#padme doesnt die au
lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 months
Just saw a tiktok about Padme Amidala, and how her handmaiden Sabe found out about her death. Which made me think about what could have happened if instead of dying, Padme survived but either agreed to separating her kids from each other and herself, or else was lied to and made to believe the twins died when in reality they were spirited away without her knowledge (yes this would make Obi Wan and Bail Organa the bad guys). And then she went into hiding or something-- either running the underground resistance or else distancing herself from it entirely (depending on which option is chosen from the above).
Most of the rest of the story could play out the same, but then at the end the twins could reunite with their mother. And honestly it could work-- Anakin clearly didn't sense her absence in the Force after she died (he had to be told by Palpatine), so he wouldn't know to look for her if the whole galaxy believes her and her children dead.
Oooh... what if Padme ends up revealing herself to Vader in A New Hope because she finds out her daughter has been taken captive and she personally leads the mission to get her back. (Leia wouldn't know Padme is her mother, and may not have even met her before.) And so the first time Vader sees Padme in twenty years is when she's firing a blaster at him with rage in her eyes.
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remy45 · 3 months
So- I was writing my fic, which I wont enter in too much details, but I was thinking, in this Au where Padme lives, and Obi Wan thinks he killed Anakin in mustafar and he doesnt know he is alive as Vader, obviusly Padme thinks the same, that her husband died in mustafar by Obi Wan Kenobi.
So idk how to characterize this, would Padme have resent to Obi Wan for "killing Anakin"? Like I know she knows that he falled to the dark side and that- but in her last words she thinked that there still was good in him, so I dont think she would want him to die- but- Im confused and idk what to do.
Please writers and readers, help this is important for the fic.
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Hi! New follower here!
Would it be possible for you to just give a quick synopsis of your AUs to someone with little knowledge of any of them?
my AUs masterpost has clear-ish titles, but I get they're not THAT explanatory loll. anyway i'm assuming you're here for star wars bc most ppl are, so i'll stick to just them unless you want otherwise:
the fix-it au™
basically your average run of the mill "palps gets got/anakin doesnt turn + padme lives + everything's fine" au!! mostly abt the skywalker family loll
Bail Organa lives
what it says on the tin!! Bail was off-world (he got delayed on his way back from his Rogue One cameo) and so didn't get exploded on Alderaan
Sith Luke & Leia
Vader discovers the twins' existence when they're abt 9-10 and yoinks them both from their guardians (dw the larses and organas don't die) and trains them as Sith without Palpatine's knowledge
Organa twins
Pretty self explanatory, Bail takes both Luke and Leia at birth instead of splitting them up
Skywalkers Apart
Anakin doesn't turn but everything still goes to shit AU! Anakin and Padmé escape Coruscant when she gives birth but they realise the only way to keep them safe from Palpatine (who'd surely wanna yoink them) is each parent takes one twin
Rey Skywalker-Djarin
preeeetty much just my version of the sequels lolll -- au where Luke found Palpatine may've had an heir and managed to track Rey down to Jakku and then took her into the Jedi Academy <3 and then dadhood commenced (which also meant luke's bf/husband mand'alor din got a new child too loll)
Ahsoké AU
Ahsoka talks to Padmé after leaving the Jedi order instead of going out on her own and ends up joining Sabé
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unluckylanterns · 2 years
I made pretty things again
Tumblr media
Someone on here told me that pyro and rae reminded them of anakin and ahsoka so.... this was made in a hurry. Finally got to work on drawing full bodies too! wee woo Anyways. Maddy and Izzy are here too!
anyways, lore below:
I am running on 5 hours of sleep. So here’s Pyroscythe Star Wars au lore :D
Basic Anakin/Ahsoka/Obi-wan/Padme yadayayayaya all that shit. BUT
I made maddy obi wan because the sheer thought of maddy trying to successfully teach pyro anything makes me giggle
Anyways rae and pyro turn to sith lords because maddy annoyed pyro so much that he just… has enough and basically just rocks up with rae at the emperor (clown’s) doorstep like: “hey king, we’re gonna destroy the jedi coz maddy-wan pissed us off one too many times
Izzy is too much of a girlboss to die so she doesnt. Fuck original padme, izzy beats her any day of the week.
