#oyand massacre cw
there-is-water · 6 years
How do you feel about citizens of your country not being able to go to space because your government messed up red transition? Honestly I think I'd have a hard time supporting a policy if it did that to me, but I kind of see the point of it so I dunno
The incentive is, I assume, meant to ensure that tragedies like in Oyand and Rivik do not happen again. This is a good thing.
Once every country has transitioned, and there is no chance for such atrocities, Anitam might release the information to us. Or someone else might. Or we might get taken over by some country that has that information. I’m sure the citizens of Oyand will have a place in the stars at some point. When that is, I don’t know, but we will. And waiting to get there will save lives.
I suppose it is unfair that people who had nothing to do with transition will face consequences for things they did not do, but it is more unfair for people to be slaughtered because they were born in the wrong caste.
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All of us EXCEPT ORVARA AND OYAND you asshole
[OOC: in response to]
So, I think you missed the gist of the ~all of us~ I was talking about there! I recommend you ~check the tags~ on that post!
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Why did they do it? You act a lot like a person and I thought cleaning and moving to your own country was what you wanted. Why did Oyand's reds decide to riot about it at the last minute?
i’m just posting this because...
I can’t tell how much this confusion is genuine and how much people are putting this on to hurt us.  
They wouldn’t let our boats into the harbour (because someone fucked up) and the last time a government wouldn’t let our boats into the harbour it was because they were planning to slaughter everyone, and maybe Oyand could have salvaged the situation at that point, if they’d had any credibility with their reds or any ability to de-escalate.  I don’t know exactly what happened.  I know any hope of controlling the situation was lost the minute somegrey opened fire.
It wasn’t a second rivikni massacre, but how were they supposed to know?
And the boat is filled with kids and old people, because who gets protected in a riot?  Who gets pushed to the back and who charges the greys with machine guns?
I’m tired of explaining.  I will do it if it actually helps, but I want people to try and meet me halfway.  
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Our path is full of petals. We look, and all that we can see is red.
And yet soon, together, we all will reach the stars!
~And our flowers will never fall again~!
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So, at least Miolee’s escrow means that no one will be tempted to copy them. And at least this probably hasn’t damaged ~other country’s~ ability to transition.
At least they’ll be taking responsibility for what they’ve done.
At least the families will receive compensation. And at least the money can be used for their care. At least the living will be able to recover.
~At least it wasn’t everyone~.
At least.
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We remain, and we remember.
They are gone, but never forgotten.
Protect the living--
And remember the fallen.
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Countless fallen flowers carpet the ground.
You look, and all that you can see is red.
A casualty.
A cataclysm.
A massacre.
But know now: you should not despair.
Look up, and you will see: yet more flowers remain.
The branches above are still heavy with blossoms.
They grow, bright, and blooming, and alive, alive, alive.
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This was actually infinitely worse, because sixteen over zero is undefined and goes to infinity! Isn't math cool?
[OOC: in response to]
[Arbor grinds their teeth and seethes.
But no. 
We can’t let them, this, control us. Can’t let them make us loose our temper. Equanimity is ~important~.
Arbor breathes and forcibly unclenches their jaw.
Arbor will be friendly. So friendly.
The rotting friendliest.]
So anon! Isn’t it ~great~? We do have one thing in common!
We definitely agree the government of Oyand has unforgivably played with the lives of its people! And that they need to ~pay~ for the deaths they’ve caused!
So, anon, write your representative, and ask them to ensure the Oyand blues responsible for this ~face the consequences of their actions~!
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So your friend said you could explain why you're not happy that the Mioleeans are getting free kids once decontamination finishes? Isn't that like a good thing for your ex-reds?
[OOC: in reference to]
So, anon, I saw you talking to Esana! Hello! I’ll try to explain this in a couple parts?
So if Mioleen people were just getting ~free kids out of nowhere~, that would be nice, because getting kids is a ~nice thing for everyone~!
But this didn’t happen out of nowhere! They were probably very excited to meet their ~new neighbors~! And they had already talked to them online and made friends, and planned out housing and jobs, and started preparing ~fun things to welcome them with~!
And then all of their cousins died.
You see, reds are like every other caste! They have a sense of ~intra-caste culture and solidarity~ too! Just like I can go anywhere in the world and find greens that welcome me as family, they also ~care about each other~ too!
So, every Mioleen was sad when this happened.
Also, the kids they’re adopting are sad too! They just lost nearly everyone they know!
And they had to ~see it happen~.
Which would you rather have? A great new roommate with a sweet, happy child, that you get to help take care of and bounce on your knee? Or a scared, mourning child that wakes up sobbing from dreams of blood and screaming?
A scared, mourning child who just wants to hear their mommies sing them a lullaby one last time.
And also, anon, ~reds don’t want to die~!
Reds are sapient beings who have feelings and preferences, ~just like us~! If you talk to them, I think you’ll find that they’re a lot like everyone else! They just want to get to be ~clean and happy~, and live out their lives safe with all of their loved ones, too!
So when they die for no reason, hurting and fearing for their children, with that hope unfulfilled, it’s sad. That’s something that shouldn’t happen.
~And we’re sad about it too~.
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I looked it up. And I was wrong.
Actually, the count is currently approaching 150,000 dead.
So this is, in raw numbers, an ~order of magnitude~ worse than Rivik.
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So! I have looked it up!
Did you know the government of Oyand is trying to threaten Miolee into relinquishing the escrow they ~forfeited~?
Yes, ~really~! Page 30 on Internationa News Nexus! Right here!
I am not ~less angry~ now!
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there-is-water · 6 years
what happened?
I decided I couldn’t live with someone who blamed my friends for their own murders.
It’s not my job to fix people.
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