#out of time 🦌max
scrvivorisms · 3 months
Another Maladaptive Daydream of the Partners in Time: A Drabble/ Ficlet based within My Ordinary Life.
Only MUTUALS May turn this into a Thread. Ending left vague and open ended for Said Reply.
Based on This Song
Feat Williams Favorite Car Ride Song
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Summary: It is 1994, Maxine is in San Francisco. She met the very young, and very in love Joyce and William. Chloe's parents. Or, to be parents. The oddly cathartic experience, however strange for the teens, only got Maxine thinking.
The Year never mattered. The passage of time all became relativity. As did the subjectiveness of it all. As did ones own humanity, their morals. It all became something that was never concrete. Never stayed for more than the time she was there. It took on the shape that was needed wherever she was. Whoever she was. Every form was Maxine. She made sure of that. The same even voiced, freckled faced woman they'd come to know through the years. Coming and going like wind.
Though, on late nights when the floorboards dug into her shoulder blades, blue orbs ever focusing on the ceiling fan of her current dwelling, she always thought of them. Her. That place. However damaging and changing, Arcadia Bay permeated Maxine's very soul. Every occurrence since then stemmed from it. Even now, being pushed and pulled by time, flung into something other. Places, people, faces... all new. Unknown. Surely, to be nonexistent in such a way, yet the opposite was a punishment of sorts by the universe.
It sure as all hell felt that way today. She was on a path, on a bench during the day, sipping away on a coffee and paging through her journal. Maxine was a Watcher. Ever the Observer of the world. Normally, she wouldn't pay mind to anyone passing by her on this path. They wouldn't remember her. And she, them. Though...that laugh. With the ever Southern twang to it. It made her feel eighteen again. Younger even. And when she looked...
Joyce. And William was with her. They were so, so young. They looked to be barely into their 20s. Eyes full of hopeful youth. And when she looked further: the roundness of Joyce's belly beneath a white tank top was more than apparent. She was very pregnant. With Chloe. Oh....Oh Chloe....
They were talking of everything and nothing. Of what to do with their time in San Francisco on their vacation before the birth. The birth... Everything began playing like a tape in the back of her mind as she watched. They'd stopped. And there. There. William had a camera. An old, eggshell, perhaps tan Kodak Polaroid Instant Camera. The very one he used when she and Chloe were children on Cedar Ave in their home. The one Chloe gave her at eighteen as a gift when Nathan Prescott broke the other. It seemed William was struggling. With getting the right angle, the lighting, all of it. She stood before fully thinking through what she would say or do.
"Need a hand?" His eyes flew up from the camera, from Joyce and to her. He nervously laughed.
"I, uh, yeah." Christ... it still sounded like him. Maxine held out her hand in offering. He handed over the camera which she has and hasn't yet called a companion. The weight is so familiar in her hands. Fingers easily landing on the button to take a picture. Photography was as easy as breathing at 28. So finding the right angle, the rays of the sun hitting their faces. She looked at them expectantly and they then posed. William slung an arm around Joyce and leaned in for a kiss. One which was provided without hesitation, both smiling into it. Maxine took the photo.
"So, you're on a trip." Maxine remarked this handing them both the fresh photo and the camera back.
"What makes you say that?" Joyce's head tilted.
"C'mon... a young couple on a walking path, conveniently in perfect view of the iconic bridge of San Fran? An even more convenient camera? You're tourists." Max finished this with the softest, kindest smile she could muster. The pair laughed.
"Ya caught us." William said haughtily. He went to put the camera away in his tote bag. And then he went to examine the picture. "Damn... lighting's perfect. What do they call that again?"
"Golden Hour."
A quiet nod as they looked on at the photo, then Maxine. This was getting weird. Hell, for everyone else besides her, it would be. No one ever got to meet their Best Friends parents before they became such.
"So, When are they due?"
"March. The beginning of the month if I remember the doctor right." Joyce finished this with the placement of her dainty hand over the baby bump ever so lovingly.
"Did you have a name in mind?"
"Middle will be Elizabeth." William added on, just as proud, just as excited. Christ, if only they knew what lay ahead... No. Let this be. Let it be.
"You'll make great parents. I mean, look at your faces." Maxine beamed falsely. "You should mark the photo. A title or phrase. This seems like an important moment."
William was all over it. Though, in his bag, he didn't have a pen. But Max did. A permanent marker in black ink. Max looked up and dared to ask for their names, all three for clarification although she already knew it. And so, when they answered, she cemented this moment in time with what she read so long ago.
"SF Holidays with William (and Chloe)"
She capped the marker back off, and returned the photo. Fingers brushing with William's. And oh, did it hurt to feel, to register his being corporeal. Here. This wouldn't likely happen again. So when they thanked her for taking the shot, wished her a good night, and left without asking her name, she just... stood there. Watching their bodies fade over the curve of the walking path and away into their lives. The next 14 years will be beautiful. Simple. Idyllic.
And then William will be killed in a crash. Chloe will pull away. Joyce will be shattered. Five more years, then a Mother, Joyce would be no longer. And in this timeline, Chloe would stay dead. Max would not be there for interference this time around. She thought of that the whole walk home. Or, what she called home right now. Some dingy hotel room she's been paying for with just cash. Under the table. They only had her name. And a fake ID. Maxine always went for a camera and false identity when she arrived in a new time.
She shoved the key in, turned the lock, and pushed the door open. Allowing it to creak open on its hinges until the knob hit the wall with a dull thud. She stood on the threshold far too long. It felt as though something bad would happen if she went inside. Though, it was only her mind. The spiral that always came when her old life wriggled its way back. Triggered her.
She moved fast, slamming the door. Throwing the dead bolt and chain lock as well. Not that her current companion needed or was stopped by the simple machinations of a lock on a door. No, if they wanted in, they would get in. It was more symbolic than anything. Leave Me Alone, it said. She had many mix-tapes. A collection of time. Rhythm. Memory. She had one song in mind. Now bare feet padded over to the Walkman she's had for so long now. Max grabbed the headphones that had seen just as much wear. They went on, her back hit the floor. She stayed there. Pressed play. Wept.
