#pairing: lenora & peter.
farewellnevrland · 1 year
peter & lenora + [ invite ]
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Lenora não sabia dizer como estava sua relação com Peter, sobretudo quando tinha total certeza de que não o odiava como pensava. Costumavam se encontrar durante as madrugadas, mais vezes do que poderia contar, e também haviam diminuído a quantidade de provocações que direcionavam para o outro, mas ainda não sabia se realmente tinham algo sério ou se apenas gostavam de ficar juntos vez ou outra. Ou se o ponto principal era apenas as carícias que trocavam sem que pudesse admitir em voz alta os sentimentos que tanto guardava em seu peito, quase como se temesse dizer que realmente gostava dele e acabar com tudo aquilo que eles estavam construindo. Ainda assim, não era difícil perceber os olhares que ela própria direcionava ao capitão vez ou outra, até mesmo os pequenos gestos que demonstravam a mais pura preocupação com ele. Dessa forma, todos da tripulação tinham consciência de que havia algo a mais ali, mesmo que eles não demonstrassem em público.
Portanto, a surpresa tornou-se visível no rosto de Lenora ao sentir a mão firme do Morgan em uma de suas coxas, puxando-a suavemente para perto. Direcionou seu olhar para ele, desviando a atenção de quem quer que estivesse ao seu redor; Peter a encarava tão fixamente que ela conseguia sentir algo diferente e que sabia perfeitamente que só conseguia sentir algo parecido quando estava com ele. Quando ele a tocava ou quando a olhava daquela maneira. Até mesmo quando ele a provocava. De alguma forma, ela passou a gostar de todas as provocações e discussões que tinham, ainda que fosse loucura de sua parte, porque sabia que teria a atenção dele voltada unicamente para ela. E ela gostava de ter a atenção de Peter.
Assim, quando ela mesma percebeu, havia deixado o novo integrante do Diabo do Mar conversando sozinho enquanto lhe oferecia um pouco de bebida. E ela poderia até mesmo estar vendo coisas, mas tinha a impressão de que Peter estava incomodado com a aproximação repentina, tornando-se perceptível por alguns fatores: o primeiro deles sendo a expressão nada amigável em seu rosto, o que por si só já era estranho, visto que o capitão sempre tentava manter uma boa relação com todos, e também pela mão firme que tornava a acariciar sua coxa, quase como se estivesse tentando dizer algo sem utilizar palavras. Isso seria ciúmes?
“O que é isso?” Ousou perguntar, sem ao menos notar que haviam atraído a atenção de todos ao redor. Era a primeira vez que demonstravam afeto diante de todos, e conseguia ver que até mesmo Piper estava surpresa com a ação do irmão. “Não vai me dizer que está com ciúmes? Você até que é uma gracinha, Pete.” Provocou, tentando conter o sorriso idiota que ousava surgir por estar tão próxima dele dessa forma, assim como as borboletas em seu no estômago. Quase que de forma automática, Lenora passou o braço ao redor do pescoço de Peter, sem qualquer pretensão de se levantar dali. Aproximou o rosto ao dele, contendo a vontade de beijá-lo ali. Não sabia exatamente até onde poderia ultrapassar, mas sentia-se na liberdade de depositar um breve selar no canto dos lábios alheios. “Agora, estarei esperando você assumir que tá caidinho por mim, e aí posso te dar um beijo apropriado. Eu sei que você consegue, não é tão difícil assim.” Estendeu a mão livre para pegar a cerveja que ele segurava, bebendo um gole e cruzando as pernas em seguida. “Então, também posso dizer pra você o que tô guardando há algum tempo. Acho que já está na hora, né?”
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
Demon Mother, Angel Son - Swap Au
Alastor Altruist is in heaven, the Radio Angel. He died during a shoot out that broke out at a marti gras hosted in French Quarter. Just wanting to have some fun, get drunk for a night.. but he died instead.
His mother is in Hell, Mama Lenora, Hell's most powerful Voodoo Queen and former mass murderer. She didn't let her son know about her activities - letting him believe she worked at a butcher's in addition to her cleaning job. As ironic as those two jobs were being paired together, her baby never questioned her and believed her. She had been killed, a few years after her son, as she was murdering some abusive man that she tracked into the bayou - his dog had come to his defense and gave him time to get his gun and kill her.
Lenora finds Charlie's attempts adorable, sticking around the hotel with Husk too - she owns his soul from a game of cards that she beat him in Niffty is her housekeeper and the younger woman seemed happy to move to a bigger place where there were more bugs.
When Charlie goes to Heaven, she meets a red deer angel who was talking to St. Peter and Emily after their song - Sera brushes him off and flies away.
"Oh, hi! My name's princess Charlie Morningstar!"
"Pleasure to meet you, your majesty! Truly a pleasure! My name is Alastor Altruist, the Radio Angel! Welcome to Heaven." Alastor shakes her hand, and then looks to Vaggie. "Ah, you have a companion! The more the merrier! Hello to you as well, Miss..?"
"Um, Vaggie.." Vaggie hesitantly shook his hand.
"So, Alastor, what is heaven like? We're trying to get sinners redeemed, and we'd love to know about it." Charlie said.
Alastor smiles, wistfully. He took a breath, and his accent suddenly changes, "it's fine, miss. Splend'd, even. But, in truth, Ah miss mah Maman." He pulls out a locket and then shows them the picture.
"Hey, it's Lenora!" Charlie was excited. "You're Lenora's son! Oh my gosh!" She grabbed Alastor and shook him. "Your mother is at our rehabilitation hotel! Look!" She let got of Alastor to show him a group picture of the hotel inhabitants, including his mother.
"Maman's really there? Gettin' rehabilitated, misses?" Alastor asked, looking up from the photo to the women with hope in his eyes.
"Uh, yeah. It's .. progress." Vaggie said, making avague hand gesture.
"Alastor, this could be the proof we need!" Emily said, excitedly.
"Proof, for what?" Charlie asked, her and Vaggie now curious.
"To open a line to Heaven." Alastor answered excitedly.
Emily was equally as excited. "Alastor and I have been trying to get Sera to agree to let him broadcast from Heaven to Hell and let those in both places at the very least share something. Maybe some of the sinners remember Alastor, his voice might bring them some bit of comfort."
Charlie nodded, "okay. Well, I'm not entirely sure how that would work, but let's give it a try."
At the trial, Alastor is taking notes in Sera and Emily's box. And then he joins in, letting them see his view - only to get Adam in his face.
"Wait! My mother has agreed to make a change! They say she's making progress, this whole thing can't be deranged!"
"Oh look! The mama's boy spoke! Look here, you spineless like dope, Mama's not coming here! She's better off staying down there!"
"See here, first man. From what I hear, you didn't always have a plan! Sloppy, amatuerish. You say we came from your loins? Pfft! Then, my your angels pray I don't toss you a few pity coins!" He then tosses a few cent pieces from his time alive at Adam (which hit the floor).
"You old timey, little bitch! Southern fuckin' hick! Go back to your box, radio dying cock!" Adam tried to grab Alastor, but he jumped out out of the box and fluttered down.
"I concur, that Adam and his angels do whatever and remain in the sky! Why should they," he points to the orb, "not get a second chance, why must they die? Why can't they stay? My suspicion is that some pray! Some may even pray to powers on high! Why must it be this way? Seraphim, what have you to say?" He lands in front of Vaggie, Emily and Charlie, between Lute and Adam - who was lowering himself down - his wings spread out as far as they can to protect them.
Skip ahead, to after the meeting.
"Princess Morningstar! Princess, wait! Please!" Alastor was rushing to Charlie, with an old timey radio in his hands.
