#palazzo designs 2022
immemorymag · 2 months
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Matteo Capone was born in Rome in 1997. In 2020 he graduated in Photography at the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) in Rome. In 2022 he attended the Master's degree in Contemporary Photojournalism at Officine Fotografie and he was selected by the Fondazione Studio Marangoni for the "Note di Lavoro" workshop. In 2023 he collaborated with Contrasto, he participated in the Romagna Tin Bòta fundraising and he inaugurated his first solo show in the Rome Leica Store Gallery. His research focuses on environmental issues, touching on multiple facets that emerge between human activity and the territory. His work has been published and exhibited in magazines (Repubblica, National Geographic Italia, Artribune, Perimetro), festivals (IMP Festival, Format Festival, Photometria Festival, Sifest) and international galleries (Palazzo Ducale, PH21 Gallery, Kommunale Galerie, Forum Austriaco di Cultura).
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Olafur Eliasson: ‘Nel tuo tempo’, (IEnglish catalogue cover), Edited by Arturo Galansino, Concept by Olafur Eliasson, Copy editing by Kim Scott, Designed by Martin Stoecklin and Melina Wilson, Marsilio Arte, Marsilio Editori, Venezia, 2022 [Exhibition: Curated by Arturo Galansino, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze, September 22, 2022 – January 22, 2023] [Fonts In Use]
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Maria Mulas Milano, Ritratti di fine '900
A cura di Andrea Tomasetig
Testi di Andrea Tomasetig, Paolo Fallai, Stefano Salis, Patrizia Zappa Mulas
Allemandi, Torino 2022, 192 pagine, 89 ilustrazioni, 20x29 cm, Inglese e Italiano, ISBN 9788842225812
euro 25,00
email if you want to buy : [email protected]
Il catalogo, edito in occasione della personale di Maria Mulas a Palazzo Reale a Milano, documenta il percorso di una protagonista della storia della fotografia che, con i suoi scatti, ha mostrato come nessun altro il volto del mondo artistico e culturale milanese, italiano e internazionale.
Gli anni settanta, ottanta e novanta sono per Maria Mulas una girandola di incontri, fra le Biennali veneziane e la Documenta di Kassel, allestimenti e inaugurazioni di mostre, presentazioni di libri, feste e reportage in giro per il mondo. Il suo luogo d’osservazione privilegiato è sempre Milano, città cosmopolita che, come un magnete, accoglie e integra le varie provenienze regionali e straniere, ed è in quegli anni uno straordinario laboratorio di creatività e modernità.
Maria Mulas ha ritratto artisti, galleristi, critici, designer, architetti, scrittori, editori, giornalisti, stilisti, registi, attori, intellettuali, imprenditori, amici. Un elenco dettagliato ne riporta ben 539, dalla «A» di Claudio Abbado alla «Z» di Franco Zeffirelli. Il catalogo Allemandi documenta i cento ritratti esposti nelle sale dell’Appartamento dei Principi di Palazzo Reale, provenienti dalla mostra al Museo Nazionale Slovacco promossa dall’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bratislava. Tra le pagine, i volti di: Giorgio Armani, Gae Aulenti, Joseph Beuys, Umberto Eco, Inge Feltrinelli, Dario Fo, Carla Fracci, Allen Ginsberg, Krizia, Marcello Mastroianni, i Missoni, Bruno Munari, Fernanda Pivano, Giò Ponti, Miuccia Prada, Giorgio Strehler, Arturo Schwarz, Ornella Vanoni, Lea Vergine, Gianni Versace, Andy Warhol.
