#p x reader lies of p
adelheidvonschicksal · 8 months
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The wedding ring was a sweet lie that Polendina desperately clung to in order to placate the painful beating of his mechanical heart. After all, no one has ever heard of a puppet loving a human. He knows this. However, he still decided to validate these illogical emotions through the young man and his lies.
Yet when Polendina sees his fellow puppet and the young miss together, he starts to think that the ring wasn't one of Pinocchio's sweet lies after all.
Pairing: Pinocchio x Fem!reader, implied!Polendina x Antonia
tags: light angst, 3rd POV, no y/n, fluff, 2500 words
Carried by the quiet of the night, the gramophone highlights the foyer in a gentle tune. It’s a soft instrumental that keeps Polendina and the few survivors still awake at this hour company, drowning out the ticking of the clock above the check-in desk steadily traveling closer to midnight, the many occupied sounds of pen scripting against paper, and the tinkering of designs and weapons from the far corner of the room. The voiceless melody of the instruments is accompanied by rhythmic humming replacing the missing lyrics. The voice is peaceful, only loud enough that Polendina can barely parse the highs and lows of the pitch mimicking the song from his place behind the counter. It’s an angelic sound, at least if you ask Polendina, who turns an inquisitive eye to the record player.
In the empty space between the gramophone and decorative plants, Geppetto’s puppet and the young miss are resting on the floor. It’s a tight fit but neither seems to mind when their shoulders press together. The young miss sits partially on her right hip with her legs curved to the side towards the puppet while he draws his knees up, neatly positioning himself to allow one foot to sit just in front of her ankles and the other to taper off to the side. It doesn’t seem like the most comfortable position Polendina can imagine but it’s the one the two have taken up since they first started up the turntable.
It seems the young miss is starting to feel the effects because as soon as the thought crosses his mind she shuffles, and it’s an easy adjustment to switch the sides of her position and lean more into the boy instead. As Polendina watches her, he can’t help but notice how at ease she looks.
It’s been a habit to keep an eye on her since she first moved into the hotel as nothing more than a rambunctious orphan child taken under Lady Antonia’s wing and raised in her unbridled kindness, aging into someone somewhat recognizable as a proper lady. In her childhood, his watch would be careful and purposeful, mostly to make sure nothing in the hotel would be accidentally broken. Now, it’s mostly out of concern for Lady Antonia’s daughter. One that, by extension, he almost can call his own.
As much as him, the disease that has beset the proprietor of Hotel Krat has been a source of stress for the heiress. It’s been weeks since he’s seen a modicum of consternation disappear in her practiced expressions and taut speech, and it’s only when the boy angles his head to rest on top of hers that there’s a smile. It looks like Polendina’s watch is no longer required for the time being.
However, he doesn’t turn his sight. 
Polendina has seen many things in this world. From the first time he opened his eyes as a newly manufactured puppet fresh off the lines of the Venigni Works' assembly plant, he was privy to the many emotions of humans. Polendina has witnessed pride. It showed in the wide grin of satisfaction, a twinkle in the eye of his creator when he’s stamped with the approved insignia of the company and imprinted with the Grand Covenant, a sign that he would never stray from his duties.
A new model. The latest and greatest assistant from the Venigni line of puppetry.
It’s only by chance that he’s assigned to be the assistant serving Lady Antonia, which meant he was to work at the haunted Hotel Krat until his bolts rusted, joints creaked, and he could no longer function as well as whatever new models were to follow after him. Because of this, many would assume he doesn’t know much about the world. But Polendina can see so many things from here.
Polendina has seen the love between newlyweds. The hotel serviced many a blushing bride and a lucky gentleman. It’s his first introduction to love, an emotion he never thought would ever be the energy that keeps his heart beating and gives meaning to his life.
Polendina has seen the beauty of ball gowns across a crystal floor. He’s heard more stories whispered in between dances and music than most have probably heard their entire lives. Thus, he has also heard the stories of heartbreak. He’s seen the sullen tears draining in black down the face of a discarded lover. Polendina pondered once if oil would seep down his face in the same manner should he be discarded (a fear that he had no need for after so many years by Antonia's side), and he listened to the wails and screams of betrayed souls.
This world was harsh, it seems. But he was lucky enough to have witnessed the true beauty of it in the image of a young woman with dark blonde hair braided in bands and falling over the ear. A beautiful long pearl necklace complementing an elegantly strong neck and pale shoulders. A dress falling over a sturdy yet feminine frame in lovely layers and adorned with white bows as a feathered hat sat atop her head. The elegant gown hid what was underneath, which was an intelligent and ferocious young woman, who could play the part of a perfect lady and a bold lioness all at once. Something the portait of her hanging in the library captured and portrayed better than any clothing.
Polendina never met that young woman but he did meet her as a strong and independent matriarch, and it made it easy to fill in the blanks when his mind would drift to how it would have been to seen her then. Would she have captured his heart as easily as she did now? He'd like to think so as his love for Antonia deepened every year he spent serving at her side.
Unfortunately, Polendina never expected time to happen so fast and so severely.
It’s not age that caused her beauty to wilt but illness. It took pieces of his heart with each second his mistress had to battle this blasphemous disease. It’s a losing battle, he can tell, even though he wished to deny it.
This sense of dread was a new emotion, different from the one that would grip him with every letter of marriage that would eventually wind up at the estate even though he was aware that Lady Antonia never entertained suitors, or perhaps never found one that interested her enough. This emotion was festering, picking at whatever “soul” he possessed and its pitibiable yearning for an affection that was never meant for him to give nor to have.
Because of all the things Polendina has seen, he’s never seen another puppet that loved a human. For what puppet could ever have the capacity for genuine love, and what human – aside from that eccentric who was so thoroughly mocked – would ever entertain a relationship with a puppet, who wasn’t supposed to have illogical emotions like love in the first place?
If Lady Antonia was the exception, he’d never find out. He’d never dare tell her in the first place. It isn’t a burden he wants to place on her fragile heart.
Still, his own mechanical heart burned to tell someone, to have this desperate feeling held close and nurtured tenderly, and to have himself forgiven for this adoration for his human mistress. So, in an act of desperation, he drafted the letter. He placed it at the front desk and signed for Geppetto’s puppet.
Then, he waited.