But yeah they kinna just all vibe as sith lords after this.
Except for maddy
maddy ‘s crying on some random desert planet that is strangely where everything happens
Anyways idk if i’ll draw more of this. Im not stable.
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onesillyjamie · 2 months
Starwars AU because i feel like it
Everything is the same until mustafar where this happens instead;
Anakin wins the duel and obiwan is killed
Anakin goes to check on padme when he feels a great cold stab in his heart *weird on a lava planet*
Anakin enters the medbay where the droid who delivered the baby simply hasnt tended to padme at all during the pregancy, only the twins *almost like for some reason this droid was programmed to let her die but leave two potential vader replacements alive*
In a rage he force crushes the droid- only to see the twins crying- in fear... anakin lets go of his rage for a moment and tends to them
Seeing his reflection, then padmes corpse, then the twins - he just leaves... he takes the twins and padmes ship and just dips to clear his head
He drifts for a while with the twins, thinking over his life- the jedi betrayed him, the sith lied to him... maybe he should just be done with ancient orders for a while
Sideous arrives at mustafar hours after the duel, as he normally does- however he cant find anakin... he declairs the empire as normal
Anakin arrives at a small world far away from the galactic center (lothal? Maybe dunno) and over a few years he sets up his own farm with the twins and a protocall droid to handle the technical sides of farming
The twins are toddlers playing, anakin can fix tractors like nobodies buisness and all is well... almost
The empire lables lost hero anakin skywalker as their champion- palps hopes this will help convince anakin to return to him
The rebellion thinks anakin is a hero and they want to look for him since they think he dissapeared because he dissagreed with the empire
Rex and ashoka look for anakin since they assume hes on the run from the sith- they dont know about younglings---
Anakin himself decides to cut himself off from the force- he doesnt want his kids to deal with what he did, it also stops people from using the force to find him
New story when the twins show force sensetivity, the inquisitors track them down because of it *palps trains inquisitors hinself, only this time their primary goal is finding anakin and secondary is force users
When the inquisitor comes for the kids- he goes to hurt them (not recognising anakin as fucking anakin) anakin gets a flashback to his killing of the younglings, and the guilt of that, and the rage of someome hurting his kids overwhelms him- and his connection to the force is restored in an explosive blast- felt by force users across the galaxy
This new story is anakin trying to avoid those who come for him, and the other groups tryin to catch up with him
Some groups that track him from this-
Rebel cells looking for his help
Rebels looking to kill him and make him a martyr for their cause
Empire trying to find him for emperor
Emperors secret inquisitors
Empire politicians trying to kill him so they dont have his competition
A group of bounty hunters who track jedi for the empire for reward- they stole an artifact that reacts to the presence of force weilders (basically playing hot or cold with anakims super force powers)
A group of force cultists who seek the chosen ones return to mortis-
Various fallen jedi who learned of his betrayl
Rex and ashoka who are loony toonsing it to find anakin
End of season 2 is all of these factions finding mr girldad himself all at once
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leradny · 4 years
din djarin is a jedi. anakin skywalker is a mandalorian. literally all problems solved.
-given up by shmi to a mandalorian for a better life. they remain in regular contact, and when shmi is abducted by raiders ani's adoptive parent goes with him in time to save her life and avoid the tusken massacre.
- anger issues? mandalorian sparring sessions provide a healthy, socially acceptable outlet. actual warfare has a STRICT no killing children or civilians code.
- marriage? fine. perhaps they'd raise a collective eyebrow at anakin "deadliest warrior" skywalker marrying the senator of NABOO of all places. do they even HAVE warriors there? (they do respect padme after learning how she saved her planet but they tease her about her wardrobe, SURELY she's got a suit of armor somewhere)
-scared your wife will die in childbirth? if he still doesnt believe that medical technology advanced enough to replace limbs wont save padme, there's no need to put padme through the physically taxing process of pregnancy at all! there's plenty of foundlings who need parental figures! luke and leia would be happy surprises surrounded by about 7 adopted siblings. (Anakin, leave some for the rest of us)
- want to be a leader? well, young warrior, you may TRY to defeat the current ruler in combat. but no one's really worried because an older, more experienced mandalorian would just tease anakin and watch him lose his temper before trouncing him.