Maxine curled in on herself then. Sobbed, spiraled, consoled herself both within and without her mind. Her thin arms hugged around her quivering form as the ceiling fan went around, around, around. This never felt fair. It was depriving, a unique kind of hell. Her companion, her friend did not have this pain. Though immortal, their life was one singular thread. A continuity. Maxine felt like a tree. Its root more specifically. Or a neglected ball of yarn. Something unmanageable. Untanglable. You would never be able to truly unwind it. It wasn't fair!
This isn't fair. Not fair, not fair. NOT FAIR.
The sun was set. And her current friend would be coming. She made a point to have separate dwelling though within the same building. They were next to each other. Neighbors. That was how they met. They might have heard her thoughts on the wind, felt it. She didn't know, and didn't bother to question how Vampires work when she can barely pin herself down.
Her face burned, she couldn't breathe. It felt like a vice was clamping down on her very being. It always felt so extensive yet suffocating to be this way. To be Maxine Caulfield. The woman out of time. At least so many people she told of her life called her that. Chloe called her that. Called her so many things in reverence. Adoration, love, hate, sadness. She was everything and nothing.
The door opened. Again, the fruitlessness of locks with them... Her head craned. There they were. How pathetic, how messy she must look. Still in her evergreen trench coat, golden beanie shoved beneath her head to serve a pillow. Legs splayed and kicking only moments before as she cried. The puffiness of her face must be amplified to them. Her reddened cheeks from distress.
"I'm fine. It's fine." A lie. She never could lie. And certainly not to a creature like them. They would know. So she remained laying on the floor, looking up at them, trying horribly to settle her breathing. It came in stutters.
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lovable-chica · 8 days
Random Oc HeadCanons
Darla Marie Sasha🦌🎄
-Her Age is 15 almost 16
-Loves Christmas Cookies
-Has A Collection of Winter Hats in her Closet
-Her room looks like a winter wonderland
-Does Cart-Wheels and Flys in the Air in both her reindeer and hybrid form
-Acts like a Spoiled Brat to BoCo’s Dismay Sometimes but is Innocent
-Besties with Isobella and Bakes Tiny Cakes with Her
-Favorite Season is Winter and Summer
-Loves The 90s and Earlier 2000s songs
-Sees Rebecca as Her Big Sister
-Acts Like A Big Girl to The Bigger Engines or Other Reindeers and will not hesitate to roast them out of bravery
Luna Amanda Gwen🐧🧣
-Age is 15
-Always Listens to BoCo and Bear
-Is Short-Tempered and Sassy whenever someone teases her and she has to beat the person up
-Likes to Bake Cookies with Jenny(she’s @jessythebunny’s sona)
-Very Good At Arts and Crafts, and Can Draw Very Well
-Is A Good Acrobat Penguin
-Favorite Season is Winter and Summer(Likes winter the most because she can side on her belly in the snow)
-Hates Diesel 10 and will punch him if she has too same goes to other mean diesels
-Her Jam is The 2000s, She a fan of Missy Elliot
-Thinks she’s good at penguin noises (One Time She did a Siren Noise that Caused Amber to fall onto Thomas’s Buffer and Hurt Back, it didn’t end well)
Della Max Dalmatian🐾🦴
-Age is 16
-Tomboy Gal
-Is Sassy, Sarcastic and at bit Bad-Tempered Sometimes, but is Really Cheerful and Friendly
-Isabel and Dulcie act like her Mothers, She hates that
-Hates Babying Around by Coaches, Annie and Clarabel for Example
-Hates The 1930s songs, she thinks they are to old and stupid, but loves the 90s songs and putting it’s on too Annoy Oliver to his dismay
-Does Pranks with Bill and Ben because she thinks it’s funny to tease people and engines
-She Sleeps with Bill and Ben in their room(in my au, engines have rooms like sheds)
-Favorite Season is Summer
-Hates Being Sunburnt
-Loves Those Animal Crackers and Oreo Cookies
-Has an Irish Accent, Don’t Judge Her
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o0owolfwrit3ro0o · 3 months
Hey there! You've sent me a ton of thoughtful asks in the past, so do you have any thoughts on Double Exposure?
👋 Heya.
Honestly, I never would’ve thought we’d ever get to see another Life is Strange adventure featuring Max Caulfield. After the first game and the comics series, I thought that her story was complete. But… Wowser. 🦌
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I have to admit, I am looking forward to playing this, and seeing how her new powers work while meeting other characters and how Max’s life has been after 10 years. I do wish Max had a deer pin on her jacket, not an owl pin. I also wanna add, it's kinda weird to see Max to use a regular digital camera instead of her iconic Polaroid camera. But the one thing I was really hoping for to see, or at least hear, in the new trailer involves a certain blue-haired rebel. 🦋
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Seriously, I really wish they still had Chloe Price (voiced once more by Ashly Burch) in the upcoming game, and it just won’t be the same without the partners in time together again.
My first thought for the Save Chloe alternative; Chloe leaves town for a few days, and Max sees her off right before the start of the adventure. Maybe get a few texts and calls here and there. And when everything is said and done, Chloe comes back and when she sees Max, she realizes she’s missed out on a lot.
I could be wrong about that. But, in hindsight, maybe they shouldn’t have ended the first game deciding between Chloe and Arcadia Bay. Don’t Nod did kind of wrote themselves into a corner with that tornado.
In any case, that’s how I feel and am looking forward to it. Now how about you? What do you think about this return of Max Caulfield?
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liddlbiddlbunnie · 5 months
Welcom tew mah blog :P
[DNI if you are a NSFW blog]
About me  ٩(๑`^´๑)۶ 
• My name is Rebzy / Bunnie ❤️‍🩹
• she/it/xe/xyr 🐾
• Borderline personality disorder (bpd) 🎀
• ime an age and pet regressor 💒
• ime a white velveteen lop rabbit kin and zombie kin 🐇
• ime lookn for sibbies n carers all tha tym! 🍓
My interests  ٩(๑`^´๑)۶ 
• i love collecting things!! Rocks, bones, dolls, beanie babies, and more ! ⭐
• i lub bluey, tangled, mlp, awog, adventure time, max and ruby, barbie dreamhouse, peter rabbit, bubble guppies, ruby gloom, monster high, and more 🎞
• i lub earthy colors, black, pink, and wisteria 🥬
• i lub to color, draw, sketch, and create things! I draw often and make crafts whenever i can 📓
• i lub nature! I get outside whenevr i can n i lub to play at the park n run barefoot in da grass! I also lub to sweem 🦌
• i lub to go out and explore. I learn from tha world mainly by touch and sight. I am hands on! I love museums and zoos 🧁
• i absolutely lub making collages, stimboards, and moodboards for myself amd everybunny else! It brings me so much joy to create them and i'm always dying to receive requests!!! 📹
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amber-jinx · 1 year
Rachel Amber might just be a well-masked Max Caufield 🎭...
