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avlewis · 1 month ago
Après la bronchite, voici mère nature qui me punch les ovaires depuis se matin j'adore la vie x)
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dulcadora · 6 months ago
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i read this manhwa in two days and i fell in love with it. rose is so silly and i love her. i can't recommend the rules of rose ivy manor enough.
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the-witch-of-one-piece · 1 year ago
i just made my ovaries explode with domestic TR daddy HC's I will be posting them in a few
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leleaulait · 2 months ago
Faire une écho pelvienne pendant une infection urinaire : pire chose, je recommande pas, 0/10.
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2t2r · 8 years ago
20 cicatrices recouvertes par des tatouages
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/10-cicatrices-recouvertes-par-des-tatouages/
20 cicatrices recouvertes par des tatouages
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telunfeuquidanse · 8 months ago
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Quand ma soeur, qui est de relais pour s'occuper de mon grand père ce week-end, me raconte tout ce qu'il dit sur moi.
Après m'avoir traité de "chiante" en novembre, de "susceptible et difficile" en mars juste après l'enterrement de ma grand mère... il émet enfin un avis un peu positif sur la façon dont je gère ma vie.
Allez hein, c'est pas comme si il venait chez moi 4 jours la semaine prochaine (ça va être long !)
94 ans, on le changera pas, faut faire abstraction hein !
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femanthropy · 2 months ago
EDIT: (also my phone I think translated it for me automatically which I wasn’t aware of Being A Thing)
I’d also like to mention I don’t think this is a transgender issue but I’m also torn as to how this got through “unnoticed” or there weren’t repercussions in Algeria because of the attitude toward transgender people there.
Even if we assume she was raised female because of the particular DSD Khelif has, I’m not sure why it was not picked up during puberty.
Edit 2: (lol) I will remove the reduxx link from this as I’ve been informed (thank you🩵) that it is not a reliable source. I have been seeing other articles on this topic since I saw the original, but for the moment I’m gonna leave this post be.
I have other posts on my pinned post on the Khelif controversy about the topic.
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mithliya · 2 months ago
A French journalist claims to have the leaked reports of two endocrinologists confirming Imane has a male intersex disorder:
Few things to note, there is no confirmation as to whether the report is legitimate as we are only shown a tidbit stating Imane has Alpha 5 reductase type 2. Which would make Imane genetically male if this is the case. A lot of the symptoms they listed Imane to have is consistent with the disorder. However, I do not know the history of this journalist so I cannot determine if there is a history of bias or falsehoods to consider.
Another thing to note is that this is primarily being spread by Imane's detractors who previously and erroneously referred to Imane as transgender. Alongside them endorsing Donald Trump to "protect women" in the same posts, I wouldn't have taken them seriously to begin with.
While this report is exactly what we needed to make a decisive conclusion as to whether Imane should've participated in the olympics, it's being run a mock by conservatives and "gender critical" conmen to endorse politicians who have a history of harming women. No, I don't care if people bring up Reduxx as a credible source when Anna Slatz, a cofounder, published an article for a neonazi group and associated herself with Rebel News, who's a part of the alt right. Us as radfems seriously need to drop it and create an actual news platform FOR women and not have these thinly veiled fascists trying to promote their lapdogs to us.
i dont know how reliable le correspondant is and couldnt find much info on it as a source but imane khelif is already pursuing legal action over the claims that she has XY chromosomes (which is a strange course of action if she does have XY chromosomes)
i second you on reduxx though. that source is run by a racist & homophobic right-wing woman that caters to male conservatives all the time, i unfortunately cannot trust reduxx at all knowing this.
at the end of the day, as ive said in the beginning, idk her chromosomes or her intersex condition or any of that, but people were speculating based on a lack of evidence rather than based on evidence and pretending she was having a massive erection at the end of her fight and arguing no MENA woman would hug a man or be on a man's shoulders and making many racial stereotypes, calling her a man and erasing her experience. whether she has XY or XX chromosomes, she was assigned female at birth & raised female and that experience on its own is worth something especially in MENA where there is a big difference between how men & women are treated.
