#oud wood tree
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Discover the mystique of oud wood and the oud tree. Delve into the world of pure oud wood, explore the captivating oud wood scent, and learn about oud tree prices. Uncover the essence of oud wood attar and indulge in the rich, aromatic journey of this precious natural treasure.
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bebemoon · 2 months
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look for the name THEO (requested by anonymous) | pied piper linen zip utility shirt (c. 199o's), les six pleated carpenter shorts (s/s 2o24), dirk bikkembergs black tall boots w/ metal slit heel and metal pulls (c. 199o's), kerosene "r'oud elements" eau de parfum ("it's late evening and an orange bitter sun is setting beyond the trees. wafts of smoldering wood rise from the center of the forest, burning from a small oud and sandalwood fire. the scent is soft, deep and longing for closeness and invitation." — kerosene fragrances), incoder "incoder_coif" hood
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nemo-in-wonderland · 8 days
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Name: Asra Silverbough
Nickname: Rara, Spiderling, little Owlbear (by her father)
Title: The Sentinel of the Sylvan Glade
Alias: None
Age: 199 Years Old (She was born in 1294 DR-Year of the Deep Moon )
Birthplace: High Forest, in Dark Maiden's Leap, the shrine consacrated to Eilistraee. Her mother prayed for the Goddess’ protection while birthing the Asra, and it was granted. Hometown: Emerald Grove, Sword Coast, Western Heartlands
Current Residence: After spending most of her life in the Emerald Grove with her father, she returned to the High Forest, her father's family's home, and joined the Druids of Tall Trees
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Elf (Drow/Wood Elf)
Class: Ranger/Druid - Circle of Dreams
Profession/job: During her formative years spent at the Emerald Grove, she was an Druid Initiate under her father's guidance, working with him in trying to preserve the Balance of Nature. However, she founds that curing ailments and working with medical herbs was not her vocation, and she would rather spend her days up in the trees, flying branch to branch while scouting the areas around the Grove. Eventually, she picked up the role of Sentinel for the Grove, and lead a small squad of Rangers to protect the Grove and its inhabitants. Visual particular traits: Due to having inherited her mother's and father's height, Asra is considered extremely tall for an elf, especially one of Drow descent. Her own physical constitution also favours her father's, making Asra stands out among her peers. Scent: White Moss and Oak Resin. Occasionally, especially when wearing her shawl, she is surrounded by an intense scent of Oud that can lingers for hours. She has no idea how that is possible, but she suspects the shawl the scent is magically weaved within the fabric of the shawl, considering its arcane properties.
Colours/symbols associated with: The Colours of the Forest during Autumn; The Owl that flies silently in the night; the Stag that protect the Forest and all that lives within it. Languages: Common, Elven, Wild Elvish, Druidic, Undercommon Accent?: Asra’s Elvish has a distinct “High Forest” tune to it (irl it would be similar to Scottish), and it would carry over even when she speaks the Common Language. Tropes they embody: “Action Girl”, “Amazonian Beauty”, “Badass Adorable”, “Be Careful What You Wish For”, “Big Sister Instinct”, “Determinator”, “Daddy’s Girl”, “Death Glare”, “Determinator”, “Fish out of Water”, “Hot-Blooded”,“Former Teen Rebel”, “Friends To All Living Things”, “Hidden Depths”,“Long-Range Fighter", “Made Of Iron”, “My God What Have I Done?”,”Parental Abandonment”, “Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl”, “Statuesque Stunner” “Strong Family Resemblance”, “Stronger Than They Look”,” It Runs In The Family”, “Tranquil Fury”, “Odd Friendship”, “Weakness Turns Her On”,
Personality: Determinate, Curious, Kind, Boisterous, Funny, Overprotective, Resilient, Resourceful, Intuitive, Brave, Loyal, Honest, Empathetic, Determined, Confident, Strong-Willed, Protective, Compassionate, Caring, Independent, Fearless, Vengenful, Short-Tempered, Impulsive, Rebellious, Hot-Headed, Proud, Stubborn, Overconfident.
Detailed Backstory: Asra was the biological daughter of Halsin Silverbough. The story surrounding her birth was complicated, and much like the relationship between her parents, it was shrouded in a silence that Halsin was rarely -if at all - willing to break. This constant secrecy amplified the emptiness left by her mother, and it would become, later in life, a void for Asra to fill with the knowledge as to why she was left behind. However, despite this, she had a childhood of relative happiness and carefree ease, surrounded as she was by the love and affection that the rest of the Silverbough Clan was willing to provide to the their youngest. Her early years were spent listening to the Elders’ stories and her father’s own teaching on Druidic knowledge, which continued well into her teen years. But while she enjoyed listening, Asra was an active elf with an even more active mind, and she enjoyed experiencing life way more than just learning from books or midnight stories.
