#p 3 visa
📢 Join Us for U.S. Immigration Basics in the Biden/Harris Era and Beyond!
🗓️ Date: Thursday, June 27
🕘 Time: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
🎓 Credits: Earn up to 7.2 credits, including 1.0 in ethics
David H. Nachman, Esq., Managing Attorney, NPZ Law Group
Program Highlights:
Comprehensive guide to immigration law
Effective strategies for representing foreign nationals
Updates on Biden/Harris immigration policies
Essential knowledge for all legal practitioners
🔗 Register Now: https://njsba.com/event/us-immigration-basics-in-the-biden-harris-era-and-beyond-2/
Let’s decode the complexities of immigration law and build a more inclusive legal community. Don't miss this insightful program! #ImmigrationLaw #LegalEducation #NPZLawGroup
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bsaka7 · 7 months
i have officially signed up for my marathon :)
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uglyandtraveling · 3 months
Skip the US Visa Interview! New program lets you apply FASTER & EASIER. Learn who qualifies & how to ditch the interview stress!
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f1fantasys · 2 months
Miami GP
Part 1 - Wish you could stay.
Part 2 link
Lando and Y/N are fwb, so a lot of smut, slight angst, and of course part 2 will be THE WIN, which I'm still not over!! Someone pinch me! If you have any requests for what I should include please leave a comment!
Warmings - smut, unprotected sex, p in v, female/male head, swearing.
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Miami GP. One of the most exciting races of the season. Being an F1 influencer and social media persona, this was once of the races in the year that had so much hype built around it. From the celebrities, to the many events unfolding before the actual race, it wasn't one to miss. This time you'd been invited by Charlotte Tilbury to campaign for the F1 Academy Race, and you couldn't have had a prouder moment - rooting for the girls!
You'd arrived yesterday and went straight into an event with the girls of the F1 Acedemy as well as some of the girlfriends of the drivers.
This morning you were woken up by a message by none other than Lando Norris. You were friendly with a lot of the drivers and their partners, but Lando was special to you. You instantly shared a bond and six months ago, things changed. You became friends with benefits. Of course you were always aware of your lingering crush on Lando, and you often got inclines from him that he felt the same way, but you both were too scared to risk your friendship. So you chose the next best thing - getting close to each other without feelings - or so you thought.
Being in a situation-ship like this with Lando was exhilarating. He was one of the most handsome people you'd known, and he was ever the gentleman, Except for when he fucked you ;) He was fun, and cocky, and boy did he know how to make you feel good. And vise-visa - you made him feel equally as good and there were days when you couldn't go a day without being joined by the hip. You simply couldn't get enough of each other.
One rule though - just sex. No sleeping over. No spending the night. It was down to business and then leave.
That was the part that was becoming harder and harder with each passing day. Watching him get up and leave after giving you the most intoxicating orgasms, and then meeting the next day around friends pretending nothing was going on.
You'd last seen Lando two weeks ago in Monaco - the only thing getting you spending two weeks apart were your regular face-time hookups. Him telling you how down and dirty he would get on you if you were together, and you telling him how you'd get him off.
So - back to today. You read his text :
Lan <3
''Touchdown in Miami baby. When am I seeing you?''
You couldn't help but smile at his message. Your body has been aching for his touch since you last saw him, but at the same time you just missed being around him.
You replied :
''Staying at the same hotel babe. Room 402. Waiting for you''
And you attached a picture of you in bed, clearly naked.
''Fuck me'' was the reply you got.
''Trust me, I plan to'' you smiled to yourself and to replied back.
Not more than 30 minutes later and there was a knock at your door.
You'd just come out of the shower so were still wrapped in just your towel when you went to open the door.
''Fuck Y/N, trying to kill me?'' he smirked, pushing you back inside and then suddenly lifting you up and crashing the pair of you onto your bed.
You clung onto his curls, giggling, and pulled him down to your lips. You honestly could make out with him forever.
It was quickly getting heated. You opened your mouth to let him slide his tongue in when you sucked on it. Teeth were clashing. Bruises surely being left at how rough you both were being.
To Lando - he was distracting you and took this as an opportunity to rid your body of your towel.
The cool air instantly hardened your nipples as Lando took them between his fingers and pinched them, earning a moan from you.
''Missed that pretty sound baby'' he cooed as he now took one of your nipples in his mouth and sucked on it.
Your hands found his curls and pulled at them, silently begging him for more.
''Lan, please'' you breathed. ''Need more. Need you in me. Fuck please'' you whined.
He hadn't even touched your cunt yet and you were already begging for more.
''Y/N, we have the whole morning. Let me show you how much I've missed you and you pussy.
''Fuck'' was all you could mutter. Lando's dirty talk always did a number on you and got you dripping with want.
He lowered his body some more, spreading your legs wide open and kissing and licking a trail up your inner thighs.
''Fuck, Lando. Please!'' you all but screamed. You needed to feel him, now!
''Fucking hell'' he muttered. And he dove straight in. His tongue finding your clit, sucking and biting at it, giving you no time to comprehend the fact that he was finally giving you some relief.
''Shit, Y/N, so wet for me already. Can't get enough of tasting your delicious juices.'' he muttered, his tongue not giving you a chance to even think of a reply.
He soon added one, then two finger straight into your cunt. He for sure knew just how to curl them to hit the right spot. The one that had you putty in his arms. Trembling and letting out moans you were sure people over the wall could hear.
You could feel your stomach start to tighten and your walls start to clench around his fingers as he continued his slaughter with his mouth.
''Can tell you're getting close baby, go on'' he barely audibly said as you felt yourself come crashing down. Your orgasm rippling through your body as your warm juices released straight into Lando's mouth.
Your body felt limb, but Lando didn't slow his movements. This time he added a third finger into play, and as much as you loved his fingers, you still were aching to feel his cock fill you up.
''Please Lando, need to feel you in me. Please'' you begging him again.
''Fuck, angel, come here'' he said as he removed his fingered from your cunt, quickly took off his clothes, and sat against the headboard.
''Want you to ride me, please'' he begged you in return.
Lando took his painfully hard dick in his hands and pumped himself a few times, using his hand that was still slick with your juices.
You crawled up to him and sat on your knees, bending over his body. Not that you needed more lube, because you were soaking wet, but you dripped some of your spit directly on his dick. This time he was the one to moan as if his life depended on it.
You climbed onto him and pulled him in for a needy kiss. You could taste yourself as you started grinding yourself on his thigh.
''Y/N, you're incredible. The things you do to me'' he hissed so he lifted you up slightly so you could sink down on him.
As he filled you up with his whole dick, you both stayed still, giving you time to adjust to his length. He was bigger than average, and as much as you loved his cock, the first push always stung.
But soon the pleasure took over the pain, and you stared to move. Up and down. Pulling at his curls as his mouth found your boobs again and began sucking on your nipples.
''Oh my god, Lan, yes, fucking missed riding you like this. Making me feel so good. Shit'' you managed to say between breaths.
''You're so hot on face-time, but fuck me being with you like this is the best feeling ever.'' he groaned while still licking and sucking your nipples.
He started lifting himself up, meeting you half way. Slamming into you so hard you actually were seeing stars. He was reaching all the right places in your cunt and by now both of your moans were so vulgar that if people were walking past your room it must have sounded like a live porno was happening.
