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Type Map for The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon
A portrait of the immortal humanoid Arcturus Mesarthim (aka Warden) surrounded by words and quotes from the book. He is the best. 🥰
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#samantha shannon#the bone season#the mime order#paiden#arcturus mesarthim#ranthen#new books#fantasy books#booklr#bookworm#bookstagram#booklover#typemaps#fan art#bookish fan art
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Bonus: Samantha revealing a chapter of TBS5 titled 'Duet'
Samantha Shannon really wrote "An overture to mutual trust" into The Bone Season revision, fully knowing what "overture" means to us tsk tsk tsk
#a duet huh?#im not grinning creepily rn wdym#hehehehehehehh#*wiggles eyebrows*#paiden#paige x arcturus
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Not me forgetting I have a tumblr account too WE HAVE A TITLE FOR TBS 5 EVERYONE + THE RELEASE DATE EXPECTED BY JANUARY 2025
📸 @say_shannon on instagram
#im going to try to break down my thoughts about the summary later but i havent been able to get my mind off the first paragraph all day 😭#the memory loss trope ahhhhh#i cannot rest until paiden does
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// OOC: Swap!Henry Fact #4!
Some elaboration on the Swapped Omegadads today, following collaboration w/ other Mods about the Swap!AU.
swap!barry was the judge in swap!henry's trial and swap!bill is a cult leader (depending on swap!glenn's lore, which will likely come soon), but i HAVE said that swap!willy was the one who killed swap!henry--which doesn't seem to have fit into the swap!lore. shouldn't it have been swap!frank?
yes and no! swap!willy had been in swap!paiden's body, trapped there by the other swap!omegadads, but that was a ploy to spy on the swap!dads.
what actually happened was that swap!willy had cast power word kill on swap!henry as swap!paiden. which is even more emotionally devistating thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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#free gaza#free palestine#free palestinians#free palestinian children#all eyes on rafah#justice for palestinians#all eyes on palestine
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Redemption of Misfortune:
Cursed Blessings
|| He had been suddenly ripped from his perfect life and thrown into the underlying reality of his world. ||
|| A person's life is filled with happiness & sadness, love & hate, and trust & betrayal. What are people supposed to feel when an external force turns their peaceful world into neverending turmoil? Embark with Akita Hawk through his life, a world filled with experience, choices, and misfortunes. Read about many nations, their leaders, fantastical creatures, and mystical realms. ||
People involved in the making of this story- Writer & Editor: Akita Character Design: Soup, Willow Beta Reader: Soup, Willow, Lilly, Olivia, Paiden
Besides Akita, the one writing this, I have to give a big thanks to the people who are involved and helping with the creation of this story and who are making what it is, thank you.
Other Platforms: Ao3: Redemption of Misfortune - TheMaskedArtist
Wattpad: Redemption of Misfortune - TheMaskedArtist_
Socials: Insta: @redemption_of_misfortune
TikTok: @redemption_of_misfortune
Tumblr: @TheMaskedArtist
Chapter 1
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telerin dictionary
Ababá Abalcar Abapper Abarpence Action Adron Adrortion Affif Agorown Airsay Allya Almonj Amnacë Ampalta Ampinia Andia Annata Arlath Arldonch Arrok Arthe Artictot Attatellod Audya Baplannest Behoeve Behooker Behounting Betya Blefict Bluin Boody Borolly Boust Brienterj Brimbë Broutift Buseve Buspë Calau Calla Calmous Cambë Camed Campë Candambar Caniddy Cavanya Caver Ceurge Ciany Ciurass Clend Clight Cloold Cludathird Congoldo Coppe Coutanda Coutta Crookerj Crousay Cánound Cévando Dalanya Dathe Dedger Dimecous Dinya Dirsow Dolpaide Dounda Doundowned Duimide Duiny Eatya Ebounda Elepa Elepë Elpen Elpence Elpenlath Elpentiven Elpetwet Endia Eneargess Eventeler Exceper Falpë Feler Felië Fentica Ficiuruinë Fifthear Finewed Finta Firon Firsalané Fista Flarp Flepë Flown Folladv Folle Forcep Foref