#palais du belvedere
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loeilenchambre · 2 years ago
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latribune · 8 months ago
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omagazineparis · 8 months ago
Les endroits les plus étonnants à visiter en Europe
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L'Europe, un continent riche en histoire, culture et paysages époustouflants, offre une multitude de destinations qui émerveillent et inspirent. Voici une sélection des endroits les plus étonnants à visiter en Europe, chacun offrant une expérience unique et inoubliable. La magie de l'Aurora Borealis en Islande L'Islande, terre de feu et de glace, est célèbre pour ses paysages lunaires, ses volcans actifs et ses sources chaudes naturelles. Mais c'est la possibilité d'observer l'Aurora Borealis, ou les aurores boréales, qui la rend véritablement magique. Ces lumières dansantes dans le ciel nocturne, résultant des interactions entre les particules solaires et l'atmosphère terrestre, offrent un spectacle à couper le souffle. La splendeur architecturale de Prague, République Tchèque Prague, la capitale de la République Tchèque, est un véritable joyau architectural. De la majestueuse horloge astronomique de la Vieille Ville à l'impressionnant Château de Prague, chaque coin de rue révèle un aspect de son riche passé historique et culturel. Les ponts qui enjambent la Vltava, surtout le célèbre Pont Charles, offrent une vue pittoresque de la ville. Les merveilles naturelles des fjords Norvégiens La Norvège est renommée pour ses fjords spectaculaires, ces longues étendues d'eau entourées de montagnes abruptes et de forêts verdoyantes. Des destinations comme le Geirangerfjord et le Nærøyfjord, classés au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, sont des exemples parfaits de cette beauté naturelle saisissante. L'élégance intemporelle de Paris, France Paris, surnommée la "Ville Lumière", est célèbre pour son art, sa mode et sa gastronomie. Des monuments emblématiques tels que la Tour Eiffel, le Musée du Louvre et la Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris ne sont que quelques-uns des trésors que cette ville a à offrir. Flânez le long de la Seine, visitez les petits cafés et les boutiques de créateurs pour saisir l'essence même de l'élégance parisienne. La diversité culturelle de Barcelone, Espagne Barcelone est un mélange vibrant de culture moderne et d'héritage historique. Les œuvres de l'architecte Antoni Gaudí, comme la Sagrada Família et le Parc Güell, sont de véritables chefs-d'œuvre. La ville est également connue pour ses plages, sa vie nocturne animée et sa délicieuse cuisine catalane. La sérénité des îles grecques Les îles grecques, avec leur eau turquoise, leurs plages de sable blanc et leurs villages pittoresques, sont l'incarnation de la sérénité. Des destinations comme Santorin, avec ses maisons blanches et ses toits bleus, ou la riche histoire de Crète, offrent une escapade parfaite pour ceux qui cherchent à se détendre et à s'évader. Le charme médiéval de Bruges, Belgique Bruges, souvent décrite comme une ville sortie d'un conte de fées, est célèbre pour ses canaux pittoresques et son architecture médiévale préservée. Promenez-vous dans ses ruelles pavées, admirez ses bâtiments historiques et ne manquez pas de goûter aux célèbres chocolats belges. La grandeur impériale de Vienne, Autriche Vienne, la capitale de l'Autriche, est connue pour son patrimoine impérial et sa riche tradition musicale. Visitez le palais de Schönbrunn, explorez les œuvres de Klimt à la Belvedere, ou profitez d'un opéra dans l'un des nombreux théâtres historiques de la ville. La beauté cachée des alpes Slovènes La Slovénie, souvent négligée sur la carte touristique européenne, est un trésor caché. Ses Alpes juliennes offrent des paysages époustouflants, parfaits pour la randonnée, le cyclisme ou le ski. Le Lac de Bled, avec son île pittoresque et son château médiéval, est particulièrement enchanteur. A lire : Les randonnées à faire en Corse L'histoire vivante de Rome, Italie Rome, la "Ville Éternelle", est un musée à ciel ouvert. De l'imposant Colisée aux ruines du Forum Romain, en passant par la cité du Vatican, chaque pas dans cette ville est un voyage à travers l'histoire. En conclusion, l'Europe est un continent aux multiples facettes, offrant une diversité d'expériences et de paysages. Chacune de ces destinations promet des souvenirs impérissables et la chance de découvrir les richesses culturelles, historiques et naturelles de ce continent extraordinaire. Read the full article
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stuyfssportverhalen · 3 years ago
Tunis 1934, Young Perez rechts, tegen Panama Al Brown. De dagen dat Frankie Genare zijn zegeningen telde als wereldkampioen bij de vlieggewichten, waren op de vingers van één hand te tellen. Niet veel later, stond in het Parijse Palais des Sports z’n uitdager Victor Young Perez op scherp. Young Perez een joodse bokser afkomstig uit Tunis, sloopte met jeugdige overmoed, de eenendertigjarige…
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mikauzoran · 4 years ago
Lukadrien: Your Hands Hold Home: Chapter Five
Read it on AO3: Your Hands Hold Home: Chapter Five: Song of the City
“We should go out,” Luka remarked as they cleaned up after family breakfast.
Adrien’s eyes went wide, and a faint blush spilled across his cheeks as he stared at Luka in shock.
Juleka dropped the bowl she had been drying, and Rose began to bounce up and down in excitement.
“My ship!” she squealed. “My ship is sailing!”
“What?!” Luka choked, whipping his head back and forth between Rose and Adrien.
With a wince, Luka waved his hands, desperately trying to do damage control. “No. No. Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Oh,” Adrien replied hollowly, locking down all emotion so that his disappointment wouldn’t show.
“My ship,” Rose whimpered as actual tears started to bead in the corners of her eyes.
Juleka sighed, rolling her eyes and shooting Luka a pointed glare behind Adrien’s back as she came around the counter to comfort her distraught girlfriend.
“Sorry,” Luka repeated. “I just meant…we should go somewhere today. Just for fun. Not for errands or anything.”
Adrien nodded, putting on a smile and mentally consoling himself that at least he’d still be spending time with Luka.
“I’d like that,�� he agreed easily.
 An hour later found them at the Jardin du Palais Royal.
“I only ever got to come here for photoshoots,” Adrien explained as they made their way to the inner courtyard, passing by an art installation known as Buren’s Columns.
“I always wanted to come back and climb on those things,” he chuckled, gesturing to the dozens of black-and-white-striped pillars of varying heights lining the courtyard.
“Well, we’re here now. Why don’t you go climb on them?” Luka suggested with a chuckle.
Adrien stopped mid-step and looked askance at Luka, trying to judge whether he were joking. “…May I?”
“You don’t need my permission,” Luka gently informed. “You’re an adult; no one’s going to stop you.”
Adrien blinked and looked conflicted about this fact for a moment.
Suddenly, Luka remembered that, up until two weeks ago, Adrien had needed permission to do something as simple as goof off like any other teen.
