#ouugghh is how I feel
meowdyjac · 3 months
[ WARNING: TDPH Spoilers, Flashing lights ]
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intricate-ritualz · 3 months
i knowww dead boy detectives is focusing more on the supernatural element of being a ghost but i would KILL for more historical shit. we have a ghost from the late 80s and a ghost from the early 1900s i’m cryyyying DO U KNOW HOW INTERESTING THOSE TIME PERIODS ARE DO U KNOOWWWW 😭😭😢AND ONE IF NOT BOTH OF THEM R QUEER ..uber conformist uber religious hush hush SCIENCE is evil so how do u think we feel abt gay people VS the literal BIRTH OF MODERN QUEER PRIDE ouugghh very important 2 me. they touched on this w edwin i need More
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barrenclan · 1 year
was listening to vashti bunyans "id like to walk around in your mind" and thought of these two in a silly way completely off topic from everything else, i just. the last one broke me have them ok its more of pinepaw just having gay thoughts about cormorantpaw, but unsure of how he feels about him. and yknow wondering "huh. whats going on in that guys head"
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squeakitties · 8 months
See one of your recent posts reminded me about one of my favorite moments in post-tf stories: the first night.
Sleep is such a delicate thing. As anyone who's ever tried falling asleep in an unfamiliar place knows, even slight changes to your environment can stand out when you're lying in bed. How much more noticable must it be when your body is the thing that's changed - and in such a drastic way as Miapede's has? Every little motion, every disrupted routine would be another reminder of what you've become, of what you've chosen to give up and will never, ever get back. The moments spent staring at the edge of your bed deciding how to climb into it as a quadruped, the absolute inability to whisper goodnight, the cacophony of squeaks that come with every movement, the brush of blankets over rubber...
And then, the next morning, waking up and seeing those glossy purple hooves, the lavender blur of a snout that's still so prominently in your field of view, the faint reflections cast by the morning sun bouncing off your glossy exterior... all wrapped up in the giddy, nervous certainty that every morning will be like this from now on, that you'll never go back! It's a powerful feeling, isn't it?
fuuucking insane to think about it's SO SO goood , ouugghh i love the thought of just, the Consequences of a good tf. the new stuff and lack of familiarity at first, and then adapting. so good. so so good
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crescencestudio · 5 months
I'm like a scant 5mins into the enhanced demo and, Crescence, this is stunning?? I can feel the love, skill, care, learning and sheer hard work you've put into this. From the art, to the UI, to the gorgeous personality icons, to how the codex sweeps across the screen, it's just so polished. My heart is so happy for you! Congrats on this incredible milestone! <3
OUUGGHH……. THANK YOU……. 😭😭😭😭😭 i’m so glad u like the five mins u have experienced……. u don’t know how much that means to me
like bro when i say i was TOILING over this demo
i added so many little things to make the whole experience feel more special and tbh i didn’t even know if it was worth it at some points but the fact u could tell already makes me feel better about it all 😭🥹 hope u enjoy the rest of the demo anon 💖💖💖💖
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scrunkalicious · 8 months
🛌 – who sleeps in and who’s an early riser?
(for mordecai!! am i hallucinating or is this the 2nd ask youve given me w mordecai that has bed emojo & has to do w sleep)
Oh Mordy def wakez up earlier than Marly,,, whether it be for work or just bc thatz literally how he has set up his schedule, even if he doesn't wanna get up early,, he is not one to sacrifice his schedule,, unleesssss he has no work that day and marly is feeling persuasive, perhapz he could stay in bed with marly for a bit more,,,
and marly??? some dayz she'll wake up supa early then go back to sleep, or if shez having a heavy sleep day, someone will need to wake her up or else itll been 12 noon when she wakez up LMAO
🎞️ – you each pick three movies for a movie marathon. who’s picking what?
(for viktor my silly scientist forever) OUUGGHH MOVIE NIIIGHT
Marly is choosing:
~ Coraline! (By far one of my favorite moviez, so silly n goofy hgngangfdhhh)
A movie she's known since she was young, this brings a ton of nostalgia and good feelings to Marly. It's honestly not that scary of a movie, and she has the most sweet smile as she watches this movie (Vik is occasionally glancing over to see her face half the time during the movie kgkjlsalk)
~ WolfWalkers! (I've only been able to watch this one on a low quality plane screen w headphonez that didn't work well </3 the art style and way the film was created is so intuitive)
Before the movie Marly is absolutely GEEKING on how good the artsyle and production of the movie is, with Viktor nodding his head as he listens to her. During the movie they're both watching to intensely because who wouldn't wanna watch a movie where the characterz can become wolvez and the artstyle is amazing???
