#outdoor casters
katvantassel · 1 year
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Oceanic royalty 👑
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marinaclaireart · 2 years
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Custom steel outdoor kitchen wood grill, one of two -- client ordered one for himself, one for his sister. This is the painted, mini-casket edition. Hinged collapsible counter flaps, hinged firebox hatch, red locking swivel casters, and custom rolled lid to keep firebox interior safe from weather. Beefy, handmade craftsmanship built to last. 
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mantisgodsart · 3 months
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[...isolation of the transformation appears to worsen the standard disorientation of a new body. I believe that the familiarity of the upper body may be offsetting the psychological impact of the lower body - as not everything has changed, the subject still "expects", on some level, that their body will work similarly, despite radical changes to organ systems and locomotion and the near-total overhaul of the centre of gravity.]
[The subject appears to be leaning on hexapodal motion as a type of "crutch", despite the size of the lower body making most of these sorts of motions awkward at best - the tournament venue doesn't currently have many internal spaces sufficient to test this one's mobility, but outdoors venues seem more promising for testing, anyways. This confirms something that I've previously suspected, as well - subjects find it more difficult to adjust to addition of new limbs than they do subtraction of limbs.]
[Subject appears to exhibit difficulty with coordination in the lower limbs, and has adopted an extremely "cautious" form of motion, taking steps with one limb at a time. The difference between upper and lower limbs means that this mode of movement is extremely... clumsy, to say the least. I intend to keep them under observation for a few more days before release and see if this resolves within the initial settling period or not. After that, just some periodic check-ins should be...]
Hello, and welcome to: watercolor paintings for Round 2 of @bug-oc transmutations! Mirach by @ghost-of-hallownest. Some extra details under cut because this is a long post and we don't want to make it longer.
This one is based pretty heavily on Dragon!Falin from Dungeon Meshi, but we're bringing through some lizard-y aspects from last year, and very much having fun with the tabby-cat patterns on the back - though technically speaking, Mirach's blue is limited to her wings, adding some markings to the body helps us break up that big plane of sandy yellows and add some interest to the design. We think it turned out well!
If we could fit it in, we'd add a third bit of Marigold notes related to the actual transmutation method, since it's been living in our brain for a while, and we think our Potion Drawing might be a bit... abstract, otherwise?
More or less, the weave - the active transmutation medium - is woven to the inside of the lasso's... lasso, and upon encircling something with it, the weave is transferred to the target, thus making the lasso fall apart entirely as a major component of its structure abruptly ceases to be part of the object.
This transfer-and-break is the same general method through which most of Marigold's "one-use" charms work - as the effect is now tied to the target's body, rather than an object, it simply remains in effect until the weave "wears in" to the body entirely, shifting it from an effect active on the subject to a part of the subject's body.
This means that, before the effect is fully integrated into the body, it can be broken, though as with all charmcraft some effects may still linger. This also makes it so, technically, the charmcraft only casts an effect on the caster - the same effect through which pretty much all Medals work - rather than being a direct interface a la wiring it directly into the bug's body, which is illegal and what Marigold spends a lot of time tiptoing around to produce major effects on a bug's body without the single most useful method for bodily alteration Charmcraft has to offer.
...that was longer than we really expected it to be. We are working on the other contestants, both of this round and the last, though it's going very slowly seeing as the afternoon sun is currently hot enough to melt our brain into a fine sludge. We've got a solid idea of all three other Round 2 designs, and we've finally got a sketch for Mal - though Pola is being delayed, still, due to our poor comics-making decisions. We're working on it! Slowly!
If we could figure out how in the hell to represent it visually, we'd be working on making a loser's bracket, too, but as is... listen, we're not a graphics designer for a reason. If you are a graphics designer and we can outsource designing a loser's bracket to you then please contact us. We have a budget of approximately ten dollars. We can do PayPal but if your payment processor of choice is US-exclusive we cannot help you.
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 month
From what we remember, we can understand why Foreigner wouldn’t have a T-Summon Core. But what about Avenger? Our memories are less clear regarding them—did you ever learn their True Name? What about their appearance, what did they look like? Weapons, skills, etc?
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GIUSEPPE: "We can best talk about that inside. There you can perform whatever further examinations you need, and we can talk with more assurance of privacy."
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He turned, walking towards the estate that you were outside of, using his ornate sword as a walking stick. Approaching the door, he held out his hand, manifesting an ornate key and rather than putting it in the keyhole, allowed it to float out of his palm and hover in front of the door, the doors suddenly opening automatically.
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You stepped into a large, ornate, and well-lit foyer. It felt nice to get outside- you hadn't really realized how chilly it had gotten outdoors. Immediately, you heard the sound of footsteps as a figure approached. A servant, lowercase s, with mechanical doll-like joints approached.
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MAID: "Welcome back, Sir."
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MUSASHI: "Woah, a doll maid!"
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GIUSEPPE: "Thank you, Valois. Prepare some refreshments for our guests, and make sure that we're not disturbed."
The maid bowed, before walking off.
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MUSASHI: "So cute… Heeey... Valois, was it? That's such a pretty name~♥"
She began to skip off after the maid before a heavy hand grabbed her shoulder, holding her back.
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SALIERI: "Don't just run off."
MUSASHI: "Gah- Avenger! Seriously?!"
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NERO: "This is quite the nice place."
GIUSEPPE: "Many thanks, Lady Caster. I… let's say 'acquired' it during my time waiting. It's not very lived in, however. Perhaps I could give you a tour, if--"
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SALIERI: "Enough."
The AVENGER's armor dropped as SALIERI stepped forward, drawing a baton laced with black flames that he jabbed forward, just under GIUSEPPE's chin and dangerously close to his threat.
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SALIERI: "Enough games, Cagliostro. Find a place for us to stop, and let the Emperor and the Masters scan you."
Well, that gave a decent metric for how long AVENGER was hanging around you in his Spirit Form, at least when you declared that. GIUSEPPE's eyes widened as he looked at SALIERI.
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GIUSEPPE: "That face… Signor Salieri? You of all people… you're an Avenger?"
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SALIERI: "Salieri… no, I am not 'Salieri'… Just be quiet and sit down."
The room was quiet for a moment, as the Wailing Facade re-manifested and the AVENGER withdrew his blade and stepped to the back of the room, waiting close to the door. The RULER frowned, before sitting down on the steps.
You assumed this meant that you had permission to scan him.
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Once more, the Hat was manifested.
Scanning him was a simpler process with NERO around. You didn't find anything out of the ordinary, no malignant data or viruses. It was a clean scan, from top to bottom. It wasn't as deep or intrusive as the other times, though.
