#paleontology lab
Opening a Field Jacket...
that's bigger than me can be really hard, especially when said jacket was made in 1966.
This jacket contains the cervical (neck) vertebrae of a dinosaur related to Diplodocus called Barosaurus.
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moonlit-borderline · 2 months
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Went to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) got to behind the desk to see what the volunteer was doing in the paleontology lab.
She was working on separating rocks from triceratop horns!!!
An old lady stopped me to tell me that I looked beautiful, like a character from Wicked, called me a walking advertisement for it.
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musiclovingmoth · 7 months
and when i say "specimens" i don't mean taxidermied mounts made to look lifelike for exhibit, i'm talking about the thousands to millions of specimens lying in drawers and shelves like this:
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asking because i didn't know this until i was in high school. reblogs greatly appreciated, i want to reach as far out of science nerd tumblr as possible!
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i-draws-dinosaurs · 5 months
To a friend I never met
I know this might seem like a place of death And maybe it’s true Shelves lined with remnants of a time Not just forgotten, but before memory There is sadness here too Every fossil is a miracle and a tragedy in one But how can this place hold only sadness when you are here with me?
Your form is scattered Tumbled by the tides of the earth I will find its parts
Your hands are bare Stripped of strength and power I will hold them gently
Your bones are brittle Broken by unthinkable age I will make them whole
Your story is hidden Stifled by rock and clay I will make it seen
I could not be there To love you in your time I will love you in mine
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grimmgrinningghouls · 2 years
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
for the ama: do y'all actually lick the bones?
Sometimes, yes, but it's a lot rarer than you'd expect, because... lots of fossils are radioactive!
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nightshadereaper66 · 7 months
Ethanol and Mothballs
Word Count: 2.1k This short story is inspired by the museum collections that I visited during my January paleontology class. All of the pictures used are mine and were taken at the various museums we visited. I'm super excited to share this story with y'all, and hope you love it as much as I do!
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The halls of the museum are quiet. The day has ended, night plunging the rooms into eerie darkness. Gone are the copious beams of sunlight flowing through the windows. They now show only the gray haze of the city's night sky, plunging the marble halls into obscurity. It's the end of the hustle and bustle of tourists, of the cheerful shouts and giggles of children, and more subdued conversations of adults. The darkness is broken only by the flashlight beams of security guards working the graveyard shift. 
Occasionally, their light settles on the bones of long-dead animals resting peacefully in their wire armatures, casting odd, distorted shadows across the walls. The umbral forms of prehistoric fossils dance with the shadows of the guards, brought halfway to life only briefly by their light. 
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The silence is broken only by footsteps on carpet, the whirring of the climate systems, and the building's occasional creak and groan. All is still as it should be; quietly resting after the long day. It would seem that the museum dies at night.
I open my eyes, hearing the slosh of fluid around me as I shakily stretch, limbs hitting the hard edges of my tub. I groan, my voice gravelly from disuse. Finally, it's time to wake up. I sit up, my poorly adjusted eyes only seeing the occasional glint of light reflecting off the trails of ethanol crisscrossing the floor. My muscles are cramped; I barely see my pale limbs tremoring in front of me. I shake, struggling to find a grip on the sterile stainless steel until I manage to grab the edge of the tub. Slowly my eyes adjust to the welcoming darkness, a wonderful reprieve from bright fluorescent lights. The air is thick with the smell of ethanol. Always ethanol here, it clings to everything and everyone, a constant reminder of the place where we reside.
As my vision improves, I can make out the shapes of the shelves in the darkness. They stand in a puddle of ethanol, trails and prints radiating in all directions from it. My tremors slowly subside as my body fights the vestiges of the cold sleep.
I watch a snake slither out of its jar, landing in the ethanol puddle with a quiet plash. It's quickly followed by its jar-mates, then the frogs from the jar next door. 
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The soft sloshes are interrupted by a loud series of splashes and thrashes coming from a large tub on the far side of the wet lab. The smell of ethanol intensifies as the massive alligator snapping turtle inside sends liquid everywhere in his energetic bid for freedom. I climb out of my tub, walking off the stiffness and the last of the tremors before pulling the turtle out by the back of his shell.
“Happy wake-up, Troy,” I say as he starts to wander around the room, leaving behind a broad, messy ethanol trail. He opens his mouth wide, looking straight at me. I’m never sure if that's his version of a smile or a death threat.