Adrien’s unease only lasted a handful of seconds before he summarily shrugged it off and raced towards a meter-high column, scaling it with facility.
He laughed as he hopped from the shorter column to a pillar that was almost as tall as Adrien himself. He looked back at Luka with a bright smile that made his peridot eyes twinkle.
Luka’s heart did a backflip as he savored this moment of pure joy.
He wanted to make more opportunities like this for Adrien. He wanted to enable Adrien to smile without inhibitions all the time.
“You look like a statue up on a pedestal,” Luka chuckled, pulling out his phone. “Smile, Angel.”
Adrien laughed again, just as Luka snapped the picture that was definitely going to be Luka’s new background.
“Here’s a pose for you,” Adrien snickered as he positioned himself like Michelangelo’s David.
He next performed the Apollo Belvedere and the Nike of Samothrace.
“I’m actually not sure what to do with my arms here,” he chuckled as he attempted the Venus de Milo.
“It is a little hard when the arms are missing off the source material,” Luka commiserated, taking a picture as Adrien positioned his arms over his chest as if he were covering himself.
Still beaming, Adrien climbed down off of the column, proclaiming, “Best photoshoot ever.”
“You’re done already?” Luka hummed, following Adrien as he resumed their course towards the garden.
“I can always come back later, now that I don’t have to ask anyone’s permission,” Adrien reasoned, giving Luka’s arm a playful tug. “Besides, there are a lot of other things I want to see like the flowers and the little canon and the shops and the fountain.”
“Lead the way,” Luka encouraged, content to follow.
Adrien’s enthusiasm for everything made even the square-shaped trees and the benches which Luka had seen hundreds of times interesting again.
 They strolled leisurely around the courtyard for almost an hour, stopping frequently so Adrien could get a closer look at every random little thing that caught his eye.
It was the most fun Luka had ever had at that park.
They made a loop around the garden, and when they were almost back at the entrance, Adrien took Luka by the hand and guided him over to the path shaded by rows of manicured, equidistantly-spaced trees.
“I want to sit down for a bit,” Adrien explained, leading Luka to one of the sets of Les Confidents chairs.
The chairs were the same rich green as the rest of the metal chairs in most of the major parks in Paris, but instead of being individual chairs, Les Confidents were paired. The two chairs faced one another but were positioned just cattycorner of one another with a shared armrest fusing them together.
On the backs of the chairs were excerpts from poems cut into the metal.
“Have you heard of these?” Adrien asked as he took a seat in the chair that read, “Je marche à toi, Je titube à toi, Je meurs de toi. Gaston MIRON”.
Luka shook his head, coming around to sit in the partner chair.
“They’re an art installation,” Adrien explained, pointing to the hidden headphone jack in the center of the shared armrest. “If you plug in your headphones, it reads poetry to you.”
With a warm smile, Luka pulled out his earbuds, offering one to Adrien. “Did you want to listen?”
Adrien immediately perked up, and Luka had to hold in a laugh. “Can we?”
“Sure. Why not?” Luka chuckled. “I like poetry. It’s like song lyrics without the music. I like coming up with melodies for poems when I read them.”
“I’ve never thought to do that before,” Adrien hummed thoughtfully. “…I’ve wanted to come here and do this for a long time,” he confessed, sliding the earbud into place and settling back into his chair. “I wanted to bring a date here and sit in these chairs and listen to poetry while holding hands,” he whispered, afraid to give voice to the desire, afraid of being laughed at and called a silly romantic.
“That’s a really sweet idea,” Luka replied earnestly, catching Adrien by surprise.
“You think so?” he breathed.
Luka nodded.
A diamond-like grin formed on Adrien’s lips, and he couldn’t suppress it or the blush that accompanied it. “I was worried people would think it was dumb. I’m kind of over-the-top when it comes to romance.”
“It’s endearing,” Luka assured, plugging in the headphones.
Adrien closed his eyes as Gaston Miron’s La Marche à l’Amour started. He kept his hands in his lap, not brave enough to risk putting his arm on the armrest and making an attempt to hold Luka’s hand.
Meanwhile, Luka kept his eyes open, taking advantage of the opportunity to freely study Adrien while his guard was down.
He seemed happy and at peace, and it was a good look on him.
Too often lately, Adrien had been looking like a wilted flower with tired, limp petals. Everything about Adrien seemed to droop more often than not since his father’s arrest.
It was good to see Adrien smiling and carefree again. Even better was the fact that Luka had been the one to make it happen.
“…He’s a little intense,” Luka assessed as the poem came to an end. “I liked it. It was very clear, expressive imagery, but…maybe a little too overdramatic.”
“Love’s like that,” Adrien hummed softly, basking in the moment and not bothering to open his eyes.
Luka gazed longingly at Adrien, admiring the way the sun filtered through the trees, painting outlines of their leaves on Adrien’s face as he tipped his head back, content and serene and beautiful and unattainable.
“Yeah,” Luka sighed wistfully, heart aching. “You’re right. Love is like that.”
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pollonegro666 · 3 years ago
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Pequeño palacio con un templete en la entrada coronado con una cúpula verde. Las otras dos fotos son del Palacio Polyakov, construido en 1910 donde se celebran recepciones oficiales del gobierno de Ucrania
Small palace with a gazebo at the entrance crowned with a green dome. The other two photos are from the Polyakov Palace, built in 1910 where official Ukrainian government receptions are held
Google Translation into French:
Petit palais avec un belvédère à l'entrée couronné d'un dôme vert. Les deux autres photos proviennent du palais Polyakov, construit en 1910 où se tiennent les réceptions officielles du gouvernement ukrainien
Google Translation into German:
Kleiner Palast mit einem Belvedere am Eingang, gekrönt von einer grünen Kuppel. Die anderen beiden Fotos stammen aus dem 1910 erbauten Poljakow-Palast, in dem die offiziellen Empfänge der ukrainischen Regierung abgehalten werden
Google Translation into Hebrew:
ארמון קטן עם בלוודר בכניסה, עטור כיפה ירוקה. שתי התמונות האחרות הן מארמון פוליאקוב, שנבנה בשנת 1910, שם מתקיימות קבלות הפנים הרשמיות של ממשלת אוקראינה
Google Translation into Hindu:
प्रवेश द्वार पर बेल्वेडियर वाला छोटा महल, जिसके शीर्ष पर हरे रंग का गुंबद है। अन्य दो तस्वीरें 1910 में बने पॉलाकोव पैलेस की हैं, जहां यूक्रेनी सरकार का आधिकारिक स्वागत समारोह आयोजित किया जाता है।
Google Translation into Russian:
Небольшой дворец с бельведером у входа, увенчанный зеленым куполом. Две другие фотографии сделаны из Поляковского дворца, построенного в 1910 году, где проходят официальные приемы украинского правительства
Google Translation into Japanese:
緑のドームで飾られ��、入り口にベルヴェデーレがある小さな宮殿。 他の2枚の写真は1910年に建てられたポリアコフ宮殿からのもので、ウクライナ政府の公式レセプションが開催されています
Google Translation into Korean:
입구에 벨베데레가 있고 녹색 돔으로 장식된 작은 궁전. 다른 두 사진은 우크라이나 정부의 공식 리셉션이 열리는 1910년에 지어진 폴리아코프 궁전에서 찍은 것입니다
Google Translation into Arabic:
قصر صغير عند المدخل بلفيدير تعلوه قبة خضراء. الصورتان الأخريان من قصر بولياكوف ، الذي بني عام 1910 ، حيث تقام حفلات الاستقبال الرسمية للحكومة الأوكرانية
Google Translation into Portuguese:
Palacete com coreto na entrada coroado por uma cúpula verde. As outras duas fotos são do Palácio Polyakov, construído em 1910, onde são realizadas recepções oficiais do governo ucraniano
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taxitoairportserviceit · 4 years ago
In che modo i servizi di taxi in tutto il mondo svolgono un ruolo importante nell'attrarre più turis
Se mai la "fortuna degli irlandesi" è dalla tua parte e ti permette di ritrovarti nella famosa città di Dublino, ci saranno innumerevoli cose da fare e da vedere durante tutto il tuo programma. Non solo questa città ha ereditato la sua incredibile storia, cultura e, beh, alcol. Ma anche gli abitanti di Dublino sono tutti questi personaggi.
