @dasexydevitt13​ @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​ @ssprayberrythings​​ @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @zukoshonourr​ @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch​ @kcd15​ @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl​ @all-in-fangirl​ @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @badwolf00593​ @blowakissbabe​ @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @writerinlearning​ @aiofheavenandhell​ @sageellsworth05​ @link-102​
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jazumst · 3 years ago
Jazu Umęczony
Żeby Was...
Będzie to wpis o dzisiejszych zadaniach, trudnościach, zaradzaniu. O upadkach i powstaniach.
Przyciągam nieszczęścia. Ale nie uprzedzajmy faktów.
Wstałem rano. Dzień zaplanowany w najdrobniejszym szczególe. Kościół, Biedra, paczkomat, prywaciarz, cmentarz, alkoholizacja.
Pierwsze trzy bez przeszkód. Po wyjściu od prywaciarza okazało się, że muszę wracać, bo dziewczyny coś dla mnie mają. No jak nie za nic to wracam. Dostałem siatkę HadeMade w dacie. Nawet miło.
Wracam do domu. Wyłączyli nam prąd XD Kurwie nawet się cieszą, ale ja bez neta. Konsola wyładowana. Trudno, pranie zrobię. Chuj XD Inteligencja żaby. No to zmywarkę. XD Czy można być aż tak głupim? Chcąc nie chcąc wyszedłem z domu pograć. Obszedłem MST 3 razy.
Wracam do domu po trzech godzinach. Telefony puste. Prąd jest. Myślę sobie - zgrzeszę, a potem długa kąpiel. Puszczam wodę, dolewam trzy garnki wrzątku, bo u mnie w kranie woda zimnawa. Wchodzę jak mnie Pan Bóg stworzył do wanny a tam kosta. Kurwa miała być gorąca kąpiel a wyszło morsowanie. WTF?! Telefon do pana Ojca. Chuj wielki. Teleporada. Całe życie jestem na siebie zdany. Totalnie nie wiedząc co robię i co robić schodzę do pieca. Szybki luk. Internet, Google, strona producenta, Elektroda.
(słowem wtrącenia)
Dlaczego sernik na zimno mi nie wyszedł? Bo instrukcja była niejasna. Kto wypierdoliłby dom w powietrze? Ja. Bo instrukcja była niejasna. Ciągle padało stwierdzenie zawór, przekręcić, automatyczny. Czyli łatwowiernie myśląc kręcisz zaworem i rośnie. Nie kręcisz, nie rośnie bardziej. (historia właściwa)
Coś mnie tchn��ło. Serwis, Pomorskie, Lbk. Dzień dobry, sprawa taka i taka. Czy jak kręciłem w praw to potem muszę w lewo? A czy jak pan odkręca zawór wody żeby się wykąpać to go pan zostawia? Na szczęście ciśnienie było tak niskie, że jak mówiłem z serwisem to było idealne. Zakręciłem i teraz obsrany schodzę co jakiś czas i patrzę czy nie urosło bardziej.
A teraz będę sobie robił dobrze. Otóż Pierwszy i Piąty pewnie by sprawę olali. Chuj, że w chałupie pizgawica a w kranie lód. A nie, spierdoliliby do Wieży. Tam jest kaflowy i woda na prónd. Czyli jednak nie. Robiłem dla siebie :( Nawet dobrze sobie zrobić nie umiem. Ahhhh, jeszcze tylko opierdol od pana Ojca po przyjeździe, bo na bank coś zjebałem.