Ever think about how Rachel is actually like Max on the inside (Appreciation of art, getting attracted to and preyed on by Jefferson... sounds farmiliar ?), but instead of using time-travel to fix things, she uses her skill of blending in & masking herself?
Since we don't see Rachel's inner thoughts like we do w Max & Chloe, stuff like victim blaming and demonization occur.
People see what they want to see 🦌. When we only see people's actions on the surface level, it's easy for us to call it "manipulative" or another. Add a hate tag, then wave it off.
Dig deeper!
After reading an indepth analysis on Rachel, damn was she even more complex. Poor girl cared TOO MUCH, an opposite of "toxic" and "manipulative" many simply took her to be.
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This girl is one of the most complex video game characters in history. She is insecure, she wants things to go well for everyone, she grew desperate for an escape, she took the shortcut of a well-known teacher called Jefferson... She is stretched too thin and unable to let go of the expectations set on her by everyone in that town.. until her death. And what did she do beyond her grave? She went out of her way to save her favourite person, Chloe, by guiding her and Max to the lighthouse, where it's safe. She definitely wouldn't have gone that far if she just wanted her body found without caring deeply about Chloe.
Still think she was toxic and manipulative?
Read this and argue otherwise.
Ps: a typo, "an" in the pic, owell it shows how emotional I was 🥲
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the-flora-family · 1 year
Hello everyone! Welcome to our Tumblr page. We are an OSDD-1B system that is made almost entirely out of fictives, aside from Venus who is the host, and Pain, one of our persecutors. There are way too many of us to write down and describe in one entire post, so we will simply list the sources we have. Sources marked red have alters that are either always up front or otherwise very active in our system. Only sources marked red will have the alters listed out, but as always you’re free to ask for an individual list of alters if we happen to share sources. We’re always open to making new friends.
Venus - 26 || Shey/shem || Host || engaged to Mickey & Ian || 🪴
Pain - Age Unknown || it/its || Main Persecutor || 🩸
Mickey Milkovich - 26 || he/him || Main protector/traumaholder/cohost || Married to Ian, engaged to Venus || 🚬
Ian Gallagher - 26 || he/him || Caretaker || Married to Mickey, engaged to Venus || 🍅
Fiona Gallagher - 32 || she/her || Caretaker || 💚
Lip Gallagher - 27 || he/him || persecutor to Ian only || 🧠
Debbie Gallagher - 21 || she/her || Caretaker || 💛
Carl Gallagher - 20 || he/him || we honestly don’t know what he does apart from cause chaos regularly || 🌿
Liam Gallagher - 12 || he/him || Middle/protector to Franny || ⚽️
Franny Gallagher - 5 || she/her || Little || 🧸
Frank Gallagher - 63 || he/him || persecutor to all the Gallaghers || 🍺
Monica Gallagher - 67 || she/her || Unknown. We don’t know where she lives in here, only that she’s ‘around.’ || 💊
Mandy Milkovich - 25 || she/her || Protector || 💄
Harry Potter
Harry Potter - 17 || he/him || Unknown || Dating Draco || ⚡️
Draco Malfoy - 17 || he/him || Unknown || Dating Harry || 🐍
Sirius Black - 35 || he/him || Unknown || Dating Remus || 🐕
Remus Lupin - 35 || he/him || Unknown || Dating Sirius || 🐺
James Potter - 21 || he/him || Unknown || Married to Lily || 🦌
Lily Potter - 21 || she/her || Unknown || Married to James || 🌸
Severus Snape - 37 || he/him || Unknown || 🦇
Aberforth Dumbledore - 48 || he/him || Unknown || 🐐
Aurelius Dumbledore - 20 || he/him || Traumaholder || 🌪️
Newt Scamander - 35 || he/him || Unknown || 🦎
Alec Lightwood - 33 || he/him || Gatekeeper || Married to Magnus || 🏹
Magnus Bane - Unknown because he keeps saying a different one every time || he/him || Caretaker || Married to Alec || ✨
Jace Herondale - 31 || he/him || Protector || 🗡️
Isabelle Lightwood - 31 || she/her || Protector || 👠
Max Lightwood-Bane - 14 || he/him || Middle || 🫐
Rafael Lightwood-Bane - 16 || he/him || Middle || 💧
Chairman Meow - Age Unknown || he/him || Does he even have a role? He’s literally just a cat, so who knows? || 🐈‍⬛
The Fosters
Love Victor
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Death Note
Teen Titans
Dear Evan Hansen
Be More Chill
Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends
Powerpuff Girls
Ed Edd N Eddy
People who subscribe to any of the following ideas should not interact with us under any circumstances.