''Fuck Lando I'm going to cum'' and before you could even finish your sentence your orgasm came on so violently your whole body was shaking in Lando's arms.
He held you and continued searching for his own release.
''Where do you want me?'' he asked, breathlessly.
''In me, please'' you managed to whisper. Too dazed to put effort into anything you were saying.
Not a second later and Lando emptied his warm liquids in your pussy, filling you up to the brink.
As he slowed his movements he pulled you impossibly closed and hugged you tight, his dick slowly softening in you.
''Please can we just stay like his forever?'' you cooed.
He gave you a giggle and said ''you don't have to ask me twice, fucking hell. I have no words'' he said as he gently kissed you, tongue exploring your mouth as if searching for diamonds.
You don't know how long the pair of you stayed in that position. Could have been 3 minutes, could have been 30. But you needed to clean up.
You really wished that this could be forever. That he wouldn't get up and leave in a few minutes. But reality came crashing down.
As Lando pulled himself out of you you couldn't help but whimper that the loss of contact.
He quickly went to get a warm cloth to wipe you down and started putting his clothes on. While you sat there, shamelessly staring at his toned body which you just wanted to pull back into bed.
There was a sudden shift of energy in the room. Awkward almost.
''See you tonight? Planning a dinner with the guys and whoever is here'' he asked.
''Yeah, sounds good. Send me the details'' you smiled.
He got up after putting his shoes back on and reached over to give you one more quick kiss on your lips before he was out the door.
''Fuck'' you thought to yourself. ''I really am in too deep now.''
The day again was filled with multiple events and lots of food and drinks. Despite the post-sex awkwardness from this morning, Lando still regularly texted you throughout the day. At one point - he was sexting with you too. You couldn't help but flush your cheeks at his forwardness. he was getting you horny all over again.
Lan <3
''Can't wait to fill you up again tonight.'' ''Fuck, can't wait to taste you again.'' ''Can't wait to feel you clench around me again.''
You were done for. You couldn't concentrate on anything now. All you wanted to do was drag Lando back to bed.
''Fuck me Lando, stop teasing. Can't function now. All I can think about is your cock.'' you replied quickly.
''Oh yeah? Want me to fuck you senseless tonight?'' he cheekily replied.
''Yes please, desperate to feel to you fill me up again.''
This was going to be a long afternoon.
Finally as the days' events finished, you had about an hour until meeting Lando and the others for dinner.
You decided on a cotton tight white dress that showed off your ass and boobs perfectly. You knew where the night was going so you didn't wear any underwear - it wouldn't have looked nice anyways.
Just as you were finishing your makeup you phone rang. Of course it was him.
''Lan'' you answered.
''Hey babe, I''m running late, just got back to the hotel so come to my room to chill if you're ready. Leaving the door unlocked.''
Before you could even reply he put the phone down.
''Okay'' you thought to yourself. ''That wasn't weird.''
Anyways, you quickly finished you makeup and 15 minutes later you entered Lando's room.
You immediately knew he was in the shower as you heard the water running. It took everything in you to try to NOT picture him right now. Naked. Beautiful and sexy body on display. Cock spring free and throbbing, hopefully for your cunt.
''Fuck'' you though to yourself.
You tried to keep yourself busy on your phone but it wasn't helping.
Eventually you heard the water turn off and you weren't surprised when he walked out of the bathroom butt-naked.
''Hello'' he smiled innocently at you, walking towards you and pecking your cheek.
It was a few seconds before you greeted him back, too engulfed in his body no, his hard dick dancing around.
You cleared your throat. ''Hey Lan'' you tried to act causal.
''How was your day'' you eventually managed, trying to distract yourself from the dirty thoughts filling your mind.
''Ummmm, started off pretty well'' he winked at you. ''Then was boring as shit, meetings and all.'' he said as he began putting his shirt on. Cock still on display.
You were going to break - you couldn't hold it in anymore.
''Fuck Lando! What are you trying to do to me? Walking around like that. You're driving me fucking crazy and we haven't even been to dinner yet!'' you exclaimed.
''Haha, knew it wouldn't take you long to brake. Come here'' he said pulling you up.
He hugged you as tight as he could before he started leaving open-mouthed kisses along your neck.
''You'll have to suffice my lips right now, and if you behave, you can get my dick after dinner.''
You scoffed at that. ''If I behave? Remind me what you couldn't wait for earlier?'' you smirked at him.
''Whatever'' he said as his cheeks flushed pink.
He distracted you again by kissing you. Deep and hard, as if his life depended on it.
''Let's get this dinner over with so we can get back to business.''
You went down to the lobby of the hotel separately. None of your friends knew about the fact that the two of you wear having sex. The only person who did was Carmen, George's girlfriend. But you both practically threatened her with silly things if she told anyone, even George. There was no way things would be easy if everyone found out. Plus you liked having your own little bubble.
Dinner was not eventful to say the least. It was fun catching up with the girls but you really couldn't wait to be in the taxi going back to the hotel.
At some point during the dinner, Lando found himself next to you, pretending to talk about something important, but really just whispering filth in your ear.
''Please, let's go'' you practically begged him.
After a while he made up the excuse that you weren't feeling well and that he was going to take you back to the hotel.
It was a miracle no one batted an eyelid as you said your goodbyes.
His lips were on yours as soon as you were in the taxi.
No talking the whole ride - just wandering hands and tongue on tongue. Eventually, the taxi driver cleared his throat to alert you that you were back at the hotel.
''Cheers'' Lando told him before practically dragging you to your room.
As soon as the door was closed, Lando took your dress in his hands and ripped it apart.
''LANDO!'' you all but screamed.
''Sorry babe, but I needed it off. I'll buy you a new one. Fuck no underwear?'' he asked with wide eyes, gaping at your boobs and cunt.
''No underwear'' you repeated as you sunk down on your knees before him.
''Fuck, wait let me sit down.''
He guided you to the sofa and undid his belt before you pulled his jeans and boxers down in one go.
His cock sprang out and hit his stomach, pre-cum already dripping from it.
You got on your knees again and took him into your hands.
Pumping him a few times, spreading his pre-cum around.
''Please Y/N'' he begged. ''Been wanting to feel your lip around me all day along.'' he begged again.
Although you wanted to tease him, the ache between your legs was growing impatient.
So you took the tip of him between your lips, and sucked, so hard that his legs started to shake.
'Oh my god, gonna be the end of me, you are'' you said in between moans.
You then took as much of him as you could, as your hands started pumping what you couldn't fit in. You weren't holding back now. Bobbing your head, while Lando's hands found your hair and held it out of your way.
''That's it. Keep going Y/N. Taking my girth so well. Not gonna last long.'' he muttered between breathes.
You were starting to gag now. Tears stinging the corners of your eyes. But you were determined to taste him, so you kept going until he was all but screaming you name full of praises and you felt his warm cum spill to the back of your throat.
''Shit, that mouth of yours. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Best mouth I've ever had.'' he said pulling up to sit on his lap to kiss you again.
You started grinding your ass on his thighs, just as you did this morning, until he scooped you up and carried you to the bed.
Before you could comprehend what was happening, Lando had you on all fours, lining his dick up at your entrance.
He pushed in slowly, allowing you to adjust again.
''Faster, please, go all out'' you begged him.
