#out of all of them Jay beat himself up the most. because what good is love if you can't convince them to stay?
strawberrycamel · 2 months
ninjago seabound hurts. so much. what the fuck
#ninjago seabound#i think this might be the thing to get me drawing again#we shall see#also im very close to crying haha#she turned. into the sea. to save him#and like. the city and all their friends too but he was quite literally dying and the only answer was for her to become one with the sea an#and she#and he sees her after having the water taken out of his lungs. he sees her out the window and she sees him and they put their hands on#either side of the glass. and he doesn't yet know what she did. what it would cost#in the fight later. he sees her explode and takes on kalmaar with blind fury#and then she's back- as a dragon now- and she explodes again and comes back as a bigger dragon and#how can he think anything but good things? he knows what she did now but she's so strong. so invincible. ofc she'll overcome the odds#she'll keep herself together! she will. he has to believe that#and then she wins. and its all over. and everyone's saying they'll just have to get used to her watery body for now#until they find a way to turn her back.#she doesn't understand. she doesn't remember who she used to be. is actively losing the battle to retain her self#and they plead. all of her friends. her master. her Brother.#and him. Jay. her boyfriend.#and there's a moment. a single brief moment where she turns back.#she smiles and holds jay's hands. she caresses his cheek.#and just as quick as she came#she left. jay screaming her name as she dives back into the sea#and then the funeral. because what else do you call it but a funeral.#they call all of her friends and family. they pour seawater in an urn. they hold a service of sorts.#and i'd like to imagine each person feels responsible in some way. for not doing more. for not being as convincing to her.#some feel it more than others. Wu is- was her master. Kai her brother.#and Jay. Jay was her-#out of all of them Jay beat himself up the most. because what good is love if you can't convince them to stay?#woah sorry about that i was possessed by angst#also i feel like you could tie in Jay's abandonment issues with his birth parents here if that wasn't clear <3
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sainns · 4 months
𝓢. ㅤㅤthings they do to show that they like you.
OT7ㅤ✶ ㅤ (⠀gnreader⠀) . . . friend!enhypen, pre relationship, this is a revamped post from when i first started my account, sunoo's the craziest one here for sure, a singular death joke, not proofread so pls ignore typos.ㅤ817 words
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lee heeseung refuses to let you carry anything. he’s made it a habit of grabbing anything that you’re holding and carrying it himself. whether it be shopping bags, your purse, a stuffed animal that he won for you, or groceries, he will be carrying it all. sure, it may be a little hard carrying 15 different bags of groceries up to your apartment but he doesn't mind. even as you complain, saying that you feel bad that he has to carry everything when you can help, he'll just laugh you off, asking you to let him do this for you. you do a lot for him (unbeknownst to you) and this is the least he can do.
park jongseong asks for your opinion on almost everything he does. he'll ask you if he should buy this shirt or that one, watch looks better, what he should eat. it’s like he lost all ability make choices for himself after he gained feelings for you, only trusting your opinion. maybe it's because he wants to have things that you like, who knows. what everyone does know is that the contanst buzzing coming from your phone? jay. he's most definitely texting you about whatever it is he feigns needing help choosing, but he can't help it if your opinion is the only one that matters to him.
sim jaeyun loves to go shopping with you; he literally begs to be able go even if you tell him that you're just going to window shop. not to mention the fact that he is so serious about shopping; he’ll put his phone on do not disturb, giving you his full attention. when you ask him was store he wants to go to he'll shake his head, claming that this trip is for you and if he reall needs something then he can go on his own time. he always ends up buying your stuff for you, waving you off as he gives the cashier his money.
park sunghoon calls you every single night just so that he can fall asleep to your voice. in the beginning he asks you about your day, listening intently and asking follow up questions. he wants to hear your voice for as long as possible, especially when he went the whole day without talking to you. when you ask about his day, though, he gives you the most basic answer possible and moves the conversation back to you. and every morning, without fail, he claims that he didn't mean to fall asleep but your voice is way too soothing for your own good. you figure that he's not telling the full truth after you hear him say goodnight and he doesn't hang up the phone.
kim seonwoo takes more pictures of you than he does of himself. you swear when you caught a glipse of his gallery you saw an album named 'yn' that featured over seven thousand photos of you. which yes, you saw correctly, he has a very full folder full of pictutes of you. most of them aren't even good but he would rather die than delete the ten, nearly identical, photos of you laughing or the blurry video he got while you were ugly crying because of some movie. he also uses them to tease you—laughing when you tell him to delete it. yeah.. he's almost all out of storage, at this point he's going to buy a burner phone just for photos of you.
yang jungwon loves to texts you updates about his day. if you think jay texts you a lot, oh man, jungwon beats him by twenty miles. he'll tell you his plans who they're with, what he's planning on eating, the cute cat family he saw on the street (pictures included). this man tells you everything, every thought he has it feels like. honestly, he only bothers going out so that he has an excuse to text you, it makes him smile brightly at his phone when he sees your responses. when you start sending him updates about your day? he gets so happy, it's his favorite part of the day to hear from you now, nothing else could ever compare.
nishimura riki does not know what personal space is. he's always touching you in some way, even if it's subtle, like your shoulders pressing together when you're sitting on the couch, watching a movie. when you walk somewhere together, you have to push him away multiple times because he's practically on top of you with how close he is. when you're hanging out with friends, he tends to wrao an arm around your shoulder or lean his head against yours. your friends tease him for it, saying that he's practically apart of you now. he glares at them playfully, gripping your hand in his as he pulls you away (he just really wants to be alone with you).
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sancrevm · 1 year
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enhypen: jay, jake, sunghoon and niki as boyfriends
song recommendation: bite me by enhypen
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the most boyfriendish boyfriend to exist.
he’s always there for you, whether that be you’re having a sad day and just require his presence or if something exciting has happened and you wish to tell him all about it, here’s there to listen.
of course he cooks for you, he craves your joyous reactions to whatever he makes and he goes out of his way to present the food as a restaurant would just to see the smile light up on your face.
he’s the type to enact pda more so when he gets even the slightest bit jealous. another boy looks at you a little too long when you’re shopping? an automatic death glare and a hand on your waist. he sees another boy smile at you? he kisses you in plain sight before he leads you away.
he’ll pay attention to the little details you mention in conversations and bring them up later. your heart always warms with the implication that he actually listens to you, even if you’re just rambling half the time.
a perfect example of a boyfriend.
this boy is so in love with you he feels like he can’t even breathe when he’s near you. he’s always messaging the group chat with the rest of the members when he’s with you, either incoherent ramblings or just full on paragraphs about why he loves you so much. the rest of enhypen have learned to ignore it though.
you best bet if the two of you have an unscheduled day, he will not let you leave his presence. what was once an early morning turned into a late lie in because he snuggled up to you, not allowing you to escape his bear hug. a movie night turned into you and him falling asleep on the couch, his arm wrapped around your waist while the unwatched movie played in the background.
he tends to play fight with you. if the two of you are on his bed, he’ll just start wrestling with you simply because he loves the laughter you let out. after it, he’ll have your hands pinned to the bed and he’ll bend down to kiss you.
despite being such a tease, he’s seriously a good boyfriend to you.
he’s the perfect example of someone who taunts their partner because they love to see how riled up they get. he’s always pulling small pranks on you or just downright teasing you because he loves the reactions you pull. he would always end it with an “i’m just teasing” and pull you in for a hug.
he’s so attentive with little details. if you’re in a restaurant and sharing food, he’ll always give you more of what you love to eat. he’ll always lead you by the hand if the two of you are out in public, as well as always having his hand on your body if you’re say waiting at traffic lights.
again he just executes boyfriend acts all the time. he’s always the type to offer his coat if you’re too cold, he would rather suffer from the chill himself than witness you shivering. when out on a picnic date, he’ll let you use him as a pillow when you snuggle up to him, even if he has nothing to rest his head on himself. he’ll always put you first.
even if it’s niki’s first relationship, he sure as hell knows how well to treat you.
he’ll always and i mean always give you his hoodies to wear. at this point, you have more of his hoodies hung in your wardrobe than he does. he loves seeing how big they are on you; he’s just obsessed with seeing you wear one of his possessions and knowing you probably sleep all enveloped in one, his heart can’t take it.
he has a dedicated playlist for when you come over. whenever a love song plays that just gets his heart beating, he’ll look over to you and smile, as if he’s relating the lyrics to your relationship. overall, he has to remind himself that you’re not just a dream and that he actually has you as a partner.
he’s learning to be a better boyfriend as he’s going, but his acts are just so natural sometimes. for instance: he’ll always insist you message him when you get home straight away. if you’re faced away from him when lying in bed, he’ll roll over and wrap his arm around your waist, kissing your cheek and neck while he asks what’s wrong. and lastly, he’ll have the cutest nicknames for you, he probably has a new one stored every week.
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luvtonique · 5 months
I wanted to address all of the controversies about me and put some explanations on them because unfortunately we live in a day and age where people just see the dirt without ever wondering how the dirt got there. They think "Man that guy never washes his car look how filthy it is" because I just fuckin went offroading 10 minutes ago but they didn't know that.
Aight let's start with numero uno, the thing I'm called the most, the big word for good ol Jay: Transphobe!
This is the one with the most hilarious backstory of them all which to this day baffles my goddamn mind.
I used to be a hated artist because I drew violent shit, I was known for Lil Miss Rarity which is a super violent comic. Naturally this lead to people saying that I was "killing children" because I was drawing violent (and sometimes pornographic) images of a children's cartoon show (My Little Pony).
So in my quick rise to stardom, I had a lot of hateful people attacking me as well, and I had fun with it. I called them out, called them stupid, etc.
Well, one of them was Dumbo. Dumbo spent 6 full months making posts about me that are still on their blog to this day. Every single time I made a post, they reblogged it or reposted it, to call me a shithead, call me an ass hole, wish I'd kill myself, etc.
One day I was doing a fundraiser to put away money for a potential emergency because my mom had hurt her spine really bad and was in the hospital. I had a goal of $300 and raised $1200.
Dumbo, of course, was saying hateful shit about me still, and said, I quote, "I hope that whore dies in the hospital lmao"
So, I looked into who Dumbo was. The Brony fandom was, at the time, all about Love and Tolerance, so I did some sleuthing and found out they were an artist on DeviantART taking full color commissions for $10. I commissioned them on my DA account, and asked them to draw Lil Miss Rarity. They and I had a very polite conversation, and since they drew the picture very quickly I tipped them 100% and told them to up their prices because their art is very good.
