#pallas post its
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nosongunsung11 · 1 year ago
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collection of posts for a very specific dynamic
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nosongunsung11 · 1 year ago
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if I had facial hair I’d grow my hair out again….. too lazy to tag but if you see this you’re invited to hop on here 🫵🫵
starting a tag game cause i'm bored and i hate my notifications :D
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picrew: here!
tagging @random-doctor-on-the-internet @cataperat @discoveredreality @ladykiller-yt and @midnights-dragon
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s4ge-manul · 4 months ago
THE VOICES!!!1!1!1!1!1!
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nosongunsung11 · 11 months ago
im also really struck this year with how much dracula is doing to undermine jonathan's sense of control immediately. the senseless loops with the carriage are funny, sure, but jonathan's fear and understanding that even though he knows something is wrong, he has no power to change his situation really jumped out at me. so of course, he says nothing. because it might be even worse for him if he does. it's such a striking microcosm of everything that happens to him in castle dracula and it's in day 3. i hate dracula
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cream-and-tea · 1 year ago
yknow i talk a lot of shit about pallas but i WILL say that everything they add to the character relationship web is absolute GOLD truly no one is doing it like them. mutual dependence and obsession and maybe even tenderness forming w their narrative foil/fellow protagonist until their character arcs become inextricably linked. hamlet n hortatio dynamic w their deadbestfriend. You’re Just Like Me For Real (derogatory) gayass rivalry constantly happening in the background. You’re Just Like Me For Real (affectionate) tragic attempted mentorship also happening the background. they have mommy issues from a character that isn’t even technically related to them.
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nosongunsung11 · 2 years ago
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not taggin ppl today I’m lazy :) if you see this consider yourself tagged
New tag game
Insert a photo that you already have in your gallery that best describes you. saw this in the "tag game" tag
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ntps: @red-in-revenge @toasterfroggy @allnewtpir @mike-queerler @foodiewithdahoodie @aidyaiden @newaronantics @unrepentant-byler-shipper @kirjavafan @rebelrobinrules1984 @sunflowerswren @notmybabies @emily-mooon @starmanbyler @microwaveonwheels @weirdo09 @iliataslost @charliethe3gg
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mathlann · 2 years ago
I hadn't gotten to the Emperor Seduction Scene before my current run and tbh really thinking about killing him for the audacity alone.
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friendshapedplant · 1 year ago
Yknow thinkin bout that school mascot poll. Highschool was a cat. All the other high schools in the district were a cat. And my college is also a fuckin cat get me outta here youre all so BLAND
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loopingthroughstars · 8 days ago
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nosongunsung11 · 8 months ago
oh i like this its sillyy
will tag @courfeyracs-swordcane @wildfandom @myidealhousehaschickenfeet @dale-afficanado-blueberry @orbleglorb @luce-the-wizbard and anyone else who sees this is also welcome to hop on im not tagging all of you
I tag anyone who wants to do this.
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nosongunsung11 · 5 months ago
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bloodyshadow1 · 3 months ago
hello @mer-acle as luck would have it I am your secret santa too. you wanted something based on Athena so here it is. I was planning on posting this closer to christmas, but since you gifted me that goregous Athena piece I thought what the heck.
It's not your normal torturing athena story but I hope you still like
Athena’s skin burned, her veins screamed, and her bones ached.  One minute she was standing in front of her father before all of Olympus, victorious from his gauntlet, the next he was shouting and she was on the ground.   She was in pain, her shield melted onto her arm since it took the brunt of the blow.
Her father was still shouting about something, probably a warning to the rest of Olympus not to defy him.  Athena’s body begged her to stay down as her head rang from pain and the crack thunder.  Athena knew the wisest move would be to stay down, to let her father throw his tantrum and make a plan for when he cooled down.  
But she could not.  This was not fair.  She might have mocked his infidelity, but why should she suffer for his ego when she won his game?  She had earned her victory when she had made it through 5 other gods by blood, wit, and words. Why should she suffer more for mentioning his infidelity than he ever did cheating on his wife?
This was wrong and Athena would not stand for it.  Regardless of sense and what the rest of the family was yelling at her, Athena rose to her feet even if she had to lean on her spear to do so.  Still, in front of all of Olympus, she stood in defiance of their king.  
