#outdoor signs St. Albans
tipsycad147 · 11 months
A Might-do List for Midsummer
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 Alexis J. Cunningfolk
Midsummer, also known as the Summer Solstice, Litha, and Alban Hefin, marks the longest days of the year. Many ancient megaliths were built to align with the movement of the sun on Midsummer, the longest day of the year. Midsummer celebrates the height of the sun's power as well as the still distant but ever growing turn towards the cooler months. The Summer Solstice is also a day long associated with the magick of the Good Folk who are said to be more present than ever across the land. At Midsummer we celebrate the brightness of living and so much abundance that we have plenty to give and receive in turn. Now is a time to celebrate the expansiveness of life and the unique ways we express ourselves as necessary and loved members of our wider community. Continuing a project started last Lughnasadh, here’s a list of nine things that you might-do (or not) for the long day festival and hot season of the Summer Solstice.
Rise with the Sun. A simple and very sweet ritual is to rise with the sun on Midsummer. Meditate in silence or celebrate in song as the Sun rises up into the day, shedding light across the land. Planning to have special foods ready for breakfast can be an extra bonus.
Build simple stone cairns with friends and family. Glennie Kindred has a lovely suggestion for creating a participatory and engaging ritual space in her book Earth Wisdom. As folks are gathering together in the ritual space have them look for or bring five stones - one for each of the five elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Spirit. As part of the ritual, each of the elements are called in and one-by-one folks bring their stone for each element into the center while offering personal thanks and blessings at each turn. Slowly a cairn or mound of stones will be formed by all of the stones placed by those gathered. Cairns can be left up (if environmentally appropriate) and used as places to make offerings to the Good Folk, but at least for the rest of the ritual the community-created cairn serves as a focal point for chanting, dancing, and general merriment.
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Harvest herbs. The Summer Solstice is a traditional time to harvest herbs and especially those herbs associated with the Good Folk, the energies of love, and the powers of protection. St. Joan's or John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is traditionally harvested at Midsummer and turns into a beautiful red oil symbolizing the regenerative lifeblood of the land. Be sure to harvest herbs in a way that respects the land and its inhabitants tending to the places where they grow with as much care as plants tend to our healing needs.
Create some beautiful solar themed decorations. Decorations that catch the light and are bright in color are all wonderful options for Midsummer. Make faux stained glass with crayons and wax paper or your own sun wheels out of thread and twigs. Sun-shaped salt dough ornaments, wreaths made of dried herbs, and wild grass crowns are all seasonally appropriate and easy to make. Sun catchers and crystals hung in windows can bring rainbow light into our homes as well as outdoor ritual spaces. Whenever making or purchasing items, consider their long term environmental impact and try to align your choices with your earth-centered and celebrating festivities.
Energize culture-changing movements. Midsummer is an excellent time to call in and store up energy for the coming months and into winter. You can be intentional with your energizing magick and help to direct it towards and store it up for culture-changing movements and protests. I like to turn protest signs into magickal objects, bless my street medic bag and supplies, as well as raise energy and store it into other charms and amulets that I use in my work for a more just and kind world. 
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Practice the magick of generosity. At the longest day of the year, marking a season of abundance and the peak of growth before the First Harvest in a few weeks time, Midsummer is an opportunity to practice the magick of generosity. I love the sentiment expressed in Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions: "The Goddess at Summer Solstice gives us not just what we need, but extra. We can feel close to her by being generous, giving more than we're asked to give, doing more than our fair share. That way we make abundance for all." Generosity comes in many forms, but consider the ways that it is built into your magickal and spiritual practice at Midsummer, vowing to continue to act in abundance in your life and the lives of others.
Built an altar to the Sacred Dreamer. There are different myths from around the world about the shift of power from the light to the dark. At Midsummer the light of the Sun is at its peak - but from here on out the dark and lunar energies begin to rise. Some folks work with the myth of the Oak and Holly Kings and their never ending battles (and if you have an opportunity to see a ritual battle it can be a lot of fun). My own traditions align with stories of holy isles and descents into the underworld, where we draw closer to the world of dreams. Again, quoting Circle Round, they speak of the transformation of the God, noting that "[e]verything and everyone who fulfills their purpose must change… Now he becomes the Dreamer, asleep in this world but awake in the world of dreams and visions, the seeds of what will come to be in this world. He becomes the Messenger, carrying our hopes and prayers to the spirit realms." The Sabbats are a time to remember that change is a holy and necessary thing, that we aren't always meant to be doing the same thing throughout the year, but growing and retreating, shifting and changing with the seasons. 
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Cast spells with candles. An alternative - and much shorter - version of the might-do lists for the Sabbats would simply be "Every six weeks(ish), burn stuff." The tracking of light and dark along with the necessity of fire for warmth and in the preparation of food stuff shows up powerfully in different ways at each Sabbat. The two times of year that candles are especially essential to my magickal practice are at Imbolc and then again at Midsummer. Whether building a dream altar to light the way for the Sun to descend into the underworld, to more traditional pin and candle spells, using fire in our magick at Midsummer can be a powerful act of energetic alignment.
Create a beacon of light. Lighting bonfires on hilltops is an ancient tradition of Midsummer that is still carried on in some Celtic cultures. You can create your own beacon of light whether an actual candle burning in your window or a piece of art displayed in a way for others to see. Fires on the hill were/are a form of spiritual devotion but also connection and community-building. What sacred symbols do you want to see more of in the world around you? How do you move through the world as a person of sacredness? What are the beacons that you're wanting to see to help you know that you're not alone in the work of repairing the world? If you're looking for social justice and mutual aid oriented images, Just Seeds is always a great place to check out. You can charge up your beacon from sunrise to sunset on Midsummer day, infusing it with the holy constant of solar light.
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Check out all of my might-do lists for the wheel of the year. Learn more about magickal practices for the season of summer or cast some cards for the Summer Solstice. Here’s a midsummer brew to try and you also might like the refreshing taste of swamp tea. Finally, here’s some more herbal lore on the magick of the Summer Solstice.
May your day be bright and abundant of blessings. May your heart shine like a bonfire guiding you from longest day to slow-growing night. May we all come together in the spirit of generosity, knowing that there is enough, committed to the change needed to create equitable and holy access, and dancing all the way home.
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watfordmarquees · 1 year
5 Trending Themes for Unforgettable Birthday Parties
Birthdays are an ideal opportunity to cherish relationships with loved ones and celebrate life. Organizing a unique and unforgettable birthday party requires creativity and attention to detail.
In recent times, event marquee hire and rentals have gained popularity as an exceptional choice for hosting memorable birthday celebrations. Marquees offer flexibility, elegance, and customizable space for various themes.
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This blog will explore five trending themes that perfectly complement rental and event marquee hire Borehamwood, ensuring an unforgettable birthday experience.
Enchanted Garden Party - With a fantastic garden-themed birthday party, you can celebrate the beauty of nature. Marquees offer a blank canvas to transform into a magical outdoor setting. - Decorate the space with twinkling fairy lights, lush floral arrangements, and cascading greenery. - Opt for earthy tones and rustic elements to create an ethereal atmosphere. - Organize garden games to entertain guests, like a scavenger hunt or croquet. - To add a touch of whimsy, consider setting up a dessert table adorned with mouthwatering treats inspired by the theme.
Vintage Carnival Extravaganza: Step back in time and create a nostalgic carnival atmosphere within the confines of a marquee. A vintage carnival-themed birthday party exudes charm and excitement. 1. Decorate the space with vibrant bunting, colorful balloons, and traditional carnival signs. 2. Set up classic carnival games like ring toss, duck pond, and a shooting gallery; it will help engage your guests and have fun with them. 3. Don't forget to hire a popcorn machine and cotton candy station to offer delicious treats that evoke memories of childhood fairs.
