#paige the mage
justaflashinthepan · 11 days
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I win i win i win i fucking WIN!!!!!!!
LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 3 months
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I remembered I had these 2 drawings. so here's my close off for Pride month! (I was gonna close off with my Specter Stories ocs but I never got to draw it) molly created by: @lemon_h_ on insta
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quotecollector14 · 1 year
How drained you feel after interactions with someone can be a helpful measure of how 'yourself' you're able to be around them. The more effort we put into performing or shapeshifting, the more drained we're likely to feel.
Hailey Paige Magee
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There is tremendous grief when you start holding boundaries & realize that they not only won’t change their harmful behaviors, but blame you for them.
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lexsssu · 2 years
Rewrite (Ian Page)
Flufftober Day 12
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TAGS: Ian/F!reader, fluff, pining, drabble
“I believe a good marriage can’t grow from a forced relationship…Besides, there’s no possible chance of you agreeing to any of these proposals when there’s already a special young lady residing in your heart for at least 5 years now. Give or take.”
Ian nearly spat out his tea at the older man’s playful jab, heat rushing to his cheeks at the mere mention and thought of the young lady in question. It’s no secret to his family how deep the feelings he harbored for you were, but having it so blatantly pointed out caught him off guard.
“Don’t act so surprised. Mrs. Paige had been counting the days until when she’ll finally be able to hold her first grandchild, and I can’t say I blame her.” Mr. Hamon added, smiling as he envisioned the cutest cherubs with a perfect mix of Ian’s and your features running around the enormous mansion.
Despite his confidence, Mr. Hamon was wrong about how long Ian had loved you.
The time traveler loved you from the moment he met you during his 1st life, even if he didn’t know it yet. He loved you even as he wetted his hands with the blood of countless people as long as it meant he protected you as well. Ian loved you even as Ragnar married you only for the alliance you secured.
The 8th Class mage loved you even as he took his last breath after being betrayed by the man he once called his closest friend and to whom he entrusted your care to.
But this time, he’ll make sure never to repeat the same mistakes he did before. Aside from attaining vengeance, it is now in his hands to rewrite your story.
The only father figure in his life was right, though. There is no time to dally, especially when one is blessed enough to be given a second chance like himself.
“That reminds me. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…”
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the-forest-library · 2 months
July 2024 Reads
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Funny Story - Emily Henry
Summer Romance - Annabel Monaghan
Until Next Summer - Ali Brady
All Roads Lead to Rome - Sabrina Fedel
Expiration Dates - Rebecca Serle
Director's Cut - Carlyn Greenwald
How to Get the Girl - Anita Kelly
Once Upon a Leap Year - Anna Bell
On the Bright Side - Anna Sortino
Near Misses & Cowboy Kisses - Katrina Emmel
Heir, Apparently - Kara McDowell
Only One Survives - Hannah Mary McKinnon
The Lost Alchemist - Samantha Vitale
The Fireborne Blade - Charlotte Bond
The Elizabeth Stories - Isabel Huggan
Pirate Stew - Neil Gaiman
Little Ghost Makes a Friend - Maggie Edkins Willis
Woe - Lucy Knisley
Give Me Space But Don't Go Far - Haley Weaver
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me - Mariko Tamaki, Rosemary Valero-O'Connell
Cat + Gamer, Volume 1 - Wataru Nadatani
None of the Above - Travis Albanaza
Cactus Country - Zoe Bossiere
Soundtrack of Silence - Matt Hay
Just Add Water - Katie Ledecky
I've Tried Being Nice - Ann Leary
Did I Ever Tell You? - Genevieve Kingston
I Shouldn't Be Telling You This - Chelsea Devantez
Little Earthquakes - Sarah Mandel
You Couldn't Ignore Me If You Tried - Susannah Gora
Healing Through the Vagus Nerve - Amanda Armstrong
Adult Survivors of Emotionally Abusive Parents - Sherrie Campbell
The Love Prescription - John M. Gottman, Julie Schwartz Gottman
Better Sex Through Mindfulness - Lori A. Brotto
Stop People Pleasing - Hailey Paige Magee
True to You - Kathleen Smith
Bold = Highly Recommend
Italics = Worth It
Crossed Out = Nope
Thoughts:  The latest Emily Henry audiobook narrated by Julia Whalen did not disappoint. And overall, this was a pretty decent reading month.
