#owen kc stephens
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prodigyduck · 11 months ago
If you've played any of the following tabletop rpgs, you've played a game written by Owen KC Stephens:
Star Wars
D20 Modern
He's given so much to the gamer community. Now, it's time for us to help in his time of need.
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nealflitherland · 2 years ago
Boosting the signal for Owen KC Stephens. Yeah, the two funding bundles hit bestseller on DTRPG, but when it comes to knocking out the American healthcare system you need overwhelming numbers on your side.
So grab this bundle if you can! If you can’t (or you already got your copy) share it around to boost the signal!
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chronivore · 10 months ago
Owen KC Stephens is RAD! [BUNDLE] - Echelon Game Design | DriveThruRPG
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we-are-guildmaster · 6 years ago
A Selection of Krazy Kragnar's Rules of Adventuring
The source is Owen KC Stephens on Facebook, author, and gamer extraordinaire.
RULE 17. IF YOU NEED AN ADVENTURE, GO TO A TAVERN. If an adventure doesn't turn up, keep drinking. You are an adventurer. Get drunk enough, and something is going to happen.
RULE 82. MAKING DEALS WITH FIENDS FOR POWER CAN BE A GOOD SHORT-TERM ADVENTURING STRATEGY. BUT IN THE LONG RUN, NEARLY ANY MORTAL COMES OFF POORLY IN DEALS WITH IMMORTAL SUPER-GENIUSES. Try holding out for free samples, or waiting until you can enslave minor fiends. In the long run, those tend to work out better. And remember, if you have a friendly paladin, you don’t have to explain to them WHY fiends are attacking you to get their help.
RULE 24. KNOW YOUR FOE. It's crucial to understand if you are facing a white dragon, or a wight dragon.
RULE 27. HEALER, HEAL THYSELF Yeah, it's tempting to prioritize the meat shields, or the spellslingers, or the deathbringers. But if you go down, none of them can heal you worth a darn. And if they can? Then they can do whatever you wanted to heal instead of yourself. You're no use to us dead. (Necormancers excepted)
Rule 5. DON’T GO ADVENTURING WITH ANYONE YOU WOULDN’T TRUST IN YOUR HOME. It doesn’t really matter if you are a paladin who wouldn’t trust the rogue not to make off with your home’s silverware, or a rogue who wouldn’t trust a paladin not to complain about the cache of stolen silverware hidden in your home. If you can’t trust them with dinner, you can’t trust them with your life.
RULE 68. FOCUS DAMAGE, SPREAD PENALTIES Focus damage -- better one dead kobold than five wounded ones. Spread penalties -- better five penalized kobolds than one hosed one. Kobolds suck.
RULE 164. ASSUME ALL TREASURE CHESTS ARE MIMICS WITH A PRECIOUS POTION HIDDEN IN THEM. Work to neutralize it without breaking the potion. If it's not a mimic, no harm done.
RULE 107. START WITH POLITE. MOVE TO RUDE AS NEEDED. If you are rude to a dragon, later being polite is likely pointless. If you are polite to almost anyone, it rarely makes becoming rude later less effective. And nearly anyone could secretly be a dragon.
RULE 9. DON’T WASTE TIME DOING SOMETHING FANCY IF YOU COULD JUST KILL IT. Yes, setting up that acrobatic spinning flip to flank, mass group heal, or perfect obfuscating cloud of farts is amazing and impressive. And if there’s a lot of fight left, it may be worth setting up for the next target. But if you can just kill a foe, do that. A fight is for fighting, not impressing the yokels.
RULE 80. EVIL ADVENTURERS CAN BE EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL. CAPRICIOUS, MERCURIAL, BACKSTABBING, UNRELIABLE, DERANGED ADVENTURERS CAN’T. EVEN IF THEY ARE GOOD-ALIGNED FAIRYFOLK OR BARDS. We get it, you’re a free spirit. Fine. Evil free spirits don’t get cut any slack. Good free spirits do... right up to the point people would rather fail than deal with you. Experienced adventurers will take evil, orderly, good-as-their-word, competent allies over well-meaning flibbertigibbet anarchists every time.
RULE 42. LEARN FROM OLD WISDOM, BUT DON’T REPLACE COMMON SENSE WITH RHYMES, QUOTES, CATCH-PHRASES, AND RULES FROM EXPERTS WHO DON’T KNOW YOUR EXACT SITUATION RIGHT NOW. Yes, even these Rules of Adventuring. Yes, even this one. This rule used to be “learn from the past, but think for yourself,” but no one would do that second part.
RULE 20. BACK YOUR TEAMMATE’S PLAY. Yes, they may be making the wrong call. Or maybe their claim of wanting to become a slaver is part of a scheme to get in good with the villains. Whatever they attack, whatever they lie about, back them to the hilt. If it was a wrong call, play it out and either correct or ditch them later. The middle of an encounter is not the place for debate.
RULE 114. WHEN IN DOUBT, CHOOSE THE COURSE OF ACTION THAT’S LEGAL AND ETHICAL BY LOCAL STANDARDS. Obviously if your god, or personal code of conduct, or agreement with a magic sword (see Rule 15) forbids cannibalism, don’t eat sapient, sentient creatures. But if the locals invite you to join them in eating their honored, fallen leader, and you’re on the fence, go ahead and tuck in. Broaden your horizons. It probably just tastes like chicken, anyway.
RULE 45. THE SHOURTEST ROUTE BETWEEN TWO POINTS IS THE ONE YOU WON’T GET LOST TAKING. Short cuts aren’t. Bandits love geographic isolation. The path less travelled is less travelled for a reason.
RULE 70. DON’T BE A MURDER-HOBO. Get a mailing address. It’s useful for receiving extortion money, letters begging for help, and magic items you custom-ordered.
RULE 242. YOUR WIZARD NEEDS TO KNOW WHEN TO USE FIREBALL, WHEN TO USE LIGHTNING BOLT, AND WHEN TO USE DISPEL MAGIC. A wizard who thinks a fireball is the solution to every problem is a wizard who is going to get you all killed someday. With a fireball.
RULE 83. YOU CAN BE WORKING TOWARDS GAINING YOUR TYRANNICAL GRIP ON A KINGDOM WHILE ADVENTURING, IF THAT’S YOUR THING. JUST DON’T EXPLAIN IT AT LENGTH TO THE PALADIN. ALSO, SEE RULE 6. Long-term goals are fine. Just don’t put them above the thing you are doing right now, and don’t rub them in the face of allies who won’t like them. See Rule 26.
RULE 26. BEING TRUE TO YOUR NATURE IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO BE A DICK. Your teammates aren’t your family, and they may not be your friends. They are the people you depend on in life-and-death situations. Don’t treat them like drek, even if that your normal SOP. See Rule 25.