For Zeus, he looked angry, as his wrath turned to hatred.  Not even Ares had ever made their father look this angry before.  He shouted at her, from what she could make out from his lips something ‘Thunderbringer’ and ‘wringer’ but her ears were ringing too loudly for her to hear him.  In defiance of him, in his rule and his words, Athena moves forward.  
Purple in the face, Athena watches as her father gathers his storms to strike her again, but she does not stop.  He was angry, not uncommon for him, but for the first time since she was birthed from his skull, Athena fed the fires of her rage.  
Athena thought of Odysseus, her dear friend who she never got to call the word to his face.  Trapped on an island, violated by a goddess he did not love, all because of her father’s cruelty.  She thought of Telemachus and Penelope who were forced to endure his absence and the men who came to take his place all these years.  
She thought of her dearest Pallas, her first friend and the first blood she spilt.  All because Zeus’ arrogance would not let even his banished daughter lose a spare.  She thought of her mother Metis, the only source of softness Athena had as a child in the pits of her father’s guts.  She was gone now, gone forever because she could give birth to a child with her husband.  Her first, last, and only gift she was ever able to give to Athena, her armor was also smoking, perhaps unusable after today.  Were she able to allow herself the time, Athena would have cried at its loss.  
Lastly, Athena thought of a little girl, a baby.  A child born without sin, but with a prophecy hanging over her head, one that did not even apply to her, yet the King of Olympus deemed the death of his daughter a small price to pay for his safety.   
Never again, Athena had swallowed enough poison and pain in her life.  She looked at her father, her king, and advanced.  For the goddess of wisdom is going to war.     
There is no god on Olympus who could match the raw power of Zeus, not his brother, not his sisters, certainly not his daughter.  Athena knew this better than anyone.  She doubted that she would, could, win against her father. Zeus is Zeus afterall, but she will be damned if she will let him treat her like this for standing up for her friend.
Her father tossed another one of his thunderbolts at her, probably thinking he could end her little fit of rebellion then and there. This time though, Athena was expecting it and rolled to the side.  Her body screamed at her begging her to stop,  to lay down and die, but that was not Athena’s way.  Before, he caught her by surprise, in a moment of weakness, Athena did not believe that her father would truly hurt her.  That had been a mistake and the pain and scars would be the price she paid for that mistake.  
‘You can rest when you are dead and not a second before,’ was something she told her students Achilles, Diomedes, and Odysseus.  Achilles was resting, Diomedes was not, and she would be damned before she let Odysseus rest in peace trapped on Calypso’s island. She was many things, but she was not a hypocrite when it came to battle.  While she was alive she would not lay down like a beaten dog. 
She met her father’s attack with a charge, Zeus was powerful, but she knew she was as good as dead if she did not close the distance.  His thunderbolts were the most powerful weapon in all the cosmos, her shield was already gone and her Aegis around her neck was powerful, but it could only withstand so much.  She needed to end this now.  
One bolt echoed behind Athena, missing her by a hair, then another as she closed the distance.  Something came into her mind as she moved forward, how sloppy her father was.  His blows were powerful, the whole arena shook every time his bolts crashed to the earth, but as a warrior he was lacking.  It was not hard to be dangerous when you wielding the power of Olympus and the most destructive weapons the elder cyclopes ever made.  But on the battlefield, if not for his godhood, well, Athena had seen many warriors like him.  She could read him like a book.
Big and strong men who thought because they wielded a blade twice the size of the men around them that they were unstoppable.  They thought their strength was a perfect substitute for skill and would carry them on any battlefield.  At least until they came upon someone far more skilled who actually knew how to fight.
As she dodged lightning, Athena wondered when was the last time Zeus had actually fought someone instead of turning them into dust with one blast.  No one challenges the king of the gods, so perhaps his last real foe had been the Typhon?  
That sounded right, the Bane of Olympus against the king, thousands of years ago.  The great spawn of Gaia and Tartarus tore the earth apart as he made his way to Olympus.  The other gods fled save for Zeus, and if the storyteller was being honest, Athena.  Yes, Athena had been so loyal back then, she stood by her father’s side as the Typhon and the creatures he spawned.  She had seen her father fall against the giant while she fended off the nightmarish army.  It was her who distracted the Typhon while Hermes returned their father’s stolen sinews.  She had fought for days back then and despite the blood and sweat she spilled those days she had been written out of the story.  