They thanked me, not knowing it was me (despite that it was literally my main account), and I walked away.
Then, they checked my gallery, found out it was me, and went into a rage, making a post that says, "LMFAO, Jay just begged for money and then turned around and used it to commission an artist for double their asking price, what a shithead!!"
So, I took the screencaps of all of their death threats over 6 months, compiled them all, and showed my massive Tumblr following in a huge callout post against them. In the middle, I referred to Dumbo as "he/she/it/clown" and everyone (AND I FUCKING MEAN EVERYONE) completely ignored the 6 months of death threats and how consistently polite I was to them, and sided with Dumbo in a moment that labeled me "Transphobic" for the rest of my life.
Another instance is I called Kris from Deltarune he/she, and was called transphobic for that, and got the amazing quote "That's a real-ass child and you're misgendering them deliberately," to which I replied, "That's not a real-ass child that's a fictional character you fucking retard"
I grew up in Los Angeles in special ed classes and have a mentally retarded brother, I have the pass to say retard, fuck off.
I grew up in Los Angeles with a father who called himself "N*gger Bob" (he's white) because he was a super racist who believed being asked to help take the trash out was "akin to slavery." He also beat my retarded brother half to death for having a black girlfriend.
I was in LA during the Rodney King riots, I was in LA right in the middle of the Crips and Bloods trying to kill each other and having fuckloads of gang shootouts that I overheard when I was chilling in the Ceritos (spelling) mall.
I know what racism looks like.
A white boy saying the n-word while playing Fortnite is not what racism looks like.
A white boy singing along with Busta Rhymes (hi that's me) on a livestream and casually dropping n-bombs because I'M SINGING ALONG WITH BUSTA, BITCH, is not what racism looks like. I had three black friends growing up, Davion, Julian and Smalls, and also Undrier but Undrier was retarded and I didn't consider him a friend he just followed me around and called me "Day" because he couldn't pronounce J's. But me, Smalls and Davion would stand on Davion's aunt's porch and eat zucchini cornbread and listen to Woo Haw and headbang and sing along til the fucking cows came home.
But now that I'm grown up, my upbringing apparently doesn't matter, my FUCKING SKIN COLOR DOES (you know, racist ideology!) and I'm no longer allowed to say the n-word despite having casually spent my entire childhood surrounded by black friends who were completely okay with me saying it. I grew up in the hood, motherfucker! Bellflower born n' raised, bitch! Wes' Side!
But I'm <skin color> and since <skin color> isn't allowed to <thing that's designated for only other skin color to do>, I'm racist.
I was molested when I was 13, which thankfully didn't leave too much emotional scarring on me. Anthony Sevarino, the dude's name was, and he shoved my hand in his pants and showed me his dick during a camping trip and said he was gonna fuck me in my bed. I was so shocked by this happening that I didn't even tell my parents who were in the same motorhome literally asleep 10 feet from me.
Growing up, I always had a really emotional trigger to seeing harm come to children, I hate it. I cry and shake uncontrollably when I see children getting hurt, no matter what. It's the only thing I have I'd call a "trigger."
I saw that episode of Rugrats where Tommy cuts his finger and then he's scared to do anything anymore because he might get hurt, and that made me fucking bawl, it still does, seeing Tommy cry super fucking hard over seeing his finger bleed- holy shit it's making me teary eyed right now just typing that.
So, naturally, I don't want children to get hurt and am extremely against pedophilia, child predatory behavior, MAPs, grooming and these FUCKING PEOPLE WHO KEEP CASUALLY TALKING TO 13 YEAR OLDS ON DISCORD FOR FUCK SAKE.
"But Jay! You drew foalcon! Those fictional ponies are underaged!"
What, you mean that tag that's still extremely popular and always has been in the brony fandom?
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Yeah can't imagine why I, a very popular artist in the brony fandom from 12 years ago to 10 years ago, would ever draw something so insanely high demand and so insanely popular. Can't fucking imagine.
Never mind that I haven't drawn it in 3 years, removed all my old images of it, and even announced I'm not drawing that shit anymore, I'm still losing friends when they find out I did once, because "I can't associate with a pedophile I'm sorry." (See: "I can't differentiate fiction from reality and also can't allow a person to move on from a troubled past that they had.")
Also never mind that the few crowdpleaser foalcon moments in Lil Miss Rarity were officially written out entirely (the part where Twist and Sweetie Belle kissed).
But you know what's amazing? Being part of the brony fandom and being an artist willing to draw anything meant that people would come to me and literally confess that they're in possession of the "real shit" and wanted to know if I was interested. Seven of them, seven, are in prison now because of me and my buddy "Z" contacting the FBI with their confessions and the shit they shared with me thinking that I was a "safe person" to admit that shit to.
My position in the fandom as an artist who gets to know their commissioners personally and was willing to draw that type of shit was literally fishing out real actual predators and putting them in prison, but I was still getting called a pedophile, and still get called it today. It's fuckin great man.
I was trans. Shaved my hair half off, dyed it blue, called myself Jynkx, cussed out my family, moved to Ohio with a guy who wore diapers around the house (with his brother living there) and collected loli figurines, and dated a transgirl who was catfishing and manipulating me for 9 fucking years. I have a Discord server to this day with pronoun selection roles, my best friend is trans (I met her when she was cis and helped her come to the decision to transition and it has since improved her life and happiness), and almost every mod in my Discord server is trans.
The problem, of course, is that the trans activist community hates itself more than any other, which makes perfect sense if you think about it. This is a group of people who encourage hating cisgendered people, and encourage people to hate the body they're in and to transition to a "different body." It's been proven multiple sources that there are entire "Femboy Cults" (search that on YouTube) who are actively seeking out depressed people to manipulate them into starting HRT, and cutting off their family.
Bridget, as you all remember her, was a manipulator who lied to me for 9 years of dating to make me depressed, hate myself, hate my family, give her thousands of dollars, and kept promising we'd meet some day while turning down every opportunity (such as conventions we were both already going to) to meet (yes, I went to conventions she was at and didn't meet her).
I was a victim of manipulation, was surrounded by horribly manipulative and narcissistic pieces of shit who warped my mind and made me believe I was depressed because I was "an egg" and needed to go get on HRT and change myself. And I almost did! I came within a hair's reach of shoving a hormone-altering drug into myself in hopes it would cure my depression, and then went "Wait a second, I'm not depressed because I'm a woman trapped in a man's body, I'm depressed because femboy-obsessed manipulative pervert rapists want me to turn myself into their fetish." I broke up with Bridget, I moved home from Ohio, I waited for my hair to stop being blue, and I became proud of myself for escaping that horrible situation and bettering myself mentally.
So how's this make me a transphobe?
I draw LGD (Lesbians Getting Dicked) because I think it's hot when girls who like girls have sex with guys. I've drawn some pretty offensive pictures of it such as a pic of two lesbians being told "Pride month's over, ladies, time to be straight again" while being surrounded by hard dicks and looking scared.
Why'd I do this? Well because a lesbian friend of mine also likes that shit and we did that as an art trade.
But why do I draw it on my own sometimes? Because it's hot. It's fucking fictional porn, it's not real, it can't hurt you. I tag it LGD and only post it in servers you need accounts to see. You don't like it stop going out of your way to look at it, and if someone slams it in your face in your private "We Hate Jay" Discord server (which there are many of. I have moles who tell me.), that's not my fault y'fuckin dipshits. I properly tag and hide my stuff so only people who want to see it can see it. If someone showed you a picture of my spread asshole, you should get mad at them, not me. They're the one who SAVED IT TO THEIR COMPUTER AND SHOWED IT TO THEIR FRIENDS UNSOLICITED, YOU MORONS.
Next up: AN ASS HOLE.
I've spent 13 years being called all of the above names no matter how much I've catered to their activism and was even part of their activist movements directly. Fuck you.
Next up: A NAZI
I said on Twitter, "I hate that no matter what you say on this site, someone somewhere will get mad."
And that, without any further comment from me literally at all, turned into a massive amount of people including "Wootmaster" (Added note: I talked with Woot in private and he gave me the okay and apologized, we cool) calling me racist and a "Bootlicking Nazi." I literally did not add to it. I literally just said the opening line and left it for 3 days.
That's why I deleted my Twitter.
That's why people think I'm a Nazi.
Because I said "I hate that no matter what you say on this site, someone somewhere will get mad."
You see why I make angry rant posts like this one?
Because this is how I've been treated for 13 fucking years.
I've been attacked, called names, labeled evil, told I'm phobic against the movements I was literally part of and being an activist for, had money stolen from me by perverts who got arrested for drilling a hole in the bathroom wall at a brony convention to jack off to his female roommates (he pretended to be trans and bullied them into letting him room with them in their "Safe Women's Hotel Room" and then did that shit and got arrested. But not before he stole money from me! Six thousand fucking dollars!), lived with a fucking probably actual child predator who would show me his loli figures and foalcon posters every day and try to convince me to like them and showed me his dick multiple times...
I literally was smack dab in the middle of super ultra liberal activism and trans activism for over a goddamn decade, right down to blue hair half shaved off and calling myself Jynkx.
And I come back, snap out of it, and get cussed out and called transphobic and "the reason trans people are being killed" because I don't like the flowery 1-dimensional LGBT representation in World of Warcraft and have a 9 year running best friend I went to multiple conventions with decide instantly that I'm a Nazi racist communist because I didn't disown my mother when she voted for the orange guy, and because I called one of their friends "Insane" for identifying as fae/fie and thinking they're a goddamn gaelic woodland sprite. (Btw he was my most frequent commissioner for loli shit and used to jack off while I was drawing it for him.)
You see, people.
I've spent 13 years surrounding myself with and getting personally connected with the lives of my commissioners as a brony/furry artist who was deep into LGBT and Liberal activism.
And in those 13 years I've come to realize that I surrounded myself with the most fucking disgusting and evil people on earth, who no matter how much I would shill for them and do what they asked, I would still be the label-covered punching bag whose reputation is now so utterly in the trash that literally no matter what I draw, say, or do today, I still have people on shady Discord servers n' shit calling me a fucking lolcow and a pedo and a transphobe and a Nazi and a racist and a homophobe and an ass hole.
I have learned in 13 goddamn years that you can't appease these fucking lunatic psychopaths.
And so I don't anymore.
So who am I really?
I'm an incredibly easy to talk to artist, I'm a dude, I love roleplaying and drawing pictures for people, I like writing song lyrics, I love hearing about new inventions and innovations, I love goats, I love dogs, I think cats make bad pets but I don't mind cats, I'm making a video game about an elf girl, and I want you hateful people who I've lived rent-free in the heads of for over a goddamn decade to leave me and my fanbase the fuck alone.