Dobry wieczór ;]
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hangukkie · 5 years ago
동물 (Dong-mul): Animals! 🐘
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동물 (Dong-mul): Animal/animals
수의사 (Su-ui-sa): Veterinarian
동물원 (Dong-mul-won): Zoo
악어 (Ak-eo): Alligator/crocodile
박쥐 (Bak-jwi): Bat
곰 (Gum): Bear
새 (Sae): Bird
낙타 (Nak-ta): Camel
고양이 (Gu-yang-i): Cat
병아리 (Byeong-a-ri): Chick
닭 (Dalk): Chicken
소 (So): Cow
게 (Ge): Crab
사슴 (Sa-seum): Deer
개 (Gae): Dog
돌고래 (Dol-gu-rae): Dolphin
오리 (O-ri): Duck
독수리 (Dok-su-ri): Eagle
코끼리 (Ku-kki-ri): Elephant
에뮤 (E-myu): Emu
물고기 (Mul-gu-ki): Fish
개구리 (Gae-gu-ri): Frog
여우 (Yeo-u): Fox
기린 (Gi-rin): Giraffe
염소 (Yeom-so): Goat
고릴라 (Gu-ril-la): Gorilla
고슴도치 (Gu-seum-do-chi): Hedgehog
하마 (Ha-ma): Hippopotamus
말 (Mal): Horse
캥거루 (Kaeng-ga-ru): Kangaroo
코알라 (Ko-al-la): Koala
표범 (Pyo-beom): Leopard
사자 (Sa-ja): Lion
도마뱀 (Do-ma-baem): Lizard
원숭이 (Won-sung-i): Monkey
쥐 (Jwi): Mouse
타조 (Ta-jo): Ostrich
부엉이 (Bu-eong-i): Owl
황소 (Hwang-so): Ox
판다 (Pan-da): Panda
펭귄 (Peng-gwin): Penguin
돼지 (Dwae-ji): Pig
비둘기 (Bi-dul-ki): Pigeon
조랑말 (Ju-rang-mal): Pony
토끼 (To-kki): Rabbit
너구리 (Neo-gu-ri): Raccoon
코뿔소 (Ku-bbul-so): Rhinoceros
갈매기 (Gal-mae-ki): Seagull
물개 (Mul-kae): Seal
상어 (Sang-eo): Shark
뱀 (Baem): Snake
다람쥐 (Da-ram-jwi): Squirrel
호랑이 (Ho-rang-i): Tiger
거북이 (Geo-buk-i): Turtle
고래 (Gu-rae): Whale
늑대 (Neuk-dae): Wolf
얼룩말 (Eol-luk-mal): Zebra
Example sentences:
애완 동물 있어요? (Ae-wan / dong-mul / iss-eo-yo?): Do you have any pets?
소들이 들판에서 풀을 뜯고 있습니다. (So-deul-i / deul-pan-e-seo / pul-eul / ddeul-gu / i-tt-seub-ni-da.):  The cows are grazing in the field.
에뮤는 크고 날지 못하는 새입니다. (E-myu-neun / keu-gu / nal-ji / mot-ha-neun / sae-ib-ni-da.):  The emu is a large, flightless bird. 
돼지들은 영리한 동물입니다. (Dwae-ji-deul-eun / yeong-ri-han / dong-mul-ib-ni-da.):  Pigs are intelligent animals.
여자가 추수감사절에 칠면조를 저녁으로 대접하고 있다. (Yeo-ja-ka / chu-su-kam-sa-jeol-e / chil-myein-jo-leul / jeo-nyeok-eu-ro / dae-jeob-ha-gu / ittda.): The woman is serving a turkey dinner for Thanksgiving.
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volleytimes-com · 4 years ago
Poland: Dustin Watten joins PlusLiga newcomers Lublin
Poland: Dustin Watten joins PlusLiga newcomers Lublin
LUK Politechnika Lublin, the winners of the Polish second division and, subsequently, newcomers to the PlusLiga, engaged a former US National Team member Dustin Watten. Thus, a 34-year-old libero will play his third season in a row in Poland after previous two with GKS Katowice’s jersey. The experienced libero is a one-time FIVB World Cup (2015) winner, a two-time winner of the Pan American Cup,…
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everosfics · 4 years ago
At last I can breath
Warning: several bad words
A/N : so this took forever🙂 Sory about that. You ever have it all written but there’s this chunk you know you need but don’t know how to put it there well that was like two parts of this chapter, so enjoy what I have come up with. See you next chapter.
Ch.2 A year of transition
Lila POV
“Finally that bitch is done, won’t even look at me, sure I lost a few battles like when I lost Agrest but no mater there’s bigger and better out there. So What, one person won’t make my tower crumble and a small crack is just a minor distraction.
So long as Dupain-Cheng only has her little blondes to back her up it’ll be fine.”
Mari POV
It’s been about a year now since Lila’s return and while she has been a pan in my side and a huge agitator, I really don’t think she has been the hardest part of my life. God just saying that makes me feel horribly stressed, like oh yeah it’s junior year college scouts, senior class study abroad program planing, Akuma fights, all on top of a pathological Liar who has it out for me. Oh well I’m so fucking tired right now it’s been such an emotional year from the struggle to get use to Lila, to realizing that there’s only a few people out there that I can really trust. Thank god for Chlo without her I don’t think I would have made it through all that’s happened this year.
“Hey Mari were all going to go work on the ideas for the fundraiser are you coming.”
“Yeah I’m coming, can’t wait to see what each class is thinking about doing.”
Last year in the bathroom
“ Dupain-Cheng what the fucking hell was that. Who the hell does she think she is. I swear this is ridiculous.”