RULE 102. NEVER UNDERSTIMATE THE VALUE OF BEING ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH THINGS. Even if you are going to kill all the troglodytes, it’s useful to be able to overhear their plans, intimidate them, identify their leaders, and ready trashy trog novels you find on their bodies during boring nights waiting for the snowy passes to clear.
RULE 216. NEVER BETRAY YOUR PARTY. If you think this is impossible, remember you can recategorize people as "a group of enemies who don't yet know I am about to betray them." But keep your perspective in place.
RULE 59. IF NO ONE IN YOUR PARTY IS GOOD AT FINDING TRAPS, HAVE THE TOUGHEST, MOST HEAVILY ARMORED, MOST MENTALLY STABLE ALLY GO FIRST. Also, if no one in your part is good at finding traps, avoid being thought of as the toughest, most heavily armored, most mentally stable member of your party. ADDENDUM 59A. Alternatively, have the most expendable or temporary ally go first. Undead and summoned creatures are great at this.
RULE 6. REMEMBER THE GOAL OF YOUR ADVENTURE. DO NOT ADJUST YOUR GOAL WITHOUT BOTH A GOOD REASON, AND A DISCUSSION WITH YOUR PARTY. Nothing gets adventurer’s killed faster than having two team members trying to sneak past the slavers because the goal is to steal their money, one start a fight because they want to end slavery, and one stealing slaves because they are worth more on the open market than the money to be stolen.
RULE 69. KILL CONTROLLERS, THEN LEADERS, THEN HEALERS, AND THEN BRUTES That is, of course, all things being equal. If the brute is killing people and the controllers and leaders ineffectual, retarget appropriately. See Rule 42.
RULE 62. KILLING THE WRONG ENEMY NOW IS USUALLY BETTER THAN WAITING TO KILL THE RIGHT ENEMY LATER. Yes, that’s bloody-minded and mercenary. So are most successful adventurers.
RULE 15. DON’T MAKE DEALS WITH INANIMATE OBJECTS. You can’t trust anything not driven by the same primal needs as you. Especially rings. Never trust rings with goals and desires.
RULE 44. THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY. It’s all fine and well to base your plans on a good map. If you have no choice, you can even base your plans on a bad map. But the rivers, cliffs, and dense thickets don’t care if they are on your map or not. You are going to have to deal with reality, not with a representation of it.
RULE 61. DON’T DIE WITH HEALING POTIONS IN YOUR POCKET. Yes, it’s possible to use a consumable resource too soon, or at the wrong time. But if you never read the scroll of fire resistance, it can only go up in flames! Plus, your memory is limited. Use stuff. Hoarding only looks good on dragons.
RULE 84. BEING EVIL DOESN’T MEAN YOU DON’T NEED FRIENDS. In fact, you need all the friends you can get. Be helpful. Be sincere. In addition to all the normal benefits of friends, you can’t sacrifice the person you love most in exchange for ultimate power if you don’t love anyone. See Rules 51 and 216.
RULE 256. THE ADVENTURE ISN'T OVER UNTIL YOU HAVE YOUR REWARD, PAYMENT, AND CUT OF THE LOOT. Until you've got yours, bad things can still happen. Like the druid wanting the cleric's torc of wisdom. See rules 216, 164, and 107.
RULE 58. KNOW IF YOUR PROCUREMENT EXPERT IS GOOD AT FINDING TRAPS. It’s also useful to know I they are good at TELLING you about traps.
RULE 25. KNOW YOUR ALLIES. Your teammates are going to be true to their nature. Don’t act surprised when they do the thing they have always done, no matter how many times you have talked and they promised not to do it anymore. If you don’t want allies that do that thing they always do? Get new allies.
RULE 94. SUBSTANCE OVER STYLE, EXCEPT WHERE STYLE BECOMES SUBSTANCE. For the most part, no one will take a patchwork king seriously. Unless the leader of the Thieves’ Guild manages to pull off being The Patchwork King, and then suddenly it’s a thing.
RULE 46. THE CAMP IS NEVER HIDDEN ENOUGH, THE CAVE IS NEVER EMPTY ENOUGH, AND YOUR ROOM AT THE INN CERTAINLY ISN’T SECURE ENOUGH. While it’s important to just accept that there’s going to be risk when you are away from a secure base of operations (which hopefully is surrounded by a population that loves and trusts you—however you can manage that), never let your guard all the way down. Letting your guard down is like letting your pants down: Sometimes you have to do it, but never kid yourself about how vulnerable it makes you.
RULE 224. NARKU NARIIN ATIGAT KUL MOTSHAM MAARUBH. Those who ignore what came before are doomed to make unremarkable mistakes. If you’re going to fall for classic tricks and traps, at least do so in a saga-worthy way!
Rule 51. IF IT SEEMS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT’S AN ILLUSION. The world sucks. People suck. Destiny sucks. Basically, everything sucks. So if something seems entirely suck-free, it’s actually a vampire demon dragon luring you into a false sense of security. If life was good, you wouldn’t have become an adventurer.
RULE 255. PAY. YOUR. DUES. Fees for the Adventurer’s Guild? A cut to your Pakhan? Taxes owed to the Infernal Revenue Service? Whatever it is, you don’t need the hassle of fighting on two fronts. Pay what you owe, until and unless your adventure calls for you to overthrow the authority you are paying.
RULE 81. NEVER REMOVE PART OF YOURSELF TO REPLACE IT WITH PART OF SOMETHING MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU. You never know when the original owner might want it back. Or may have left a fragment of its soul inside for easy-serve possession options of new bodies.
RULE 191. DON'T FORGET THAT NOT ALL UNDEAD ARE EVIL, AND NOT ALL ANGELS ARE GOOD. Sure, that's the way to bet. But like all betting, it won't turn out well for you unless you control the house.
RULE 21. KNOW YOUR ROLE IN THE PARTY. You are a collection of specialists. Know not just what you are good at, but what everyone is good at. Help create situations where your teammate's specialties come into play. That’s just efficient adventuring.
RULE 34. IF IT EXISTS, THERE’S AN INCUBUS BASED ON IT. Yes, even that. Yes, it’s gross… to you. For someone else, that’s the whole reason to go adventuring. This is almost always a bad thing.
RULE 54. THE MORE DANGEROUS THE REGION, MORE LIKELY IT IS ANY INNOCENT IN NEED OF HELP YOU ENCOUNTER IS ACTUALLY A DEMONIC UNDEAD DOPPLEGANGER DRAGON. Most adventurers have caught on to comely prisoners in vampire castles being ringers, but the same applies to wounded baby unicorns and sole survivors of previous adventuring party. See Rule 51.
RULE 13. KNOW WHO YOU ARE WORKING FOR. WHO YOU ARE *REALLY* WORKING FOR. Yes, the mayor sent you to kill the raiders, recover the stolen town treasury, and discover the source of the strange lights in the woods at night. But if the mayor is taking marching orders from a mind-controlling warlock, that’s crucial information to have.