Love you all.
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thecatundertheladder · 4 months
More stuff for my Wu and Garmadon in the Tournament of Elements au! This is what happens on the ferry ride over to Chen's Island.
When Wu and Garmadon join them on the ferry, the ninja are, at first, confused as to why their senseis were allowed on it. After all, only elemental masters were invited to the tournament. You know, cause it’s the Tournament of Elements.
Lloyd: I'm surprised they let you on.
Jay: Yeah, they didn't even let my weapons on!
Garmadon: Well, we were invited.
Wu: We just weren’t planning on accepting until we realised you were going.
Kai: Wait, wait, so does this mean that you’re elemental masters too?
Cole: I guess it makes sense. They are the sons of the First Spinjitizu Master. So why wouldn’t they have elements?
Lloyd: So, what are your elements?
Wu: Hmm, we aren't actually elemental masters, but in this case, I suppose I am the master of Creation and my brother the master of Destruction.
Garmadon: We'll explain further when there are less curious ears.
Garmadon goes on to explain how everyone on the boat are all descendants of the original elemental masters. Of course, this is where Kai decides to fight Karloff [also side note I watched this episode before writing this and it's really out of character that Karloff tries to steal Skylor’s cloak but anyway].
Like Garmadon, Wu also just lets Kai fight by himself, so nothing much changes there.
However, Wu does wander off to have a conversation with Griffin Turner at some point because while canon says that Garmadon (and probably Wu as a result) has never met most of the EMs, I say that's unrealistic - that and it's implied that Garmadon has met Griffin. Anyways, Griffin does not think that Wu aged well.
Right before they arrive on the island Jay decides to take advantage of Wu being there, and ask what the tension between Garmadon and Clouse is all about. And Wu, being a shitty little brother, decides to tell him. Needless to say, the ninja were shocked to find out that Garmadon and Clouse had dated. Up until that point, the ninja (except for Nya – she and Wu hung out a lot) had been a bit wary about stuff like that around Wu and Garmadon. They were thousands of years old, who knew what archaic values they still had. So finding out Garmadon used to have a boyfriend was a surprise (but a welcome one, as it let them know that Wu and Garmadon were accepting of LGBT people). Out of the information gained that night, the ninja consider Clouse being Garmadon’s ex the most important part.
Of course, while this is all happening the other elemental masters are sizing up the ninja, Wu, and Garmadon. And they all have varying opinions based around how much knowledge they have of them.
The ones who have never met or heard of any of them before see them as easy pickings. I mean, a bunch of teenagers and two old guys, seriously, how hard can it be to beat them?
The ones who have met Wu and Garmadon before, but only briefly, are a bit more wary of them, but still think they shouldn't be too hard to beat.
The few who know Wu and Garmadon quite well (like Griffin) are definitely nervous to be up against them, and they have enough sense to know that if the ninja have been trained by them as well, there’s a good chance that they are going to be tough opponents as well.
And, of course, the elemental masters who have heard of how the ninja defeated the Overlord are a bit shocked to find out that they are teenagers. Cause what the hell? Why are teenagers out there defeating God's arch-nemesis?
So basically, it's a direct correlation between how much the EM's have heard of the ninja and/or their senseis and how much they view them as a threat.
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yourmomxx · 2 years
Jason Todd / Red Hood anxious to get you under the mistletoe cause he is in love with you so bad and doesn't know what to do because he is afraid to scare you away if he confess
loving this request right now - I hope you like how it turned out!
Word Count: 2,2k
Warnings: none, 13+
A/N: author was stuck deep in a writer’s block while doing this, so if you don’t like it lmk and I’ll redo it for you <3
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You loved Christmas. Even more than every other holiday. That was a fact that everyone knew, because every year you made it everyone’s problem.
Not that they minded, you were sweet about it. Like when you started singing Christmas songs in mid November.
Or when you took Tim to a Christmas market to help him get his mind off his exams.
Yes, christmas was your favorite time of the year. And gift giving was your specialty.
Though, this year you had decided you needed to be extra careful with gift shopping than usual. Because you had a plan.
See, there was this guy you had a crush on, his name was Jason Todd.
You and him had been friends for a long time, you were even good with his family and invited to all their gatherings. So, naturally, you spent Christmas with them, too.
And this year, you had told yourself, you were going to tell Jason how you really felt about him. What better reason than the most romantic time of the year?
You were going to pull him aside while everyone was busy with the presents, you were going to give him his and then you were going to tell him you loved him.
And nothing could go wrong. Unless he rejected you. But you were secure that your friendship would survive it if your feelings were unrequited. Until then you could just hope they were not.
You took a deep breath and stepped outside into the snowy landscape to go for a walk. There were still some things to do before you had to be at Wayne Manor.
Back in an upstairs apartment in Gotham City, shielded from the snow and cold temperatures, Jason Todd was standing in the kitchen and stuffing a turkey for the upcoming Christmas dinner, while his brothers Tim Drake and Duke Thomas were draped across the sofa, taunting him.
Because they didn’t have much better to do.
Duke had his legs crossed and batted his eyelashes as he spoke in an over dramatic female voice: “Oh, Jason, you have such beautiful and strong arms I’m sure they would be great at picking me up and carrying me into the sunset!”
Cue Tim in a deep voice: “Oh now but Y/N, I can’t do that, because I’m way too scared that you’ll reject me when I tell you my real feelings!”
“I don’t sound like that,” Jason grumbled.
Tim scoffed. “You wish.”
“I’m gonna get my gun.”
“Relax Jay were just teasing you.” Tim lifted up his hands in surrender.
“Seriously it’s mistletoe-time, man,” Duke said, “They’re everywhere. Just … take them under one and kiss them. It ain’t that hard.”
“I will in fact not do that.”
“Why not?”
Jason put some spices away and wiped his hands at the dish towel hanging at his waist. “Because. It could ruin the entire friendship we have if they don’t like it, and even if, just kissing someone like that is super unromantic.”
But the truth was that Jason was scared. Yes, him, Jason Todd, and in his mind it was absolutely ridiculous. He had died and come back to life, he was a vigilante at night, he had fought the Batman himself.
And yet, what made his hands shake and heart beat faster was the thought of kissing you under a mistletoe. What made his jaw clench was the thought of someone else getting to you before he did.
And that, in his mind, was ridiculous.
Duke threw his head back and groaned. “Oh come on, you big baby. You don’t have much of a choice here anymore. I want a mom, and Bruce sure as hell isn’t gonna get on with Selina soon, so you and Y/N are my next best choice.”
“Y/N does make amazing PB&J’s,” Tim agreed.
“Silence, both of you. Or I will tell Santa that you don’t deserve your presents.”
Tim grinned. “Ha, nice try, asshole. I stopped believing in Santa when I was six.”
“That’s when everyone starts believing in Santa,” Duke said.
“Yes because you all fall victim to parent’s mind control and illusion. Couldn’t be me, suckers.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “How mature you are.” He opened the oven and carefully put the roaster inside. ”Well then, come on, you two heroes of Gotham. This turkey needs some time in the oven and I-“ He picked up his keys “-still need a few presents.”
Duke jumped up and rubbed his hands together in excitement. “Ooh, last-minute Christmas shopping. This is a Hallmark movie.”
“Shut up and put on some shoes.”
That night, at Wayne Manor, Christmas was in full swing.
From ornate chandeliers (thanks in no small part to you) to landscape art made out of fake snow on the huge windows.
The entire building smelled of cinnamon and tangerines, and small loudspeakers in the corners softly played Silent Night.
It was shortly after the huge feast together, the whole family and unofficial family members were invited.
Jason had brought his ready-made turkey, Steph brought hilariously decorated Christmas cookies, Dick and Barbara brought the appetizers.
Now everyone had gathered in the living room, in which stood the huge Christmas tree (and I mean massive, department store size), decorated in dark red and gold.
Bruce, wearing an elegant black tux, stood up, holding a glass in his hand and carefully clinking a spoon against it to get everyone's attention.
When silence fell, he raised the glass.
"My dear friends, relatives," he said, "It is my pleasure to welcome you here today. Christmas is the festival of joy, love and gratitude, and I want to thank you. For the good times we have spent together - day and night - and for always being able to count on your support when I need it." He held up his glass solemnly. "I wish Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!"
"Merry Christmas!" It rang out in several voices, and glasses were raised and toasted everywhere.
Jason pushed past Stephanie and stood next to you.
"Merry Christmas," he said in your ear. His breath tickled your neck.
"Merry Christmas," you said back.
He looked up and down at you and you felt your heart start beating faster.
Then he grinned and leaned closer to you. "You look amazing today. Red really is your color."
Your breath caught in your throat and you looked up at him.
“Thanks,” you breathed out. You didn’t trust your voice to do much more.
He stayed focused on you for a second, dark blue eyes reflecting the light of the Christmas tree, when suddenly, the door bell rang and you winced, startled.
“That has to be the carol singers, Master Wayne,” you heard Alfred say and Bruce nodded.
“Well then, we’ll greet them. In the meanwhile, behave until we get back.” He threw a look around until he finally turned and disappeared, Alfred in tow. Cassandra also chose to join them.
Shortly after were previously interrupted conversations resumed until the babble of voices surpassed anyone's senses.
You decided that now was the best time to go through with your plan.
“Jason,” you said, slightly tugging at his jacket to get his attention.
“Hm?” “Can we talk for a second?” You asked him. “We are talking.” “You know what I mean.”
He raised his eyebrows in confusion, but gave in. A hand resting on your upper back, he guided you through the crowd until you found a small corner where no one was standing. Carefully, you put your glass down and Jason did the same. Then he raised his arms in defense.
“Look, whatever I did, I deeply apologize for it, but first of all, I didn’t suggest to cook Damian’s turkey, that was Tim.”
Now it was on you to be confused. “Jason, this is not this kind of talk.”
He visibly relaxed. “Oh.” He pursed his lips and chuckled awkwardly. “For a second there you had me worried.”
You smiled softly at him. “No, I just- I wanted to give you your present. You know, in private, so it’s more… private.”
Your heart was almost jumping out of your chest at this point. You were blabbering and stuttering before him as if you hadn’t gone through this monologue at least three times alone at home.
So get it together.
You took a deep breath and pulled out a small, wrapped present, handing it to Jason.
“Merry Christmas, Jay.”
He glanced first at the package in his hands, then at you, before slowly pulling the wrapping paper off and revealing an oblong black box.
You watched him as he pulled off the lid and took out what was laying on a red fabric pillow.
