#pagan vendors
spiralhouseshop · 1 year
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Columbia-Wilamette Pagan Pride Day!
Sunday! September 10th! Oaks Amusement Park!
We are vending with 40+ other witches and pagan folks. Check out our books, zines, buttons, and even some crafts and herbs from the Spiral House Garden. Then ride a rollercoaster or eat some cotton candy or a funnel cake. There's are workshops and a community ritual too.
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libraford · 1 year
I feel like the "you shouldn't charge for readings" person has never worked outside of their little friend bubble or small scale and hasn't been to community events with tarot booths. People setting up those booths aren't going to just do all that labor for free, and they'll hopefully be making back the cost to set up the booth.
Like, I'll do readings for my friends for free. But if I'm going to set up a booth somewhere, I'm definitely charging. It feels like another aspect of someone getting mad people want to be compensated for their labor
Further down in the thread, she mentions that she'll be at the local pagan festival this weekend if we'd like to have a chat about it in person.
I asked her if there were vendors at this event, and if there were vendors was there a no money policy, did they offer their services for free- since all witchcraft paths believe that services should be free.
She said that there is a difference between sharing knowledge and selling the tools you use for your practice.
I asked her what the difference was. She said 'learn it.'
Her local pagan pride has vendors. Its $40 for a 10x10 booth, $70 for a 10x20. Vendors range from healers, readers, book sellers, figurines, decor, rocks, decks, jewelry- the usual pagan stuff.
In her eyes, all of this is allowed.
But when I take payment for a reading, using the deck that I designed myself, this is not allowed. Even though decks are sold here, readings are sold here. I'm not allowed to take payment.
I absolutely do not understand the difference in context. Am I only allowed to do it at pagan fairs? I straight up do not understand.
So basically she was talking out of her ass because she wanted to be high and mighty about what's right and what's wrong. She's been involved in the outer pagan community. Shes just a bitch.
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breelandwalker · 1 month
Norse Witch Market
Sunday, August 18 2024, 12pm-5pm Diversity Richmond - 1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VA Hosted by River City Witch Markets
Welcome all ye heathens to our 2nd Annual Norse Witch Market! Our vendors will be offering weaponry, oddities, jewelry, drums & instruments, runes, crystals, rustic housewares, teas, homestead foods and everything with the old gods.
Just to be clear - the organizers did a great job with vetting vendors for this event last year and have done so again. Diversity Richmond is committed to creating a safe space for marginalized people to gather and find community and connection and River City Witch Markets is in agreement with and fully supports this mission.
Which means fascist pagans with Norse leanings and delusions of Viking grandeur are NOT welcome at this event and can fuck right off into the garbage where they belong.
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Next Grimwalker, Obedience! Or Bee, for short.
The next Grimwalker after Red, Bee was unfortunately punished for the crimes of his predecessor. Belos gave up on treating him like a person, as being betrayed by a human was too painful, instead using Bee as a whipping boy and servant. Bee was nothing but a tool to him.
Bee’s first memories- being created at the age of eighteen- were of being chained up in an abandoned building. He spent weeks there, the manacles eventually scarring around his wrists, until his “savior” found him. Belos told him he had been taken by wild witches and would have been sacrificed to their pagan gods, had he not been there to find Bee. Bee had no memories of life before waking up there, which he was told was due to the wild witches’ torture, and had nowhere else to go, so he pledged himself to Belos’ service.
The service ended up being housekeeping, mostly, as Belos hadn’t yet had need of a Golden Guard. Bee enjoyed things like sewing and cooking, thankfully, so besides the obvious abuse his life wasn’t completely miserable.
Although Bee was eternally grateful to his savior, he couldn’t help but feel painfully lonely, told not to talk to witches for fear they might be evil wild witches come to finish the job killing him for their god. One day, though, as he went to the market he met a vendor’s son and immediately he was enamored. Unfortunately Belos took this knowledge very badly.
Bee died the same way he lived- unobtrusively, unnoticed by anyone but those who he found absolutely necessary to talk to. The vendor’s son, whom he had promised a date, found himself stood up and moved on, quickly forgetting the charming young customer with a nervous smile and lopsided scar.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 6 months
The single most irritating people I've had to deal with are those that use their disability/disabilities as an excuse to be a cunt.