This wasn't the type of magecraft that the Emperor had much experience with- at least, that's what you understood. Still, she was performing it like a professional- Imperial Privilege, you assumed.
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GIUSEPPE: "I trust that you're satisfied?"
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NERO: "Well… he's clean, as far as I can tell."
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nsfw headcannons with Cu~? (≧∀≦) hope you have a wonderful day~!
Hi anon, thanks; you too!!! Well, as my queue is permanently closed, I'm not really taking requests anymore... But I guess I can share a few general NSFW Cu headcanons. Some headcanons I have may be more popular than others, but I hope they will be enjoyable to read regardless. I've kept all situations with a partner gender-neutral as well!
Hope you enjoy... These will be tagged as 'lemon fanfic' and there won't be any explicit content however it will likely be 18+.
Warning: depictions of a sexual nature and mentions of kinks/ possible bedroom interactions, temperature play, outdoor sex, oral...
As you haven't specified a Cu, I will write for all four!!! (in my personal belief Proto is 18+ so he'll be included as well. These may be long...)
Fate Series Cu Chulainn (Proto, Lancer, Caster, Alter)-General NSFW Headcanons
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Proto Cu
As a Cu that seems even more intent on proving his worth than the others, I headcanon that he would possibly the type to go way out of his way to impact his partner as much as possible during sex. Like the kind of guy that will pull out as many stops as possible to make them melt beneath his touch (but then gets extremely carried away at some point, losing himself to the moment).
He does seem like the kind of guy to really indulge in the touch and sensations of his partner, however Proto Cu does also strike me as being pretty insecure sometimes as well. So sometimes he may try to play it cool at first, or may prefer sex with clothes on (until he gets really into it).
He's also depicted as a bit wilder and more unrestrained than the other Cu, and has a very restless vibe in my personal opinion. So I can imagine him getting a bit wild in the bedroom; via biting, pouncing etc. I bet he'd likely be the guy to pull out the claws, as well as feel great pleasure from having his partner's hands digging into his skin.
He'd likely enjoy as much simulation as possible, so would love if his partner touches him openly as well. He would want to feel them too, and would relish in them openly exploring his body. Let him know just how much you desire him.
On the reverse, this means planned foreplay will likely unravel very quickly- because Proto would likely get extremely hot under the collar, and lose track of himself. I guess this means that it could get a bit rough, but then in the myths they say he is a lover that knows how to attend to their partners' needs, so it may not get too intense.
He's cocky as hell, that's for certain. Just like on the battlefield, he most likely has trained in the arts of sex as well. If you praise him, he'll likely eat your adulation RIGHT UP and then push himself to please you even more, yearning for even more of your adoring words.
Despite this, as he's shown to warm up extremely quickly to the master in his 'my room' lines, and can be really affectionate; I believe he may also be a massive softie as well. I think he also has the potential to be a huge romantic in terms of NSFW, and would definitely enjoy a tender time together as well!!
Though as he's Proto, he may be a bit shy with the tender words at first; but seeing as he's the guy who still holds on dearly to his Gae Bolg replica from Prototype, as well as still speaking very fondly of his time in the Land of Shadows with Scathach- you bet that this guy's heart would likely be bursting with a lot of feelings.
As for kinks, I am unsure- this guy seems really open to many things. But as he also enjoys the thrill of battle, I have a feeling he'd get really excited from some combat-style stuff. I think he may be a lil bit freaky.
Kinks that can evoke a thrill, that makes his veins thrum with adrenaline-setting him off with deep desire. I think he loves that kind of simulation.
I once read a post that details Proto as the kind of guy who'd cook a nice breakfast after a passionate one-night stand, and I can also imagine that happening. I can also imagine there would be space for joy and laughter as well as some occasional random moments, so he'd be pretty fun overall!
Lancer Cu
Overall, I'd say he is pretty similar to Proto. But the major difference here is that Lancer gives the impression of being way more comfortable in his own skin than Proto is. He knows how fucking hot he is, and has the pride and ability to work a room (though he can also be extremely crude as well).
Lancer is proud of who he is, and isn't afraid to show it- so he'd be totally up for showing off to the utmost.
His flirting game would be a powerful entrée to set the mood. Be prepared for flirts that range from cute, affectionate and pretty complimentary of your skills and positive traits- to downright horny and even extremely blatant (he may be smooth, but personally I feel like Lancer sometimes also gets extremely carried away).
However, I believe that Lancer is a serious romantic. It seems to bring him great pleasure to commit Acts of Service by doing as much as possible for those he cares for, like a 'big brother' type.
I guess in a NSFW setting this means he'll attend to your needs and make you feel safe and comfy during some very attentive sex??
He may also be very easy to wrap around your fingers as well. He may very well bend his knees to your words of praise, desperately grasping for more.
Tell him just how good he feels, what you think about him... it'll give him a real boost, and maybe make him blush too. As the type who loves putting on a show- and who loves it even more when his heroic acts are admired and adored- admiring touches and words will have him whipped like an errant knight serving their lord.
On the other hand, he also loves a challenge; so may not be entirely adverse to being ordered around a little- especially if the demands are hot!
This one is probably also open to a lot of different kinds of sex and kinks, so there's a lot of options to play around with (ranging from tame to hardcore).
Lancer doesn't seem that judgmental when it comes to sexual desire, and whether a partner is experienced or a shy newbie, he'll be happy to take the reins- or let you pull him a little by the collar- if you dare to handle him, of course.
That doesn't mean he isn't intense though. Lancer is also very emotional, and will very likely fully invest himself into the moment. In a sentimental sense, that likely means he will bless you with praise and compliments, as well as endowing you with beautiful terms of endearment in his native language.
In a horny sense though... watch out. You may be at it all night, in all sorts of ways. If things are feeling good, then he'll indulge in the moment with you for as long as possible.
If things get a little heated, or even competitive- such as fighting for dominance, or really going at one another- then he'll battle back with his utmost. If you want to render him to paste beneath your luxurious touch, Lancer will make you work for it. He likes the competition.
Lancer will remember exactly what turns you on, and is a very perceptive warrior; so though he may not always read the finer details, he'll be able to gauge how you're feeling or know exactly where to set you off- so be prepared for one heck of an experience.
"Do heroes give head?!" The debate continues. Sure, I bet he'd enjoy receiving some oral, tightly weaving his hands around the easiest part of his partner that he can access.
However, in my opinion- who knows? He may return the favor every now and then, pouring his all servicing a partner; and enjoying the way in which they unravel before his sumptuous fingers and tongue.
