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earlyeed90 · 1 year ago
Kamal producent obrzeży, krawężników i płyt ażurowych
Obrzeża produkowane przez Kamal w Bydgoszczy Dostępne w różnych wzorach, kształtach i kolorach, obrzeża Kamal pozwalają na kreatywne projektowanie ogrodu. Możesz nimi wytyczyć ścieżki, ograniczyć obszar kwiatowy lub zadbać o wyraźny podział pomiędzy trawnikiem a innymi elementami ogrodu. Ich elastyczność pozwala na łatwą i precyzyjną instalację, dostosowaną do indywidualnych potrzeb projektu.
Oprócz aspektu dekoracyjnego, obrzeża Kamal pełnią również ważną funkcję ochronną. Chronią przed rozprzestrzenianiem się trawy na ścieżki czy rabaty, co pomaga utrzymać ogrodową przestrzeń w porządku. Dodatkowo, są odporne na warunki atmosferyczne, co sprawia, że są trwałe i niezawodne przez wiele lat.
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crystalmarred · 1 month ago
“Lady Chai, ‘tis most fortunate that I am able to thank you in person before my departure.” The young Elezen greets with a polite bow; a small smile on his lips before stepping closer to her. “There’s so much I’ve learned from my time with you and Lord Chai, ‘twas truly insightful and a delight.” Albeit ‘twas initially meant as a means to enter the city of Eulmore, ‘twould be a lie to claim he hadn’t grown fond of them. And how could one not, with the charming and warmth radiating from the lady?
“I apologize that ‘tis all I can offer you … I wished to show you a part of my homeland, as I gained valueable insight of yours as well.” A tome, self-bound, is handed towards her; a slight nervousness seen with the stiffness of his outstretched arm, easily missed should one be unfamiliar with Alphinaud’s demeanor.
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— FROM HOLIDAY INBOX CALL ;; ( @palisadae )
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It always brought Dulia-Chai such joy to see her sweet Alphinaud. So well-mannered and polite, but so adorable and kind besides. It had delighted her when they'd met, when he'd painted such a beautiful picture of her and her dear husband.
She was not fool enough to consider their meeting coincidence. Though Dulia-Chai had not understood the depths of his need to get into the city at the time nor was she pleased with how sour his experience had been when first he arrived with such messy business involving Vauthry, but their meeting had proved a happy accident, at least to her eyes!
Every time Alphinaud took time away from his busy schedule to return to Eulmore and come see her, it was a blessing and it took all her willpower not to scoop him up into the same, crushing hug as she so often did her husband.
"Oh, Alphinaud," she started, already so near to tears to be offered the tome, to take it in her hands. Bound by his own, she was sure. Oh, what a dedicated boy he was, so genuine and thoughtful! And then, then came the sobbing. She wept tears as she reached out to embrace Alphinaud—lightly for her, but tight surely for most.
"You will be in my thoughts, Alphinaud. Forever and always."
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vierandancer · 7 months ago
"You were pretty out of it." ( alphinaud )
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"Aye, and yet half o' you still decided to scold us!" Meiko snorted. She understood, of course. The Scions had been worried sick after she and Hiko sent them back to the Ragnarok. "Right after your own bloody sacrifices, too, mind you! Woke tae Alisaie punchin' me in th'tit --"
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newsmatik · 8 days ago
La bordfires goes out of the victims: Realtor famous
Josh Altman spoke to Fox business as he represents Palisada residents than the nearest towns, Orange o Orange, Arizona and Las Vegas residents. The chief of the famous Josh Altman’s leader is interested in the Pacific seats in the seventh seasons in the Fire Complex. In interview with Business Fox, Altman explained that the families are looking for to move to Santa Monica, Bavedood, Newttsdale…
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marichulambino · 1 year ago
Oct. 28, 2023 5pm ABS-CBN News Channel ANC clear-headed anchor Stanley Palisada w clear-minded news program producers Reed Anthony Tulio, Tatiana Maligro, Bianca Bilasano throw investigative questions on disinfo and West Ph Sea in the fast-paced 20-min Top Story news program (not counting station ID segments)
4 hours ago: Oct. 28, 2023 5pm ABS-CBN News Channel ANC clear-headed anchor Stanley Palisada with clear-minded news program producers Reed Anthony Tulio, Tatiana Maligro, Bianca Bilasano throw investigative questions on disinformation and the West Ph Sea during the fast-paced 20-minute Top Story news program (not counting station ID segments) The virtual back ground is an original photo i shot…
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photo-snap-stories · 2 years ago
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Góra Birów
Zrekonstruowany Gród Królewski na Górze Birów to gratka dla miłośników historii i poszukiwaczy śladów przeszłości. W masywie ostańca, na którym usytuowano drewniane grodzisko, znajdują się liczne jaskinie, dawniej zamieszkiwane przez naszych praprzodków. Przeprowadzone badania archeologiczne potwierdziły fakt bytności ludzi w tym miejscu już 30 tys. lat temu.