Athena might have cared, but not enough to let it bother her, back then it only mattered that the threat was dealt with and Apollo had returned to the mountain so someone could heal her wounds.  Zeus had been sloppy and out of practice even back then, now it appears he had let himself go even worse if she could make it this close to him.  
As he went to summon his bolt again, his face growing redder with frustration every time she dodged, Athena made her move.  Before the bolt was back in his hand, her spear pierced his wrist, spraying golden ichor all over him.  He looked as shocked as he was in pain.  
Athena tried to not give him time to recover as she drew her sword from her hip and charged.  She managed two swings before he was able to recover, a deep cut on his chest from which gold spilled out, and one on his shoulder that he was able to dodge somewhat before she could dig deeper.  
Before she could go for the kill though, Zeus grabbed her sword hand with his injured hand.  He might be a shit warrior, but no one in existence could deny that he was a strong bastard.  It hurt as he squeezed down on her wrist but she did not let him have the satisfaction of seeing her in pain.  “Ungrateful bitch,” he spat at her before backhanding her with his bleeding hand.  
Athena spat out blood but did not back down even as her head rang inside her helmet.  He had one of her arms now, he was stronger than her.  In a grapple she knew despite her experience she would lose.  But while Athena was not as strong as her father, she was sneakier and willing to do whatever it took to win.  
As Zeus started to say something, Athena let out her secret weapon.  The bronze of her shield had melted from his first attack, but it had cooled since then.  It was not a pretty weapon by any means, but with how it melted into sharp, jagged, and ugly edges was enough.  Before he could say anything she slammed her deformed shield into his throat and ripped it open, gold pouring out like rain.  
Even Zeus, the King of the Gods, could shake off such a dreadful wound, Athena was counting on it.  He fell to his knees, clutching his gaping throat, it was not enough to kill him, but all creatures weakened to such a wound.  She dashed around him, unclipping her Aegis from around her throat.  
Swiftly, Athena wrapped the cloth of divine make around her father’s injured throat like a noose.  For the first time since Pallas died, Zeus wore the Aegis that was once his.  And like her half-brother killing the great Nemean Lion, Athena pulled her Aegis tight.  
Zeus did not go down without a fight, wounded as he was, he was still the king for a reason.  He thrashed against Athena with the strength only those who knew they were going to die could muster.  But while Athena was weaker than the children of Kronos, she was no dainty flower to be manhandled.  She was a war goddess and proved her mettle hanging on to the edges of her Aegis with an iron grip.  
Athena drew strength from those who lost and who she had yet to lose.  The mother that had been the only source of softness in the abyss that was her father’s guts.  Her first friend who had been taken by her hand and her father’s actions.  Odysseus who was still alive, but tormented because his crew killed a cow.  Her muscles  grew tight as she pulled harder, “you will never hurt the ones I love again,” she snarled like a beast.  
Between her strength and leverage, there was nothing that the King of the Skies could do and eventually he succumbed to the darkness.
Athena kept her grip tight on her Aegis for a few minutes after her father stopped thrashing about.  She would not lose everything she worked for to him playing possum.  Eventually though, Athena let her Aegis slacken once she was sure he would not wake in a moment.  Not even Zeus could get up after that.  With a sigh, she knew she had not a moment to lose.
Athena knelt down to the pools of golden ichor that covered the stage, a mix of both of theirs, her own wounds had not stopped just because she decided to fight her king.  With a touch the golden blood of the gods turned into golden thread.  With that thread Athena wove a golden net even stronger than the one the family used years ago to entrap him.  
Back then it took days of planning before Athena could formulate a plan to depose Zeus with the help of several other gods.  Yet here she was, able to topple her father alone.  She learned from her mistakes last time and when she strapped him in the net, she made sure there was no way out.  He would wake eventually and this time Athena did not want anyone pulling a Thetis and freeing him.  
With her father secured Athena finally looked at her surroundings.  At the monsters and gods in the stands watching them with baited breath.  Some looked afraid, some looked unsure, but there were some who looked hopeful for some reason that Athena could not quite comprehend in her state.  The family looked at her with mixed eyes as well, she would deal with that later.
“Hermes,” Athena shouted, her voice was raw but full of authority.  
Within seconds the messenger god was in front of her, “hey there sis,” he said trying to sound like he was not nervous.  “What can your favorite messenger of the gods do for you.”
