#lovelykhaleesiii imagines
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year ago
Aegon II Targaryen | MASTERLIST #1
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Untouched. [Dark!Aegon | smut]
She's Wonderful [Fanon!Aegon | fluff]
Childish Love [Modern AU | angst | fluff | smut]
Strangers to Lovers [Modern AU | chubby!Aegon | angst | fluff | smut]
Teacher's Pet [Modern AU | Professor!Aegon, angst | fluff | smut]
Servant to the Moon. [Werewolf!Aegon | angst | fluff | smut]
Baby Fever! [Dad!Aegon | smut | fluff]
Stranger Danger! [Dark!Stalker!Aegon | angst | smut | fluff]
Ignorant Cruelty [Mean!chubby!King!Aegon | angst | smut]
No.1 Fan [Rugby!player!Aegon | smut | fluff]
My Best Girl [Best Friend’s Dad!Aegon | fluff | angst | smut]
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Angel of My Dreams [chubby!Aegon | angst | fluff]
Our Child [fanon!Aegon | angst | fluff]
Delicate [fanon!Aegon | smut]
Sweets, Treats & a Princess. [dad!King!Aegon | fluff]
Satisfied, Yet? [chubby!King!Aegon | angst | smut]
A Little Too Tight... [chubby!King!Aegon | angst | smut]
Seconds, Please? [Modern AU | chubby!Aegon | angst | smut]
Bound to You. [Modern AU | chubby!Dad!Aegon | fluff | smut]
Happy Wife, Happy Life... [Modern AU | chubby!Aegon | angst | smut]
Union of the Dragon & the Wolf. [King!Aegon | angst | smut]
Dilemmas & Dreams. [Modern AU | dark!Aegon | angst | smut]
Touch Starved. [King!Aegon | angst | smut]
Hardly Workin' [Modern AU | chubby!CEO!Aegon | smut]
Duty to the Realm. [King!Aegon | smut]
My Dream Girl... [Moder AU | chubby!Fratboy!Aegon | angst | smut | fluff]
To Lead Astray or Not... [Modern AU | chubby!Professor!Aegon | angst | smut | fluff]
Playboy [Modern AU | chubby!Gamer!Aegon | angst | smut]
Cinammon Crush [Modern AU | chubby!Professor!Aegon | smut]
Mericless or Ruthless? [Fanon!Aegon | smut]
Existence of a Woman. [chubby!King!Aegon | angst | fluff]
Daddy's Princess [King!Aegon x daughter!Targaryen!Reader | angst | smut]
A King to Fear... [King!Aegon | angst | smut]
All I Want for Christmas... [Modern AU | chubby!Aegon | fluff | smut]
Divine Honour. [King!Aegon | smut | fluff]
For Good Measure… [Daddy!King!Aegon | smut | angst]
Appetite [Chubby!Aegon | smut]
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The Wolf & the Stray Girl. [Red Riding Hood AU | Werewolf!Aegon | angst | smut | fluff] - Prologue | 1 |
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sunfyresrider · 2 years ago
Love & Ruin
Synopsis: After being hidden away for most of your life your mother decided to stop being protective. However, there is one rule you cannot break, DO NOT associate with your uncle Aegon. Of course, it's the first thing you do, and you both quickly realize you will be each other's inevitable downfalls.
Pairing: Aegon Targaryen x You (daughter of Rhaenyra) Warnings: drinking, cursing, smut, dubcon, more smut, manipulation, possible murder, obsessive tendencies, idk if this is dark!aeg or yandere but he's not okay, mentally. Word count: 7k Note: Part one of two:) I really hope yall like this. Reader is Helaena's age. I did not proofread; fuck it we ball. Tags: @lovelykhaleesiii @annikin-im-panicin @its-actually-minicika (Hi girls ily)
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‘It wasn’t meant to happen like this’
Aegon paced back and forth inside the throne room waiting for the return of his brother. The storm that had rolled in was heavy, the sounds of hail beating the glass window echoed throughout the room. The sudden crash of thunder and jolt of lighting sent a shiver down his spine. The candles that lined the room were not enough to fully bring light into the dark. It was almost poetic; the storm echoed his inner feelings perfectly. 
‘How could you do this?!’
‘Have you gone mad!’ 
‘Think about your wife! Your children! How will this look?’ 
‘She won’t show us mercy now, you fool!” 
It had been hours since he sent Aemond to Storm’s End. The mission couldn’t have been that hard, go ask for a Baratheon bitches' hand and bring back a person. His mother had taken to chewing at her nail beds until they bled. His grandsire sat with his face in his hands contemplating how to fix this. 
Once a crown was placed on his head Aegon found a new sense of confidence, one that could no longer be stolen away by those around him. His family could no longer control him nor tell him what to do. He was king and kings did not ask permission. They took what they wanted. From now on his word was law and this mission was the only reason he didn’t flee to Yiti. It was promised to him then taken away and he fully intended to take it back. And what he wanted was traveling to beg for Lord Borros to side with the pretender…
Five hours, it took five hours for the roar of Vhagar to be heard over the red keep. The storm had subsided to a light rain, yet the sky remained dark. Finally, he rose from his seat, his heart pounding in anticipation. A giddy smile creeping onto his face that his mother couldn’t help but scoff at. It didn’t matter anymore; he had won his first prize in war. 
Murmurs from the council filled the once silent room but Aegon could only hear the pounding of his heart. His eyes locked onto the door waiting for them to walk inside. His imagination swirled with possibilities and all of them were better than his current situation. Alicent and Otto stared from a distance, both realizing their potential mistake. They let the dog off the leash and now they were about to suffer the consequences. 
Guards rusting outside the doors caught everyone’s attention. The room went eerily silent as the doors began to creak open. Aegon nearly jumped out of his skin as he walked forward to meet who was coming. 
Aemond, drenched in water, stalked inside slowly. His face was a mix of regret and… fear? The world stopped and as if on cue a flash of lightning followed by a crack of thunder that lit up the room. Aegon’s heart ceased to beat, his smile melted into nothing, and his feet threatened to give out on him. His mother’s eyes widened, and her hands fled to cover her mouth. Aemond struggled to lift the wet, bruised and unconscious body in his arms. He let out a shaky breath, 
“There’s been an… incident.” 
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From a young age Aegon knew he had no love from anyone besides himself. His mother simply tolerated him, his father forgot him, and everyone else loathed him. The first-born son who should inherit everything but instead was given nothing. The son born to be loved but destined to be hated. 
It was no surprise he was the way he was. He drank more than he should, fucked more than allowed and was cruel to those who may or may not deserve it. No one was born evil; they were raised to be that way. At least, that’s what he told himself to feel better at night. 
And he wasn’t truly evil in the eyes of most anyway, just terribly pathetic. A lonely fourteen-year-old who may never feel loved. A boy who would never fully feel the warmth of someone’s gentle touch, the excitement when they approached, the soft reassurances and sweet nothings they would whisper, the true connection when intimate with someone you loved. It was all out of his reach… Until you started coming around. 
For the better half of your life your mother, Rhaenyra kept you decently hidden from most of the court. It was not at all because you shared your features with Harwin Strong but because you were simply too precious for the world. You were her only daughter, her first born and you were too beautiful for the men in this city to gawk at and prey upon. 
She would protect you from everything her father couldn’t protect her from. So, yes you didn’t get out much and when you did Harwin, and your brothers followed close suit. Rhaenyra did become more lenient as you grew. It was better to let you live as you wanted under watchful eyes than be locked away because of her own fears. At least that’s what Harwin told to calm her. 
You were strictly prohibited from a handful of things though. Absolutely no leaving the keep unless it was daytime, and a handful of guards were there to follow. Absolutely no wandering around after dark, anywhere, no matter the circumstance. And finally, absolutely no involvement with your uncle Aegon. 
Sadly, you were born with the same rebellion in your heart as she once had. The very first thing that needed to be handled was Aegon. It excited you to no end thinking about why he was banned from speaking to you. You needed to know why it was prohibited and see if it was as exciting as you thought.
Dusk had fallen on the keep and the light from the windows was beginning to fill the corridors orange. It was one of the rare moments you were able to be completely alone. You were supposed to return to your chambers immediately after your septa lesson but had time to stroll. Right now, your brothers would still be in the dragon pit, your mother in a council meeting and Ser Harwin getting ready for his nightly patrol. It was price time to make an escape and seek him out. 
You found him in a compromising position. He was curled up in the corner of the library and reeked of wine. There was a subtle shine on his face from tears that were shed earlier. He looked pathetic, not in a bad way, in an abused puppy way that made your heart melt. How could you be banned from talking to him? When asleep he looked like a poor Angel. You crawled next to him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder to shake him awake. “Uncle?” You whispered into his ears. 
“Aegon?” Your soft voice began to rouse him from his slumber. His eyebrows began to furrow slightly. “Aegon, wake up.” He jumped away and snatched your wrist, startling you. “Brother?!” His eyes scanned the room and you before settling with the most confused expression plastered on his face. 
“N-no Aemond isn’t here. I-it’s just me.” Aegon paused in his drunken haze. Who was me? You were too pretty to be a maid, your clothes too fancy. His eyes danced up and down your form as his brain slowly started putting it together. “Your niece. It’s __ ” 
His hands released you slowly as his mouth slightly hung agape. Why in the seven hells was Rhaenyra hiding a creature as beautiful as you? Yeah, he had seen you in passing maybe once or twice but never really got a good look. 
You had the perfect plush lips coated in a shade of pink. Your eyes were large and glistened with his reflection inside your pupils. Your hair fell elegantly, highlighting your pretty face. And from what he could see from your neckline you had a nice chest too, for your age.  
He felt two small warm hands cup his cheeks, pulling him from his thoughts. Aegon stared at you confused, his lips puffed out. “Oh Aeg, are you alright? Did someone hurt you?” Oh gods, you were too precious. He was too dumbfounded to say anything, maybe too drunk still to fully grasp the situation.
You weren’t wrong though; someone did hurt him. His mother barged into his room and slapped him clean across the face without warning. Ranting and raving about his behavior and how he was disappointing the family. He nodded slowly, not exactly sure how he was supposed to react. You let out a deep sigh and your lips formed a frown. 
You knew exactly what to do. Your mother had done the same every time you or your siblings got hurt. You rubbed the tear stains on his cheeks and kissed his forehead gently. A soft smile appearing on your lips, “don’t cry please or you’ll make me cry. You’re a prince and a good son. You ride the prettiest dragon in the world and so many people think you’re amazing. You have so much to offer and they’re just too blind to see it. So many love you, I love you and-”
You were cut off by the sounds of your mother calling out your name searching for you. You let go of his cheeks and quickly embraced him. “You’re perfect, okay? Don’t cry.” You jumped to your feet and brushed your skirts down. “I gotta go… feel better!” Aegon sat and watched your little feet scurry off into the direction of your mother's voice.
His eyes were wide, and he was frozen in the same spot. Seven hells, seriously where the fuck have you been his entire life? There was a pool of emotions swirling inside him he couldn’t fully grasp. Your little hands and soft voice saying the sweetest things to a complete stranger. The way your lips softly pressed against his forehead radiating warmth throughout his body. You were so innocent, so blindly loving… You were his. 
It was an odd thing for him to think. He never really desired someone for just himself, Aegon didn’t really care until this point. But right now all he could think about was stealing you away and keeping you tucked away in his room forever. Corrupting you slowly but only for him, no one else could see it or experience it. He needed more, desperately and as soon as possible. 
He forced himself into wobbly legs and sucked in a deep breath. It was time to talk to his parents. 
The plan failed so horrifically he could swear the gods were pissing on him. He went and asked for your hand, said he was ready to be a good son, bring the families together finally. Aegon was shot down so fucking fast he got whiplash. His mother was okay with it, seeing potential benefits. But his father was adamantly against it as was his bitch sister. 
“You think I’ll let him drag my daughter into his depravity? Not until I am cold in my grave.” 
That could definitely be arranged. It made complete sense; he was the eldest son, and you were the eldest daughter. You were heir and he was the second son of the king. There was absolutely no reason for rejection besides their own selfish, impossible to understand reasons. 
It didn’t really fucking matter. When he wanted something, he got it one way or another. Thus, he came up with a plan to steal you away and woo his way into your heart permanently. 
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Aegon had stayed painstakingly sober the entire day and avoided any of the whores he usually wasted his time with. He waited til long after the sun had set to sneak through Maegor’s hidden tunnels to try and find your chambers. It was a hassle, he stumbled into Jacaerys’s room once and immediately backed out. Then he walked past what he assumed was a hidden entrance to your mother’s room only to hear lewd noises coming from inside.
He didn’t realize it at the time but that was when Joffrey was made. 
The deeper he walked the more aggravated he became. Why was it so fucking hard to find you? It took him several failed attempts until he finally lightly pushed open the door to a room seeping with light. He peered in and saw you sleeping soundly on the bed, clutching a stuffed bear tightly to your chest. How cute, you were scared of the dark and slept with a bear, he thought to himself. 
Aegon wasted no time welcoming himself inside and waltzing over to the side of the bed where you slept. He brushed a loc of your hair out of your face and admired how beautiful you looked, even while asleep. If he was totally honest, he could stay here and watch you sleep all night, but he had things he needed to do. 
“Hey princess,” he spoke softly as he nudged your shoulder. Unlike him, you were an extremely light sleeper. You opened your eyes and they immediately shot wide open. You attempted to let out a scream at the intruder, but he swiftly shoved his hand onto your mouth. “Shhh! Shhh, it’s just me. It’s Aegon.” 
Your face relaxed and you blinked your eyes a few times trying to decipher if this was a dream or reality. “Aegon,” you murmured into the palm of his hand. “I’ll let go if you swear to be quiet. Promise?” You nodded your head and he slowly pulled back; a wide grin plastered over his face showcasing his perfectly even teeth. “Good morning, princess.”
You rubbed your eyes and peered over to the window. “It’s still nighttime…” you drawled into a yawn. “I know, it’s the only time you’re alone.” You sat up on your bed, “I’m sorry it’s just-” your words were stuck in your throat as he reached up and brushed the hair out of your face again. His eyes were completely memorizing, and he touched you with the gentleness only your mother did. “No need to be sorry, princess. I’m here now, aren’t I?” 
“Y-yeah.” Aegon stood up off the floor and handed you a cloak he had balled up in his lap. You raised an eyebrow at him and pulled it towards. “You don’t ever get to leave right? Well, I leave all the time so I thought I could take you into the city for some fun.”  
Your face lit up, you could finally leave and see what’s outside these dull walls. But there was an aching sensation at the back of your head. The sound of your mother's voice telling you what not to do. The fear of disappointing her was strong and the fear of potential punishment even stronger. “I- I can’t. My mother would be furious.” 
“I won’t tell anyone if you don’t. Besides, you wouldn’t want to make me cry, would you? I- I just thought you would want to spend time with me.” His blue eyes peered up at you with the same heart wrenching expression as the other day. It was manipulative, he knew but it worked every time. “I won’t tell anyone, " you said in a nervous whisper. 
His frown quickly grew into a wide smile, flashing wolf life teeth. Aegon’s eyes had a mischievous glint behind him when he spoke, “good girl, put this on.” The nickname sent a shiver down your spine. A very subtle, almost unnoticeable feeling of butterflies filled your stomach. You blushed and nodded your head in agreement. 
It didn’t take long for Aegon to grab your hand and whisk you far away from where you were meant to be. You clung to his arm as you both scurried through the dark corridors. The farther you went the smell of dust and cow dung intensified as did the conversation of city folk outside the walls. 
The streets of King’s Landing were dirty but so much more alive than you ever thought they could be. It was the hour of the bat and yet the streets were bright with fires lit at every corner. The streets were crammed with people from all walks of life, travelers, merchants, witches, performers, whores, musicians, and knights. It was quite the spectacle for a young girl who had been confined to a castle. 
Aegon was reveling in your excitement and awe, still blissfully unaware of the depravity that shrouded these streets. Your voice carried the joy only of someone as innocent to the world as you could possess. It was fucking magical how you gazed up at him like he was your savior. 
To his surprise, you babbled about more than any girl he’d ever met. It should be annoying, but he was drowning in the presence of your voice and the way your fingers would squeeze his own when the topic turned to something that moved you. You had completely captured him with your accidental charm.   
But as the night went on his original scheme drifted into the back of his like a distant memory. Aegon couldn’t take you where he wanted, you were too good for it. The prying eyes of others would probably send him into a blind rage anyway. It was already beginning to build as random passersby simply looked at you. 