Puoi facilmente prenotare un taxi per l'aeroporto di Dublino dopo aver controllato tutte le caselle e aver visitato le principali destinazioni turistiche di Dublino. Per tua comodità, consulta questo elenco.
The Temple Bar
Restaurata Cattedrale
Guinness Storehouse Factory
Old Jameson Distillery
Spire of Dublin
Cattedrale di San Patrizio
Castello di Dublino
Ha'penny Bridge
Christ Church Cathedral
Phoenix Park
Trinity College Library
Avoca Wool Shop e Café
Kilmainham Gaol
Monti Wicklow
Zoo di Dublino
Cliffs of Moher
Mercato delle pulci di Dublino
Glasnevin Museo del cimitero
Giardino botanico nazionale di Dublino
È possibile prenotare un taxi per l'aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino di Roma da qualsiasi punto della città, ma è meglio visitare i posti migliori che fanno un ricordo da amare durante la vita. Quindi, una volta tornato a casa non rimpiangerai nulla.
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 Parigi - La capitale della Francia, conosciuta anche come la "Città dell'amore", con l'edificio più prestigioso, la Torre Eiffel, che rende la visita a Parigi un sogno per ogni coppia innamorata. Se mai ne hai la possibilità e visiti Parigi, non dimenticare di visitare questi luoghi una volta e crea dei ricordi. Lasciati alle spalle le preoccupazioni del viaggio di ritorno, puoi facilmente prenotare un taxi per l'aeroporto di Orly Paris per il tuo volo di ritorno a casa.
Torre Eiffel
Il Louvre
Notre Dame
Arco di Trionfo
Palais Garnier
Jardin des Tuileries
Moulin Rouge
Musee d'Orsay
Saint Germain des Pres
Saint Chapelle
Musee Rodin
Champs Elysees
Crociera sulla Senna
Jardin du Luxembourg
Place de la Concorde
Palais du Luxembourg
Fondazione Louis Vuitton
Les Catacomb de paris
Le Marais
Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise
Centre Pompidou
Hotel Des Invalides
Musee Picasso
Pont Neuf
Pont Alexandre III
Ile de la Cite
Musee Jacquemart-Andre
Quartiere Latino
Musee De L Orangerie
Le Manoir De Paris
Vienna si trova a est di Austria sul fiume Danubio. Il centro di Vienna è abbastanza facile da fare una passeggiata. A causa della circonvallazione principale, il centro della città racchiude il che riduce le possibilità di perdersi. Ci sono molti posti da visitare a Vienna che rendono facile orientarsi per la città e il taxi per l'aeroporto internazionale di Vienna ti assicura di tornare sul volo di ritorno dopo aver visitato tutte le attrazioni turistiche. Questo elenco potrebbe rivelarsi di qualche aiuto.
Castello del Belvedere
Scuola di equitazione spagnola
Stephansdom (Cattedrale di Santo Stefano)
Castello di Schoenbrunn
Prater Park e la ruota panoramica gigante
Musei Quartier
Vienna Art House
Museum of Fine Arts
Zoo di Vienna
Opera di Stato di Vienna
Il Teatro Nazionale
Wiener Riesenrad
Kunst Haus Wien
Karntner Strasse
Burggarten della
Per maggiori informazioni :-  Taxi per l'aeroporto di Heathrow Londra
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steliosagapitos · 7 years ago
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     Belvedere Palace
   The Belvedere is a historic building complex in Vienna, Austria, consisting of two Baroque palaces (the Upper and Lower Belvedere), the Orangery, and the Palace Stables. The buildings are set in a Baroque park landscape in the third district of the city, on the south-eastern edge of its centre. It houses the Belvedere museum. The grounds are set on a gentle gradient and include decorative tiered fountains and cascades, Baroque sculptures, and majestic wrought iron gates. The Baroque palace complex was built as a summer residence for Prince Eugene of Savoy.
The Belvedere was built during a period of extensive construction in Vienna, which at the time was both the imperial capital and home to the ruling Habsburg dynasty. This period of prosperity followed on from the commander-in-chief Prince Eugene of Savoy's successful conclusion of a series of wars against the Ottoman Empire.
On 30 November 1697, one year after commencing with the construction of the Stadtpalais, Prince Eugene purchased a sizable plot of land south of the Rennweg, the main road to Hungary. Plans for the Belvedere garden complex were drawn up immediately. The prince chose Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt as the chief architect for this project rather than Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach, the creator of his Stadtpalais. Hildebrandt (1668–1745), whom the general had met whilst engaged in a military campaign in Piedmont, had already built Ráckeve Palace for him in 1702 on Csepel, an island in the Danube south of Budapest. He later went on to build numerous other edifices in his service. The architect had studied civil engineering in Rome under Carlo Fontana and had gone into imperial service in 1695–96 in order to learn how to build fortifications. From 1696 onwards, records show that he was employed as a court architect in Vienna. As well as the Belvedere, Hildebrandt’s most outstanding achievements include the Schloss Hof Palace, which was also commissioned by Prince Eugene, the Schwarzenberg Palace (formerly known as the Mansfeld–Fondi Palace), the Kinsky Palace, as well as the entire Göttweig Monastery estate in the Wachau Valley.