“Go to Calypso’s Island,” Athena commanded, “tell Calypso to free Odysseus at once by the authority of Olympus.  Let her know that if she refuses, I will be the next visitor to her island,” she let the threat go unfinished.  Athena knew Hermes would get her point across.  
“My father’s game is over,” she shouted to the masses.  Some looked shocked, some looked frightened, but some, even those amongst the family, had a strange look of hope that she did not understand.  
It took everything she had to not sway from the pain now that adrenaline was slowly leaving her system.  But after what just happened, she could not afford to show any weakness.  Whatever comes next could wait, Odysseus needed to be free, Telemachus and Penelope needed to be safe.  Then she could rest.
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crypticdesire · 11 months ago
some sub slasher thoughts
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includes vincent sinclair, jason voorhees, bubba sawyer, michael myers, brahms heelshire, and stu macher (around 2.4k words)
a note from vern: i haven't posted any fics about slashers yet, but the recent asks about slashers on pallas's blog made me want to share some of my hcs for some of my fav slashers. it's really a jumble of some broader hcs and some specific fantasies, which ended up being longer than i intended... i think i could write at least 10 different fics based off the content in this post ^^'
ANYWAYS content warnings will be listed with each slasher so make sure you read those! mentions of reader are all gn and implied top reader. cw will state if there's a mention of the reader having specific genitalia
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VINCENT SINCLAIR cw: hypno, dollification, period sex + blood (vincent being one menstruating), reader mentioned having cock
➵ vincent is always so stuck in his mind trying to create the perfect art or be the perfect brother, so he needs you to help him unwind
➵ loves taking baths with you where he can sit between your legs and have you play with his hair and his cunt
➵ he also enjoys hypno because he gets the rare chance to not think at all. he just gets to mindlessly follow your instructions, laying still as he enjoys your touch and experiences orgasm after orgasm
➵ when it’s that time of the month, vincent especially needs your help. not only is he suffering from cramps but he finds all the thoughts in his head are louder and harsher making it too easy to become frustrated with himself over the smallest things
➵ it feels so good to have your cock inside him, letting him sign what pace he wants to feel your length gliding against his walls. alleviating his pain and pushing his insistent thoughts to the edges of his mind. he’s embarrassed by the thought of messiness at first but finds that the sight of his blood coating your fingers or smeared across the bottom half of your face is its own form of art that entrances him
➵ it’s not the only new form of art you make him aware of. you show him that he himself can be beautiful art through dollification. you’re the only one that’s ever made him feel pretty and he enjoys it even more when you do it by dressing him in pretty clothes and braiding strands of his hair. you tell him he looks just as beautiful as the wax sculptures he makes and when hypno is added he can feel like one for an extended moment. it's only in a hypnotized state that he lets you pose his body in front of a mirror with his mask off, allowing him to see the way you caress your precious doll
JASON VOORHEES cw: chastity device, piss, reader mentioned having a cock, role play, mention of murder
➵ just wants to be praised. pls call him a good boy and tell him how pretty he is!!
➵ i think he’s so eager to please you that once he’s comfortable with you, he’ll practically try out any kink you introduce him to, especially ones that give you control over him
➵ he gets turned on just by the process of you guiding him through a new kink, patiently explaining why you enjoy it, what you’re doing, how it might make him feel, possible limits to establish, etc.
➵ specifically, I think about that scenario with a chastity cage. he gets so turned on by you talking about it and what you’re going to do that he gets erect before you even put the cage on him. he’d be worried he disappointed you and wouldn’t enjoy being shamed for it, so tell him how cute he is and how much you’d enjoy helping him get prepped for it
➵ i also imagine that he especially likes a chastity device with a urethra rod so he has to get permission from you to pee
➵ something he really enjoys with or without the cage is cockwarming! he loves the feeling of you inside of him and when you praise him for sitting still. he finds it especially thrilling when you’re cockwarming him out in the open having to remain still even though someone could come across you any second, his senses elevated as he becomes super aware of his surroundings
➵ another discovery he makes is that he loves engaging in role play, especially when it involves a future victim who isn’t aware they’re taking part in it. after they’re killed he is so so sensitive and wants you to tell him how well he did with the scene and how that person deserved it
➵ just constantly desperate to hear you assure him that all his actions please you!