We had a neighbor who, when we moved in, came knocking on our door and informed us that we can't call the police on her because she's not responsible for her actions. Wtf? Apparently she has a neurological disorder and seems to think that excuses all her behavior. She also had a seven year old daughter who was outdoors all day, regardless of weather, because this woman wouldn't let her in for more than toilet use. I had to call CPS one summer because she had a monstrous sunburn, complete with blisters, and it was 115 F outdoors. When they arrived, the woman was screaming about not being responsible because of her condition. BTW her excuse was completely BS and people like her are why the rest of us have to work so hard to be respected and keep our independence.
Another example?
Several years ago, I was hanging out with some friends. One of them brought along someone else, and warmed us this person is an acquired taste. This person immediately told us they have a personality disorder, and it makes them an absolutely unpleasant, cruel, PoS cunt. That they can't help but be this way, and if we have an issue with them, we're ableists and terrible people. That BS excuse doesn't work on me, at all. They had not a single nice thing to say, and when I finally had enough, I suggested they consider the advice of "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all." Everyone else was nodding, but this craptastic ass fucking blew up. They launched themselves at me, stopped only because two others were faster, and had to be physically removed from the building. Oh, and they threatened to kill me, so that went over well when neighbors heard them being dragged down the hall.
Need another?
When I was a uni student, I had a classmate who, on the first day, informed everyone they have a condition that often results in being too touchy. If we have an issue with that, we need to tell them and be patient. They would then come up behind the girls, myself included, and touch our waist, back, butt, and when sitting next to us, our thighs. I got tired of telling them to stop and physically grabbed their hand and removed it from my body. They started YELLING about me crossing boundaries, assaulting them, blah blah blah. The teacher was a hundred ways done with this student, and called bullshit on the behavior before telling them to leave. Next day, a school official is in there, asking questions, interrogating interviewing each of us. The student never returned, nor did we ever learn what this condition is, aside from being a possibly made up excuse to harass each girl in the classroom.
You want another one?
A uni classmate told me I need to wear a hat in class or dye my hair because redheads are a PTSD trigger for them. I suggested they seek therapy because the world doesn't revolve around them and their triggers. They tried getting school officials involved because they claimed this was a violation of rules regarding accommodations. Surprise, it's not!
Final example because this is helping long.
I used to vendor at a pagan convention, selling jewelry I made. A woman, total stranger, told me I need tonlower my prices for her because she's Disabled and doesn't have much money. I asked her if she tells this to the grocery store managers they need to accommodate her like this. She was an interesting shade of red at this point. Then I pointed out I, too, am Disabled, unable to work, have very little money, and pointed to the sign I have on my table that states "if you ask/demand I lower my price, it goes up 10%." That's when she ran off and returned with a convention official who, at this point, had received several complaints about this woman. She was given a reality check and a suggestion to leave if she insisted on being so disrespectful to sellers. She left.
You being Disabled is not an excuse to be a piece of shit asshole cunt towards everyone else. The world does not revolve around you or your disabilities. Accommodations are vital, but they don't include treating others like shit, requiring others make changes for your triggers, or demanding price changes.
Until a few years ago, the very sight of a box of Kraft Mac'n'cheese was enough to set off flashbacks. Therapy, including exposure therapy, helped a lot. My husband would make a point of hiding the boxes in the back of a cupboard and carry thr empty ones to the recycling bin, but never once did I ask he never eat it. A specific type of hoodie has a similar effect, still does, and I asked him not to buy or wear that type. He's cool with it. What I don't do is approach strangers and ask that they remove the hoodie because it was setting off flashbacks. Instead, I don't look at them and leave. My husband hates a specific type of fern, the type that are massive, popular indoors, and could lass for trees. They set off his flashbacks. I love those plants, but have refrained from ever buying one. He had a friend who had several of these around their apartment. Rather than asking the guy to hide the the plants, he made the single visit short and left, and simply had the guy hang out at our place. When the friend was packing to move, he asked if we would like the plants, and I declined, using the legitimate excuse about the apartment being too dark for the plants.
Reasonable accommodations are valid, like ramps, wider doors, grips for the bathroom, larger bathroom stalls, and elevators. Asking a restaurant to completely wash a down a flat top stove in order to cook something for you because you have celiac disease is unreasonable.
Stop using your disabilities as an excuse to be an asshole. Do better.