Polendina could sense his heart beating faster when he heard the heavy steps of his friend stop in front of him. Pinocchio watched him patiently, still holding out the letter. With fear in his heart, Polendina braved to explain his situation. He explained his love for his human master and his fear of her impending death. When all that needed to be said was said, Polendina dared to ask Pinocchio, with all his knowledge of things puppet and human, “Can a puppet and human fall in love? Have you ever met a puppet who loves a human?”
The other puppet tensed, leaving an impregnable silence, which Pinocchio hardly ever spoke out loud to anyone aside from his father, Sophia, and occasionally Gemini unless absolutely necessary. So, this expected silence shouldn’t bother Polendina. But, it does. When Pinocchio finally showed a little insight into his thoughts by tilting his head and averting his gaze to his feet, Polendina knew the truth the young man wanted to say – the truth Polendina knew all along.
Pinocchio has never seen a puppet who loves a human.
Then, Pinocchio’s arm twitched, not one of his sporadic twitchy tweaks, but a hesitant one before he reached into his pocket. The boy opened a tightly clenched hand, presenting a ring delicately crafted with precious metals and with the words “forever yours” scripted into the band.
Polendina has seen a great many wedding rings during the hotel’s heyday, all excitedly shown to Lady Antonia by the many love-soaked honeymooners that would stay at the hotel and the ones gifted to Lady Antonia herself to convince her to accept a stray proposal.
Pinocchio showing him this now must mean that he’s seen it. Somehow. Somewhere. He’s seen a puppet and a human in love, and this ring was the symbol of that love. Polendina would never tell Lady Antonia his adoration for her, but it’s comforting enough to know his emotions were real and another puppet somewhere in the world experienced them as well.
Or most likely, it’s one of the boy’s sweet white lies and these feelings were the daydreams of a fool.
In the end, it’s a lie Polendina chose to believe and savor every fateful day despite never seeing the proof himself.
As the gramophone rips and begins to play another song, the smooth humming is replaced by beautiful singing from the record. It’s a cozy and homey song; best shared by the fireplace. Feel, if he remembers the lyrics correctly. It always seems to be a favorite of the boy.
As it plays, the two in the corner look lost in their own little world. For the better part of it, at this time of night, with most retiring to sleep and Polendina himself quiet, this might as well be a world only for them. It didn’t used to be this way. The young miss would usually be held up in her room this time of night, studying the many books on medical remedies, searching failingly for a cure, and the boy hovering at his father’s side as he slept like a faithful hound.
Polendina should have picked up on this change when Pinocchio started to follow her around more often, seeking her out during the hours in between his missions. Quietly studying her humanity, like the others. Polendina is also well aware the boy can speak. Through his time here, the list of those he shared words with has grown exponentially but none more so than with the young miss.
However, that does not stop his hand from resting on the soft junction opposite her elbow. He slowly drags it up her skin, scribbling soft writings into her wrist. Polendina is unaware of what he spells, but the motions are slow and delicate, opposite the aura Pinocchio would have when he’d arrive at the hotel after a mission, tracking black oil, red blood, and blue—whatever—through the entrance, much to everyone’s dismay.
The quiet laughter from her and the small blur of confusion in Pinocchio’s expression explain all Polendina needs to know. Whatever was said was unknowingly innocent, and she traces an affectionate reply back into his palm. The necessity of this line of communication between them melted long ago and instead became a secret language that is only meant for the two of them; a convenient excuse to touch. Soothing messages dance across one another’s hands, the warm smile of a woman in love and the careful touches of a boy who hasn’t yet realized what it means to be in love.
The music plays on late into the night, far beyond the time for the hotel to retire. Polendina goes about his nightly rounds. The guests are relatively clean but there are always one or two things out of place.
When he finishes, the only people remaining in the foyer are himself and the young mistress whose head rests against the shoulder of a puppet undoubtedly adored. Pinocchio’s eyes are shut, and he lies motionless next to her but he’s surely still awake – not needing sleep as a puppet. However, he hasn’t dared to move from the spot since she fell asleep (thirty minutes judging by how many times the same song replayed).
For some reason, Polendina feels guilty for disturbing the pair.
“Pardon me,” he begins. In an instant, Pinocchio opens his eyes, but he still refuses to move, not even to lift his head to look at Polendina, but the attendant can tell the young man is alert and listening. “I hate to interrupt but it would be best if the young miss retired to her room for the evening. I’m afraid Lady Antonia would not be lenient with either of us if she were to catch a cold on our watch.”
Understanding, Pinocchio nods.
Polendina expects him to wake you up to go to your room; but instead, Pinocchio carefully shifts and slides his humanoid arm behind your knees and the other across your back. He cradles your body in his arms, adjusting only to encourage your head to fall against his chest before he lifts you off the floor. He nods at Polendina again, this time as a bid good night. As Pinocchio walks towards the main staircase, Polendina can swear even his steps sound purposely lighter.
It's an act Polendina has not seen the boy perform before. It’s not a base function for him, Polendina believes, but he carries you up the first step anyway. Polendina can sense his heart squeezing, the ergo inside him humming with memories of a ball. Memories of a beautiful young lady in a white dress. Memories of a sweet smile and a rejected proposal:
“What need is there for me to marry at this age anyway? My dear Polendina has always been plenty.”
There’s a forgotten happiness drumming inside him. Happily, he submits without fight and allows this passionate fervor to blanket him wholeheartedly. This time there’s no regret or guilt as he watches Pinocchio turn up the stairs and disappear to the upper floor. At this moment, he thinks maybe Pinocchio didn’t tell a sweet lie after all.
For Polendina has seen many things.
He’s seen the joy of marriage and family.
He’s seen the tears of heartbreak and love lost.
He’s seen the beauty and harshness of this world.
And now, he too, has seen a puppet in love with a human.
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kkyos · 1 year
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ze-ppe-li · 6 months
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Lᴇ ssᴇʀᴀғɪᴍ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀs ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇx ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ. Tʜᴀᴛ·s ᴀʟʟ
G!P Yunjin & Kazuha, G!P reader, cussing, blowjob (y. receiving) oral (r. receiving) rimming, rough sex.