BUBBA SAWYER cw: reader is implied to have cock/strap on, overstimulation, feminization, exhibitionism
➵ he gets so excited anytime you touch him, and when you kiss him he can’t keep his hands still or stop himself from sloppily kissing or licking your skin
➵ he never takes long to cum, and even though he easily falls into overstimulation he prefers for you to fuck him roughly and loves when you pinch his clit, spank his pussy, or leave hickeys on his inner thighs or stomach
➵ he wants you to call him your pretty girl! he gets so excited when you buy him dresses or lingerie he has to try them on immediately and have you fuck him in it
➵ you have to patiently help him build up to it, but he ends up enjoying exhibitionism! he’s frequently worried about trespassers that could be a danger to you or his family, but you help him face that fear by convincing him to let you fuck him outside in a semi open space.
➵ he wears dresses and his pretty woman face for your outside rendezvous. you shower him with compliments and praise as you always do; additionally, you tell him that if anyone did happen to see you fucking, the only thing they’d be able to think about is how jealous they were of you for being able to fuck such a pretty girl.
➵ if given the option, his favorite place outside for you to fuck him is in the back of a pickup truck, especially when you’re on your knees fucking him against the back window where he can see your reflections
➵ on days when you can tell he’s up for it you coax him to ride you. he’s so used to being submissive in different aspects of his life that it takes him a while to understand that you’re giving him control of his movements and the pace you go at
➵ you have to guide him a lot the first few times and help him find what feels the best for him. you also have to help him choose what to do with his hands because not knowing what to do with them in the beginning, he instinctively covers his masked face with them
➵ he still prefers for you to be the one in control and fucking him but occasionally wants to ride you finding that he enjoys it when he’s feeling sexy and wants to last longer, drawing out your intimate time together
MICHAEL MYERS cw: voyeurism, reader mentioned having a cock, pet play, mention of role play and masochism
➵ definitely a voyeur, watching people without them knowing being so natural for him. when he finds himself attracted to you, i can see him not only watching you masturbate for pleasure but, being inexperienced, he wants to make mental notes of what you like, and how he might touch you if he ever did
➵ in my mind, I can picture him watching the way you move your hand on your cock, and without even realizing he begins to mirror your movements with his own hand, at least the best he can with his knife as the substitute he’s unconsciously using for your dick
➵ idk i’ve always liked the idea of him doing pet play with you before he’s even comfortable enough to let you touch him. tho that is very cat coded ig
➵ it’s not hard to imagine how the idea of a bell would come up with him always lurking. like just thoughtlessly saying he needed to wear a bell when he catches you off guard one time, and then considering your words making an offhand remark that a cat collar would actually look quite cute on him. you don’t think too much about your words until you come home one day with mikey sitting on your bed with a cat collar on the bed beside him
➵ after that, the kitty comments you direct at mikey come frequently and it's not too long before you convince him to wear the cat ears you bought as well. in getting closer to you it's easier to add another layer than taking off his mask physically and metaphorically speaking. and he discovers he’s really turned on by the fact that you call him "my kitty"
➵ he’s also a silly guy though so he definitely takes off the collar sometimes so he can still surprise you. just tilting his head in that cute way when you point out it’s obvious he scared you on purpose
➵ fast forward to when he does let you touch him… i can see him, especially at first, liking when you give his unclothed cock a hand job with his overalls still on, him holding the top together so really just his cock and a bit of his happy trail are visible. I think it helps him ease into things and I also see him preferring not to have his cum on his own skin so he likes that it’s spurting onto his clothes instead
➵ some other things I think he likes but won't go into detail about are you using toys on him, role play, you playing with his tits, and him just being a general masochist!
BRAHMS HEELSHIRE cw: pet play, scent kink, piss, possessiveness, reader mentioned having cock, somnophilia
➵ really he could be summarized as a puppy boy and a brat, but let’s talk about it anyway!
➵ he has a major scent kink and being a puppy boy and a brat ofc that means he’s going to be pissing on some of your things
➵ it always happens when you’re gone - how dare you leave him alone! - sometimes it’s because he gets too carried away humping your pillow but other times it’s out of jealously
➵ oh? you bring something new home that someone ELSE gave to you? pisses on it.
➵ oh? there’s this scent of cologne that he’s never smelled on your jacket before? pisses on it.
➵ oh? you’re going to make him spend a night alone in your bed? pisses on it.
