#out of pocket but its already been said and i cant take it back and asgdgdfhfjg
afternines · 1 year
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kyutushi · 8 months
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❥🝮𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 ; 𝐩𝟏
`ఌ𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝!𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐤 𝐱 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
❦ꨄ𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬; 𝐬𝐟𝐰, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥 (𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐤) 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐬 (𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥), 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐭/𝐟𝐨𝐱 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥
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the evening sky hung low over the city, casting elongated shadows as the city lights began their nightly glow. amongst the bustling streets and towering buildings, one named y/n found themself on a peculiar journey, one they never anticipated.
y/n was that of grace and elegance, their demeanor as poised as their steps were deliberate. of course being someone on their way to topple the ranks it was quite easy to navigate the pride ring with no threat. they had a curiosity that often led them into unexpected adventures. tonight was no different.
a peculiar flyer caught their eye, its bold letters declaring: "hazbin hotel: where every demon deserves a second chance." intrigued, y/n tucked the flyer into their pocket, the image of a grand hotel etched into their mind.
days passed, and the memory of the flyer lingered. y/ns curiosity gnawed at them until they found theirself standing before the grand entrance of the hotel. Its imposing structure loomed before them, shrouded in an eerie glow that seemed to beckon them closer.
they looked up at the red sky, heart beat quickening. what should they expect once these doors open? y/n knocked on the door, once.. twice.. thrice.. when suddenly the door was opened. there stood hells princess, charlie morningstar. her face lit up instantly, gleaming with pride, “are you.. A NEW GUEST?” she asked enthusiastically, taking y/ns had roughly and shaking it, pulling them into the hotel. the lobby was opulent, adorned with velvet drapes and flickering candles that cast dancing shadows upon the walls.
“well, i had happened to come across a flyer and i was intrigued.. how exactly does this work do tell?” y/n murmured, bringing a finger to their lips. charlie sweat dropped before bringing up a hand to speak, “actually— umm i haven’t figured that out yet! but trust me when i say it can definitely happen!” she tried to persuade you.
“i see.. care to show me around, princess?” she nodded enthusiastically and pulled you around showing you everything about the hotel.
“AND this is the barrrr and the bartender..!” she pointed at everything there was to see. the rugged man at the bar spared a quick glance and mumbled something before doing a double take. his eyes widened in shock as he turned towards you, “n/n..?” it was then when y/n saw him, husk, their husband. y/n’s breath caught in their throat as recognition dawned upon them. it really is him.
“..husk? what are you- what happened-“ y/n rushed over, ignoring charlie’s questioning, “what the fuck are you doing here?? you disappeared and never said anything—“ y/n took his hands (paws?) into theirs. “i’m sorry doll.. i- alastor came back.” he mumbled, trying to keep anyone from overhearing. after all, the walls have ears.
y/n frowned, “i told you this already, give me the word and i’ll get you out of this damned deal! i can’t bear to see you working yourself away for this sicko.”
“no- i cant let you, who knows what the hell he’s got up his sleeve. he tricked me and i cant let him do the same thing to you. what are you even doing here- if he sees you-“ and as if things could be worse a shadow appeared from behind y/n, manifesting. alastor came out of nowhere, “ahh what a lovely reunion! right husker!” his cheery voice rang.
husk only mumbled, growling under his breath as he tried to avoid eye contact. he took a glass and began to clean it as he watched the scene, mainly keeping his eyes on y/n. y/n looked away from husk and glared at alastor. “you fucker, why are you back? it’s been SEVEN years.” their eyes flickering slightly, turning a slightly different color. y/ns power was mysterious and even alastor himself had no idea what they could do, so all he can do himself is antagonize. he only smiled wider, “good to see you too darling!”
as both y/n and alastor argued chatted away, angel made his way towards the bar, “ehhh soo you know fluffy tits right there?” he sat down right in front of husk. “they’re my partner..” he mumbled, “never thought i’d see them again.” glancing over to see you holding back a punch towards alastor. “those two never got along.” he chuckled slightly while reminiscing. angel chuckled too, “they looks fiery, i’d love to see her stick it to alastor.” he looked over at y/n and alastor again, y/ns fluffy ears close to their head as they held alastor by his collar. “hah! yeah i can say they’ve kicked my ass a few times..” husk looked at you and smiled lovingly.
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𝐚/𝐧; 𝐢𝐦 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐰 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐞 ,, 𝐢𝐟 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐦𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 ❤️
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mrsharrington83 · 6 months
Idiots in Love
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REQUESTED – My asks are open if you have a request ^_^
Summary; (For the sake of this fic, Steve and Nancy never happened) Steve and reader being dumb and having moments of being iconic together. Since everyone knows that Steve isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, maybe he just needs another person to be as dumb as him or maybe he just needs someone else to match him mentally.
Words; 3.4k
warnings; swearing, usual stranger things, things, slight mention of drug use, blood and injury. not proof read.
A/N; thank you for all the requests! I apologise for taking so long getting through them all. i cant write a 0.5k-1.0k fic for the life of me at the minute! Its 2am for me now, but i really wanted to get this out!
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Dustin said Steve was an idiot because he had too much hair on top of his head which left too much room for air. For you, Dustin said it was because you’d been around Steve for far too long.
Hawkins, Indiana, 1983.
School was a bore, you tried your hardest and whilst you did ace some classes, you also completely failed in others. Picking up extra tuition and getting help from anyone who would give it to you was a struggle. You didn’t like asking for help, it made you feel dumb, but more than that, it made you feel useless. Why did you struggle so much in certain classes and not in others?
You honestly thought it was from a fall you had as a child when you were learning how to ride a bike. Your father had stupidly taken off your stabiliser wheels and let you go on the hill of your childhood garden, right into a tree. Whilst you were fine overall, you did end up with a nasty bump on your head.
Not only were you not that smart academically, but you were also very accident-prone, which is how you met Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington. You weren’t the most popular person in school, you had a small group of friends and that was enough for you. You didn’t want to be known by everyone. As you walked down the busy hall to your locker, hardly taking in your surroundings and paying attention, you slammed into someone’s back. Your extra tuition books and folders fell to the floor,
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going!” The person you slammed into turned around, Steve Harrington, one of the most popular, sought for guys in school looking down at you, “I- I” you stuttered and he smiled, placing his sunglasses on the top of his head, he always found your first meeting adorable, it was something the party had heard several times and not got bored of hearing it. The nervousness in your eyes, the way you pushed some of your hair back behind your ear. The way you bent down to get your books, just as he was doing the same. Your heads collided and bounced off each other, his glasses joining your books on the floor, thankfully not broken,
“Shit! Sorry!” It was Steve’s turn to apologise as he slipped his discarded glasses into his pocket and pulled all of your books and folders into his arms, standing quickly so as not to embarrass himself further, “are you okay?” you just laughed and nodded, taking the books from his arms as you thanked him. That was the start of yours twos budding romance.
Hawkins, Indiana, October, 1984
It was a constant source of amusement for the party, they couldn’t believe some of the stuff you and Steve came out with half the time and how you were both so in sync,
“Maybe if we set this on fire,” Mike stated as he looked toward all the drawings on the floor,
“Oh, yeah. That’s a no.” Steve bites back, shaking his head, throwing a tea towel over his shoulder as he leaned on one foot, hand on his hip,
“A double no at that,” you called back to scrambling kids who were already gathering supplies and pointing at drawings on the floor,
“The mind flayer would call away his army,”
“They’d all come to stop us,”
“We circle back to the exit,”
“Guys.” Steve interrupted the party as they carried on talking between themselves, rushing around, completely ignoring the two older people in the house,
“By the time they realise we’re gone-“
“El would be at the gate,”
“HEY, HEY, HEY, this is not happening!” You and Steve bellowed over the party as they stopped to look at the both of you, your arms falling around as Steve grabbed the tea towel from his shoulder, whipping the air,
“Do you two share the same brain cell?” Dustin looked towards you both,
“No!” you both shouted in unison again, looking towards each other before laughing, the kids joining you.
They were all ecstatic when they found out you were both dating, though they did have to push you both in the right direction, this whole thing was an unlikely friendship between people. The only reason you were involved with Dustin and his friends was because you babysat him whilst his mum was at work, this caused you to get involved with the disappearance of Will last year and in turn, with you being close to Steve. He was brought into the mix also.
It was so obvious to others, how you both felt about each other, but it wasn’t for you and Steve. After some coxing and words of wisdom from the younger party, as you called it. You and Steve were finally an item, though they didn’t find out until months later when Steve let it slip,
“Dustin, stop picking on my girlfriend, would you?” Steve looked up from his plate of food as he moved bacon around with his fork, leaning back against the dining room chair as he stretched,
“But she just- wait? What... girlfriend?” Dustin looked back and forth between you both, the pair of you looking confused, “you’re meant to tell us!” Steve carried on moving food around his plate as you took a bite of toast leaning against the counter,
“Tell you what?” you asked wiping the crumbs off your hands onto a discarded tea towel,
“Have you been listening to any of this conversation?!” Dustin questioned, “That you’re together! I can’t believe this! How long have you two been a thing?! Wait until the others find out about this!” You picked up your plate with half a slice of toast left and took a seat opposite Steve as Dustin still stood shocked, playing with his walkie,
Steve finished up his food and stood up to put his plate in the sink, he looked at the calendar furrowing his brows slightly at the small writing, “Like seven months? Right?” he looked back at you as you nodded, your mouth full of toast.
Dustin once again stood dumbfounded, his mouth visibly agape as he pressed a button on his walkie, “you are not going to believe this, guys.”
Hawkins, Indiana, June 1985
“Oh, this is ridiculous.” You smoothed out part of your Scoops uniform that was now creased and bloody from your split lip and Steve’s as he was continuously hunching over you in a Russian loading car trying to gather his senses and not be knocked from pillar to post by Dustin’s driving up front, laughter bubbling in your throat, the situation was anything, but funny. All three of you (Steve, Y/N, and Robin) had been interrogated to the max, but once they found out there was a tie between you and Steve, they took advantage of that.
“Who do you work for?” the guard got down into your face once more, holding the arms of the chair you were tied to, his eyes glaring into your own,
“How many times do I have to tell you I work for Scoops Ahoy? I scoop ice cream for a living!” you cried out as you earned another slap across your already throbbing jaw. Steve was tied up behind you already passed out, they’d done a number on him and all you wanted to do was get out of this place and tend to his injuries, he didn’t deserve any of this. Robin was tied to the corner of the room having to witness her two new best friends being treated like this.
The Russian guard got in your face once more, “it looks like your friend here needs a doctor. Just as well we have the very best.” A smirk across his face made you see red, and without thinking you spat at him. A slight tinge of blood from your split lip was dripping down your chin, staining the collar of your uniform, “you’re going to regret that little one.” With that he muttered something else in Russian before leaving the room with the other guards, leaving you three on your own once more, but not without Robin calling them all bastards and yelling to let you all out of there.
“Steve?” you called gently as Robin tried to manoeuvre her arms from her binds to no avail. Unlike you two, she was tied to a bench so she couldn’t do much whilst she was bound up. Steve started to stir, pain evident in the way he groaned, “oh thank god... are you okay?” you asked quietly not wanting to be too loud,
“Ears are ringing, I can barely breathe and, my eye feels like it’s about to pop out of my skull, but apart from that I’m doing pretty good.” His voice was laced with pain and sarcasm.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as you came to an abrupt end, all three of you hitting already pained parts of your body as Dustin crashed into something,
“You guys alright back there?” Dustin asked as he looked to Erica with a slight shrug, “They’re fine, come on. Let’s go.” Dustin hurried out and opened the back of the loading car, hurrying you all out. Time was of the essence after all. This definitely made him think about how he acted sometimes, it was a handful and the fact you and Steve cared for him and all of his friends ample times made him furrow his brow slightly, not that he would change after they got out of this mess, he had an excuse, he was still younger than you.