“Chloe what do you want.”
“From you nothing , from that sleaze ball an explanation on who the hell she thinks she is it’s not like you have done anything to her other than question her story.”
“I’m fine Chloe there’s nothing you can do, and why are you trying to help me anyway”
“Ugh. Dupa-, Marinette I may not show it but I am extremely thankful to everything that you have done for me, my family, and my reputation here at school. You have helped me in so many small ways and actually seeing what I was like, is a punch to the stomach. So I’m sorry and I hope I can make it up to you some way.”
“Huh huh huh *gasp* Chloe, I got here as fast as I could Mrs Bustier didn’t want to let me out with so many students already out of class.” *record scratch* sees Mari on floor. “What’s going on in here?”
“Sabrina listen to me I need you to understand this, Lila is threatening anyone who is standing against her so I need you to go back to class act like you didn’t see us and hang on every word Lila says. Ok. I’ll tell you the rest later tonight when we get back to the hotel, just know that as of right now you’re a spy and I-we need you to get close to Lila.”
“Okay. It will be alright Marinette. See you tonight Chlo.”
“Chloe I’m worried about Adrien, have you seen him recently?”
“No I haven’t, not outside of school and even then he’s all gloomy with that leach hanging off of him.
“Hey Marinette can I talk to you?”
“Sure Kagami what is it?”
“Well I kinda wanted to do it in private it’s about Adrien.”
“Kagami whatever you have to say about him is fine to say in front of Chlo she’s worried to.”
“Ok, well you know how we have practice after school every other day”
“Well last week and again on Monday I saw him with bruises and nail marks across his body, the bruise I get sometimes in practice we can get hit to hard but there were so many I think something is happening at home, and the nail marks I know I don’t see him in class but how is it going with that Rossi problem.”
“She still clings on him but based on what you’re saying I think he probably has been pulling away and she is holding on tighter.”
“Mari, Tuskugi I’ll need your help but I think we need to inform Mr. Agrest or at least Natalie of what we believe to be happening.”
“Your right Chlo but I don’t know how we’re going to get a chance with how close Lila has gotten with Mr. Agrest and his brand.”
“If I may, my mother has been discussing my need for understanding the context of when it is appropriate to lash out and I believe we have yet to focus on abuse in all forms along with what bullying is.”
“Go on Tuskugi?”
“I believe that if my mother was to approach the school with an interest towards seminars in these subjects we could go around both Lila and interference from the elder Agrest”
“In the recommendation of several of our families it is a pleasure to present to you our assembly on bullying and abuse.”
(After assembly)
“Nice Tuskugi you did it”
“Chloe it’s Kagami you can use my name. Any way I’m going to be here for good mother is allowing me to continue in this school so long as I keep up with my practices.”
“Well, Kagami, it’s good to have you on board even if you won’t be in class with us.”
(Some where else in the building)
“Hey Lila, I think that you need to start giving me some space from now on,”
“Bu-bu-but why?”
“Well my father saw the nail marks you are leaving and has requested that we spend time apart so that my arm may heal”
In Marinette’s room
“Mari I feel funny”
“Chloe I’m working if you aren’t dying can you bother me later”
“But Dupain, Sabrina’s undercover and no one else will listen.”
“Huff, Ok what is it Chloe”
“Well it’s not horrible but eveytime were around kitty section I feel funny, but it’s only when everyone is together I feel nothing when we’re in class and everyone is there.
“Maybe your just mad because no one is really doing anything inside class so when we’re out of it your mad.”
“Marinette that’s not it and you know it, braced on the facts Chlo only feels nervous”
“I’m not nervous”
“When it’s the entirety of kitty section which means her reaction is caused by Luka.”
“Ooooh Chloe has a crush!”
“Yes you do”
“Yes, Chloe it is most probable you have a crush on Luka similar to back when I was discovering what it was like to similarly enjoy the presence of another”
“Oh shut up” Chloe said as she launched a pillow right at Kagami who ducked it making it hit Mari, unleashing a pillow fight that would lead to the girls having a pillow fight until both Chloe and Kagami where picked up by there rides.
“Bug!!!!” “M’lady” “Tentōmushi.”
It’s all I can hear as I gasp from the puncture that I now have right through my lung. All I can see are rushing shapes as Luka tries to get to his bracelet and the suddenly I can breathe again, I see Luka make a call and all of a sudden bee is there with her stinger at the ready, my heart is still racing but I don’t know why. I start running towards the akuma but Chlo”s already there with her venom out and monster frozen then I’m running as fast as I can to chat because he has the akumatized item and then that’s it the swarm is released and it’s like I know what’s happening.