~ Nimona! (WOOO OSCAR NOMINEE!! LETZ GO GAYZ AND QUEERZ!!! i kin nimona so hard you dont even KNOW)
they both end up crying during the movie ugyrhauh (I ALMOST CRIED WHEN FIRST WATCHING THIS MOVIE ARGH), deadass sobbing in one anotherz armz ong
Viktor is choosing:
~ The Creator! (a recent 2023 film!! itz actually supa good, i highly suggest!!)
He has heard of the film from Marly, and hence was immediately interested. He loves the idea and visualz of the movie, and watches with lil shimmers in his eyes <3
~ Avatar: The Way of Water! (longahh movie, saw this one w my best friend once!!)
Both of them have never seen the first movie, but Viktor heard his peers talking about it and decided to check it out. He's impressed by the graphics (marly geeked out abt how the directors of the movie made a motion-capture animation revolution by taking mo-cap underwater), and he thinks that the blue ppl are kinda goofy lmaooo,, also choose the movie for the lenght, to keep marly by him for longer asjlkljaslkj
Viktor would absolutely LOVE the older animated style. Growing up in a poorer area, isolating himself from the other kids, something about this movie would really comfort him. He loves the cats (he is soo cat coded and a cat person), and he would definitely compare himself and Marly to Thomas O'Mallry and Duchess in the best way possible. these two are cuddling on the couch as they watch
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
I can’t remember exactly but do you also headcanon felps in the prison as just hanging out and doing what cell says for fun and not particularly because his family is being threatened? I feel like this was you but i’m not sure how to check lol. Anyway if i’m understanding fuga plot correctly pac e mike told felps about the phone not working and then cell killed felps because felps wasn’t going to do what he said anymore?
Well putting felpac goggles on headcanon that it wasn’t the phone thing that made felps stop (because he was just doing all that for fun and games not actually because of the phone) it was seeing cell eat pac’s leg that made him go “i can’t do this anymore..” because he had kinda fallen for pac a little already 
i know i'm late to the felpac posting but i was busy unfortunately</3 so here we go \o/
OKAY SO wsd this is a v specific question for me bc of my Watcher Felps hc, since Felps never had a family and he kept indulging Cell for the fun of watching that deranged animal be loose
Also, Pac e Mike never had the opportunity to tell Felps about it iirc, they planned on it and to get Felps on their side to betral Cell but Cell overheard them and killed Felps in a blind rage
Ouuugghhh Felps letting Cell aside bc of Pac and how fucked up Cell left the guy,,, ouugghh Felps tending over Pac's wounds when no one is looking bc he feels guilty over just watching
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heylinfanclub · 10 months
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Well the nEWS IS IN folks.
My Uncle won't rly be back to work-work til like, the new year. So, no financial assistance still. Even then, every day I recognize he is an old man in poor health just like my dad was & focusing on how he financially assists me over his health is FUCKING ME UP INSIDE. But he has, considerable support. I have, one pillar of safety that I can only pray is stable.
I did put in my application for state disability & my CM said I sounded very genuine in my case (good?). But hooo my Case Manager is moving so I may be getting a new one Or Not & idk how that's gonna affect the process or my mOOD
Half Brothers going to his half sisters for Thanksgiving, he said I could come but I said nah cause, well, I'm not related to that side of his family, it's,,, weird,,, isn't it? idk,,, I'd feel weird. I have so many half siblings it's weird how they also have half siblings that are just, detached from my existence??
Ole Friend isn't gonna be able to invite me over for the Hols like she has the past two years for reasons I get. But ough. Plans... no plans now.
I have $9 in food stamps. :x
Ouugghh Please I want meat and potatoes for the Food Holiday.
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luminecho · 3 years
Hello Echo, question. Do you still have Four brainrot? Follow up question. Do you have any songs that you associate with Four? Thanks bestie <3
Answer 1: Steel, I ALWAYS have Four brainrot <3
Answer 2: I am literally SO FUCKING GLAD you asked, you have no idea how excited I got seeing this holy shit. HELL YEAH I do!! Take a few songs from my playlist
If I include more than 3 Sleeping At Last, Of Monsters And Men, or The Oh Hellos songs on any given playlist or list of songs you may be entitled to financial compensatio-- *looks at this list* oh whoops
1) Crystals - Of Monsters And Men - this might as well be Four’s theme song for all I associate it with him. It’s so good. So so so good.
