#our power is out and my boss is making us stay all day because he has to pay us regardless
beancalzone · 23 days
Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that why I write yaoi on company time
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scoutswritingcorner · 5 months
Borrowing The Chauffeur PT.2
Poly!Vee’s x GN!Chauffeur!Reader
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Aka Part 2 of when Vox realizes that you are now chauffeuring Alastor now. 
A/n: @aboyscriminalrecord COME HERE POOKIE- COME GET YOUR DINNER!! Also I know these three could kill Chauffeur Reader but I find it funny that they are all collectively simps and in their minds Reader can’t do anything wrong.
TW:Valentino, Chauffeur Reader kinda snaps, Vox being Vox and there is a verbal fight. All the Vee’s get horny for Chauffeur Reader being absolute feral. A LIL NSFW.
It took two weeks for Vox to realize that you were driving Alastor around the town and to say he was pissed was an understatement. He was beyond livid, so when he called you to the tower that night you immediately knew something was wrong. He never sounded that angry when talking to you, glitching every few seconds between his words.
When you arrived at the meeting room in the tower, you were met by all three of your bosses. You slowly walked over to the long table, “Do you know why we called you here?” Vox asked looking up at you as Valentino took a hit from his cigarette and Velvette was typing away on her phone. “..No Sir, I do not. Please enlighten me.” Vox growled his screen glitching and he threw his hands up in the air, “He thinks you're betraying us since you chauffeured Alastor around.” Velvette explained making you stop and had to reset your brain. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” You snarled out, rubbing at your eyes. Vox stopped and leaned back, all eyes on you as you rarely ever got angry like this, especially at them. “You called me at 4 in the fucking morning to yell at me, forced me to come here and now your throwing a fucking temper tantrum because THE Radio Demon, asked me to chauffeur him around a few days out of my work week?” You asked glaring at Vox, his screen glitching every few seconds from pure anger. “You shouldn’t have accepted!” He yelled back making you look at him like he grew two heads and then you looked at the other two at the table. “Are you two pissed off?” You asked moving closer to the table, this was a dangerous game you were about to play and it could be your afterlife on the line here.
“Nope, it’s not really a big deal-” Valentino hummed out as Velvette nodded and went back to her phone as you glared the TV man down, “So- with that out of the way. What in the actual fuck goes through your head? I’ve been loyal to you for decades Vox, is that not enough for you to think, maybe I’ll stay by your side for the rest of my afterlife.” You asked, venom lacing your voice as you slam your hands on the table. “Then why did he ask you? Why did you say yes?” He stood up, electricity pulsing around him, “Vox. Put yourself in my situation. I get home and I get woken up two hours later by the fucking RADIO DEMON at my door. I don’t have the power to stop him and I’d like to not die a second time.” You hissed out clenching your fists on the table, you so badly wanted to knock some sense into him but you took a deep breath, hands shaking.
Vox glared at you before sitting back down, “Do you know what that’ll do to your reputation? To OUR reputation?” He asked, making you slam your fists on the table, “Respectfully, Sir. I couldn’t give two shits right now. So when you stop throwing a damn temper tantrum, call me back. I’m going back to bed.” You snarled out before turning and storming out of the conference room. 
The room was silent as the door slammed, Vox snarled and turned his attention to the sharks behind him. “...That was hot.” Valentino called out making Velvette roll her eyes, “Oh come on, Cariño. You’re gonna sit here and tell me that wasn’t the hottest thing that happened today?~” Velvette sent him a glare as Vox growled, silently fuming in his seat as he watched you storm out of the Vee tower through the cameras. “Fine! It was! I never knew they could snap back like that.” Velvette huffed out her cheeks turning a bright shade of red.
Satan be damned…he was hard.
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shera-dnd · 8 months
Alright I have eaten my mato peach and have gained the amazing power to do literary and thematic analysis of any piece of media, no matter how fucking stupid
and as the first activation of my ability, I'm turning it towards the stupid ecchi reverse slave harem manga, Mato Seihei no Slave (or Chained Soldier if you're not as much of a fucking weeb as I am) in order to prove that this is actually thematically consistent and surprisingly well written
(long pause as I let all my followers block me and leave)
but first to address the two shuuki in the room
Look... LOOK! It's not what you think!
Okay so like a lot of anime and manga recently (primarily isekai) have been including slavery as a thing in their world building, and tho I'm not gonna claim that's the only thing it ever gets used for, it's quite clear that a lot of people are only using that as an excuse for kinky slave play BDSM
and then forget that that stuff comes with like... you know, the horrific implications of slavery as an institution
WELL GOOD NEWS! The author of this manga does not give a shit about disguising his femdom slave play kink as commentary on slavery, this is literally just a BDSM thing and it never pretends to be anything else
...besides, a woman has needs, okay?
YOU WOULD BE CORRECT! By all logical means I should not be able to read this manga without having the most viscerally negative response possible... except that I don't
I'm not gonna pretend that I know why or how this is working
But I read Monster Musume back in 2015 and it somehow helped me get over my fear of spiders, SO WHO KNOWS maybe niche ecchi manga are how I get over my mental blocks
I would rather it wasn't, but I'm having a hard time proving otherwise!
oh god we're already 400 words in and I have only just finished the preamble. Why am I like this?
Okay okay let us get started as I'll give a detailed explanation as to why Mato Seihei no Slave is about the bonds between people, the ways we bring out the best in each other, and what makes a good dom- ahem I mean leader... what makes a good leader
So for those who don't know the central conceit of this story is that this is a world where women get super powers and men get... to be stay at home husbands
Our protagonist is male wife supreme, Yuuki Wakura, whose main hobbies include cooking, cleaning, and day dreaming about one day becoming a hero
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unfortunately for our adorable little boy toy he immediately finds himself falling through a portal into actual literal hell (technically it's called Mato, but like it's just hell) where he's promptly attacked by several giant monsters
BUT GOOD NEWS FOR HIM! He's being saved by a hyper competent hot woman in a uniform (lesbians going "it should have been me!" count should be at 1 by now)
BAD NEWS FOR HIM! She's alone and soon they both get overwhelmed because she can't go full apeshit murder mode while protecting his soft boy ass
Thankfully there is a way for her to save him still, it just requires some collaboration from him
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("it should have been me!" count: 2)
And here we are at the main fucking gimmick. The reason why all the ecchi shit happens, the silly excuse for why this bad bitch decides to keep this guy at her side
Chains of Eternity: Slave
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Kyouka Uzen (the ultimate girl boss) can forge a contract with someone to bind them to her will as her slave. This will bring out their hidden potential and allow them to fight by her side, turning them into a super powerful killing machine at her command.
In exchange once the task is done she must give a reward to her slave based on the difficulty of the task and the slave's "latent desires"
So yeah, Kyouka doesn't get to decide what the reward is, Yuuki doesn't get to decide what the reward is, only Kyouka's magic can decide what the reward is. Which basically just means the author gets to insert whatever horny fuckery they want into this
Rewards vary from giving him head pats, offering him treats, giving him a back massage, kissing him, to...
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well this is a femdom series for a reason
(I think the "it should have been me!" count is at like a 4 or a 5 now)
and now I'm gonna analyze the ever loving shit out of that ability and how it is the crux to all the themes of the show and actually informs us on the nature of Kyouka's character
no, I'm not kidding
Okay so let me just break down what Slave does here from a kink point of view. It basically allows Kyouka and Yuuki to enter into a BDSM relationship where the dom always knows what the sub wants, while still being able to surprise the sub with her actions. She gets to constantly keep her sub beneath her, while also being magically required to reward him and give him aftercare once she's done
Those two have entered a ridiculously healthy BDSM relationship by forging a magical contract that lets them skip all the negotiation bits and go right to what the audience wants to see
(yeah it's gonna be impossible to track the "it should have been me!"s from this point on, so just try to keep your own count at home)
This is also the author's way of like having his cake and fucking it too
Because that way we can have Kyouka as the baddest bitch to ever live AND have her do embarrassing stuff with Yuuki without ever breaking character. In fact the loftier her goals and the more tragic her backstory the more reason she has to accept the reward mechanism as the price to pay for this power
It's also why Kyouka is easily the most developed and interesting character of the manga, to the point that Yuuki is more a supporting character to her arc
This brings us back to those three themes I mentioned waaaaay at the start
Starting with: "how we bring out the best in each other"
For starters it's quite obvious how that works with Yuuki. He wants to be a hero in a world where he should not be able to have super powers, and in comes Kyouka who gives him both the power and the purpose to achieve that goal
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But this also extends to literally everyone in Unit Seven and beyond
We have seen the ways in which Kyouka has helped all of her team mates grow stronger and overcome their past traumas, some times by the sheer confidence and kindness of her presence
Hell we see one of her team mates unlock a rage mode power up because someone said Kyouka was a bad leader
and there's even another team leader who straight up evolved her powers into a new stronger form just out of sheer love and respect for Kyouka
This culminates in the development of Lending. The ability to let others take Yuuki's chain and use him in combat
and like I'm not stupid, I'm not gonna pretend this isn't primarily an excuse to have different hot women give Yuuki rewards in ever hornier scenarios, with the added benefit of being able to design cooler monster forms for him
and I mean... those are some really cool monster forms
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But that's besides the point
The point is that this also pulls double duty by allowing Kyouka and Yuuki to constantly empower all of the people around them and help them through their character arcs
From helping people stand up to abusive family members, to allowing others to gain the confidence they need to grow, to just decking an asshole real hard in the face
And not once does Yuuki steal other's glory. The final confrontation and the catharsis is always delivered by the person who is being helped. Because lover boy here is the supporting character in his own story
This all leads neatly into another point: the bonds we have with others
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Oh are we getting a message about how we're all links in the chain and the stronger each of us gets the stronger we all get? FUCK YEAH
Are we getting chains as a representation of a mutual bond of trust and respect, and get to see those bonds be used as a literal weapon to defeat a foe who is antithetical to that idea? ABSOLUTELY
But wait there's more! We got a character who can copy other people's skills and she also grows like crazy with each person she bonds with
We got teams of heroes besting villains who refuse to work with anyone
(I mean this is technically seinen but who gives a shit, right?)
And that brings us finally to the third point, the series antagonists, and Kyouka's main goal
What makes a good leader?
So far we've focused on Kyouka and her ability, Slave, and how that allows her to help the people around her grow and encourages her to fight on the front line where she can be a shining example for all around her to follow
She treats everyone around her with trust and respect, even the boy who is literally her slave, and is by all metrics BEST GIRL!
Now all of that good shit doesn't mean much if we don't have anything to contrast and compare to
Enter Ren Yamashiro
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gonna give y'all a second to simp for a bit before I continue
done staring at her legs? good. Anyways here's why she's awful!
