#oum amphibia
Hear me out:
Amphibia/TOH crossover but it’s actually just Anne’s parents (Oum and Bee) dating Camila and they become a polyamory
Ooo, yes!!!
Imagine if that crossover was part of a Disney TVA special where the network arranges dates for the parents / adult caretakers from different series to test their compatibility as couples.
Camila, Oum, and Bee would be the most adorkable couple ever!
They would go on fun dates to the supermarket and learn and appreciate each other's cultures.
Bee would show Camila how to play all of his favorite video games, and Camila would help Oum a lot in the kitchen.
Camila also takes mental notes when she sees how Oum disciplines her daughter.
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Do sasha and oum go to the gym together sometimes?
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Not that often but when they do, Sasha rushes to Anne afterwards because she feels bad about being thirsty over Anne's MILF (not that Sasha would do anything but the catholic school guilt kicks in for those moments). Anne knows that her gfs/wives (and former classmates) think her parents is a milf/dilf and tries not to think about it.
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lonely-jimmy · 3 months
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ordinaryschmuck · 8 days
It's been two years since Anne visited Amphibia. Two years since she came back, unable to return. And in those two years Anne had...changed. But not just changed for the better. She was less careless, more responsible, and seemed more certain about what she wanted rather than moving along directionless. That was all well and good, but there were days where she seemed distant. It wasn't common, but there have been days where she'd just sit on the couch, staring at nothing without even focusing on her phone or the TV. And there was this hint of...something in her eyes. Was it sadness? Anger? Fear?
Oum wasn't sure. Whenever she saw her daughter like this, it made her worried because there was something clearly wrong and she wasn't sure what. Oum assumed at first it was because Anne missed the Plantars, but she noticed a bit of a distinction with that. When Anne thought of them, she'd cry and practically demanded to be held. With this? Her face was just blank, with nary a tear in her eyes.
Even now, as Anne laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling and eating marshmallows with that same exact expression again, it made Oum beyond concerned. Call it a mother's intuition, call it common sense, but she could just tell that Anne needed help with something. Yet all Oum can do is sigh and walk away, leaving Anne to deal with that something alone because there's nothing else she could do.
Oum made her way to Bee's computer room, catching him in the middle of what looks like another video game.
"Hold on." Bee held up a finger for quick silence. "I'm watching a walk-through on how to find all the hidden cyber-ducks in Mega-Mecha-Man Plus. There's this one in level twenty that's really--"
"Bee, I'm worried about Anne," Oum said clearly. It was enough to get Bee to pause the video and spun around in his chair to face her.
"Is this about her...episodes?" he guessed.
"It just feels like it's happening a lot more now," Oum said, rubbing her arm nervously. "At first it was like every two months, sometimes three, but now it feels like she's going through this once a week. And I don't know what to do when it happens every day."
"Well, I've actually been researching that," Bee said as he opened another tab. "It could be a result of PTSD. I mean, she had to go through some traumatic stuff in Amphibia. Her best friends...did bad things, she was chased a lot by giant bugs and birds, and apparently something happened in their last visit to Amphibia. It wouldn't be too far to assume that it's post traumatic stress."
"Are there any suggestions on how to help her with it?"
"As far as I can tell, the best course of action is therapy."
"So it's a no, then," Oum huffed. "We can't just send her to a therapist. She says one thing about the frog world and she'll get thrown into a padded cell."
"And Mr. X said keep it all hush-hush," Bee added. "So, can't really have her say any of that Frog-vasion stuff was real."
"To anyone. Meaning that Anne's got all this trauma bubbling up inside her and there's nothing we can do to help..." Oum started to tear up, both out of frustration and heartache, with Bee being there to get up and hug her.
"I know, it's a lot," he softly said. "But remember what our therapist said when Anne went missing? We can't just focus on a problem that seems unsolvable. We just need to approach things step-by-step and take time to focus on ourselves when we can. Which is what I'm doing. I'm researching whatever solution I can find and having fun with Mega-Mecha-Man Plus to let my brain relax. Can't help Anne with a burnt-out brain."
"I guess not..." Oum muttered.
"We'll get through this, don't worry." Bee kissed her and returned to his chair, as well as his video. Once he pressed play, he got about ten seconds in before an ad started to play. "Aw, not another ad! And this one's unskippable?! I knew I should have gone with ad block..."
