#pain specialists australia
westernpainclinic · 10 months
Looking for Trusted Pain Specialists in Australia? Turn to Western Pain
Are you suffering from acute or chronic pain that affects your quality of life? Are you looking for an experienced Pain Specialist in Perth who can help manage your pain and improve your function? If yes, you need to visit Dr Michael Miu at Western Pain.  
Dr Michael Miu is an experienced and highly qualified interventional Pain Specialist in Perth who provides comprehensive and personalized care for patients with various pain conditions.  
Dr Michael Miu will thoroughly assess and diagnose your pain condition, followed by a tailored treatment plan that may include medications, injections, nerve blocks, radiofrequency ablation, other minimally invasive procedures and multidisciplinary management.  
Conditions treated include back pain, neck pain, headaches, arthritis, nerve pain or any other pain condition (i.e. hips, knees, shoulders, feet). At Western Pain, Dr Michael Miu can help you find the best treatment option for your specific needs. You will receive education and support in coping with your pain and enhancing your physical and mental health.  
Contact Western Pain today and start your journey towards a brighter future. 
Are you suffering from acute or chronic pain that affects your quality of life? Are you looking for an experienced Pain Specialist in Perth who can help manage your pain and improve your function? If yes, you need to visit Dr Michael Miu at Western Pain.Dr Michael Miu is an experienced and highly qualified interventional Pain Specialist in Perth who provides comprehensive and personalized care for patients with various pain conditions.
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recuperatehealth · 6 months
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Bumped Heads & Bedtime Stories (Alex Morgan x reader)
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A/N: So this wasn’t planned but once it was in my head I had to write it. I hope you all like it.
Alex and Charlie watched on proudly as you took the field with the Matildas for the Semi final of the World Cup. The younger of the two got up from her mother’s lap and stood directly in front of the TV when the camera zoomed in on you as you exchanged pendants with the German captain. 
“Mommy look it’s Mama” Charlie says excitedly. 
Long distance was hard for the two of you when you started dating, more so when you got married but all of that failed in comparison to when you had Charlie. You played for Lyon and had done since you were a 21 years old. Alex feared what your bond with Charlie would be like when you lived half way across the world for the majority of the year but she soon found out she had nothing to worry about. Charlie adored you and the bond you two shared was unbreakable.
“It is and she is wearing a shirt just like yours” Alex replies to her daughter.
“This is her shirt Mama, look” Charlie points the your last name on the back of her shirt.
“But you support America, right Charlie?” Kelley asks the small child.
“No! I support Australia” she didn’t pronounce every letter but it was enough to be understood.
Alex knew this was an argument she could never win. You hadn’t tried to get Charlie on your side, the girl automatically chose you. The two of you asked her who she would support if Mama and Mommy play against each other and each time Charlie said you.
The Matildas were putting in yet another dominating performance just like they had been doing the entire campaign. The advantage they had with it being a home tournament made a huge difference and every game sounded and was played like a final.
You were 2-0 up going into the second half. Sam had scored from a corner and you had scored from a free kick. You were currently the top scorer on the tournament which shocked most people because you were a left back but you were also a set piece specialist. The ball almost always found the back of the net whether it came off your foot or your head.
It’s why when the next corner takes place you are heavily marked but some how manage to free yourself. As you jump for the header you feel your head hit something but it felt a lot harder than a ball, this much is proven when you fall to the floor and can feel your head throbbing in seconds. Your first guess is that you got elbowed so you stand to your feet but then feel a warm liquid running down your face. Yes, you had built up a sweat but it was winter in Australia no way are you sweating this much. It is only when you look down that you see drops of red on your shirt and when you raise your hand to where the pain is your hand is covered in blood.
Alex was unaware of the incident that had taken place on the pitch as she was getting some water from the hotel bar. The first wave of panic is brought on when she hears Charlie shrieking and her cries get louder and louder as she runs towards her.
“Mama’s hurt. Blood” Charlie all but jumps into the Alex’s arms. The child is inconsolable.
Your wife doesn’t know to react. She knew that she had to stay calm if she had any hope of calming Charlie down but right now she was finding that incredibly difficult.
When Alex returns to the seating area she sees all eyes are on her before heads turn towards the TV. 
“How bad is it?” Alex asks calmly.
“Lots of blood” Charlie is the only one to answer her question.
“Can you one you please tell me what happen to Y/N?” Alex begs her team mates.
“It was a corner. She jumped up for a header but one of the German defenders had a hold of her shirt. The keeper came out to punch the ball away and kneed Y/N in the head. She got up almost immediately—“ Kelley tried telling her best friend.
“So she’s ok?”
“She had a cut on her head. Like Charlie said there was a lot of blood. She refused a stretcher and help from the physios because she wanted to play. Sam and Ellie had to help her of the pitch. She looked out of it”
Alex tried to process what she was being told. Head injuries are serious and regardless of whether you used a stretcher or not, the suggestion of one is enough to instil worry. 
“Was it bad?” She wasn’t sure if she wanted to the answer.
Only one player said yes and it was Kristie. 
“Sam refused to play and walked off the pitch with Y/N. I know my girlfriend, I has never seen her look like that and she has never walked away from a game. It’s the semi final. She wouldn’t have gone with Y/N if it wasn’t bad”
Kristie’s statement made Alex feel two things; relief because you had your best friend with you and panic because the blonde was right, Sam wouldn’t have left the match if it wasn’t bad. 
“Charlie” Naomi walks up to the little girl who surprisingly doesn’t shy away from her “do you know how many goals you mama has scored so far? I think it’s 2”
Your daughter reaches of the defender and goes into tell her that you had scored and how you scored them. 
Time after time, Alex got your voicemail. She was about to give up and drive to the hospital that were closest to the stadium but then Kristie got a call.
“It’s Sam” She holds the phone towards the forward “She’s with Y/N”
Alex took a deep breath before holding the phone up to her ear.
“Hi Al” you voice was quiet and if she hadn’t already have known she would be able to tell something was wrong “I need to go to the hospital for some checks and stitches”
“Which one? I’ll get one of the cars and be there as soon as I can” Alex was already searching for a member of staff that would have car keys.
“No, don’t come. Stay with Charlie. Hospitals are no place for children and you hate them almost as much as I do. I should only be a couple of hours if I don’t have to stay over. I’ll come to you afterwards”
Alex wanted to argue. She needed to see that you were ok with her own eyes, anything less wouldn’t do. 
“You’re going to come here as soon as you can?” 
“I am” 
The whole USWNT waited patiently, some more than others, for you to arrive to their hotel.  Since you began dating Alex, you had become part of their family. They all watched the incident happen and would feel much better when they saw you in the flesh. 
Hours pass and you still hadn’t arrived, they hadn’t even heard from you since the call with Alex.
Charlie went quiet and Alex knew it was because you needed to see you. The young girl always shut down when she missed you and she wouldn’t return to her normal until she saw you or felt like you were close to her. Because of this Alex had packed several of your hoodies so that they can be a source of comfort your daughter and her as well.
“Kells, will you take Charlie up to get one of Y/N’s hoodies. I’d take her but I want to be here when she—“
“Of course” 
The choice of clothing must have been a hard decision because the pair was gone almost half an hour. The defender returns to the hotel bar.
“Kelley, please tell me you haven’t lost my daughter?” Alex asks when she notices her friend is alone.
Alex walks towards the defender who had assumed Charlie was right behind her.
The word is heard throughout the bar and the giggles that follow lift a weight that had been hanging on each players shoulders. 
When you enter the bar, your daughter in your arms, everyone can see what the accident had done to you. The left side of your forehead is slightly swollen and you had stitches just below your hairline. You welcome Alex into your arms and place a small kiss to both her and Charlie’s temples.
Sam hovers near you. You hear Kristie call her over but she shakes her head.
“Go. I’m fine” you pat your best friend on her shoulder “Thank you for staying with me Sammy” 
“I’m only over there if you need me” Sam gingerly walks over to her girlfriend.
You sit down with Alex next to you and Charlie on your knee. Your daughter inspects your injury all whilst been careful not to hurt you. She presses your stitches a little too hard which causes you to wince.
“Does it hurt?” Charlie asks and you can feel Alex’s eyes burning into you.
“It does but I’m ok” 
“Are you?” It is now Alex’s turn to ask you a question.
“I am. I have no concussion and no major damage”
“Then why is Sam here and why is she watching you like you’re going to pass out at any minute?”
“I lost consciousness a couple of times, I think I scared her” You once made a vow to be honest with Alex and it seemed important now more than ever.
You look over to where Sam and Kristie were sitting and like Alex said, Sam was watching you like a hawk. 
“I’m here because I have her medication” Sam answers Alex’s first question.
