#padres gays
unic0rnwhr3s · 1 year
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hi unicorn wars fandom waves here’s my art
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taxidermiedbear · 1 year
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Tumblr sexy man potential is strong with this one
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gummytweek · 6 months
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What do you think it would look like if we mixed Among Us and Naruto…….? I think it would look banging……….
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celluloidrainbow · 1 year
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IL PADRE D'ITALIA (2017) dir. Fabio Mollo Paolo is a shy and heartbroken 30-year-old gay man who works unwillingly as a sales clerk in a Turin department store. Mia is a back-up singer in a band and lives her life haphazardly, which leads her to being practically homeless. Paolo wants to be a father. Mia never wanted children. After they meet by chance in a nightclub and Mia finds out she's pregnant, the two pack up an leave for a road-trip in search of the baby's father. (link in title)
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itzalofrank · 15 days
Habrá muchos padres que tienen buenas cualidades, habilidades y destrezas, pero...
Yo tengo el gusto de tener y tratar con un padre sumamente excepcional, magnífico y espléndido.
Feliz día para el/Feliz Día Del Padre.
Te quiero mucho.
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afullygrownflowerboy · 5 months
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cariciapadre · 1 year
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oh wow .. okay ...
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pawzofchaos · 1 year
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when u have unicorn war brainrot but also artblock
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Here's my hot take: most of the bears would probably be homophobes (except for a few, like Achuchones)
(hot takes post here)
especially seeing how the movies ties with religion and religious brainwashing (ofc not all religious people are homophobic BUT some do use religion as an excuse to be homophobic yada yada you can see what i’m tryna say here, i come from a very religious household i’ve seen it firsthand but again don’t think i’m trying to paint all religious people as homophobic please don’t think that </3), i can definitely see it being a thing
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nomadrac · 1 year
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I animated it
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spoopy-sloth · 1 year
Time to disappoint my parents with my fashion sense
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unic0rnwhr3s · 1 year
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when having an emotional breakdown, hold your nearest priest so you don’t lose your shit
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saijteoklous · 2 years
No. 179
¿Puedes imaginarlo?
Esos pequeños actos de amor y apoyo...
Tu madre/padre ayudante a planchar tu bandera antes de una marcha, o comprando un pequeño accesorio que encontró en la tienda solo porque era de los colores del arcoiris (o de tu bandera), que vean a una pareja no tradicional en la televisión y te volteen a ver con una sonrisa amorosa, que te lleven de compras (aunque sea por una sola prenda, o de segunda mano porque no tienen dinero) para que puedas comprar ropa con la que finalmente te sientas tú, que se sienten contigo a buscar un nuevo nombre, que te llenen de besos y abrazos cuando te sientes solo, y que este mundo esta en contra tuya, y que te digan que te aman sin importar qué.
¿Puedes imaginar que a la primera persona que no le temas mostrar quien eres sean tus padres?
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gummytweek · 11 months
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Postwar Doodles if he survived! ^^
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dragones-negros · 4 months
Para informar cosas como que soy gay o mi padre murió, hay momentos específicos, lo único especial en decir esos detalles en voz alta es que se lo quiero contar a tal persona.
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cariciapadre · 1 year
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I WISH TO CONTINUE ON THIS !!! one of my favvee things about padre is how collected he is . ( even tho i personally think it wouldve been pretty bad ass if he got all mad and they started fighting ) He was LITERALLY tossed around and cut open and all he did was yell a little and walk away . Only to let out all that anger he shouldve let out once the twins DIED !! ( which is also why i wish we couldve gotten more intel on him and caricias' relationship !!! but im going to attwmpt not to make this wbout cariciapadre ) it was nice to see a character we knew to be so calm and collected completely lash out , it makes me wonder what other things that wasnt the pre drug fight scene that couldve gotten him to that point !!
when i see his littke face in that little picture i like to think its a stare of dissapointment and anger . not just towards caricias but by everyone else who just sat there and watched . i like to imagine a little bitta sadness in there too . padre is just so weird and complex and i wish we saw more of him in private
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