#paige lives
fruitface · 10 months
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mean girls (for the gay girls!)
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U My Everything - p.b
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‣ paige x grumpy reader: part two here!
‣ wc: 3178
‣‣ synopsis: paige's harmless joke is taken a little too personally by her sensitive and grumpy girlfriend; slight angst? but very fluffy by the end! (the song is most relevant for the end part of the fic as it's inspired by KK's 05/31/24 live, can u tell I live for uconn lives?)
‣‣‣ a/n: I'M SORRY, i know y'all chose emily in the poll but I alr finished this one and I've promised myself I would try to release at least one fic a day; emily's will be out very very soon, writing smut for the first time is just very nerve wracking lmao. this is lightly based off the, good morning gorgeous, tiktok trend going around rn; Also, I'm so sorry for the amount of times I use y'all, like, literally, and really because I try to make my dialogue and what not as realistic as possible, but as a Southern Californian they're literally engraved into my vocabulary 😭😭.
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Rolling over in bed half-conscious, your arms reach out, patting around the bed in an attempt to locate your girlfriend's warmth without having to open your eyes. However, to your sheer disappointment, your fingers are met with cold, rumpled sheets on Paige's side of the bed.
Now fully conscious with confusion as to how your girlfriend managed to slip from bed without you realizing, the pounding in your head became all the more severe as you sat up in bed, frustrated that the one person who could comfort you simply with their presence was nowhere to be found.
With your right hand massaging the temple, attempting to soothe the deep ache that had settled into the front portion of your head, your left hand blindly felt around your nightstand for your phone, knowing Paige wouldn't have left you alone in bed without so much as a simple text message. But to your surprise, her name was absent from your list of notifications.
Even more annoyed than before, you forced yourself out of her bed, stumbling your way to her adjacent bathroom, wincing at the sudden intrusion that was fluorescent lighting. By the time you began brushing your teeth, you heard the front door open, hearing Paige call your name as she entered the dorm.
"Bathroom," you yelled out to her, despite your head screaming at you to shut up and crawl back under the safety of Paige's comforter.
"Hey baby," Paige greeted as she entered the bathroom while you spit toothpaste into the sink, coming up behind you to hug your waist, resting her head on your shoulder. As you stood back up to meet her gaze in the mirror's reflection, you saw her tuck her bottom lip into her mouth, clearly trying to hide her shit-eating grin.
"Well don't you look... interesting this morning," she teased, the sarcasm apparent in her low voice. You knew her mocking was all in good fun, the two of you often poking fun at each other for little things. But perhaps it was the headache still waging war in your skull, or the final three midterms you had to take later today, or your remanent annoyance at having to wake up alone, despite her knowing your favorite part of the day was waking up, warm and all loved up in her arms, or perhaps it was the fact that looking in the mirror, you genuinely looked wrecked this morning.
Your curly hair was reduced to nothing but a puff of frizz overnight, sticking out in all directions, your eyebags particularly prominent this morning, combined with the pesky anxiety breakout that had settled into your forehead a few days prior, you just couldn't handle her jokes today.
"Yes, thank you for pointing that out Paige," you shot back, setting your toothbrush back in its cup holder, exiting her hold to wipe your hands on the small towel before pushing past her to get dressed in her room.
Paige followed close behind you, curious as to why you were giving her so much attitude so early in the day, especially over such a harmless statement.
"What's up with you, this is the first time I've even seen you this morning," She questioned from her seat on the unmade bed as you began changing your clothes with your back facing her, which was another thing that struck out to her as odd. After dating for over a year now, the two of you were incredibly comfortable with each other, and it was rare for you to completely turn your back on her, even when changing.
"Nothing, I'm just not in the mood today," you grumbled, tugging your, her, sweatshirt over your head. Heading over to her floor length mirror with your makeup bag and necessary hair products in hand, you settle down on the floor in front of it, convinced to improve your appearance a bit before you head off to your exams today. Still ignoring Paige's presence in the room, you began getting ready.
Hearing her scoff as you started applying your makeup, she got up and began making the bed, intent on ignoring your bratty mood until you fixed it. You knew you were being petty and acting bitchy to your girlfriend, who had technically done nothing wrong, you just couldn't force yourself to drop the attitude. By the time you finished your makeup and smoothed out your slickback, you managed to go the entire twenty minutes without so much as looking at your girlfriend through the mirror, who had now perched herself on her side of the bed, scrolling mindlessly on her phone.
Your headache hadn't subsided yet, but now that you were more awake, you had gotten used to the throbbing sensation. Making your way over to your side of her bed, you collected your phone, headphones, watch, school bag, and other items from your nightstand and around the area to get ready to leave.
"Your heading out already? You still have over an hour before your first class," Paige finally addressed you, putting her phone in her lap to look at you as you packed your things.
"Yeah I'm gonna head to the library early so I can review before my first midterm," You answered, speaking to her normally for the first time in the last hour she had returned.
"But what about breakfast, you're not gonna be able to concentrate and stuff when you're all hangry," she said, only slightly teasing you with her statement.
"I'll just grab something to eat from the coffee shop next to the library, I was gonna stop by and get matcha from there anyways," you responded, a small part inside of you glad that despite your attitude, Paige made sure that you were well taken care of.
"Dude I still don't understand how you drink that stuff, tastes like straight grass," she had dropped her concern and switched back to joking, her automatic setting. "But I guess it's fitting," she continued, "cause yk, cows just love their grass," she sighed, holding back her laughter at what she thought was a brilliant joke.
In her defense, if it was any other morning, you would've joined in on her teasing, either mooing at her in response or poking fun at her in return.
But today, it just ticked you off even further. I mean, you were clearly already in a bad mood, stressed the fuck out, hangry (but Paige didn't need to know she was right), and the sharp pressure in your head was only getting worse. Plus, Paige had already easily finished off her midterm exams two days prior, which meant she didn't truly understand why you were so worked up over your exams. And the worst part, your bloating and exhaustion really did make you feel a little bit like a cow.
“P I'm just not in the mood to deal with you right now," you sighed, exasperation laced in your tone. "I already feel bad enough this morning, I can't handle you piling more onto my plate, I'll see you later," you barely even said goodbye to her properly as you gathered your stuff, put on your shoes, and left her dorm.
The second you closed her door behind you, you could feel the pit forming in your stomach, full of regret and shame. You knew it was unfair to be so rude to Paige when she was just trying to lighten your mood, but your anxiety always caused you to last out at anyone who tried to help you. You made a mental note while walking to your favorite coffee shop to apologize and make it up to her when you saw her in the evening, after the stress from midterm week had diffused and your raging headache calmed down.
You were flipping through your study notes and flashcards while listening to one of Paige's playlist on the lowest volume possible when you saw your phone screen light up from next to you. Deciding it would be good to take a quick thirty second break, you reach for your phone and matcha latte at the same time, clicking on the text message you received from Paige.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From P 💜:
I'm so sorry for making fun of you this morning baby, I know you're stressed about your tests today and I had no intentions of making you feel worse with my jokes, I just wanted to cheer you up a bit because I know how bad your anxiety can get. Good luck on your test today killer, i love you 🤍.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shit, now you really felt bad for snapping at her earlier today. All remnants of your misplaced anger had long since disappeared, now replaced with embarrassment. She was right, your anxiety was hitting you hard today, but that was no excuse for bitching out your girlfriend just for trying to improve your mood. You quickly hearted her message and began typing out a short response, as you knew you needed to apologize in-person for your behaviour.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To P 💜:
Thank you so much P, I'll see you later tonight baby. I love you too 🤍
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You breathed a sigh of relief as you finally reached the floor of Paige's dorm room, exhausted from your long and mentally tiring day of midterms, but you were finally done, your headache was finally gone, and you now had the weekend to relax and spend time with your girlfriend.
As you reached for your keys in your pocket, you heard the loud commotion of voices that you recognized to be KK, Aubrey, Sarah, Allie, and Paige in the living room. It wasn't uncommon for the girls to be over, as the team always spent hung out together outside of practice, and since you started spending more time at Paige's dorm, you had quickly stocked her near bare kitchen full of snacks, baked goods, and home-cooked meals the girls loved to steal.
You entered the living room greeting everyone as you took off your shoes, making a beeline straight to where Paige was sitting on the couch. You stood in between the space of her legs, wrapping your free arm around her shoulders to lean down and plant a kiss on the top of her head.
"Hey P," you spoke softly, looking down at the small smile that had settled on her face.
"Hey yourself, how were you midterms? Today was your last day right?" She questioned as her fingertips began running up and down the back of your legging covered thigh.
"They were fine, I think I did good on majority of them. My math midterm was a little shaky, but not too bad yk?" You answered her quietly, afraid to pop the little bubble of peace you two had created around yourselves among the chaos of the living room's occupants.
"I," you began, as your hand had made its way to the front of her face as you pushed back a small piece of hair that had escaped out of her bun. "Will you come in the room with me real quick?" You asked her, practically whispering at this point.
"Yeah of course baby," she answered quickly, letting her hand travel up your body to rest at the small of your back as she stood up, leading you past everyone to her bedroom.
"We'll be right back," she announced to the group as the two of walked by. "Oooo, Paige is in trouble," KK sang out as the two of you reached her closed room door, Paige still standing behind you. She turned the knob quickly, gently pushing you into the room first as she turned around to stick her tongue out at KK before she closed the door.
By the time she turned around from the door to face you, she barely had a moment to adjust to your body barreling into her, as you had already dropped your bag off next to her desk. She quickly wrapped her arms around you, being able to sense that you just needed to be held for a minute before speaking.
She lightly rubbed your back and shoulders with her hands, knowing exactly what it was that immediately calmed you down. You stayed silent in her comforting embrace for a few more minutes, having craved her touch all day when you were around campus.
"I'm sorry," you finally spoke up, unburying your head from her chest to look her in the eyes. "I was really rude to you for no reason this morning. My headache when I woke up and all the stress I had was completely unrelated to you, but I still ended up taking it out on you," you sighed before continuing, "I really appreciate the fact that you were trying to cheer me up this morning, even though I was being a total bitch. And you are never a burden or someone who adds more onto my plate, I love you and I'm so sorry I said that to you, I would never want you to feel that way and-" as your eyes began to well up with tears, the last of your apology was cut off by Paige.