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Sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ. ᵍᵎᵖ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
Sakura is a bit shy when it comes to talking about these topics, she didn't know how to bring up the fact that she wanted to have sex with you, she was afraid of looking desperate
One day, sleeping together and cuddling, Sakura did not think that sticking her ass to your crotch could make you have a boner, you woke up feeling it, and seeing your girlfriend's ass attached to your hard cock... didn't help
Your hand moved along her torso, until you met the edge of her shirt and you entered your hand under it, fondling one of her tits
Sakura began to move because of what she was feeling, and inevitably, her ass rubbed against your boner, drawing a sigh of pleasure from you
As soon as you saw that Sakura opened her eyes, you gave her a tremendously passionate and dirty kiss, with your tongue exploring her mouth, it hadn't been necessary to say anything, it just... came up
You lowered her panties that she was wearing and you took off your pajama bottoms, grabbing your cock and rubbing it against her anus and cunt in equal parts, drawing moans of pleasure from your girlfriend
You decided to penetrate her already wet and tight pussy, which in that position felt even tighter than she really was, and you began to fuck her at a steady pace, getting faster and faster, enjoying the lascivious sound of her ass cheeks crashing against your pelvis and her moans
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Cʜᴀᴇᴡᴏɴ. ᵍᵎᵖ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
You had been a couple for a few months, and inevitably, there are things that start to appeal and the sexual tension between the two of you was more than evident
Everything arose in the most normal way in the world, you were kissing her and Chaewon herself was in charge of intensifying the kiss, running her tongue through your mouth at a slow pace, because she wanted to take her time to get to know you completely in that sense
You couldn't help but smile a little in the middle of the kiss and take your hands to her ass, squeezing it with considerable force
Chaewon separated from the kiss due to lack of air, observing how a fixed thread of saliva separated your lips, and bit your lower lip as a game
"I want to do it, y/n"
She whispered those words close to your lips in an agitated tone, and of course, you weren't going to say no, you wanted that too... You wanted her, you've wanted her in that sense for a long time, and it's time to make it happen
After taking off the necessary clothes, you carried her and placed her against the wall, facing you, and immediately afterwards, you penetrated her. Chaewon moaned and dug her nails into your shoulders as you moved at a slow, but steady pace... It felt good, but she wanted more, much more...
"More... I need more..."
The pleading way she asked you for more made you hornier, and before you could even think about what you were doing, you started pounding her deepest spot over and over again, it felt so good Chaweon wasn't even able to moan, and if she did it was little muffled moans
Her nails clung to your back, as if she was controlling you so as not to reach her orgasm at that precise moment
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Yᴜɴᴊɪɴ. ᵍᵎᵖ ᵞᵘᶰʲᶤᶰ
You two had been "trying" in this aspect for a while: hickeys, tongue kisses, masturbation, oral sex, etc. But you two never dare to take the first step, Yunjin wanted to, but she is usually very abrupt when it comes to fucking, and she didn't know if you would like that
Her suspicions were denied, when she saw how while you suck her off you gave her a massage on her balls. Yunjin tilted her head back and placed a hand on top of your head, forcing you to swallow more of her cock
"F-fuck, y/n... You don't know how hard I would fuck you right now..."
She said without thinking, grabbing your attention immediately and making you smile. You took her cock out of your mouth and while you jerked her off you asked her:
"Oh? would you fuck me hard How hard?"
"I would make you scream until you couldn't..."
"Hmm... I don't know, is not sufficient, maybe I need a more explanation... graphic"
You spit on her tip and spread it with your thumb, rubbing her tip. obviously, you were giving her permission to fuck, and of course, Yunjin was not going to waste that opportunity
"Take off those bitchy panties you have and ride me, now"
You looked at her slightly surprised by her words, not because it bothered you, quite the opposite... it made you horny
You immediately listened to her and threw your panties somewhere to then self-penetrate yourself with her cock
You started bouncing immediately as Yunjin took away the only thing you had on top at the time: your bra. As soon as she saw your bare tits, she took a hand to each of them, and groped them as she pleased
She got up, still sitting with you on top, and bent her knees to fuck you herself, at an almost frantic pace, which, as she herself told you before... was making you scream
Her nails dug into your ass cheeks with force, and sometimes her hands spanked you hard when she saw that you were liking the situation
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Kᴀᴢᴜʜᴀ. ᵍᵎᵖ ᴷᵃᶻᵘʰᵃ
As with Yunjin, you and Kazuha had already done the odd thing to experiment a bit, but you never dared to go further
Until one day, you were watching a movie and when it was over, you got on all fours in front of her to reach the remote that was on another sofa
Kazuha did not miss the opportunity and began to fondle your ass, over those tight shorts you were wearing, you almost without thinking about it remained still, feeling her skilled hands in that area
Needless to say, Kazuha wanted to see you completely so she took off your shorts and panties, thus exposing your cunt and anus in equal parts
She ran her tongue up and down both entrances, as if it were ice cream, until stopping at your asshole, which she was licking around it while a hand was rubbing your clit
You clung to the fabric of the sofa in front of you tightly while moaning, you were wet as hell, and you felt that you needed much more of her
"Honey... I need to put it, can I?"
"don't even ask...do it"
She stood up, pulled down her pants and panties and aligned her cock so that she could enter your pussy and immediately began to move against you, perfectly seeing your ass bouncing against her pelvis and your moans being music to her ears
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esteljune · 8 months
Kissing P headcanons [P x reader]
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Don't expect him to take the initiative. Pinocchio is completely clueless about basic human gestures of affection, and that includes kissing.
The first time you try to kiss him, he'll probably just stand there, eyes wide open and awkwardly staring into yours as you get closer and closer to his face. He's just trying to figure out what you're trying to do.
He might even misunderstand and gently press his forehead against yours. Despite your embarrassment in the moment, Pinocchio will continue to gaze at your face, amazed by the languor in your eyes, the flush on your cheeks, and the reassuring warmth of your breath on his lips.
When he sees a smile forming on your lips, he'll relax considerably, and you might even notice a spark of tenderness in his eyes. But your first kiss will be nothing more than your lips pressed together.
Pinocchio is very receptive to your reactions, so he'll immediately notice the sudden increase in your pulse and the flush on your face. At that point, he'll start asking you disarmingly candid questions like "Your heart is beating fast... is it me?" totally unaware that he's only making things worse.
You might think you haven't had any effect on him, but in his chest, his mechanisms are ticking much faster than usual.
His lips, as well as the rest of his body, are extremely cold, so it's a sensation you might have trouble getting used to. However, his skin is quite soft, just like yours.