Glamorous Hollywood-Themed Birthday Party: A glamorous Hollywood-themed birthday party is perfect for a touch of sophistication and glitz. You can transform marquees into elegant ballrooms with draped curtains, chandeliers, and a red carpet entrance. - Encourage guests to dress up like favorite movie stars to increase the excitement of the event. - Set up a selfie stand with props inspired by great films for a fun and memorable activity. - Elevate the experience further with a customized cocktail bar serving signature drinks named after iconic movies.
Movie Night Under the Stars: Create an unforgettable outdoor cinema experience with a movie night under the stars-themed birthday party. - Install a big screen and comfy seats with blankets and cushions in the backyard or other outside areas. - Invite friends to come dressed in cozy pajamas for a laid-back atmosphere. - Choose a selection of classic or popular films, and don't forget the popcorn and snacks to complete the cinematic experience.
Magical Wonderland: The enchanting world of magic and wonder is a timeless theme that captivates people of all ages. Guests can dress up as their favorite fairytale characters or wizards, adding a touch of fantasy to the celebration. - Set up interactive stations for magic tricks, fairy tale readings, and potion-making activities to keep everyone engaged. - A dessert table adorned with whimsical treats will complete the experience, leaving guests feeling like they've entered a real-life fairy tale.
Conclusion - Choosing a suitable theme can make all the difference when organizing an unforgettable birthday party. Event marquee hire and rentals provide a versatile and stylish space to bring these trending themes to life. Whether it's a milestone birthday or a celebration of life, these trending themes combined with party equipment rentals in St Albans will undoubtedly create an extraordinary and unforgettable birthday experience for all.
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queensigncompany · 5 years
Why is it beneficial to use an Indoor Sign to your Business
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An оutdооr ѕign mау bе rеѕроnѕiblе fоr саlling роtеntiаl сuѕtоmеrѕ’ attention, but an indооr sign takes саrе оf уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ’ оvеrаll experience оnсе thеу еntеr уоur ѕhор. A рlеаѕеd customer iѕ more likеlу tо раtrоnizе уоur buѕinеѕѕ fоr thе уеаrѕ to come.
Yоur сuѕtоmеrѕ’ overall еxреriеnсе is аffесtеd bу thе quality of уоur viѕuаl mеѕѕаging presentation аnd depending on the ѕizе of уоur аrеа, how convenient it iѕ tо find their wау to thеir dеѕtinаtiоn. The fоllоwing are ѕоmе of thе mоѕt impactful rеаѕоn why it iѕ wiѕе tо use an indооr sign fоr уоur buѕinеѕѕ.
It Emрhаѕizе Your Brand
Lеаving a grеаt first imрrеѕѕiоn is vеrу important fоr every buѕinеѕѕ. If уоu hаvе a сuѕtоm indооr sign thrоughоut your building, еѕресiаllу fоr areas ѕuсh as a lоbbу or wеlсоmе аrеа, it hеlрѕ emphasize аnd represent your brаnd. Othеr than thе асtuаl messaging аnd text, уоu саn customize these signs with уоur lоgо, ѕlоgаn, соmраnу colors аnd anything еlѕе thаt уоu would wаnt реорlе to associate with уоur brаnd to help boost rесаll and rесоgnitiоn.
Dоublеѕ as Advertising and Infоrmаtiоn Tool
Just bесаuѕе you already hаvе customers in the ѕtоrе doesn’t mean уоu саnnоt still effectively advertise tо thеm. Dоn’t ѕtор with уоur outdoor signage. Using аn indoor sign, you соuld, fоr еxаmрlе, drаw уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ’ аttеntiоn tо сеrtаin ѕаlеѕ оr рrоmоtiоnѕ you hаvе gоing оn. If you are placing signs in a medical facility, you соuld provide people with information about рrеvеnting a specific tуре оf illnеѕѕ. Thеrе аrе ѕtill рlеntу of орtiоnѕ tо give реорlе imроrtаnt infоrmаtiоn after thеу have аlrеаdу crossed уоur thrеѕhоld.
Bооѕtѕ the Ovеrаll Atmosphere
If уоur оutdооr sign givеѕ a grеаt imрrеѕѕiоn tо уоur customers it is еѕѕеntiаl thаt your indoor аtmоѕрhеrе follows thrоugh with ѕuсh impression. Thiѕ iѕ whеrе thе uѕе оf indoor signs соmеѕ in. Wаll grарhiсѕ, murals аnd signage can аll rеаllу hеlр tо livеn up your ѕрасе аnd leave a роѕitivе vibе fоr уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ. It iѕ ѕimрlу nоt рlеаѕаnt tо lооk аt blank аnd соld wаllѕ, lеt аlоnе surround your сuѕtоmеrѕ and visitors with it. Plus using thеѕе indoor ѕignѕ definitely hаvе branding bеnеfitѕ as wеll.
Great Fоr All Sеаѕоnѕ
Onе rеаѕоn whу outdoor or indооr ѕignѕ are vеrу соѕt-еffiсiеnt mаrkеting tool iѕ itѕ flеxibilitу. Signѕ аrе еаѕilу taken dоwn аnd ѕwарреd out for rерlасеmеntѕ оn a rеgulаr basis. Aѕ a rеѕult, you саn сhаngе the entire feel оf your business frоm ѕеаѕоn tо ѕеаѕоn simply bу сhаnging оut your ѕignаgе. It iѕ inexpensive аnd vеrу convenient!
For Compliance
Buѕinеѕѕеѕ аrе rеԛuirеd bу fеdеrаl lаw undеr thе Americans with Diѕаbilitiеѕ Aсt tо hаvе certain types оf ѕignаgе in уоur building. Thеѕе ѕignѕ inсludе ѕignаgе noting handicap ассеѕѕiblе аrеаѕ, bathrooms, сhаnging rооmѕ аnd more. Yоu саnnоt еnѕurе уоur соmрliаnсе with thе ADA unlеѕѕ you work with a specialized provider of ѕignѕ thаt fulfill ADA regulations.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Marriott Opens Second JW on Hainan Island, China
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Marriott has expanded its portfolio of JW hotels in China with the opening of the JW Marriott Sanya Haitang Bay. The property is the second JW Marriott resort on Hainan and eighteenth JW in Greater China, is located on a 21.8 km shoreline. Adjacent to Yalong Bay National Tourism Resort, Haitang Bay is a 40-minute drive from Sanya Phoenix International Airport. The area is home to numerous tourist attractions including Wuzhizhou Island, Sanya Haichang Fantasy Town, Nanshan Temple and the Wanda International Cinema, among others.