"Hey hey it's okay baby," she pulled you slightly away from her as the tears began flowing from your eyes. "I know you," she maintained eye contact as she reassured you, "And I know you would never act like that normally, you are not a bitch. You were just stressed out and not feeling well. I understand, and I promise I'm not mad at you at all," her right hand moved up from your back to your face, wiping the tears streaming down your face.
"Thank you P, I have no idea what I would do without you," you sniffled lightly, your hand coming up to wipe your face as well. "I love you so much, you have no idea," you professed.
"I love you too y/n/n," she whispered as her hands wrapping around your waist as she pulled you into her, leaning down slightly to kiss you. Your hands flew up the moment your lips connected, one cradling her jaw while the other rested on the base of her neck. The kiss was slow and languid, an apology met with forgiveness as your lips moved together.
The loud rumbling of your stomach, interrupted your sweet moment with Paige, forcing the two of you to separate as a giggle slipped out of her.
"Didn't realize a small kiss made you that hungry for me," she smiled, now at peace knowing that you were no longer upset. "Shut up," you smiled back, lightly hitting her chest as you broke away from her. "I am for real hungry though, but I need to shower first," you told her as you moved around the room, grabbing your towel and a fresh pair of pajamas to change into.
"I'm pretty sure Aubrey is ordering Domino's so I'll tell her to add in something for you, and it'll probably be here by the time you get out," she kissed your cheek as you went to exit the room, heading for a quick shower as she remained in her room.
As you entered the living room, curls freshly washed, a soft pair of Paige's sweatpants resting low on your hips, and a small off the shoulder sweatshirt over your sleep tank top, you witness KK showing her tik tok live her "hips dance", if it could even be referred to as that.
"Oh wow," Paige commented dryly at the sight while getting up from the couch so she could grab her laptop from the kitchen counter. You moved past her to Aubrey's desk, grabbing a piece of garlic knots from the Domino's box she left partially open (i don't think she actually bought any but I'm craving them so i added it in here). You rested your hip against the table, waving at the live while KK queued up Sexyy Red on her Siri.
Everyone knew you and Paige were a couple, when Paige accidentally hard-launched you by posting a cute couples pic on her main instagram story instead of her close friends. But since then, the two of you kept a private but not secret relationship, very occasionally posting together, but fans often saw candids of the two of you on dates or together in the team's lives or other events.
You licked the remaining cheese and butter off your fingers as you watched Paige, KK, and Aubrey dance in front of the camera to "U My Everything", smiling at their so-called dance moves, especially Paige's.
"Man we go together tell them hoes we go together," Paige sang, before doing her little "attitude now walk" move, making you double over with laughter at her with the other two girls.
You scratched the back of your neck as you continued to watch the girls mess around, too tired from your day to join them, but content just from watching them. As the second chorus approached, Paige walked up to your leaned figure on the desk, grabbing your bare waist and pulling you into her as she sang.
"Bae, I love you, you my everything, I'm your main bitch, fuck a wedding ring," you laughed at her awful singing, but you couldn't deny the blush that rose to your cheeks at the thought of her singing you the lyrics while very clearly in the live's frame. "We both in fast cars and we switchin' lanes, when I'm away from you, you always on my brain," she continued, adding in her sassy facial expressions with the corresponding lyrics.
You couldn't help but laugh at her actions, the pure giddiness coursing through your veins was a complete 180 from your mood this morning, and you couldn't help but think there was nowhere that would make you happier than in her arms.
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Thank you for reading all the way through! The recent support has been crazy and I appreciate all of you! Should I make a part two to this with smut so r can properly apologize to p.... 😏😏😏
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live moments | paige bueckers
paige had her arms around you, silently groaning at drew’s loud voice.
ice was currently live, hanging out with drew and kk who had requested to join. you two were lying in the background, arms and legs interlocking while you both scrolled through tiktok.
“drew thomas!” paige yelled softly and you couldn’t help but snicker when he doesn’t answer.
“hey ice, tap on his shoulder for me real quick.”
“hey,” ice faced drew as she tapped on his shoulder. “tap tap from paige bueckers.”
he stood up, walking towards the two of you.
“tone it down, please, ten levels.”
you let out a laugh, muffling it by burrying your face into the pillow.
you could hear kk and ice laughing from the bed as he walked back to his chair.
once he left, paige couldn’t help but let out a groan and turned around to wrap her legs around yours.
“you guys we gotta tone it down.”
really short and bad but i lvoe this live so much i had to
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spellboundstarlet · 1 month
your camera roll as paige’s girlfriend — p. bueckers x fem!reader.
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001. posted to your friends only story, showing just how many sanrio plushies your girlfriend had bought you.
002. showing paige all the trufru's you picked up for her + kk.
003. you found this on pinterest, saved it, then sent it to paige simply because it described your relationship so well. paige was no doubt a “yapper” while you were more of a listener. that’s why you worked so well.
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004. you were jokingly taking pictures of paige as she posed with her ipad, which might be her most prized possession. most nights kk would walk into the living room just to see you two doing stuff like this, or playing roblox. ever since you got with paige, you started healing your inner child.
005. driving in the car with her, it was an often occurrence that at some point throughout the ride, her hand would end up on your thigh.
006. date night at top golf.
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007. this one was taken, then posted to instagram.. just to capture one of the silly things you’d find paige doing often.
008. after practice, there was nothing your girlfriend loved more than to cuddle in bed after a shower. she put on the matching hello kitty pajama pants you’d left out for her, and hopped into bed to cuddle. after a few minutes of watching tiktok’s on your phone with her, she turned on the playstation and played twd as you watched.
009. while waiting for a cab in the city, you snapped another quick silly photo of the girl. this photo has since become her contact photo just because it makes you laugh whenever you look at it.
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010. the two of you had gone to the gym, paige always did, and you'd decided to start going aswell. in all honesty, you were going just to stare at her.. not that she minded.
011. you sat next to the blonde, as she got her hair and makeup done. it wasn't what she usually spent her days doing, but she'd been going on side quests lately and had many photoshoots. watching as the makeup artist's enhanced your girlfriends features, you snapped a pic.
012. late night walks were common among you, kk, and paige. kk, who seemed like your child, moped and walked slowly behind you and your girlfriend. pulling out her phone to take a snap for streaks, kk sent the picture to you, figuring you'd like it.
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taglist: @bveckers @kmoneymartini @cosmopretty @charlottehughess @aubreygriffin @favreader23 @miaroman @alyrasturnz , divs by @/anitalenia
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taurasiluvr · 3 months
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how you can help palestine part one part three
★ i got a couple requests for a prequel for my paige fic, so here it is!! ★ "queen u should do like a prequel to ur paige fic where u show what happened when the mc and bf was on break. ur writing is amazing btw 😘😘" /// "hey girlie, could u do a part two to the paige fic but like it’s sorta a prequel? like what happens when the reader and her bf were on a break. ur an amazing writer, thank u for ur service 🫡"
 ⠀ ── ⠀warnings ;; nsfw under the cut, mdni. fingering, oral (r receiving), more cheating, mentions of alcohol, ugly ass bf (ewww)
 ⠀ ── ⠀word count ;; 4.7k
 ⠀ ── ⠀rylin's notes ;; requests are open for those who want to send them in :p
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"that's what i fucking said!" you shouted into the phone, frustration evident in your voice.
you glanced at your nails, trying to keep your temper in check as your boyfriend's rant continued on the other end of the line. his shouting about god knows what was getting on your nerves, especially since you were at paige's place, getting ready for a party.
paige leaned against the doorframe, her eyes full of concern as she watched you. she could hear your boyfriend's muffled yelling from across the room and raised an eyebrow in silent question.
you sighed heavily, running a hand through your hair. "look, i can't do this right now. i'm at p's right now, and we're about to head out. we'll talk later," you said, trying to end the call.
"don't hang up on me!" your boyfriend snapped, his voice loud enough that even paige could make out his words. she frowned, pushing off the doorframe and walking over to you.
"my god, this shit is exhausting!" you said, exasperation coloring your tone. "we're on break, okay? this is the exact reason why we are on the break in the first place, i'm tired of you!"
paoge reached out and took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. she mouthed, "hang up," and you nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude for her support.
"bye, i'll talk to you later." you said firmly, ending the call despite your boyfriend's protests. you dropped your phone onto the bed and took a deep breath, trying to calm the anger bubbling inside you.
paige stepped closer, her hands gently cupping your face. "you okay?" she asked softly, her eyes full of concern.
you nodded, though your frustration was still evident. "yeah, just... sick of his shit. he's always yelling about something."
paige's thumbs brushed lightly against your cheeks. "you don't have to put up with that, you know."
"i know," you sighed, leaning into her touch. "it's just... complicated."
paige gave you a small, understanding smile. "it doesn't have to be."
you looked at her, searching for comfort in her steady gaze. "let's just get ready for the party, needa forget about him for a while."
paige nodded, her smile widening. "sounds like a plan."
you both continued getting ready, the atmosphere lightening as paige started making jokes and playfully teasing you. she helped you pick out an outfit, her eyes lingering on you with a mix of admiration and something else you couldn't quite place.
"if he saw me wear this, i swear he'd lose his shit," you laughed as you eyed yourself through the reflection.
paige rolled her eyes. "you know this is a free country right? he's just an insecure fuck."
you laughed as you glanced at the blonde, you could see her gaze lingering on your ass for a little longer than a friend should have. you felt your cheeks heat up as you licked your lips, choosing to ignore it. paige had always admired you; she's never hid the fact she thought you were hot from you.
"you're just saying that 'cause you have better taste," you teased, adjusting the hem of your shirt.
Paige smirked, her eyes meeting yours in the mirror. "damn right i do. and you look amazing."
your blush deepened, but you tried to play it off with a laugh. "thanks, p. you always know how to make me feel good."
"that's what i'm here for," she replied with a wink.
the sound of your phone buzzing interrupted the moment. you glanced at the screen, seeing a long text from your boyfriend. you sighed, feeling the weight of his constant questioning pressing down on you.
"let me guess," paige said, her tone laced with sarcasm. "nother 'concerned' message from mr. clingy?"