“I’m running out of time, everyone go home and recharge we need to talk I’ll meet you on top of the tower in 30 minutes”
“Bug why are we here?”
“Well it’s been about six months since the forced reveal and public change of users. I feel as though we now need to confirm our identity with each other since before that time each of you had been serving for over a year.”
“But why now?”
“Why?! Because I almost died today we almost lost and I can’t tell anyone unless I’m in this suit. We need support and no one else can give it to us so we need to build our on support team inside and out of being suppers. So I will be going home to a safe space and any of you who are ready to know who I am and share your secret with the others can follow me. I will never hold this moment against you and I will leave my location visible if you need to take your time.”
“Chat are you coming?”
“Wherever you need me.”
“So now that we all know what does that mean. Where do we go now?”
“We go no where, we trust and have each other’s backs.”
“Well I personally don’t know why we did this Mari you knew who all of us were and I knew who all of you were, I even put together who Rena, and carapace were.
“Wait how did Chloe know before me M’Lady”
“Well, actually I don’t know?! Chloe how did you know”
“Well big we all know how you are and I sort of put your personality together from that and then no one in Paris is as sunshiny as Adrikins here,”
“Don’t humf me you know it’s true. And after that well me and Luk’s started talking and there was something so calming about him and how he took care of everyone. Then of course I noticed how there was really only one more of us left, two if we count Sabrina but Gami was the only one that makes since because well look at her she’s vicious and loyal and most importantly is the only other one of us that has dark hair.”
“Well that’s fair.”
“Wait I still don’t get how you confirmed it?”
“Oh I gave pollen free will she can do whatever she wants whenever and the only downside is that I have to ask her if we can join battle.”
“What do you mean what? Of course she has free will why would I ever keep her like a servant.”
In a meek voice “I’m the guardian and even I didn’t know that they didn’t have free will, Tiki I'm so sorry I didn’t know. As guardian you now have free will Tiki. Adrian go get the Miracle box we have to free them all and no one but Tiki stayed out.”
“Kwamis’ as your guardian I wished I had known that you had no free will and as your guardian I am granting you that freedom but I wish to still have a connection with each of you, as you will work on your own in your own way I hope to keep your miraculous with me and your users so that if need arises we must only tap on them to call to you and inform you of your need, never to merge without your express permission but to work as partners not masters. Do you accept these terms?”
“As guardian, on these terms all Kwamis’ under my care are free to do as they wish and will always have a home with each other and a family in there new found partners.
“ Mari were here we’re going second pay attention Aurore just came up with an auction as a fundraiser.”
“That should work great well just need to do a bit more around the gaining items and how much of the revenue we will get to keep. Now after our pitch we will probably need at least six more ideas and committees to execute them, overall we need eight to even think about doing the trip for the whole senior class even if we get a sponsor other than whatever school we enter for those 6 weeks.”
“Bug your always thinking a head, just focus on now and we’ll deal with the rest after we come up with the finalized schedule for the bigger events.”
Tag list : @thezestywalru
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salvejoon · 5 years ago
You Cursing At Them In Your Native Language
Kim Namjoon
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Namjoon was in that mood today. The mood where he clings to you like a koala. Most times you’d find him adorable because he’d shower you with compliments, kisses and hugs but not today. Today had not been your day. Everything had just been pure shite. 
So the last thing you needed was Namjoon’s help in the kitchen while you were cooking for him and the other members. 
“Really, it’s alright, Joonie.” You said as you scurried between counters, finding their kitchen a bit too massive. 
“But I want to help you.” He stated again, reaching for the pan on the stove that was currently filled with vegetables, “You’ve had a long and -” He stopped talking as he clumsily moved his hand to the handle of the pan and it launched off the stove, vegetables flying everywhere. 
He froze in place, staring at the mess he’d made and his eyes slowly rising to face you. You were glaring so hard at him that he was sure you’d kill him. 
“Jesus Fucking Christ, Namjoon!” You yelled in English as you felt the anger take over, “A numpty is what you are. This is why I don’t want you anywhere near the kitchen because you bloody ruin everything, you daft cunt! My God, why is my boyfriend such a wallaper!” You bent down and started cleaning up the vegetables on the floor when Yoongi entered the kitchen after having heard the commotion. 
“What’s going on?” He asked, looking at Namjoon and then to you on the floor and he hummed knowingly, “Ah. You tried to help, I see.” He said. 
“Help? Help my big fat arse!” You growled from the floor, still talking English, scowling as you saw your boyfriend bend down to help you. 
“Do you need some help, Y/N?” 