On a last note though, I do think there are aspects of Lancer that can be very deeply sentimental at times; as well as moments in which his more sorrowful aspects may rise to the surface.
There may be moments where he completely unravels his outer face of peerless confidence before a partner and unleashes the vulnerability resting within, and may just wish to bury himself within another's warmth, whiling away the painful hours by another's side.
Caster Cu
Caster Cu is also very similar to Proto and Lancer in terms of NSFW headcanons (im sorry im just repeating this for all of them). However, to me personally, Caster Cu's air of mystery and emotional distance is much stronger than Proto and Lancer's. This man is like a wizard's maze, boasting many different aspects to his character.
As he's older, the flirting game is even more deadly. He likely has a tough repertoire by this stage, able to set even the steeliest of hearts aflutter (or serve as a very humorous and interesting guy to banter with at the very least).
Due to his role serving as a form of guidance towards Mash and the Master- as well as certain lb6.5 spoilers that reveal the reason as to why he has adopted a role that is so strongly defined by wisdom- he is likely to have a more mature edge to him.
This doesn't mean that he's immune from 'silly time' though.
This means that he'll be a comfy guy for someone who is a bit new to sex or someone who is nervous, as he can consistently guide them along; constantly adjusting to their changing pace and needs.
However, he does seem to give off the impression of being rather tired (are those bags under his eyes?), so he may have a bit less stamina. Or maybe more. Caster Cu is very unpredictable in my opinion, however I can imagine him complaining of pains in his joints and of aching muscles, so some kinks may be a bit more exhausting for him to pull off.
That doesn't mean that he's not up for some adventure though! Now he's got all the time in the world to explore nature, get prepared for an exciting bevy of locations.
From the forest, the great outdoors; to even under a waterfall- he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to have any shame about where he'd indulge within a good time.
Thanks to his mastery over the runes, Caster is your ultimate guy for temperature play. A little bit of ice from the Isa rune there, and a comforting fire from runes such as the Kenaz one make for a very titillating time.
Rotating between heating and cooling the parts of your body that yearn for him, as well as even as going far as to change the temperature of his body as he works his way through- you'll be bound to melt beneath his touch.
Plant sex with the runes is also an option. Making sure to remain careful enough not to hurt you with his vines, yet also tightening the pressure enough for your face to lax with bliss, he fills with excitement (and a bit of apprehension) when pleasuring you with nature.
Though it gets him hot to see you so appreciative of his ancient arts, your expressions of pleasure make it increasingly difficult for him to retain his slipping sense of composure...
However, he may burst out with a strange catchphrase or a silly move every now and then (matrix ordanye- bedroom edition style).
Please don't mind it- or even laugh along if you like! Caster Cu gives me the impression of being a rather surreal and random lad at times, and I feel as if the realms of NSFW would be no exception to showcasing this funnier side of him.
Seeing as Caster is more measured than his other selves, and allegedly boosts a even temperament, he may be less prone to get carried away within the moment, however he likely still has a tender side, flattering you with caring words and loving touches.
He isn't yet immune to praise either, so don't hold back in letting him know how you feel about him (he may get even MORE flustered, or caught off guard with surprise).
Despite this, it can feel as if Caster Cu is wearing a very tight mask at times. It may take a bit longer than the other Cu to really see him set loose, and let his words and feelings flow freely within the moment. It doesn't mean he's enjoying things any less, though.
After losing so many that are dear to him- over and over again- and experiencing so many terrifying moments, he may savor every moment as if it's his very last, drinking in every last second with a partner.
The here and now, this fleeting moment. Caster Cu will hold it dearly, in order to calmly let things go once the time comes.
This may manifest on him holding on a little tighter to you at times, burying his face against your own, almost as if he's worried you'll suddenly drift away.
Caster gives me the impression of being very sentimental deep down, but keeping said cards of emotion very closely bound against his chest. It may be a bit of challenge to get him to unravel a little, but it's far from impossible.
Cu Alter (In General)
In terms of NSFW, I believe that Cu Alter is an extreme contrast to the other three. Despite having the same capacity for emotion and care as the others, he operates as if he's an unfeeling killing machine- almost as if he's a beast with no reason (even though that's not always the case with him).
In my opinion, I feel like Cu Alter is most likely to have sex during a situation that fulfils a need or an urge of his- for example, having sex solely to recharge his mana, or if he needs a physical release from all the things going on inside of him.
Sex with him in these circumstances may focus on the most necessary elements of intercourse only, jumping straight to the grittiest, most business-like aspects of the act.
Cu Alter isn't the type to let himself have fun, nor allow himself to enjoy sensations as much as his other selves do.
That doesn't mean that other forms of sex are completely off the table, it's just that to me personally- it would likely be rarer for him to have more sentimental types of sex, seeing as he showcases his care for others in extremely subtle ways.
He's also suffering and struggling in an extreme manner, so it also may be extremely difficult for him to express those kinds of feelings.
Possibly as a result of the corruption of the grail and his madness enhancement, even when he showcases his deep affection- it is often marred by contradictory words and harsh insults that belies how deeply he feels for others.
Emotions are likely really, really hard for him.
Cu Alter is likely the type to show how he feels through actions, as a result of struggling severely to articulate his feelings via words.
He is very awkward and reticent when it comes to expressing his feelings, so hearing praise from him may be quite rare.
However, as his words tend to manifest as insults, he may mutter phrases of a more degrading, cold or fierce nature in the bedroom at first.
Cu Alter often says the complete opposite of how he feels. So if he were to feel affection for someone, he may push them away with some stinging words or attempts to inform them of his apparent nature.
He'll make it incredibly hard for you to get close at first, batting away words of praise; and doggedly insisting that he's nothing more than a monster- that you shouldn't praise nor adore him. Cu Alter won't harm a partner, but he may be very stubborn against praise at first.
I believe he is the type to pick up others with his tail, or wrap his tail around them, and sleep next to them; getting close. I feel like he may let his guard down a little if he feels comfortable sleeping next to his partner.
You may not hear him say how he feels, but I headcanon that he may give into guttural growls, moans and other incoherent noises when he's having a good time; claws and fanged teeth clutching onto his partner for dear life.
For Cu Alter, in a sexual setting- I think his actions will be of a much greater import than his words.
Cu Alter also purposely isolates himself from others. It's as if he is very self-punishing. So I think in terms of sex, the act itself may be a barrier to him- seeing as he does all in his power to give the impression of being distant and avoiding touch with others.
Sex could possibly be a bit rough and intense with him, or very sleepy and slow.
He does seem like the tired and worn out sort, to an almost worrying level; so I don't feel as if he'd go too hardcore- unless he eventually decides to unleash the millions of restraints that he's shackled and bound himself with.