Finally, he picked up his pace, slamming into you from behind, grunting and praising how good you felt. How your walls clenched around his cock.
''Yeah baby, just like that. Being my whore. Wish you would be my whore forever.''
You both were too blissed out and breathless to even think of what Lando said. All you could think about was how good he was fucking you right now.
''Yes Lan, fuck me harder, please, harder.''
Then suddenly he pulled out and turned you around. He was on top of you this time. Pounding into you, not getting enough.
His lips found homage on your boobs as his hands found yours and intertwined them together.
You could feel the warmth start to build up in your stomach, legs beginning to shake. ''Gonna cum babe?'' he asked as he felt your walls start to clench almost painfully around his dick.
With no warning you came around him. Gushes if warm liquid even spilling out of you.
By now you couldn't form any words so you simply just nodded, and your moans reached new heights.
''Too much Lando, can't take it.'' you groaned.
''Yes you can. Look at me. You can cum again for me, can't you?''
And how could you say no to him when he was looking at you like that?
''Fuck, go on'' you hissed as you felt him quicken his pace again, clearly chasing his own orgasm as well.
Once again both of your moans were so obscene it was brilliant. In seconds he had you cumming all over again.
You could feel his movements getting sloppier by the second. ‘Want to taste you again, please’ you begged him.
Straight away he pulled out of you and shoved his dick in your mouth. Immediately had you gagging and tearing up but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
‘Fuck fuck fuck Y/N yes, oh yes’ he moaned as he emptied his spill to the back of your throat.
His body went limb and so he let his weight fall on you. Curls stuck to his forehead because of the sweat. You held onto him for dear life. Eyes prickling because of the stimulations but also because of your want of more from him.
You pressed your lips to his in a soft and sloppy manner. How you wished you really could stay like this the whole night.
Suddenly it was awkward again. None of you knowing what to say to each other. This was very weird. There was never a moment even in your friendship when things were as awkward as this.
As always, Lando cleaned you up and was walking out of your door within minutes. You wished you could run after him and pull him back in, never let him go. But you couldn’t. That was just a fantasy you longed for.
The next few days passed in a blur. Both of you busy with events and meetings and so on. When you were together with friends, things still felt weird. You couldn’t make out what was wrong. But you still hooked up every night - nothing would stop your two bodies coming together for nights on undeniably passionate sex.
Finally though, it was race day 😈
Authors note - hope you guys enjoyed this. I am still reeling from the win-can’t stop smiling! Who else still feels like this? Also, enjoy these pics, because I couldn’t not bless your tl with them 🧡
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0-hoony · 4 months
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fairy of shampoo [or, holding hands w riize]
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : fluffiest fluff 2 ever fluff cw/tw : none! (some arent really hand holding im sorry guys ://) wc : 0.6k
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seunghan : he's a simple guy but he's also a hopeless romantic; big sucker for interlinked fingers and all the symbolism that comes w it <3 his grip would be so, so gentle though.. unless on rare occasions you happen to trigger his slightly possessive streak where his fingers would unintentionally tighten around yours.. wouldn't hesitate to show off him holding your hands to the source of the jealousy~
wonbin : hand holding patterns would definitely differ but mostly he'd stick to the simplest kind : your hand over his (or visa versa if he's feeling particularly babygirl/wants to be comforted by you).. he's the kinda guy who'd gently stroke your knuckles with his thumb all the time but the second you do it to him he ends up so flustered.. (side note he probably swings your hands tgt when you're out on a walk or something ;-;)
sohee : i saw this one twt post where they said that he seemed to not be that used to physical touch and was slowly getting used to it with his members ... so i feel like he'd maybe be a bit hesitant, shy to initiate proper hand holding straightaway; but would still want to feel connected to you .. hence, interlocked pinkies <3 also whenever he can he'd raise your hands to his lips and place a lil kiss right on the tip of your finger,,
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anton : hear me out - he gets kinda hyper excited when you're around him and because of both of you being busy with your respective works you don't really get a lot of time together.. but there's so much he wants to show you, to experience with you.. this is what leads him to grab ahold your wrist and almost feverishly drag you places + it gives him leverage to be able to casually bite your arm (it's his love language) once a while ._.
shotaro : prefers to keep his arm around your shoulder whenever he can rather than holding hands which is adorable but guys... he's a head bonker trust me..... likes to bump your heads together (like a littol bunny ;-;) when he has his arm around you. also it makes him feel overall really fuzzy and warm inside to think he's kinda "protecting you" and keeping your pretty head comfy as well,, adores the fact that this position more often than not ends with you having an arm around his waist >///<
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sungchan : he's an all or nothing guy and if it's you he physically can't go nothing; therefore he must have one of your hands in his while your other rests on his arm. yes he knows that means your hands won't be free to carry/hold on to anything else but hey what else is he here for?? steals whatever your holding and holds out his hand to you like oh you want to hold something too? here, hold this for me please ^^. yeah i know it's my hand and what about it D: ?
eunseok : he's different he's not like other guys huge fan of wrapping a hand around your waist because he's generally not a huge fan of a lot of pda but this provides him a secure position right at the edge of casual affection, intimacy and can we go to the other room and makeout :/ please :/ this probably started out as just teasing you but he actually likes how he's kinda subtly making it known that you're each others' <3 oh and loves that he can tickle you whenever he wants :p
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notes : haha. mai. mai hey if u see this im begging u to take away my motivation rn please the history textbook is calling out to me please </3 /lh... + the coloured text realllyy isnt visible on light screens huh. fml + [m.list]
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blackwoolncrown · 1 year
Help me out w 2$ (or more if you can <3)
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Okay since enough time has passed that I started talking about where I moved, let me explain a bit further:
I am dealing w three main issues that could use financial support: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1- Last year on a 90 day notice I ended up selling off my shit and driving- yes DRIVING- to Mexico to live there w my partner. I paid for a permit so I could cross the border w my car- it lasts 180 days, which is up now.
2- Tourist visas are, as mentioned, 180 days after which you HAVE to leave so I recently had to fly out and come back (so I can have a fresh FMM) which costs $$$$
and NOW I have to drive up to the border to clear my old permit and get a new one, which costs $$$ in gas and non-working time
3- And that non working time is a BIG DEAL because in order to get my residency, which will save me from having to do this back and forth again, I have to have an income of $3,600. Take home. As I am self employed that means I have to MAKE $4,800 A MONTH for 6 CONSECUTIVE months in order to get approved. If a month goes under...the clock starts again.
Last month I had a post like this but sadly I still had to pay  myself with $700 from my savings account to make the necessary $4,800
I only need to keep this up for TWO MORE MONTHS but with all the travel I had to do this month next month’s income might get dinged.
I’m a Black Indigenous Femme that had to flee FL last year for multiple reasons (it’s basically ground zero for American Fascism rn) and living out of the US has been a lifesaver but in order to lock in the long term stuff I need community support and/or reparations to make it work!
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The money has to go to my BUSINESS account so:
1. p*yp*l.me/ellipsislux 2. Book a service w me (hi I’m a spiritualist! Also check out my ‘ask a question’ option- you can even ask me stuff about herbs or anything! - if you would like energy chart dowsing kindly schedule any time AFTER June 7th)
Help me grow my business:
Subscribe to my Youtube & like my videos! Follow me on insta https://www.instagram.com/iamthatwhich/ & share my reels!