Ren is the commander of the Anti-Demon Corps and easily the strongest character in the setting by a wide margin
She's also self centered, corrupt, physically AND emotionally abusive, horrifically petty, and likes dogs in the exact same way Makima from Chainsaw Man likes dogs
This is, of course, perfectly translated into her special ability, because this author loves having abilities inform characters
So not only does she have some absurd broken power that she has the power of anime and buddha on her side, BUT the way it manifests is as kanji covering her eyes whenever she activates her skills
Quite literally making so all she can see is her own power and greatness
AND her main use of her powers is to fly around, so she can be ABOVE everyone else
This isn't fucking subtle, but it sure as fuck gets the point across
This is a trait that Ren shares with ALL the main villains of the series. Each and everyone of them is blinded by their own greatness and is constantly looking down on others
Ren is just the least subtle. I guess they had to compensate for the fact that she isn't an actual literal evil god
And so all of those are put in opposition to Kyouka, whose goal is to overthrow Ren, become the new commander, and destroy Mato for good
The woman whose power makes her dependent on others, but that allows her to bring out the best in everyone she meets
A power that grows stronger the more people she helps and the more people help her in return
Standing up against all these people who refuse to rely on anything besides their own strength
That is why Kyouka is the shining example of a good leader!
Now here we are 2k words into this (OH DEAR GOD WHY AM I LIKE THIS), so what was the point of this journey?
Is it me recommending this manga to people and claiming it's genuinely "peak fiction"? OH GOD NO
This thing has so many issues and literally all of them stem from the fact that this is an ecchi harem manga story first and foremost.
Titillation always comes first over anything else, several of the smaller side characters eventually devolve into just different flavors of wanting to dom Yuuki, and that's not even going into all the pet play stuff featuring Ren
This is an unashamedly horny manga with a very specific brand of kink in mind and when I started reading it that was legit all I wanted out of it
But then it refused to be JUST that. It had an interesting story, fun action scenes, compelling characters, and a surprising amount of thought put into its themes
It's not a manga I'd recommend to most people at all, and it requires a considerable amount of tolerance for some capital H Horny anime bullshit
But honestly? If you're cool with that and want a fun and a little unhinged story you can do way worse than this
So what else is left to say except
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daisybeewrites · 11 months
Agents of Shield as ✨DnD Archetypes✨
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Daisy! my baby love girl boss queen… is a sorcerer! She’s smart, she’s fun, she has magic powers from ancient dna in her blood! She’s deeply connected to the natural environment, and is friends with the smallest atoms. She’s cool and everyone knows it.
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Look at her. Look. At. Her. She is smol, she is lovely, she will fuck you up if needed! My girl is a wizard. Her strength may be a solid 10, but she’s got a +10 to all intelligence rolls. She has three PhDs in beating her enemy’s ass. Just imagine her in sparkly robes. Or cool jeans and a jean jacket. Jemma definitely cosplayed as Adaine at some point.
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Our resident nerd is an artificer. Obviously. I feel that I don’t even need to explain this but just in case… he’s a magic engineer. He likes tinkering. Has definitely accidently blown up multiple labs playing with magical items. Duh.
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ROGUE. Melinda May is a rogue. You think you can hear her coming? No. She has sneak attack. She has a 20 stealth and proficiency. My bae sees all. She is Mom, and we all know that nothing gets past Mama May.
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This may be a hot take. But. Coulson is a bard! His first instinct is to use charisma before drawing weapons. He may not have many fans (in universe), but you have to admit that people tend to love him. He loves music, he loves jokes, and most of the time he’s more focused on helping out his team than playing the hero. He would be such a good bard!!
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My lovely Bobbi. Bobbi Morse is a fighter. In every sense of the word. She’s strong outwardly and emotionally; she’s loyal, almost to a fault. She has strong ethos and sticks to her guns. Bobbi watches everyone’s back always, because she loves them. She is the very best fighter there is.
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I wrestled with calling him the clown and calling it a day, however…! I have made the executive decision that Hunter is a ranger. He is great at keeping his distance (derogatory) but c’mon, you can’t stay mad at him. He lays low and moves quickly. I also think it’s funny how caring he is and charismatic he tries to be and literally his strongest trait is dodging all the quips and pillows that are thrown at him. Dex baby! Hunter is (fittingly) a ranger!
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Daniel… my sweet Daniel. Mr. Sousa here is, I firmly believe, also a ranger. Idk. I’m between ranger or paladin, because I feel like yeah sure he’s the boy scout survival guy but at the same time I think he’s the stable, healer type. He has strong morals (square lol) and I feel like that translate well into both ranger and paladin :)
Should I make a part II? ☺️
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daisyblog · 1 year
Team Niall
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN at The Niall Horan Charity Football Match.
Growing up with Louis as a brother, YN learned a few things about football or two. She wasn't a massive fan but she didn't dislike it either. She had been to a couple of the Rovers games with him and of course, Harry and Louis shared their love for Manchester United. Niall had spoken about arranging a football charity match and the boys (except Zayn) had jumped at the chance to play, knowing Niall couldn't due to only having a knee operation early in the year. YN ears perked up as she sat in the dressing room with them.
"Can I come?" she asked out loud, directing her question at Niall. She wasn't going to miss watching her boyfriend in a football kit. Louis eyeing his sister up suspiciously from where she sat with Harry opposite him.
"Yeh 'course you can, you can stand on the side with me and boss all these idiots about" Niall joked, but secretly enjoying the fact that he's going to be managing the team and for once being able to tell others what to do.
Louis still suspicious about why his sister, who wasn't a big fan of football, suddenly wants to go. "Thought you were going home during our couple of days off?" Louis remembered YN saying she was going to go home with their family after the Dublin shows, before heading to Sunderland.
"I'll go after the match, it's not too far" YN shrugged her shoulders, wondering why her brother was making something out of it. "Why..worried I'll show you up with my football skills?" she teased him, knowing she couldn't play football if her life depended on it.
"You're shit at football and any sport that requires a ball Tiny" Louis shot back, Niall and Liam chuckling at the siblings. Harry remained silent, knowing either way he didn't want no part of the conversation.
"Hey!" YN whined, sitting up slightly to turn her body towards Harry. "Tell him I'm good with balls aren't I?". The innuendo caused Niall and Liam to roar with laughter, holding onto each other for support. Louis closed his eyes, wanting the ground to swallow him up. Harry's were wide, lips twitched threatening to smile. Even some of the crew had left the room, trying to hide their laughter.
YN looked around, confused at why they were reacting like this. "Why are you laughing, what have I said?".
Today was the football match. The boys had just finished playing three shows in Dublin, Niall was ecstatic that he played near his hometown. Louis and YN's family had even flown over for the weekend to watch the shows, but had now sadly gone back to Doncaster.
It was an early wake up call for the boys and YN today. They had to catch an early flight back to London this morning to travel to Leicester for the match as it was being held at the King Power Stadium. Once they had landed back in London, they said their goodbye's to Zayn who was going home for the day and were escorted to the bus for their two to three hour journey.
YN wasn't certain about who was playing on the opponents team, except there was some playful banter going on between the boys and Piers. But she was glad they were putting the Twitter jokes to use and doing something for charity.
It was unusual for YN to be on the tour bus with the boys, she was usually in the other one with Lou and the other women that was part of the tour team. She didn't like to admit it but she was glad she didn't travel on this bus because it screamed that five boys lived in there. Louis was the worst, where he put things, they stayed meaning there was random stuff thrown into the spare bunk.
Louis and Liam were enjoying some free time and were in the lounge area of the bus, both holding remotes as the game of Fifa played on the screen in front of them. Niall was writing out tweets about the match this afternoon and talking YN and Harry's ears off about how he was so excited but still upset he couldn't play.
“So do I know anyone who’s playing for your team?” YN asked the Niall. Her body pushed up against Harry’s side as his arm is wrapped around her, his fingers dancing along the skin of her arm. 
“James is playing” Harry mentioned, referring to their friend James Corden. 
“And Ronan Keating” Niall mentioned the Boyzone singer. YN’s eyes lit up, remembering how she would listen to their album on repeat growing up and Louis shouting at her to turn it off.
“And I will keep you safe and strong…sheltered from the storm” YN began to sing a Boyzone song that she loved when she was younger and still did. It was no secret that she was a boyband fan. “No matter where it’s barren…a dream is being born” YN continued, Niall joining in as he too was a fan of the band growing up. 
Before they could continue their duet, Louis shouted from his position in the lounge area. “OI YOU TWO..SHUT THE FOOK UP WILL YA?”. YN rolled her eyes and continued to sing even louder, knowing how much her brother wasn’t a big fan of boybands growing up. 
After a two and half hour journey from London to Leicester, they had arrived at the stadium. There was still a few hours until the match was due to start. But fans were gathered outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the boys and the other celebrities that were playing today.
Once the bus had parked and Paul and the other security had given them the clear, they all made their way towards the back entrance of the stadium. Hearing the fans cheers in the background. 
Being on the road since early this morning meant they had all worked up an appetite and decided to make the most of the hospitality that the venue was putting on for them today. Whilst they all sat together eating, some people came over and greeting the boys. One being James who also wrapped YN into a warm hug, and making a joke about how much she must love Harry if she’s spending her day off at a football game. 
YN knew it was going to be a loud and wild day. The build up to this match had been brewing for a while. But the loudness coming from the men’s changing rooms, was a tad too much, even for her. She was sat a bit further down, scrolling through her phone, waiting for the boys to get changed into their matching kits. 
The sound of the changing room doors opening, caught her attention but to her disappointment it wasn’t who she was hoping it would be. It was just some other players that were on Team Niall, ones she wasn’t too familiar with. After a few minutes Louis and Liam walked through the black double doors. Both dressed in the black and white kit, a long sleeved white football top covering their body and black shorts hiding their thighs.
“Tiny..ya coming out with us?” Louis called down to where his sister was now standing with her back against the wall. “We’re going to head out to warm up a bit, referring to the ball he was holding between his fingers. 
YN shook her head, not moving from her position. “No I’m gonna wait for Harry and Niall, I’ll see you in a bit”. To which Louis gave her a thumbs up and continue to walk with Liam in the direction of the pitch.
When Harry finally appeared, YN’s eyes thought they were tricking her. Instead of wearing the kit that Louis and Liam were donning  a few moments ago. He was dressed in a black tracksuit, matching Niall. 
“Well that’s a bit disappointing” YN pouted as her and Harry walked towards each other.
“Oh thanks Babe…just what I wanted to hear” Harry joked. Slightly confused at what his girlfriend meant.
“Was hoping to see you in a football kit” YN explained why she was disappointed. “At least you’ve done a bun” she referred to the small bun that rested on top of his head.