➵ i also like the idea of him putting on your undergarments when you’re not home from your bin of dirty clothes of course. he’s always struggled to look at himself in mirrors but it’s different when he can focus his attention on the way he plays with himself while wearing something of yours. he doesn’t even try to hide it, you undressing him that evening to find him still wearing your undergarments stained with his cum
➵ his actions require some form of punishment, which he only enjoys if you reward him for taking the punishment like a good boy.
➵ peeing on your things instead of his pee pad? well, you’ll just have to tie him up and make him watch you piss on it since he doesn’t know how to. it makes him so upset knowing that he could be your pee pad or urinal instead. he could have your scent on him. he only lets you tie him up because afterward, he gets to suck your cock, perhaps getting lucky enough to taste a small dribble of piss that was left in your bladder.
➵ he’s not allowed to sleep in your bed for one night? only if you let him ride you on it the next day. while he loves being roughly fucked by you, liking the thought that you can’t contain yourself, he also wants to ride you from time to time
➵ you often keep him in check making sure he doesn’t get too carried away, but when he rides you let him be as eager as he pleases. he can fuck himself on your cock at whatever pace he likes, for however long he likes, and touch you wherever he wants
➵ you have to give him permission on specific nights when he’s allowed play with your cock while you're sleeping because if not you’d wake up every morning with your cock being warmed by his mouth or his hole
STU MACHER cw: pet play, implied that you aren't exclusive, facefucking with reader implied to have cock/strap on, overstimulation, mention of stuffing + emetophilia, piss, one mention of reader who menstruates + period sex + blood, mention of drug use
➵ whew playful puppy boy that tries to hide how obsessed he is with you and how badly he wants you to be obsessed with him
➵ he doesn’t have to be the only one you play with, but if other pets are around he has to prove he’s your good boy, the best boy
➵ he’s always doing something to get some type of reaction out of you for his own amusement, constantly testing your limits when you’re alone trying to see how much he can get away with. and he likes it when you push his limits in a different way
➵ seeing how long he can let you face fuck him even when he’s gagging and tears dot the corner of his eyes
➵ seeing how long he can watch you fuck someone else without touching himself if he wants to fucked himself
➵ seeing how many times he can cum, which has to be at least until he’s overstimulated and crying
➵ seeing how much he can eat before he’s throwing up
➵ seeing how long he can hold his piss for you. though he’s not satisfied by just drinking water and holding. he only enjoys it if you’re teasing him or he’s teasing you by making it harder for himself to hold
➵ ways he likes you to tease him include edging him, straddling him and pressing on his bladder, not letting him press his legs together, making him watch you wet yourself, and pouring water onto his groin
➵ ways he likes to tease you and himself include always insisting he can drink more, showing you how many jumping jacks he can do, grinding against his puppy pad, and masturbating in front of you sometimes while on the phone with billy
➵ if you menstruate he wants to go down on you. he loves the mess and will go out of his way to make it as messy as possible
➵ he also just likes to go down on you in general. at a certain stage of being high, all he wants to do is have his head between your thighs, laying there for as long as you let him. he’ll rotate between moving his tongue against you languidly, kissing anywhere his lips can reach, and nuzzling his face into you
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nosongunsung11 · 2 years ago
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i may have taken some artistic liberties with my me in the favor of absolutely massive gender
teddy tagged most of my guys but i will tag @klqrambles @luce-speaks @lycanthian @frosteee-variation if yall wanna :D also @dogliker73 again just for fun
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haven't done a picrew in a moment but this one was just so cute! thanks @rosesau for the tag <3
tagging: @whoisthisboy @courfeyracs-swordcane @fruitlicense @upwardsonwards @ohgodohfuckidontknow @plangentia @applesandbannas747 @choysum @superhell @katabasiss @dreamertrilogys @h-isforhiatus @becomingicarus @cheribi @goodlwife @ramonapest @trinitea-fics @seavoice @epitaphes @star-will @sofhtie @bcy-divisicn @jestersofthemoons @tsnbrainrot @alonetogether and anyone else who wants to do it !
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a-d-nox · 6 months ago
the hogwarts houses in astrology
i'm going to work off of what i already have posted (no asteroids discussed after this post will be included or added after the fact). i would like to state that NO TWO CHARTS ARE THE SAME. what i am about to list out does not mean you will for sure need these exact things (or all of these things) to be resonate with a house - i don't know you personally this is a hypothesis. plus hogwarts is a fictional location. if you don’t understand my thought process feel free to comment with questions!
paid reading options: astrology menu & cartomancy menu
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onto the post.