"yep," you replied, tossing your phone onto the bed. "it's like he can't let me breathe."
paige grabbed your phone, skimming through the text before scoffing. her expression was amused as she met your gaze before you both burst out in laughter. "fuck," she just swiped the message from your notification center before glancing up at you.
as you finished getting ready, you could feel the excitement building. the prospect of a night out with paige and your girls was exactly what you needed to escape the stress and tension. paige handed you a pair of heels, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"these will complete the look," she said, helping you slip them on.
you stood up, wobbling slightly on the unfamiliar height. paige steadied you, her hands warm and reassuring on your waist. "careful there, cinderella."
you laughed, feeling a genuine happiness that had been missing for a while. "thanks, prince charming."
she chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "anytime, princess."
with one last look in the mirror, you grabbed your purse and headed out the door, paige by your side. the drive to the party was filled with laughter and easy conversation, a stark contrast to the earlier argument with your boyfriend. by the time you arrived, you felt lighter, more carefree.
the party was in full swing when you walked in. music pulsed through the air, and people filled every corner of the house. paige stayed close to you, her presence a comforting anchor in the chaos. you spotted your girls in the crowd and waved, making your way over to them.
"finally!" aaliyah exclaimed, pulling you into a hug. "we thought you were never gonna get here."
"sorry," you said with a laugh, returning the hug. "had some... complications."
nika raised an eyebrow, glancing at paige. "complications, huh? everything okay?"
"yeah," paige answered for you, her hand resting lightly on your back. "just some boyfriend drama. but we're here to have fun, right?"
"right!" aubrey agreed, handing you a drink. "let's forget about the drama and enjoy the night."
as the night went on, you found yourself relaxing more and more. paige stayed by your side, her playful banter and easy confidence helping you forget about your earlier argument. at one point, you caught her looking at you with a soft smile, and you felt a warmth spread through your chest.
"thanks for being here," you said quietly, leaning in so she could hear you over the music.
"always," paige replied, her eyes sparkling with sincerity.
you felt a rush of gratitude and something deeper, something that made your heartbeat a little faster. for the first time in a while, you felt truly happy, surrounded by friends and free from the weight of your boyfriend's constant demands.
as the party continued, someone suggested doing body shots. the idea was met with enthusiastic cheers, and before you knew it, you were being pulled towards the center of the room. paige's eyes lit up with excitement as she nudged you playfully.
"come on, it'll be fun!" she said, her grin infectious.
you laughed, feeling a mix of nervousness and thrill. "okay, okay! who's going first?"
aubrey handed you a shot glass filled with tequila and a slice of lime. "why don't you start, and paige can go next?"
you glanced at paige, who winked at you. "let's do it."
you lay down on the makeshift bar setup, feeling the cool surface against your back. the room erupted in cheers and whistles as Paige leaned over you, her eyes locked onto yours. she sprinkled salt on your stomach, her touch sending shivers down your spine.
"ready?" she asked, her voice low and teasing.
"yeah," you replied quietly, your heart racing.
paige licked the salt off your skin, her tongue warm and soft against your flesh. she quickly took the shot, her eyes never leaving yours, and then bit into the lime that had been in your mouth.
"your turn, princess," paige said, her voice a little breathless as she helped you up.
you switched places, your hands trembling slightly as you poured the tequila and placed the lime slice in her mouth. paige lay back, her eyes watching you intently. you sprinkled the salt on her stomach, your fingers brushing against her skin, and felt the tension between you intensify.
"go for it," paige encouraged, her eyes dark with anticipation.
you leaned down, licking the salt from her skin, the taste mingling with the warmth of her body. you took the shot quickly, the burn of the alcohol mixing with the rush of adrenaline. as you bit into the lime, you looked into paige's eyes and saw the same heat and desire mirrored there.
the room around you seemed to fade away as you finished the shot, your focus entirely on paige. she sat up slowly, her face inches from yours, and you could feel her breath on your lips.
"that was hot," paige breathed out with a chuckle.
you licked your lips as her eyes kept glancing to your lips, a smirk evident on hers. the moment was charged with unspoken tension, the air thick with possibilities. for a second, you thought paige might lean in and kiss you, but the spell was broken by the sound of laughter and cheers from your friends.
"who's next?" aubrey called out, oblivious to the moment you and paige had just shared.
you stepped back, your heart still pounding, and forced a smile. "yeah, yeah."
paige's hands found your hips as she led you away from the crowd, her touch lingering a moment longer than necessary. she followed you, your mind racing and your body still tingling from the shared intimacy of the body shots. the party's noise and energy seemed to blur into the background as you both made your way to a quieter corner of the room.
"that was fun," paige said, her voice low as she glanced back at you.
you nodded, your breath catching in your throat. "yeah, it was."
paige's eyes softened, and she gave you a small, reassuring smile. "you okay?"
"yeah," you replied, your voice steadier than you felt. "haven't done body shots in a while," you forced out a chuckle as paige kept her eyes glued on you.
paige chuckled, her thumb brushing against your side. "yeah well maybe we needa do more, huh?"
you laughed as you nodded, paige joining in a few moments after. the two of you stood there for a moment, the party continuing around you but feeling distant and detached.
the party continued and you found yourself drinking a little more than you should have. the buzz of alcohol dulled the edges of your anxiety, making everything feel softer and more manageable. paige stayed close by, her presence a steady anchor amidst the chaos of the party.
you felt lighter, freer, and more attuned to the warmth of the people around you. you stole glances at Paige, noticing the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed and how her smile seemed to light up the room.
someone suggested playing another round of truth or dare, and the group eagerly agreed. you and Paige found yourselves back in the circle, this time sitting even closer, your legs brushing against each other. the game began again, and the dares grew bolder and the truths more revealing – you didn't expect anything less of college aged people.
when it was your turn, you hesitated for a moment before choosing "dare." you were feeling bold, the alcohol giving you a boost of confidence.
"i dare you to go into the closet with p for seven minutes in heaven," they declared, their eyes dancing with excitement.
the room erupted in cheers and laughter, and you felt your cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and anticipation. you glanced at paige, who raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips.
"well, shall we?" paige asked, extending a hand to help you up.
you nodded, your heart pounding in your chest as you took her hand. the group continued to cheer and tease as you and paige made your way to the closet. once inside, paige closed the door behind you, and the noise from the party was muffled, leaving you in a small, dimly lit space with her.
the air between you was charged with tension, and you could feel your pulse quicken. paige leaned against the door, her eyes locked onto yours.
"guess we have seven minutes," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
you swallowed hard, your mind racing. "yeah, seven minutes."
paige took a step closer, her gaze intense. "what do you want to do with those seven minutes?"
you laughed, shaking your head. "you're such a horny fuck, paige."
"me? never," she laughed but her eyes didn't leave your face. "you're just really hot, i mean... look at what you're wearin' princess, i can't help it."
it seemed the alcohol had also given paige a boost of confidence, making her bolder than usual. she took another step closer, her body inches from yours, the heat between you palpable.
"really gonna blame it on what i'm wearing?" you teased. "pretty sure you've been looking at me like this all night."
paige's smile turned mischievous. "maybe i have. what are you gonna do about it?"
your breath hitched at her words, the challenge in her eyes making your pulse race even faster. you felt a surge of bravery, fueled by the tension and the alcohol in your system. stepping closer, you reached up and brushed a strand of hair away from her face, your fingers lingering on her cheek.
"i think i'll do this," you murmured, leaning in and closing the gap between you.
your lips met in a slow, deliberate kiss, the world outside the closet fading away. paige responded eagerly, her hands sliding around your waist, pulling you closer. the kiss deepened, and you felt a rush of heat spread through your body, the intensity of the moment consuming you both.
paige's hands roamed over your back, her touch sending shivers down your spine. you lost yourself in the sensation, your fingers tangling in her hair as you pressed your body against hers. the kiss became more urgent, a release of all the unspoken feelings that had been building between you for what felt like forever.
breaking the kiss for a moment, paige's forehead rested against yours, her breath warm on your lips. "you have no idea how long i've wanted to do that," she whispered, her voice husky with desire.
"wonder how your little boyfriend would feel about this, huh, princess?" she teased as you rolled your eyes.
"shut up," you murmured, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
you captured her lips again, silencing her teasing with another passionate kiss. paige's hands tightened on your waist, pulling you closer as the kiss deepened, your bodies pressed together in the small closet.
the intensity between you was electric, each touch, each kiss fueling the fire that had been smoldering for so long. you could feel paige's heart beating against yours, the rhythm matching the wild pace of your own. her hands slid down to your hips, her fingers gripping you firmly, grounding you in the moment.
she pushed you against the table that was set behind you, a groan leaving her lips as she did so. the edge of the table pressed into your back, but the discomfort was overshadowed by the intensity of paige's kiss. her hands gripped your hips, holding you in place as she deepened the kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth with a desperate need.
you wrapped your arms around her neck, pulling her closer, the heat between you building with each passing second. paige's hands roamed over your body, her touch both gentle and demanding. she trailed kisses down your neck, sucking gently on the sensitive skin, leaving a trail of fire in her wake.
"paige," you breathed out, your voice barely above a whisper, your fingers tangling in her hair.
she lifted her head, her eyes dark with desire as she looked at you. "wanted this for so long," she confessed, her voice husky and filled with longing.
"me too," you admitted, your heart racing. "i've tried to ignore it, but i can't anymore."
paige's lips curved into a small smile, her hands sliding under your shirt, her fingers brushing against your bare skin. "then don't," she murmured, her lips finding yours again in a searing kiss.
as the kiss intensified, paige's hands moved to the hem of your shirt, lifting it over your head and tossing it aside. her eyes roamed over your exposed skin, her gaze filled with admiration and desire. she leaned in, pressing kisses along your collarbone, her hands exploring every inch of you.
you arched into her touch, your breath hitching as she trailed her fingers down your sides, leaving a path of tingling sensations. paige's lips found your ear, her breath warm against your skin as she whispered, "you drive me crazy, you know that?"
you laughed softly, your hands sliding down her back. "good," you replied, your voice laced with a mix of teasing and sincerity.
paige's hands moved to your waist, her fingers slipping under the waistband of your pants. "can i?" she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and hesitation.
you nodded, your heart pounding with anticipation. "yes."
with a swift motion, paige unbuttoned your shorts, sliding them down your legs. her hands caressed your thighs, her touch sending waves of pleasure through your body. she looked up at you, her eyes filled with an intense longing that mirrored your own.