The shelves are alive, undocumented insects trundling among their more well-known friends. One jar spews hundreds of tiny snails as they crawl over each other and to the ground, trailing ethanol instead of mucus. I twist off the lid to another snail jar; this one is always particularly stubborn. As I pull off the lid, a giant African land snail creeps out onto my arm.
“Yeah, alright buddy, we can go for a walk. Stretch your, er, foot.”
Snail crawls up my torso and onto my shoulder. I gently pat them between their eyestalks and scratch their shell.
“Just give me a second to let the fish out,” I say, unscrewing the lids of the fish jars and letting them swim out into my large tub, “Have fun, guys. It's not much, but it's better than being stuck like sardines in a can. Or a jar, I guess.”
Troy the snapping turtle shuffles over to watch them schooling.
“You can't eat anymore, remember? None of us can. Don't try it, Troy.”
He opens his mouth, giving me another smile/death threat.
“Thank you.”
I slide Dr. MacMorgan's I.D. out from under a dusty, overlooked jar of rhino beetles on the top shelf. I'm grateful for the museum's leniency in issuing him a second I.D. after this one went missing. He claimed he lost the thing, after all, his eyes “aren't what they used to be,” and his memory “is full of cotton wool these days.” I think the curator also helped to fast-track the process. She definitely didn't ask many questions.
Anyway, I had a garden snail steal the I.D. so that I could walk around collections. What can I say, I got tired of only exploring when the man forgot it in the piles of paperwork on his desk. Feelings and federal laws don’t matter much when you’re dead. Besides, now I can go check out the new research posters they put on the walls. It's nice to know that they're still using us for something. 
I swipe the I.D. and step into the hall. The smell of ethanol fades as the door to the wet lab closes. Snail crawls onto my head for a better view as I step into the bathroom and look at our reflection. The light turns on automatically as I walk in, and I wince as my eyes struggle to adjust. I look at myself in the mirror; my cheeks are sallow, cloudy eyes sunk into yellowed skin. A little worse for wear, but not bad, I haven’t aged a day. I examine my arms, running my fingers over the relatively new needle-hole in one of them. It showed up a few months back, but it’ll never heal. Presumably, it was for a tissue sample; I wonder what they’re using it for. I have been dead and pickled in ethanol for a while, it was about time. Snail (who I seem to be wearing as a hat) looks a little better-preserved, but their body still has that yellowish color that all wet lab residents tend to get. My snail hat waves their eyestalks towards the door emphatically. 
“Okay, okay, I’m going!” I say, stepping back out of the bathroom and into the darkness of the halls. “Where to now?”
They crawl down to my forehead, waving their left eye stalk in front of my eye.
“Alright, fossils it is. I know you like the shark teeth.” They do a move resembling a one-snail wave in appreciation. I smile, heading through the maze of nearly identical corridors. I see the light of a flashlight ahead and duck into an empty office, narrowly avoiding someone. It's probably just a grad student returning from the vending machine with their energy drink. I wait until the light is gone and slip back into the halls.
“Hey look! They extracted my DNA and used it to do some stuff. That explains the needle hole in my arm,” I say, pointing out a poster on the wall. I step close so that Snail can read it. At least, I think they can read. Their eyestalks scan over the lines of text and appear to understand as they pull back. 
They settle back on my forehead and I set off once more, finally reaching the thick, heavy door to the fossil collections. I scan the I.D. and the light blinks green, letting me in beyond the large gray door. We are hit with the strong smell of mothballs and the crisp, strictly temperature and humidity-controlled air. The lights turn on automatically, illuminating the rows of open shelves and closed metal cabinets.
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I walk down the aisles, waiting for Snail to stop me and gesture to whatever cabinet they find interesting. When they do, I open the door. All of the drawers are labeled “glyptodon,” so I pull out a random one. Snail crawls off of me and onto the cabinet, eye stalks investigating the giant armadillo fossils. Mostly osteoderms, the bony bits right under the skin, but some teeth and small bones. When they’re satisfied, I close the cabinet and open a nearby one. 
We proceed in a similar fashion for a while, opening whatever cabinets strike our fancy and stopping to admire the fossils inside. Snail crawls back onto my head and we look at the skulls that rest on the open shelves. There are plenty of mammoths and mastodons, recognizable by their massive teeth. The mammoth teeth are more flat, while mastodons’ are more pointy unless they’ve been worn down a lot.
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I run my hand along the glossier fossilized enamel, wondering what the fossils would get up to if they could move around at night. They’re just rock-ified bones (the fancy descriptor is permineralized), so they’d fall apart, assuming that they hadn’t already. The Earth is a blender, or so I hear. 