“Medication? You said you were ok. If you were ok then you wouldn’t need medication” 
You give Sam a look as if saying look what you’ve started. 
“Sam. Show Alex the medication you were talking about”
Sam holds up a pack of paracetamol earning a laugh from the girls around you. 
You hated taking painkillers but the doctor give you strict instructions to take them every 4 hours. It has been 2 hours since your first dose and Sam had taken it upon herself to make sure you took a second dose, after that it would be Alex’s job.
“Sam wanted to see Kristie without it the girls teasing her for it so she’s using me as an excuse”
Sam couldn’t argue with you on that. The team, you included, loved to tease her about how much she missed her girlfriend. You got just as much stick but you agreed with your tormentors whereas Sam would get defensive.
You took Charlie upstairs to get ready for bed since it was made obvious that the team would be staying downstairs for a bit and one late night wouldn’t harm the child. 
Whilst Alex did believe you when you told her you were ok, she still wanted a second opinion and your best friend her best option. 
“How bad was it?” Alex joins Sam and Kristie at their table. Sonnett, Lynn and Kelley was also at the same table.
“You want the truth?” Your wife nods her head “At first it was really bad. The physios couldn’t stop the bleeding and they didn’t want to go to hospital until they did. Y/N was out of it but she was trying to act fine. Her eyes wouldn’t focus on anything, it was almost like we weren’t in the room with her” Sam tries not to cry but the lump that if forming in her throat was making it difficult.
Alex didn’t share the same need for control. Her tears fell freely as she heard your best friend tell her what happened moment by moment. Turns out she did have a reason for concern and quite a few at that. Looking at the way you walked in you wouldn’t have thought anything had happened but after listening to Sam, Alex realised you had to be putting on a brave front.
When you return with a pyjama clad Charlie Alex tells the group that is is time for the Morgan - Y/L/N’s to go to bed. You saw the look in her eye and didn’t argue.
Once the door had shut Alex started to cry. 
“Hey hey, there’s no need to cry” you pull her in tight and hold her close. You knew that you would have scared Alex so you let her cry.
“You scared us” Alex speaks into your chest.
“I know, I’m sorry” you grab her hand and pull her towards the bed. Once sat down Alex buries her head in the crook of your neck and you hold her tightly again.
“Yeah mama, there was a lot of blood” Charlie walks over to the two of you. Alex pulls away and quickly wipes her eyes. She didn’t want your daughter to see her cry.
You wanted to say wait till they see your Matilda’s jersey which was now more red than yellow but now wasn’t the time for jokes. 
“I know there was but it all got cleaned up and then I got these to stop it from bleeding again” You point to your stitches. 
“I got you this” Charlie climbs onto your lap and holds up a band aid which had Pepper pig on. You take it off her and hand to Alex with a nod of you head. Alex then places the unnecessary band aid across the stitches but makes sure that the cushion covers your stitches.
“Can we watch a movie?” 
“Yes” Alex answers.
“Actually, the doctor told Mama she isn’t allowed to watch any movies tonight”
“You said you didn’t have a concussion” Alex whispers knowing full well what people who have concussions get told.
“I don’t but the brightness makes my headache worse” you reassure your wife.
“Why?” Your child was curious and didn’t understand why you wouldn’t be allowed.
“Because whilst I am ok, I do have a poorly head. What about a bedtime story instead?” 
Charlie happily takes you up on your offer and even gets herself into her bed. 
“What do you think Al, is it time our daughter finds out how we met?” 
Alex rolls her eyes at this. You two had very different sides when it came to the day you met. You were adamant that it was love at first sight, especially for Alex but she didn’t agree. 
“Only if you tell her the truth” 
Once Charlie is tucked up in bed you side on the side with Alex standing over you.
“It started when Australia played America. I had to mark your mommy and she kept trying to take my top off” This earned you a slap from Alex but a giggle from Charlie so it was worth it.
“I did not”
“You ripped it off me remember”
“It was an accident”
“Oh baby, you keep telling yourself that. Do you think it was an accident Charlie?”
“Nope” Charlie agrees with you, of course she did.
You continue telling the story and every so often you would hear Alex scoff at your recollation of events. She saw you as this cocky Aussie but you did catch her eye that first day but she wouldn’t call it love at first sight. Lust would be more appropriate given then you ended in her hotel room that night.
“Then a couple of years later your Mommy moved all the way to France because she missed me and wanted to see me everyday”
“I didn’t move for you. Well not just you”
“Ha! I knew it” you look up at Alex with a smug look in your face.
“I miss you everyday Mama” 
“And I miss you my sweet one”
You continue the story up to the point where you propose to Alex when you see Charlie trying really hard to fight sleep. You end it there and promise to finish it another time.
You get into your own bed, well technically it is Alex’s bed, and with a watchful eye you enjoy the show she is putting on as she gets changed.
“So I’ve been thinking” 
“Are you allowed to do that?” Alex jokes.
“Actually not but just allow it for the time being. My contract is up with Lyon this summer and I have meeting after the world cup to discuss my contract. How would you feel if I request a transfer?”
Never in all the years of dating and marriage had Alex asked you to leave Lyon, not even when Charlie was born. You were one of the best players in the world, Lyon was the team that made you into that and in return you gave them several champions league titles. Sure the topic had been brought up before but you were always under contract so it was hard.
“Are you saying you are ready to leave?”
“No. I’m ready to stop leaving. Charlie is getting older and you heard her, she misses me and I know you do” Alex throws her top at you “You do and I miss you too. I’ve given my life to that club but it’s time I put our family first”
You wouldn’t admit it but today scared you and you knew that it could have been a lot worse than it was. It made you appreciate these moments you had with your family and you wanted to have more of them even if it did mean moving the San Diego.
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Also preserved on our archive
As flu season nears, so do new COVID-19 variants.
A newly discovered COVID strain known as XEC continues to spread rapidly across multiple countries, including the United States and California.
First appearing in late June in Berlin, the XEC COVID-19 strain has spread across Europe, North America, and Asia, totaling around 550 samples, according to Australia-based data integration specialist Mike Honey.
The variant has been recorded in 27 countries, including China, Ukraine, Norway, and Poland.
COVID in California XEC is spreading rapidly worldwide, but there have been only 23 cases in the United States, including three in California.
“We are still in early days, so it could be a dominant strain, or it could fizzle out and die. It’s very difficult to predict. It does have some advantages in the lab over currently circulating strains, predominantly the KP strains," Chief Dr. Dean Blumberg of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at UC Davis Health told ABC Sacramento.
Omicron variant KP.3.1.1, also known as deFLuQE, made up over half (52.7%) of COVID-19 cases between Sept. 1 and Sept. 14. However, XEC and a variant known as MV.1 seem poised to become the next dominant strains, scientists say.
"At this juncture, the XEC variant appears to be the most likely one to get legs next," Scripps Research Translational Institute Director Eric Topol wrote on X.
California has seen a slowdown in COVID-19 infections and deaths since late August, the California Department of Public Health reported.
"While COVID-19 levels had increased over the summer to levels comparable to last summer, they are now decreasing as seen in both decreasing SARS-CoV-2 test positivity and detections in wastewater," officials told KCRA 3 Sacramento in a statement.
COVID XEC symptoms The CDC has not confirmed whether the XEC variant has any unique symptoms. USA TODAY has contacted CDC officials for comment.
The agency continues to outline the primary COVID-19 symptoms, which can appear between two to 14 days after exposure to the virus and can range from mild to severe.
These are some of the symptoms of COVID-19:
Fever or chills Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fatigue Muscle or body aches Headache Loss of taste or smell Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea
The CDC said you should seek medical attention if you have the following symptoms:
Trouble breathing Persistent pain or pressure in the chest New confusion Inability to wake or stay awake Pale, gray or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds
What is variant MV. 1? First documented in Maharashtra, India, in late June, COVID-19 variant MV.1 has been recorded in nine countries, including the United States, Honey reported.
It's spread across four continents in countries including Portugal, Scotland, Ireland and the Netherlands. In the United States, it's mainly been seen in the northeast, according to Honey.
How can we protect ourselves from XEC and other variants? The CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older, with some exceptions, receive an updated 2024-25 COVID-19 vaccine to protect against the virus, regardless of whether you have previously been vaccinated or infected.
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gumnut-logic · 9 months
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Because it is that time of the year again, I just can't help myself :D
Looking back, it really could have happened to any of them. Hell, now it had happened once, it was even more likely it could happen to any of the rest of them, but of course it had to be Virgil and, of course, it had to happen a week before Christmas.
Fortunately, not only Gordon and Alan, but also John was aboard Thunderbird Two when her pilot folded in half with a groan. The great green behemoth responded to his touch and for a second there, the whole ship tipped sideways.