Once the ad buffered, it started with a close up of a woman looking over her shoulder with brown hair and a blush to her cheeks.
"Hey," the woman said. "You lookin' at me? Are you seriously looking at me? Because if you are..."
The video zooms out to reveal that the woman's wearing a graduation gown with a party popper in her hand as she spins around with a bright, wide smile.
"Then you're looking at the new graduate of UCLA's psychology program!" The woman cheered as she pulled the popper, its POP transitioning to her now holding up a picture of a twelve-year-old girl wearing a sweater.
"Hi, I'm Mabel Pines!" The woman said. She then booped the girl's nose in the photo. "And this little angel was me twelve years ago! Can you believe how adorable I was? Well, can you believe that this little girl also suffered from a little something called trauma?"
The video transitions to Mabel now laying on a couch.
"It's true," she said with a sigh. "Some really bad stuff happened to me at that age. Stuff that no one but my brother, Grunkles, and best friends would believe. While talking to them about my issues was fine enough, none of them could really give the insight needed to recover. And it's not like I could go to a therapist about any of it. They'd think I'd be way too crazy when I told them about my biz. That's when I remembered something my Great Uncle Stan once told me: If you can find a professional..."
The video cuts to a new angel of the couch, showing a split-screen shot of two Mabels, one sitting on a chair while the other still laid on the couch.
"Be your own professional!" both exclaimed.
"That's right," the one on the couch said, "The best way I approached my trauma was to learn how to fix it myself, basically becoming my own psychologist!"
"And a great one at that," the one on the chair said with a wink, making Couch Mabel blush.
"Oh, STAWP!" she said as the ad transitioned to her gesturing at a degree. "After figuring out my own issues and crying a whole lot when I did, I realized I could do the same for other kids like I was. Kids who think their issues are too crazy to fix can come and have a chat with good ol' Doctor Pines! You can lay down, have some tea, and even pet a pig!"
The video quick cut to Mabel petting an old pig. "That's right, I said, 'Pet a pig!' And do all of that and more as we go through what's really going on in the center of your brain! Just call this number or visit this address!"
Both a phone number and address zoomed in on the top and bottom of the screen respectfully.
"So come and visit Dr. Pines, and remember: There's nothing too crazy for a woman who probably experienced crazier!" Mabel then winked to the camera just as the ad ended, going back to the walk-through.
"More like there's nothing too crazy for a woman that's already crazier," Bee commented. "That lady sounds like a nut."
"You want to know the best thing about that though," Oum said from behind him.
"What?" Bee turned around again and saw Oum dialing a number into her phone.
"Crazy people are too crazy to believe if they blab someone's secrets," she said, putting the phone to her ear.
"Hang on, you're not serious, are you?"
"I'm seriously desperate," Oum said with a scowl. "Anne needs to talk to somebody, and it might as well be someone who might be too insane for--Hi! Is this, uh, the therapist lady? From the internet? Uh, Doctor Pines, yes. I think my daughter could use your help..."
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astreinomane · 4 months
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Happy Mother's Day to all these wonderful moms!
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luckyshinyhunter · 3 months
🐸🗡️♟️Happy Anne-iversary to Amphibia, 5 years since that show premiered, it's just insane.
The show's incredible, it captures both humor and heart well, along with amazing characters and pretty animation.
Thank you Matt for making this show, this and The Owl House will to be talked about for future generations to come.🗡️♟️🐸
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saysomethingabout · 5 months
Say something about this family!
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disneydude94 · 9 months
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scrabbleknight · 4 months
Sasha's mom ain't so bad (Amphibia Fanfic)
Happy Mother's Day!
[Archive Of Our Own]
It's a sequel to the hit one-shot "Anne's mom got it going", as celebration for Mother's Day. I learned what day it was and I wrote this. That's all.
I don't think I'm gonna tag anyone over this. This is just a one-shot. If you want to reblog, then reblog.
Also, link to the prequel.
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emberleesblog · 4 months
Week 37...again
I had to share writing as well. I just had to.
Here, have more Oum angst
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weirdkev27 · 9 months
Anne: Mom, Dad, I really like Marcy and Sasha.
Oum: Why not, dear, Marcy and Sasha are nice girls.
Anne: No Mom, I mean I really like Marcy and Sasha!