"Oh, Alastor!" Charlie looked at the radio. "Um, what's that?"
"A radio, well my personal one. I want you to give it to my mother. Hopefully it will pick up my broadcasts from up here."
Charlie took it, smiling. "Of course, Alastor. Thanks. And.. I'm sorry about-"
"Non, princess." Alastor said, waving his hand to quiet her. "The outcome of everything? Is not your fault. Those on the ninth cloud are a bit slow to come down, yeah?"
Charlie nodded. "Yeah. Oh! Um, can I take a picture if you for your mother?"
"Of course!" Alastor smiled at her, before looking to St. Peter. "Oi! St. Petey! Wanna take a picture?"
Peter laughed at his question. "No thanks, I spent enough time away from my post. Thanks though."
Alastor rolled his eyes, before he fixed his hair and then said, "alright, ready when you are."
When Lenora recieved the radio, and saw the picture, she cried. Her baby, in heaven! A successful man!
Hearing her son over the radio, for the first time in almost a hundred years, it made Lenora cry.
"This song, a very old timey one if I may say, goes out to my dear mother. I hope you are safe, Maman, and that you can hear me. Sleep well."
Their favorite song, that she would dance to during sadder and happier times. He remembered. Her boy remembered.
"Don' worrah, mon petite cher. Maman's gonna be better." Lenora said to the radio, summoning Husk's contract. "Startin' tonight, I'ma do anything I can to get to you, bebe." She ripped the contract in half. "Trus' me."
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hollandsfavbabe · 2 years
Hi can I please request Arvin Russel x Reader, where your “friends” because you kinda are in the “popular” crowd at school, are jealous of her having Arvin. Maybe, they see you and Arvin out together at the move night, in his car making out feeling jealous they chat shit about you! And then the reader finds her friends trying to flirt with him one day but all they get is revenge from the reader. Arvin ofc is one loyal, man he just scoffs telling his mind to them not even holding back! Thank you so much, love your writing it is absolutely beautiful!! Free free to request anything from Tom Holland or his characters such as Arvin Russel and Peter Parker on my Page!! Plus look at my Sweet treat Party, don’t be shy to request!! Also Can we be mutuals? I would love to talk to you 🥰💜
a/n: tysm i had so much fun writing this!!! yes ofc we can be mutuals, message me anytime!
Gold Rush
pairing: arvin russell x reader
synopsis: in which you and arvin’s secret relationship is discovered after a steamy movie night
warnings: language, slight jealousy, a very loyal arvin 
word count: 3.0k
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“Momma’s taking me to get my hair done again tomorrow.” Betty bragged, earning ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhh’ from the small group of girls that sat with her, all except you. You were hardly paying attention to the bratty girl who you hardly considered a close friend of yours. You hung out with the clique at school, participated in most of the conversations, but you weren’t close enough with any of them to see them anywhere else besides during school. In fact, there were many times when you would sit or walk with them, but not be entirely there, this being one of them as you glanced at the boy across the lunch yard from you.
Arvin Russell, to many a quiet boy who made no difference in the course of their life, but to you, he was everything. You two were certainly a pair, nothing official in the eyes of others, but together you shared a connection so strong, you couldn’t imagine any sort of realistic future without him. You kept your relationship on the down low, preferring to meet up in private and only steal quick glances in public when others were around, especially your small girl crew. Even Arvin’s sister Lenora had no idea about you two, though she had her suspicions Arvin was with someone while he was out all evening doing what he played off as ‘studying’ or ‘partner work.’
Your secrecy wasn’t that you were ashamed of him, the complete opposite actually. The girls you hung around were considered quite popular in your small town high school, all stupid rich with the finest clothes and nothing, but the best cuisine for lunch (how they got such fancy food in a rural town was beyond you). From past drama, you also knew them to have a nasty habit of stealing one another’s partners, especially Betty who claimed she was better off alone, but had a different fling every month that she always ended up dumping. Though you weren’t completely sure, you knew that the news of your relationship with Arvin would put you both at risk of breaking up due to pressure and the chance for him to score someone better off than you, financially. Your insecurities had come up in conversation before with the boy you loved so dearly, but even after he had assured you that he would never do such a thing, you took no chances. Arvin was yours and you were forever his.
Your heart fluttered as you saw Arvin turn his head, meeting your stare as he grinned and winked at you. You blushed, hiding your smile by covering your mouth with your hand and subtly waving for him to turn back around in an attempt to get your head back into the conversation. You wouldn’t have succeeded if it weren’t for Ivy, another girl in the group who was seated next to you.
“Whatcha looking at y/n?”
You turned to her, eyes wide as you quickly regained composure and shrugged it off.
“Oh you know me! Always gawking off.” you awkwardly laughed, hoping to play it off. To your dismay, all the girls turned to look where you had been staring, seeing the back of Arvin’s hat covered head as he  obeyed your command to turn away, hiding his own grin.
“Hey, isn’t he that Russell boy?” one of the other girls asked, pointing him out. Your stomach dropped as conversation erupted around the boy who had your heart, something you definitely did not mean to happen.
“I hear he’s fucking his sister.”
“Oh don’t be silly Majorie! That boy couldn’t fuck a sock of he tried! He’s a virgin.”
“I don’t know about that. I’m betting you he has a whole six pack hidden under all that denim. Just look at those thighs!”
“You’re right. I bet he fucks better than half the actors in those rom-coms they keep coming out with.”
“None of those people are actually fucking, you idiot. That’s why it’s called acting.”
“Oh right, acting.”
You had heard enough. As if listening to them insult your beloved wasn’t enough to make you rage, the remarks they made about his body almost caused you to erupt. They were no better than the boys who harassed you all, sexualizing him in such a way, but you said nothing as you dusted off your skirt and packed up the rest of your lunch to leave. Betty, the unofficial ring leader, noticed as she perked up.
“Where ya going y/n?”
You smiled at her, hoping to not give away your anger.
“I just need to visit the ladies room before next period. I’ll see y’all later.”
“Do you want someone to go with you?” she offered, likely to send someone else instead of going herself. You shook your head. No way were you taking one of them with you.
“I’m alright thanks. Y’all can stay here and keep chatting, I don’t mind.”
Betty eyed you suspiciously, wondering what exactly you were hiding, but she didn’t voice her suspicions as she waved you off.
“Ok then, see ya.”
You walked back into the building and to your locker, spinning the lock dial to unlock it so you could put your lunch away and grab your books. As you opened the door, a folded piece of blue-lined paper fell from one of the aeration holes, fluttering down as it traveled to the floor, light as a feather. Once your hands were emptied, you bent over to pick it up and unfolded it. There were words written upon it, scribbled out in familiar handwriting that had you smiling at as you read through it.
Movie tonight? -A
You held it against your chest, closest to your heart as butterflies flew through your gut. You felt like flying right out of your shoes. As if it couldn’t get better, a voice sounded from behind you, low and slightly southern accented as the very person who wrote the note called out.
“So, what do ya say?” Arvin asked.
You turned around to find him stalking closer, noticing his hat slightly askew on his head as he neared you.
“I don’t know, that depends. Will there be … popcorn?” You asked, popping the p in a sultry tone and pausing for effect as you crossed your arms.
“Sure will.” he affirmed.
“And what about … soda?”
He leaned against the locker next to yours,  inches away as he smirked at you.
“All different kinds.”
You leaned against your open locker door, facing him as you wore your own smirk. You reached out to fix his hat, turning it so that it lay straight in his head as it should.
“But will there be … candy?”
He chuckled, reaching for the hand that you had used to fix his hat and entwining his fingers with yours.
“Why ya tryna be difficult darling? Of course there’d be candy.”