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aries (1°, 13°, 25°) sun, mars, venus, and/or rising: they have spirt and courage fit for the house. the fearlessness of these people is just astounding.
aries (1°, 13°, 25°) or leo (5°, 17°, 29°) arthur (2597) and/or aspecting jupiter: the quest for the holy grail and the bravery of his fellow knights exemplify chivalry, loyalty, and the courage to fight for what is right.
aries (1°, 13°, 25°) or leo (5°, 17°, 29°) beowulf (38086) and/or aspecting mars: this was a hero who confronted monstrous foes like grendel and a dragon; harry potter bravery for sure but then again maybe beowulf inspired that witch that made this beloved series.
leo (5°, 17°, 29°) sun, moon, mercury, venus, and/or rising: bold, confident, and wishes to lead the way. also hi its a gryffindor lion - get it leo lion?? also the charisma that leo people have is equally to gryffindor people.
leo (5°, 17°, 29°) heracles (5143) and/or aspecting mars: heracles’ feats, including battling lions and hydras, highlight bravery and resilience, embodying the gryffindor spirit in overcoming formidable challenges.
sagittarius (9°, 21°) moon, mercury, and/or mars: nothing reminds me of hermione, ron, and harry like sag placements. they love having the freedom to do what they wish - they are rule breakers who want to explore. they are willing to take risks for the greater good too.
libra (7°, 19°) venus: loyal and brave when there people find a group they will do anything to protect them.
taurus (2°, 14°, 26°) sun, moon, mercury, and/or venus: these people have very stabilizing energy which i feel like is common in hufflepuff characters. they bring many people comfort in times of chaos as they tend to be very consistent in how they act.
taurus (2°, 14°, 26°) or cancer (4°, 16°, 28°) demeter (1108) and/or aspecting moon and/or venus: these are the people who love unconditionally and would go to the ends of earth for the people they care about just like a hufflepuff would.
cancer (4°, 16°, 28°) sun, mars, and/or rising: no one is a nurturing and sensitive as these people. they are warm and comforting as well.
virgo (6°, 18°) mercury and/or rising: they pay attention to every detail like it is all very important. these are the people who will remember something small that others will forget thus making those around them feel special and grateful for their presence. they are acts of service people just like most hufflepuffs.
libra (7°, 19°) venus: they are peace loving and wish to create harmony for the group as a whole.
pisces (12°, 24°) moon: they are compassionate, empathetic, and intuitive just like a hufflepuff.
gemini (3°, 15°, 27°) sun, mercury, and/or rising: curious demeanor; they love communicating in particular as a means to learn new things. quick wit / quick mind.
gemini (3°, 15°, 27°) odysseus (1143) / ulysses (5254) and/or aspecting mercury and/or mars: known for his cleverness and resourcefulness during his long journey home, his ability to think strategically and creatively is unmatched.
gemini (3°, 15°, 27°) or virgo (6°, 18°) athene (881) / pallas (2) and/or aspecting mercury and/or jupiter: goddess of wisdom, strategy, and warfare, this goddess embodies intelligence and creativity thinkinh. she is the prime example of the importance of knowledge/cleverness in overcoming challenges.
virgo (6°, 18°) moon: no one else will be out here analytically thinking in a practical cut and dry manner.
libra (7°, 19°) mercury and/or rising: i always think of socratic seminars when it comes to a libra. the air inspires the communication while the venus encourages the peaceful flow of information sharing.
capricorn (10°, 22°) mars: these people have the discipline required to doing studying like the people this how would. plus they are very strategic in their thinking - it reminds me of an expert game of chess.
aquarius (11°, 23°) sun, moon, mercury, mars, and/or venus: innovative. original. full of unique perspectives on problems. they need independence to full explore everything they wish to. unconditional thinking. they aren't afraid to question what everyone else simply accepts as the answer.
aries (1°, 13°, 25°) moon and/or mars: "be aggressive; be-be aggressive"! they need to win like the house suggests winning and glory is very important - they will do so "by whatever means necessary".
aries (1°, 13°, 25°) and/or scorpio (8°, 20°) gilgamesh (1812): the legends focuses on ambition and the lengths one might go to achieve greatness, including deceit and manipulation...
gemini (3°, 15°, 27°) mercury: these people are adaptable and cunning - nothing escapes them...