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co-arch · 2 years
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Progetto di un coworking al piano mezzanino di un edificio del Settecento in centro a Verona. Ci troviamo proprio di fronte alla Casa di Giulietta in via Cappello a Verona. Lo stabile, Palazzo Negri è uno palazzo settecentesco nel cuore della città, lo spazio coworking è nel piano ammezzato e si affaccia sul cortile interno. La richiesta dei committenti è stata di farne uno spazio per il coworking con scrivanie in condivisione, con alcuni uffici privati e una sala riunioni con uno stile informale e semplice. Lo stato di fatto si presentava al grezzo, senza impianti, l’interno presenta volti e travi in legno di grandi dimensioni, le aperture sono grandi archi vetrati e si affacciano sul cortile interno. Il primo lavoro è stato di sottrazione: eliminando dalle superfici tutte le aggiunte, gli intonaci, le pitture, i controsoffitti e i pavimenti che si erano accumulate negli anni, per riportare lo spazio alla situazione di partenza, lasciando a vista le travi. Le travi sono state ripulite e trattate una ad una a cera, mentre per le pareti e i soffitti abbiamo usato intonachino a base d’argilla con finitura bianco caldo. Le nuove pareti divisorie sono state pensate con una struttura leggere e funzionale realizzata con telai di legno di betulla e policarbonato rigato per lasciare passare più luce possibile senza perdere la privacy. Sono state realizzate su disegno di co.arch da Rabatto una falegnameria, tutta veronese, che si è specializzata nella realizzazione di arredi custom made. Come rivestimento a pavimento, avendo pochissimo spessore a disposizione, è stato scelto un tappeto vinilico, con un pattern puntinato IQ Tarkett surface in modo da creare una superficie omogenea e continua con un motivo divertente che ricorda la graniglia tipica dei palazzi veneti. I tavoli sono stati progettati e realizzati insieme a Reverse, hanno struttura metallica verniciata nera e piano in legno multistrato di betulla chiara. Le luci sono integrate nei soffitti, che sono stati interamente recuperati e sono sottili profili led talvolta appesi talvolta inserite tra le travi in legno. Arredi / Furnishing Pareti divisorie / RABATTO Verona Tavoli in metallo e legno di betulla / REVERSE Verona Tavolini SM22 disegno di co.arch studio Materiali IQ Surface di Tarkett design by Note design Studio Luci / Lights FLOS Taccia Lamp di Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, per FLOS Wall lamp TEN by FARO Barcellona Architetti co.arch studio / Giulia Urciuoli e Andrea Pezzoli https://www.coarchstudio.it/ https://www.instagram.com/co.arch.studio/ Photos by Diambra Mariani https://www.diambramariani.it/ on Tarkett website https://professional.tarkett.it/it_IT/node/mezzanine-spazio-coworking-a-verona-15770 on Archiportale https://www.archiportale.com/news/2022/03/case-interni/mezzanine-il-coworking-nel-centro-di-verona_87510_53.html
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volghan · 8 months
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jovialevents12 · 8 months
Top Wedding Planner Services in Dubai You Need to Know
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, here are some top wedding planner services in Dubai known for their expertise in curating extraordinary weddings:
Couture Events: Renowned for their luxury weddings, Couture Events specializes in creating opulent and elegant wedding experiences tailored to their clients' desires.
The Wedding Haven: Known for its meticulous attention to detail, The Wedding Haven offers comprehensive wedding planning services, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience for couples.
Carousel Events: Carousel Events is recognized for its creativity and ability to design stunning weddings. They offer full-service planning, catering to various cultural traditions and preferences.
Eventchic Designs: Eventchic Designs specializes in creating stylish and sophisticated weddings, focusing on unique design elements and meticulous planning for a memorable celebration.
Carousel Wedding Design: This wedding planning company is known for its expertise in designing lavish and visually stunning weddings, incorporating innovative concepts and personalized touches.
Palazzo Events: Palazzo Events offers personalized wedding planning services, crafting bespoke weddings with attention to detail and providing a seamless planning process.
Cloud Nine Weddings: Known for creating dream weddings, Cloud Nine Weddings provides personalized services and specializes in executing grand and luxurious celebrations.
Fairy Tale Wedding: As the name suggests, Fairy Tale Wedding specializes in creating magical and romantic weddings, focusing on bringing their clients' fairytale visions to life.