 “Guys! Come on!” Dustin bellowed as he huffed in annoyance, slapping his wrist, and ushering everyone into the elevator.
“Oh my god! A skateboard!” you screamed out in joy, jumping on a red platform truck as Dustin got to work pressing buttons and hoping for the best, once the elevator started to move, you started to struggle. Steve grabbed hold of the platform truck to stop it from moving too much,
“It looks like you're surfing!” Robin pointed at you as Dustin and Erica glanced at each other quite clearly done with your shit.
“They look drunk,” Erica stated, all of you now splayed on the floor talking about food, “why are they drunk, or drugged?” she questioned as Dustin felt Steve’s forehead,
“He’s burning up,” Dustin spoke to Erica alarmed,
“You’re burning up” Steve bit back, trying to push Dustin away with his hand whilst you and Robin laughed at the ceiling,
 “Eyes are bloodshot, pupils dilated, Steve,” Dustin pat his cheek lightly, “are you drugged?”
“How many times, Dad? I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana.” Steve poked Dustin’s cheek and started laughing again as you and Robin shot up,
“you have marijuana?!” you crawled over to Steve and laid next to him, “gimme!” more laughs erupted from the three of you as Dustin and Erica watched on, wondering what the hell they were going to do to get you all out of this mess in one piece.
Getting you all back to the mall safely was a lot harder than Dustin could have imagined, Robin was picking at her uniform whilst tripping up over thin air whilst you and Steve were trailing behind humming and drumming the air to Simple Minds- Don’t You (Forget About Me) a song that had been on the radio continuously for the past month- a song Dustin thought you were both getting annoyed with as it came on the radio hours before you were in this mess and you were both scrambling with the radio to turn it off with rushed words of, fuck sake, turn it off, not this again, if I hear this song one more time I swear,
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
“Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.”
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
Keeping you all hidden from the Russians was a lot harder than it could have been, with you three wanting food, and then trying to separate to find food, Dustin thought of a quick solution and got you all into the movie theatre but not before Steve reached into the bin to pull out a bag of discarded popcorn,
“You three sit.” Dustin pointed at the three vacant chairs as you all complained about being too close, and how the seats sucked. “Well then don’t watch the movie!”
“But we want to watch the movie!” Robin exclaimed as other people around you started to get agitated,
“Then watch it!” Dustin apologised to other people trying to shush you all, changing his tone to a hushed annoyed whisper, “Whatever you do. Don’t... go... anywhere.”
“Fine, Dad.” Steve perked up shaking his shoulders slightly as you and Robin snickered, taking handfuls of popcorn and shoving it in your mouth.
“That settles it,” Dustin huffed, “I'm never having kids." The pair sat down a few seats away, keeping their eyes off you trying to fetch up a plan.
Once they both realised you three had left the movie theatre, Dustin let out an audible sigh from his chest, this day, was not it.
“So, like, I wasn’t totally focused in there or anything, but... I’m pretty sure...that mum was trying to bang her son.” Robin leaned against the wall as you and Steve took turns drinking water from the fountain,
“But they’re the same age.” you stopped drinking and looked towards Robin,
“No, but he went back in time.” Robin looked up to the ceiling, balancing on one foot and then the other,
“Then why is it called back to the future?” Steve asked confused as he stopped drinking, letting Robin get to the fountain.
“It doesn’t make any sense,” you stated “Back means past so how could he be travelling back to something that hasn’t even happened yet?” you questioned Robin, Steve looking at you doe-eyed, completely agreeing with you,
“He has to go back to the future because he’s in the past, so, the future is actually the present, which is his time” Robin added as you looked confused,
“wh...What?” you and Steve looked at each other astonished before you both got distracted by the ceiling lights, dizziness, and churning in your stomach had you all rushing to the toilet, bringing up everything that happened in the day.
“Well that was no fun,” your voice was harsh, your throat sore as you leaned back against the cold wall of the cubical, no longer dizzy, everything still, the walls no longer moving around you, “Back to the Future though, I can’t get over that.”
Hawkins, Indiana, March 1986
Walking into the creel house was way more disturbing than it looked outside, creaking floorboards, furnishings covered in dust and cobwebs, completely derelict, wherever you stood, something creaked.
Lucas went to check on a small lamp for some light, probably to take the edge off an already eerie situation, “looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill.” He stated as Dustin turned on his flashlight, you and Steve stood behind him glancing back and forth to each other,
“Where’d everyone get those?” Steve asked noticing that everyone had one except you and him.
Dustin looked back at the both of you as if to say unbelievable, “Do you two need to be told everything? You’re not children.”
“Thank you.” You said under your breath a little, huffing as Dustin took his backpack off,
“Back pocket.” He was used to you both forgetting things like that, you were both usually good with weapons and things you might need, and everything you didn’t, but never flashlights. You really did need to be told.
Max pointed out a big grandfather clock, hoping that everyone else could see it taking you away from looking at the scattered furniture,
“Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?” you asked looking at the hands that were still,
“Maybe he’s, like, a clockmaker or something?” Steve said next to you, as you pursed your lips actually thinking about it,
"I think you cracked the case, Steve.” Dustin chimed in, shaking his head in disapproval as you watched on, nudging Dustin slightly. Nancy told everyone to go in groups of two leaving you, Steve and a smiling Dustin. Steve let out a sigh and walked off signalling you to follow, “Was that a sigh?”
“No, I did not sigh.”
“Why’d you sigh?”
“I didn’t sigh. Just come on, dude.”
“I heard you.”
“We were just always partnered up with you, okay?”
“You have a problem with that?”
“It’d just be nice to, I don’t know, mix it up a bit.”
You continued to walk the stairs, creaking with every other step, as Dustin hurried up behind you, the pair of them starting to bicker a bit, a usual occurrence, “I’m boring to you? Is that it?”
“No it’s the opposite,” Steve added as he moved his (Dustin’s) flashlight around careful not to knock anything off the walls,
“Maybe me and Y/N should partner up and you go around this creepy house alone, is that what you want?” Dustin asked as Steve shot his head around almost tumbling back down the stairs,
“No! I don’t want that, sorry man.” Steve moved his hair that had fallen a little flat huffing once more. “We do make a good team, The Three Musketeers and all that.” You smiled at Steve’s remark, it was a book you both had to read when you were at school, though boring at the time, the lessons you learned from the book stayed with you. Chivalry, honour, heroics, and willingness. It was true. You, Steve, and Dustin probably had spent the most time together because even though you could both be a bit daft from time to time, you were both reliable and trustworthy with any problem Dustin had, even if that meant issues outside of the upside down. You both never found anything that Dustin had to say daft.
“Hey, uh, Henderson?” Steve asked, looking at the cobwebs that littered the place, “could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we’re supposed to be looking for here?”
“I second that,” you cut in,
“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.” Dustin looked back at the both of you smiling, “Sherlock Holmes.” Seeing you both confused he huffed sincerely.
“That’s great. Thanks. That’s great. Really helpful” You huffed and shook your head, feeling dumb as Steve placed a hand on your shoulder, rubbing his thumb slowly, a knowing glance only the both of you understood.
“You're not stupid, not to me anyway.” Steve smiled as a small laugh escaped your lips a small vent in the floor catching your eyeline as you walked over to it, “Y/N, let me.” Steve crouched down in front of you lifting the metal from the floor, jars of preserved insects had you grimacing before Steve shot up alarmed, shaking his arm and flailing his hand to get a spider off, both of you clumsily falling through cobwebs and the door, into Nancy,
“Hey, hey, both of you, stay still. Stop moving.” She took time to rid you both of cobwebs as she lightly dusted dust off your arm, you and Steve then looking over each other,
“It was a black widow.” Steve lets out a breath of air, calmer than he was before, “Don’t go in there.” He shut the door adverting his attention back to you, moving a stray piece of your hair behind your ear, kissing your nose lightly. “So uh, Nance. Maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world, and stuff. Maybe we can all go out. You know? Me, Y/N, you, Jonathan, when he’s back.”
“I’d love to.” Nancy looked at you both endearingly, she was glad you both had each other. Everyone needed someone. She knew you both back in school, but never really spoke to either of you. She was too wrapped up in perfecting her grades, reading the next book on the shelf, but she was so thankful to be in your lives now.
Steve was finally with someone he could be himself around without feeling bad or awkward, even in this messed up world the both of you bounced off each other as though it were effortless. Although you were sometimes the biggest idiots, you were the biggest idiots in love.
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songsofadelaide · 2 months
HELLOO!!! me again teehee i was wondering if u still accepted requests or if theyre closed for now but i still wanted to share my ting!! moment but its totally up to u whether or not u’ll accept.
in part two of the cbffs hoshina x reader series, hoshina mentioned reader should write him letters if there are anything reader cant say to his face and i was wondering if we could get like a moment where that happens im thinking uhh since hoshina is pretty important member of the force maybe he gets too busy/ preoccupied/ spending too much time w work and while reader understands this it doesnt mean she doesnt feel lonely sometimes… maybe add a bit of jealousy w hoshina spending alot more time w/ okonogi or whoever/ whatever scenario if thats up to ur liking and reader just gets distant?? and decides to leave a letter to hoshinas table telling how she feels as she cant say what shes feeling to his face
idk theyve been so cute and happy i wanna ruin it EMZ!!! lowkey theres already a number of good jealous hoshina we need more of jealous reader imo. thank uuu!!!
ANON WHY?! Like why ruin a perfectly good thing LOL BUT I GET! 😂 I'm all for fluff, but maybe the reader should go apeshit sometimes. 🤭
This will be the final part of my Radiant Point series, which took on a life of its own after I received so many lovely requests for more parts of it! 💛
My apologies too that this took so long! There's balancing life in real-time. (I just quit my job and am now hunting for a new one lol! 😂)
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flare — another side story to radiant point. ✧ refulgence | candor
cw: vice captain soshiro x platoon leader (f) reader, fiancee reader, childhood friends to lovers, jealous + mean reader, no use of 'yn', happy reunions.
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Vice Captain Hoshina Soshiro of the Third Division was perhaps the second most admired person in Tokyo. 
Not only that, but perhaps he's also the second most busy person in your division.
You learned about that the hard way one day when you found Soshiro conversing with one of the Operations trainees Konomi assigned to him during low-risk missions while on your way to the Captain's office. You just wrapped up from a mission yourself when you nearly walked in on him and the young but pretty girl. She had a neat look to her person and evidently took everything he said to heart, jotting down notes as he spoke to her about pointers you had no idea about. If you remembered correctly, too, she must be one of Konomi's best and brightest since she had no issue assigning her to the Vice Captain, of all people. 
"Well? Did you get all of that, Tateyama? It's a lot to consider, but Okonogi-chan thinks you're capable enough."
"Yes, boss! I-I mean sir!" The Operations trainee, Tateyama, eagerly nodded her assent as she closed her notepad and slipped it back into the pocket of her white coat. 
"Do you have any other questions?"
"D-Do you have a girlfriend, Vice Captain?!"
"I'm engaged to Platoon Leader Koganei," Soshiro replied with his usual cheer. "You must not know about it since we've just recently announced it."
"O-Oh, I see! One of our Platoon Leaders…" 
"She and I are childhood friends, too."
"Ah! And childhood friends, too!" The younger girl remarked with a look of complete surprise on her face. "How romantic!" 
You left them to their conversation after hearing just how harmless it was and decided to pay no thought to it afterwards. A young girl with a silly crush on your fiancé was nothing to feel threatened about. More than anything, it was rather flattering to know just how well-sought-after Soshiro was and that he still chose you out of all the people he could be with.