Pro-J.K. Rowling
Anti-Mspec Lesbian/Gay
Anti-Men/Enbies using Femme or Butch
Anti-Neo Pronouns
Anyone Under 18
Anti-Pro Ship/Anyone who can’t separate Fiction from Reality
Nonbinary Skeptic
Anti-Endogenic Systems/Sysmeds
Anti-Self Dx
Autism Speaks Supporter
Anti-BLM/All or Blue Lives Matter Supporter
Pro-Ana/Pro Mia
Using us for ‘Thinspo’
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supercodi · 2 years
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2016 my first bodybuilding show to now. 😅 - I’ve grown a lot since then. Not just physically but mentally. - When I competed in 2016 it was kind of on a whim. I had been a CrossFitter up until I got into bodybuilding in February of 2016 after my hysterectomy recovery. I competed in October of 2016. Needless to say, I gave it everything I had, but I didn’t exactly know what I was doing. 😂 - There is a lot of thought and preparation that goes into a bodybuilding prep, but my game plan then was to just get a lean as I could and I would figure out the rest as I went. - Figuring it out as I went meant I made it a lot harder on myself than I needed it to be…and it left me trying to figure out a posing routine by watching YouTube in my hotel room the night before the show. 😂 it was like I was cramming for a math test the night before expecting to get an A 😬 - The final product: I was lean, but flat and not exactly shredded. My posing had me looking as awkward as a new born baby deer trying to walk. 🦌 - Although I gave it my all and did my best, I could have had a much better result had I planned better and hired a prep coach. I was basically just cheap and ignorant and figured I could do it all myself just fine. HAHA. - If you are planning to compete: don’t just wing it! It is way too much work to show up on stage not looking great or optimal. Hire a coach! Let them take the guesswork out for you and guide you. - Competition checklist: ✅Make sure you have a solid foundation of muscle first. Don’t expect to compete after lifting for 6 months. This shit takes time and you don’t want to get on stage looking like a skinny bitch. ✅ Discipline/Structure: Are you able to be incredibly structured day after day to the point where people think you are insane? Prep requires obsessive tendencies. Yes this can be mentally taxing but it is an extreme sport. This is not healthy but it is non negotiable. - ✅ Finances: Competing can be expensive. Do you have enough to: hire a coach? Entry fee? Tanning fees? Food? Supplements? BE PREPARED! - Bodybuilding can sometimes push you to your max, but those moments help you grow. Not just in bodybuilding but in life 💪 - #bodybuilding https://www.instagram.com/p/CokpOUAvp6d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fictionkinfessions · 9 months
To the Chloe that's been around (Nathan you'll get another ask), I totally didn't expect to an answer. We've been separated from other you's (kin or otherwise) a lot. It's hard to find spaces with people like us, but I promise we're out there. My host and I have been joining some discord servers trying to find people, but we have a blog if you really want to try to find us, but I understand why you wouldn't want to. I think about you all the time, too. Every second of everyday. We've collected so much stuff from our source, even your necklace. It makes me feel closer to it all, to you. Of course we're still partners in time, and in crime. Time, space nor distance could change how I love you. You've always mattered so much to me. - Max fictive (I've seen some people use emojis? Mine would be 🦌🌿📷)
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findroleplay · 2 years
hey hey!! 20+ looking for other 20+ writers for a red dead redemption 2 plot. i’m specifically looking to write arthur morgan against your charles smith because i just played through the story for my second time and now i’m sad again.
i’d like to set this maybe around the time the gang is at clemons point or shady belle, before arthur starts to get too sick. expect a lot of sap from me, because my favorite thing about them is the potential for the softest, sweetest fluff i can conjure. i just love that they both are kind of stuck in the same boat. the gang always relegate them to being these tanks/work horses, but they both understand that they’re more than that, or at the very least want to be more than that. despite their outlaw ways, they both have this moral compass that makes them want what’s good. they want to do what’s right, by their family and by themselves. they’re these wanted criminals, but they take time out of their day to take their nephew on fishing trips and show respect to the animals they’re hunting. i just love them. this is my charthur pitch for the uninitiated, they just warm my heart so much. how am i supposed to restrain myself from saying hi to charles every time i step onto camp and stopping in my tracks to watch him shove micah to the ground? he is the love of my arthur’s life. maybe they actually get the chance to get out, leave this life behind them and settle in some canadian homestead together. arthur doesn’t have to spend the lowest point in his life alone. i keep rambling, but hopefully some of my vague ideas got across lol.
for roleplay logistics, i’m a literate to novella writer. sometimes i can write 300 words max, and others i’m well over 500. a lot of that depends on the partner i’m writing with tbh, so i usually just try to match. my timzone is cst, and i mention that because i have a pretty chaotic schedule. not strict on activity for that reason, but if you’re going to be gone for a long stretch of time just lmk. i’m not going to be upset, i just like to know when i’m ghosted lol. obviously i’m really chatty, so please try and meet me there. i love plotting and swapping headcanons and sharing funny game stories, so don’t be shy. i don’t bite. lastly, i roleplay exclusively on discord, so react to this post and i’ll reach out when i can!! 🦌💛
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scrvivorisms · 3 months
I've got a record player that was made in 2014
Dyed my hair blue, it came out a seasick sort of green
I like vintage dresses when they fall just below my knees
I pretend I scraped them climbing in the trees
Sometimes, I think all I'm ever doing is (Trees)
Trying to convince myself I'm alive (Trees)
Sometimes, I think all I'm ever doing is (Trees)
Trying to convince myself I'm alive (Trees)
I need a dictionary
Someone look me up and define me
Please remind me who I'm supposed to be around you
So you will do what I want you to
I'm always winning the wrong game
I don't remember my real name
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applesaucesims · 3 years
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The Disney Movie Legacy Challenge
Today I present to you a Sims 4 legacy challenge with up to 58 (and counting) generations. You can pick ‘n’ choose them, play them in order, skip generations or switch them around however you like. But I recommend a short life span if you plan to play them all.
This challenge is based on the entire filmography of the Disney Animation Studios series. I would have just called it the Disney challenge, but that might cause confusion with the Disney Princess challenge.
You should always check the next generation you’ll be playing before you’re playing it. Because this challenge is designed to not necessarily be in order, things like “number of siblings” are always mentioned in the generation itself rather than the previous one.
Without further ado, the long list of generations will be under the cut:
Pack specific requirements are in bold. If a generation is essentially unplayable or loses its main aspects without certain packs, this is also marked in italics next to the movie title.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 🍎
Must have seven children (Dwarfs) with the same sim
At least six of the children (not including the heir) must have at least one trait each corresponding to the dwarfs (Genius for Doc, Mean for Grumpy, Lazy for Sleepy, Cheerful for Happy, Loner for Bashful, Squeamish or any other negative trait for Sneezy, Clumsy for Dopey)
Each child must achieve something before their teenage years (reach level 5 in a toddler skill, reach level 3 in all toddler skills, complete their childhood aspiration, get an A in school, good character values, etc.)