Snail prefers the smaller fossils, so they’re content to stay on my head as I trace the contours of huge tusks, dino bones, and skulls. It’s crazy to think that some of this stuff is still closer in age to spaghetti than to the beginning of life. It sure seems like it’s been fossilized for ages. And then some paleontologist dug it up and encased it in plaster and a volunteer put in thousands of hours to clean it up. 
“Having a nice wander?”
I jump, snapping abruptly out of my thoughts. The voice comes from behind me. Snail retreats into their shell, still on top of my head. Act like a normal person. One who hasn’t been dead and preserved in ethanol for fifty years.
“Hi! I uh, have a really bad skincare routine!”
She laughs. I turn around. It’s the museum curator. She’s wearing a headlamp; it’s still turned on. She raises a hand to turn it off since it’s not needed in the automatic lighting of the fossil collections.
“That tends to happen when you’re a wet lab specimen.”
“You know about that?” I ask as Snail peeks out of their shell, eyestalks fixed on her. The curator’s gaze tracks up at them, then back to my cloudy eyes.
“Yes. How do you think MacMorgan got a new I.D. so quickly?” Seeing my look of concern, she adds, “I don’t mind if you leave the wet lab, as long as you don’t make a mess.”
“Uhh… okay…” I say, still trying to process the new turn of events.
“Some people think that this building is haunted. I see why they would say that. I passed you in the hall earlier, you look very sinister,” she says, smiling.
“That was you, with the light? I thought it was a grad student! Dammit, I need to be more careful,” I reply, looking perturbed.
“You could, or you could keep letting the world believe that this building is haunted.” The curator seems to be enjoying this conversation. She reaches out a hand to pet Snail’s shell. After a few moments, she speaks again, “It can be our little secret.”
“You’re not scared by me? I’m literally dead and pickled, how are you fine with this?”
She laughs again. “I used to work in a wet lab, I’m quite accustomed to seeing preserved organisms. And if you want to have a little fun at night, I suppose I can continue to turn a blind eye.”
I nod awkwardly, surprised by her casual demeanor. The curator holds out her phone, the screen showing a clock that reads 4:13 a.m. 
“For now, it’s time to go back to bed,” she says as the screen turns off. I stare into my reflection in the black glass.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll get back to wet lab,” I say, realizing that I’m starting to feel the sluggish feeling that heralds in the morning.
She smiles, turning her headlamp back on as we leave the fossil collections. The curator walks off, disappearing into the shadows of the halls as Snail and I hurry back home. I swipe the I.D. and duck inside, stopping for a moment as I’m hit with the strong smell of ethanol. I help Troy back into his tub, coax Snail into their jar, and gather up the fish swimming in my tub. We’re all much more sluggish as the morning starts to roll in, seeing the sky start to lighten through the window. At last, I collapse back into my tub, trying not to splash too much as I let the ethanol settle back around me.
I drift off into the long day, holding on to the memories of the night. My cloudy eyes don’t close as my muscles stiffen, ready to stay motionless for the next day in the bright lights of the lab. I could run these halls forever, reveling in the shadows of forgotten, forever preserved lives, permeated in the scent of ethanol and mothballs.
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literallymechanical · 8 months
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CT the Bone Wizard a.k.a @cryptotheism spotted in @fishteriously’s paleontology lab???
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Ellie takes an interest in paleontology, her main obsession is Discovery as in learning new things and unlocking their secrets. She starts reading and studying as much as possible. She eventually gets a part time job at a museum in Gotham since she's fully stable while going to school for paleontology, archeology, and biological science all the while using Vlad's money to pay for everything since he decided to be less of an ass and give her enough so she won't end up with crippling student loan debt. While she enjoys teaching people about the past of the creatures that once roamed the planet, she feels that modern science is a little behind since the realms are full of ghost dinosaurs and other prehistoric Flora and Fauna. So what does Ellie do? She goes out and buys small lab stuff, uses intangiblity to get fossilized bone marrow samples from the dinosaurs in the museum and attempts the Jurassic Park them via cloning on her free days. Needless to say she accidentally catches the attention of the bats for an unrelated incident (stealing tires off the batmoble as a dare from a classmate) and now they're thinking this college student is becoming a new rouge.