But then you realised the young girls around him may not be as harmless as you initially thought.
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The young Operations trainees were taking a break from weapons calibrations when you overheard their conversation at the mess hall that afternoon. You didn't mean to, of course. You and Tae were there for a break yourselves, but something in the tone of their voices made you do a double-take.
"I can't believe you actually asked Vice Captain Hoshina if the rumours were true!" 
"I-I know! It's too bad that they were. That means he's off-limits," said the girl you recognised as Tateyama from the other day. "B-But that doesn't mean we can't daydream about him a little now, can we? He's just so cool!"
"Exactly! And he's got a cute side, too. Maybe if we show him just how good we are, he might cave in and even consider enterta—"
"Well, that's not a good w— O-Otome-chan?!"
Your fellow Platoon Leader was unable to stop you from marching towards their table, where you unceremoniously slammed down your favourite iced drink.
"P-Platoon Leader K—!" The girls hastily rose to their feet to meet your smiling yet furious gaze. "We—"
"You're… Tateyama, aren't you? The one assigned to the Vice Captain," you said, not even allowing them to speak. "And you are?"
"A-Akabane, ma'am," the other girl stammered.
"My, you must think so little of Vice Captain Hoshina if you think he'll consider entertaining little brats like you," you stated with a wicked grin on your face. "How… funny. I seem to recall the Vice Captain telling you that he was already engaged, Tateyama. But that doesn't bother you at all, does it?"
"This isn't high school, children. We aren't in the business of stealing other women's boyfriends here. Even more so that he's engaged. We're all about saving lives and subjugating Kaiju here. If you're really as smart as Konomi-chan says you are, you'll know what's more important."
How scary, Tae thought to herself, though she couldn't blame you for reacting that way, too. Then again, these kids are way too brazen!
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Captain Ashiro Mina of the Third Division, a pillar of strength and a beacon of light for the people of Tokyo, has been reduced to matchmaking duties because she's had just about enough.
Because two of her best officers were acting like idiots.
She was supportive of your relationship with Soshiro at first, but now that you were unable to coexist in the same space whenever the Vice Captain was around, she thinks it's borderline ridiculous. You couldn't even deliver reports without glaring at him wherever your eyes met! (And you admit that it's totally unprofessional on your part.) Mina is forgiving, but your situation begs the question now.
Can loving someone really fry your brain that much?
She heard about how you scolded the younger Operations trainees and even had Konomi apologising for their "brazen" behaviour, as Tae also mentioned.  
Soshiro's not-so-subtle teasing and flirting aren't helping your case, either. Everyone knew he liked throwing around little endearments, but the way he spoke to you was different— his voice hushed to a whisper and a string of endearments he'd rather not let anyone else hear—and it made sense to the rookies that you were a blubbering mess afterwards.
But they all noticed how you avoided the Vice Captain like he had the plague even though he just whispered yet another light-hearted sweet nothing to you. It was clear to them that you were annoyed, but the way your lips quivered in embarrassment gave you away and you might as well just combust on the spot.
"I'm acting like a fool…"
The final straw was when you were taking your bath late in the night. Mina realised you were purposely avoiding everyone else by volunteering to be the last one to take a bath and mop up the floors. You thought you'd be all alone by then, but you were shell-shocked by the dark silhouette that appeared behind you as you groaned to yourself. 
"C-Captain! I-It's late! Wh—"
Your Captain held her belongings in one hand while the other had a finger gun pointed at you. "You need to tell me if you're acting like a fool for a reason."
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Soshiro has had just about enough of your attitude lately.
Your jealous outburst was cute when he first heard about it, but the Operations trainees wanted nothing to do with him anymore after that. And he couldn't have that happening since they had to practise analysing vitals and situations and calibrating weapons with someone. He will have to pass on the task to the Platoon Leaders, but he needed to speak with them— and you. 
You avoided him as much as you possibly could and everyone else picked up on it now because no one else spoke up whenever you two were in close proximity, as if they were waiting and anticipating for the two of you to reconcile. You didn't mention anything about leaving Tachikawa, too, since he found out earlier this week that your platoon was assigned under Ryo and Tae in the meantime.
"I gave Koganei an assignment. She's at Ariake," Mina told her Vice Captain as he inquired about your whereabouts. "She… didn't want me to tell you about it."
"Ah, I see," came Soshiro's flat response. "I apologise for draggin' the entire division in our…"
"She'll be back tomorrow. When she arrives, I'll need you two back here in my office to discuss something," she stated. "In the meantime, Hoshina, have you considered organising the files at your office?"
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Letters were among the many things you and Soshiro shared, especially when you went to France to further your fencing skills. For the young man who loved to read and devoured nearly everything that had words on it, your letters to him were always a source of delight. When you were still in France, it took around 10 days for your letters to reach each other, so you always had something new to read almost every week.  
He was utterly elated when he found yet even more letters from you addressed to him, though you never sent them his way because of how candid they were. It pleased him to no end to find out that his feelings for you were reciprocated. In your letters, he could trust you to give voice to the very depths of your emotions, even more now after he told you to write to him whenever you wanted to. 
On his office desk sat a single letter in your familiar and favourite cream stationery, and it was only then he realised that his Captain's cryptic comment was meant to be a sign of sorts pointing to his most favourite means of communication with you, his most favourite person. The letter sat atop a number of document folders that had to be sorted out, but he'd figure those out later. 
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"To Hoshina Soshiro-副隊長,
I suppose I'm still at headquarters by the time you find this letter. I remember you once told me that I could write to you whenever I could, whenever I wanted to, especially if there were things on my mind that I couldn't speak out loud. It's embarrassing having to write something like this, but I feel like I can be honest with you here.
It was only recently that I realised that Vice Captain Hoshina Soshiro of the Third Division is perhaps the second most admired person in Tokyo. I say second because Captain Ashiro is still at the top of the list. Imagine that— your fiancé, one of the most admired persons in the city. The whole of Japan, even, now that I think about it. 
You always claimed to be nothing special, but I can confirm with you that it wasn't true at all when I heard those little girls prattling about impressing you. They speak about you like you're some monolith meant to be worshipped… and the worst part is I completely understand them. I, too, look up at you in awe of your silent strength and skill and still hope that you will turn my way— even though I know that your gaze rested solely on me and that your heart is mine, even from long, long ago. 
Truth be told, I can't handle the way other women speak about you. And it's beyond my control. You are just so amazing like that— And have you heard the way they talk about your body??? You've been objectified so many times now, I might as well burn down the base—
I know I must have been a brat this past week, but I promise you that my antics end now. Captain Ashiro scolded me in the bathroom sometime last week and told me to sort things out with you. She even said you must hand over my remaining brain cell because I clearly wasn't thinking straight these past few days. 
I apologise for being such an insufferable person. I hope we can talk once I return from Ariake. The Captain of the First Division requested a blade master for close-quarters training, so Captain Ashiro sent me, claiming I am the second best Tachikawa can offer. You are, of course, a knife she can't afford to lose. 
She also told me to beat up Captain Narumi in her stead, so there is that.
I'll bring back some Mont Blanc from that shop at Jiyugaoka. Let's have them with coffee and tea when I get back.
I love you dearly."
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Soshiro was nothing but happy to see you back at Tachikawa a day later, the box of Mont Blanc you promised him nearly dropped in the process when he welcomed you back with a hug. He didn't let go despite your struggling and urging and whimpering at how embarrassing this was. 
How could he let you go when you were holding him just as tight in the first place? 
You both had barely set down your salutes when your Captain welcomed you into her office with a simple declaration, an order you couldn't refuse. 
"I need you two to go on a vacation for me."
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✦ Thank you for requesting! Nothing makes me happier than writing a request I know I can work with. 🍹 You can read more about requesting here. (Requests are closed at present. Thanks for your kind understanding!)
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ms0milk · 16 days
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✧ forget-me-nots ✧
trying to pass on some of the appreciation I receive here because it's crazy to break the 4th wall for a second and really internalize how this community is driven by creativity and mutual loving. here's a list in random order of my most dear to me loves + a few nonmutuals whose work i think of often, and the pieces that remind me most of them
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when they come for you in the night (thorfinn x reader) | @gardenofnoah
the depth of dive i had to take through your blog to find this is just.. the moment i hit "when you’ve known nothing but cruelty, kindness would surely be terrifying" it was game over. thorfinn came so so to life and this was such a stunnning introduction to your style. youve written so much now and i find myself always totally stunned! but i still always think of this one first. (i give it all to you also spills out of my brain sometimes while im trying to go about the world and was a close contender + this bkg x feral creature little piece of wonderful)
you. that's what happened, you (maki x reader) | @neiptune
you already know, i would be a godless liar if said i didn't think about this weekly; the maki rizz is heretofore unmatched, this piece went above and beyond all req expectations, “hold my hand, they’ll think something’s wrong if you don’t” will be the epitaph on my tombstone. you have the power to make me love all those boys ive never even thought about, and when it was time to write for my actual wife you cracked your knuckles and made sure id never be satisfied by another! (aint that the worst thing you ever heard also reminds me of you sm, eren aot of all people)
unsubtle pro shinsou drabble | @moonbeamwritings
i can feel the heat of shinsou's crush through both our screens it is just perfection!!! what a dweeb. love to send this to myself so its easy to find and reread on the regular
To Shape a Home (bkg x reader) | @kweenkatsuki-fics
not only do the stardew vibes shine through every corner, this fic was carved out with such care it makes the relationship + bkg's growth all the more precious! "yer nothin’ to go nuts over." was an insane introduction and the two of them only got better and better and sweeter and stickier with time (ao3 tagged bc i cant find your beautiful masterlist marquie sosrrrrry)
bittersweet (vash x reader) | @heich0e
i remember exactly where i was when i read this for the first time and I remember how excited I was to find a vash fic after so long loving trigun! i didn't even know the new series had been released yet! this was agonizing, such a soft characterization for both, and the desert was so palpable-- the setting really added so much spice to an already seasoned piece
hanafuda (tanjiro x reader) | @cherryblossomsenpai
way way back in 2022 this was one of the first tanjiro pieces i ever read that really made a romantic argument for him. love his exhaustion, exasperation, fear and relief all wrapped up in one hug "The rest of his lecture is indecipherable," bc he's just crying so hard! total sweetheart, so in character
kirishima drunk girl wrangler | @mechamedusa
dusa🫱🏻‍🫲🏼kirishima ofc your kiri thoughts are unmatched and this one is so quintessential, when i think of him i think of you. he is so wrangler shaped! the perfect boyfriend, your mind is a treasure trove
wedding vows (hashira x reader) | @meowzfordayz
to my very first friend <3 you'd think the piece i associate most with you would be one of giyuus and you write so so impressively much it was hard to decide, but this hashira drabble wrung me by the neck when I first read it, and it still crushes me that your kyojuro isn't a real man i can go outside and hunt for sport. "I have an energy bar in my suit pocket — just in case." a snack for his partner at their own wedding put me down, love your mind always
sleepy rengoku drabble | @vampcubus
my femdom queen! why was it so hard for me to remember which character this was written for? reader's rizz blinded me, thank you for introducing me to dom!reader works bc now every sexy hc i have is filtered through the puppysub filter to make all those big strong boys tastefully more submissive
anything to do with anika~ | @ltadoriyuujl
love your oc, she's such a caring nuclear bomb! loved reading your wonderful chara exploration piece and being able to write for her myself! what a trust fall
the only exception (yuuji x reader) | @touyangel
yuuji is such a boyscout at the end of the world, even in total tragedy he is kind and calm and caring. thinking about "If he wasn’t teaching you how to decapitate something that used to be human, it might have been romantic." this one hurts so so good and very easily convinced me love on him. even with all the choso pieces of yours I adore, this yuuji piece reminds me most of you (this sick choso drabble is a close second!)