Alan lost his hard-earned sandwich, and Gordon, who had been half asleep in the co-pilot’s chair, despite the coffee he had consumed not five minutes ago, received an adrenalin spike that was well used in the next half an hour or so.
It had been a hard week. Australia was on fire. Every year the drought dried continent suffered and every year International Rescue did all it could to help. Brains had even designed some specialised equipment, deployed through Tracy Industries to help dampen the eucalypt fuel load, but the change of climate over the last hundred odd years had done its damage and the ecosystem suffered for it.
It was painful to watch.
And tiring to fight.
John had taken to coming down not only for Christmas, but for the fires. He had developed a communications network, tied into TB5, to help coordinate the fire services of the country and pin point the hot spots. At the end of the last outbreak, Gordon had been gobsmacked to find his usually reclusive brother sprawled in a chair beside the Australian Fire Defense Network chief, beer in hand, swapping stories.
It had helped that the chief was the middle of five himself and a communications specialist pushed into management. There was much commiseration.
But none of the past really foretold this little hiccup.
Later when Gordon referred to said incident as a ‘hiccup’, Virgil’s eyebrows had frowned so much, they’d physically climbed off his head and slapped Gordon around his.
Or it could have been Virgil’s hand. Gordon was too busy ducking to really identify the body parts his brother was using.
So, with three brothers aboard, Virgil had plenty of back up.
Gordon was fully awake and stabilising Two before he had even had a chance to draw in a breath. They were halfway across the Tasman Sea, finally on the way home for a well-deserved break.
“Virgil?” John was out of his seat and moving towards the pilot.
“Uh, I’m okay.” The man straightened, still in his silver firefighting suit, minus the helmet. A quick look in his brother’s direction and Gordon could see it was all a lie. Even through the soot on Virgil’s face, his brother’s complexion was pale, almost green. “Just a stitch.”
“Doesn’t look like one from here, bro.” Gordon frowned as John gently nudged Virgil back in his seat. The pilot closed his eyes and lay back, his shoulders dropping just a little. John reached over to the console and flicked a couple of switches. Virgil’s vitals sprang up in all their holographic glory.
Even Gordon could see something was seriously wrong. “You have a fever. What the hell, Virg?”
His brother stared at his stats and frowned. “Just thought I was hot.”
No surprise considering the conditions they were working in.
John sighed. “Your suit has active refrigeration, Virgil, you know that. You should be the coolest of all of us.”
If it had been a different situation, Gordon would have then started a ‘discussion’ on who exactly was the coolest or the hottest of the brothers. As it was, another groan from his engineer brother killed all conversation other than medical concern.
“What is it?” John disengaged Virgil’s seat from the dash, pulling it back and giving him access to his older brother.
“My side.” Virgil’s eyes were squeezed shut.
His lower right side.
Five minutes later and Gordon was beelining Two to the nearest hospital, which turned out to be Auckland near the northern tip of New Zealand.
Less than an hour later, Virgil had his very angry appendix removed.
Of all things.
For the past three days, it had been a mixture of firefly pod and fire exo-suit. His brother had been tossing about massive hoses, shifting huge amounts of timber, excavating firebreaks and water bombing from Two.
Apparently, all while suffering from appendicitis.
When Scott arrived on scene, he was a walking facepalm.
When Virgil woke up, it was all kind words for the first hour or so while he recovered from the anaesthetic, but after that, the tongue lashing Scott delivered was enough to strip the paint off the walls of Virgil’s hospital room.
Grandma ended up dragging the man from the room.
Everyone was quiet after that.
No one liked it when Scott got scared.
Least of all Scott.
But even Gordon had to agree that his eldest brother had a point. Appendicitis wasn’t something that didn’t come with symptoms. Virgil admitted that he had noted some pain, but he had been busy. There had been more important things.
Scott’s response to that was only suitable for mature audiences.
Gordon couldn’t help but agree after having to watch his brother writhe in pain on one of his own hover stretchers while they had been on approach to Auckland.
But it had happened when it had happened and everyone was safe, Virgil included. There were much worse scenarios available considering their occupations and the entire family was grateful it had turned out best it could.
Scott was still livid, though, likely because the man was exhausted. They were all exhausted.
Grandma eyed all of them in turn, cornering each of them in their hotel rooms. It didn’t take her more than half a day to conclude that International Rescue needed a well-earned break. Virgil’s illness made a great excuse and her meeting with Scott was short, sharp and to the point.
The Commander of International Rescue contacted the GDF not long after, advising their aunt that their organisation would not be available for the next week. Eos was tasked with redirecting emergency calls after Grandma grabbed John by the scruff of his neck and with an equally sharp word in his ear, grounded the spaceman beside his brothers.
Virgil received a few glares, but the tired man just rolled over awkwardly and went back to sleep. Apparently, he agreed with Grandma.
Always did, the big Grandma softie.
Except perhaps with her cooking, but that led Virgil to being the biggest victim in that department because despite his incapacity to lie, he would do anything for the woman.
Virgil was released from the hospital a day after his surgery and they helped him back to their hotel rooms and set him up with the holoprojector and an appropriate stash of snacks and engineering journals. Kayo even bought him a sketchbook and an array of art materials.
For two days, the brothers hung out with him or darted out to the shops for convenience’s sake. Copious amounts of takeout were consumed, a treat they were often denied on the Island. But ultimately five usually very active men got very bored very quickly.
They couldn’t go home, because Virgil wasn’t allowed to fly. His operation excluded air travel for at least seven days, which meant, to add insult to injury, they would be stuck on the mainland for Christmas Day.
Their first Christmas off in who knew how many years, and they couldn’t even share it at home.
John distracted himself by linking in with Eos and helping out with emergency calls...until Grandma discovered him and rounded on both him and Eos with the ire Scott had managed to inherit.
Both father and daughter behaved after that, Eos a little stunned at the power of the eldest Tracy.
Alan dove into his computer games and hermitized. Gordon could only swim so much, so resorted to pranking Alan, which ended up in the brawl of the century and half the penthouse draped in toilet paper.
Scott turned to Tracy Industries and began phone calls that lasted hours. Virgil sent Gordon to chase him down.
Scott quite frankly ignored him, which led to Virgil hauling himself off the couch and doing the chasing himself.
That led to a screaming match that ended with both men pale when Virgil twisted angrily and groaned as he pulled at his stitches.
The atmosphere plummeted after that and the whole penthouse floor deteriorated into a sullen gloom.
It was shaping up to be an ass of a Christmas.
Until Gordon had an idea.
We'll be Home For Christmas
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many-but-one · 7 months
anon who asked about hypnotherapy here, thank you for the answer :) it means a lot. we have ‘proof’ of its happening to us although it’s from people who remember us telling us things that happened. we’re 17, still live with our dad (who we assume isn’t involved with the possible trafficking but he was still a bit of a dick), and currently aren’t in therapy. i have been the stupid host of the system and dug really deep and caused Various Breakdowns but i haven’t found anything solid myself outside of weird gut feelings.
i do want to get therapy to heal and understand our childhood better, as our amnesia towards our childhood is strong. we barely, and i mean barely, remember primary school, and our childhood in general.
we’re looking into trauma specialists and stuff, but it’s hard when most of the mental health system (at least in australia) is very “if you aren’t currently in a crisis (aka: about to hurt yourself or others) you don’t need a specialist”, so it’s hard, which is why i’m tempted to try hypnotherapy just to even begin to get some solid proof to prove to our team that we need a trauma specialist! it’s very tricky for us to deal with and it’s a pain.
sorry for rambling, but yeah, thanks again for answering :3
-xavier (he xe synth)
I am glad my answer was helpful! I hope that you’re eventually able to find the help you need. All I can say for the moment is keep searching, and start building skills in grounding and coping with dissociation and flashbacks. Having a solid foundation of skills like that will help a lot when you finally start learning things that are pretty scary. In another ask I just answered I put up the book “Coping with Trauma Related Dissociation” which is a good book for gaining those foundational skills. It’s geared toward non HC-DID systems so not everything may apply or work for you, but it’s still got plenty of good advice. Here’s the link for a free pdf. :)
Take care!
-Dori🌹 (she/he/they)
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
Do you know about any Mk ultra programs run in Australia or New Zealand?
Here are a few:
University of Adelaide in South Australia-In order to further the scientific and academic study of psi phenomena. This division of the university’s Department of Psychology, named the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit (APRU) -Aboriginal Australians were subject to medical experiments on how they experienced pain and where body measurements and blood samples were forcibly taken.
Australian National University in Canberra, ACT-Where Leonard G.H. Huxley served as Vice-Chancellor (1960-1967). 