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new-revenant · 3 months
Dani finally gets stable via the help of a reformed Vlad and discovers her obsession is discovery. Once she's old enough, and all the legal papers are settled, Dani goes to college in Star city, she's studying medicine and bio engineering along with paleontology, while bored one day she decided to use the campus lab and a smidge of dino DNA from the local museum, she bumped into a dino skeleton while fighting a rouge ghost, and essentially created a clone baby dinosaur, specifically a triceratops. Over the course of a few weeks Dani makes a few more of different species and catches Green Arrow's attention
Green Arrow!!!! Yes!!! And discovery is a neat idea for an Obsession, even if this prompt does go in a bit of a weird direction. I don’t mean that in a bad way, I just did not expect that at all lamo. Dani accidentally becomes a Dino themed “villain” because you cannot expect her to keep an eye on all of them 24/7. Although it becomes very obvious that she is trying so hard to wrangle all of them whenever they cause the slightest amount of mayhem. Green Arrow is just glad that Dani isn’t trying to sick the dinos on the city on purpose. But she will get banned from messing with any prehistoric DNA.
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This Saturday we will have a special stream to help raise funds for a new prep lab in Peru, home of Perucetus and many more fantastic creatures yet to be described and discovered. Rewards are waiting!
The campaign tries to establish a new dedicated prep lab because recent discoveries have made it more and more difficult to house the ever growing collection. Peru doesn't have much funding for paleontology so it's up to the public to make this happen...#
If you pledge to the campaign and send me during the stream a confirmation of payment in DM's you are able to get a free wish for a 10 min sketch, except for humans and NSFW stuff I basically do anything that is doable within 10 min, here some examples:
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As usual this will happen on Twitch.
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Do You Have a Dream?
A dream that involves going out into the wilds of the western U.S. to learn how to be just like me? You are in luck! Here's your chance to learn how to be a REAL FIELD PALEONTOLOGIST!!!!
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As one of the instructors for the field program at Colorado Northwestern Community College, I am pleased to announce our 2024 field schedule! Mark your calendars because this is gonna be the best summer of your lives!
We will be holding two sessions:
Session 1: July 6th-20th
Session 2: July 22-August 5th
Come learn how to identify dinosaur fossils, learn about the geology of northwestern Colorado, learn the basics for taphonomy, paleo field techniques like quarry mapping, trenching, making plaster jackets, prospecting, and finally, safely removing fossils to take back to the museum.
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Field work and the great outdoors maybe not your thing? That's okay! We also offer a Paleontology Lab Techniques course on campus where you can learn how to clean up the bones brought back from the field, learn how to make cast replicas of specimens and maybe even build a museum display!
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Maybe you want to do the whole kit and caboodle! That's even better! Since both sessions are back to back you can come do field work with me the first session and then learn the lab side of things the second semester! How COOL is that?!?!
Interested in learning more? Feel free to ask me or check out cncc.edu/paleontology
There are also grant/scholarship opportunities through the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology to help cover costs if that is a setback. Please check the school website for more info. There is a link to the SVP page so you can check out those options. Hope to see you guys this summer!
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(Look at this huge wave I am measuring with my body while we were prospecting!)
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moonlit-borderline · 2 months
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Went to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Information) got to behind the desk to see what the volunteer was doing in the paleontology lab.
She was working on separating rocks from triceratop horns!!!
An old lady stopped me to tell me that I looked beautiful, like a character from Wicked, called me a walking advertisement for it.
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mermaidgirl30 · 6 months
✨Just Breathe: The Dinosaur Diaries✨
✨Part 1: Introductions✨
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Series Masterlist
A/N: One of my favorite things is writing about the first time Joel and reader meet, so this is how their story starts off 💚
Chapter Summary: It’s your first day at Sauros Corporation as a research assistant, but what you don’t know is you’ll be working under one of the hottest paleontologists that you’ve ever laid eyes on. Can you keep your wits about yourself, or will you fall fast for your smooth talking boss?
Pairing: paleontologist! Joel x fem researcher! reader
Word Count: 3k
Rating: 18+
Chapter Tags: Reader starts her first day as a research assistant, feelings, Joel being a casual flirt, Joel in a lab coat and glasses, mentions of Jurassic Park, allusions to smut, eventual smut, Joel is so broad, Jurassic Park au, science terminology I had to look up
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Your palms sweat as you enter the intimidating glass building of Sauros Corporation. One of the biggest, most well known science businesses that specializes in paleontology. What you got your master’s in. You strive to continue on to get your PhD, but first you need to get a little work experience. So that’s why you’re here in this massive corporation that might just eat you alive. 