RULE 67. GOING FIRST IS GREAT. GOING LAST MEANS YOU SURVIVED. The most effective of tactics isn’t as good as winning. It’s often better to be lucky than good—it’s just harder to arrange. Except for bards. Which is why everyone hates them.
RULE 36. SIZE MATTERS. Sometimes bigger is better. Sometimes smaller is smarter. But the tactics of wasps killing giants is different than of giants killing wasps.
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boardgametoday · 2 years ago
Gen Con 2022: Evil Genius Productions launches a 3rd party licensing program
Gen Con 2022: Evil Genius Productions launches a 3rd party licensing program #ttrpg #gencon #gencon2022
Evil Genius Logo Evil Genius Productions, the maker of the Everyday Heroes tabletop roleplaying game, has announced at Gen Con that it is launching a 3rd party licensing program allowing game publishers to create their own roleplaying adventures utilizing the Everyday Heroes rules system. The program allows licensees to take advantage of the company’s Product Identity, published and…
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dr-archeville · 3 years ago
Paizo Union Chat with Jason Tondro and Owen KC Stephens [source]
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thatboomerkid · 6 years ago
Strike of Shattering Eternities
Strike of Shattering Eternities -- Pathfinder Monk / Time Thief Feat
The crowning technique of your enlightened fighting-art is deadly beyond all measure: empowered by the most potent of elemental essences, stars burn out & vast mountains of iron corrode away into streams of dust before its merest shadow. Because nothing -- not spirit, not flesh, neither god nor devil -- is immune to the vast, endless ravages of time.
Brought to you absolutely free to enjoy, to test & to share – as always – by the fine folks of my Patreon; inspired by – and with hugest of thanks to – Owen KC Stephens.
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original image from here
Prerequisite: Shattered Hourglass Style feat; Time Thief or Cityskin Warlock with the motes of time class feature or the Chronothurge Adept feat; see Special, below
Benefit: Whenever you perform an Elemental Fist attack, you may choose to expend a single mote of time as a swift action. If you choose to do so, the energy damage dealt by your strike is type-less (as per the disintegrate spell) and automatically overcomes all Hardness; energy damage dealt in this way is not halved before being applied to objects.
Special: This ability may be selected in place of any Temporal Talent, as a Monk Bonus Feat or as a Ninja Trick.
Designer’s Note: This technique is often gained alongside the Spiritual Centering of Impossible Agility and Stay the Hand of Entropy feats.
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skaiapentertainment · 5 years ago
Blast From The Past Development Listing
?= On the fence
↑= On the fence about moving them up
↓= On the fence about moving them down
SF Alex Smith, 22 yrs, Star 
ARI Kurt Warner, 35 yrs, Superstar
SEA Matt Hasselbeck, 31 yrs, Star
LAC Philip Rivers, 25 yrs, Superstar
CIN Carson Palmer, 27 yrs, Star
BAL Steve McNair, 33 yrs, Star
PIT Ben Roethlisberger, 24 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Brick Wall)
GB Brett Favre, 37 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Bazooka)
GB Aaron Rodgers, 23 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Gambler)
NYG Eli Manning, 25 yrs, Star
PHI Donovan McNabb, 30 yrs, Superstar
DAL Drew Bledsoe, 34 yrs, Star
DAL Tony Romo, 26 yrs, Star
NE Tom Brady, 29 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Pro Reads)
NO Drew Brees, 27 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Fearless)
ATL Michael Vick, 26 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (First One Free)
TEN Vince Young, 23 yrs, Star ? ↓
IND Peyton Manning, 30 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Pro Reads)
SF Frank Gore, 23 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Wrecking Ball)
ARI Edgerrin James, 28 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
LAR Steven Jackson, 23 yrs, Superstar
LAR Marshall Faulk, 32 yrs, Star
SEA Shaun Alexander, 29 yrs, Superstar
KC Larry Johnson, 27 yrs, Star
LAC Michael Turner, 24 yrs, Star
LAC Darren Sproles, 23 yrs, Star
LAC LaDanian Tomlinson, 27 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (First One Free)
BAL Jamal Lewis, 27 yrs, Superstar
GB Ahmad Green, 29 yrs, Star
NYG Tiki Barber, 31 yrs, Superstar
PHI Brian Westbrook, 27 yrs, Star
WAS Clinton Portis, 25 yrs, Star
NYJ Curtis Martin, 33 yrs, Star
NE Corey Dillon, 32 yrs, Star
BUF Willis McGahee, 25 yrs, Star
CAR DeAngelo Williams, 23 yrs, Star
ATL Warrick Dunn, 31 yrs, Star
JAX Fred Taylor, 30 yrs, Star
JAX Maurice Jones-Drew, 21 yrs, Superstar
SEA Mack Strong, 35 yrs, Star
LAC Lorenzo Neal, 36 yrs, Superstar
TB Mike Alstott, 33 yrs, Star
Wide Receivers
ARI Larry Fitzgerald, 23 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Max Security)
ARI Anquan Boldin, 26 yrs, Superstar
LAR Torry Holt, 30 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Rac ‘Em Up)
LAR Isaac Bruce, 34 yrs, Superstar
DEN Rod Smith, 36 yrs, Star
DEN Brandon Marshall, 22 yrs, Superstar
OAK Randy Moss, 29 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Double Me)
LAC Vincent Jackson, 23 yrs, Star
CIN Chad Johnson, 28 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Rac ‘Em Up)
BAL Derrick Mason, 32 yrs, Star
PIT Hines Ward, 30 yrs, Superstar ? ↑
GB Donald Driver, 31 yrs, Star
GB Greg Jennings, 23 yrs, Star
NYG Plaxico Burress, 29 yrs, Star
WAS Santana Moss, 27 yrs, Star
DAL Terrell Owens, 33 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Double Me)
MIA Wes Welker, 25 yrs, Superstar
NE Deion Branch, 27 yrs, Star
TB Joey Galloway, 35 yrs, Star
NO Joe Horn, 34 yrs, Star
ATL Roddy White, 25 yrs, Superstar
HOU Andre Johnson, 25 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Double Me)
IND Marvin Harrison, 34 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Rac ‘Em Up)
IND Reggie Wayne, 28 yrs, Superstar
Tight Ends
SF Vernon Davis, 22 yrs, Star ? ↑
SF Delaine Walker, 22 yrs, Star
KC Tony Gonzalez, 30 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Max Security)
LAC Antonio Gates, 26 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Max Security)
BAL Todd Heap, 26 yrs, Star
PIT Heath Miller, 24 yrs, Star