University of Western Australia-CIA's Human Ecology Fund gave a research grant to Professor Ronald Taft. 
Callan Park (Australia)-Cerebral Surgery and Research Unit at Callan Park Psychiatric Hospital. After his (Dr. Harry Richard Bailey) appointment, the Sydney Sunday tabloid declared in September 1957, “Human guinea pigs in test: A Sydney mental specialist and 15 other volunteers deliberately sent themselves temporarily insane in recent mental research tests.” Bailey was the man behind this experiment at Callan Park. He went on in the article to promote LSD as a hopeful method of treating “mental cases” and said that these experiments would hopefully trace the section of the brain which is affected by schizophrenia. In 1959, Bailey became the Medical Superintendent of Callan Park.
Chelmsford Private Hospital-Became Australia’s worst psychiatric disaster where over 1,400 patients were subjected to hypnotic drugs, ECT and DST in a mostly experimental fashion  without  informed  consent. The  entire  Chelmsford  medical  team were previously involved  in  a  eugenics  program  of forced  adoption  at  Sydney’s  Crown Street Hospital for Women where babies were taken from ‘unfit’ mothers and given to mothers deemed more appropriate.  A massive 64% of unwed mothers had their babies stolen at Crown Street Hospital. Harry Bailey used hypnotic drugs to make the reluctant birth mothers comply. He directly  ordered  the abortion  of  twin  foetuses  without  the  consent  of a  woman  who  was under the influence of hypnotic drugs.
Concord Military Hospital (Australia)-Leonas Petrauskas.
Crown Street Hospital for Women in Sydney- It was here that they were involved in a eugenics program of forced adoption from ‘unfit’ mothers, to ones who were deemed more appropriate. Bailey had helped to introduce methods of using hypnotic drugs to make them comply. He directly ordered the abortion of twin foetuses without a woman's consent while she was under the influence of these drugs. 64% of unwed mothers had their babies taken at Crown Street.
Engadine Medical Centre (Australia)-Leonas Petrauskas.
Cerebral Surgery and Research Unit at Callan Park Psychiatric Hospital in Sydney-September 1957, the Sydney Sunday tabloid published an article about a Callan Park experiment, headlined: ‘Human Guinea Pigs in Test: A Sydney mental health specialist and 15 other volunteers deliberately sent themselves temporarily insane in recent mental research tests.’
Milson Island in the Hawkesbury River north of Sydney-Became a MK- ULTRA  research facility.
University of Sydney, AUS-MK-ULTRA psychiatrist Martin Theodore Orne, performed an experiment titled ‘Antisocial Behaviour and Hypnosis’.
University of Sydney Psychology-Faculty  head, Alfred  Gordon  Hammer,  approved Subproject  84. Gordon  Hammer  (then  APS  Chair). Professor Martin Orne. In 1960, Professor Orne's work took him to the University of Sydney.
IIE-Financed Fulbright scholarships into Australia and the Institute was founded by Elihu Root (a founder of the Council on Foreign Relations, co-founder of the Carnegie Endowment and a member of the Pilgrim’s Society) and Stephen P. Duggan who was also a member of the CFR and known as the “apostle of internationalism”. USEFA was based at Huxley’s Australian National University during the main years of imported CIA operations.
Cherry Farm Hospital In The South Island Of New Zealand-Between 1973 and 1978 - a version of Deep Sleep Therapy was used in several wards.  used electro convulsive therapy or ECT as standard practice. Dunedin prison - who we were told would also undergo deep sleep or narcosis therapy in an especially locked-down unit of the villa. Cherry Farm was the hospital to use deep sleep therapy most; many patients were not given optimal treatment; the specific application of modified narcosis was inappropriate and applied to a large number of patients up to 1978.
Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital (New Zealand)-Children in the 1970s were tortured with electroshock, including to their genitals, and given injections of paraldehyde, a central nervous depressant as punishment. child and adolescent unit were routinely punished with unmodified ECT (ECT without anaesthesia).
National Women’s Hospital in Auckland, NZ-Herbert Green.
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weightloseuk · 2 years
Lose Your Belly Fat Forever!
Americans Rave About Scientifically Tested And Newly Released Weight Loss System Delivering Trackable Results Within Days Former Marine and Korean doctor combine ancient wisdom with modern science to produce a safe and effective weight loss method that delivers remarkable results within the first 72 hours. You've tried every diet... you've attempted every exercise routine... you've ground yourself into the dust with gut wrenching cardio... and yet the pounds don't seem to come off or come right back the moment you take a breather. It's an epidemic in the U.S. and around the world and it effect over 90% of the population. Using well-established Asian wisdom and the latest medical research into human biology and bio-chemistry, a Korean doctor and former marine Gunnery Sergeant have created, tested and perfected The Fat Decimator, a remarkable new approach to weight loss that works in harmony with your body's natural processes. The system dispels the fitness and weight loss myths that have taken root in western culture and continue to drive up the statistics on heart disease, cancer, joint pain, digestive issues, premature aging, low energy and a host of other health problems related to being overweight.
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Let's See More Information
At last, modern science is beginning to test and prove that what most people believe about exercise diet and weight loss is actually counterproductive and even dangerous. In particular, heavy cardio vascular exercise has now been shown to be ineffective as well as dangerous to your health.
Doctor Sam Pak, a specialist on internal medicine and human bio-chemistry as well as being one of the co-founders of Kyle Cooper's Fat Decimator system, states that the approach works far better even than he expected.
"The biggest problems facing western nations like the U.S., Canada, the UK, Australia and most of Europe, for example, is that there are long-established fitness and weight loss myths that have become prominent in these cultures. For instance, eliminating salt, engaging in long-term heavy cardio exercise, starvation diets, limiting carbohydrates and even certain foods thought to be healthy actually go directly against the body's own natural metabolic processes, biological cycles and ability to eliminate unsightly fat as well as fight off disease."
"Let's examine cardio exercise. Jogging, running, biking and the like done over long periods of time. Hundreds of independent clinical studies have clearly shown that a human being burns an average of 5 calories per minute. Consider that if you jog for an hour, you only burn about 300 to 400 calories. Consider also that a single slice of banana bread contains more than 450 calories. You can see, then that in order to have any real effect, slow and long cardio must be done for hours each day, which is impractical." "Further," Doctor Pak says, "more intense interval cardio does triple the effect, yet it also requires more recovery time. It's therefore no more effective than long low-intensity cardio. If overdone, in fact, pushing your body too hard with heavy running and other cardio exercises damaging the joints and builds scar tissue on the heart leading to the onset of heart disease. As if this weren't' bad enough, your body begins to go into what's known as a catabolic state. This means that all this hard running, for example, puts your body into survival mode and it begins to consume muscle tissue for energy rather fat, as muscle contains more energy."
Then this is just one example of how weight loss myths negatively affect those searching for weight loss solutions. In their Fat Decimator program, Doctor Pak and Gunnery Sergeant Cooper expose these myths and use independent scientific study to clearly illustrate why it's vital that you avoid them. Further, they explain how your body works and how to work in harmony with it to bring about truly amazing weight loss results.
In his Fat Decimator presentation, Kyle Cooper tells the story of how he met Doctor Pak in Afghanistan and how what they created together has helped tens of thousands of people desperate for a real solution that delivered fast trackable results without robbing their bank accounts. Even more dramatic is the story Kyle shares about a woman in his home town of St. Louis, Missouri whose weight condition had led to a severe decline in her health. So much so, in fact, that she was literally facing the frighteningly real prospect of an impending death due to heart disease.
"Sharon is perhaps my most dramatic success story," Cooper states, "She was literally at the end of her rope when I happened to meet her in church one day. Her turnaround both physically and mentally is astonishing and a big part of why I've made sharing Fat Decimator my life's mission."
Every concept in Fat Decimator has been clinically proven. In fact, when Sharon Monroe lost over 40 pounds in a single month, she couldn't even believe her own body. She drove to John's Hopkins in Baltimore and had a full medical workup done, including physical as well as genetic testing.
The doctors confirmed that her results were real, safe and that she'd even turned back the biological clock. Additionally, her heart disease improved and she was no longer on the brink of type 2 diabetes.
The Fat Decimator gives you the power to boost your body's own metabolic processes, improve your digestion, enhance your ability to fight disease all while delivering astonishing weight loss results. An average of 5 to 7 pounds per week over the course of the 30 day program is not unreasonable - and greater results have been measured.
Enthusiastic users:
Rebecca S. of Wilmington, NC reported that at the end of her first week, she had dropped 9 pounds and went on to lose 18 more by the end of the month.