“My kits underneath, I’m not playing straight away” Harry unzipped his jacket showing the white football tap that sat beneath, before zipping it back up. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to hers as they were still pouting slightly. As their lips moved in sync, Harry’s hands found their way to YN’s jaw and YN’s were now holding onto his hips, pulling him closer.
Lost in each other, forgetting where they were for a moment as their lips moved messily together, hands wandering slightly, they didn’t see James leaving the changing rooms, smirking as he notices the couple up against the wall.
“OH GET A ROOM YOU TWO” he shouted towards the pair, both startled by James’ voice. Both wide eyed, like two deers in headlights. Once Harry realised it was James, he chuckled and relaxed but the blush on YN’s cheeks was rising by the second. 
“Fuck off James” Harry still chucking as he pulls YN into his chest, knowing she would be slightly embarrassed to be caught in a heated moment, despite it not being the first time. 
Knowing James’ sense of humour and how he would love telling the others about him catching Harry and YN locking lips in the hallway, the couple decide it’s time to head out to the pitch and join the others. 
Waking towards the tunnel, they spot Niall and Ben. Both chuckling as the see the couple walking towards them, hands intertwined. “Lunch wasn’t enough for you was it?” Niall teases. The couple instantly knew that James has bumped into them both and filling them in.
Harry chuckles and gives Niall a playful shove on his shoulder and YN rolls her eyes and flips him a finger. Niall still giggling and moving to try and mess YN’s hair up.
As the four enter the pitch area, screams and cheers are heard from the seats where some fans had already entered and sitting patiently waiting for the match to begin. But were excited at the sight of two more members of One Direction entering the stadium. The green pitch was filled with a mixture of both teams warming up, kicking the ball back and forth or doing laps around. Harry had gone to join Louis and Liam as they were kicking the ball back and forth. 
There was a group of girls around the age of fifteen or sixteen calling YN’s name as she stood on the sidelines, slightly in front of their seats. YN always loved meeting fans of the boys, but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t wary at times. She turned around and walked towards the group who all sent her wide smiles. 
“Hey” YN shyly greeted the girls, giving them a small wave as she stood in front of them. She noticed how two of them were holding onto each other in excitement. She wasn’t famous, she was just Louis sister, well and Harry’s girlfriend but she was wondering how they would react if one of the boys were in front of them. 
“Hi, sorry to bother you but we’ve made you and the boys some things” the smaller girl of the group, with long brunette hair held up a few items that looked like personalised jumpers with their names on them.  
YN’s heart warmed at the thought that they’d spent money, time and kindness on making things for not only the boys, but her too. “Aww thank you girls, that’s so kind of you”.
“We’re massive fans, we love the boys and you too, we think you’re so funny” the blonde girl, standing in the middle of the group spoke, leaving out a shy giggle. 
“You’re too kind” YN pretend to blush at the comment, causing the girls to laugh. “Who’s your favourite?” YN asked, knowing that although fans loved the boys as a group, deep down everyone had a favourite. Four of the girls answered Zayn at the same time and laughing with each other.
“Oh Zayn’s not here but I’ll definitely tell him I met his biggest fans and give him this jumper” YN explained to the girls who still looked just as excited to be there. YN noticed that one of the girls didn’t answer when she asked who their favourite was. “What about you babe, who’s yours?”. 
YN noticed the slight blush on the girls cheeks and how she shook her head shyly “I like all of them”.
Before YN could accept her answer, the taller of the group interrupted “She’s lying, Harry’s her favourite, she’s just too shy to tell you because you know…you’re his girlfriend”. 
“Oh that’s okay babe, he’s my favourite too…well after Niall” YN joked with the girls, once again making them all giggle. YN turned to find Harry in the chaos. Spotting him stood on the side talking to Ben, she called his name and waving him over. The girls now wide eyed and trying to hide their excitement as Harry walks closer to them. 
“Hi” Harry waved and greeted the girls. “Are you excited for the game?”. Each of them just nodding their heads, too starstruck to speak. Making YN giggle at how chatty they all were just now. 
“They’ve made us all jumpers with our names on, look” YN spoke to Harry. Motioning her head towards them gathered in her arms, making Harry smile with happiness. 
“Oh waw, thank you so much girls” Harry took one from YN and took a better look, now that I was opened up. 
“You’re welcome” they said in unison, still a tad shy to make conversation with him. YN took note of this and offered to take a photo of them with Harry. 
But to YN’s surprise they asked if she could be in the photo too. YN took one of the girls phones and set it to front camera before holding it up, making sure everyone could be seen. The girls huddled closer together as they were still behind the barrier. Harry ducked down slightly behind YN, resting his hand on her shoulder so his tall frame wasn’t hiding the girls. Giving back the phone, the girls thanked them before waving at them as they walked back to where the players seats were. 
“That’s probably the nicest fan encounter I’ve ever had” YN admitted to Harry as she wrapped her arm around him, her hand landing on his hip. Naturally Harry’s arm followed and rested around her shoulder. 
“Really?” YN nodded as she looked up as he stood tall “They did seem nice to be fair”. Harry pecked her temple, keeping the affection calm, knowing that their every move was being filmed.
YN and the boys were standing on the sidelines, waiting for the game to start, when the music playing through the stadium changed to Best Song Ever. Of course, heating music from their favourite band, the fans in the audience begin to sing along. YN being a massive fan too, couldn’t help herself either. 
And we danced all night to the best song ever We knew every line, now I can't remember How it goes but I know that I won't forget her 'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever
YN continued to sing along, dancing and actively annoying Louis in the process; trying to get him to join in with her. But to her disappointment, he wouldn’t budge. But if anyone would join in with her singing and dancing along to One Direction, it would be their other biggest fan, Niall Horan. 
When the game began, Niall, Harry and Ben were up on their feet, pacing up and down the sidelines and shouting encouragement at the players on the pitch. 
YN followed their movements, with no idea what the rules of football was, she copied their lead. Cheering when they cheered, acted sad when they let out a sign of disappointment. And if she asked Harry once when he was going to go on to play, she must have asked about thirty. To which he patiently replied “not yet babe”, “soon baby” “be patient” “ask Niall”.
After half time, Niall told Harry that he needed to swap with another player. Harry removed his tracksuit jacket and trousers, revealing the white football shirt with the number 12 on the back and black shorts. Then to warm up, James decided that Harry needed help and began to rub his leg and shoulders; earning a playful but slightly serious "Hey..keep ya hands off my man" from YN.
Now having Harry to stare at on the pitch, running around chasing the ball, YN could see why people were so passionate about the sport; as she stood with Niall and cheered loudly for their team. Team Niall was currently losing as Team Piers had already scored one goal.
Harry was guided to take a penalty. Niall and YN were standing on the side, both hands up to their mouths in a praying position as they watched the scene in front of them. Running towards the ball, he kicked it towards the goal, everyone watching in suspense and as the ball hit the net, the crowd cheered.
Harry had scored the first goal for Team Niall. Niall and YN hugged each other tight, jumping up and down together, celebrating the goal. The other players from the team, including Louis and Liam had surrounded Harry trying to pull him into to celebrate.
But Harry pushed passed them and ran towards YN and Niall. Picking YN up from the ground and spun her around in circles as her she held onto his neck in a tight squeeze as they celebrate his goal. Placing her back down, YN was quick to peck his lips, a way of showing him how proud she was. Niall pulled Harry into a brother hug, and Harry telling Niall "That was for you".
And despite Team Niall losing Niall expressed his appreciation at the end of the match. “Although my team didn’t win, I still enjoyed every minute of this game! I would like to thank all the players who donated their time free of charge to support this event. I am looking forward to making this even bigger and better next year.”
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liked by annetiwst, gemmastyles, and 765,554 others
yntomlinson I'm now a football fan ⚽️😍 View all 8,541 comments
annetwist My boy ❤️
zaynfan5 Me and my friends met YN and Harry today!! YN is so lovely and sweet! 💜 ⌞ynharryfan Story time please...? ⌞yntomlinson So lovely to meet you girls today! Thank you again for the jumpers, me and the boys love them 😘
harryfan3 I'm now a fan too x
1dfan2 Omg! I was there today, Harry running over to YN after he scored was so cute 💘
niallhoran TEAM NIIIIIAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!! ⌞yntomlinson BEST TEAM EVER!! ❤️
louist91 Well done H!! Lovely penalty mate!! ⌞louisfan8 Louis completely ignoring YN's comment 😂
1dfan7 YN is such a Harry fan!! ⌞yntomlinson I am his number one fan 😉 ⌞1dfan7 omg you replied!! ily so much!!
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney fanfictioncafe lilfreakjez jerseygirlinca iamahallucinationnn @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @indierockgirrl @or-was-it-just-a-dream @theekyliepage @hittiesontour @bunnyharold
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I fell asleep waiting but it's ok because the power of alarms woke me and my dog up
Could I request a hurt/comfort scenario with slender and platonic reader who is has not adjusted well to their new environment? I was thinking like a therapy session but whatever you think works cos you're the boss here 😎
It was... Strange. Strange, and new, and scary all at once, suddenly being thrust into the Underworld. You'd been taken in by a man that you wanted to believe was kind and trustworthy, but your instincts refused to trust a man without a face so easily. The other residents of the mansion you now called home were a mixed bunch, some incredibly friendly, and others with glares that made you want to turn into a puddle, even if the kinder ones assured you they meant no harm. So, needless to say, adjusting to this new lifestyle wasn't exactly easy.
Slender had been doing his best to keep his eyes on you, as he always did with the new recruits. He'd made sure you were keeping on a healthy schedule, had encouraged the others to work at becoming friends with you, and made sure you were eating and staying hydrated, however... He could sense your innate fear and distrust of the situation. He could see it in your body language and sense it seeping off of you as you went about your days in the mansion. He wanted to try and appease your worries and get to the root of them, and so he'd invited you to his office to have a little session together, although, as you sat before him in the enclosed space, you seemed more nervous than ever.
"Is there anything I am able to do to appease and soothe your worries?" His voice, reverberating inside your head and startling you, had you jolting as you looked up at him. Despite having no face, it appeared that if he had brows, they'd be furrowed in concern.
"I- I don't... I don't know if- do you always speak in our minds? I don't know how to... I'm just so nervous here, there are so many people..! Some of them are... Different? No, that's rude, isn't it? They're just- This is all so-!" Your words were tumbling out in a nervous ramble, and he raised his hand to silence you before his voice could be heard in your mind again.
"As for your remark on how I communicate, unfortunately, in this form I am only able to communicate inside your mind. I do have a human form I use as a disguise, however, I feel it would be best if you could get used to being around me in this form. It is the one I will primarily be in, after all." He paused for a moment, and you gave him a short nod, and he continued.