“No!” You whipped around to face Yoongi whose smirk only pissed you more off, “I need you two twats to rocket out of the kitchen and stay out!” 
“Such a dirty mouth, eh Namjoon?” 
Kim Seokjin
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You loved Jin. Really, you did but he could be so annoying sometimes - Especially when it came to cooking. That was where your different cultures didn’t exactly mix well. Jin was an excellent cook, truly... When it came to Korean food but tonight you weren’t having anything Korean related, no, tonight you were making one of your countries’ dish since he’d wanted to try it. 
But as the cooking commenced, he’d be overlooking everything you did, telling you did something wrong, that that thing wasn’t supposed to go in there or that the mixing of the two ingredients didn’t make sense.
You’d had enough.
“Er det dig eller mig der laver mad?” You spat in Danish, glaring at him as he stood next to you, and when he didn’t answer but simply stared at you puzzled, you continued, “Tænkte jeg nok. Så luk flaben.” 
“W-What are you saying?” He asked carefully. 
“Du er simpelthen op af bakke, Jin.” You sighed, running a hand down your face.
Min Yoongi
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“Y/N!” You heard your boyfriend call from his studio and from the sound of his voice, he wasn’t too happy. You stood in his bedroom when he burst the door open, looking very pissed. 
“Did you do something to the track?” He asked stiffly. 
You shook your head, “No, I haven’t. Why?” 
“Because a part of the track got deleted and you were the last person I saw to be in there.” He stated, “Look, if you did it by accident, that’s fine but don’t lie-”
“Lie?” You spat, facing him fully, putting your hands on your hips, “I’m not lying, Yoongi. I didn’t touch your precious track. I was just in there to clean up after you-”
“But it’s just that you were in there and-”
“Continue down this path, Yoongi and you’ll regret it.” You warned, growing annoyed with him. 
“I’ve spent hours and hours on that track and to find some of it deleted pisses me off because that’s at least 10 hours of work down the drain and-” 
“Σας παρασύρει; Μου τσιρίζεις τώρα!” You suddenly snapped, causing him to shut up.
“I saw Namjoon leave your studio earlier and from his expression, he’d done something bad.” Jin said as he passed Yoongi in the hallway and the rapper froze. 
“Θα το δεις; Βλάκας ” 
Jung Hoseok
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You were on your phone with you mother, walking aimlessly around your apartment. You mother kept on asking when she and the rest of your family was going to meet your boyfriend. 
Hoseok sat quietly in the couch, watching the drama that was on, stuffing his mouth with snacks, “Oh! OH! BABE! IT’S HAPPENING!” He suddenly exclaimed, whipping around to look at you. You put your hand on the speaker, sending him a ‘I’m busy’ look and he pouted, shrinking back into the couch. 
“But they’re about to kiss!” He continued. 
“Estoy hablando por teléfono, Hoseok! ¿Estás ciego? Idiota!” You growled, glaring at him. 
Hoseok knew he’d piss you off but he absolutely loved it when you spoke Spanish so he continued to push, “Babe~”
“Madre, espera un minuto.” You said into the phone and then turned your attention to Hoseok whom was grinning widely. 
“I love it when you talk dirty, babe. Say hi to your mum from me.” 
Park Jimin
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You appreciated when Jimin wanted to help you by doing some cleaning around your apartment but sometimes the boy should just stay out of it. You were in a hurry as you’d overslept and you were running around your apartment, trying to find your bra.
“Sweety, have you seen my bra?” You asked him as he leaned against the doorway. 
“Which one?” 
“The white one.” 
He smiled widely and nodded, “I washed it last night!” He ran off and reappeared with your once white bra in his hands. You eyes flickered from the bra in his hands to his face, scowling. 
“... Did you wash it with colored clothes?” You asked lowly, walking over to him. Jimin frowned and shrunk slightly as you snatched the bra from his hands. 
“Yes...” He trailed off as you exploded. 
 “Ceci est mon seul soutien-gorge blanc et vous l'avez ruiné! Sérieusement, pourquoi mon petit ami est-il si idiot?!”
“S-Sorry.” He pouted. 
Kim Taehyung
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Taehyung was a dead man and he knew it. The moment he barged into the bathroom, you jolted, causing the wax on the stick to go onto your eyebrow and you scowled. 
“Tae.” You ground out between gritted teeth, staring at him in the mirror. 
“I’m so sorry, babe...” He covered his mouth with a hand as he saw your eyebrow, fighting back a snicker.
You growled and pulled off the wax and you heard him  
“Do you find it funny that I lost half my eyebrow?” You asked. 