The Purple Chair: The Purple Chair is known for its creativity in event design and planning. They specialize in crafting unique and memorable weddings with a personalized touch.
La Table Events: La Table Events offers full-service wedding planning with a focus on elegant and sophisticated designs, providing a seamless and stress-free planning experience.
These wedding planning services in Dubai have gained recognition for their expertise, attention to detail, and ability to create exquisite and personalized wedding experiences. It's advisable to conduct updated research or directly contact these planners for their current services, portfolios, and client testimonials, as the industry may have evolved since my last update.
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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The Palazzo/The Venetian Las Vegas (No. 2)
The Venetian Las Vegas is a luxury hotel and casino resort located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, United States. It is owned by Vici Properties and operated by Apollo Global Management. It was developed by businessman Sheldon Adelson through his company, Las Vegas Sands. The Venetian was built on the former site of the Sands Hotel and Casino, which was closed and demolished in 1996.
Construction on the Venetian began in April 1997, and the resort opened on May 4, 1999. Some amenities had yet to be finished, with construction continuing until the end of the year. Subcontractors later filed mechanic's liens against the resort for unpaid work, leading to lengthy litigation. The Venetian also feuded with the Culinary Workers Union regarding Adelson's decision to open the property as a non-union resort.
The Venetian was designed by Stubbins Associates and Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo. The resort is themed after Venice and has replicas of numerous landmarks from the city, including a canal with gondola rides. The Venetian includes a 120,000 sq ft (11,000 m2) casino and opened with 3,036 suites in a 35-story tower. A 12-story tower, the Venezia, was completed in 2003, bringing the room count to 4,049. The Palazzo, a sister property with its own hotel and casino, opened north of the Venetian in 2007. If considered as a single property, the Venetian-Palazzo complex ranks as the second-largest hotel in the world, with approximately 7,100 rooms.
The Venetian was built to accommodate convention-goers in particular, as Adelson felt that this demographic was underserved in Las Vegas. The resort includes its own meeting space, as well as the adjoining Venetian Expo. The property also includes the Grand Canal Shoppes, and was home to the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum from 2001 to 2008. The Venetian has several performance venues, which have hosted entertainment such as the Blue Man Group (2005–2012), Phantom: The Las Vegas Spectacular (2006–2012), and Human Nature (2013–2020). A sphere-shaped venue and arena, known as simply Sphere, opened in September 2023.
By the end of 2020, Las Vegas Sands sought to focus on its Macau properties, which include The Venetian Macao. In February 2022, Apollo Global Management acquired the operations of the Venetian, Palazzo, and Venetian Expo for $2.25 billion, while Vici Properties purchased the land beneath the facilities for $4 billion.
Source: Wikipedia
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Il light painting di Roywang alla MA-EC Gallery per la 18 edizione del Milano Photofestival
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Il light painting di Roywang alla MA-EC Gallery per la 18 edizione del Milano Photofestival. Entusiasmo e coinvolgimento del pubblico alla performance di light painting di Roywang che è stata protagonista della mostra fotografica Focus. My society and me. Roywang (Sibo Wang) durante l’opening presso la MA-EC Gallery ha realizzato una performance interattiva con gli altri artisti e con il pubblico, un’opera di light painting la cui registrazione verrà proposta nelle prossime mostre dell’artista sia in Cina sia in altri Paesi. Detentore del Guinness World Record per il più grande light painting, consulente e rappresentante cinese di LPWA (Light Painting World Alliance), rappresentante di IAA China, Roywang ha al suo attivo numerose mostre a Oviedo, Parigi, Hong