This kind of side to him may explode within a more combat-focused situation, or a very intense one in which he decides to set off all of the things burgeoning inside of him, so it could end up being an extremely wild sort of sex. (I'm not too sure myself, as Cu Alter is a character that I find difficult to truly grasp.)
I feel like sex of the slower sort may be more likely with him though, as he doesn't give me the impression of being one who would unravel quite so easily around another.
As he seems so exhausted, there is a chance that his partner may have to take the lead at times, or initiate the mood- he's not going to really have the skills to set things up himself or flirt. I can imagine him being very languid and tired, so a partner may need to actually take Cu Alter by the hands this time.
As the once Mad King of America, Cu Alter is used to barking out orders, so you may hear quite a lot of those in the bedroom!
Cu Alter (in a more affectionate sexual situation)
I haven't got much to say in terms of this scenario, as I believe that he'll still struggle a lot to express his feelings. However, in a situation in which he gives up on pushing a partner away, he may really indulge in the little things- and wrap himself protectively around a partner, melding every part of his body against their form.
He is likely EXTREMELY touch-starved, so I can imagine him really taking in every single curve of a partner, deeply taking in every single touch, nip, bite and touch of his against yours.
I do think he has a side that is every bit as sensory as the other Cu deep down- maybe even more so, as he's been cut off from touch and isolated from others for so long.
His words will be a bit less harsh, and he may be a lot more receptive to your touch and words of adulation in this sort of situation.
I can imagine him taking extremely long naps and just holding a partner in his arms all day in this kind of situation. He wants to be as close as he possibly can to you, treasuring you with every fiber of his being.
Extra (General Notes)
I do think that Cu Chulainn would entertain many various forms of relationships and sexual relations, and that open relationships would be a possibility as well. In terms of NSFW, I believe he is open to many kinds of situations and scenarios.
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frosensims · 7 months
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Zola Blossom, Henford on Bagley🌾 (miller legacy save)
Zola lives with her cat in a cute little cottage. Zola is a spell caster. She loves animals and she has a cow and some chickens. Lot: “Cordelia’s secret cottage” Traits: animal enthusiast/loner/loves outdoors
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sneasedtomeetyou · 11 months
[ The post includes a photo seemingly taken by Oran the Roto-Caster. Despite the picture being taken outdoors in the dim light of the moon and some decorative string lights, the subjects can be made out clearly enough. Laying together in a large hammock in Casi’s backyard is Professor Amaryllis, Cooper the Hisuian Sneasel, and Casi himself. 
Casi is laying pressed up against Amy’s side, using their shoulder as a pillow. His arm is draped over Amy’s midsection, having dozed off while petting the now sleeping Sneasel. Amy’s head rests against his, their own arm positioned so that their knuckles brush gently against where his arm lays. Unbothered by the crisp fall breeze the pair rest under the starry night sky. The scene radiates a feeling of serenity, as if you can hear Cooper's purring and gentle rustling of leaves in the blissful quiet of the night.
At the foot of the hammock there's a small stack of what appears to be Amy's belongings, including their cane and wallet. Sneaks the Weavile is seen adding Amy's keys to the stack of items. ]
{ the weather is nice out tonight! perfect for lounging outside. weren’t the two of you supposed to be getting work done? }
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archivestarlyht · 6 months
▸ IS YOUR MUSE TALL / SHORT / AVERAGE?   lex is 5'9,  average height for a human.
▸ ARE THEY OKAY WITH THEIR HEIGHT ?  yes.  he's a bit on the taller side in, like, the feywild, though, which is kind of awkward. but it's otherwise fine. 
▸ WHAT’S THEIR HAIR LIKE?  thick,  dark brown,  wavy,  and styled out of his face.  worn long-ish so that it's just above his shoulders.
▸ DO THEY SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THEIR HAIR / GROOMING?   not really.  i mean,  he tries to put enough effort in to look decent,  but he isn't super preoccupied with how he looks.  when in an adventuring party he definitely tries to bathe whenever he can and is uncomfortable if he can't at least do that.
▸ DOES YOUR MUSE CARE ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE / WHAT OTHERS THINK ?  not really.  he's not super self-conscious.  that said if he knows he stands out,  he does get self conscious of his appearance.  
▸ RAIN OR SUNSHINE?   sunshine.
▸ FOREST OR BEACH?   beach.
▸ FLOWERS OR PERFUMES?   perfumes.
▸ ORDER OR ANARCHY?   the ordered chaos of the feywild,   actually.  <3
▸ PAINFUL TRUTHS OR WHITE LIES?   painful truths.
▸ SCIENCE OR MAGIC?   magic.
▸ NIGHT OR DAY?   night.
▸ DUSK OR DAWN?   dusk.
▸ WARMTH OR COLD?   warmth.
▸ READING OR PLAYING A GAME?   reading,  then playing the game of 'how do i decode this wizard's spell notations?'
▸ WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSE’S BAD HABITS?  he can be easy to walk over.  he can be conflict avoidant.  even if he disagrees with something,  a lot of the time he would prefer to just get over it and avoid conflict,  unless it's something extremely pressing to him that he can't just leave alone.
▸ HAS YOUR MUSE LOST ANYONE CLOSE TO THEM? HOW HAS IT AFFECTED THEM?   not necessarily.  except.  he does have a complicated relationship between knowing that he isn't from the feywild and would have had human parents that he can no longer remember.  he does wonder what that life would have been,  even if that would have been a completely different person.  
▸ WHAT ARE SOME FOND MEMORIES YOUR MUSE HAS?  being gifted his spellbook.  the satisfaction and joy of successfully casting the first time.  he struggles a bit and isn't a prodigious caster,  but he does like to hold on to that initial feeling.
▸ IS IT EASY FOR YOUR MUSE TO KILL?   no.  lex isn't a killer.
▸ WHAT’S IT LIKE WHEN YOUR MUSE BREAKS DOWN?  quiet anxiety attack.  he'll stutter out some excuse to be alone,  then go off and try to calm himself down.  it's not necessarily that he dislikes being seen as vulnerable,  he just doesn't want to burden anyone with his problems.  he needs to be alone if he's seriously broken down over something because he knows he can get overstimulated and lash out.
▸ IS YOUR MUSE CAPABLE OF TRUSTING SOMEONE WITH THEIR LIFE?   yes.  lex doesn't have any hangups or issues with trusting,  though he isn't immediately trusting,  either.  if it's earned,  it's earned,  though.