Ostatni okres osadnictwa na terenie Birowa przypada na czasy wczesnośredniowieczne i średniowieczne. Powstała tu wtedy osada słowiańska wraz z położonym u podnóża góry cmentarzyskiem kurhanowym.
Obecnie w zrekonstruowanym, stylizowanym na średniowieczną osadę Grodzie, można zobaczyć wystawy tematyczne zgromadzone w chacie właściciela osady i wieży wojowników, w której znajdują się także, znalezione podczas prowadzonych badań artefakty.
Birów Mountain, Poland
The reconstructed Royal Castle on Birów Mountain is a treat for history lovers and seekers of traces of the past. In the inselberg massif, where the wooden stronghold was located, there are numerous caves, formerly inhabited by our ancestors. Archaeological research has confirmed the presence of people in this place for 30,000 years ago.
The last period of settlement in the area of Birów dates back to the early Middle Ages. A Slavic settlement was then established here along with a barrow cemetery located at the foot of the mountain.
Currently, in the reconstructed stronghold, styled as a medieval settlement, you can see thematic exhibitions gathered in the settlement owner's cottage and the warriors' tower, which also houses artifacts found during research.
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garden-stones · 5 years ago
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Palisada Granitowa z najnowszej kolekcji Garden Stones #ogrod #projektowanieogrodow #kamienogrodowy #gardendesignideas #grysogrodowy #palisada https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ok2csJX1K/?igshid=fg0iuwimk1lg
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yhella18 · 4 years ago
Mrs. Bernadette Sembrano as a News Anchor
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Bernadette Lorraine Palisada Dominguez Sembrano Aguinaldo, better known as Bernadette Sembrano, began her career as a newscaster in 1998 for one of the government-owned television stations in the Philippines. Years passed, she is now a Filipina reporter, newscaster, and television host. We all see her as the news anchor on TV Patrol.
Mrs. Bernadette Sembrano is known to be every Filipino's ate, which means she helps and guides people like an elder sister. As a 44-year-old newscaster, her simplicity and beauty still showed on the television, which attracts the audience to gain their attention in which I believe that it is one of her assets. The way she moves and talks looks like she is a kind-hearted person, ready to help people in need. Even though she looked soft, the way she speaks shown what a news anchor truly is—a person who speaks with clarity and conviction.  However, I can see that there are times that she lost these kinds of qualities. Maybe, just made a mistake, and that it's still okay since we are not perfect, and she is not perfect. But then, it was only a few times since Mrs. Sembrano is a news anchor that proves to anyone that even though she has some mistakes, she will not be down and just learned of that mistakes and move on. Hence, the experience that she had shown to use made her one of the good examples of how a person should live and inspire other people.
As you can see, the functions of communication are seen here. First is Regulation and Control. As a news anchor, the words she used are regulated and made sure that it is formal and precise. The second is Social Interaction. Through the news she gave, we can interact between the happenings around the country and ourselves. The third is Motivation. News can motivate people to understand the country's circumstances more and encourage people to agree and disagree if something happens, such as political things. Fourth is the Information. News is one of the sources to gain some information. Seeing her speak on the television about the daily news we have in the country made me listen and be well-informed about what is happening. Lastly is Emotional Expression. As a news anchor, she needs to be severe enough since the news she gave is not funny and inappropriate for smiling or laughing. But if the news is for entertainment, then news anchors can express these emotions. Remember that emotions are to help convey details about the topic.
Therefore, I can say that Mrs. Bernadette Sembrano effectively communicates what she needed to convey to the people or the audience because the verbal, written, and the interviewing skills required of being a news anchor are seen through the television. Being a news anchor is not easy. You must have the skills and the ability to deliver the news well. Hence, making Mrs. Sembrano did her job well. She well-informed the people or the listeners on what she wanted to show. Thus, making her now become one of the famous news anchors here in the Philippines.