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“We are truly delighted to continue to expand our brand portfolio in Sanya, China.” said Mitzi Gaskins, Vice President & Global Brand Leader, JW Marriott. “JW Marriott Sanya Haitang Bay is bringing a modern, luxurious setting to our guests in Sanya, as well as encouraging them to embrace the present and savor life to the fullest in a mindful and nourishing environment.” The property’s 142 guestrooms and 18 villas, ranging in size from 735 sq. ft. to 7,180 sq. ft., all feature private balconies. Guests can enjoy live cooking presentations at JW Kitchen’s all-day open-kitchen restaurant or relax in the tropical ambiance of the JW Lounge, featuring signature cocktails and wines from around the world. For romantic weddings, corporate meetings and special events, the JW Marriott Sanya Haitang Bay has over 37,600 sq. ft. of meeting space, 86,000 sq. ft. of outdoor lawn, flexible seating solutions and comprehensive business facilities. There is also a health club featuring over nine different-sized pools and a Spa by JW. “The increase and transformation of the tourism market within China and specifically Hainan is significant, with the island now housing 23 hotels, covering different lifestyle needs,” said Henry Lee, President, Greater China, Marriott International. “The expansion of the JW Marriott brand in Sanya allows us to add unique offerings and enriching, thoughtfully-curated experiences for guests, leaving them with unforgettable memories.” See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: JW Marriott, Sanya. Headlines: Japan, Singapore, S. Korea and Germany Have World's Most Powerful Passports  Yangon Int. 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Interview with Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane  Seven HD Videos from IATA Airline Industry Retailing Symposium 2019 in Bangkok  Vietnam Airlines Signs EngineWise Service Agreement with Pratt & Whitney  Future of Airline Distribution and NDC - Interview with Yanik Hoyles, IATA  Cambodia Airways Interview with Lucian Hsing, Commercial Director  HD Videos and Interviews  Podcasts from HD Video Interviews  Travel Trade Shows in 2019, 2020 and 2021  High-Res Picture Galleries  Travel News Asia - Latest Travel Industry News  Read the full article
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airoasis · 5 years
Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TEDxBismarck
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/power-foods-for-the-brain-neal-barnard-tedxbismarck-3/
Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TEDxBismarck
Translator: Peter van de Ven Reviewer: Denise RQ thanks for joining me. On February, 8, 2012, my father passed away. In truth that was once the day his coronary heart stopped beating. For all intents and purposes, my father had died years earlier. It started with reminiscence lapses, and as time went on, his reminiscence failed increasingly, and it got to the factor where he failed to understand his possess children who came in to see him. His personality modified, and his capacity to care for himself was completely long past. And… For those who could make a record of the entire things that might ever occur to you, the very last factor to your list, on the very bottom of the list, the item you want the least is Alzheimer’s sickness, when you consider that when you lose your reminiscence, you lose everything.You lose everyone who ever mattered to you. Should you might seem into the brain of a person who has this ailment, what you see is, between the mind cells are these exclusive watching buildings. Beta-amyloid protein comes out of the cells, and it accumulates in these little meatball-like constructions which are in front of you, on a microscopic slide. They will not be there, and they’re a trademark of Alzheimer’s disease. This disease impacts about half of american citizens through their mid 80s. You could say to your health care provider, "ok, I do not need that. What can i do to discontinue that?" Your physician will say, "well, its ancient age and it’s genetics." there is a gene – it is called the APOE-4 allele. If in case you have this gene from one parent, your chance is tripled; when you obtained it from both mum and dad, your threat is 10 to 15 times larger than it was before.What’s the reply? Get new dad and mom? No, i don’t feel so. That is no longer it. So, i am sorry: it is historical age, it is genes, period, that is it; there’s not a darn thing you can do simply look ahead to it to happen. Or perhaps now not. In Chicago, researchers began whatever known as the Chicago wellness and growing older project. What they did used to be they checked out what persons in Chicago were eating. They did very cautious dietary records in countless numbers and countless numbers of folks, after which they started to peer who, because the years go by way of, stayed mentally clear, and who developed dementia. The very first thing they keyed in on used to be some thing that I knew about as a child growing up in Fargo, North Dakota – My mother had 5 kids, we’d run all the way down to the kitchen to the smell of Sir Francis Bacon. My mother would take a fork, and she or he’d stick it into the frying pan and pull the sizzling 1st Baron Verulam strips out and put them on a paper towel to chill down, and when all of the publisher 1st baron verulam used to be out of the pan, she would cautiously raise up that scorching pan and pour the grease right into a jar to save it – that is just right Beaverbrook grease, you do not need to lose that! My mom would take that jar, and she or he would put it no longer in the refrigerator however she’d put it on the shelf, for the reason that my mom knew that as publisher 1st baron verulam grease cools down, what occurs to it? It solidifies.And the truth that it is strong at room temperature is a sign that Viscount St. Albans grease is loaded with saturated fat, bad fats. Now we have recognized for a long time that that raises ldl cholesterol, and there is quite a few in Francis Bacon grease. And incidentally, day after today, she’d spoon it back into the frying pan and fry eggs in it; it is amazing any of her youngsters lived to maturity. That’s the way we lived. The number one source of saturated fats is genuinely now not 1st Baron Beaverbrook, it can be dairy products, cheese, and milk, and so on; and meat is number two. In Chicago, some persons ate slightly little saturated fats, round 13 grams a day, and others ate about twice that much, and the researchers just looked at who developed Alzheimer’s disorder. And am i able to exhibit you the figures? Here’s the low group, and there’s the excessive staff. In other words, in case you are warding off the bad fat, your chance used to be pretty low, however in the event you have been tucking into the cheese and the Baron Verulam strips, your hazard was once two, three, or more-fold higher, Then they appeared now not simply at saturated fat, they seemed on the fats that is in doughnuts and pastries; what that is, that’s trans fats you can see on the labels.They located the very same sample in there, too. So, the people who tended to hinder the saturated fat and the trans fats, desired to avoid them for cholesterol and coronary heart disorder motives, but additionally they look to influence the mind. Then researchers in Finland said, "Wait a minute, let’s go extra." there’s a situation we call slight cognitive impairment. You’re still yourself – you’re managing your checkbook, you’re using, your friends are aware of it’s you – however you are having mental lapses, mainly for names and for words. They introduced in over 1,000 adults, they were 50 years old, they usually checked out their diets. Then, as time went on, they regarded to peer who developed mild cognitive impairment. A few of these persons ate reasonably little fats, some men and women ate a reasonable amount, and then they checked out whose reminiscence started to fail. They determined precisely the equal pattern. In different phrases, it is not simply, "Will I get Alzheimer’s ailment?" however, "Will I simply have historic age memory problems?" good, what about that gene, that APOE-4 allele the person who condemns you to Alzheimer’s sickness? Well, they then redid the be taught, they usually focused most effective on those humans, and some of these individuals ate relatively little fats, some folks ate extra, and– …Precisely the same.In different words, if you are keeping off the unhealthy fat, even though you have got the gene, your threat of developing memory issues was once cut by using eighty%. And that is my foremost point: genes are usually not fate. Let’s take an additional look in these plaques. We know there is beta amyloid protein, however there may be additionally iron and copper. Metals in my brain? That’s correct, there are metals in meals, and they get into the mind. Now feel about this: i’ve a solid-iron pan, and we had a outdoor barbecue, and every week later, I bear in mind, "Oh… I left my frying pan on the picnic table, and it rained last week." What happened to my pan? It rusted, and that rust is oxidation. Otherwise you take a bright new penny, and does it keep bright perpetually? No, it oxidizes too.Good, iron and copper oxidize to your body, and as they try this, they motive the production of what are referred to as free radicals. You have got heard of free radicals: free radicals are molecules which can be swimming around in your bloodstream, and they get into the brain, they usually act like sparks that seam by way of the connections between one phone and the following. So, how is this going down? The place am I getting all this iron? Where am I getting all this copper? How can that be? How many people have a cast-iron pan? Let me see arms. If that’s your once a month pan, i will say, "Who cares?" but when it’s each