To avoid a possible murder or maiming he whisked you away to a final destination. Aegon told you people here eat, drink and play music here until the dawn rises. There were musicians and poets singing while people danced around them. Men and women were laughing and drowning themselves in what you presumed could only be wine. There were several dragon shaped lanterns that occasionally spewed fire lighting the corner of the world you reside in. 
It was pretty spectacular in the eyes of a girl. But it was also the place where your inevitable downfall began. It started with a glass of ale, not wine, that Aegon offered you. It burned your throat as you swallowed it, whatever you had made him chuckle and use that nickname again. It inspired you to drink more and keep receiving soft praises from your uncle. 
You could feel it flow through your body slowly warming your insides and sending a slight tingly sensation in your limbs. That’s when the music started to sound good enough to dance. You bounced around Aegon in possibly the worst showing of dance moves he’d ever seen. It was cute though, to him at least. 
That’s when you decided to drink more and fully let go of whatever expectations of a princess rested in the back of your mind. One, two, three, you lost count after the first. Aeggy refused to dance but he occasionally twirled you around and let you hang onto his shoulders. 
As time passed on so did any semblance of sobriety you had left. Your words were slurring together, and your movements became sloppy, the ability to stand was nearly completely lost. That’s when Aegon declared it was time to bring you home. At first, you tried to reject the idea and fight back, but your muscles were just as weak as your mind. 
He lifted you and wrapped your legs around his waist so he could carry your little self-home. It was okay, at first being carried by Aegon. But then you began to feel his breath on your neck sending goosebumps through your body. The low whisper of his voice telling you sweet things echoing in the walls of your mind. Then came a new feeling between your legs when his lips brushed against your ears ever so slightly. Every sensation was heightened to a point it had never reached before. 
It was a warm ache between your legs that kept getting worse the longer you were wrapped around him. You were worried, what if the wetness between your legs was your moonblood. How insanely embarrassing would that be if you bled on your uncle? You tried to untangle yourself, but he put two firm hands onto your waist and pulled you back in. 
The sudden friction between your legs caused you to yelp, a quiet yelp that did not go unnoticed. He paused his steps, glancing at you avoiding his eyes then back at the street to the keep. His lips slowly curled into a smirk only he could wear so well. Aegon didn’t say anything the entire way back home, though a million things were racing through his mind. 
The walk home was agonizing, every once in a while, he would move in a way that sent electricity from your core to the depths of your stomach. You didn’t even notice the tiny few whimpers that came from your throat, but he did. Oh, Aegon was noticing it all, every sound, every movement, every look, the warm feeling between your legs that was growing damp across his waist, and it was driving him mad. 
He should have been a good little prince and placed you on your bed and left but he had never been a good prince. Aegon wanted to know how far he could take it before you melted beneath him. Obviously, like a good uncle he helped you undress into your night clothes since you were too drunk to do anything. 
“Come on, princess. Time to lay down.” You begrudgingly threw yourself onto the bed and rolled onto your back. You couldn’t sleep, your undergarments were uncomfortably wet, and the ache continued to get worse. You obviously couldn’t tell him any of this, so you laid there, suffering. 
Unexpectedly Aegon climbed into bed he was on top of you, his knee moved to press in between your legs and your eyes widened from their half-lidded state. “Are you okay, niece? You look… frustrated.”  His face was plastered in fake concern, though you couldn’t tell. You clenched your legs together trying to prevent him from moving. “I-I’m fine,” Aegon moved his knee to rub against your core just once, your legs unconsciously tightened around him. “U-uncle,” you stuttered out in a near whimper. 
“If there’s something wrong, I can help you…” He moved his knee into your core, and you bit down onto your lip trying to stifle the sound threatening to come out. Aegon, though a good actor could not hide the glint behind his eyes. He leaned into you, pulling your lip out from your teeth with thumb. “I can show you what helps me feel better.” 
He whispered lowly, you didn’t have time to think, or reply before his lips were connecting to yours. The taste of sweet mead filling your mouth. You attempted to push him back, tell him no, this was wrong, and you could get in so much trouble. But the feeling of his legs between yours was easing whatever plagued you. 
He slipped his tongue down your throat and entangled it with your own. The feeling of need was becoming too much so you moved your hips, finally. A soft moan forced itself out of your throat as you desperately tried to move against, aching for something you didn’t understand. A few tears slipped from your eye wetting his cheek. 
Aegon chuckled into your mouth before pulling back, you whined at the loss of both his lips and his knee. The throbbing feeling between your legs became increasingly worse every second he wasn’t there. “It aches, doesn’t it?” Your face flushed red as your eyes bore into him, the true image of innocence laid out beneath him. 
His hand traveled from your cheek to the hem of your dress bunched up at the ends of your thighs. Aegon slipped his hand underneath the fabric and hovered over your cunt. You grabbed his hand and stopped his movements, “N-no we can’t.” He cocked an eyebrow, “why not? You hurt and I’m the only one who can fix it.” Your grip on his hand slowly relented, “but i-it’s inappropriate.” 
Aegon forced his hand forward so he could cup your cunt. It was completely soaked and so needy for release, how could he stop? “No, it’s not. I’m your uncle and it’s my job to take care of my sweet niece.” You bit your lip in contemplation, the feeling of his palm on your clit made you want to cry. It was too much, the feeling in your core was too much.  “Please, Aeg.” 
He crushed his lips into yours forcing all the breath out of your lungs. His fingers slid up and down your slit collecting your wetness on his finger. His other hand moved to palm your dress and pinch your nipples beneath your gown. Your moans threatened to echo throughout the keep but he swallowed each one with his lips. 
Aegon forced one finger inside your cunt and immediately you clenched around him. Gods, you were so fucking tight he would have to force in the second. Your back arched as he moved his fingers to hit the spongy spot inside. The feeling of your core tightening was overwhelming, tears began to stream from your face and your nails dug into his shoulder. 
Your hips moved unconsciously into his hand, pleading for release. His thumb moved to rubbed circles around your clit and all thoughts you had were dumbed down. “A-aeg!” You whimpered into his mouth; the coil tightening was overwhelming all of your senses. The sounds of his fingers pulling in and out of your dripping cunt were filling the room. 
“Be a good girl and cum for me, princess.” His movements were faster, harsher and more desperate than before. “P-p-please,” you stuttered out in a loud moan as your legs began to clench around his hand. He growled, dropping his head to the crook of your neck. “Cum on my fingers, baby. That’s right, be a good fucking girl for your uncle.” His fingers curled up and pressed deep into the spongy spot inside you. You felt your cunt clench around him, your core tightening harder than before until the coil broke. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your body began to shake and the feeling of ecstasy washed over you. 
You crashed, your legs twitching as he continued to move circles around your sensitive clit. Aegon pulled his fingers out and your body mourned the loss of him. He wiped his hand on his clothes and bent his head down to place kisses all over your face. “You did so good, princess.” He spoke in between the pecks he placed on your face. 
“Aeg… I’m tired.” Your body was limp, and your eyes began to close on their own. “Shh, go to sleep, princess. I’ll clean you up.” And he did exactly what he said, surprisingly. He took the time out of his night to carefully clean up the mess he made on your body and clothes. It was pathetic to admit but at some point, he came in his trousers, and it was leaking out onto your clothes. 
So, he had to change you. Aegon didn’t mind, watching you sleep so peacefully and taking care of his little angel was nice. Especially after what you had given him. He stayed the night, watching you sleep peacefully until the sun rose over the horizon and he scurried into his own room. 
It became a horrible routine between the two of you. Aegon convinced you only he could make you feel that way, so you had to come to him if you wanted it. He would always visit at night, though most times you simply stayed inside. He touched you in places that were meant to be forbidden and you came undone beneath him… repeatedly. 
You enjoyed him for more than that though. Unlike your brothers or other family, he was always there. Always teaching and showing you exciting new things, making you laugh constantly, showering you with affection you received from no one else. He worshiped you in his own way. 
Aegon was completely addicted, and it was going to kill him eventually. If you weren’t awake when he came, he would just sit and watch you sleep, occasionally taking his place besides you. If you were awake, he craved your attention and your body… and he always got it. You were so kind and loving towards him, completely unaware of how others viewed him. You told him you loved him, were proud of him and he was a good man. 
No one had ever said those words to him before. It’s why the addiction started and why it had no chance of ending soon.  When he was upset you kissed him and whispered words of encouragement. You went out of your way to make him feel happy and deserving of the life he had. And it’s why, for a short time, his behavior started to improve drastically. 
It shocked essentially everyone around him, especially his mother. For a moment she was almost proud, maybe her speeches finally got to him, and he was taking being a king seriously. That was before Aegon told her he was only behaving this way so he could prove to Rhaenyra, he deserved you. The situation caused a whole different type of stress for Alicent. 
 Things were looking up anyway. Especially since your mother had officially started letting you out on your own. You were now a teenager and had to learn some type of independence. The dragon pit was your favorite place even though your mount was a lazy bum. 
Plus, you got to spend lots of time in the pit with your uncle and you got to watch him train with the other boys. Of course, a few people noticed the way you watched him and how he watched you. It was kept quiet, as far as anyone knew you had no relationship. 
Aegon, thankfully, found enough self-control to not fuck you. To do enough to keep you attached to him but not enough to ruin your innocence completely. It was hard to explain how exactly he felt. It was like he needed you to breathe or eat or do anything. It was bordering on a very unhealthy obsession combined with genuine fondness. 
It was new and it was perfect. He was no longer lost in this world with nothing to live for. 
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 Until the day you abandoned him for Dragonstone. He cried, a pathetic and desperate display to his mother asking for her to keep you here. He pleaded for them to just allow you to be wed, he begged to let you stay as her ward. He made promises he probably couldn’t keep but tried, nonetheless.
All he got was sympathy, it was out of her hands completely. The king and his whore sister made the decision to forbid a marriage. They made the decision to let you be sent away to that desolate, rain filled, and droll island. To make it worse the gods decided to spite him and have him betrothed to his own sister. 
He almost immediately got worse the second you boarded the ship. Aegon fell right back into his old habits of whoring, drinking and being a massive cunt. The shift was bound to happen so no one was surprised but it was becoming increasingly impossible to keep him under control. Everyone else fell back into their old habits of beating and berating him any chance they got…
Aegon only ever really felt happy again when he drifted off in his sleep. He could feel, touch, hear and smell you again in his dreams. For a few hours every night he was back in your room making stupid jests only you would laugh at. It was like heaven every time he closed his eyes… Then he woke up. 
To ease his suffering, he fisted his cock while smelling the clothes you had left behind pretending it was you. If not that he would get drunk and imagine all the ways he could kill your mother and his so, he could steal you away. One day, he would take something from them that they truly loved so they could understand exactly how he felt. For now, he tormented Aemond and did everything in his power to piss his parents off. 
Luckily for Aegon and those close to him, Laena Velaryon died in childbirth and his chance to be reunited came sooner than expected. The ride on Sunfyre was one of the best he’s had in ages. It was as if he could sense who they were seeing and was absorbing his rider's excitement. It seems important to mention Sunfyre has a fondness of your she-dragon who he may or may not have tried to breed on several occasions. 
The funeral was fucking boring. He didn’t know anyone there and didn’t really care either. Aegon spent most of the time ignoring the speech and scanning the crowd for your little form. He didn’t find you, so he fled into a corner with his wine and brother close on his tail.
Your mother was stalking about staring at Daemon, Helaena was mumbling riddles to herself while playing with a bug, the bastards were comforting the Velaryons, and Aemond was on his left half asleep. Where in the seven hells was his little princess? As the sky began to cover itself in a shade of gray, he spotted you. 
For a sliver of a second he was overjoyed, he dropped his wine and stood up straight preparing to walk over. The crowd began to dissipate and on your right was a young Velaryon boy with his arm wrapped around you showing off whatever was in his hands. His eye twitched and his firsts unconsciously bawled up til his knuckles turned white. Aemond peeked over and scoffed, “it’s a waste of time.”  
“I’m gonna kill him.” Aemond rolled his eyes and slumped back into the wall. His obsession with the bastard was beyond him but everything his brother does is beyond him. Aegon spent the rest of his funeral staring daggers into the boys next to you. He was making you laugh and touching you far too much for his liking. Jealousy, rage, hate, hurt, Aegon couldn’t put a name to everything that was boiling inside his stomach, but it was too much. You hadn’t even fucking glanced in his direction the entire night. 
It is rumored by the maesters later that night King Aegon took his first life by feeding an unsuspecting boy to his dragon. Others claim the boy simply drowned in the high tide that night and was washed away to sea. The body was never found so no one truly knows… Aemond, personally and wholeheartedly believed his brother pushed the boy into the water and let him sink. Driftmark no matter how you looked at it was a terrible night for all involved. 
The hour of the bat, a time of night you learned to love dearly was now a time of loneliness. Dragonstone was incredibly terrible especially since your uncle was nowhere in those walls. You were severely depressed to say the very least. You knew he was coming today and wanted to seek him out but failed to find him. 
It didn’t stop you from sneaking out at night in a very desperate search for him. It took around twenty minutes for you to weasel your way through Driftmark to his supposed chambers. You ran full force into Aemond on the way which made you both fall to the ground. He was going to try and claim that damned dragon you saw him watching her all day and you were going to reunite with your uncle-lover. Both of you would be in the deepest shit known to man if anyone found out. 
So, a silent pact was made to tell no one where either was going. You knew it was a real deal because he helped you off the floor and nodded his head in the direction of the room you were trying to find. ‘Good luck,’ you whispered quietly as you both scurried off in opposite directions. 
Much to your dismay he was passed out drunk. You had to literally shake him awake. “Aeg… Aegon!” You climbed on top of him and shook his shoulders. He moaned, groaned, tried to push you away but you were determined. “Wake up! We don’t have all night.” You swore you saw his ears perk up like a dog. His eyes opened and he shot up in bed nearly knocking you off. 
“You!” He grabbed ahold of your face, squishing your cheeks in his hands. “Yes, it’s me! Where the hell have you been all day?” Aegon looked offended and almost betrayed, “where have I been? Watching you swoon over some Velaryon cunt.” You scoffed, “watching me? I looked for you all day! I had to give up and talk to a cousin I barely knew.” 
His eyebrows furrowed together, “if you barely knew him then why was he all over you?” You grabbed his face, “if you paid any attention, I was trying to escape him the entire time.” Hm, he could have been blinded by jealousy and didn’t notice you politely backing away and avoiding the kid’s eyes completely. He thought you were acting shy and coy, but this made sense. 
“You still love me?” He did this more often while drunk. If he ever felt insecure his blue eyes would turn pale and start to water. His lips puffed out slightly and he bore into your soul begging for consolation. You knew the quickest way to make his fears go away. 
You pressed a kiss on his lips, trying to drink away all of his fears. Aegon pulled your face as close as possible, sucking all the air from your lungs. Your lips danced around each other passionately trying to make up for the time apart. 
“I still love you, Aeggy.” You murmured into his lips; a faint grin formed on his mouth. With his eyes half lidded he whispered, “prove it to everyone then.” You chuckled softly; a soft look of confusion plastered on your features. “How do we do that?” His hands slipped down to your waist, then to your thighs rubbing them slightly. “Give me all of you before they take you away.”
There was a deafening pause in both of your movements. The amount of trouble you would both get into would be life altering. Losing your maidenhood to someone who you weren’t wed to was a sin, a crime even. “So, you don’t really love me. You don’t even trust me enough with yourself.” 
It felt like a sword was plunged through your heart. Of course, you loved him. Of course, you wanted to give him everything. “T-that’s not-” he released his hold on your thighs and ripped his face away from yours. “Get out.” You grabbed his hands and tried to pull them back to you, “Aegon please this isn’t-” His eyes turned dark, his hands were ripped out of your grasp. “Don’t lie to me. You used me and now you’re discarding me just like everyone else.” 
Tears began to prickle at the corner of your eyes. You never ever used him; you loved him with all your heart. There was never another person who made you feel the same way he did. “Please, I love you,” your lips trembled while you spoke. “I don’t love you.” 
You shook your head no, no, no, no, no, your entire world came crashing down at once. The sword in your heart ripped it in half. Your breath quickened and your arms began to shake. The tears that threatened to fall came pouring out of your eyes. “Please- pleas- I love you- please- you can have it- anything you want please don’t leave me.” Your cries were near incoherent. 
He was evil, this was the absolute proof of it. Aegon knew he was lying to have you; he knew exactly what hold he had over you and did it anyway. You just couldn’t understand, if he took your maidenhead, you could be together forever. He wasn’t just doing this for himself, it was for both of your sakes. It was blisteringly obvious he would never stop loving you.
“Shh, don’t cry, I’m sorry.” He pulled you into his chest and combed his slender fingers through your hair. “We’re going to be together forever, okay? I'm never leaving you.” He lifted your chin up so you were looking at him. Even when you cried you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. “Let me show you how much I love you.” You nodded your head desperately. 