It was a quill, polished black with subtle gold decorations twining around the handle.
Jason wide-eyed the object in his grasp.
“I know you like to write,” you said. “I mean, you don’t have much time to do it, of course, but I know you like it. So, I thought you would like this. I know it’s not much and it’s actually pretty small now that I think about it-”
“I love it.” He interrupted you and looked into your eyes. “Thank you.” Jason quickly put the quill aside and swiftly pulled you into a warm hug.
You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and breathed in his scent of old cedar wood and whiskey and gunpowder.
“You’re welcome,” you murmured when you pulled apart. Jason’s armes remained wrapped around your waist and he was still remarkably close to you.
You could’ve counted the small freckles littered across his face. Just like before, his eyes went up and down your body. You felt your cheeks grow hot.
“Did I tell you that you look absolutely beautiful tonight?” He asked in a low voice.
You but your lip and nodded. “Yes you did,” you whispered.
His eyes were staring deeply into yours and for a moment, you felt you forgot what breathing was like.
Suddenly, the two of you heard a rustle above you and Jason looked up, coming face to face with something green.
He pointed above him. “Mistletoe.”
“But we’re not under any- “Jason cut you off by pulling you towards him and clashing your lips together with his. You let out a surprised noise but quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back.
And it felt good. You felt excitement in your stomach, spreading through your entire body at the feeling of Jason’s warm, soft lips moving slowly against your own.
When you pulled apart, Jason leaned his forehead carefully against yours.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” you whispered back, biting back a smile.
From above you, you heard slow clapping. Holding the mistletoe, sitting on Dick’s shoulders was Tim, with a grin on his face.
“They did it, people!” Dick yelled. “Only took them a reason to make out.” He leaned a bit closer to Jason. “You know we have like three guest rooms, so this is now an official invitation to- ow!”
Jason shoved him away and he tumbled back, making Tim almost crash into the Christmas decoration hanging from a chandelier.
“Just gonna have to hang a mistletoe over a bed, too.”
When the man in your arms turned back at you, you were still smiling at him from ear to ear.
“I apologize for this,” he said. “You know how they can be-”
This time, he was cut off by you kissing him and was more than happy to oblige. You felt his shoulders relax as his lips moved against yours slowly.
He bit at your lower lip and slid his tongue into your mouth. You pulled him closer by his neck and tangled your hands into his hair, softly pulling at the black strands-
“Excuse me!” The distinct voice of Duke Thomas interrupted your kiss. “There are children present.” As if to make a point, he took his hand off the eyes of a scolding Damian who was sitting on the floor.
“Animals,” he whispered. Duke nodded.
“So are you guys like together now?” Steph asked and collected a punch to the arm from Duke.
“Ow! What? It’s the question we all want to know!”
“Look at them!” Duke’s eyes were wide as he gestured in your direction. “They just made out under a mistletoe in the middle of our living room, the poor guys don’t even know their own names, how can they know if they are in an established. Relationship?”
Jason pulled his eyes away from his siblings and locked them on you. “I don’t know. Are we together now?” He asked. You smiled.
“Yes I think we are.”
“Like, with hand holding and going on dates and all?” Damian didn’t seem all too excited.
“Are we together with hand holding and going on dates and all?”
Jason grabbed your hand and squeezed it. “I’d love that.”
“I’d love that, too.”
Squeezing into the room and coming to a halt in front of you, Dick clasped his hands together and wiped a fake tear. “Oh, young love.”
You two ignored him and Jason pulled you swiftly into his warm side. “Best Christmas present ever,” he mumbled into your hair.
“Wait until you get to unwrap it,” you murmured to him.
“Children, people!” Duke screeched, “Children!”
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Okay, if it's okay for you to write this little idea I had. So, uhm, you know a little angst in which reader is a vigilante (a very good one) but they get hurt protecting some people, Jason has no idea until they see reader in the Batcave sleeping and trying to get better. All this for him to have an epiphany and understanding he wants to be with reader even tho he's afraid and kinda sucks at feelins. Happy ending, please, because reader vigilante is a badass and wouldn't let Jason alone in this big bad world uwu
"Mission report," Jason announced as he climbed off his bike. "Got the victims safely out of the building and to medical care before the warehouse went...boom."
"And did this building go boom because of them? Or you?" Tim asked as he typed Jason's report into the database.
"Need to know, Timbo." He removed his helmet and tossed it onto the desk next to his younger brother. "Am I the last one in?"
Tim stiffened just slightly, but he dipped his chin in affirmation. "Steph and Cass are back with Oracle. Damian is...he's in the med bay."
With you, the words went unspoken. Jason pushed away from the desk and beelined for the med bay. Bruce, still in his suit, was bent over you on a cot while Alfred flitted about the small area. Damian sat next to the cot, his face drawn tight with shame.
"How are they?" Jason asked quietly. "What happened?"
Your eyelids didn't flutter. Didn't crack open at all, giving him a glimpse of the mischievous glint always present in them. You just stayed still and limp against the white sheets.
"It's my fault," Damian explained. "I...they jumped in front of me and took a knife aimed at my back."
Bruce was silent as he bandaged up your thigh. Jason moved to stand next to his father and he reached out to smooth a hand along your cheek. Dirt smudged along your nose and jaw and he rubbed it away.
"Nah, not your fault, baby bird," Jason assured him. He knew the kid was beating himself up. "They're the most stubborn, self-sacrificial motherfucker I've ever met."
It's why I love them, he wanted to say. Hell, he wanted to scream it. He wanted to pull you into his lap and cradle you, keeping away all the violence and rage he had experienced. He knew you chose this life just like he did. You wanted to help in your own way. Didn't mean he had to like it.
"They'll be okay," Bruce finally said. "Bed rest for a week and no patrol for a month, but they'll be fine. It'll leave a scar, but that's about it."
Another scar on your precious skin. Jason nodded, but he didn't tear his eyes away from your sleeping face. "Dilaudid?"
Bruce hummed an affirmative as he secured the bandage and pulled a blanket up to your shoulders. "It'll wear off in about four hours. They'll get a painkiller every six hours. Alfred will make sure they stay on schedule. You'll stay here?"
There was some sort of unsaid hope in Bruce's eyes. Jason hesitated but if it meant you being safe and secure in the Manor with top of the line medical care just a few feet away, then yeah, he would stay.
"Let's go, Damian. You need rest. You can come see them in the morning," Bruce ordered.
"But-" The youngest Wayne clearly didn't want to leave the side of the person he felt he failed.
"Go, demon brat. I'll be here all night. Promise," Jason assured him. Damian looked between him and the sleeping figure between them and then nodded sharply.
"I expect you to care for them to your upmost ability," Damian said. Little shit was terrified of admitting that he cared.
"With my life," Jason swore.
The cave slowly emptied out as people headed to bed. Jason waited until Alfred left before he slipped away from your bedside and returned with a small cloth and a bottle of mask solvent. Carefully, he eased the glue off of your face and removed your domino mask, laying it on the small nightstand next to the cot. His followed shortly after.
"Jay?" you slurred. A small smile lifted at the corner of his lips and he gently moved you over before sliding in next to you. His arm encircled your waist and he nestled his chin on top of your head.
"Go back to sleep, sweetheart. I'll be here when you wake up."
I'll be here every day. Every morning and every night. I'll be here as long as you want me to be around. As long as you can stand me. Until I end up in a coffin again and even then, I'd dig my way out and crawl back to you all over again.
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Hi! I really love your fics! Can I request a Vasco x blunt!reader? Where the reader would always compliment Vasco without shame (he deserves it!) and like calling him Good bo or handsome for beating bad guys whhehehe. I think Tabasco would blush a lot and I would love to see his reaction in your perspective! (They’re either lovers or both have feelings for each other but haven’t confessed yet) thank you! (Also sorry that this is long🥺)
Aww thanks for the kind words anon, and for the ask! Long asks are good! Allows me less freedom to wordvom and completely miss the point lol. Let me know if this hits the spot, or feel free to send me another ask (I think I might have misread this????)
Heheheeee Vasco would 100% blush, and he would also 100% need a blunt reader because someone needs to make it obvious and Euntae is too dense innocent for words.
Vasco x Reader: Compliment Assault
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You've seen the Burn Knuckles gang. They're not exactly the most... well-mannered and their leader Vasco is exactly the person you would expect to lead them. Except, well. He really isn't.
He tells you all about kangaroos and Hero Man and Jay's puppies; all about wanting to protect the weak and using the gang for good. He even starts walking you home after you tell him about feeling unsafe. Who can blame you for liking him.
"Vasco, how are you still single!"
Vasco completely pauses midstep and freezes. He turns to look at you with wide eyes.
"Y/N? W-what do you mean?" Bless this guy, he's turned completely red.
"Vasco, you've turned completely red!" You sidle up to him and throw your arm round his shoulder, or what you could reach of it, forcing him to crouch down. He glances at you uncertainly but manages a hesitant smile.
"My dear Euntae. You're just..." you hold the back of your hand up to your forehead and pretend to swoon. "Look at you!"
"W-what about me?" You notice despite his embarassment, he eagerly looks at you.
"You're just so big and strong. I mean these muscles... and your tattoos!"
You give his biceps a little squeeze and he flushes. He always lets you get away with too much, and the fact that you're groping him in public makes him feel indecent. Yet seeing you smile and feeling your touch makes it worth it.
You continue your assault.
"And you're always looking after me and protecting others! You look so hot beating up bad guys. You know that right?"
Vasco shakes his head furiously. Y/N thinks I'm hot?
"You might be the sweetest guy I know." Y/N thinks I'm sweet?? "How are you such a good boy!"
Shit. The words 'good boy' makes Vasco's pulse race and he gulps. Definitely indecent. He decides to put a stop to this before it goes too far. He clears his throat and wills himself to stop blushing furiously.
"Y/N... are you feeling ok?"
You take a step back to look at him. God you really do like this fool. You sigh. "You know when you get a girlfriend-" Vasco opens his mouth to interrupt but you press on, "-and you will. We... we probably shouldn't be like this."
He looks at you in confusion, barely keeping up with your change in mood. "What do you mean Y/N?"
"We spend a lot of time together, Euntae. We probably wouldn't be hanging together as much. You wouldn't be walking me home anymore..."
You look at the ground sadly, thinking about the day that you won't be the only person taking up his spare time. Vasco's strong hands reach out to grasp yours. You look up in surprise at his display of affection.
His face is set in grim determination, "I'll always walk you home and look after you Y/N. I promise."