So, whenever she could, she would sneak away from Grandma Silverbough to stay with her father and take care of the ailing animals under his care or, when that was not possible, she would climb high up the trees of the High Forest and spend time observing the owls that slept up in the higher branches. For reason she could never explain, she enjoyed being as close to the sky as possible, something that would later influence into choosing the Owl as animal to shape-shift into. Oftentimes, she would go so far up in the branches that her father Halsin could not retrieve her and it would fall on Quirora Evenfall, the Head Sentinel of the Rangers of High Forest to retrieve her and bring her back safe and sound in her father’s arms.
Quirora was fond of Asra and her persistency, and she actually liked the child’s spunky personality and her stubbornness in wanting to learn as much as she could; so, when, as a teen, she would start following her and rangers during their round of surveillance around the High Forest borders, she would allow Asra to follow by, on the condition that she was to be as silent as a flying owl - a task that would prove a challenge for Asra, considering her curious personality and her never-ending need to question everything, but a challenge she would tackle with patience and effort.
The rangers took some convincing in having an untrained half-drow following them around, but would eventually change their mind and actually find entertainment in dusting off ancient elven knowledge to pass down to the young girl, such as scouting, how to visualize potential dangers, following trails, how to trap a fey being and stop them from teleporting etc. Quirora and her squad were also the reason why Asra became set on learning how to use bow and arrows and would later become her weapons of choice.
Thriving under the care and devotion that her father, Quirora and the Rangers put into her upbringing, Asra would prove to be a brilliant young elf, with keen eyes that noticed everything and a boisterous and commanding personality- she would often take the lead while playing with other elves, and if an injustice were to occur, she was not afraid to brawl even with older kids to defend her friends.
But even as a teenager first and then as a young adult, Asra was restless, as in body so in spirit and with constant thoughts of her missing mother always in the back of her mind, something she often vented about with Quirora, when her father would not open up to her. Quirora would actually take Asra’s troubles to heart, because she could see how much this was weighting on her young soul, and being a follower of Sehanine Moonbow, the Elven Goddess of Dream, she spoke with Halsin about this and the possibility of at least ease Asra’s inquietude through dreamscaping.
Halsin was aware of the turmoil in his daughter’s heart, just as he was aware of how dangerous would it be for them both if Asra was ever to get close to the truth, and that weighted on his shoulders: on one side, he wanted for Asra to find closure; on the other, he didn’t want her to see put in harm’s way.
Eventually, he would agree with Quirora to initiate her to the ways of Sehanine.
So, it was finally under Quirora’s guidance that Asra discovered the ability of dreaming granted by Elven Goddess to her followers and how, through dreaming, there was the possibility of unveiling and discovering much that was hidden to the conscious eyes.
Asra put all her efforts into learning how to sleep and dreamscape, following the path of the Circle of the Dreams as a Druid, and started travelling through worlds guided by the pulsing necklace around her neck - one of the two mementos left behind by her mother- finally excited at the prospect of finding some answers to all the questions that were crowding her mind day and night.
What she didn’t realize when she decided to follow the path of the Circle of Dreams and therefore accepting, she made herself vulnerable to the Feywild influence and its inhabitants, for better or worse, and that inexperience in looking and manipulating others’ dreams had a great cost. Infact, while s
he actually managed to met her dearest friends through her dreams - Hiraeth of the Seelie Court - she also inadvertently caught the attention of another powerful being while roaming through his dreams, a being that would become both a fear and another obsession of hers: The Stag King
Most Treasured Possession: Asra is not one to keep material belonging in high regards; however, she has three items that are immensely dear to her: the magical shawl her father had used for her ever since she was a baby, a shawl that seemed to protect her against the sun and provide her with warmth whenever she needs, and that never seemed to tear and wear, despite being over 200 years old; a shards of never melting ice that she keeps tied around her neck, and that seems to emit a strange feeble pulsing sound; and lastly, a dagger in cold iron that Hiraeth gave her to protect herself against the Stag King, if the need were ever to rise.