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inariizaki · 1 year
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sypnosis : chishiya was planning to tell what he feels towards you, he had everything prepared, his words, where he will confess, and what time he'll confess, but it seems like fate ruined everything he planned, and ended up just blurting that three words.
tags : little angst, fluff at the end<3
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“ w-wait what? ” kuina said, processing what the nonchalant guy said recently.
“ YOU'RE FINALLY CONFESSING?? ” she exclaimed.
“ lower your voice, she might hear you. ” he stated.
“ wow, just you confessing is... something else. that's totally not so chishiya. i still can't believe you'll confess. ” she says, mouth slightly open, while looking at chishiya.
chishiya smirked, “ me neither. i thought it was because she caught my attention, i mean, she did, but...it was more than that. ”
kuina smiled, “ wish you the best of luck, loverboy. ”
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chishiya was searching for you, everywhere, he went to your room, the places you often, but he couldn't find you anywhere.
the games were already starting, he didn't knew if you have any visas left, so he was very worried. but he didn't show it, though.
kuina didn't joined the games, since she still got visas with her. while chishiya was searching for you, he found kuina, leaning on a wall, raising a brow.
“ chishiya? wandering around? very out of character. you usually stay in your room, or in a game, in times like this. ” she stated. chishiya looked at her coldly, his hands remained in his pocket of his jacket,
“ i'm actually searching for [name], have you seen her around? ” he asked, kuina shrugged her shoulder in response,
“ oh i forgot, you were gonna confess, right? she probably participated in a game. ” she stated.
“ probably, ” he answered.
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you participated in a game, coming back with bruises all over your arm, hoping you could hide it so the others wouldn't mind.
you entered your room, as you opened the door, you saw a chishiya sitting in your bed, waiting for you, perhaps.
“ what are you doing here? ” you asked,
he stood up, and went to you, his hands still in his pockets, looking at you nonchalantly.
“ you participated in a game, ” he says, you furrowed, of course you did, your visa was gonna end.
“ yeah? my visa was supposed to end tonight, so i...joined the game. ” you explained.
“ atleast you could've brought me with you. ” he says. you noticed, he's very weird today. chishiya's usually not like this.
you raised a brow, “ you're weird, what do you mean? ”
“ i said, you could've brought me with you, what if you got killed there? it's very dangerous joining a game all alone by yourself. ” his voice was stern, oh boy, he was mad. but why?
you let out a breathy chuckle, “ chishiya, i'm a grown up, i don't need others just to make sure i'll be safe whenever i wander around. i can take care of myself. i don't need other people's help, and i made it out alive- ”
he cuts you off, “ what if you didn't? what if you made the simpliest mistake? i know you know that making even a little mistake can put your life into danger. we're in the bordelands, [name]. not in the real world. ”
“ i know. i'm aware that we're in the borderlands. i get that making one simple mistake can put my life into danger, ” you paused.
“ but i'm very careful about my actions! i was always very careful about my actions. so you don't have to worry. ” you added.
“ careful with your actions? explain your bruises all over your arms, then. ” he stated.
you stayed silent for a minute, he was really getting in your nerves,
you sighed frustratedly, “ why do you want to know about me desperately? why are you acting so weird this days, chishiya? would you care to explain that? ”
“ answer my question. ” he said, while looking directly at your eye.
“ i told you, explain that bruises in your arm- ”
he what...?
“ you what? chishiya? ” you asked, chishiya looked at you, coldly.
“ i said i like you. ” he answered bravely. you blinked a few times, hell you were even touching your bruises in your arm to confirm if this is some sort of dream.
“ stop touching your bruises, it's not a dream. ” says chishiya.
“ it's okay if you dont reciprocate- ” he was cutted off when you began to speak,
“ actually, i like you too, chishiya. ”
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znerac · 1 year
hello!! i love your fics. i was hoping for maybe a pedro x reader fic, established relationship where you are sick and he takes care of you? or visa-versa. (alt maybe you are sick on a weekend he was coming home to surprise you while he’s away filming)?
This is such a cute idea idk how i never thought of this! 😧 also so sorry i would of gotten this out sooner but i went out on vacation with like barely any service ❤️❤️
I'll also keep in mind to maybe write a ver where Pedro's sick. And sorry its a bit short :P
Anyways i Loved writing this, here ya go 🥰
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Reader. Warnings/tags: no specific gendered reader, No y/n, Petnames, fluff, Just cute stuff :) Summary: Pedro comes home to surprise his partner with a visit, But the Reader is sick and he takes his time caring for them <3
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Feeling under the weather always sucked, How could it be enjoyable? Laying in bed, feeling down and crappy, And unfortunately you had come down with something. You were fevered, stuck in bed, sleeping all day and whimpering in pain from whatever you caught. It sucked enough being alone, since you had to force yourself out of bed to eat. When all you wanted to do was rest like your exhausted body asked you.
You body shivered, leaning up against the counter as you waited for the water in the kettle to boil. Wrapped up in a blanket while you attempted to feel warmer. Sighing when the kettle whisteled, and you poured yourself a cup of tea to your taste. Bringing the hot beverage to your lips and humming as it soothed your throat.
Day two of feeling like shit, what a start to the weekend. You stood in the kitchen drinking your tea, revelling in the warmth it gave you. Furrowing your brows as you heard a door open, and even heard your name. It almost sounded like-
Pedro. He walked into the kitchen with a big smile, that only faltered as he looked at you. "Oh mi amor, You don't look so good" he said, coming over to you and wrapping you in his arms. Pedro gave you a few kisses on the forehead, you groaning as you leant into it. "I thought you were filming" you hummed.
"Well, i was missing you, thought I'd surprise Mi hermosa compañera. I flew home for the weekend just for you" he says, petting your hair. "So are you not feeling well? You feel clammy" pedro asked, looking into your eyes with those brown orbs. You shook your head with a frown, which he met. "Ah, don't worry baby. I'll make you feel all better" he said with a smile, kissing your forehead again. "Go sit on the couch, pick a show you like mi amor. I'll be right out there with you"
You nodded, squeezing his hand briefly before leaving with your blanket and tea, making yourself comfortable on the couch. A show you like acompanying you. Pedro took a while, but when he came back with soup and water, and a couple of meds your heart melted.
"Awh.. You didn't have to-" you hum, taking the soup and setting it comfortably in your lap. Pedro laughs, "Well, what kind of a boyfriend would i be if i didn't take care of my partner?" he replied, handing you the meds along with the water. He sat down beside you, pulling you close.
"Thank you" you mumble, swallowing down the pills. He just nods with a smile, planting a kiss on your cheek. You shivered, a rush of cold flowing down your spine. In a quick whim to get rid of the cold, you take a couple spoon-fulls of your soup which almost immediately cures it.
On days like this you were more than thankful to have pedro. He was always willing to take care of you. And when he felt like this? You gave back just the same.
Eventually when you were done eating, pedro just pulled you into his lap and rested his head on your shoulder, littering your neck with kisses and small whisperes of his affection. Just by being with him, you felt better.
When Pedro noticed you passed out cold, he chuckled, Saying to your unconscious self affectionate words and how much he loved you. A few things that were cheesy, and others that were just him admiring you. But then he put you in his arms, got up and carried you to bed.