Goodreads Goal: 257/300 2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads | 2022 Reads | 2023 Reads | 2024 Reads
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Oc introduction, Alexander Hays
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Full Name: Jeanne-Alexander Paige Hays
Pronouns: He/They
Birthdate: July 17th 1992
Age: 32
Starsign: Cancer sun, Libra moon, Gemini rising
Height: 5’2
Personality: Alex can come off as sarcastic, cold, aloof or crass to those he’s doesn’t know well. He’s got a flat monotone way of speaking, and a very dry macabre sense of humor. He can vary widely from being very relaxed to being very high energy and high strung. Deep down he’s deeply loving and caring of those he considers friends or family and feels things very deeply, he can be downright doting at times. He’s very socially anxious and fears rejection tho he usually doesn’t show those traits. He loves performing music, and the thrill of being caught up in the crowd. He’s highly empathetic and sensitive to emotion, and boasts a high degree of emotional intelligence even though he himself is a bit of a mess.
Interests: Alex loves making things with his hands, anything from wood carving to sewing to painting to jewelry making. Anything that can get his hands involved is something he takes to very well. Alex also enjoys music and is skulking in piano and violin and drums but his real love is electric guitar and bass. Alex can draw, rather well. He’s skilled in both traditional and digital art and has dabbled in animation before. He loves punk/pop punk music, and before you ask yes the hair is because of Gerard way. Alex loves to cook and bake, again because it gets his hands involved and also because he loves to play with flavor. Alex absolutely loves animals, birds especially.
General overview:
Alex is a nonhuman extra dimensional being known as a chimera, a race of people noted for having bird like wings but also horns and tails. He’s a skilled shapeshifter and mage, as well as a proficient warrior. Alex’s has the unique ability to traverse the rift between dimensions and end up in entirely different worlds, this skill is unique to him and is not found in most chimera. Alex usually keeps his tail and horns hidden due to being raised by regular humans, as such still feels a small amount of internalized shame about them.
Alex lives with his cousins Johnathan (Johnny) and James (jimmy) ghost, his only living blood relatives he’s still in touch with and also his legal guardians growing up. They also stay in touch with his old roommates Johnathan toast, Christopher Colon, and Fred “Spooker” Creedy.
Currently Alex resides on Tamriel within the second era seeking to fulfill his self proclaimed purpose as a guardian of nirn’s natural order. His closest associates being lyris titanborn, sai sahan, and the members of house ravenwatch of rivenspire
Dimensions visited:
Alex has traveled to many worlds and seen many people in his travels he’s encountered the worlds of
And many more
Johnny: his cousin whom he loves dearly but has some complicated feeling towards due to words and actions from their youths. He’s ride or die, they may not be joined at the hip anymore but he’ll always be there for Johnny and Johnny will always be there to support his baby cousin
Jimmy: Johnny’s more feral and impulsive twin. He cares about him a lot but is often taken aback by some of his antics. He often feels like he acts like more of an adult then him at times which is really saying something. They’d be the type that would commit crimes with eachother.
Johnny T.: Johnny G.’s partner both in business and romance, he’s been around since Alex was a kid and he considers him a dear childhood friend. He finds him kinda childish and goofy but he’s has a good heart even if he acts kinda dumb. He has committed arson with this man before for the sake of his cousin, they’re both ride or die about Johnny.
Colon: colon was one of the teams roommates when the financial situation was dire, he thinks of him as a friend but they were never really that close. Spooker’s partner.
Spooker: spooker was the first roommate that showed up besides good ole toaster, he was younger than the others but still older than Alex by several years. Alex again finds him kinda goofy and childish but it might have been the stress of him having to grow up too fast talking. All in all he thinks he’s a pretty chill pleasent guy.
Lyris: Alex respects the hell out of her, they have a warriors bond. Alex would consider them old and close friends even if lyris isn’t the type for closeness or emotional vulnerability. She’s saves his ass more times than he can count and the same goes for him. Forged in fire those two
Sai: sai is a person Alex both respects and would seek to learn from. I think he would appreciate his temperament and levelheadedness. He never really got as close to him as he would have likes, but then again he wasn’t that close to lyris or abnur either.