Sexual and/or romantic situation: Much like her father, Asra is polyamorous, following her heart as nature’s intended. However, after the events of Elturel and the arrival of the tieflings refugees at the Emerald Grove, Boisterous Asra found a kindred soul in Rolan, whom she cares about dearly, despite the constant bickering and his ego being bigger than anything she had ever experienced. However, ever since she started exploring the Dreamscape, in hope to find her mother there, she had been haunted by the Stag King, who seemed to have a keen interest in her. If that interest is reciprocated by Asra, even she is not entirely sure.
Favourite place in Faerûn: Her most favourite place is most certainly the High Forest, where she spent her entire childhood, surrounded by her father’s family. Ever since only her and Halsin were all that remained of their family, she makes a point to try, at least once a year, to travel to Grandfather Tree and give them her respects. She missed them a lot, but she bears it for her father’s sake. Other than that, she enjoys being in the woodlands, surrounded by trees, but she never disdain spending time with Hiraeth in the Dreamscape, the only place where they can actually meet and catch up with what they have been doing. What makes them happiest: Sitting by the campfire at night and listening to her father’s old stories about High Forest and the time their family lived there. She particularly loves to listen to her father’s childhood stories, and about all the time he got himself in trouble for not listening to their elders (something she would jokingly use against him when he admonishes her for not listening to his advices). The few times that her father would open up about her mother and give her some crumbs of information about her were also moments of rare happiness she held dear within her heart. What makes them angriest: Discrimination of any kind. Seeing how she would be a victim of it due to her Drow heritage, she was absolutely furious in the way the Emerald Grove Druids were acting with the Tieflings Refugees from Elturiel, to the point that it came to a physical fight between herself and Kagha. She had to restrain herself when she suggested to kill Arabella for stealing the Idol of Silvanus, but she never came closer to breaking someone’s face like she did in that moment. When her father Halsin banished her from the Grove, she felt a triumphant spite she hadn’t felt in years. What makes them laugh: Who, rather than what. But the one that makes her laugh the most is Azriel and her flamboyant way of always narrating her adventures and her sentimental woes. Asra cannot help but laughing at all the hilarious - and embarassing - situations her parents and siblings put her through.
Biggest secret: Despite her father strongly advising not to look for her mother, due to how dangerous that would be for both of them, Asra has been secretly trying to look for her ever since she decided to partake in the teachings of the Circles of Dreams. One night, while scouring the Dreamscape during a particularly deep meditation, she bumped into something she never bumped before, and felt something against her soul, like the soft brushing of a pristine heron’s feather, but before she could investigate it any further, she got spooked by an apparition of hellfire and the strong smell of brimstones. It made her wake up scared out of her wits, to the point that Halsin as well had to intervene to calm her down and help her anchor her thoughts. What she saw would keep her away from the Dreamscape for sometimes, and this caused for Stag King to become irritated and prompted him to seek her out in the Material Plane - adding to Asra's troubles. However, stubborn as she was and despite the scare, the fact that she found finally *something* prompted Asra to strengthened her resolve to find her mother. Obsession: Asra is not entirely different from either her parents, and when she sets her mind on something, she will see it through, no matter what. Two thoughts are ever present in her mind, never leaving her alone: finding out why the Stag King seems so keen on wanting her attention, and finding her mother. Asra loves her father Halsin dearly, but she knows that his reluctancy in talking about her mother and the strange letter that she left when she abandoned them hide way more than what it’s written in between those words.
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*rubs hands together*
I AM FINALLY DONE WITH ASRA'S PROFILE, AND OMG I SUPER INTRIGUED BY IT ALL TBH. I have kinda reconnected something from what I wrote a few months back, because I actually managed to make it work as I wanted, timeline-wise (and Jacob's existence was kinda the reason I was able to retcon and have Asra's story evolve this way).👀👀👀
I am starting to interwoven all my OCs' stories, in one way or the other, and dearest Asra here is fascinating me with how connected she is to the others👀👀👀.
Well, I hope you will like this and the infographics I did for her!!
Now I am working on Hiraeth's one, and hopefully they will be ready soon!
template by @arcandoria; abridged profile template by @lairofsentinel)
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Sad that there’s no valentine fragrance for Rollo or Fellow or even Neige and Chenya. For fun, what do you think their hypothetical fragrances would be like?
[Referencing this post!]
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Oooh, what a fun question! I'm a fragrance fiend (I have sooo many little perfume samples lying around) so this ask got me super excited.
I'm going to give my thoughts on Gidel as well, since he comes as a pair with Fellow~ Cheka is here too. Let's include the little guys in on this!