It took minutes before you were laid out flat on the bed. He lifted your legs over his shoulders and buried his tongue inside your core. It was new and the pleasure was radiating throughout your body faster than before. Aegon swirled his tongue in circle around your clit as he brutally fucked you with his fingers.
Your hips bucked up to meet his face and he growled a response. The vibrations sent waves of heat through your veins. Your thighs clenched around his head as your orgasm began to wash over you, far quicker than ever before.  You cried out at the feeling of the coil coming undone in your stomach. You could feel his lips form into a smile, he placed kisses onto your sensitive clit causing you to whimper. It wasn’t over, he had just started. 
Aegon pulled away and you whined at the loss of his heat on top of you. Then you heard the sound of his trousers being pulled off, you looked away out of politeness. “Don’t be shy, baby. It’s all yours.” You pulled your head off of the pillow and your eyes widened. Aegon was thick, incredibly thick and you couldn’t imagine how that was going to fit inside you. 
His tip was a bruising pink, and you could see his seed already beginning to leak out. It looked painfully hard as his veins popped out. He climbed on top of you without a moment's notice and rubbed himself against your dripping slit. “Aegon,” you whined as he teased your entrance. 
Aegon leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. He prodded your entrance, “just be a good girl for me. It will only hurt for a second, I promise.” You tried to open your mouth to reply but an incredibly loud scream escaped your lips as he slowly began forcing himself inside. “Gods, you’re so fucking tight,” he groaned under his breath. 
The sensation of being filled to the brim made your eyes roll into the back of your head. Aegon moved painfully slowly, thrusting himself in and out of you. You moaned incoherently as his tip pushed into that spot inside of you. What started out as pain was quickly turning into pleasure. 
You wanted him deeper inside you, you needed him to fill you completely. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and you pulled him into you. He moaned as your cunt swallowed his length entirely. “So needy for my cock, princess.” You whimpered breathlessly underneath him, “please Aegon.” He moved his hand to cup your face, so you were staring at him. Your eyes were blown out in desire and your face was flushed a deep shade of red. 
It was as if Aphrodite was underneath him begging for him to fuck her. “That’s a good girl begging for me.” His thrusts started to become faster, and your mind began going numb. Your cunt clenched around him as your eyes welled with tears. “Yes! uncle, please. Please!” You stuttered between moans and whimpers. 
His lips crashed into yours stifling your moans as he forced himself deeper inside you at a bruising pace. His cock pounded against your cervix and not even his lips could fully swallow your moans. You wrapped your arms around his neck and dug your fingers into his shoulders. “Fuck baby, you’re so perfect for me.” Aegon’s praise made you whimper for more.
His cock was throbbing inside you, his seed threatening to spill at any moment. “My good girl,” he moaned into your ear, putting emphasis on ‘my’. Your entire body was going limp beneath him. The friction of his skin rubbing against your clit caused you to start coming undone. 
“Aeg- aegon- please cum for me.” He never expected those words to pour from your mouth like a carefully constructed melody. Aegon dipped his head into the crook of your neck and began to whine as you clenched around him. As your core began to tighten you moaned a symphony, “I love you, I love you, I love you-” 
Aegon picked up his pace, brutally fucking you with every ounce of energy he had. You felt the heat in your core turn into a fire as ecstasy started to wash over you. Your cunt clenching hard trying to drain every ounce of him.
The door slammed open “My Prince! It’s urgent-” Both of your heads shot to the entrance, staring at the mortified king’s guard whose eyes were boring into you. Oh, you were completely fucked. 
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Silence, the walk to the grand hall of Driftmark was completely silent. The guard behind you refusing to make eye contact with either of you. You could barely walk straight; your body was sore, and wetness was dripping down your legs. 
All you could do right now was pray to the gods he didn’t snitch. Your hair was a mess, sweat was glistening on your faces, your night clothes were a mess, Aegon probably had your juices still on him, your cheeks were flushed a bright red and your lips were bruised… you were done for. 
Although, as you entered the hall you noticed everyone else looked far worse than you. You noticed your brother’s bloody faces first and rushed over to them. Aegon immediately wanted to die the second you left his side. He wasn’t concerned at all; this was meant to be found out about. 
Except, why now of all fucking nights. His brother had been maimed by your bastard brothers and his mother was in a frenzy. All he could do was stare at him in shock, the feeling of guilt washing over him. Aegon should have been there for Aemond, he should have saved him. 
He glanced at you and your brothers were looking at you in disgust. Even when you reached out to comfort them, they pushed you away. Bastards, vile disgusting bastards. 
It only got worse from there. Your mother came rushing in, obviously after fucking her uncle. He wanted to laugh, like mother like daughter. His mother was frantic demanding for justice, Rhaenyra screeching bullshit and you tucking yourself behind everyone. 
Then the question was asked. “Aegon! Where were you?!” He didn’t even get a chance to reply before the king’s guard swooped in to make matters worse. “He was in his room, your grace… with the princess.” His head nodded towards you, and you looked absolutely mortified. 
He should have waited to take it, he should have never made you do anything. Everyone in the room stared at you, just you. It took mere seconds for Rhaenyra to see exactly what had happened, only fueling her fury. Alicent, on the other hand, looked even more upset. The slap she so harshly laid across his face echoed throughout the room, completely silencing it. 
There would be no justice since he had chosen the perfect day to defile the king’s favorite grandchild and his sister’s favorite child. You should hate him; you should want him dead. “Who told you these lies boy?” His father’s voice was filled with venom. “Aegon.” His father’s eyes turned dark as he tried to limp his way over to him. 
“That’s not true! I told him… both of them.”  A soft, quiet voice from the other side of the room caught everyone’s attention. You were defending him against the wrath of your family when he had just quite possibly ruined your reputation. If his obsession was bad, then it definitely got a thousand times worse at that moment. 
Everything that happened after that was a complete blur. Insults were thrown, threats were laid out, his mother pulled a knife on his sister, and you fled the scene with your head down. It was like a fucking fever dream that didn’t seem to end. 
It got worse the next day. The verbal assault he received from his mother was one for the history books. As was the slap that turned into a giant bruise on his cheek. Aegon was absolutely banished from ever talking, touching, or breathing near you. Any attempt at reaching out would immediately be cut down. His father said nothing of it, probably realizing his mistake in not wedding you sooner. Even Aemond, who should have despised him, forgave him.
It didn’t matter what they thought, he loved you, he wanted you, he needed you, and he was going to fucking have you. Aegon realized several things that night. You needed to be saved from your family as quickly as possible. The bastards and his whore sister needed to die sooner than late. Lastly, he was going to become king no matter what he did. 
You were forbidden from ever speaking to Aegon again. It was awkward to say the least when you had to tell your mother everything. She should have been mad, hit you, yelled at you but she only hugged you when you cried. Your mother knew you didn’t tell anyone you were bastards. She knew you wouldn’t lose your maidenhead unless you truly believe they loved you. However, it was a secret that you could never ever tell anyone else. 
You can never repeat what you said that night, but it was okay, you only wanted to protect who you loved. She explained how Aegon was taking advantage of you and men lie to get what they want. They prey on innocent girls, pretend to love them to get what they want, then discard them. Your mother repeatedly told you it wasn't your fault for your kind heart. She stated it was her own failure for not protecting you from it. 
You didn’t truly believe it was all lies, at least, not all of it. It didn’t really matter now, he was gone forever, and you were alone on Driftmark. 
Until you and your family would have to return to King’s Landing, five years later.
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elegantsplendour · 2 years ago
Let the Games Begin
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Summary 📚 : Gwayne Hightower’s first born daughter was known as the viper. A manipulative, untamed little thing who has an insatiable hunger.
Aemond One-Eye did not like her betrothal with the handsome and charming Lord of Highgarden, especially amidst the Dance of the Dragons.
Not one bit.
Pairing 💌: Aemond Targaryen x !Hightower reader
Contains / warnings😈: kidnap, fluff, some degrading, smut, public
Theme song: Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
And I don't want you to go I don't really wanna fight
'Cause nobody's gonna win, just thought you should know
And I'll never let you go 'cause I know this is a fight
That someday we're gonna win.
Taglist 🥰: @marvelescvpe @aemondx @buglyberry @heavenly1927 @theroyaldixon
Other friends ♥️: @lovelykhaleesiii @daemonskelitsos @vhagarswar
Comments and reblogs are always appreciated💌
When she opened her eyes, her entire body ached in soreness. Trying to lift her arms, a terrifying realization invaded her conscience, the exotically luxurious chamber decorated in Bravoosi silk definitely did not belong to Old Town, nor King’s Landing. Her breaths quickened as she closed her eyes once again, memories flooding back to her head.
Adorned in Hightower green, she had giggled foolishly, appreciating her fine figure in the mirror. Of course she was content. Which lady in all of Westeros wouldn’t be overjoyed to be betrothed to the handsome and charming Lord of Highgarden? Although the marriage was downright political, she had made sure Loras Tyrell had been utterly smitten by your stunning appearance and sinfully seductive nature.
Arching her back devilishly, she imagined ways to drive her betrothed into taking her in the most bestial ways. As moans and grins escaped her mouth, a large hand muffled her breath. It excited her as she had anticipated it had been her desperate husband-to-be who couldn’t wait until the wedding night, but as soon as she caught a glimpse of silver, she realized that she was fucked.
The next thing she knew, she were confined in this chamber.
The door cracked open.
Long silver hair, black leather suit.
Of course.
“You kidnapped me?!” She shrieked in rage, “In Bravoos? Are you out of your mind? You destroyed our alliance between House Tyrell!”
Aemond rolled his one eye and responded cooly, “Dear cousin, we both know you don’t give a shit about the alliance. You are just mad because you lost your chance of getting fucked by Loras Tyrell.”
A blood red flush crept on her face as she retorted, throwing an apple from the fruit plate on her bedside to the one-eyed prince, who dodged her attack with ease, “Aemond, you fucking cunt!” She whined, “I want my life back with Loras!”
Sevens save me. Why am I in love with such a childish and wanton woman?
Aemond approached, his hands gripped her wrists firmly in place as she continued to try to slap him, “Your marriage puts you into great danger. An Hightower-Tyrell alliance puts a target on your back from the Blacks.”
The insolent girl bit his hands while Aemond winced in pain, “As if it wasn’t my cunt of an uncle who pushed your wastrel brother on the throne! At least, I was going to get a good fuck before getting assassinated.”
“You’re right,” Aemond gritted his teeth as he reclaimed her wrists, pinning her on the bed this time with much more force, “All this bloodshed, betrayals, all for the insatiable greed of the few. I won’t take part in this anymore. I’ve fought for my family, hard, for a long time, but it’s time to think for myself. This isn’t my fight anymore,” he leaned closer, “And I refuse to let you be in pawn in this game. I freed you from a fight that wasn’t yours. You… You will be mine.”
Aemond’s lowered his guard as glimmers in her eyes and silence reigned in the room.
“Aemond, you’re hurting my wrists,” she whimpered softly, her innocent doe eyes blinking.
He sighed and released his grasp.
A bright red mark imprinted on his ethereal Valyrian face.
“You fucking pervert, Aemond! I am your cousin! Your cousin,” she breathed in disgust and rage, “You will make me succumb to your Targaryen queer traditions over my dead body!”
Aemond covered his stinging cheek, humiliated and surprised, “Over your dead body? Hmm,” he captured her neck, his grip authoritative, commanding and frightening yet not causing true pain, “You are mine to touch, to possess, to own, to use,” his hot breath on her neck, “ I am the only man you will ever get to have. Your needy little cunt won’t last until the end of your days. When you beg me to take you, I will ruin you.”
He left the chamber.
Cries and sobs filled the chamber for weeks after that encounter. She cursed her insufferable cousin for forcibly taking her life away, to mock her desires and body in a such crude way. How dared he? She was the temptress, Gwayne Hightower’s precious little viper, the one who hypnotized preys in her web. How dared he talk of using her as if she was a plaything?
Aemond returned to her side countless times, trying to apologize and make amends, yet every time his attempts ended in his hand slapped away. He hated to see her cry, his little viper cracking in vulnerability.
All he wanted to do was tend to her in his arms, even risking poisonous bites from her fangs.
Days turned into weeks, the little viper was not broken. If she were ever going to be, it would be of boredom.
She observed everything around her to her imagination. Whenever Aemond and the maids were gone, she wrapped her body with the opulent crimson blanket and danced dramatically as if she were the goddess of beauty and seduction. Eventually, her attention drifted inevitably to her cousin captor. The way he avoided her gaze as she narrowed her eyes, his desperate yet reserved request for touching her hand, the way his silver lock cascaded down his sharply beautiful features as she slaps his hand away.
He amused her.
But amidst her boredom there was another dire situation.
Of course, she would rather torment herself in chastity than giving Aemond the satisfaction of offering herself.
But the viper always finds a solution.
One day, she blackmailed a maester that Aemond sent by threatening to accuse him of touching her into delivering a piece of literature.
Cautionary Tales of Unchaste Ladies Across the Seven Kingdoms Since Aegon’s Conquest.
Knelt on the stone ground, Lady Aryana gazed in fear at the two knights before her. One of them muscular and broad, another tall and slim. Yet amidst her fear, strange tingling sensation erupted in her stomach. The muscular knight bent down and whispered, “My lady, your lord husband fetched us to tend to your needs. He informed us that you prefer to be taken without mercy -”
“What in the Seven Hells is this?!”
The heat in her stomach dissipated the instant the book was snitched away from her hands.
“Give it back!” She protested, hands reaching desperately the forbidden text held high by her captor, “You sadistic prick!”
Aemond hummed, his eye glazing over the next lines of the scandalous story. He swallowed subtly and raised his brows toward the annoyed girl, “Sadistic? Should I take it as a compliment? Considering it comes from masochistic.”
“This is beyond inappropriate for a lady of your station,” Aemond scolded her.
Frozen for an instant, she gracefully settled on the bed and smirked, “A girl has needs. What? My prince?” She pouted, “Want to lend a hand?”
Aemond clenched his fists and seethed, “When you indulge in such sinful acts, you won’t be rewarded.”
She whined in feigned disappointment, pretending to settle in the quilt again.
Turning away to leave the chamber, Aemond’s heart skipped a beat as he felt a feather light kiss landing on his cheeks. Before he had the time to process the delightful peck, horror and rage took over as the delicate hands snitched away his eye patch, exposing his sapphire eye in all its beauty and vulnerability.
He growled in frustration and he chased after the giggling viper.
He gripped on her waist and restrained her on the bed steadfast.
She blinked at him playfully, “I am bored. It’s been a moon since I’ve been confined in this golden prison. I can’t find a better entertainment than tormenting my captor.”
As his boiling and intimidating presence radiated on her, she realized that she had pushed Aemond Targaryen onto his limits.
“Are you going to spank me?”
With a swift move, she was effortlessly flipped over and her white night gown pulled up, revealing her vulnerable flesh.
Aemond’s hand raised high. As it was about to land, he stopped.
The little viper was squirming and arching her back in need.
Aemond chuckled, “You say tormenting me is your form of entertainment, hmm?” He hovered her body and his lips brushing over her earlobe, “Consider that we have similar taste in entertainment, little viper. Your body is mine to pleasure, you should have known better than reading such obscenities.”
He brushed his fingers on her sensitive backside, inciting an arousing whimper from her lips, before leaving his captive in frustration.
She buried her head in the pillows for hours and shrieked in embarrassment and frustration after that encounter.
She was a viper, an untamed, wild and free creature, confined in a golden cage.
She hated the silver haired prick. Always looking so damn perfect. Always keeping his annoying ass proper facade when he literally betrayed his family, faked his death, broke an alliance, kidnapped her across the Narrow Sea to own her, claim her, break her.
How fucking dared he? What kind of decent man does that?
I will prove it that he is if not more, just as wicked as I am.
A few days later
“Release me, you stupid girl,” Aemond hissed, “you are strangling me to to death!”
She didn’t.
Aemond’s hands gripped on the arms tangled on his neck in annoyance, yet deep down, his body rejoiced the sensation of his viper ravelling his body.
“Not until you take me to the city! I am about to die of boredom, my dearest cousin,” she emphasized on the last two words, “My Prince,” she implored innocently, “Please please please!”
“Fine!” He finally declared, “But if you ever try to escape, you can forget about leaving his chamber ever again.”
“I promise I’ll behave!” She promised mischievously, her eyes twinkling with excitement, and galloped out of the oppressing chamber.
Aemond regarded her with a mix of amusement and suspicion. He was well aware of her manipulative nature and how she could use her charms to get what she wanted. Nevertheless, a small part of him couldn't resist her pleas, the way she looked up at him with those innocent eyes.