2) Call Them Brothers - Regina Spektor - Obligatory Call Them Brothers mention. This is not original at all I've seen so many other people talk about this song with Four and-- yeah they're right this song is about Four JKHEHBFDEKF.
3) Bad Blood - Sleeping At Last - I'm biased. If you know me then expect way too many SAL songs from me in any list of songs ever because I will never shut up about SAL and they have a lot of songs I like. So there's 4 SAL songs on this list, deal with it jhkwewjkwjkfh. Anyway Bad Blood gives me so many Four feels. 11/10
3) Soap - The Oh Hellos - THIS SONNGG. Ouugghh. I could probably dissect this song if I wanted to go over every little thing in it that makes me think of Four & why but I already exhausted my song infodumping capacity on the last song on this list so perhaps some other time HDEGJDDEKF. Just. The vibes AND the lyrics. Mannn
4) Forgive Me Friend - Smith & Thell - I have both the original and the acoustic version saved to my Four playlist because I really like both versions hwdfjefke but. There's so many ways this song could be interpreted w/ Four and tbh I'm just gonna leave it up to everyone else because every time I listen to it I think of something else lol.
5) Meteor Shower - Cavetown - I don't have much to say about this one other than thinking about this song gives me a LOT of emotions jhqkdhwbefjk. Just,,, it has a lot of self-acceptance vibes to me when I listen to it in this context and I think I'm drawing those comfort vibes from the melody? Idk but they're there for me lol
6) Glitter & Gold - Barns Courtney - Someone did a mini AMV to this song w/ Four a while back for the LU zine and I've associated the song with him ever since hwdkjgefhkfev. I like the vibes. Reminds me of the forge.
7) Lakehouse - Of Monsters And Men - Idk what it is about this song. It has a mix of homesickness feels and storytelling feels and something about that makes me think of Four. Also there's a line about breaking trust in here somewhere heehee hoohoo Vio go brr.
8) I Dare You - Bea Miller - my brain can't decide if I actually like this song or not for some reason buuuut it has big Four vibes regardless lmao. Mostly in the lyrics. Definitely in the lyrics
9) No Light, No Light - Florence + The Machine - based more off the vibes of the song than the lyrics. i don't really have an explanation for this one, it's just always given me Four vibes for no reason hdwkjfgeh. Shadow too. I have it one both playlists
10) I Have Made Mistakes - The Oh Hellos - probably self-indulgent but this one has the self-acceptance and self-forgiveness vibes than go hand and hand with Four as a character so <3
11) From The Ground Up - Sleeping At Last - something about the line "in an effort to remember what being mended feels like" shakes me to my core. Am I allowed to slap the "self-acceptance" label on this song and call it a day? Cause,,, yeah the self love in this song. Ough. Also the themes of growth and being somewhere that's truly home.
12) Overture III / Awake - Sleeping At Last - Bestie this one's so self-indulgent. This song is pretty new and when I tell you that I latched onto it the DAY I first heard it FTHDGHWJKEFG. I connect so deeply with this song and I can and will project every emotion I experience ever onto Four which means he gets this song too. <3 Also it once again has themes of self-acceptance
13) September 15, 2017: Cassini - The Grand Finale - Sleeping At Last - OH MY GOD *VIBRATES INTO THE FIFTH DIMENSION*
Alright alright alright. Listen. This song is entirely instrumental. So why do I associate it with Four, you may ask?
First of all, happy anniversary to the event this song was written about! Or-- well, it was the anniversary when this ask was sent djwhfkhjdewjhke. I took a while to answer it. BUT still. Happy anniversary!
Second of all, strap in cause I’m about to infodump the hell out of this song on my way to explaining my reasoning behind why I associate it with Four. It might seem irrelevant at first but trust me, I’ll get there.
(All the stuff I mention here is all explained in a much better fashion by the artist behind Sleeping At Last on his podcast episode about the song here. I'd absolutely recommend giving it a listen if you're interested!)
Cassini was written about a satellite with the same name that was built with the intention of exploring Saturn. On September 15, 2017, its journey was complete and its course was set to crash into Saturn in a brilliant grand finale. Hence the name of the song.
This song is a medley of four of Sleeping At Last’s songs, written as a mirror of the exact flight path of the Cassini satellite. (SAL has songs about each of the 9 planets + our moon.)