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just got home from the pagan festival !!
it was actually incredible! it's the first time i've ever met so many pagans and spiritual people irl. everyone was either dressed super ren faire vibes like me or really emo, i loved seeing it. so many people of so many different pagan branches, and i got to see so much awesome art, crystals, jewelry, clothes, spiritual items, etc !! everyone had the same energy of just being so welcoming to all and super ecstatic to be there (one guy was so excited to show us his artisan soaps and gave us some free samples, that made my day). it was really accessible for everyone where i was, as everything was on flat ground and vendors had set up tents so it was easy for everyone to get around. there was so much pride stuff too (lots of gays and a ton of gnc people, a performer made a speech about being pangender)!
i highly recommend going to some kind of pagan gathering like this if you're interested and able to! it was really fun and it was so cool to meet people like me in a safe space !!
(bought a turquoise ring, a norse wolf rune necklace, a rose quartz tree of life necklace, some clear quartz, and a bisexual pride flag <3)
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tyetknot · 1 year
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Scenes from a pagan festival.
I am indescribably tired, my feet hurt, my neck is sore, but I sold LOTS of things to lots of people, had my most profitable event EVER, and some local assholes didn't even bother showing.
Being the ritual/workshop co-ordinator is a lot of work on top of being a vendor, but it contributes to the event and I'm very proud that I got some really great workshop leaders for Hamilton Pagan Pride Day 2023. Lots of great feedback and lots of happy people and I'm glad everything went so well.
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upthewitchypunx · 25 days
I got some kind of crud at Volume Bomb, but two tests say it's not COVID, so that's good. Summer colds are annoying.
I will be very said at the end of summer when dinner will not consist of giant piles of green beans. I fucking love green beans.
We missed out on registering for Columbia Willamette Pagan Pride Day, but there was a cancellation. So, @spiralhouseshop will see you at Oaks Park on September 8th.
I had my first mammogram and, as expected, it came back normal. There's no history of breast cancer on either side of my family and no BRCA gene. Still, it was a strange experience. Having a heated gown waiting for me in the changing booth was a nice touch.
I went and saw a 35mm print of the 80s movie Suburbia last night with my sister. The movie had more of a narrative than I remember but wow, that 80s racism/homophobia/sexism is tough to watch.
Ian B's Synth pop band, Heaven and Earth Association is playing a show at Turn! Turn! Turn! Saturday if you are into that sort of thing. The song Repeating Pattern is a total fucking earworm.
So many meetings for CritWitchCom! Meeting with organizers and presenters and vendors, there's still room for more vendors. You get your own discord channel to hang out in and talk to people.
Speaking of CritWitchCon, Early Bird ticket prices end this weekend!
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spiralhouseshop · 6 months
Our first vending event of the year is tomorrow! The 2024 Sister Sprit Pagan Fair is Saturday March, 23 at Oaks Park Dance Pavilion from 11am to 5PM!
Come down and find us and lots of other lovely vendors!
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freakoutgirl · 10 months
It's always funny when neo-pagan people kind of say things I agree with but then they throw in some wild addendum that makes me go wait.
Was at a market with like witchy or naturalist vendors with my mom last week, and I keep thinking about the woman who was selling brooms and grass bundles. They were made from native plants which was cool and she was talking about how she was inspired by people's dread of chores but how really it's an act of love and care for our homes (I've heard this from other mindfulness advocates and I agree, especially since we have to spend so much time cleaning why not learn to appreciate the act). But then she threw in some feminine energy stuff that made me go 🤨 and I checked out
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There Is No God But Death
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Walking downtown in the Zócalo district can be overwhelming: A thousand sights, sounds, and smells bombard your senses. The beautiful, wafting scent of freshly baked conchas clashes with the nearby stink of dog shit.  A motorcycle nearly runs over my foot as I make my way among other pedestrians, street performers, and vendors. I keep my hands in both pockets in case someone tries to lift my phone or wallet. In the heart of downtown is a well-traveled street full of regional restaurants, perhaps for Mexicans who moved to the big city but miss the kind of food their mother back home would make. Grasshopper tacos are available, if that sounds appealing. As I sit and enjoy my meal I can see a life size statue on the corner, looming over those passing by. She is tall and thin, merely a skeleton, robed in black and unmoving. At her feet people have left offerings of coins and candy. To someone from the U.S, she resembles the Grim Reaper, missing only a scythe. Who is she and why is she here? 