“N-No.” He muttered but then broke into a fit of laughter.
“F��bjáni! Það er ekki fyndið!”   
“W-What are you doing? Don’t get that stuff near me! Y/N!” Taehyung took a step back as you walked towards him with the wax stick. 
“Ég er að fara að rústa lífi þínu.” You said and chased after him as he bolted out the bathroom.
Jeon Jungkook
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“Sorry babe. I’m not sure I’ll make it tonight.” Jungkook said over the phone and you sighed. 
“Kookie, this is the third time...” You trailed off, shaking your head as you looked at yourself in the mirror, “I even got all dressed up and put on make-up and now you’re saying you won’t be able to make it.” 
“I know, Y/N and I’m really sorry.” 
“But you already perfected the new choreography, so I don’t understand...” You paused when you heard Hoseok’s drunken cheers in the background. Jungkook had gone dead quiet, probably knowing what was about to hit him.
“You’re out drinking with the boys?” You asked lowly, gritting your teeth. 
“Y-Yeah. I swear they dragged me along with them and-”
“Jeon Jungkook! Csak várjon, amíg hazaér! Te egy halott ember vagy!” 
“You’re speaking nonsense, babe.”   
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919lifejourney · 4 years ago
Thailand Travel 🌊 Pak Nam Bara, Ban Bo Chet Luk Community Satun province .. admire natural wonders in the middle of the sea #Pan Yod Stone Castle I can say that it's beautiful .. 😊💕
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variant-archive · 6 years ago
puppo pronouns
From your friendly local pupkin 🐾💗🐾
Lea/Leash/Leads/Leads/Leadself or Leashelf
🚫Don't interact if you fit my DNI criteria in my description.🚫 You can see it on mobile. No excuses 😘
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jaycatubigan2001-blog · 5 years ago
Ang mga Kagilagilalas na
Pakikipagsapalaran ni Juan de la Cruz by Jose F. Lacaba
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Isang gabing madilim
puno ng pangambang sumakay sa bus
si Juan de la Cruz
pusturang pustura
kahit walang laman ang bulsa
sabi ng konduktora
at minura si Juan de la Cruz.
kahit walang laman ang bulsa
nilakad ni Juan de la Cruz
ang buong Avenida
sabi ng kalsada
sabi ng bakod
kaya napagod
si Juan de la Cruz.
Nang abutan ng gutom
si Juan de la Cruz
tumapat sa Ma Mon Luk
inamoy ang mami siopao lumpia pansit
hanggang sa mabusog.
Nagdaan sa Sine Dalisay
Tinitigan ang retrato ni Chichay
tabi ng takilyera
tawa nang tawa.
Dumalaw sa Konggreso
si Juan de la Cruz
sabi ng diputado
Nagtuloy sa Malakanyang
wala namang dalang kamanyang
sabi ng hardinero
sabi ng sundalo
kay Juan de la Cruz.
Nang dapuan ng libog
si Juan de la Cruz
namasyal sa Culiculi
at nahulog sa pusali
parang espadang bali-bali
sabi ng bugaw
sabay higop ng sabaw.
kahit walang laman ang bulsa
naglibot sa Dewey
si Juan de la Cruz
sabi ng neon.
Humikab ang dagat na parang leon
masarap sanang tumalon pero
sabi ng alon.
Nagbalik sa Quiapo 
si Juan de la Cruz
at medyo kinakabahan
pumasok sa simbahan
sabi ng obispo 
Nang wala nang malunok
si Juan de la Cruz
dala-dala'y gulok
na si Juan de la Cruz
gula-gulanit na ang damit
wala pa rin laman ang bulsa
umakyat  Sa Arayatang namayat
sabi ng PC
at sinisi
kung bakit sinulsulan
ang walanghiyang kabataan
ang isang tahimik na mamamayan
na tulad ni Juan de la Cruz
This poem was created by Jose F. Lacaba and it talks about the cruelty,hypocrisy, injustice and the characteristics of pilipino in the time of President Ferdinand Marcos' Martial law it was chaotic that all the people are rebelling and protesting to their rights as a human it also presents about the caharacteristics of pilipino.
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wenierose · 5 years ago
Jose F. Lacaba
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1          Isang gabing madilim
2          puno ng pangambang sumakay sa bus
3          si Juan de la Cruz
4          pusturang-pustura
5          kahit walang laman ang bulsa
7          sabi ng konduktora
8          at minura
9          si Juan de la Cruz.
10        Pusturang-pustura
11        kahit walang laman ang bulsa
12        nilakad ni Juan de la Cruz
13        ang buong Avenida[ii]
15        sabi ng kalsada
17        sabi ng bakod
18        kaya napagod
19        si Juan de la Cruz.