Verandis Ravenwatch: this is a complicated one. Alex has issues with authority, a sorta built in deference to his betters he just can’t shake. So while verandis may have seen him as a peer Alex was struggling with seeing him as a superior. As they got close that then morphed into the uncomfortable feeling of weather on not he had a bit of a crush on him, or if he (god forbid this boy has so many daddy issues) saw him as kinda a father figure. In the end I think he settled in friend and peer. Needless to say both of his “deaths” deeply emotionally scared him
Gwendis: the kinda shithead kid sister he never had. Alex was always having to look out for others before Johnny got custody of him. This is like all of that unhinged sibling energy finally having a place to go. They pull pranks, they tease eachother in a lighthearted way, they care about eachother. It’s not all fun and shenanigans though, he sees her as a capable rogue and someone he trusts to watch his back. In the end alex would die for gwendis and really any of the ravenwatch.
Adusa: adusa fills the older sibling he looks for for approval niche, he respects her and her judgment in often to the degree he can forget to relax around her. Alex desperately seeks validation from those he cares about, he can have a tendency of once again viewing her like his boss. They talk mad shit when his is able to relax though, a pair of real gossips those two. Adusa is also Alex’s preferred sparring partner when he wants a bit more of a challenge.
Fennorian: oh fennorian, he’s head over heals absolutely mad about him. He just can’t get the words out to tell him, and he wants to oh so badly. Besides that he would consider fenn one of his closest friends, it just comes so easy to them. They’re so at ease around each other, the conversation flows naturally, and Alex love having the chance to make fenn laugh with a dumb joke or make him flustered with an off the cuff comment. They really get each other. Alex especially loves sitting in his study sketching while fenn is busy. They don’t even need to be talking, just being in the same room existing is enough.
Well that’s it, my beloved boy. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding his or his past or anything.
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Half the reason I created this tournament is so I could find new webcomics to read, and I know a bunch of you are following it for the same reason.
So: Here is a directory of every webcomic that was submitted!
Please note that this list is Very Long, so (1) I have not read most of these webcomics and can't vouch for their content, and (2) I have not tested any of these links, but I can fix any errors if you point them out.
Comics are listed in alphabetical order, with the featured couple(s) or poly ship(s) in parentheses. Broken into two parts because Tumblr only allows 100 links per post and there are 140 comics.
180° Angel (Sam and Lilith)
2 Slices (Ruka and Rio)
A Week in Warrigilla (Hazel and Willie)
A&H Club (Adrian and Hildegard)
Alice and the Nightmare (Edith and Quinn)
Alien Heart (Ivy and Rosa)
Always Human (Sunati and Austen)
Balderdash (Georgie and Afia)
Band vs Band (Honey Hart and Turpentine)
Blindsprings (Ember and Irelia)
Boyfriends (Jock, Prep, Nerd, and Goth)
Bugtopia (Arachne and Scarlet)
Burn Away (Abella and Edie)
Charity Case (Sylvia and Jerry)
Circuits and Veins (Ai and Aki)
Console Her (Claudia and Ava)
Cucumber Quest (Almond and Peridot; Piano and Ametrine)
Cursed Princess Club (Nell and Jolie)
Dame Daffodil (Charo and Alesea)
Daughter of the Lilies (Lyra and Margot)
Dead Winter (Lizzie and Alice)
Dicebox (Griffin and Molly)
Dirt Creek Runs Red with Blood (Ines and Sarepia)
Dom&Mor (Dominique and Morgan)
Dresden Codak (Kimiko and Elith)
Drop-Out (Lola and Sugar)
Dumbing of Age (Becky and Dina; Jennifer/Billie and Ruth)
El Goonish Shive (Ellen and Nanase; Catalina and Rhoda; Diane and Lucy)
Eldritch Darling (Ina and CJ)
Encore! (Quinn and Hana)
Ennui Go (Izzy, Darcy, and Tanya)
Errant (Sarin and Jules)
Facing the Sun (Aarya and Liza)
Finding Wonderland (Alex and Lucky)
Flowers For the Arsonist (Lucia and Paige)
Four Leaf (Carla and Lina)
Gals (Croix, Sam, Lux, and Charlotte)
Ghoul Crush (Sison and Laguna)
Girly (Otra and Winter)
Glitterlaced (Goldie and Luck)
Go Get a Roomie (Roomie and Lillian)
Guide to the Land of Monsters (Arnatuk and Tove)
Gunnerkrigg Court (Kat and Paz; Zimmy and Gamma)
Hard Lacquer (Claire and Robin; Claire and Petra)