Che'nya - creamy sugar, larkspur and clover, dark musk and myrrh
The top note is “creamy sugar”, but it’s not something overly heavy. Think like super fluffy, slightly sweetened whipped cream, something that easily melts on the tongue… like how Chenya’s UM allows him to vanish from view. He’s also known for stealing Trey’s desserts, so I imagine he has sticky, sugar-crusted fingers that give him away as being guilty of the crime.
Larkspur and clover are green scents that are not very strong; I felt that these match Chenya more than more intense smells. It gives the impression of someone who has been lazing around in trees or rolling around in an open field, leaving just a subtle hint wash of chlorophyll and sunshine on him.
The base notes are dark musk and myrrh. Chenya is by no means a sinister person, the musk and myrrh are moreso to ground the wistfulness of the fragrance make it more mysterious. I feel that it suits his ambiguous way of speaking and his Cheshire Cat inspiration very well.
Fellow - whisky, popcorn and coffee, tobacco and 1-pentanethiol
First up is whisky. Why? Well, firstly: Fellow strikes me as a guy that wears cheap cologne to give off the impression that he’s put-together, and one of the giveaways of cheap fragrance is a strong alcohol smell. The character Fellow is based on, Honest John, is depicted drinking and smoking in Pinocchio. The whisky note is also a throwback to that particular scene.
Popcorn and coffee dominate in the middle notes. The two work well with one another; the butteriness of the popcorn enhances the bold caramel tones of the coffee and results in a unique richness. Coffee is what I think Fellow drinks when he’s on the job and needs something “appropriate” to help him cope when dealing with his difficult boss or victims. The popcorn, meanwhile, is something served at Playful Land so the smell has buried itself on his clothes. It’s also the one smell that has a “childish” air to it, a small piece of hope and fun that has yet to be lost.
Finally, we have tobacco and 1-pentanethiol. As I previously said, Honest John is shown smoking in the film so the tobacco present here is a reference to that. 1-pentanethiol Crowley has “fatty aldehyde” so let me have this provides a smell similar to cigarette smoke, which deepens the overall aroma.
Altogether, it’s a very mature smell which hides a hint of playfulness in it. The fragrance characterizes Fellow as an adult with a dream he still wants to recognize.
Rollo - cotton, lavender and red flowers (rosewater + red lotus), oud and birch
This fragrance is one I would describe as layered and complex, as well as something that reflects his own twisted character. We open with cotton, something very try clean and fresh—like freshly washed linens. This makes sense for someone who stresses tidiness, and as a Noble Bell Student, who values cleanliness.
In the middle we have flowers, which I stress must not be overpowering or cloying. There is lavender (for protection and spiritual enlightenment), red lotus flower (symbolizing purity and virtue, as well as a reference to the crimson flowers/fire lotuses), and rosewater (represents devotion, and a substance used in religious ceremonies to banish evil. The flowers selected have meanings related to Rollo’s ambitions—and furthermore, it makes sense that he may smell of flowers, given where he lives and his skill in gardening.
At last, we have oud and birch woods. A whiff of these, and your mind will conjure the image of smoke and ashes, something burning. It’s very different from what you were smelling before; all the flowers have faded now, leaving you only with your sorrows.
To summarize, the scent changes from clean to floral to… the aftermath of a fire 💀 When we first meet him, Rollo gives off a very prim and proper aura, only for it to devolve into reverent madness later… The fragrance is designed to emulate that evolution.
Side note: I thought about including grape and orris root (a butter-y smell), but they both sounded too “foodie” and indulgent for someone like Rollo and didn’t make as much sense with the other notes.
Gidel - candied apple and cotton candy, popcorn, cedarwood
Since Gidel is notably younger than Fellow, his fragrance is a more juvenile one. There is a lot of focus on the sweets the park offers here, opening with notes of candied apple core and cotton candy. I don’t think he and Fellow can afford to eat that many luxuries, so they take Playful Land’s treats when they can.
As you can see, Gidel shares a popcorn mid-note with Fellow. This is here to show their relation to one another. After all, Gidel also helps out with luring people to Playful Land. The popcorn smell could very well also cling to him.
Cedarwood has a slight citrusy profile to it despite being a wood. It keeps the smell from being super sweet while also making it feel a little… clumsy? Like you’d expect it to be all sweet but then there’s that little something that keeps it from completely toppling into that categorization. I think it suits Gidel with his mismatched socks, untied boots, patched clothes, and oversized sleeves.