▸ WHAT’S YOUR MUSE LIKE WHEN THEY’RE IN LOVE?   lex is, as he is with a lot of things, shy about love but open to it.  he is a bit hesitant of rejection.  he’s also sensitive to the fact that his memory problems might not be ideal in a partner,  and he’s worried about it being burdensome etc.  he still has a soft open heart and can be open with his affection.  he isn't shy about telling you that he cares about you,  nor is shy about showing you that he cares about you,  for that matter.  he's very attentive.
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pathfinderunlocked · 9 months
Twilight Fog - CR9 Hazard
A Plane of Shadow hazard, inspired by Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
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Artwork is an in-game screenshot from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, by Nintendo Entertainment.
Twilight Fog appears as a thick, constantly-swirling black fog filled with pinpoints of ember-like light. It appears in the Plane of Shadow, and those who touch it find themselves cursed. The most common curse is one of transformation - the victim is permanently polymorphed into a form befitting the strongest feelings in its heart. This is what transformed Link into a wolf in the original game that this hazard is based on, and a similar effect transformed him into a rabbit in a different Zelda game. But other curses exist, and are up to the GM.
Of course, for some PCs, transforming them into an animal might be somewhat beneficial. That's fine too.
It can appear indoors or outdoors, and a handful of certain clever individuals living in the Plane of Shadow have discovered ways to cultivate it, allowing them to use it as a defensive measure inside of locations they want to protect.
The challenge rating is based on the power of baleful polymorph and major curse, which are both 5th-level spells, so if you use a stronger or weaker effect, the hazard should be worth more or less XP accordingly.
Twilight Fog - CR 9
XP 4,800
Twilight Fog functions as fog, and obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can’t use sight to locate the target). Additionally, the area within 10 feet of twilight fog has its light level lowered by 2 steps: bright light becomes dim light, normal light becomes darkness, and dim light or darkness becomes supernatural darkness which even darkvision cannot see through.
Twilight fog is difficult to disperse with wind. Windstorm-level wind (51+ mph) disperses the fog in 1 round, but it returns 1 round after the wind ends.
Supernatural light effects can disperse twilight fog or make it easier to disperse with wind. A level-0 light or dancing lights spell (or equivalent effect) in the area of the twilight fog creates no light until the fog is dispersed, but causes the twilight fog in the lit area to be able to be dispersed by severe wind (31+ mph). Higher level light effects allow weaker wind effects to disperse the twilight fog: a 1st-level light spell allows it to be dispersed by strong wind (21+ mph), a 2nd-level light spell allows it to be dispersed by moderate wind (11+ mph), and a 3rd-level light spell allows it to be dispersed by light wind (0-10 mph). A 4th-level or higher light spell in the area of the twilight fog allows the fog to be dispersed by the miniscule amount of air movement created by the swinging of a weapon or firing of a projectile; a melee attack can disperse fog in the area of a 15-ft. cube, and a ranged attack can disperse fog in a line. In all cases, the light effect creates no actual light in the area of twilight fog until the fog is dispersed, and the twilight fog returns 1 round after the wind ends.
Creatures that enter an area of twilight fog, or that are in it when it returns after dispersing, must succeed on a DC 20 Will save or be subjected to a supernatural curse effect, which is unique to each patch of twilight fog. The most common curse is one of transformation: the target is permanently transformed into the form of an animal as if by beast shape III. The animal the target transforms into depends on the target, and is not specific to the patch of twilight fog. Other curses include anything that can be inflicted by the bestow curse spell, any major spellblight, or other effects of similar power. Regardless of the effect, this is considered a curse effect with a caster level of 10. The DC to remove the curse is 25 (5 higher than the save DC).
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Sims Set Up
Since you all were so sweet about my Sims shipping, (Thank you so much by the way) I figured I'd show off our cast so far! I'm always going to be adding more, so please feel free to say if you and your f/o wanna be added! I'm just gonna show off one everyday outfit to keep it short(er)!
First we have my s/i: Rebecca Rozenaria. She's Cheerful, Creative, and has a custom Trait called True Love. (It's essentially Hopeless Romantic from Sims 3.) She likes writing, acting, gaming, baking, and singing! She longs for a soulmate!
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Next we have the Ripper household. The first member is Jack/Raiden. He's Gloomy, a Loner, but Family Oriented. He just wants to be a good parent and is in the Military Career. He has a like for fitness, handiness, research and debate, programming, as well as rock-climbing. Robotics is complicated for him...
Then we have Rosemary. She's the mother of Jack's son John but her relationship with Raiden is on the rocks... She's Proper, Self-Absorbed, and Non-Commital. She's also rather overbearing with John. She wants to be a Mansion Baron since she wants a good life for her and John.
Finally, there's John. He's Proper like his mom but a total sweetie. He loves the color green and is a whiz-kid due to his mom. He's learning the piano and violin due to his mom. But he likes playing with his dad now that he's home!
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-- After that, we have the FFXV crew! First, we have Gladio Amicitia! He's Athletic, Loyal, and Romantic but usually develops Loves the Outdoors and Self-Assured traits. He loves camping, handiness, wellness, gaming, rock climbing, and gardening!
Next we have Gladio's sister Iris! She's also Athletic, but also an Insider. She also likes gardening, knitting, cross-stitching, baking, and cooking. (Why can't there be sewing??) She's usually at the boba-thrift shop!
Then we have Prince Noctis! He's a Bro, Lazy (Not an insult but boy loves naps!), and Loyal as well. He likes Fishing, Gaming, and Mischief! I gave him the Neighborhood Confidante aspiration since he's gonna be king and NO SAD ENDS ARE ALLOWED HERE!
Then we have Prompto! He's Good, an Art Lover, and Creative. He loves gaming, photography (obviously), media production, skiing, and singing! He's also a spell-caster with the painter extrordianare aspiration.
Finally we have Ignis. He's a Foodie, Family Oriented, and Neat. He's also a spellcaster with the Master Chef. But he likes cooking, gaming, baking, wellness, and gardening!
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-- Now let's go to FFXIV! Starting with the Heavensward Household, we have Aymeric and Estinien. Both are spellcasters (for the elezen ears!)
Aymeric is Outgoing, Loyal, and Family-Oriented (since he rises to lead Ishgard to a better future!) He likes research and debate, writing, gardening (for the Diadem and rebuilding of Foundation), and he wants to be a Friend of the World.
Then there's Estinien who is a Hot-Head (due to the Dragon Song War), Loner, and Ambitious since he's the Azure Dragoon!! He likes Handiness, Fitness, Rock Climbing, Snowboarding and Skiing. He has the extreme sports aspiration!