Heartstopper (Darcy and Tara)
Heir's Game (Sevilia and Ilianna)
Her Tale of Shim Chong (Shim Chong and Madam Jang)
High Class Homos (Sapphia and Odette; Sapphia and Marla)
Homestuck (Rose and Kanaya; Calliope and Roxy; Vriska and Meenah; Vriska and Terezi)
How to Be a Werewolf (Marin and Marisa)
I Love Amy (Amy and Bibi)
I Want to Be a Cute Anime Girl (Cheryl and Delilah)
I'm the Villainess but the Heroine's Trying to Capture Me (Nelly and Nancy)
In My Heart (Wantanabe Yuki and Sasaki Mari)
Isadora (Isaline and Theodora)
It's Okay to Like Girls (Sophie and Olivia)
Kidd Commander (Phineas and Agatha)
Kill Six Billion Demons (Allison and Ciocie Cioelle)
Kiss It Goodbye (Aruka and Yukimi)
Lady of the Shard (Radiant Goddess and Acolyte; Radiant Goddess and Old God)
Lesbiampires (Daphne and Veronika)
Lore Olympus (Athena and Hestia)
Mage & Demon Queen (Malori and Velverosa)
Matchmaker (Kimmy and Marlowe)
Missing Monday (Foyle and Monday)
Monsters and Girls (Lili and Sera)
Motherlover (Imogen and Alex)
Moving In (Jackie and Riley)
Muted (Camille, Nyra, and Dendro)
My Dragon Girlfriend (Dani and Christie; Callie and Olive)
My Sweet Archenemy (Mad Spade and Miss Sunshine)
My Wish Is to Fall In Love Until You Die (Shiina and Mimi; Seiran and Ari)
Namesake (Selva and Alice)
Nano List (Chacha and Zavi)
Never Satisfied (Neith and Isra)
Nevermore (Lenore and Annabel Lee)
Night Owls and Summer Skies (Emma and Vivian)
Not So Shoujo Love Story (Rei and Hanna)
Octopus Pie (Jane and Marigold)
Offbeat (Beau and Julie)
On a Sunbeam (Mia and Grace; Alma and Char)
On Borrowed Time (Rune and Dielle)
Osora (Celia and Catalina)
Remaining links in part two!
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kaneidae · 10 months
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Paige the paper mage, character courtesy of @toastyghostey
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theleechyskrunkly · 7 months
*taps mic*
1: How did they meet?
2: When did Paige realize he likes Idia? When did Idia realize he likes Paige?
3: Do they ever help each other with their hair?
4: What is one way they like to show each other affection?
That's much better >:D
1: These two actually met when Idia was a sophomore and Paige was a freshman. Around two months into the school year, Paige happened to be silently singing to the opening of one of the anime that Idia was obsessed with at the time (Lets call it... "Dark Magic of the Ultimate Mage: ULTIMAGE!!!"), and his extreme Otaku ideology compelled Idia to talk to Paige about his interests, but of course he ended up shying away last minute.
Ortho, seeing the potential opportunity to get Idia to make a friend, made a plan to get the two to somehow make contact. That plan involves a lot of Ortho and Paige getting to know each so that it would ultimately result in Idia and Paige meeting each other (but I'm not gonna discuss Ortho's master plan here because 1. I have no idea what the master plan would be, and 2. That's Ortho and Paige lore, not Idia and Paige lore)
The ultimate result (pun intended) of Ortho's plan was Idia and Paige meeting each other at an anime convention where they both cosplayed as the main characters for "Dark Magic of the Ultimate Mage: ULTIMAGE!!!" and the two hit it off! Of course, with a few nudges from Ortho to get the conversation going, they eventually found out that they went to the same school.
Idia died inside when he figured out someone from school knew he cosplayed, so Paige was the one to seek him out when they returned to school, since he was glad to find someone to share interests with. Idia wasn't hard to find, he literally has flaming blue hair. Anyways, they ultimately became besties!
2: That's the thing, Paige doesn't realize he likes Idia cuz HE'S A LITTLE SHIT THAT CAN'T DEAL WITH HIS OWN FEELINGS 🤬🤬🤬!!!!! Idia realized when Paige happened to fall asleep on Idia's bed while they were pulling their weekly all nighters. Idia stared at Paige for a little too long, his hair slowly turning pinkish. That is, until Ortho caught him (and teased him for WEEKS). Idia slept on his beanbag that day.
3: Rather than helping, they end up tangling their hair. Well, Idia ends up tangling Paige's hair, cuz I don't think fire can tangle 💀 but Paige does often bury himself in Idia's hair while he games (Idia never notices until he's done with his match) because he likes the warmth Idia's hair radiates. Idia fidgets with Paige's hair when they're in public in order to calm down his social anxiety.
