specialagentartemis · 9 months
tell me more about classic filk i know a few songs but never got deep into it
"Filk" is music (often but not always folk music-style, often but not always song parodies to the tune of famous pre-existing songs) about sci-fi, fantasy, and other fannish topics. Filk circles are popular events at science fiction conventions, and that's really where the genre started. The word "filk" actually arose from a typo in a convention program once, and people just rolled with it ever since!
Some of the most iconic albums in the filk world are the anthology albums "Minus Ten And Counting" (songs about space exploration and the real-life space program), "Carmen Miranda's Ghost" (songs about sci-fi space shenanigans and space ghosts), and "Finity's End: Songs of the Station Trade" (songs set in the world of CJ Cherryh's Alliance-Union novels, and my personal favorite. I've never read any of CJ Cherryh's books, but these songs paint such a vivid world.) "Space Heroes and Other Fools" is another big one, it's more hit-or-miss for me but it's iconic. Other really good and foundational ones are "Divine Intervention" by Julia Ecklar, "Avalon is Risen" by Leslie Fish, and "We Are Who We Are" by Vixy & Tony.
I lean more towards sci-fi and space than fantasy, but fantasy and paganism are huuuugely popular filk topics too.
Some of the most popular names to look into include Leslie Fish (intensely prolific, barely a fraction of her work is on any streaming or music service), Julia Ecklar (famous for her "ose," the filk-world word for sad songs - because they're "ose, more-ose, and even more-ose), Juanita Coulson, Kristoph Klover, Vic Tyler (who just recently died :( rest in peace), Duane Elms, Kathy Mar, Bob Kanefsky, Alexander James (trans, with lots of filk under his previous name as well), Vixy & Tony, and Seanan McGuire. (I like Seanan McGuire's filk music better than her books, hah.) Some other great ones include Cat Faber (most acapella), Astrisoni, The PDX Broadsides, Kari Maaren, and Sassafrass (also mostly acapella. Includes Ada Palmer). Heather Dale, Tom Lehrer, and Jonathan Coulton are kind of honorary filkers too haha.
The best place to get the ones from 80s and 90s cassettes are on the Internet Archive or Youtube; a few filkers who are more currently active have their stuff on Bandcamp.
And I'll leave you with a few of my Favorite Ever filk songs:
"Sam Jones" by CJ Cherryh and Leslie Fish
"Pushin' the Speed of Light" by Julia Ecklar and Anne Prather
"Chickasaw Mountain" by Leslie Fish
"Fire in the Sky" by Jordan Kare
"The Phoenix" by Julia Ecklar
"Freedom of the Snow" by Leslie Fish
"Burn it Down" by Vixy & Tony
"Hope Eyrie" by Leslie Fish, or this Minus Ten And Counting version
"Rocket Rider's Prayer" by Kristoph Klover, Ernie Mansfield, and Cecilia Eng
"Dawson's Christian" by Duane Elms, performed by Vic Tyler or Vixy & Tony
"Somebody Will" by Sassafrass
"Chances & Choices & Fortunes & Fates" by Astrisoni
... my tastes lean sentimental and ose but I swear there's a lot of very funny filk out there too
"Never Set the Cat on Fire" by Frank Hayes (a famous one)
"Banned From Argo" by Leslie Fish (an INFAMOUS one)
"Don't Push That Button" by Duane Elms and Larry Warner
"No More SF Cons" by Juanita Coulson
"One More Ose Song" by B. J. Willinger
everything Bob Kanefsky writes
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trlvsn · 1 year
the significance of music and sound in aa4 is something that means so much to me. phoenix's horrible piano playing, apollo's loud screech and klavier's tasteless music all blend together perfectly into a melody that makes kristoph gavin's ears bleed: irritating, second-grade, something that soils the silence of the court in which he is the only one standing, the only one talking, him and the law, only his voice deciding the outcome of the trial. they displease him greatly: he makes rude remarks about phoenix's skills and insults apollo's voice, and i can't imagine he approves much of klavier's music. they threaten him, ruin that little violin tune of his. phoenix, apollo and klavier are the three who dare to make some noise, to speak up, to cut through the uncaring silence.
and music is a form of art that only becomes this significant by the fourth game: before, the main one was paintings (hund in the lobby, sketched by larry, critiqued by phoenix, photos, posters, visuals visuals visuals), but we can't trust what we see anymore by aa4, can we? we see an innocent girl and a diary page and think nothing is wrong with the picture. thank god for ema skye - now we can take those paintings drew misham made and look underneath, layer by layer, because we can't afford to trust the surface anymore, can't afford to trust our own eyes. phoenix decides we couldn't, anyway - what use is it to tell people to open their eyes when all they will see is the darkness of the law. what use is it when the lights in the courtroom are off and what remains is the merciless knock of the gavel. our eyes deceive us, everything is fake - forged pages, forged letters, forged paintings, forged cards, forged identities; all tricks, tricks, tricks, a magician with a shiny prop, a performance.
so what we are left with in the dark age of the law is the power to speak up, to paint pictures with music instead, like lamoir does: because music speaks to people's souls. music is not clear, music is emotion, music is something that touches your heart and makes you think. phoenix asks the court of they would even hear him out of he spoke up after he presents the forged page. the court says no. it takes seven years for him to get his voice back and scream "objection".
so when the only impact kristoph gavin can make is laughter, the only sound he can make, he makes sure it rings in the court for as long as it can.
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twopoppies · 6 months
came here to recommend this fic because it's of the best I ever read and it reminded me so much of how I think fetus larry was so I think people will love it. I had butterflies the entire time but also looooved the drama. If "painted nails make Harry beautiful" was a fic, this one would be it. be aware of the open end but there is a sequel so you're good
Oh, thank you, love. I’ve never read it. And thanks for the info about the sequel!
I Don’t Wanna Face The Music by hereforh (E, 95K)
Louis likes to think he's a pretty normal, typical lad. He likes spending nights at the pub with his mates, he loves football and is very close to his family. So when he moves to London for uni, he doesn’t think much will be different.
Until he makes these new friends who are nothing like his mates back home and change his life for the better - and this one boy who messes with his head from the get go and makes him question everything he has ever thought about himself.