-anakin's force abilities (if he even has them in this au) fade away, but anakin with a jet pack is just as terrifying.
- rescued by jedi instead of mandalorians. he's still a little too old, but as he has no family left and he is force sensitive, they wait a few weeks and he adjusts fine.
- actually favors minimal violence as a fighting style which is perfect for jedi. see: pilot ep where giant sea creature bites his ship and he just gives it a poke with his taser rifle until it lets go. doesn't round back with his ship's guns to kill it or anything.
- not to mention giving multiple warnings to his bounty, and when the warnings are up, he *freezes him in carbonite* rather than the vastly cheaper alternative of shooting him. yes, dead bounties get less credits, but a blaster is cheaper and doesnt take up nearly as much space as that portable carbonite system.
- despite his prejudice against droids, talks IG11 down from self destructing like 3 times because they're supposed to be working together.
-highly dedicated to the creed and only breaks it 2-3 times because he or someone else would have died.
-patient. only loses his temper ONCE (when he thinks greef karga was responsible for killing everyone in his covert) and STILL doesnt use violence. see also: his old crew, all of whom are absolutely terrible people, and nobody would have missed them dying but he still leaves them alive.
-while secure in his skills, din defers very easily to authority and has no ambition for power whatsoever. creepy senator palpatine trying to encourage din 'i refuse to be the main character of my own show' djarin that he needs more recognition? um, he's perfectly happy teaching padawans how to lift rocks, especially little grogu.
- even among the jedi, din would be underestimated because he is soft spoken, polite, and very minimal in his use of the force. he has one of the lowest death counts of any jedi to the point where people forget he has a lightsaber sometimes. but he's cut off a lot of limbs without even raising his voice. no one has ever seen din truly angry. and no one with an ounce of intelligence wants to see him angry.
-but because din accidentally becoming leader of something is funny: yoda retires without telling anyone. din comes in first thing in the morning to find yoda gone and finds a hologram that says "gone to dagobah i have. retired now. forgot to mention it i did, hrmm hrm!" while din is frowning at the inconvenience, yoda goes on, "first person who opens this message, grandmaster will they become."
- grogu drops his training saber when he senses din in distress. ("grogu, master din is busy right now, please focus.")
-din quietly puts the hologram back where someone else will find it. buuuuuuut the message goes on, "and master din djarin this is. check security feed you must." din tries to put it up to a vote but everyone votes for him anyway because will of the force, and isnt the jedi with the lowest body count best suited to leading the order anyway? grogu hears mental screaming from din and starts wailing for him. the trainer decides to call naptime a little early.
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fic masterlist
if the world was ending : my first fic, tros canon divergence as in they both die instead of just one of them , its bad read at your own risk
the way you love her is tragic: tros compliant, 2nd person narration of *that* scene, hella cheesy and depressing at the same time
im a supernova (and your my four leaf clover) : ignores tros, a whole lot of fluff cause they deserve nice things
how to spend a day off: sort of a crossover fic, rey watches the star wars eqivalent of spop and cries while watching catra make poor life choices, inspired by me doing the same thing because my tired sapphic brain can only think one thing and thats catradora
dance with me: my take on the undercover ballroom trope, very self indulgent and not amazing, inspired loosely by princes prom
broken glass beauty : pre relationship, an excuse for me to rapsodize about pretty women and vent about how kylo is really fucking hard to draw
i wont fall (unles you ask me too): super angsty cosmic horror, rey gets consumed by an unknown facet of the force called the "shadow and it then uses her voice to lure kylo into the shadow
just a broken hearted bitch: post crait mental breakdown that i wanted to see, she smashes the vader mask and its badass, my first good fic
who i was before my world fell down: multi chapter 2/5, self projection therapy
the language of flowers: flowershop au, inspired by a comic i found on tumblr, incredibly cliche but really cute
misc. star wars
palpatine dies: the fanfiction: crack, we all wanna see this fucker get dropped so i wrote it
patron saint of lost causes: a poem about padme amidala, its some of my best tbh
avatar toph doesnt fuck around: crack, avatar toph au, basically the palpatine thing but for ozai
avatar ficlets: multi chapter, some soft mailee fluff
the ballad of azula sozin: horror, i rewrote the lyrics of the ballad of sara berry to azula
down on your knees before the queen: the ballad of azula sozin in narrative form (my personal favorite fic)
dont leave me tounge tied: highschool au, catradora party, drunk adora, fluffy gay fluff with some side pairings
all of the above
drabble advent calender: a little bit of everything, but mostly azula pathos
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ilonga · 3 years
This seems like something you would like 🤷🏼‍♀️ or come up with tbh 😂
Ann you know me so well omg I'm pretty sure I have this post in my queue 💕
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universeofmuses · 5 years
⌨ What’s a situation you’ve always wanted to RP with the muse? / one for each Star Wars muse
//Ok so this is going to be for multiple muses, and some that I havent added yet but am going to add.