You giggled as he placed a chaste kiss on the back of your hand.
“We’ll in the case, I don’t see why I shouldn’t go.” you agreed, knowing both of you were very well aware that your answer would be yes all along. Arvin beamed at you.
“Great. I’ll pick ya up at 8:00 then and we’ll head over to the drive-in.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Arvin leaned in, looking into your eyes and down at your lips. You didn’t pull away as he planted a kiss on them, pulling away for a second before going back in to kiss you again, really kiss you as his lips met yours. You almost gave in, never having gotten over the indescribable feeling of kissing him, but you knew better than to let him do that in public. You pulled away and scrunched your eyebrows in disapproval, a habit you had that Arvin loved. He thought you were extremely cute.
“Arvin,” you scolded. “Not in public. You know that.”
He shrugged, sliding a hand up to your face to cup your cheek, caressing it with his thumb.
“I’m sorry darling. Couldn’t help myself. You’re just so goddamn gorgeous.”
You blushed, turning to look at the floor and you pulled from his grasp and turned to walk the other way, the direction of your next class. You hoped he hadn’t seen your cheeks redden, but you knew he had.
“Later.” you called back to him, turning to smile at him as he smirked at you.
“Later then. I’ll pick you up tonight.”
“Don’t be late.” you teased, in a warning tone.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He closed your locker door for you, turning the opposite directions to head to his own class.
As promised, Arvin picked you up on time, even a few minutes early to give you plenty of time to pick out your snacks. You held his hand the whole way there, his thumb tracing soothing circles on the back of your hand, the car ride silent save for the light radio playing. You didn’t talk, but you were both perfectly happy. Comfortable in each other’s presence and thankful for one another.
Arvin found a nice parking spot near the back of the drive-in, making sure it was still in view of the movie screen and yet out of the way of the projector to avoid being illuminated by it.
After the sun had set and the cool darkness of the new night blew in, the movie began playing and you two watched the beginning. As the night went on, you had eaten through a third of your popcorn and drank most of your soda as Arvin snacked on a some candy, but your snacks were tossed aside halfway through the film as you two got less involved in the movie and more involved in each other, caught up in a heated kiss. You couldn’t exactly recall how it started, who initiated it, any of the details really. All you knew was that he smelled like the cologne you knew him to wear since the day you two met and he tasted like red vines.
Your arms were wrapped around his neck, holding you closer to him as he had his own around your waist, supporting you so you could do just that. You felt sparks as your lips moved against one another, slow turning to passionate in mere moments. You felt his tongue against your lower lip, seeking entrance which you denied playfully, grinning against his mouth. Arvin moved one of his hands down and lightly pinched your bum, causing you to gasp in surprise and giving him the opportunity to explore your mouth as he wished. You gave in, pulling on the roots of his hair as payback while simultaneously never wanting the moment to end as you moved your tongue in sync with his. There were no leaders, no one followed the other. It was a bond, simple as that, a bond that you shared and you personally never wanted to break.
As the movie continued on, you found yourself moving more and more onto Arvin’s lap until you were straddling him, your hands tangled in his hair as he fondled with your bum, feeling you all over, anywhere he could reach. Your lungs burned as they longed for air, your breathing heavy as you and Arvin’s lips finally left each other’s. You looked at him through your lashes, you head tilted down as you sat a little higher above him than you would at your usual height, his lap giving you a small boost. He eyed you in front of him, breathing heavily as his left hand moved up your body to cup your face, his thumb tugging at your now puffy and red bottom lip. He leaned in closer, your noses touching as he mumbled against your lips.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
You chuckled, nuzzling your nose against his. It was now that heat would have flushed out your cheeks, but they were already rosy from kissing him.
“No more sweet talk, Russell. Kiss me again.”
“I only said one thing.”
“Mmm, I know, but it was too much.”
You pecked his lips, ready for it to get as intense as it was again until Arvin smirked and pulled away, fake glaring at you after you rejected his compliment. You were the one who cupped his chin this time, smiling at him.
“Hey. You know I’m just joking.”
You leaned into him, resting your forehead against his as he helped adjust you so that you sat comfortably against him, his arms wrapping back around you.
“I love you Arvin Russell.” you confessed.
It wasn’t the first time, you had already said your firsts months ago, but the effect you had on him, especially when you said those words, it never wore off. It was the same for him. Those three little words and he would have you melting, effortlessly, every damn time. Like a weakness, they got you at your most vulnerable. He pecked your lips again, this time with a little more force, his lips lingering on yours for a little longer. He picked up his head to break it, only for a second as he told you sincerely, “I love you, y/n y/l/n.” and before you knew it, his lips were back on your and you started making out again, intertwined and not to be unwound until at least the end of the movie.
School the next day felt long, nothing out of the norm, but you didn’t like it regardless. Not when you could be away from it all in the passenger's side of Arvin’s car as he drove you two to your special picnic spot. But alas, you were stuck with your cliché girl clique, dreaming of a weekend picnic. You had to remember to tell Arvin.
After your morning classes, you walked with one of the girls, Ivy, to your usual lunch spot when you noticed the other girls weren’t sitting down at your table like they normally would be. Instead you were horrified to see them all gathered around a table that was the usual lunch spot of a certain someone. You were stunned as Ivy dragged you towards them, listening as you heard them giggle and flirt with your boyfriend. There was no way they could have known, no way they found out about him so easily.
“I love that hat on you, Arvin.”
“Whatcha eating for lunch Arvin? How’s the taste?”
“Been working loads, Arvin? Doing some heavy lifting? I can tell.”
As you neared you noticed Betty sipping on what appeared to be a drive-in bag of gummy peach rings, eyeing you with a conniving look. That’s when it hit you. They must have seen you together at the drive in, they had to. One little mistake and now the wolves were after your love.
To your surprise, as you joined the crowd, the girls welcomed you with giggles.
“Lovely to see you y/n.”
“Is your lunch as good as your dinner from last night, y/n?”
“Come say hi to Arvin y/n! I’m sure you two know each other.”
You were red in the face, angry as you eyed Arvin who looked at you worriedly and glared at the girls.
“Ladies, I think we should give poor Arvin some space.” you suggested, hoping they’d take the hint and scram. Betty shook her head and placed her candy down on the lunch table.
“But we’ve only just started talking to him. I haven’t even gotten a chance to show him my new cut.”
She crossed a line as she bent down, her elbows squeezing her chest together to make her cleavage more obvious as she gave Arvin a seductive look. Arvin shifted in his seat, uncomfortably.
“So Arvin, how ya like my new hair? I just got it done this morning, missed first period. Go on, you can touch it if you’d like.”
You couldn’t believe it as your eyes watered, close to tears as you almost cried. But luckily, Arvin noted the lack of respect of boundaries as he stood and rolled his eyes. He made his way through the crowd of girls, scoffing as he reached for you and pulled you to him by your shoulder.
“Now, I’ve been tryna be nice and listen to y’all, but I can’t take another word. If this is how you react when you find out a girl that’s supposed to be your friend has a boyfriend, then I don’t want her to be friends with y’all no more. I’ve had it! Ya hear?!” The girls backed away, from you and Arvin as he moved his hand to grip your waist, a subtle message that he was here for you. They all nodded.
“Good. Now me an’ my girl are gonna go enjoy our lunch without all this nonsense. I don’t want to see any of y’all come near her again.” he started to walk off with you, the girls still shocked, but before you left, he turned back to one of the girls.
“And Betty, you best take care of that rat's nest on your head cuz it ain’t doing no one any favors.”
Betty looked appalled as you turned away from her and laughed with your lover, waiting until you were far enough away from the crowd to thank him at what was your new lunch spot.