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shrimp-buffet · 4 months
(Headcanons after the cut, I ramble for a bit)
*head pops out of grave* I'M ALIVEEE
Yeah I know I say this in practically every post but I finally got something again! school and other stuff kicked my ass and honestly i wasn't sure how interested really was in making these until I missed them! So while I can't guarantee any consistent posting knowing me, I can at least say that I do plan to keep doing these and I'm hoping to branch out into other fandoms so that me making these doesn't fully depend on me having a Brawl Stars hyperfixation.
Anyways as a sort of apology for the lack of content, I bring you the follow up I know many have been waiting for: LARRY AND LAWRIE PART 3 BABY!
Hope you enjoy!
Fair warning: this one may be a small bit angsty in some spots. Nothing that would need an actual warning but didn't want to jumpscare y'all with surprise sadness.
Larry based, Lawrie based, both
•Larry's most rebellious action would be putting a soda can in the non-recycling bin... Then feeling extremely guilty and fishing it back out to put it in the correct bin when no one is looking.
•Lawrie has an apocalypse bunker hidden somewhere in the park. It's only for them, Larry, and RT.
•Lawrie likes Bob Ross! They don't like to paint all that much though. Larry does like painting but he's really bad at it.
•They've never been outside the park before. Lawrie is pretty content with that fact and doesn't want to leave, but Larry wants to see what's out there and occasionally asks parkgoers about it.
•Larry gets along well with animals (add this and the last one and Larry is a fricking Disney princess- /j)
•Lawrie is the exact opposite, all animals hate them and they hate all animals in return.
•As somewhat implied already, Lawrie is kind of leaning towards a "hate all biological life" mindset. They don't actually full-on hate lifeforms entirely, but people don't really like them so they don't like people, that kind of deal. This leads Lawrie to sometimes say stuff teetering on the "kill all humans" line but Larry calls it out and Lawrie would always agree they're going a bit too far.
•Larry as usual is the opposite. He finds life and people to be so interesting and envies their experiences. They even somewhat avoid hanging out with other robots because it reminds him that he's also just a robot, though he doesn't even realize this thought process. He would never admit it, but he kind of wishes he was human. Lawrie can sense this so it causes some arguments between the two.
•On a more light-hearted note, Larry has a bit of a crush on Melodie! She's very pretty, sings beautifully, and does whatever she wants and says anything on her mind, all of which Larry loves and admires.
•Out of all the people in the park, Lawrie gets along with Draco and Hank the best. Draco is more of a frien-emy that can get on their nerves a lot but they have a lot of similar interests like music taste. And Hank is a semi-friendly rival.
•Larry, Lawrie, and R-T were all made on the same day. When it comes to the birthday though they celebrate it as R-T's day cause they just love their "baby" sibling. (Plus in Lawrie's case they just don't like the idea of having their own birthday)
•Larry is scared of Cordelius. He just gives them the creeps and somehow always manages to accidentally sneak up on Larry. (Same goes for Lily)
•Larry has a notebook they carry around to do made up math problems in when they're bored.
•Lawrie usually never wishes they could eat food, but he does wish he could try chocolate.
•They tend to play "road trip" games when they're bored on a patrol together. Things like Eye Spy, 20 Questions, Alphabet Game, etc. They both really enjoy it!
•They also listen to true crime podcast together.
And that's all I got for now! Thank you for reading this far!! As always if you'd like more let me know!!!
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beababoobies · 8 months
Helloooo you asked for some Sally face requests and I have one 🤭
Can you write Larry x fem! Reader who struggles w anxiety like hurt comfort kinda thing 💗💗💗💗🫶 THANK UU
Hiya! Absolutely, I’d love to do that for you lovely! Enjoy :) and thank you for the request!
Calm Me Down, Work Me Up.
Larry Johnson X anxious fem!Reader,
(0.6k words)
You had been having the absolute worst day. Whether it was panicking about your math test with Ms.Packerton and convincing yourself you had flunked it, or the fact that you had gotten too nauseous looking at the mystery meat for lunch and been unable to eat, you had practically come to your breaking point.
Sitting in your boyfriends room, huddled up on the corner of his bed while he paints pretty strokes on a canvas, closing your eyes and trying to focus your attention on not falling victim to the current bout of over exhaustion and overstimulation that your brain was falling into, knees hugged tight to your chest as you took deep breaths.
You loved Larry dearly, you really, really did, but the way too loud hard metal music was tipping you over the edge. Normally, you’d bring your headphones or even be in the mood to head bang with him, but the time being? Before you could stop it, you started crying. Full on tears and sobs, falling harder into sobbing when you realized how embarrassingly loud you were crying when Lar turned off his music and came to sit next to you on his bed, looking at you with those confused brown puppy dog eyes.
“hey hey hey, baby, what’s wrong?” He cooed softly, watching you try to take a breath between the sniffles and sobs to actually explain yourself, wiping your cheeks on the back of your hand, watching the black of your eyeliner and mascara wipe off on your skin, sniffling and swallowing thickly as you finally got yourself to speak, closing your eyes as you took a deep breath, feeling him out his hand on your back softly, rubbing circles into your skin.
“I - I don’t know! I just, im so scared about my math test, and and, I don’t know, maybe my blood sugar is just too low right now? I don’t - I’ve been nauseous most of the day because of that stupid fucking mystery lunch meat, I just - I can’t.” You whine out, stopping to sob and whine a couple times, looking up at you with panda-black eyes from rubbing your makeup out all over your face.
“oh, babe, I’m sorry I didn’t notice. Do you want some water? Do you want to cry about it more? Or would you just like me to stop asking you questions when you don’t know what will help and I’ll just do my best?” He asks with a small smile, thick eyebrows pinched and droopy eyes looking into your face for answers, and you just offer up a weak nod, watching him get up to go get what you can only assume is a glass of water and some tissues, so you take the time to let out a few last dry sobs before he walks back into the room.
”here you are my love” he coos softly, handing you a glass of water and watching you bring it up to your shaky lips, taking small sips of it and swallowing softly, leaning in to kiss you on the forehead before taking the empty glass of water from your shaking hands, putting it back on the bedside table before gently placing you to face towards him, gently wiping off the remaining smudged makeup from around your eyes, whatever you hadn’t cried off.