Angela L. of Cincinnati, Ohio reports that not only did she lose 31 pounds on her first try with Fat Decimator, she also has more energy than she's had in years and her intimate life with her husband has never been better.
Fat Decimator is a simple step by step process that doesn't require starving yourself, grueling workouts, crazy pills or supplements or expensive exercise gadgets that don't work. It's an all-natural, scientifically proven program that delivers amazing results to those who follow it.
Try Fat Decimator for yourself with no risk! https://cutt.ly/BBLeehh
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Exploring Medical Cannabis in Australia
What Is Medical Cannabis and How Is It Used in Australia?
Overview of Medical Cannabis and Its Applications Medical cannabis refers to the use of the cannabis plant and its components, such as cannabinoids, for therapeutic purposes. In Australia, medical cannabis is employed to manage a variety of medical conditions, including chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, and certain types of cancer. Its therapeutic effects are attributed to compounds like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), which interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to provide symptom relief.
Historical Context and Current Legal Status in Australia The history of medical cannabis in Australia is marked by gradual acceptance and regulation. Initially, cannabis was classified as a controlled substance with limited medical use. However, recent decades have seen a shift towards more comprehensive legislation. In 2016, the federal government legalized medical cannabis, paving the way for its use under strict conditions. Today, medical cannabis is legal, but its use is tightly regulated by both federal and state laws.
Common Medical Conditions Treated with Cannabis in Australia Medical cannabis is used to treat a range of conditions in Australia. These include chronic pain, where it can provide significant relief when traditional painkillers are ineffective. It is also used in managing symptoms of multiple sclerosis, such as muscle spasticity, and is increasingly prescribed for patients undergoing chemotherapy to alleviate nausea and improve appetite. Its application is continually expanding as research progresses.
Benefits and Risks of Medical Cannabis Use
Potential Health Benefits for Patients Medical cannabis offers several potential benefits. For patients with chronic pain, it can reduce reliance on opioids and other analgesics. In conditions like multiple sclerosis, cannabis can alleviate muscle spasms and improve mobility. It also helps manage nausea and appetite loss in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The therapeutic benefits are largely attributed to the plant’s active compounds, which interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to regulate various physiological processes.
Possible Side Effects and Risks Associated with Medical Cannabis Despite its benefits, medical cannabis is not without risks. Common side effects include dizziness, dry mouth, and changes in appetite. In some cases, patients may experience impaired cognitive function or anxiety. Long-term use may also lead to dependency or exacerbation of existing mental health conditions. It is crucial for patients to weigh these risks against the benefits and consult with healthcare providers to tailor treatments appropriately.
How Medical Cannabis Compares to Traditional Treatments When compared to traditional treatments, medical cannabis offers a novel approach to symptom management. For conditions like chronic pain, it may reduce reliance on opioids, potentially lowering the risk of addiction. However, its effectiveness can vary among individuals, and it may not be suitable for everyone. Traditional treatments remain essential for many conditions, and medical cannabis is often considered as a complementary or alternative option.
The Process of Obtaining Medical Cannabis in Australia
Steps to Get a Prescription for Medical Cannabis To obtain medical cannabis in Australia, patients must follow a structured process. The first step is to consult with a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable about medical cannabis. The provider will assess whether cannabis is a suitable treatment based on the patient’s medical history and current condition. If deemed appropriate, the provider will submit an application to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for approval. Once approved, patients can obtain a prescription and access medical cannabis through licensed dispensaries.
Role of Healthcare Providers and Specialists in Australia Healthcare providers play a crucial role in the medical cannabis process. General practitioners (GPs) and specialists must be familiar with the therapeutic use of cannabis to provide informed recommendations. They assess patient eligibility, monitor treatment efficacy, and adjust dosages as needed. Specialists, such as pain management doctors or oncologists, often provide more detailed oversight for specific conditions.
Legal and Regulatory Requirements for Patients Patients using medical cannabis must adhere to legal and regulatory requirements. This includes obtaining a valid prescription and complying with the conditions set by the TGA and state regulations. Patients must use medical cannabis only as prescribed and ensure it is sourced from approved providers. Adhering to these regulations is essential to avoid legal issues and ensure safe and effective treatment.
The Legal Landscape of Medical Cannabis in Australia
Understanding Australia's Medical Cannabis Laws and Regulations Australia’s medical cannabis laws are governed by both federal and state regulations. At the federal level, the TGA oversees the approval and regulation of medical cannabis products. Each state has its own additional regulations regarding prescribing, dispensing, and using medical cannabis. Understanding these laws is crucial for both patients and healthcare providers to ensure compliance and avoid legal complications.
Overview of Federal and State Regulations Federal regulations, enforced by the TGA, establish the framework for medical cannabis use, including product approval and prescription requirements. State regulations can vary, affecting aspects such as the eligibility criteria for patients and the processes for obtaining medical cannabis. Patients must be aware of both federal and state regulations to navigate the system effectively.
Recent Changes and Developments in the Legal Framework The legal framework for medical cannabis in Australia has evolved, with recent changes aimed at improving access and streamlining processes. Recent developments include adjustments to prescribing guidelines and efforts to increase availability. Keeping up-to-date with these changes is important for ensuring compliance and maximizing the benefits of medical cannabis treatment.
How Medical Cannabis is Regulated and Controlled
The Role of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) The TGA is responsible for regulating medical cannabis in Australia. It ensures that products meet safety and efficacy standards before they are approved for use. The TGA’s role includes overseeing clinical trials, product approvals, and ongoing monitoring of medical cannabis products.
Licensing and Oversight of Medical Cannabis Providers Medical cannabis providers must obtain licenses and comply with stringent regulations. This includes ensuring that products are manufactured to high standards and that they meet all legal requirements. Regular inspections and oversight are conducted to maintain quality and safety in the industry.
Security and Quality Control Measures Security and quality control are critical in the medical cannabis sector. Providers must implement robust measures to ensure the integrity and safety of their products. This includes secure storage, tracking systems, and quality testing to prevent contamination and ensure that products meet required standards.
Navigating Legal Challenges and Issues
Common Legal Questions and Concerns for Patients Patients may encounter various legal questions and concerns, such as understanding their rights and responsibilities, navigating the application process, and ensuring compliance with regulations. It is important for patients to seek guidance from legal experts or advocacy groups to address these concerns effectively.
How to Address Legal and Regulatory Issues Addressing legal and regulatory issues involves staying informed about current laws, seeking professional advice, and ensuring compliance with all requirements. Patients and healthcare providers can benefit from resources such as legal consultations and patient support services to navigate any challenges that arise.
Resources and Support for Navigating the Legal System Several resources are available to assist patients and healthcare providers in navigating the legal system. These include legal aid organizations, advocacy groups, and government websites that provide information and support for medical cannabis users.
The Role of Healthcare Professionals in Medical Cannabis Australia
How Doctors and Specialists Assess Medical Cannabis Needs Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in assessing and managing medical cannabis needs. They evaluate patients’ medical conditions, review treatment history, and determine whether cannabis is a suitable option. This assessment helps ensure that patients receive personalized and effective care.
Criteria for Prescribing Medical Cannabis Doctors and specialists use specific criteria to determine whether medical cannabis is appropriate for a patient. This includes evaluating the patient’s condition, considering other treatment options, and assessing the potential benefits and risks of cannabis use.
The Importance of Personalized Treatment Plans Personalized treatment plans are essential for effective medical cannabis therapy. Healthcare providers work closely with patients to tailor treatments based on individual needs, preferences, and responses to therapy. This approach helps optimize outcomes and manage any potential side effects.
Training and Education for Healthcare Providers
Current Education and Training Programs Available Education and training programs for healthcare providers focus on the medical use of cannabis. These programs cover topics such as pharmacology, patient assessment, and legal considerations. Ongoing education helps providers stay informed about best practices and emerging research.
The Role of Continuing Education in Cannabis Medicine Continuing education is vital for healthcare professionals to remain up-to-date with advancements in cannabis medicine. Providers participate in workshops, seminars, and other educational opportunities to enhance their knowledge and improve patient care.
How Providers Stay Updated on Evolving Practices Healthcare providers stay updated on evolving practices through various means, including professional networks, research publications, and industry conferences. Staying informed helps providers offer the latest and most effective treatments to their patients.
Collaborating with Other Healthcare Professionals
The Role of Pharmacists and Other Healthcare Team Members Pharmacists and other healthcare team members play a supportive role in medical cannabis therapy. They assist with medication management, provide education, and ensure proper dispensing of medical cannabis products.
Coordinating Care and Managing Treatment Plans Effective coordination among healthcare professionals is crucial for managing treatment plans. Collaboration ensures that all aspects of a patient’s care are addressed, including medication interactions, dosage adjustments, and ongoing monitoring.