   At the time that the prince was planning to buy the land on the outskirts of Vienna for his Belvedere project, the area was completely undeveloped – an ideal place to construct a landscaped garden and summer palace. However, a month before the prince made his acquisition, the imperial Grand Marshal Count Heinrich Franz Mansfeld, Prince of Fondi, purchased the neighboring plot and commissioned Hildebrandt to build a garden palace on the land. To buy the plot, Prince Eugene was forced to take out a large loan secured against his Stadtpalais, which was still in the process of being built. He bought additional neighboring areas of land in 1708, 1716, and again in 1717–18 to allow him to expand the garden in stages.
Records indicate that the construction of the Lower Belvedere had started by 1712, as Prince Eugene submitted the request for a building inspection on 5 July 1713. Work proceeded swiftly, and Marcantonio Chiarini from Bologna started painting the quadratura in the central hall in 1715. The ambassador from the Spanish Flanders visited the Lower Belvedere, as well as the Stadtpalais, in April 1716. Extensive work was carried out on the grounds at the same time as construction went ahead on the Lustschloss, as the Lower Belvedere was described on an early cityscape. Dominique Girard changed the plans for the garden significantly between January and May 1717, so that it could be completed by the following summer. Girard, who was employed as fontainier du roi, or the king’s water engineer, in Versailles from 1707–15, had started working as a garden inspector for the Bavarian elector Maximilian Emanuel from 1715 onwards. It was on the latter’s recommendation that he entered Prince Eugene’s employ. The statuary for the balustrade is the best known work of Giovanni Stanetti.
   The construction of the Upper Belvedere began as early as 1717, as testified by two letters that Prince Eugene sent from Belgrade to his servant Benedetti in summer 1718, describing the progress of work on the palace. Construction was so far advanced by 2 October 1719 that the prince was able to receive the Turkish ambassador Ibrahim Pasha there. The decoration of the interior started as early as 1718. In 1719 he commissioned the Italian painter Francesco Solimena to execute both the altarpiece for the Palace Chapel and the ceiling fresco in the Golden Room. In the same year Gaetano Fanti was commissioned to execute the illusionistic quadratura painting in the Marble Hall. In 1720 Carlo Carlone was entrusted with the task of painting the ceiling fresco in the Marble Hall, which he executed from 1721–23.
The building was completed in 1723. The Sala Terrena, however, was at risk of collapsing due to structural problems, and in the winter of 1732–33 Hildebrandt was forced to install a vaulted ceiling supported by four Atlas pillars, giving the room its current appearance. Salomon Kleiner, an engineer from the Mainz elector's court, produced a ten-part publication between 1731 and 1740 containing a total of ninety plates, entitled Wunder würdiges Kriegs- und Siegs-Lager deß Unvergleichlichen Heldens Unserer Zeiten Eugenii Francisci Hertzogen zu Savoyen und Piemont ("Wondrous war and victory encampment of the supreme hero of our age Eugene Francis Duke of Savoy and Piedmont"), which documented in precise detail the state of the Belvedere complex.
      Jean Luca von Hildebrandt
  Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt (14 November 1668 – 16 November 1745) was an Austrian baroque architect and military engineer who designed stately buildings and churches and whose work had a profound influence on the architecture of the Habsburg Empire in the eighteenth century. After studying in Rome under Carlo Fontana, he constructed fortresses for Prince Eugene of Savoy during his Italian campaigns, becoming his favorite architect. In 1700 he became court engineer in Vienna, and in 1711 was named head of the court department of building. He became court architect in 1723. His designs for palaces, estates, gardens, churches, chapels, and villas were widely imitated, and his architectural principles spread throughout central and southeast Europe. Among his more important works are Palais Schwarzenberg, St. Peter's Church, and Belvedere in Vienna, Savoy Castle in Ráckeve, Schönborn Palace in Göllersdorf, and Schloss Hof.
   Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt was born on 14 November 1668 in Genoa (Italy).
Hildebrandt was the son of an Italian mother and a German father. Hildebrandt studied under C. Fontana in Rome, and he studied civil and military engineering under Prince Eugene of Savoy also in Rome, and military engineering in Piedmont. Hildebrandt became the favorite architect of Prince Eugène.
In 1696, Hildebrandt established himself thereafter in the Austrian capital, Vienna, where he worked for such noble families as the Dauns, Harrachs, Schönborns, and Starhembergs, and also Prince Eugene himself.
    In 1700, Hildebrandt became Hofburg court engineer, in 1711, head of the Court dept. of building, and in 1723, Hildebrandt became Hofburg Court architect. At the Hofburg, however, Hildebrandt could not assert himself against the rivalry of the two Fischer von Erlachs (father Johann Bernhard and son Joseph Emanuel) and worked mainly for aristocrats. Unlike the monumental works of Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach, Hildebrandt's works seem more committed at a personal level and include more decorative elements. This helped his popularity spread to the middle class. Hildebrandt united Italian and French elements and shaped the development of the baroque style in south Germany and Austria.
Hildebrandt was also involved in many great projects which were developed by other architects (e.g. Würzburg, Göttweig Abbey, Pommersfelden, Palais Schwarzenberg).
From 1713 to 1716, he was employed by the wealthy and powerful Kinsky family of Austria, building their residence, the Palais Kinsky, in Vienna. From 1723 on, he was inspector-general of the imperial buildings. His two best known works, the Upper Belvedere (1721–1722) and the Lower Belvedere (1714–1716), were both commissioned by Prince Eugene of Savoy.
Hildebrandt also worked in Bavaria on the Pommersfelden castle known as Schloss Weißenstein.
Hildebrandt built numerous city palaces in Vienna (e.g. Daun-Kinsky, 1716), his religious buildings are also of great importance (St. Peter's Church and Maria Treu Piaristenchurch in Vienna, Teutonic Church in Linz, or Dominican Church in Gabel, Czech Republic).
Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt died on 16 November 1745 in Vienna.
   Even though known as the foil to Fischer von Erlach, Jean Luca von Hildebrant (1668-1745) was treat as a well and prestige architect. His career started a year later than Erlach's which is how Hildebrant was able to make his own idiom. Hildebrant could be described as genial, wordly, temperamental figure. Despite his training as a military engineer, he was a designer and a decorator. Many asked for his assistance on designs for already plans or existing buildings. He as also known for the ribbon-work ornament to Austria. The Schönborns, the Harrache, and Prince Eugene were a few who consulted Hildebrant for his opinion in the decor for their country and suburban houses.
Upper Belvedere, viewed as the center piece of a building composition suitable for a hero, began construction in the 18th century. The palace was a summer residence for the general Prince Eugene of Savoy. The palace is known to hold very valuable collectibles for example pieces of Franz Anton Maulbertsch, who was a Austrian painter. The building is well-known as one of the most impressive monuments of Baroque architecture. The Palace has different rooms which were decorated using Baroque and Rococo techniques.