   Your black heels click against the polished white tile as fluorescent lights reflect off the cascading glass windows. You pull at your pressed pink dress and flex your fingers around the soft cotton as nerves rush down your body. Today was the most important day of your life. A gateway to your future, your dream job that you’ve wanted for your entire life. This was it. It was finally here. 
   When you walk up to the pearlescent marble front counter, a bubbly blonde girl smiles and stands from her office chair. “Hi there. How can I help you?”
   You show her your work ID badge that you had gotten in orientation and respond, “This is my first day here. I’m here for…”
   Her eyes brighten the moment she sees your name on the shiny badge. “Oh! You’re the new research assistant. Doctor Miller has been so eager to meet you! Your interviewer, Kylie, couldn’t stop talking about you to him. He’s already spoken so highly of you. He looked at your resume and everything,” she gushes as she comes around the bright desk and smoothes her pencil skirt down. 
   “He’s talked about me? Who is Doctor Miller?” you ask as you knit your eyebrows together and step back as she passes in front of you. You knew of Doctor Kepler, who you thought you’d be working under. But Doctor Miller? You never heard of him before, at least you don’t think.
   “He’s who you’ll be working under,” she smiles warmly as she nods her head and signals for you to follow behind as her blonde hair bounces down her shoulders. “He’s our best scientist in the department, I’m sure you’ll love him.”
   “How long has he been working here?” you ask as you pass through the lavish halls that are covered in glass framed pictures of dinosaur bones and biology cells. 
   “Over five years, he’s the best of the best. If you want to be a great scientist then he’s the perfect one to practice under. And you’re so lucky,” she beams as she looks back at you with big crimson lips.
   “Why’s that?” you laugh as the click of heels echo down the lit up halls.
   “Because,” she stops before entering the pad locked doors where only authorized personnel can get through, “he’s ridiculously good looking, but don’t tell him I said that.” She winks at you before turning to the glowing padlock.
   Just what were you getting yourself into? Doctor Miller? Was he really all she talked him up to be? And was he really impressed by your resume and talks of your interview? Guess you’d find out. 
   She scans her badge and with a click of the door, they part open as she pushes herself through the strong metal doors. Your eyes scan over the expansive lab as your breath hitches in your throat. The lab is absolutely enormous. Colorful test tubes fill various racks on the metal shelves along the cream colored walls. Microscopes line the tables that fill the center of the room. Petri dishes with different organisms in them sit in glass refrigerators, sturdy dinosaur bones sit displayed in glass cases, and expensive scientific materials cover the room. It’s all intimidating as you step through your new work space. 
   “Right over here,” she smiles as she leads you to the middle of the room where two men stand around a fluorescence microscope. 
   Your eyes peel over the tall man that adjusts the lense while he talks confidently to his coworker. You listen as his deep voice carries through the room. “There we go. Think I got it just right this time. The edges are perfect, can actually see the cementum where those tiny black dots are. Fascinatin’,” he says in awe as he adjusts the microscope lense again to get a better look. 
   You study the man in front of you, watching the way his broad shoulders shift everytime he moves his arms. The white lab coat seems to cling to large muscles. He’s so very large and tall, very tall. Standing just above six feet. And his hands. Big, thick hands of a paleontologist for sure. 
   Just when you start to get lost in his words, the girl who had brought you back into the room interrupts their conversation. She clears her voice and steps forward as platinum blonde hair swishes behind her shoulders. “Doctor Miller? Sorry to interrupt, but there’s someone here to meet you.”
   He turns quickly and adjusts his thick, rimmed glasses against his curved nose and smiles gently. You suck in a breath when you see his face, his smile, his eyes. He’s so gorgeous that you think you might fall over and knock a bunch of expensive lab equipment over. 
   He has the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes that you’ve ever seen before. His hair is tousled, curls spilling onto his forehead, dark brown with strings of grey twisting around each strand. His facial hair looks soft to the touch, salt-and-pepper scruff patching along his sharp jawline. And his smile. God, his smile. It’s so gentle and bright that it lights a fire inside your core. And he’s so broad. Strong muscles pulling against the white lab coat that clings to tanned skin. He’s the hottest scientist you’ve ever seen in your life, and you’re working under him?!
   “Oh, you must be my new research assistant, yeah?” he asks as he smiles gently and says your name, pushing himself off the metal table as he starts making his way over to you. You feel like you’re about to topple over at any moment. 
   “That’s me,” you say shyly as you push a lock of hair behind your ear, a nervous habit you wish you wouldn’t do. 