Foren Forly Forohin Founda Frefla Fregiree Fress Frielve Fusearpë Gaifthana Galather Galcala Gappends Gapétick Garpë Garátold Glaciur Glamost Glancand Glanch Glande Glater Glatta Glaving Glinya Gluddy Gluit Gollála Golmond Golook Gractols Gratacë Grate Grohiten Grother Grouttlet Guager Góled Gólepa Góleper Hammë Hanatile Handia Hanya Harlia Hasculan Hathight Hattor Heculadada Heculone Herace Herring Herve Herverver Hight Hirstel Hoevelve Hoeven Hoevë Holdo Honch Hoomeelver Hoonedger Hound Hounde Houngord Hounnacë Hounnar Hádame Hánot Hánounds Hánoure Ialaddy Iallan Ilepë Illand Inian Inindë Irsta Isteracia Ituage Kammë Ladde Laddelf Langull Lanitta Lavada Leatin Ledge Leflastan Lefthecu Lepend Lependound Lepettar Lighbound Limaps Limbe Limbë Limpë Linia Linneathar Litar Litureary Litureen Liver Loroke Losec Lovinds Manya Mapse Matersta Meonj Midend Mindicia Minen Miren Mithing Motya Mounnathap Málima Málita Nagentë Nambë Nathapa Natho Neartipser Neatif Necouracke Neight Neigolly Nelepen Nellë Nempë Netellan Netells Nettace Nettantely Netwee Netya Niallepë Nialta Nialtaid Nianda Nimin Nince Notonathan Nound Noust Noutive Numook Nunna Nápasident Nídentelve Nídex Ofesh Onetya Ounna Ounth Ouresh Paiden Paindë Parrof Pended Penene Penfoundle Pethummë Physil Picula Pilepë Pillan Pinew Placë Plava Ponellya Poolo Poseatel Posevene Preal Preftha Prefus Prencept Prepë Preshap Proct Prord Puracë Pureflept Purge Párielf Párinia Párink Raciarpo Racle Raclept Raclitelve Raclodya Ralattolly Randa Rassist Rastro Reapse Reattell Reecë Reene Refict Refrenya Refthum Refuindong Renete Renforlimb Restar Ribite Riblenemmë Rielep Riellálimë Rinda Rindan Ringamnat Saland Saldou Satta Sersom Severy Siden Silly Sista Sisto Sistolody Sistudy Slimecë Slita Soart Somebook Sommonce Sonagore Sonch Sowneighth Sowtict Spoomeonda Stele Stidexce Strátolk Sturuind Subap Subjecë Subrotold Suffier Sumba Sumbe Sumome Sumotya Suracë Suruindo Surund Swaif Swammë Swast Sways Tainia Talave Tance Tanyboron Tatas Tatta Tedge Teled Telen Teleper Telve Tendle Tharátolle Therby Therth Ticava Ticler Tidenes Tifth Timituage Tindially Tionage Tognat Tologest Tolpa Tondo Tonew Toommy Totost Tracë Trada Trefien Trielpaing Trinda Trinia Tronattion Tráta Twouddy Twounda Ubabitele Ubarring Ubjeconj Ubrousee Undandambe Upood Uracian Urget Urpent Vanicta Vends Vigoldórë Vinia Vintië Voldórë Volody Wasta Weetwel Whine Whoeve Wiericë Wilpë Windallë Wintany Winthe Worma Woung Wourpoodya Wouruserj Wousterya Woutlet Woutud Wriclook Wrigh Wrighbody Wrimë Wrivell Yúned Yúnethren Óribië Óriclepend
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Chiang Mai a cesta do Pai
Den 14
Ráno jsem začala shánět lístek na autobus, co jede do města Pai, ráje backpackerů. Cesta trvá kolem 3 hodin a je to úplná šílenost, alespoň podle mapy. Jedná zatáčka vedle druhé. V hotelu mi řekli, že žádné busy už nejsou. Což mě dost znervóznilo, další den jsem v Chiang Mai rozhodně trávit nechtěla. Pořád je to dost velké město a chrámy jsem měla celkem projitý a co jiného tam bez skútru dělat. Nakonec jsem dojela na autobusové nádraží a sehnala lístek na ten den na půl pátou. Měla jsem tedy čas procourat město ještě jednou, v klidu si dát kafíčko, okouknout suvenýry a hlavně jsem chtěla vypustit Krathong - loďku z květin, která k festivalu patří. Prodávají se tady na každém rohu. Před odjezdem jsem tedy chtěla loďku vypustit na řeku a nechat odplout staré věci, smůlu a tak a nechat připlout štěstí. Tak praví legenda. Já jsem cestou do hostelu na chodníku narazila na paní thajky, které nabízely výrobu Krathongu vlastnoručně. A to by bylo, abych to nezkusila. Dřepla jsem si uprostřed města na chodníku na deku a dala se do výroby. Nebylo to nic extra těžkého, škoda jen, že jsem byla v lehkým časovým presu. I tak jsem si ale vyrobila celkem slušný produkt, který jsem si hrdě odnášela.
Cestou na autobus jsem se zastavila u řeky, kde jsou z bambusu vytvořené takové můstky, ze kterých se Krathongy spouští. Poklidnou atmosféru vypouštění květinové loďky mi narušila thajská rodinka, která taky přišla poslat loďky po vodě a provázela to boucháním petard. Alespoň jsem to měla autentické:). Cestou k řece jsem teda míjela profi Krathongy a dobře, můj nebyl nejsilnější konkurence, ale byl prostě můj!
