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thesims4callenges · 2 years ago
the occult baby challenge - SIMSSAV
The point of this challenge for me was to see what the game offers with occults! I wanted to see which children got special traits, how they looked when they were born, the probability of the baby being an occult with a human mother, etc. It was a big experiment and I had so much fun with it. Unfortunately, it is close to impossible to do without mods and cheats. I also used a ton of occult cc to make the kids look like they we’re actually occult sims. How you want to play the challenge is up to you! This is just a guide on how I did it! 
I had no idea what was to come of this challenge when I started it so I ran into a lot of issues along the way. I had to use a lot of cheats and mods to get around some of the limits in the game. I have included below everything I had to do to get around these issues! I hope it helps. 
CHALLENGE OBJECTIVE: Have a baby with each of the occult sims in the game. Keep in mind in order to have certain occult sims you must own the expansion pack for it.
OCCULT SIMS: Vampire, Mermaid, Patchy the Straw Man, Flower Bunny, Alien, Spell Caster, Werewolf, Father Winter, Plant Sim, Island Elemental, Grim Reaper, Tragic Clown, Ghost, Servo Bot, Wishing Well (optional).
RULES: Create a human sim however you want. The only thing that is required is the sim must be able to get pregnant. Move your sim into any house. You may use money cheats if you want. Build a relationship with each occult creature in the game and become pregnant with their child. In order for you to be able to move a child out of the house they must reach level 5 in the skills that are associated with occult.
PACKS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE ENTIRE CHALLENGE: Vampires, Get to Work (aliens), Island Living (mermaids), Seasons (patchy, flower bunny, father winter), Realm of Magic, University (servo), Romantic Garden (for the wishing well), Knifty Knitting (knitting skill), Outdoor Retreat (herbalism skill) City Living (singing skill), Spa Day (wellness skill).
Grim Reaper: In order to be able to try for baby with the Grim Reaper you need to first build a relationship with him, add him to your family but SHIFT clicking on Grim and clicking “Add to Family". Then you must remove his reaper trait with the following cheat: traits.clear_traits
After that, you should have no problem trying for baby with Grim! After you become pregnant, you can add his reaper trait back with this cheat: traits.equip_trait GrimReaper
Island Elementals: To access the island elementals, your sim must have the “child of the islands trait”. Once your sim has this trait, you can click on your sim and the option for summoning the island spirits should be available. Click it, and the island elementals will come to your lot. Build relationships with one or all of them. In order to try for baby with the island elementals, they must first be added to your household. There is no way to have a baby while they are still in their ghost form so you must bring them back to life. You can either use the wishing well, ambrosia, or cheat it using mccc. Once they are human again, you can try for baby. The objective here is to have a child that has the ‘Sulani Mana’ trait inherited from the island elementals. 
Plant Sim: There are no plant sims walking around the world in the Sims 4, so in order for you to have a baby with one you will have to make it yourself. Choose a sim you would like to make into a plant sim. 
Sims can become Plant Sims by eating a Forbidden Fruit, which is obtained by entering the Mystical Magic Bean Portal Tree. You collect six magical beans (flirty, confident, sad, uncomfortable, tense, playful and angry) from rare seed packets. You then purchase the magical stump from build/buy mode and place the six magical beans on it. They can then water the stump for it to grow into the “Mystical Magic Bean Portal Tree”. You can also skip all of that and purchase the tree from the debug build/buy menu. By entering the tree, Sims can obtain the Forbidden Fruit through answering correctly a short text-based adventure. Once they obtain the fruit, Sims can eat it and become PlantSims or plant it and grow more Forbidden Fruits. Plant Sim lasts for 5 days.
Tragic Clown: Purchase the Tragic Clown painting from build/buy mode. Have your sim view it until the Tragic Clown shows up on your lot. 
Wishing Well: You can wish for a child with the wishing well from Romantic Garden Stuff Pack. Make an offering before wishing for a child or you may get a negative outcome! 
Patchy: Gardening / Flower Arranging
Alien: Rocket Science / Programming
Mermaid: Fitness / Singing
Vampire: Vampire Lore / Pipe Organ
Flower Bunny: Painting / Knitting
Spell Caster: Learn 5 spells
Father Winter: Wood Working / Baking
Plant Sim: Herbalism / Wellness
Island Elemental: Fishing / Guitar
Grim Reaper: Reach level 5 of the Reaping skill from the Death Angels Mod
Tragic Clown: Comedy / Mischief 
Servo: Robotics / Logic
Werewolf: Level 4 werewolf
Ghost: ?
Once your kid(s) have completed their objectives, you may move them out of the house to make room for more kids
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