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Unlike many Western cultures that do their best to ignore death or mitigate it through heaven or salvation, death has always been a part of life in Mexico. The Aztecs saw death as meaningful because it could serve a greater purpose: Dying in battle or childbirth was a death that brought honor both to the individual and society. Human sacrifice kept the universe running. Death was never far from any living thing, the Aztecs might have reasoned, so it is foolish to pretend otherwise. The skulls in modern day Mexican life and art are a modern adaptation of that memento mori mentality. 
The modern worship of Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte, or “Our Lady of Holy Death”, is also an extension of that worldview. Death is the only certainty in life and yet most of us try to avoid thinking about it. And yet the followers of Santa Muerte put death at the center of their faith. It is believed that one of the first worshippers of Santa Muerte asked for deliverance for a very sick loved one that was suffering (if this is beginning to sound like the Many-Faced God from Game of Thrones, that’s because it basically is). But then over time, followers of Santa Muerta began to ask Death for things they wanted in life: To find a job, a partner, protection from one’s enemies. At times, Santa Muerte wears different color robes and these signify different things people ask of her: Gold for wealth, red for love, black for protection against black magic. Believers leave offerings at the base of statues in exchange for her protection and blessings: Money, soda, fruit, cigarettes.
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“The Skinny One”, as she is also known, exists outside the official organization of the Catholic Church. The church leadership does not accept the cult of Santa Muerte as legitimate Catholic practice, calling it “pagan” and “death worship”. Perhaps the church does not like the great focus on death when their doctrine teaches that for the faithful, heaven is the ultimate destination. Because the Skinny One is an outsider of the official Mexican religious establishment, she attracts outsiders as followers: Sex workers, thieves, and cartel members. It has been reported that drug traffickers brought their guns to a ceremony in Mexico City so their weapons would be blessed by Santa Muerte. This known association with undesirable elements does not help her reputation with the more mainstream masses. 
But what is the history of this shadowy saint? Are her origins Catholic, traditional or more contemporary? As is often the case in Mexico, it is a little bit of everything. 
Journalist Daniel Hernandez, an important source for this post, writes: 
"Some believe the image is a descendant from pre-Hispanic times, on the lineage of the Aztec god Mictlantecuhtli. Anthropologists maintain the Santa Muerte is a refashioning of San Pascual Rey, a Catholic saint with a long cult history in the Mayan lands of Chiapas and Guatemala, and whose traditional image is a frightening skeleton. Historican Claudio Lomnitz casts Santa Muerte's following in an economic light, arguing that it exploded after the onset of the American Free Trade Agreement, when the northern exodus of Mexican migrants across the border really took off."
Wherever she came from, Santa Muerte is incredibly popular in ways the traditional church is not, so the Skinny One is here to stay. I am not a religious person, but passing by I place a few coins at her feet and ask her to not let Donald Trump be re-elected. I don’t believe in these types of things, but “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Whether I like it or not, I am living in her country now. It never hurts to make friends. 
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This privately owned shrine in Mexico City has public services twice a month.
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The Big Three (from right to left): Saint Judas, a popular saint in Mexico City, Santa Muerte, and Jesús Malverde, a "Robin Hood" style figure who is venerated by drug traffickers.
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tengritexas · 6 months
Tengri, Cowboys, Dombras, and the Guitar maker!
Hi eveyone! So this post will be a pretty big one but I can assure you its worth it! At least to me!
So Ive been recently on the lookout for a local guitar maker to make what is called a Dombra, a 2 string instrument, and the national instrument of Kazakhstan. I was of course planning to use it for entertainment for myself and to get closer to Tengri and tengrism
After finding what seemed like a man with his own local legends to my region I found him! We struck up an amazing conversation and offered to try to build me one with a cigar box! Me being familiar with blues cigar box guitars I LOVED this idea.
Here is a video of this outcome!
I will be also posting some sound samples Ive recorded already in my next post so stay tuned!
Needless to say it is a BEAUTIFUL PIECE and sounds amazing as you shall find out soon!
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I feel like it is only right to talk a little bit about this gentlemen. Of course, if you'd like to have one built you can contact him on facebook!