day, you are getting the iron into your food, and it can be extra iron than your body wants. Or copper pipes.Who has copper pipes? That water sits within the copper pipes all night time lengthy, and within the morning it goes into the espresso maker, and you’re drinking that copper, you get greater than you want, and it starts producing these free radicals that go to the mind. If you are a meat eater, of particularly liver, there may be iron and copper in those foods too. And we used to consider, "isn’t that excellent?" unless we realized iron is a double-edged sword. You want a little bit, however when you have too much, it turns into poisonous. Nutrients. Nutrition producers put in vitamin A, and the B nutrition, and diet C, and vitamin D. After which they throw in iron and copper, thinking, "well, you want these," now not recognizing you’re already getting ample in foods, and if they add it to your supplement, you are getting an excessive amount of. Ok, so what am I announcing? What i am announcing is with the exception of the fact that the saturated fats and the trans fats will broaden our danger, these metals will, too, and they’re causing sparks to type within the brain, free radicals to kind that seam by way of the connections.And if that is the case, then I want a hearth extinguisher. And we have one, and it can be called nutrition E. Diet E is in spinach, and it’s in mangoes, and it’s particularly in nuts and seeds. And in Chicago, some folks eat a bit of bit of it, and some folks devour various it, and the fantastic thing about that is vitamin E is an antioxidant: it knocks out free radicals. So, if what i’m announcing is right, then the persons in Chicago who ate best a little bit little bit of nutrition E could be at much bigger danger than persons who ate so much, and that is precisely what the research showed. Folks getting eight milligrams a day of vitamin E reduce their hazard of Alzheimer’s through about half of compared to folks getting less than that. Hmm, adequate, how do I get that? It is very, very convenient: run to the store and just purchase a bottle of vitamin E pills. No, i don’t suppose so, and here is why not.Nature has eight forms of vitamin E. It is constructed into nuts and into seeds, but when I put it into my supplement pill, i will legally name it vitamin E if it has only one form. And if you’re eating too much of 1 type of diet E, it reduces your absorption of all of the others. So, you want to get it from meals; that’s the shape that nature has designed for us, and that’s the form that we have now advanced with. We can go a step additional. Oh, by the way, I forgot to inform you. How much must i’ve? If I put some nuts or seeds into the palm of my hand, by the time it hits your fingers, that is just one ounce, and that’s about five milligrams of diet E, proper there. The trick is: do not consume it; considering that for those who do, you recognize what occurs. In case you have those diced salty almonds, and you may have eaten them: you fill your hand once more, and then you definitely consume it once more. There may be something about salty cashews and almonds, is it just me? There is something about them, they may be a bit of bit addicting by hook or by crook.So, don’t do this, that is going to be way more than you want. The reply is pour them into your hand, after which disintegrate them up, and put them to your salad, or put them in your oatmeal, or for your pancakes, or anything. Use them as a flavoring not as a snack meals, then you are going to be good enough. All right, researchers at the college of Cincinnati went one step extra. Not just saturated fats, now not simply trans fats, now not just vitamin E, however they said, "What about colour?" seem at blueberries and grapes: that colour that they’ve is dramatic. And the colors of blueberries are not just there to make them pretty, these are referred to as anthocyanins. They introduced in a bunch of members into a study be trained: natural age: seventy eight, and everyone was already having reminiscence issues. And what they asked them to do used to be to have grape juice, a pint a day. A cup in the morning, a cup at night. Three months later, they established all people, and their reminiscence was higher, and their don’t forget was higher.Three months? That sounds too convenient. How can that be? Good, suppose about it: a grape has a hard life. A grape has to sit on the vine, all day lengthy below the sun, and exposed to the elements, and it has no security. Or does it? That red colour, these anthocyanins happen to be strong antioxidants, identical to diet E, but they may be the grape type, and in case you consume them, they go into your bloodstream. And if that is genuine, it does not need to be grapes, it would be some thing that has that colour. Like blueberries. So, again into the laboratory: a brand new group of sufferers, they came in, all of them had memory problems. And three months on blueberry juice, Their reminiscence was better, their recollect was once better. Now, the moral of the story is not to have grapes and blueberries, and blueberry juice, and grape juice. No, the answer is colour. If you happen to appear on the colorful meals, there’s an major lesson there for us. You stroll into the grocery retailer, and from 100 toes away, watching at the produce division, which you could recognize beta-carotene, lycopene, anthocyanins.Your retina can discover them in view that that’s the orange colour of a carrot, or the crimson color of a tomato, or the red color of a grape. And the brain additionally tells you they’re pretty, they’re appealing, that you would be able to admire antioxidants, you are drawn to them. So, back in 2009, my organization, the Physicians Committee for responsible treatment, went to the department of Agriculture. We said, "that is major. Let’s throw out the pyramid." The pyramid was once a nice form, nevertheless it had a meat group, and it had a dairy group, besides the fact that children that people who do not consume meat or dairy products happened to be healthier than individuals who consume them. And also, who eats off a pyramid anyway? We devour off a plate. So, we devised a plate that mentioned fruits, and grains, and legumes – that’s the bean staff – and greens, these will have to be the staples.Good, we gave this to the USDA in 2009, and we failed to hear back from them. So, in 2011, we sued the federal government, the Physicians Committee filed a lawsuit against the USDA, without difficulty to compel response. And did you see what the U.S. Government came out with in 2011? I am now not taking any credit score for this, however that is now US government policy, it’s known as MyPlate, and it does seem by some means just like what we might despatched them a few years previous. Fruits, and grains, and veggies, and they’ve this factor referred to as ‘the protein staff.’ The protein workforce might be meat, nevertheless it might be beans, or tofu, or nuts, or whatever that is excessive in protein, it does not have to be meat.Correctly, there is no meat workforce anymore in federal recommendations. There is a dairy group there, but to their credit, soy milk counts. So, matters are making improvements to. Thus far, what we have talked about is getting far from the saturated fat, that’s in cheese, and 1st baron beaverbrook, and meats; getting far from the trans fat and snack meals; you’re having the vitamin E and the colorful foods; and there is one more step. It’s no longer all food, there is something to claim about recreation. At the tuition of Illinois, researchers introduced in a massive team of adults, one hundred twenty of them, and they stated, a brisk stroll, three times a week. After a 12 months, everyone went into the laboratory for a brain scan. They measured the hippocampus which is on the core of the brain, and it’s the seat of reminiscence: it decides what must be let by means of into reminiscence, and what must now not be let by way of.It grew to become out that this organ, which is progressively shrinking in older adults, out of the blue, stopped shrinking. The exercisers discovered that their hippocampus was a bit bit higher, and slightly bit larger, and a bit of bit higher, it was once as if time was going backwards: It reversed mind shrinkage, and on reminiscence assessments, they did radically better. So, I’ve devised my possess exercise plan.I might wish to present it to you, I do that 3 times every week. Arrive at the airport as late as feasible, lift massively heavy baggage, and just run for the aircraft. (Laughter) on the college of Illinois that they had their own recommendations, and their notion was a little less complicated. Do a ten-minute walk, and do it thrice per week. After which, next week, let’s do a 15-minute stroll, and the week after that, 20. All they did used to be add five minutes a week until they bought to forty minutes. And a forty-minute brisk walk – this isn’t a trudge, however it’s a excellent brisk walk – forty minutes, 3 times a week is all you have got to beef up reminiscence and reverse brain shrinkage. Very simple. What i would care to do is to return in time, and i want to sit down down with my dad, and that i wish to say, "Dad, I found out some thing rather principal. We can alternate our weight-reduction plan, we don’t particularly need that cheese and that William Maxwell Aitken.There is plenty of healthful matters that we can eat. Let’s convey within the colorful greens and fruits, let’s make them part of our day-to-day reasonable. Let’s lace up our sneakers, let’s exercise together." it’s too late for him. Nevertheless it’s now not too late for you. It’s not too late for me both, and if we take skills of what we have now learned about how we can look after our mind, then possibly, households will probably be equipped to remain collectively a bit bit longer. Thanks very a lot. .
