#p l a y w i t h me!!!!!
thrassisfras · 4 months
I think one of the more frustrating things about Mormonism was, in my experience, the tendency of teachers to just...not allow debate? Discussion? It was always a sort of "here's the truth, you need to accept it as truth" tone to every lesson.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
my five surviving braincells when something remotely good happens:
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#in other news… wORK IS OVER PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#man. i’m s o tired. i can’t believe i survived almost 2 whole years at this job…#huh. come to think of it… i started tling idol sengen before i even got this job lol. and i’m only 3/5 of the way through it…#can’t believe the idol sengen grind->hiatus->grind(?) outlives my time at [withheld] company…#i did end up spending a cool 20 mins cleaning out my work locker though. i found so many treasures i didn’t even know i had in there#like. there was an unopened 3-pack of wet tissues a n d an unopened box of pens that i don’t recall buying#and ofc the 3 random sponges i ‘liberated’ from the lab. don’t tell my boss lmao#w a i t now that i think about it i should’ve taken at least 1 vial of (allegedly) carcinogenic sand for the memories. dammit.#oh well. what’s done is done i suppose. i did receive way more chocolate than i could ever eat though…#y. yeah. i guess i’ll miss my coworkers (a little). they were fun to annoy every day. except for the new guy bc i don’t like him at all lol#i have never met someone who lacked as much common sense as he. i think he’s gonna get canned before he’s able to resign on his own terms#dude could be spoonfed through every single step of the testing process and *still* mess up somewhere smh#but no. this isn’t about him. even though he is the final straw that led to my decision to resign#hm. looking back on it now. i think i was pretty good at my job for the most part when it came to the things i could do#or maybe i was too good at it. like. to the point where even more experienced analysts were coming to me in search of help#prolly gonna miss being one of the very best (out of like a grand total of 10 people at the lab) at doing ftir-related tests#ehehehehehehe i wonder if that workstation will continue to stay as organised as it is now that i’m gone#a n d i wonder what my coworkers will do now that they can’t ask me for ms excel help for the smallest of things lol#sometimes i just wanna tell them to g o g o o g l e i t ! ! ! when they call me over for it. but alas.#can’t believe these guys know how to use c h a t g p t and not ms excel (despite having it on their resume) smh#omg wow this got long and incoherent sorry guys i think i need some sleep lol. idol sengen next week..#…maybe…? no promises though!!!!!
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beepaa be skdabeep skdoo bappity skebap bappity skdoo bip be be bappity boop skbep beepbop be beepaa, beepaa bopo bap bappity beepo boop skdabeep beepaa beepaa beepbop boop bappity beep beepaa beepaa beepbop boop skdabeep skdoo bap skbep beepaa bap skdoo bapboop beepbop beepaa, beepaa beep bip boop beep bappity be beepaa beepbop boop bap beepo boop skdabeep beepaa, beepaa beepbop boop bappity beepaa beep bip boop beepaa beepbop boop boop beepo boop bepo beep beepaa be bap beepaa be skdabeep beepo be be bap 42. beeeep beepbop boop bappity baaaap be bopo bap boop beep bep beepbop skdabeep beepo be be bap 42, skebap be beepaa beepbop boop de beep bap bip be bopo bap beepaa be bapboop boop beepaa beepaa be beepaa beepbop boop be beepaa beepbop boop bap skbep skdoo skebap boop be skdabeep beepaa beepbop boop bap be be brep. beep skdabeep beepaa boop bap baaaap be bopo skebap be beepaa beepbop boop de beep bap bip be bopo bap, beepaa beep bip boop 3 bap skdoo bapboop beepbop beepaa skbep beep bappity skebap 2 beepo boop skdabeep beepaa skbep. beep skdabeep beepaa boop bap beepaa beepbop boop 3 bap skebap bap skdoo bapboop beepbop beepaa, beepaa beep bip boop 2 brep be bap boop beepo boop skdabeep beepaa skbep.
i aint readin all that
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littleoceanbabe · 11 months
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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D I G I M O N Adventure t r i. {x Txt P o s t(s) M e m e} ~ K O U S H I R O & M I M I (Still in f r i e n d s h i p S t a g e)
{Cap’d by Me} {DO NOT R E-P O S T} {Do Not C o p y} (Please A s k to Use!) {DO NOT RE-P O S T TO OTHER S I T E S WITHOUT MY PERMISSION Under ANY Circumstances!!}
{Sharing privately amongst M u t u a l s is O.K, BUT PLEASE DO NOT RE P O S T PUBLICLY to O t h e r s i t e s} *L I K E S O. K.
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{This post is not Specifically 'S h i p' but still note my R u l e s!}
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woeismywaffle · 2 years
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izzyizumi · 4 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ Episode 36 x Episode 39 + Comparisons + (Storyline) Parallels + Character Development + MRS. IZUMI (& Koushiro) {& Masami Izumi}
"Let's {BELIEVE} in Koushiro. In our son{/child}." - Masami, Quietly but Firmly (before the reveal about Koushiro)'s {A D O P T I O N}
"I {BELIEVE} in these children!!" - Mrs. Izumi to Shin {Jou's sibling}, Determinedly (after the reveal about Koushiro)
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!} Image Usage & Interaction rules under the 'read more’!