His scent is a curious blend of a faint metallic smell of mineral oils and a earthy aroma of musk. Curiously, it's not unpleasant, but it's still something very special that sets him apart and that you'll end up loving dearly.
Over time, as he gains humanity, Pinocchio will seek more and more moments of intimacy with you, both to enjoy the obvious effect his presence has on your body, and because it allows him to discover things about himself that he didn't believe were possible.
Each time your lips meet, his body will react more and more openly to your touch. The warmth of your breath, the unmistakable feeling in your eyes, and your fingers clutching his chest will make his mechanical heart beat painfully fast.
Gradually, he will start to close his eyes to give himself completely to you. His arms will return your embrace, and his kisses will begin to be more conscious and deep.
He may even forget that you need to breathe, starting to kiss you in rapid succession, whispering "More." on your lips between one kiss and the next, leaving you completely breathless.
The warmth of your skin is extremely familiar and comforting to him, so he will melt with every kiss, not only on the lips, but also on the nose and the freckles that dot his face.
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Soft Pinocchio X reader headcanons
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~ he is just so sweet :(
~ he's always very careful with you. It took him a while before he felt it was alright even laying a hand on you, wary of his unbridled strength. Humans are so fragile compared to the force he wields as a being made up of carved wood and steel. He has felt bones snap and flesh tear beneath his hands, and the thought of ever inflicting the same to you had him frightened.
~ just guide his hands to gently lay upon your check, or cradle them within your own and he'd be putty
<3 his eyes go wide the moment you guide him to touch you, but the moment he feels your warmth and softness press against his palms, he becomes addicted. Pino will attempt to be subtle about it, silently guiding you with light touches and gestures.
~ will carry you if the opportunity arises. The heel of your shoe is broken? Guess you'll have to be carried around on his hip till you get it fixed 😔
You've somehow managed to twist your ankle in a scuffle? He's on his knees before you can attempt to limp, his broad back facing you as his hands gesture you to climb on. You're so light as well to him, no matter how heavy you think you are (I mean have you seen the things this man lifts? You are practically air to him).
~ Pino has so much fascination over you. From the soft curves of your face, to the soul in your eyes and the warmth of your hands, it stokes the fire of desire he holds within himself to become human too. He wants to be warm, like you.
~ he's not great at asking for affection however. His way of asking for a hug is to stare at you quietly and wait for you to somehow catch the hint. You'll have this man loitering and hovering over you like a puppy at your heels, hands folded politely as he waits very patiently for your attention. (Meanwhile Gemini is going insane and hissing at the man to do something before he shrieks in frustration 😭)
~ he loves spending time with you when he can, and it usually involves very quiet and calm activities- ones that contrast with the chaos he has to endure in the city. You are his sanctuary just as much as the hotel is, bringing safety and security.
Pino especially enjoys reading with you in the library. He'll wander after you with chosen books balanced in his arms, sending soft smiles and looks whenever you pick out another one and show it to him. Eventually you'll both huddle together on a loveseat or sofa, and you either read aloud to him, or you both read in silence- finding a rythm of reading and flipping the pages. The two of you could spend hours reading and resting together. It usually ends with you falling asleep on his shoulder, and him carrying you to your room to sleep <3
~ his hair is so soft and fluffy, and he secretly (not so secretly) likes it when you play with it. He'll close his eyes and silently relish in the feeling of you playing with his hair, your movements gentle and tender, and it makes him feel very cared for :((
~ he probably smells really nice? He smells of earthy pine and book-dust, maybe leather. It's just a very pleasant scent.
~ you may convince him to let you inspect his arm out of curiosity, his gaze carefully watching you as you inspect the intricate metal designs and cogs. He stays so still as well, a little cautious in case of harming you in any way. The moment you smile and cradle his metal hand to your face and lean into it, his expression breaks into soft puppy eyes :(( his thumb oh so lightly stroking your cheek, he loves your smile. He's discovered it's one of his favourite things.
~ hugging him kind of feels like hugging a mannequin- sturdy and cold, his clothes offering a little comfort and softness. He'll try his best to be as comforting as he can however, attempting to recreate the feelings you give him whenever you hold him. Things like stroking your hair gently or petting your back. If you press your ear to his chest, you can hear the slight clicks and whirs of his springs, which noticeably tick louder whenever you're near like this.
~ after long and grueling missions where Pino encounters tragedy and peril in his wake, you are the first one he resides in once he's back. He'll go  looking for you the moment he steps through the grand hotel doors, frantically searching till he finds his haven.
Once you are within his sights, he's on you in seconds. Arms wound gently around your waist, his face tucked into your shoulder, and his ear pressed against your pulse so he can feel that you're alive and well.
You always seem to know what to do as well, holding him back tightly and guiding him off to do something relaxing like sitting in the garden or reading in the library. Pino's expression will soften and relax, now happy he's back.
~ occasionally you may wake up to find Pino in bed with you, and usually a little worse for wear. It'd look like he had barely crawled under the covers beside you, legs and a section on his back uncovered, and his arms hugging your waist firmly and with his face nuzzled into your stomach or chest. The slightest move will wake him up at once, stunning sapphire eyes blinking up at you before a soft smile befalls his freckled face. Happy to see you.
(He's a bit like a clingy cat when he's like this as well. His head would be rested against your tummy/chest, and his brow would knit whenever you'd shuffle away. You'd have a clingy and affectionate Pino following after you)
~ he's just so cuddly, and loves it when you play with his hair whenever he's lain beside you with your sleepy form in his arms. Everything just feels so at peace, a contrast to the chaos and hostility outside in the city of Krat.
(His hair is so soft and silky and fluffy, and it's long enough to twist your fingers in). Even though he cannot necessarily sleep, just being to relax with your form sleeping soundly in his arms is the closest he can get to dreaming. He will more often than not just lay still and observe you, from the soothing beats of your heart against his ear, to the rise and fall of your chest beneath his cheek with every slow methodic breath, he takes this time to relish in the new emotions and feelings that flicker inside his chest.
~ definitely kisses the back of your hand, I'm sure of it, just look at him. He does it out of respect and love for you, and he probably learnt about it from a book or something. In more secluded settings, his lips explore the curves and ridges of your hand- pale rosy lips smoothing over your knuckles and wrist-bone, gently flipping your hand over to pepper soft slow kisses upon your palm, almost following the lines with a trail of kisses. He usually does this when his head is lounged in your lap, listening to you talk.