Anakin: I want a thread where he makes a different choice in revenge of the sith where he doesnt join the dark side, where instead when Padme confronts him on Mustafar he goes away with her and they run away and have a family together and everything. And then at some point they find Obi Wan hiding in the closet of the ship like ‘helloooooo’ lol
Padme: Maybe an au where Padme doesnt die in child birth but like after seeing her children is encouraged to live for them and help raise them in secret from their father. So it would be a cute thread with a Luke or Leia (or multiples of each) where its just the three of them living the best life they can while hiding from the empire and from vader
Luke: I would love a thread like au where maybe he finds her as a child like she was abandoned on Jakku and he takes her with him and raises her like his own daughter and shows her the ways of the force because he can tell that from a young age she has a powerful connection with the force.
The Mandalorian: I guess just because hes so new to me as a muse any interaction would be good with him :) 
Rey: she doesnt really see a whole lot of interaction it makes me sad :( but maybe a thread where she can have like her happily ever after with Ben? A more nsfw one would be based on a post from like a month ago that was going around that said something like ‘kiss my muse passionately and press them up against the wall and your muse shoves their hand down my muse’s pants.’. Another one would be a pregnancy or parenting thread it would just be fully fluff and stuff :) then lastly would be if she was adopted as a child by Leia or Luke or someone else would be fun and sweet :)
Ben: Dont really have any like threads that I been with him, I have some awesome Reys that give him many feels, but sweet feels with reys are always wanted. 
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crackmonkeytrash · 5 years
AUs I'm probably never going to write
Harry Potter Universe
1. Wendigo Harry au. Harrymort.
2. Vore au. Harrymort. Crack au obviously
3. Fae harry au. Tomarry.
4. Gorgon harry au. Tomarry.
5. HP Rusalka Narlily au.
6. Lily and James were never a couple au
7. Harry went to an orphanage au
8. Soulmate au
9. Time Travel (who knows pairings)
10. (oc centric) more creatures / beings prevalence
11. various oc centric stories
Pirates of the Caribbean
1. Ace Lesbian Elizabeth au. Sort of mild anamarie/lizzie
2. Will dies post-film#1 au. Sparrabeth.
3. Mermaid Jack au. Sparrabeth.
4. Elizabeth stays pirate king and on the seas after potc3 au. No main pairing.
4. Time Travel au. Sparrabeth.
5. the one revolving around my pirate oc, Fei Sún Ra
Teen Wolf *steter centric*
1. Time Travel to pre-hale fire au. Steter.
2. Magic stiles au. Steter.
3. Hospital era visiting steter au preseries
4. Derek is dead au. Gen.
5. Series rewrite
6. (oc centric) Series rewrite with more Beings and Supernatural Stuff
Vampire Diaries
1. Time Travel au. Ships undecided.
2. "Originals" show doesnt exist au
3. Elena becomes a vampire post moon ceremony au. Elejah/Klaroline maybe
4. Katherine left Bulgaria with her baby au
5. Klaus never daggered his siblings au
6. (oc inclusive but not centered) Lots More Supernatural Beings au/rewrite
Star Wars
1. Jedi Order makes Good Decisions au / Anakin never becomes Darth Vader au
2. Shmi is a Jedi au
3. Padme doesn't die in childbirth au
The Hobbit / LOTR
1. Smaug recognizes the One Ring, changes course of history au
2. (oc centric) more dragons
3. (oc centric) Duradae joins the Adventure to Erebor
4. (oc centric) Solwe. Enough said.