Case Studies of Multidisciplinary Approaches Case studies highlight successful multidisciplinary approaches to medical cannabis therapy. These examples demonstrate how collaboration among various healthcare professionals can lead to improved patient outcomes and more comprehensive care.
Patient Experiences and Success Stories with Medical Cannabis in Australia
Real-Life Testimonials and Case Studies Personal stories and case studies provide insight into the experiences of Australian patients using medical cannabis. These testimonials highlight the positive impact of cannabis therapy on various conditions and offer valuable perspectives on its effectiveness.
Examples of Successful Treatments and Outcomes Successful treatment examples illustrate the benefits of medical cannabis for managing chronic pain, mental health issues, and other conditions. These outcomes showcase the potential for cannabis to improve quality of life for patients.
Lessons Learned from Patient Experiences Patient experiences offer lessons on the practical aspects of using medical cannabis. These lessons can guide future patients and healthcare providers in navigating treatment, managing expectations, and addressing challenges.
Challenges and Successes in Patient Journeys
Common Challenges Faced by Patients Patients may encounter challenges such as navigating the legal system, managing side effects, and accessing quality products. Understanding these challenges helps patients prepare and seek appropriate support.
Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles Strategies for overcoming obstacles include seeking professional guidance, using available resources, and maintaining open communication with healthcare providers. Addressing challenges proactively can lead to more successful outcomes.
Celebrating Success Stories and Achievements Celebrating success stories highlights the positive impact of medical cannabis and recognizes the achievements of patients and healthcare professionals. These stories inspire others and promote awareness of the benefits of medical cannabis therapy.
Future Outlook for Medical Cannabis in Australia
Emerging Trends and Future Developments The future of medical cannabis in Australia includes emerging trends such as new research findings, innovative treatment options, and expanding access. Staying informed about these developments helps patients and providers anticipate changes and opportunities.
Predictions for Growth and Expansion Predictions for growth and expansion in the medical cannabis industry suggest increased availability, improved treatment options, and broader acceptance. These predictions reflect the evolving landscape of medical cannabis in Australia.
How to Stay Informed and Prepared for Changes Staying informed involves following industry news, engaging with professional networks, and participating in educational opportunities. Being prepared for changes helps patients and healthcare providers navigate the evolving field of medical cannabis effectively.
Recap of Key Points Medical cannabis in Australia offers significant benefits for managing various medical conditions, with a legal framework that continues to evolve. Understanding the application process, legal considerations, and benefits is essential for patients and healthcare providers.
Final Thoughts on Medical Cannabis Australia The growing acceptance and regulation of medical cannabis in Australia reflect its potential as a valuable therapeutic option. Patients and healthcare professionals should work together to ensure safe and effective use.
Call to Action For those considering medical cannabis, consult with healthcare professionals to explore its potential benefits and determine if it’s a suitable treatment option. Stay informed about legal and regulatory changes and make well-informed decisions regarding your health and well-being.
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westernpainclinic · 1 year
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Dental Implants Near Me Sydney Australia in 2024
Top-rated dental implant centre in Sydney
Our mission is to give people happiness & revive their confidence by recreating beautiful smiles.
We help you achieve your dream smile with quality Dental Implants Paddington.
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Incision-Free Process
Painless & Speedy Recovery
Minimal Incision & Stitches
Instant Confidence Boost
Advanced digital-guided Dental implant treatment in Sydney
Dental implants can provide a long-term solution with cosmetic results unmatched by most alternative treatments. For patients with damaged, failed, or missing teeth. Dental implants also help protect the bone that supports the tooth, which naturally deteriorates when a tooth is lost. So if you’re located in Sydney, Pyrmont, Potts Point, Darlinghurst, Kirribilli, Surry Hills, Paddington, Balmain, Rozelle, Redfern, Double Bay, Newtown, Lilyfield, North Sydney, and surrounding areas. then Sydney Dental Implant Centre can be the best place to go for your dental implants treatment.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are artificial teeth designed to replace damaged or lost teeth. Our implants are crafted with such perfection that they look absolutely natural. The dental implant treatment involves three basic steps:
1. Placement of the screw inside your jawbone
2. Installing a connector on the screw
3. Fitting the crown or cap on the connector
At Sydney Dental Implant Centre, we utilise Digital Implant Surgery. It's more efficient, less painful & quicker than traditional Dental Implants Paddington.
Why Sydney Dental Implant Centre?
Experienced Implant specialists
5-star ratings from patients
Unmatched results
Flexible Payment Plans
Can everyone have Dental Implants?
Dental Implants are suitable for almost everyone, irrespective of their age. The only requirement is a healthy jaw bone.
If someone does not have an adequate jawbone, we initiate the process of bone grafting or gum grafting. Once it’s done, we can fix an implant.
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ooraleadentalcare1 · 30 days
Invisalign Mackay - Cost of Invisalign - Ooralea Dental Care
Invisalign Mackay - Ooralea Dental Care | Mackay QLD
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We provide Invisalign treatment in Mackay Region to get straight teeth without anybody noticing. Our Invisalign cost in Mackay ranges between $6,000 to $9,000.
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is an exclusively shaped, almost invisible aligner produced using sturdy plastic. Contrasted with customary supports, Invisalign gives speedy outcomes.
While supports require around two years to give a perceptible change, Invisalign can give you a similar outcome in just a half year. It gives you a similar outcome in 6 to a year and a half.
How does Invisalign work?
Empowering a progression of controlled developments, the Invisalign treatment changes intermittently, adjusting to the everyday changes in the situating of your teeth. Made out of thermoplastic, Invisalign is clean and offers a drawn-out arrangement that improves your general oral wellbeing.
Your teeth will slowly move because of the changing of your aligners, fixing into their last position, as by our team of Clear Aligners specialists in Mackay Region.
Who might benefit from Invisalign?
Anybody searching for a straighter grin might profit from Invisalign.
We will clinically survey your teeth and facial profile during your conference and decide whether the Invisalign treatment will be great for you.
For some patients, metal supports are not a practical or appropriate arrangement, which is why we see numerous patients looking for Invisalign treatment because of their work; numerous work environments won’t allow them to wear metal sections. For patients who have an uncertain outlook on their teeth and metal supports, then, at that point, Invisalign is the best method for moving your teeth into an arrangement without anybody taking note.
It is vital to realize that Invisalign may not be the right treatment for everyone, and at times customary support might be the just suggested option.
How much does Invisalign cost in Mackay Region?
The normal Invisalign cost in Mackay anyplace between $6,000-$9,000, relying upon the state of your teeth and a scope of different variables.
How to choose the dentist for Invisalign?
Invisalign is a significant and individual excursion to the people who are hoping to work on their grins, and Ooralea has the aptitude to get you there securely and successfully.
Our team is a specialist in making the most excellent smiles inside Australia. The entire group at Ooralea is very enthusiastic about what we do to assist our clients with accomplishing that grin they have been dreaming of. Don’t forget to check out The Ooralea Dental online media pages and our remarkable Google reviews from our clients?
Are there any limitations for Invisalign?
There are many limitations for clear aligners, and this form of treatment is not recommended for every patient. Aside from requiring all patients to be consistently wearing them for a minimum of 22 hours a day, they must be properly cared for to avoid being lost, broken, or warped. In addition, since they are not permanently fixed to the teeth throughout the treatment period, clear aligners are only capable of performing more minor corrections. For example, they may not be able to pull teeth down to bring them in line with their neighbors but may be able to complete more minor rotations.
How long does Invisalign treatment take in Mackay Region?
Every smile is completely different, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, most orthodontic treatment plans can last up to 18 months. While some dental providers claim to be able to straighten your teeth in as little as six months, depending on your case, many Mackay Region orthodontists will consider this to be an incomplete treatment
A full treatment course straightens the front teeth that are visible when you smile and corrects your bite and jaw alignment. This is important because an improperly aligned jaw can lead to pain, difficulty speaking, uneven teeth wearing, and even sleep apnoea.
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
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Because it is that time of the year again...
Looking back, it really could have happened to any of them. Hell, now it had happened once, it was even more likely it could happen to any of the rest of them, but of course it had to be Virgil and, of course, it had to happen a week before Christmas.
Fortunately, not only Gordon and Alan, but also John was aboard Thunderbird Two when her pilot folded in half with a groan. The great green behemoth responded to his touch and for a second there, the whole ship tipped sideways.
Alan lost his hard-earned sandwich, and Gordon, who had been half asleep in the co-pilot’s chair, despite the coffee he had consumed not five minutes ago, received an adrenalin spike that was well used in the next half an hour or so.