people have every right to critique the IOC and question the inclusion of intersex conditions which produce (proven) significant advantages but people were harassing her viciously and expecting a woman from an impoverished background to just... entirely drop her career in sports over speculations instead of criticising the olympics for not setting up clear regulations and ensuring fairness to begin with
anyways ill be waiting until something more reliable comes out, but i stand by the fact that the way she was harassed was completely disgusting and a lot of the shit ppl were saying was pure racism. its so easy to discuss that its unfair for people with certain conditions to compete against non-intersex women and to criticise the olympics for it without falling into that and yet people couldn't even do that.
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papirouge · 2 months ago
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Since I know every radfem, anti trans Conservative and their mama is gonna share this article as a GOTCHA moment, let me explain to you (as a french native speaker) what this article actually says :
the headline purposely leaves behind that Imane pathology translates as individuals getting born with a "POCHE VAGINALE AVEUGLE" (= a closed vaginal bladder) - e.g : that actually confirms she's intersex - and wrongfully assigned female at birth while developing male sexual organs after puberty, which confirms the theory that Imane got in good faith been raised as a girl (for lack of better diagnostic) and enlisted as such in boxing competition.
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Chloé very obviously didn't read the article. Don't be an idiot - don't be like Chloé.
Dans leur rapport, rendu en juin 2023, les deux médecins, Young et Fedala, pointent, sans détour, la pathologie d’Imane Khelif, un déficit “Alpha 5 réducatse type 2, une anomalie génétique qui entraine un dysfonctionnement métabolique dans le testostérone et dans la dehydroandrosterone”.
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Cette anomalie enzymique touche principalement les garçons ( “jamais les filles”, selon les spécialistes que nous avons interrogés), dont elle empêche le développement normal des organes sexuels. A la naissance, les bébés mâles se présentent avec une poche vaginale aveugle et, faute d’un bon diagnostic, l’identité féminine leur est souvent assignée.
Many idiots stopped at the headline micro penis / no uterus thing - Imane also have a (closed) vagina. Not a single person (Reduxx "journalists" included) seems to have registered this information, for obvious reasons.
the original article states there might have been some arrangement between the Algerian Olympic committee and the Paris Olympic member. And while I'm not surprised about this, I fail to understand why people are getting so mad at IMANE. Because this article fails to prove is that Imane knew she was a man and still forced her way into female competition. The fact that so many of her haters are hellbent painting her as a manipulative bully who forced the hand of the Paris Olympics is absolutely delusional.
Also, Reduxx misleadingly left out the part where the medical report concludes by admitting Imane pathology got diagnostised very late, creating a struggle to properly care for such patients (which AGAIN confirms the good faith of Imane identity as a woman)
Shitty journalism.
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The second half of the article is literal character assassination, retelling how Imane accused her ex manager over SA accusations (he got acquitted), her team caused a brawl at one competition localization because they didn't accept her to enlist because of her testosterone levels, and hearsay about she being "irritable" or lying about not speaking English.
"this person is a bitch" ...such groundbreaking journalism... like- ok but what about the actual point...?? People didn't wait for Imane to say one word to hate on her. Let's get real.
speaking of which
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No, because that suit was about cyberbullying. Whether Imane is a man or woman is irrelevant to the fact a significance of people entertained a hate campaign against her. So her case can still stand.
oh and they also emphasized how her medical report states that her parents are inbred..
and let's just say that her anti are having a field day over this information..
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I've yet to understand what a 4B account is soooo invested into clocking the incestuous relationship of some random person, but hey, maybe that's just me. Oh wait, "feminism" has been hijacked by a horde of bullies more interested to shame people than empower women.
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mel-et-ses-histoires · 10 months ago
Mon YT est tout lent, je desactive mon bloqueur de pub et tout redevient normal.
3 min de recherche sur internet : yt ralenti les video quand vous avez un bloqueur.
Ca me casse les ovaires.