The song starts and ends with Saturn. The beginning is a chorus singing the tune of SAL's "Saturn" and the ending is that the song on the "Astronomy, Vol. 1" album leads straight into SAL’s "Saturn" to symbolize Cassini crashing into the planet. Cool, right?
After the opening the song crescendos with SAL’s "Earth" to represent Cassini’s launch. Cassini passed by Venus twice in its flight, so the part of the song immediately after that is from SAL's "Venus". The next part of the song (and ofc the next part of Cassini’s flight) is Jupiter! It’s very faint and distant since Cassini only passed by the planet. Aaand then finally it reaches Saturn.
Now what does any of this have to do with Four?
Welllllll, it's all a bit of a stretch but LET ME HAVE THIS hdgjhkjdwef.
I mentioned that Cassini is a medley of 4 different SAL songs.
Venus could easily be associated with Red! It’s a love song and love of course comes from the heart and all that. But it’s also a song that reflects wonder and awe and I feel like that’s a very Red feeling.
Jupiter is a song I associate a lot with Green, not only because of the song itself but also because of the planet and Green’s wind element. Jupiter is well-known for its storms! So it seems fitting for Green. Jupiter is one of the songs I have on my separate playlist for Green too. It has vibes of instinct and wanting to make things count and make a difference which I feel like fits him.
I feel like Saturn and Earth are interchangeable with Blue and Vio. I’d probably tentatively assign Blue to Earth and Vio to Saturn for now despite Earth being Vio’s element and me generally associating that song with him a lot more than Blue anyway. Saturn is a song about loss and trying to move on and I think Vio encompasses that feeling and experience. It’s very melancholy and slower-paced too, which fits Vio more. Whereas Earth is a very powerful, somewhat explosive song (which fits Blue’s vibe) about ignorance and possibly arrogance. ALSO if you go with Blue as Earth then it works even nicer because Earth and Venus are woven together very closely in Cassini. Which could represent how Blue & Red are both the "heart" of Four compared to Vio's mind and Green's instinct.
And ALL of these songs are packed into Cassini into a convenient little medley. Four songs blending seamlessly into one another creating a whole song that makes me want to throw my hands in the air and weep.
And how perfect that the day Steel sent this ask is coincidentally the anniversary of the day the song is about. jhkqdwfgehf. It was meant to be :>
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caruliaa · 2 years
hmm ok once again it is nott even late but once again i have an exam tmrw 🤯🤯 but this one shld hopefully be better so !! (KNOCK ON WOOD!!) … so anyway before i do that i wanted to send u an ask perhaps (purrhaps <(cat version of the word perhaps)) to say that i really love you so so so very much dear!!!!!!! you are soooo understanding of me and kind to me and ju st so so thoughtful and considerate always and i appreciate that soo muchhhhh like you are such a good friend and i really do have sm fun with you and with talking to you and stuff like messaging you is always so lovely day to day and whenever we get to vc its such a treat and i just really really appreciate you !!!!!! i am so lucky to get to know you and be your friend and i just hope you know how much i think you are so loveable and endearing and good and how much i want to j b here for you and stuffd so yah!!!!!! i love you soo muchhhh (hugs uou maybe if you wld like to!!!!!💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️💕❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕)
GOOD LUCK W UR EXAM !!!! well ik u already did nd it went well so more congrats on ur exam but yea FDSDFGD !!! :> and ouugghh ;; !!! 🥺🥺🥺 im so so happy i hope u know tht i am a good frined 2 u nd tht i can b understanding of u nd kind 2 u bc like i rly rly do want to my dearest i hope you know !! :'> bc like u rly rly are j soso amazing and wonderful nd dear 2 me nd deserve sm joy and happiness nd ur j so so important 2 me and my life mx and i rly rly do j feel like ur such an amazing incredilbe person my dearest i rly rly do so os much infact i j find u so wonderful nd sweet nd fun nd funny nd talented nad endearing and just so so so amazing and so so good !!! :'> nd also rly rly soos glad tht i can b a good friend 2 u bc ur rly rly such a good friend 2 me !!! like lry sm ur so os sweet nd kind nd understanding of me nd ik tht u rly rly care abt me nd abt how i feel abt stuff nd tht rly rly j makes me feel so so loved nd stuff nd tht rly rly does j mean the world 2 me nd u j rly rly mean the world 2 me nd im soso happy nd greatful tht i get know u i feel i rly rly am mx !! :'> and just yea i j love you so so muchh so so much my dearest i rly rly do :'> !!! *hugs u back if u wish sm mx !!! * 💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞
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