20        Nang abutan ng gutom
21        si Juan de la Cruz
22        tumapat sa Ma Mon Luk[iii]
23        inamoy ang mami siopao
24        hanggang sa mabusog.
25        Nagdaan sa Sine Dalisay[iv]
26        tinitigan ang retrato ni Chichay[v]
28        sabi ng takilyera
29        tawa nang tawa.
30        Dumalaw sa Kongreso
31        si Juan de la Cruz
32        MAG-INGAT SA ASO
33        sabi ng diputado.
34        Nagtuloy sa Malakanyang
35        wala namang dalang kamanyang
37        sabi ng hardinero
38        sabi ng sundalo
39        kay Juan de la Cruz.
48        Pusturang-pustura
49        kahit walang laman ang bulsa
50        naglibot sa Dewey[vi]
51        si Juan de la Cruz
53        sabi ng neon.
54        Humikab ang dagat na parang leon
55        masarap sanang tumalon pero
57        sabi ng alon.
58        Nagbalik sa Quiapo
59        si Juan de la Cruz
60        at medyo kinakabahan
61        pumasok sa simbahan
62        IN GOD WE TRUST
63        sabi ng obispo
65        Nang wala nang malunok
66        si Juan de la Cruz
67        dala-dala'y gulok
68        gula-gulanit na ang damit
69        wala pa ring laman ang bulsa
70        umakyat
71        sa Arayat[vii]
72        ang namayat
73        na si Juan de la Cruz.
75        sabi ng PC[viii]
76        at sinisi
77        ang walanghiyang kabataan[ix]
78        kung bakit sinulsulan
79        ang isang tahimik na mamamayan
80        na tulad ni Juan de la Cruz.
[i] sikat na tula noong panahon ng Batas Militar, binibigkas sa mga lansangan noon bilang protesta
[ii] Rizal Avenue sa Maynila
[iii] sikat na restawran ng mga pagkaing Tsino
[iv] sinehan sa Avenida
[v] sikat na komedyante noong panahong isinulat ang tula
[vi] kasalukuyang Roxas Boulevard
[vii] Arayat=bundok na kilala dati bilang pinagtataguan ng mga rebelde
[viii] Philippine Constabulary; Guardia Civil noong panahong iyon
[ix] mga aktibistang estudyanteng nagmumulat sa lipunan
Ang kagilagilalas na pakikipagsapalaran ni Juan dela Cruz was a perfect paradigm for a throwback picture of Marcos regime.The main character plays the Filipino citizens who were deprived from freedom and rights.The persona was constrained at all things that made it seemed breathless to him. All his actions shall follow strict and unjust rules- laws that are not even humane.We all know that the power was held alone by the government. During those years, freedom isn't something that you can just ask for.People are treated with utmost superiority and coercion.And they just continued swallowing these concepts. But then there comes a time when the persona gets tired of absorbing such abuse that he learned to fight.He started gaging with rebellion to battle up with what he sees unjust.
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jessiejoy24-blog1 · 5 years ago
Ang Mga Kagilas-gilalas na Pakikipagsapalaran ni Juan Dela Cruz
By: Jose F. Lacaba
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1 Isang gabing madilim
2 puno ng pangambang sumakay sa bus
3 si Juan de la Cruz
4 pusturang-pustura
5 kahit walang laman ang bulsa
7 sabi ng konduktora
8 at minura
9 si Juan de la Cruz.
10 Pusturang-pustura
11 kahit walang laman ang bulsa
12 nilakad ni Juan de la Cruz
13 ang buong Avenida[ii]
15 sabi ng kalsada
17 sabi ng bakod
18 kaya napagod
19 si Juan de la Cruz.
20 Nang abutan ng gutom
21 si Juan de la Cruz
22 tumapat sa Ma Mon Luk[iii]
23 inamoy ang mami siopao
24 hanggang sa mabusog.
25 Nagdaan sa Sine Dalisay[iv]
26 tinitigan ang retrato ni Chichay[v]
28 sabi ng takilyera
29 tawa nang tawa.
30 Dumalaw sa Kongreso
31 si Juan de la Cruz
33 sabi ng diputado.
34 Nagtuloy sa Malakanyang
35 wala namang dalang kamanyang
37 sabi ng hardinero
38 sabi ng sundalo
39 kay Juan de la Cruz.
48 Pusturang-pustura
49 kahit walang laman ang bulsa
50 naglibot sa Dewey[vi]
51 si Juan de la Cruz
53 sabi ng neon.