   “Well, so nice to meet you,” he drawls, a Southern accent that rings through your ears like a sweet melody that was made just for you. He sticks his arm out and opens his palm for you to take. You automatically reach out to shake his hand, your own hand shaking as you’re completely intimidated by the hot scientist that stands in front of you. 
   When he clasps his fingers over yours and squeezes, you gulp as you look up into beautiful honey glazed eyes. Eyes that you could wade in and get lost in. His hands are so big, calloused fingers grazing against yours as you feel nerves pulling at every fiber in your body. He probably does a lot with those hands. Hands of an experienced, successful, gorgeous paleontologist. 
   “It’s nice to meet you, too, Doctor Miller,” you say in a daze.
   “Jus’ Joel is fine. You don’t have to call me Doctor Miller, unless you want to,” he mutters softly. 
   “Oh okay, Joel…” you answer barely above a whisper, your palm sweating from how close he is. 
   He lets his hand linger in yours for a few seconds too long, and you swear he’s staring deep into your eyes as you see the glint of a sparkle flash in the flecks of light brown. When he releases his grip, he runs a hand slowly through his tousled, thick curls and just for that moment you wonder what it’d be like to be underneath his large body, running your own fingers through messy, soft curls…
   “I took a look at your resume the other day. I was quite impressed by what I saw.”
   Your eyes go a little wide at what he just said. “Impressed? Of me?” you ask, floored by the obvious compliment. He was impressed with you? 
   “Mhm,” he smiles as he pulls at the sleeves of his pristine lab coat, “straight A student, top of your class? And you went to the dig site in Montana to do some research last summer? Very impressive.” 
   He stares at you a moment with one eyebrow cocked up, his eyes flicking over your figure as you swear he checks you out. Your cheeks burn red as he looks so intently at you, and it’s in that moment that you don’t know how you’ll ever work with this man. He’s so distracting, all you want to do is get lost in those syrupy brown eyes. 
   “I umm... I’m not that impressive,” you say shyly as you look nervously up at him. 
   “Oh, but you are. M’sorry if you were lookin’ forward to workin’ with Doctor Kepler, but I kinda convinced him to let me take you under my wing instead. Yours was the most impressive resume of them all, and trust me when I say I read them all.”
   “Oh.” Your eyes widen and every bone in your body stiffens as you take in what he just said. He thinks you’re smart? He wanted you to work under him. Oh, fuck. “No, I… I’m sure I’ll enjoy you just as much as I would him.” Your cheeks glow red as you turn your head when you hear him chuckling under his breath. Did you really just say that out loud? Christ. 
   “C’mere. Wanna show you somethin’.” He nods his head as a tousled curl bounces against the side of his forehead, and you follow him over to the table that has the microscope all set up with a tiny fossil underneath. 
   “Go ahead,” he says with a nod to his head, asking you to look through the ocular lense. 
   You nervously walk up and dip your head down as you close one eye and focus intently on the fossil that sits beneath the lense. You take in the yellow tint of the amber, examine each particle that makes up the masterpiece of what sits beneath you, study exactly what you think it is. 
   Joel’s honeydew voice comes out deep and raspy as it stirs you to jump in your skin. “Let me pick your brain a minute. I wanna know if you can figure out what fossil that right there is,” he says as he comes to stand right beside you. 
   His hand presses against the base of the microscope, and you feel his warm breath run down the side of your neck. You can feel his body heat reverberate against yours as you start to breathe faster. Your mind is a blur as his body weight shifts against the counter, his lab coat brushing against the side of your arm as you hold tight to the tube of the microscope. It’s so hard to focus on what’s in front of you when his large, all consuming presence is right next to you. He’s not even touching you, and you’re already all worked up, and you know your thighs are sticky from sweat. What the hell is wrong with you?
   “Hmm, let me think a minute,” you say as you try to depict what sits in front of you. You squint your eye as you try to register what sits underneath the glow of the fossil. There’s a small beak-like impression as you assess dark lines that almost looks like a hummingbird.
   “It almost looks like… wait, maybe if I can get a closer look I can see,” you murmur as you continue to assess the shiny fossil. 
   “Here, let me jus’ fix this.” His large hand comes to sit on your shoulder as he pushes you carefully away from the eyepiece. His patchy scruff brushes against the side of your cheek, and you gasp at how close he is to you. You feel tension in your shoulders as you watch him adjust the dials to the right on the lense as he carefully looks through with one eye closed. 