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-- Then we have Zenos (The one who took over my head!) He is Jealous (since he wants to be the only one to 'hunt' me), Evil, and a custom trait Possessive. He wants to be a Public Enemy. But he likes fitness, robotics, and mischief!
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-- Then we have the Scions!
First, we have Thancred who's Self-Assured, Loyal, and a Perfectionist (since he works himself so harshly!) He likes acting, writing, violin, piano, fitness, wellness, singing, and gaming
Next we have his adopted daughter Ryne. She's an Over-Achiever and Adventurous! She's seeking Inner-Peace and likes wellness, fitness, singing, handiness (since she crafts ammo for her Dad!), gardening, writing (and reading mainly) also gardening as well as musical stuff like piano, violin, dancing, and other things!
Then we have Minfilia (ugh), she's an Ambitious, Perfectionist, and Self-Assured who wants to be a jungle explorer since the scions wanna help and unify Eorzea. She likes writing, research and debate, and reading.
Then there's Alphinaud! He's a bookworm and perfectionist who wants to be a Friend of the World. He likes research and debate, as well as writing!
Plus there is Alphinaud's twin Alisae who's Good and Adventurous. She usually gets Self-Assured or Hot-Headed. She likes fitness, Extreme Sports such as Skiiing, snowboarding, and rock climbing! She also likes writing and debating!
Don't forget Urianger! He's a Bookworm, Genius, and Ambitious who wants to be a Renaissance Sim. He likes research and debate, robotics, and programming.
Y'shtola is also here! She's Proper, a Perfectionist, and Ambitious and wants to be the Spellcraft and Sorcerer! Again she likes research and debate, acting, and gardening for alchemy ingredients!
Finally we have G'raha Tia! He's Romantic, Genius, and Ambitious with the Nerd Brain. He likes cooking, baking, programming, gaming, and researching.
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Then there's Jack Garland. He's a Loner, Self-Assured, and Athletic. I usually give him the custom career of Knight or Military. He likes fitness, rock climbing, and gaming.
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Then there's the Yagami Detective Agency: Kaito is Hot-Headed, Self-Assured, and Good! He likes Fitness, Gaming, and Fishing with the bodybuilder aspiration!
Then there's Yagami! He's got the city native aspiration as a Self-Assured, Genius, and Ambitious! He likes a lot from programming, robotics, gaming, research and debate, handiness, and photography!!
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I have so many households to make! Such as the DMC crew, my friends from SOP, the cobra kai crew, the rest of the boys from Judgement, all my friends, and a few more! So let me know what you think and if you'd like me to then show off the sims I made of you all or if I should show you privately as I don't wanna make anyone uncomfy!
Taglist: @disneymarina @goldenworldsabound @maskedanarchy-ships @singingdeepinme @canongf @hadesgoddess @nyandereneko @floweringforgetfulness @ignited-lovers
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poisonhearrrt · 1 year
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I write stories of things that happen in real life. This was when The Phantom Menace was coming out. I was working at Electronic’s Boutique at the Irvine Spectrum & the movie theatre I had gone to since it 1st opened & there was barely anything at that outdoor circus mall. All that I wrote happened & I left out a detail of a news caster seeing our circle & sitting in the middle calling it a mush pot (which wiped my smile off my face immediately since I knew that meant she had to be the center of attention while asking us questions) and no, someone wasn’t dressed like Dark Helmet but I love Spaceballs & the cast so had to pay tribute just like I did on the tents that say Y-O-D-A (Weird Al ref) & Chewie (tribute to the song from Clerks & a doggie’s name on whom I loved but he had passed away) and R2 helping to project is paying tribute to a R2 Pepsi cooler I own from an Am/Pm from 1997 when the original films were remastered & put in the theatres prob to raise funds to put towards the other movies that were in the making & mega judged LOL! 
If you like this stuff awesome, if you don’t then get mad because this is published in my 1st poetry book. Please don’t try & steal this to pass it off as your own. The difference between Lawyers & Attorneys is simple. Lawyers are about the law & attorneys kick ass. I have an attorney that can walk into court to state cases of facts & proof tilting the other lawyer so much I have seen some loose their shit screaming while she remains calm & wins cases in a matter of minutes. My point, I am represented well so please don’t steal art. If you need to steal art then go to Devant art since most there act that way & yes my illustrators have found our art there having to report them etc. 
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macncindy · 2 years
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Presenting The Purple People Eater! She's finally done. A million thanks going out to Tom Finch at Finch Adaptive Fabrication. While built as an URSA 4, she is unofficially a "multi-Sport Chair. Tough enough for WCMX (gentle ramps, caŕving gentle inclines) I'm old ya'll (45), basketball, and the outdoors but smooth and classy enough for daily use. She's gorgeous a lever drive system, disc brakes, custom forks with soft roll casters, a Carbon Fiber backrest. I can't wait till she comes home to me. Thanks a million @finchv314 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnlhjsgridr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tentacle · 2 years
Updated Profile for Anda Kha
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NAME: Anda Kha
AGE: 35
SPECIES: Au Ra (Xaela)
MARITAL STATUS: married to Gaspard Richelieu
BIRTHPLACE: Othard, exact location unknown as his clan is traditionally nomadic.
BIRTH: 16th Sun, 4th Astral Moon
PATRON: Nymeia, The Spinner
CLASS: White Mage, though he’s dabbled in all kinds of magic.
PROFESSION: Adventurer, botanist, general do-gooder. Occasionally relies on his skill in alchemy to get by monetarily.
RESIDENCES: Shared housing with Gasp in Lavender Beds (always gorgeous), Rooms in <<hella>> house in Mist (empty), an apartment in Kugane (empty), and his favorite: personal house in the Brimming Heart, Goblet (WIP but I try to have a nice yard lol).
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HAIR: Blue black, coarse and thick. Has been known to defy gravity when shorter.
EYES: Light gray and colorless, with white limbal rings. Even when it’s completely dark, you can see a faint outline of them.
SKIN: Deep purple gray.
HEIGHT: 7' tall or taller? He's been a growing lad over the years.
BUILD: Sturdy, with muscles from gardening and his hobby: rock and tree climbing. Bulky/beefy in the arms and legs and has abs but not cut, though.
OTHER: Face is mostly covered in scales, which have grown in as he ages. Wears a slight frown when thinking or concentrating (always). Has particularly large and pointy horns, which he wears decorative caps and jewelry on to accentuate.
SIBLINGS:  Older sister, Jaran. She escaped the raid as well and made it to Limsa Lominsa first, where she became an arcanist. Has now learned her brother is alive due to his celebrity and absolutely furious he's never come to visit.