"need you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
you cupped her face in your hands, pulling her in for another kiss. "'m yours," you replied, the words spilling from your lips without hesitation.
paige's eyes darkened with desire, her hands moving to your underwear, sliding them down with a slow, deliberate motion. she kissed her way down your body, her lips leaving a trail of fire as they moved lower and lower. the sensation was overwhelming, your body trembling with anticipation.
she quickly straightened up, lifting you up into the table easily. her hands found your hips, and she pulled you forward, your bodies pressed together in a feverish embrace. you could feel the heat radiating from her as her lips traveled back up your body, tracing a path of desire that left you breathless.
when her mouth found yours again, the kiss was hungry and desperate, a reflection of the emotions that had been building between you for so long.
paige's hands roamed freely, exploring the contours of your body with a reverence that made you shiver. she took her time, savoring every moment, every reaction she elicited from you. her touch was both tender and commanding, a perfect balance that left you craving more.
as her hands moved to your breasts, you gasped, arching into her touch. paige's mouth followed the path of her hands, her lips and tongue teasing your sensitive skin. the combination of her touch and the cool air of the closet sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, making it hard to think about anything other than the woman in front of you.
"paige," you breathed out, your voice trembling with need. "please."
she looked up at you, her eyes dark with desire. "tell me what you want, princess."
you bit your lip, trying to find the words. "i want you... no.. i need you to touch me."
paige's smile was both tender and wicked as she complied, her hands sliding down your body with a slow, deliberate motion. when her fingers finally found your wet pussy, you let out a soft moan, your head falling back as the pleasure overwhelmed you.
she moved with a skilled precision, her fingers teasing and exploring, driving you to the edge with every touch. the sensations were almost too much to bear, your body trembling with the intensity of it all. paige's name fell from your lips in a breathless whisper, a plea for more.
and she gave it to you, her movements becoming more insistent, her touch more demanding. the world outside the closet ceased to exist, leaving only the two of you in this moment of raw, unrestrained passion. every caress, every kiss, every whispered word pushed you closer to the brink, until you were teetering on the edge of oblivion.
"fuck," you gasped, your hands gripping her shoulders as you felt yourself reaching the peak. "'m so close."
paige leaned down, ignoring your pleas and spread your legs further. her lips found your cunt, her tongue delving into it as she began to devour you like you were her last meal. your hand found her hair, your legs wrapped around her head as you cried out.
"fuckfuckfuck, please," your makeup was running at this point but you didn't care anymore, you just needed to cum.
as soon as her tongue became flicking your clit, the coil in your stomach snapped as you let out a sob of pure pleasure. "oh my god!"
when the waves of pleasure finally began to subside, you collapsed against her, your breath coming in ragged gasps. paige sat up as her arms wrapped around you, holding you close as you both tried to catch your breath.
for a moment, there was only the sound of your breathing, the world outside the closet a distant memory. then paige pulled back slightly, her eyes searching yours with a mix of tenderness and concern.
"you okay?" she asked softly, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
you nodded, a smile spreading across your lips. "more than okay. that was... amazing."
"aw, sweetheart. does he fuck you like that?" paige joked as you rolled your eyes. her finger swiped below your eyes, removing the mascara that was running down your face.
you playfully smacked paige's arm, trying to suppress the laughter that bubbled up. "shut up," you teased, feeling a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration from the intimacy you'd just shared.
paige chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "hey, just curious. gotta know how i compare," she said, her tone light.
you rolled your eyes again, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. "you're impossible," you muttered, but your smile gave you away.
paige's finger gently swiped beneath your eyes, removing the smudged makeup. "there," she said softly, her touch lingering on your cheek. "all better."
the moment was tender, filled with unspoken words and shared emotions. paige's thumb brushed against your skin, her eyes locking onto yours. for a second, the world outside seemed to disappear again, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of newfound intimacy.
but the bubble burst as the closet door opened suddenly, and nika stood there, her expression with urgency. "guys, sorry to interrupt," she said, glancing between the two of you, "but your boyfriend just showed up."
your heart dropped at her words, the elation from moments before evaporating instantly. "what?" you exclaimed, stepping away from paige.
nika nodded, her brows furrowed with annoyance. "yeah, he's here, and he looks pissed. he was asking about you."
paige's expression darkened, her protective instincts kicking in. "great," she muttered, running a hand through her hair. "just what we needed."
you took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. "guess o have to go talk to him," you said reluctantly, the weight of reality crashing back down on you.
paige stepped closer, her hand finding yours and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "you want me to come with you?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern.
you hesitated for a moment, then shook your head. "no, it's fine. i need to handle this on my own." You squeezed her hand back, grateful for her support. "but thank you."
you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the confrontation ahead. with a final look at Paige, you stepped out of the closet, nika leading the way to where your boyfriend was waiting.
he was standing in the living room, his face a storm of emotions. as soon as he saw you, his eyes narrowed, and he strode towards you. "where the hell have you been?" he demanded, his voice laced with anger and frustration.
you squared your shoulders, trying to remain calm. "i've been at the party," you replied evenly. "what's your problem?"
"my problem?" he echoed, his voice rising. "you've been ignoring my calls and texts! and now i find out you've been hiding in a closet with paige?"
"first of all, it's a game!" you shot back, using the same tone he was. "ever heard of seven minutes in heaven?"
"that sure as hell was more than seven minutes, babe." his eyes flashed with anger and hurt, but he took a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm himself. "but you didn't answer my calls or texts. what's going on with us?"
you sighed, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on you. "i told you, we need space to figure things out. this break was supposed to help us do that."
he stared at you for a moment, then looked away, his jaw clenched. "i just... i don't want to lose you," he said, his voice softer now, tinged with desperation.
your heart ached at his words, the conflict within you growing. "don't want to lose you either," you admitted, your voice breaking slightly. "but we need to work on our issues. we can't keep having these fights all the time."
he nodded slowly, his expression softening. "okay, i get that. but seeing you with paige... it just messed with my head."
"nothing's happening with Paige," you lied, trying to reassure him and keep the peace. "it was just a game. you have to trust me."
he looked at you, searching your eyes for the truth. after a moment, he nodded again, though his expression was still troubled. "alright. i trust you. but we need to talk about this. really talk."
you nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and guilt. "we will. but not here, not now. let's just try to enjoy the rest of the night, okay?"
He took a deep breath and then reached out to take your hand. "okay. but promise me we'll talk soon."
"promise," you said, squeezing his hand. "we'll figure this out."
with that, the tension between you seemed to ease slightly. you both turned and headed back into the house, the noise and energy of the party a stark contrast to the heavy conversation you had just had. as you reentered the party, you spotted paige watching you from across the room, her eyes filled with concern.
you gave her a small, reassuring nod, and she responded with a tentative smile. you knew this wasn't over, and there would be more conversations, more decisions to make. but for now, you were trying to hold on to the fragile peace you had managed to create.
throughout the rest of the night, your boyfriend stayed close by your side, his presence a constant reminder of the complexity of your feelings. paige didn't really give a fuck, she was still by your side, her hand always seemed to be on your shoulder or arm (she knew she'd get her ass beat if she touched your back or hips, where her hands usually would be).
when the time came to leave, your boyfriend offered to drive you home. as you said your goodbyes to your friends, paige pulled you aside for a moment.
"you okay?" she asked softly, her eyes filled with concern.
you nodded, though your heart felt heavy. you glanced behind you, looking at your boyfriend whose gaze was stuck on you and paige. "yeah, i'm okay. thanks for everything tonight."
paige gave you a small smile. "anytime, princess. just... take care of yourself, alright?"
"i will," you promised, giving her a hug. "we'll talk later."
paige's arms embraced you tightly, as she gave you a kiss on your head. she looked up to meet your boyfriend's eyes, giving him a smirk before she licked her lips, her eyes finding yours again.
"i love you," she muttered.
"i love you too, p." you managed a smile as you both leaned away.
paige looked up to see your now, seething boyfriend. she gave him a smile as she waved all in the mask of politeness. god, how she loved pushing his buttons.
your boyfriend's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching as he returned paige's wave with a curt nod. you could see the storm brewing behind his eyes, and you knew that once you were alone, there would be a lot to talk about.
"let's go," your boyfriend said tersely, his voice barely masking his anger.
"yeah," you replied, glancing one last time at paige. she gave you a reassuring nod, her eyes softening with concern.
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if you enjoyed, any interaction is greatly appreciated!
with love, rylin 𝜗𝜚
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ilovepaigebueckerss · 3 months
tiktok rizz
the title is so unserious im sorry😭😭
pairing: p.b x fem! reader
summary: fans are wondering how reader and paige met and reader explains on a live.
very very short, i just thought of this and whipped it up rq, again I HATE THIS but it was a cute idea so.
based off this tiktok!
You were pretty well known due to the fact that you were Paige Bueckers girlfriend. Yall have been dating for almost 4 years. But everyone wondered how you guys met.
You were on live with KK when a comment rolled in asking about it. “Okay guys im gonna address this one more time” You say pausing in between words. “So screen recorders go ahead and do what yall do best” You continue laughing.
“I made a TikTok about Paige and she saw it and after that we just kinda start talking.” You say shrugging your shoulders. “I��m gonna pin the TikTok and everything for yall”
You decided to make a TikTok due to boredom. There was this trend going around and you decided you wanted to do it with you “celebrity” crush.
You film the TikTok, and put one hashtag which was: #paigebueckers. and continue on with your night.
You wake up to a bunch of notifications curious and what they were from. You had totally forgot you even posted that TikTok so when you saw it went viral you were going crazy.
A certain notification sparked your interest though.
@paigebueckers: has liked your video!
@paigebueckers has followed you back!
@paigebueckers has messaged you!
You rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren’t still asleep. (iykyk) But you were very much awake.
You click on the notification nervous to see what she said. What if she thought you were weird? What if she was laughing at you?
@paigebueckers: i think youre pretty cute too.
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themrsbueckers · 2 months
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just some lil paige flicks now that im out the hospital finally😫😫
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katemoneymartinsgf · 1 month
•pairings - paige bueckers x reader
•summary - reader comforts overwhelmed paige (lil paigey mentioned!)
•a/n - I wrote this late enjoy (everyone be proud i was actually writing.)
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The summer sun poured through the gym's large windows, illuminating the court where Paige was locked in her own world. The rhythmic sound of the basketball bouncing against the polished wooden floor echoed through the empty space, a steady beat that mirrored her determination. It was supposed to be summer break—a time for relaxation and carefree days—but here she was, drenched in sweat, pushing herself harder than ever.