You should never have doubted him, his loyalty to you. He’d never leave you for money, he’d never leave you for anything. Girls with centuries of financial stability had offered them up to him in your very presence and he never questioned being with you for a second. There was no hesitation as he rejected them. You were his soulmate, his forever partner, his best friend and all you could think as you stared at him is that you couldn’t have asked for a better one to call yours.
“Thanks baby. I think they needed that.” you expressed your gratitude, reaching for Arvin’s hand. He took yours in his and squeezed it briefly, sending his love for you through his touch. “Anything for my girl.”
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lovelykhaleesiii · 4 years
Jealousy Isn't Good
PAIRING: Tom Holland (characters) x fem!Reader (Arvin Russell and Peter Parker)
Words: 1953
Summary (requested by @peeves6261427): “jealous tom/arvin/peter where the reader knows they’re jealous and tries to tease them but then tom/arvin/peter just go FULL dom” 
Warnings: jealousy, smut, fluff, dom!Tom Holland (+ characters mentioned)
A/N - I fucking love a good angsty + smutty imagine... hope you like just as much as I did writing it AHAHA :) x 
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Now, when it came to Tom’s jealous side, he was terribly awful at hiding it.
To your complete surprise, it was actually a recurring thing... It wasn't that Tom had trust issues, he just would notice how others would try to “flirt with you”, according to him.  
However, you struggled to see this and saw no harm in these interactions, as most of the time you believed people were just being friendly. 
When he did become jealous he acted like a complete, stubborn child.
He would give you short, sharp answers, always be temperamental. 
Often in the moment you’d catch him making quick glances at you as you’d be talking to whomever. 
He’d take a deep breath in, his fists would clench to the point his knuckles turned white. 
“Tom, love, you’re doing it again...” 
Tom knew how to calm himself, however his mood would be foul for the day. 
He had a reputation to hold and did not want to jeopardise that, even if it took him all his strength to not even speak against it. 
He really hated the way some would stare at you, eyeing you up and down, especially at premieres where you were all dolled up. 
Tom would become super protective, especially amongst places where there were crowds upon crowds of people: you found that his arm would always be tightly wrapped around your waist. 
Occasionally, a verbal fight would even break out between the two of you because of this... Until Tom would realise your perspective. 
“And what about you Tom?! What about the millions of girls across the world that worship you? Do you see me complaining and whining?” 
You were happiest with Tom, and you’d mentioned it repeatedly to him... He knew you were with him for the long run, he just despised the fact that people didn’t realise this. 
He’d be the type that needed reassurance that you only had eyes for him, and to make up for his childish behaviour... Sex was the only answer.  
This also was the best way he could showcase his dominance over you: he was always in complete control when it came to sex, especially after an episode of jealousy. 
Tom would definitely be the type to leave love marks all over you, hickeys were his thing. He’d try not to leave them in obvious places where your skin would be exposed, again for his reputation especially with kids, however on the rare occasion that he’d lose himself... There wasn't nothing that a decent palette of makeup couldn’t cover up!
God sometimes he’d even surprise you with a quick, soft bite on your skin... He was playful like that. 
Definitely loves to spank you, again seeing his red hand-print form on your ass cheek just sparks joy in him like nothing else. 
And Tom, definitely loves being called Daddy. 
Nonetheless, it was a flaw in Tom’s character... He was the jealous type and it was something you were okay to live with. 
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Now this man... Would literally go off. Not immediately, it would just constantly be building up inside until he could no longer keep the fury bottled up. 
Having to pick up Lenora from school, you also took to this privilege, which always meant Arvin would be waiting right outside for the two of you. He was protective like that. 
He was also, however, an impatient man: thus, on the occasional days that a few of your colleagues took up your time after school for a quick chat, often about an assignment or homework... He’d grown quite enraged. 
Especially due to the fact that he'd rarely see you during the weekdays from being busy with school. He didn’t want to attend and rather just work, although it took a toll very so often that he’d miss you. 
Being such a small town, didn't help the cause, whether it was walking down the street arm in arm, or catching up at the local diner, someone would stop and chat, minimising your time together even more. 
However, the jealousy would strike most with other male counterparts. 
Arvin, according to his own words “knew what these boys in this town were thinking...” 
For his age, and greatly due to his unfortunate circumstances growing up, Arvin mentally and emotionally matured rapidly for his age. 
Physically, he was also quite strong and didn’t hesitate when faced with a threat. 
Especially after the incident with Lenora and the boys at school... Arvin had a reputation that was built on sheer intimidation. No one dared to mess with anything that even remotely “belonged” to him. 
And he’d made it very clear that you were his. 
However on the downside, when a boy was “downright stupid” (again according to Arvin), and took a chance on you, or even tried to take advantage of you... Arvin would violently lash out. 
It was hard to intervene, especially when matters got physical. 
Arvin was obviously the dominant one: he’d precisely plan his attacks, when exactly to strike. 
Word would spread, and yet everyone would keep quiet... Some would even argue that Arvin did the right thing for standing by you.
“I-I just don't want people thinking the wrong things about you, baby.”   
However you did mention how upset you’d become, witnessing Arvin taking matters into his own hands: and worst of all, you’d hate seeing him hurt with minor wounds to show. 
During these times after the altercations, would be the most intimate. Arvin would apologise and promise to try never to lash out again, although you knew that was a lie. 
It was these moments he showed his most vulnerable side: he’d confess to how much you meant to him, how much he wanted to keep you safe and overall, how much he’d love you. 
“You are the absolute world to be Y/N, baby... You need to know I’d do anything for you.” 
Bless him, you thought. You knew violence was never an answer, although considering Arvin’s upbringing, it was mostly all he’d known, all that he was exposed to. 
“God, Arvin... I can take care of myself, you know that. A-And if I do ever get in trouble, you know you’ll be the first one I come to.” 
However what he dreaded the most was being apart from you. The fear that when you weren't together that’s when something terrible would befall you, killed him deep down and regardless of what you said, or no matter how confident you were of protecting yourself... He knew he’d always be there until he planned for the two of you to leave this “godforsaken town.” 
And of course, the sex helped him a lot. 
Arvin was the dominant one in the relationship throughout everything. He felt he needed to be in control, and obviously still took into consideration your thoughts and feelings.
However when it came to matters of life and death or even remotely close to your safety, he took serious. He prioritised your safety over his own, and that said a lot. 
When I tell you this man would have a breeding kink, I meant it: having children did frighten him a little, although the thought of having them with you, made him feel motivated to have a family of his own. 
He loves when you dry hump the fuck out him, seeing how you moan his name as your face to face with one another, the way your tits be jiggling/jumping the more intense you got. 
He preferred to have sex in remote, isolated locations. He preferred to silence and peace of mind. Only being in each other’s company. 
Often the sex happened in his car, and the moments after would be intimate just like after a fight. 
He loved you and you loved him... You both knew you were meant for one another. 
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Having met Pete, there was no way you’d thought there could ever be a bad bone in him, however it seemed even the perfect Peter Parker struggled with a few minor flaws. 
Peter tended to get jealous, however over specific people that he saw as a threat. 
He was extremely calculative, and knew who posed a risk to his relationship with you.
He often wouldn’t speak up about it, letting it slide and seeking advice from Ned and Aunt May on what to do, however they’d often persuade him to believe it was nothing major to worry about, and that you only had eyes for him. 
And they couldn't be more right. 
Peter trusted you greatly, as you did with him. 
He didn't trust the cocky guys that would shoot their shot with you, and often it did infuriate him. 
At nights, when he was out overlooking the city for whoever would need the help of their friendly, neighbourhood Spider-man, he’d take the time to contemplate to himself. 