Wandering on the market of Bravoos for hours, Aemond’s hand never left the tilt of sword as he scrutinized the mass, assuring there were no Westerosi spies targeting him or his viper.
His unbearable cousin, on the other hand, had much less serious matters in her head. As they strolled through the vibrant streets, she maintained her facade of naivety, pretending to be oblivious to the effect her every move had on Aemond. She skipped along, her dress swaying with each step, seemingly unaware of the gazes of admiration and desire that followed her.
She would glance back at Aemond with wide, innocent eyes, feigning confusion. "Aemond, why are people staring at us? Do I have something on my face?"
Aemond clenched his jaw, well aware of her game. He fought to conceal his growing frustration as he responded through gritted teeth, "It's nothing. Just ignore them."
The Hightower viper rejoiced secretly at her captor’s terribly failure of hiding his annoyance.
As they passed by a fruit vendor, her eyes gleamed mischievously. She plucked a ripe, succulent peach from the display, bringing it to her lips and taking a slow, sensual bite. The sweet juice dripped down her chin as she looked at Aemond through half-lidded eye.
"Mmm, Aemond, this peach is absolutely delicious," she murmured, her voice dripping with seduction. "Would you like a taste?" She extended the fruit towards him, her fingers glistening with its juices.
Aemond's resolve was hanging by a thread as he stared at the tantalizing sight before him. He wanted to seize the peach, to taste its sweetness and devour it along with her tempting offer.
He wanted to do so much more.
He wanted to claim her lips, bite her, squeeze her, take her ruthlessly, make her scream like a common whore under broad daylight while the peasants of Bravoos watch with shock.
Clenching his fists, Aemond feigned a polite smile, “I’m good, little cousin.”
She rolled her eyes as she licked her lips intentionally.
Smitten by the desirous moment, Aemond’s eye widened in horror. She was nowhere to be found.
He searched every tent of the market at no avail.
A mixture of rage, fear and vulnerability stormed in his mind.
Did he really let her little display fool him, leading to her escape?
Or worse…
Spies from his family got their hold on her.
“Have you glimpsed a maiden? Barely of age, in a white dress, hauntingly beautiful?” Aemond demanded menacingly a mid-aged trader of Pentosi silk. The woman froze in fear as she recognized the symbolic silver hair: a Targaryen.
Aemond’s worry blazed eye was covered by darkness. The shock electrified his body and his first instinct had been to cut off the hands on his eye. Yet an instant later, the worry was replaced by fury.
“Did you think I escaped, My Prince?”
Aemond turned around, rage written all over his face.
The sight before him exacerbated his storm of emotions.
Her white gown for a proper Westerosi lady gone, replaced by an exotic and tempting Dornish robe, revealing her fruitful bosom, slender shoulders and alluring curves.
“Isn’t this beautiful?” She grinned as she swirled recklessly, displaying her beguiling thighs.
With that, she bolted like a mice being chased by a ferocious cat. Did she intend to escape? Absolutely not. Her alluring laughter like a siren’s call to the dragon prince.
As she reached a glim alley, she slowed down her pace and turned to face Aemond, approaching her like a predator ready to devour its prey.
He cupped her delicious breasts, barely covered by the provocative silk, roughly, eliciting a soft whine her soft lips, “Wooh, my prince…”
Aemond grabbed the back of her delicate neck and breathed on her neck, “Are you really that eager to get fucked, hmm? Little cousin?”
She tilted her head with her glimmering eyes, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Her tease almost childlike, yet her hands traced down his lean and muscular chest.
“Fuck,” he growled, his leather pants stretching at his growing bulge;
With a swift move, she wrapped her arms around him and muffled his shocked curses with her lips.
“You are annoyingly attractive, cousin,” she smirked.
Instead of responding or retorting, Aemond turned her around her pressed her on the wall in an almost brutal manner.
She smiled satisfactorily and taunted, “Perhaps I am eager to get… Hmm,” she mimicked him, “Perhaps you are just too eager to fuck me, Aemond.”
A animalistic growl followed by a low chuckle echoed from her behind, “You want me to take you in front of the gods, do you?”
She turned her head to face him, grinning, “You know me, cousin. I pray to myself, for myself. I am a goddess, and you are my willing servant.”
As her last words escaped her mouth, she shrieked at the pain and pleasure accompanied by the sudden intrusion.
She already got wet just by fucking teasing me. Such a - Aemond’s thought were cut off as the word “servant” entered into his ears.
He pushed into her luscious backside without any warning.
Soon, her gasps of pain tuned into screams of pleasure.
“How is that, little viper? Are you still a goddess now?” He demanded cruelly as he spanked her hard.
Little did he know in her ears, the sharp sound on his hand and her, the relentless pounding, her own moans and his occasional growls were a symphony driving her into Seven Heavens.
“Big cousin,” she emphasized on the word “big” and arched her back, “You are so good to me. Serve me harder.”
Aemond longed to ruin her, yet he knew she wanted to be ruined.
He increased his pace, his hands coming down on her again and again.
He whispered the most sinful and degrading things he could think off.
Everything exacerbated her excitement.
It both infuriated and satisfied him.
“Scream louder, my little viper, mine,” he warned, sensing her walls clenching, “Scream so loud that whole of Bravaoos can hear you,” he chuckled, “Or I deny your ecstasy.”
And scream his name she did.
Aemond’s peak followed soon after and spilled his seed in her.
Aemond panted in satisfaction and exhaustion as he smirked at the mess he created.
His heart tightened again as the beautiful mess closed the distance between them and melted in his embrace.
“Did I hurt you?” His voice unconsciously soft.
He didn’t want to be soft.
His beautiful mess shook her head and nestled in his chest.
“Let me take care of you,” he promised, lifting her off the ground and directed to their residence.
He placed her on the mattress carefully as if he was holding a delicate vase and placed a kiss on her forehead, “I wanted it to be special. I didn’t mean to take you so… recklessly, I am sorry.”
Aemond One-Eye had absolutely no fucking idea why he had said that.
The little viper grinned and pulled her captor onto the mattress and rolled on top of him, “Trust me, Aemond - My Captor - Big Cousin - Targaryen, you had me because I wanted you,” she murmured, “I wanted you to take me… recklessly.”
The prince failed to contain his chortle, “My viper, so untamed. Even when at the mercy of her captor.”
She leaned down and captured his thin lips, slighting biting, “I always choose what’s best for me, Aemond,” she locked her eyes with his and took off his eye patch, exposing his sapphire, “I choose to let myself to be loved.”
Aemond’s words were caught in his throat.
Did he love her?
Oh the fuck yes.
How did she know?
She always does.
“You think I am the best for you?” A twinge of the vulnerability cracked from the ruthless One-Eyed Prince.
“For now,” she answered, “But make no mistake,” she reminded him playfully, her hands travelling down to his most intimate parts, “I will drift away if you cease to be that way.”
Aemond watched her in fascination as she grinned, “This is why you love me, no? Selfish, untamed, unapologetic? So un-Hightower.”
In a dominant surge, he pinned her down again, his voice firm and unyielding, “You can drift away all you want, my viper,” he smiled deviously, “I will hunt you down to the end of the world.”
She winked in amusement, “I have no doubt, Aemond Targaryen,” she challenged, “But I also know you would do anything, absolutely anything to become the best for me again.”
“Hmm,” he travelled his hands between her thighs again, “Let the games begin, shall we?”
“We shall.”
Many hours later.
“You know, I’ve never imagined that I would lose my maidenhood bent over in a dark alley in Bravoos, let alone to you.”
“Oh please, the only person you lost your maidenhood to was your devious fingers.”
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fan-goddess · 2 years ago
Restraint coming down
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Pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Maid!reader
Author Note: Am I satisfied with the ending? Not entirely. But there’s smut which is something
Prompt Request: ❛i want to spank your hot ass for driving me so crazy.❜ with Aegon.
Summary: You’ve dealt with Aegon and his advances, but it seems that restraint has finally weared itself too thin…
Warnings: P in v sex, praise, spanking, teasing, kind of power play if you squint, claiming,
Taglist: @valeskafics, @amiraisgoingthruit, @f4ll-for-you, @lovelykhaleesiii, @blue-serendipity, @humanpurposes, @aemondtargaryensrider
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To be the maid of the first born prince, Aegon Targaryen second of his name, you need to have some very strong restraint. The amount of times that the prince had suggested for you to take a break from your duties as his maid, and to instead let him bed you, was pretty much endless.
“I promise my lady, if you were to let me see the body you hide so dutifully behind those plain looking clothing, I would worship you in ways only the gods would be familiar with…” He mutters behind you in your ears as you pour him his wine.
“Oh would you, my prince? I wouldn’t of thought that such a faithless man like yourself would know of such pure devotion?” You smile as you turn to him to hand him his neat teetering cup. You have to ignore the sound of your pounding chest, that practically seems to rings in your ears as his eyes rake over your body.
“Believe me my lady, whilst yes I may have abandoned my faith like you so plainly said, I certainly know how to worship a dutiful maiden as best as any mortal man could…” He speaks as he sips gulps at the wine. A finger of his trails the edge of his cup, drawing your attention to it whilst he practically caressing it as he looks to you with dark hooded eyes.
You don’t deem Aegon with a response, and instead you merely tear your eyes away from the scene in front of you and role them in a facade or annoyance, just like how you usually tend to resort to, before walking towards the door.
“I want to spank your hot ass for driving me so crazy…” Your steps fumble as you hear Aegons words, and you can even feel your whole entire body stopping from just pure shock alone.
Aegon has never really been so, forward with you. He’s only ever suggested the act of coupling. Never flat out saying what he exactly wished to do to you.
“I beg your pardon my prince?” He can’t have said that. It must have been your imagination…
“I think you heard me my lady…” The cup Aegon had been so desperate to drink is placed on the table, and when he’s close enough, one of Aegons hands is soon on your waist while the other is carefully placed your jaw. His thumb traces the curve of your lips, and you feel yourself consumed by the urge to open your mouth and suck on the digit, like some lust consumed whore.
“I wish to have you on my lap, laid over my knee with your perfect ass bare only to me, so I can spank you for all those nights you’ve teased me and left me to sort out myself with my own hand.”
You can’t speak. The room is becoming too hot as you feel a mixture of the breath of the prince fanning your face, and the tension between the two of you somehow making the room feel as if one of the dragons had decided to light the room on fire.
It’s been years since you’d begun to harbour and hide those feeling for the eldest prince, and yet like some wanton woman of the silk street he so often lost himself in, at the mere mention of him doing those things to you, you can already feel yourself throwing all those defences away just so you can get a feel of him.
“Why… why is it that you want me so much?”
His voice sounds somehow deeper when he responds, and as you listen to him intently for his answer, you can see his eyes physically darken as he looks at you.
“You’ve shown me consideration and m kindness, when others including my own mother, have shown me nothing but mere tolerance and discontent. You’re the only person I feel I can even be close to being truly myself with… which is why I suppose I wish to claim you for myself in every single way that is possible to do…” His head comes to the curve of your neck, and you can feel yourself becoming somehow even more warm when you begin to feel him inhaling your scent, before kissing and sucking on the skin.
His lips begin to move though. They trail up your neck to nip at your jaw, before finally he stops with a small peck on the edge of your lips, and looking at you with that same look of want and desperation in his dark hooded eyes.
Though this time, with a slightly nod if your head, Aegon launches himself forward and claims your lips with his own.
You’ve kissed men before, some with permission others with not, but Aegon very easily surpasses both groups with minimal effort.
His lips taste heavily of the wine you had brought to his chambers earlier, and strangely enough you can also taste a faint hint of lemons on his tongue. Though to think that it may be due to the lemon tarts that were served at dinner only a few hours ago.
His hands roam your body eagerly while you continue to kiss, as they pinch and squeeze at any flesh he can get his eager hands on.
When his hands get to your breasts though, you can feel yourself moaning slightly in his mouth when his fingers move over your clothes covered tits and pinch at your hardened nipples. “Fucking heavenly…” He mutters, the sound of it muffled by your own eager lips.
It’s no surprise though to either of you it seems, that when the two of your are naked as can be laying on Aegons bed, his lips and hands are eager once more to worship you just as he so claimed he wanted to.
Wet and blooming marks are left in Aegons trail to your weeping cunt, yet before he touches you where you want him, the warmth of his body leaves you much to your annoyance.
“Turn around.” The sudden authoritarian tone of his is new to you, strange even, given his usual demeanour. Yet the more you replay the sound of him in your mind, the more you find yourself craving the sound of it. “Good girl…”
That lust induced haze however, is soon taken away from you when the sudden sound of Aegons hand making contact with your backside makes itself known throughout the room.
“What the-“
“I told you darling that I’d spank you after all you’ve done to me. Now count.” You were breathless with each number you spoke, and by the time Aegon had deemed the punishment to be over, your arse felt sore while your cunt felt as if it was practically dripping onto the bedsheets bellow.
You weren’t a virgin, and yet with the unexpected cautiousness that Aegon was taking when he turned you over onto your back, before carefully sliding his cock inside of you, it made you feel as if you were a blushing maiden all over again. Though with the way Aegons large cock made you burn slightly, it certainly stung like you were losing your Maidenhead again…
“Such a good fucking girl for me… with such a perfect cunt for me to fuck full…” The praise made your head spin, and your almost mad at yourself with how quickly you find yourself preening and loving the way the words made you feel.
It was a feeling you’d never felt with any lovers you’d ever had before. With them, it had only ever been pure lust. Yet with how Aegon was treating you now, it felt like he actually cared for you.
The gentle yet somehow still deliciously rough way he was treating your body made you feel so warm and somehow safe. You couldn’t help but cling to his body as he suddenly began to bully your sweet spot with his cock.
“Oh gods! Aegon please your so good!” You whine. You felt so full of him you had honestly feel like you couldn’t get enough.
“Oh am I now huh? Seems like I’ve fucked the defiant brat out of you finally… now your my pretty girl and no one else’s…” It’s pure lust filled rambles that spill from Aegons mouth. They vary in volume, but they all make you feel the same way. Genuinely cared for by him.
“Fuck I’m close… what do you say pretty girl? Do you wanna be filled with my spent so it’s dripping down your gorgeous thighs?”
“Oh please my prince! Please give it to me!” A deep sound rumbles from Aegons throat in approval as you whine for him, and with the sudden combined efforts of Aegons cock and hand pinching your clit, you feel yourself going lightheaded as you cum around his cock.
As you try to come from your peak, you can still feel Aegon thrusting into you chasing his own high. But it doesn’t last long, as you soon feel his hot cum filling you up.
Aegon moves himself out of you carefully after he’s recovered, before moving to sit beside yourself on the bed with his arm round your waist in a protective manner.
The silence though that lingers is broken with your worried tone. “Are you going to force me to leave now?” You whisper.
“What? Of course not darling. Now that I’ve gotten a taste of you, I’m already addicted and will never let you go…” and with another heart stopping kiss, your mind goes blank and all you can think and feel is Aegon.
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fairysluna · 2 years ago
Five Things You Might Find in My Fics
thank u @sapphire-writes for tagging me!! ily🤍
"i hate everyone but you" trope. Especially on my Aegon's fics, bc I just love the idea of being the one able to make him feel loved and safe, and also bc i like to reflect his canon personality on my stuff, even if it's not 100% accurate. and ofc bc i love that trope sm.
angsty stuff. it's been a while since i have writen something angsty, but it's still present in most of my fics bc i went through some shit last year which ended up inspiring most of my work. As a result I became a fan of angst.
smut. at first i was a bit insecure about writing smut bc i thought i wasn't good at it, but now that I'm more confident with my writing i decided that i can write whatever i want… so i started to write it too. on my smutty fics you'll probably going to find a lot of size kink, breeding kink, and praise kink (my holy trinity)
taylor swift references. as you may have noticed, I'm a huge fan of that woman, which means that most of my work is actually inspired by her songs. you might also find that i sneak phrases of her songs on my fics lmao. I use the word maroon to describe hickeys a bit too much bc of her, and sometimes when I'm listening to her music my imagination goes WILD, like everytime i ran out of inspo i put my taylor playlist on shuffle and in no time i start writing again. (I just love her sm)
psycho/manipulative/schemer characters. you might not find too much of this yet (perhaps only on side characters), but it's a trope that i will definitely start writing more bc i love women that are manipulative and selfish who do everything in their power to get what they want. I'm actually working on a fic like this, so...