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initialesgg · 6 years ago
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Vous le savez, nous avons profité des ponts du mois de mai pour découvrir la Croatie en famille ! Pour la première fois, nous sommes partis en camping à l'étranger, et c’est aussi top que dans un hôtel, en beaucoup plus spacieux 👌 Le camping Vacansoleil Belvedere, proche de Trogir et de Split, est idéalement situé pour visiter la Dalmatie centrale, qui longe la mer Adriatique 😎 . Vous pourrez visiter le magnifique parc de Plitvice, crapahuter dans la forteresse de Klis, jouer à Game of Thrones dans les souterrains du palais de Diocletien ... Alors si vous souhaitez partir en famille dans ce beau pays, rendez-vous sur le blog pour en savoir plus ! https://www.initialesgg.com/2019/06/vacances-famille-camping-belvedere-croatie.html #vacancesenfamille #vacancesencamping #vacansoleil #LeBonheurEnPleinAir #collaboration #partenariat #croatie #vacancesencroatie #enfamilleencroatie #campingcroatie #VacansoleilFrance #CampingTrogir #campingSplit #blogvoyage #Croatie #Croatia #Vacances #croatiagoodvibes #ilovecroatia #croatia_instagram #croatia2019 #lovecroatia #croatiatrip #familytravel #familytrip #travelblog #travel #voyage #vacancesenfamille #voyageenfamille #campinghautdegamme #campingcroatie #campingfun #dalmatie #campingtime #campinglife #instacamping #trogir #split #plitvice #blogfamille #blogvoyageenfamille https://www.instagram.com/p/By-pPlXB5OK/?igshid=1gl45zdddyqum
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wikitopx · 5 years ago
This medieval city in Eastern France was one of the capitals of the Europe-spanning Duchy of Savoy.
And in this capacity, it got its marquee monument: The Royal Monastery is from the early 1500s founded as a place to bury and pay respect to the Dukes and their families. Margaret of Austria was the woman behind it, and you’ll be moved by her story. The old center of Bourg-en-Bresse is sprinkled with half-timbered houses that instead of being museum pieces are used for shops and amenities, which somehow makes them more alive. And simply have to journey out into the wider Bresse countryside, which has an identity all of its own. Let's explore the best things to do in Bourg-en-Bresse.
1. Royal Monastery
A French national monument, this stunning monument was ordered by one of Renaissance Europe’s most powerful women as a dynastic burial place. Margaret of Austria was the Duchess of Savoy and governed the Habsburg Netherlands twice in the first decades of the 16th century.
There’s a lot to get through on a guided tour of the monastery, which amazingly has three two-story cloisters.
Linger to admire the glazed tiling on the roof of the church then go in to be blown away by Conrad Meit’s extraordinary marble tomb effigies of Margaret, her husband Philibert and his mother, Margaret of Bourbon.
2. Musée de Brou
In the second of the monastery’s three cloisters is Bourg-en-Bresse’s municipal museum. A lot of what you’ll find in these galleries were the property of one man: Thomas Riboud helped to save the monastery from destruction in the 19th century and had it protected as a “Monument-National”, and later donated his art collection to the city.
Much of the space is dedicated to painting from the 15th to the 19th century by French and Flemish artists. See the portraits of the monastery’s founder, Margaret of Austria and her nephew Emperor Charles V by Bernard van Orley who was Charles’ favorite painter. There’s also earthenware, furniture and religious sculpture up to the 17th century.
3. Old Town
Allow some time to discover the best of Bourg-en-Bresse’s historic center. Occasionally, you will be surprised by an interesting building, such as Maison Gorrevod, a large 15th-century wooden framed house that loses sight of the streets of Rue du Palais.
At 5 Teynière Street, there's a splendid Ancien Régime at the magnificent Hôtel Marron de Meillonnas, a villa with an interior named by Baron in 1772. On your jaunt around the town, you’ll be sidetracked by the fabulous little specialty shops selling wine, poultry, chocolate, corn-flour biscuits and bleu cheese from the surrounding region.
4. Demeure Hugon
Also known as the Maison de Bois (Wooden House), the Demeure Hugon is a gorgeous colombage house at 16 Rue Gambetta.
Dating to 1496, the house is on a shopping street, with a ground floor take up by a high-street chain, but there’s a small plaque by the entrance indicating the age of the building and its status as an official historic monument.
The lower level still has the same openings as it did 500 years ago, and above it are three stories of timber framing, each floor sticking out over the level below and anchored by corbels.
5. Apothicairerie de l’Hôtel-Dieu
The old Bourg-en-Bresse Hospital, located a few streets southeast of the center. It dates back to 1782 and one of the remarkable things is that the internal pharmacy has hardly changed for more than 200 years.
It was run by nuns before closing in 1963 and is now reopened as a museum providing a rare photograph of medicine from the time of death. There are two rooms lined with shelves and a working lab.
The magnificent wooden cabinets with antique books and vases and small packages are an intersection of Louis XV and Louis XVI styles. Many of these containers still contain their generic medicines, although you may be horrified by some ingredients!
6. Église Notre-Dame
This church was built with a brilliant white stone in the 1500s, just as the Flamboyant Gothic style was being replaced by the new Renaissance architecture. So there’s a fusion of both designs, as the apse and nave are both Gothic, while the western facade and domed tower, completed later, are clearly from the Renaissance.
Of the many things to see within are the wooden choir stalls, carved in the 1530s, a 13th-century Black Madonna statue, the sculpted pulpit from 1760, the great organ from 1682 and stained glass windows going back to 1526.
7. Porte des Jacobins
On the corner of Jul Jules Migonney and Rue de la République is a historical site with an interesting story to tell. The Porte des Jacobins is a portal from a 15th-century convent, and the delicate pointed arch is all that is left of the building after it was burned down during the Revolution.
Pause here for a moment before heading to Rue Jules Migonney, where there’s a lovely row of timber-framed houses that were where the medieval city’s drapers and weavers had their workshops.
8. Bresse Countryside
Bourge-en-Bresse is a unique agricultural area with many special features including food, dialect, architecture, and traditions. A typical Bresse farmhouse, for instance, will be half-timbered, with ears of corn hanging from its porch.
Capping the roof will be a “Saracen” or Moorish-style chimney, which looks a little like a minaret.
It’s easy to realize when you’re driving through Bresse, as the farmland is irrigated by many tributaries of the Saône River, and is covered with poultry farms, raising more than 1,200,000 chickens every year.
It’s also a region that is easy to embrace as there are show farms and museums showing off Bresse’s heritage.
9. Pérouges
This walled hill-top village is one of those places that makes you wonder if you’ve entered a time-warp. Pérouges is only a small community but has more than 80 buildings registered as historic monuments on its twisting cobbled streets.
Most are either rustic stone cottages or half-timbered houses, with wisteria creeping up the walls. On the central square, there’s a 200-year-old lime tree and you can go up the village’s watchtower, which used to belong to a medieval castle.
It will come as no surprise that Pérouges has been a shooting location for many historically-themed movies. Four different versions of the Three Musketeers have been filmed on these streets since 1921.