~ giving his freckled face fluttery butterfly kisses :( <3 just cupping his pretty face and complimenting him, calling him a pretty boy. If he was capable to he would blush, but you can tell he's a little shy by his flustered body language.
~ when his hair grows longer, he will absolutely let you tie it back for him
<3 Pino loves the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair, bowing his head a little for you to comb it back with your fingers and gather it into a ponytail. 
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moon-cakiie · 8 months
pov: they agreed to share with you. (with P & Carlo(?))
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a/n: they're too pretty—
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nelrizz · 9 months
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such a precious boy :3c
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hystericalk · 6 months
clingy bf
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phonydiaries · 11 months
Beautiful Dreamer - P x Reader
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Notes: This is a bit of a shorter fic from me and it's pure unadulterated fluff and sap and nobody gets stabbed! Which is really stretching myself as a writer, to be honest. You guys know I love nothing more than a good life-threatening injury. Anyways, no warnings for this one! Enjoy the cozy vibes <3 
It seemed somewhat magical in the beginning. 
Pino came running to you once, at the very break of dawn when you had just barely opened your eyes; too-bright sunlight stinging them as the puppet shook you from sleep. It was difficult for you to grasp what he meant, at first, to wrap your head around what he was trying to describe. His speechless manner of communication and your general grogginess certainly didn’t help matters. But through a series of signs and expressions from Pinocchio, you came to understand. In his slow but sure gaining of humanity the boy had begun to dream at night. 
You were vaguely aware that he did not dream before, and didn’t exactly sleep in the way humans did (although he did something similar enough that you personally couldn’t tell the difference). 
“Is it… pleasant?” You asked him, genuinely quite curious as to what a strange thing dreams must seem to someone who had never known them. It had the potential to be wondrous and peaceful, but at the same overwhelming and utterly confusing. P seemed to take your question into careful consideration, really mulling it over. His eyes shone bright as he finally nodded decisively. 
For all his excitement over this newfound ability, Pinocchio was frankly dreadful in his attempts at describing his dreams to you. You tried earnestly to follow along, but his gestures and expressions would eventually become too complicated and frenetic for you to follow and so you found yourself utterly lost in his recollections. It was after one such frustrating night that you gifted him a pocket journal to write in. This was much preferred for both of you, and you came to enjoy the routine of him eagerly handing off his scribblings for you to interpret in the morning. You would sit elbow to elbow at the table, sipping morning tea and reading his writing aloud, while he listened and nodded along captivated, his chin resting over his hands on the table. 
His writing was uncharacteristically scratchy, with words often misspelled or crossed out implying that he was simply transcribing for speed and not coherence. Now and then there would be an addition of a crude drawing, sometimes the vague outline of a rabbit or a rushed impression of beaming stars. 
One day, when it was particularly gloomy, you and Pino wandered to the library. Silence between the two of you was not uncommon, nor was it in any way awkward or uncomfortable. With the heavy fall of rain against the roof on this day, you found the quiet between the shelves especially peaceful. By the orange glow of a lantern, you turned the pages of a dream-interpretation guide. It was a small and somewhat battered thing and had been picked up eagerly by Pinocchio of course, who sat on the floor with crossed legs, chin resting in the heels of his hands as he listened to you, enthralled. In hushed tones, you ran down bulleted lists of common dreams and all the cryptic mysteries they may contain. 
“Here, how about this one, have you ever dreamed that your teeth were falling out?” You asked, pointing to a passage in the book. P slapped a hand over his mouth and shook his head vigorously, looking suddenly very concerned with keeping said teeth firmly in his mouth. You couldn’t help chucking as you turned the page. 
The day wore on, and the oil in your lantern burned down to nothing, the dim light flickering across an eerie illustration. You’d been leafing through an art book of the romantic era painters and left off on a Fuseli painting of a tormented woman being peered upon unknowingly by some manner of devil. You found the page quite off putting honestly, and closed the book. 
“I figure that’s enough of that. What do you say, Pino-oh.” 
As you addressed your puppet companion in the dark, you came to see that he sat on the floor still, slumped against the foot of your chair. His cheek was sunk into his left shoulder, eyes shut, breathing soft and shallow. The serenity of the scene warmed your heart some, and you leaned down to press a kiss to his forehead. “Pino…” you whispered, and ran a hand through his hair in an effort to wake him. But he didn’t stir, seemingly in a deep sleep. You were sorry for the uncomfortable condition he seemed to be posed in, but you didn’t want to disturb the poor puppet. You gathered your things and left quietly, shuffling off to your quarters. 
It was around midnight that the puppet woke with a panicked gasp. He was surprised to find his legion arm held up defensively, as if in anticipation of an invisible attack. His eyes searched his surroundings frantically, and only when he recognized the library did he hesitantly lower his arm. In the darkness he felt quite uneasy and disoriented. He tried to recall your soothing hushed voice. It had put him into quite a state it seemed before he eventually drifted off. It was in stark contrast to the current thrumming of his mechanical heart and the uncomfortable quickness of his breaths. He had dreamed something wholly unpleasant, and with some sadness realized this new facet of humanity came with drawbacks. He did not care much for these dreams at all.
Pinocchio made his way down the corridor to your quarters, his steps echoing eerily. He threw pointed glances over his shoulder frequently, half expecting some monstrous creature to appear suddenly in the halls of Hotel Krat. The simple casting of shadows had never before made him so on-edge. When he reached your room, he opened the door slowly and peered inside. You lay there in the dark beneath silk sheets, curled in on yourself and sleeping soundly. With great care not to startle you, he knelt by your bedside and nudged you in the back. Your head flinched momentarily, but you otherwise remained still. With some urgency he took your shoulder and shook until you stirred. Rubbing your eyes wearily, you rolled over to face him. 
“Pino, it’s ah…it’s late isn’t it? Can’t it wait til morning..?” You grumbled. He shook his head almost apologetically and squeezed your shoulder. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you were able to make out unfamiliar anxious creases in his expression. You willed yourself into a greater awareness and sat up promptly. “What is it, what’s wrong?” You asked, your tone softening significantly. P gestured in the direction of the library and rummaged around in his pocket for a moment. He retrieved the pocket journal you’d given him and pointed several times at the most recent entry. You squinted. On the left page he had simply blacked out the entire thing with a pen, and on the right page the phrase “strung up” was written several frantic times with increasing disregard for legibility. 