54 Humikab ang dagat na parang leon
55 masarap sanang tumalon pero
57 sabi ng alon.
58 Nagbalik sa Quiapo
59 si Juan de la Cruz
60 at medyo kinakabahan
61 pumasok sa simbahan
63 sabi ng obispo
65 Nang wala nang malunok
66 si Juan de la Cruz
67 dala-dala'y gulok
68 gula-gulanit na ang damit
69 wala pa ring laman ang bulsa
70 umakyat
71 sa Arayat[vii]
72 ang namayat
73 na si Juan de la Cruz.
75 sabi ng PC[viii]
76 at sinisi
77 ang walanghiyang kabataan[ix]
78 kung bakit sinulsulan
79 ang isang tahimik na mamamayan
80 na tulad ni Juan de la Cruz.
the poem talks about the characteristics of the filipinos during the martial law of President Ferdinand Marcos. There was bloodshed on every streets, filipinos don't have freedom to express their feelings and thousands of innocent lives were spent. We are thankful that the years of suffering is now over, and hoping it will continue to be so.
-Edgar Jessie de Ramos
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baningg · 5 years ago
Ang kagilagilalas na pakikipagsapalaran ni Juan Dela Cruz
Jose F. Lacaba
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1 Isang gabing madilim
2 puno ng pangambang sumakay sa bus
3 si Juan de la Cruz
4 pusturang-pustura
5 kahit walang laman ang bulsa
7 sabi ng konduktora
8 at minura
9 si Juan de la Cruz.
10 Pusturang-pustura
11 kahit walang laman ang bulsa
12 nilakad ni Juan de la Cruz
13 ang buong Avenida[ii]
15 sabi ng kalsada
17 sabi ng bakod
18 kaya napagod
19 si Juan de la Cruz.
20 Nang abutan ng gutom
21 si Juan de la Cruz
22 tumapat sa Ma Mon Luk[iii]
23 inamoy ang mami siopao
24 hanggang sa mabusog.
25 Nagdaan sa Sine Dalisay[iv]
26 tinitigan ang retrato ni Chichay[v]
28 sabi ng takilyera
29 tawa nang tawa.
30 Dumalaw sa Kongreso
31 si Juan de la Cruz
33 sabi ng diputado.
34 Nagtuloy sa Malakanyang
35 wala namang dalang kamanyang
37 sabi ng hardinero
38 sabi ng sundalo
39 kay Juan de la Cruz.
48 Pusturang-pustura
49 kahit walang laman ang bulsa
50 naglibot sa Dewey[vi]
51 si Juan de la Cruz
53 sabi ng neon.
54 Humikab ang dagat na parang leon
55 masarap sanang tumalon pero
57 sabi ng alon.
58 Nagbalik sa Quiapo
59 si Juan de la Cruz
60 at medyo kinakabahan
61 pumasok sa simbahan
63 sabi ng obispo
65 Nang wala nang malunok
66 si Juan de la Cruz
67 dala-dala'y gulok
68 gula-gulanit na ang damit
69 wala pa ring laman ang bulsa
70 umakyat
71 sa Arayat[vii]
72 ang namayat
73 na si Juan de la Cruz.
75 sabi ng PC[viii]
76 at sinisi
77 ang walanghiyang kabataan[ix]
78 kung bakit sinulsulan
79 ang isang tahimik na mamamayan
80 na tulad ni Juan de la Cruz.
[i] sikat na tula noong panahon ng Batas Militar, binibigkas sa mga lansangan noon bilang protesta
[ii] Rizal Avenue sa Maynila
[iii] sikat na restawran ng mga pagkaing Tsino
[iv] sinehan sa Avenida
[v] sikat na komedyante noong panahong isinulat ang tula
[vi] kasalukuyang Roxas Boulevard
[vii] Arayat=bundok na kilala dati bilang pinagtataguan ng mga rebelde
[viii] Philippine Constabulary; Guardia Civil noong panahong iyon
[ix] mga aktibistang estudyanteng nagmumulat sa lipunan
The story starts in introducing the character juan dela cruz and the different experience and observations in every places that he goes. The characters were the obispo, takilerya, konduktura and many more but it focuses on the main character juan dela cruz. The author wants the reader to feel or put in juan dela cruz's shoes. And the author wants the reader to observe what happened on the story and relate the situation in real life. It affects the readers in a way where they feel like they wanted to help juan dela cruz. Also, juan dela cruz represents a student who cant do anything on the country. The piece was trying to contact the readers and tell them to look at ur own society and tell them to do anything just to help and change it.
-Drexler Vallejo
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