10. Grottes du Cerdon
A simple excursion from Bourge-en-Bresse, these caves have a few qualities that lift them above a normal trip underground. Yes, you can see the usual the stalactites and stalagmites, and watch the calcium-rich water dripping from one concretion to the next.
But it’s also exciting to know that you’re in the home of Upper Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers, who used the caves up to 17,000 years ago, leaving behind bones, weapons, and tools.
Another cool feature is the spectacular belvedere, a prehistoric shelter that opens out over the vineyards of the Cerdon Valley.
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to do in Andria
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-bourg-en-bresse-707926.html
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mademoisellesabi · 5 years ago
Un po’ Francia e un po’ Germania, non solo per la sua posizione sul fiume Reno, che segna il confine con la Germania, ma anche per la sua storia. Strasburgo è stata a lungo contesa tra le due nazioni. Per quasi mille anni è stata parte territorio dell’Impero Germanico finché nel 1681 Luigi XIV la occupò e la fece fortificare. Alla fine della Guerra Franco-Prussiana del 1870 torno in mano ai tedeschi; nel 1919 fu nuovamente annessa alla Francia e tornò di nuovo tedesca durante la Seconda Guerra mondiale, dal 1940 al 1945.
Da allora, non è solo una città francese ma anche l’emblema di un’Europa che si è combattuta per secoli e che oggi sembra aver trovato la pace, almeno militare, anche se non proprio una stabilità concreta. Non è stata scelta quindi a caso come Capitale europea sede di 3 importanti istituzioni: il Parlamento europeo, la Corte dei diritti dell’uomo e il Consiglio d’Europa.
Strasburgo, capoluogo del Grand Est, conta quasi 300.000 abitanti, Patrimonio dell’Umanità UNESCO sin dal 1988, rappresenta il tipico fascino alsaziano. Attraversata da una serie di canali e corsi d’acqua che formano la cosiddetta Grande Île, l’isola sulla quale sorge il centro storico.
Oggi Strasburgo una città affascinante, autentica e cosmopolita, anche grazie a quella doppia identità franco-tedesca che per secoli l’ha straziata, che alla fine le ha donato quel mix mash up di architetture e tradizione, per non parlare dell’incrocio delle due cucine quella francese raffinata e quella tedesca consistente e calorica e dei vini della regione, amabili ma decisi, vi basterà entrare nelle famose “winstubs”, una sorta di enoteca, per apprezzarli al meglio.
Per visitare Strasburgo al meglio è d’obbligo perdersi nei suoi vivaci vicoli medievali, nell’antico quartiere Petite France e li passeggiare sulle rive del fiume Ill, ma anche salire sul campanile della cattedrale e dai 142 metri di altezza ammirare i tratti caratteristici della città vecchia e i suoi singolari tetti, molto ripidi perché custodiscono soffitte a più piani, e infatti sono quasi tutti dotati di abbaini.
Vi troverete davanti una città interessante, ricca di arte e di storia e vi sarà subito chiaro perché gli “Strasbourgeois” siano così tremendamente orgogliosi della loro città e del suo notevole patrimonio architettonico.
Io ho adorato Strasburgo, l’ho visitata ben 3 volte e per tre anni consecutivi: la prima volta durante un viaggio in Alsazia, la seconda durante un viaggio in Germania nella confinante Foresta Nera e dintorni e la terza mentre ero diretta nella Champagne, partita in auto dall’Italia è stata la tappa della prima notte.
Ma vediamo nel dettaglio cosa offre Strasburgo ai viaggiatori:
Strasburgo è una città incantevole nella sua interezza, ma la zona definita “Città Vecchia” vanta senza dubbio un fascino caratteristico e pittoresco. Andare alla scoperta del centro storico di Strasburgo è la prima cosa da fare in città per comprenderne la sua suggestiva e incantevole atmosfera. La Città Vecchia rappresenta l’Alsazia del passato, quella delle medievali case a graticcio con le loggette sulle mensole, le finireste a piccoli riquadri di vetro, le gallerie in legno e i piani superiori ad aggetto (consentiti in Alsazia anche dopo il 1681 benché banditi nel resto della Francia). Abitazioni dal fascino peculiare ognuna a modo suo e, nell’insieme, un meraviglioso quadro.
Una visita a Strasburgo non può che cominciare dalla Cattedrale, una delle più alte espressioni del gotico in Europa, definita da Victor Hugo “prodigio di grandezza e leggiadria”. La straordinaria e imponente Cattedrale di Notre Dame, è senza dubbio l’emblema della città. La sua costruzione iniziata nell’anno 1015 con uno stile romanico, venne in seguito continuata con uno stile gotico fino a quando, nel 1439, i lavori vennero sospesi. Il risultato è comunque stupefacente, i 142 metri della sua guglia, meravigliano i viaggiatori. Dalla guglia si gode uno spettacolo straordinario sulla Grande-Ile e su tutta Strasburgo. La Cathédrale Notre-Dame, tra il XVII e il XIX secolo, fu l’edificio più alto del mondo. La facciata, con il suo portone scolpito, è una sorta di Bibbia raffigurante diversi episodi della vita di Gesù. Anche all’interno la cattedrale, seppur caratterizzati da un arredamento semplice e sobrio, è ugualmente suggestiva, grazie alle vetrate colorate, all’Orologio Astronomico del 1572 che ogni giorno alle 12.30 mette in moto un meccanismo con Cristo Benedicente, la processione degli Apostoli e un gallo che canta 3 volte e infine, davanti all’orologio, c’è il Pilastro degli Angeli con 3 ordini di statue.
Piazza della Cattedrale è il fulcro del centro storico dove affacciano alcuni degli edifici più importanti della città. Oltre alla Cattedrale, da cui prende il nome, catturerà la vostra attenzione la Maison Kammerzell, la bella casa di Strasburgo che un ricco commerciante di formaggi fece costruire su alcune botteghe in pietra (ancora visibili). La parte superiore, che ospitava l’abitazione e il magazzino è realizzata tutta in legno e decorata con animali, guerrieri, figure grottesche. Oggi nella casa c’è un famoso ristorante. All’angolo con la casa c’è la Farmacia del Cervo del 1268, la più antica di Francia.
La Petite-France è la parte meglio conservata del centro storico, la più romantica e la più fotografata. Qui per molti secoli hanno vissuto i mugnai, i conciatori e i pescatori del paese. Le dimore a graticcio sono rimaste quelle dei secoli XVI e XVII, con tetti spioventi, le finestre a filo d’acqua e i davanzali rigorosamente colmi di fiori. I fienili e le antiche botteghe sono oggi negozi di souvenir, ma questo non toglie nulla al fascino del luogo. Le chiuse dei due bracci del fiume Ill permettevano ai battelli provenienti dal Reno di risalire il fiume giungendo sino alle porte di quasi tutte le retrobotteghe. Il nome Petite France deriva dal nome di un ospedale che si trovava qui un tempo.