NO PRESSURE TAGS - @valeskafics @aemondsdaemons @aemondx @howyouloveyourdragon @lovelykhaleesiii
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lovelykhaleesiii · 2 years ago
Heyo love, can i request a smut where Mean Aemond fucks his innocent wife on the garden, please? ily ❤️
heya lovely, this idea...this holds a special place in my heart (just like you) 💓 hope you enjoy this x
A Flower to Ruin...
PAIRING: Cruel!Aemond Targaryen x fem!Tyrell!Innocent!Reader
WORDS: 2,516.
WARNINGS: mean/cruel!Aemond, degradation kink, female f*ngering, p in v sexual intercourse, swearing, NSFW. MINORS DNI.
A/N - I keep getting carried away, this was meant to be a small blurb, no plot & yet… here I am rambling away.
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Having married the notorious one-eyed Prince, was a reality you did not dream possible. Although your House [Tyrell] was a meek one, it could and would gratefully offer endless wealth, a highly valued asset to the Crown, undoubtedly. Your betrothal nonetheless, was planned, a guaranteed means that further heightened the riches now shared with the newly appointed King, Aegon the Second, for the betterment of the realm.
And as romanticised as you'd dreamt of your surreal betrothal to the Prince Regent: such idyllic thoughts and daydreams that contaminated your mind, were vanquished with reality. For your husband, was a cruel man indeed...
Aemond Targaryen, was very much an unnerving man. Of all the rumours and whispers that would occasionally reach your innocent ears, of the infamous Kinslayer, you were keen to ignore such hearsay, remaining blissfully optimistic about your fiancé. However, much to your dismay, your initial impression of Aemond was one that stirred an internal debate inside: was it terror or lust that made you feel so uneasy around him?
The lingering yet blatant wound of his absent eye, although hidden beneath the feeble leather of an eyepatch, the red trail of a healed scar remained... And was somewhat chilling. Being frank to yourself, it did not falter your attraction towards him, however. He had a handsomely, chiselled face, the ethereal Targaryen features were most exemplified on him. Even from a distance, you could tell that his height would tower over you, his mass lean and toned. Just by his sheer demeanour, one could easily decipher that he was a warrior trained.
And when he spoke, he was stoic and monotonous, it seemed he was not impressed nor was he disappointed. The man was an enigma, impossible to decipher his raw emotions and pure intent. Was he pleased with you? Was he satisfied with this arrangement? Would he ultimately love you?
Overtime, in the following months proceeding the lavish, royal wedding, it remained impossible to say. Aemond, much to your relief, took pride in performing his husbandly duties. However, you'd grown familiar with his approach towards you, it was one filled with almost a sweet bitterness, gaining amusement in intimidating and humiliating you, and yet to some level he remained cautious with you, as though not to completely frighten you off. He kept you lingering for more, like bait on a hook.
It drove you mad, yet you'd never forged the courage to confront him, for fear that you would displease him enough to leave, wounding his ego. In truth, he was not a violent nor terrible husband either, he was committed. You had no plausible reason to complain. And yet, he treated you as though you were an inanimate object, his property, hurrying to his beckon call always, like some lamb to its shepherd.
Even in his absence, you had missed him. Only gone for a few days, for a hunting round with the young lords and knights of the realm, you'd disappointingly concluded that your feelings were one-sided. He did not miss you, how could he miss you? Aemond showed no sentimental attachment towards you, except that you were bound his loyal wife, before the laws of men and Gods... Or so you had convinced yourself.
"So I thought I'd find you here, my rose-" The sudden, abruptness of his deep voice had caught you off guard. Startling you, as you hastily cast your attention towards him from the open book resting in your lap. Slowly, he'd strolled towards you, hands firmly placed behind his back, as he found you nestled beneath a hidden canopy, sprawled on a silk, picnic duvet, across a freshly, cut grass-patch, beneath the cool shade offered by the blossom tree above.
"F-Forgive me, husband. I did not realise you had returned... Had I known I-" You stutter, as you attempt to gather yourself to stand.
Aemond stops you, surprisingly insisting you remain where you are, as he himself cowers down instead, laying himself beside you.
A few seconds of sheer silence are exchanged, as Aemond's attention shuffles from the stems of grass he distractedly picks at, to the neat, floral bushes onwards. You observe him longingly, a warmth fills your heart from his much anticipated presence, secretly embracing his return, as a thoughtless, faint smile appears on your face.
"H-How was the hunt, my Prince?" You utter, in a meek attempt to initiate some kind of conversation. Aemond looks onto you sternly, still his face remains stoic, although somewhat irritated, as he huffs in annoyance.
"Abysmal...Most of the bastards drunk, only myself, Criston and a few of the Kingsguard actually went out for the hunt. Waste of time when I could have been-" Aemond pauses, his words stopping in his tracks, as his gaze returns to fall upon you. His only surviving eye, lingers over your body, before resting upon your face once more. You could've sworn you saw a slight upturn curve of a smile, although one filled with that familiar glint of arrogance.
"When I could have been fucking my needy, whore of a wife."
The harshness yet deviousness of his words had caught you by surprise, feeling your cheeks turn scarlet, as you flustered and adjusted in your seated position. You felt a dull, aching pang between your inner thighs, a familiar feeling that you'd grown weakly accustomed to.
Gods, what was only a few short days, felt like long, agonising weeks since your husband had filled you. You were indeed, needy for him, for the sex had always been a pleasurable event, something you'd often looked forward to for many nights to come since your consummation. Although, this being the first since you'd both been spared some time and distance apart, you'd grown even more susceptible for his cock. Desperately craving for him during the dark, lonesome hours in the night, you'd attempt to sate yourself in his stead, however failed miserably...
It was not the same.
Remaining speechless, you’d often found yourself at a loss of words, or stuttering ambiguous sounds as Aemond tended to you. His rough hand slowly reaches up, caressing your clothed thigh, before hiking up the dress where his hand disappears beneath the garment. The flesh of his palm meets the sensitive spot of your inner thigh as he begins to trace soft circles.
“Gods, how I’ve missed you. Surrounded by all those impotent cocks, envisioning you begging for me, was the only thing keeping me sane.”
Your eyes begin to flutter before shutting, the tenderness of his words in conjunction to the lightness of his fingers, sent shivers down your spine. Sensing his hand etching closer towards your entrance, tugging at the undergarment, as the tips of his fingers graze over your moist folds.
"Although, it seems you might have been suffering as well..." His tone was low, yet amused. The smirk now prominent on his chiselled face, however was fleeting, as he returned to yet another stiff expression.
"Part your legs," He firmly uttered. From the early months of the marriage you'd learnt not to disobey, for your husband was a firm believer in justified punishment.
Doing as told, like any meek, obedient wife, you'd obeyed, spreading your legs, distant enough for his arm to snake over your thigh closest to him, where his hand remained over your cunt. Laying his weight over you, as he remained turned facing you, laid by your side, and you still propped up. The novel that you'd deeply immersed yourself in a few, mere minutes ago, now strewed across the grass, its existence no longer of significance.
"Hmm-Needy, little thing aren't you? My deprived whore-"
As he spoke, the tips of his fingers began to plunge in further into your folds, slowly encircling inside.
"Tell me, my sweet, pathetic, little wife, how desperate have you been for me? For my cock, hmm?"
"A-Aemond-" You thoughtlessly stutter, your pelvis motioning forwards, urging for more of his touch.
"Can't even think for herself, look at you. You were wet before I even began... Tell me, whore, have you touched yourself in my absence?"
His fingers delved deeper, now two, long digits inserted, pumping in and out in slow, sensual motions. His fingers massaging your walls within, as your wetness began to pool.
"N-No-" You lie, fearful that Aemond would think less of you, that you were incapable of living freely and dignified without him, even if it was for a few, short days. Aemond relished in how you'd hopelessly yearn for him, dependent on him, a loyal wife vulnerable for her dutiful husband. He loved to remind you repeatedly, growing hard thinking that only he could make you feel this way.
"Lies-" He venomously spat, urging his fingers to plunge in deeper, with a greater verocity and speed than before, causing you to jerk involuntarily, earning a loud, thoughtless moan.
"Quiet, you whore- Should someone hear us, you will be left cockless and deprived. Now tell me the truth-"
Even in the short span of time Aemond had grown acquainted with you, he knew you unlike anyone else in the realm. To some deeper, more meaningful degree, you had appreciated how intimately he had grown to know you, and often, he would use it to his advantage. Reading you like some feckless book in the citadel's library.
"Y-Yes, husband," You quietly stutter, your arms stretched back supporting you, as your legs remained widely apart. Gods, was it destined that you'd found the perfect, hidden spot to read in the gardens this fine day...
"Mhmm- Just as I'd thought. Now tell me... How badly do you want me to fuck you senseless?" Just as the last word had escaped his lips, his fingers shoved in deeper, the knuckles of his hand now grazing the entrance of your drooling cunt.
"So-So very much-" You hiccuped, your breath hitching in your throat audibly, as you attempt to steady your breathing, your chest heaving, accentuating your plump breasts and slight cleavage. Aemond's eye [whenever you granted yourself the chance] you had noticed it flicker from your face to your blatant show of breasts: undoubtedly, most infatuated by them.
"You are going to need to convince me harder than that, that was pathetic, even for you- Beg for me, my insolent wife."
"Hmm-" You'd hopelessly moan, your walls throbbing against your husbands steady, yet swift motions.
"Please, Aemond- I-I need you. It-It's been so very hard, these past few days. Y-You’d been gone for s-so long-" His pacing eases, as he insists on you to speak coherently, eager to hear what you have to say.
"F-Fuck- I need you inside of me. I could not do what you can, I-I cannot satisfy myself, as y-you do so-so very well.”
As your head was lunged backwards, looking upwards towards the rustling leaves, flowers and sky above, you casted your attention once more downwards, gazing upon Aemond, whom remained cockily smiling up at you. Ever so pleased with your honest response, it seemed.
Shoving his fingers in deeper, his pace now had hasten: shifting in your seat, as your hips instinctively bucked forward. You could feel his fingers just grazing over your tight, sweet spot, with each pump, earning more mindless moans and pleas for his name [or more so indirectly, for his cock].
Without a second to waste, Aemond pulled his hand from your drenched cunt, causing you to moan from the sudden release of the tension. His fingers glazed in your wetness, sparing a moment to take in your scent lingering from his fingers, before seating himself up on his knees, between your thighs. Hiking your dress up, as he eagerly pulled your private garments down, he'd adjusted his position swiftly, undoing his trousers in a haste simultaneously.
Cowering down over you, as he softly laid your back down against the linen and grass, his 'clean' hand reached over towards your face, his thumb gently stroking the side of your flustered cheek. He'd often spare a sacred moment, closely watching you from above, during sex, as you both immerse yourself in each other's attention, taking in all the fine details up close and personal.
"No need to say more, my wife-" Feeling his hardened cock, grazing your glazed entrance, that same potent, aching sensation stirring once more.
"You need not suffer any longer, and neither must I. I have taunted you and myself enough."
In a swift yet vigorous motion, Aemond thrust his long, pulsating cock deep inside, burying it cosily within. Your tight walls had immediately clenched onto him, like a key latched to a lock. You were made just for him, it was undeniable and he knew it.
"Fuck-" He'd breathlessly growled, as you unsteadily pant against his sturdy pace. His backward and forward motions felt unruly, as he heavily laid on top of you, your knees brought up, instinctively wrapping around his lean waist.
"Feels so tight around me, look at how much you crave for me, whore. No matter how often I pry you open, how much I fuck or fill you up. You are always desperate for more-" One hand rests on the ground for standing support, just beside where your head rests.
"Selfish, little whore. Your body still aches for me, and it naturally shows. You cannot hide it from me-"
You could muster no logical words nor any comprehensible thoughts, incoherent and ignorant to any lingering, perverted eyes. You had missed your husband dearly. Each breathless word that spilled from his filthy mouth in this very precise moment, was the honest truth, there was no point to deny or retaliate against him.
"I-I do not intend to, ever," You breathlessly whimper, gripping Aemond's cloaked, muscular shoulders, feeling your nails dig into his dense clothes.
Earning a menacing, short chuckle from Aemond, his raw thrusts grew faster and regular, his breathing heavier and louder. You could feel yourself edging closer and closer until reaching the final, much anticipated peak. Unconsciously lunging yourself closer, burying your face into Aemond's chest, as you continued to grip onto him tightly for support. Feeling his weight, in return falling into you, pinning you down, as his cum shoots itself inside, coating your walls as he satisfyingly fills you up with his seed.
As you both hastily cleaned and redressed yourselves up as best as you could, you'd noticed the grass patches where your weight and hand prints had rested, left a noticeable imprint on the ground, triggering a faint, heartfelt smile from you.
Aemond helping you up form the ground, as you folded the soiled duvet and book, he'd begun to carefully pluck out each of the small, dry leaves and petals that had somehow mingled in your unkept hair. A faint, sincere smile beaming across his face as he longingly gaped down above you, fixing the misplaced strands of hair.
Although, he had often taken pleasure in hurling cruel words towards you, his love was genuine and unrelenting. He was a loyal and dutiful husband, and it was plenty more than what many of the lords of the realm would offer their wives.
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Imagine one night you decide to tease the three boys- they’re tied to chairs surrounding the bed, you fucking yourself on a toy modeled after one of them. Moaning obscenely, throwing your head back, running your hands over your body, tweaking sensitive nipples and playing with your clit. Looking directly at them and moaning “Join me, please. I need you.” Duncan and Michael are growling at you, tugging harshly at their restraints. Jim moaning softly, begging you to untie him.
It was your turn to decide how playtime would go and your three boys consented to being restrained in their chairs with relative ease. There’s no way you’d keep them there. You wouldn’t have the guts. 
But here you are, lying back on the bed with that toy modelled after one of their cocks shoved deep inside you. Only you know who it’s modelled after and despite how much they beg you to tell them, you will carry that secret to your grave. You run a hand over your breasts, tweaking a nipple with your fingers, letting your nails scrape over the other, ‘Why do I need you three when I have this?’ You ask, removing your toy till just the head is inside. You push it back in nice and slow, letting your high-pitched whine fall freely from your lips. You roll your head to the side and reach out with your hand, ‘Join me, baby.’
Michael bucks at his restraints, the cable ties burning into his wrists. His eyes are wild as he leans forwards to try and get you to touch him, but you pull your hand away and a low growl emanates from his throat. You sit up catching sight of Jim sat on another chair. You watch him between your spread legs, Jim can’t even look at you anymore with your pussy on display right in front of him, dripping from your last orgasm. 
You climb off the bed, taking your toy with you. You peck Michael on the lips for being so quiet and well-behaved despite the monster raging inside. You run your fingers through Jim’s hair revelling in the tiny, ‘Please.’ That escapes him the second you touch him. His cock is leaking and he already came once, Jim’s cum pooling on his chair, his cock completely untouched. Michael and Duncan remain strong, their cocks erect and purpling from neglect. It’s nearly been an hour and the strain is beginning to show on both of their faces.
‘All in good time.’ You promise, pressing a kiss to Jim’s cheek and heading over to Duncan. You stand over him, watching the man rake his eyes over your naked body, ‘You’ve been very vocal today.’ You say, stroking a finger down his cheek, catching in the stubble on his beard. You sit yourself down on his thigh, your wet pussy staining his smart trousers as you pull him in for a kiss. 
Duncan groans, ‘You looking fucking delectable. Fucking yourself on that imitation of my cock, why ruin yourself on that when you could be stretched open by the real thing?’
You run the cock down the same path your finger just took on his face, the toy glistening and leaving a trail down Duncan’s cheek. You grab his jaw and shove the toy inside his mouth, ‘When are you going to learn to shut the fuck up’ Duncan’s eyes bulge as the toy sinks deep into his throat. He gags, but you just get up and head back to the bed. Jim and Michael’s own mouths hang open, watching Duncan trying to get accustomed to the fat toy in his mouth as he tries to spit it out, but it’s wedged in too deep. ‘Poor Duncan,’ You sigh. ‘For someone who went to an Ivy League school, you aren’t that smart.’
You sit down on the edge, your back to Duncan so you are between Jim and Michael. You hold a finger out, now one of you will get to fuck me tonight. But the other just has to watch along with Duncan. You produce a knife and hold the handle outwards, ‘Let’s see who can grab it first.’ You challenge, looking at both of your boys, ‘Oh and Michael if you use your magic, Jim and I are gonna rip open that virgin ass of yours.’ 