"I can understand your nervousness around the group of people residing here. Some of them are inhuman, and all of them have things about them that make them 'different', as you said. However, I assure you they mean you no harm, and that they can do you no harm. As was listed in the contract you signed, one of the house rules is that inhabitants may not cause injury, especially life-threatening, to any other inhabitants. Some of the rowdier ones may bicker and fight on occasion, but I don't think you have to worry about that."
You swallowed as you listened to him speak, nodding your head every now and then to prove you were listening. You'd recalled the rule he mentioned, rule number one on the thorough document he'd had you sign when he'd brought you back here. While it calmed you a little to know that none of them could truly harm you, there was still the issue of existing around all of these strangers, strangers that were just as damaged and used by society as you were, and it didn't make you relax at all to think about that. Slender seemed to sense your worries, and he sighed, reaching his hand out towards you. After a moment of hesitation, you placed your own on top of it, and a strong, soothing sensation washed over you.
"A gift... From my mother. I can forcibly soothe the worries of the soul, but I rarely use it as it's bad to tamper with them too much." You looked at him in awe, waves of comfort and ease washing over your mind as you continued to maintain contact with him.
"That's... Incredible." You finally said after a moment. There was no fear as you looked at him now. There was no fear as you glanced around his confined office, either. 
In your moment of calm, you were able to notice things now that you'd blocked out before. The collection of mugs on a nearby shelf, most of which had a variation of "World's Best Dad" written on them. Photos lining walls and shelves of all the people you'd come to know, all of them smiling and happy. Books, wondrous looking books, lining the spare space in his room, books so enticing you'd wanted to leap up and look at them. You felt at peace, calmed. You'd felt at home in that moment. You glanced back at him, and he nodded at you, placing his other hand over yours as the calming sensation began to leave your body, however, when it was gone... None of your fear returned.
"It's scary here to a newcomer, I know... I try to do my best to comfort you all, to make you feel at home. I'd like this place to become that for you, a home for you to rest in, and feel happy and comforted in. There will be hard days, and angry days, and loud ones, quiet ones. But they're days that we all spend as a family." His face trailed to the various pictures along the room that you'd just been entranced by moments before. "I will do my best to provide a home to you, so I hope you can do your best to settle down. If you need any further assistance or someone to talk to, you may return to me if you wish. Or, perhaps, try leaning on one of your newfound friends as well. They've all got their own stories from their first days here, and I'm sure they'd be happy to share."
He patted your hand before releasing it from his own, and you thanked him for his words. He'd told you that you were free to leave if you wished, and so you stood, thanking him again, before politely scurrying out of the room. You took a deep breath as you closed the doors behind you, and looked around you. The corridors that once scared you felt a touch more welcoming, and you took another deep breath as you promised yourself that you would try your best to fit in here. If only you could memorize the pattern of the moving rotations of the rooms and floors of the mansion. Perhaps that would be your first question if you could figure out how to get downstairs.
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filmofhybe · 11 months
Smallest among Millions - Jake Sim - PT2
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synopsis : you know you aren’t well known in your company, but when your company is having a celebration of their 50th anniversary, you went all out, coming out of your comfort zone. Causing your boss - Jake, to admire you more than just you in the office building.
Pairing : jake sim x fem! Reader
genre : Boss x employee AU! , fluff
word count : 967
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
a/n: part 2! I hope you enjoyed this :)
part 1 | part 2
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Everyone all cheers together along with the CEO after he finished his speech. I was sat opposite of Jake on our table, as the waitress brings out the elegantly decorated food out the kitchen. People around us was all chatting and laughing. But among those conversations and laughter, Jake and I found ourselves stealing glances at each other. We continuously shared secret smiles and even small little conversations that made my stomach do flips. Unfolding a different type of comfort in our unspoken connection.
“No but seriously your really good at your job y/n..” He chuckled as he pick up his glass and sipping his champagne out of it. His head tilts back, showing his sharpe jawline. I mumbled a small “thank you” before sipping on mines. I can feel jake’s eyes on me as more colleagues continue to ask me questions. Asking why I’m not in a bigger position and why would I want to stay in this department. “Well I just like it here more, It’s a safe place you could say.” I told them before turning my head to jake. Who already has his eyes on me, before throwing me a smile.
As the night progressed, Jake couldn't resist the urge to express his feelings. He discreetly invited me to the balcony, a secluded spot overlooking the city lights. With a gentle touch on her arm, Jake started speaking.
“Y/n, thank you for staying in my department. Knowing someone like you, being so dedicated to this job means a lot to me. Your sweet and kind personality really is capturing more attention to this department. And I must say, your smart and independent side made me fall so in love with you, to be honest I don’t even fucking know what I’m saying right now, but all you need to know is I like you, I love you. I thank you everyday for staying and I would never ever take you for granted because without you I don’t even think we would be here tonight.”
As jake reveals the depth of his emotions. My heart skipped a beat, and a radiant smile illuminated my face as I reciprocated those feelings. I grabbed his tie before pulling him into a sweet kiss. His hands travels to my cheek. Stroking it softly before pulling away. Our smile shining brighter than the moon above the dark night.
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In that magical moment, time seemed to stand still. Both newly couple reveled in the joy of their newfound connection, feeling an undeniable bond between them. Jake, being a kind-hearted and considerate person, offered to escort Y/N home. They walked side by side, sharing stories and dreams as they strolled through the quiet streets to Jake’s car. Y/n admiring the city lights as Jake sneakily look over his gorgeous girlfriend time to time. Hoping this isn’t some sick dream he’s in.
When they finally reached y/n’s doorstep, a sense of bittersweetness filled the air. Jake leaned in, gently placing a kiss on y/n’s forehead, cheeks and her soft lips, bidding her goodnight. They exchanged loving glances before parting ways, thanking each other for this sweet memorable night, and making the promise of a bright future lingering in their hearts.
The following day, the news of Jake and y/n’s enchanting evening spread throughout the department like wildfire. However, instead of judgment or gossip, the employees embraced their relationship with open arms. They recognized the genuine connection between Jake and Y/N and admired their courage to follow their hearts.
As time went on, Jake and Y/N's relationship served as a testament to the power of love, resilience, and mutual respect. Their story became an inspiration within the company, reminding everyone that love could bloom even in unexpected places.
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taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @skepvids
To be on my taglist, please comment or reblog to be added :)
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
Exclusive: Former Formula One Champion Daniel Ricciardo Releases New Autobiography, Exclusive Excerpts Inside
The Perth News, July 2035
One of the things I’ve been asked is why it took me so long to make my relationship with Em public. If I’m really honest I had more than one reason.
I’m the one who chose this. I’m the one who decided to go into racing, to pursue F1. I made that choice but my loved ones didn’t, and in this case Em definitely didn’t. When we met she had no idea who I was. All she knew was I worked with her neighbour in motorsport and travelled a lot. Even when she found out she chose to stay. She likes me for me and not for my job. It was never fair to make her have to choose between our relationship and her reputation.
More than once I woke up to watch her sleep, wondering what the hell she was doing staying by my side when everyone was throwing rocks at her for being there. But like Taylor wrote, people throw rocks at things that shine and nobody shines as brightly as she does. I always knew that, but some people didn’t and they decided to throw even more at her.
And then we started working together. Making that jump from our relationship to adding working with each other was huge, but the main reason we did it was she was already working with us without realizing it. Before she started she did freelance stuff, and when she had spare time between clients she helped Blake, and then she helped Michael. We were talking about how ridiculous F1 merch was at the time for fans and she had the glorious idea of making Ric3. Then we realized we couldn’t survive a day if she wasn’t there.
How do you explain to people that the woman you love is a genius? How do you explain to the world that she’s the reason your life became not only better, but easier? How do you explain and make strangers understand this beautiful woman is not what ridiculous rumors made her look like? That the reputation they invented for her was just that, a ridiculous baseless invention?
We knew we were in love. But we also knew that some people would think that she was the gold digger sleeping with her boss, or that I was abusing my power. That’s one of the reasons why everything to do with her work went through Blake. He was officially her boss, but really she was in charge. We always joked saying she’s our tiny boss because she really is. She told us where to go and what to do. And the reason we made all of these decisions was because I didn’t want to subject her to the media and paddock gossip. People make jokes about how small the paddock is and how much everyone know. It’s a rotating cast of 1,300 people who live together for half the year. Everyone knows everything and the partners of the drivers on the grid are the best gossip material there is and I didn’t want her to be part of that material.
Em has told me time and time again that it wasn’t our fault that we fell for each other from that very first night we met. She told me she could take whatever happened, and she did and she could, but she didn’t deserve it. She didn’t deserve any of the things people said about her. It was my job to protect her and our relationship and the best way I knew at the time was to keep our love to ourselves, even when we wanted to yell it from the rooftops. Our friends all knew. A lot of people across teams I’d worked with knew. But we wanted something for ourselves. We desperately needed it. 
One of the biggest issues was that when we made the decision to tell people about us that option was taken away from us. It sounds silly but we never got to do the cute social media hard launch - and Emmy had chosen photos - we never got to say it ourselves first. I never got to tell the world “look at this woman who I’ve loved for four years and I feel ok and safe telling you all now.”.
I still remember that day like some kind of sad movie. In a year that was tough on so many levels, it stands out as one of the worst days. It was already hard for Em to go to the paddock. We’d gone through some personal things and she had to miss some races so the gossip machine was yelling all sorts of untrue lies. Coming back was difficult for her.
We had to work out a media plan, and the four of us decided to go our separate ways as soon as we got to the paddock. I went first with Michael, trying to keep the cameras on me. That way when she came in with Blake ten minutes later they could be ignored, it’d just look like two people with paddock passes coming in for the Thursday events. Once we got in it was straight to my drivers room and we could control it from there. Em would do the social media post from her account, when I inevitably got the question about how I was feeling about the race I’d answer “good, I’ve got my whole team around me again so things are great”, we could keep this to our schedule. The start of the plan worked. For some miraculous reason nobody bothered Emma so it was a win. At least, we thought so.
One of the things I hate to see the most is tears in my wife’s eyes. I’ve seen her cry with happiness nine times in my life, every other time she’s cried I’ve just wanted to fix things. And that day the tears were some of the worst she’d cried, and I couldn’t fix any of it. I came out of an engineering briefing to Blake pulling me into a corner to tell me “someone got a photo of you and Ems kissing goodbye this morning. It’s gone viral.”. It was such a hard pill to swallow, and I’m not exaggerating when I tell you my vision turned red and I sprinted across from hospitality to my drivers room where Em was sobbing her eyes out at comments being made about her. All I remember is my girlfriend, the woman I love more than anything in the world, sobbing in my arms because her chance to try control things and let it happen at her own speed was gone.