When he set you in, he lifted up the covers and made sure you were comfortable and warm. Crawling in and hugging you into his arms. He had no plan on going back to filming until you were better.
A/N: Usually i try not to write micro's but i was a little stumped. Sometimes cute little drabbles are good though when you need a bit of a readers-block breaker i guess.
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Government of Canada Introduces New Legislation for Citizenship by Descent
#CanadianImmigration #CanadianCitizenship #CitizenshipByDescent #BillC71 #InclusiveCitizenship #LostCanadians #DualCitizenship #CdnPoli
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definedbydaylight · 1 year
“Show Me Your Love”
A Matty Healy x OC Instagram AU
OC: Harper Flux Introduction⋆。°✩
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Harper Eve Flux||Writer and Artist
Harper Flux is an up and coming poetry writer who started posting small blurbs and poetry on Tumblr in high school and gained a small cult following.
She was born on April 20th 1996 in Rutland, Vermont.
She grew up loving music, books and art more than anything, alongside being an author, she’s an avid painter and a skilled pianist.
In school she participated in theatre, choir, and was an all honors student. She received multiple scholarship awards and decided to attend the University of Birmingham, in 2017 she graduated with a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing.
After living in England for 3 years she fell in love with the country and decided to plant her seed there and make it a place to call home, after spending a year back at home to save up money while she waited for her Visa approval, during this time she did multiple online interviews with publishing houses in the UK to secure a job for a future work visa, she was hired by Galley Beggar Press as a low level editor
In 2018 just a few weeks after her 22nd birthday she and her mother Heather packed up her whole life and flew to London, after spending a week with her daughter to help her settle in Harper’s mother returned to their family home in Vermont.
After 2 years of living in London she feels like she’s really made a place for herself, she lives in a small two bedroom flat with her cat; Boots.
We pick up with her here in this story! :)
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FC: Luca Hollestelle!
Posts will probably be slow and not on a schedule also most of the photos I’ll be using for the AU probably won’t line up in chronological order of the real world but I’m going to ignore that cause I’m just lazy enough to not care :P
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yoshikiofficial · 1 year
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And this card is #YOSHIKI x #VISACARD ” そしてこの #YoshikiVISACARD での #YOSHIKIディナーショー 先行抽選受付は 本日3/26(日)23:59時 まで"! Ticket info https://jp.yoshiki.net/info/3277/ https://l-tike.com/concert/mevent/?mid=343612 #YOSHIKI #世界一豪華なDINNERSHOW 今年夏 #YOSHIKIディナーショー2023 in TOKYO JAPAN 決定! #EveningWithYOSHIKI #BreakfastWithYOSHIKI Card info #三井住友カード #VISA #visaカード #YoshikiVisaCard https://www.smbc-card.com/nyukai/affiliate/uk/index.jsp https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPpntsP3f1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Everything In Eret’s Museum
I combed through Eret’s most recent streams for a... few hours to find the names of all the things that Eret has collected in their museum. Feel free to DM me things that i missed or forgot! 
If I have a (?) next to anything, I don’t know what the thing is for, so feel free to DM about those too!
(i put it under the cut bc it’s a LONG post)
Weapons and Tools
Diamantspitzhacke - Niki’s Pickaxe. Name means “Diamond Pickaxe” in German
Techno’s Potato Hoe - The hoe that he used to create his potato farm underneath Pogtopia (ty to @supahjapah for the info!)
Tommy’s Wooden Pickaxe 
Dap Me Up (Shovel) (?)
SAM NOOK’S IRON WILL (sword) (?)
George’s First Wooden Pickaxe
Dream’s First Wooden Pickaxe
Tommy’s Dueling Bow
BOOM C U M (firework launcher) (?)
L’manberg Shields (2)
Fundy’s Las Nevadas Sheild
Dream SMP Manberg-Era Sheild
Guard Sword
Warden Bow
Guard Bow
Netherite Pickaxe (from the Prison)
“Black” Ops (Netherite Something) (?)
Church Prime Outfit
Hazmat Suit
Tommy’s Robber Outfit
Schlatt’s L’manberg Suit(uncomplete, missing chestplate)
Tommy’s Armor of Some Sort?(uncomplete, missing chestplate)
Tubbo’s Hard Hat + Armor(uncomplete, missing chestplate)
Las Nevadas Flag (2)
L’Manberg Banners (2)
Snowchester Flag (1)
Badlands Flag (6)
Techno’s Antarctic Empire Banner (1)
Sheildza (1) (?)
Independents (Tubbo_, Copy of Original)
Fundy’s Adoption Papers (uncomplete)
$.01 (Dream, Original) (?)
Final Contract (The_Eret, Original)
Sams Bucket Egg Journal 1(uncomplete) - The first journal about how Sam Bucket first found the egg (ty to @snowyh2o for the info!)
Sams Bucket Egg Journal 2(uncomplete) The second journal about how Sam Bucket first found the egg (ty to @snowyh2o for the info!)
Evidence (uncomplete) (?)
McPuffy’s New Employee Contract (uncomplete)
Las Nevadas Membership Contract (uncomplete)
Helpza (FoolishG, Original) - A help letter from Foolish to Philza made during the L’sandberg arc. Phil never received it. (ty to @asc3ndant for the info!)
Leaving For Now (CaptainPuffy, Original)
Merrr Chmmsst (Nihachu, Original) (?)
Merry Christmas (Nihachu, Original)
The Syndicate (Technoblade, Copy of a Copy)
Techno’s Will (Technoblade, Original)
For Tubbo (Tommyinnit, Original)
I”M SORRY! (CaptainPuffy, Original) (?)
Merry Christmas (Nihachu, Original)
LE TRADE BOOK (Ponk, Original) (?)
:) (ItsFundy, Original) (?)
help (Tommyinnit, Original) (?)
King (Eryn, Original) (?)
Friendship (?)
WARDEN ACCESS (awesamdude, Original)
Connors Diary (ConnorEatsPants, Original)
ERET H E L P (FoolishG, Original) - A help letter from Foolish to Eret made during the L’sandberg arc. Eret never received it. (ty to @asc3ndant for the info!)
TUBBO IS ME COL (Tubbo_, Original) (?)
Scarred by Catm (FoolishG, Original) (?)
Box 3 (CaptainPuffy, Original) (?)
VISA (jschlatt, Original)
Happy Birthday (Dream, Original)
OKAY (FoolishG, Original) (?)
<3 #2 (BadBoyHalo, Original?) (?)
Declaration (Tommyinnit, Original)
War Starts Now (Tubbo_, Copy of Original)
Is this War? (FoolishG, Copy of Original) (?)
<3 (BadBoyHalo, Copy of Original) (?)
L’Sandberg Wall (FoolishG, Copy of Original) (?)
A Book From Tommyinnit to Michaelmcchill (wip)
Two Books From The Prison (security reasons??)
Quackity’s Signed Waivers (original)
Wilbur’s Signed Waivers (original) (Under the names of ‘hello sam :)’ [2] and ‘hello again sam :)’
Three Book And Quill that came from the prison
Kingdom Taxes (The_Eret, Copy of Original)
For Dream (Tommyinnit, Original)
Dreams Diary From His Prison Cell
Techno’s Wither
Wilbur’s Redstone For TNT From Dream
Ranboo’s First Coal
Ranboo’s Eye
Pig Spawn Egg (?)