Kong, Pechino, Casablanca, New Delhi, e ha vinto prestigiosi premi, tra cui nel 2022 il First Prize of Intangible Cultural Heritage IP Design Competition Area of the 6th. Mentougou Cultural and Creative Competition, Gold Prize of H.C. Andersen Art Awards, Artistic Contribution Award of Luxembourg International Art Award, e nel 2021 il Guinness World Records World's Largest Light Painting Pattern 2021.586 sqm, "Light Tianzhu", 118th Rotating Mayor of Wanda Town, Danzhai, Guizhou. Il Light painting di Roywang è caratterizzato dallo stile della mitologia cinese. Usa la luce come pennello, la notte come tenda e utilizza il vuoto. La serie di animali mitologici si ispira all'antica letteratura cinese "Shan Hai Jing". Attraverso la tecnica del light painting, l’artista disegna antichi animali in stile realistico che si integrano con le scene di strade urbane in spazi architettonici contemporanei. Unendo le città di oggi con la cultura tradizionale lontana, esprime il romanticismo cinese. La performance è stata molto apprezzata dai numerosi ospiti dell’opening della mostra Focus My society and me, inserita nel programma ufficiale della 18° edizione del Milano Photofestival, che sarà visitabile alla MA-EC Gallery fino al 15 ottobre. Il progetto espositivo vede dialogare 20 artisti internazionali che propongono fotografie e video negli eleganti spazi del Palazzo Durini. Di Roywang in mostra sarà possibile vedere un video con le performance di light painting da lui realizzate negli ultimi anni. Focus. My society and me vuole evidenziare la funzione civile e sociale della fotografia, insostituibile mezzo di informazione da cui partire per fare delle analisi più approfondite. Il fotografo sa cogliere quell’attimo irripetibile che può diventare spunto di riflessione, suscitare reazioni, contrasti, incitare lo spettatore a prendere coscienza di una situazione, di un momento storico e magari far scattare quel desiderio di aderire ad una causa, di risvegliare la coscienza o anche soltanto di comprendere il messaggio. Coordinate mostra: Titolo: Focus. My society and me Sede: MA-EC Gallery, Palazzo Durini, Via Santa Maria Valle, 2, Milano Date: fino al 15 ottobre 2023 martedì-venerdì ore 10-13 e 15-19, sabato ore 15-19 Info: [email protected] La mostra Focus. My society and me è inserita nel programma della 18a edizione di Photofestival, la rassegna di fotografia d’autore che dal 15 settembre al 31 ottobre 2023 propone un ricco programma di mostre e altre iniziative diffuse sul territorio metropolitano di Milano e in alcune province lombarde, per promuovere la cultura dell’immagine (milanophotofestival.it). Con questa mostra MA-EC Gallery aderisce anche alla 19° Giornata del contemporaneo AMACI di sabato 7 ottobre 2023.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Opening today:
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A Haunting in Venice--Kenneth Branagh returns as Hercule Poirot in this gothic, which he also directed. It's 1947 here, and the vain, dapper sleuth with the elaborate mustache has retired from detective work in gradually reviving postwar Venice. He's pulled back into the game by his old acquaintance, mystery novelist Ariadne Oliver (Tina Fey), who asks him to debunk, if he can, a supposed clairvoyant (Michelle Yeoh) at a seance after a Halloween party in a beautiful but decaying palazzo.
The seance is intended to conjure the ghost of the daughter of the opera singer hostess (Kelly Reilly), drowned the previous year, but the palazzo has a sinister history beyond this; it's supposedly cursed and haunted. The nonbelieving Poirot naturally is buying none of it, but his skepticism is rattled by the unsettling events of the evening, which include an attempt on his own life.
This is Branagh's third lavish outing as Agatha Christie's elegant gumshoe, after Murder on the Orient Express in 2017 and Death on the Nile in 2022, all three of them scripted by Michael Green. Though Green borrows a few memorable elements from Christie's unusually nasty 1969 novel Hallowe'en Party, Haunting is essentially an original tale; in his amusing preface to the tie-in paperback re-issue of Hallowe'en Party (published under the movie's title), Green preemptively braces himself for the lambasting he's expecting from the hardcore Christie faithful for the movie's liberties.
