jewelsfromthesky · 6 years
If you promise you will do an important thing you should do the important thing! You should do it right; you should not not do it right. That is bad! If you do not do important thing right you should say ‘I did not do this right! That is bad! I should work very hard now!’ When you do an important thing you should say ‘what if I do something not right? I will make plans that are good then!’ That is important! If you are blue that is blue skills! If you do not do that you are not good blue at all!
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How are the Oyand kids doing? They're all out of cleaning at this point, right?
They are!
I haven’t talked much about this because it’s personal, and I still don’t know how permanent it’s going to be, but my mother has been on the transition team for one of the kids who was going to attend her school.  Little shrimp, was 0-turning-1 on arrival, only surviving family was elder brother (3-turning-4) who wanted to keep custody but was kind of a mess?   Had a bullet in him (luckily, bullet had been slowed by passing through other people) , had been scheduled to start a demanding apprenticeship, then got hit by permaspring and really didn’t want to put the baby down.
And yeah, they’re more settled now.  The money from Oyand is being used to settle people-a lot of it has been given directly to the survivors or set up in trust.  I know people imagine ‘adorable babies in the arms of childless people, you can do that for free’  but that’s not the typical case.  
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memento-colori · 6 years
I didn't want to post about this but not posting apparently means I don't care. And I care. So I thought a lot to figure out what I wanted to say.
The easy thing is to say that one side or another deserved it. My first thought was that the greys were in the wrong for escalating too quickly. That you don't need guns against a crowd of people who don't have guns. Because I am naturally inclined to side with people who are like me.
Clean people are inclined to say the reds were in the wrong for rioting. Or even just being red, because reds are bad.
...but that's the comforting way. When we do that we can convince ourselves that bad things happen to bad people, and people who do bad things to 'good' people get punished.
There's this thing somegreen came up with called the Fair-Amenta Theory and it's pretty fascinating.
But our world isn't actually fair. We live on a ball of filth with three moons and pretending otherwise helps no one. I'm not sure exactly what happened in Oyand, but from what I understand both sides were afraid. They were trying to protect themselves and the people around them. Maybe there were better ways to handle the situation but people don't make rational decisions when they think their options are "act now or die."
If a cat is hungry and sees a bird, I'm sure the bird wouldn't think that being killed was fair. And the cat wouldn't think starving was fair. But one of them has to have an 'unfair' situation for the other to have the 'fair' one. I think the people in Oyand thought they were in that situation.
And if we blame the cat or the bird for hurting the other party, then we're ignoring that the world isn't fair. Sometimes people hurt each other not because they are bad, but because their other option is 'die.' And we're never going to fix the problem, if we can fix it, by ignoring that.
So that's what I think about that.
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This was actually infinitely worse, because sixteen over zero is undefined and goes to infinity! Isn't math cool?
[OOC: in response to]
[Arbor grinds their teeth and seethes.
But no. 
We can’t let them, this, control us. Can’t let them make us loose our temper. Equanimity is ~important~.
Arbor breathes and forcibly unclenches their jaw.
Arbor will be friendly. So friendly.
The rotting friendliest.]
So anon! Isn’t it ~great~? We do have one thing in common!
We definitely agree the government of Oyand has unforgivably played with the lives of its people! And that they need to ~pay~ for the deaths they’ve caused!
So, anon, write your representative, and ask them to ensure the Oyand blues responsible for this ~face the consequences of their actions~!
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there-is-water · 6 years
How do you feel about citizens of your country not being able to go to space because your government messed up red transition? Honestly I think I'd have a hard time supporting a policy if it did that to me, but I kind of see the point of it so I dunno
The incentive is, I assume, meant to ensure that tragedies like in Oyand and Rivik do not happen again. This is a good thing.
Once every country has transitioned, and there is no chance for such atrocities, Anitam might release the information to us. Or someone else might. Or we might get taken over by some country that has that information. I’m sure the citizens of Oyand will have a place in the stars at some point. When that is, I don’t know, but we will. And waiting to get there will save lives.
I suppose it is unfair that people who had nothing to do with transition will face consequences for things they did not do, but it is more unfair for people to be slaughtered because they were born in the wrong caste.
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to-new-planets · 6 years
Friendly reminder that the phrase to use when a ‘dirty word’ slips out is “pardon my Oahkar.”
If you change it to “pardon my Yanitaz” you’re not being ‘cute’ or ‘clever,’ you’re making light of a very serious tragedy and you are disgusting.