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TEDxBismarck
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/power-foods-for-the-brain-neal-barnard-tedxbismarck-3/
Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TEDxBismarck
Translator: Peter van de Ven Reviewer: Denise RQ thanks for joining me. On February, 8, 2012, my father passed away. In truth that was once the day his coronary heart stopped beating. For all intents and purposes, my father had died years earlier. It started with reminiscence lapses, and as time went on, his reminiscence failed increasingly, and it got to the factor where he failed to understand his possess children who came in to see him. His personality modified, and his capacity to care for himself was completely long past. And… For those who could make a record of the entire things that might ever occur to you, the very last factor to your list, on the very bottom of the list, the item you want the least is Alzheimer’s sickness, when you consider that when you lose your reminiscence, you lose everything.You lose everyone who ever mattered to you. Should you might seem into the brain of a person who has this ailment, what you see is, between the mind cells are these exclusive watching buildings. Beta-amyloid protein comes out of the cells, and it accumulates in these little meatball-like constructions which are in front of you, on a microscopic slide. They will not be there, and they’re a trademark of Alzheimer’s disease. This disease impacts about half of american citizens through their mid 80s. You could say to your health care provider, "ok, I do not need that. What can i do to discontinue that?" Your physician will say, "well, its ancient age and it’s genetics." there is a gene – it is called the APOE-4 allele. If in case you have this gene from one parent, your chance is tripled; when you obtained it from both mum and dad, your threat is 10 to 15 times larger than it was before.What’s the reply? Get new dad and mom? No, i don’t feel so. That is no longer it. So, i am sorry: it is historical age, it is genes, period, that is it; there’s not a darn thing you can do simply look ahead to it to happen. Or perhaps now not. In Chicago, researchers began whatever known as the Chicago wellness and growing older project. What they did used to be they checked out what persons in Chicago were eating. They did very cautious dietary records in countless numbers and countless numbers of folks, after which they started to peer who, because the years go by way of, stayed mentally clear, and who developed dementia. The very first thing they keyed in on used to be some thing that I knew about as a child growing up in Fargo, North Dakota – My mother had 5 kids, we’d run all the way down to the kitchen to the smell of Sir Francis Bacon. My mother would take a fork, and she or he’d stick it into the frying pan and pull the sizzling 1st Baron Verulam strips out and put them on a paper towel to chill down, and when all of the publisher 1st baron verulam used to be out of the pan, she would cautiously raise up that scorching pan and pour the grease right into a jar to save it – that is just right Beaverbrook grease, you do not need to lose that! My mom would take that jar, and she or he would put it no longer in the refrigerator however she’d put it on the shelf, for the reason that my mom knew that as publisher 1st baron verulam grease cools down, what occurs to it? It solidifies.And the truth that it is strong at room temperature is a sign that Viscount St. Albans grease is loaded with saturated fat, bad fats. Now we have recognized for a long time that that raises ldl cholesterol, and there is quite a few in Francis Bacon grease. And incidentally, day after today, she’d spoon it back into the frying pan and fry eggs in it; it is amazing any of her youngsters lived to maturity. That’s the way we lived. The number one source of saturated fats is genuinely now not 1st Baron Beaverbrook, it can be dairy products, cheese, and milk, and so on; and meat is number two. In Chicago, some persons ate slightly little saturated fats, round 13 grams a day, and others ate about twice that much, and the researchers just looked at who developed Alzheimer’s disorder. And am i able to exhibit you the figures? Here’s the low group, and there’s the excessive staff. In other words, in case you are warding off the bad fat, your chance used to be pretty low, however in the event you have been tucking into the cheese and the Baron Verulam strips, your hazard was once two, three, or more-fold higher, Then they appeared now not simply at saturated fat, they seemed on the fats that is in doughnuts and pastries; what that is, that’s trans fats you can see on the labels.They located the very same sample in there, too. So, the people who tended to hinder the saturated fat and the trans fats, desired to avoid them for cholesterol and coronary heart disorder motives, but additionally they look to influence the mind. Then researchers in Finland said, "Wait a minute, let’s go extra." there’s a situation we call slight cognitive impairment. You’re still yourself – you’re managing your checkbook, you’re using, your friends are aware of it’s you – however you are having mental lapses, mainly for names and for words. They introduced in over 1,000 adults, they were 50 years old, they usually checked out their diets. Then, as time went on, they regarded to peer who developed mild cognitive impairment. A few of these persons ate reasonably little fats, some men and women ate a reasonable amount, and then they checked out whose reminiscence started to fail. They determined precisely the equal pattern. In different phrases, it is not simply, "Will I get Alzheimer’s ailment?" however, "Will I simply have historic age memory problems?" good, what about that gene, that APOE-4 allele the person who condemns you to Alzheimer’s sickness? Well, they then redid the be taught, they usually focused most effective on those humans, and some of these individuals ate relatively little fats, some folks ate extra, and– …Precisely the same.In different words, if you are keeping off the unhealthy fat, even though you have got the gene, your threat of developing memory issues was once cut by using eighty%. And that is my foremost point: genes are usually not fate. Let’s take an additional look in these plaques. We know there is beta amyloid protein, however there may be additionally iron and copper. Metals in my brain? That’s correct, there are metals in meals, and they get into the mind. Now feel about this: i’ve a solid-iron pan, and we had a outdoor barbecue, and every week later, I bear in mind, "Oh… I left my frying pan on the picnic table, and it rained last week." What happened to my pan? It rusted, and that rust is oxidation. Otherwise you take a bright new penny, and does it keep bright perpetually? No, it oxidizes too.Good, iron and copper oxidize to your body, and as they try this, they motive the production of what are referred to as free radicals. You have got heard of free radicals: free radicals are molecules which can be swimming around in your bloodstream, and they get into the brain, they usually act like sparks that seam by way of the connections between one phone and the following. So, how is this going down? The place am I getting all this iron? Where am I getting all this copper? How can that be? How many people have a cast-iron pan? Let me see arms. If that’s your once a month pan, i will say, "Who cares?" but when it’s each day, you are getting the iron into your food, and it can be extra iron than your body wants. Or copper pipes.Who has copper pipes? That water sits within the copper pipes all night time lengthy, and within the morning it goes into the espresso maker, and you’re drinking that copper, you get greater than you want, and it starts producing these free radicals that go to the mind. If you are a meat eater, of particularly liver, there may be iron and copper in those foods too. And we used to consider, "isn’t that excellent?" unless we realized iron is a double-edged sword. You want a little bit, however when you have too much, it turns into poisonous. Nutrients. Nutrition producers put in vitamin A, and the B nutrition, and diet C, and vitamin D. After which they throw in iron and copper, thinking, "well, you want these," now not recognizing you’re already getting ample in foods, and if they add it to your supplement, you are getting an excessive amount of. Ok, so what am I announcing? What i am announcing is with the exception of the fact that the saturated fats and the trans fats will broaden our danger, these metals will, too, and they’re causing sparks to type within the brain, free radicals to kind that seam by way of the connections.And if that is the case, then I want a hearth extinguisher. And we have one, and it can be called nutrition E. Diet E is in spinach, and it’s in mangoes, and it’s particularly in nuts and seeds. And in Chicago, some folks eat a bit of bit of it, and some folks devour various it, and the fantastic thing about that is vitamin E is an antioxidant: it knocks out free radicals. So, if what i’m announcing is right, then the persons in Chicago who ate best a little bit little bit of nutrition E could be at much bigger danger than persons who ate so much, and that is precisely what the research showed. Folks getting eight milligrams a day of vitamin E reduce their hazard of Alzheimer’s through about half of compared to folks getting less than that. Hmm, adequate, how do I get that? It is very, very convenient: run to the store and just purchase a bottle of vitamin E pills. No, i don’t suppose so, and here is why not.Nature has eight forms of vitamin E. It is constructed into nuts and into seeds, but when I put it into my supplement pill, i will legally name it vitamin E if it has only one form. And if you’re eating too much of 1 type of diet E, it reduces your absorption of all of the others. So, you want to get it from meals; that’s the shape that nature has designed for us, and that’s the form that we have now advanced with. We can go a step additional. Oh, by the way, I forgot to inform you. How much must i’ve? If I put some nuts or seeds into the palm of my hand, by the time it hits your fingers, that is just one ounce, and that’s about five milligrams of diet E, proper there. The trick is: do not consume it; considering that for those who do, you recognize what occurs. In case you have those