Neige - apple blossom, gardenia with some citrus, white musk and amber
When I think of Neige, I think about something soft and approachable yet also bright. I of course had to include some variant of apple and chose the blossom form for something flowery with a subtler apple scent. It’s a cuter and more innocent flower to go against Vil’s opening note of cassis.
The middle is gardenia, a white flower that is similar the “white bouquet” in Vil’s fragrance. Gardenia is delicate and sweet, much like Neige’s personality, and it has a slight citrus twist to help uplift the flowers without making him smell like a whole orange. The citrus could be a little leftover (like, lemon dish soap/detergent?) from the cleaning he does around the living space he shares with the Seven Dwarves!
Amber is calm and relaxing while white musk is often used in “wintery” smells to achieve a crispness. The white musk is a nod to the “snow” origins of Neige, since he is twisted from Snow White, while the amber is there to soothe and comfort all who gaze upon him. This makes Neige’s fragrance an airer alternative to Vil’s… cuz they’re rivals in the entertainment biz www
Cheka - sweet citrus, neroli, dirt and moss
I imagine Cheka’s scent as a more youthful version of Leona’s. They both have neroli in the mid-note, perhaps a nod to their royal lineage and/or just to their savanna homeland in general.
Cheka’s fragrance opens with sweet citrus (think tangerine or mandarin!), which reminds me of his enthusiasm. Now, citrus is not something that readily grows in the savanna but it does have a loose tie to the film. In The Lion King, Timon and Pumba serve Simba grubs. When certain bugs die, they release a fatty acid that warns other bugs of their kind to not come near—it’s a signal of danger. Most of the time, these acids smell rancid as heck and are not suitable for perfumes. I did find some bugs that release a citrus-like smell though, so I went with that since it’s the only smell we wouldn’t turn our noses up at.
The last notes are dirt and moss, meant to imply Cheka’s adventurous and bold nature as the type of kid who sneaks away from his guards to see his ojitan 😂 The earthy dirt is a smell that sticks with him from the kingdom he will one day rule, and the moss is a little bit of green to brighten things up. The moss is also meant to allude to the jungle that Simba grew up in along with Timon and Pumba—the world beyond what Cheka will one day rule.
I really REALLY wanted to somehow include “Cheka smells like crayons” somewhere here, but that ended up not fitting and I couldn’t find what the “crayon smell” is. I see Cheka writing notes and drawing to his uncle every so often and then being sad when he doesn’t reply…
This was a fun creative exercise ^^ Hope you had as much fun reading about my thoughts as I did writing them out. Maybe I’ll make up fragrances for some other NPCs except Rollo is no longer a NPC later?? We’ll see.
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this-is-ris · 6 months
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Thank you for the tags everyone! Take a seat, or grab her hand for a journey into some Ris Lore Basics!
-Name: Ris Dei-ijla -Nicknames: Haven (as called by her partner, Qara) Glasses (by a friend, named Fish) and Rissy (Dinky Dinky’s name for her) -Age: 55 -Nameday: 12th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon -Race: Rava Viera -Gender: CIS Female -Orientation: Pansexual -Profession: Gleaner, Herbalist, Fledgling Apothecary
P H Y S I C A L    A S P E C T S
-Hair: Thick wavy blanket of dark brown hair, absolutely fluffy and soft. Always woven with fresh flowers and herbs. -Eyes: Bright jade, constant glow to them. Wears red-hued eye makeup around her outer and lower lids. -Skin: Tan, freckles all over from head to toe. -Tattoos/scars: None to speak of, will on occasion wear body paint reminiscent of her tribe.
-Parents: Ceres Dei-ijla (mother) -Siblings: many sisters (some known, some unknown) -Grandparents: Unknown/Deceased  -In-laws and Other: self adopted brother Bem Dei-jla. -Pets: Rabbit named Pancake
Abilities:  -Channeling aether, for use with summoning or healing magicks. -Use of a guard stick/glaive -Use of tomes if practicing summoning magicks.  -Aethersight that can read one’s emotions/aura to an extent.  Hobbies: -Gardening/Foraging, Reading, Dancing, baking sweets and preparing medicines for her friends and loved ones.
-Most Positive Trait: Selfless and willing to help just about anyone. -Most Negative Trait: Worrying too much for others’ safety and wellbeing where it may seem she loses sight/trust of them being able to handle themselves just fine.