Vasco looks at you with such sincerity that you can't help but be touched and your lower lip starts to tremble. You wrap your arms around him in an embrace, hiding the emotions on your face.
"Thank you Euntae."
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A request for @trans-breadbelike for Ninjago Movie Lloyd tickle headcanons! I really enjoyed writing these, Lloyd in the movie was so precious!
To begin, Lloyd has only had affection from his mom. Once The Secret Ninja Force started, he realized how much he missed out.
It took him a while to be completely comfortable with touch, even if it was positive and if he was touch-starved. It was all overwhelming. Kai had to restrain himself so much because he wanted to swarm Lloyd with many hugs.
When he adjusted, the invisible wall collapsed. Lloyd has never experienced so much care like this, he still gets teary-eyed. 
A part of that affection was tickling.
Usually, when Lloyd gets poked it’s not a good thing. (Heavily considering how much negative attention Lloyd receives, specifically thinking about Chen the Cheerleader in this case.) So the first few times he was very on-guard and gave no reaction, much to the squad's disappointment.
That changed one day when Kai and Nya started rage quitting over a board game, and Zane followed after them like the agent of chaos he is. This left Jay to run around helplessly, while Lloyd and Cole watched from the sidelines in amusement. Cole had leaned over to whisper commentary in Lloyd's ear, his breath so soft and talking so lightly it tickled Lloyd’s ear. Poor guy was so startled he squeaked and yanked himself away, covering the targeted ear. Lloyd has never seen Cole’s face make such a curiously mischievous expression before.
He has no experience in a tickle fight. He can battle shark mechs and fist-fight generals but can't hold his own in a tickle fight. He doesn’t know what to do!
I headcanon Luh-Loyd as the second most sensitive ninja, but he had no idea he was so ticklish.
So many squeaks. One of the squeakiest laughs to ever exist, and has lots of hiccups between giggles.
Lloyd's laugh begins as a loud scream and then dissolves into bubbly happy laughter.
But if he's tickled on a few specific spots, then he starts cackling very similarly to Lord Garmadon. (This is a reference to when Lloyd was a baby and copied Garmadon's laugh. The scene in the movie where Garmadon monologues a dramatic flashback of Lady Iron Dragon taking away tiny Lloyd.) Even after when he makes up with his dad, he hates it when he starts cackling like a supervillain.
At first, the team were surprised but reassured him that just because he cackles doesn't mean he's going to grow another set of arms or something.
(Ironic, as I headcanon Lloyd to have tiny horns and sharp teeth.)
Garmadon was elated to find out his son laughs like him! It became the main reason why he starts tickling Lloyd, the passive way (The only way, for that matter.) to win a fight against the green ninja.
He gets teary-eyed so quickly with tickles too, but happy tears of course!
He blushes really quickly, and can't do anything to stop himself from doing so.
The Ninja are, of course, aware that Lloyd has gotten little to no experience in the friendship department. They're nice enough to him whilst also being gremlins.
Well, sometimes Nya doesn't play nice. Nya really loves to see Lloyd smile, as he beats himself up far too much. She gets brutal with her teasing. Even if Lloyd wasn't acting out, she'd see him frown and squeeze his sides without stop.
Speaking of, anytime Lloyd starts berating himself - and the reassurance doesn't work - they resort to poking him until he either takes it back or says something nice about himself. Lloyd would rather be fired out of a volcano then do either of those things, it's THAT flustering.
He's not the best at tickle related games, but if he gets competitive then he'll risk it for the biscuit.
The tickle spots go from underarms to ears to tummy to feet to thighs. Those are all gold mines.
He melts when someone tickles his back. Even if it's a little embarrassing, he's totally content to become a puddle of soft giggles.
That's him on the receiving end, but when he's giving it? Oh, he's still precious.
He dishes out the compliments, always being sweet and making sure they're still having fun. Afterwards he gets water and asks if they need anything else to relax.
If someone starts to run away, he will chase after them but slow down to keep an even pace.
"Hey! Get back here!!"
The type to laugh along with someone's giggles.
He can and will get devious. (He is the son of Garmadon, after all.)
"I won't let you go until you promise to sit on the couch instead of the floor!"
"This spot tickles? Huh. Then I guess you better apologize quickly!"
Oh, right, he can usually say tickle. When he gets nervous and shy, he cannot.
He enjoys giving people massages. (It originates from him being protective over his team, his friends, because he refuses to loose him.) This happens when everyone gets sleepy, and with a second thought, he starts to trace people's hands and arms. He loves hearing people's sleepy hums and titters, it's adorable.
Lloyd definitely tickles people awake. He'd let them sleep in, but they'll miss out on school. (And, being around chaos has influenced him to be more silly.) This ends up being Cole, Kai, and few times Jay. Even fewer times has he gotten Nya, but he knows the ticklish consequences far too well.
He gets worried about tag-teaming people, as he doesn't like to fight his team, but he really does enjoy the banter and the bonding.
Besides, two birds with one stone! He figures he shouldn't let the opportunity go to waste.
If he's being accidentally tickled, it's extra flustering for him, because he doesn't want to draw attention to himself but goodness gracious he may just about burst.
He tries to be serious, and succeeded most of the time. He makes awkward jokes, but his smiles seem more like grimaces - like he's cringing. He can't ever seem to smile genuinely for pictures either. A few scribbles help him out no problem!
He can't hold in his laugh, not at all.
Cuddle piles are some of his favorite things, and he really likes tickle hugs too. He giggles so hard when he gets trapped in a hug, because he knows what's going to happen next.
His favorite tease to receive has to be, "Uh oh. I think I see a smile! Are you giggling, Lloyd?"
Lloyd has walked in on so many tickle fights, and he's quick to make an escape before he's dragged into it. But one time he see's Nya pinning Kai down, and she asks for help in order to destroy her annoying brother, and he decides... he may as well join if he's going to be dragged in anyways.
He has never heard of the tickle monster bit before, and thinks it's so stupid it's funny. He attaches onto it, and instead animates life into inanimate objects. Like feathers! He gives them silly names.
"Uh oh! You better tell Mrs. Fluffy to get away, she's getting really close to your stomach..."
Hypocritically, he can't handle when people pretend to turn into a tickle monster. Koko does that a lot believe or not.
Master Wu has poked him before when correcting his fighting stance, and pretends to be none the wiser.
He's a dork, I love him so much.
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angelicboba · 2 years
Jungwon x reader. 
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Yang jungwon. The most popular boy at school along with his friends ENHYPEN. They all have their own talents but jungwon he’s the baseball team captain. Girls- hell even boys fawn over him, but who can blame them. Who wouldn't fawn over those sharp cat eyes and even sharper jaw and those plump lips. 
He’s obnoxiously handsome and cocky too, you may wonder how she possibly knows? Well that's because me Y/n L/n has to tutor this dumbass. And I am utterly pissed he makes me want to- “Y/N!!” “H-huh?” Y/n woke up from her love-hatred daydream. Minji her best friend, smirked at her, “Having fun glaring at jungwon?” she teases, Y/n blushes “W-what no I was-”  Y/n looks for an excuse  but minji beat her to it.”you were just glaring at jungwon”. Y/n sighs and gives up “Yeah BUT not what you were thinking I was trying to figure him out”. Minji looks confused “Why?” “Because how could he be one of the smartest kids in the school and failing chemistry!?” Y/n says frustrated, Minji shrugs “Everyone has their weakness”.  Y/n sighs “ Yes that's true but why do I of all people have to tutor him why not his friends jay and Jake!?”. “Maybe because they’ll give him answers to it”. “ Yeah you're right let's go, I'm hungry”. Y/n closes her locker and starts walking with Minji to lunch. Just as they start walking a familiar  voice  yells “HEY Y/N WAIT UP”  Y/n groans in frustration and Minji just smirks “ I’ll see you in lunch” and skips away, “aish that girl” Y/n mumbles under her breath then turns around to be see the face of jungwon “Hey y/n” he says while having that cocky smirk. “ What do you want jungwon?” Y/n says “What can I say hi to a friend?”, “Where not friends jungwon, I'm just your tutor.” “Well anyway I just wanted to remind you of our session today.” Y/n glares at him “i'm very much aware of that jungwon” “okay see you later” and just walks past her. She just shakes her head and walks to lunch 
Time Skip.
    “  Ellingham diagram represents change of?”  “Of” “....”
   “OF JUNGWON”. Jungwon jolts from the sudden burst from Y/n but quickly collects himself to answer “umm” Y/n sighs “Were you even listening to me” she says surprisingly calmly. “If I were to say no would you be mad?” Y/n glares up at him “I’ll take that as a yes.” They were in the library after hours, which was fine because Y/n was a library assistant so she had the keys to lock up. Jungwon leaned back in his chair “ I can’t remember the answer but I think I know a way I can remember.”  doing his iconic smirk , Y/n sighs for what seemed like the 20th time “What?” He didn't even hesitate to answer “ A kiss” Y/n choke on her saliva and Jungwon smirk only grew “ What?” she was beet red (or not if your a black queen like me 👑) thinking she was hallucinating, Jungwon sighed “maybe if you give me a good luck i could possibly remember.” Y/n took a deep breath and shakily replied, “Jungwon, that's not professional.” “ So you act like you're my teacher at the same age.” Y/n took a deep breath, maybe she thought if she did this they could actually get some work done, so she stood up and walked towards him, Jungwon grabbed her waist and made her sit on his lap making her more flustered. She put both hands on his chest and said “I’m only doing this for you to get back to work.” and then she finally did it placing her lips on his, for some reason Y/n didn’t want to pull away so she didn't and Jungwon didn’t want to either, soon it turned out to be a full on make out session. Jungwon grabs Y/n thighs and pulls her close to him, she soon realizes the position they are in and pulls away much of Jungwon's dismay and says “What are we doing jungwon we have to study.” and was about to get off his lap, but  Jungwon was quicker grabbed her thighs and looked in her eyes and said “Fuck studying.” and kissed her once more. Y/n pulled out of the kiss once more and said “ If we're going to make-out at least let it not be in a dusty library and let it be in one of our rooms”. And hopped off his lap and started packing up leaving Jungwon stunned, Y/n looked towards him and said “ are we leaving or what?” taking Jungwon out of his daze and helping her pack up. As y/n was locking the last door Jungwon suddenly said “ free energy ΔG with temperature” Y/n stopped what she was doing and looked at Jungwon confused “what?” Jungwon gave her a soft grin “ I knew the answer, I just wanted to kiss you.” Y/n blushed and said “why me?” Then he said “ because you are you and kissed her head. 
The end?