menthol (aki x reader) | @cyancherub
the smut hall of fame all time champion on my knees on the floor kicking my feet and smiling, love the characterization in this piece! car guy/childhood friend/overprotective/smoke sess/ so intimate and perfectly filthy. a tried and true classic, this is a blessing
fill my little world right up (aizawa x reader) | @shibaraki
the fic of all time yeah, WHAT a way to be introduced to your writing and what a privilege! this piece is just a beating heart, every action and character introduction felt like a memory, the love was so palpable. reread this one all the time, can't believe it's free, want to bind a copy for my bookshelf
cor unum (sukuna x reader) | @vampyrsm
this was the first writing i ever saw from you and in an effort of solidarity (im finishing a longform fic as well and holy fuck) i've very recently started reading and can already tell how much care you had for this world and its characters. the dedication to setting and history is so cool and rare in reader fics, can't believe you're letting us read all this for free! what a tome, seriously looking forward to it (and this bkg thought abt crowded places! mmm)
i love you more than being seventeen (nanami x reader) | @strawberrystepmom
this fucking guy oh my god, this fic almost put me in the hospital, so so glad you reposted. "hey. I love you." OOhhhHHGoowwAWAWAAAA this is such a timeless character piece-- nanami running away from this word he hates, job he hates, girl he loves, and coming back to it all knowing he'll die and knowing its worth it. i get chills
strawberry stars on my lips (bkg x reader) | @willowser
breaking the rules of speed dating is insanely romantic, probably the most romantic thing someone has ever thought of and this is the piece i think of when i think of your blog. bkg is simultaneously so constipated and so vulnerable i almost feel like i have to cover my eyes for him and it is sugary sweet in the best way. happy hiatus!
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writingoddess1125 · 5 months
Sunset Pirates pt. 2
Old Men Series Masterlist <<<
Previous <<<
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• The Sunset Pirates- A Young band of new generation Pirates that has been bulldozing their way into papers as their bounties grew with each passing month. Racking up Billions in damage as they sailed on and becoming on the World Goverment biggest problem
• Each of these young pirates where carving their own paths right into the already scared side if the Goverment
• They each had their own goals in mind. Wishing to better the past generation. Build past the shadows each of them where born in-
• However it was clear one one thing-
• They still had no real idea what the fuck they were doing...
• While the four of them where incredibly skilled in terms of combat and ship maintenance- they were all now incredibly broke.
• "How the fuck are we gonna get money?! We will be out of food in days" Vi protested as the crew sat on the deck trying to have a meeting of sorts to figure out a game plan.
• They had been sailing aimlessly for the last few days and getting close to running out of needed supplies. All of them feeling a strain on their personal pockets-
• "I know I know- We need ideas. Sure destroying shit is fun but we need to make real money here" Dee expressed rubbing his temple, Alucare looking at the crew and rolled his eyes- However he couldn't disagree with them...
• "We need to obviously steal- its how all pirates make their money most of thw time" Alucare pointed out-
• The crew grimaced at this Alucare included, knowing well that they weren't the type of pirates to raid defenseless people and rip gold from their necks or steal Berri from helpless people.
• "Listen it's one think stealing from a rich person but-" Vi started but Dee waved her off before she could finish that sentence.
• "We know, I don't think any of us want that either" Dee expressed. Sighing as everyone fell silent- That was till Bee chuckled to himself suddently and everyone turned their attention to him.
• Bee being the ever extremist yet the only one that seemed to pitch ideas sat up from his lounged position on a barrel with a wide smile like the devil at the crew.
• "So sounds like- We steal from the World Goverment-"
• Everyone Stared at Bee before the Vi and Alucare erupted in disagreement.
"And please do tell, How and where? You cant just say Steal from the World Goverment" Vi argued and Bee smiled "Easy- I heard when we are that ship that you Alu was imprisoned on-"
"Don't call me that-"
"I heard that they where planning to renovate Marine Base 45 with a new Safe after the summer ends since its faulty- We can just break in and steal it. It's broken anyways"
• Bee pitched as the other two crewmates ripped apart the plan. Dee however quietly thinking and giving a defeated sigh "It's the best idea we have-" He finally said making Vi look at his shocked "Are you fucking serious-"
• "This is a bad idea-" Alucare pointed out
• "Do you have one?" Bee shot back, Making the swordsman scowl at him and Vi huff but fall silent-"
• "Since you two are hell bent on this, then you two have someone to help break into the safe- Neither of us know how to" Alucare pointed out. Making the twins look at each other for a moment.
• Dee clicked his tongue and leaned back- Bee smirking as well.
• "Know just the Duo-"
- This is not what Alucare ment by getting a skilled Theif or in this case thieves. Bee and Dee had just returned from grabbing these skilled 'highly skilled pick pockets' but instead Alucare stared at two cherry nosed brats, his eyebrow starting to twitch.
There was two little girls- clearly not even in the double digits in terms of age, both in little pink-tails and dressed in frilly dresses with pale blue eyes like the older twin duo. It didnt take a wild guess to figure out these where their baby sisters.
Vivian was gushing at the two little girls the second their boarded the ship, Leaning down and poking their little cheeks as she swooned at how adorable they were and gifting them candy. A clear softy for kids-
"You've got to be shitting me- You couldn't find anyone who had hit puberty yet?" Alucare growled at the older twins, Dee rolling his eyes.
"You said we needed thieves and this is what I got- Now do you got any better idea?" Alucare scoffed, gesturing to Vi who was still gushing over the girls who where eating up the attention from the redhead.
"You expect us to break into a secure Marine safe with two toddlers-"
"We are right here you know-" Ari grumbled, glaring up at Alucare who sighed heavily at this.
"I'm aware-" Alucare calmly shot back, Looking to Bee and Dee as he rubbed his temple.
"If I knew I'd be babysitting I'd just have went home-" Alucare mumbled- Ali glaring hard at Alucare as she casted her sister a glance.
"We have to get someone else- I understand love for a siblings skills but this is ridiculous. Im not going to let two infants on a dangerous task like this. Your sisters or not- I doubt they could steal candy from each other" Dee and Bee looked at each other and just shrugged. Alucare ready to tear into them again but being quickly cut off.
"Pretty ring- And lots of money!" Ali said loudly to herself, Holding up Alucare prized Ruby ring in her tiny palm the one that Mihawk had gifted him when he left home and his bag of Berri he kept hidden on his person- The dark haired man blinking in confusion before looking at his hand.
"How did you-" He started before snatching the ring and money from the little girl. Ali giggling at this as Did Ari who was scooped up by Vivian.
"Told you- Best damn thieves you can find" Dee waved off, Already suspiciously touching his own pockets as he was sure his sisters had lifted something from him.
"The infamous Bubbles and Squeak- Now if these two can steal from Sir Crocodile, Mihawk and essentially all of the Pirate Lords undetected including cracking ever safe they can get their little fingers on. I'm sure they can steal from the military-" Bee detailed Excluding themselves from the stolen list. Alucare crossing his arms, looking.. impressed?
"These two did all that?-"
Vi commented with a eyebrow at the little girls as she held Ari who was tucked to her side. Looking to the little girl and chuckling a bit in amusement-
"How long do we have them for?"
"72 Hours, Father has our Mother distracted and lied to her about where the girls are for this" Dee explained with a sigh- Knowing their mother would lose her shit finding out they were taking two 7 year olds out on a pirating adventure.
Alucare adjusted the ring on his finger and nodded- Looking to the two little girls calmly.
"Seems we are setting sail to Marine Base 45-"
Authors Note!
HELLO! So I've been stewing over this project for quite some time and wanted to open the floor up to everyone!
I want to Build the Sunset Pirates into their own Respectable Pirate crew, so Please leave some suggestions on Ideas either of OOC or even Legacy children you think would he great for the crew!
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rythasbrenelle · 18 days
Prompt #4: Reticent
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On most days, Locke liked birds more than people. They talked a little bit, each inquiry and answer a slightly different kweh, just enough to qualify as company. But they never pressed him. If all he had to contribute to the conversation was a sniffle or a grunt, chocobos didn’t mind. A meal of greens, a bit of preening, a few encouraging pats, and they were set.
Ideal traveling companions, chocobos.
After three days of the same tall tale being shared in the inn as Locke and Sosonado waited for the storm to pass and the roads to clear, such that every other patron was thoroughly sick of the story by the time they could resume their travels, Locke desperately wished his client was more like a chocobo. “I daresay they’ll be spreading tales of your derring-do across Coerthas now, lad!” Sosonado crawled out from the back of the wagon, his cargo inspection completed, and hopped up onto his seat. “A gunslinger with hair like fire! A swordsman with no need for swords!” Locke’s gaze flicked down to where his swords rested against his leg, propped up in the floor of the box seat. The ornate handle of the gunblade wasn’t far from his fingers, just in case trouble found them on the road again. Though after Sosonado’s yarn, Locke had half a mind to let trouble succeed next time. “Please wait, gentlemen!” a clear voice called out. Locke turned in his seat, a tall ear swiveled in the voice’s direction before his eyes found the source. The bartender who’d been working the night he arrived in the Observatorium made her way across the yard, taking care to step around the hardy greens peeking through the snow.
“Is there something we can help you with, ma’am?” Sosonado asked. “The opposite. I was hoping to help the two of you.” She produced a pair of red crystals from her tunic and dropped them into Sosonado’s arms, too large for his hands as they were. “It’s not much, but perhaps they’ll keep you warm. Be it on the road or in a snowstorm, should more heroics be required.” Sosonado looked to Locke with a grin bright as the sun and set one of the crystals in his waiting hand, warm even through his glove. Locke found himself caught between rolling his eyes and giving the bartender an earnest thanks. He settled for a curt nod.
But Sosonado had no such issues speaking. “My deepest thanks! I have many things in my wagon, but crystals are unfortunately not one of them, useful though they’d be. I’ll treasure it. As will my companion here.” He looked at Locke meaningfully, but the bartender shook her head.
“No, no, it’s quite alright. He already paid for his, yeah? He needn’t thank me.” She flashed easy smiles at both of them. “Safe travels. I hope the Holy See proves lucrative.” “As do I,” Sosonado agreed, lowering his head. The bartender began to make her way back to the inn, and Sosonado collected the reins. He snapped them once, called to the chocobos, and the wagon lurched into motion. Travel was far from smooth, snow and ice still abundant along the road, but the birds were well-rested and well-trained. They avoided the worst of it where they could.
“Kind of her,” Sosonado said, dark eyes forward. “On my behalf, at any rate. She said you paid?”
Locke shrugged a shoulder. His hand lingered near his gunblade still, though he’d have liked to keep it on the crystal in his pocket, emanating its gentle warmth. “I suppose we did buy more than our share of bread, soup, and drinks. You especially. How do you eat so much, where do you put it all?”
A cant of his head. Fighting, traveling, existing, Locke supposed. He communicated this with several taps of his claws against his sword.
If Sosonado gleaned meaning from the gesture, he didn’t show it, though his eyes did follow Locke’s claws and settle on the sword. “I have been meaning to ask. That gunblade of yours is an imperial piece, isn’t it? As is your firearm. Quite ostentatious, the pair of them. Did you serve?” Locke opened his mouth. Words were hard, sometimes. They liked to get caught in his throat. But these came easily enough, even if it took a moment. “Not them.” Sosonado nodded. “Just as well. Wearing them as prominently as you do, they might draw trouble in places where folk have more of a, uh, predisposition against the empire. But you probably already know that.”