“t-Thank you.” You hiccup out quietly, looking down at your hands, before being wrapped in a warm hug by your beloved boyfriend as he places gentle kisses to your hair, reassuring you as you start to come back to your senses and your own emotions, silently cradled in your boyfriends arms.
hope you enjoyed strawberry!! I love your user it’s super cute! <3 sorry it was a little short!
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andreaheartscats · 1 year
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Sally Face Headcanons
YAAAAALL i am BACK it feels sooo good to finally write new headcanons i came up with and i hope you enjoy them!!! (some back to school headcanonsss)
Sal Fisher
- Sals voice is very soft and from time to time his voice would crack while talking. (Larry would laugh at him for it.)
- while walking from home to school or school to home (alone) he blasts music in his headphones really REALLY loud. (he just like me fr)
- if you two sat next to eachother in class and you were bored he would let you doodle on his hand or he would draw on yours!
- the group brings their own lunch after the..yk what. ew.
- always has the BEST lunch (after ash ofc)
- loves sharing lunch with you....sometimes.
- usually falls asleep in class but othwr thn that he us a good student and has good grades!
Larry Johnson
- ALWAYS late and i meant it. no matter how many times you remind him to get on time or wake up he will always somehow be late.
- never pays attention in class but somehow still has decent grades?
- math is his biggest enemy.
- lunch break? nah. some break.
- always brings energy drinks to school instead of actual lunch but he would steal some from you, Ash, Sal, Todd, Chug, etc..
- he brings like one notebook for everything.
- if you two sat next to eachother and you were bored, you would play x o in his notebook.
-if you wanted to pay attention in class he wouldnt bother you.
Ash Campbell
- miss smartty-pants.
- her and Larry love having art class together.
- Chemistry isnt her best subject..
- brings BEST BEST lunch ever and SOO much of it since she is like a mother to everyone, feeding thr group and all.
- Literally has EVERYTHING in her bag, got your period and need a pad? got it. Yoir stomach hurts and you need some pain killers? of course. Oh whats that? you scraped your knee? No problem. BOOM plasters.
- she is ready for anything.
- brings nail polish to school so she could paint your nails in class if you were bored. (be careful not to get cought!)
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cc-horan28 · 11 months
Hello! I don't know how you ended up in my little corner of the internet but you're very welcome!
I'm CC! You can call me anything I don't really mind.
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Extra-Extroverted, ENTJ, Bi, Rainbows Personified.
Here are the masterlists for my fics & wallpapers! <3
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I post random shit.
I am in too many fandoms to even try and remember them all but heres a sample :
Music : One Direction, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Ross Lynch (TDE+ R5), Queen
Books/Movies/TV Shows : Supernatural, Good Omens, Doctor Who, MCU, Riordanverse,Harry Potter (F*CK jkr tho), anything disney!
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💕Love making new Mooties 💕 and I am permanently bored (read: attention deficit); so send me asks and things to do!
I love punctuation can you tell!?
I paint. I write. I'm always busy tho so there's no schedule (read: in university).
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Mooties and blinkies under the cut <333
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(sorry if I missed any of yall I'll keep updating!)
@niallermybabe : 🍓
@ravenclawdirectioner : 🍎
@surrowndedbylights : 🥑
@heartstopperlarrie : 🍑
@annamiasworld : 🍋
@theydopissmeoffavocados : 🌶️
@enchantedlandcoffee : 🦆 (i understand duck is not food (im vegetarian please) but nothing else is even remotely acceptable.)
@idontwanttobeabuzzkill : 🥧
@bidamonalbarn : 🍝
@medicinelarrie : 🧀
@winnoella : 😍
@savebylou : 🌮
@wemadethishome : 🍪
@justmeinatree: 🌳
@larriescompass: 🪼
@skeelly : 🥥
@just-sarah-xx : 🍍
@keeganisabluegreener : 🥝
@tiredflowercrown : 🥦
@a-portal-to-nowhere : 🍄
@silly-goose-beans : 🫘
@waitingforthesunrise : 🥭
@lovemyniallerrr-2028 : 🍇
@mickeywheeler : 🍒
@dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies : 🍉
@sleepinginmygrave : 🫐
@opheliaweeps : 🍐
@stvrlighhttt : 🥒
@urbanflorals : 🥕
@someones-name-insterted-here : 🥔
@felicitylemon : 🍠
@fillthedarkvoid : 🧄
@roundagaininanemotionalblender : 🥜
@srldesigns6277 : 🍈
@fandomestloser : 🌽
@definitely-not-a-plant : 🥬
@dobry-slimak : 🐌
@royally-sea-green : 🥞
@mqstermindswift : 🍿
@tinadablackthorn: 🐸
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I'll keep updating as I go 💕
DNI: literally all creeps, homophobes, Transphobes, Racists, TERFS, NAZIS, NSFW accounts, oh also anti-larries.
ok byeeeeeeer
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forty-five-shots · 5 months
Hey! Idk if you’re still active but can you write some headcannons about larry? Or maybe a fic? Just some cute fluffy stuff in his treehouse? I don’t see a whole lot out there abt larry compared to how much is out there abt sal lol. Thank you!!
Of course! And I’m always open to requests.
Larry is so underrated for being one of the best characters in the game. <\3
Larry Headcanons
— Cozy Tree House HC’s 🏡
(I’m doing one centered around the tree house and one that’s more general because you’re right, there really isn’t enough Larry content out there)
I’m also going to write a fic soon cause ngl these headcanons got me hooked….
Larry and the group spend tons of time in the tree house, hell sometimes even Gizmo can be found sleeping there.
When it gets chilly there are tons of blankets and pillows set out to sleep or rest in.
Before he met the entire group he resided in the tree house for most of his time, playing video games or painting. It was (is) his safe place.
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- He’s got a whole lot of stuff from his childhood up there. Photos of his family, old toys, and souvenirs from whatever stupid thing he got himself into.
- Outside of the tree house he tends to walk the forest paths collecting stones or bones that he takes back and keeps in the tree house.
- He knows a bit about plants from his parents and about animals from his father.