She knew people were wondering where she was and if she’d appear. Gossip sites online reported alleged sightings of her and that pressure was hard enough. But a photo of what we thought was our last private moment before willingly telling the world being put on social media without being asked? It hurt. It was supposed to be us and our best friends in an empty car park.It was supposed to be one last kiss with my girl while I was still just her Danny and before she had to share me with the world and act like I was just DannyRic. We know people always take pictures outside the paddock, we learn to live with it in some kind of way. It comes with the recognition or whatever you wanna call it. Its part of the job. But nobody was supposed to be taking pictures in that place that morning, especially not a photographer that should only work inside the paddock.
I felt like I failed her. Four years of protecting our privacy and trying to protect her and at the very last moment someone stole that away from us. All I could say was that I loved her but if she wanted to walk away I didn’t blame her, I’d book her flight myself. And then Emmy just looked at me and told me that nobody could get rid of her that easily.
When I tell you she’s incredibly brave and simply badass I’m not joking. There’s a reason some of the younger drivers called her Mama Badger. She was crying in the only place in the paddock where we got any privacy, but then she dried her eyes and covered up the signs she’d been crying, getting me to make sure she looked ok. And then the woman I had known for so long I was going to marry took a deep breath and held my hand to walk into the McLaren garage with her head held high. I could never forget it.
Emmy did it because she knew I needed her, and in the years since I still don’t have the words to thank her enough. I don’t know if I ever will. But the one thing I could do that day was try to control the only piece of the narrative that we had left, so after she gave the ok for me to give a little bit of information I went and did that interview with one of the few journalists we could consider a friend.
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blooming-lily-petals · 6 months
A Theory We Have About Adam and Lute’s Glitching Masks in Season 1; Episode 8.
None of this is technically true other than what we know of sinners can’t go to the other rings in Hell; they can most likely still only go and stay at the Pride ring.
In Hazbin Hotel s1/e8, when Lute stabbed Dazzle and left him to bleed out and Adam was strangling Charlie, almost killing her, their masks glitched for a minute.
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How the theory we have goes is our favorite boy Lucifer went to Heaven either before or after the first extermination so he can settle a deal with Heaven but specifically with Sera, Adam and Lute.
Making it so they only have access to the Pride ring, aka Lucifer’s ring and they can only exterminate if they don’t kill any hellborn. We see hellborn all throughout Helluva Boss and somewhat in the actual series of Hazbin Hotel. Like all of the cast of Helluva Boss and Razzle, Dazzle, KeeKee and Fat Nuggets in Hazbin. He had to say ‘not hellborn but sinners are fine I guess’ because Heaven wouldn’t take the extermination just not happening. It’s the only option they’d listen to. They get to kill sinners to deal with what they want to deal with, they touch a spear/just try to kill a hellborn for a millisecond, the deal is broken and Lucifer can come in and slaughter them and then it’s full out war between Heaven and Hell. Since Lucifer’s power is really close to God’s, he’s the leader of Hell, no exorcist is stronger than him. Adam comes close to Lucifer’s power but nope. Dead.
Anyway, back to the glitching masks. The exorcists masks start to glitch as a warning in telling them that they’ve gone too far because they killed a hellborn or are about to kill a hellborn. Now Lucifer can come in and kill them if he wants to and they caused a full out war between Heaven and Hell.
Once Lute stabbed Dazzle and after bleeding out, Dazzle died and Adam tried to kill Charlie because she’s technically a hellborn but not because she was born in Hell between Lucifer and Lilith, they’ve caused a war.
Or the deal was, if they tried to kill Charlie and the other people of hell that aren’t sinners, they’ve caused a war. It’s one of those things, but we kind of believe the top thing more, but either way, something’s up with the glitching because it doesn’t make sense unless you really think about the possibilities.
Again, these are just theories, none of us truly know what the reasoning is, not even the VAs, just the people who made the show for us to watch. If you wish to put what you think in, you can, just be respectful, that’s all I ask.
Thank you! Have an amazing day, my girls, guys and non-binary they’s!
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thislovintime · 11 months
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The Monkees on the set of Head, 1968.
“The first day of shooting was scheduled for February 11, 1968 — but there was another snag before Rafelson could begin filming. ‘Mike was the shop steward of The Monkees during that whole period,’ explains Dolenz. ‘He introduced us to an agent called Jerry Perenchio, now one of the most successful men in the business. He said, ‘You guys are really getting ripped off.’ So he encouraged us to strike. Peter, unfortunately, didn’t agree. He was the scab, so to speak. That took the wind out of the sails of our opportunity.’ Tork: ‘I felt it was another power play by Mike. It was strange, because I was raised a labor progressive. If ever there was a guy who understood the dynamics of labor organizing, it was me. What Mike meant was, “Let me be the be boss.” The other three did stay out for the first say of shooting, and, basically Bert allowed a little trade-off and gave them a face-saving concession. But I got paid nothing for Head. I was given a piece of the action and it died.’” - Mojo, June 2002
“It’s not an abstract movie. It’s surreal, but it’s not abstract. It took me a while to recognize the difference. Certain scenes never fail to break me up with laughter to this day. But I wish we had been able to better capture on film what the writers had originally envisioned. The one thing we did not want was a 90-minute episode of the show. And I think we accomplished that.” - Peter Tork, leoweekly, June 8, 2016
Q: “The parts you played in the movie seemed to be based more on yourselves than the parts in the series?” Peter Tork: “Yeah, the movie was about who...who we were... [Peter pauses for a long time before continuing the sentence] ...I think as Bob Rafelson saw us, who the individuals were. The ways it was. I was spaced out with my newage philosophy, Davy is a little rough neck and Mike is a conniver, Micky, I don't know, but Micky's character hadn't formed at that point, he didn't know anything about him. But yeah, it was about who we were and not who the characters on the screen or TV-show were. The movie was about the Monkees-phenomenon and people and Hollywood and some of my complaints, the black box, we complained about what later became the black box a lot.” Q: “How much influence did the four of you have on the script?” PT: “On the movie? Oh, I think we had a lot. The producers and director were very pleased with us, we had a conference before we began work at the movie. The 7 of us [i.e. Peter Tork, Michael Nesmith, Micky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Bob Rafelson, Bert Schneider and Jack Nicholson] went to Ojai in California, a peaceful part of the world, and we sat in a motel and we talked about what we wanted and that what we all wanted was not to have another TV-episode. That was very important to all of us. And I don't think they hardened by that, because I think they wanted to make a good movie, I wish they could have made a movie that had had a commercial success, too, but they chose not to. I think that that was their choice, too, which I'm very disappointed about.” - interview by Lise Lygn Falkenberg, 1994
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apirateslifeforbudgie · 5 months
Wandering Star Snippet
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Currently working on something! (Hint hint: log collection cover with a certain captain...) But today I was thinking about this scene I've had written for a while now! Keep in mind it's not polished or finalized 100% yet, but I think it's funny and have been wanting to share it for quite some time. And since Carmen's powers have been revealed as of last episode, I just decided to go for it today. It is a tiny bit spoiler-y, as it is from a way later episode.
Read below the cut!
Breakfast sizzled and popped in the skillet, and Killer removed it from the stove top to add it to a clean plate on the beaten island countertop behind him. Most of the spread had been picked clean by the crew - minus the captain - who sat and ate at the two tables just on the other side of the counter. The sound of forks scraping plates or cups being put back on the table replaced the usual morning chatter, and upon tiring of the silence, Heat gave a sigh.
“Alright…I’ll be the one to say it: Something happened.”
Most of the crew exchanged glances.
“Yeah?” seated directly across Heat, Haikei raised an eyebrow. “You were at the bar the other night– you saw what went down.”
“No, I mean after that. On the bow. Even after the bar, she still chose our ship. We’re all ordered off deck, and then she doesn’t show for two days?” He glanced over his shoulder to the kitchen. “Boss say anything about it to you, Killer?”
“Not a word,” Dishes clanged out as Killer placed them in the sink, and he grabbed a damp rag to wipe his hands. “You know he isn’t much of a talker.”
“Best stay out of the boss’ business,” Oscar interjected from the other table, warning his fellow crewmates. “This seems personal.”
Wire added, “And as much as I hate to say it…May as well get used to not having her around, anyway. We don’t have much longer before we reach the last island…” as he spoke, Carmen could be seen carefully peering into every angle of the room through the porthole window in the background, though she went unnoticed as Wire finished his thought. “Unless…Think maybe the boss will ask her to join the crew?”
Before any response could be given, the door opened and shut behind Carmen as she strolled in like she was already a part of the crew. Though they were taken off guard by her sudden appearance, they were just as delighted to see her again.
“Budgie!!” Noe happily threw his arms up in a greeting, and she hugged his neck from behind and sweetly spoke.
“Morning, boys,” she let her fingers gently brush against Heat’s smokey locks as she walked past and made her way into the kitchen to see the first mate. “Didn’t make my honey toast?”
“Didn’t expect you to join us – I’m a little surprised to see you this morning.”
Haikei called out to her as he took a bite. “Yeah, what’s the deal? Boss ban you from the ship again or something?”
“Because that worked so well the first time,” she teased with a smirk and Killer slapped her hand when she reached for a piece of toast on the counter. “I just figured you guys were getting sick of me and decided I should show the other crews some love. So! Now that you’ve had a little break, I came over to invite you fellas out tonight. Wanna come? We can have a bit extra fun since it got ruined last time.”
“You know you can count us in, Budgie,” Heat told her, but Wire chimed in with the concern.
“Doing okay? We haven’t really seen you since the other night.”
She crossed her arms and leaned her hip against the counter, not thrilled that the topic came up. “I’ve certainly been in worse situations.”
“That bastard….” Bubblegum gripped his fork just thinking about it. “Boss shoulda killed him.”
The Massacre Soldier spoke up. “Who’s to say he didn’t? At the very least, that guy won’t be walking that hit off for quite some time. So good news there. And speaking of the captain…” he turned his attention to Carmen. “Why do I get the sense you’re avoiding Kid?”
With a successfully stolen piece of toast in hand, Carmen could only offer a poorly-done change in subject. “Where’s your ‘Don’t Touch Anything’ apron? I like when you wear it.”
As she awaited his answer and went to bite into a corner of the toast, the door opened, causing her eyes to go wide and her body to drop on all-fours. The crew sounded out with casual greetings that were a mix of “Morning, Captain” and “Morning, Boss”, though she only heard him grunt in response and his approaching footsteps as she crawled around the far end of the counter, hair dragging the floor and toast hanging from her mouth.
“Morning, Kid,” Killer told his captain, who now stood where Carmen had just been as he handed the redhead the freshest plate.