Locke hummed a confirmation but didn’t elaborate further. And for a while, that seemed to be enough conversation. Sosonado’s attention returned wholly to the road, and Locke slouched in his seat and rested his eyes. He was roused only when they arrived at Camp Dragonhead, where they made a brief stop and Sosonado declared he needed to stretch his legs.
While he was gone, Locke tended to the chocobos, unhitching them from the wagon and allowing them to rest properly while he fetched their water. The chore earned him a peck, which he excused as an accident, and a beak rubbing, which he answered with preening. He was mostly silent throughout the task, save for the occasional word of praise for whichever bird was cooperating with him at the moment.
Sosonado returned after a short while, a parcel tucked under his arm. It wasn’t until the chocobos were hitched again and the wagon was lurching forward that Sosonado dropped the package into Locke’s lap; he twitched in response, straightening and reaching for his gunblade. As his eyes settled on the coarse wrapping, he relaxed again and looked at Sosonado, a question written on his face.
“It’s merely some salted eft. Consider it a tip.” Before Locke could speak up, Sosonado waved a hand dismissively. “You’ll be compensated monetarily as well, don’t you worry. All we agreed upon and then some. Your apparent laziness aside, you’ve done your job well.”
Locke unwrapped the parcel and found a pile of dried meat there. The smell of it immediately got him salivating. He pinched a strip of it between his claws and popped it into his mouth, the salty and woody and, oh, citrusy flavors sharp on his tongue.
“Thanks,” he said. It came out garbled and unclear and a bit wet, on account of the drooling. He swiped the back of his hand across his mouth, wiping it clean.
“Don’t mention it. Really. Don’t.”
More than happy to comply, Locke let the chocobos’ footfalls, the wagon’s creaking, and his chewing fill the silence for the remainder of their journey to the Holy See of Ishgard.
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cremeriie · 1 year
i do not have any more funny osvald art to post right now (or any, like, serious art either.) BUT i have been rotating him and the other 8pathies in my mind for a month now and i must ramble about him + them or i will explode!!!!
so anyways, here are some various osvald being a Dad™ to the travelers headcanons, bc i have. many. (under the cut for your convenience.)
osvald isn't very a "touchy-feely" guy. but, on a particularily anxious day for the group, when agnea asks him so sweetly if she can braid his hair, he can't say anything but yes. how could he deny her, when the earnest joy that lit up her face reminded him so much of his daughter? when evening came and the travelers returned to the inn, it took everyone much internal strength to not mention the flowers woven thoughout his, surprisingly luscious, locks. they knew if they said anything he would pluck them out, and it was rare to see him indulge in something so openly beautiful.
in a similar vein, every one of the travelers has slept on his shoulder at least once, much to temenos' chagrin, who would kill deal with anyone that dared mention the time he drooled all over the only decent coat osvald owned. not like osvald cared, anyways. his clothes were simply a means to an end. temenos felt bad regardless and made sure to scrub extra dutifully when it was his turn to do the laundering.
ochette takes this a step further and jumps into his lap whenever she can. she always wants to hear about the books he's reading, the theories he's thinking up, or just about his day. castti finds them asleep like this, once, with osvald's arms wrapped protectively around ochette and her cheek smushed against his chest. the sight makes her smile warmly, but she cant help but feel sad at how he never looks at peace, even when at rest.
throné is prone to indulging in self-destructive habits. most of the time this manifests as reckless pick-pocketing but sometimes, on worse nights, she takes to the tavern. osvald finds her one night, already three deep, and sits beside her. he leans close and speaks quietly, but intently. the tavern keeper couldn't hear their conversation, but he was glad to see the two order only coffees for the rest of his shift, and the girl with a much more content expression.
hikari, fresh on the run from his kingdom, secretly confides to osvald during a night watch shift together that he doesn't truly believe he is worthy to be king. that anybody else could, should, do it, but not him. osvald is quiet for a moment. he suddenly begins to explain the basics of fire magic. how it's an element that anybody can tap into, but only few who are gifted with its blessing can fully master. since anybody can do it, there should be no need for these masters, and yet, who else do the people trust to warm their homes and light their streets? hikari takes in the information before letting out a small grateful smile. he thanks osvald for the lesson and they lapse into comfortable silence.
one eventful day, in the ever opulent merry hills, partitio and osvald found themselves trouncing (well, parti trounced, osvald stalked) through the town, stopping at any stall they crossed to try and find some rare herb castti had heard of. finally, after an hour of searching, partitio laid eyes on a single bundle of greens for sale, and at the very last stall too. he put on his winningest smile and approached the vendor. osvald watched, disinterested, from a distance. crowds were bothersome, and he was thinking how much he'd like to be back at the inn when he heard a sudden offended spluttering coming from the stall. it seemed like the vendor had offered her, frankly offensive, price and refused to budge on it. osvald was sure partitio could have handled it himself, but the thought of a haggle session exhausted him and he decided to end things before they started, by taking a long stride behind his fellow traveler and looming over them both. all he had to do was raise an eyebrow, before the vendor crumbled and offered the herbs for half off.
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cvupidwrites · 1 year
hugs with love
made this while our precious innie is sick :(! sick!jeongin x reader. implied relationship, pet names like babe, love, beautiful, etc. MENTIONS OF VOMITING, FOOD, AND CRYING
my beautiful boy: babe..when will you be off work :(
you: soon my love..is everything okay?
my beautiful boy: im just…
my beautiful boy: feeling a bit bad..
you: bad in what way, baby?
my beautiful boy: like sick.. nvm ill get over it.. its probably js comeback nerves..
you: ill be home in about 10-20, do you need/want anything while im out my baby?
my beautiful boy: im okay rn
my beautiful boy: i just want to see your beautiful face
my beautiful boy: i feel like im gonna vomit
you: okay im coming my love. i can work at home for the next few days..
my beautiful boy: ill see you when you get home
you: see you soon baby
jeongins texts made me concerned..very concerned. have the boys not noticed that he’s sick? i sighed and stood up from my desk, running my hand through my hair nervously as i walked out of my office. “you good?” my co worker asked me as she filled her cup up with coffee in the break room, the open door allowing her to see me.
“yeah.. i need to go home early.. it’s an emergency.” “a bad one?” “depends.. i might not be back for a few days though.” i grabbed my coat off the rack where we kept them all, slipping it on and brushing down my work skirt afterwards. “text me if you need me to cover anything, k?” she said placing a hand on my shoulder. “thank you” i smiled and walked back into my office to grab my bag and other belongings.
“miss y/n?” i turned my head to see my boss. “mr. choi! ah- i was just about to come talk to you-“ “ms. kang already spoke to me.. take a few days off. you may work from home if you’d like, but it will be excused if you don’t.” he cut the conversation short by handing me an envelope. “thank you sir, but whats this?” “your paycheck.. and a bit more. you’ve been helping the company so much lately, that’s why im letting you off easily.” he smiled and gave me a pat on the shoulder. “thank you so much, ill come back and work harder” i said with a bow as he nodded. “take care y/n.” “you too sir.”
after my conversation with my boss, i rushed out the building, trying not to trip over myself in my heels. “damn this work dress code.” i whispered to myself as i pulled out my keys from my coat pocket. i pulled off my heels as i sat at front of the wheel. starting the car as i sighed nervously before pulling out my phone to plug in the aux, playing the playlist jeongin made me while we were first talking.
i stopped at the place that jeongin and me always go to on cold evenings after my shifts if we have time. i pulled on some extra sneakers that were in my car over my socked feet and headed inside. i was greeted by a warm essence, surprised by the lack of people. “Hello, what can I get for you?” The young girl at the counter smiled at me. I asked her for 2 bowls of seaweed soup, just in case he wanted more than 1, and a few bowls of rice and tteokbbokki for to go.
she gave me a nod and headed to to the back to tell the cooks. i sat down at the nearest table and bounced my leg as i answered a few work emails on my phone. the young girl who was at the counter gave me a bag with my order inside. “have a good day.” She bowed as i returned it. “you as well.” i smiled as i walked out the door with the bag. getting into the car i texted Jeongin
you: ill be home in about 5 mins love
my beautiful boy: i cant wait to see you :(
i pulled up to the dorms and said hello to the girl at the front desk. “here to see jeongin im guessing?” she asked typing in the computer before looking up with a smile. “yes.. the poor boy is sick so i thought id come bring him some soup.” “what a sweet young girl you are.. tell us if he’s feeling any better when you come back down, will you?” “yes ma’am.” “thank you sweetheart.” i smiled and sent her a bow as i rushed to the elevator. pressing the 3rd floor button, i rocked on my heels as it went up.
i walked down the corridor and found their dorm and knocked. “oh.. y/n! you’re here!” Felix said welcoming me warmly. “hi lix, i brought some soup and rice for innie.. he asked me to come over.” Felix moved out of the way so i could step inside and i kicked off my shoes at the door. “the boy has been crying for you all day.” “really? like actually crying? oh god i should have gotten off work earlier.” i started to panic, placing the bowls of soup on the table and Felix grabbed the rice. “don’t worry yn.. he woke up and threw up this morning and iv been watching after him since..” i sighed, still worried. “thanks lixie”
Seungmin then walked out of the bathroom. “hey yn.” “hi seungmin, you okay? you seem a bit tired.” “yeah.. iv been trying to get jeongin to take medicine but he wouldn’t let me get near him, he said he only wanted you.” “yeah.. he woke up from a nap and has been whining to see you ever since.” Felix laughed as he popped the rice container open. “where’s min?” “he went out to get some medicine with Chan hyung.” “i see.. im going to go see innie now. feel free to eat the rice and tteokbbokki, I bought it for you guys.”
Seungmin and Felix smiled at me softly. “thanks yn.. feel free to spend the night, you can stay in my room if you want.” Felix picked up a bowl of rice and some tteokbbokki. “Thank you for the food yn, I’ll eat well~” Seungmin replied with a satisfied smile. I smiled back to him as he picked up his helpings of food. “I’ll think about it, thank you Felix.”
i grabbed one bowls of soup and walked into his room, opening the door slowly. “innie?” i said softly as i walked in, seeing him curled up into a ball in his bed with a blanket thrown over him and a fan blowing on his face. “yn?” he mumbled, lifting his head up. “hi beautiful..” he smiled weakly beyond seeing me walk up to his bed. “hi baby..” I said sitting on the edge of his bed and brushing his hair away from his forehead to give it a kiss. it definitely felt warm- no not warm- hot.
I frowned upon feeling the heat of his forehead. “Honey youre burning up- gosh.. tell me your symptoms..” I sighed and continued to brush my hands through his hair. “Well I’m always in a cold sweat..” he sighed and groaned, rubbing his fingers on his temple. “A migraine.. and iv been vomiting and coughing..” i sighed out and sat completely on his bed with him, laying his head into my lap. “Baby I’m so sorry..” “don’t be.. it not-“ he was interrupted by a cough. I rubbed his back as he coughed into his elbow.
He curled his body into my side as he sighed. “It’s not your fault..” his voice was hoarse and he laid his head into my chest. “I brought you some soup.. if you want any.” “I dunno.. I might just throw it up.. iv been drinking water but everytime I try to eat, it makes me was to puke.” I turned to my side and scooted myself down a little to be face to face with him. “You’re going to get sick.” “I don’t care.. i want to be with you, you need to be taken care of.” I cupped his face and gave him a few kisses to the cheek and his temple.
His smile lifted a little and he scooted closer to me, if it was humanly possible. I hugged his shoulders as he let out a sigh. “I didn’t know I could miss you so much..” he whispered softly against my clothed shoulder. “ we saw each other this morning..” “it felt like an eternity.” “You’re much more clingy when your sleepy, you know that?” I brushed his hair back again and he laughed weakly. “I just love you so much.. i feel like I’ll only feel better if you’re with me.. hugging me, kissing me, touching me.” He whispered, nuzzling into my neck, pressing a soft kiss onto it.