When you looked up at him to clarify, he raised his hands limp above his head and dropped his chin to his chest. The image was admittedly shuddersome and he cast a long and spindly shadow across the wall. 
“I see.” You said, closing the journal. “You had a nightmare, hm? All strung up like an ordinary puppet.” Your heart fell for the poor boy. It must’ve been terribly frightening for him. 
Pinocchio nodded solemnly, not meeting your eyes. He stared off blankly and rubbed his wrists, as if easing a phantom feeling of restraints. You took note of this and hummed softly. 
“Here, may I see?” You asked, and pulled his arm towards you. You made a show of inspecting it and tapping your chin thoughtfully. Holding his arm with one hand, you stuck up two fingers like a pair of scissors and pretended to snip the invisible puppet string. You repeated this mimic on his other arm and then took his hands in yours, placing a kiss on the back of each. 
“All gone.” 
Pinocchio looked at you with a kind of boyish wonder. He raised one fist to the crown of his head with a smile, making a  pshhh sound and opening his hand, giving the impression of a miniature explosion.
“Think you’ll be alright for the rest of the night?”
At this he shifted a little. His fingers busied themselves, twisting in the bedsheets. He was obviously still shaken up somewhat. You could understand that, although it was a bit of a surprise to learn that someone so nearly indestructible could be afraid of the dark. 
“Alright,” you sighed, lifting the sheets. “Get in here.” 
P’s chin jutted forward and his brow furrowed at your offer. You just gestured to the space beside you with your head. “Go on, before I change my mind.” You teased. At this, Pinocchio clambered up into your bed and nuzzled his face into the pillow. As he got settled. You pulled the sheet over his shoulders and snaked your arm up around him from behind. Your nose pressed against the nape of his neck and you breathed in the smell of him, like fresh rain. 
“Have no fear, my puppet.” You said sleepily against his skin. “Your trusty human won’t let anything steal you away from me in the night.” You heard him snicker at this, but you knew without a doubt he felt safer here with you and vice versa. It was sweet, really. 
By the time the sun rose you were both still sound asleep, all tangled in each other’s limbs, looking like lovers in the warm morning light. The day could wait a little longer. 
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rentwice · 11 months
Going a bit feral over the idea of Gemini either being the world’s best wing man or Olympic heckler, and P having none of it
We know P has Gemini with him pretty much 24/7. We also know that Gemini likes to comment on almost everything they see or do.
Now imagine when P starts to get much more comfortable with you—when he starts craving intimacy. I know there is no way in hell P is going to let Gemini anywhere CLOSE when it’s smooching time. We know what happened in the cable car up to the cathedral, P was ready to fable arts Gemini into oblivion. He does NOT need Gemini to pretend to be a sports announcer and give a play by play of how he kisses you.
Maybe it starts with P just settling down in his room for the night, to read or whatever while he waits for everyone to wake up. Maybe he sets Gemini down on his desk and decides to barge into your room unannounced because he wants needs attention. P likes the quiet moments between you too. He probably doesn’t refuse to do any sort of PDA in front of Gemini, maybe a quick kiss or a casual touch he’s fine with. But when innocent kisses start turning into something a bit more and Gemini chirps: “Wowza! It is getting hot in here or is it just me…” P remembers why he leaves his emotional support cricket in his room.
Once P becomes more human and your relationship becomes even more intimate, Gemini definitely picks up on what’s happening when P leaves him alone somewhere. Gemini absolutely teases the fuck out of you both, saying things like “Were you guys training again? You look pretty worn out!” He knows what he’s doing. Probably also takes a moment to roast P and says “That sure was quick. I thought you’d be gone a little longer…” The cricket has audacity.
Gemini would start to pick up on P feeling a little…ehem, frustrated when you haven’t had a moment alone together in a while. Gemini takes the L, tells P he’s feeling a little off and needs to see Venigni or Gepetto for repairs so he can have a moment to spend with you. He’ll let P have this victory, for now.
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bloodbrown · 11 months
Imagine havin his head in your lap and kissin his face. And kissin all of his lil freckles. And then gently ruffling his hair and telling him he's a gorgeous boy, imagine THAT
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druidesscelaeno · 19 days
Alright, is it just me or has tumblr just gotten super dry lately? I follow a bunch of fucking tags and I feel like before this year or last year, tags used to get content uploaded and pushed a lot.
My fucking tags page has been stuck with the same post, no matter how many times I close the app and refresh the page… OR even when the whole app gets an update. And that’s another thing.
I don’t know if it’s just people deleting their accounts, or simply all the fandoms I’ve been in are simply just dry, but doesn’t feel like tags were updated every week or so with new content?? Is the app just dying or am I just going crazy atp. 😭💀
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kkyos · 1 year
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Oops got caught 👀💦
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vinnytotherescue · 1 year
Pinocchio x reader
Just fluff because the game is killing me :')
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Having the warm water cascade down their sore and tired body is something that most people would crave after a long and arduous day, and of course (y/n) was no exception. She has been running errands for Hotel Krat all day, from helping Eugenie with fixing Pinocchio’s weapons to taking care of Mrs Antonia. When she came across the Hotel she never expected that her life could for once be normal again so she appreciated every sweat and sore muscle she would get from all the work. It is indeed a lot better than fighting for your life everyday and not knowing when Mr death himself was going to be paying you a visit. 
Following the carpeted hallway to her new bedroom she couldn't wait to surrender to the pure bliss that the warm water would give to her aching body. The moment she entered her room she started searching for her bathing products, not much just a vanilla shampoo and body wash, some stuff that she had managed to salvage from a destroyed market. Of course the hotel had such supplies but she figured that she could use hers before returning to the property’s last goods. Grabbing all her stuff she turned to the bathroom but she was suddenly stopped by the creaking sound of the bedroom door opening. Even though she knew who the mysterious intruder was her head still snapped to the source of the sound. Pinocchio stood there his clothes once again stained with the dark black liquid, a proof of his recent battle against more automatons. Even his face was stained by the same substance but his bright blue eyes shone through the darkness of it all.
(Y/n) stared at the boy a smile already plastered on her face. Her an Pinocchio had gotten very close over the past few months, him being her mysterious company and her being his coach to humanity. P offered her a smile as well and entered the room, the dark oil staining the carpet in the process. The girl could only imagine how stained the hallway carpet would be just from seeing the mess created on her carpet in a matter of seconds. 