Tagging babes, faves and those who have requested: @yourkingcodyfern @langdonsoceaneyes @sojournmichael @americanhorrorstudies @wroteclassicaly @queencocoakimmie @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @luxuryglitterhoe @asstichrist @michael-langdon-owns-my-soul @langdonsinferno @satcnas @sloppy-wrist @langdonalien @kylosbabe @sevenwondr @alexcornerblog @sodanova @wickedlangdon @langdonsrapture @duncvn @pastel-cloudz @michael-langdon-owns-my-soul @langdonslove @katiekitty261 @wickedlangdon @langdonsdemon @lovelykhaleesiii @petersfern-fics @ritualmichael @yourkingcodyfern @cryptid-coalition
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rogers-metaphor · 6 years ago
Part 2 of Prof! Ben HC
Smut!!! ahead 18+
“Tell me what you want.” He purrs, his teeth sinking into your skin, making you shiver.
You find yourself grinding against him, your center growing wet as you do, your bottom lip being pulled in by your teeth.
“I want you.” you sigh, your fingernails scraping against the back of his neck, as he continues to plant sloppy wet kisses across your neck
Within a moment he brings you onto his desk, your legs parting so he can fit his waist between your thighs, his soft palms running over them pushing your dress up and around your waist.
His hand snakes between the two of you, as he continues to alternate kissing your mouth and your neck, your breathing growing rapid and audible as he runs a single finger over your center
Already soaking through your underwear, he dips his hand beneath the fabric, your breath hitching your legs parting so he can gain more access. You moan, your arms pulling him closer to you, his lips attaching themselves to your chest again. He dips two fingers into you making you shutter and cry out.
“I’ve been dreaming of this day since you walked into my class.” he purrs, “Having your pretty pussy wrapped around me.” he hums, before nipping at your skin again.
You feel like you’re going to explode at any moment, just from his words and his fingers but you want more of him. “Ben.” you groan, “Please, i need you.” you can barely manage through your moans.
“Tell me how much you want it.” he coos, without missing a beat of pumping his fingers in and out of you.
“Fuck.” you whine, “I want your cock so bad.” you moan, “Please.” you beg. He smirks a mischievous grin. “Anyway you want me.” he groans, growing more and more hard beneath his trousers. He pulls his fingers from you, and you gasp at the feeling.
“Hands on the desk, love. Turn around.” he demands, and you oblige as his hands move up your thighs, a hard slap against your ass makes you shutter but you push your ass toward him to let him know you liked it.
He quickly pulls down your underwear, and unbuckles his pants, the sound alone turning you on.
Then you feel him, running against your eager center, humming you push your ass out again.
“Impatient.” he hums, before sliding himself into you slowly. Your mouth falls open, he’s big and the feeling of him filling you is almost to much to bare, you whimpered as he gave you a moment to adjust to the new feeling and then starts thrusting slowly.
It’s painfully slow, and he thrusts so nicely up and into you so you feel in right in your core. His own moans, and his breathing hitching is turning you on even more. His fingertips are digging into your waist so tightly it feels like it’s going to bruise but it feels so good you don’t care.
He picks up the pace, and you can feel yourself dripping down your thigh as he pounds into you, your hands trying to grip the desk, but your palms are sweaty. You end up pressing yourself against the desk, making it rumble beaneath you.
“You feel so fucking good around me.” He grunts, “Such a perfect pussy.” he continues, and you feel yourself starting to tense up. Your stomach begginning to flutter, your eyes falling shut as your head starts to feel dizzy.
Your legs start shake as he picks up the pace even more, though you can tell he’s close by the way it becomes sloppy and off beat.
“I’m so... so close.” you whimper through the sounds of your pussy being pounded into, the desk shifting beneath you, and his own grunting and moaning. A hand wraps around you, reaching for your clit and rubbing wet circles around it.
He can feel you clenching around him, and he groans throwing his head back. “Cum for me.” he growls, “Cum for me, angel.” his voice goes a bit higher, and you can feel his cum filling you, pushing you over the edge.
You cry out, your entire body shaking as the two of you cum in perfect time.
“Fuck.” he groans, still inside you, slowly thrusting through both of your orgasms.
You’re overly sensitive when he slowly pulls out of you, the feeling of him leaving you making you shutter as you lay against his desk for as few more seconds.
“That was...” you sigh, your breathing still uneven as you slowly push yourself up to face him, immediately he wraps you in his arms, his lips coming back to yours.
“Better than i ever imagined.” he chuckles, and you giggle wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
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I hope you liked this!!
feel free to request more Joe, Ben, Deaky, or Rog HCs or prompts!!!
also @rogermeddowstayl0r @totallynerdstuff @lovelykhaleesiii @imstillbreathinghere you asked for it, and it’s here. i hope you like it!
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gxthicwxrm · 6 years ago
Angels Can Be Demonic Too. Prt. One.
Requested By: @lovelykhaleesiii who wanted some Michael imagines. I hope you enjoy and are satisfied lol.
Word Count: 1,688 words.
Fandom: American Horror Story
Pairing: Michael Langdon x Reader
His hands slide down my ribs. Tracing each curved bone, sending goosebumps over each cell, setting fire throughout my veins. A kiss presses against my shoulder blade. Michael nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. Holding me against his warm and bare body, he slowly kisses up my neck. Unfortunately, he stops with one final kiss behind my ear.
“I know you're awake, princess. Turn around, please.” He whispers softly. I giggle quietly before turning in his arms. He smiles at me softly. He kisses my nose and rests his forehead against my own. I reach up to run my fingers through his long locks as they lay across the pillow. I snuggle myself into the crook of his neck. He pulls me closer and holds me against his chest.
Moments like this I can’t help but bathe in the peacefulness of his loving side. Everyone normally sees the aggressive, snarky, cocky outside demeanor and goes off running. But, I didn't. He never shown me his mean streak, directly. I’ve seen it towards others, but never towards me. He always have been cocky with me, as that will always be who Michael is but he had a more gentle approach to me and everyone knew it. His hand rubbing up my neck to my hair snaps me out of my thoughts. I kiss his smooth skin softly before quickly pushing him off the side onto his back. I straddle his thin waist and place my hands on his bare chest. He smiles evilly as his hands slide up my thighs, up to my hips. I roll my hips slightly as I lean down to kiss him.
Our lips move in sync as he gets up and flips us til I am on my back with his hips in between my thighs. Before we could go any further, a knock interrupted us. He looks at my apologetically then kisses me before putting on his ruthless, uncaring face as he slides out of bed. He pulls on his boxers and joggers before covering his torso in a navy blue t-shirt. He walks over to the door as I pull up the covers to conceal my bare body. He opens the door to reveal Mallory. Immediately, a pang of jealousy hits me hard. What does she want?
“May I ask what you are doing knocking on my door?” He asks. She says something I wasn’t able to hear.  He nods and says that we will be done soon. She nods then he closes the door, walking back to the bed. He lays beside me and pulls me slow.
“I’m sorry she interrupted us, love. But, they needs us down there for dinner. You need to eat. O get ready babe,” He says softly, his loving and caring look is back. I nod and sit up, with the sheet wrapped around my body.
“Take off that thing. It’s not like I haven’t seen it all before, beautiful.” He laughs softly. I blush and slowly let the fabric fall off my frame. He smirks and gets off the bed following me to the wardrobe. He opens it for me and grabs his clothing as well as my owe. Handing me a black Victorian style dress as well as my lace-up boots. I pull on my dress and wait for Michael to put on his outfit so he can lace up the dress for me.  He obliges but not before tracing up my spine and kissing my shoulder softly. I smile as I turn around facing him.
“ I love you, Michael,” I say as his hands wrap around my waist. I giggle and kiss his cheek. He leans in, kissing me hard. I pull away then move to put on my boots. I stand up and kiss him again.
“Okay, we have to get down there, baby.” Michael says pulling away before intertwining our hands together. I nod and walk with him towards the door. He opens the door for me, not letting go of my hand.  We walk down to the staircase and walk down to meet the others. I convinced him, finally, after hours of begging to go down and join the Halloween ball with the others. Halloween being my favorite holiday. I see the others dressed elegantly, as always. Music play quietly in the room. Everyone chatters except Michael and I. I look at the bookcases along the wall. Michael, understanding my love for literature, stands a few quick steps away from me. He lets me observe all the book spines and covers, while still being close enough to let me be blanketed with his presents but not suffocating. My fingers graze novels of  wizardry and spells, history books of Wicca wars, law of witchery and the Seven Wonders.
I knew what Michael was. An angel. But also the Antichrist. I knew his past with the witches, the warlocks, and his plan for the world. I knew it all. I was not a helper or assist him in the demolition and taking over of the world. I was simply his lover for many years.  He also warned me to not eat the apples that randomly appeared out the outpost. I oblige, obviously. I watch Ms. Mead and Ms. Venable with the apples. Everyone cheers. I tug on Michael’s arm. Something feels really off. I want out. I give him a look that screams my worries. His mask falls down quick enough for me to get a glimpse at him worried for me. We silently walk back to the room. Only Ms. Mead notices.
I rush us towards the room. I practically jogging down the halls, pulling him behind by his wrist. Once we are in the room, safely behind the door, I tell him.
“Something is wrong. Something bad will happen, I can feel it. It’s not the apples. It worse than that. It will be terrible. I don’t know what it is but I swear if something happens to you, I’ll-” I cut myself off as a sob rips threw me. I hadn't noticed I was starting to tear up. He wraps his arm around me and makes me sit on the bed. I curl in his arms as he begins to speak.
“Nothing will happen to me. I have this all planned out. You know this, my Angel. We both will be fine and stroll out of here on top of the wreckage. I love you. Nothing will happen to me. I promise. I’m your Antichrist, I won’t go anywhere as long as I rule that heart of yours,” He says in a calming voice with a bright smile. I snake arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulder. He rubs the top of my head then kisses my temple. I let his words comfort me as we wait for Venable and Ms. Mead come to us.
After 15 minutes, they walk in. Ms. Venable exclaims how Michael is done and outed, among the other things. Michael laugh as she says how she is the boss now. Suddenly, a gun is pulled expectantly. Even thought knowing the fact that they would try to terminate Michael, my stomach still turns at the thought and possibly. I try to fight the ill feeling I have resting in my stomach but it’s strong as minutes pass. Michael moves the gun in Ms. Mead’s hands to face Ms. Venable. A shot is fired. She goes down.
“I was so loyal to her,” Ms. Mead says after questioning how she could do such a thing. Michael explains it all. I move from my stop by the desk, across the room to Michael. I place my hand on his back, kissing his cheek. Thankful for his safety and accuracy, I pull him closely which he returns. He begins to re-introduce who I am to his mother figure. I smile as she thanks me for loving her beautiful blonde boy. I nod, welcoming her. I turn to face Michael. He leans down, his lips met mine. I smile as we pull away. I see his happiness swimming in his beautiful eyes He leans his forehead against mine and smiles back. We close our eyes and rest in the happiness.
“I love you so much, my Ang-”
It hits me before the boom of it does. Piercing pain shots threw me before the ringing in my ears deafens me, before the gunpowder burns my nose, before a scream jumps out my throat. My knees hit the ground by the time the sound of the gun shot wraps around my head and in my ears. My whole body hits the floor when Michael yells out. I look over to see him rushing to Ms. Venable who was holding the gun. Ms. Mead is at my side. She screams something that doesn’t get Michael’s attention. She keeps yelling to him. He finally turns and comes to my other side. Before he grabs my face, I see her. Throat already bruised where he strangled her until her neck snapped. Beside him, blood pools. This wasn’t planned. Michael grabs my face, making me look at him. Finally, my hearing faintly comes back.
“Y/N, Please. Stay awake, Angel. Don’t do this to me, baby. Y/N, NO! Keep your eyes open. Y/N!” He says, panic in his voice. My eye are almost unbearable to keep open.
“I l-love you...so much...too My Handsome….D-demonic...Angel,” I gasp out as I try to keep my eyes open. I look to Ms. Mead
“Ke-Keep him...him safe...for me..pl-please..,” I say He kept his word. He is safe.
“Y/N No, Don’t fucking talk like that. I love you! Please!” He says wailing.
 I can’t respond as darkness takes over me. I will be okay for him. I will fight for my Angel.
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fan-goddess · 10 months ago
Thank you for the tag lovely 🩷
I imagine myself as a bastard (which I am irl lol) maybe of house baratheon cause honestly I’d be an amazing storm. Call me the silent storm haha
No pressuring tags: @lovelykhaleesiii @theold-ultraviolence @bucknastysbabe @arcielee @sylasthegrim
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New tag game, because I found this medieval picrew and it's fun! Create an Aemond/Aegon self insert/OC love interest.
This is my self insert. I think she is from the Vale.
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Picrew by @horatiosroom
Tagging everyone and anyone who wants to do it, plus a random assortment of mutuals.
@dr-aegon, @snowblack-charcoalwhite, @aemondsbabygirl, @aegonx, @humanpurposes,
@arcielee, @sylasthegrim, @boundlessfantasy, @zaldritzosrose, @huramuna,
@sepherinaspoppies, @flowerandblood, @bouncehousedemons, @hoosbandewan, @thekinslayed.
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queencocoakimmie · 6 years ago
Only You
Chapter 1
Duncan Shepherd x Female Reader
Word Count: +1700
A/n: This is my first Duncan fic. It’s been on my mind for months now. I absolutely love this character, so I hope I do him justice.
Summary: Vanessa Rivera is a no-nonsense girl from Texas. She moved to D.C to attend George Washington University Law School, where she takes evening classes and works at a nice restaurant during the day. Her life is boring, with the occasional fling with a guy named, Scott. Then Duncan Shepherd shows up one day at her restaurant and introduces a little bit of chaos into her life. The good and the bad.
“Vanessa, can you start table 5 for me? I’ve already gotten their drinks, so just take their orders. I’m swamped over here. Table 3 keeps sending their food back.”
She knew I was about to leave, she saw my backpack slung over my shoulder. “Dios mio, Lizzie, I have class in a little while. You know that.” She looked at me with pleading eyes, “Please, I’ll owe you one, I swear.” I sighed and put my bag back down, “You owe me 5 actually.” She gave me a hug as I picked up my pen and pad, “You really are such a good friend,” She sings as she walks away.
I plaster a fake smile on my face and walk over to table 5. It was a booth filled with the typical good-looking D.C elites, “Oh goody,” I say to myself sarcastically. “Good afternoon, gentlemen, what can I get for you.” They all ignore me, continuing their conversations amongst one another. I repeated my question and when I still received no response, I politely told them that I’d give them a minute to look over the menu, then I’d be back. As I turn to walk away, one of them grabs my hand and laughs, “Oh we’re ready honey”, he says.
“Vanessa, is it? I’m looking for something that’s not on the menu. Can you help me with that?” said the smarmy guy to my right. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and actually high-fived the guy next to him. I sigh, “Well, Sir, our Specials aren’t on the menu, but I can place an order for one of them if you like?” I smile sweetly at him. He thinks for a minute and stifles a comment, he orders a Caesar salad instead.  The other guys ordered their food without an issue. But the last guy eyed me up and down and said, “Vanessa, I’m in the mood to have some spicy. What do you recommend?” his voice was so alluring it almost lulled me into a daze.
My breath hitched in my throat and I stammered, “The, uh, spicy tomato pasta is really good and has some heat to it.” He leaned forward and said, “I bet it does, Vanessa, I bet it does. I think I’ll have that if that’s what you like?” The way he purred my name made me slightly uncomfortable and slightly something else. I nodded quickly and added his order to my notepad. I whirl around on my heel and walk to the kiosk to input their orders. Secretly happy to get away from them. But I could feel someone staring at me, so I turned back just to confirm, and I was right. His friends had gone back to talking, but he kept his eyes on me. He even smiled at me.
I was so focused on typing in the order at the kiosk, that I didn’t notice that someone had walked up to me. “Um excuse me, but…” he paused. I was so startled that I nearly jumped out of my skin, “I didn’t mean to scare you, but um, I was… looking for the restroom.” It felt like there was something else he wanted to say, but instead, he took my directions and went down the hallway. “Oh my god, V, do you know who that is?” a voice from behind me called. I turned to see the new girl, Maisie, bouncing up and down. “That is THE Duncan Shepherd. He is so hot!! Every time he comes in, I secretly wish I get his table.”
Every time he comes in?
A lightbulb went off in my head, “Maisie, I have a great idea. I’ve got to leave and get to class so you can have that table if you want. I’ve already placed their orders, you just have to bring their food out. You can even have the tips.” She squealed with excitement, “Maybe he'll even ask me for my number!!!” I nodded and gave her a thumbs up. Once I had my things, and I see that he has already made it back to the table, I start to walk out of the back door. But then I remembered that there was no parking there this morning, and I had to park across the street from the restaurant. Meaning, if I wanted to leave, I’d have to walk right past their table and him to get to the exit.