4: Leaning A lot of leaning. Paige leans on people to show affection, since he's detached from most and isn't sure hoe to properly show affection. He leans on Idia all the time, while gaming, reading, during class, all the time. He also makes songs every now and then for Idia to listen to, though he doesnt show him every single one, since some of them are seriously cheesy.
Idia shows his affection towards Paige through inviting him to game, and not being as rude as he usually is to most others. He tends to go easy on Paige on video games where he's usually superior.
Tagging: @thehollowwriter @red-viewe @xen-blank @enigmatic-pers @cyanide-latte(if you'd like being added to the tag list, please let me know!)
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
"Having emotional boundaries doesn't mean we can't have compassion for someone's sadness, pain, or anxiety. It just means that we don't take on their sadness, pain, or anxiety as our responsibility to solve." ~Hailey Paige Magee
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justaflashinthepan · 2 months
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Fricking finally!!!!
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ofxscavengcrs · 2 years
.。.:*☆ Event starter call, whoop whoop! Muses under the cut. If they are wearing a costume, I am going to add that too. Please not more than 3 requests per muse, for now!
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Poe Dameron (aware)
Geralt of Rivia (aware, dressed as Superman)
Harry Potter (aware)
Percy Jackson (aware)
Bella Swan (unaware)
Stefan Salvatore (aware, Hades)
Godric Gryffindor (aware, Knight)
Queenie Goldstein (aware, Cupcake)
Bill Denbrough  (aware)
Klaus Hargreeves  (aware)
Merlin (unaware, Mage)
Rei Hino  (aware)
Jessie  (aware)
Jack Sparrow (aware, Pirate)
Eleven Hopper  (aware)
Eleventh Doctor  (aware, Victorian Gentleman)
Annie Cresta (unaware, Fairy)
Sally Ragdoll  (aware, Snow White)
Jon Snow  (aware, Huntsman (Disney))
Raven Darkholme  (aware)
Alice Kingsleigh (aware)
Elsa  (aware)
Sam Winchester  (aware)
Lucifer Morningstar  (aware)
Crowley  (aware)
Jay (unaware, Pirate)
Celeste  (aware, Owl)
Kili  (aware)
Anakin Solo  (aware)
Grogu  (aware)
R2D2  (aware, Tin Man from Wizard Of Oz)
Scott McCall  (aware)
Poison Ivy  (aware)
Spike Spiegel (aware, Clyde from Bonny & Clyde)
Tony Stark  (aware)
Johanna Mason  (aware)
Calcifer  (aware)
Haku  (aware)
Sidney Prescott  (aware)
Lightfury  (aware, dressed as Dragon)
John Constantine  (aware)
Laura Kinney  (aware)
Daryl Dixon  (aware)
Lestat De Lioncourt (aware)
Sabrina Spellman (aware)
Lydia Deetz (aware)
Mimmi (aware, Mermaid)
Kate Bishop (aware)
Yan Wei (aware)
Paige Matthews (aware)
Anders (unaware)
Sweeney Todd (aware)
Andromeda Black (aware)
Ruby Lucas (aware, Little Red riding Hood)
Peter Quill (aware)
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quotecollector14 · 1 year
Release the belief that you're only valuable to others when you're holding space for them. TAKE UP SPACE, TOO. Share your ideas, your emotions, your voice. If they don't like that, they never wanted you--they wanted a mirror. And you were made for more than just reflecting.
