#overhaul arc
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glyury · 11 months ago
You know, I suddenly remembered that Chisaki had one distinct characteristic: he hated dirt, and as soon as it got on his skin, he tried to wipe it off as quickly as possible.
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Now that I've learned that Decay is essentially half of Chisaki's quirk, I'm wondering if Shigaraki's "allergy" is because Chisaki's quirk makes the quirk user's skin too sensitive or something, and that's why Chisaki, knowing about this, he always tried to avoid dirt, while Shigaraki ignored external irritants and therefore his skin constantly itched.
Also, I decided to re-read the Overhaul arc, and I saw a comment on one of the pages written 4 years ago, which said that Chisaki and Shigaraki's quirks were suspiciously similar to each other. Now, knowing what we know, it's ironic to see something like this. Some people simply guessed this plot twist from the very beginning.
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kacievvbbbb · 8 months ago
I think it’s kind of interesting that two of the most horrific cases of torture and abuse to people that Aizawa loves (Eri and Oboro) come about almost directly because of his quirk
The doctor and All for one where after Aizawa’s quirk that day that was the whole reason they were there and Chisaki didn’t get his idea to make quirk erasing bullets till he heard about, then saw erasure in action. And both times Aizawa is told this horrifying information to his face years after he’s too late to do anything about it.
And that must be so frustrating to have a quirk you grew up being told was shit be so interesting to all the wrong people.
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dynamicsandparadoxes · 1 day ago
UGHHHHUHHHGUGHHHUGHHUHUGG i love the overhaul arc of mha SOOOOO much this is my favorite season by far i just love how even though the shie hassaiki operates in “a moral gray area”, they seem infinitely more evil than the league of villains
the league of villains has morals and restrictions, generally keeping innocent people and bystanders out of harm (tho not always obviously)
but the hassaiki seems so incredibly evil for child abuse and trafficking. it’s so bizarre to me how the supposed morally gray villains are so incredibly evil and hated by almost everyone.
i also adore eri and her story, how she truly was saved not just physically but emotionally. and i like seeing how even heroes doubt themselves, how mirio doubted himself about not stepping in and originally helping eri. self doubt and questioning is a true sign of heroism in my mind.
also i like that the league takes overhauls arms off. deserved tbh. i don’t want to see anyone from the league die because they all have potential for redemption, but overhaul definitely did not after killing magne.
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class1akids · 9 months ago
How come you don't care about the Overhaul arc? Is it personal preference or do you think its an objectively bad arc?
I thought it was waaaay too stretched out, but I loved how Kirishima, Amajiki and Mirio all got their moments to shine in it (but God the in-betweens wasn't worth it)
For sure partially it's personal preference: the arc abruptly benched by faves (Todoroki and Bakugou), sidelined 90% of class A, brought in a bunch of new characters I didn't care about.
But I also think it was not a particularly well-done arc. I wrote many rants about it and I still stand by them.
It feels like a pointless side-quest with almost nothing mattering later or coming back the worst ways. Just look at the main themes:
Who is the better OFA heir - Deku or Mirio? In the end, the arc didn't give a conclusive answer, but also it didn't matter because All Might's choice was validated by the BS "oh, btw, only quirkless people can have OFA now" pivot.
Twisting fate - Deku and All Might resolved to "twist fate together". And for a while it looked like AM was going to grow into his powerlessness and take on a different role, only to put on his stupid iron suit, throw himself into the battle only to be saved by.... Bakugou
Nighteye's prediction - Sir's entire character was a valid(?) criticism of All Might's recklessness, martyr complex and unwillingness to work with others. Plus his gruesome prediction of dying to Shigaraki. But the narrative in the end validated everything about All Might, he still embodies the same values in the final arc, and never actually confronts Tomura.
Eri - for Eri being a "Shigaraki parallel", she's one of these -to me incredibly annoying - perfect anime children who are not at all like real kids. She's adorable, she has no personality, she's the perfect victim. And heroes come together to save her. The LoV kids in comparison are less perfect, they cry, they lash out, they don't want to be victims and I don't know if the narrative wants to tell us that only victims like Eri get the kind of compassion she did.
Rewind - the whole quirk was nonsense on how it was presented and it ended up being used in the worst ways. The way it acts perfectly opposite when Deku attacked Overhaul vs in the case of Prime!AFO was utter BS. Also, we basically got the Deku getting his hands destroyed "shocker" only to be given back less than half a chapter later. Not to mention my distaste to Eri's self-mutilation to be celebrated as heroic.
Wishing Energy - what a stupid, cursed concept of trying to pretend the civilians changed instead of you know have them DO something.
Chisaki - he could have been one of the most interesting villains - with his relationship with the yakuza boss, the childhood that we only got glimpses of, his ties to Shigaraki, but it was all pretty much wasted.
The girl team was fully shafted.
Yeah, the arc had Fat Gum and Kirishima and that's about the only good thing about it. (But also look at how every single one of them was shafted in the final arc: Kirishima, Tamaki, Fat Gum, Neijire, Ryukyu - even Mirio ended up not much more than a butt joke).