   You watch him with bated breath, your eyes lock on his broad figure, thick fingers brushing against the crevice of the lense. You wonder what it’d feel like to be pinned underneath those strong arms, his thick fingers exploring every inch of your sweltering skin as he consumes you with the entirety of his mouth. 
   Fuck. This man is your boss, you can’t be having wet fantasies about him. He’s off limits, it can’t happen. You need to be professional, but why is it so hard to clear your clouded mind? He’s good looking, smart, nice. That does not give you the right to fantasize about him. Get a fucking grip on yourself for Christ’s sake. Enough. 
   “Ahh there we go. Go on now, take another peek.” He places his hand gently over the small of your back and pushes you forward as your breath hitches at the hand that burns through your dress and goes straight down to your skin that’s tingling from him. 
   You shake your head and get yourself composed as you lower your head and focus back on the fossil that’s waiting for you to examine. Your eyes widen as you see so much more clearly, the bright light shining straight through the yellow glow of the fossil as you can see exactly what’s in front of you now. 
   You gasp as you realize what it is. “No way! Is that an Oculudentavis? The smallest dinosaur to ever walk the planet?” You hear him chuckle and look up to see him smiling down at you. 
   “Very good,” he smiles as he gives you another once over glance, making your heart thump loudly in your chest as his honey eyes slip over you. “Now, how did you know that?” he asks curiously as he ticks his jaw and cocks an eyebrow up.
   “I read a lot,” you shrug as you bite your lower lip. His eyes drop down to your glossy lips, and it makes you burn with need. Focus. 
   “Yeah, I’m sure ya do,” he chuckles as he leans against the table and crosses his arms over his broad chest. 
   “How old is this fossil?” you ask wondrously as your eyes flick back to the ancient fossil. 
   “Over fifty million years old,” he replies as his eyes weigh carefully on you. “Y’know, it’s not really a bird like everyone suspected it to be. It’s actually a genus of a lizard.”
   “Fascinating,” you say dreamily as you lean up against the table and bump the side of your hip as your eyes train solely on him. 
   “It came from the domain Eukaryota, and the phylum it belongs to is Chordata. Funny how the Latin words revolve around a bird when really it’s a reptile. Some scientists even argue whether it was really a dinosaur or just a large lizard. But if you wanna hear my voice on the matter, I say it was a dinosaur.” He winks at you, and you feel your cheeks flush crimson again as you slip another lock of hair behind your ear and clear your throat before you decide to be a complete puddle on the floor. 
   “Think you’re right, Doctor Miller,” you respond shakily. 
   “Jus’ Joel, darlin’.”
   Darlin’? Christ, a pet name? Or maybe it was just his Southern hospitality. But whatever it was made you weak at the knees. 
   “Joel…” you repeat, letting the name slip against your tongue as you swallow all feelings of want and desire down your throat. You are not falling for your boss. 
   “Attagirl,” he smirks. 
   “So, you want to be a real paleontologist?” he asks as his eyes flicker down to yours.
   “Mhm,” you nod as you shift your weight in your heels.
   “So tell me, how do you feel about real dinosaurs?” he asks as he shifts his weight to stand in front of you, his arms still crossed tight against the fabric of the button-up green flannel underneath his lab coat. 
   “Real dinosaurs?” you question as you knit your eyebrows together and try to decipher his question. 
   “That’s right. Real dinosaurs.” He smirks and the glisten in his chocolate coated eyes are pressing into yours like he knows something you don’t, and he’s chuckling about it in front of your face. 
   “Ummm I mean, I’m in the field trying to study them. I’d say I love them?” Your answer is hesitant as you still question him. What does he mean real dinosaurs?
   “Well, guess it’s your lucky day cause your first assignment is about Stegosauruses.”
   Your eyes shift to his as yours widen just a smidge. “What’s the assignment about?” 
   “Guess you’ll find out when we get there,” he chuckles as he adjusts his glasses and moves just enough to brush his arm against yours. You step out of the danger zone and pull yourself together instead of staring down into forearms that are filled with thick, twisting veins against tanned skin. 
   “Get where?” you ask carefully as you slide your tongue against the bottom of your teeth. 
   “To Jurassic Park. Home of the dinosaurs. Real dinosaurs,” he smirks as you see trouble brewing in those dark eyes of his. He’s going to get you into trouble with those honey eyes and sly smirk, you just know it. 
   “Real dinosaurs? But they’re… they’re extinct,” you whisper as you raise your eyebrows in question.