--Hailey Paige Magee
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laimabynight · 2 years
Original Character Masterlist ♡
Count:90 Systems:32 Active:7
Vampire: The Masquerade
Camilla 'Georgia' Soledad, Brujah (x)
Vendelín Rusizka, Toreador (x)
Anastasia della Giordano, Tzimisce (x)
Devon Rowe, Malkavian (x)
Salvador Dolorosa, Brujah (x)
Kuriyama Tomoe, Banu Haqim (x)
Angelina Cruz, Lasombra (x)
Raffaele Giovanni, Giovanni (x)
Eugen Radetzky, Nosferatu (x)
Margarita D'aureville, Follower of Set (x)
Killian Darkwater, Thin-Blood (x)
René Debussy, City Gangrel (x)
Sister Mirona, Caitiff ( )
Jack Ramiro, Gangrel (x)
Pavlo Stepanovych Makarenko, Brujah ( )
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Jana Mirtschin, Silent Strider (x)
Ljudmila Nikolaewa Sokolova, Silver Fang (x)
Mage: The Ascension
Yvonne Ebert, Verbana (x)
Dungeons & Dragons
Markus Abdiel, Human Monk/Barbarian (x)
Oriana Vylmythe, Eladrin Archfey Warlock (x)
Ladislava von Koldov, Human Undead Warlock (x)
Dorryen Whitestone, Half-Elf Wild Magic Sorcerer ( )
Hatake Yuka, Half-Elf Swaschbuckler Rogue (x)
Beladrin Halhadamorir, Wood Elf Ranger (x)
Tamar Balabanian, Tiefling Champion Fighter (x)
Thames Donahue, Human Undying Warlock (x)
Das Schwarze Auge
Najara al Kira ibn Sajida, Aranian Majuna (x)
Zidanja Walsareff, Bornlandian Adventurer (x)
Call of Cthulhu
Helena 'Harvey' Fountain, Artist (x)
Weston McNamara, Journalist (x)
Else von Sydow, Scientist (x)
Walter E. Harlan, Private Investigator (x)
Lord Ernest of Somersetshire, Noble (x)
Karl Eduard Nauditt / Karol Edward Naumowicz, Thug (x)
Eli Wilkinson, Missionary (x)
Joan Olson, Law Student (x)
María Ascunción Leguizamo, Nature Boy (x)
Vito Massarelli, Gangster Boss ( )
Hearts of Wulin
Ruan Qingshan, Little Brother (x)
Lín Xiǎo Dān, Wanderer (x)
Gjest Solheim, Queen (x)
Salem Lotte Harlan, Heir (x)
Jordan Bennett, Seraphim (x)
Michelle Bader, Siren ( )
Elvis Stalten, Witch (x)
Nathan Garcia, Mortal (x)
Moby Liberman, Mimikry (x)
Miranda Kean, Werewolf ( )
Amber Magdalene Dawson, Mortal ( )
Arcane Codex
Yatoth dex Selkasha, Morai Cleric (x)
Saya, Kitsugo Noble (x)
Schatten über Volgorod
Ser Ilya Lynnhardt of the Blue Iris, Human Knight (x)
Benoît Vaillancourt, Human Occultist (x)
Cresentia 'Senta' Läufer, Human Model (x)
Rodion Mihail von Blankenheim-Lebedjev, Human Noble (x)
Mircea Eliadescu, Undead Warlord ( )
Pasión de las Pasiones
Fernanda Salazar, La Belleza (x)
Pallantia, Aquilonian Mercenary (x)
Shadow of the Demon Lord
Zinnober, Changeling Magician (x)
For The Queen
Mitena, Inventor (x)
Kasmeer Valorante, Florist/Magician (x)
Htut, Tiger Keeper (x)
Shiverin' Shelley, Pirate (x)
Nicola Snyder, Reporter (x)
Rippers Resurrected
Ashkara Kathat, Warrior Princess (x)
Annotto Crowley, Bat Cultist (x)
Vespuccio, Envoy (x)
Estragon Heller (x)
Devil, Aim For Me
Tennessee Dixon, Pamphleteer (x)
Solaris Tarkovisk, Human Cleric (x)
Marquis Donatien Jaques de l'Ostrove, Elf Swashbuckler ( )
Magic School
Ulysses Elevander, Ravenclaw (x)
The Spirit Of '77
Tiago 'Tuco Velocidad' Garrido, The Good Old Boy (x)
One Last Job
Donna Wang, The Driver (x)
Paige DeLuca, The Medic (x)
Electric Bastionland
Dr. Ichabod Bellagamba, Cryptohistorian (x)
Nourin/Moitreyee, Witch (x)
Blanca von Hallberg, Noblewoman (x)
Endymiodes, Spartan Warrior (x)
Sofia Casagrande, La Esposa (x)
City of Mist
Bethany 'Bassie' LaRue, Bastet (x)
Parisa Keshmiri, Gilgamesch (x)
Olga Klockar, Doctor (x)
Kuzma Vitalijovych Bojchuck, Soldier (x)
Draven Schwarzschatten, Cleric (x)
How To Be A Hero
Clementine Sybil Montgomery, Heiress (x)
Edda 'Die Bärin vom Odewald', Swordswoman (x)
Fantasy Forge
Xylenea Octava, Intergalactic Reality Starlet (x)
GUL, Burned Hacker (x)
Fabula Ultima
Yanagi Yoru, Ambitious Assassin (x)
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