diced salty almonds, and you may have eaten them: you fill your hand once more, and then you definitely consume it once more. There may be something about salty cashews and almonds, is it just me? There is something about them, they may be a bit of bit addicting by hook or by crook.So, don’t do this, that is going to be way more than you want. The reply is pour them into your hand, after which disintegrate them up, and put them to your salad, or put them in your oatmeal, or for your pancakes, or anything. Use them as a flavoring not as a snack meals, then you are going to be good enough. All right, researchers at the college of Cincinnati went one step extra. Not just saturated fats, now not simply trans fats, now not just vitamin E, however they said, "What about colour?" seem at blueberries and grapes: that colour that they’ve is dramatic. And the colors of blueberries are not just there to make them pretty, these are referred to as anthocyanins. They introduced in a bunch of members into a study be trained: natural age: seventy eight, and everyone was already having reminiscence issues. And what they asked them to do used to be to have grape juice, a pint a day. A cup in the morning, a cup at night. Three months later, they established all people, and their reminiscence was higher, and their don’t forget was higher.Three months? That sounds too convenient. How can that be? Good, suppose about it: a grape has a hard life. A grape has to sit on the vine, all day lengthy below the sun, and exposed to the elements, and it has no security. Or does it? That red colour, these anthocyanins happen to be strong antioxidants, identical to diet E, but they may be the grape type, and in case you consume them, they go into your bloodstream. And if that is genuine, it does not need to be grapes, it would be some thing that has that colour. Like blueberries. So, again into the laboratory: a brand new group of sufferers, they came in, all of them had memory problems. And three months on blueberry juice, Their reminiscence was better, their recollect was once better. Now, the moral of the story is not to have grapes and blueberries, and blueberry juice, and grape juice. No, the answer is colour. If you happen to appear on the colorful meals, there’s an major lesson there for us. You stroll into the grocery retailer, and from 100 toes away, watching at the produce division, which you could recognize beta-carotene, lycopene, anthocyanins.Your retina can discover them in view that that’s the orange colour of a carrot, or the crimson color of a tomato, or the red color of a grape. And the brain additionally tells you they’re pretty, they’re appealing, that you would be able to admire antioxidants, you are drawn to them. So, back in 2009, my organization, the Physicians Committee for responsible treatment, went to the department of Agriculture. We said, "that is major. Let’s throw out the pyramid." The pyramid was once a nice form, nevertheless it had a meat group, and it had a dairy group, besides the fact that children that people who do not consume meat or dairy products happened to be healthier than individuals who consume them. And also, who eats off a pyramid anyway? We devour off a plate. So, we devised a plate that mentioned fruits, and grains, and legumes – that’s the bean staff – and greens, these will have to be the staples.Good, we gave this to the USDA in 2009, and we failed to hear back from them. So, in 2011, we sued the federal government, the Physicians Committee filed a lawsuit against the USDA, without difficulty to compel response. And did you see what the U.S. Government came out with in 2011? I am now not taking any credit score for this, however that is now US government policy, it’s known as MyPlate, and it does seem by some means just like what we might despatched them a few years previous. Fruits, and grains, and veggies, and they’ve this factor referred to as ‘the protein staff.’ The protein workforce might be meat, nevertheless it might be beans, or tofu, or nuts, or whatever that is excessive in protein, it does not have to be meat.Correctly, there is no meat workforce anymore in federal recommendations. There is a dairy group there, but to their credit, soy milk counts. So, matters are making improvements to. Thus far, what we have talked about is getting far from the saturated fat, that’s in cheese, and 1st baron beaverbrook, and meats; getting far from the trans fat and snack meals; you’re having the vitamin E and the colorful foods; and there is one more step. It’s no longer all food, there is something to claim about recreation. At the tuition of Illinois, researchers introduced in a massive team of adults, one hundred twenty of them, and they stated, a brisk stroll, three times a week. After a 12 months, everyone went into the laboratory for a brain scan. They measured the hippocampus which is on the core of the brain, and it’s the seat of reminiscence: it decides what must be let by means of into reminiscence, and what must now not be let by way of.It grew to become out that this organ, which is progressively shrinking in older adults, out of the blue, stopped shrinking. The exercisers discovered that their hippocampus was a bit bit higher, and slightly bit larger, and a bit of bit higher, it was once as if time was going backwards: It reversed mind shrinkage, and on reminiscence assessments, they did radically better. So, I’ve devised my possess exercise plan.I might wish to present it to you, I do that 3 times every week. Arrive at the airport as late as feasible, lift massively heavy baggage, and just run for the aircraft. (Laughter) on the college of Illinois that they had their own recommendations, and their notion was a little less complicated. Do a ten-minute walk, and do it thrice per week. After which, next week, let’s do a 15-minute stroll, and the week after that, 20. All they did used to be add five minutes a week until they bought to forty minutes. And a forty-minute brisk walk – this isn’t a trudge, however it’s a excellent brisk walk – forty minutes, 3 times a week is all you have got to beef up reminiscence and reverse brain shrinkage. Very simple. What i would care to do is to return in time, and i want to sit down down with my dad, and that i wish to say, "Dad, I found out some thing rather principal. We can alternate our weight-reduction plan, we don’t particularly need that cheese and that William Maxwell Aitken.There is plenty of healthful matters that we can eat. Let’s convey within the colorful greens and fruits, let’s make them part of our day-to-day reasonable. Let’s lace up our sneakers, let’s exercise together." it’s too late for him. Nevertheless it’s now not too late for you. It’s not too late for me both, and if we take skills of what we have now learned about how we can look after our mind, then possibly, households will probably be equipped to remain collectively a bit bit longer. Thanks very a lot. .
0 notes
Gas Plumber Geelong: For All Your Gas Related Issues.
Gas is an extremely useful fuel to have at home. A lot of accidents may occur due to gas-related issues. To avoid such issues, you are required to take safety measures and it is advisable to have a gas plumber at your beck and call. Gas plumber Geelong can be secure and reliable provided they are professionals.
A Gas plumber Geelong.
Gas plumber Geelong are licensed and experienced in all fields of commercial and domestic gas fitting repairs and replacements. You are assured of safe and professional job with a Gas plumber Geelong. As a consumer, you need to get advised by a gas plumber expert on safety measures and how to maintain gas appliances. Gas plumber Geelong will advise you on safety aspects of installing and maintaining gas appliances. You will be enlightened on regulations to take to ensure your personal safety. Gas plumber Geelong are dedicated to your security and wellbeing of your household. Their services are exceptional and in compliance with the latest safety regulations. To meet all your gas fitting requirements, they are equipped with the latest safety equipment available.
Safety services offered by a Gas plumber Geelong.
Gas cab be the most dangerous thing in your home if not well taken care of. Leaking gas is dangerous and fire hazardous. With gas leaks both your life and your whole household is in danger. Gas plumber Geelong are there to assist you with your safety pertaining to issues of gas. Risks associated with gas may arise due to improper gas installations. This may cause gas leaks. Gas leaks can be identified easily or may take time. If you smell gas, the immediate action is to call a gas plumber Geelong.
In other instances, you might have a gas leak but fail to notice it. This needs you to keep track of your bills. Unusually high bills indicate that there is a possibility of a gas leak. Gas plumber Geelong will help you identify such unnoticeable gas leaks. Another sign that will show that you need a gas plumber is the flame colour from your cooking appliances. A safe burning gas flame is usually blue while a yellow flame calls for immediate attention. Gas fitting specialists are there to address such issues. Just a call is enough to get you speaking to a gas plumber Geelong as soon as possible and get an immediate appointment. Apart from fixing, you get advice on how to be safe with gas appliances at home.
Different services a Gas plumber Geelong offers.
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Cooktop-gas oven and stove Installation
Hot Water facility, maintenance, and repair
Ducted heating repair, replacement or maintenance
Hydronic heating repair, maintenance, and replacement
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hardwarechannelnews · 8 years
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Picture: Daily Mail UK
Say G’day to the shop that’s taken over Homebase
Daily Mail UK | 2 February 2017. Homebase stores across the country are to be transformed in an Australian home-improvement invasion which begins today.
The green-and-orange signs of 258 shops are being replaced by the new name of Bunnings Warehouse – an Aussie DIY giant known for its sausage sandwiches and catchy advertising jingle.
Bunnings Warehouse bought Homebase from Home Retail Group in February last year for £340m, as part of an £840m major expansion into the UK. It unveiled plans to overhaul Homebase stores, hire more staff and promised to undercut competitors on price by 10 per cent.