- Larry often feels the most connected to his absent father when in or near the tree house, he doesn’t understand why though
- They’re a bunch of snacks in the treehouse too, like chips or cookies. Basically anything that can be eaten quickly.
- He was worried to invite people to the treehouse at some point, worried that if he did it’d change the atmosphere and he wouldn’t enjoy it anymore.
- There’s a first aid kit up there from the time Larry tripped and hurt himself on some loose wood in the tree house.
- Once when Larry was younger he’d gotten really upset about his father being gone, so he went up into the tree house and pretended he was the only person in the world. Even now they’re time Larry can be found up there pretending.
- Sometimes when Larry gets bored he paints over certain spots of wood or planks in the tree house. Now they’re random planks and spots in the tree house with art on them.
- Larry carved him and his friend’s initials on the tree.
- He has this tradition of leaving painted hand prints on one of the walls of the tree house, now there’s hand prints (all rising in size) there.
- Everyone added to Larry’s tree house throughout time. Ashely added small, dim lights, Sal added random things he found cool from the forest, and Todd added a radio.
- Larry uses the radio to play music while he naps (he frequently naps in the treehouse).
- As he grew older the tree house gained holes and broke down in certain areas but he always made sure to get it fixed up the best he could.
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art-missy · 5 days
Larry didn't need to be high to be quiet. He could just listen to his music. He could be painting. Or he could just stare into the void while a maelstrom of thoughts invaded his mind. He liked to isolate himself in the treehouse for these kind of moments. But you liked to bother him.
“Hey Larry-bear !”
He heard you voice coming from the feet of the tree. But he didn't move. He knew you would soon join him. He heard you yapping down the tree and a chuckle escaped his lips when he heard you grunting as you climbed the tree.
“Damn you need to change those planks !” he heard you grumbling. “I swear those are older than Mrs. Rosenberg !”
He finally saw your head emerge from the tree house entrance as you dramatically gasped for air. You beamed when you saw him, sat in a corner.
“Yo !” you raised your hand and Larry raised an eyebrow when he saw the plastic bag in your grip. “I've got snacks ! Want some ?”
You did not wait for his answer. You immediately joined him against the wall of the tree house.
“Paninis are still hot, Larry-bear,” you handed him one of the said 'paninis'. “Careful with your tongue.”
You handed him a can of soda (his favorite) then proceed to bite in your snack. Larry silently watched you do before biting in his panini.
“Told ya, silly bear !” you snorted as you quickly opened his can and he immediately chugged it down.
You leaned your head on his shoulder as you kept eating. You shared his silence but chased away his thoughts like the sun scoffing at the thunderclouds. You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers. A soft sigh escaped your lips as your thumb caressed the back of his hand.
“Next time you let yourself beaten by your own thoughts without me knowing, I'll choke you with your own hair, Rapunzel,” you murmured.
He snorted at your words but nodded.
As long as you were there, his thoughts didn't stand a chance.
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oh-hell-help-me · 1 year
July 21: National Be Someone Day
Luigi knew only a little bit of the Koopaling’s past.
It’s not that he didn’t make an effort to learn, but even mentioning their time before Bowser adopted them often led to these looks- expressions Luigi never wanted to see on their faces.
So, Luigi concentrated on learning everything about them- their likes, dislikes, plans for future occupations…
And sometimes this included spending time with them, including activities like shopping with Wendy, painting with Junior, knitting with Roy, and other things that can be done one on one.
The latest excursion was a day out with Ludwig, attending a tour through a museum of Koopa Kingdom instruments before spending the rest of their time in antique shops for possible records or sheet music.
It was great actually, and Ludwig seemed to appreciate the comradely over their shared knowledge of music theory.
And then they heard the sound of breaking glass.
For once, Luigi was only mildly alarmed- long since used to sudden sounds thanks to Iggy.
It was Ludwig’s reaction that scared him.
Because his confidant, put-together son was rapidly gasping for air yet utterly still even as a random patron provided background noise with apologies and whatever else that wasn’t important-
He reaches out to the Koopaling-
His bambino bolts into a nearby shelf blindly-
And Luigi’s fear starts to edge to panic.
Ludwig wasn’t responding to him, and he only tries to burrow into the wall behind him whenever he tries to reach out to comfort him.
Luigi felt lost, and the far look in the Koopaling’s eyes and sheer quietness gives him nothing to work with-
He hates how his hands are uselessly reaching for his bambino, and despises himself for giving into his nervous habit of humming.
After the first incident with King Boo, he’d thought he’d broken the habit- but apparently not since it’s not-
It took a minute, but Luigi could see Ludwig relax- just a little, but enough to tilt his head like he was listening-
Luigi continues to hum, just more steadily and to a tune he hoped was familiar enough to cling to.
Fives minutes pass, and Luigi is sure that Ludwig is not pressing against the wall, and is quick to give a patented glare to anyone who wandered too close.
(He is glad their spot is generally isolated- he doesn’t want to think what it could’ve been like in a stifling crowd.)
Seven minutes, he’s starting to take deeper breaths.
By ten minutes, Ludwig seems to be slowly blinking into awareness, his breathing nearly normal and Luigi wants to desperately hug him but-
He needs to make sure.
“Ludwig?” The flinch is barely there, but it’s enough to make him soften his voice even more. “Ludwig, can you hear me?”
And the Koopaling opens his mouth, visibly trying to say something, but ends up silent.
He settles for a nod.
And Luigi feels the tightness in his chest ease. It’s not gone, but any response is welcome at this point.
“Can I hold your hand?” He wants to just hug him, but Luigi felt it best to start small.
Ludwig shakes his head, pauses, nearly nods, and ends up making a grasping motion. Almost like what Junior does when-
A hug it is then.
And Luigi is careful to wrap his arms around him, nearly sent stumbling backward when the Koopaling just burrows into his chest and shudders-
And Luigi realizes he’s crying.
After that, it was a bit of a blur of getting his bambino home and situated into the family nest- snagging Larry on the way to keep him company as he looks for Bowser.
(Rumors about the Koopa King’s husband ran that day from guards who happened to be around for the afternoon shift.)