Nestihla jsem pořádně oběd a tak jsem narychlo ještě koupila krájený ananas a rychle se cpala. V instrukcích u aubotusu totiž bylo, že nemáte 2 hodiny před jízdou jíst a vzít si prášek na nevolnost. To neznělo moc dobře. Ale tak ananas mi nemůže ublížit;). Vysafovala jsem jedno z lepších míst v minibuse a jelo se. Batohy se předtím naskládaly na střechu pod síťku. Začátek byl pozvolný v zácpě ve městě, teda pozvolný, vypadalo to že náš řidič je přeborník v kombinaci brzda-plyn. Cukal s náma jak blázen. Asi nás připravoval na zatáčky. A ty taky po chvíli přišly, švihal to s náma, většinu cesty po druhé straně silnice, aby zatáčky nemusel tak vytáčet, ale i tak jsme co chvíli padali na jednu, nebo druhou stranu. Kinedril mi pomohl, takže jsem tří hodinovou cestu zvládla bez problémů.
V hostelu v Pai jsem potom potkala spolubydlící, se kterými jsme se vydali na večerní trh a okouknout poslední den festivalu světla. Ve městečku se pařilo jako o závod. Bylo tam několik stage a evidentně hrál zrovna nějaký idol, protože všichni nadšeně zpívali a tancovali. Plus byl jako atrakce zápas v thajském boxu. Lisa z hostelu se chtěla dívat, tak jsem tam chvíli přešlapovala, ale není to nic pro mě. Na trhu jsem si dala řízek, potom jsem ochutnala gyozy a byla celkem spokojená. Moc dlouho jsme nevydržely, přecijen jsem pořád měla spánkovej deficit a i samotná cesta minibusem mě trochu unavila. Takže se šlo spát.
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Paiden 2022
Completed Character Sheet of Paiden for Quinntaii on Twitter!
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Type Map for The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
“This is Fionnula,’ Warden said. ‘Nuala, for short.’ ‘That’s an Irish name,’ I said, after a pause. It meant white shoulder. Gaeilge is outlawed in Scion. Why would you call her that?” ‘For its beauty.’
A portrait of Nuala surrounded by words and quotes from that scene.
Bookomatica on Insta
#the bone season 10th anniversary#the bone season#the mime order#new releases#fantasy books#booklr#bookworm#booklover#typemaps#fan art#bookish fan art#paiden#samantha shannon
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I am SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK!! And thank god it's only (spoilers for The Mask Falling!) half a year wiped from Paige's memory, I don't think I'd have been able to cope if it was much more. I need to map out a timeline so I know just up to which point from TMF Paige can recall.
But now this begs so many questions some of which you bring up already. Does this mean she's only going to remember Arcturus fake! betraying her under Cade's possession and not the end of the book where she realized it had all been a trap designed for her? She won't remember her deal with Ménard which I'm not sure she told anyone about so idk about the ramifications for that and most importantly to me the whole Overture chapter,,,,*sobs* 2025 please come soon 😭
Adding this quote from The Dark Mirror for more Paiden feels
Paige Mahoney is outside the Republic of Scion for the first time in more than a decade – but she has no idea how she got to the free world. Half a year has been wiped from her memory.
As she makes her way back to the revolution, her journey takes her to Venice, where she learns a dangerous secret – one that could change the face of the war between humans and immortals. Before she can return to
London, she must help the Domino Programme unravel the sinister Operation Ventriloquist.
And it soon becomes clear that the one person who could recover her memories – Arcturus Mesarthim – might also hold the key to saving Italy.
Lyrical, touching and action-packed, The Dark Mirror drives the bestselling Bone Season series forward, showing Samantha Shannon at the height of her powers.
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc ISBN: 9781408879443 Number of pages: 368
Published: 25/02/2025
#thanks for tagging me regina you remembered im still a hopeless sap for paiden and tbs#the dark mirror#tbs 5#sam shannon has been laughing at us for years hinting at an Orpheus and Eurydice retelling sort of#more like elements i suppose#doesnt make it hurt any less#cade when i catch you cade#not to mention Arcturus is going to have to be the one to restore her memory and oh dear god im flatlining again#😵💫
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Working once again on my fav trash ship cause I need the comfort so yeah enjoy
#mcsm fanart#mcsm petra#mcsm aiden#mcsm paiden#mcsm aidetra#paiden#aidetra#bites the snake#mcsm#minecraft story mode#mcsm au#minecraft story mode au#silverdraws#silvergoesdigital#silvercolors?????
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A more fluffy version of Paige and Warden!! The absolute beans, this is the closest Warden will get to a smile.
(art by nasaya on picrew)
#samantha shannon#incorrect tbs quotes#tbs#the bone season#paiden#paige mahoney#arcturus mesarthim#arcturus and paige
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#free gaza#free palestine#free palestinians#free palestinian children#all eyes on palestine#all eyes on rafah#justice for palestinians
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S2 is amazing but PAIDEN
With Season 2 over I feel like doing some investigation ...
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