NYG Jeremy Shockey, 26 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
WAS Chris Cooley, 24 yrs, Star
DAL Jason Witten, 24 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Max Security)
ATL Alge Crumpler, 29 yrs, Star
HOU Owen Daniels, 24 yrs, Star
IND Dallas Clark, 27 yrs, Star
ARI Leonard Davis, 28 yrs, Star
LAR Orlando Pace, 31 yrs, Superstar
SEA Walter Jones, 32 yrs, Superstar
KC Willie Roaf, 36 yrs, Superstar
CIN Andrew Whitworth, 25 yrs, Superstar
CIN Willie Anderson, 31 yrs, Superstar
BAL Jonathan Ogden, 32 yrs, Superstar
GB Chad Clifton, 30 yrs, Star
PHI Tra Thomas, 32 yrs, Star
WAS Chris Samuels, 29 yrs, Superstar
DAL Flozell Adams, 29 yrs, Superstar
NYJ D’Brickshaw Ferguson, 23 yrs, Star
NE Matt Light, 28 yrs, Superstar
BUF Jason Peters, 24 yrs, Superstar
NO Jammal Brown, 25 yrs, Star
CAR Jordan Gross, 26 yrs, Star
TEN Michael Roos, 24 yrs, Star
IND Tarik Glenn, 30 yrs, Star
SF Larry Allen, 35 yrs, Superstar
LAR Richie Incognito, 23 yrs, Star
KC Will Shields, 35 yrs, Superstar
KC Brian Waters, 29 yrs, Superstar
LAC Kris Dielman, 25 yrs, Star
PIT Alan Faneca, 30 yrs, Superstar
DET Damien Woody, 29 yrs, Star
CHI Ruben Brown, 34 yrs, Star
MIN Steve Hutchinson, 29 yrs, Superstar
NYG Chris Snee, 24 yrs, Star
PHI Shawn Andrews, 24 yrs, Star
DAL Marco Rivera, 34 yrs, Star
NE Logan Mankins, 24 yrs, Superstar
TB Davin Joseph, 23 yrs, Star
NO Jahri Evans, 23 yrs, Superstar
CAR Evan Mathis, 25 yrs, Star
SF Jeremy Newberry, 30 yrs, Star
DEN Chris Myers, 25 yrs, Star
DEN Tom Nalen, 35 yrs, Star
CLE LeCharles Bentley, 27 yrs, Star
PIT Jeff Hartings, 34 yrs, Star
CHI Olin Kreutz, 29 yrs, Superstar
MIN Matt Birk, 30 yrs, Star 
NYG Shaun O’hara, 29 yrs, Star
DAL Andre Gurode, 28 yrs, Star
NYJ Nick Mangold, 22 yrs, Superstar
NE Dan Koppen, 27 yrs, Star
TEN Kevin Mawae, 35 yrs, Superstar
IND Jeff Saturday, 31 yrs, Superstar
SF Bryant Young, 34 yrs, Star
ARI Bertrand Berry, 31 yrs, Star
LAR Leonard Little, 32 yrs, Star
SEA Julian Peterson, 28 yrs, Superstar
KC Jared Allen, 24 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
KC Tamba Hali, 23 yrs, Superstar
DEN Elvis Dumervil, 22 yrs, Superstar
OAK Derrick Burgess, 28 yrs, Star
LAC Shaun Phillips, 25 yrs, Star
BAL Terrell Suggs, 24 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
BAL Adalius Thomas, 29 yrs, Star
CLE Willie McGinest, 35 yrs, Star
PIT James Harrison, 28 yrs, Superstar
PIT Joey Porter, 29 yrs, Superstar
GB Aaron Kampman, 27 yrs, Star
GB Kabeer Gbaja-Biamilia, 29 yrs, Star
NYG Michael Strahan, 35 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Fearmonger)
NYG Justin Tuck, 23 yrs, Star
NYG Osi Umenyiora, 25 yrs, Superstar
PHI Jeveon Kearse, 30 yrs, Star
PHI Trent Cole, 24 yrs, Star
DAL DeMarcus Ware, 24 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
NYJ Shaun Ellis, 29 yrs, Star
MIA Jason Taylor, 32 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
MIA Kevin Carter, 33 yrs, Star
BUF Aaron Schobel, 29 yrs, Star
TB Simeon Rice, 32 yrs, Superstar
NO Will Smith, 25 yrs, Star
CAR Julius Peppers, 26 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
ATL John Abraham, 28 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
ATL Patrick Kerney, 30 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
TEN Kyle Vanden Bosch, 28 yrs, Star
HOU Jason Babin, 26 yrs, Star
HOU Mario Williams, 21 yrs, Superstar
IND Dwight Freeney, 26 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
IND Robert Mathis, 25 yrs, Superstar ? ↑
Defensive Tackles
ARI Darnell Dockett, 25 yrs, Star
LAR La’Roi Glover, 32 yrs, Superstar
OAK Warren Sapp, 34 yrs, Superstar
LAC Jamal Williams, 30 yrs, Superstar
CIN Justin Smith, 27 yrs, Superstar
CIN Sam Adams, 33 yrs, Star
BAL Haloti Ngata, 22 yrs, Superstar
CLE Ted Washington, 38 yrs, Star
PIT Casey Hampton, 29 yrs, Star
DET Shaun Rogers, 26 yrs, Star
CHI Tommie Harris, 23 yrs, Star
MIN Pat Williams, 34 yrs, Star
MIN Kevin Williams, 26 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Run Stuffer)
NE Richard Seymour, 27 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Run Stuffer)
NE Vince Wilfork, 25 yrs, Superstar
BUF Kyle Williams, 23 yrs, Superstar
CAR Kris Jenkins, 27 yrs, Superstar
ATL Roderick Coleman, 30 yrs, Star
TEN Albert Haynesworth, 25 yrs, Star
TEN Randy Starks, 23 yrs, Star
JAX John Henderson, 27 yrs, Star
JAX Marcus Stroud, 28 yrs, Star
ARI Karlos Dansby, 25 yrs, Star
LAR Dexter Coakley, 34 yrs, Star ? ↓
SEA Lofa Tatupu, 24 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
KC Derrick Johnson, 24 yrs, Superstar
DEN Al Wilson, 29 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
BAL Bart Scott, 26 yrs, Star
BAL Ray Lewis, 31 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Reinforcement)
CLE D’Qwell Jackson, 23 yrs, Star
PIT James Farrior, 31 yrs Star
CHI Brian Urlacher, 28 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Run Stuffer)
CHI Lance Briggs, 26 yrs, Superstar
MIN Chad Greenway, 23 yrs, Star
NYG Lavar Arrington, 28 yrs, Star
PHI Jeremiah Trotter, 29 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
NYJ Jonathan Vilma, 24 yrs, Star
MIA Zack Thomas, 33 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Run Stuffer)
NE Mike Vrabel, 31 yrs, Star
NE Tedy Bruschi, 33 yrs, Star
BUF Takeo Spikes, 30 yrs, Star
BUF London Fletcher, 31 yrs, Superstar
TB Derrick Brooks, 33 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Run Stuffer)
CAR Thomas Davis, 23 yrs, Superstar
ATL Keith Brooking, 31 yrs, Star
HOU DeMeco Ryans, 22 yrs, Star
ARI Antrell Rolle, 24 yrs, Star
KC Patrick Surtain, 30 yrs, Star
DEN Champ Bailey, 28 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Shutdown)
OAK Nnamdi Asomugha, 25 yrs, Superstar
LAC Antonio Cromartie, 22 yrs, Superstar
CIN Deltha O’Neal, 29 yrs, Star
CIN Johnathan Joseph, 22 yrs, Star
BAL Chris McAlister, 29 yrs, Superstar
BAL Samari Rolle, 30 yrs, Star
PIT Ike Taylor, 26 yrs, Star
DET Dre’ Bly, 29 yrs, Star
CHI Charles Tillman, 25 yrs, Star
MIN Antoine Winfield, 29 yrs, Star
GB Charles Woodson, 30 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Zone Hawk)
GB Al Harris, 32 yrs, Star
NYG Sam Madison, 32 yrs, Superstar
PHI Lito Shepard, 25 yrs, Star
DAL Terrence Newman, 28 yrs, Star
NE Asante Samuel, 25 yrs, Superstar
BUF Nate Clements, 27 yrs, Star
TB Ronde Barber, 31 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Shutdown)
ATL DeAngelo Hall, 23 yrs, Star
TEN Adam Jones, 23 yrs, Star
JAX Rashean Mathis, 26 yrs, Star
SF Mike Adams, 25 yrs, Star 