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crystalmarred · 7 months ago
“want to do something stupid to take your mind off all this?” ( altani for tataru c: )
MEME ⇢ @palisadae
It was difficult to mask her disappointment. Impossible, even. Tataru hated it every time the others went off on another adventure, left her behind by way of her being unable to fight. What she would not give to have even a modicum of talent when it came to combat...
Her shoulders sagged and her face fell. Her heart ached at the thought of them going where she could not.
But the approach of one of the other Scions was enough for her to push aside her worries, if only for a moment, to deal with whatever ail might have befallen her—except as she opened her mouth to greet Altani Qihoh, she was beaten to it.
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"Something stupid?"
She laughed, unable to help the way it tumbled from her lips. It seemed even the Scions she didn't help the most took notice of how she felt with such ease... It made her feel as lucky as it did silly for always coming back to that familiar feeling of being sidelined for near enough to entire adventures.
Tataru Taru had plenty skills, but not the ones she truly wished she had, for the sake of the very people that had sometimes risked their own life to save hers.
"Did you have something in particular in mind, Altani?"
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vierandancer · 7 months ago
"Let's focus on the people we trust." ( alphinaud )
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"Right. An' who's that again?" After everything that had unfolded with the Crystal Braves, Meiko wasn't too keen on having faith in anyone else. "Us, Haurchefant .... an' hopefully his family when we get intae Ishgard, aye?"
If they even made it inside. Meiko was ready to say fuck it and head back to Wadewick if necessary. Then again, she wouldn't be too surprised if a one-off neighbor were to sell them out for Lolorito's coin, either. It was a godsdamned mess.
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moradadabeleza · 6 years ago
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Alfredo Zalce
The Palisada river, from 'Estampas de Yucatan' (1946)
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newsmatik · 18 days ago
The weather changes that Los Angeles' troubles will be burning and lies, the researchers say
As the Los Angle of Loss and Home Museums, Palisada Brands, asking for the reality of the events in January. The change of year will be included in the place where fires caused the world, as analysis of the world. “Eight of the eleven students inspect the amount of January (Frigy Fire),” The group of the group. The country is currently 1.3 ° C drives than time before the land of the land. The Wwa…
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danielszysz · 2 years ago
Karsibór. Budują palisadę, która będzie chronić drzewo.
Karsibór. Budują palisadę, która będzie chronić drzewo.
Karsibór. Budują palisadę, która będzie chronić drzewo. Skarpa przy ulicy 1 Maja, na której rośnie duży dąb, będzie otoczona specjalną palisadą. Wykonawca przygotował już grunt do jej zamontowania. Drzewo stoi tuż przy nowym parkingu w pobliżu deptaka. Jezdnia dochodzi do samej skarpy, na której rośnie. Palisada będzie miała za zadanie chronić ją przed usuwaniem się ziemi, a tym samym chronić…
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garden-stones · 5 years ago
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Palisada Granitowa z najnowszej kolekcji Garden Stones #ogrod #projektowanieogrodow #kamienogrodowy #gardendesignideas #grysogrodowy #palisada https://www.instagram.com/p/B8lr2TOptkV/?igshid=1d29eaun4patu
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preporodbn · 3 years ago
Opsada Beča 1683. godine (XVIII dio)
Opsada Beča 1683. godine (XVIII dio)
Piše: Saud Grabčanović Opsada Beča 1683. godine, grad u osmanskom obruču Kada su osmanske trupe stigle pred zidine grada Beča i okružile ga, Veliki vezir Kara Mustafa-paša je naredio opsadnim trupama da oko gradskih zidina podignu svoje šatore, a  janjičarima da mu podignu komandni štab južno od grada, nekoliko stotina metara od palisada, tik ispred gradskih zidina, tako da bi on mogao lijepo…
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thesummerinternship2021 · 3 years ago
ABS CBN Virtual Studio Tour
Day 4
Mr. Stanley Palisada explained the importance of news collecting and the ingredients of a news pitch on the fourth and final day of the overall session. This involves developing SOT and downstream titles for each news item. After we were divided into groups, we were given a task that required us to create two news pieces regarding the COVID-19 situation in Iloilo City, as mentioned by Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Treas in an interview. Despite the time constraints, we were able to complete the work with the assistance of my group mates. Tasks were assigned to each of us. While we were working on the script and content, the rest of the team was transcribing the footage and creating the headings for our news pieces.
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This four-day program with Mr. Stanley Palisada is genuinely insightful, entertaining, and educational. It truly encourages us communication students and teaches us the right and wide use of communication, not only in the media but in all aspects of life and effort.
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