Pain Brownies (Cookie) (?)
Cock (Clock) (?)
TNT Used to Blow Up Community House (2)
Totem of Undying (From Techno)
Infested Stone Bricks (From Ranboo) (63) - Phil accidentally stole them from Ranboo, who got them with his silk touch hands. (ty to @supahjapah for the info!)
Spawner (From Ranboo)
Button Room Button
Red Banquet Soup (2)
The Disk Item Frames
Enchanted Golden Apple (?)
Friendship Flower (Allium)
You Matter Too Eret <3 (Pink Wool From Niki)
Purple Wool (?)
Blue Wool (?)
Techno’s bday Fireworks (5) - Leftover from Technoblade’s birthday stream before he got put in prison (ty to @supahjapah for the info!)
Techno’s B’Day Cake - Leftover from Technoblade’s birthday stream before he got put in prison (ty to @supahjapah for the info!)
Philzarite - Most likely Philza’s first piece of Netherite (ty to @supahjapah for the info!)
1st Emerald Ore From New World
Farmland (From Ranboo) - Donated by Philza. Originally gotten by Ranboo with his silk touch hands. (ty to @supahjapah for the info!)
Friends First Coat (Blue Wool From Friend)
Friends Last Coat (Blue Wool From Friend)
Block of Ghostbur’s Blue
Ghostbur’s Blue (Blue dye) (3)
Chorus Flower (2) - From Ranboo, it was given to him by DreamXD. Apparently it was a big deal to get ‘illegal’ items from god. (ty to @supahjapah for the info!)
Phantom Membrane (4) (?)
Skeleton Skull (?)
Zombie Head (?)
Original L’manberg Wall Blocks (22)
Prime Path Slabs (154)
Prime Path Blocks (31)
End Portal Frame (4) - Most likely from DreamXD (ty to @supahjapah for the info!)
Bells (4) (?)
Bedrock from Michaelmcchl - Michael said he was being tortured and he had one wish from god, and he wished for a piece of bedrock.
Stone from the Prison (Polished Blackstone Bricks) (3)
Dream’s Clock
Pig Spawn Egg (From Drista)
Ghostbur’s Blue From Prison (4)
Builds and Other Things (DM IF ANYTHINGS MISSING)
The Egg
The Camarvan
Ponk’s Lemon Tree
The Final Control Room
Wilbur’s Button Room (ty to @asc3ndant for the info!)
Eret’s Maps
Tubbo’s Trap for Someone - Apparently it’s one of the original reasons Wilbur was added to the server. 
Edit 08/10/22 - Thanks for over 100 notes on this!! You’re all so sweet!
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me next weekend (Mar 30/31) in ANAHEIM at WONDERCON, then in Boston with Randall "XKCD" Munroe (Apr 11), then Providence (Apr 12), and beyond!
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#20yrsago Disneyland jacks up admission at 190% of inflation https://web.archive.org/web/20040404060758/https://www.yesterland.com/tickets.html
#15yrsago British cops identify 200 schoolchildren as potential terrorists https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/police-identify-200-children-as-potential-terrorists-1656027.html
#15yrsago Bletchley Park rebuilds the bombes — code crackers that won the war https://makezine.com/article/technology/computers-mobile/code-cracker-remade/?CMP=OTC-0D6B48984890
#15yrsago Verified by Visa: British banks phish their own customers https://web.archive.org/web/20090331094020/http://www.links.org/?p=591
#10yrsago Motion picture industry continues to stagger under piracy with mere record-breaking income https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/03/piracy-notwithstanding-mpaa-enjoys-a-very-strong-year-again/
#10yrsago Sen Lamar Alexander: if shills have to tell Congress who’s paying them, it will “chill speech” https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-republican-street-fight-over-transparency-in-government
#10yrsago Ethiopia: the first “off-the-shelf” surveillance state https://www.hrw.org/report/2014/03/25/they-know-everything-we-do/telecom-and-internet-surveillance-ethiopia
#5yrsago How hedge funds, Goldman Sachs, and corrupt executives used Gymboree’s chaotic bankruptcy to cash out while destroying the careers of loyal employees https://theintercept.com/2019/03/25/gymboree-bankruptcy-severance-scam/
#5yrsago Study finds 95% of all Bitcoin trading volume is fake, designed to lure in ICOs https://web.archive.org/web/20190401033546/https://go.technologyreview.com/134-fake-bitcoin-trading
#5yrsago Sting operation: the NRA explains to white nationalist Australian political party how to deflect gun control calls after a massacre https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/3/26/how-to-sell-a-massacre-nras-playbook-revealed
#5yrsago Millennials are killing McMansions https://web.archive.org/web/20190920074507/https://www.businessinsider.com.au/millennials-vs-baby-boomers-big-houses-real-estate-market-problems-2019-3
#1yrago What comes after neoliberalism? https://pluralistic.net/2023/03/28/imagine-a-horse/#perfectly-spherical-cows-of-uniform-density-on-a-frictionless-plane
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sunskate · 7 months
Do you have any US Nationals predictions? Apparently they have to announce the 4CC team before it because of visa stuff. I think they'll send C/B, the Browns and G/Pa to 4CC and then C/B, H/B (if they decide to do Nationals) or G/Pa and CPom to Worlds.
the process for choosing the 4CC teams has pretty specific criteria, but with wiggle room. Chock/Bates said they're going, so that leaves 2 spots. by nearly all the criteria, Green/Parsons are next- they have the highest Grand Prix score, highest most recent international score, they ranked highest at Worlds last season, highest at US Nats. CPom are next after that. they look like the top 3, but because there's wiggle room, i guess we'll see
the next 2 teams are the Browns and Z/K. the Browns have the edge because they beat Z/K at Skate Canada and have more international scores from last season. after that P/B and B/S (can't believe it but P/B are outscoring B/S this season)
for Nationals, Kaitlin and Jean-Luc's recovery and plans are still a big question mark. CPom skating head to head with Gr/Pa for the first time this season will be a total nail biter
Gr/Pa have been trying to find themselves all fall, so it will be interesting to see if the FD is more successful and cohesive after this break. this fall has been a series of tough reality checks (R/A who they beat at Worlds last season have scores 5+ pts higher than last year, while Gr/Pa's have gone down by 5+), so will be really interesting to see if that's affected their standing at home too
meanwhile, CPom have been getting their levels recently, but their GOE average +2 🤨 which feels stingy, and their PCS aren't quite 8.5. can't wait to see what they've been working on, if they've changed anything in the programs to nudge the judges to score them higher
some of the loudest predictions the last couple seasons about MIDA taking over, about Z/K leapfrogging - they haven't come true so far. and nobody saw some of the bigger surprises coming. so i'm just going to keep watching and not predicting 😅 because i don't think i get how this all works yet
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throwing ideas your way in case you want them (NOTHING underage): 1- dick loves being held by bruce (bruce loves it, too; whispering sweet and filthy things to him depending on the mood); 2- phone s*x or s*xting/pics; 3- au where they're not heroes (lawyers, drs, bankers); 4- skinny dipping or another getaway; 5- mutual m**turbation; 6- dick surprising b with something really nice/meaningful.
yo are we allowed to have p()rn on this website again, because if so maybe i'll take a run at a few of these other ideas sometime too. but in the meantime, here's a piping hot #6 for you!
perfectly safe for work unless your work doesn't want you using tumblr during business hours. established relationship, no smut, lots of feels, light angst. tried to do my best by romani dick & jewish bruce and then fell down a rabbit hole of 20th century circus town history.
thank you for your prompts and please, folks, feel free to keep 'em coming!
