#out and about { open starter }
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gncrezan · 1 month ago
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a recent commission i did of griffin + mc from @infamous-if !!! <3
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noah-atwood · 1 year ago
OPEN STARTER for @aurorabaystarter
“Oh, this?”
Noah steps back from the bulletin board in the library with various postings for events around the community. From yard sales to sales, his laminated paper is for as it says: 
Local D&D Players New & Experienced Looking for 4 - 6 people
And his discord information for contact along with silly graphics put around it to make it eye catching. He looks at the person, “It’s been something I’ve wanted to try, and I figured the library would have some people who would like this kind of thing. Might be stereotyping, but it's between this place and the comic shop.”
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tanvimvshra · 27 days ago
WHO: Open Starter (2/3) WHERE: Paradise Point Resort & Spa
Anyone who knew Tanvi knew that while she liked to keep up appearances where her wardrobe was concerned, you’d be hard pressed to ever find her at the spa. Sure, she loved a good pedicure as much as the next person, but everything else? Count her out. Facials and manicures required too much trust in strangers while you were in a vulnerable position and if she wanted to sit naked in a hot room full of steam she’d just forget to turn the fan on in the bathroom when she took a shower. However, she’d been hired to look in to one of the masseurs in regards to yet another cheating case, and while she hadn’t wanted to go into the proverbial lion’s den, there she found herself- in a comfy robe and slippers, following a man down a way too well lit hallway for the little amount of clothes she was currently wearing.
However, her surveillance was quickly nearly derailed as the man she'd been following turned stopped walking and looked like he was about to turn around. In a blind panic (she couldn't be caught again), the private investigator quickly turned around and booked it best she could in the opposite direction. She'd dropped her phone- which she'd been using to film- and cursed rather loudly, now having to make the decision to go back for the device or to leave it. But Tanvi couldn't let her phone with way too much footage of this man's life land in his hands, so she really had no choice.
Letting out an annoyed (with herself, of course) sigh, she came sliding to a stop and turned back around to retrieve the purple iPhone, only to come face to face with someone she hadn't noticed before. "Oh uh, hi?" She offered with a bit of a grin. "These robes are so soft, aren't they?"
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grimowled · 2 months ago
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MUTUALS !! give this post a like if:
we haven't interacted yet (even if it's just with another muse), you don't know how to approach or are just bored or, you can't get enough of stolas and want MORE
and I shall send the creepy birb your way with something short maybe and sweet :>
reminder: by default you will get canon divergent creepy stolas BUT ... if you want canon compliant, just say 'give me the sad prince!'
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huntershowl-moving · 8 months ago
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old and new partners welcome! if you're new and/or i can't think of anything off the bat, i may reach out to plot first. <3 will most likely range from one-liners to multipara starters. don't be shy if we already have threads going, i'm a million-simultaneous-threads kinda gal. i'll find a new angle in the character dynamic or plot to pursue. kisskiss
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scatterpatter · 1 year ago
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Feeling normal again
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pohlepen · 1 year ago
my muse needs a little jump start, so like this for a tiny starter! ♡
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cricketcampbell · 8 months ago
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NOW POSTED on community bulletin boards and telephone poles near you!
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byanyan · 7 months ago
it's a wholeass month after pride has already ended but i finally changed my icon
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sunday-arch · 4 months ago
" i'm surprised more people haven't heard of the all blue. a life near or on the seas and it's been reduced to a myth ... a far-gone legend that most laugh at. ---well, that could be all it is. " there's a melancholic edge to his tone, but it recovers quickly, blue eyes tilting up to meet the other's. " but, i'm determined to prove that wrong. it's out there. i know it. "
open starter, sanji.
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jewelstole · 2 days ago
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yes i am still alive. hey tumblr community. hope you are well. <3
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katsaguri-kase-rp · 13 days ago
SAFE receiver feels safe around sender for the first time
@its-sasuke (inquiring minds want to know ...)