(Some have passed down a warning- Luigi wasn’t known for violence, but the look in his eyes-)
(Some have kept information to themselves, especially as they overheard the intense conversation from the King’s office and swore they heard a roar that wasn’t from a Koopa-)
(Others had seen glimpses of the Royal Couple gathering their children and heading to the Family Nest Room.)
(But all of them knew that the look in the human’s eyes promised a dark violence, and they spent a week tiptoeing around before realizing it wasn’t going to be aimed at them.)
(They breathe a sigh of relief by the eventual peace that settled in after.)
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funtimesale123 · 1 year
The Koopa kids personalities
in my Reader x Bowser fic
Bowser Jr. - childish and is very much Bowsers son. Definitely lives up to his namesake and acts just like his dad but still very much a kid. Loves video games and painting. Wants to grow up to be just like his papa.
Larry Koopa - The youngest of the Koopalings. He's mute and speaks using pictures that only really Lemmy (and Kamek) understand. He's a bit mischievous and cunning. He absolutely loves sports, tennis being his favorite. (Also sometimes paints as well)
Wendy O. Koopa - Sassy and tomboyish. This spoiled little princess is an absolute daddy's girl. Adores the color pink and loves doing makeup. Really likes challenges and can get very competitive. And though she may pout and be a bit grumpy she's definitely not a sore loser and respects those that beat her.
Lemmy Koopa - Iggy's twin. The silly, fun-loving, and innocent little acrobat. Though he may not be as smart or mature as the rest of his siblings he can be very serious when he needs to be. (Is absolutely a silly little scrunkly clown who definitely has ADHD and acts based on me and my siblings with it)
Iggy Koopa - Lemmy's twin. The hyperactive crazed inventor/scientist who's just as childish and immature as his twin. Loves to invent and adores learning new things. Sometimes can be found covered in soot and ash after an invention or experiment goes wrong. Though brilliant he is still just a kid. (Probably also has ADHD)
Morton Koopa Jr. - Though he may have trouble formulating sentences properly he absolutely loves to talk. A big tough guy who's an absolute softie. Though not the smartest is definitely not dumb. (Is definitely autistic and acts based on me when I was younger as well as my autistic siblings. If you let him, he will absolutely spend all day info dumping to you like finally someone that wants to listen to me constantly talk yes!!!)
Roy Koopa - The tough guy with an attitude. Is not afraid of showing love and affection but just shows it in a very aggressive and mean way. Like if one of his siblings got hurt and was crying he'd call them an idiot and insults them as he bandages and kisses their boo-boo.
Ludwig von Koppa - The sophisticated, egotistical, and rude composer. Likes making and playing music. He believes himself to be the smartest and "real leader" of the Koopalings. (Which his siblings disagree) Though rude he is very eloquent and articulate. Despite all this he is still the caring eldest brother and absolutely loves his siblings. (I'm not sure if he's canonically the eldest but in this fic he is)
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w1yre · 3 months
🌗 intro post!!! 🌓
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(image credits to @siinsual on pinterest!)
hi, hi, hi!! my name is laramie!! you can call me laramie, larry (LOL), or lara
i go by he/she/they, and i’m a genderfluid cupioromantic + asexual!! (if that makes sense idk)
i love anything related to art! painting, drawing, digital art, writing, music, etc.
i’m not really in a lot of fandoms, but the ones i am in are ones i really like!! i like welcome home, madness combat, fnaf sb, yakuza, etc.
minor (13-15), don’t be weird with me 😇
i don’t really care if you’re 18 or older as long as you’re not an nsfw account and you aren’t a weirdo
neurodivergent !! i have adhd
really just the basic DNI criteria (homophobic/transphobic, racists, p*dos, pørn accounts, political accounts, shit like that)
feel free to request drawings or ask me questions in my ask box! (no nsfw or gore)
no real content warnings for my blog, tbh
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celestialholz · 2 years
Treasures, Ruined (or 'Are the Elite Four the Treasures of Ruin?')
My fellow thought-experimentee @serene-hatterene mentioned a little while ago that the Treasures of Ruin bear a passing resemblance to our Paldean Elite Four, and I agree... though I don't think it means a heel turn is coming. None of them are evil - there's been literally zero foreshadowing of any form, and I personally refuse to believe that there is a single shred of evil in Hassel specifically. This man is sunshine incarnate - he even goddamn looks like the sun, and is painted as such in Surrendering Sunflora.
No, no evil here. But I'll tell you what I do think.
The Treasures of Ruin are the Elite Four if they were to go down a very different and much darker path, hence the Dark typing.
That's a fun statement, isn't it? Allow me to explain...
We will start in dex order, with Wo-Chien, our Hassel counterpart.
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This is most of Wo-Chien's lore.
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Now, there are multiple things of note here:
Tablets were classically used pre-paper manufacturing to write or draw things upon - like a musician might wish to do, or an artist;
Hassel comes from a noble family, who don't agree with his life choices - whilst he doesn't seem to bear grudges in his present state of mind, it isn't a stretch at all to imagine that he could were his mind dark enough;
Plants. Wo-Chien drains plant life, and holds control over it.
... Now, imagine if you will a moment, a darker timeline: a timeline where, embittered by his family's treatment and his own musical failure, Hassel finds Brassius, and instead of healing and supporting and encouraging him as he does in our canon, leading them to a beautiful and loving companionship, he instead does the opposite: takes out his spite and his anger, leads Brassius instead to ruin and to the death he saved him from in another life.
... No, you're crying. (/j, I am also weeping, god I hate noticing things sometimes. IT'S OKAY GUYS THEY'RE HAPPY AND LOVED AND ALIVE IN OUR WORLD *ugly sobbing*)
This idea is backed up further by the fact that Wo-Chien's shrine must be opened via purple stakes - Poison, seeping into the Grass.
Oh, and as Bulbapedia points out:
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... Huh. Imagine that, the emotional guy darkened due to his own feelings - or, indeed, that of our favourite Grass gym leader...
And then there's the fact that Hass' lead Pokemon Noivern nearly always starts battle by halving your HP with Super Fang... which has exactly the same effect as Ruination, the Treasures' signature move.
Anyway, let's move on, before I sob myself to sleep...