   “Not at Jurassic Park they’re not,” he teases as he crosses his arms again. You just stare speechless at him as you get the feeling this man would never lie to you. 
   “So, how ‘bout it? My new research partner wanna go on a little adventure with me? Promise I’ll make it worth your while,” he smirks as you taste trouble on just his words alone.
   And that’s where the adventure started, right there in his gigantic lab. Right when you saw those gorgeous brown eyes. You knew. This is where it’d all begin. 
Tags: @amyispxnk @sawymredfox @burntheedges @mountainsandmayhem @littlevenicebitch69 @vivian-pascal @pedrostories @survivingandenduring @msjarvis @syd-djarin @mothandpidgeon @eugenedream @cozylittlepigeon @marvlstark @rav3n-pascal22
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elbiotipo · 1 year
The British colonization of Australia and Tasmania in particular was probably one of the most brutal and yet less known crimes of the British Empire. The extinction of the Tasmanian Tiger is well known and widely regarded as tragic; it's very interesting that 'experts' at the time regarded it as a basal mammal condemned to extinction, so they did not lift a finger to save it until it was too late, and why would they anyways? It was in the way of the British farmers, so it had to be destroyed.
But it was not the only one against towards such arguments were used. The native Tasmanians, hunter-gatherers and as such percieved as "lower" in the "evolutionary scale" (which, as a biologist, I can tell you is a non-sensical concept, there is no such thing as an evolutionary scale), were also considered "destined towards extinction", and the British colonists did their best to accomplish that. sometimes quite literally hunted as the British colonial goverment offered bounties for them. I will spare the most gruesome details, but it was a concerted attempt to wipe out an entire people from the face of the Earth, and they very nearly did it. Few other empires in modern times can be claim to be as 'successful' in genocide as the British.
As an added insult, as a last spit on the face, there was also this:
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"To see the ladder of evolution from fish to humans, you didn't have to visit the American Museum of Natural History; the same racism in a lab coat appeared on book covers, too. William King Gregory criticized his old mentor, Henry Fairfield Osborn, for "pithecophobia" — a fear of apes and monkeys in the human family tree. But Gregory (like many people) shared Osborn's views of race. This dust jacket includes six stylized faces and one real one. The Tasmanian face, apparently not quite human in Gregory's view, is from a 19th-century photograph of a woman who may have been the last remaining member of Tasmania's native population. Her name was Trucanini, and at the time her picture was taken, she was one of just five survivors in what could be termed an internment camp, established by the British. All of her companions were so ill that they would soon die. Trucanini died in 1876."
(from Strange Science: The Rocky Road to Modern Paleontology)
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pawtrolling · 1 month
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🐶💬 hi guys, here you can find all my moodboards, outfitboards, dni banners & other stuff! 🐾
☆ request rules ; last updated 5.09.24 ; pt. 2
outfit boards
paleontology, fantasy, astronaut, super mario, pastel pink/blue, zoo trip, sam porter bridges, kris (deltarune), sheep, my own aesthetic, gummy goo, periwinkle (pixie hollow), summer camp, sky, lop bunny, skipper (barbie), emo, invader zim, sackboy, muffin (bluey), wild west, orange kitten, prep school, pikachu, rabbids luigi, horseland, pastel bunny, aquarium trip, clumber spaniel, whimsigoth puppy
dni banners
raph & leo (tmnt), socks (bluey), leorio, jolteon, pastel precious moments, funfetti, cottage core, puppy, 2000s summer, my melody/charmmy kitty, miya chinen, sundrop, adventure time
tinkerbell, petterson und findus, neon arcade, vidia, marshmallow, ugandan childhood, yellow, dinosaurs, dipper pines, lab puppy, stars, fish, poodle, bluey + rainbow dash, lynette guycott, seals, nick jr logo, cloud e sky, clown, mitsuba sousuke, wind waker link, australian shepherd, soft things, huey, dewey, louie, webby, winnie pooh, raccoon + cat, crows, horrid henry, siblings, hilda, cardamon (bee & puppycat), david (hilda)
specter (ape escape)
cg moodboards
silvermist (pixie hollow), cyde-6, lord shaxx, joel miller, joel miller (game), della duck, donald duck, fox mulder, goose (top gun)
paci edits
nana, sunday (hsr), entrapta, coraline
plushie tag, tech gadgets
editing questions and tutorials
how i make outfit boards, removing text box, how to install fonts, how i make dni banners
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