5. (oc centric) Follows Aglaeca, doesn’t directly follow any main tolkien storyline-insertion but does eventually involve the Destruction of the One Ring quest
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oflgtfol · 3 years
because im procrastinating on my homework, here's my vague outline of the sw x razia AU that tortures my brain every few months
PREFACE: my main idea is that the sw characters are playing out the storyline of razia's shadow. act 1 follows the prequels with minimal changes. act 2 follows the original trilogy, but the storyline has some major tweaks to fit better. the most important thing to mention is that the adakias/anhura romance is scrapped entirely. also some major changes to the star wars storyline to fit as well. such as luke knowing that darth vader is his dad and being like, raised with him from day one
ahrima = anakin
nidria = padme
toba the tura = obi-wan
o the scientist = the jedi council and/or specifically obi-wan??? i guess i'd pick and choose which fulfills which role depending on when the story calls for it
barayas = palpatine
adakias = luke
anhura = leia
pallis = darth vader
sangara = darth vader's assistant guy i cant remember his name. absolute side character but i thought it would be funny to add LOL
bawaba brothers, unified into one person = yoda
doctor dumaya = palpatine as well
act 1 story:
the angels are the jedi. padme is there too i guess. anakin is the prodigy angel, the best of them all, but he feels unacknowledged by the council and obi-wan. they entertain his idea that he's the best, but don't ever actually recognize it in a way that satisfies him. he finds consolation in padme who supports him through it
to prove that he IS the best, he creates the lamps. idk what the lamps would be in this AU. but again, the council doesn't spare him the time of day. defeated and angry, he storms off into the darkness..... where palpatine greets him, and tells him tall tales of just how great he actually is. go ahead and destroy the lamps, he tells anakin, then they'll finally see how great you are. one day they'll see and appreciate your power
so he destroys the lamps. the whole world is in ruin, everything is destroyed. people have died en masse. i guess padme dies during it too
and there, at the end of it all, obi-wan confronts him. they battle it out, and in the end, anakin is kicked into the flames of his own making. he burns yada yada like in canon, obi-wan leaves him to die
a 20-year, minute-long intermission:
aka this is the fall of the republic and the rise of the empire, anakin becomes darth vader, but since its taking place in razia's shadow, then its actually the world is being separated into dark and light. although i guess maybe i'll shift it, so that it's not perfectly half and half. the dark would be the empire and so a majority of the world will live there, but the light would be i guess like rebel "planets," so it's much smaller. and i would say there's no war really going on, it's just that the light is the last bastion of like, good life left i guess, hidden away from the dark lol
act 2 story:
luke is a prince of the dark. he lives with his father, darth vader, who has expectations of him as a prince of the dark. but luke finds that he can't quite fit in with whats expected of him - he tries to be all dark and mean and cruel, but he can't bring himself to do it. instead, he dreams of a better life - he's heard stories of the kingdom of light, and of the prophecy that one day the dark will fall and the two will be reunited once more. he dreams that he will be the prophecized one to reconnect them again, much to his father's frustration
and one day he sneaks away and travels to the light anyway. once luke's absence is noticed, darth vader is sent to fetch him back to the dark
meanwhile, as luke enters the kingdom of the light, he finds leia. she, too, had been feeling like she was destined for more. she dreamed of reuniting the dark and light just as luke had. they instantly connect as close friends, and together they go to HER parents, the organas, who lead the kingdom of light.
it starts getting shaky here because the original story depended on adakias being a little piece of shit and i dont think luke would act that way. so idk. if i followed the original story, then luke's status as a prince of the dark would be kept secret, and his Dark Presence would start poisoning leia and then they'd go off to find a cure instead of like, idk, him coming clean about who he is and not putting her life in fucking danger........? but as i said, i dont think luke would do that. idk.
so perhaps the organas know who luke is. but they want to keep leia safe, so they dont reveal the fact that they're twins, and therefore leia is also related to darth vader...? they just warn her that oohhoh this boy is Dark. stay away...... like how everyone didnt want the twins together in canon or something idk.