PARENTS:  Both of his parents perished in a Garlean raid.
OTHER RELATIVES: The branch of the Kha Clan Anda hails from was attacked by Garleans and have not been seen or heard from since. This attack is what created the necessity of his escape to Eorzea.
ANY PETS?: yes [ x ] || no [   ] Absolutely adores his chocobo, Nergui. Anda is like a disney princess when it comes to nature walks. Has been caught meditating, covered in butterflies, in his husband's garden.
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• STRENGTH – Good. He is a caster by definition but spends a lot of time walking, gardening, and climbing mountains. His biceps are where he stores all his crits.
• DEXTERITY – Fairly centered, but nothing spectacular. Has been known to drop things when lost in thought. Horrendous sense of rhythm, but he dances anyway. Loves to braid hair and weaves crowns and baskets.
• CONSTITUTION – Exceptional. Anda is particularly fond of very cold and very hot climates and spends a lot of time outdoors without shelter. He prefers to sleep under the stars. Never gets sick.
• INTELLECT – Middling. Able to learn advanced concepts when he applies himself, but he prefers the spiritual connection with nature and the elements that comes with practicing conjury, so he rarely does. Has a passion for botany with a particular focus on medicinal plants and dabbles in alchemy.
• WISDOM – Good. Incredibly practical and calm, he is very good at giving advice. The only time his judgment falters is if someone flusters or angers him, which is difficult unless you are very close to him. Very observant when he doesn’t have his head in the clouds.
• CHARISMA – Fair. He is not gregarious by any means, but has a quiet, warm presence that most people enjoy. Quiet to a fault, he can get dragged into things that have nothing to do with him because he rarely disagrees with someone aloud. His silence, intense gaze, and sometimes imposing stature can be intimidating, but he’s a big softie at heart. He's been a loner most of his life because he's impossible when it comes to flirting, but he and his husband finally became a couple after a lot of awkward chats in the Rising Stones bar.
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• COMELINESS - Anda puts very little effort into his appearance and usually has some garden dirt or traveling dust on his clothes. However, he cleans up very nicely and has an intense look that some find attractive, though he’s terrible at dating.
• Fair
• Thoughtful
• Kind
• Loyal
• Neglectful
• Tactless
• Serious
• Workaholic
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COLORS: White, black, dark neutrals. Loves red. Corpse Blue is a signature color.
SMELLS:  Patchouli, mango, and tea. He loves all smells of nature, doesn’t mind unpleasant plant or dung smells. Feels incredibly comfortable in Radz-at-Han despite it being a bit busy.
FOOD: Fish, vegetables, hot peppers, and honey. Generally eats most things raw.
FRUITS: Loves mangos and any stone fruit. Berries. Able to eat even the stickiest of fruits quite neatly.
DRINKS: Juices and clean spring water. Partial to tea for a hot drink and he definitely wouldn’t say no to hot chocolate.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes [   ] || no [    ] || occasionally [ x ] he likes wine but is a total lightweight
GIFTS: Anda loves gifts no matter what they are. The thought of someone liking him enough to give him a gift is a gift in itself to him. He is a good gift giver, but can get caught up in searching for the perfect one that it will often be late. He likes food, poetry books, seeds, and wood carvings as well as more practical gifts, like armor or clothes.
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COLORS: Orange, yellow, and he doesn’t like to wear green.
SMELLS: Exhaust. City smells. Ceruleum also bothers him.
FOOD: He doesn’t like milk or cheese.
FRUITS: Melons.
DRINKS:  Ale, coffee, anything bitter.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: He doesn’t dislike the taste of alcohol, but he has a bad habit of ending up naked in the middle of the desert when he drinks.
GIFTS: Flashy or impractical items.
SMOKES? yes [   ] || no [ x ]
DRUGS?: yes [  ] || no [ x ]
EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: yes [ x ] || no [   ] he will get into a physical altercation to protect someone
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necarion · 2 years
The Canterbury Job
This is an outline of a video game idea I’ve been sharing with @jadagul. The specific details of the plot are very hazy, and so this is focused more on mechanics. Not all the mechanics will be workable as-written.
1. The setup
The basic setting is a fantasy version of not-England. And you all meet in an inn. You’re the “simple” innkeeper, and you have a group of 4 or 5 other guests. The guests are: a big tough woman who looks like a war veteran; a small shifty guy with a foul sense of humor; a weathered woman who clearly knows her way around the outdoors (she gets a dog); an apprentice mage; and an elderly monk. (If this looks like fighter, rogue, ranger, caster, cleric…you are correct). Your main character has no obvious special skills for now, but is friendly and good with words. All of you are obviously from very different cultures with different skin tones.
[Note, the cultures, skin tones, and names match relatively-known Earth cultures, but do not match with each other. As a possible example, your fighter is a black man who dresses like a samurai and is named William of Loire-Essex, or whatever]
All of you are heading to Canturbury tomorrow for reasons you’re a bit reluctant to dicuss. But the road there is kind of rough, a few of the party knows each other (not clear who, yet), and it’s way safer to go together.
2. The framing adventure
The party sets out on a relatively straightforward exploration adventure. It’s semi-railroaded, and you encounter a number of obstacles along the way, including puzzles, small-scale breaking-and-entering, a few bits of combat. There are maybe 5 of these.
The key is that all of these things require some set of special skills to pass. These are, very importantly, not railroaded. There are several ways you can deal with the problems. And when you’re flummoxed, you can look through your party’s character sheets to pick the skills you need. Every character has a handful of abilities that are slightly unusual (maybe 3), and so you have a menu to choose from. For example, you need to get into a building, and the shifty guy might have the ability to pick the lock, climb the wall, or disguise himself. The fighter might have learned a specific blasting spell. Or you’re facing off against a dragon, and the mage knows how to charm one, etc. Not every character will have a good option for all situations, and not every character will get the full menu on every challenge.
And once you’ve pick an ability for a character, it becomes the only special ability they have on their list, and the others go away with no option to get them back.
After the challenge / minor-setpiece has been completed, the characters who used an unusual skill will be encouraged to tell their story.
3. The Tales
And this is where the core story gets going: as the character(s)’s flashback. You’ll jump back some point in time to live out this character’s adventure and motivation for being in this story. You play as this character. Sometimes alone, sometimes in a small party, sometimes with one of the other main characters in said party.
There are two fundamental elements to each of the Tales:
(a) The only “win condition” for the sub-RPG is one in which you learn the skill you’ve chosen, in the role the character currently occupies.
(b) You all fucking hate the Archbishop of Canturbury for a very personal reason. And come Hells or high water, you’re going to make him/her pay.