I've been a Christie reader since high school, and can only say that much as I enjoy her work, I certainly don't regard it as sacred and inviolate. So Green and Branagh's alterations--made with the blessing of the Christie estate--bothered me not in the least. These include changing Ariadne Oliver, Christie's apple-addicted semi-autobiographical alter ego, into an American as a showcase role for Fey, who's a nervy, mischievous hoot and a fine foil for Branagh's sober Poirot. At one point she lets out a scream that could make Fay Wray proud, too.
The rest of the cast--including Reilly, Jamie Dornan,  Riccardo Scamarcio, Camille Cottin, Emma Laird, Ali Khan and Jude Hill, the kid from Branagh's Belfast--all commit to their skulking and lurking and exchanging of pregnant glances, and Yeoh really lets it rip as the medium. The sumptuous, shadowy palazzo setting, designed by John Paul Kelley and shot by Haris Zambarloukos, is properly both beautiful and claustrophobically oppressive.
I'm generally very dense at whodunits, but about three-quarters of the way through A Haunting in Venice, I correctly guessed who the culprit was. Still, there were still plenty of cunning revelations in the story I didn't see coming. I don't think the mystery is as central to this picture, anyway, as the woozy, nightmarish atmosphere. In many ways this film seems to owe less to Christie than to Don't Look Now, Nicolas Roeg's great Venetian fever dream of 1973.
Despite the sly, enjoyable old dark house trappings, Branagh and Green decline to tip the material into overt camp. Green's literate dialogue--there's even a quick throwaway cribbing from Love's Labor's Lost--allows Branagh to deepen Poirot's response to the situation into a faith-versus-reason internal conflict, without letting the movie slide the other way into pretentiousness. I found Branagh's performance moving; he presents a convincing long dark night of the soul.
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
A Haunting in Venice Review: A Poirot Sequel That Treads the Shadows
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Kenneth Branagh's portrayal of Agatha Christie's iconic Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot, has been a mixed bag for fans and critics alike. With A Haunting in Venice, Branagh reprises his role for the third time, following Murder on the Orient Express (2017) and Death on the Nile (2022). This time, Poirot finds himself drawn into a chilling and mysterious tale set against the eerie backdrop of Venice during Halloween. While the film offers a visually captivating experience and a commendable performance from Branagh, it struggles to fully engage viewers due to its convoluted plot and an overabundance of characters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEddsSwweyE The film finds Poirot, now retired and living in self-imposed exile in Venice, reluctantly attending a Halloween séance at a decaying and haunted palazzo. This setting immediately establishes a dark and atmospheric tone that sets the stage for the story to unfold. As the séance begins, the guests are introduced, each with their own secrets and quirks. Kyle Allen plays Maxime Gerard, Camille Cottin is Olga Seminoff, a mysterious Russian woman; Jamie Dornan portrays Dr. Leslie Ferrier, a psychiatrist with a troubled past; and Tina Fey takes on the role of Ariadne Oliver, a crime novelist and friend of Poirot. The Good: Branagh, as Poirot, is once again a highlight of the film. His portrayal of the detective is both charming and enigmatic, capturing the essence of Christie's character. Poirot's meticulous attention to detail, impeccable fashion sense, and distinctive mustache are all on full display. Branagh's performance, with his eloquent Belgian accent and sharp wit, is a testament to his commitment to the role. The film's strengths lie in its visual presentation. Venice serves as a stunning and haunting backdrop for the unfolding mystery. Cinematographer Haris Zambarloukos expertly captures the city's unique atmosphere, with its winding canals, decaying palazzos, and dimly lit alleyways. The production design, costume design, and makeup teams deserve praise for their efforts in creating a visually captivating world. The film's use of Halloween decorations and eerie lighting adds to the overall sense of foreboding, making it a perfect choice for a Halloween-themed thriller. The ensemble cast is generally strong, with each actor delivering solid performances. Kyle Allen's portrayal of Maxime Gerard is particularly intriguing, as he exudes an air of mystery that keeps the audience guessing about his true intentions. Camille Cottin brings a sense of