“I’ll stay for as long as you need me.. you wont have to worry about doing anything by yourself.” “What about work?” “My boss let me have a few days off..” “but-“ “No but’s, you don’t have to worry about anything other than getting better.” He let out a defeated sigh and nodded against my neck. I felt his eyelashes brush against my skin, i could tell they were fluttering open and closed. “You okay?” I asked quietly. “yeah.. ‘m just a bit tired..” he answered almost inaudible.
“go to sleep innie. ill be here when you wake up.” “promise?” He flashed a soft look to me through his eyelashes. “promise.” I kissed both of his cheeks and then placed one last kiss on the side of his lips. “I love you y/n, more than anything.” he whispered and the last of his sentence trailed off as he fell into a much needed slumber. “I love you too innie..more than life it’s self.” i sighed and hugged him to me closer.
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obsessedwithceleste · 3 months
You already know i had to do one
Im around 5’8, with wavy brown hair. I have sort of caramel like highlights. slightly curvy, dimples (IDFK BAHAHA)
My style really varies. It mainly fluctuates between modern grunge- ish (think baggy jeans, docs, mesh tops, smudged eyeliner) to ‘i have a trust fund’ (very scandi style). Lots of trench coats and dramatic blouses aswell.
I’m very very blunt. I get told by everyone i seem like a bitch because i have a rbf, and i’m passive aggressive. When i get to know people well and i open up, i become friendly, and my love language is bullying.
That being said, I am confrontational. I won’t hesitate to make situations awkward if somethings wrong, and will cause a fight if it’s necessary
If you asked someone who didn’t know me to describe me they’d say rude, blunt and unapproachable but if you ask my friend they’d say funny, unserious and caring. Like, my outside appearance is far from who i really am.
Forced to be a cunt but born to wear pretty sundresses and pick tulips 😔😔😔
Nerd. 300% a nerd. Always revising, massive impostor syndrome, can never know enough. Huge over achiever and always working for the best (even if it takes its toll on me.)
Love playing the piano. I’m super into philosophy and read abt it on the daily.
On the inside i am a huge softie. I love physical contact, it’s a big thing for me. A hopeless romantic but i don’t really show it.
Cat person. Favourite colour is deep red.
My music taste is mainly Jeff Buckley, TLSP, cocteau twins, elliot smith (peak male manipulator music)
I love doting on people. I need it to be reciprocated at times but my way of showing my love to someone is by doting on them!
I can’t think of anything else really, aside from the fact that i’m super sexy and really cool
"i’m super sexy and really cool" - I love this for you sm
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo is the definition of golden retriever puppy disguised as a Doberman. Cool, edgy, snarky, but secretly a huge softy. (Someone please give this boy a hug).
He's also the most emotionally constipated of all the Slytherin boys. None of them are good with emotions, but Mattheo has it the worst. Love just isn't something that's ever been displayed in his life so it's quite foreign to him.
When Mattheo first met you, he was intrigued. Usually girls just giggled and flirted with him. But you were willing to go toe to toe with him, and it took him aback. He probably spent weeks watching from a far in quite admiration, not quite able to get a read on you.
When he finally works up the courage to talk to you, he's shocked by how well you both get on. You're able to stand your ground against him with ease, and even push right back.
He loves your fierce bluntness, your confidence, and your willingness to go to war for people you care about.
He also doesn’t open up to people easily, but your soft side and love for physical affection crack him right open.
He'll never admit it, but he loves that he's the only one that gets to see your soft romantic side.
Speaking of affection, this boy needs someone to dote on him. He’s eating out of the palm of your hand for a crumb of attention and learns how to dote on you right back. (He likes leaving you silly notes in your text books, but will vehemently deny it when confronted about it)
This boy is an absolute slut for physical affection though. He has his hands on you at all times whether it be a hand in your pocket, on your waist, an arm wrapped securely around you, he will not leave you alone.
When he learns that you play the piano, he asks you to teach him because he wants an excuse to spend time with you. He's extraordinarily bad. But he like listening to you play and would sit there with you for hours if you asked him to.
He also likes having your full, undivided attention, often poking and prodding you while you study because he thinks it’s just so funny when you’re cross. (He loves your grumpy face)
Some might find your constant bickering to be concerning, but you keep each other on your toes.
The first time Mattheo is fully convinced that he might just be in love with you is when you snap back at a group of students who are talking their usual shit. Normally Mattheo would beat them to a pulp, but this time he’s the one holding you and your biting words back.
He thinks you’ve never looked more beautiful btw.
After that incident, you both go back to his dorm. He's not really sure what to say. No one has ever really gone out on a limb for him. Showed that they cared. All he knows is that one minute you were ranting about "how bloody ignorant" some people can be, and the next he had you wrapped in his arms with his lips on yours.
Once it's official, he can't wait to make sure everyone knows that you're his. He's wildly overprotective, but never lets you see it because he doesn't want you to feel smothered. (He knows you could beat his ass)
He makes sure you're at every one of his quidditch games wearing his jumper, or his jersey, or his thick Slytherin scarf. He likes to show off for you. His favorite thing though, are the post game make-out sessions under the stands.
He also has a nasty habit of sneaking into your dorm room after hours for a quick (or not so quick) late night cuddle.
The boy is disgustingly obsessed with you and does everything in his power to make sure you, and everyone else knows it. He didn't grow up feeling loved, and wants to make certain that it's not something you'll ever feel.
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uriekukistan · 6 months
choso and/or megumi? :)
im so. i just spent so long typing this out only for the page to crash and delete everything i said. why does tumblr HATE ME anyway thank you for the ask i’ll try to remember everything i said the first time 😭
favorite thing about them: his relationship with itadori is so cute! such a good brother! his facial expressions are so cute and silly! literally found out itadori was his brother and went “okay i’ll die for u now”
least favorite thing about them: the fact that they robbed him of his sick shoes in the anime. maybe something else will come up in the future but for now that’s it
favorite line: i got two! *in a life or death situation* can u just call me onii chan like once please please please please (paraphrasing), *facing kenjaku after finding out that they’re his dad and yuuji’s mom* “hey little bros look at this im gonna kill our parent
brOTP: gotta go w yuuji since they are in fact bros. his relationship w mahito is so silly to me tho, and i’d love to see him interact with todo!
OTP: i dont really have one. rn i think he’s too focused on his brothers to think abt that
nOTP: its not a no for me per se just that i think choso and yuki are very one sided. yuki clearly likes him but he’s too focused on yuuji rn
random headcanon: i can see him having a long skincare routine with a fluffy hairband
unpopular opinion: i think he is frequently mischaracterized in the name of fitting ppl’s sexual fantasies about him. ofc im all for having fun but i noticed it does impact broader perceptions of his character sometimes. could say this about any jjk man tho.
song i associate with them: mmmm maybe sunflower by post malone, don’t have a reason for it buy yea
favorite picture of them: have two
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favorite thing about them: he is me i am him we are the same. realistic depiction of what it is like to be abandoned by your parental figure and then be told you’re “special” for some reason and now too much is expected of you but you never wanted this in the first place. i could raise him so well let me adopt him. I Will Take Care Of Him.
least favorite thing about them: can’t. that’s my son.
favorite line: soooo many but i think about “so start by saving me itadori” DAILY. hourly even.
brOTP: love his relationship with kugisaki. would love to see him with yuuta more for purely self indulgent reasons that are not related to my dancers au….
OTP: obviously gotta go with ITAFUSHI i could talk abt them for hours. a brain virus fr they’re everything to me.
nOTP: 🧑‍💻 megumi & sukuna, megumi & toji, megumi & gojo, megumi & mai, etc. i try not to yuck other ppls yum but uh. i couldn’t even decide which of these was worst.
random headcanon: uhhh this ones a sad one, but i think before gojo came along, he and his sister were starving (compared to other characters shown as kids he looks much bonier), so even into adulthood, he has a hard time gaining weight from the effects of childhood malnutrition and as a result, is a bit less physically strong than he could potentially be (still very strong tho)
unpopular opinion: you already know what im gonna say. most overhated character in jjk. yall need to get off his back before i get violent im so serious rn everything he does is a perfectly valid reaction to the trauma he’s been through since he was literally a toddler
song i associate with them: i got so many…recently been thinking of dreams of losing teeth by suave punk & moon i already know by mount eerie the most
favorite picture of them: soo many…unhinged megumi vs pocket sized gumi i cant pick
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skwistokgetalongshirt · 10 months
Anyway, I also made a day 1 of Winter WonderKlok that includes my OC Missy and her guys. I plan on writing more about them and of course more in depth things BUT FOR NOW some silly Winter WonderKlok fun things.
This was Missy’s first time experiencing snow and she was pretty sure she was severely under prepared for this. Despite dressing in layers  as Skwisgaar had suggested, it definitely wasn’t enough. Her legs felt frozen, and despite moving forward through the snow she was worried her body would freeze at any moment.  It must’ve been noticeable since Toki ended up heading over and scooped Missy up to carry her.
“Pff… Shows off.” Skwisgaar mumbled under his breath.
“Th-thank… Y-you…” Missy managed to say, now burying her face against Toki’s chest desperate for his warmth.
“Welcomes. Cant’s believes you ammnst never been in snows befores!” Toki exclaimed, still holding Missy close to him. He could feel how much she was shivering even still. “Do you wants to go backs inside?” He sounded concerned - he didn’t want Missy to get sick.
“N-no… No, I’m okay.” Missy said. Yeah, she was freezing but she also didn’t want to miss out on the chance to make her first snowman!
“Okays… So…” Skwisgaar began to say when they finally got to a good spot with enough snow. “You gots to move the snows close togethers to bunch up enough snow to makes this.”
Missy was still clinging tightly to Toki but she looked over to watch Skwisgaar’s demonstration. 
Skwisgaar seemed to be struggling with bundling up the snow together, so Toki used this opportunity to gently set Missy down to go over to help Skwisgaar. 
“Skwisgaar you gots to do it likes this…” Toki seemed to be able to bundle up snow far more quickly and rolled it together much faster than Skwisgaar.  “You ams taking too longs, Missy ams goings to freeze.”
“Fines. Then you finish it and I’ll keep her warms…” Skwisgaar released the snow he was holding and went over to hold Missy instead. Since Skwisgaar was touching the snow, she felt the remnants of snow that had been on his jacket and when he hugged her she swore she could feel the coldness making its way through her layers.
“It’s way too cold for me out here. Maybe… I could just wait inside and I’ll come back when you two are done?” Missy suggested, she seriously felt like her toes were starting to freeze, unless they were frozen already.
“No Missy! You gots to builds it with us!” Toki exclaimed, he went over to bring her close to him again in an attempt to keep her warm. “We’ll be fast… Promise. Wants you to experience snowman’s building.”
“Okay, okay…” Missy was still a little reluctant, but she also didn’t want to disappoint Toki. She could tell Skwisgaar didn’t mind if they ended up ditching the whole ‘snowman building idea’. 
“Comes on Skwisgaar, lets hurries so Missy doesn’t freeze.” Toki got back to bunching up more snow. 
“What do you thinks I ams doing?” Skwisgaar was still having a hard time bunching enough snow to roll into a good size. It had been such a long time since he did this. 
“Theres! See!” Toki exclaimed happily now showing Missy their snowman. Well, so far it was just three snowballs stacked on top of each other. 
“Now we just needs decorations…” Skwisgaar looked at the snowman. He wasn’t sure what to add to this. 
“Don’t they usually use um… Sticks and carrots and… coal or something?” Missy asked, she had only seen what they looked like on TV. 