“Go ahead and start morning routine without me, men,” Kid’s delayed reply was an order, and Carmen pressed her back into the end of the island as she intently listened, especially for footsteps. But for now, it seemed she was safe with more orders. “I got some work I wanna get done. Last I checked, we’re still on course to dock this afternoon. I want one of you to take an inventory check – see if anything needs restocked.”
“How about fruit?” Wire suggested. “Budgie may be willing to make us some more jam.”
From her hiding place, Carmen gave a thumbs-up to Haikei who confirmed for the crew. “Yeah, good idea. I get the feeling she’d be happy to.”
“Not much use for jam if there’s nothing to spread it on,” the redhead was aggravated as he observed the plate with a single piece of toast and mere crumbs. “Which one of you took an extra piece?”
Carmen’s face was flooded with dread as she heard Killer began his answer. “Oh, that was my mistake, Kid. Almost forgot,” the Massacre Soldier’s hand reached and yanked the somehow unscathed toast from her mouth, and she listened with wide eyes as he explained. “It got dropped this morning. The floors are clean if you want it.”
She heard his typical grunt of a response, but then came the concerning part – approaching footsteps. In a panic, she was on all-fours again, scuttling her way around to the outside of the counter. Some of the crew members were amused while others exchanged nervous glances as they watched her attempt at stealth while the captain once again stood where she had just been.
With only one arm, he placed the plate on the counter and began pouring a glass from one of the available pitchers. But with his height and the worried grimace on Carmen’s face, it was clear there was a real possibility of her being caught – any movement from her would be sure to catch his attention.
“Um…” Wire nervously spoke up. “Were there any more orders, boss?”
Carmen listened carefully with bated breath. From where she was pressed up against the island, she could just get a glimpse of those ridiculous lizard-print pants and that maroon feathered captain’s coat.
“Morning routine. Inventory,” he spoke after some thought, and stuffed his mouth with two pieces of bacon from the plate. “Prepare to dock in a few hours.”
“We’re on it, Kid,” Carmen heard Killer say, and the captain must’ve looked to his first mate because Bubblegum frantically gestured for her to move with his eyes. Quickly and quietly, she used her powers to levitate just above the ground and move towards the other end of the island, her calves down glowing blue and the usual trail of sparkles lighting up behind her.
“If one of you handle inventory, I’ll take over your part of morning routine,” Reck offered to anyone. “It’s been slow around here lately; I wouldn’t mind some extra work.”
Just as he finished his sentence, Carmen safely pressed her back to the end of the counter, though the sanctuary would be short-lived.
“Whatever, just get it done,” Kid placed his cup on the plate where bacon had been and carried the dish in his single had. “I’ll be in my quarters.”
Carmen had heard the footsteps immediately after the words, and before she knew it, she caught a glimpse of him walking by out of the peripheral of her wide eyes. An instant reaction, she was on all-fours for a final time, scurrying back around the counter, past Killer in the kitchen, and all the way back around to the far end where she stayed until she heard the captain kick the door close behind him.
“Whew!” she exclaimed when she bounced up, and the first mate already had his eyes on her through the mask.
“You owe me.”
“Of course, Kill,” Carmen took one of his hands and looked up to him with the utmost gratitude. “Buy you a drink tonight?” She offered as she span around him back into the kitchen where she was delighted to see that last piece of toast still on the plate. “Ooh~” As quickly as she saw it, she swiped it and was already hurrying to the exit. “Actually, I owe all of you for that. First round on me tonight! See you boys later!”
And just like that, she gone – door closed behind her and all – rushed out to avoid any and all questions.
“Alright…” the Massacre Solider spoke up to his crew, but those blue eyes behind that mask were fixed on the door. “Something happened.”
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wily-one24 · 3 months
The easy one to ask for me is Olivia Benson. But in case someone already has or you want a different choice: Amanda Rollins or Alex Cabot.
Time to buy a lotto ticket, because Imma do all three (!!! in my dreams, right?)
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--> How I feel about this character:
I mean, it's no secret that I love Olivia Benson.
I was speaking to a friend the other day about SVU and how it's lasted a long time. It's not just because the stories are interesting (they are) or even titilating (sexual assault, molestation, murder, they all have the possibility of titilation, but I don't think SVU goes there... not often at any rate... they do a pretty good job of not glorifying the abuse and horror).
A large part is, of course, Olivia Benson. She is the beating heart of SVU.
Olivia is strong, empathetic, fierce, she takes no prisoners, her morals are strong, she is caring and protective, and she will fight like hell for justice, sometimes at great personal cost.
Olivia is the person each of us has needed at one or more points in our lives. Also the person that the majority of us did not get.
Mariska talks about fans sending her letters to tell her how much Olivia has helped them. And it's true.
We have all wanted and needed an Olivia in our lives. And we have all, to some degree, wanted to be Olivia.
She is not perfect, she has her flaws, but they are easily overlooked for all the benefits she brings.
And we have watched her from baby Benson to seasoned Captain. We have grown with her.
She gives us hope.
And that is why we have 25 seasons of SVU.
--> All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Well, Elliot obviously. It's very strange, I don't even really like Elliot that much and during my rewatches by the end of S12 I am just counting down the episodes until he leaves. BUT, he is Olivia's main choice and he makes her happy. So, because I love Olivia, I want her to have what she wants.
Alex. Amanda. Barba. Langan (thought I get why they never went there). Rita a little.
I don't really read much of anything besides EO, but in my little dreams, I think the others would make excellent partners, or at least bedmates.
--> My non romantic OTP for this character:
Just to completely step on my own toes from the previous answer, but...
Barba. I adored their canon relationship, the besties that they were. They adored each other and were there when each needed the other. She needed a strong friendship like that, that wasn't tied to being their boss.
Obviously Noah. She waited so long for that boy. She loves him dearly and he loves her and they deserve all the happiness in the world together.
--> My unpopular opinion about this caracter:
I don't know if I really have one. She's a little too quick to anger and she's always a little too ready to break the law to suit her needs. But these are not opinions.
Perhaps, despite her later claims that she never wanted to be part of the "good ol' boys club" and how she acts distraught at the possibility one of her old interrogations may have been a forced confession... in the early years Olivia is all too ready to look the other way and, in fact, join in when Elliot and even Fin are being overly rough and forceful and breaking about ten different codes of police conduct.
There was one episode I saw recently where Elliot got all up in a step father's face, yelling, red faced, almost spitting out his hatred as he spoke of this man's lust for his daughter that they assumed he'd raped... it was quite heavy handed. And the guy eventually reacts and goes at Elliot. Olivia is instantly cuffing this guy and gleefully arresting him for assaulting a police officer. And like... Olivia Margaret Benson, you litereally just WATCHED Elliot provoke him.
Elliot's violence got results and she was all too ready to excuse him for it.
She never would have grown into the amazing police woman she is had Elliot stayed around. She gave him way too much power in that partnership.
--> One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character:
I want somebody to choose her.
So many of the people she has loved have ended up leaving, because they stayed too long, because they sacrificed their own morals for her, because they broke the law for her, because... because... because... and she even says "I didn't ASK you to" and it makes no difference.
I'm not saying they didn't have good reason to leave. They're adults they can choose.
One thing I have consistently said, is that the show repeats "the average stint in SVU is two years" several times. That is, of course, unless you meet Olivia Benson. Then it becomes your life's purpose. She doesn't see that these people have stayed for her, stayed longer than is healthy, longer than they meant to.... and all because of her. She doesn't see that, she sees them leave.
But just once I wish someone would choose to leave the job and stay with her.
Girl deserves a bit of happiness and stability.
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avaantares · 11 months
Oooh, so now comes the hard part: Deciding which story to share!
The truth is, I have a huge folder of story ideas and WIPs, some of which are just a document with a line or two of notes reminding me of the story's premise. A finite amount of writing time guarantees that most of these stories -- while fully developed in my head -- will never see the light of day. This means I have at least a dozen fics that could fall into the category of "haven't written but you've daydreamed about."
(Of course, this also means that if multiple people send me 📓, at least I won't run out of material... 😅)
Okay -- I've picked one on the basis of @iamtheshriekingguineapig bringing it up AGAIN a day or two ago. (That will teach me to tell her I have story ideas for fandoms she likes, LOL. Maybe if I post the treatment, she'll be happy with that?)
The fandom is Devil May Cry, and this is one of those stories that has the potential to be so big and sprawling that I haven't even bothered making notes for it, because unless we get hit with another pandemic (please no), I will never, ever have time to write it. (See also: Children of the Future Age, my 330K behemoth that was only, like, 60 or 80K until I was stuck in lockdown for a year and a half.) But despite the lack of written outline, this is one of those things that just lived in the back of my head long enough that I mentally scripted entire scenes and blocks of dialogue for it while doing the dishes or whatever.
Here goes:
Lucia (who makes an appearance because I got SO MANY COMMENTS on CotFA asking me why she wasn't in the story >.<) gathers the DMC team and informs them that a new -- or possibly ancient, but recently awakened -- evil threatens the safety of the human realm. Lucia remains in the human realm to coordinate teams of devil hunters and deal with the rogue demons who have grown agitated due to the rising malice. Nico stays behind with her, outfitting the hunter teams and engineering defensive systems and weapons to protect human cities from the encroaching demons. The rest of Team DMC (a.k.a. our main cast, inclusive of Vergil) head for the underworld to deal with the malevolent energy at its source.
During their search, the hunters discover a massive star-shaped array stretching across miles of the underworld. The array is generating an impenetrable shield around something at its center, which is likely the source of the demonic energy. In order to gain access, they need to disable the seals at each corner of the array, which are the shield's anchor points. Only when all five are disabled will the shield fall, allowing them to confront the evil creature staging a comeback.
The team splits up for efficiency (and because I mentally structured this story in true video game format, with each area a "level" that characters proceed through, culminating in a boss fight). Dante, Vergil, Nero, Trish, and Lady each head for a different seal. Dante suggests making it a contest to see who can disable their seal the fastest. Never one to let a challenge go unescalated, Vergil makes a parting crack about finishing the final fight himself before the others have even returned to the center of the array.
Combat and stuff happens (I'm condensing for space!) as they make their way through their respective regions. Ultimately, as each hunter finishes off the area boss, they discover that at the center of each seal is another layer of shielding containing a power source. The objects generating the power for the greater array are arcane artifacts. Weapons. Amulets. Old, but not necessarily ancient, though they have clearly seen extensive use. And... oddly familiar, for some of the hunters.