Pinocchio 🦗
Grow up with a favourite pet or toy (Jiminy Cricket)
Run away from home younger than YA and move in with strangers and no known sims
complete the Joke Star aspiration and join the Entertainer career (Comedy)
Only allowed to go out for work, no school, otherwise no contact to the outside world, not even family
Develop at least one “bad habit” (e.g. drinking, gambling, etc.) while locked away
Return to family and quit job after finishing the aspiration
After that, earn your money through woodworking
Fantasia 🧙‍♂️
Must have the Music Lover and Creative trait
Finish Musical Genius aspiration
Max the Violin skill
Maintain a garden
Study Fine Arts at university
Become a spellcaster but don’t become very advanced
Dumbo 🐘
Have no contact to parents as a child until right before reaching teenhood
Never learn to talk as a toddler
Have a bff (Timothy) but no other friends outside the family
Become a three star celebrity
Bambi 🦌
One parent dies while Bambi is a child
Have three close friends from a young age (Thumper, Flower and Faline)
Must later date one of the friends (Faline)
At teen stage, gain enemy (Ronno) out of jealousy after they flirted with “Faline”
Have at least two children
Saludos Amigos / The Three Caballeros 🦆
Max the Dancing skill and at least acquire the Guitar skill
Complete the post card collection
Complete the Serial Romantic aspiration
Travel to Selvadorada at least once
Make Mine Music 🐋
Must have the active trait
Max the Piano and Singing skills
Break up with first relationship but end up together again later in life, after having had at least one other relationship
The love interest must have a bad relationship with your parents
Fun and Fancy Free / Melody Time 🌱
Must have the Gloomy and Loves Outdoors traits
Visit Granite Falls at least once
Leave life behind and move to an empty lot with low funds
Grow a garden of apple trees and own a bee box
Make money by gardening / farming
Learn the (Ice) Skating hidden skill (you can’t tell what level you are, so just check if they seem to be good at it)
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad 🎃
Must have the Non-Committal and Paranoid traits
Work in the Education career (Administrator branch)
Date a rich sim (Katrina) who also has romance with another sim (Brom)
“Katrina” must eventually leave you for “Brom”
Must die before becoming an elder
Cinderella 👠
One parent must remarry, gain at least one step-sibling
Must have the Neat and Foodie traits
Do all of the household chores (cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.)
Only go to school after finishing your chores, otherwise never leave the home lot
Have a bad relationship with the step-parent and step-siblings
Without the step-parent knowing (e.g. because they died, they went away for work, etc.) go to a party where you meet “Prince Charming”, with whom you can finally leave the house
Alice in Wonderland 🐇
Must have the Erratic and Loves the Outdoors traits
Complete the Social Butterfly child aspiration
If you find food somewhere, you must eat it (of course only one serving if it’s group meal)
Have a tea brewer and drink tea regularly
Plant a rose garden
Have an enemy that is at least one life stage older (Queen of Hearts)
Peter Pan 🧚‍♀️
Must have the Childish and Jealous traits
Own the pirate ship jungle gym and play on it a lot as a child
Become friends with at least one mermaid
Have at least 10 friends (Lost Boys)
Never get married or settle down with someone
Lady and the Tramp 🍝 (Cats & Dogs)
Adopt one female dog (Lady) as a puppy (at the PC) and when she is an adult, also adopt an adult male stray dog (Tramp), and let them have four puppies
Have a baby before adopting the second dog
Become friends with a cat owner (Aunt Sarah)
Sleeping Beauty 😴
Must have the Lazy trait
May only have 3 or less friends (animals can be additional)
Must meet “Prince Phillip” at night while parents are asleep, build romance but do not date yet
Meet him again on a separate occasion and get married soon after
One Hundred and One Dalmatians 🐶 (Cats & Dogs)
Start out in a relatively small home
Max the piano skill
Earn money by publishing songs
Own a Dalmatian and fall in love with the owner of another Dalmatian
Fill the entire rest of the household with their puppies
Only move into a bigger house once the entire household is full
The Sword in the Stone 🗡 (Realm of Magic)
Be an orphan by child age
Become friends with an older person (Merlin) who must be an experienced spellcaster (can be cheated) and move in with them
“Merlin” must always help with homework, school projects and character values
“Merlin” must duel another spellcaster (Madam Mim) and win
The Jungle Book 🐅
Leave your family as a child to live in nature (new lot) with a foster family
Must have the Loves Outdoors, Dance Machine and Lazy traits
Be best friends with a lazy sim (Baloo)
Have two enemies (Kaa and Shere Khan) and win in a fight against one of them (Shere Khan)
Only move back to parents after finding love
The Aristocats 🐈
Must be a Cat Lover, Music Lover and Art Lover
Have a love interest (O’Malley) but never marry (if possible, deny their proposal)
Have three children (Berlioz, Marie, Toulouse)
Adopt at least one stray cat
Listen to music every day
Robin Hood 🏹
Must have Self-Assured and Kleptomaniac traits
Must join the Criminal career
Steal money from sims but give money to other sims
Get Together: Have a club with Swipe Objects, Be Mischievous and Be Friendly activities
Get married to childhood friend (Maid Marian)
Be enemies with a Childish and Materialistic sim (Prince John)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 🍯
Must have the Lazy and Glutton traits
Complete the Social Butterfly and Friend of the World aspirations
Stay friends for life with your childhood friends
Seasons: Farm honey from a bee box
The Rescuers 🐭
Complete Secret Agent Career (Diamond Agent)
Must have the Ambitious trait
Fall in love with a colleague (Bernard)
Must find a diamond
The Fox and the Hound 🦊
Be best friends with the neighbour kid since childhood (Copper)
Become enemies with them when becoming young adults
Move into a different neighbourhood and find love there (Vixey)
Make up with “Copper” when seeing them again (e.g. when they’re walking around the neighbourhood)
The Black Cauldron 👿 (Paranormal)
Start out on a farm
Must have a dog (Gurgi) and somehow revive it when it dies
Paranormal: Max the Medium skill (instead of Hen Wen) and become a Paranormal Investigator
Meet love interest (Eilonwy) while at a haunted house (or any scary place, like a graveyard)
The Great Mouse Detective 🔍 (Get to Work)
Must have the Genius trait
Reach level 5 of the Detective career
Live with your best friend who is a Doctor or in the Military (Dawson)
Adopt a Basset Hound (Toby)
Must have an enemy for life and fight them at least once per life stage
Oliver & Company 🐱
Must be an orphan and live “on the streets” (low funds, empty lot)
Must have the Slob trait (to rummage through bins)
Become friends with other “strays” you see walking around
Eventually be “adopted” into a wealthy household with a butler
The Little Mermaid 🧜‍♀️ (Island Living)
Must be a mermaid but eventually become human
Complete the Soulmate aspiration