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A question I don’t think I’ve seen anyone address is, starting from the premise that it was bad for Oyand’s red people to die, what ought to have been done.
There is an argument, given that premise, that the guards ought to simply have let themselves be murdered. There were more red people than guards, and therefore it is arguably better that those guards die than that the red people die. There are a few problems with this argument, even postulating that the life of a guard is exactly equivalent in value to the life of a red person.
First, if people generally don’t defend themselves against other people trying to kill them, people will be more likely to try to kill other people, knowing that then they have only to evade detection by the police. A single incident would most likely not have been enough to trigger it, but it’s a risk that bears consideration.
Secondly, the red people weren’t merely killing guards -- two civilians died as well. If the guards had all been killed, it’s entirely plausible that they would have continued to riot and continued to kill civilians, eventually leading to a higher death toll.
Third, even if it would have been more ethical for the guards to allow themselves to be murdered, asking people not to defend themselves when under attack is not the sort of request very many people will honor. Any plan that will fail if a single person defends themself against violence is a plan that will fail if there is violence.
It is possible that, after the logistics mistake and commencement of rioting, the situation was still salvageable. It is possible that the officers had non-lethal options available that they did not exhaust. It is possible that they could have been contained, and that the officers could have vacated the area. It’s not clear whether either of those are actually the case, but they are possibilities.
But fundamentally, if you want anyone to take your claims of wrongdoing seriously, you need to have an alternative. Logistics is neither a grey job nor a purple one; the officers and civilians who died were not at fault for the error. None of the people claiming that Oyand’s officers acted incorrectly have been able thus far to provide a legitimate alternative that they should have taken, which suggests that there isn’t one.
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ssd-advice · 6 years
Have you heard the theory that the reds panicked when the boats were delayed, because they thought Oyand's government was planning to kill them like Rivik did?
Yeah, I have. It seems pretty sketchy to me, honestly. I mean, reds are really stupid, and that sort of pattern matching seems beyond their capabilities. 
Besides, even if that is what happened, it doesn’t affect whether cleaning is a good idea. If reds are going to riot because the boats are a few minutes late, what else are they going to riot over? Like, when I got to the train station two days ago, it took two minutes for the train to get there. I didn’t start murdering train station staff. If they’re going to riot over every little thing, then getting rid of them now just isn’t worth the risk.
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Oh my rot I'm allergic to pistachios how dare you demand I eat them you redfucking jerk???
...i’m not demanding you eat pistachios, i’m telling you to please buy oyand stuff when you can
and it just so happens that my grocery store has oyand pistachios and i like pistachios so i bought a bunch? but if they’d had oyand rice i would’ve bought that too, it’s not about pistachios it’s about sending a message
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shorkbrian · 4 years
alpha!enji and omega!keigo messin with a cute omega chick had me thinkin 🥴 Hawks and the lassies heats are hitting, both of them getting ready for the usual ritual of hawks fucking her into the mattress over and over again until Enji finishes his work- but this time, Enji’s in the room with them, coaxing her to put on a strap. She’s hazy and whining while he tightens the straps, and hawks spreads his legs wide to let her fuck him stupid. And, Enji takes her from behind. I’ll leave you be lmao
I’m imagining like Keigo likes to tease Enji so he’s wearing a short little skirt, lacy panties underneath, purposefully dropping things just so he can bend over and pick them up where Enji gets a good look up his skirt.
Enji starts letting out pheromones accidentally and he’s so. fucking. aroused. and so he stands up from his desk, marches over to Keigo and pins him to the wall by the throat, growling something about being a little tease and punishment.
Keigo’s body can’t take it, goes into heat like right then and there.
Enji’s still pissed about being teased and Hawks always being such a pretty bitch, so he drags him to their room where (Y/N) is like reading or something. Throws Keigo on the bed, points to (Y/N), tells her that she’s gonna fuck the little slut since he wants cock so bad.
Obviously, (Y/N) is not into the idea, but Enji’s making her stand up and strip while he grabs the strap, makes her be still while he slides it up into place. 
Meanwhile Keigo is writhing on the bed, moaning and pumping his cock while he watches his big alpha manhandle (Y/N) into the harness. Keigo can hardly contain his excitement, laying down on his back, still jerking himself off while he spread his legs, opens himself up for (Y/N) to slip in.