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[Though Koushiro is not in the second I.M.G, (Koushiro is in the back-ground of this specific sequence) Izumis are focused on overall, so please treat it as Koushiro Positive regardless! Please interact on this set Respectfully. Please only tag with 'Familial’ and 'Platonic’ tags!]
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waterlinkedgirl · 2 years
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Musical Touken Ranbu: Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyokusai (Sengo ver) english sub
More out of a whim than anything else, I present! My subtitles for the concert that left me in tears the most, Kotobuki! I would be glad if you could keep me in mind whenever Mikazuki and Kogitsunemaru are on screen 🥺
Keep in mind that this is only the subtitle file, timed and tled to the BD/DVD Sengo senshuuraku. (I may do the Hizamaru performance as well, at one point, if I have the time and want)
You can download the subs for the BD/DVD version here!
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scalproie · 3 months
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isekyaaa · 4 months
But on the other hand, a psychological horror fanfiction of That's Not My Neighbor in which you are the doorman and a certain entity becomes obsessed with making your life a living hell.
#story ideas#i just can't get out of my mind a scene where like....#it's already at the end of your shift and the last person comes to the window#it's someone you already let in though so you assume it's a doppelganger#but upon giving this person a look over you begin to realize with horror that there's nothing wrong with this person#they have everything right#and if that is the case.......#w h o w a s t h e p e r s o n y o u l e t i n ?#i can't imagine sitting there realizing that everyone will die and it's all your fault#you let in the real person and you just sit there with your face in your hands ready to let death come#but the evening passes... and the next morning comes.... and life goes on as usual#nobody is dead#but you definitely let in both the imposter and the real person#so where did the doppelganger go?#and then you start overthinking everything#is the doppelganger still in the building? did it kill anyone? and if so who was replaced?#are this person's eyes too big? was her hair always like that? was his hat always that specific shade of gray?#eventually you realize that this is all just a game to the imposter#it's seeing you slowly go insane and is loving each and every single moment of it#and when your mind finally breaks from the abject fear and guilt it has built up within you brick by brick...?#that's when you'll taste your sweetest#i also could totally make this into a yandere like thing where it wants to keep you alive#that's an option too haha#idk how to write psychological or horror or yandere tho so like....... it'll be a first for me
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deus-ex-mona · 10 months
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can’t believe fansa’s number 3 on this anisong karaoke list~~~~~ hooray for mona!!!!!!!!!
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vahrutasgrace · 9 months
👌😎 ❤️ for Link @gloryseized -- i am so excited to see where these two end up!
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!! omg, yes!
Start out with a platonic relationship built on respect, and then it eases into seeing each other in a familial kind of way where they know they would always be there for each other. BUT THEN! Ohohohoh... but then, that respect and loyalty to each other melts into something more. Before they know it, they realize they would do anything for each other if it means seeing the other smile. It also helps that Mipha already has a cute little fishy crush on our hero, lol.
Yes, delicious.
I approve. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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D I G I M O N Adventure tri. {Kokuhaku} {x T{e}xt P o s t(s) M e m e} ~ KOUxTAI {x Poly-cule}['s]
{Cap’d by @izzyizumi}/Me} {DO NOT R E-P O S T} {Do Not C o p y} (Please A s k to Use!) {DO NOT RE-P O S T TO OTHER S I T E S WITHOUT MY PERMISSION Under ANY Circumstances!!}
{Sharing p r i v a t e-ly amongst M u t u a l s is O.K, BUT PLEASE DO NOT RE P O S T} *L I K E S O. K.
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tertiarycorvid · 3 days
W o w w w w I w a s d o i n s o w e l l n o t t y p i n w / m y q u i r k a n n o w I m
m y ( n o t t r o l l ) b f f p r o l l y t h i n k s
I m i n s a n e ) ' : E
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aph-japan · 4 months
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure tri. : Kokuhaku {2k16} x Katekyō (H i t m a n) {R E B O R N!} #180 {2k10} + Q u o t e's to Know {KOUSHIRO}/{Y a m a m o t o} By + F R A M I N G (+T h e m a t i c)/(S t o r y t e l l i n g) P a r a l l e l s
"It's about WHAT YOU W I L L DO" (Implied): {"From here"}+{"NOW!"}
"It's NOT AN ISSUE of WHAT YOU ' S H O U L D ' 'DO'," - T s u y o s h i Y a m a m o t o
{Cap'd by Me} {DO NOT RE-P O S T} {DO NOT COPY} (Please ASK to Use!)
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darkheartedprince · 5 months
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ANONYMOUS SENT: What's something you're surprisingly passionate about ?
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Riku looked down at the plushie in his hands then up at the stranger , offering a polite little smile . His mom always told him it was nice to smile at people , even when he didn't want to .
"Well . . . I like sharks . " The young silverette started , " I think they're neat . I really like the ocean , an' seashells . "
He looked at the shark plushie in his hands as he thought about how else he could answer this question . When he finally had an answered , he looked back up .
" An' my friends . I don't have very many . Just one , his name is Sora . An' I have my mom . They matter . I really like them a lot . An' , one day , I wanna have the strength to protect them -- the strength to protect what matters . "
His mom would be proud of him . That's the most he's talked to a stranger in a while .
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