Must have the Art Lover, Romantic and Child of the Ocean traits
Collect as many collectibles as you can find and proudly display them in your house
The Rescuers Down Under 🤠
Must have a love interest colleague (Bianca)
Your marriage proposal must be interrupted somehow
You and your partner must be friends with someone (Jake) who flirts with your partner at least once
Escape death or save someone (Cody) from death
Beauty and the Beast 🥀
Must have the Bookworm trait
Your future spouse must be any occult (except for spellcaster) and you must get to know them in their occult form (alt: make them look non-human in CAS)
Your relationship must start out bad, but you move in together
May not have contact to the outside until marriage
Once you marry, your spouse becomes human
Aladdin 🧞‍♂️
Must have the Kleptomaniac trait
Parents must be dead by the time you’re a teen or YA
Start out with low funds and steal to make a living
Have a loyal pet (Abu)
Become friends with a “Genie” (can be any occult but preferably spellcaster) who helps you with their magic
Marry a rich person (Jasmine) with your genie’s help
The Lion King 🦁
Must have the Ambitious trait
Be enemies with a relative (Scar)
One of your parents must die before you are a teen
After parent’s death, live with two Slob friends (Timon and Pumbaa)
Gain the Glutton trait as you age up into a teen
Return to family after becoming a YA
Marry your childhood friend
Pocahontas 🍃
Must have the Loves Outdoors and Good traits
Fall in love with a disliked sim’s child or friend (John Smith)
Eventually ask your partner to just be friends (allowed to have kids first)
Have a pet raccoon
The Hunchback of Notre Dame 🔔
Must have the Gloomy and Good traits
Grow up with an Evil sim that isn’t your parent (Frollo)
Never have friends until YA stage
Fall in love with someone (Esmeralda) but end up just friends as they end up with someone else (Phoebus)
Start making other friends after “Frollo” dies
Hercules 🏺
Start out very skinny
Grow up without your parents, only meet them as a teen
Must complete the Bodybuilder aspiration
Your future spouse must have the Non-Committal trait (Megara)
Win at least 3 fights
“Megara” must die and be revived by you
Mulan 🐉 (Strangerville)
Must have the Athletic trait
Have at least one pet (Mushu / Khan / Cri-Kee)
Present as the opposite sex than the one assigned at birth
Complete the Military career
Gain at least one fame star (preferably through career)
Only marry after reaching the top of your career
Tarzan 🦍
Your parents must die when you are very young and you get adopted by another family
Wear the same clothes for every outfit until at least YA
Have two childhood friends (Terk and Tantor)
Max the Fitness and Fishing skills
After meeting your love interest (Jane) reach at least level 3 in Charisma, Painting and Logic
Fantasia 2000 🌋
Must live on a lot with the Volcanic Activity trait
Max the Piano and Violin skill
Become a spellcaster but don’t become very advanced
Have a male and female pet of the same kind
Dinosaur 🦕
Be adopted by a single parent (Plio), their parent (Yar) and their child (Suri), after your parents are killed
When you become a YA, your family loses all money and belongings
Live in a “camp” with your family and some friends and try to survive without money
Fall in love with one of the friends (Neera) and have more than one child
The Emperor’s New Groove 🦙
Must have Self-Absorbed trait (alt: Snob) and live in a big mansion
Be turned into a vampire by a friend who betrays you (Yzma) (alt: be turned into a plant sim)
Must move into a small house with a disliked sim but slowly become friends
Only be turned human and move back to your mansion after fighting “Yzma”
Atlantis: The Lost Empire 🌊 (Jungle Adventure)
Must have the Ambitious and Genius traits
Complete the Education career (Professor)
Max the Archaeology skill
Make it to the deepest part of the jungle
Have a friend group (club) to go explore with
Meet future spouse (Kida) in Selvadorada (while exploring)
Quit job after marriage
Lilo & Stitch 👽 (Cats & Dogs)
Have one older sibling (Nani) who raises you instead of your parents
Have a dog with an unnatural colour (Stitch) and the Troublemaker trait
Live in Sulani and own an Aqua-Zip
Have at least two alien friends (Jumba and Pleakley)
Your house must be bulldozed (allowed to put objects into household inventory) and rebuilt
Treasure Planet 🏴‍☠️
Must have the Bookworm trait
Complete the Astronaut career
Own the pirate ship jungle gym
Collect treasures (metals) and sell them
Build your house from scratch
Island Living: Own a sailboat
Brother Bear 🐻
Must have two older siblings (Denahi and Sitka)
Must watch the oldest sibling (Sitka) die
Only wear the bear costume after “Sitka” dies
Make a friend that is one life stage younger than you (and also wears a bear costume) (Koda)
Take a seven day vacation in Granite Falls (alt: any rental lot with or near a fishing spot) with your new friend and without your family
Only eat fish you caught yourself
Alternative for bear costume: Make/dress your sim bear-like in CAS
Home on the Range 🐄
Have less than 1000 but at least 100 simoleons but no job
Move out of your house until enough money is made to buy it back and build a farm
Reach at least level 7 of the Charisma skill
Win the lottery or get money from the wishing well or ask sims for loans (a combination of these is also allowed)
Only meet your future spouse after buying back your house
Chicken Little 🐔 (Get to Work)
Must have the Paranoid trait
Be unpopular with everyone except your parents and three friends (Abby, Runt, Fish)
Join the Soccer Team and win at least one game
Either get abducted by aliens or travel to Sixam and meet aliens there
Become popular and/or famous after becoming friends with an alien
Meet the Robinsons 🤖 (Get to Work)
Must have the Geek trait
Be an orphan at teen or younger
Max the Robotics skill (alt: handiness)
Complete the Scientist career
Keep resetting your age with the Potion of Youth until your child (Wilbur) is the same age as you
Bolt ⚡️ (Get Famous)
Must have the Adventurous trait
Start out in Del Sol Valley living the celebrity life with your best friend (Penny)
Must be an Actor and reach at least level 5
Leave your life and career behind and move to San Myshuno where you live a simpler life
The Princess and the Frog 🐸 (Dine Out)
Must have the Ambitious and Foodie traits
One parent must die before you reach YA
Own your own restaurant and get it to five stars
Your future spouse must have green skin but may be changed to normal after you got married (Naveen)
Tangled 👑
Be taken from your parents as a toddler and grow up with an Evil sim (Mother Gothel)
Must have long hair
Must have the Art Lover and Creative traits
Max the Painting skill and get to at least level 5 of the Guitar and Baking skills and level 3 of Fabrication and Logic skills
Never leave the house except for school
Sneak out after curfew, which must be 7 PM
Marry a sim with the Kleptomaniac trait, only then you may move out
Winnie the Pooh 🧸
(changing the heir to Eeyore because we already have a Pooh one)
Must have the Gloomy trait
Live with at least 5 friends
Each friend must give you a self-crafted present at some point (e.g. woodwork, something knitted, etc.)