These days, when mail addressed to Dick Grayson arrives at Wayne Manor, which hasn’t been his legal residence in like a decade, it’s generally an excuse for Bruce to have a little fun with it. 
(“This relationship is very new, still,” he said the last time, sitting somberly across from Dick at the breakfast table with an envelope in his hand. “Things are delicate between us, Dick.”
“I understand that. We’ve talked about this before, Bruce. I know you want to take things slow.”
“I do. That’s why I’m concerned. It’s far too early to be telling everybody at -” as he looked down at the envelope with a solemnly furrowed brow - “Gotham City Bank Preferred Platinum Visa Rewards Card that we’re moving in together.”
“Very funny.”
“I know you’re preapproved for a special offer with 0% interest APR, but -”
“Oh, just give me the goddamn envelope and shut up.”)
But this time, both he and Alfred see the return address on the big cardboard box when it arrives, and they know whatever is inside, they can’t joke about this.
Gibsonton, Florida has been the winter home of circus and carnival performers since the early Depression. Its unique zoning laws allow residents to keep everything from monkeys to elephants to giant tents and trailers on their property, and in its glory days it was a safe, albeit colorful and bizarre, home for all kinds of people who might have been treated like freaks anywhere else. Pop Haly had been born there, back when the town was at its wildest, and had always spoken of it fondly, though in Dick’s time the circus traveled so far and wide that they didn’t really take whole winters off anymore the way they used to, so his memories of the place were more fragmented.
It would not take Batman - or even an ordinary detective - to figure out what’s in the box. Alfred gets there just as quickly as Bruce.
“Master Richard did mention plans for the circus to sell off some of the assets that were no longer in use, in order to reinvest them in the new permanent site,” the butler ventures. “I do not recall specifics, but I would imagine property -”
“And somebody going through it for sale found something that belonged to the Graysons.”
“Would you like to call him, sir, or shall I?”
Bruce shakes his head. “It’s Wednesday. He’ll be here at seven for dinner anyway. Leave it on his bed in his old room. He might want to be alone when he opens it. We don’t have any way of knowing what’s in that box, or how it will make him feel.”
He doesn’t get answers to either of those questions that night. Dick finds Bruce in the study and kisses him hello with an easy smile, but it falls off his face like a painting on a loose nail when he hears the word “Gibsonton.” He’s alone upstairs for so long that Alfred has to put the chicken pot pies back in the oven to keep warm, and when he comes back down to the dining room he’s uncharacteristically reserved and somber.
“What did he tell you?” Alfred asks Bruce quietly, as he helps the butler carry the dishes into the kitchen, leaving Dick staring wordlessly into his coffee and playing with a brownie he isn’t really eating.
“Nothing. I didn’t ask.”
“Not even to see if he was all right?”
“He’s not all right,” Bruce says simply. “It’s private, Alfred. If he wants to tell us, he will.”
But he doesn’t say anything over coffee and brownies, and he doesn’t say anything as he puts the box in the trunk of his car and drives home, and he doesn’t say anything for days and weeks afterward. 
Bruce still doesn’t ask. But he hasn’t stopped wondering.
* * * * *
It’s nearly two months before the topic comes up again.
It’s a nice night, warm for October, the skies clear. Bruce is sitting alone with a cup of coffee on one of the benches near a corner of the grounds where the leaves are already turning. He still has a few hours before it’s time to leave for patrol, and it’s peaceful here. His parents liked this spot. It’s gotten easier, slowly but surely over the years since Dick came into his life, to live alongside their ghosts without feeling quite so . . . haunted. He can remember the nice moments without as much pain. When he was little, after the fall leaves were raked up into piles but before the landscapers hauled them away, Bruce was permitted to jump in them. He liked the crunching sound.
He hears the same sound behind him suddenly, an odd coincidence, and turns to see Dick approaching across the flagstones, scattered red and gold leaves crackling under his feet.
“You’re early,” he says, smiling, and moves aside to make room on the bench.
“Alfred said I’d find you here.”
Everything okay?”
“Yes. Yeah. I just had something -” Dick pauses, shaking his head a little like he’s gathering his thoughts, and takes a seat beside Bruce. They look up at the stars in silence for a few moments. Bruce doesn’t press him. Dick will talk when he’s ready. He always does.
“So you probably remember that box,” he says finally. He doesn’t look at Bruce as he speaks. “The one that came here for me.”
Bruce nods. “I remember.”
Another silence.
“You know, I kept waiting for you to ask me what was in it,” Dick says.
“It was private.”
“Like you’ve never seen me opening the mail and asked, ‘oh, a package! Who’s it from?’”
“I know exactly what Gibsonton is, Dick. Did you want me to ask, or were you afraid of me asking?”
“I don’t really know,” says Dick.
“Are you bringing it up because you want to tell me now?”
This silence lasts even longer than the others. Bruce doesn’t reach out to touch him, or turn to look at his face, but he lets his knee shift leftward just a centimeter or two, enough to bump lightly against Dick’s. I’m right here, the gesture says. Take your time.
“There was a warehouse on the property,” Dick finally says, eyes fixed on the trees in front of him. “All the other outbuildings were empty, easy enough to get them ready for the sale, but behind the stable there was a big old bunker of a thing I didn’t remember when the real estate agent sent me the photos. All she told me at the time was that the guy who was managing the property had found some personal effects in there and needed access to Pop Haly’s list of addresses of former employees. It was full of shelves with crates and bins on them, labeled, personal things people didn’t want to take with them on the road. I didn't think anything of it, I didn't assume there'd be anything in there for me, so I just sent over the copy I had in the paperwork he left me. But it must have been old -"
"Because the address he had for you was here."
"Gibsonton was home base, see," Dick goes on. "The place they always came back to. Sometimes when you were going out on a long-haul, you might leave a box there for the crew to watch over, if there were things you didn’t want to get lost or broken from months of traveling in a caravan.”
His voice has been impressively steady up until now, but when Bruce hears it begin to break a little, he steps in to let Dick breathe for a moment.
“So the property manager went through the warehouse to ready it for sale,” he guesses, “and found a box with your name on it. Things you didn’t go back for, because you stayed here in Gotham and didn’t go back to Gibsonton when the rest of the circus did.”
“Not my name,” says Dick, and he reaches out for Bruce’s hand.
Bruce exhales deeply. “Oh.”
They sit there like that for a long time. The moon’s almost full. A faint breeze shivers through the tree nearest them - a dogwood, which always erupts into riotous white and pink blossoms each spring - and a few red-gold leaves flutter downward.
“They left a bunch of things in Gibsonton that they didn’t have room for anymore in the caravan after they had me,” Dick says. “Things from their life before.”
“I see.”
“Things that were fragile, or delicate, or just things that there wasn’t a daily use for, so they had to choose between that and, you know, diapers and a stroller and all that. We never had a lot of room. And going from two people to three people in the same tiny space -”
“Of course.”