elegance and intrigue to Olga Seminoff, and her chemistry with Branagh's Poirot is palpable. Jamie Dornan offers a brooding and complex Dr. Leslie Ferrier, and Tina Fey brings a touch of humor and eccentricity to the character of Ariadne Oliver. Additionally, the film explores deeper themes, such as guilt, redemption, and the consequences of one's actions. These themes add depth to the characters and provide some thought-provoking moments amidst the mystery. However, these elements are not fully developed and could have been explored more thoroughly to enhance the overall narrative. The Bad: Where A Haunting in Venice falters is in its narrative execution. The film's plot becomes increasingly convoluted as more secrets and motives are revealed. The large ensemble of characters, each with their own subplots, makes it challenging to keep track of who's who and what they're up to. While complexity is a hallmark of Christie's mysteries, the film struggles to strike the right balance between intrigue and confusion. As a result, some viewers may find themselves lost in the labyrinthine plot, unable to fully immerse themselves in the mystery. The pacing of the film is also uneven, with stretches of slow buildup punctuated by bursts of action and revelation. While the slow-burning tension works well in creating a sense of unease, it occasionally feels drawn out, testing the patience of the audience. Some viewers may find themselves wishing for a more streamlined and focused narrative. Furthermore, the resolution of the mystery may leave some viewers feeling unsatisfied. Without giving away any spoilers, it's fair to say that the climax and the ultimate reveal lack the impact and cleverness that one would expect from an Agatha Christie adaptation. The resolution feels rushed and somewhat contrived, as if the film is more interested in wrapping things up neatly than in delivering a satisfying and logical conclusion. In terms of the film's connection to Death on the Nile, A Haunting in Venice does reference events from the previous film, particularly Poirot's emotional state. However, these connections are more superficial and do not significantly impact the plot of the new film. Viewers looking for a direct continuation of the story may be somewhat disappointed by the limited integration of these elements. Overall: A Haunting in Venice offers a visually captivating experience with an atmospheric and haunting setting, as well as a commendable performance from Kenneth Branagh as Hercule Poirot. However, the film's convoluted plot and an overabundance of characters make it a challenging and at times frustrating viewing experience. While it may not reach the heights of some previous adaptations of Agatha Christie's works, it still manages to provide an entertaining and stylish mystery for fans of the genre. If you can overlook its narrative shortcomings, it's worth a watch for Branagh's portrayal of the legendary detective and the atmospheric depiction of Venice. Read the full article
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Festival della Letteratura 2023 a Mantova
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Dal 6 al 10 settembre sarà il momento del Festival della letteratura di Mantova che  nella sua 27esima edizione, si appresta ad accogliere oltre 350 autori provenienti da tutto il mondo, protagonisti di un programma denso di iniziative e sempre in linea con i temi più urgenti della contemporaneità. Quest’anno l'appuntamento tocca la storia recente e i cambiamenti sociali in atto, aprendo anche alle arti e coinvolgendo musei e centri di formazione e trovare le parole, più che un orizzonte tematico, quello scelto  come asse portante dal festival sembra assumere quasi i connotati di una sfida. Dopo la scomparsa della scrittrice Michela Murgia, che sarebbe dovuta essere presente a Mantova sabato 9 settembre, nella cornice di Piazza Castello, quell'appuntamento cambia forma e diventa l'occasione celebrare il suo profondo contributo alla letteratura italiana, con Marcello Fois, Alessandro Giammei e Bianca Pitzorno. Dal fitto calendario di  Mantova emergono le proposte legate alla narrativa estera, dalla partecipazione dello scrittore srilankese Shehan Karunatilaka, vincitore del Man Booker Prize 2022, a quella della scrittrice polacca Olga Tokarczuk, autrice di I Vagabondi e vincitrice del Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 2018. Sono attesi anche Guadalupe Nettel, con il suo nuovo libro in anteprima mondiale, Jonathan Coe, Mircea Cărtărescu e molti altri autori, con particolare riguardo per quelli attivi nel subcontinente indiano, olre al pressante dibattito sull’intelligenza artificiale