ARI Adrian Wilson, 27 yrs, Superstar
DEN John Lynch, 35 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Reinforcement) ? ↓
BAL Ed Reed, 28 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Zone Hawk)
PIT Troy Polamalu, 25 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Reinforcement)
MIN Darren Sharper, 31 yrs, Superstar
GB Nick Collins, 23 yrs, Star
PHI Brian Dawkins, 33 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Reinforcement)
WAS Sean Taylor, 23 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Reinforcement)
DAL Roy Williams, 26 yrs, Superstar
NE Rodney Harrison, 34 yrs, Star ? ↑
BUF Donte Whitner, 21 yrs, Star
NO Roman Harper, 24 yrs, Star
ATL Lawyer Milloy, 32 yrs, Star
IND Bob Sanders, 25 yrs, Superstar
ARI Neil Rackers, 30 yrs, Star
OAK Sebastian Janikowski, 28 yrs, Star
LAC Nate Kaeding, 24 yrs, Star
BAL Matt Stover, 38 yrs, Star
CLE Phil Dawson, 31 yrs, Star
CHI Robbie Gould, 24 yrs, Star
PHI David Akers, 32 yrs, Superstar
DAL Mike Vanderjakt, 36 yrs, Star
NE Stephen Gostkowski, 22 yrs, Star
TB Matt Bryant, 31 yrs, Star
SF Andy Lee, 24 yrs, Superstar
KC Dustin Colquitt, 24 yrs, Star
OAK Shane Lechler, 30 yrs, Superstar
DAL Mat McBriar, 27 yrs, Star
BUF Brian Mooreman, 30 yrs, Superstar
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hitsdc · 7 years ago
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April 8th, 2018 Damaged City 2018 Art Show @ Hole in the Sky 2110 5th St. NE 2nd. Floor $5 (walk-up only) 2pm Bands start @ 4pm. The Damaged City Art Show has now become a staple of the DCF weekend. Curated by DC native Sarah O'Donoghue, punk artists from all over the world will be coming together for this awesome event. In addition to the art on display there will be some bands as well. Don't miss it! Bands: Nandas (NY) Pobreza Mental (NY) Haircut (VA) Blue Streak (DC) Artists: Alex Heir Swampy Bonner Sale Luis Ponce Bad Penny + Mobshit Angela Owens David English Dilek Baykara Farrah Skeiky Antonia Tricarico Stephen Schrock Dakota Baeta Mateo Cartagena Indie Jimenez Cecilia Caldiera Anahi Gulian KC Oden Darin Acosta Amelia Mayeski James Haichwai Camila Leao Kohei Urakami Sarah Lock Chrisi Atha Eric Gabriel Cris Crude Michelle Roberts Allan Barnes Eric Gordon Gustavo Bacellar
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prodigyduck · 10 months ago
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Owen Stephens is a 25-year veteran of the tabletop gaming industry.
Owen has cancer.
Owen needs our help.
If you've played any of the the following games, then you've played a game that Owen helped write: The Black Company, Call of Cthulhu, d20Modern, Dragon Age, EverQuest, Fantasy AGE, Gamma World, Everyday Heroes, The Song of Ice and Fire, Thieves World, and Wheel of Time. I’m also the co-creator of the Starfinder and Star Wars Saga Edition rpgs
The Bundle has over $1000 of gaming products in it for only $30. Sales proceeds go to help fund Owen's medical bills.
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questwriter · 7 years ago
The Vate - Pathfinder base class
A recent post by the one and only Owen KC Stephens reminded me of a project I had several years ago, making a base class based on Celtic mystical paths.  In researching the historical link between “bards” and “druids,” I found several references to mystical figures known as “vates” or seers.  Many of these sources treated bards, vates, and druids as different initiates of the same rites, serving their people as sages, historians, judges, and seers.  I decided to put a  fantasy spin on the concept of the vate as seer and sage, diviner and protector.  The base class that emerged from this found a home in my Reconsula campaign setting, where vates join with druids and bards to form primal circles that enhance their abilities.  Powered by ogham magic, a Celtic-inspired system reminiscent of runes, these vates seek to unravel the mysteries of the world around them.  The following base class is offered freely for your enjoyment; any feedback is always appreciated.
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An image of what a primal circle might look like with a vate, a druid, and a bard.  Original art by Jacob Blackmon, who has given me permission to use his work in this blog.  If you like his work, consider joining me in backing his Patreon.
Vates have the following game statistics:
Abilities: Intelligence controls many of a vate’s skills and several of his class abilities, including spellcasting.  Since vates are limited to light armor, a high Dexterity adds to their defense, while constitution adds fortitude and resilience that the vate might otherwise be short on.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8
Class Skills
The vate’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).  
Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int modifier
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Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A vate is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the bolas, light hammer, longbow, shortbow, short sword, and throwing axe.  Vates are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.  A vate can cast vate spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance.  However, like any other arcane spellcaster, a vate wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component (most do). A multiclass vate still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.
Spells:  A vate casts arcane spells, the same kind as sorcerers, wizards, and bards, which are drawn from the vate spell list (see below).  Although a vate can cast any spell he knows without preparing it per se, he must have the appropriate ogham in his ogham pouch (see below).  To learn or cast a spell, a vate must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level.  The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a vate’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the vate’s Intelligence modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a vate can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day.  His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Vate. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score.  A vate is treated as a spontaneous spellcaster for any effect related to whether a caster prepares or spontaneously casts spells, including the addition of metamagic feats to spells.