(Y/N) is cringing as she slides the fake cock in his hole. She never wanted this, but she doesn’t have a choice. Immediately Keigo’s panting and his hands are running all over his body cause he doesn’t know what to do with himself, oh god, the idea of his sweet little fellow omega fucking into him is so hot that he can’t think. His hands go from his cock, to his nipples, to his hair - pinching and pulling and rubbing and he’s so overwhelmed.
(Y/N)’s hesitant to start thrusting, it feels weird and Keigo being in heat is making her head swim, she starts feeling a bit hot, gets a little whiny. She wants to be touched too.
And then Enji is pushing her onto Keigo, so they’re both laying down. Doesn’t even prepare (Y/N) before he’s sheathing himself inside, making her hips jump forward, fucking into Keigo.
She falls apart.
Now Enji has two heat-stricken omegas oyander n his hands, moaning and kissing each other while he guides (Y/N)’s thrusts with his own hips. Every time he ruts forward, she slides into Keigo.
Enji thinks they should do this more often, and he knows if Keigo wasn’t blissed out from his heat, he would agree.
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auxportesdegrenoble · 3 years
Eglise St. Laurent, Musée St. Laurent
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Après avoir remonté la rue Saint Laurent, on trouvera le musée du Gant, ainsi que la statue de Xavier Jouvin, gantier Grenoblois ayant apporté une grande technique à la ville et à la fabrication, la main de fer.
Puis, quelques mètres plus loin, on trouvera le musée archéologique Saint Laurent. Le musée, situé dans l’un des plus anciens quartiers de la ville, propose un voyage de près de deux mille ans d’histoire. Musée départemental, après une longue période de travaux, il a ouvert en 2011. Il présente un grand nombre d'objets découverts pendant les fouilles dans la nécropole de quartier. Donc, la vie du IVe siècle est mise en lumière dans les murs du musée. Le site archéologique avait fait son apparition avant 177 et il a été choisi comme cimetière dès le début du Christiannisme à la région de Grenoble. Les sépultures trouvées dans le site sont datées du IIIe et IVe siècle. C’est à cette époque que furent construits les deux petits mausolées (memoriae) qui on les retrouvent à l’ouest et à l’est de l'église. Comme vous pouvez le voir, le musée est aménagé dans l’église Saint Laurent. L’ancienne église Saint Laurent reconstruite sur les vestiges d’une nécropole gallo-romaine a été désacralisée en 1983 pour devenir un site archéologique et puis un musée en 1986. On peut découvrir différentes étapes de l’architecture de l’édifice et en même temps visiter la Crypte Saint-Oyand. La crypte est un des vestiges les plus précieux de la période d’Haute Moyen Âge. Des restaurations de l’église et de la crypte les rendent accessibles au public qui a l’opportunité de découvrir les premiers temps du christianisme dans la région de Grenoble. L’ensemble du site (l'église, la crypte, le cimetière) sont données au monastère des Saint Chaffre en Velay, une communauté des Bénédictins qui se sont installés sur place et l'édifice est alors transformé en 1012. Un cloître va être ajouté et c’est au XIIIe siècle que le quartier Saint Laurent émerge. Vous pouvez admirez aujourd’hui admirer le simple et primitif art chrétienne par la décoration des divers motifs gravés, des griffons ou des colombes.
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Grâce aux recherches archéologiques dans les années 1980, il est établi aujourd’hui qu’elle fait partie d’une église cruciforme construite au début du VIe siècle. A l’extérieur de l’ancienne église, les vestiges mis au jour par les archéologues sont protégés par une couverture de verre et de métal. Vous aurez donc la possibilité de faire un voyage dans l’Antiquité. Le musée est assez connu pour la manière dont il présente les pratiques funéraires et les croyances des anciens habitants.
Les premières fouilles sont entreprises avec peu de moyens en 1959, par René Girard, architecte des Bâtiments de France. Elle se poursuivait jusqu’en 1974. En 1978, ils reprennent enfin de façon systématique et avec des moyens accrus dans le cadre d’un programme des recherches régionales. Après les fouilles systématiques, plus de mille cinq cent sépultures ont été mis en lumière datés d’une période de seize siècles.
Cette riche variété des objets donne l’occasion d’étudier l’évolution des mentalités, des relations avec les défunts et des croyances religieuses. L’ensemble du site est classé au titre des Monuments Historiques depuis 1977. Le musée bénéficie du label Musée de France et vous pouvez toujours le visiter. L’accès est gratuit pour tous et vous pouvez profiter des nombreuses activités organisées par l’équipe de médiation du musée pour une expérience originale. A côté du musée, vous avez la chance de prendre un chemin vers la Bastille et admirer la vue de cette ville pittoresque.