However, if he got really desperate for some help, he’d even ask his fellow Avengers... Tony wasn't much of a help, he’d just tell him to either spoil the hell out of you, “take her out to a nice restaurant, the chicks dig that intimacy shit.” 
Steve, on the other hand, was actually the most helpful. 
And they had all met you (and adored you), so they knew exactly who Peter was dealing with.
“Just talk to Y/N, I’m sure she’ll be most understanding... Usually when a guy feels this way about a girl, it means you want to take things seriously,” Captain reasoned. 
And from their Peter knew exactly what he had to do. 
Dates was a regular think, you made sure of that! Despite needing to balance school, work and Peter’s hectic life as an Avenger... You both proudly managed well. 
So taking both Tony’s and Capt’s relationship advice into consideration, Peter thought it would be perfect to just say what he needed to say.
“L-Look Y/N... I know I may not often say it or be the perfect boyfriend, but I-I just wanted to say...” 
God you loved how nervous he'd get. 
“What is it Pete?” You intervene with a bright smile on your face, trying to encourage him to just speak his mind. 
And it seemed to have worked, as his tense shoulders had finally relaxed and he returned with a smile. 
“I-I love you, Y/N. I mean, I-I really am so in love with you. It just bothers me that I see you talking to some guys a-and to think that maybe, one day... They might convince you to leave me.” 
Your heart broke silently to a thousand pieces: not only was this the first time Peter actually said the words “I love you”, however to hear that this was what had been worrying him this entire time. 
“Peter, please don’t ever think that! I could nor would I ever, leave someone as brilliant and caring as you... I love you, Pete, you need to know this.” 
And after what would have been the most sacred dates of your life, you knew exactly how to end the perfect night. 
As you both had politely left the restaurant, thanking the staff for their incredible food and service, you turned to Peter, your hands cupping his chiselled face. 
“Now how about you show me just how much you love me, huh?” 
Sex with Peter was often gentle and very personal. 
He wasn't over-the-top in control, always making sure you were comfortable and relaxed. 
However when you both had gotten into the rhythm of things... A whole, new side of him would peak. 
Definitely a boob guy... He’s rough hands would always be massaging your tits, especially when he ate you the fuck out. 
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cali-holland · 4 years
Nightmares- Tom Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Prompt: After watching The Devil All the Time with Tom and the boys, you have a nightmare and Tom comforts you.
Word Count: 1300
Warnings: The Devil All the Time spoilers (nothing explicitly graphic though); swearing; lots of talk about Tom’s ass in those jeans; slight discussion of abuse
A/N: This is a part of @hollandsrecs ‘s 1k fic bingo for the trope “Slice of Life”... Also, at the time I wrote this, I had not seen the film.
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
“Popcorn’s ready.” Tom announced, coming into the living room with a few bowls of the favored snack food, handing them out to Tuwaine, Harrison, Harry, and Sam who were all scattered about the couches, before he sat down on the loveseat with you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and you snuggled into his side, stealing a couple pieces of popcorn from the bowl. 
“And now to watch you run around and kill people for two and a half hours.” Harrison laughed as he picked up the remote to start the movie.
“That’s not all I do.” He rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, you smoke cigarettes too. Can’t forget that.” Harry teased. “It’s like Peter Parker joined the dark side.”
Tom grabbed a few pieces of popcorn, throwing them across the room at his brother, who opened his mouth and managed to catch one of the pieces. Calling his attention away from Harry, you pressed a kiss to Tom’s cheek as the movie began.
“I can’t wait to see your ass in those jeans.” You whispered to him playfully, making him chuckle.
“Darling, you see that ass in jeans all the time.” He joked, and you turned away from him to face the movie.
“Maybe I just can’t get enough of it.” You teased. You didn’t even have to look at him to know he was smirking proudly.
When you had agreed to watch Tom’s newest film, The Devil All the Time, with him and the rest of the boys, you thought it was a good idea. You had even been on set with Tom for a majority of the film, so you thought you had a good understanding of the violence in the film. Key word: thought.
It was a cinematically beautiful film, no doubt, and, of course, you loved your boyfriend’s performance in it, but some scenes were intense. While you felt comforted in Tom’s warm embrace, there was still an uneasy pit in your stomach as the movie played on.
“So, thoughts?” Tom asked, almost nervously while the credits rolled.
“Very badass.” Harrison acknowledged.
“Still can’t believe you killed Edward Cullen.” Tuwaine commented, and Harry nodded his head in agreement.
“And Bucky.” Sam added. Tom rolled his eyes at them and turned to look at you in his arms.
“I always knew you were secretly team Jacob.” Harrison teased.
“What’d you think of it?” While Tom genuinely cared what the others thought of his movie, your opinion mattered the most to him.
“It was great.” You reassured him, biting back your discomfort, “Your accent was pretty hot in it, too.”
“Why, thank you, darling.” Tom said, switching into his southern accent with ease and making you roll your eyes at his cheesiness.
The film talk continued for another hour with the boys argued over characters and themes and accents, just everything. Meanwhile, you sat there, cuddled up to Tom, as your mind silently played over a few select scenes, unable to get the unspeakable images out of your head. You reasoned that it was all fake; hell, you’d even seen most of those scenes be filmed.
That night, your mind kept returning to the film, replaying the scenes over and over in an even more dramatic and gruesome way. You weren’t sure how long you laid there, trying to focus on Tom’s soft snores and steady breaths to calm your mind, but, when sleep finally overcame you, it did little to help your mental battle.
Tom woke up with a start when he heard you let out a yelp. He was about to jump into action and (very blearily) fight off whoever was harming you, but he softened as he realized you were asleep right beside him. Not only was your yelp alerting, but you were also clutching onto the pillow for your dear life, not peacefully cuddled up to Tom. As he looked at your face, twisted up in distress, he felt his heart sting with worry.
“It’s not real, it’s not real.” You kept mumbling to yourself over and over in despair.
“Y/N, baby, wake up.” Tom started to shake your shoulder gently, trying to pull you from your nightmare. After a moment, your eyes fluttered open. As soon as you registered that you were awake and that Tom was in front of you, you let go of the pillow and hugged him tightly. Rubbing your back soothingly as you cried into his bare chest, Tom comforted you, “It was just a nightmare. I’ve got you. I’m right here.”
He kept repeating his words until he felt you begin to breathe steadily again. Feeling the slightest bit calmer, you pulled away from him and slid out of the bed. Tom watched as you maneuvered around the dark room, the only light coming from the alarm clock on his bedside table. You went straight for the box of tissues to wipe your eyes. Leaning over to turn on the table lamp that sat upon the nightstand beside him, he asked, “Do you want to talk about?”
“Not really.” You answered quietly as you climbed back into the bed. “I’m fine, just go back to bed.”
Refusing to believe your words, Tom softly took your hands in his, his thumbs grazing over your skin mindlessly. 
He didn’t particularly want to ask his next question, but he was far too concerned about you to care, “Was it the movie? Was it me?”
“It wasn’t you.” You reassured him, but when you saw the worried frown still etched on his lips, you let go of his hands and shuffled into his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist. His hands rested on your hips, pulling you closer to him. “Tom, I promise I didn’t have a nightmare about Arvin murdering me.”
“Why’d you put that thought in my head?” He asked in disbelief and you laughed lightly, shaking your head at him.
“I don’t particularly remember what my dream was, but it wasn’t you. I was already on edge because of the Carl and Sandy scenes and then Lenora—“ You shivered a little, trailing off, and his thumbs began tracing soft circles on your hips through the thin material of your sleep shirt.
“If you didn’t like the movie, why didn’t you say?”