I take a deep breath and begin my trek to the front door. “Aw Vanessa, did we scare you away?” one of them calls after me in a mocking tone. I turn to smile at them, but I see only him, and his blue eyes are locked onto mine. Is that a flash of disappointment I detect on his face? I shake my head and quickly walk out of the door. I felt like I had been holding my breath the entire time.
Amongst all the fancy cars on this side of the street, sat my little old red Volkswagen Beetle. I found relief as I got in and sat down. Before I pull off though, I just happen to look out of the window towards the restaurant and see that Duncan is staring right at me. His friends still consumed in their conversation, but he was watching me. I wave at him awkwardly and drive off. Cursing myself for being so foolish. Foolish enough to think that maybe we both felt a tiny connection. “Nope, just me and my unrealistic view of guys,” I say.
Class went by so slowly. My mother kept texting me. Wanting to make sure that I was eating right and sleeping right. Hoping that I had finally gotten rid of that pendejo Scott. “I know, ma. He’s no good. But we’re just having fun.” I text back to her. Deep down I know, it’s not really what I want. I’m caring and kind. I just want my guy to be the same, to take the time to care. Or even to remember my birthday, for that matter. Scott was the one piece of the puzzle that didn’t fit. I mean, we used to hook up a couple of times a week. Now? I barely even hear from him anymore. It definitely didn’t feel good. I wasn’t naïve enough to think that an ultra-rich guy like him, and his fancy family would ever really accept a poor Mexican girl, like me, from Texas. My family were immigrants, that came over from Culiacan in the 1980s. His family? They own half of Washington. “Mija, you’re a good girl. You need a good boy who will be nice to you.” I stare at that text until class is over. Damn, why does she always have to be right?
Hours later, as I was stepping out of the shower, I hear my phone ring. “It’s almost midnight, who’d be calling me this late”, I say to myself. I towel off quickly, throw on my bathrobe and run to it. “Lizzie, are you ok? What’s going on”, I ask. She laughs and tells me that she’s fine but that she needs to give me a heads up. I ask her if someone called in sick for tomorrow, she says no, but I can tell she’s nervous about something.
“Ok, V, don’t be mad at me. Promise you won’t get mad, please?” I shake my head as though she can see it, “I can’t make promises, but I’ll try to be understanding,” I say. “Ok, you remember that table you took for me? The rich guys?” "Yes”, I tell her, “I remember.” She clears her throat, “Well, one of the guys came up to me asking about you.” I say nothing, and she continues, “Well…he wanted your phone number and though I would never give it out, I did tell him that you’d be working tomorrow.” “What?” I yell into the phone, “Who Lizzie, which one was it.”
“Duncan Shepherd.”
After a moment or two of shock, I ask, “Why would you tell him anything about me? We don’t know him. He could be some crazy stalker or something”. She scoffs and said, “Honestly, I thought I was being a good friend. You need a nice guy, V. Whatever it is that you have with Scott isn’t working. Is it like a friends with benefits thing? Are y’all together?” She goes on and on and though I know she’s right about Scott, it still feels like a punch in the gut. I tell her it’s ok and thank her for looking out for me and I’ll see her tomorrow.
After we hang up, I sit on my bed, still in my bathrobe and I Google Mr. Duncan Shepherd. He’s very smart, graduated from an Ivy League university, top of his class, of course. A philanthropist and a talented writer. I can also see that he is developing an app for the Shepherd Freedom Foundation. Hmm…that’s impressive. But then I fall down the rabbit hole of images of him. Scrolling through dozens of pictures of beautiful blonde women on his arm for various Charity events. Holding his hand, kissing him on his cheek. I click on a link and it takes me to some girl’s Instagram page. He’s featured prominently on it. The two of them mid-embrace. There’s one of them in a pool, kissing. There’s even one of him with nothing on but a towel.
“Aargh”, I let out a strangled moan and throw my phone down. I flop backward onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. I don’t know what it is that’s drawn me to him. But, I can't stop thinking about he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes. Or the way he smiled at me with those perfect pink lips. I can imagine how his hands would feel on the small of my back. I can't stop myself from thinking about his tongue would taste. I wonder what his beard feels like on the inside of my thigh. I audibly sigh and say to no one in particular, "I need to stay away from him. He's probably just like all those other guys. He's probably just like Scott" Right?
A text at 2 a.m. chimes on my phone and wakes me from my sleep. I roll over and fumble to turn on the light. Surprise sends shocks down my spine when I look at my lock screen.
“Looked up your number and wanted to see if I could take you out to dinner this weekend? Text me if you can. Text me even if you can’t. Just text me.”
 It was him.
 /Chapter 2/ /Chapter 3/ /Chapter 4/ /Chapter 5/Chapter 6/Chapter 7/Chapter 8/Chapter 9/Chapter 10
@lovelykhaleesiii @petersfern-fics @langdonsoceaneyes @katiekitty261 @xtheinevitableprophecyx @michael-langdon-appreciation @langdonsrapture @langdonsinferno @confettucini @queenie435 @kinlovecody @ghostiesbedroom @floweryshell @itschelseag @flowersirenreads @maso-xchrist @thelangdoncooperative @icylangdon @my-ahs-nightmare @americanhorrorstudies @the--queen-of-hell @trashisawayoflife @mytrash-mylife @ccodyfern @sojournmichael @michaellangdom @hisgirlwonder @winxfred @langdons-rep @langdonsdemon @sassylangdon @napping-is-my-favorite @stupidocupido @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @7-wonders @elangdon4 @michaellangdong @khaleesimel @snowandicicle @fanfictionrecommendations-com @disappointing-cheesecake @whoviancumberbunny @thedeviltohisangel @jimmlangdon @lvngdvns @lxngdonscoven @duncvn @marvelgal666 @heda-mikaelson @lovemesomeworlddomination @ritualmichael
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gremlinkweenarchive-blog · 6 years ago
Bad Moon Rising
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Originally posted by sensualkisses
Part 7: Concerns and Arguments
Summary: The reader finds and rescues a hurt merman who tells her that his name is Jim. She helps him without a second thought, but his presence might attract the attention of other supernatural creatures she never knew existed. This will eventually be a foursome (Jim Mason x Michael Langdon x Duncan Shepard x Reader) mythology/supernatural au.
A/N: Again, this is a bit shorter, but it’s also full of plot I guess?? Foreshadowing??? IDK man things happen and things are learned. 
Warnings: Duncan and Michael’s backstory, me enjoying writing Rory and Li too much, depictions of being messed up on a lot of drugs, Duncan being a dick, and Michael worrying??
Word Count: 3.5 k
Tagging List: @langdonsinferno, @ccodyfern, @michael-langdon-appreciation, @lovelykhaleesiii, @michael-langdon-owns-my-soul, @moonagecordelia, @sojournmichael, @n30n-dreams, @wroteclassicaly and  @codyfernss
 It's that time again, she's sitting in the bar with Li and Rory, just talking about this and that. Things were going really well in house since she had told them about her concerns. She felt lighter, like she could laugh again, like the world wasn't falling apart on her every other minute. She wasn't even expecting Duncan to offer to help pay her bills, she knew that he had money just from the way her dressed, and his, well, his everything, but she had to decline. She told him that it wasn't his responsibility to take care of her like that. Call it pride, but her father had always taught her that you work hard for yourself. She wasn't opposed to the idea of eventually accepting the help, but right now, it just seemed too much. 
"Earth to Y/N," Li spoke, waving a hand in front of her face. 
"Oh, sorry, lost in thought there," she smiled. 
"Okay, so I know there are like three hot men in your house and that are hanging around, and they're like not human or whatever, but here're the most important questions. Are you banging all of them? And is it separately or together?" 
Rory's head nearly hit the bar, "Ah, for fuck's sake, Li! It's none of your business! Leave them alone!" Rory was more saying that out of just not wanting to hear about the details more than the privacy for the four of them, but there was a little concern there for their privacy. 
"We're all together as a unit, but that's all you get out of me, okay," she answered and Li cheered, about to say something most definitely off colored, but Rory reached over the counter with lightening speed and shoved his cleaning rag in her mouth before she could get anything out. 
"That's surprising though, I'm surprised that Michael and Duncan could ever get together again," Rory responded as he straightened out his shirt and vest. 
She looked at him debating if she should try again to get some information about that relationship or if Rory was going to shoot her down again. Luckily, Li asked for her. 
"So, like, are you ever gonna tell us more about that shit show or are you just going to be quiet and mysterious about this like always?" 
Rory sighed, "It's not my place to speak okay. Just because I know things doesn't mean I need to go running my mouth off." 
"To be fair, Y/N is dating the both of them and who am I going to tell? We all know that I only talk to you two willingly and most of my other conversations are just "What are you doing?," "You know you've been banned here, leave," "Why are you in my house?," and "Please, we're begging, just stop." So, really? Who am I going to tell about werewolf and vampire drama?" 
Both Rory and her nodded, she had a point. 
"I just think that you should talk to them about it," but her brows went up and Rory tensed, he forgot but remembered who he was referencing. 
"Okay, sure, I'll just ask Mr. The Past is the Past and You Don't Need to Worry Dear and Mr. I Do Things in My Spare Time but I Give Up Less Information Unless Under Pain of Death, But Even Then are going to tell me about their relationship willingly?" She asked, skeptical. 
Rory sighed, "Okay, I see you have a point. I think for a healthy relationship you need to get the specifics from the two of them, even if they are brick walls emotionally for entirely different reasons." 
"I can live with that," she spoke. 
"Alright, just," Rory sighed as the two of them sat entirely engrossed with what he was about to say, "So, Duncan is a Shepherd, which is a dig deal in this world. They are rich, and powerful, and the biggest pack in North America. They came over with some of the first settlers as a small family of nobodies, but then they grew their empire. Some secret history here, but who knows how the American history would have went down without their help in the Revolution. They've been in D.C. and were actually some of the people lobbying for the capital to be moved down there. Annette is the current Alpha, she's the second one, and Duncan is in line after her, and his mother. She's..." He trailed off. 
"A bitch?" Li offered. 
"She rules with an iron fist and there are harsh consequences for stepping out of line, even for Duncan," He gave Li a look. 
"So a bitch," Li stood by her statement. She knew what she said. 
He sighed, "If that's what you want to call it. Then, Michael is from my maker, a very old and very dangerous vampire, she killed and changed without pity or remorse, but the Council never stood up to her because she was older and more power than just about all of them. Well, she was until Michael killed her for her various crimes. It is a serious offense to kill your maker, but everyone was more relieved that she was gone than Michael doing that." 
"Oh man, are there just nothing but bitches in the supernatural community?" 
Rory didn't even grace Li's question with an answer. 
"And well, due to a lot of factors and issues, the Council of Vampires don't get along with a lot of werewolves and definitely not the Shepherds. There have been close to all out wars that were just pissing contests over who had the most power." 
"Okay, but their relationship?" She asked, trying not to get impatient. 
"This is important to understand the climate between them, okay?" Rory shook his head as the other two settled down, sure they were actually about to get the information they were interested in. "They were supposed to be enemies, but the fall of 1824, and Duncan took one look at Michael and he was, well, he was smitten. He was in love with him. He wooed him. It was a love story of the century. Of course, they had to go behind everyone's backs, but they were happy and in love." 
She felt her heart warm at the thought of them being so close and in love, but it quickly occurred to her that that was not the case anymore. She saw way Michael watching Duncan like a hawk, expecting awaiting something, but she wasn't sure what. She saw how flippantly Duncan could treat Michael, the way he flaunted a power over him that she didn't quite understand. A dread filled her stomach. 
"They were together until 1917, nearly a hundred years before Annette found out about the affair." 
"Am I about to want to throw hands with her?" Li asked, but she felt that dread worsen. That couldn't be good at all. 
Rory gave her a look before continuing, "Well, things got very bad very fast, and decisions were made, irreparable decisions and sides were chosen and Duncan didn't choose Michael's side." 
Her stomach dropped. She couldn't even begin to imagine how bad that must have been. That's what Michael was waiting for, for Duncan to hurt him again. 
"And they've really hated each other since. I don't really know much beyond that. I heard rumors and speculations, but those two have never gone on record and said anything. That's really as far as I know, and-" 
She didn't want to hear more about this, not right now. "And if I want to know more, I have to ask them," she gave a tight smile. 
Rory nodded. He truly wished in this moment that he had a more pleasant story to tell her, but the truth was the truth. "Well, things must be better between them if they're coexisting," he tried to give her a little encouragement, but he wasn't sure if that was any good at this point. 
"You must be right, I'm just con-" She didn't get to finish that thought as the door burst open and a much much much too intoxicated Jim came stumbling in. 
"My starfish!" He called as he stumbled his way over to them and leaned against her, putting all his weight on her. 
Rory cocked an eyebrow, a deeply concerned eyebrow at her, and Li just replied, "Oh god, you are having a fun time aren't you?" 
"Yeop," Jim slurred and she looked up at Rory, not sure what to do or what to say. 
"I think it might be best to get him home," Rory suggested, and gave Li a look that said "And if you need to, you will help them." 
"I don't want to though," Jim whined and she sighed. 
"But," she had to think of something to entice him to get him back home, "If you do, there's a nice warm bath and food in it if you do." 
He hummed, that did sound mighty enticing and Jim couldn't help but give in. Who could say no to food and a warm bath? "Okay, I'll go, but you gotta promise me fish sticks. I promise fish sticks, I promise." 
"Okay, good," he hummed, burying his face into her shoulder. 
If she thought wrestling the merman in his human form into the house was bad, she was in a whole other world trying to deal with his true form in the bathtub. He was still wasted, and she had her reservations that he was just drunk. This was just a new level for him. Of course, the other two weren't home yet either
"Hey," she spoke softly as she washed his hair. 
"Hey," he giggled back, barely coherent and his head was lolling back. 
"What's this about huh?" It was soft and she booped his nose and he smiled, but deep down she was concerned. 
He attempted a shrug. "It's fun." 
"Who were you with? Was Michael or Duncan there with you before you came to the bar?" 
He shook his head. "I dunno who was with me, but it wasn't either of them," he trailed off. 
Shit, that wasn't good. At all. She didn't want to come off as too alarmed and set off any bad highs for him, but she did want to make sure he understood that this wasn't good. 
"Hey, Jim, that's..." She could scream in frustration. She had seen him getting high and drunk more often, but this was something new. Where was Duncan and Michael? "Jim, it's dangerous to do that? Okay?" 
"I was fine," he hummed, trying to find her skin to cuddle into. 
"Can you promise me something?" She asked with a softly trembling voice. 
"Anything for you, starfish." He didn't even notice. 
"Just, please, if you want to get this messed up again, please be with one of the three of us. It can be dangerous and we'll make sure nothing bad happens to you." She kissed the top of his head, and she felt him nod. She'd have to this talk with him when he was sober, get him to understand the importance of this, but right now, she just had to accept what it was. 
She had to help him out of the bath, though he could barely get back into human form. Marking bathing down as one of the things that he couldn't do when he was this messed up. Though, she supposed there wasn't any risk of drowning for him, which was a small comfort. He was in bed and comfy. 
"Can you stay on your side, please?" She asked as put the room's trashcan by the bed just in case. He nodded as he was drifting into sleep. "Okay, I'll be down stairs, but if you need anything, just give me a holler and I'll be up in a little bit to check on you." He grumbled in response and she went downstairs worry eating away at her. 
She was sitting at the kitchen island, working on her third mug of tea, but she didn't even taste it. It was just something to distract her. She had already checked on Jim, and he was sleeping soundly. A blessing, she supposed. 
What surprised her though, was seeing Michael and Duncan enter the house together. 
Michael must of read her face, and he hated the idea of people thinking they were more than mandatorily civil with each other, so he corrected, "We just ran into each other on the way home. No need to walk separately when you're going to the same place." 
Duncan shook his head at the insistence that nothing was being rekindled between them on Michael's part. Truth was though, that walk was silent and tense, both of them considering if it was worth to start a fight or not. They knew not to, but that didn't make the desire go away away any less. 
She nodded, that was an understandable answer, though she did wonder what it was that they did when they weren't home, but that wasn't the concern on her mind at the moment. 
Duncan went to her and kissed the top of her head before he went to get ready for bed, it had been a day for him, but she grabbed his arm and stopped him from going. Michael had already set about doing the dishes, he wasn't one to keep his hands idle. 
"Well, I'm glad you two are home, I wanted to talk you." She bit her lip and Duncan was settling down in the chair next to her, watching her with an intense eyes and Michael tensed, both of them were expecting questions about their previous relationship. The actual topic surprised the both of them, and maybe that diversion of expectations is what had Duncan taking the positions that he did. 