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A partir de 1591, l’enceinte dite Lesdiguières est construite, en commençant au niveau de la Bastille. Elle est ensuite complétée entre 1611 et 1619, et fait 2,5km de long. Cette enceinte comportait cinq portes, dont la Porte Saint Laurent, la seule conservée avec la Porte de France, que nous avons déjà vu. L’enceinte est nommée ainsi car elle fut commandée par le duc François de Bonne de Lesdiguières, qui était le gouverneur de la province royale du Dauphiné, et souhaitait agrandir la ville de Grenoble, qui passe alors à 36Ha, contre 9Ha avec l’enceinte romaine. Nous avons abordé son nom au début de la visite et il reviendra un peu plus tard de par l’immense empreinte qu’il a laissé sur la ville.
La Porte Saint Laurent, est ainsi édifiée en 1615, donc durant la seconde phase de construction de l’enceinte Lesdiguières. Elle correspond à l’entrée Est de la ville de Grenoble. La porte Saint Laurent permettait de rejoindre la Savoie, le long de la rive droite de l’Isère.
Suite aux guerres napoléoniennes et à l’occupation austro-sarde de la ville en 1815, le général Haxo et les autorités militaires décident de renforcer la défense de la ville et vont faire construire une nouvelle enceinte entre 1823 et 1848. La porte Saint Laurent sera incluse dans ces nouvelles fortifications. Elle est inscrite aux Monuments Historiques en 1931.
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Visible depuis côté La Tronche : entrée en arcade et arcade aveugle au-dessus, signifie que l’arcade n’est pas percée dans toute l’épaisseur du mur. A conservé toute son architecture défensive. On peut encore voir le mâchicoulis qui protégeait le passage vouté. Un mâchicoulis est une sorte de petite galerie, accessible uniquement depuis l’intérieur, et qui possède un plancher ajouré, de sorte à permettre le lancer de divers projectiles au pied du mur. Les mâchicoulis se trouvent donc souvent au-dessus de zones vulnérables, importantes à protéger, comme c’est le cas ici. La porte a également conservé ses bretèches au-dessus des portes piétonnes. Les bretèches sont des petits avant-corps rectangulaires, plaqués sur les murs des architectures défensives. Ici aussi le plancher est ajouré, pour tenir la même fonction que le mâchicoulis de la porte principale. On peut également observer des archères, ou meurtrières, qui comme son nom l’indique, permet de tirer à l’arc vers l’ennemi qui arrive. Les bretèches apparaissent pour la première fois dans l’architecture défensive chez les byzantins puis les arabes, puis cette typologie sera reprise par les crois��s. A l’origine cet ouvrage est réalisé en bois, mais beaucoup trop fragile et sujet aux incendies déclenchés par des flèches ennemies enflammées, il sera rapidement construit en pierre, et va rapidement être un élément récurrent de l’architecture défensive à partir du XIIIeme siècle.
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jewelsfromthesky · 6 years
I know! I'm going to a memorial for the sixteen people lost in making Oyand a clean country. I hope future countries will be able to find a solution that doesn't incite violence, since cleaning apparently does.
[Jewel is not happy and deletes this ask]
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You do so well with the cleenz, though! Oh hey unrelated to anything, since you do translation, do you have any idea how "cleenz" is rendered in languages besides Evaleen?
I really don’t.  If I had the temperament to do outreach, I wouldn’t be calling anyone “cleenz”, even when provoked.
Which, for the record, does not mean “born clean people”, it means “particularly noxious born-clean people who have said/done something I need to curse about”.
I can call people cleenz in multiple languages.  The Anitami version involves overwrought and clearly sarcastic status markers, and the Evaleen/Mioleen version just indulges in our love of vowels.  Interestingly, the Oyand word doesn’t relate to their word for ‘clean’, but to their number six.  It gets translated as “cleenz” but they’re literally saying “the six” or “six-ers” 
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memento-colori · 6 years
Your post about Oyand is very insightful and changed how I think about Oyand and many other situations. I'm so glad to have had the chance to read it. I would reblog it because everyone should see it, but I can't be seen reblogging from a red. Would you rather I not spread the idea at all, or paraphrase it and spread it without your name, or say the idea came from "an internet acquaintance called Liena" without linking to your blog, or what?