“No, I did like the movie.” You moved a hand up to push his loose curls off his forehead, running your fingers through his hair, “It’s a really good movie, and you should be proud of yourself because you were phenomenal. It was just too intense for me, and my subconscious got the better of me while I was sleeping.”
“You know I’d never hurt you, right? Never.” Tom said, seeking his own comfort now as he still pondered on your previous comment about his character.
“I know.” You smiled at him, leaning in to kiss him. As your lips moved against his, it took him a minute to actually kiss you back.
“We should probably get back to sleep.” He mumbled, groaning a little as he pulled his lips away from yours. He looked over at the clock to see it blindingly tell him it was nearly 1:30 in the morning.
“I’m still a bit shaken up. I don’t know if I can fall back asleep now.” You answered truthfully. Tom’s hands made their way down to the hem of your sleep shirt.
“I can think of something to distract you.” He smirked, and you playfully rolled your eyes at his cheekiness, “You spent two and a half hours ogling my ass in jeans.” He switched into his southern accent again, “Don’t you wanna see this ass in person?”
“You’re so weird.” You laughed, cupping his cheeks to bring him in for another kiss.
Tag List: @viagracex @theamazingtomholland @Hellomoveonby @heyitsshrez @harrisonosterfieldhazmyheart @joyleenl @t-o-m-hollands @lonikje @sleepybesson @sunkisseddreamer @hollandsamor @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @gorrillaglue23 @petersoftboyparker @musicalkeys @duskholland @biebsmylife95 @dummiesshort @perspectiveparker​
Tom Tag List: @quaksonhehe @tomkindholland​
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Another interesting article from the Irish DM.
By Maeve Quigley
Heartthrob Aidan Turner has a track record of dating co-stars and it seems like he’s finally found his leading lady as it’s revealed he and Caitlin Fitzgerald have tied the knot
THEY were the pictures that broke the hearts of thousands of fans — the dark-haired actor affectionately smooching his new wife on the romantic streets of Rome, as their wedding rings flashed in the warm Italian dusk. After three years of dating, Aidan Turner tied the knot with fellow thespian Caitlin Fitzgerald in a secret ceremony in the Italian capital last summer, although news of the nuptials has just broken.
The pair met on the set of adventure film The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot and it seems — despite Turner’s previous protestations that he would never date another actress — they couldn’t help falling for each other.
Pictures taken on August 8 show the newlyweds days after tying the knot as they flashed their gold bands while enjoying a romantic al fresco dinner date at Pierluigi’s restaurant in Rome.
In the newly-released images, the loved-up pair seem unable to keep their hands off each other as they sip their drinks, holding on to one another as they gaze into each other’s eyes.
It is believed Fitzgerald also came to Ireland before the pandemic to meet Turner’s extended family — possibly ahead of their big day. Of course, she’s not the first woman with beauty and talent to be seen on the arm of the dashing Dubliner.
But at 37, the man whose shirtless scything in BBC drama Poldark had women everywhere a-quiver is now officially off the market.
Turner was born in Clondalkin, the son of Eileen, an accountant, and Pat, an electrician. He is the youngest of two boys; his brother works for the Revenue.
The family later moved to Walkinstown where growing up he was quite shy so his mum sent him to ballroom dancing classes as she felt it would help him no matter what career he chose. He became quite the champion and could possibly have been headed for an international career before he got bitten by the acting bug when he attended the Gaiety School of Acting, where he dated classmate India Whisker for a short time.
Even then, Turner’s dashing good looks were getting him noticed off stage.
To supplement his acting career, he got a job as a barman in famous Dublin nightclub Lillie’s Bordello, where he proved to be a big hit with the VIP guests
‘Women would come in just to stare at him,’ said former hostess now wellness guru and television presenter Andrea Hayes, who gave the acting student his position behind the bar. ‘I’m not joking.’
His first big acting break came when he landed the part of receptionist Ruairi MacGowan in RTE’s long-running medical drama The Clinic, taking the seat left vacant by another major success story, Chris O’Dowd, who also played a medical administrator on the show.
Around this time he was dating Charlene McKenna. The thenaspiring acting stars were together from 2007 to 2009 and shared a flat together in London before their relationship ended just weeks after McKenna had said in an interview how happy she was.
McKenna has recently got married in secret herself, to actor Adam Rothenburg, with whom she starred in Ripper Street, although she has said she still has a friendship with Turner.
‘He’s flying and I’m so proud of him,’ she said of Turner in a 2016 interview. ‘We still keep in touch and I knew he would do this well for himself. I always told him he would be a movie star.’
While they lived together, Turner landed his breakthrough role as tortured vampire Mitchell in the BBC Three hit Being Human.
Mitchell was torn between his blood lust and doing the right thing and was keen on leather trousers and coats, allowing Turner to smoulder on screen for the first but certainly not the last time.
He managed to gain a cult following from the role — as well as a new girlfriend in the form of his co-star Lenora Critchlow who played a ghost to Turner’s vampire.
When their relationship ended, Turner also chose to quit his role on the show.
But it was Being Human that got him his role in The Hobbit after director Peter Jackson saw him in the show and was struck by his elfin features. He never made it to the elves though, instead playing a dwarf.
And as his star ascended, he began dating another actress, this time Cork-born Sarah Greene. They had been friends for a few years after meeting on the set of Titus Andronicus, directed by Selina Cartmell at Dublin’s Project Arts Centre; but love didn’t blossom until much later.
‘I played Demetrius, her character wasn’t a named character but we met on that,’ Turner said in a magazine interview. ‘It was all very platonic and we never hooked up or anything, but that’s how we got to know each other. Then years later we just met again and it just sort of took off.’
Turner and Greene became the golden couple of the Irish drama scene, both with careers on the rise. They were together when he landed the role of Ross Poldark in the BBC revival of the Cornish drama that became a huge international success.
The fame that came with the role was difficult for both to handle as Turner is not a fan of being seen as a celebrity while Greene hated people taking photographs of her boyfriend while they went about their daily business.
Though then happy in his relationship with Greene, Turner admitted that he had been heartbroken in the past and it was something he was able to channel into his role as the brooding Ross Poldark, a man torn between two women.
‘I don’t know anyone on this planet who hasn’t had their heart broken,’ he told the Radio Times. ‘It’s happened to me. Love is love it’s the purest and rawest thing we have in life.’
As their careers progressed, the couple spent more time apart as Turner was in New Zealand with The Hobbit while Greene was working on projects like Vikings closer to home. But he insisted the distance wasn’t a problem.
‘You meet someone, you fall in love, then you can only see them over Skype or phone calls or texts and emails. And you have this whole other side to your relationship and it’s... it was fun,’ he said in a 2015 interview. He added: ‘We knew we really wanted to be together. And knew if we could do that, we could tackle a lot more. It was never: God, this is hard, bloody hell, we need to review this. This sucks. We never questioned it; it was great. So we had that from the beginning...’
But as the Poldark mania went into overdrive, so did the rumour mill and there were false reports of an engagement and even a secret wedding between himself and Greene. In actual fact the opposite was the case, with the relationship ending in 2015, five years after it started.
Turner then seemed to swear off dating those in the same business, despite his track record. In a press conference for the fourth series of Poldark, he said dating in acting circles meant you could never get away from work, admitting: ‘If you’re in my business and you find somebody who does exactly what you do and you’re living with them, then you’re in the business all the time.
‘You go home, talk about casting directors, you talk about the press, you talk about the next job you’re doing — it can become quite dull and taxing,’ he added.
So instead he was linked to a mystery law graduate, an advertising executive and then the artist Nettie Wakefield, who he dated for around a year before their hectic schedules drove them apart in what was described as an amicable split.