We arrive next at Chien-Pao, or our Larry counterpart.
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Lore incoming...
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Whilst Wo-Chien is represented by grudges, Chien-Pao is represented by hatred - and we know Larry a. hates his boss, b. hates his three jobs, and c. probably hates his life, as tired and done as he seems to be.
And so, imagine a world where that hatred, rather than be channeled into exhaustion and exasperation, becomes instead active - becomes instead a very powerful man who can apparently master types on a whim tearing down all before him, telling the world that's kept him down to bow before him. He becomes the boss; he becomes the hatred of those 'slain' by the corporate structure, and he simply sits there and watches the chaos.
Now, lovely little tired sweetheart Larry would rather eat onigiri, tell you you're very good at battling and go to sleep... but then, Hass would never drain Brassius either. It's all in the possibility, the alternate universe.
Interesting supplementary points here include:
Staraptor has the same base attack as Chien-Pao... who, like the rest of the Treasures, was patch-nerfed. It did have 130 atk, ten points higher than Staraptor;
It's represented by orange stakes, the colour of the Fighting type - Larry's one major weakness on his gym team, which later he adopts Flying types for and becomes strong against;
This man is a facade. He gives you the TM for it, he lives the gimmick... and when one tears down a facade, the person beneath is revealed. Not that I'm saying the person beneath wants to watch the world burn, but... not too tricky to imagine someone snapping under Larry's level of pressure, is it?
What's mightier than the sword, so the saying goes? The pen. You know, those things people use a lot in an office...
God, let's see if Rika can cheer us up a bit, although I doubt it given the topic... we move, then, to Ting-Lu.
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The lore has this to say on the subject of Ting-Lu:
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Ting-Lu represents fear: and if any of you have also sat there like me in fear for your champion prospects (and possibly life) as Rika stares you down during the interview process, I think we know why.
Fear... and control over the earth. The translation is a little more literal here, given that they share their specialist types.
Our Rika is fun and laid-back, but in another world, well... imagine a woman motivated by the fear of those before her, intimidating all who stand before her in both words and in battle, swallowing her enemies with the power of the earth. As a fun counterpoint, the Rika we know and love even says that you shouldn't find her worrying when you meet her during your gym challenge:
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Couple of additional things:
Ting-Lu's stakes are green - Grass, life, swallowed whole by the ground;
Rika's rocking the classically evil red eyes;
Most of her Pokemon have the capacity to learn Fissure, which is referenced in Ting-Lu's bio.
We know comparatively little about Rika compared to Hassel or Larry, but the type-share kinda says it all here.
And finally, we reach everyone's favourite overachieving tiny sister, Poppy.
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Here's some lore for y'all:
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Now again, in comparison to Hassel and Larry, we know next to nothing about Poppy, but envy specifically is interesting. The kid is very clearly far too powerful for her age, and it's therefore quite simple to imagine envy-based corruption occurring - of her dominating her peers, of her envy that everyone else seems to fit in where she doesn't. Thankfully in the Elite Four she's amongst friends, but... the composition of this team, jesus. Take a look:
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Kid is made of nuclear weapons, my god. The young mind is impressionable, easy to lead astray... except she's all fine and adorable, because she has structure, and an outlet for her power. Without that... well, Chi-Yu's on fire, so... I think this about sums it up.
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Little bit more on the intrigue:
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Mmm. Lighter. Well yeah, she would be...
There's a saying in gemology, or the sculpting of gems, about jade - what Chi-Yu's bead eyes are made of. And it goes like this:
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... Like a bell? Like that one she has on her team?
Chi-Yu is represented by blue stakes, or the Water type; the tears of a lost little girl, her fieriness extinguished.
So, now we've analysed the similarities of the characters, let's take a look at the story of the Treasures.
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'The king's greed', huh...
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... Huh. Geeta, who owns a Kingambit, who is the Top Champion. Now, aside from Larry, who seems to just straight-up dislike her, we don't know how the other three feel about their 'king' here - but we do know from the gym leader rematches that multiple of those guys aren't fans of her hardline stance. She and Tulip style-clash, Katy resents her for having her go easy on challengers, and Grusha seems afraid of her power to oust him. She seems to be a divisive woman, and... well, it's irrelevant, because we're here to imagine an alternate universe, friends. In another life, Geeta greedily overworks her people, taking the desire she has to host the greatest League and turning it dark; in another life, grudges, hates, fears and envies lead to a world of destruction and rebellion instead of a united found family. What is a king there is a queen here, and what would our queen be able to do, if she was attacked by all four of her treasures at once? Very little.
Four treasures, one king, two worlds. We even have the people to 'seal them away' - us, Nemona, Penny, Arven, and all the rematch gym leaders, who at that point outlevel the Elite Four. After all, if the shoe fits... two of us have already have taken down all four of them.
Let's all be glad we live in the good timeline, folks, where our Elite Four are loved and wholesome.
... It's fascinating isn't it, that we've pulled up these stakes up, crumbled them to dust... released the Poison, the Fighting, the Grass, the Water... that we've all seeped toxicity into the earth, lost the fight, had the life sucked away, and doused youthful enthusiasm.
... Nah, can't mean anything. Can't mean anything that we're the wielders who have already defeated them. Can't mean anything that Geeta's name in Japanese is 'omodaka', which directly translates to 'heightened surface', like the high places you nearly always find these stakes on.
... Nah, guys. Just a coincidence. They're all perfectly lovely... in our world. Still, quite the AU, right? ;)
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gracefullou · 3 months
I’ve been thinking about this and looking at peoples reactions on the setlist and the biggest problem to me is not 1D songs but the fact that there’s THREE 1D songs and like genuinely if I went to the festival and I saw him then afterwards I’d left with a feeling of “he doesn’t have enough solo songs”& “he’s still stuck on 1D” when it’s not true and we as the fans know that but the gp doesn’t.