[[ooc: response to this]]
You can paraphrase it if you want. I got most of the ideas from the article that I linked anyway. If you think that it will help for other people to see it then I think I care more about than having my blog name attached to it.
I don’t know if people would find my blog if you included my name so you can decide if you want to include that or not.
I hope you have a very nice day.
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["So, I've had lots of fun there and-- It would be a good idea if we all knew how to defend ourselves," Arbor had said. "Just in case."
It had been spoken towards the entire group, fourteen greens all sprawled out across the couches.
Nonetheless, Bonsai knew: Arbor was talking to Polymer and him.
"Hey, if you're paying, I'm all for it," Brassica had teased.
Well, an all-castes boxing studio sounded entertaining enough for an afternoon, he supposed.
Not to mention, spring was springing merrily along; he certainly wouldn't complain about getting to feast his eyes on the fit people all day either.
And Arbor's protective streak was endearing.
(It was nice that they cared. It made him feel warm inside.)
So Bonsai had smiled, tilting his head, and joined in the approval. "Getting my ass kicked, my favorite!"
And that was that.
It was novel, facing a grey about to hit him, and feeling no fear.
In the background, the other trainer was making approving noises as Polymer knocked Arbor off their feet once more. Arbor bounced back up enthusiastically, and Bonsai couldn't help but admire their fierce grin.
And with an oof, he was on the ground himself.
"You're not paying attention to your opponent, short stuff," the trainer in front of him said pointedly, smiling to soften the criticism.
(On the floor he may be, but it wasn't anything new to be looking upwards at them. Cleans were tall, greys especially.)
Bonsai huffed at being caught distracted again.
She grinned back. "It looks like you've got a knack for falling, at least."
"Oh yeah," Bonsai smirked. "I've been told before that I'm good at going down."
She snorted, but Bonsai was once again distracted. Arbor was jogging over towards them.
They looked down at him, offering a hand. Suddenly, their fierce grin was focused entirely on him.
"Having fun on your back?"
Bonsai knew he should take this crush, and crush it. Arbor wasn't interested. They were already in a relationship.
(And they were born-clean.)
There were so many reasons this was a bad idea.
Instead he looked up through his eyelashes, and teased back.
"Oh, you know it's my favorite place to be."
Out of the corner of their eye, Arbor saw Bonsai hit the mat again. They asked Polymer for a pause, and loped over, checking to see how he was doing.
This activity was supposed to be fun, after all.
Even if this was preparation for something that wouldn’t be any fun at all.
Bonsai was spread eagle on the ground, scrunching his nose adorably, hair fanned about him in a grassy halo.
"Having fun on your back?" Arbor teased, offering a hand to help him up.
Bonsai smiled coyly, and gazed back up at them. "Oh, you know it's my favorite place to be."
Well, wasn't he just the cutest thing. Arbor could knock him down any day--
"You’re not imagining anything. I’m an absolute caste abolitionist and I don’t think cleans should sleep with reds.
While our supply of-well anything, really-was often spotty, the fact that a lot of the relationships are straight up rape is probably more important."
This was abuse of power, abuse of power, vile, evil abuse of power.
They were richer. They had better social connections. They had been his mentor.
And they were not ex-red. 
Arbor would not be that person. Arbor would never be that.
Bonsai's jokes, his cheerful theatricality, his smiles: those must be protected. Bonsai deserved to be clean and happy and safe.
And Arbor would never let themselves threaten that. It was simply not a possibility.
Bonsai was
Arbor ruthlessly buried their thoughts.
They didn't say anything back.
They simply smiled encouragingly, and helped him up.]
So Bonsai seems really sad about something lately!
I’m guessing spring, coming right after ~Oyand~, is hitting him hard.
But I wasn’t really that great at cheering myself up ~after Rivik~. So does anyone have any suggestions for what I should do?
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there-is-water · 6 years
The apartment was too quiet after Kem left. Rii tried music at first, but it just reminded them of Kem.
They got a bird. Then a few more. A lot of birds.
It gave them an excuse not to leave the country, or try to find someplace better. There were the birds to think of. The birds and all their cages and things would be difficult to move. So Rii had to stay right where they were in Oyand.
Within sight of what had once been the red district.
But eventually things would get better. Rather, Rii allowed them to get better. They never moved to Miolee, or even Niyau, but they did move back into a city, where they weren’t reminded of the past, where there were more different kinds of people, where people didn’t know them as the hyposensitive that was friends with reds.
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