But obviously when he met the stunning blonde Irish-American, Caitlin Fitzgerald, 38, on a film set three years ago, Turner’s new rules went out the window, so bowled over was he by the beauty and talent of his co-star. By the time the film was premiered, the pair already looked smitten, posing on the red carpet together.
Fitzgerald appeared at a concert with Michael Sheen, with whom she starred in Masters of Sex but was seeing Turner at that time and like him, is an intensely private person.
Despite his fame and the stir his bare-chested scything caused, Turner has never been one to chase the celebrity lifestyle — perhaps because of those nights he spent observing celebrities while working behind the bar in Lillie’s.
‘If I allowed myself to let it change my life, it could,’ he has said in the past of his fame. ‘Where there’s celebrity, it’s easy to slip into that — being followed in nightclubs, or dating famous people or getting adverts. I’m just not interested in that stuff.
‘I want to do good work with good actors and filmmakers, read interesting scripts. I didn’t get into this business for celebrity. I did it for my love of film and stories and theatre.’
So although it has now been widely reported that he and Fitzgerald tied the knot in front of his parents Eileen and Pat, neither of them are likely to confirm their nuptials at any stage in the near future.
In fact, the only kissing Turner is likely to talk about is for his role in the film Leonardo, which explores the life and sexuality of Leonardo Da Vinci. In the film we will see Turner as the renaissance artist in a passionate clinch with another man as it explores Da Vinci’s sexuality and his rumoured affair with his apprentice Gian Giacomo Caprotti, better known by his nickname Salai. It is for his art that Turner intends to keep us all guessing as he’d rather we were interested in his roles than his romances.
‘It’s important to me that people don’t know too much about me because I’m trying to play characters,’ he has said in the past
‘Sometimes you see actors who are really good, but you have trouble separating that actor from the celebrity profile.
‘I don’t want to be one of those guys. It helps that people don’t know a lot about me, I guess.’
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nyslovesfilm · 7 years
SAVE THE DATE:  TV Premieres & Film Releases
The schedule of television premieres and film releases continues.  Below is a list of upcoming television shows and films that participated in New York State’s production and post-production tax credit programs with upcoming release/premiere dates.
 Our Cartoon President (Cartoon Trump) – Feb. 11 – CBS / Showtime From executive producer Stephen Colbert comes this hilarious look into the Trump presidency, animation style. Starring: Gabriel Gundacker (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production)
Mozart In The Jungle – Season 4 – Feb. 16 – Amazon Studios New melodies arise as Rodrigo and Hailey take their relationship public. Hailey struggles to prove herself as a conductor, while Rodrigo fights to keep his inspiration alive. Starring Lola Kirke and Gael Garcia Bernal (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
Seven Seconds - Season 1 – Feb. 23 – Fox 21/Netflix Tensions run high in Jersey City after an African American teenager is critically injured by a cop. Starring: Regina King, David Lyons, Michael Mosley.  (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
The Tick - Season 1 – Feb. 23 – Sony/Amazon In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with no superpowers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain. Starring:  Peter Serafinowicz, Griffin Newman, Valorie Curry. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
The Looming Tower – Feb. 28 – Legendary Television/Hulu Tracing the rising threat of Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, the series takes a controversial look at how the rivalry between the CIA and FBI inadvertently might have set the stage for the tragedy of 9/11 and the war in Iraq. Starring:  Jeff Daniels, Tahar Rahim, Peter Sarsgaard. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
Chaos Walking – March 1 – Lionsgate A dystopian world where there are no women and all living creatures can hear each other’s thoughts in a stream of images, words, and sounds called Noise. Starring: Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley, Mads Mikkelsen. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production)
We are New York – March 1 – Jay Street Films An Emmy Award-winning television show created to help immigrant New Yorkers practice English while informing them of the city’s resources. Starring: Simone Xi, Brianna Fernandez, Nishi Raja. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) 
Death Wish – March 2 – MGM/Annapurna A doctor in Chicago becomes a vigilante when his wife is murdered and his daughter brutally attacked by robbers. Starring: Bruce Willis, Elisabeth Shue, Kimberly Elise, Cami Morrone. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production)
A Crime To Remember - Season 5 – March 3 – Investigation Discovery A look back at famous cases from the past. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
The Good Fight - Season 2 – March 4 – CBS All Access Picking up one year after the events of the final episode of The Good Wife, an enormous financial scam has wiped out Diane Lockhart's savings and she must start from scratch at a new firm. Starring: Christine Baranski, Rose Leslie, Erica Tazel. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
Hap & Leonard – Season 3 – March 7 – AMC/Sundance TV Set in the late 1980s, this series is a darkly comic swamp noir of two best friends, one femme fatale, a crew of washed up revolutionaries, a pair of murderous psycho killers, some lost loot, and the fuzz. Starring: Michael K. Williams, James Purefoy, Tiffany Mack. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production)
Jessica Jones – Season 2 – March 8 – Marvel/Netflix Haunted by a traumatic past, Jessica Jones uses her gifts as a private eye to find her tormentor before he can harm anyone else in Hell's Kitchen. Starring: Krysten Ritter. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
Thoroughbreds – March 9 – Focus Features Two upper-class teenage girls in suburban Connecticut rekindle their unlikely friendship after years of growing apart. Together, they hatch a plan to solve both of their problems—no matter what the cost. Starring: Anya Taylor-Joy, Anton Yelchin, Olivia Cooke. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production)
Instinct - Season 1 – March 11 – CBS A former CIA operative, who has since built a "normal" life as a gifted professor and writer, is pulled back into his old life when the NYPD needs his help to stop a serial killer on the loose. Starring: Alan Cumming, Bojana Novakovic, Naveen Andrews. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
Deception - Season 1 – March 11 – Warner/ ABC When his career is ruined by scandal, superstar magician Cameron Black has only one place to turn to practice his art of deception, influence and illusion — the FBI. Starring: Jack Cutmore-Scott, Lenora Crichlow, Vinny Jones. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
Rise – Season 1 – March 13 – NBC A working class high school drama department and the students come alive under a passionate teacher and family man whose dedication to the program galvanizes the entire town. Starring: Josh Radnor, Rosie Perez, Auli’I Crazahlo. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
Billions – Season 3 – March 25 – Showtime U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades goes after hedge fund king Bobby "Axe" Axelrod in a battle between two powerful New York figures. Starring: Paul Giamatti, Damian Lewis, Maggie Siff. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
The Americans – Season 6 – March 28 – Fox 21 Television Studios/FX Network This period drama is about the complex marriage of two KGB spies posing as Americans in suburban Washington D.C. during the Reagan administration. Starring: Kerri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production)
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farewellnevrland · 1 year
❛ everybody knows . about us . the sex . ❜ (peter & lenora)
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Aquela não era a primeira vez que Lenora e Peter encontravam-se aos beijos no quarto do capitão tarde da noite, quando tinham certeza que o restante da tripulação permanecia em seus próprios aposentos e sequer cogitavam a ideia de que eles tinham algo – era o que pensava, ao menos. Ela nunca soube nomear muito bem o que eles tinham. Sexo casual era o mais próximo que poderia chegar. E ela também não saberia dizer como a relação deles escalou tanto, quando ela própria esbanjava aos sete mares o quanto o odiava; contudo, Lenora nunca percebeu a tensão que os rondava até o dia em que o beijou pela primeira vez por puro descuido de sua parte, porque se tivesse resistido um pouco mais aos charmes do Morgan, não estaria tão confusa com o que ela própria acreditou por muito tempo como verdade.