She sighed, she hated to be the one to bring this up, she was beginning to doubt that this was a problem, but the worry, and something even deeper in her told her this wasn't a simple problem. It may seem small now, but it go grow into an ugly beast. "So, I was sitting in the bar talking to Li and Rory and Jim, fucked up on god knows what, burst into the bar. It was a bitch and a half to get him home, and I'm worried." 
"Well, is he okay now?" Duncan asked. Michael was listening, but like usual, he was keeping his thoughts to himself. 
She sighed, "He is now. I had to put him to bed and I've been checking in ever so often, bu-" 
"Then he's fine," Duncan said, getting up to leave. 
A scoff left her mouth, she couldn't really believe that he just said that. "No, he's not." There was an edge to her voice and Duncan turned around to face her, clearly hearing a challenge in her voice. She wasn't backing down from this position though. She had the right to worry about him. "He's been drinking and getting high with more regularly and now this?" 
"Now this? So what? He's a grown man, he can make his own decisions. So what's one night of getting fucked up? We all do that every once in awhile," Duncan stated flatly, even with a hint of a condescending tone, though it was to contain his own heating irritation. 
"He got so fucked up that he could barely walk without having anyone he knows with him!" She was trying to contain her own growing anger that she wasn't being listened to about something she was very concerned about. "I mean, does he even know what the fuck alcohol can do to you if you have too much? There ar-" 
Duncan sighed and turned on his heel, "Then you talk to him tomorrow." 
That was it, she felt a red hot anger like never before, it tore through her, it was flowing through her veins and it felt like every nerve in her body was alive with it. The type of rage that brought tears of frustration and shaking hands. It came to a head, and she wasn't even aware of the sound of glass breaking behind her. "You're not listening to me! He didn't even fucking remember everything he took! People could be giving him dangerous shit and he doesn't even know it's dangerous!" Duncan had turned to face her, staring at the outburst with an intense gaze, but concern mostly. 
"Your nose," he said as he crossed to her gently cradling her face and wiping under her nose. Blood. She was bleeding. She pushed his hands away and went to grab a paper towel. That's when she saw the broken glass in the sink and Michael wrapping his hand with a towel, that soaking with blood. 
"Oh my god, Michael, are you okay?" She was now a little more concerned with his hand. 
"I'm fine, dove," he reassured her, "The glass just slipped out of my hands while I was washing it. Meanwhile, you," he turned to Duncan, "She has a point. We should talk to him." 
Duncan nodded sheepishly. Now that she had put it like that, and seeing Michael stare him down, he was beginning to feel like an ass. "Alright, we'll do that... Y/N, I'm sorry." 
"Uh huh," she said as she pushed past the both of them go upstairs. 
Duncan held his tongue and sighed deeply, then he turned to Michael. "Is your hand okay?" 
"It will be." Michael's eyes were watching Duncan like a hawk. "You are going to give her a real apology." 
There was defeat written all over his face. He realized he messed up and it took just a glance at Michael to see he was treading on thin ice with the vampire. "Yes, once she can cool off a little. Give her her space." There was something bothering him though. Something he couldn't quite place, well, he couldn't be he didn't want to. Deep down, he so desperately wanted to ignore it, but the timing of the glass breaking and her nose bleed was .... too perfect to be coincidence, at least that's what he thought. 
"Michael," he was walking to the staircase but stopped to turn to other, and Michael hummed in response, "You did," he hesitated for a moment, "You did break the glass right?" 
Michael scoffed, "Of course I did, who else would have?" 
That satisfied Duncan for now, enough that he could face the rest of the night, and so he retreated to the bedroom. 
Luckily for Michael, being dead meant that he didn't bleed terribly much, so the cut on his hand wasn't a concern. No, that wasn't the thing that was turning his stomach. He lied. He had lied out his teeth to both her and Duncan. He hadn't broken that glass. It had seemed to just burst on its own accord. He knew that was impossible, but he knew that that left him with very limited options as to what it could be. 
Duncan and anything Duncan could do wouldn't have caused this, besides him being a dick, but that was a different issue. Michael knew there was no way for him to do it. The dead like him couldn't possess magic like that. That only left one person it could have been, and granted, it was the more logical person given her emotional state, but that led to some very worrying conclusions. 
She had shown no signs of possessing magic before this. Well, her blood tasted divine, no human ever had the right to taste so holy, but that was it. She was just tasty which didn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. Witches present their magic much earlier than this, so, that left two options. She had her powers sealed away for some reason or she wasn't a witch, just something else with magic. Both options were very troubling to say the least. 
Dread was filling the pit of his stomach. There was a dangerous suggestion that was creeping into his mind, one he didn't even dare think on too long for fear that he might make that possibility real. If godlings were to exist, it could fit the symptoms, albeit there are only two symptoms that he knows of. He settled on asking Rory tomorrow night, he was the only man he trusted with this information, this suspicion, and he settled on putting it far from his mind until that conversation happened. He didn't even dare let that possibility become too real, though the dread only swirled and grew into a monster that was eating away at all the safety he had built on this rock. 
He sighed, and slowly started picking up the broken shards of the glass. One thing at a time, but he thought it might be wise to bury this in the woods tonight to get rid of any traces that may condemn him or his lover. 
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queenie435 · 6 years ago
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@americanhorrorbatch @sweetlangdon @lovelykhaleesiii @langdonfern @langdvn @ouat-imagination-blog . I think everyone of you are amazing. 😃
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connorsui · 1 year ago
The artist that made this painting of aemond deserves my entire lifeline and my life insurance ...like I will happily pay you to shove a knife down my heart for the way you made aemond so hot ✨️🩷
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Honestly this song matches the vibe of this art ...like just imagine toxicity of it all??? AAUUGHJJJ😩😩🩷🩷🩷
No pressure tags for my luvs!: @sinkovia @seireiteihellbutterfly @aethelwyneleigh27 @dollsuguru @spacebarbarianweird @aemondsbabe @succnfuccubus @arcielee @lovelykhaleesiii @lovelybluebirdie @lipstickghoulie @tripleyeeet
challenge -> you’re starring in a movie with the last person you saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title
Thanks for the tag @neonhairspray! Hmm this is a very interesting result:
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Tagging (no pressure): @arcielee @aemondsbabygirl @mrsarnasdelicious @whitedarkmoonflower @kaelabear
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capsicletho · 6 years ago
No More Running
a Steve Rogers x Reader series, written by @stvrktony | chapter 04
genre: romance
trigger: a tiny accident, reader falls down because she’s clumsy and mentions of death (visiting a grave)
word count: 1.7k
author’s note: (Y/B/N) is your brother’s name and my hectic life is for once giving me a break, so here’s the chapter i owed you guys! this is a transition chapter, so i’ll get the next chapter up as soon as possible!
summary: reader had lived for a long, long time. the difference between her and cap is that, she was awake and fully aware as she watched decades after decades go by while she looked exactly the same in the mirror. she had to change her name and identity every few decades, losing loved ones, avoiding loved ones, and only owning a few things from her past that would remind her of who she really was. one day, she was met with a man who was a huge part of her old life.
masterlist | nmr masterlist | previous chapter
Steve walked in and was at a loss for words; the restaurant had changes, of course, but for the most part they were the same vibes and it brought a smile to his face. You noticed his expression and somehow it brought a little bit of joy to see him so happy. The waitress led you to a table near the window and you sat face-to-face with him whilst the waitress handed you both the menu. The waitress repeated your orders and left with the menu and then you and Steve were finally alone and you finally looked at him and he looked at you. You knew there were a lot of questions in his head, and you were expecting that, but it was like he did not know where to begin.
“I’m assuming you have a lot of questions,” you prompted him, which caused a small chuckle as his right leg fidgets under the table. “How about I tell you then and see if that clears things up?” You asked. You were always quite chatty even from before, loving to tell stories, and somehow you knew this Steve to be the same Steve that you knew before he took the serum and became this buff and tall man in front of you.
“Sure,” he shrugged, figuring out that it would be easier for you to do that than him asking questions that you can probably answer in one sentence.
“Alright, well, I’m Aunt (Y/N)’s grandniece. Her brother is my grandfather and she would often spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with us, since she doesn’t have a family of her own after her husband passed away and I don’t really have any cousins or siblings, so it’s usually just our small little family,” you told Steve; your entire words were, of course, a series of well-rehearsed lies.
“I only have a few memories of her, because she did pass when I was little,” you said. “But she would tell me a lot of stories about her childhood, none of which I remember too much of now,” you shrugged it away. “Although I do remember liking her stories because it’s like she lights up whenever she tells it to me and it used to give me very vivid imaginations,” you said, watching Steve’s smile and genuinely believing your stories really tore you apart, but you had no other choice.
“I remember she used to have such incredible and fun life; she was my fun aunt and she would sneak some sweets and cookies for me without my parents’ knowledge.” You added these little details to make your stories seem a bit more believable. “I’m sorry I can’t tell you much about her, though. I doubt my grandfather could too because he’s suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, and it’s getting worse, actually.”
“(Y/B/N) is still alive?” He asked.
“Yeah, did you know him too?”
“I did. I used to help him build a train set that he got for his birthday from (Y/N),” Steve chuckled.
“That’s right!” You responded without even realizing. Steve raised his eyebrow. Damn. You were definitely out of practice; it was rare (almost never, even) talking to someone you share so much of the past with. You quickly recovered yourself and said. “As a kid, he used to tell me that story; that Captain America helped him assemble his train,” you said, trying to exude confidence in hopes that he did not notice your mishap.
Steve smiled a little at the mention of that, seemingly accepting the lie.
Not long after, your food came and you both ate, exchanging stories. Mostly it was you who told him your well-rehearsed life story; he did not have much to tell other than it felt weird coming out of the ice and he was just trying to get used to things and it has been quite the challenge. The drive home was just an opportunity for the two of you to continue your conversation in the car; ranging from his stories about his old comrades (the ones that you never knew about after he joined the army) and then you about your job.
“Where would you like me to drop you off?” You asked.
He hesitated for a little bit before answering. “Just at the museum would be good,” he said.
“Are you sure? I can drop you off at your place,” you offered.
“No, that’s fine; I like the walk,” he smiled.
“Alright,” you said, driving over to the museum and then stopping in front of it. “It’s nice to meet you, Steve. Sorry I was a bit defensive before, I-”
“That’s alright,” Steve held up his right hand and shrugged to let you know it was really okay. “I should be the one saying sorry for forcing you. Thank you for the ride...and thank you for telling me more about her.” Steve exited the car, but then stopped and ducked to talk to you through the window. You rolled it down with a questioning look in your face. “Can I see you tomorrow?”
This was probably not a good idea; it was better for the two of you to just drift apart because you could not fathom the thought of lying to him again. But, he still held a huge chunk of your heart in his hands even after all these years. In an impulse, you said, “Okay. I get off work at four.”
He nodded and said goodbye once more, turning around and started walking. You watched him disappear around the corner before you drove off yourself.
@patzammit​ @lovelykhaleesiii @troublermalik @rcbinwcrld @writings-of-a-girl 
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i-the-hell-is-bvcky · 7 years ago
Chapter 3- Finale
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1,190
Warning: swearing, angst, cheating, childbirth
Summary: With a baby on the way, you find out that your husband has a terrible secret.
A/N: This is the last chapter y’all! I had so much fun writing this, thanks so much for your support ❤️
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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“Six fucking months!” I scream. My hands grip the armrests of the rocking chair so tightly, I could probably break the wood. “You absolute piece of shit. If I were a lesser woman I’d throw something at you. Why?” My voice hitches, “am I not good enough for you? All these years, wasted.” Bucky looks at me with tears in his eyes. Those baby blues that used to make me weak in the knees just make me want to knee him in the crotch.
“You are—“ he starts but I raise a hand yo cut him off.
“Obviously I’m not James. If you were going through shit about being a father, you should have come to me.” Tears stream down his face as he looks at the floor in shame.
“I’m not going to raise my blood pressure over this shit. I want you out of this house. Pack your shit and get out.” James’ head snaps up, his brows furrowed.
“Y/n...baby please!”
“No!” The baby kicks and I twist in my chair in discomfort. It kicks a few more times and I’d like to think it’s fighting its dad. “It’s okay little one,” I say as I rub my stomach. “He’s gonna go and we’ll get some peace.” James stands up slowly, his usually confident stature now resembles that of a scared child. Good.
“I’m so, so so fucking sorry,” Bucky whispers. I can’t even look at him otherwise I’ll cry. He leans forward and gives me a tender kiss on the forehead like he used to do every time he left for work. “I’m going to make this right.” The last I hear of him is the door closing shut before I break into a fit of sobbing.
“How you feeling?” Sam asks me when he and Steve stop by for dinner. We lay on the couch, my head in Steve’s lap and my slightly swollen feet in the deft hands of Sam’s. In the back of our minds is the fact that my water could break at any moment so we’ve all been on edge. They’ve been my makeshift husbands as I go through this unofficial separation from James. I can’t bring myself to make it legal. James and I have always been an well oiled machine. We were so excited to start a family together but now it feels like a nightmare.
“I’m managing,” I sigh. “It’s been better with you two around. Thanks so much.”
“You know you always have us, Y/n,” Steve says. “Bucky is an ass.”
“Exactly plus if he decides to show his ugly mug around here he better remember that these hands are ‘Rated E for everyone’. I laugh at Sam’s offer to kick Bucky’s ass.
“Hey guys, I gotta go to the rest room.” The two help me to my feet and Sam walks me to the guest bathroom. I do my business and wash my hands. Suddenly I feel hot so I splash some water over my face and as I’m doing so, a warm stream of water drips down my legs.
“Sam! Steve! I think my water broke!”
The trip to the hospital was quick and painless though that couldn’t be said about labor. It took hours to get to the first phase of labor. All my pretty makeup has been removed by sweat as I wait for my cervix to dilate to ten centimeters. My mother and younger sister Dinah help me get comfortable anyway they can. From reading me my favorite novel to playing some music.
When I’m finally dilated, that’s when the real torture begins. My legs are propped up on the delivery table, my vagina on display for everyone.
“I love you guys but y’all need to get the fuck out,” I tell Sam and Steve. I thought my voice was calm but by the looks on their faces, it wasn’t. They both give me a kiss and leave to wait Sam and Steve outside the delivery room with the rest of my family while my mom and sister stay behind. They both hold my hands as I push, giving me their best words of encouragement. It takes over an hour to get the damn head out. Am I giving birth to a basketball?
“There’s the head!” My doctor yelled. “Your baby already has a full head of hair!” I chuckles through the pain.
“Y/n!” An all too familiar voice breaks through one of my screams. I turn toward the voice to see Bucky in the doorway.
“What the?”
“Oh hell nah!” Dinah shouts as she marches over to him, her hands up ready to swing.
“Dinah no!” I yell. She stops inches away from him.
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t drop this motherfucker right now, Y/n.”
“Language!” Our mother, Ronda, exclaims. “Though I agree, please try to be a lady.”
“No offense mom but screw that, he’s a piece of shit and we all know it.”
“Now is not the time to bicker people!” I gasp as a strong contraction rips through my pelvis. “James, get your ass over here.” He doesn’t wait for anything else and in a few quick steps he’s at my side. He smooths down my sweaty hair, his eyes alert and glassy with tears.
“Steve called me and I came as soon as I could. I’m so sorry baby,” James takes my hand and raises it to his lips. I can no longer hold back my tears.
“Well you couldn’t miss the birth of our child now could you?”
“What do you need from me?”
“I need to squeeze the shit out of my hand as I do this?” Bucky smiles down at me and I feel like I was transported back to when we first met.
“I can do that.”
Olivia Winifred Barnes was born at 9:45 am at 6 pounds 7 ounces. I have never been so tired in my entire life but it was worth it.
My beautiful Liv is three months old now and as happy as a clam. She has her father’s eyes and my hair. She’s perfect.
Sam and Steve are her godfathers and they spoil her rotten, I can’t imagine how it will be when she gets older. Dinah is taking to being an auntie very well.
Bucky and I are still not together. Cheating isn’t something I can just forgive, it’s going to take me a long time to even consider getting back together. I don’t wear my ring anymore but I find myself touching my empty ring finger often. We’ve decided to co-parent Olivia until we can decide what we’re going to do next. James has moved back in but lives on a different side of the house. We only talk when necessary and I’m okay with that. He’s apparently ditched Natalia as a way to get in my good graces.
Maybe one day I’ll get the courage to leave him but for now, my focus is on the health of myself and my baby. I survived before without James and I will survive without him.
Tags: @getinmelanin011 @thewinterstolemyheart @caplansteverogers @suz-123 @jazzytee @pocmarvelworks @mizzzpink @patzammit @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @occasionallywittyavengers @lovelykhaleesiii @areubeingserved @stars8melanin @wildaboutchrisevans @papi-chulo-bucky
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