con l’incontro con il neuroscienziato Gerd Gigerenzer, l’esperto di IA Nello Cristianini e lo scrittore e artista James Bridle. Invece l'autrice italiana Chiara Valerio affronta invece il tema della necessità di coltivare un atteggiamento consapevole nei confronti della tecnologia. Da non perdere il tributo a Italo Calvino, nel centenario della nascita, infatti per ricordarlo i game designer di We Are Muësli, hanno progettato Ludmilla, l'escape room ispirata a Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore. Un’attenzione particolare è dedicata all’opera della storica dell’arte e militante femminista Carla Lonzi, ma le arti visive arrivano al festival anche come pratica con Michelangelo Pistoletto, che cucirà un grande stendardo per la pace nel Tempio di San Sebastiano, sancendo il suo ritorno in città dopo due decenni. Alla Casa del Mantegna ci sarà lo spazio dedicato ai bambini fino ai 12 anni con la grande giostra di Girotondo, il percorso-museo realizzato dai dipartimenti didattici di Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Palazzo delle Esposizioni e Triennale Milano. Read the full article
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Olafur Eliasson: ‘Nel tuo tempo’, (Italian catalogue cover), Edited by Arturo Galansino, Concept by Olafur Eliasson, Copy editing by Kim Scott, Designed by Martin Stoecklin and Melina Wilson, Marsilio Arte, Marsilio Editori, Venezia, 2022 [Exhibition: Curated by Arturo Galansino, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze, September 22, 2022 – January 22, 2023] [Fonts In Use]
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Forever Valentino
a cura di Massimiliano Gioni, Alexander Fury
collana Qatar Museum
SilvanaEditoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2023, 260 pagine, 400 illustrazioni, 24,50x33,50 cm, cartonato, inglese, ISBN 9788836654499
euro 90,00
email if you want to buy : [email protected]
This beautiful publication takes you into the heart of the Maison, featuring over 150 looks, ranging from the first collection by Valentino Garavani to the unforgettable show by Pierpaolo Piccioli staged on the Spanish Steps in 2022.
Published to accompany the landmark exhibition in Doha launched in the same year, the book opens with a reimagining of the Maison’s courtyard at the Palazzo Mignanelli, showcasing 34 haute couture creations in Valentino’s signature red. This is followed by a visual journey through nine galleries, with highlights including Capriccio Romana, a homage to cinema and the city’s urban landscape; a focus on gowns designed for Valentino’s divas – Zendaya, Lady Gaga, Anne Hathaway and many more; an immersive runway experience from the Valentino Pink PP collection; and finally a dramatic recreation of the Beginnings show featuring over 60 ensembles by Valentino Garavani and Pierpaolo Piccioli. The exhibition views are complemented by sketches and catwalk shots printed on different paper stocks and transparent sheets, creating a multilayered tactile experience, inspired by Piccioli’s cahiers de défilé (collection notebooks), which were displayed for the first time in the exhibition.
With text by curators Alexander Fury and Massimiliano Gioni, and contributions by renowned fashion writers and editors, this book is a must for followers of the much loved couture house.
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zardozipune · 1 year
IndoWestern Sarees With Embroidered Blouse Backs
Ethnic sarees are among the most versatile fabrics. From parties to family weddings, a saree can be worn at every occasion. One of the coolest Indo western saree draping styles is to drape it like a dress. This technique looks fantastic on chiffon and georgette sarees. A beautiful choice for brides wanting to look timeless on their special day, this gown will complete her elegant ensemble perfectly.
Embroidered Blouse Backs
A classic IndoWestern Sarees is an integral component of Indian women's attire, exuding elegance, sophistication, and grace. It makes an excellent outfit choice for day wedding ceremonies like mehendi, haldi and kitty parties - be sure to opt for one designed by Isha Gupta Tayal with an embroidered blouse back for added flair!This coffee brown pre-draped saree features intricate thread embroidered work featuring sequins. To complete the ensemble is a matching blouse in satin fabric embroidered in brown colors as well. The trendy embroidered crop top is designed for wearing over cigarette pants or saree, featuring an eye-catching sleeve design that shows just enough skin to add to your sensuous appearance. Team this top with long skirt and show your retro or pop music flair at Sangeet ceremonies!