Uno degli angoli più visitati e fotografati della Petite-France è i “Ponts Couverts” (ponti coperti) che hanno conservato il nome anche se hanno perso le coperture nel 1700. Le torrette da cui sono dominati servivano da bastioni per la difesa nel caso di attacchi alla Repubblica di Strasburgo.
Nella zona un’altra delle eccezionali opere di Vauban (l’ingegnere militare che ho citato in arti articoli sulla Francia per le sue opere, in particolare in Bretagna) ed la Diga Vauban, una casa-diga progettata con l’idea di utilizzare l’acqua per inondare tutta la parte sud di Strasburgo in caso di attacco da parte del nemico. Bellissima col buio. In cima alla diga c’è un belvedere da cui godersi la vista sui ponti e sui tetti di Strasburgo. Dista circa 1 km dalla Cattedrale.
Palais del Rohan Si trova a pochi metri dalla Cattedrale e ospita tre importanti musei: Belle Arti, Arti decorative e il Museo archeologico. Originariamente costruito per alloggiare i principi vescovi. La visita inizia nei sotterranei dove nel Museo archeologico viene raccontata la storia dell’Alsazia, dai cacciatori di mammut alla civiltà gallo-romana. Il Museo di arti decorative racconta e custodisce le ricchezze dei Cardinali di Strasburgo: porcellane, sculture, quadri, vasellame, oreficerie. Il museo più importante del Palazzo è quello di Belle Arti, tra i più importanti d’Europa, propone un’interessante percorso dalla nascita della pittura al 1870. L’Italia è ben rappresentata, per la verità la Toscana è il Veneto sono ben rappresentate, con Raffaello, Giotto, Filippino Lippi e Botticelli (i toscani), e Veronese, Canaletto, Tiepolo, Cima da Conegliano (i Veneti). Presenti anche molte opere di artisti spagnoli: Zurbaran, Murillo, Goya, El Greco e dell’olandese Van Dyck e del fiammingo (nato in Germania) Rubens. Il 1800 è rappresentato da opere di pittori francesi tra i quali Corot, Courbet Delacroix e Chasseriau. Si trova nei pressi della Cattedrale.
Il Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Il Museo, che si trova nei pressi della Diga Vauban, prosegue il percorso artistico del Museo di Belle Arti (sopra) che si ferma al 1870.
Qui sono rappresentati i movimenti più importanti degli ultimi 140 anni: impressionismo, postimpressionismo, arte del novecento, fauvismo, espressionismo, surrealismo e oltre. Della raccolta permanente fanno parte opere di Monet, Picasso, Kandinsky, Duchamp, Ernst e un’intera galleria dedicata a Gustave Doré. Oltre alla collezione permanente, il museo ospita mostre temporanee sulle tendenze artistiche attuali.
Se siete in visita è d’obbligo salire sulla terrazza a prendere un caffè mentre ammirate i paesaggio sulla Petit-France e sui Ponti Coperti. Dista 1,3 dalla Cattedrale.
Musée de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame (Museo dell’Opera di Notre-Dame) Si trova di fronte la Cattedrale in Place du Château, è un piccolo museo che raccoglie il meglio dell’arte medievale e rinascimentale di Strasburgo, dell’Alsazia e di tutto l’Alto Reno.
Il museo merita la visita per: la Testa di Cristo proveniente da Wissembourg, considerata la più antica vetrata figurativa conosciuta; il dipinto degli “Amanti Defunti” una macabra rappresentazione di una coppia ancora in piedi ma già attaccata dai vermi che vuole offrire una riflessione sulla vanità e la fragilità dell’amore, della gioventù e della bellezza; la coppia di statue che rappresentano la afflitta e vinta Sinagoga (l’ebraismo) e la Chiesa, serena e vittoriosa; e il dipinto con Santa Caterina e Maria Maddalena di Conrad Witz uno dei più importanti pittori tedeschi.
La struttura del Pont du Corbeau, in arenaria rosa e pietra, ha assunto l’aspetto che ha ora nel 1890. Fino ad allora il ponte era conosciuto con un nome macabro Schindbrücke (ponte di tortura), ciò perché in questa zona della città avvenivano le esecuzioni pubbliche e i condannati venivano gettati nel fiume Ill legati a sacchi di terra.
Gabbie di metallo poste alle estremità del ponte servivano per esporre pubblicamente i truffatori minori come: l’oste che tagliava il suo vino con l’acqua o il panettiere che imbrogliava sul peso del pane. Gli imbroglioni, insomma.
Negli edifici del ponte anche un museo, il Museo Storico della città dal 1920. Riaperto nel 2007, era stato chiuso vent’anni per ristrutturazione. Il museo racconta la storia urbanistica della città attraverso il suo carattere politico, economico, sociale e culturale, attraverso una raccolta di oggetti civili e militari, dipinti, disegni e sculture dal Medioevo al XVIII secolo. Nonostante un patrimonio di oltre 200.000 oggetti, i visitatori possono ammirarne solo 1.650.
Dietro l’edificio, la Place du Marché-aux-Cochons-de-Lait (Piazza del mercato dei maialini da latte). Nella piazza diversi ristoranti e le famose enoteche/cantine, le winstubs dove fermarsi a fare tappa enoica. La piazza e la vicina Rue du Maroquin meritano la visita anche per le case a graticcio, tra le più belle della città che conferiscono al quartiere un aspetto da cartolina.
La visita qui non è certo per rendere omaggio alle istituzioni europee, almeno per molti, la visita è consigliata per ammirare i palazzi in cui sono ospitati il Parlamento Europeo, il Consiglio e la Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo per il loro aspetto architettonico. Si trovano lungo le rive dell’III, affluente del Reno. Grazie alla presenza di queste istituzioni Strasburgo è di fatto la Capitale d’Europa.
Il Parlamento Europeo si visita solo in gruppo, non è prevista la visita individuale, la richiesta è sempre consistente quindi, se siete interessati, conviene prenotare con molto anticipo attraverso il sito del Parlamento. 
Il Palazzo del Consiglio d’Europa è visitabile sia in gruppo con visite guidate che in autonomia, con delle limitazioni (solo gli spazi pubblici). Per info, date, orari consultate il sito Internet. 
Anche per la Corte europea dei diritti umani richiede una prenotazione obbligatoria per minimo 15 persone. Verificare sul sito.