Note that there are multiple paths for each character (this is an RPG after all), so the story can proceed a few different ways! But if you pick one of them that doesn’t lead to you earning your skill and the enmity of the Archbishop, you fail the story. You either hit a “game over” and return to the start or savepoint of the adventure, or you return to the framing story only to be informed by another character that you’re lying your ass off, and they want to know what really happened. (This can occur right away, or later, but with some form of stat penalty if you wait).
After everyone has picked their skills, and you approach the final boss, your Innkeeper POV then tells their tale. Here, you get to have your adventure without constraint (a), although you still need to get screwed by the Archbishop in some way. In this way, you can end up with 1, 2, or even 3 skills (although getting more than 1 is really hard).
 4. The Boss Level
So, you’re a party on a pilgrimage to Canterbury to get revenge on the Archbishop. You are now challenged to decide how you’re going to play this. Do you kill him? Rob him? Frame her for something she didn’t do? Expose her for something she did? Frame her for something that looks exactly like something she already did? All of the above?
The final level is set up something like a Hitman level, where your objective is to do something very damaging to the Archbishop and get everyone out alive. You can jump between characters, but if you’re not in the POV of one, the AI is going to work through the mission. This is the hardest part to do, and maybe you do it turn-based or something. Or the other characters are now completely AI-powered acting out the existing plan. (When stuff goes wrong, you might get a chance to react, you might not.)
The skills you have to work with are the ones you picked on your journey, plus whatever core abilities you’d expect the party to have based on their class.
And you’re left with one final question: 
Do you have what it takes to pull off the Canterbury Job, or will the Archbishop rid herself of the meddlesome party?
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thesims4callenges · 2 years
the occult baby challenge - SIMSSAV
The point of this challenge for me was to see what the game offers with occults! I wanted to see which children got special traits, how they looked when they were born, the probability of the baby being an occult with a human mother, etc. It was a big experiment and I had so much fun with it. Unfortunately, it is close to impossible to do without mods and cheats. I also used a ton of occult cc to make the kids look like they we’re actually occult sims. How you want to play the challenge is up to you! This is just a guide on how I did it! 
I had no idea what was to come of this challenge when I started it so I ran into a lot of issues along the way. I had to use a lot of cheats and mods to get around some of the limits in the game. I have included below everything I had to do to get around these issues! I hope it helps. 
CHALLENGE OBJECTIVE: Have a baby with each of the occult sims in the game. Keep in mind in order to have certain occult sims you must own the expansion pack for it.
OCCULT SIMS: Vampire, Mermaid, Patchy the Straw Man, Flower Bunny, Alien, Spell Caster, Werewolf, Father Winter, Plant Sim, Island Elemental, Grim Reaper, Tragic Clown, Ghost, Servo Bot, Wishing Well (optional).
RULES: Create a human sim however you want. The only thing that is required is the sim must be able to get pregnant. Move your sim into any house. You may use money cheats if you want. Build a relationship with each occult creature in the game and become pregnant with their child. In order for you to be able to move a child out of the house they must reach level 5 in the skills that are associated with occult.
PACKS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE ENTIRE CHALLENGE: Vampires, Get to Work (aliens), Island Living (mermaids), Seasons (patchy, flower bunny, father winter), Realm of Magic, University (servo), Romantic Garden (for the wishing well), Knifty Knitting (knitting skill), Outdoor Retreat (herbalism skill) City Living (singing skill), Spa Day (wellness skill).
REAPING SKILL: https://neilsimming.wixsite.com/neildevblog/post/the-sims-4-death-angels-modpack
Grim Reaper: In order to be able to try for baby with the Grim Reaper you need to first build a relationship with him, add him to your family but SHIFT clicking on Grim and clicking “Add to Family". Then you must remove his reaper trait with the following cheat: traits.clear_traits
After that, you should have no problem trying for baby with Grim! After you become pregnant, you can add his reaper trait back with this cheat: traits.equip_trait GrimReaper
Island Elementals: To access the island elementals, your sim must have the “child of the islands trait”. Once your sim has this trait, you can click on your sim and the option for summoning the island spirits should be available. Click it, and the island elementals will come to your lot. Build relationships with one or all of them. In order to try for baby with the island elementals, they must first be added to your household. There is no way to have a baby while they are still in their ghost form so you must bring them back to life. You can either use the wishing well, ambrosia, or cheat it using mccc. Once they are human again, you can try for baby. The objective here is to have a child that has the ‘Sulani Mana’ trait inherited from the island elementals. 
Plant Sim: There are no plant sims walking around the world in the Sims 4, so in order for you to have a baby with one you will have to make it yourself. Choose a sim you would like to make into a plant sim. 
Sims can become Plant Sims by eating a Forbidden Fruit, which is obtained by entering the Mystical Magic Bean Portal Tree. You collect six magical beans (flirty, confident, sad, uncomfortable, tense, playful and angry) from rare seed packets. You then purchase the magical stump from build/buy mode and place the six magical beans on it. They can then water the stump for it to grow into the “Mystical Magic Bean Portal Tree”. You can also skip all of that and purchase the tree from the debug build/buy menu. By entering the tree, Sims can obtain the Forbidden Fruit through answering correctly a short text-based adventure. Once they obtain the fruit, Sims can eat it and become PlantSims or plant it and grow more Forbidden Fruits. Plant Sim lasts for 5 days.
Tragic Clown: Purchase the Tragic Clown painting from build/buy mode. Have your sim view it until the Tragic Clown shows up on your lot. 
Wishing Well: You can wish for a child with the wishing well from Romantic Garden Stuff Pack. Make an offering before wishing for a child or you may get a negative outcome! 
Patchy: Gardening / Flower Arranging
Alien: Rocket Science / Programming
Mermaid: Fitness / Singing
Vampire: Vampire Lore / Pipe Organ
Flower Bunny: Painting / Knitting
Spell Caster: Learn 5 spells
Father Winter: Wood Working / Baking
Plant Sim: Herbalism / Wellness
Island Elemental: Fishing / Guitar
Grim Reaper: Reach level 5 of the Reaping skill from the Death Angels Mod
Tragic Clown: Comedy / Mischief 
Servo: Robotics / Logic
Werewolf: Level 4 werewolf
Ghost: ?
Once your kid(s) have completed their objectives, you may move them out of the house to make room for more kids
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peters385 · 6 days
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This wheelchair supports 100 kg with a seat width of 45 cm, depth of 42 cm, and height of 50 cm. It has 8-inch solid front caster wheels for easy maneuvering, offering comfort, reliability, and convenience. Perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.
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