and so luke and leia still leave anyway. again idk why they'd leave. but they still leave. luke is feeling guilty about being related to darth vader, doesnt tell her that he's a prince of the dark, etc. but i guess since theyre twins she wouldnt get sick actually anyway lol
OH maybe they go leave the light because of jedi shenanigans and thats how they find: YODA! who regales them stories of the fall of the republic, darth vader, and all that, while teaching them about how to be jedi
and then i guess they go to confront palpatine. who is playing the RS role of the doctor but instead of looking for medicine bc leia is dying, they're just going to fight him as the emperor. and then darth vader finally catches up to them in the final showdown. he's like, luke, i am here to take you home, step away from the light princess. and luke's heritage as the prince of the dark is revealed, wah, and then also somehow the fact leia is luke's sister is also revealed, probably by palpatine? again, i said it's very shaky here. so all the family reveals cause all that drama
and then somehow there's a scuffle. i guess once vader hears from palpatine that leia is his daughter that's when he turns on palpatine. and then palpatine fucking dies but vader gets stabbed. and so then he slowly dies surrounded by luke and leia and he has that whole thing he did in canon about liek let me look at you with my own eyes or whatever but also now his daughter is here too. and then he dies . rip. and then the dark vs light divide falls. bc like how adakias was the prophecized one in RS, and anakin was ~the chosen one~ in sw, his death now is the prophcized way to reunite the dark and light. IDK.
the end. and the beginning <3
WAIT IM SO STUPID. the dark vs light kingdoms could be such a great way to facilitate sith vs jedi stuff too AUGHGHG. i really have to do homework now so i dont have time to sprinkle that into what i've already written but just imagine
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monstersqueen · 7 years
ok sure most of palpatine’s grand plan was political.
so what if HE was only a politician? no new sith lords in tpm - wui gon lives and probably teaches anakin. since palpatine’s not a sith lord shopping for the perfect powerful and maniplable sith apprentice anakin DOESN’T get his special attention. so anakin’s relationship with the order is less strained than canon but. still very strained.
what else changes in palpy’s plans? well i kinda think he still allies with dooku - originally he doesn’t intend to kill him but it does come into his plans because it’s obvious the man is never going to consider an alliance with a non-sensitive as equal. so dooku’s death is still more or less programmed. probably the droid army is also programmed to turn on him just as the clones are overridden to turn on teh jedi.
but ARE the clones programmed to turn on the jedi? maybe. but for a non-sith!palpy it’s just a contingency. after all he gets into power legitimately - do teh jedi turn on him still? maybe maybe not but it’s a necessity for him to get rid of them as it is for canon!sidious. order 66 is probably still programmed in the chips i think.
anyway since the clone wars happens the same way -minus fake kidnapping attempt of the Chancellor checking to see how his corruption of the Chosen One is going - it also starts the same way - ie Padme and Anakin STILL get married.
...maybe he does still have a close relationship with anakin, but he’s not trying to corrupt him to the dark side? h initially really just checked on the kid who thwarted the naboo invasion, but then he sees an opportunity? someone with force sensitivity being loyal to him above the jedi could be useful. plus if he molds him earlu enoough he won’t have that pesky superiority complex that is so annoying in dooku. And he could protect him from teh jedi should they decide to do a coup when it becomes obvious tahthe’s intending to become emperor... and like in canon they’re doing half his job of alienating young anakin
still since the sith are dead in this AU, i’m pretty sure neitehr dooku nor anakin fall? dooku 100% went Dark out of wanting power and feeling sidious gets him, so he’s probably. just an asshole ex-jedi but not dark nor fallen (look he just. has too much control over his emotions to fall by accident). Meanwhile fallen!anakin would be dangerous to non-sith!palpy, which he probably realises early in empire years if canon is more or less the same. he probably uses what’s left of teh trust anakin has in him to help him stabilise in a not-fallen state (though anakin is probably going to be rather too dark to be a jedi)
IF that happens. which is not sure because. Padme is probably not going to die? non-sith!palpy has to resort to conflicting loyalties to get anakin on board here - the jedi decides that nope, the senat doesnt have th rigth to appoint an emperor (which i hope it doesn’t but who knows) and proceed to start a military coup (they WERE thinking about it in canon before thy found out he was the sith master); which anakin, full of conflicting loyalties, gets in the way of, with help by the brain-washed clones. ok but, what is padme doing meanwhile? is that loyalty conflict -as long with the part where paly as legality if not legitimity on his corner - enough to turn him on the jedi? enouigh to provide protection for palpy, maybe, butwithout the threaton padme’s lif not enough to send him slaughtering the order and th youngling. no way. suggesting it - or even oredering the clones to do it - would go too far to keep him by his side.