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Ogham:  Vates are the holders of a secret arcane writing known as Ogham.  This writing allows a vate to inscribe the details of a single spell on a piece of stone, wood, or other natural object.  An object carrying an Ogham spell inscription is known as an ogham. A vate uses a sack containing his oghams as a focus for completing his spells in place of inexpensive material components (just as if he had the Eschew Material Components feat).  Any arcane spell that normally has an inexpensive material component instead has an ogham focus when cast by a vate.  Verbal and somatic components apply normally, and a vate must provide any material component or arcane focus worth more than 1gp. A vate may have any number of oghams in his possession, but he does not have access to all of them at any given time.
Each day when a vate recovers his spells for the day, he must spend one hour meditating on his oghams.  He selects the spells that he wants to have access to that day and places their respective oghams in his pouch.  The number of spells of each level that a vate can access and keep in his pouch at any given time is given in Table: Vate Spells Accessible by Level.  Once a vate has established the spells he has access to for the day, he may later change one of them by spending ten minutes sorting through his pouch, replacing one ogham with another of the same level, and briefly meditating on the change.  There is no limit to the number of times a vate may exchange one spell for another, but each exchange takes ten minutes.
A vate uses the pouch containing his oghams as an arcane focus, and must be in physical contact with the pouch or the specific ogham of the spell he wishes to cast. The pouch or ogham need not be presented directly, or even be visible (indeed, many vates keep their pouches tucked inside their clothes or armor for protection from light-fingered rivals), but it must be in contact with the vate and not in an extradimensional space. The vate channels his spell-casting power through his ogham, but the ogham is not consumed in the process, meaning that he is free to cast the same spell again, provided that he has a spell slot of the appropriate level available.  An ogham is about the size and weight of a coin, with 50 oghams weighing one pound.
A vate begins play with four oghams containing cantrips of his choice and one ogham containing a 1st-level spell of his choice.  He also gains a number of bonus oghams (containing cantrips and/or 1st-level spells) equal to his Intelligence modifier at 1st level.  At each subsequent level, he gains one new ogham of a spell of the highest level he can cast and one new ogham of a spell at least one level lower than the highest level he can cast.  The vate receives these oghams for free as part of his adventures and does not have to pay to craft them.
A vate may also create oghams from scrolls that he finds in his travels or from the oghams of other vates. He crafts his oghams in much the same way that a wizard scribes pages into his spellbook.  The magical inks or dyes needed to complete the ritual and infuse the spell information into the ogham costs the same amount as scribing a spell of the same level into a wizard’s spellbook.  With the exception of pages in a spell book (all oghams take up the same size item regardless of spell level), the same rules apply to adding spells to a vate’s ogham collection and adding spells to a wizard’s spell book, as well as writing new spells on an ogham and writing new spells into a spell book.  See the chapter on Magic in the associated Core Rulebook for more information on wizards’ spell books.
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Vate Spell List: Vates are arcane casters with a preternatural sixth sense that reveals things unseen and protects them and their allies from harm.  The vate spell list includes all divination spells, regardless of whether they are normally arcane or divine, up to 6th level; the vate may learn these spells at the lowest level they are available to any spellcaster.  Additionally, vates have access to all abjuration spells up to 6th level found on the sorcerer/wizard, bard, or druid spell lists. Finally, vates have access to any spell that appears on both the druid and bard spell lists at the lowest level at which it is available to either class.
Cantrips (Sp): Vates learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, and may include these in their daily spell selection. See Table: Vate Spells Accessible by Level for the number of cantrips a vate has access to at any given time. Unlike other spells or spell slots, a vate’s cantrips are not used up when cast and may be used again.  
Detect Magic (Sp): A vate has the ability to detect magical auras at will.  This functions as the detect magic spell (caster level equal to the vate’s class level). The vate may suppress or resume this ability at will as a free action.
Trapfinding:  Vates, like rogues, can find and use the disable device skill to disarm both magical and non-magical traps.  This ability functions as the rogue’s trapfinding ability; add a vate’s level to his effective rogue level (regardless of whether or not the vate has actual levels in rogue) to determine any level-dependent benefits to finding and disarming traps.
Vatic Vision: A vate can extend and attune his senses through the fabric of reality to view locations and discern information beyond the scope of mortal vision. He can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to 4 + his Intelligence modifier. At each level after 1st a vate can use vatic vision for 2 additional minutes per day.  Vatic vision is measured in one-minute increments, and using a vatic vision ability consumes at least one minute of this ability, even if the actual duration of the effect is less.
Beginning a vatic vision is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. A vatic vision cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the vate is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round.
At 7th level, a vate can begin a vatic vision as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, he can begin a vatic vision as a swift action.  
Vatic vision refers to a vate’s ability to invoke a variety of supernatural or spell-like divinations, all of which draw on a mystic insight into reality.  
Discarnate Eye (Sp): A vate’s simplest use of his vatic vision allows him to create a magical sensor that extends his vision beyond its normal range.  This ability functions as the spell arcane eye, except as noted here.  The sensor is created in the vate’s space and cannot move more than 60 feet from the vate until he reaches 8th level; at 8th level, the sensor can move up to 120 feet from the vate, at 14th level, the sensor can move up to 240 feet from the vate, and at 20th level, the limit on the distance between vate and sensor is removed, though they must remain on the same plane.
“Detect” Anything (Sp): A vate of 3rd level may use his vatic vision to imitate the effect of any 0th or 1st level divination spell with the word “detect” in its name.
Bonded minds (Su):  A vate of 6th level has the ability to telepathically link his mind to the mind of a single willing ally.  This ability allows telepathic communication between the vate and the subject of the link.  Initiating a bonded mind is a standard action that requires that the vate touch the subject. The distance between the vate and the subject of this ability is limited just as a discarnate eye, and the ability ends if the subject goes out of range.  While bonded, the vate and his subject can communicate silently. Additionally, the subject may use the vate’s base will save instead of his own if it is higher, as well as the vate’s ranks in any Intelligence or Wisdom based skill.  The subject still uses his own ability scores, feats, and other modifiers on any uses of these abilities.  This does not allow a character to make a skill check that he would not normally be able to make, such as a raging barbarian making a knowledge check.
Arcane Sight (Sp): A vate of 9th level may use his vatic vision to imitate the effect of an arcane sight spell.  A vate’s detect magic ability is effectively superseded by this effect for its duration.
True Seeing (Sp): A vate of 12th level may use his vatic vision to imitate the effect of a true seeing spell (on himself only).
Greater Arcane Sight (Sp): A vate of 15th level may use his vatic vision to imitate the effect of a greater arcane sight spell.  A vate’s detect magic ability is effectively superseded by this effect for its duration.
Foresight (Sp): A vate of 18th level may use his vatic vision to imitate the effect of a foresight spell (targeting either himself or an ally).  If targeting himself, the effect consumes only one minute of vatic vision per hour of active effect.
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Original art by Jacob Blackmon, who has given me permission to use his work in this blog.  If you like his work, consider joining me in backing his Patreon.