While Kase is infinitely grateful for Sasuke's help, she is still...wary. Not that she actually thinks that Sasuke would hurt her. She know that this isn't the same Sasuke that left her to die at Orochimaru's hands, who condemned her to months of torment and experimentation. But especially after their first sparing session, she is acutely aware of his power. And if he's featured more often than not in her nightmares, well...It never hurts to be cautious. And for all that she is headstrong and impulsive, Kase is still cautious. She sleeps with the spikes in her braid, dealing with the occasional annoying scratches that they leave on her neck or shoulders. She double checks all her seals each morning before her stretches and again in the evening before bed, refreshing them as needed. Even with her seals, she sleeps with her old Anbu tanto under her bedroll. Most importantly, she keeps her mask up. The smile that she wears like armor, the jokes, the bubbly personality that had long been a shield around her heart. She doesn't let him in. She's actually grateful for his rough persona, the cold shoulder that keeps everyone at arms length. It makes it easier for her not to get attached. But then she gets a cold. Not a bad one. Just enough to be annoying. Her nose is stuffed to high heaven, and she gets a pretty nasty cough. It's nothing Kase hasn't suffered through before, and nothing she wouldn't suffer through again. She doesn't complain, but she can see Sasuke's eyes, flicking her direction every so often. And before she can argue, he's stopping to set up camp. He ignores her attempts to convince him otherwise, just telling her to sit and rest. And the exhaustion hits her all at once. Once the fire is lit, she starts to doze. Only to wake again to the smell of tea wafting up from a warm mug as Sasuke eases her upright. And there's so much gentleness in the way he moves, the careful touch of his hands, the subtle worry in his eyes. And Kase's defenses melt. She'd always been one to make snap judgements about a person. And this Sasuke is like the little boy she'd made friends with at the academy. This Sasuke she knows, and that familiar feeling cracks the walls around her heart. "Sasuke, could you help me undo my braid?" she asks, her voice rough from coughing all day.
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heirgrim · 25 days ago
open starter. sta/king and drvgging cw
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"Oooh, darlin..."
Jesse grimaced apologetically, stroking the hair from their face as they groaned and shifted, beginning to come to.
The whisper of leather sounded as they moved; soft cuffs around their wrists were bound by a long leather lead to a metal loop fixed to the wall. Another set of cuffs was affixed to their ankles with an 18 inch strap.
"Easy, easy, baby- take is slow," he soothed, sympathy thick in his voice. "I'm so, so sorry, but you gave me no choice- you know that, right?"
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chaosfindsaway · 4 months ago
Open Starter
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"I don't want to talk about her right now, I'm fine."
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huntershowl-moving · 8 months ago
setting: a rooftop; a city. heroes & villains ( marvel/dc, mha, etc.) but can be adapted for "heroes" to be a figurative term. time: 3 A.M.
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❝ WOULDN'T TAKE ANOTHER STEP if i were you. ❞
hellhound does not turn to look at the intruder as she calls out to them in warning. instead, she sinks down onto one knee next to her mounted rifle, peering into the scope with a low, slow exhale. sure, it was likely a bad idea to pick such an open spot as a vantage point, but it was the only option – the clearest shot. this is why they elected to make their move in the middle of the night. most people aren't awake at three A.M. — but persephone is. her target is. and clearly, so is someone else: either someone who shares the territory of urban rooftops, or someone who was looking.
yeah, it's trouble — but tough shit. she is not about to let this opportunity be fucked up by a stranger.
the target, dozens of feet below her, laughs as he addresses the throng of hero-groupies pressing in on him from all sides. music from the rooftop party pulses up into the sky, barely muffled by the incessant noise. this city is crawling with the vermin that call themselves heroes, and over the last three years, her infamy as a villain has only grown as she picks them off without explanation. idiots. they stand on the shoulders of self-satisfied virtue and call themselves tall. but they are no different from anyone else — not the common folk they posture for, not the villains they hate. they all lie, cheat and kill just the same. ( and none of them are spared from her claws and teeth when their time comes. turns out, they all bleed the same, too. )
a slow, quiet breath is drawn into her lungs and held there, chest flared, heart rate dropping to maximize steadiness. the crowd is so close — one wrong move and an innocent girl dies. a pang of anxiety sparks; flashes; is snuffed out.
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starsmuserainbow · 11 months ago
There is a doll lying on the floor. Had she been forgotten by some child?
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It did not seem like anyone was coming back to look for her, though.
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