but once again - no-sith!palpy is not trying to exterminate teh jedi. he’s completely on board with having them be his personal military force. so, exterminating teh leaders and threatening the otehr? indocrtinating teh younger ones so tey would follow him and spy on th rest? i think h can actually spin it in an acceptable wya to anakin;
but once again, taht’s if padme’s out of the pictur. but a dead padme has such an huge impact on anakin’s psyche - there’s too much of a chnce he would devote himself to her ideals and he knows she wouldn’t stand for this;
no i don’t think he can manage to turn anakin on the jedi. he might though keep an eye on the situation through the years to see if it’s possible - then decide thatit’s not worth it;
...well a non-sith!palpy might not be aware of anakin and padme’s marriage.hm. so he might miscalculate here due to padme’sinfluence on anakin  - maybe? he is very prceptive the first time he realizes that someone is fighting his words to anakin who’s not a je di he’z going to know somethin’s up and a regular investigation will tell him what it is.
(also of course a non-sith!palpy means that the Force is unclouded. that probably changes a lot on the jedi side...)
yeah no i’m pretty sure a non-sith!palpy works if he doens’t try to turn anakin. he dies with the rest of the jedi in order 66, he gets declared emperor because he baited them into attacking him like in canon but his defense is brainwashed clones, , dooku after capture before he could spill the beans (he thought he was going to get rescued i guess), and padme gets to raise her children outside of the vue of the empire. maybe on tatooine but i don’t think she would give up on the republic?
anyway while most of palpy’s plan is political thtere’s a ot of key elements (ven taking anakin’s corruption out) thatdo rly on thehim being a sith i think... (mostly what to do with the jedi. how can he control his alliance with dooku.
...or maybe he doesn’ bother with dooku? he can have direct contact with the separistwithout involving a stuck up arrogant ex-jedi who ends up being more troubl than he’s worth. yeah. since ‘how does he get rid of dooku’ is a problem when you take anakin’s out.
of course teh jedi are stillnot going to take his power play well. plus with the Force unclouded they’re probably much more able to fight back.
...maye instead of his nd move getting rid of them is much more of an opening move. hm)
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jewishsuperfam · 8 years
i love prequel aus where anakin doesnt go sith and/or returns to the light bc of padme, and padme doesnt die, and these losers STILL decide to split up and each raise a kid
why are u both like this
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saprophetic · 4 years
Consider these three aus 4 ur perusal: Anakin realizes he's being duped, and working to take palpatine down instead of spiraling further into the darkside // Padme doesn't die when she gives birth and raises them in secret with obi-wan's aid // Obi-wan raises the children himself on tatooine, teaching them everything he can to keep them safe
all better than canon!! i prefer the first one cos like. im sorry but contrary to fandom believe anakin isn't like...that stupid? like it genuinely does not make sense that he would be so distressed over the idea of padmé dying in childbirth (which like lol okay george. you mean to tell me that they can rebuild someone from being burnt in lava but people still die in childbirth? alright lmao) that he would b like "wow yes clearly the way to save my wife is through murdering children and fascism, my wife who worked literally her whole life to ensure democracy and liberty and spent ten years drafting antislavery bills would definitely want me to become a fascist who helps declassify species as sentient so they can be used as slaves without people feeling bad, which is definitely something that is in character for me to do, i definitely would be okay with that and theres nothing in my characterization that would imply that it would be abhorrent to me" like come ON george it just doesnt make sense!!!! ugh
anyway obi-wan, padmé, and anakin working against the empire and palpatine would be a force of fucking nature and its what they deserve.
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