Also I do understand him putting the songs that the gp knows and blah blah blah but well the gp knows jho (or at least some people) so he could’ve sang it instead of another 1D song or a cover which no one knows anyway. But overall I think Louis is stubborn and he won’t listen to us (esp since we’re such a small group of people lol) buuuut I’m really glad to see that the fans are saying very loud that they want more solo songs on the setlist because Louis deserves to know that his solo songs >1D songs and that people love them more so I hope he sees all the complains lmao
Hi, anon. I agree with everything you said. No matter the angle you see it from, it's not looking good. At first, i was disappointed solely for the fact that all these covers are taking up the place that fitf songs should've had. Simply bc i believe in its potential, i believe that every fitf song is so much better than any one direction song. I believe that no cover (one direction or not) is the key to win people over, but fitf is. Not in i'm a solo louie only his solo songs are good kind of way but bc it's the truth. Everytime the transition between a fitf song and a one direction one happens, i feel the dip in the quality. It's frankly striking. Fitf is my favorite album ever but also, i always make all my family and friends listen to Louis' music (usually not in an obvious fangirl way) and never has anyone said that this song is bad or that they didn't like it. On the contrary, most are now casual fans/ listeners and get excited along with me when a new release of his aporoaches. I also know what i felt/ thought when i heard fitf for the first time and that's why i have no doubt in my mind that an artist could not ask for a better representation. Fitf is EVERYTHING. I just wish Louis believed that too 😔. Anyway, the more that i think about it, the more obvious it becomes that Louis is waisting a lot of potential with his setlist choices. First of all, it doesn't send the message of a solo artist that is confident in his work. It can frankly paint him as the ambitionless loser from a dead band who can't move on from the break that the media (and some of his so called fans) try so hard to make people perceive him as. When in reality, he's been up to SO much since the pandemic. People respect ambition, they respect hunger for success and validation so why put yourself in a position where you can seem to not care enough? Larries and ot5s are horrible we know that (see how they're celebrating fucking seven of all things and then they have the audacity to claim that they love him and it's the toxic solos who don't respect his previous work 😬) but i can't help but feel that somewhere, sometimes Louis is responsable as well. Fans take cues from their "idols" and Louis is not helping with the three covers. I don't even know what he's trying to achieve with it 😭. Bc he does sing an awful lot of covers even at the tour shows when he knows the crowd is mainly his fans. Like the directioners that do show up now will show up even if he reduces the number of covers to one (and everyone will be happy then ☺️). He also needs to stop thinking too highly of 1D and assuming everyone is a fan. A lot of people are not. A lot of people don't even know their songs. It's been nine years, people move on. Today was the first time that i was left feeling a bit underwhelmed and not on a high after his set. It's one thing to sneak 4 covers on a regular tour set (it used to be less rip 💔) it's a whole other thing to fill it with those and leave your own beautiful songs off in a tight set like he has on those festivals and he needs to understand the difference ASAP. And it's not that he doesn't have "popular" songs under his belt. Back to you, just hold on, miss you are more than enough familiarity for any audience. Also, as much as he cares about "popularity" when it comes to 1D songs, he doesn't seem to care for the same for his own. Hello always you has over 100M streams on Spotify with no promo or playlisting and it's not even a single. Hoth, Chicago, angels fly, bigger than me are the most popular fitf songs after waoyf but they're nowhere to see on the setlist 😃. Instead of wdbhg why not reward fans with a favorite? Megamix is a clear fan favorite. Or defenceless as a nod to the fans' dedication and effort in 2020 for example? Or maybe he does reward them... With one dead songs 😭😭😭
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ask-kooparadio · 10 days
Headcanon dump - Roy
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Age: 20
Birthday: April 23rd
alignment: chaotic good
his infamous sunglasses are a hand me down from his late mother, he started wearing them when he got bullied for his heterochromia
He got inspired to get strong from watching several action films and wrestling
he's the most thug looking of the clan, Morton may be strong but he isn't quite as intimidating
He developed bullying as a method of coping with his insecurities - the "gay" shell, weird sunglasses from his mom, having alopecia. Nobody had listened to him when he was well behaved, so he learned that aggression would help
He's street smart, but not so book smart or close the fridge or it will melt smart. He has good practical knowledge but he's not often listened to, leading up to many "i told you so bruh!"
He cares about the vulnerable, that was his main motivation in becoming the Roy we know today. He doesn't want the things that have happened to him to happen to others, though he may get too aggresive
He's the second most social koopaling, after Larry
He does a lot of things for the fun of it - but unlike Lemmy he respects boundaries
he's a natural party guy - his mere presence seems to manifest friends
he hates lying, and refuses to partake in missions that force him to forge friendships. But he's totally cool with killing!
He looves bullying others, poking fun at them, criticizing them, striving them to get better. His remarks may be unfiltered and hurtful, but he has your best intentions
Surprisingly he's very easy going, happy to do almost anything his siblings blab about. As long as he can show he's the best one, that's all that matters! Painting claws, playing video games, picking up music samples for Larry - everything is a competition, and he's intending to win
Interests/clan role
he's the executive of the Koopaling clan. His best suit is dirty work, crime, assassinations, theft, etc. If it involves wrecking shit and not talking, he's the first to line up!
His weapon of choice are his fists, but unfortunately life would be too beautiful if everything could be solved with a well aimed hit in the face. So technically speaking he doesn't have a weapon of choice, using whatever he has laying around. He once used a fridge, I'm dead serious that he'll use ANYTHING for combat
His magic specialization are weapons of all kinds. He's the most combative of the clan, and his magic reflects it
His weakness is his do first think later approach. He usually needs someone more intellectual paired up with him to correctly direct his raw strength. Too bad his best friend is Morton!
He enjoys anything gang or mafia or yakuza relates. Treats his affiliation with the Koopaling clan as his "gang", although he's banned from calling them that.
He also loves motorcycles and tinkering with them/other vehicles.
Usually he's the one piloting the airships, because he's the only one who actually enjoys sitting for two hours with a completely clear sky
His absolute ride or die is Morton. He's young enough for Roy to act like a cool big brother™, while also not being "whiny" like Larry or Junior.
Morton suffers from Broca's aphasia, a disorder where he's capable of thinking normally, but struggles with actually speaking properly. Roy acts like a translator for him, the two having such a close bond that they can understand each other without words.