taurus (2°, 16°, 28°) venus: with power and prestige comes luxury and wealth. this placement just screams slytherin aesthetic to me.
virgo (6°, 18°) rising: only this placement would have such a philosophy they plots and plans are of the utmost importance.
scorpio (8°, 20°) sun, moon, mercury, and/or mars: can't beat a scorpio here... it's the intensity, the secrecy, the determination... they have an innate willingness to fight for what they want most. they also tend to have a sharp mind - they understand a great deal and notice even more.
scorpio (8°, 20°) medusa (149) and/or medusa (149) aspecting pluto: transformed into a snake headed being, medusa represents cunningness and power of the misunderstood. she like the basilisk turns humans to stone reflecting both fear and strength, aka the complex relationship with power commonly found in slytherin house.
scorpio (8°, 20°) or capricorn (10°, 22°) medea (212) and/or medea (212) aspecting mercury, mars, and/or pluto: she uses her skills and cunning to achieve her goals; thereby demonstrating both ambition and the darker aspects of power, especially in regards to her quest for vengeance.
capricorn (10°, 22°) sun, venus, and/or rising: it's their ambition and the discipline they have to become successful. they determined to succeed. not to mention they are loyal - which is very common among slytherins...
loke (4862) aspecting mercury, neptune, and/or pluto: the trickster god, embodies cunning and cleverness. he tends to use his intelligence to manipulate situations for his own benefit.
please let me know if you all enjoyed this - i could do another some other time with a new theme! have ideas for new content? please use my “suggest a post topic” button!
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ms-m-astrologer · 12 days ago
The Week Ahead: March 17-23, 2025
Executive summary: we’re in the shadow of the eclipse until April Fool’s Day, and Mercury & Venus are retrograde; the Aries equinox is on Thursday the 20th!
Lunar Phases
Tuesday, March 18, 08:01 UTC - Disseminating Moon, 13°03’ Scorpio
The key phrases for the Disseminating lunar phase are “teach, share, communicate;” and “ease up on efforts with our intentions.” Confessional vibes. Pay attention not only to boundaries, but to what is going on which side of the boundaries.
Saturday, March 22, 11:29 UTC - Last Quarter Moon, 2°05’ Capricorn
The key phrases for the Last Quarter lunar phase are “turn away,” and “tear down old structures that no longer serve us well.” We may be in a bit of a ruthless mood, and sometimes that’s just what we need to clear out the junk. We don’t want old business messing up our new business.
Void of Course Moon
Sunday, March 16, 09:53 UTC (Libra) - Monday, March 17, 07:30 UTC (Scorpio)
Wednesday, March 19, 19:28 UTC (Scorpio) - 20:17 UTC (Sagittarius)
Saturday, March 22, 06:53 UTC (Sagittarius) - 07:29 UTC (Capricorn)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Pallas/Aquarius, Juno/Sagittarius (until Wednesday the 19th), Vesta/Scorpio (until Friday the 21st)
Retrograde: Mercury/Aries, Venus/Aries, Juno/Sagittarius (starting Wednesday the 19th), Vesta/Scorpio (starting Friday the 21st)
Post-retrograde shadow: Mars/Cancer, Jupiter/Gemini
Transiting Juno stations retrograde on Wednesday, March 19, 18:00 UTC, at 1°57’ Sagittarius. Partnerships and social justice issues go more internal, as we sort them out.
Transiting Vesta stations retrograde on Friday, March 21, 08:14 UTC, at 18°28’ Scorpio. We’re obsessed with something. What could it represent?
Transiting Venus has its inferior conjunction with the Sun on Sunday, March 23, 01:07 UTC, at 2°39’ Aries. This is like a New Moon for Venus, the beginning of a new Venus-Sun cycle. Take a few moments to process your values - as expressed via the arts, beauty, love, and money. What are you standing for?
Thursday, March 20, 09:01 UTC - transiting Sun enters Aries
Happy Aries season! And happy spring/autumn, depending on which side of the equator you’re on. The impression I’m starting to get, is that we think we’re all ready to fight the 2025 battles - but we’re using tactics from 1525 (ie that don’t work any more). And we can’t quite figure that out.
Et Cetera
There is one Opportunity Period this week: Wednesday, March 19, from 08:38 UTC to 19:28 UTC. “Good for deep experiences and creativity, but we’re between two eclipses and Mercury is retrograde, so be practical and keep working on projects you have already started.”
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