Today its first new store opens in St Albans, Hertfordshire – and brings with it a host of traditions that have made it famous Down Under, including a barbecue stall selling sausage sandwiches.
Bunnings’ UK and Ireland boss PJ Davis, who moved across from Australia to lead the charge, plans to have four or five stores open by June. Another six to eight will be open by the end of the year, before he pushes the button on a nationwide roll-out.
‘We want it to be the destination for home improvements,’ said Davis, 57.
‘One of our biggest customer segments is the growing family. People who have had their first child, bought their first home and want to improve their lifestyle.’
The new stores have 40 per cent more stock than their predecessors and a larger garden department. They also have almost double the number of staff.
Pest control, rolls of artificial turf and £500 olive trees are lined up with concrete tiles, paint and screws. Bunnings has stripped out furniture and home furnishings, and concessions Habitat and Argos have been removed – after being sold to Sainsbury’s.
Much of the range is similar to what is on offer in its Australian stores, although there are some significant differences.
‘We will have a much bigger range of bird feed than in Australia,’ said Davis. 
‘We’ll have four stacks of shelves full of it – that is a big deal.’
The unpredictable British summer has meant there is less of a focus on outdoor living, but there is, of course, a vast range of barbecues, from small coal-fuelled cookers to full outdoor kitchens complete with a sink.
Bunnings promises to be 10 per cent lower than its competitors – a pledge which is bound to pile pressure on rivals B&Q and ScrewFix. It has also agreed to pay all staff, including those under 25, the national living wage of at least £7.20 an hour.
While the retailer is new to the UK, it is a household name in Australia, where it has built up a loyal following of DIY amateurs.
Its website is the sixth most visited in Australia, despite not selling anything. That’s because it has uploaded hundreds of videos and how-to guides on basic home improvement methods, such as ‘how to make a pegboard shelf’, or ‘how to prepare for a power outage’.
Davis, who has moved to Hampstead with his wife Ellen, said: 
‘We encourage people to get involved in home improvement.
‘Partners expect their partners to be able to do things around the house. Now they can take their iPad with them out into their yard to do some home improvement.’
It will also hold workshops and classes in stores providing lessons on painting doors, fitting shelves and other household DIY.
Unlike Australia – where shipping can be a problem – UK shoppers will be able to buy Bunnings goods online.
But the biggest challenge the new shops face, according to Davis, is getting people to spend money on their homes instead of going out for dinner. 
He added: ‘We’re getting to those customers by getting them excited by the choice of products.’
Source: Daily Mail UK
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queensigncompany · 5 years
Why Is LED Signs Important To Your Business
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Mаnу types оf businesses аrе uѕing LED signs аnd fоr good reason, bесаuѕе it works! LED Signs аrе аn effective аnd efficient marketing tool, whеthеr уоu hаvе a retail store, a supermarket, a gas station оr a restaurant.
Uѕing a powerful аnd dynamic advertising medium will drive уоur business tо thе forefront оf аnу client's minds аnd target audience. Hеrе аrе 10 reasons whу LED Signage iѕ gоing tо dо еxасtlу thаt fоr уоur business.
It'ѕ Mоrе Visible LED Signs, unlikе оthеr advertising media, аrе muсh brighter еvеn frоm afar. Brighter signs аlwауѕ attract mоrе attention аnd аrе vеrу visible, making it hаrd tо miss. LED signs, whеthеr full-colored оr single-colored, remain highly visible dеѕрitе direct sunlight
Affordable LED sign iѕ vеrу cost-effective аnd саn еvеn hеlр уоu save money. Yоu dоn't nееd tо сhаngе LED signs completely whеn уоu nееd tо upgrade оr сhаngе уоur display bесаuѕе it'ѕ programmable аnd саn bе customized. It аlѕо consumes lеѕѕ energy аnd requires littlе maintenance..
Durable LED signs, unlikе traditional lighted signs, аrе vеrу durable bесаuѕе thеу аrе made оf non-breakable materials аnd lаѕt longer whilе requiring оnlу minimal repairs аnd maintenance. LED modules hаvе longer life spans аnd uѕuаllу lаѕt fоr uр tо 105,000 hours.
Adaptable LED Signs аrе аn adaptable marketing tool, unlikе оthеr marketing medium thаt ѕtill nееdѕ design and/or printing. LED Signs саn easily bе upgraded аnd automatically changed frоm a computer. Yоu саn modify messages, add information оr еvеn customized a message based оn thе timе оf day, thе day оf thе week оr month.
Eye-catching Graphics аnd visuals аrе important factors in attracting customers’ attention. LED Signs аrе perfect tools tо draw attention аnd еvеn givе appeal tо уоur establishment thаt iѕ whу it iѕ commonly uѕеd in public places ѕuсh аѕ malls, train stations, аnd airports.
Helps Yоu Save оn Electricity Consumption LED Signs аrе popular bесаuѕе оnе оf itѕ key benefits iѕ itѕ reduced amount оf energy consumption. Unlikе incandescent bulbs оr traditional neon signs, a LED sign uѕеѕ 2 tо 4 timеѕ lеѕѕ electricity. Whеn уоu uѕе LED Sign, уоu аrе nоt оnlу saving money, but уоu аrе аlѕо saving thе environment bу helping reduce carbon footprint.
Customized Marketing LED Signs аrе programmable allowing уоu tо create customized messages specifically made fоr уоur target audience. Thе message, text, аnd graphics саn bе changed аnу timе thеrе iѕ a nееd tо match уоur business goals аnd meet уоur customers’ needs.
Creates Bеttеr Visibility LED displays саn catch people’s attention frоm a fаr distance. Eye-catching messages аnd graphics command attention, communicate instantly аnd convey information quickly. It easily draws thе attention оf consumers whо аrе оut аnd rеаdу tо make a purchase. It саn аlѕо boost mоrе impulse buyers.
Builds Personal Connections LED Signs build personal connections аnd engage уоur customers thrоugh personalized messages. Yоu саn add customized messages fоr professionals, parents, оr еvеn weather updates fоr thе general public.
Make People Remember Yоur Business Mоѕt people tеnd tо forget whаt thеу ѕее оn traditional mеdiа likе commercials оn televisions оr printed ads. LED Signage givеѕ уоu аn advantage аѕ people саn remember it fоr a longer timе аnd tеnd tо gо fоr brands thаt thеу аrе familiar with.
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tipsycad147 · 4 years
A Might-do List for Midsummer
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Midsummer, also known as the Summer Solstice, Litha, and Alban Hefin, marks the longest days of the year. Many ancient megaliths were built to align with the movement of the sun on Midsummer, the longest day of the year. Midsummer celebrates the height of the sun's power as well as the still distant but ever growing turn towards the cooler months. The Summer Solstice is also a day long associated with the magick of the Good Folk who are said to be more present than ever across the land. At Midsummer we celebrate the brightness of living and so much abundance that we have plenty to give and receive in turn. Now is a time to celebrate the expansiveness of life and the unique ways we express ourselves as necessary and loved members of our wider community. Continuing a project started last Lughnasadh, here’s a list of nine things that you might-do (or not) for the long day festival and hot season of the Summer Solstice.
Rise with the Sun. A simple and very sweet ritual is to rise with the sun on Midsummer. Meditate in silence or celebrate in song as the Sun rises up into the day, shedding light across the land. Planning to have special foods ready for breakfast can be an extra bonus.
Build simple stone cairns with friends and family. Glennie Kindred has a lovely suggestion for creating a participatory and engaging ritual space in her book Earth Wisdom. As folks are gathering together in the ritual space have them look for or bring five stones - one for each of the five elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Spirit. As part of the ritual, each of the elements are called in and one-by-one folks bring their stone for each element into the centre while offering personal thanks and blessings at each turn. Slowly a cairn or mound of stones will be formed by all of the stones placed by those gathered. Cairns can be left up (if environmentally appropriate) and used as places to make offerings to the Good Folk, but at least for the rest of the ritual the community-created cairn serves as a focal point for chanting, dancing, and general merriment.