“P! What have we said about the shoes! You are transferring the oil all over the place!” Pinocchio smiled sheepishly as if saying sorry and his eyes fell on the girl’s bathing products. 
“Are you going for a bath?” P tilted his head still staring at the products. P was always curious about how the water must feel on the skin, he never really showered, there was no reason since he was no human. A little water and a change of clothes would do  before his next trip to Krat.He would get dirty again anyways. But he always loved the way you smelled after a bath, so fresh and airy. He wanted to try it too, but he is a puppet how would his body react? But he ran in the rain, walked in big paddles, he must be fine right? 
“Yeah i was just getting ready-” 
“Can i join you?” P still didnt fully understand the concept of privacy and intimacy. Having a bath with another person just felt normal, he was so hopeful that he didnt notice the embarrassment in the girl’s eyes. 
“A-A date would be nice first-” The boy stared in confusion clearly not understanding the meaning behind it. (Y/n) clutched her stuff tighter and tried to regulate her erratic breathing but to no avail. 
“You know i can shower first and then you can go too” 
“But i don’t know how it works, i have never tried it before” His bright blue eyes stared into her very soul, so hopeful she could not refuse. She had such a crush on him she could not refuse anything really he looked incredibly adorable trying to persuade her. And he managed it. 
“Fine come on let me grab another towel” 
P rushed in the room and followed the girl like a lost puppy as she searched for an extra towel. After she grabbed one she headed toward the bathroom and turned on the faucet, hot water slowly filling the porcelain tub. Pinocchio watched the girl’s movements like he was a painter and he wanted to capture every single detail. 
“What are you doing now?” The water level was rising as the aromatic white liquid left the bottle and filled the tub with unique bubbles of all shapes. P felt like he was dreaming. 
“I am filling it with some shampoo! It makes all those cool bubbles it is perfect for relaxing!” (Y/n) beamed as she watched the bubbles double and triple in amount. P came closer and placed his human fingers over them, each of them disintegrating leaving behind a beautiful light aroma. His smile returned and as he played with the water and the girl just stood there anxious since she was done with the preparations. 
Now comes the hard part, going in.
“I-I think we should get in before the water turns cold” (Y/n) hugged herself anxiously and avoided the boy’s eyes that had settled right on her figure. 
“You can go in first” P left the tub and turned his back to the girl, waiting for her patiently as she undressed and got in. Not going to lie, (Y/n) was pleasantly surprised by this and she climbed in as fast as she could. It was such a nice feeling knowing that she would not be disrespected. P was such a kind soul and that is one reason she fell for him in the first place. 
“You can get in Pino too” thank god the bathtub was big enough for two people. (Y/n) shut her eyes the moment she saw P removing his stained shirt even though she would love to just take a peak. However, Pinocchio was so respectful towards her it was only fair she would act the same. After a few seconds she felt the water rise a bit and her cheeks turned bright red, her hands unable to leave her face.  
“You can open your eyes (y/n), I am done” the girl shook her head and removed her hands hesitantly. Her eyes immediately locked with the blue ones she had fallen in love with and she could feel herself melting, the hot water providing no help to fight it. Pino on the other side was beyond happy, the warm water felt so good against his cold skin and he could see the dense black oil struggling to stay on his body. His hands grazed the bubbles, a game of survival for them and a moment of temporary bliss for him.
While he remained focused on the sight of the fallen bubbles, (y/n) couldn’t help but notice the dark oil tainting his beautiful freckled face. Her hand went up to wipe it before being able to control the movement. The moment it landed on his cheeks his cerulean eyes had already landed on her. The shade of red on her face turned darker and after wiping the dark liquid she snapped her hand back. 
“Sorry you had some oil on you face” Pinocchio held the part of his face that she touched and longed for the warmth. Grabbing her hand he placed it back to his cheek as he leaned on it. (Y/n) was slowly dying by now. The warmth of her body for sure had found the boy and she just stood there like a stone statue. But the closer she looked, his fluffy hair was also stained….Shoot. Impulsive decisions were her forte by now so her other hand reaching to touch his velvet locks was no wonder. 
“Your hair is stained too Pino, did you bathe in oil or something?” Her hands racked through his hair as she tried to remove some knot she found in the process. 
“It just splashes everywhere, i can’t control it” the girl just stared at him sympathetically. It is no secret that every time he would return to hotel Krat she would be worried that under all this oil would be hidden some kind of nasty wound. She knew stuff out there were very difficult. She also knew that Pinocchio was very capable of protecting himself but that did not stop her from worrying like crazy. 
“it’s ok Pino,just… wait” She swiftly turned around and grabbed another bottle smaller in size and poured a generous amount of shampoo in her hands. After making sure to emuslify it she scootched a bit closer to the boy. 
“Can you turn around for me P?” the boy stared at her in question but nevertheless obliged. His back was now at her, thankful that he wasn’t able to see her flustered face anymore. He was much taller than her so she had to sit on her knees to reach properly. Her hands spread the aromatic shampoo all over his locks and she slowly started massaging his scalp. Immediately, she could feel his tense body relax and his head slightly fall towards her. A small smile found its way on her lips as she swept back his hair after rinsing it. His hair reached above his shoulders, the color almost as dark as the color of a raven due to it being wet. He slowly turned his body to face hers, dazed almost by the relaxing massage. He just looked so relaxed for once. (Y/n) could finally see clearly both of his eyes and all the individual freckles adorning his pale face. His eyes stared at her hair and a happy smile returned back to his face. 
“Can i wash your hair too?” The girl smiled and passed him the bottle as she turned her back at him. He carefully tried to imitate the girl’s movements from before but with his legion arm it was always a bit more complicated. He was always afraid that he would hurt her somehow. Like a delicate flower, the moment he would touch it it would crumble like all of the automatons in his way did. So he truly tried to be very careful. The feeling of his legion arm was so different but the cold metal felt so good against your throbbing skull. 
Having both of them washed their hair and the water turning cold was a sign that they should probably get out. Pinocchio was the first one to step out offering the girl a towel right after wearing his. She clearly tried to suppress her urge to look at his upper body as she herself wrapped a towel around her. Emptying the tub they both exited the bathroom and (Y/n) was quick to search for a blowdryer. Pinocchio was already changing into a new pair of clothes, his wet hair dampening his brand new shirt. (Y/n) shook her head giggling as she changed too. 