You watched from the bleachers, your heart heavy with a mix of admiration and longing. Even though you had the opportunity to join her on many of her “world tour” trips this summer, you had chosen to stay back and take extra classes, hoping to lighten your course load for the next semester. You wanted to dedicate more time to the team, to be there for Paige, but the decision came at a cost. The time you could spend together felt almost nonexistent, and when you did manage to see each other, it was often in the midst of chaos.
So here you were, late at night watching her practice because you’ll take any time you can get to spend with her. 
As Paige dribbled the ball with relentless energy, you could see the weight of the world pressing down on her. Every missed shot seemed to chip away at her vibrant spirit, the frustration building in her posture. It worries you. She was so used to thriving in the spotlight, but now, the pressure of expectations loomed over her like a dark cloud. She knew this was her last year. She wants to prove herself and get a ring, but its starting to take a toll.
This was the same girl who had held your hand through sleepless nights of uncertainty. When you had to let go of your dreams of playing, it was Paige who sat with you on the bleachers, her laughter a soothing balm against the ache of loss. She would bring you snacks during practice, just seeing her smile while walking up to you changed your mood for the day. With every shared secret and late-night conversation, your friendship had blossomed into something deeper, a love that felt like coming home.
The day she had asked you out was etched in your memory—a perfect mix of nervous laughter and hopeful glances. Under the stars, with the distant sounds of campus life swirling around you, she had leaned in, her eyes sparkling with a mix of mischief and sincerity. “So, what do you say? Want to be my girlfriend?” It had been a simple question, but the weight of it had felt monumental. From that moment on, you were inseparable.
Yet, in your heart, you knew that love wasn’t measured by time spent but by the moments that made you feel alive. And watching her now, it hurt to see the vibrant girl you adored caught in a cycle of pressure and performance, yearning for her to find her way back to the joy that first drew you to her.
“Hey, P!” you called out, trying to keep your tone light, hoping to pull her back from the edge. “How about a quick break love? I brought snacks!” You said pulling up the bag of strawberry tru fru from your bag
She paused, glancing over with a hint of a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Maybe in a bit,  I’m gonna get it eventually!” Her cheerful demeanor felt forced, the strain beneath it cutting deep.
You stood, your heart racing as you approached her, sensing the tipping point was close. “No, seriously. You’ve been going at it for hours, and you look like you might explode.”
With a slight chuckle, she brushed it off. “I’m good, Just need to get in the zone.”
“Good? You look anything but,” you replied gently, stepping closer. “I’ve seen you play baby I know you’re better than this, you aren’t gonna get anywhere if you are in your head. Talk to me.”
For a moment, she hesitated, her gaze drifting to the floor, the conflict in her expression visible. You knew that she held a lot inside, and it was time for her to let it out.
“Please, Paige,” you pressed softly, your eyes meeting hers. “You don’t have to pretend with me.”
she hesitated for a moment, her grip on the ball tightening as she took a deep breathe.
“I'm tired,” Paige admitted, and you could see the walls she had built around herself start to come down. Her shoulders slumped as she set the ball down on the floor, the tension in her body easing just a bit. “Traveling is great, and I’m so lucky and fortunate for everything I have and am able to do. But I’m so tired. I feel like I barely even have time to process my thoughts,between practice, being gone, and with all the drama going on online right now with the team. and sometimes it feels like there’s a weight in my mind—if that even makes sense.”
You felt a pang in your heart at her words. You felt guilty knowing that she was trying to take this on all alone. She sank onto the floor, legs slightly apart, the energy that usually surrounded her dimming. You bent down in front of her, placing your hands gently on her knees. “Then let me hold it.”
“Huh?” she replied, surprise flickering in her eyes.
“Some of this weight on your mind, P. I need you to tell me when things are getting heavy and too much,” you urged softly, your gaze locked onto hers, hoping to convey the sincerity of your words.
She shook her head, a hint of defiance in her voice. “You don’t need that,” she insisted, standing up and dusting herself off. “On top of school, what you do for the team, and everything you do for me, the last thing you need is my shit on top of that.”
You were baffled by her response. “Baby, what are you talking about? You do so much for me, and you think what you bring to this relationship isn’t enough? I’m here because I want to be, not out of obligation. Let me help you.”
Her eyes softened, but there was still a flicker of hesitation. “It’s just—I feel like I’m not giving you enough in return. You do so much for me; the least I could do is figure my shit out by myself.” Her voice cracked, her tongue poking at her cheek as she tried to keep her composure, her head falling slightly.
“Oh, my love…” you murmured, pulling her in for a hug.
Nothing was said for a moment as you held her tight, feeling the tension in her body slowly ease as she wrapped her arms around you, sinking into your touch. You pulled away slightly, your hands taking her face in your palms, gently lifting her gaze to meet yours.
“Paige, you don’t have to repay me for the things I do for you. I do them because I love you, and I don’t expect anything in return. There is nothing more fulfilling than the love you give me. I want all of you, Paige—the good and the bad. So let me take some of the burden off your mind, baby. You won’t owe me anything. Loving me the way you do is payment enough.”
Tears glistened in her eyes as she took a shaky breath, her lips trembling into a small smile. “You really mean that?”
“Always,” you replied, your thumb brushing gently across her cheek.
A wave of relief washed over her as she melted into you, the warmth of your embrace enveloping her like a cozy blanket. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. Seriously, you’re my rock.”
‘’I got you, baby, through everything,” you said gently, leaning in to place a soft kiss on her lips, which she returned gladly.
She pulled away, searching your eyes before a mischievous smile crept across her face. “Everything?” she questioned, and you nodded hesitantly.
“Even my struggling rap career?” She joked 
you pushed away, but she held you tight.
“Shut up, P.”
“I would appreciate it if you addressed me as Lil Paigey,” she shot back, her eyes sparkling with playful defiance.
“Yeah, not happening. Good try, though.” You placed another kiss on her nose before breaking free from her grasp and grabbing the ball.
“Maybe if you beat me in a game of horse…” you challenged, a playful grin on your face.
She took that as a dare, snatching the ball from your hands. “Okay, but I'll go first!” she declared, walking toward the court with a bright smile.
Your heart eased at the sight of your girl radiating happiness, the stress that had weighed her down fading away. This was the moment you’d been hoping for—her laughter echoing in the gym, bringing a sense of normalcy and joy to both of you.
lmk if you like, it’s how i decide if i’m gonna write more this week :)
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bueckers-babygirl · 2 months
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hcsiqs · 2 months
42 💌 Paige
| only fools rush in
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• pairing: paige bueckers x fem!reader
• prompt: “please don’t leave me like that ever again. it scared me”
• warnings: alcohol consumption
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You, Paige, and the rest of the UConn team had decided to go to a party to celebrate a win after a particularly hard game.
The night had started with Paige at your side the entire time, her not allowing you to go out of her sight as the party was at a frat house and she didn’t want anything to happen to you.
But as the night when on and the two of you ingested more than enough alcohol, you both drifted away from each other. “Paige!” you called, tapping her shoulder trying to get her attention over the loud music.
“Yeah?” she turned her head around, stopping the middle of her conversation with KK.
“I’m gonna go see my friends, ok?” you pointed in the direction of you friends, who just waved back at the two of you.
“Ok, be safe,” she smiled patting the small of your back before you walked off to your group of friends.
Several hours passed after you made your way over to your friends. All of you had been on the couch sharing random stories that made no sense to all of you guys being intoxicated. Y’all’s laughter was loud, even when nothing funny seemed to be happening.
“Oh my God, and then I was like—,” you started to go tell a meaningless story, but were cut off by your favorite blonde drunkenly walking over to you.
“Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” she draped herself over you, her arms squeezing your waist like she never wants to let you go. And once she pulled back you could see the faint tear marks that stained her cheeks.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” you sat up in the couch and pulled her down to sit beside you. Your delicate fingers came to the blondes cheeks as you wiped away the excess tears that lingered there.
“Please don’t leave me like that ever again. It scared me,” Paige wrapped herself against you, almost like she wanted to be in your skin so you wouldn’t be able to leave her. “I didn’t know where you were, and me and KK couldn’t find you anywhere,” she grabbed your legs and put them over her own as she made you scoot closer to her.
“I won’t,” you nodded your head, your hand coming to her jaw as you placed a soft kiss against her forehead. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
“I was scared something happened to you,” her hand squeezed your waist.
“I’m ok baby,” you reassured her, “Do you wanna go?”
“Yeah,” she nodded her head and your hand came up to push some of her blood hair behind her ear.
“Ok,” you whispered before standing up and then pulling Paige off the couch with you. “We’re gonna head out,” you told your friends as Paige’s hands snaked around your waist, her head falling on your shoulder.
As the two of you walked through the frat house, Paige’s body was being held up by her leaning on you. Out of the two of you, you were definitely the one more sober, as Paige could barely carry herself.
“Imma call an Uber,” you told her as you pulled out your phone and sat the two of you down on the sidewalk.
“I hated being away from you,” Paige rested her head on your shoulder, as her hands took one of yours in her own. “Please don’t ever leave.”
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mygaynesshasnolimits · 2 months
paige (completely undeniabley unprovoked, no one asked, no one was even talking about azzi, azzi wasn't even an option, azzi's not even there, yet azzi the one thing on her mind) : "i got my money on azzi"
(this live is filled with little gems lol paige was FEENING for azzi girl is down BAD for princess & azzi was not letting up)
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il0vepaigebueckers · 2 months
i locked myself in my room and just read fan fics for 3 days straight. so how’s your summer going… anyways back with another rec!!