“Yeahs, if you wants a BORINGS snowmans… Gots to be more creatives.” Toki reached into his pocket. “I gots some crayons… Uhh gonna use them as horns. Skwisgaar what do you haves?”
Skwisgaar reached into his pocket, he had some pills in his pocket which he didn’t even remember what they were… Maybe something Pickles wanted him to take when they were drunk? He thinks one was a vitamin and maybe a pain killer… Who knows what other pills were. “Coulds use these for somethinks maybe?”
Missy’s smile seemed to fade… just what kind of snowman would this be anyway? She made eye contact with Toki and knew this meant her turn was next. She reached into her pocket, she had a guitar pick in there. “I just have this.”
“Okays, goods! Comes here Missy…You cans puts the decorations up!” Toki sounded so excited to let her do this.
“Okay.” Missy nodded and stepped forward. Poor snowman… doesn’t even have arms. Maybe she’d find some sticks for it later. She took Toki’s crayons first and stuck them on either side of its head to make the horns that Toki requested. Next, the various…pills that were in Skwisgaar’s pocket. She decided to make eyes for him, and the guitar pick of course ended up being the nose. 
“Wowie! Your first snowmans!” Toki clapped his hands together excitedly.
“Snowsman… mores like sadmans…” Skwisgaar chuckled a bit to himself, seemingly proud of the joke he just made.
Toki didn’t find it funny though, he just frowned.
“It’s still very…incomplete.” Missy said as she stepped back to take a look at it from afar. No arms, no hat, no smile… She almost felt bad for it.
“Don’t worries Missy! We cans get more things and makes it better! Wants to make sures you have a goods time… Wants to make sures your first snowmans ams the best one!” Toki exclaimed.
Missy couldn’t help but smile a little at that, although Skwisgaar just stood crossing his arms to his chest. Stupid Toki and this snowman idea… if they picked what he wanted to do they’d probably do something better in the snow like maybe ice skating or sledding. 
“Thank you Toki! Let’s go get some more stuff for the snowman… and I think I need more layers too. I’m freezing…” This time Missy huddled up to Skwisgaar, she could tell he was feeling a bit grumpier than usual since Toki seemed to be more into this idea than he was. At least having Missy huddled up to him like that made Skwisgaar smile ever so slightly knowing she was closer to him now. 
“Yeah, alrights! Let’s go backs inside, gets you warmed up, and then we’ll finish this!” Toki eagerly wedged himself inbetween Missy and Skwisgaar putting his arms around both of them as he led them back inside. 
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shirmxie · 2 years
this can't be!
7 unfamiliar but not entirely unwelcomed
↣6 ..you can come  ↬m.list  ↣8 tba
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you hadn't expect this much from ayaka since its just a small party with your friends and also its just to congratulate your defeat. now that you think of it, that's kind of cruel but who are you to complain for a party anyways! plus your pocket wont be emptied since your friend would be the one who takes care of all the funds. perks of being childhood friends with the rich kid.
everyone gets comfy inside the limo as venti started "i cant believe were riding a limo to names "congrats to losing party"! its literally so random..", "you can all thank me for having that idea mwehehe!" hu tao gave a proud smile to all of you, "yeah but your pocket isn't the one funding this idea of yours dumbass." hu tao just glared at xiaos words.
as your friends start to converse with each other, you just stayed quiet, thinking, thinking about anything and everything as someone pokes your cheeks; which startled you. you turn your head to look at the culprit only to see heizou besides you with a grin, ah you forgot he was coming with.
"you're all over your pretty head again, cmon just enjoy the ride." he gets close to your ears and whispers, it sends shivers down your spine as he chuckled. my pretty head? pretty..? you were really red. he looks away from you, not waiting for you to answer as he chatted with aether.
all of you arrived at the bar as one by one of you step out the ride, making sure not to trip. but still, you almost tripped since you're really inside your head even deeper after heizou said that. xingqiu grabbed your arm as he talks "nameee! you're really distracted are you? just ignore the thoughts for tonight and enjoy," "its difficult.. but sure i'll try i guess." you frowned, knowing that you've been trying to ignore your thoughts for the whole ride but still failing.
venti grabbed your face with both his hands "why are you so sad name? cmon lets go inside and drink, drink your thoughts away!" he tries to make you smile, you did anyways. you just realized that one of ventis friends didn't come with all of you in the limo, "venti, your friend, kazuha, why isn't he with us?" "ohh he said your cousin borrowed his moms car so they'll be coming together!" borrow? he probably stole it.
you were drinking as you heard the door bell, looking to see a pair of oh so familiar purple eyes; which you subconsciously glared at. he found your eyes and he grinned. this piece of shit. you were about to charge at him as you tripped on your own feet, you're already a bit tipsy just by 1 bottle of beer.
"hello rat, congrats to losing by the way, loser." "shut the fuck up bitch boy. don't talk to me like that after skipping all your classes." the both of you glared at each other as kazuha pulled him aside, "good evening name! i didn't expect for the both of you to be so against each other," venti butted in to pull you away as he says "if only you saw how they fought as kids, archons it felt like the whole house was a war zone!"
ayaka randomly popped up besides you to greet kazuha and his boyfriend "hello kazuha, hello kunikuzushi. also yes, they fight like wild dogs when we were still kids hahaha," scaramouche only rolled his eyes on the name 'kunikuzushi'. "babe lets go." he pulls kazuha away from the three of you. "god i still hate his guts." venti whispered, "i couldn't agree more..!" you whispered back as ayaka only giggled at the both of you.
after a few rounds of drinks, you decided to go to the restroom to reapply your lipstick since it smudged; unknowing that heizou was trailing behind you. you were about to go in as you feel a hand on your shoulders. you look up to see heizou yet again. "helloo! how's the loser doing?" he grinned. he didn't mean to come out as rude but you're mind was fuzzy and you can't think straight.
"c-can you stop being so full of yourself just 'cause you won! you- i do.. ugh.. i don't even know why i invited you..! maybe out of pity but-" you slurred on your words a bit as you continued, leaving him shocked at your sudden outburst, "maybe its better if i hadn't invited you.. your presence it- it annoys me!".
you don't know why you said that, you never minded when you lost, especially to him. what's wrong with you exactly? this isn't like you. you realized what you said and regretted your words almost instantly when you see him frown, "i.. i apologize, i never thought you felt that way, i'll leave." you felt a pang of guilt when he started to walk away.
"w.. wait no sorry! i'm sorry! i-i didn't mean it! its just- i've been in my mind a lot, i don't know what's gotten into me-" you started to ramble as you grabbed his wrist, he looked at you sadly. you felt really really guilty now, he just wanted to joke with you.. this grabs the attention of yours and his friends as they started to watch the scene they're witnessing. they only looked now since you apologized so loud even the planets across the universe could hear you
he sighed looking at your figure apologizing again and again, obviously feeling guilty. he doesn't know why but he just pats your head. it startles you and everyone looking at the both of you. "its fine, you've had a lot to drink. you should reapply your lipstick tho, not that i'm complaining! you look pretty with smudged lipstick anyways." he smiles as he succeeds to lighten up your mood a bit.
now its your turn to be shocked. you felt something inside you, its unfamiliar but not entirely unwelcomed. your friends started to coo at the both of you as you rushed inside the restroom, catching your breath. what's wrong with me?
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you didn’t mind losing to your long time academic rival but somethings off about you lately…
taglist: open, send ask or reply
— @stanshizuki
an: i wrote this under 3 hours and its so short and bad.. im so sorry. also school is being a bitch to me rn so i cant update frequently
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immissingmaxx · 3 months
My Mascot// Tendou Satori
Chapter Six: Those Who Like to be Alone
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Summary: When a conversation with Tendou gets to Y/n’s head, she decides to test a theory
Warnings: Mentions of partying
Word Count: 781
"Hey! Take L/n's food not mine!" Goshiki yelled at Tendou, snatching his plate away from him.
"That was a one time thing. Seriously Tendou remember your lunch card." I took my plate and turned away from him, protecting my food.
"Come on!! You guys are supposed to be my friends!" Tendou whined at his failed attempt to steal Goshiki's food.
"As your friend, remember your lunch card." I fired back at him, not even registering the words coming from my mouth.
I've been eating lunch with Tendou and his friends for a week now, to the point he doesn't have to call me over to their table.
One week ago, Kanna would invite me to eat lunch with her friends and i would decline, the mere thought of being around them already giving me headaches.
Yet here i am, sitting with Tendou and 5 of his friends and i.. dont hate this.
"So are you a mascot for all the games?" Tendou asked, slouching next to me as we walked back to the dorms.
"Uh, yeah." I answered simply. It's a bit embarrassing, walking to the dorms next to a boy. I would walk alone but Tendou caught me walking by the staircase. Not to mention its Tendou. I never know what he's gonna say, or do next.
"That's alot of games to go to, isnt it?"
"Uh not really, i chose to be a mascot so that i would have more free time." Its true, well half of it.
"And so you could be alone." Tendou said simply, reading me completely.
"Yeah.. So i could be alone." I agreed, diverting my eyes to the passing ground in embarrassment.
"That's not a bad thing. I like to be alone at times but i like being with my friends most. Everyone's different though. Some people like being around their friends more, and some people like being alone more. That doesn't mean they want to be alone all the time.." Tendou stopped and leaned down to me, letting his eyes meet mine and stare into them. "Right?"
He's too close. I don't even let my brain think before i blurt out a response.
"Y-yeah. Right." I took a step back from him, once again diverting my eyes to the ground which was now still.
"Well, if you ever get tired of being alone.." Tendou reached into his pocket, taking out a folded piece of paper and handing it to me. "Let me know."
I held the paper in my hand, unfolding it and revealing its contents. A number
"Well, im supposed to be at practice. See ya!"
"Wha-" And with that Tendou spun on his toes and bolted back to the building. We were already more than half of the way back to the dorms, how could he let himself go that far?
Studying isnt usually a problem for me. Its only when i truly struggle on a topic that it's hard for me study. That and when i have alot on my mind.
I cant stop thinking back to my conversation with Tendou, his words replaying in my head. I sighed and closed my textbook.
I do like being alone. I like spending time on my own and enjoying my time by myself. Being alone all the time would mean no school, no going outside, no talking to anyone else, no talking to Kanna, no talking to Tendou.
What would a world like that be like?
I laid my head down atop my open textbook, my eyes locking onto the flimsy, dented piece of paper laying open against my pencil case.
Im not sure i want to know..
"Yo F/n! I know you covered for me last night but please please please please please i need to go to this party." Kanna bursted through our door, already crawling to her knees.
"You don't need to beg, you know i will." I snatched the piece of paper and tucked it under my text book.
"Yaay! Your the best you know that!" Kanna jumped to her feet, wrapping her arms around me. She stood up and went straight to her dresser, picking out some clothes that isnt a uniform.
Kanna is one of the two. Someone who likes being around their friends more, rather than someone who likes being alone more. She's friends with just about the entire school, and thats what she likes. I like being alone more, but maybe there are times i can like being around other people.
"Hey Kanna." I closed my book and turned in my chair, catching her attention. Well some, as she continued going through her dresser.
"What if i join you this time?"
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Harper Alexander x Fem!AFAB!Reader || Smutshot
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Note: Y'all can thank @darlingpassion for this! It was inspired by her recent 18+ Harper Headcanons (Oh my lord, go check them out. I read them in the middle of class and- I- 😅 lets just say we're lucky I'm still unwell otherwise the colour my face turned woulda been sus XD )
Plot: You (A would-have-been victim if you hadn't have been so cunning and wormed your way into Harper's good books) teach Harper what a lady in this day and age expects from her lover 👍👍👍
Warnings: Cunnilingus and begging, and slight hate fucking?. Plus both parties are dominant so there's a sort of ongoing dispute involved. Not super hot at the start but trust me- it heats up XD
"You want me... to put my mouth... down there?" Harper never looked so confounded when he finally understood what you were getting at- that sweet accent of his growing thicker and his judgemental eyes flickering from the dead-serious look on your face- to your parted legs.