Author note: thank you for reading my first ever story i will write more but this is for now also tell me what i can work on please!
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tma-entity-song-poll · 7 months
Battle of the Fear Bands B2R2: The Corruption
“A song about a man struggling with his health (be it mental or physical). The song makes the treatment seem inhumane and just as terrifying as the initial problem. It’s almost like he’s getting sicker and sicker but just won’t die.”
I Took a Zombie to Prom and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt:
“The love going on far longer than it should, to the point where it is consuming, most specifically "And we stumble ever forward - Our love is gone but we keep walking on - Arms outstretched we’re grasping for it - Wish that we had just stayed dead and gone"”
Lyrics below the line!
BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA:
Well he collapsed with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome on the E.R. floor Panic attacked, anaphylactic and ataxic The way he spun his butterfly risked all six his phalanges Roman candles at both ends in his synapses And the method with which he recycled his humors Trojan Horse'd his Blood-Brain Barrier and raised the LD-50, yes, yes And through flight-or-fight revelation shame the Black Box Warrior He skipped this town and headed straight down history Shields himself from reason in a Kevlar baby-blue Tuxedo Quilted from the finest fibers, flesh, and fiberglass, and flowers His ego a mosquito, evil incarnate good incognito Pops placebos for libido, screaming, "Bless the torpedoes" For what? For what? For what it's worth If it was going to kill you boy, it would have by now For what? For what? For what it's worth There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down Well, he was wearing stolen rubber shoes and wrapped a poison ivy noose Around his Lotus jugular when they came Well, they found him with a map to every victim of his love And a tattoo of a blue jay on his face And they waited for his vital signs to lie and let a flatline cry A hymn out in Hungarian Harmonic But he cocked his noggin, through his stoma sang, "For auld lang syne" "Happy birthday to the succulents, I'll die your hydroponics" His rib cage was a hornet's nest, palpitations set the beat His vagus nerve a turk's head knot, an axel hitch, a carrick bend He wondered if Christ Consciousness would charge a cancellation fee Auf wiedersehn, au revoir, he gripped his wits right by their ends
For what? For what? For what it's worth If it was going to kill you boy, it would have by now For what? For what? For what it's worth There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down Hello, welcome, why don't you take a seat? Get comfortable, relax, take a second if you need to Now what's bothering you? Well, why don't we start at the beginning Growing up, how was your relationship with the fundamentals of conscious existence? Did you have xenon orchid sinews spilling down the outer center of your Blooming Escher/Mandelbrot head? And how about claustrophilic tendrils clapping caskets closed on seven-knuckle thumbs Did you get along well with the Gideon Bugler pineal glands? Your projector eyes casting sci-fi's on your STR'd strands? Tell me about your nerve to steal nerves of steel from under Bacchus' bloody nose Did Namibian Himbas tie-dye you, your ears pierced with a Phineas Gage flagpole Did you die before your day? Thursday traction, Tuesday titration My hope is to assess through my objective report of Your subjective conjecture Whether this proprietary bled of expertise and seasoning works as well as this Transorbital ice pick
Holistic ballistics, you got a better idea? It's about the best we could come up with, what, you think ideas spread because they're good? No, they spread because people like them So now here we are once again, holding As it were, a mirror up to your mirror I guess it's just something people do A bloody knife to split your infrastructure, wine to rev your motor function Coital machinations of the dead Well, you mainline your animus, karate chop your abacus And learn to be an animal instead But I never did think you better than this, your modus operandi causes Nazi/Skoptzyism and suicide Why to thine own self be true when it is you who are the problem Not the things you do but something sick inside Lithium and Dialectics, boy you really is defective CBT don't seem effective for that Cluster B, accept it Offer up your innocence, please ignore the side effects You've lost your mind and almost lost your life before So you'll be fine For what? For what? For what it's worth If it was going to kill you boy, it would have by now For what? For what? For what it's worth There's no more looking back, and why would you want to look back? I mean, it's no good looking back, so try to look forward now For what? For what? For what it's worth If they were going to get you boy, they would have by now For what? For what? For what it's worth There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down...
I Took a Zombie to Prom and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt:
One breath But everything just tastes like grave dirt One look But darkness surrounds me One touch These walls of pinewood press so closely But, love, I'm alive I claw my way toward you Broken limbs and stitched together smile Sunday best in rags and tatters Love, why do you run? Don't run I'm coming for you And I stumble ever forward My grace is gone but I keep walking on My arms outstretched, I'm reaching for you You can't bury me; I'm never gone Come now There's nowhere else for you to run to Love, now We will be together One bite Is all it takes to bind me to you Now you're in my arms and, dear, you're never leaving And I stumble ever forward My grace is gone but I keep walking on My arms outstretched, I'm reaching for you You can't bury me; I'm never gone And I stumble ever forward Our love is gone but we keep coming on Arms outstretched; we're grasping for it Wish that we had just stayed dead and gone
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itneverendshere · 2 years
"this love came back to me." - iv
Pairing: Sunghoon!AU x Reader
Summary: sunghoon never stopped loving his best friend's older sister. even when you broke his heart. even when you left. will he finally let you go or will you finally open up your heart to him?
Chapter word count: 1.649k
CHAPTER WARNIGS: more Angst!! surprise surprise; lots of it; heartbreak; unrequited love; childhood friends; friends to strangers; alcohol; heartache; slowburn!!; angsty af again im sorry lmao.
iv. flashback to eighteen and hurting.
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Sunghoon was officially eighteen and he hated it.
They’d thrown him a birthday party. He hated them, but still appreciated the effort put in by his friends. He’d been attending a lot more parties since you left, desperately trying to become something he was not, faking it until he made it. That was the plan anyway.
It wasn’t a healthy mechanism to get over the girl of his dreams, but it was something. Enough to numb the pain away, even if it was for a few hours. He wasn’t getting drunk for the hell of it, especially not tonight.
Sunghoon was getting drunk to numb the hell of it. You were right there, an arm’s reach, home for the holidays before you were swept off again to university and then…to the other side of the world.
Up until a month ago, he was stupid enough to believe he was over you. Well, not over you per se. You were still everything he wanted, he swore he couldn’t love you more than he did back then, but not seeing you as often as before, did help. There wasn’t this constant reminder that he wasn’t yours, he was able to put some effort and attention into other people. But then, Jake opened his big mouth and told him the news.
“She’s leaving for two years; can you believe it?”
No. He couldn’t. One thing was studying three hours away from home, from him…another thing was transferring to a university across the globe. His soul felt thin, and his body trembled and chilled. Because no matter how much he tried to let go, he’d always hoped that you’d come back to him. That you’d finally choose him.
Even in his inebriated state, the news still made him want to cry. He knew he deserved to be chosen, undoubtedly, repeatedly. Was that selfish of him? To want to drag you away from the made-up dance floor in his living room and ask you why.
Why were you still hurting him? He’d tried so hard to let you go. He’d even gotten with other girls. Why were you still everything to him?
He looked at you then, as you grinned widely, jumping up and down to the beat of the song playing, screaming out the lyrics of a song he couldn’t remember the name of. You weren’t drunk, really, slightly tipsy at most. Your arms were wrapped around your best friend's midsection, who jumped up and down with you, hair spinning every way, eyes more dilated with being intoxicated, shining brightly under the colored LED lights that lit up the house. He hadn’t seen you in three months.
Sunghoon felt a crashing wave of feelings erupt everywhere. All at once. 
“You good man?” 
He gulped nervously, plastering a convincing grin on his face, hoping Jay, of all people, wouldn’t notice the slight waver in his voice, “Yeah, a hell of a party, right?”
“Where’s that girl you’ve been seeing?”
“Didn’t invite her.”
Jay shoved his shoulder, “What the fuck? Why would you do that?”
Sunghoon shrugged, “Told her I wasn’t interested.”
“I don’t get it―“, Jay stopped his rant before it even started, eyes flitting between Sunghoon and your figure on the dance floor, “For her?”
“Shut up.”
“That’s not heathy―“
“Shut up,” Sunghoon warned, bringing his cup to his plump lips, an impatient scowl on his face, “It’s got nothing to do with her,”
He couldn’t help but watch you when you were so close, joking with people around you, passing through the crowd with effortless motion, and smiling like there was nothing burdening you. It made him lose his breath. Sunghoon excused himself from Jay, needing to remove himself from where he could see you so clearly. He placed his drink on a table and tried to steady his breathing, head hanging low.
When he did pull his head up, his eyes instinctively lead him in your direction, meeting yours across the room. He held your gaze long enough, eyes softening the slightest as a grin formed on your lips. 
“I’m so fucked” he breathed, eyes traveling down as his heart leapt at the sight of your legs carrying you towards him. God, why did you have to be so beautiful?
“Didn’t think I’d have to compete with an entire crowd to wish you a happy birthday,” You grinned, hands firmly planted on your hips as you came to a stop in front of him.
Your voice. Your softness. He missed you so much.
“I missed you.”
“Missed you too,” Sunghoon felt himself blush from your words, a gentle smile plastered on his lips. You leaned back to gaze up at him and wrapped your arms around his much taller frame. 
When did he grow up?
Your hug was stronger than anything he’d ever known or felt, as if holding him wasn’t quite enough, one arm wrapped around his neck and the other around his waist, gripping the material of his shirt on his side, “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
After a few seconds, you lifted your head, meeting his gaze, offering him a tipsy smile, showing slight embarrassment for your inebriated state.
Sunghoon couldn’t help himself. He missed you so much. He took your face in both of his hands, a nostalgic feeling taking over, as he looked closer at your flushed cheeks and puffy eyes with a worried frown, “Didn’t drink too much, did you now?”
You chuckled, “You know I can hold my liquor, I’m just happy to be home.”
Sunghoon kept one hand cupping your cheek and holding the back of your neck, “I’m happy you’re here too.”
You turned your head to break his stare, “How have you been? I feel like it’s been ages since I last saw you. I’m sorry we haven’t texted as much; college has been kicking my ass.”
He said nothing first, just looked at you. You could see the thoughts swirling around, see him decide what he was going to say. His entire demeanor changed, and your heart shattered seeing the tremble on his lips.
And that’s when you realized, he knew. He knew you were leaving, and you didn’t tell him.
“England, uh?”
His stare hit you and you let out a shaky breath, forcing yourself to meet his eye, “I was going to tell you.“
“Two years abroad and you forgot to tell me?” His tone was accusing.
You gripped your cup until your knuckles went white, “I didn’t forget.”
Sunghoon abruptly took a step back, making sure there was enough distance between you two. He hated being an asshole to you, but he was on a roll, too far gone to come back down.