It had been a hard week. Australia was on fire. Every year the drought dried continent suffered and every year International Rescue did all it could to help. Brains had even designed some specialised equipment, deployed through Tracy Industries to help dampen the eucalypt fuel load, but the change of climate over the last hundred odd years had done its damage and the ecosystem suffered for it.
It was painful to watch.
And tiring to fight.
John had taken to coming down not only for Christmas, but for the fires. He had developed a communications network, tied into TB5, to help coordinate the fire services of the country and pin point the hot spots. At the end of the last outbreak, Gordon had been gobsmacked to find his usually reclusive brother sprawled in a chair beside the Australian Fire Defense Network chief, beer in hand, swapping stories.
It had helped that the chief was the middle of five himself and a communications specialist pushed into management. There was much commiseration.
But none of the past really foretold this little hiccup.
Later when Gordon referred to said incident as a ‘hiccup’, Virgil’s eyebrows had frowned so much, they’d physically climbed off his head and slapped Gordon around his.
Or it could have been Virgil’s hand. Gordon was too busy ducking to really identity the body parts his brother was using.
So, with three brothers aboard, Virgil had plenty of back up.
Gordon was fully awake and stabilising Two before he had even had a chance to draw in a breath. They were halfway across the Tasman Sea, finally on the way home for a well-deserved break.
“Virgil?” John was out of his seat and moving towards the pilot.
“Uh, I’m okay.” The man straightened, still in his silver firefighting suit, minus the helmet. A quick look in his brother’s direction and Gordon could see it was all a lie. Even through the soot on Virgil’s face, his brother’s complexion was pale, almost green. “Just a stitch.”
“Doesn’t look like one from here, bro.” Gordon frowned as John gently nudged Virgil back in his seat. The pilot closed his eyes and lay back, his shoulders dropping just a little. John reached over to the console and flicked a couple of switches. Virgil’s vitals sprang up in all their holographic glory.
Even Gordon could see something was seriously wrong. “You have a fever. What the hell, Virg?”
His brother stared at his stats and frowned. “Just thought I was hot.”
No surprise considering the conditions they were working in.
John sighed. “Your suit has active refrigeration, Virgil, you know that. You should be the coolest of all of us.”
If it had been a different situation, Gordon would have then started a ‘discussion’ on who exactly was the coolest or the hottest of the brothers. As it was, another groan from his engineer brother killed all conversation other than medical concern.
“What is it?” John disengaged Virgil’s seat from the dash, pulling it back and giving him access to his older brother.
“My side.” Virgil’s eyes were squeezed shut.
His lower right side.
Five minutes later and Gordon was beelining Two to the nearest hospital, which turned out to be Auckland near the northern tip of New Zealand.
Less than an hour later, Virgil had his very angry appendix removed.
Of all things.
For the past three days, it had been a mixture of firefly pod and fire exo-suit. His brother had been tossing about massive hoses, shifting huge amounts of timber, excavating firebreaks and water bombing from Two.
Apparently, all while suffering from appendicitis.
When Scott arrived on scene, he was a walking facepalm.
When Virgil woke up, it was all kind words for the first hour or so while he recovered from the anaesthetic, but after that, the tongue lashing Scott delivered was enough to strip the paint off the walls of Virgil’s hospital room.
Grandma ended up dragging the man from the room.
Everyone was quiet after that.
No one liked it when Scott got scared.
Least of all Scott.
But even Gordon had to agree that his eldest brother had a point. Appendicitis wasn’t something that didn’t come with symptoms. Virgil admitted that he had noted some pain, but he had been busy. There had been more important things.
Scott’s response to that was only suitable for mature audiences.
Gordon couldn’t help but agree after having to watch his brother writhe in pain on one of his own hover stretchers while they had been on approach to Auckland.
But it had happened when it had happened and everyone was safe, Virgil included. There were much worse scenarios available considering their occupations and the entire family was grateful it had turned out best it could.
Scott was still livid, though, likely because the man was exhausted. They were all exhausted.
Grandma eyed all of them in turn, cornering each of them in their hotel rooms. It didn’t take her more than half a day to conclude that International Rescue needed a well-earned break. Virgil’s illness made a great excuse and her meeting with Scott was short, sharp and to the point.
The Commander of International Rescue contacted the GDF not long after, advising their aunt that their organisation would not be available for the next week. Eos was tasked with redirecting emergency calls after Grandma grabbed John by the scruff of his neck and with an equally sharp word in his ear, grounded the spaceman beside his brothers.
Virgil received a few glares, but the tired man just rolled over awkwardly and went back to sleep. Apparently, he agreed with Grandma.
Always did, the big Grandma softie.
Except perhaps with her cooking, but that led Virgil to being the biggest victim in that department because despite his incapacity to lie, he would do anything for the woman.
Virgil was released from the hospital a day after his surgery and they helped him back to their hotel rooms and set him up with the holoprojector and an appropriate stash of snacks and engineering journals. Kayo even bought him a sketchbook and an array of art materials.
For two days, the brothers hung out with him or darted out to the shops for convenience’s sake. Copious amounts of takeout were consumed, a treat they were often denied on the Island. But ultimately five usually very active men got very bored very quickly.
They couldn’t go home, because Virgil wasn’t allowed to fly. His operation excluded air travel for at least seven days, which meant, to add insult to injury, they would be stuck on the mainland for Christmas Day.
Their first Christmas off in who knew how many years, and they couldn’t even share it at home.
John distracted himself by linking in with Eos and helping out with emergency calls...until Grandma discovered him and rounded on both him and Eos with the ire Scott had managed to inherit.
Both father and daughter behaved after that, Eos a little stunned at the power of the eldest Tracy.
Alan dove into his computer games and hermitized. Gordon could only swim so much, so resorted to pranking Alan, which ended up in the brawl of the century and half the penthouse draped in toilet paper.
Scott turned to Tracy Industries and began phone calls that lasted hours. Virgil sent Gordon to chase him down.
Scott quite frankly ignored him, which led to Virgil hauling himself off the couch and doing the chasing himself.
That led to a screaming match that ended with both men pale when Virgil twisted angrily and groaned as he pulled at his stitches.
The atmosphere plummeted after that and the whole penthouse floor deteriorated into a sullen gloom.
It was shaping up to be an ass of a Christmas.
Until Gordon had an idea.
We’ll Be Home For Christmas
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jacobsondentaloral · 1 month
Jacobson Dental Group-3165
Registered with the Dental Board of Australia and the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, our Oral & maxillofacial surgeons are specialists who undergo continuous study for 15 to 17 years, with degrees in Dentistry and Medicine, as well as a further four-year qualification/training in oral & maxillofacial surgery.
Oral & maxillofacial surgery comprises dental, medical, and surgical knowledge and skills. It involves the diagnosis, surgery and treatment of oral diseases, injuries and defects involving the mouth, gums, teeth and jaws, aesthetics and functionality.
Whether you have been referred to our office, have pain or symptoms causing you concern, or you simply have questions you would like answered, please contact our office today to schedule an appointment. We are here to answer your questions and provide the trusted treatment you deserve!
910 North Rd, Bentleigh East VIC 3165, Australia
+61 3 8525 3875
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norwestobstetrics · 1 month
How a Good Gynecologist Assists with Managing and Treating Fibroids and Cysts
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Fibroids and cysts are common conditions that many women experience during their reproductive years. While these growths are often benign, they can sometimes lead to discomfort, pain, and complications. A good gynecologist plays a vital role in diagnosing, managing, and treating fibroids and cysts, helping women maintain their reproductive health and overall well-being.
Understanding Fibroids and Cysts
Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the uterus, while cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form on or inside the ovaries. Both conditions can range in size and severity, with some women experiencing no symptoms and others facing issues such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, or fertility problems. Understanding these conditions is essential, and a good gynecologist will help patients navigate their symptoms and options for care.
Diagnosis and Monitoring
A gynecologist's first step in managing fibroids and cysts is accurate diagnosis. Routine pelvic exams and imaging tests, such as ultrasounds, are commonly used to detect the presence of fibroids or ovarian cysts. A good gynecologist will take a detailed medical history and perform the necessary diagnostic tests to determine the size, number, and location of the growths.
In many cases, fibroids and cysts do not require immediate treatment and can be monitored over time. A gynecologist may recommend regular check-ups and imaging to track the growths and ensure they are not causing significant symptoms or complications. By closely monitoring the situation, a good gynecologist can detect any changes that might necessitate further intervention.
Personalised Treatment Options
When treatment is necessary, a good gynecologist will offer personalised options tailored to the patient's specific condition, symptoms, and future fertility goals. For fibroids, treatment options may range from medications that regulate hormones to surgical procedures like myomectomy (removal of fibroids) or, in severe cases, hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). Minimally invasive procedures such as uterine artery embolisation can also shrink fibroids by cutting off their blood supply.