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jezatalks · 2 months ago
Bien sûr que je vais avoir mes règles dans l'avion ou au retour en France. J'ai mes ovaires qui tirent de fou 😭
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leleaulait · 8 months ago
J'avais totalement oublié que j'avais rdv gynéco ce matin ! On commençait à partir pour Chambéry quand mon portable m'a envoyé un rappel pour le rdv qui était dans 6mn 🤦 heureusement j'ai pu y aller !
Résultats ! La gygy est persuadé que j'ai des ovaires polykystiques et je dois faire une écho dans 1 mois à peu près, prise de sang à faire pour les hormones mâle qui peut être faussé à cause de ma pillule (en gros le traitement pour l'excès d'hormones c'est ma pilule donc bon...). Et pour mes infections urinaires chroniques...6 mois d'antibiotiques pour nettoyer au complet la vessie. 😭
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joeymiya · 11 months ago
rose ovair you dense [ ]!!!
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she believed in the power of rofan bullshit so hard and. called what the hell she was going through and experiencing as a "b movie horror flick/rofan/horror game vr experience" that she became immune to any sort horror/madness inducing shit that could've killed if she wasn't so naive, optimistic, delusional, and joyful about whatever could be possibe going on.
also she made the fucker responsible for what was going to be hell just leave because she was ruining all the fun and because she was an invasive species.
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a-room-of-my-own · 3 months ago
L'association Règles Elémentaires vient de créer un site "parlons règles" à destination des 8-14 ans, et on trouve ça dans la FAQ : "Quand on parle de règles, on a l’habitude de parler des “filles” ou des ”femmes”. ll n’y a qu’à voir les publicités pour les serviettes jetables ou les tampons par exemple, qui montrent principalement des femmes. Pourtant, les personnes qui ont leurs règles ne sont pas toutes des filles ! Pour faire simple, pour avoir ses règles, il faut un utérus, des ovaires, un vagin, et avoir commencé sa puberté. Mais avoir tout ça, ça ne fait pas forcément des gens qui ont leurs règles des filles. Les règles, c’est avant tout une histoire de corps et de physiologie, pas de genre. Pour rappel, le genre fait référence à l’identité, ou aux identités auxquelles on s’identifie. Elles peuvent coïncider avec le genre qu’on nous a assigné à la naissance (on parle alors de personnes cisgenres) ou pas. Le problème, c’est que, quand on naît, on range notre corps dans deux catégories bien distinctes : “Masculin / Garçon” et “Féminin / Fille”. Mais ces catégories ne tiennent pas du tout compte de ce que nous on ressent, de qui on est vraiment. Peut-être qu’on a une vulve et qu’on est un garçon. Donc, pour conclure, des personnes qui ont un utérus, des ovaires et un vagin sont susceptibles d’avoir leurs règles. Et si ça te parle, tu peux choisir de parler de “personnes qui ont leurs règles” ou de “personnes menstruées”." Maintenant j'attends les accusations d'invisibilisation de la part des non-binaires et de transphobie de la part des mecs en robe qui jurent qu'ils peuvent avoir des règles haha
C’est tellement une publicité pour l’enseignement privé 🤣
Au moins on est quasi sûr que ce genre d’association n’interviendra pas auprès des enfants .
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briselegeredansletemps · 4 months ago
Parfois, je me demande quel est l'équivalent dans l'autre genre.
L'orgasme... facile.
L'érection... plusieurs détails peuvent être débattus.
L'ovulation... le débordement séminal masculin intempestif ? La production de millions de gamettes?
Le cycle lunaire... la répétition cyclique des heures?
L'éjaculation nocturne... une femme qui se trouve transformée en fontaine tout d'un coup la nuit?
Le clitoris... le gland? Tout le penis (non, pas possible, anatomiquement c'est mettre beaucoup trop d'attention sur l'organe) ?
L'utérus... difficile
Les ovaires.. facile
Les bourses... l'utérus ?
Le cerveau... ? 😁
*cette dernière question est tricky. Elle t'enseignera un biais gender propre
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avlewis · 4 months ago
Mère nature me punch les ovaires.
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