Nero is the only one who doesn't find an artifact at the core of his seal. Instead, when he breaks through the inner shield, he finds an old man imprisoned in the array -- a human, possibly a former hunter by the looks of him. Like Dante and Vergil, his hair is white, though Nero isn't sure if that's because of his age or because he shares their unique heritage. The man's athletic build hints at his former strength, but he's been weakened and aged by the constant power drain. His memory, too, seems to have suffered -- that, or he's being deliberately cagey with his answers. It's hard to say. At any rate, he doesn't give Nero a name by which to call him. He thinks he's been trapped in the array for several years, but time moves strangely in the underworld, and he had no real frame of reference for its passage. What he wants now is to find his way back to the human realm, though he's not sure where the access points linking the two worlds have migrated to in the time he's been imprisoned.
Nero knows there's a major battle ahead and doesn't want to be slowed down, but his conscience won't allow him to leave a weak, helpless old man to fend for himself in the underworld, so he helps him stand and offers to escort him to some place that, if not entirely safe, is at least moderately deserted and well away from the energy-draining apparatus. His plan is to stash the old man somewhere and then pick him up on the way out of the underworld after they take out the Big Bad at the center.
The stranger keeps up with Nero fairly well for someone in his condition, and the longer he's out of the array, the healthier he looks. Nero decides the man is not quite as old as he originally guessed, though he doesn't stop calling him things like "gramps" in place of his missing name. For his part, the man seems very interested in Nero himself, asking questions about the devil hunting business, and then about Fortuna and Red Grave City when he learns Nero is familiar with both. Nero is cautious with his answers, but he can't fault the other man for feeling him out -- or for wanting to speak to another person after being imprisoned for so long -- so he makes polite conversation. It's not like there's anything else to do while they're slogging through the underworld.
Upon learning that Red Grave was nearly destroyed, the stranger falls silent for a while. It's not until they meet up with Lady, returning from her own seal-breaking mission, that he rouses. Lady has retrieved a Devil Arm from her seal, a pair of gauntlets that, while undeniably powerful, is of little use to herself (a dex-based ranger human) or Nero (who already has his own devil power-augmented arm). The stranger asks if he might use them, since he currently has no weapons. This confirms to Nero that the man isn't entirely human -- Devil Arms won't allow just anyone to utilize them -- but he can't think of any reason not to let the guy have some means of protecting himself. At minimum, it will make him feel less guilty about ditching the man while the rest of them go off to fight the Evil Thing.
The stranger expresses the same kind of polite curiosity about Lady that he did with Nero, though he seems more particularly interested in her heritage than her present circumstances. Lady gets a little tetchy when he prods her about her lineage one too many times. In an effort to keep the peace, Nero interrupts to suggest they pick up the pace, or Vergil really will take on the final boss before they've caught up.
The stranger definitely reacts to that name. When he recovers, he feigns polite curiosity and asks who this Vergil is. "My old man," Nero replies, with a hint of vinegar because their relationship is still (understandably) fraught. "He's a hunter, too. He and his brother are down here with us."
The stranger controls his outward reaction to this statement a little better, but he's obviously very interested. Before he can ask more, Lady, still agitated from the probing about her parents, adds a sarcastic remark about Vergil only being a hunter when it suits him -- in between laying waste to entire cities.
The man stops dead and asks her to explain that, which she does: "Vergil's the one who destroyed Red Grave City. Again. Though to be fair, Dante and I managed to stop him, the first time around. He only wiped out one borough back then. But let me tell you, the wholesale district was never the same after Temen-ni-gru punched a hole in Market Square." She sobers. "But even that was nothing compared to what the Qliphoth did. He killed thousands of innocent people when he released that thing."
The man's reaction to this information is difficult to read, but decidedly not happy. He insists that they take him to meet Vergil. Nero balks and suggests that it would be better for him to wait someplace out of harm's way; there will be time for him to meet everyone after they've dealt with the main event. The man says no, he will see Vergil now, and for the first time Nero gets the sense that he may have really, really underestimated this "helpless old man." Because this is clearly somebody who is used to being obeyed, and he does not like repeating himself -- and probably has more than enough power to back it up, when he hasn't been used as a human (or not) battery for who knows how many years.
Lady clearly gets the same vibe, and Nero sees her shift into a defensive stance. But before things can escalate further, they're hailed by Trish, who has finished her own seal mission and detoured to join them when she saw the group coming across the demonic wasteland.
The stranger sees Trish.
And that's when things get... interesting.
So, yeah, that's my fic about where Sparda has been for all these years and why there's been no trace of him, and the whole setup is just a petri dish for more angst (Sparda learning of Eva's death and having to deal with Trish's presence, which is probably even more jarring to him than it would have been to Dante; Vergil having to face his father after he Done Messed Up Big Time), comedy (Nero having a cognitive meltdown after realizing he's been calling the OG Savior "gramps," and then having another one when he realizes the OG Savior actually is his grandfather), and family feels (Sparda finding out he has a grandson! Who is the goodest boi! Even if he is the son of Elder Son Who Done Messed Up Big Time). Which is why it promises to be another CotFA if I let it, and why I really, really, really don't have time to write it. 😅
(I am also fully aware that with the right treatment, this could potentially work as a sequel to CotFA, which I fielded a question about last week... but it all comes back to time and energy. Sigh.)
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shion-yu · 5 months
Today sucked again, rant under the cut coz nobody has any reason to read this negativity but I feel like shouting into the void...
Another horrible day where the only reason I stay at my job is because I love my patients and I need health insurance. Another day where management does everything in their power to make it as hard as possible to actually take care of the underprivileged people we're supposed to serve. I work the job of 3 people and yet get voluntold to take new projects on while the people I clean up after daily just chill bc they management knows they don't even do their current jobs so they can't rely on them to take on more. I want to leave it all alone but I literally can't. I have to do it coz I care about the fucking patients and they know that and take advantage of it. I don't get paid more to translate every day. I don't get paid more even though I single handedly increased the capacity of this program sixfold. I turned down a transfer bc I was supposed to be promoted when my boss said he was gonna retire last summer. And then this winter. And yet he's still here and gets paid more even tho I do his whole job.
I wish I could quit. If my parents weren't alive I'd be so out of this country. I mean thank God they are but they're the only reason I stay in the US. I miss Peru. I miss when work was more fun bc I had two of my best friends here but one quit bc of harassment and one got (illegally) fired for reporting a sexual assault. I'm trying to enjoy my pregnancy but instead all I can think about is work. I want to travel, even take a babymoon, but I can't even do that coz I have no leave after work asked me to volunteer in another country for a month last year and then made me use all my own leave to actually carry out the obligation. (But ofc they still so proudly like to say someone from our work did this amazing project!) I'm so over everything and I know the program's gonna literally fall apart when I go on maternity leave and I can't even feel properly smug about it bc I care about the patients too damn much.
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yellowhollyhock · 10 months
Tmnt Memory mash up part 2 (finally ran out of jokes for the first one)
Concept is, there is no concept we have no idea what’s real because memories are wonky, everyone is a storyteller, and Casey is gaslighting them all. (Actual concept: characters remember the same events differently because that’s how brains work, but now it’s taken to an extreme where the basis for different turtle realities comes from each set of memories.)
Rise Raph, 2012 Mikey, 2003 Donnie, 2007 Leo, 1987 Splinter, 1990s April
Leo: You guys need to focus. It’s just like I learned during my training—
Raph: Your training? Are you talking about when you became a mascot for that basketball team?
Donnie: Raphie, be nice. You know Leo takes ninjitsu very seriously.
Raph: *cackles*
Mikey: pfft yeah haha, he’s a big goofy dork who loves cartoons, trying to act all serious haha (he tried to sacrifice himself again last week why are we laughing)
Mikey: Yo dudes, I made us some pizza, shaken not stirred, canned meat supreme with jalapeños and strawberries, light on rosemary heavy on hot sauce. We’re ready for movie night!
Raph: You’re so creative with food! ❤️ You were watching that cooking show you like again, weren’t you?
Splinter: You are a great chef, Michelangelo. Because of my peculiar tastes I will be eating sushi.
Casey: There’s definitely algae on this pizza.
Leo: Casey shut up we’re eating
Donnie, on the last slide of a PowerPoint: And so, Leo, I think you will plainly understand, you cannot go outside.
Leo: What about Raph and Mikey?
Donnie: Did Mikey almost accidentally ally with our family’s nemesis?
Leo: No, but—
Donnie: Did Raph get poisoned at the Battle Nexus?
Leo: Well, no, but—
Donnie: Did Raph or Mikey or Splinter or April or even Casey fight an army of Foot by himself while still recovering emotionally from our first presumed defeat of said nemesis, and end up facing him again, getting thrown through a window, and falling into a coma?
Leo: But you said you were abducted by aliens! And what about all those adventures in alternate dimensions you talk about? Your safety is also important! (fuming)
Donnie: Well I’m not the one who had to go away for training. 😘
Leo: But you did take that horrible phone line job while I was away for training, and do not tell me that was less traumatic!
Donnie: … phone line job???
Leo: Yeah, the—didn’t you—Casey told me you worked in tech support?
Donnie: Casey told you—Casey said—I am the cofounder of O’Neil Technologies he told you I got a phone line job?
Splinter: You must center yourselves, my students. The mind is a powerful weapon.
April: So does he always just call you guys his students?
Donnie: Nah, I think he says ‘my son’ more often than he says my name, he’s just in training mode right now.
Leo: Yeah, it’s more in private conversations that he’ll use familial terms. He really means it with just as much affection when he says students.
Mikey: lol I have been called both son and student with varying degrees of affection and annoyance. When he says my name I run for my life
April: Um, you okay Raph?
Raph: He mostly just calls me Red…
Everyone: Dude….
April: Hey do you guys remember that guy who got mixed up with a bad crowd, almost did something really irreversible but then met you guys and turned it around and helped us instead?
Donnie: Angel!
Splinter: Ah, yes, young Carter. I hope his studies are going well.
Mikey: Mondo Gecko my man!
Leo: Do you mean your boss Winters? I mean he was the most recent.
Raph: That was Casey.
Casey: That was me.
April: Anyway I was talking with his dad the other day—
Mikey: You ever had feelings for someone, Leo? Feelings you didn’t know what to do about? Feelings that kept you up at night?
Leo: Mikey I told you, I didn’t stay away that extra time because of a girlfriend.
Mikey: Maybe even feelings that make you act stupid. Feelings like Raph has for his Mona Lisa, or Donnie for April?
Raph and Donnie, eavesdropping:
Raph: What’s going on with you and April??
Donnie: Nothing I’m aware of. Maybe she borrowed a tool without asking or something. Who’s your Mona Lisa?
Raph: Raph wishes he knew.
Mikey: The heart’s a soft muscle, dude. Squish squish.
Leo: I literally have no idea what you’re talking about.