Must have a bee box and farm honey from it
Must sleep in a tent
Wreck-It Ralph 👾 (Parenthood)
Must have the Geek trait
Must play video games daily
Become friends with a previously disliked sim (Felix)
Become care-dependent of a child sim (Vanellope) and help them become an A student (may move in together for this)
Frozen ❄️
DOUBLE HEIRS (Anna and Elsa)
The two siblings may never speak to each other until YA and their parents must die before this
“Anna” must have the Romantic trait, “Elsa” must have the Loner trait
After their first conversation, “Elsa” must be mean to “Anna” and run away from home (move to Mt. Komorebi, Yukimatsu neighbourhood)
“Anna” must be in a relationship with an Evil sim (Hans) while “Elsa” is away (break up after making up with “Elsa” and becoming best friends)
“Anna” marries someone else she is already friends with (Kristoff) and “Elsa” may never marry
RoM: “Elsa” should be an untamed spellcaster and use the chillio spell on “Anna” once but help unfreeze her again
Big Hero 6 🦸‍♂️ (University)
Must live in San Myshuno
Must have an older sibling who dies shorty after you become a teen
graduate early
Must have the Genius trait
Master the Robotics skill
Study Computer Science at university and be friends with five fellow students (can be roommates)
Build a Servo (Baymax)
Zootopia 🐰 (Get to Work)
Move to a small apartment in a city area
Reach level 3 of the Detective career but become friends with a criminal (Nick)
Quit your job after ruining your relationship with “Nick”
Move back in with your parents but, after reconciling with your friend, return to the city
Win a fight against your former boss and join the Detective career again, this time together with your “Nick”
Moana 🌺 (Island Living)
Must have the Child of the Islands trait
Complete the Beach Life aspiration
Live in Sulani on a lot with the Island Spirits trait
Own a Sailboat
Clean up Sulani
Ralph Breaks the Internet 🌐 (Get Famous / City Living)
Reach level 7 of the Social Media career (Internet Personality branch)
Max the Media Production skill by using the video station
Have a best friend (Vanellope) live with you, but as soon as you reach level 7 of your career, they move out and you may only talk with them by phone
Frozen II 🍂 (Jungle Adventure)
Must have one sibling (Elsa)
Travel to Selvadorada together
“Elsa” leaves you behind to explore the jungle by herself but dies
Max the Selvadoradian Culture skill
Revive your sibling once the skill is maxed out
To be continued...
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avillicit · 3 years
🦌 anon is back with more.
i dont think i’d push you to the point of immobility, because i do so love to see you wandering around on wobbly legs with your enormous belly. it makes me proud, and makes me even more likely to come up to you and worship your belly or the treasure between your legs.
i do, though, want to make you as full as possible before you get there. maybe i’ll even keep very careful track- with my cock shoved deep inside you, one by one dropping my eggs into your womb as you clench around me and moan, maybe i’ll have a sharpie and be tallying them on the lower half of your belly. very small marks, so small that you might not even notice them for a while. after all, you were very distracted when i gave them to you.
and then when you push some of them back out? well, i’ll keep track of those too. as soon as you’ve pushed out enough to take another clutch, i fill you back up. i want you at your max, all the time.
after a while, who knows. carrying all that weight might make your legs stronger, and then? maybe you can stretch your boundaries even further. i’d love to find out.
then maybe i'll make a point to try and stay busy while i'm incubating your eggs~. as much as i huff and complain about how heavy my belly is, i feel so fucking good waddling around like this. the pressure on my hips reminds me, constantly, of how much you've filled me, of how impossibly pregnant i am. i'll be panting with every step, both hands on my back to try and support my overtaxed womb, moving ever-so-slowly from all that extra weight.
and you're so good to your broodslut, always eager to run your hands over my enormous belly and feel the eggs packed within, or to help me with the constant need that i'm too massive to satisfy by myself. i can tell how pleased you are with what you've done to me, and knowing that is almost as much of a turn-on as the pregnancy itself. i'm aroused all the time, so drippy and desperate, but luckily you're there to take care of me.
and you're absolutely right that i won't notice the tally marks for awhile--after all, i can't even see the lower part of my belly! i'll probably only realize they're there when i waddle to a mirror to admire my overly-gravid form. gods, it'll make me so wet to see the dozens of little marks adorning my stomach. one by one, i'll count them--i was delirious by the time you finished filling me, and i guess i didn't realize just how many eggs you put in me. it'll give me a whole new understanding of how fucking full my womb is.
of course, at some point those eggs won't be able to stay inside me. not all of them anyway. they're probably already pressing down on my cervix, my body begging me to give birth. eventually i'll have no choice but to give in. i'll moan and whine as i push out your eggs, and you'll watch me, counting every single one as it emerges from my poor little hole. maybe you'll rub my contracting belly and praise me for being such a good boy, doing such a good job birthing your eggs.
when i'm done, i'll almost feel... empty? i'll be far from it, with so many of your clutches still nestled snugly in my womb, but the newly-empty spaces need to be filled. i'm almost aching from the urge to feel my womb packed to its absolute limits. i'll massage my still-huge belly, silently begging you to give me more. if you like me at my maximum, i want to always be that big for you.
you'll grab my wide hips and shove your ovipositor into my boypussy, stretched-out and sensitive from pushing out all those eggs. they'll pop past my battered cervix one after another, and i'll whine happily, so relieved to know you're going to make me full again.
and if after being kept at my max size for a long time, we find that i've grown strong enough to take even more eggs? well... i might protest a bit as i feel my belly swell further than it's ever been, but i'm sure you'll help me learn to love it.
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bambis-baby · 3 years
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I posted 239 times in 2021
4 posts created (2%)
235 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 58.8 posts.