“Funny,” he let out, jaw clenched, “You didn’t forget.”
“I wanted to tell you,” You tried again, but he put his hand up immediately.
“No, you didn’t. Because you still see me as the same little kid, who’s too in love with you to see reason.”
You took a step forward suddenly, shock on your face, “That’s not true.”
“It is,” Sunghoon composed himself, lowering his voice, avoiding preying eyes, “You’re lying to yourself.”
You scoffed, giving up entirely, "We're not fighting right now, it's your birthday. You're drunk."
"Still sober enough to understand I’m clearly not a friend anymore,” He tried his best to cut off any feelings from his voice, but he still felt stupid. He was hurting.
"What are you talking about?" Your voice sounded as desperate as you were feeling, "You're the reason I came here in the first place!"
It felt like concrete drying in his chest, "For my birthday, not me. Not because you wanted to, because it was the right thing to do."
“Sunghoon, I care for you,” You let out, tired, “I always have, always will.”
“But you don’t love me.”
You looked guilty, like you felt sick, “Of course I love you. I’m…just not in love with you Sunghoon.”
Why did it hurt so much? He knew. You told him before you left for college. You weren't in love with him. Why did he have to bring it up, again? 
His voice almost failed him when he spoke again, “Is it because I’m younger than you?”
“No,” you blurted out, “I just, don’t Hoon. It’s not your fault.”
The look of realization on his face was enough to crush you. You tried so hard and yet you always ended up hurting him. Sunghoon was drained, it hurt when he realized he wasn’t as important to someone as he thought he was.
“And I’m only here for another week…”
“I get it.”
Everything about him made you want to burst into tears right there and then. He wasn’t just someone, some random guy…it was Sunghoon. You were torn between walking away or wrapping or arms around him.
“I’m sorry it took me this long to understand.”
The party around you two had long faded. You were surprised no one interrupted your conversation in the small kitchen.
“I think…I think I should stay away from you,” your face dropped even more, if possible, “Whatever this is…this friendship, one-sided love, it ends here.”
A bucket of ice water down your back would have hurt less than hearing his voice in that moment. 
“This was what you wanted, right?” his voice raised slightly, his hurt displaying itself as anger. You felt your heart drop, as you caught tears in his waterline, and then he was ready to walk away. 
You grabbed his wrist immediately, “I can’t lose you.”
He tugged his hand away, staring back at you with glassy eyes. You felt your bottom lip tremble, you knew this was going to happen, 
“I’ve stopped being selfish, now it’s your turn,” he whispered, tears falling down his cheeks silently. And he walked away, hand wiping his teary eyes as a group of friends approached him with more drinks.
It was time to play the birthday boy part. 
And as much it hurt, as much it ached, you didn’t run after him. He was right. If letting him go entirely was the only way to save your friendship, you’d do it in heartbeat. Because walking away was the best thing you could do for him.
two updates in less than 48h...who am I? lmao. im sorry it took me so long to write more chapters but my mind was blank, really, nothing seemed good enough to write.
anyways, I hope you enjoy!! can't promise I'll keep posting as fast, bc I probably won't, but fingers crossed.
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Just some quick thoughts on All In. There will be spoilers.
Zero Hour
I, 100% did not expect Adam and MJF to win, at all. I expected there to be the initial start of a betrayal or something. I was pleasantly surprised, since I love the two of them.
Aussie Open seems really good. I should probably check out ROH.
Hook is one of my favorite anime protagonists, and Jack Perry has improved so much by being a complete piece of shit.
Also, Taz being hyped up for everything Hook does will literally never get old. Dude just sounds so proud every damn time.
CM Punk vs Samoa Joe
I don't really care a whole lot about CM Punk. I've seen a few of his pre-AEW matches, and I think he cuts a fun promo. I also think he's clearly enjoying himself, which makes watching his matches more enjoyable, in their own way.
That said, watching Samoa Joe just beat the absolute fuck out of Punk for most of the match was beautiful. I missed Joe in the original ROH and TNA/Impact, but his NXT and WWE stuff was so fun. Joe works at such a great pace, too. He literally always feels like a threat.
Seeing "real world championship" in quotes every time they mention CM Punk’s belt always reminds me of when AJ Styles was being announced in WWE as "The Man Who Would Like to be Announced as 'The Face that Runs the Place'"
Golden Elite vs Bullet Club Gold w/ Takeshita
Juice Robinson is my favorite feral little gremlin in pro wrestling.
Jay White is a beautiful piece of shit and I love him for it. He's also so fucking good in the ring.
Takeshita is also fantastic and has been consistently great.
I love how much everyone hates Don Callis.
Golden☆Lovers OTP
Hangman Adam Page is one of all-time favorite wrestlers. Just always happy to see him out there.
Ibushi tried to murder people with his kicks and it was fantastic shit.
A shitty surprise pin on Kenny Omega is absolutely on brand. I was peeved in a good way.
FTR vs Young Bucks
Fuck the Revival. I also like FTR a lot. Been a fan of theirs since NXT, and I loved seeing them draped in gold not that long ago.
I don't always feel like watching a Young Bucks match, but I always enjoy the match when it's done.
FTR and the Bucks were top-tier tag team wrestling today.
I legitimately expected FTR to lose, given the legal troubles that Cash could be facing. Seeing FTR win was a nice surprise.
FTR having arm bands for Brodie Lee, Bray Wyatt, and Jay Briscoe was so sweet, and so sad.
Stadium Stampede
Find someone who loves you as much as Eddie Kingston hates Claudi Castagnoli.
Mox looked so fucking cool walking out.
Oh my god, Trent, why, what the fuck. Please stop.
Someone getting skewers stabbed into their heads will always make me wince and laugh simultaneously.
Penta being walked backstage by medics only to return as Penta Oscuro was amazing shit. Penta is great.
Wheeler Yuta is the perfect person in BCC to be a bloodthirsty little goblin that you want to see eat the pin. He does his job well.
Also Best Friends hugging Yuta only to beat him up was gold.
I lost track of what was happening at least 400 times during the match and I don't care. I was thoroughly entertained.
Dr. Britt Baker, DMD v. Toni Storm v. Saraya v. Hikaru Shida
I assumed Saraya was going to win as soon as I saw her come out to Queen with her entire goddamn family walking out.
Toni Storm is a beautiful disaster.
In the event that Saraya wouldn't be winning, I didn't want Britt to win.
But that's also primarily because I *wanted* Shida to retain. Also, I love that Shida's theme has big 90s X-Men vibes.
Shida in general is just great. She should win every match.
I also just had no real investment in Brit for this match. She just kinda felt like she could have been nearly any other woman from the women's division. She wasn't *bad* by any means, just not someone I was pulling for or against.
I'm curious to see what happens with this implosion of the Outcasts now that Saraya and Toni aren't on good terms.
I dislike Ronnie Radke musically and as a person, so I'm not really thrilled at the idea of hearing Saraya's music more now that she's the champ.
At the same time, given all the shit she's been through, I can't be too mad about them giving her a run.
I still want Shida to have an actual good, long run though. I love her matches.
Christian Cage & Swerve vs. Darby Allin and Sting
Schiavone shouting "IT'S STING" is one of my favorite things in wrestling.
Joker Sting is fun as hell.
Swerve is actually the coolest motherfucker on the entire roster, and it is a literal crime that he doesn't have a belt.
Christian Cage is a menace and I can't get over that he wrestles in a sleeveless turtleneck now.
Darby is here for a good time, not a long time.
Darby shouldn't either, but I'm fairly certain he's not even human anymore.
I love Swerve.
I also love Prince Nana.
Getting all of Wembly to shout "Swerve's house" probably felt cool.
This was fun as hell.
Will Ospreay vs Chris Jericho
Ospreay is so fucking good, dude. Like he's absolutely up there as one of the best to do this. Every match I've seen of his just blows me away.
Jericho is also absolutely one of the most versatile wrestlers of all time. I've seen this man reinvent himself like a dozen times, and every time feels just as natural as the one before it.
If they had Jericho win, there was going to be a riot.
Plz give me more Ospreay matches. Dude can fucking go.
I'm curious to know what happens with Jericho and Sammy now
House of Black vs The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn
HOB walking out with a lantern 😭
The Fireflies 😭
HOB looks so cool in white, holy shit.
I love Julia's hats.
I am not a cop, so obviously I love The Acclaimed.
Billy Gunn coming out in full-on Badd Ass Billy Gunn trunks made me feel like I was 12 again.
I love HOB, but if The Acclaimed didn't win this, after their whole mini arc of Gunn retiring, and Gunn bringing back BABG, I was gonna be mad.
Is there a rule that someone has to wreck Julia's shit every match, because lmao
A lot of fun.
Brody King scares the hell out of me.
Adam Cole vs. MJF
I went into this expecting heartbreak
Adam Cole, who took character inspiration from Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2, comes out sporting some definite Broderlands-vibe gear.
MJF is still wearing BTYBB gear.
MJF as this babyface-leaning thing is actually some of the greatest shit I've ever seen. The whole turmoil over using a weapon feels like Roddy Piper vs Bret Hart.
Cole being a desperate POS to the confused, hurt, and mad MJF was wonderful.
The tombstone onto the announce desk with metal reinforcement was brutal on my knees as a viewer.
lol Roddy. lmao.
MJF and Cole almost having a total falling out after the match was amazing.
Cole opting not to slam the AEW belt into MJF's head after the match, and they hug instead? Cinema.
Was I still deeply concerned that there was going to be a betrayal literally up until the PPV feed stopped? Oh hell yes. I watched Ciampa turn on Gargano after the little copyright stuff showed up in NXT. I will *still* be concerned about that until the moment it happens.
That said, I genuinely don't want it to happen because these dudes work so well together. They're just so fucking dorky in the best way.
Misc. Other Thoughts
I missed whatever happened with Miro and Hobbs, because I just missed the whole first hour of Zero Hour.
Apparently there was Drama involving Punk and Jack Perry-- I guess related to the use of actual glass in the windshield of the car that Hook and Perry wrestled on? Whatever. Punk isn't why I watch this stuff, but I would rather Perry not get screwed.
Why did they keep panning over to Mercedes Moné if she wasn't gonna do anything other than vibe to The Acclaimed's theme?
That being said, I was loving the wig she had on. I've been liking the shorter-cut wigs compared to the long-ass stuff she was wearing as Sasha Banks
A lot of people kept expecting Edge to show up at some point. I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere that his contract was extended.