Discern Scroll (Su):  Vates use their magic to understand the world around them, including forms of magic that they do not typically employ.  A vate of 2nd level may activate any scroll that he has already deciphered, casting the spell on that scroll as if the associated spell were on his spell list (regardless of whether the scroll is arcane or divine).  The vate must still have a caster level high enough to cast the spell, or succeed on a caster level check to activate the scroll as normal. This ability is usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the vate’s Intelligence modifier.
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Art by Brian Brinlee, used under a non-commercial license through the Purple Duck Collective Patreon program.
Bonus Feats:  At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, a vate gains a bonus feat from the following list: Combat Casting, Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, or any Item Creation feat.  The vate must meet all prerequisites to take a feat.
Ritual Ogham:  A vate of 5th level is able to use his understanding of magic to ritually cast a spell without consuming a spell slot.  The vate must have the appropriate ogham to serve as a focus for the casting and must perform a ritual taking ten minutes per level of the spell (plus the casting time of the spell itself, if it has a casting time longer than one minute).  This ability is usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the vate’s Intelligence modifier.
Expanded Ogham:  At 11th level, a vate’s ability to use oghams extends to spells he cannot normally cast. The vate may make an ogham of any spell regardless of whether or not it is on his spell list.  The spell must be of a level no higher than the highest level vate spell he is able to cast.  Once the vate has an ogham of the spell, he can use it as a ritual ogham and cast it as described under Ritual Ogham above.  Moreover, he may treat the spell as one he knows for purposes of using an Item Creation feat, meaning that the vate can craft magical items that require spells not otherwise on his spell list.  This does not allow him to cast the spell using a spell slot.
Ogham Unbound:  A vate of 17th level can make an ogham using his expanded ogham ability regardless of the spell’s level or the spell list it is on.  Casting a spell of a level higher than 6th using his ritual ability takes 8 hours, but during this 8 hours, he may also work on a magic item that requires the spell be cast as part of its creation.
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gameknightrvws · 6 years ago
via Buffer
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we-are-guildmaster · 6 years ago
A Selection of Adventurer's Guild Rules and Bylaws
The source is Owen KC Stephens on Facebook, author, and gamer extraordinaire. Clause 1.1.a. Each quest contract specifies under what conditions you receive payment for completing the quest. While many quest grantors offer bonus money or titles for other activities of benefit to them, such gratuities are never required, and should not be expected. You can abandon the quest to kill 12 dire wolves to save the barony if you feel moved to do so, but the baron still doesn't have to pay you for it
Clause 7.5.c. While the Guild does its best to keep records on adventuring sites up-to-date, none of the information we have is guaranteed. Better results are available by paying Guild researchers, but even this is not assured. No refunds. Cave pugnatores.
Clause 11.0.n. Being evil is not itself grounds for dismissal from the Guild. Being a dick is not itself grounds for dismissal from the Guid. Being a bigger dick to a Guildmember than they have been to you is, itself, grounds for dismissal from the Guild.
Clause 37.5.c. Twisted religious dogma and philosophical points of view are not considered acceptable reasons for willfully misinterpreting guild rules and bylaws. We accept devil's advocates in the guild, but we won't put up with your shit.
Clause 50.5.a. Per the Adventure Guild Charter, there shall be established a Committee on Deceit, Cheating, and Misdirection. Clause 50.5.b. No one is officially a member of this committee, but those who convince people they are on the committee shall be considered to have the authority of such a position.
Clause 115.2.a. All decisions of the reincarnation and clone council are final. If you don't want to risk not being considered really you, get your method of cheating death pre-approved.
Clause 160.4.5. The use of miracles and reality-warping powers to overturn Guild decisions is forbidden. You may think you can use those powers to make changes we won't notice. Don't bet on it.
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kayawagner · 6 years ago
Swashbucklers of the Razor Coast (Pathfinder) [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Frog God Games Under the heat of the salted sun, along a pirate-riddled coast bloated fat with forgotten riches and forbidden secrets, the subjugation of the native tribes awakens long banished horrors. Horrors whose deadly plans threaten not only Port Shaw—the corrupt fingerhold of a distant and decadent civilization—but existence, itself. A sea of blood caresses the savage shore of the Razor. Rising from the abyssal depths, Harthagoa, the bastard spawn of a She-Kraken and Demogorgon drags whole fleets beneath the waves. In the fetid Blacksink Marsh, unspeakable horrors lurk beneath the bog water, accursed cannibals pay gory obeisance to an ancient shark god of slaughter—begging its return. A ghostly armada, murderous pirates, and balesharks prowl the waves—all threaten Port Shaw, the only bastion of “civilization” on the Razor. The city hosts foreign invaders chasing baleen, ambergris, and gold. They menace the native Tulita tribes and drive them from their ancestral home with smoke-belching cannonade. Pele, The Goddess of Fire and Wrack, watches from her smoldering throne on Dreadsmoke Mountain. She stands ever ready to purge the people of Port Shaw from her domain in a torrent of ash and molten lava. This bundle includes everything you'll need to swash your buckles and find where X marks the spot for years to come!
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Razor Coast - Pathfinder Edition Regular price: $40.00 Bundle price: $20.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Under the heat of the salted sun, along a pirate-riddled coast bloated fat with forgotten riches and forbidden secrets, the subjugation of the native tribes awakens long banished horrors. Horrors whose deadly plans threaten not only Port Shaw -- the corrupt fingerhold of a distant and decadent civilization -- but existence, itself. A sea of blood caresses the savage shore of the Razor. Rising from the abyssal depths, Harthagoa, the bastard spawn of a She-Kraken and Demogorgon drags whole fleets beneath the waves. In the fetid Blacksink Marsh, unspeakable horrors lurk beneath the bog water, accursed cannibals pay gory obeisance to an ancient shark god of slaughter - begging its return. A ghostly armada, murderous pirates, and balesharks prowl the waves - all threaten Port Shaw, the only ... Razor Coast Fire As She Bears - Pathfinder Edition Regular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $5.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Design your own ships from the hull out and fight Age of Sail combats like you’ve never fought before! Hoist the staysails, catch the weather gauge, you have the helm sir! All cannon, the enemy is in sight. FIRE AS SHE BEARS! Building on the winning entries of a contest to create new rules, authors Lou Agresta and John Ling, with contributions from James MacKenzie, wrote a book to empower players and GMs to fight cinematic “Master and Commander” style ship battles in Pathfinder or Swords & Wizardry that stay true to the spirit of history and Age of Sail realities. This complete 96 page subsystem of ship-to-ship combat, includes over 35 new magic items for characters and ships, new feats, new uses for familiar skills, new weapons and equipment, new spells, and b... Razor Coast Freebooter's Guide - Pathfinder Edition Regular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $5.00 Format: Watermarked PDF This sourcebook for dark heroic swashbuckling and terror in the Age of Sail contains new races, new archetypes, new core classes, new prestige classes, new spells, new feats, new equipment, new magic items, unique animal companions and more. All flavored to sail you into a fantastical, tentacle and gore-filled, pirate-packed Hawaii that never was. With additional material specific to the Razor Coast mega-campaign including new organizations, religions, details on Port Shaw – the adventurers’ home base – and a history of the Razor Sea. You decide the fate of the Razor! “There’ll be blood by the bucket-full, boyos!” Captain Bethany Razor... Razor Coast Heart of the Razor - Pathfinder Edition Regular price: $19.99 Bundle price: $9.99 Format: Watermarked PDF An adventure for 4 – 6 PCs Character Levels 5 – 12 Page count: 160 Hardback The Heart of the Razor, includes four adventures: Jungle Fever by Owen KC Stephens: An island hopping adventure of greed, betrayal, and undead vengeance for three to five characters of 11th–12th level. When a supernatural plague strikes down brothel workers in the cargo pit of Sharkjaw Docks, events entangle the PCs in the schemes of Butcher Jill, an infamous and wealthy pirate-turned-drug-lord. On mysterious Dreamfog Island, they must undo the horrors Butcher Jill wrought in pursuit of her ill-gotten wealth, before the evil she unleashed sweeps the whole of the Razor into the charnel pit. Angry Waters by Richard Pett Angry Waters is a 10th level Razor Coast treasure hunt for taboo riches, ...