“They left a lot of things behind,” Dick says, and there’s something strange in his voice. “They left a lot of things behind, to make room for me.”
Bruce turns and looks at him, and squeezes his hand. “You don’t need me to be the one to tell you that nothing they left behind in a cardboard box in Gibsonton, Florida was more precious to them than you were,” he says, “but I’ll say it anyway, if it would help you to hear it out loud.”
Dick gives him a fleeting, weary smile before moving in closer, resting his head on Bruce’s shoulder. At the implicit signal that Dick wants comfort, that proximity and touch are now more important than the distance and silence he’d seemed to require when he first sat down, Bruce puts his arm around him, letting Dick curl up into the massive, sturdy wall of his chest. It seems to ease something in the younger man, who lets out a long, exhausted sigh.
“The biggest thing in it was a lamp," Dick says. "The base is a glass elephant. Mom told me about it once. She’d had it in her bedroom as a little girl. She’d dreamed of joining the circus because she wanted to make friends with an elephant. They’re matriarchal, did you know that?”
“I did.”
“Mom had dreams as a little kid of a trapeze act starring her and a bunch of girl elephants. They would be her best friends, she said. It always made me laugh when she told me about it. They left the lamp in Florida after she got pregnant; Dad was afraid a kid running around a space that small would knock it over, and he knew it was special to her. He always said someday, after they’d retired, they’d buy a little house somewhere, and -”
Dick’s voice breaks off. Bruce squeezes his shoulder.
“We always think we have more time,” Bruce says simply.
Dick nods. “Yeah.”
“It’s nice that you have it now.”
“That was the biggest thing in there,” Dick says. “There were some antique-looking books, and a really old dress - like a prom dress maybe. And some jewelry - nothing, you know, fancy, they weren’t rich, but things that were special. A few pieces that I think were maybe my grandmother’s. I remember them from photos. And a glass box full of shells. They must have collected them somewhere. Maybe on vacations, or maybe when the circus was traveling and hit seaside towns. Dad always liked to go to the beach on days off if we could.”
He sits up, pulling away from Bruce a bit, and reaches into his pocket to pull something out of it - something small enough to fit inside his closed fist, which he doesn’t open right away.
“And then there was . . . there was something else.”
Bruce turns and looks at him. Dick’s eyes are thoughtful, and warm, and a little sad.
“I think she forgot it was in her jewelry box,” he says, looking down at his hand, still clenched tight around something Bruce can’t see. “She talked about it a lot, actually. She always believed she’d lost it somewhere. She wasn’t a terribly superstitious person, it wasn’t that, not really, but it was a habit. And it was special to her. She’d gotten it from her mother.” He opens his palm and looks down into it, but Bruce still can’t quite see what he’s holding. “And the first thing I thought when I opened the box . . .” He shakes his head suddenly, looking up at Bruce with his eyes suspiciously bright. “I’m not explaining this very well,” he says apologetically.
“Take as much time as you need,” says Bruce. 
Dick opens his palm all the way, and holds it out for Bruce to see. It’s a tiny gold oval, tarnished and faded. It looks very, very old. Bruce isn’t Christian, but he’s seen enough holy medals to know one when he’s looking right at it. And despite the fact that whatever graven image the medal once held is impossible to make out - probably long since worn down by decades' worth of fingers rubbing it for luck - he knows enough about Mary Grayson to make an educated guess.
“Saint Sarah?” he guesses. “Patron saint of the Romani.” Dick nods. “This was your grandmother’s?”
“At least,” says Dick. “Maybe older. Mom didn’t really know. She said that her mother gave it to her as a child, for protection, and told her that nothing bad could ever happen to her as long as she had it with her.” He closes his eyes. “She didn’t know it was in the jewelry box, she didn’t know it was in Gibsonton,” he says dully. “She thought she’d lost it. Used to joke about how that meant she was unlucky now. It was funny, when I was little. Every time she got stung by a bee or something went wrong at rehearsal or she was the only one in the whole circus who caught whatever cold was going around, she and Dad would laugh about it. ‘If only you’d had your Saint Sarah medal, this would never have happened.’” One bright tear wavers for a moment on his thick black lashes before falling. Bruce watches its slow progress over the rise of Dick’s cheekbone and down his jaw, wanting to kiss it away but uncertain whether that’s pushing the moment too far. “The medal was in the jewelry box all those years,” he whispers, “and they only left the jewelry box in Gibsonton because they had me.”
Bruce is a pretty good detective, true, but he also knows Dick Grayson better than anyone else in the world, and Dick doesn’t need to say it out loud for Bruce to know exactly what fear is haunting him.
“Your parents’ death was not your fault,” he says quietly, moving closer and leaning forward just enough to rest his forehead against Dick’s. “Even if your grandmother’s belief was provable, Dick, even if the medal truly was some kind of talisman invoking the protection of a patron saint - well, I know very little about saints, but I have a hard time imagining any of them granting or withholding their favor as capriciously as that. Your mother didn’t discard it, after all. She didn’t give up on Saint Sarah because the medal was lost. Perhaps she had her own kind of private rituals or devotions that she maintained in her own way.” He takes Dick’s empty hand and squeezes it. “Or perhaps she had less need of a talisman in her life to make her feel like the luckiest woman in the world,” he murmurs, “once her child was born and she realized how blessed she really was. Maybe she allowed herself to forget it because she didn’t need it anymore, the way she had when she was a child. Maybe it was all right for her to let it go. Mary Grayson always seemed to me like a woman who made her own luck. And her life was more than the worst thing that ever happened to her. She would be happy that her things have finally come home to you, Dick, but she would never, ever want you to blame yourself for being the reason that she’s gone.”
Dick sinks heavily against Bruce’s chest, not fully crying yet but not able to speak either. Bruce can feel the emotions pressing him down with a palpable weight. He’s so preoccupied with listening to Dick’s breathing to make sure it’s steady and he isn’t heading towards an anxiety attack, that at first he doesn’t notice the feeling of something small and warm and hard being pressed into the palm of his hand. 
He looks up at Dick, who closes Bruce’s fist around the medal and lays his own hand over it before lifting his head to meet Bruce’s eyes.
“I know you don’t believe in it,” he says. “I don’t even know if I believe in it. But I need you to take it. I need you to have this, Bruce. Keep it with you, and don’t let it go. I’ll sleep better if you do.”
“Dick -”
"I lost you once," Dick says roughly. "I'm not going to lose you again."
Bruce closes his eyes. He doesn't know what to say.
“If anything ever happened to you, and I wasn’t there,” Dick tries to say, but he can’t quite get the words out.
“Dick,” Bruce says softly. “I’m honored to hold a piece of your family’s history. I’m honored to have this. It’s priceless to me, to have something in my life that belonged to your parents. I don’t want you to think that I don’t . . .” He swallows hard. “That I don’t know what this means.”
That your family is my family. That my family is your family. That if they were alive today, Mary Grayson would be my mother-in-law one day and Martha Wayne would be yours. That it would matter to you, that much, what they thought of me, and what I thought of them.
“So yes,” Bruce says. “I’ll keep this. I’ll keep it forever. I’ll treasure it. But I don’t need a talisman to protect me and keep me safe, Dick. I already have you. And you’re all I need.”
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electracraft · 2 years
I need a drodcast or something, I need to hear them or I'm going insane I think
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