Bee: We heard you the first time, Anne. You have a homosexual attraction to Marcy and Sasha.
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hughjidiot · 11 months
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(After the season three premiere)
Crew Member: "Good news boss, the fans seem to like the character of Anne's mom. Some of them really like her."
Matt Braly: (pouring himself a stiff drink) "Of course they do."
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Headcanon that the leaf scrunchie Anne wears was a gift from Sasha and has worn it almost everyday since she got it (except for dates and days when she has her hair down or cuts her hair, etc). Also that Anne worked on the models in Little Wartwood the Plantars made and it’s those models that she eventually brings to use for her display at the aquarium.
Anne being frustrated that she and her girls had so many almost confession moments but they kept chickening out for 10 years is a funny idea to me at least.
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lonely-jimmy · 4 months
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Mama Power.
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ordinaryschmuck · 11 months
Amphibia halloween headcanons?
Ah. You picked the show that I'm not as in love with. Let's see...
Anne wished she would have shown the Plantars Halloween, all so they can see how similar the Shut In looks to it. AND because she knows Sprig and Polly would LOVE the free candy.
Sasha spends every October watching Horror movies. When she got older, she would often drink with her movies, but in different ways. If it was a slasher, she would take a shot for every cliche there is. If she was watching a classier flick, she would take out the bottle of wine and enjoy it.
Oum would ALWAYS go overboard with decorating the house, likely having a rival who thinks they can be scarier than her. Bee tries to control her antics...and tries not to get stabbed in the process.
Marcy ALWAYS dresses up every year, mostly in a costume surrounding something vague and obscure that not many people would get. But Marcy's fine with it. SHE gets it.
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wixelt · 1 year
I was looking over the S3 trackers and realized the group Anne and Marcy show up at Anne's Parents' house with are
Two Anthropomorphic Frogs
One Antrhopomorphic Tadpole With A Destroyed Frog Robot Head
A Man In Frog Power Armor Initially Mistaken For A Second Frog Robot
A Man With Dog Ears
A Man With Ram Horns
A Strange Amalgamation Of Snake Oil Salesman And Cat Owning Bond Villian
And I think Pearl would fit the group vibe since she is still wearing animal skins and kept her hair long from when she was feral.
Also, with The Hermits' mildly rocky understanding of how rent works and the assumption that if you are staying in someone else's base you either work for them or pay an inn fee due to their experience on Empires, Pearl probably would get like seven city hygiene related jobs to start paying 'rent.'
Probably with such efficiency between her by foot trash collecting, high speed window cleaning sweeps of entire sections of the city, and ability to leave houses spotless in no time when hired as a maid, she becomes cryptid found in the vicinity of two pillars of light (Haste II and Speed II beacons) that make others feel the welcome effects of caffeine in their 9-5 without the crash, simply known as 'The Cleaning Lady'
This along with her volunteering in community gardens city wide, which begin experiencing a major increase in growth.
This would kick off Hop Pop's concerns about 'freeloading' far sooner and The Boonchuys' dissuading of these concerns would probably lead into Pearl questioning if she can't clean if she's living with them, in which case she may need help finding her own apartment, making it clear her actions that go far beyond even the crunch of a single parent of five trying to keep themselves barely above the poverty line and provide for their kids is her preferred career path, why would I do it if I didn't enjoy it? Which would lead to a discussion from which Scar pulls Zedaph out of the room partway through for a seperate discussion.
(I know this has a follow-up. For now I'll assume Pearl does have beacons. I'll adapt if the next ask doesn't allow for that.)
Anne has been missing for 5 months.
The Boonchuys have been through a lot in that time, mostly frantic worrying for their daughter & her friends' whereabouts.
Oum especially worried - no matter how much Bee tried to comfort her - that Anne had been dragged along by Sasha or Marcy on some flight of fancy to mark her birthday.
Both girls could be wonderful, but their home lives - especially Sasha's - had done them no favors. The three girls were all deeply reliant on one another & it showed in the worst ways.
The Boonchuys could only hope they'd raised Anne well enough to get through whatever ill-advised antic had reared its ugly head.
That hope faded after the first month, & after four more the couple are on the verge of breaking.