Total value: $79.97 Special bundle price: $39.99 Savings of: $39.98 (50%)
Price: $79.97 Swashbucklers of the Razor Coast (Pathfinder) [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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fruitbatwalton · 7 years ago
Newport native Jack Perrett is set to release his new single In The Morning and it will be available on November 17th on all the usual download suspects.
It sees him channeling maximum Britpop swagger with his new single, It's a singalong affair from the get-go. With its 90s Britpop vibes and catchy hooks, the track showcases Jack Perrett who has a natural ability for songwriting, solidifying his status as part of the bright future of British music. He was busking outside Liam Gallagher’s debut Brixton solo gig and performing a cover of I Wanna Be Adored on BBC Radio Wales in support of One Love Manchester Charity concert so Jack Perrett isn't afraid to share his influences with pride.
In his career so far he has become renowned as somewhat of a journeyman, travelling across the country playing gigs. From small town cafes, to the hustle and bustle of London, to the Rodney Parade Stadium, everywhere he travels his fan base grows larger and larger. The track was produced by Steffan Pringle (Estrons) and features members of Monico Blonde and a cameo from producer Steffan.  
Airplay for In The Morning includes Huw Stephens, Bethan Elfyn, Vicki Blight, Rhod Gilbert and Jamie Owen (Live session) on BBC Radio Wales, along with a month on playlist on BBC Radio Wales; GoldieRocks, Selector British Council Radio; Charlie Ashcroft, Amazing Radio; Andrew Shay on Nation Radio; Fresh On The Net, Listening Post 235; Ralph’s Indie Show on Radio KC; Showcase Wales, GTFM; Citizens Brigade, Radio Glamorgan; plus other online and independent stations worldwide. Debut release Me And You was also played on ITV’s This Morning during a fashion VT.
7th October - Newport Corinthians, Newport
8th October – The Moon Club, Cardiff
14th October – High Street Social, Treorchy
5th November – New Crown, Merthyr
11th November – Cardiff FM radio appearance
14th November – Made In Cardiff TV appearance
15th November – Newport City Radio appearance
17th November, Meze, Newport
22nd November – Riverside Tavern, Newport
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thatboomerkid · 6 years ago
Extreme Emergency Countermeasures
Extreme Emergency Countermeasures -- Pathfinder Time Thief Feat
"Side effects? Side effects? What kind of side effect is medically worse than DEATH? "
-- Harry Potter & the Methods of Rationality, Chapter 100
By reaching out into one of the infinitesimally small number of parallel timelines in which you were only horrendously injured -- but not killed -- and hijacking your life-force into a quantum state in which you are both living and dead, you can survive assaults that would reduce most creatures to an ugly red smear.
Brought to you absolutely free to enjoy, to test & to share – as always – by the fine folks of my Patreon; inspired by – and with hugest of thanks to – Owen KC Stephens.
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original image from here
Prerequisite: Living creature; Time Thief or Cityskin Warlock with the motes of time class feature or the Chronothurge Adept feat
Benefit: At will, while you do not possess the Degenerate Creature Simple Template, you may choose to expend a single mote of time as an immediate action to ignore all damage from a single effect or source.
You may freely interrupt another creature’s action to use this ability; thus, if you are driven to negative hit points by an attack or spell, you may use this ability before you drop unconscious.
Immediately after ignoring damage in this way, you are treated as incorporeal until the beginning of your next turn; after ignoring damage in this way, you also gain the Degenerate Creature Simple Template until such time as you gain magical healing while at full hit-points.
You must have ready access to a fully-built version of your final stat-block with the Degenerate Creature Simple Template applied, approved by your GM, before you may use this ability.
You gain a number of hit points equal to [(twice your level)-1] immediately after gaining the Degenerate Creature Simple Template in this way, intended to all-but-offset the hit points lost to your reduced Constitution score.
While you possess the Degenerate Creature Simple template, you always possess an overwhelming scent of rot, death and the grave; all opponents within 30 feet may freely detect you purely by sense of smell. If you are upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Your exact location is not revealed, only your presence within range and the general direction toward you. When you are within 5 feet of any creature with a sense of smell, that creature automatically pinpoints your location even if otherwise blinded to you. You may also be tracked by your smell: any creature may attempt to follow from where you have been by making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to trace your movements and current whereabouts, even if you possess the trackless step ability. The typical DC for smelling you out is 10; this DC increases by 2 for each hour since you departed the area. This otherwise follows the rules for the Survival skill.
In addition, while you possess the Degenerate Creature Simple template, you are treated as an undead creature – in addition to your normal type – for the purposes of a ranger’s favored enemy, for bane weapons, for feats including Command Undead and for purposes of spells – such as control undead, disrupt undead, searing light and undeath ward – and for all similar effects, although you do not gain the normal immunities, benefits or traits of a true undead creature.
While you possess the Degenerate Creature Simple Template, you also become hideously and markedly inhuman; this affects your appearance, your voice, your scent and even the non-verbal sounds and movements you make. At your GM’s choice, you become bestial, deformed, corpse-like or in some other way easily distinguishable as dangerous & unnatural; you cannot pass for a living member of your species, even with magical effects such as veil.
Special: This ability may be selected in place of any Temporal Talent. 
Campaign Note: Servants of Yhidothrus – especially those with the To Outlast Eons and Sliver of the Spiral Path feats – delight in abusing this blasphemous art, often exploiting the ability to survive horrendously lethal “art-pieces” that end in the  collapse of an entire building upon them ... and upon their victims.
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