Overall, this was, in all honesty, probably the best wrestling PPV I've ever watched. And, thanks to the invention of VHS tapes in my youth and the WWE Network as an adult, I have seen a *lot* of PPVs. This felt bigger than any Wrestlemania I've watched. I can't compare it to Wrestle Kingdom because I've never actually seen one of those all the way through. But it had numerous people who have been in Wrestle Kingdom matches, which were great.
I'm just annoyed that All Out is next goddamn week, because I don't want to shell out $100 in two weeks for this stuff.
Regardless. I love wrestling. We are in one of the greatest eras of pro wrestling, if not *the* greatest. What a time to be a fan.
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pegunicent · 1 year
Things Fandoms do to you
So @misstrips and I have a nice little DC/Pokemon AU thing going with a splash of Vagrant Story and today as I was suffering the heat and welding together an after burner for a smaller sized crematory I had the thought of Jason, Roy and Sydney from that cross over ending up in Genshin Land.
You see the thing is Roy grew up in the Titans. The original Titans you know, with Dicky boy. And Short Pants was a feral monster with a smile that made you forget about the blood on his knuckles and the steel in his pixie toed boots. Roy was putting his arrows through people's joints before he could *roll* a joint, and he was there for all the stupid shit a bunch of teenagers with little parental oversight and way too much hero worship for their 'mentors' got into from orgies to war crimes to alien war crime orgies. He was there right at the start when they had to actually *vote* for the worst mentor in the League, before it became Ollie's official unofficial title for all time.
And he was there when Jason became Robin and the feral Dicky grew up and mellowed out and turned all that anger into a more positive 'I'm gonna big brother so hard Bruce chews his face off' direction, because what the Bats have is complicated and messy and a bit incestious at times but Bruce *started out* trying to be Dicky's big brother. Not his father. And then he *adopted* Jason. And none of the assholes ever sat down and actually talked about any of it.
But Jason was a good kid up until the whole thing in Africa. And now he's a feral monster of a vigilante and a half decent guy the rest of the time. Still an overly dramatic theater kid like, living undeadish proof that you can beat a kid to death with a crowbar and a bomb but you can't make him give up the *drama*.
Roy is an old hand with feral Gothamites though. He's got this. Between him and Lian they've got their gun loving muscle man on something of an even keel.
But then there's Sydney.
See Dick and Jay, they're feral. Domesticated species that went off the rails and have to be treated with care and respect until they remember that warm homes and hot baths and regular meals are all good things they can have. Sydney is wild. Sydney was never domesticated. Sydney has to be shown, and convinced, and reassured over and over that living inside walls is safe, that food he didn't gather himself isn't poison, that clothes are actually a requirement for dealing with humans. That humans are worth dealing with. Sydney will probably never *be* domesticated, but in a pinch and with some hard bribery he can fake it long enough for a pokemon tournament, or a trip through town, or even one time a visit to Lian's daycare.
And humans are just smart enough to look at Roy's wicked grin and Jason's bulging muscles and decide this is trouble they don't want to bother with most days, but Sydney tends to evade direct notice. He looks like a kid. He sounds like a kid. If you don't stare into pokemon crimson eyes and realize there's something completely inhuman staring back, you might be forgiven for accepting the evidence that Sydney is a kid.
Which is why when the three of them stumble out of the sudden wormhole in the woods, onto a perfectly picturesque dirt roadway leading to a city straight out of one of Lian's story books, Jason curses and Roy sighs. Because Roy was a Titan and this isn't his first alternate dimension, and Jason's been worse places. They aren't that troubled.
Until the guy with the huge sword and his friend in the eye patch give them the usual once over, stop at Sydney staring at a glowing little roadside statue, and all the alarm bells start ringing. Because they look at Sydney the way people who haven't seen the kid 'squish' Cypher agents, but have heard the horror stories and maybe helped clean up the residues do.
And *that* makes Roy want more explosive arrows.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
My Highlights from WWE Elimination Chamber & NJPW Battle in the Valley
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So instead of my usual long-winded reviews I'm deciding on something else, just highlighting the stuff I like from the PPVs, in this case two on the same night
On one end we have matches like Jay White vs Eddie Kingston and Mercedes Moné vs KAIRI, and on the other you have Elimination Chambers and Sami vs Roman. Let's see what I liked
Spoilers for the PPVs, watch them first if you don't want to be spoiled
WWE Elimination Chamber
Starting with the easy one, Montreal's crowd was a huge plus, proper into it just like El Paso was last week on AEW's shows
Liv Morgan x Elimination Chambers, girl just loves some gnarly spots so you gotta appreciate the gusto. Liked the way she was eliminated too, even if I had hoped she'd be final two
KANA. Asuka is on yet another resurgence and she deserves it. Back to her roots, she once again proves to be the most viable opponent for the champions, and frankly I think she should beat Bianca (tbf I wanted Asuka vs Charlotte: the revenge so we could get Rhea vs Bianca but this way if okay too) so she can get a world title reign that doesn't get bullshitted over
Beth Phoenix sporting a bit of Bull Nakano facepaint
Dominik's ability to draw heat is great, he knows his role
Balor crossing from under the ring to sweep Edge
Beth and Edge did the Big Rig (Cole it's not the Shatter Machine anymore)
We need Rhea vs Beth one-on-one, make Rhea champion and have Beth challenge down the line
Starting the US title EC with Gargano vs Rollins, a feud we should have for Mania instead of Rollins vs Logan Paul
Theory locking himself in the pod was a better spot than when Carmella did it
Tezzy Ford, to absolutely nobody's surprise, did amazing, he's a year overdue in needing that singles run
Roman's character work during the match (which was slow going) is still great, even gaslighting Sami's wife. The psychology in hindsight was good too, because all the rest holds was to INTENTIONALLY kill the crowd energy, because that cut off Sami's energy source from Montreal's crowd
Also Sami's selling, not just for taking offence but also dishing it out, you feel the adrenaline carrying him through
Heyman thinking he could fight Owens
NJPW Battle in the Valley
A surprise mention of Mascara Dorada's (aka Gran Metalik) AEW Dark win run
Adrian Quest and Kevin Knight, as well as Dorada and Volador Jr's, synergy was great
The sheer madness it is that Hideo Itami vs Darren Young (with Aiden English on commentary) would've been a 205 live taping at best in WWE and yet it's now a title match on a NJPW PPV
KENTA being a bastard, hell put KENTA vs PAC as a feud have a proper Battle of the Bastards
Rosser's STF-Chickenwing was unique-looking
Reminder that MCMG debuted 17 years ago and they're still great
That one fan who sold Jay's Too Sweet like he was just given $100
Jay White also being a bastard, he will land wherever he ends up
The absolute CRACK you hear when Eddie chops someone, few do it better
Eddie outwitting Jay by rolling out of the ring after being hit with a Blade Runner
Jay kicking out of 3 Urakens, a half and half and a Northern Lights Driver!
Eddie giving Jay respect post-match as well, Jay could've easily left after Hikuleo, he could've just disappeared but instead he put Eddie over afterwards. I'll say again, he'll land wherever he ends up
Dave Finlay's promo after makes sense, that's how you get heat
Tom Lawlor hamming it up
Homicide sporting a Jay armband for Jay Briscoe
DVD, off the ring, through a door!
Commentary taking time to thank Jay White for his career
Watching ZSJ transition through submissions is like watching a sculptor work clay
I've only ever seen Clark Connors wrestle twice (first time being Forbidden Door) and I've enjoyed his energy both times
Mercedes out with the TCS Hana Kimura look, a bittersweet moment really, a great tribute but god I miss Hana, and I'm still not over the fact that the ones they charged got away with just an $80 fine
KAIRI hitting Mercedes with a table powerbomb off the stage
Mercedes this time hitting the Mone-maker cleanly
Mercedes landed, it was ultimately so important that she landed on her first post-WWE match and she did, she was worth the Mone. As much as I'm sad that KAIRI's reign was short, it makes sense
The stipulation of the main event, Okada and Tana are great wrestlers, but New Japan had fallen back on Tana vs Okada way way too many times
Match of the Night: US Championship Elimination Chamber (Jay vs Eddie is a close second but in spite of the shit finish I felt more entertained by the chamber)
Best Performance: Sami Zayn
Best Attire: Mercedes Mone's Hana Kimura gear
Best Spot: Montez Ford splashing from the chamber roof
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baekgufiles · 3 months
enha as your bf !
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just an assortment of little actions i think they would do if being in a relationship g: fluff p: g.neutral s/o x enha wc: 0.45k
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── LEE HEESEUNG: letting you win at games. don't get me wrong, heeseung can get really, really competitive. but i think he's the type to purposefully commit some "mistakes" to avoid having to deal witha grumpy s/o. "saw that? i just beated your ass. you're not so good anymore, hm?" "you surely did, love"
── PARK JONGSEONG: remember details. i'm so sure this boy would be the sweetest, most carying bf to ever exist. he might even remember things about you you don't even recall yourself "love, what do you think about this one?" "you can't get that ice cream, we bought it before. you didn't like that it tasted like coffee" "we did?!"
── SIM JAEYUN: spoil you. honestly i can see pretty much any of them doing this, but with jake it would go to another extreme. i mean, not really a surprise when he has offered to buy designer pieces for engene before. you can only imagine how wild would he take the treats in a couple "babe, i got you a little someth-" "don't you even dare to finish that sentence."
── PARK SUNGHOON: taking pics of you. we all know hoonie loves taking photos, but when i tell you he would have a whole collection! like we are talking albums full of instants, his gallery blowing up and even a freaking hard drive 'cause he would never be able to bring himself to delate a picture of you. "park sunghoon, delete that right now! i look like shit!" "you literally look adorable, i might even have it printed!"
── KIM SUNOO: surprise you. i feel like he would came up with new different things to do on dates every other day, and obviously you would never get tired of him rambling about that new place he wants to try for dinner or that one spot a friend has recommended to him because it’s amazing view “are you all ready now? remember to pack a bathing suit” “what do you mean bathing suit, it’s freaking snowing outside!”
── YANG JUNGWON: cook for you. or well, as least tried. he would be the type to try to express love through little actions, even though it's not of his strongest abilities "how did you even managed to burned down the microwave?" "jay-hyung told me to heat up the sauce" "...baby, you're supposed to pour the sauce out of the can first"
── NISHIMURA RIKI: take care of you. he would get worried sick at the minimum sign of discomfort on your face. however it was the reason, the flu, anxiety creeping in or even the slightest bit of motion sickness he would make sure to help you in any way posible “are you okay?” “the coffee is just too hot. is not that deep, baby”
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@ baekgufiles 2024
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