Lace Blouse Backs
Blouses with lace backs have quickly become fashionable, pairing well with both lehengas and sarees. They add an air of femininity that works great for day parties or wedding reception parties alike. You could opt for classy Rajput-influenced angarakha styles or modern ones with embroidery, laces or frills on their backs for day parties or reception parties. Bohemian lovers will adore this embroidered full-sleeved lace blouse with its defined flat neckline and flapping hands - ideal for creating the bohemian aesthetic. Pair it with Kerala, Tussar silk or Jute sarees to complete your look! Another exquisite option is this gorgeous kundan and sequined blouse featuring a deep pot neck in front and net neck at back, and featuring both. Pair this beauty with any plain net or shimmery saree, and you're bound to draw plenty of compliments - or opt for something simpler like a short-sleeved crop top instead for maximum impact!
Velvet Blouse Backs
Enhance the drama of your Sangeet IndoWestern Sarees look by pairing it with a black blouse featuring intricate gold brocade work on its sleeves and Latkans around its neckline, such as Latkans on its collarbone or red bordered flared cape-style flared sleeve blouse. This combination will look breathtaking! An elegant bubblegum pink blouse that effortlessly slips off your shoulder adds flair to any wedding reception outfit. Additionally, denim blouses with floral designs provide an authentic Bollywood flair. For parties, try opting for a backless blouse in the same shade of your saree or lehenga. Blouses in contrasting colors also look gorgeous at night parties; embellishments such as tassels and fringes add flair. Tassels, fringes and other embellishments complete your look; these blouses should definitely be part of your wardrobe and can pair beautifully with palazzo pants, dhoti pants and other bottoms to complete a trendy style look!
Printed Blouse Backs
Even an ordinary blouse can become luxurious when featuring unique back details, like this black saree blouse featuring an eye-catching long bow tail feature at its rear and elegant frill details on its elbow-length sleeves. For an effortless yet classy party look, shop this black onyx pre-stitched draped saree featuring an embroideries silk blouse paired with pleated pallu pleatings - ideal for engagement parties! Make an impressionful statement at your next engagement party. 2022 has seen the trend of embroidered blouses featuring distinctive back designs become fashionable. You can use such blouses to enhance any saree at wedding functions and receptions; pair it with an oxidised silver necklace for additional appeal; wear red-and-gold embroidered lehenga or royal blue silk saree and add on an exquisite gold blouse for an exquisite combination.
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latribune · 1 year
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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The Palazzo/The Venetian Las Vegas (No. 1)
The Palazzo (also called The Palazzo at The Venetian) is a luxury hotel and casino resort located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. The Palazzo is part of a larger complex (operated as one hotel) comprising the adjoining Venetian resort and Venetian Expo, all of which are owned by Vici Properties and operated by Apollo Global Management. The complex ranks as the second largest hotel in the world.
The Palazzo was developed by Las Vegas Sands as a sister property to its Venetian resort, opened in 1999. Construction on the Palazzo began in September 2004, and the resort began a phased opening on December 30, 2007. The $1.9 billion property features an Italian theme, and includes a 105,000 sq ft (9,800 m2) casino, 3,066 suites in a 50-story tower, the 875,000 sq ft (81,300 m2) Grand Canal Shoppes, and an 1,800-seat performance theater. The resort was designed as a green building by HKS Architects. In 2008, it earned Silver LEED certification from the U.S. Green Building Council, becoming the largest LEED-certified building in the world. It was sold to Apollo Global Management and Vici Properties in 2022.
The Palazzo is a sister property to The Venetian, located directly south. Both were developed by businessman Sheldon Adelson through his company Las Vegas Sands. The Venetian opened in 1999, and Adelson planned to begin construction later that year on a second resort, known then as Lido, named after Lido di Venezia.
Source: Wikipedia
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