Casey: Hey Mikey! How are things going with that time traveling girl you liked? I can’t remember her name.
Mikey: Time-traveling girl..? Wait yo dude that hasn’t happened for me yet. I think you just accidentally revealed my future!
Casey: Cool, I didn’t even know I was from the future. I wonder if I could convince Leo he might start an apocalypse if he doesn’t find, like a certain artifact or something….
Donnie, again on PowerPoint: If I were to disappear, the whole world would fall to pieces. Shredder victorious. Raph and Leo estranged forever, unable to reconcile after Master Splinter’s tragic death. Mikey and April, the lone fighters against the growing tide of darkness, barely clinging onto hope. Mikey’s lost one of his arms, and with it the spark of joy in his eyes.
Raph: Who let him have coffee
Splinter: I believe he has had a nightmare. We must guard against these dark thoughts.
Donnie, staring into the distance: That dragon-daimyo merged guy nearly won the Battle Nexus. It looked like the blue bunny poisoned Leo, but in the end he stood beside him in battle. At least Raphie won his planet race.
Raph: Who let him have poison pizza puffs
Mikey: Ay Raph that’s scarily specific?
Mikey: They always forget that I’m good at science, too. I help Dee out in the lab with ideas and stuff. I mean, I don’t understand science, but I got good instincts for it. They need to remember that.
Casey: Yeah, like when you created Ice Cream Kitty.
Mikey: Yeah! What.
Casey: Or when you cured Donnie of that stuff that made him super dumb.
Mikey: No yeah but go back to what you said about Ice Cream Kitty.
Donnie: Do you guys remember that jungle dimension we went to with the really big bugs?
Mikey: Did you just call our own city a jungle dimension?
Leo: Reminds me of my training. I miss the jungle….
Mikey, humming to himself: welcome to the jungle, it’s worse here every day, you learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play
Raph: Did you guys all portal somewhere without me?
Mikey and Donnie: You wanted to see the giant bugs?
Raph: Well, no, but—
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dadilovefishing · 1 year
The Start of the Beginning… Again
Miguel O’hara x Filipina Reader
Chapter 1
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“Okay am I crazy or does it feel like every time Miguel and Y/n are in the same room the tension fee-”
“Feels thick?” Peter cuts Miles off with a mouthful of his burger then taking in another bite even though his mouth was still full. Gwen, Hobie and Miles look at him in disgust as Peter stuffs his face with food as if he hadn’t eaten in years.
“You might wanna slow down on the nosh there mate, it ain’t gon’ run off anywhere” Miles was again cut off by Hobie this time, clearly having enough of Peters disgusting eating behaviour. Peter takes a swig out of his soda and gulps everything down, he takes a fry and points it at Hobie.
“You try controlling yourself when you get to eat your favourite food that you haven’t had for years!” Peter retorts looking at Hobie then shoving a fry into his mouth.
“Don’t got a favourite” Hobie says coolly, Peter rolls his eyes at the anarchist then switches his attention back to Miles.
“And to answer your question kid, it’s a long story. Way before any of you kids came along. I think at that time it was just me, Miguel, Jess, Lego Peter, Ben and a bunch of others that I don’t really remember nor do I remember how spider cat got recruited before me… anyways yeah it’s a long story kid.” Peter says as he takes another bite of his burger. He notices that Miles was looking at him as if telling him to go on with the story. He groans.
“Okay now that Miles brought it up, yeah why does it always feel weird when both of them are in the same room? like it feels stuffy all of a sudden?” Gwen asks, taking a sip from her milkshake. Peter sighs and pulls out his wallet pulling out a couple more bills ready to buy himself some more burgers.
“Okay guys get comfortable, this is going to be a really long story and I mean really long. So let’s starts from the beginning.”
Year 2099
“Okay let’s start from the beginning, my name is y/f/n and for last 6 years I’ve been the one and only spyder-woman, I worked as a geneticist in Alchemax Manila, got bit by a spider that I had been working on that I was planning to bring back home to the province and to give my little bro as a gift since he and his friends love to have spider fights after school. Thought the bite did nothing since the spider wasn’t showing any signs that it was taking in any new modifications that I was making, but I was so, so wrong. Next thing I knew I can stick on walls, got super strong, was faster than usual, my flexibility got way better than before-especially since I would stay holed up in my studies for days without stretching-and got spider senses. My best friend Gwen-who used to work to work at alchemax with me-found out about my powers when she saw me stuck upside down on the ceiling of our shared apartment. I was so glad she didn’t try to get me exorcised right away and thought my new abilities were super cool. She helped me with everything! Designing my suit, creating my web slinger and weapon. Reported to me to help catch the bad guys, preventing a couple of motorcycle accidents dealing with villains of the week.
I failed to save her when she got caught in the crossfire trying to help me stop our boss from doing any more harm when she turned herself into a manananggal. Worst thing was when her boyfriend John Peter, a.k.a J.P. Who was chief of police and was also my childhood friend mistaken me as her killer when he caught me with her dead in my arms decided he wouldn’t rest till Spyder Woman was behind bars or dead.
Okay let’s speed up this story. In drunken rage, he broke into her studies found a regenerative project she was working on injected himself with an unknown serum-only god knows why-he turned into a humanoid lizard and started terrorizing the city and eating people, had to kill him because there was no cure. Got promoted to work as one of the heads of the genetics department at Alchemax’s newest location in Nueva York after JP destroyed the one in Manila. Sending my family money here and there to support them and my brother’s education. Made a new friend named MJ who’s also my new room mate since she got recruited to work at Alchemax. Adopted a cat and named him Oscar. MJ found out I was Spyder-Woman when she was on laundry duty. Found and Lost my first love. So now the only ones I have left in my inner circle are MJ and my cat Oscar…
sometimes I wish I didn’t get bit by that stupid spider, but with great powers come with great responsibility.”
Earth 1610
Everyone just looked at Peter in shock as he stares down at his half eaten burger with a solemn look, he puts his burger down and takes a sip from his drink while looking out at the window.
“Wow, um she went through a lot. I mean having to kill a friend with your own hands?” Gwen spoke up-knowing what it felt like to be the reason for your friends death, but it was still an insane concept since it wasn’t an indirect action like hers and the others-breaking the silence as Miles and Hobie didn’t know what to say and just stares at Peter.
“Yeah well that’s just part of the job description kid, losing a couple of people here and there. Thing is, the whole revenge-misunderstanding situation happened to her twice.” Peter said and let out a dry chuckle trying to lighten the mood a bit. Everyone just stares at him, not knowing how to respond with his poorly timed joke. Peter clears his throat and look back at the three teenagers awkwardly.
“Anyways yeah, she also was originally never supposed to be recruited to be part of spider society.” Peter says as he picks up his last burger of the day and takes a bite from it.
“What?” The three teenagers questions Peter in unison. Peter chews his food and nods.
“So how did Miguel even let her in when she wasn’t supposed to be part of it?” Miles asks looking at Peter in bewilderment knowing that Miguel wouldn’t just let anyone in, speaking from experience.
“Yeah, yeah I’m getting to that part.” Peter replies with food still in his mouth.
“Why is Miguel sending me off on this stupid mission? Like dude? I put in a request for vacation just for one day? Out of all days to put me on a mission! It’s not like he’s doing anything except brooding in his lair…Ugh whatever! just in and out, in and out.” Peter mumbles to himself taking in a deep breath as he searched for the anomaly that landed on Earth-6301
“Hey Peter?” Lyla pops up on Peter’s watch painting her nails a hot pink. “The Green Goblin is down that way if you’re done mumbling to yourself.” She points down the road where there is loud commotion.
“Yeah that checks out, thanks Lyla.” Peter sighs as she disappears. He swings his way to where the green goblin is. He slows down and lands on the ground prepping himself to deal with the green goblin only to find a spider person climbing up the wall carrying the passed out anomaly, civilians of the city cheering and taking pictures.
“We love you Spyder-Woman!”
“Thanks for saving us!!” Spyder woman looks back down at the crowd of civilians and salutes to them then throws the the glitching goblin onto the roof and climbs on top of the roof, disappearing from the civilians view.
“Huh a Spider-woman, of course. At least my job is done, just need to get up there, convince her to give me the goblin and take the goblin back to HQ.” Peter shoots a web at the apartment to take him up to where spyder-woman is took the anomaly. He lands on top of the roof and slowly makes his way to Earth-6301’s spider person, he takes caution and hides behind the shed as he hears her interrogating the goblin.
“I’m going to ask you one last time. Who are you? Cuz last time I checked the green goblin is locked up.” The spider person asks as she crouches in front of the glitching goblin, holding her yantok with a blade protruding out of it up to his neck.
“I’m the green goblin! And where the fuck is spider man?” The green goblin spits out as he tries to wriggle his way out of his confinement but glitches as he tries.
“Like I said there is no spider man only spyder woman.” She emphasizes the woman in her name “with a ‘Y’” she adds. “And before you ask the ‘Y’ in ‘spyder’ is just for the added flare.” She continues as she stares down at the wriggling goblin. She sighs then looks away from the goblin.
“Why are you glitching?” She asks as she brings her attention back to goblin and holds her yantok closer to his neck now slightly grazing against his skin. The goblin still trying to get out of his webbed confinement even though it hasn’t been working for the past few minutes, it’s almost embarrassing that he’s still trying at this point. He glitches again then groans.
“Does it look like I know you dumb bitch?” The goblin hissed. “All I know is that I was close to killing Peter but I got sucked into a black hole and was shot back out. Now bring me spider man you tramp!” He yells at her, she sighs and looks down to the ground.
“You know what I’ll deal with you later if you don’t want to cooperate with me right now.” She says then stabs him in the shoulder with the blade and presses a button which electrocutes him. The goblin passes out from getting shocked. She stands up and retracts up the short blade back into the yantok.
“Hay Susmaryosep, Like I said there is no spider man. How many times do I have to repeat myself?” She shakes her head mumbling to herself then turns around to where Peter was hiding.
“Now, to deal with you.” She says out loud, Peter felt goosebumps when he heard her talking about him. Not having enough time to comprehend her standing right in front of him ready to attack. She swings her yantok at him and Peter dodges her attack.
“Woah there, can we take this nice and slow please? We just met and I’m here to help.” Peter says as he tries his best to dodge all her attacks trying to come up with an offence but she wasn’t giving him an opening. “Look if you let me explain we can settle this then I can take the him back to where he belongs and leave you and your world alone.” Peter bargains still trying his best to dodge all of her attacks.
“I’ll have to make sure that you’re not a threat first.” She says coldly and got him to finally have an opening for her to swing an attack at him.
“Wha-” Peter was cut off as he got hit on the back of his head by her yantok causing him to lose consciousness and drop to the floor, his vision fading to black.
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