He's the most critical of Ludwig, the self-proclaimed clan leader. Before Ludwig had hit puberty properly, Roy was actually the one who was doing the leading. However, it's not that he doesn't like him - quite the opposite, he can feel that Ludwig is shutting down his emotions and that his work ethic more resembles an addiction rather than a normal ambitious person and simply is worried
He struggles to get along with Lemmy, vary of his behavior, especially after the poker incidents. He helps set the boundaries against him, being one of few that Lemmy actually respects.
He's also close to Wendy - his only sister. As he grows more comfortable with his alternative fashion sense, he's one of few who understands how it's like to live looking "weird" (Wendy has alopecia, Roy has heterochromia)
He sometimes acts like a babysitter towards Larry, trying to put off some of the load Ludwig has
He also likes being around Iggy, teaching him to defend himself or how to survive social outings. Besides, they both love chain chomps
he's the second most buff clan member, after Morton. And he's proud, not jealous!
He wears the royal emblem as a bandana around one of his arms
He often wears bandanas on his head for sun protection as he targets Desertland
He's the second tallest, after Iggy
He wears motorcycle gloves, adjusted for his claws
If he's constantly on missions, he may get a tan. However it is not permanent because koopas shed like any other reptile, which he's disappointed in
his fashion sense resembles an amalgamation of all the action and mafia movies he had watched, with grunge influences. Very cool very badass (/lh)
He's the most confident koopaling, unlike Lemmy and Ludwig he doesn't have to pretend, which is visible in both his stature and body language
He only ever takes off his sunglasses when he completely trusts someone
his blue-brown eyes represent that he gets along with all of his siblings to some degree. He's more reasonable of the group, and even if he has some problems with others he still can enjoy their company, not afraid of setting boundaries whenever needed.
and that's it, thank you :D this is my first attempt of drawing a buff guy btw, please be kind ;w;
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alarrytale · 11 months
Seeing larries kissing Louis' ass in his new post honestly just grosses me out. Do y'all not have any self-respect? Why are so many larries fine with being his punching bag, his scapegoat, being gaslit and manipulated, and having him add fuel to the larrie hate train? I love him too. But at some point, he has to realize this shit isn't okay. It's not okay to speak to your fans this way and disrespect them. To single one fan out. And to do it so publicly where the media can pick it up, where the solo louies & harries, antis, and gf stans can use it as ammunition against us. I can't even go on the pop culture subreddits I like bc of how badly the hate is against us. Not only was this a stupid fucking move before trying to sell tickets in LatAm but why in the world would you treat the fans who have stuck by you since the beginning this way? We've seen through the bullshit in both 1D and his solo career. We've seen through the false image that was painted of him, although now he seems more than happy to play along. We've tried to be there for both him (and H) because THEY made it very clear for YEARS that they were together, closeted, and fighting back. Look, I get it some larries are doing way too much with their theories esp the ones that think Louis, Harry, and T*ylor are all gay beasties who are going to bring down the industry together. But they started this shit. They encouraged fans to look deeper. They came up with the name Larry Stylinson, not us. They got the corresponding tattoos and made it very obvious, not us. Louis got the dagger. They did rbb and sbb, which really caused fans to start theorizing. Louis did the Spotify canvases that connected back to H and Larry. Louis did the promo (was it for Walls?) where we had to find the different locations, and they almost always had a Larry reference nearby (I know I didn't explain that example well). Louis specifically puts H and Larry references in his music that he knows we know about. He's the one that put out the Just Like You music video. He's the one that put Style on the wall of the Miss You video. They're the ones that continuously use blue and green lights. Louis specifically interacts with Larries and Larry related signs and flags at his show. I mean, the list goes on and on. So, if you want people to chill out on Larry, how about you stop feeding it? Because this whole back and forth is exhausting and mentally draining. I'm really fucking tired of being made the joke of this fandom by Louis when we've done nothing but see him for who he really is and love him for that. And now the harassment and death threats have skyrocketed from solos, hets, gf stans, stans of other fandoms, and people into pop culture. I'm tired of seeing mental health being used as an insult against us as well because Louis and Harry not only started this, they encouraged this behavior from larries for YEARS. And then you have people who used to be around them (from xf times) Rebecca and mainly Katie talking about how truly horrible XF, Syco, and Modest were. How truly manipulative. How horribly they treated everyone, esp the boys. I mean, she's even talked about how the boys still have some of the same people around them since the early days. I know she went after larries one time (maybe more bc I stopped listening to her after that), but she made sure to talk about them and basically say without saying that a lot of our theories about xf, management, and syco weren't far off. Others around them have played into Larry. So, why doesn't he tell them to stop. Like, stop going after fans for something you created and encouraged for years. Just ignore it until you're ready to come out, if that ever happens.
I do have a question. I know stunts suck and Harry has been stunting a lot. I know H*livia was extremely upsetting. But why do larries seem to get more people upset at Harry for doing a pap walk with T*ylor, or even the ones he did with OW where he was obviously miserable, then they do with Louis outright shitting on us - multiple times? I'd much rather see Louis have to do a pap walk or two with some girl than throw fans under the bus, you know what I mean? Because while stunting sucks, it's playing the Hollywood game and something they probably are required to do to uphold the het image. Choosing to shit on fans shouldn't even be on the table if we mean as much to you as you say.
Sorry for the rant and rambling. I'm just really hurt and have so many feelings and probably didn't express everything properly. I don't recognize this "Louis," and it's really put me off. I thought we were a team, and now I just feel completely unwanted by him.
Let it out, anon 🧡
I know this hurts, especially for those of you who haven't experienced this before. We shouldn't have to deal with this. I think most people are able to ignore it and move past it because they know he's closeted and why he's doing it. They know that Louis doesn't love them any less, despite what his public twitter account might suggest. We know he's got little agency and we know he's being made to do things against his will. We see past his image and actions.
I would prefer him stunting over lashing out against his fans too. Maybe that's not an option or maybe he didn’t have a choice. Either way it isn't okay. It wasn't okay in 2012 and it isn't okay now. The only thing we can do is stop supporting him and giving him our money. Some love him and want him to succeed, and fight with him against the chains holding him back. He won't be able to do that without larries. So they keep supporting him and live in hope that things will change for the better someday. It's up to you to decide what your limits are and what you can and can't support.
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