"I promise this'll be a hit with the gals that come into town for the jubilee... " You insist, smirking at his reaction and crossing one of your legs over the other thigh once again, now that he got the picture. Then you hold two fingers by your head, like a scouts oath. "I guarantee it."
Rolling his eyes, Harper takes a seat on the edge of the bed next to you, before leaning forward in order to look at you. "You know, when you said y'could teach me a couple'a things... I was thinkin' a long the lines of interestin' role-plays... and knots."
"Yeah we'll get there," You brush him off. "But this is essential, my guy! If you cant do this, you're really only worth the length of your little mr- and I've seen him. Now, I don't wanna emasculate you, Harp, but... ehhhh, he's average."
Harper's jaw drops. "Avera- "
"Which is why this is such a good idea, that I have had! You can thank me later- now go get on your knees."
He just squints at you, not moving an inch except to squeeze the edge of the mattress on either side of his hips; frustrated by you.
Lord, this guy is always frustrated with you. All you want to do is help- and maybe survive, also- and all he has for you is arguments and a stink face. Huffing, you set your hands on your hips and twist your upper body to fully face him. Lets see how his ego fairs with this manoeuvre. "Should I ask Buckman, then?"
... His eyes narrow. "... Why?"
"He's, like, your pimp right?" Harper mouths the word 'pimp', like he doesn't recognise it - adorable country boy that he is, - and you huff. Okay, lets try that again. "He looks like the kinda man that gets it- maybe he can talk to you about the importance of a ladies pleasure, instead of me? Is that what you want Harp? Is it?- "
Harper cant take any amount of teasing from you, it annoys and frustrates him, and before you can even finish what you were saying he's got one of his hands curled around the back of your head and his mouths crashes into yours.
He's not really the most skilled kisser, he kisses like an old man who believes its just a stepping stone to get a woman to suck his dick, but fine, damn, it does the trick!~ And besides- you can work on it with him later.
After a moment you lean away from him, too far for him to follow you, and flick your eyes from his- down to the ground in front of you.
For a moment he sits there, his perfect workman's hand still a comforting - almost affectionate, - weight on the back of your neck as he thinks, grumpily to himself. Then he sets his jaw and goes to kneel down in front of you. "Fine- teach me howta do it already."
"... You know, that sour face is not doing you any favours. Some men like this kinda thing- " He cuts you off, picking lazily at the waistband of your pants while you stop and just blink down at him. You watch him take out a blade from his back pocket (And first of all, WHY does he have that back there?? God, this man- infuriating and hot at the same damn time), and consequently let out a yelp.
"Hurry up, or I'm gonna slice these things off myself."
"... Rude."
That makes him smirk; An unfairly devastating smirk for such an asshole-... but pleasant. So pleasant. When he does that, the rest of your life stuck here doesn't look quite so grim.
Even though he's a dick-
"Am I doin' this right??"
Giving a sigh, with your back on the bed and your legs spread wide for Harper, you roll your eyes. "If you're talking, no... "
"... You're sure wet enough... " He mutters back under his breath, and you promptly get up onto your forearms to spit some facts at him.
Ohhhhh this guy. That smug look on his face as his eyes move slowly from your core to your face. Infuriating!! You're gonna kick him. In the face- "Hey- you. Barn-Boy. For your information, that is because I've been picturing Granny Boone this entre time- now stop staring at it and do something." You exclaim, before plopping back down on the bed, blowing hair out of your eyes. His eyes only seemed to light up with me yelling at him, you think, rolling your eyes. And he says the kinky thing is all an act...
Pfft. I see your soul, Harper Alexander.
While you're lost in thought over Harper, he seems to decide on taking another crack at this- and leans his head in towards your pussy. You don't feel any breath, because he's dead and he doesn't breath, but you definitely feel a presence. A tingle. You just know something's about to happen, and its maddening- you wanna arch your hips, slip the heels of your feet into his shoulder blades and push him forward, or buck up- anything to just feel his lips on you- but you curl your fingers subtly into the bedsheets, instead. No need for him to know the effect he has on you. That wouldn't do.
When his lips do touch you, its not without skill. He has been kissing for a long long time, so he isn't unfamiliar with using his lips, but there's just something missing. Its nice, but... not amazing. As he presses his face into you, slowly taking his tongue all over you, you think back to moments in the past when men have touched you like this. When its been so good your toes curled and you couldn't help but grind your cunt against his tongue.
... What was the difference?...
Biting your bottom lip, you rack your brain over this for a few more moments as Harper continues to explore; Even using his thumbs to rub up and down the outside of your lips, leaving lovely tingles in their wake. Still, you wonder... what's missing...
Maybe... he's not... really into it?? If not, you really shouldn't make him-
Suddenly your whole body goes stiff, remembering. You hope he doesn't notice, which he mustn't because he doesn't stop his ministrations at all, because you have had an epiphany. Even the first time you two were together, he was like this. Without a spark. But he warmed up and it got really- really, good.
Because you started begging him.
Getting up on your elbows again to see him, you glare... even though the sight of this beautiful man with his face in your pussy does send butterflies all the way up through you. Because, god... This narcissist. Of course. Of course- he gets off to you begging him. You're not surprised, but you are irritated.
... well. Its worth a shot anyway.
Shifting, you slide your legs slowly up over his shoulders, caging the beautiful man between your thighs and allowing him a better angle, and transform your face- closing your eyes, parting your lips, and tipping your head back. When he leans in some more and licks a particularly broad stripe through your lips, gliding his tongue fully over your clit, you let out your moan. One of your heels digs into his back, and you push your core out a little bit closer to him, biting your lip and bunching up some more of the bedding into your fists. "Damn... " You whisper, putting on a performance- even though your pleasure is real.
Harper stops. He disconnects from you, and leans back on his heels, and when you crack your eyes open ever-so-delicately, you see him raising a brow at you. "What in the world was that??"
"That was encouragement, Harper."
"Y'think I need it?" He asks, though one corner of his mouth quirks up.
You just give a wink, before laying down again on your back. There's a secret smirk on your lips as you look at the ceiling. "Please... just do that again."
The pleased lilt to his voice is clear, and you're expecting to just put it on for the rest of this, for his benefit. "... hm. Well, your wish is my command I s'pose. Get comfortable, Miss Y/N."
... But when he comes back in, you're immediately shocked at the sudden change in him- you actually let out a sudden yelp of pleasure, feeling his thumbs spread your lips wide open for him now and his tongue dart deeper inside your core then you thought he could. You very nearly slap a hand over your mouth because of the very unintentional gasp- and then- "Oh god!- "
Your hips jolt forward, too, into his soft lips and immediately feel him chuckle against you. It make sit even worse, the vibrations directly against your clit. "Fuck!- fuck, fuck, fuck- "
Harper presses his mouth hard against the outside of your cunt and devours you, shoving his tongue into you as deeply as he can get and thoroughly tongue-fucking your most sensitive parts- making you whine, and yelp, and buck into him like a desperate, needy bitch.
The sounds he's making, too, are hot. Groaning into your pussy like he's eating something fucking delicious, your taste on his tongue exactly what he was looking for as he rubs his mouth more securely into the crevice between your thighs.
When you're so close to a very sudden, very violent orgasm- Harper takes the moment away. Starts giving you slow, language strokes that are just not deep enough- the bastard even takes one of his hands away from you in order to hold your calf on his shoulder. Tight.
Stopping you from pushing him in again.
He chuckles once again against your poor, throbbing and now tragically empty cunt, and gently rubs his nose against your mound. It would be sweet, affectionate; if you didn't hate his guts for it.
Giving a whine crossed with a desperate, frustrated sob, you throw an arm over your eyes so as to hide from the shame of outright begging this asshole. "Harperrr, plee-eesseeeee... "
"Don't you worry, Miss. Heh, I aint done."
"... Wh- Ah!" When he suddenly slips a long finger into and starts torturously rubbing at your inner walls with it you really do slap a hand over your mouth- afraid of the noises coming out of you, now. Another finger goes in, covering more area as he ruthlessly attacks your deepest, most private, most sensitive spots.
Your hips aren't just arching anymore, they're following his rhythm; Grinding into his evil fingers now, rolling so they move inside you just the way you need. "Y'like that, Miss Y/N?"
"More Harper, please Harper- "
"I gotcha."
Then he leans his head in between your thighs again, and he struggles, but he manages to lick you while his sopping wet fingers thrust in and out of you fast.
With your most embarrassing sound yet and one more roll against his face, you cum right into his damn face.
While you sit up with your hand on your chest and a pillow between your legs, just trying to calm down from that ridiculously amazing high, Harper gets up and sits down next to you; A hand on your knee and a smirk on his face. When he speaks, you give him a bemused look, while you continue to feel your racing heart inside your chest still. "So... how'd I do, then? Did I master the importance of a ladies pleasure, then? Or do we needa' do that again?"
For a moment you consider telling him to shut up, but the horny outweighs the need to wipe that look off his face. So instead you lean in, eyes half lidded, and look at him down your nose; A finger under his chin to make him look back, though he isn't looking away from you. "Practise does make perfect, Harp."
"I couldnta' said it any better myself."
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derelictheretic · 1 year
Got quizzes out the wazoo
Got tagged by @adelaidedrubman and @roofgeese !! ty 💕💕
Sending tags out to @deputyash @trashcatsnark @bluemojave @detectivelokis @baldurrs @wewillryesagain and anyone else who'd like to do these! (sorry if you've already been tagged in this one I am running on fumes rn lol)
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Which uniquely human interaction are you?
late nights and hysterical laughter
desperately fighting air into your lungs you can make another joke or laugh louder. you are the fight. you are saying "life is good and bright and wonderful if only you let it be so" you are every hushed giggle in the back of classrooms. every inside joke. every bit of banter between friends. you are the essence of laughter.
What kind of touch do you possess?
stimulating touch
you are an intense feeling that energizes others. you feel it throughout your body, oozing out of your fingertips. you're the bustling subway stations, the final goal that wins the game, and the tilting point of going down a rollercoaster. you're keep the group on their toes and always suggest new and exciting things to do. everyone loves the energy you bring and your eyes that seem to light up and brighten the room. you hate doing the same things everyday and completing monotonous chores. keeping moving and active is how you feel alive. after all, what's the point of living life if you cant enjoy it to its fullest?
What time loop are you stuck in?
modern rom-com
have you ever been in love? do you want to do it again? will they like you this time? what about next time? what will you change, what are you willing to give up? will you be the same at the end of it all? will they? maybe just try again. and again. and again. and again.
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Which uniquely human interaction are you?
"i was here" in twitch chat
at the end of any major event in a stream the chat is filled with people saying "i was here!!" sharing the joy together. you are that chat. you are screaming into the void "i am here!! i am here and everything i do matters because i cared about it!!" you are every time someone has said "i am proud of you". you are millions of strangers celebrating together. you are here.
What kind of touch do you possess?
sensual touch
you are classy, glamourous, and eye-catching. the way you carry yourself leaves others speechless and wanting to know more. you take pride in your appearance and pay extra attention to details. you're probably very in tune with your emotions and body. you know what makes you feel good and you make it known. also, your love language is definitely physical touch. youre a hot bitch, damn.
What time loop are you stuck in?
historical horror
there is something in the walls. there is something in your blood. there is something in your pocket and it’s always been there; it’s all always been there. whoever put it there is long gone, but you’re still here.
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