I added 40 tags in 2021
#pretty peoples arty art - 28 posts
#spooky and motivation - 2 posts
#🦌👶 - 2 posts
#asks - 2 posts
#pulling out pens or bottle caps or things he finds under the couch that have been there for years - 1 posts
#not too shabby - 1 posts
#❤😈 - 1 posts
#spicy - 1 posts
#i try not to but im always thinking it - 1 posts
#it's my birthday tomorrow and my dad doesn't remember and i'm intentionally not telling him to figure out how long it takes him to realize - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#it's my birthday tomorrow and my dad doesn't remember and i'm intentionally not telling him to figure out how long it takes him to realize
My Top Posts in 2021
But this... this is the mobile app..
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0 notes • Posted 2021-12-08 10:33:02 GMT
28! ✨
Welcome to the Jungle by Guns 'n Roses! 🌻💕🎶
I never ever get asks for these sort of things so you've absolutely just made my day
0 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 10:49:51 GMT
I'm just watching Age of Ultron with my family and woah, Jo** Whe**n really does have a thing for the 'male character falls and lands in female characters bust' trope, huh?
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0 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 11:23:24 GMT
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifs (anonymously if you want). You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity ♡
Oh my gosh, I never ever get messages. It must be my lucky day.
5 things? I don't know five things. I can barely think of two things. But for you, kind anon, I will try.
It's gotta be my dog, Max. He's three years old, and American Staffy, and the only reason I get out of bed in the mornings
I love writing. Mostly fanfic because it's so versatile but I've got a few of my own original works that I've done for class and stuff with my own characters that I'm pretty pleased with
Books! Reading! My new year's resolution was to read one chapter a day, and I've done pretty well. I've dropped off a bit towards the end of the year because I've got a lot of books to read for my class, but I just love that I've gotten back into reading!!
Dungeons and Dragons. I haven't actually played, but I've got the core rule books and heaps of dice and lots of characters, so all I need is a group to play with and I'll be set
Lollies and sweets. I have a huge sweet tooth. Chocolate, cheesecake, caramel, vanilla slice, jelly slice, red velvet cake, sticky date pudding, you name it
Thanks, anon! This made my day x
1 notes • Posted 2021-11-07 01:59:59 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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An unforgettable Safari trip at Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro crater. This is a unique experience when you travel in Tanzania. But how to do it? Which itinerary? With which agency? All these questions, we faced them and were struggling to find the answers. Especially because a safari trip represents such a budget that you want to do it right. For us, it was clear from the start that we wanted to start the Safari trip from Mwanza to finish at Arusha. We wanted to avoid the main crowd which start and finish the Safari trip at Arusha, leaving out the west part of Serengeti Park. Another key choice to make is how long you wish your safari to last? Because the distance are huge and we didn't want to rush, we settled on 3 days/2 nights. Knowing this, I asked quotations from four companies to compare the offers, the prices, and the suggested accommodations. Instantly, the choice was a no brainer, we decided to go with @Nature's Land Safaris. From all the exchanges by emails, with their patience to answer all our questions, to their willingness to satisfy and reassure us on the wishes that we had, we felt well taking care of. And this was confirmed throughout all our experience with this agency. We met a day prior to the Safari trip and were able to meet with our guide. Spending some time prior is absolutely something to consider so he or she can know more about your expectations, what you wish to see during the trip, which animals are you favorite, etc. You will spend 3 full days with your guide, so making sure that you feel comfortable with this person is essential. We were really lucky that Innocent, our guide, was really professional, experienced, attentive and patient to answer our million questions on each animals!🤭👍
In terms of schedule, here what we did:
- Day 1: departure from hotel at Mwanza at 4.30 am, arrival at the west gate of Serengeti at 7 am, game drive all day on west part of the park with a lunch break (with lunch boxes) in the wild, and check in at hotel in central part of park at 5 pm.
- Day 2: departure after breakfast at 7 am, game drive all day at the central and south parts of the park with a lunch break at your own time, check in at hotel in Ngorongoro crater at 6 pm.
- Day 3: departure after breakfast at 7 am, game drive all day within the crater with a lunch break at your own time, then 3 hours drive to Arusha, arrival around 6 pm.
In terms of accommodation within the park, your agency will offer you some suggestions of hotel according to your budget and expectations, but you can choose your own if you prefer. We had amazing hotels both nights: Mbagaleti Luxury Camp in Serengeti and Serena Ngorongoro in the crater. First one in Serengeti was our absolute best!💚
In terms of budget, this trip will cost you, it is a big extra for sure but if you do it, you have to do it right so you have the full experience. And you have to know that there are many costs that are fixed and mandatory, such as for our 3-day trip for 2 people: Entry/Concession Fees for Serengeti Park 734$ + Crater Fees 295$. However the items that you can negotiate are: Transport (including driver, gas and taxes) from 1150$ to 1500$ and your accommodations. On average, it will cost you all included around 1500$. Small recommendation: if you can, negotiate to be alone in the car. For us, we wanted a private car so we can do the trip according to our wants and needs. Otherwise, you will share the car with other tourists (up to 6-7 max in the car).
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In conclusion, choosing the right agency is key for a successful trip. Thank you a million to the whole team of @Nature's Land Safaris which made a dream come true and memories that we will never forget!🤩🐒🦁🦓🦏🦒🦌🐘🐗🐆🐊🐔🦅🦛💛
More information on their website➡️https://natureslandsafaris.com/
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scrvivorisms · 11 months
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And They Shall Tell Tales..
ACOTAR/ Life Is Strange Crossover
A verse which follows the Canon events of Both Life is Strange: Before The Storm & Life is Strange.
Life is Strange: Before the Storm focuses on the lives of Chloe Price and her lover Rachel Amber both of which are faced with significant trial in their coming of age. One with the loss of a former life, the other missing their mother, craving their fathers truth.
Life Is Strange focuses on the lives of Chloe Price and Maxine Caulfield as well as the fate of the town when one party discovers their ability to control the very fabric of time.
Perhaps one of the older villages dotting the Wall, Arcadia Bay itself was fraught with strange goings on, that of magic and Fae invading their home. Several human souls within would find themselves decidedly blessed or cursed with great powers that would set off a series of events that placed this settlements existence in the very balance.
0 notes
scrvivorisms · 3 months
"I could not prevent it" is really sounding like "This action will have consequences" as I rewatch this episode. Except it wasn't a literal storm it was Lestat who was the storm.
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