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you know the drill all on wattpad and favorites in pink
PRETEND LOVERS by -ANGELMEDICINE (unfinished - 48 parts)
Breaking Boundaries || paige bueckers by stillgoldenhs (unfinished - 21 parts)
LOCK IT DOWN. paige bueckers by BUECKEERS (unfinished - 20 parts)
Lovesick, Paige Bueckers. by torturedpoets (unfinished - 19 parts)
sweet like vanilla | paige bueckers by iconicscarlett (unfinished - 31 parts) this is a very very fluffy fic, be warned there isn’t much angst
imgonnagetyouback | Paige Bueckers by marydany20 (unfished - 21 parts)
You’re the girl that I want | Paige Bueckers by Summerrshifts (unfinished - 24 parts)
The manger by oh_hey_nothere (unfinished - 41 parts)
GIRLS NEED LOVE, PAIGE BUECKERS by azaleeiaa (unfinished - 24 parts)
One Kiss||Paige Bueckers by zsfanfics_ (unfinished - 31 parts)
She’s So Sweet by isabellediplock9 (unfinished - 26 parts)
Coach’s Daughter by larrie4lifeee (finished - 53 parts)
fish bowl pb. by VALETIN0S (unfinished - 30 parts)
guys i’m not kidding please send some recommendations… i think i’ve read every fic in the world.
also i’m getting hella fancy with the posts now, i didn’t realize how many people would see them and now i’m insecure 😝
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New Year's Kiss - p.b
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‣ paige bueckers x reader
‣ wc: 3567
‣‣ synopsis: you were known as one of the calmest, most well-tempered players on the ucon wbb roster. so what happens if you lose your cool for the first time in a game? takes place at the uconn vs notre dame game on dec 31, 2022: based off this post/req from my nonnie 🫶, and lowk inspired by paige's bloody nose at the uconn vs seton hall game!
‣‣‣ a/n: hey guys.... i'm so sorry for being so inactive but the writer's block hit me HARD. I have a few more drafts in progress I hope to release this week, thank y'all SO MUCH for the support and patience! Also, for the opponent in this game i refer to her solely as the, "marquette girl", as i don't know their players that well and don't want to use an irl girl!
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Up until the second half of the game, everything had been going decent for you. Sure, this game was one of the most aggressive of the season, but you were right in the peak of your season, so it made sense that emotions were running high with the pressure to do well.
But that didn't excuse the fact that the Marquette girl that had been assigned to defend you had been playing dirty the entire night. After the fucking hellish week you had just gotten through, this girl was about to be the straw that broke the camel's. your, back.
After Paige's acl tear in August and the work and energy you had been endlessly pouring into your game from the past two and a half years till now, you had basically solidified your place as one of the main starters on the team, which meant you were receiving a lot more consistent playing time. The thought of being a more prominent player on the team didn't panic you the way it might others, as you you were known for always being a very level-headed, reliable player under pressure, as you had been dubbed by the media as the "Silent Assassin". But tonight was proving to test your limits to the max.
Any time you were on the court for the first two quarters, the Marquette girl had been glued to you, illegally all up in your space, pushing and shoving at you, taunting you over and over again, and even tripping you once when you lunged for the ball. All of which she had done without receiving a single foul, which not only pissed you off, but also your teammates on the court, the players on your bench, and your coach.
And of course, the one time you had defended yourself against her in the second quarter was the only time the ref called a foul on both of you. She had nearly pressed herself up against you the second your hands came in contact with the ball, leaving you with no choice but to pass to your teammate Aaliyah to sink a layup, when she hooked her arm through yours and pulled just as the ball left your hands.
Her unnecessary aggression caused something to snap inside of you, as the second you felt her yank on your arm, you turned around to push her off of you, hard. She stumbled backwards a little bit, not tripping or hitting the ground in any way, but the damage had been done in the, very biased, eyes of the refs.
The two of you rapidly reacted, approaching each other as you were yelling out meaningless threats and a long string of curses. Thankfully, your teammates holding the two of you back firmly, preventing any further physical altercations.
The two of you both received technical fouls for the unnecessary physical contact and unsportsmanlike behaviour. However, the foul you received only irked you more. Why were the only fouls called on her when it involved you pushing back? Could they not see the way she was treating you the entire game?
And of course, Geno wasn't thrilled about one of his starters getting a tech in the first half of the game. While benched, he had chewed you out for losing your temper at her, especially for cursing, which was something refs never let slide. But his reprimands didn't hold the usual level of anger or frustration, as he internally agreed that the Marquette girl had it coming for her, but, he had to remain professional.
Of course basketball was a physical sport, and with aggression came some conflicts with other players, but her behaviour tonight was unprovoked and incredibly aggravating to you. Which only worsened in the third quarter.
After your tech, you had been trying your best to ignore the incredibly annoying actions of the Marquette girl, but you simply couldn't anymore after she had purposely elbowed you in the nose to make her shot.
You immediately stumbled backwards, folding over at the waist as your hands came up in an attempt to alleviate the intense throbbing your nose felt. You could feel the blood begin to dribble down to your lip as you walked over to the bench with Lou escorting you, awaiting the ref's call.
The refs decided to not call a foul on the other girl, claiming that she hadn't reached backwards on purpose, it was simply the angle of her basket and granted UConn two free throws. The call enraged you, and something inside you snapped. You very quickly forgot about the tissue you were firmly holding at your nostrils as you approached him, insisting with him that the call was blind and blatantly biased.
You hadn't noticed the blood resumed to flow down your face while arguing until it hit your mouth, but you paid no mind to the taste of iron that filled your mouth as you persisted angrily speaking to the ref.
"Paige, go get her before she gets another tech," Geno whispered into Paige's ears over by the bench.
She nodded at him, making her way over to you to pull you away from the ref who was now threatening to eject you from the game.
"Okay enough, you need to get checked out by the team medic," Paige wrapped her arm around your waist to pull you away from your heated conversation, despite your struggle against her. She wasn't that much taller than you, but the extra two ish inches she had on you were proving useful right now.
She dragged you over to the bench, ignoring your many protests. She pried the used, bloody tissue out of your fingers to toss to the medic waste bag, grabbing new ones from her hand to help your bloody nose. It was apparent to everyone on your team, even the fans watching, that your stubbornness wouldn't allow you to accept the call that easily and allow the medic to clean you up. So, Paige would just have to do it herself.
Since your first day on the Uconn campus, you and Paige had become extremely close. With the two of you being assigned roommates your freshman year, the COVID year, it would've been impossible to not become best friends, considering the fact that you spent all of your time together.
If not at practice or hanging out with the team, the two of you were trapped inside your dorm, forced to find company within each other for the entire year. And with Paige's injury her sophomore year, you were one of the only people she was able to open up to, other than Azzi, and you had become her comfort during her rehab time, both then and now. Despite no longer being roommates, you two still always hung out at each other's respective dorm, even having frequent sleepovers.
Your incredibly close relationship wasn't left unnoticed by the media either, especially social media platforms like tiktok. When Paige and Azzi denied the relationship allegations at the same time you made it clear that you liked girls, the internet quickly refocused their attention onto you and Paige, and neither of you had the heart to deny any rumors circulating. Considering that after Azzi, you were the least active on your social media when it came to anything other than basketball, it wasn't too hard to ignore the internet's speculation.
All of which to say, Paige had made it incredibly easy for you to catch feelings for her. Until her, you had never known what it was like to be completely head over heels for someone. The way your heart skipped any time the two of you made eye contact, the way your cheeks flushed when she brushed against you, and the chemistry the two of you shared on and off the court was undeniable.
Unbeknownst to you, she felt the exact same way, and for the last two years, everyone but you two could see the feelings you harbored for each other.
If only you could feel the way her heart was beating as she held your face in one hand, using the other to apply pressure to your nose and wipe away at the blood on your face, neck, and jersey as she listened to you rant about the refs and how they were cheating you guys out of fouls the entire game. Although, she wasn't able to focus on the words coming out of your mouth, only the plumpness of your lips as they moved, something you noticed as your verbal attack slowed down so you could take a breath in between your sentences.
"She's literally fucking stuck up my ass and the refs ignore her which is actual bullshit, the amount of times this girl has literally made unnecessary contact or-, Paige are you even listening to me?"
Her lingering gaze on your mouth quickly snapped up to your eyes, a sheepish smile settling onto her now flushed cheeks.
"Yeah, yeah sorry."
She wiped the remaining blood from around your nose before calling over the medic to check your nose. A small bruise had formed near the bridge, but thankfully it wasn't broken. While she was checking your nose, Paige did her best to avoid meeting your curious stares.
Of course the two of you had small moments where you could envision that Paige felt the same for you. But never one that was so blatantly obvious as her staring at your lips, especially so publicly.
Nonetheless, you barely had time to analyze the interaction before the medic was clearing you to return to the game, Paige patting your butt (this) as you jogged by her to sub back into the game, which, until the handshake line, went without any further incidents, despite your team beating them by 13 points (HVL VS TEXAS Y'ALL).
When passing by you, you heard her mutter under her breath, "fucking bitch," in response to your half-hearted, "good game". It was safe to say you didn't take that well, responding to her with, "you wanna come say that to my fucking face? Pussy ass bitch." For both of your sakes, Dorka and one of her teammates were able to keep pushing the two of you down the line and out to the lockers before the post-game conference with Lou, Nika, and Dorka, which Geno insisted you attend to apologize for your behaviour.
***Small Time Skip***
"So Y/N, the multiple incidents that occured tonight with you and (BLANK) from Georgetown, do you have anything to say about them? I mean, you're known for being a very calm and collected player, but tonight we saw a very different side of you," a reporter questioned you. The questions for you from tonight's post-game conference mostly avoided the fight, treading the waters carefully as it was unlike anything you had ever been involved in.
"I'm not gonna try and cover for myself or anything, it was unprofessional and unacceptable for me to lose my temper on the court like that. Like you said, I've always tried to place an emphasis on just basketball when playing and avoid any other personal feelings or problems, but I guess tonight I didn't do as good of a job on that as I could of. This is something that I will keep in mind for all of our upcoming games as that's not the kind of image or reputation I want to set for myself or the team I represent. I would never want this kind of behaviour to be defining moments from our games because my teammates really put their all into every single one of their games, especially tonight's, and I don't want to create any personal animosity with the girls on the Marquette team, as I have a lot of respect for them."
Your diplomatic and cordial answer had appeased majority of the reporters, along with Geno and the team publicist in the back corner of the room. Except for one nosy reporter who seemed unhappy with your tactful response and was practically feining for drama.
“This one is for y/n, but with the events of today, you mentioned that you try to keep all personal feelings off the court. Is that an implication of some external underlying tension or problems between you and number (BLANK), as the two of you got quite physical today?”
What the fuck? Now they really were trying to start something between the two of you that never existed in the first place.
“No not at all. I have no connection with number (BLANK) off the court and don’t even personally know her. As I mentioned before, I have nothing but respect for the girls at Marquette and there are no hard feelings on my end. You know, basketball is a physical contact game and that just means that there a few rough moments here and there, it’s just part of the game.”
If they ask any more stupid questions about you and the Marquette girl you were actually gonna lose your mind. Especially if they somehow tie in the fact that you like girls with the fight.