And then one day Anne & Marcy turn up on their doorstep out of the blue, wearing clothes out of a fantasy novel, the former clutching the goggles hung around her neck tightly with one hand as if they'll vanish should she let go.
Both look tired & shaken - Marcy holding Anne up to stop her falling - eyes haunted, clothes torn & bearing the scuffs & bruises of a recent struggle.
"...H-Hi, Mom."
Oum has the two wrapped up in her arms - tears flowing - before she even fully registers their physical state, & hearing the commotion, Bee isn't far behind.
Because their daughter's home, at last.
There's so many questions about where she's been & why she's injured. So many cries about how worried they both were & that the police had told them to give up, not to mention telling Marcy about her own parents' situation.
They don't even get to ask where Sasha is before the conspiciously large group trying & failing to hide behind the garbage cans makes themselves known.
Oum & Bee promptly triple their number of questions.
And answers to those will come, but there's a lot to take in, first.
The Plantars are actually the easy bit. Talking frog folk & their robot head? Sure, why not - the Boonchuys can take that in stride. Compared to the rest, there's at least a trend there, if Anne & Marcy really have been in some parallel amphibian reality.
But then there's these... "Hermits". Humans at face value, but clearly much more beyond that, native to neither here nor Amphibia. Completely alien despite their friendliness.
Xisuma would've been easy if he'd kept his helmet on & let the couple believe he was a robot. But according to Marcy he's an "Admin" - basically a minor deity when he has his powers - & much like the Plantars first impression, his genuine, friendly demeanor doesn't gel at all with that image for Oum, at first.
Bee, meanwhile, has played enough video games to draw existential conclusions from the term "Admin" & has to be calmed by his daughter.
"No, Dad, you're not in a video game. Yes, you are real. Yes, I'm sure."
Beyond him, the others are mostly easier to comprehend. Ren & Zedaph just seem like eccentric fellas with animal traits until they open their mouths, & Bee knows literally Kakashi when he sees him, even as Etho again insists he still doesn't know that guy.
Marcy stifles a giggle behind him at Mr. Boonchuy's nerding out.
Next is Scar.
Scar is an enigma, but despite being obviously well-meaning when you set aside his antics, the bizarre combination of Willy Wonka, the Onceler & a man who simultaneously wants to "change" the world & sell you timeshares you don't need isn't lost on Oum.
It takes her a few days, Anne's repeated insistence to his character - apparently Sasha trusts this guy - & catching Scar cradling Domino - clearly missing his own cat - for her to realise he's not going to swindle all their savings & actually start to trust him.
It took Bee losing to him in one game of Monopoly to earn the same.
And finally, there's Pearl, wrapped in animal skins with long hair & crazy eyes.
The Boonchuys hear many stories about Pearl, from her being the reincarnation of a farm goddess, to an embodiment of feral bloodlust, to a bird, to a moth.
The jury's out on all four, for now. All the pair can really judge is what's in front of them: A scared woman seperated from her friend & from her brother. Like everyone else, she's been through the wringer.
And like everyone else, she hides it well but is clearly shaken, in yet another world with new laws & informal rules to adapt to.
Hence - drawing on their experience with the Emperors - they all decide they need to pull their weight before fully grasping the nuances of life on Earth.
Even when Hermits are trying to be subtle - at Anne's insistence - they are not, & the seven cleaning jobs & reputation as a hygiene/gardening cryptid Pearl develops are proof of that.
The beacons get taken down after less than a week as - positives be damned - they're attracting too much attention & "I don't care where you got all that metal, Pearl, put it back."
The Boonchuys short circuit a little bit when - on her asking about if they'd prefer she moved out so her cleaning work doesn't bring any unwanted guests to the house - they realise this is her willing profession/hobby, rather than something she's doing purely to keep the Hermits in house & home.
They insist she doesn't have to move out - Pearl is relieved at this - but if she & the others could really try to be a little more low-key around the house it'd be helpful.
They also tell her they're more than happy to help her search for a property away from the house to base her business ventures out of, even if she'll have to rent it indepedently of the family's finances to stop a trace.
Los Angeles has never looked so clean, nor so pretty, & but you can bet Anne & Marcy don't want the feds to come knocking, if they can help it.
And yes, all of this probably would set off Hop Pop's freeloading concerns much sooner, though on his end that still goes the way you'd probably expect it to go, with or without Hermit interference.
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