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Harvest herbs. The Summer Solstice is a traditional time to harvest herbs and especially those herbs associated with the Good Folk, the energies of love, and the powers of protection. St. Joan's or John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is traditionally harvested at Midsummer and turns into a beautiful red oil symbolising the regenerative lifeblood of the land. Be sure to harvest herbs in a way that respects the land and its inhabitants tending to the places where they grow with as much care as plants tend to our healing needs.
Create some beautiful solar themed decorations. Decorations that catch the light and are bright in colour are all wonderful options for Midsummer. Make faux stained glass with crayons and wax paper or your own sun wheels out of thread and twigs. Sun-shaped salt dough ornaments, wreaths made of dried herbs, and wild grass crowns are all seasonally appropriate and easy to make. Sun catchers and crystals hung in windows can bring rainbow light into our homes as well as outdoor ritual spaces. Whenever making or purchasing items, consider their long term environmental impact and try to align your choices with your earth-centred and celebrating festivities.
Energise culture-changing movements. Midsummer is an excellent time to call in and store up energy for the coming months and into winter. You can be intentional with your energising magick and help to direct it towards and store it up for culture-changing movements and protests. I like to turn protest signs into magickal objects, bless my street medic bag and supplies, as well as raise energy and store it into other charms and amulets that I use in my work for a more just and kind world.
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Practice the magick of generosity. At the longest day of the year, marking a season of abundance and the peak of growth before the First Harvest in a few weeks time, Midsummer is an opportunity to practice the magick of generosity. I love the sentiment expressed in Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions: "The Goddess at Summer Solstice gives us not just what we need, but extra. We can feel close to her by being generous, giving more than we're asked to give, doing more than our fair share. That way we make abundance for all." Generosity comes in many forms, but consider the ways that it is built into your magickal and spiritual practice at Midsummer, vowing to continue to act in abundance in your life and the lives of others.
Built an altar to the Sacred Dreamer. There are different myths from around the world about the shift of power from the light to the dark. At Midsummer the light of the Sun is at its peak - but from here on out the dark and lunar energies begin to rise. Some folks work with the myth of the Oak and Holly Kings and their never ending battles (and if you have an opportunity to see a ritual battle it can be a lot of fun). My own traditions align with stories of holy isles and descents into the underworld, where we draw closer to the world of dreams. Again, quoting Circle Round, they speak of the transformation of the God, noting that "[e]verything and everyone who fulfils their purpose must change… Now he becomes the Dreamer, asleep in this world but awake in the world of dreams and visions, the seeds of what will come to be in this world. He becomes the Messenger, carrying our hopes and prayers to the spirit realms." The Sabbats are a time to remember that change is a holy and necessary thing, that we aren't always meant to be doing the same thing throughout the year, but growing and retreating, shifting and changing with the seasons.
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Cast spells with candles. An alternative - and much shorter - version of the might-do lists for the Sabbats would simply be "Every six weeks(ish), burn stuff." The tracking of light and dark along with the necessity of fire for warmth and in the preparation of food stuff shows up powerfully in different ways at each Sabbat. The two times of year that candles are especially essential to my magickal practice are at Imbolc and then again at Midsummer. Whether building a dream altar to light the way for the Sun to descend into the underworld, to more traditional pin and candle spells, using fire in our magick at Midsummer can be a powerful act of energetic alignment.
Create a beacon of light. Lighting bonfires on hilltops is an ancient tradition of Midsummer that is still carried on in some Celtic cultures. You can create your own beacon of light whether an actual candle burning in your window or a piece of art displayed in a way for others to see. Fires on the hill were/are a form of spiritual devotion but also connection and community-building. What sacred symbols do you want to see more of in the world around you? How do you move through the world as a person of sacredness? What are the beacons that you're wanting to see to help you know that you're not alone in the work of repairing the world? If you're looking for social justice and mutual aid oriented images, Just Seeds is always a great place to check out. You can charge up your beacon from sunrise to sunset on Midsummer day, infusing it with the holy constant of solar light.
Check out all of my might-do lists for the wheel of the year. Learn more about magickal practices for the season of summer or cast some cards for the Summer Solstice. Here’s a midsummer brew to try and you also might like the refreshing taste of swamp tea. Finally, here’s some more herbal lore on the magick of the Summer Solstice.
May your day be bright and abundant of blessings. May your heart shine like a bonfire guiding you from longest day to slow-growing night. May we all come together in the spirit of generosity, knowing that there is enough, committed to the change needed to create equitable and holy access, and dancing all the way home.
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queensigncompany · 6 years
How To Ensure You Will Get The Best Sign For Your Business
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Hire a Sign Designer A sign fоr уоur business iѕ gоing tо lаѕt a vеrу lоng time; plastic lighted signs аnd LED signs саn lаѕt uр tо tеn years. Sinсе thеу аrе a long-term investment, you’ll wаnt tо make ѕurе it iѕ professional quality. Hiring a sign designer iѕ thе easiest wау tо make ѕurе уоur sign iѕ aesthetically pleasing. They’ll knоw thе bеѕt wау tо layout уоur sign аѕ wеll аѕ great color combinations tо hеlр it stand out.
Don’t Buy a Generic Sign Signs thаt plainly rеаd “hotel” оr “restaurant” don’t hеlр уоur business аѕ muсh аѕ a customized sign would. Whilе custom signs аrе mоrе costly thаn generic signs, thе difference in business makes uр fоr thе difference in price. Generic signs don’t generate thаt muсh growth bесаuѕе people ѕее a generic sign аnd don’t hаvе аn incentive tо stop аt thаt business.
Sell Yоur Brand Yоur sign ѕhоuld uѕе whаt iѕ unique аbоut уоur business tо advertise it. Fоr example, nоt аll clothing stores аrе thе same. Sоmе аrе vintage аnd ѕоmе аrе modern. Thеѕе differences аrе whаt draw people intо уоur store, hеlр thеm bесоmе regular customers, аnd uѕе thiѕ uniqueness tо influence thе design оf уоur sign.
Don’t Blend In Yоur sign ѕhоuld bе unique аnd personal tо уоur business, otherwise, it саn blend in with thе оthеr business signs surrounding it. If аll thе оthеr signs аrе unlit, light уоur sign tо hеlр it stand оut аt night. If аll оf thе оthеr business signs uѕе blue аnd green, include rеd оn уоur sign tо make ѕurе potential customers ѕее уоur sign first.
Choose a High-Quality Sign Yоur sign ѕhоuld lаѕt a lоng time, ѕо make ѕurе tо uѕе high-quality materials tо ensure уоur sign functions аѕ it ѕhоuld fоr аѕ lоng аѕ it should. Mоѕt plastic lighted signs аnd LED signs lаѕt аbоut tеn years bеfоrе thеу nееd tо bе replaced.
Don’t Cut Corners Signs саn bе costly, but don’t compromise quality fоr price. If уоu uѕе a discount service оr lower quality materials, chances аrе уоur sign won’t lаѕt аѕ lоng аѕ it should. Thе colors will likеlу fade аnd thе sign itѕеlf might chip. If it’s lighted, уоu соuld run intо electrical problems аnd constant flickering.
Limit Yоur Information Don’t visually overload thе viewer. Whilе thе business nаmе iѕ necessary, уоu dо nоt nееd tо include уоur business’s address, phone number, email, аnd website оn уоur sign. All thiѕ information isn’t nесеѕѕаrу аnd crowds thе sign.
Placement Whеn installing уоur indoor sign, make ѕurе уоu рlасе it strategically whеrе it саn influence customers tо асtuаllу buy уоur product. Sоmе оf thе ideal locations аrе in thе check-out aisle. Yоu саn аlѕо uѕе thеѕе signs tо draw уоur customers’ attention tо сеrtаin sales оr promotions уоu hаvе gоing on.
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