Which, thankfully, they ended up dropping the fight for the rest of the interview, and you and the others were finally allowed to go out and celebrate New Year's Eve the way they had originally planned to.
The whole team, and Kayla of course, was prepared to celebrate at your favorite local bar, Ted's. All of the girls who were taken were bringing their partners along and those of you who were single were all ready to hunt someone down for a drunken kiss at midnight. Except you.
You were far too down bad for Paige to even fathom kissing someone else at the moment, especially not while going out with her and the rest of the team, who all knew about your ginormous crush on Paige.
Nonetheless, you still did your best to get ready quickly, wearing your baggiest pair of low-rise cargo pants and a very cropped white halter tank top in an attempt to cheer yourself up from the fact you wouldn't have a New Year's kiss this year, again.
But by the time you were throwing back shots at the bar like they were water, you couldn't find it in you to care about how single you were. It was common knowledge that you weren't the best at holding your liquor, as the team often made fun of your ability to get drunk off of two to three shots, which is exactly the position you found yourself in.
Until, of course, "guardian angel Paige" decided she needed to intervene in your drinkfest, walking up to your barstool and effectively cutting you off by having the bartender replace your drink with a regular shirley temple just before midnight so that she, or any of your other friends, wouldn't have to deal with you throwing up at four in the morning.
"You gotta go easy on the shots y/n/n, you're gonna hate yourself in the morning if you keep drowning your liver in alcohol."
"Funny, coming from Storrs's resident party girl, Miss Madison," you teased. There were only about twenty minutes left until bar's tv would depict the ball dropping in New York, and the disparity of your situation had begun to sink in.
Not only would you be suffering through another New Year's with no midnight kiss, but you had no relationships since last year or even a single talking stage, no potential relationship prospects for the future, and worst of all, no Paige.
"Yeah well, at least I can hold my drinks. You, on the other hand, are the most lightweight out of all of us. Besides, what happened to your little New Years tradition, the whole eating the grapes thing to find the love of your life or whatever?"
You went off on a little drunken tangent at this, complaining that it was completely ineffective, but also, the fact that it made you look stupid in front of the entire team when absolutely nothing came out of it.
"I mean it's so dumb. I don't get why my love life is so barren, like actually non-existent, it's not like I'm super unattractive or anything like that. Right? But like, I don't even have a midnight kiss this year, again," you grumbled to Paige, unaware of the way she was staring at your lips for the second time today, mesmerized by their movements.
"You are most definitely not unattractive. You're like one of the most attractive people I know. Besides, it's not like I'm kissing anyone this year," Paige reassured you, and somehow, your drunk brain simply did not process the way she had flusteredly complimented you.
"Yeah but you're Paige Bueckers," you emphasized, "you could kiss anyone in this bar if you wanted. Men and women, single and taken, would literally form a line two blocks down if you even mentioned wanting to kiss someone," you gazed up at Paige from your leaned position against the bartop, watching as the gears turned behind her eyes.
"Anyone in the bar? Like, anyone at all?" She asked you curiously, a small smirk graced her features as she peered down at you.
"Yeah probably, but there's only like two minutes left or something, so you should pick someone soon."
"Oh I already have someone picked out, I just don't know if they would kiss me back."
"Oh?" You felt your stomach drop at her statement, and you couldn't stop the jealousy from coursing through your veins if your life had depended on it. But Paige's unwavering gaze never left your face, and you could feel your cheeks flush at the way she was intently looking at you.
"Quite the staring problem tonight P?"
"Well it's pretty hard to not stare at the prettiest girl in the room," she flirted, scooting closer to you, effectively closing some of the distance between you two.
"I-, what?" You stuttered, taken back by Paige's actions.
"How many hints does I have to drop before you finally start picking up on them? I want to kiss you y/n, I want you."
The ten-second countdown had begun as Paige confessed to you, and you were left gawking at Paige's face, your heart threatening to give out from how fast it was beating.
You yanked on Paige's belt loop, pulling her flush against your body as your eyes focused in on her lips.
Your right hand reached up to grab Paige's jaw at the end of the countdown, pulling her lips firmly down onto yours. The bar's loud chants barely registered to you as you lost yourself in the intoxication of Paige's lips. Your tongue glided across her lip as your mouths moved in unison, causing her to groan into you. You took it as an invitation to slip your tongue into her mouth, the kiss deepening with unrestrained passion.
Your built-up need for each other was apparent as you made out, sending shivers down your spine at the pressure of her mouth against yours. It felt as if she was the oxygen you needed to breathe, and now that you had her, there was no way you could let her go now.
***The next morning: New Year's Day***
Your eyes fluttered open with a pounding headache, yet, the utterly familiar weight of a certain pairs of hands around your waist provided a sense of comfort you knew only she could provide.
Paige's soft snores rung out throughout the room, and as you gently reached forward to her nightstand to grab your phone off charging, you realize it was still extremely early in the morning, not even eight a.m.
And yet, your phone was blowing up with notifications from all social media platforms, even your text messages had over a hundred notifications.
Confused, you click on the apps to check what all the fuss was about, quickly realizing what had happened.
The entire interaction between you and Paige at the game was recorded by the cameramen and had instantaneously made it's way all over the internet, only fueling the dating rumors about the two of you.
The comments and posts were going feral at the way Paige was the only one who could calm you down, the way she wrapped her arms around your waist to pull you back, her holding your face ever so delicately, her smacking your butt as you ran back onto the court, and of course, her transparent staring at your lips the entire time you were an inch apart from her.
"What are you looking at baby," Paige sleepily mumbled into your neck, tightening her grip around your waist to pull you further into her, slinging her right leg over your waist.
You put your phone down and turned in her hold, wrapping your arms around her body as you peered down at Paige's sleepy face, admiring how beautiful she always looked.
"Your fans are going crazy about how obviously down bad you are for me P," you teased, running your foot up and down her calf as Paige pressed her face into your chest to absorb your body heat.
"Let them, just go back to sleep with me for a little bit longer."
And of course, how could you ever say no when your girlfriend was asking you so sweetly?
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a/n: thank you for reading all the way through, and i'm so sorry if the ending is kinda rushed, i just wanted to finally get another fic out 🤗
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arlertwhore · 2 months
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pairing: paige bueckers x fem! reader warning(s): cheating, straight girl stuff / in the closest reader kinda?, toxic af paige, leg riding, mirror stuff, strap... believe thats it. synopsis: paige and her sadistic ways twist you in-and-out while she discovers just how loyal you are to your best-friend and boyfriend word count: 2.2k Author Note: second draft! written around the time of the draft which'll explain my obsession over her white suit in this. beautiful plot line, not my favourite execution, but i've been getting lots of asks over releasing the drafts so!!! there's so many uncompleted ones HELP.
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After a long night out with your best friend Kaia and her girlfriend, Paige Bueckers, you staggered through the front door, the weight of guilt pressing heavily on your shoulders.
Paige's presence in Kaia's life was a destructive force. As Kaia's confidante and roommate, you'd witnessed firsthand the devastation Paige's relentless cheating wreaked on Kaia's heart. Every time Paige hurt her, it hurt you too. Those late nights when Kaia would seek refuge in your bed, pouring out her tears and whiskey-fueled rants about Paige, revealed the painful truth. And as Kaia's roommate and best friend, you were perpetually caught in the crossfire of her 'relationship' with Paige—one that was practically open, only on Paige’s end. You’d listen to their late-night arguments over the phone and witness the tension when Paige came by to pick up her things. It felt as though you were living the relationship alongside Kaia, experiencing every high and low through her pain and anger with her. And despite all of Kaia’s tearful vows to move on and promises to never take Paige back, she always found herself drawn back to her.
You carried her burden in your heart, never able to forgive Paige. To be honest, you hated her—her walk, her talk, the way she bit her lip when she listened to you berate her for how she treated Kaia, how she’d show up unannounced, knowing you’d be the only one home, how she breezed in with a casual, almost arrogant familiarity. Her charm and the fake squeaky-clean persona that deceived so many only fueled your resentment, because you saw through the façade that fooled her fans and everyone who knew her casually.
To you, she was nothing but a tall, blonde-headed casanova who couldn't keep it in her pants to save her life. You hated Paige beyond say, and Kaia knew that well.
Which is why you want to kill her when Paige shows up at your figurative apartment doorstep, prattling on about how Kaia invited her and that she’s NOT trying to win her back—because she already has, simply by doing nothing. You're seething as you step aside and watch her scoop Kaia up into her big arms, clad in a white suit. Tonight was supposed to be a reprieve—a girls' night out to distract Kaia from her heartbreak and give you both a chance to unwind, but Paige’s presence is a crushing blow to that hope. As you fumed while standing in line, awaiting Paige to finish her call, Kaia tries to explain herself, which only makes you more infuriated, alcohol working the opposite way in you at just the sight of Paige and the words of Kaia. “She gave me all her passwords, I check her phone whenever I want, and she goes straight to practice and then back to her dorm.”
You scoff. "Bet you she’s on the phone with another girl right now. Fucking slut." you shake your head. "Hey!" Kaia interjects, "She's changed, Y/N, trust me." she insists, sounding rather unsure of it herself.
When Paige’s celebrity status lets you all skip the line, you’re just grateful for the chance to get more drinks in your system and chase away the unsettling feeling of her presence. Apparently, so is Kaia. Despite her recent assurances of Paige’s commitment and honesty, Kaia clings to her as if her very happiness depends on it while she pounds back drinks as if she’s trying to drown out her doubts. You try to enjoy the night as best as you can, finally tuning out Kaia's emotional jargon and letting Paige handle it. Losing yourself in the drinks, perhaps an hour later, you text your somewhat, kinda, not really boyfriend about how horny you’re feeling. He suggests you go to the bathroom and send him some “cute” pictures.
You excused yourself to the bathroom, seeking refuge from the crowd and loud music, hoping to find a small solace in the distraction he offered. Instead, what you found in the bathroom shattered any remaining sense of calm you had.
Paige, all 6 feet of her, was making out with another girl, her hands tangled in the stranger’s hair. The sight was both infuriating and depressingly predictable. Your heart pounded, feeling betrayal and anger as you burst into the bathroom, your voice trembling with rage.
“What. The. Fuck?” you demanded, your eyes flashing between Paige and the other girl.