For ovarian cysts, treatment options depend on the type, size, and symptoms. Birth control pills may be recommended to prevent the formation of new cysts, while surgery may be needed to remove larger or more complex cysts. A good gynecologist will discuss these options with patients, ensuring they fully understand the benefits and risks of each approach.
Managing Symptoms and Complications
Beyond directly treating fibroids and cysts, a gynecologist helps patients manage associated symptoms, such as heavy bleeding, pain, or fertility challenges. Pain relief, hormone therapy, or dietary and lifestyle adjustments may be recommended to alleviate symptoms. Additionally, a gynecologist may collaborate with fertility specialists if the patient is trying to conceive, offering treatments to improve the chances of a successful pregnancy despite fibroids or cysts.
A good gynecologist near me is essential in managing and treating fibroids and cysts. They offer personalised care that addresses physical and emotional well-being. With diagnostic expertise, treatment options, and ongoing support, a gynecologist can help women maintain their reproductive health and live symptom-free, improving their quality of life.
Suite 4.04,
Level 4, The Bond 8, Elizabeth Macarthur Drive,
Bella Vista, NSW 2153
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guideweed · 1 month
Weed in Melbourne: A Comprehensive Guide
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Cannabis, often known as weed, has become a widely discussed topic in Melbourne, especially as attitudes toward it evolve across the globe. While Australia's stance on cannabis varies from state to state, Melbourne, as part of Victoria, offers an intriguing look at how cannabis is regulated and used within the country. Whether for medical or recreational purposes, understanding the legal landscape, cultural influence, and future prospects of Weed in Melbourne is crucial for both residents and visitors.
Overview of Cannabis Laws in Australia
In Australia, cannabis is classified as a controlled substance under federal law, meaning that its possession, sale, or cultivation without a permit is illegal. However, the enforcement and specifics of these laws can differ depending on the state or territory. Some states are more lenient, while others impose strict penalties for even minor possession.
The Evolution of Cannabis Regulations in Victoria
Victoria, where Melbourne is the capital, has taken significant steps toward decriminalizing cannabis, at least for medicinal purposes. The Victorian government legalized medicinal cannabis in 2016, making it one of the first Australian states to do so. Although full recreational use remains illegal, there have been ongoing debates and campaigns aimed at changing these laws.
Cannabis Legalization in Melbourne
The legal landscape of cannabis in Melbourne reflects the evolving attitudes of society towards this plant. While Melbourne has made progress toward medical cannabis legalization, recreational use still faces significant legal barriers.
The Legal Status of Weed in Melbourne
In Melbourne, recreational cannabis remains illegal, although there are exceptions for medical use. The penalties for possessing or using cannabis for non-medical reasons range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the amount involved and the circumstances.
Medical Cannabis in Victoria
Victoria has allowed access to medical cannabis for patients with a valid prescription since 2016. Conditions such as chronic pain, epilepsy, and certain forms of cancer are among the conditions that can qualify for medicinal cannabis use. As demand grows, more doctors are becoming familiar with the prescribing process, making it easier for patients to gain access.
Recreational Cannabis: Current Laws and Future Prospects
While medical cannabis is legal, recreational use is still not allowed under Victorian law. However, public opinion is shifting. Numerous advocacy groups are pushing for full legalization, similar to what's been seen in Canada or certain US states. While legalization for recreational use seems inevitable, it remains a contentious issue, with opponents citing potential public health and safety concerns.
How to Access Weed in Melbourne
Medical Cannabis Prescriptions
Access to medical cannabis in Melbourne requires a prescription from a doctor. Only patients with certain qualifying conditions are eligible, and the process can be stringent.
The Role of Healthcare Providers
Healthcare providers play a crucial role in ensuring patients receive the correct form and dosage of cannabis. GPs or specialists typically prescribe it after reviewing the patient's medical history, symptoms, and overall health.
How to Obtain a Prescription for Medicinal Cannabis
The first step to obtaining medicinal cannabis is consulting with a healthcare provider who is experienced in the area. If the condition meets the criteria, the patient can receive a prescription and source their cannabis from approved pharmacies or distributors.
Accessing Medical Cannabis: Pharmacies and Delivery Services
Patients can purchase medical cannabis from licensed pharmacies in Melbourne, and there are delivery services available to bring products directly to their homes. The range of available products varies, from oils to capsules and even vaporizer cartridges.
Cannabis Culture in Melbourne
Melbourne is known for its thriving cultural scene, and cannabis plays an increasing role within it. From social events to the arts, weed is becoming more ingrained in the city’s lifestyle.
The Growing Popularity of Cannabis
Cannabis culture is growing in Melbourne, particularly among young adults and those interested in wellness trends. More and more people are exploring cannabis for both medical and recreational purposes, albeit discreetly.
Cannabis Social Events and Clubs
Though still underground, cannabis-related social clubs and events are slowly emerging in Melbourne. These gatherings often focus on education and advocacy for cannabis legalization, with the goal of normalizing its use.
Cannabis in Art, Music, and Culture
Cannabis has long been linked to creative expression, and Melbourne's arts and music scene is no exception. Many local artists and musicians embrace cannabis as part of their creative process, and it's reflected in their work.
The Future of Cannabis in Melbourne
Melbourne’s cannabis future looks promising as more countries around the world move towards legalization, creating a global shift in how marijuana is perceived.
Trends in Cannabis Policy Reform
Globally, there is a trend toward decriminalizing and legalizing cannabis, and Melbourne seems poised to follow suit. Political debate around cannabis reform has heated up in recent years, and it’s clear that the status quo may soon change.
Global Influence on Australian Cannabis Laws
Countries like Canada and the US have paved the way for cannabis legalization, and their influence is increasingly felt in Australia. Lawmakers are closely observing these countries’ policies as they consider changes to Victoria’s own laws.
Potential Impact of Full Legalization
Full legalization in Melbourne could have far-reaching effects. Economically, it could open up new industries, create jobs, and generate significant tax revenue. Socially, it could reduce the stigma associated with cannabis and allow for safer, regulated consumption.
The Impact of Weed on Society in Melbourne
Cannabis, like any other substance, has both positive and negative impacts on society. It is essential to understand these effects as Melbourne potentially moves towards full legalization.
Economic Benefits of Cannabis
One of the biggest advantages of legalizing cannabis is the potential economic benefit. With proper regulation, Melbourne could see a significant influx of revenue from cannabis-related businesses.
Social and Cultural Implications
Cannabis has the potential to impact Melbourne’s social and cultural fabric. While some fear it could lead to negative behaviors, others argue that responsible use can enrich personal experiences, especially in creative and social settings.
Health and Well-being: Risks and Benefits
Cannabis has well-documented medicinal benefits, from pain relief to managing anxiety. However, it’s not without risks. Misuse can lead to addiction, mental health issues, and other health complications, making responsible consumption essential.
Tips for Cannabis Users in Melbourne
For those interested in using cannabis in Melbourne, it’s important to be informed and mindful of the law.
Responsible Cannabis Consumption
Always start low and go slow—this is a common mantra in the cannabis world. Whether you're using cannabis medically or recreationally, it's important to understand your own tolerance and avoid overconsumption.
Dosage and Safety
Accurate dosing is key, especially for newcomers. Start with a low dose and increase it gradually to minimize the risk of adverse effects, particularly with edibles or other potent forms of cannabis.
Navigating Public Consumption Laws
Melbourne’s laws prohibit public consumption of cannabis, so even medicinal users need to be cautious. Always consume cannabis in private settings to avoid legal issues.
Common Misconceptions About Cannabis in Melbourne
There are plenty of myths surrounding cannabis, particularly in places where it's not fully legal.
Myths and Facts About Weed
One common misconception is that cannabis is always harmful. While misuse can be dangerous, regulated use, especially for medicinal purposes, has been shown to offer significant benefits.
The Stigma Around Cannabis Users
Despite the increasing acceptance of cannabis, there’s still a lingering stigma attached to users. Some people view cannabis consumption as reckless or irresponsible, but this perception is slowly changing as more people become educated about the plant's benefits.
Cannabis in Melbourne is a multifaceted issue, reflecting the broader trends of legalization, cultural acceptance, and medical use. Although recreational cannabis remains illegal, the growing support for reform suggests that change is on the horizon. In the meantime, medical cannabis offers relief to those in need, while the cultural impact of cannabis continues to spread across the city. Whether you’re interested in its legal status, how to access it, or its cultural implications, staying informed is the best way to navigate Melbourne’s evolving relationship with weed.
Visit Here: https://guide2weed.eu/
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