Se não bastasse o caos que ela mesma havia criado dentro de si em relação ao capitão, tentava ignorar os inúmeros cochichos a seu respeito. De alguma forma, toda a tripulação sabia sobre o que acontecia quando eles estavam sozinhos entre quatro paredes. Não era difícil pensar o oposto, afinal, os olhares intensos entregavam o que eles não gostariam de dizer em voz alta. Entretanto, para a navegadora, era mais fácil continuar com o que eles tinham e não encarar os próprios sentimentos e admitir que, no fundo, ela realmente gostava da companhia dele. Sobretudo, ela gostava dele.  
Lenora preferia guardar seus sentimentos para si mesma, ainda que escutasse constantemente os comentários de Piper dizendo que eles formariam um belo casal. Chegava a ser engraçado considerando toda a trajetória deles até o presente momento, porque não havia qualquer possibilidade de realmente se tornarem algo que chegasse perto disso. Como já haviam estabelecido outras vezes, não havia sentimentos envolvidos na relação conturbada que tinham, além do ódio e a raiva que os moviam. Ela o odiava e Peter a odiava, certo?
Era o que preferia acreditar, porque ela definitivamente não sabia como lidar com sentimentos não correspondidos quando ainda precisava ficar mais um tempo no Diabo do Mar como sua navegadora não oficial.
Já era tarde da noite quando Lenora resolveu ir até o quarto do capitão, tentando não chamar a atenção de terceiros durante o percurso. Gostaria de vê-lo naquela noite e, por isso, resolveu aparecer sem qualquer aviso prévio. E como das outras vezes, o silêncio se tornava seu maior aliado; ela não tinha o costume de conversar quando se encontravam, tampouco Peter. Não havia necessidade de perguntar como havia sido seu dia quando sabia que seus objetivos ali eram outros. Portanto, quando ela própria percebeu, estava deitada junto do outro rapaz, com as próprias roupas jogadas em algum canto que não era de seu interesse.
Tensionou por um breve momento, temendo o rumo daquela conversa. Ainda que não tivesse admitido seus sentimentos por ele até então, ela não queria acabar com aquilo que eles tinham e não poderia ler os pensamentos de Peter para descobrir onde exatamente ele gostaria de chegar. — Isso é um problema para você? — Resolveu perguntar, enquanto segurava o rosto dele com uma das mãos para tentar mantê-lo próximo. — Quer dizer, eu acho que a culpa disso é sua, porque você não consegue esconder muito bem que tá caidinho por mim, fofura. E na verdade, eu até acho bonitinho, ouvi dizer que você está até mais dócil ultimamente. Good boy. — Provocou, porque ela não conseguia deixar seu prazer pessoal de lado ao vê-lo tão irritado e sequer se esforçava para isso. Para Lenora, era engraçado ver Peter com o pescoço avermelhado pela raiva enquanto ameaçava jogá-la aos mares, mas nunca fazia de fato.
— Se te incomoda tanto assim, é melhor a gente parar por aqui, porque você sabe que não vamos conseguir esconder isso por muito tempo. Não sei dizer se realmente quero esconder, para ser sincera. — Continuou, afastou-se dele por um breve momento. O olhar dela não vacilava, e parecia mais que ela estava prestes a ter um ataque cardíaco enquanto aguardava qualquer resposta dele.
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farewellnevrland · 1 year
[ SAFE ] - having just saved the receiver, sender pulls them into their arms for a protective hug to assure them they're safe. (peter & lenora)
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Eram poucas as coisas que deixavam Lenora verdadeiramente surpresa. É verdade que ela, ainda tão jovem, viveu mais do que uma pessoa normal conseguiria aguentar; fugir e lutar pela própria sobrevivência era um trabalho árduo e, talvez, algumas pessoas sequer aguentariam passar por tanto. Se fosse sincera consigo mesma, nem ela conseguiria distinguir os motivos que a fizeram permanecer de pé quando, em muitos momentos, a única coisa que desejava era a própria morte. Talvez, fosse duro demais dizer tais palavras em voz alta quando já fazia inúmeras piadas com a própria desgraça, preferindo guardar esses pensamentos para si mesma e não demonstrar que, no fundo, era sim uma mulher extremamente frágil e quebrada.  
Não sabia distinguir ao certo quantas pessoas passaram a gostar mais de sua companhia com o passar do tempo, visto que o próprio capitão a jogaria aos tubarões sem pensar duas vezes – e deveria agradecer imensamente a Piper por impedi-lo e permitir sua estadia naquela tripulação até que encontrasse um lugar definitivo. Algo que não aconteceria tão cedo e era exatamente por esse motivo que continuou pulando de tripulação em tripulação nos últimos anos. E, se fosse sincera, não sabia exatamente por quanto tempo permaneceria junto de Peter, Piper e todos os amigos que, eventualmente, fez durante o tempo em que estivera como navegadora do Diabo do Mar. Pensar nessa possibilidade era algo que doía em seu peito, e não gostaria de permitir para si mesma que havia se apegado ao capitão antes mesmo que pudesse partir.
E como dito anteriormente, eram poucas as coisas que deixavam Lenora surpresa, tampouco uma invasão em seu navio quando já estava acostumada com situações assim. Ela não era uma novata e, por mais que não soubesse nadar e temia ser jogada ao oceano, ela sabia se defender muito bem. Era um dos primeiros mandamentos no manual de sobrevivência que ela mesma havia criado para conseguir ter uma vida digna, apesar de todas as circunstâncias.  Entretanto, talvez, a maior surpresa foi ver Peter se aproximar sem sua expressão irritada e que era tão habitual ao ser direcionada para a navegadora; não era como se ele fosse lhe xingar por alguma brincadeira que fizera, ou talvez ameaçar lhe jogar dali como sempre fazia quando estava com raiva. Algo em sua expressão demonstrava aflição, e Lenora não tinha o costume de receber preocupação de outras pessoas.  
Os olhos da navegadora se arregalaram ao sentir os braços alheios rodearem seu corpo, em um claro sinal de preocupação e que até mesmo atraiu atenção dos demais, que se entreolhavam sem entender exatamente o que estava acontecendo com Peter naquele dia. Não sabia porque estava sendo abraçada com ele quando, claramente, estava bem, e mesmo que estivesse machucada, ela sabia que não seria de grande importância para ele. — O que você está fazendo? — Questionou, visivelmente surpresa. Entretanto, algo dentro de si gostava da sensação de tê-lo tão próximo, e não demorou mais que alguns segundos em retribuir o abraço, mesmo sem saber exatamente se deveria ou não fazer aquilo. O rosto apoiado no peito de Peter, ouvindo as batidas de seu coração com atenção, era no mínimo terapêutico. E se tivesse a oportunidade, talvez Lenora gostaria de estar em apuros mais vezes se fosse resultar em um abraço do capitão. — Quem diria que o nosso grande capitão seria tão afetuoso assim, não é? Não pensei que fosse te ver tão preocupado assim, é fofo. — Resolveu brincar, como forma de se esquecer da sensação estranha em seu estômago, ou dos seus dedos formigando ao tocar na pele do capitão. — É sério, eu estou bem, um arranhado de nada que não vai me matar. — Levantou o olhar, sentindo a garganta secar no momento em que seus olhos pousaram na boca alheia, que parecia estar ainda mais chamativa naquele momento. Balançou a cabeça minimamente, ela não poderia pensar que seria uma boa ideia beijar Peter naquele momento, mesmo que sua mente gritasse e implorasse para que o fizesse. — Gostou tanto assim do meu abraço, Peter? Se quiser dormir agarradinho comigo depois, é só pedir, juro que não vou te morder. Sei que, no fundo, você não me odeia tanto assim.
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