They froze, and the other girl looked between you and Paige, confusion etched on her face. You didn’t wait for any explanations. “How could you? You—selfish, manipulative bitch!” you shouted, before turning to the girl. “Get out.”
The girl hesitated, wide-eyed and frightened, but you grabbed her arm and shoved her out of the bathroom, your frustration spilling over. “Go!”
As the door slammed behind you, you turned to Paige, shaking with anger. “When will this end, Paige? When will you stop doing this to Kaia? Enough is enough.”
Paige shrugged, her nonchalance only infuriating you more as she shrugged with her hands before adjusting her suit in the mirror. “This isn’t about Kaia, and you know it,” she said dismissively, notioning. You clenched your fists, feeling a deep sense of betrayal. “Stop playing games. She’s my best friend, Paige. This is about her.” you affirmed.
Paige suddenly turned to you, her blue eyes narrowed as her hand found its way to your waist. “Is it?” she asked, her voice low and taunting.
Before you could react, she turned you around and pressed her body against yours, soft lips trailing a teasing kiss along your left shoulder.
“Stop,” you said, though your voice wavered as your body betrayed your words, leaning into her advances and pressing your ass against her crotch helplessly. “Not again, no,” you try to protest, but Paige's hand slips between you both, rubbing at your clit slowly. “One last time,” she whispers, nipping at your ear, her tone pleading. “Please.”
“Paige, get... fuck... get away from me, I—I can’t.” Your voice is strained as Paige’s other hand gropes your breast through your dress.
“Why not?” she breathed, her lips brushing against your ear. “Still have a boyfriend? Still playing best-friend?” You squeezed your legs together, trapping her fingers in the process and gasping in shock when she pushed her leg between yours, forcing them open.
It’d been so long since you last had Paige that you forgot the stark difference in size and strength. You were like a ragdoll to her.
“Just look at you,” she taunts, and like the slut you are for her, your eyes flutter open again, noticing she’s shifted you to face the mirror, showcasing your helpless, exposed reflection. It was sick — your body pressed against her long, strong leg, the girl moving your trembling frame like a toy as she shifted you across her knee slowly.
You moaned despite yourself, the stimulation making it difficult to maintain your resolve. “You don’t have to lie to yourself anymore. Look how fuckin’ much you like it,” she taunts, watching as you bunched your dress up into your hands, giving Paige a perfect view of your ass as you scooted back and forth, coating her thigh in your wetness.
"Good girl, baby," she coos, controlling your hips with every movement. "Lemme see those tits too, c'mon baby, pull 'em out for me." You groan as you comply, letting your dress fall from your shoulders, and you wiggle your hips, anchoring yourself on the sink counter while you move, letting out a tiny whimper of her name. "Shit, Paige,"
As you tried to scratch the itch, getting it over with and cumming on her expensive suited-up leg you were humping like a desperate animal, the bathroom door suddenly swung open, and Kaia stumbled inside, clearly fucked beyond plain drunkeness. You froze, fear paralyzing you as she swayed on her feet, her gaze unfocused and eyes half-closed. “Can you take me home?” she slurred, her words barely coherent. “I need to sleep.”
Desperate to keep the situation under control, you nodded. “Sure, Kaia. Let’s get you home.” You couldn’t believe how calm Paige looked as she smirked, unbothered and composed watching you. You helped Kaia out of the bathroom, her inebriation making her oblivious to the what had just unfolded, thankfully.
As you returned to your place after a long night out with your best friend Kaia and her girlfriend, Paige Bueckers, you staggered through the front door, the weight of guilt pressing heavily on your shoulders.
You tried to calm yourself, sitting on the couch and sipping tea, trying to make sense of the chaotic night and what you had done again.
The first time it ever happened, you could barely remember, only recalling the extreme confusion the morning after—about your sexuality, why Paige, and how you could ever do this to Kaia.
Paige emerged from the bedroom, her demeanor still flirtatious. “I’m staying the night,” she declared. “I don’t want Kaia to think I’m a bad girlfriend.”
And you were a bad girlfriend just like Paige, cheating on your boyfriend with her once again.
She settled down on the couch next to you, her hand finding its way to your thigh. “You should tell your boyfriend you don’t want to be with him anymore,” Paige suggested, her voice laced with an unsettling mixture of sweetness and command, emphasizing her ability to wield her charm when it suited her.
And speaking of suits, hers is completely discarded, leaving her in only her boxers, a pair of black basketball shorts, and a sports bra.
You glare. “Fuck off, Bueckers. I do want to be with him. I might be a cheater, but at least I actually care enough to be honest.” She smirks, amused at your denial. "Think you're honest? All you do is lie... to me, to Kaia, your boyfriend... yourself," she accuses, referencing the fact that you’ve never truly accepted your feelings for her or the reality of your situation. "The only honest thing about you is this," she whispers, hand sliding down to your cunt, covered in your panties underneath your night robe, rubbing and teasing. "So wet for me," she taunts. You gasp, arching your back and screwing your eyes shut in ecstacy. "Hate you," you murmur, clearly lying, hips grinding into her touch. She's close to you now, in your space, and she whispers, "I bet," before she leans in, capturing your lips with the fervor of a lifetime, like you're all she needs, nothing how she had been kissing that other girl, and you love it. She knows exactly how to break you.
Within moments, Paige has you in your bedroom, stripped, and laid out before her as she retrieves the strap-on she had kept hidden. You raise an eyebrow. It's sinful, raw, and dirty that you even find the courage to ask, "You fuck Kai with that?" and Paige smirks at you, sadistic and enjoying how she bends you past your own morals effortlessly. She shakes her head. "Wanted to," she admits, "but she always breaks up with me before I can."
And with that, she’s back on top of you, sliding her strap into you with effortless ease due to how slick and prepared you are for her.
You could see how Kaia could fall in love with somebody as sadistic, careless, and cruel as Paige. For one, she fucks like a pro, rocking her hips into you with enough force to make you see stars, and second, she is incredibly tender while she does, splaying kisses onto your chest, neck, and whispering sweet nothings to you of, "So good, baby," and "Take it, princess."
You claw at her back once you feel her suckle at your neck.
"Pl-Please," you beg, and Paige grins, flipping you so you can ride her instead. "Please what?" she gibes, holding on to your hips tightly. "Don't leave..." you start, your voice trembling, and Paige cockily responds, "Then tell him it's over." You moan at the reminder of your 'boyfriend', grinding your hips to match her rhythm as she thrusts upward into you. "Any hickeys," you finish, and you see it on Paige’s face—you’ve just given her a taste of her own medicine.
You writhe, watching how her muscles flex as she pulls you down onto her, observing the way your face contorts in pleasure and desperation. It flies from you as you get closer, becoming more frantic and wild. "I leave him, Paige," you gasp, moaning at the feeling of her tongue licking at your nipple. "What're you gonna do about Kaia?"
You forget she’s evil, and she hums against your nipple, sending vibrations through it that speed up your inevitable, impending orgasm. "Fuck you every night like this so she can hear," she promises, grunting as she thrusts into you with increasing force.
"Fuck!" you hate how commanding her words are and how they turn you on. "M'gonna cum, Paige, fuck, I'm gonna—"
A knock at the door interrupts you both. "Hello?" says Kaia, and you bite back a cry, trying to steady yourself in the throes of your orgasm, faltering over on Paige who continues to thrust into you. "Hey, baby!" Paige calls back, her voice feigning cheerfulness.
What Kaia says next leaves you stunned and disoriented, but unable to fully grasp her intent. “Are you guys finally getting along?” MASTERLIST
AUTHOR NOTE #2: Paige’s fucking espys look made me 😭 FUCKKKK bae so fine ugh sry had to get that off my chest. ALSO I left the ending ambiguous on purpose — do you think kaia knows?
Small update: guys there are SO many replies and inboxes YOURE KILLING ME
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1-800-fantasy · 1 month
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i hate her- BECAUSW WTF
i’m hard and a woman how does that work
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taurasiluvr · 3 months
i have a lil idea for a paige smut where the reader has a tattoo inside her lip and so she’s eating paige out and then when she’s done paige pulls down her lip and u can see the tattoo 😋 u can decide what the tattoo says if you decide to do this
hot hot hot
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paige's legs were spread and you were knelt down, your gaze was completely fixed on paige's every expression and sigh. your tongue was working inside of her as her hands gripped the sheets, her knuckles white with tension. each movement of your tongue elicited a new sound from her, her moans and gasps that spurred you on.
"god, you're so good at that," paige sighed, her voice trembling with pleasure.
you smiled against her wetness, your hands gripping her thighs to keep her steady. you could feel her muscles quivering under your touch, the anticipation building with each passing second. you flicked your tongue in just the right way, and paige's hips bucked against you, a loud moan escaping her lips.
"don't stop," she begged, her voice breaking. "please, baby, don't stop."
you had no intention of stopping. you loved seeing her like this, loved knowing that you were the one driving her to the brink of ecstasy. you increased your pace, your tongue moving with purpose, your fingers joining in to add to the intensity. paige's sounds grew louder, her body trembling as she approached her peak.
"fuck, 'm so close," she gasped, her eyes meeting yours with a desperate intensity as her hand gripped your head. "don't fuckin' stop, baby, please."
with a couple flicks over her clit, you finally pushed her over the edge. paige's entire body tensed, her back arching off the bed as she cried out your name, her orgasm washing over her in powerful waves. you kept going, drawing out her pleasure for as long as possible, until she finally collapsed back onto the bed, her body spent.
her eyes fluttered back open, her mouth slightly agape as she pulled your head up. her thumb brushed your lip and pulled down your bottom lip, a breathless laugh coming from her as she looked at your tattoo again.
"fucking sexy," she got out as you smirked, placing a kiss over her pussy. you moved up to lie beside her, pressing soft kisses to her flushed skin as she caught her breath.
paige pulled you into a deep, lingering kiss, her hands tangling in your hair. "my beautiful girl," she whispered against your lips.
you lay there together, the afterglow of the moment wrapping around you like a warm blanket as paige's fingers traced lazy patterns on your back.
"how bout we take a little nap and then order that takeout?" paige suggested, her voice drowsy.
"sounds perfect," you agreed, feeling your own exhaustion setting in.
paige pulled you closer, her body fitting perfectly against yours. "i love you," she murmured, her eyes already closing.
"i love you too," you whispered back, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
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if you enjoyed, any interaction is greatly appreciated!
with love, rylin 𝜗𝜚
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