Rick is just an amazing guy with friends as far out as Alaska! Super approachable, as well as I had found him at a local vendor fair as he was playing away at a guitar he had built for sale! Upon getting to know him during the guitar making process I found that he lives a life driven by music, a good joke once in awhile, and his faith! Although I am Tengrist and Pagan I found his faith as a christian to be amazing and genuienly beautiful beyond words! All in all a real classic countrymen in my mind thou Im not sure thats the word! He talked to me here and there about his local church playing instruments in a circle after service just as a fun thing to do! Which truly is a clever way to approach religion as a whole!
Over all this is just one of those local experiences that was just amazing! If you find the guitar Im playing is interesting or you are looking for a cigar box guitar Id STRONGLY suggest reaching out to him!
In closing IM SO EXCITED
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Personal Issues with Witchcraft and Worship
I’ve been trying to figure out how I wanted to word this for my own documentation and I think I’ve figured it out. I haven’t been practicing for very long, but I struggle with the way that other people practice vs what is realistic and practical for me as person, based on both my abilities and preferences. I know that everyone’s practice is unique, but it’s difficult when I WANT to do some of these things and either can’t or don’t. The biggest one for me is a connection to nature. I think nature is beautiful and I have a huge appreciation for it, but the only nature I’ve ever felt comfortable being in is the ocean, and occasionally just being outside in the winter. I have EDS, a connective tissue disorder that affects every part of my body and hinders the way I can comfortably interact with nature. I can’t regulate my body temperature, and heat and humidity ramps this up x100, so being outside if it’s not overcast and 40 degrees out is exhausting, painful, and potentially dangerous. I also have intense reactions to bug bites, which seem to happen nearly every time I leave the house anymore. Particularly since I work with and worship the sun god and the hunt goddess, this lack of connection to nature sometimes makes me feel lacking, even though I appreciate my deities and nature in my own ways. I still wish I could, and have tried repeatedly, to comfortably exist outside and it just…doesn’t work for me.
Smaller things include things like smoke cleansing and meditation. With smoke cleansing in particular, it’s not a big deal because I usually use spray and sound cleansing instead, but I still wish I could do it because it’s apart of both the culture I come from and the practices I follow. I find meditation doesn’t work for me because I usually spend a decent amount of time daydreaming and being in my own head, so meditation is almost too easy for me and doesn’t always have the desired effect. I’ve seen different takes on mediation in different spiritual spaces, but it comes up a lot in books I’ve read and it’s just something that I don’t connect with as much.
This last one is totally on me, but I also wish I had more of an irl community. A small portion of this is because I can’t always afford some of the events that are put on by local metaphysical stores, but mostly it’s because I’m kind of…not quite afraid to, but something like that. I’m worried of coming off as shy and ignorant, which I know practically that I probably won’t but I do worry about it, and I also worry about telling people about it. I live with my partner and while he’s not a mean or judgmental person towards me, he’s definitely a skeptic and doesn’t believe in anything he can’t see. While I don’t think he’d be mean or anything if I were to go to an event (hell, he went to an event labeled Pagan Picnic with me because they had a bunch of vendors), I don’t really want to have the conversation about beliefs with him since this has largely developed after we started dating because I feel uncomfortable about it. I wish I could just go and avoid the conversation completely, you know? I don’t know.
But yeah, I wanted to make this post both for myself, so that I can hopefully look back on this in the future and have moved past some of this, but also to point out how people with disabilities and other health issues don’t always practice the same way that able bodied people do, in more than just low energy ways.
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smallerplaces · 10 months
It's the most wonderful time of the Playmobil Christkindlesmarkt
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When Dad said "oh, we have to keep and use the Playmobil Christmas figures," he probably believed the box contained a Santa's house, a sleigh, and maybe a couple other things.
He was so, so wrong. Last year's diorama required three shelves in the dining room. This year, I found the 1980s medieval houses and decided to go for the gusto with an entire Christmas fair, which takes four shelves.
Santa's house is alone on the upper top shelf because he lives at the North Pole.
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Digging through Playmobil boxes as I was sorting to sell or give away excess found me an extra rocker, so now both Clauses can sit by the fire. It also yielded a red desk, so the Clauses have somewhere to work on the naughty-nice list. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Mrs. Claus is stress-baking.
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On the main level, at far left, is the ski and sledding slope and enchanted forest. Get up too much momentum on your sled, and you may end up stolen by the fae!