Strasburgo è una città sull’acqua, interamente costruita sulle acque del Reno e dell’III, pertanto per avere una prospettiva diversa è consigliato in giro in battello. Chi mi segue sa che sono una fan delle città sull’acqua, attraversate da corsi d’acqua, dei luoghi bagnati dall’acqua, mare, Oceano in genere. Quindi non posso che consigliare il giro in battello. I battelli della compagnia Batorama partono dal molo vicino alla Cattedrale e offrono due diversi percorsi: Strasburgo storica e Petit-France. Il tour della Strasburgo storica dura 70 minuti ed è disponibile tutti i giorni dell’anno, da 4 a 22 corse al giorno a seconda del periodo al costo di euro 9,60. Il tour della Petite-France dura 45 minuti e offre una sola corsa al giorno al costo di euro 7,20. Per info su imbarco, orari e altro visitate il sito 
Un elegante quartiere, non troppo distante dal centro della città, dove si trovano alcune delle più belle ville della città e le maggiori ambasciate estere. Oltre a questo la peculiarità del quartiere è l’enorme parco de l’Orangérie, risalente alla fine del XVII secolo, dove furono piantati 138 alberi di aranci, da questo il suo nome. Nel polmone verde di Strasburgo non mancano simpatiche specie animali, la metà ideale per gli amanti delle passeggiate nella natura “in città” o per chi vuole rilassarsi in un angolo bucolico. Dista 1,5 km dal centro (Cattedrale) ed è raggiungibile in 20 minuti a piedi.
Situato tra il centro città e i quartieri universitari è oggi un quartiere giovane e vivace ma con una storia antica, questa zona un tempo era attraversata da canali e abitata da pescatori e battellieri. Nel quartiere infatti si fondono in perfetta armonia tradizione e modernità. Tra i vicoli del quartiere, dove affaccino case ed architetture dall’aria retrò, si trovano gallerie d’arte, boutique di moda e molti locali dove assaggiare le specialità culinarie locali. Dista 800 metri dal centro (Cattedrale) è raggiungibile in 10 minuti/un quarto d’ora a piedi.
L’area dell’Orto Botanico dell’Università di Strasburgo offre oltre seimila specie botaniche, una serra rigogliosissima, alberi imponenti e secolari, la visita è un’occasione unica per conoscere al meglio le meraviglie floreali del territorio ma non solo quelle. La visita è gratuita ed è aperto dalle 14.00 alle 16.00. Dista 1,5 km dal centro (Cattedrale) e ci si arriva in 20 minuti a piedi.
Questi i miei suggerimenti ma Strasburgo, per quanto piccola, ha comunque molto altro da offrire, come tutta l’Alsazia, date un’occhiata anche a quest’articolo, sui villaggi da non perdere e programmate una visita.
Strasburgo: cosa vedere nella capitale d’Europa Un po’ Francia e un po’ Germania, non solo per la sua posizione sul fiume Reno, che segna il confine con la Germania, ma anche per la sua storia.
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Les endroits les plus étonnants à visiter en Europe
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L'Europe, un continent riche en histoire, culture et paysages époustouflants, offre une multitude de destinations qui émerveillent et inspirent. Voici une sélection des endroits les plus étonnants à visiter en Europe, chacun offrant une expérience unique et inoubliable. La magie de l'Aurora Borealis en Islande L'Islande, terre de feu et de glace, est célèbre pour ses paysages lunaires, ses volcans actifs et ses sources chaudes naturelles. Mais c'est la possibilité d'observer l'Aurora Borealis, ou les aurores boréales, qui la rend véritablement magique. Ces lumières dansantes dans le ciel nocturne, résultant des interactions entre les particules solaires et l'atmosphère terrestre, offrent un spectacle à couper le souffle. La splendeur architecturale de Prague, République Tchèque Prague, la capitale de la République Tchèque, est un véritable joyau architectural. De la majestueuse horloge astronomique de la Vieille Ville à l'impressionnant Château de Prague, chaque coin de rue révèle un aspect de son riche passé historique et culturel. Les ponts qui enjambent la Vltava, surtout le célèbre Pont Charles, offrent une vue pittoresque de la ville. Les merveilles naturelles des fjords Norvégiens La Norvège est renommée pour ses fjords spectaculaires, ces longues étendues d'eau entourées de montagnes abruptes et de forêts verdoyantes. Des destinations comme le Geirangerfjord et le Nærøyfjord, classés au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, sont des exemples parfaits de cette beauté naturelle saisissante. L'élégance intemporelle de Paris, France Paris, surnommée la "Ville Lumière", est célèbre pour son art, sa mode et sa gastronomie. Des monuments emblématiques tels que la Tour Eiffel, le Musée du Louvre et la Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris ne sont que quelques-uns des trésors que cette ville a à offrir. Flânez le long de la Seine, visitez les petits cafés et les boutiques de créateurs pour saisir l'essence même de l'élégance parisienne. La diversité culturelle de Barcelone, Espagne Barcelone est un mélange vibrant de culture moderne et d'héritage historique. Les œuvres de l'architecte Antoni Gaudí, comme la Sagrada Família et le Parc Güell, sont de véritables chefs-d'œuvre. La ville est également connue pour ses plages, sa vie nocturne animée et sa délicieuse cuisine catalane. La sérénité des îles grecques Les îles grecques, avec leur eau turquoise, leurs plages de sable blanc et leurs villages pittoresques, sont l'incarnation de la sérénité. Des destinations comme Santorin, avec ses maisons blanches et ses toits bleus, ou la riche histoire de Crète, offrent une escapade parfaite pour ceux qui cherchent à se détendre et à s'évader. Le charme médiéval de Bruges, Belgique Bruges, souvent décrite comme une ville sortie d'un conte de fées, est célèbre pour ses canaux pittoresques et son architecture médiévale préservée. Promenez-vous dans ses ruelles pavées, admirez ses bâtiments historiques et ne manquez pas de goûter aux célèbres chocolats belges. La grandeur impériale de Vienne, Autriche Vienne, la capitale de l'Autriche, est connue pour son patrimoine impérial et sa riche tradition musicale. Visitez le palais de Schönbrunn, explorez les œuvres de Klimt à la Belvedere, ou profitez d'un opéra dans l'un des nombreux théâtres historiques de la ville. La beauté cachée des alpes Slovènes La Slovénie, souvent négligée sur la carte touristique européenne, est un trésor caché. Ses Alpes juliennes offrent des paysages époustouflants, parfaits pour la randonnée, le cyclisme ou le ski. Le Lac de Bled, avec son île pittoresque et son château médiéval, est particulièrement enchanteur. A lire : Les randonnées à faire en Corse L'histoire vivante de Rome, Italie Rome, la "Ville Éternelle", est un musée à ciel ouvert. De l'imposant Colisée aux ruines du Forum Romain, en passant par la cité du Vatican, chaque pas dans cette ville est un voyage à travers l'histoire. En conclusion, l'Europe est un continent aux multiples facettes, offrant une diversité d'expériences et de paysages. Chacune de ces destinations promet des souvenirs impérissables et la chance de découvrir les richesses culturelles, historiques et naturelles de ce continent extraordinaire. Read the full article
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telavivcity-blog · 6 years ago
Top 20 most visited art museum in the world. Famous museums you must visit before you die!
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