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mha-obsessed · 1 year ago
I’m currently on season four of MHA and I’m enjoying Katsuki not being on my screen, it’s a refreshing experience to let other characters have their time to shine, like Izuku, Asui, Kirishima, Uraraka
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isabeauwolf · 5 months ago
The school Book Fair is here again. I was looking on Scholastic's website to order something on my daughter's wishlist.
Soooo I was looking at the manga for shits and giggles, I just saw volumes 14, 16 and 18 for 3 bucks a piece! 😳
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I don't know if I should be happy or sad! Yes, it's Overhaul's arc, of course, I'm happy to see our birdman, but damn.... It's a good deal though
Figured, I'd share if anyone needs these volumes 👍🐦‍⬛
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x-kiwi-03 · 2 years ago
Wanna know something I think about a lot? The time during Kai's defeat when he's fused with Katsukame and he reaches his hand out and touches Deku and Eri when Eri's losing control of her quirk.
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Like, he knew he would be reminded if he touched her, but did anyway. And he could've used his quirk the moment he touched them, but he didn't. And he could've easily reached and used his quirk on Ochako, but he didn't. Maybe he was just out of it, tired from all the fighting and wasn't thinking right.
But I think he was conscious enough to know he would've been rewinded, and used Eri to rewind Katsukame out of him last minute because he knew he lost.
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moon-g0dess · 2 years ago
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i have a fracking obsession with chisaki and this made me laugh so fricking hard
doctor goals
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pazolahr · 5 months ago
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Silly goose and her heroes
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year ago
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This scene...the League is missing a couple people in their headcount, so I have to ask...where were Dabi and Spinner when this all went down?
I mean, I gather Horikoshi left Dabi out for plot purposes; with a long-range Quirk, he probably would've just blasted a jet of flames at Overhaul's group as soon as things started going hostile. Little bit op in this context. And Spinner could be missing because it wasn't 'necessary' to have him here and he might've been one of the casualties if he was. Magne gets taken out and Mr. Compress loses an arm; yeah, no way is Spinner taking that sitting down.
But there's still no explanation of where they went. Their whole thing is right here. It's not like they're leading double lives and have somewhere else to be right now. Even when the group meets up later, nobody addresses what they were doing at the meeting time.
Did they decide Twice was taking too long and stepped out for coffee?
Are they keeping watch outside? Why didn't they come running when they heard the chaos?
Did Dabi start vomiting blood because of the Lovecraftian horror show that's his apparent health issues, and Spinner drew the short straw in making sure he didn't up and die on them?
Were they just waiting at a drive-thru when they got a text from Toga that read,  “Hey, the meeting went south, Magne’s dead, and Atsuhiro’s missing an arm.  Meet us at…”
Seriously, I want to see how these two reacted to that.  “What the hell, guys, we were gone for ten minutes!”
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moodyvoid · 6 months ago
Imagine some guy drives by and cat-calls you and Tomura runs and jumps on their car and starts decaying it.
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glyury · 10 months ago
I recently heard that there is a theory going viral on Twitter that the enemy the heroes are having to fight now is not an AFO, but a parasite that is the progenitor of Quirks.
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I can’t say that I believe in this theory, but I really like it, and if it were confirmed after a while, I would not be surprised. At the same time, I did pick up one interesting point from this theory, and that is the fact that, according to the author, the emergence of quirks is due to the fact that the corpse of AFO and Yoichi's mother was eaten by rats, the rats became carriers of the "disease", and then they spread her “disease” throughout the world.
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Honestly, this makes so much sense that I'm surprised I didn't figure it out sooner. Horikoshi actually explained to us how the quirks came about, but we didn't notice it. Additionally, Horikoshi hinted at the origin of quirks back in the Overhaul arc, but that was so long ago that many simply couldn't remember it.
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Apart from this, I would also like to remember Nezu. His name comes from the Japanese word nezumi, which means "rat". We don't know much about Nezu other than that he was once experimented on. His age is unknown.
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I would like to note that ordinary rats do not live very long, only 2-3 years, but Nezu is clearly a long-liver. He was already the principal of U.A. when All Might and AFO fought and he knew about OFA for some reason before that battle.
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I'm guessing that he was also the principal of U.A. when All Might was a student, although that was 40 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if Nezu was one of the rats that spread the "disease" throughout the world, or is one of the descendants of those rats.
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decarbry · 1 year ago
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delawaredetroit · 5 months ago
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This was the first of two times where Ochako watched someone bleed out in her arms from a fatal injury. Both mark a pivotal point in her character arc. The first time with Nighteye, she found her goal as a hero. The second time with Toga, she determined what she meant to do with that goal of saving people
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myheromedia · 1 year ago
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The faces of the Shie Hassaikai (excluding Overhaul and Chronostasis)
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fure-dcmk · 2 years ago
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Hattori Heiji wardrobe part 4
[part 3] [part 5]
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