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The elves clearly have the day off. Judging from how the guy in the green vest and red tuke is being treated by his elf, he's Tamlin.
New this year are non-white characters! Playmobil is a German brand, so they were slow-ish to expand characters into other skin tones, plus my parents' collection went back to the 1980s, so it reflects eras that were stingy with non-white rep. We had Native Americans in my original collection, but I sold that 20 years ago (if I hadn't, there'd probably be a buffalo menacing the reindeer).
During the big clean-out, I discovered Black adults and kids. I moved winter gear to every single one of them (except one, who you'll meet later), so that the Christmas Market is less out of line with modern Germany.
But what is Rufus, the Black parent in the white sweater and red cap, looking at so warily?
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It's Russian Orthodox Santa! He's being pulled by a magical small horse, which the foxes in the background have chosen not to pursue.
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Beyond St. Nicholas, something pagan appears to be afoot. I'm honestly not sure what, or even why the dead tree with the animals is kept with Christmas items.
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The center section of shelves is one side of the town green, where a brass band of Santas is performing.
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Santa has sprung for rent on a garage and workshop. Mrs. Claus is relieved to have this part of the home business out of the home. (That's his sports sleigh parked in the garage, while the big family sleigh is upstairs by the house. Santa had a bit of a midlife crisis a few years back.)
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The Santa Band plays swing.
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The right-hand Tudor house is a vet's office, convenient for when Santa's reindeer get a cough.
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The final section of shelf is the rest of the town square and Christmas market.
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Some of the vendors and shoppers are a little weird.
The porta-potty is the entire reason why the town square scene expanded this year. I found it in a box and had to use it.
The pizza restaurant equipment was also a must-use. Poor Santa has nobody to take his order! Meanwhile, small angels are panhandling outside.
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The toy shop is delightful for those who don't want to wait for Santa.
Meanwhile, upstairs in the pizzeria's eating area, an indie band does sound check. (Or at least we hope it's sound check, since no one is upstairs to listen.)
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I just spent the last ten minutes talking to someone over at the DHHS office. They're responsible for SNAP, Elderly and People With Disabilities programs, and various other state and federal assistance things. I'm Disabled and have had to talk to them a lot.
Yesterday I received a rather terrifying letter that was very uninformative, so I called the scheduling office. They set up a phone call for today, which has been super helpful.
My husband was present to provide information, but was clearly sitting in the edge of panic. Everything has been cleared up, info updated and corrected, and they apologized for the poorly worded letter. All is well.
Bubby has just told me he will forever be impressed with how well I'm able to talk to people. He loses patience and goes into panic because he's very Worst Case Scenario about things. So I shared my secret on how I'm able to do this:
When dealing with someone who is rude, speak to then as though they're a five-year-old child.
When dealing with someone who has a difficult job, speak kindly. They will very much appreciate this and will work with you more willingly.
Smile. They can hear it in your voice.
Breathe deeply and speak with your whole mouth. No mumbling. Annunciation helps a lot and makes your voice clearer.
I'm autistic and have ADHD. This has resulted in me explaining and over-explaining. If I feel I might be doing too much, I pause, apologize, and explain why. 90% of the time it results in a chuckle and a big thank you, sometimes with a sigh of relief.
I have audio processing disorder. Few are familiar with this condition, so I tell them straight away I'm Hard-of-Hearing and will likely need things repeated. What frustration they may be feeling is set aside and they speak more clearly.
If the call is more than 10 minutes, offer a pun. If I can hear they're frustrated, I offer them the option of a chuckle. It has never failed to make them laugh. They relax and treat me like a person again.
I worked retail and as a cashier for years: busy and very popular restaurant, a grocery store on several city bus routes, office store, department stores, a toy store during holiday shopping season, just to name a few. I also worked as a vendor at a Midwest pagan convention (did that annually) for several years.
Speaking on the phone is extremely stressful, but practice helps. Bubby never fails to be impressed though.
Seriously, puns are fucking gold. I bring a few when I have dr visits because hospital staff are overworked, underpaid, and exhausted. Making them laugh has never failed to improve a visit.
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shinondraws · 2 years
Lol what I got accepted as a vendor to a middle age/pagan festival???
I have no idea what to expect but I feel like it's the right place for my art and I'm excited
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