“Come here silly, we need to dry your hair, your t-shirt got wet” Pinocchio couldn’t get sick so drying his hair felt unnecessary but he would never say no to spending more time with her. He simply sat on the bed in front of her as she blow dryed his hair. The hot air felt so good against his damp hair and the steady noise of the blowdryer was making his eyes droopier minute by minute. His body felt so heavy and he started leaning towards the girl. Finally he was so tired that he couldn’t hold on anymore and let his head fall on her lap. The girl signed in defeat and turned off the blowdryer. His hair was still wet in places but he looked so peaceful sleeping on her lap. She simply let her hands trace over his soft features. 
“You are lucky that i love you” 
“I love you too”
It is fair to say that this was not what (y/n) expected the end of her day to be like, but she was certainly not mad at all. 
The end 
A.N: Thank you so much for reading everyone! If you have any other ideas for lies of p x reader just drop them in my inbox, comments or dms!
P.s Let’s pretend that water would not hurt Pinocchio in any way Lmao
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esteljune · 8 months
'Ingenuous, clueless and completely unfiltered' P headcanons [P x reader]
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P would suddenly kiss a strand of your hair just to feel the scent and softness of it on his lips.
If you ever cried in front of him, he would collect your tears with his fingers and say something totally spontaneous like, "Are you crying... is it for me?"
As he gains humanity, your tears will have an increasingly profound impact on him, so much he would gently stroke your face welcoming them between his lips. You might hear him say softly, "Your tears... hurt."
When P is near you, he would want his heart to beat to have a tangible proof of his own emotion.
He would say something important like, "I'm in love with you," suddenly, sometimes even out of context, with a soft and subdued voice, just to let you know of this realization.
To your manifest emotion, he would respond with an innocent, "You're shaking. Did I say something wrong?"
If you ever showed sincere compassion and tenderness towards him, these feelings would make his mechanical heart race. Keep in mind that he will want to tell you immediately with embarrassing spontaneity, pressing your hand against his chest: "My heart is pounding. I think it's for you..."
Over time, he might hug you pressing you gently against his chest and whisper, "Listen... it's my heart beating for you."
At your first official meeting, he would introduce himself with a theatrical bow.
P is a great listener. He is interested in everything about you, especially your past, your emotions, and he loves it when you share them with him. He would stay for hours listening to you talk about your desires, your dreams, your pain. In the end, you would hear him murmur, "I feel... warmth."
As soon as he is able, P will smile every time he thinks of you or watches you do something, even the most mundane things. A kind and sweet smile that will melt your heart.
Sometimes you might catch him staring at you with the same vacant and distant look he had in the early stages of the game, but then he'll end up asking you: "What are you thinking?". It's not because he feels excluded from your world, but because he wants to absorb as much as he can about how your mind works.
Your touch relaxes him grandly so whenever you stroke his face or his hair he will end up muttering "Please more..." under his breath.
When you notice that his hair has turned grey, he will ask you with a frown, "Is it okay for you?" only because he is worried that this physical change will make you change your feelings towards him.
He is the boy who, if you were ever hurt, would watch over you all night long, making sure more than necessary that your heart is still beating.
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just-some-user-hunny · 11 months
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Jealous Pino headcanons
(also note that I got this picture from Kkyos, please check them out!! Their lies of p stuff is great!!)
~ This new emotion would all but stagger him the first time he feels it. Perhaps a stalker appears a little too taken by you someday, loitering around you and filling your ears with sweet words and compliments.
Pino would find himself feeling irritated by this. His brow would knit and his eyes glare hard at whoever has your attention like this. He won't interfere, merely hovering close to you and staring cold daggers into the person. He'll make sure you're safe and ok, watching this person and eyeing them to make sure they don't make you uncomfortable.
~ Just him getting all tense when they hug you. Eyeing their hands that roam casually over your waist/back/shoulders. Still, he won't interfere- however you may notice his fists clenching a little, the sound of his legion hand clicking subtly.
~ Maybe later once you've departed from the stalker, he pulls you into a safe secluded alleyway and just eagerly tugs you into his arms, hugging you tightly to the point you feel your feet leave the ground and your lungs squeeze from the air leaving them.
His hands roam and settle on your waist, exactly where the stalker had touched you, and it's like he's trying to rub the ghosting presence of their touch off you. Like he's trying to erase it with his own hands.
Pino will simply stand there with you in his arms till he's satisfied, his nose ghosting over your hairline a little before he places you back down on your feet- looking you over once more. With his palms gently cradling the curves of your arms, he'll pull away and lead you back to the hotel- your hand clasped firmly yet carefully in his human hand, meanwhile you're just a flustered and confused mess.
~ He'd start to confront new feelings of
Insecurity. As a being not quite human nor puppet, he's always never given it much thought other than appreciating the strength he possesses to come out on top in battle. At first, he had felt a sense of pride whenever you marveled at his legion arm- impressed by its mechanic and strength. It was strong. He was strong, and he felt pride in knowing you saw him as that. Your protector.
However now you'll notice him start to be more and more hesitant of touching you with his legion arm, the steel intricate carved hand that would once gently curl within your own fingers in a kind embrace would now rarely even grace you with its touch. He'd be more adamant with touching you with his more 'human' hand, wanting to feel more belonging with you.
~ Pino would start having thoughts that would spiral whenever he thought too much about it. He's just a puppet. He's cold and made of parts, whilst you're warm and made of flesh and soul. Whatever could he give you that real man could...
~ Please just hold his face and assure him that he's more than just a puppet. He's your best friend and protector, as you are to him. That he so incredibly precious to you, and that you wouldn't want anyone else that isn't him. Poor pino would get all droopy eyed and puppy-like, finally embracing you with both of his arms and hiding his face into your stomach as you rub the nape of his neck and his scalp.
~ Once you've communicated everything and he's found peace, it is too tempting to tease him.
~ "You're a little possessive, you know that?" You'd giggle playfully, ruffling his fluffy locks of hair a little.
~ Pino would grunt softly, but not pull away- instead nuzzling his face closer into you and tightening his grip, only proving your point 😅
~ He knows he still has lots to learn when it comes to emotions and what makes him feel, but as long as he has your guiding and reassuring words, Pino feels like he could do anything <3
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