-Colors: Purples, greens, blues -Smells: Jasmine, oud wood, vanilla, moss -Textures: soft delicate flower petals, dewy moss on tree bark, velvety tuft of fur, smooth leather cover of a well-loved notebook. -Drinks: Teas, botanical beverages, fruit juices
O T H E R   D E T A I L S
Smokes: Doesn’t go out of her way to, but has done some experimenting with special grasses she may come across.. Just for science. Drinks: Socially, with friends and at her favorite taverns when passing by the area Drugs: only drugs being of the medicinal variety she tests for herself (to check for side effects) aside from that, not recreationally unless we’re talking special grasses again..hehe Mount Issuance: a chocobo she was given a great deal on during her first time visiting the Shroud, named Lilah. Ris prefers traveling on foot, so oftentimes Lilah will just be her trail companion to share company with and be in charge of carrying their food and blankets. Been Arrested: No, but she has been (self) exiled! (:
This was super fun and I know I am a bit late so won't try and tag too many if I have seen one for you @justatheo @the-white-snake @prudentfolly @bemsbigboom (no pressure, but just in case~)
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charthurlover · 3 months
What perfume/cologne would the Van Der Linde gang wear
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hi!! this is my first tumblr post, and i don’t exactly know how to do this or work the app, so forgive me if this is horribly worded or confusing.
anyways, this is my opinion on what colognes or perfumes the gang would wear. horses and cain included, since they are technically a member of the gang!!
Abigail -
something woodsy, maybe like the forest or a campfire, cedar wood, trees, plants.
- G-Water
- Tam Dao
- Snoqualine
Arthur -
tobacco, scent of alcohol, mud, outdoors.
- Jasmin et Cigarette
- Rien
- Earthworm
Baylock -
ashes, grease.
- Tobacco Blaze
- Garage
- La Yuquam Homme
Bill -
any popular male fragrances, or like gunpowder and fire.
- 9mm Ballistic Therapy
- High Noon
- Campfire Nights
Boaz -
dynamite, money.
- Wall Street
- Don Xerjoff
- 1805 Tonnerre BeauFort London
Branwen -
oatcakes, apples, water.
- Lostmarch Lann-Ael
- Be Delicious
- Cavalli Acqua
Bob -
blood, gunpowder, sweat.
- Vena Cava
- Richard Dark Side
- Secretions Magnefique
Brown Jack
pomade, alcohol, blood.
- Classic Fragrance
- Heeley Agarwood
- Molotov Cocktail
Cain -
dog, mud, grass.
- La Panthere Edition Soir
- Grass
- Zoologist Bat
Charles -
light florals, nature, clean fur.
- Coach Floral
- Super Cedar
- Coyote
Dutch -
blood, metal, tears.
- Vassago
- Spacewalk
- Rainy Season of Dresden
Davey -
snow, wood, fire.
- Waltz of the Snowflakes
- Tobacco Vanille
- Inquisitor
Enis -
whiskey, beer, grass.
- Tom Oud
- Stout ‘n Smoke
- Dune Road
Grimshaw -
sulfur, metal, cinnamon.
- Bloody Smoke
- Vanille Absolu
- Jupiter
Gwydion -
birds, leather, salt.
- Seemannn
- Black Saffron
- Millésime Impérial
Hosea -
moonshine, stew, metal.
- Moscow Mule
- Starfish & Coffee
- Santal 33
Jack -
water, horse, corn oil.
- Petrichor
- Cuir de Russie
- Seems Legit
Javier -
mahogany, cotton, musk.
- Redwood Leaves
- Lazy Sunday Morning
- Urban Musk
Jenny -
snow, wool, wood.
- Redwood Mist
- Battaniye
- Grey Vetiver
John -
sweat, musk, grease
- Flores Negras
- Silver Musk
- Cristina La Veneno Ni Puta Ni Santa
Kieran -
blood, grass, oats.
- Hora de la Verdad Sombra
- Figuier Eden
- Harran
Karen -
beer, guns, whiskey.
- Beguile
- Wicked John
- Kutay
Lenny -
blood, books, bullets.
- Seems Legit
- Diamonitirion - elixir atonit
- Moon Child
Mac -
metal, bullets, kerosene.
- Craft
- Iron Duke
- Nuvolari Rubini
Maggie -
dirt, stone, bog.
- Le Sillage Blanc
- During the Rain
- Swamp elixir
Mary-Beth -
books, ink, gold.
- Bibliophilia: Love of Books
- Supreme Vanilla
- Royal Blood
Micah -
rot, corn, mold.
- Saint Louis Cemetery #1
- Funerie
- French Kiss
Molly -
roses, grass, trees.
- Roses Musk
- Leila Lou
- Colors de Benetton
Nell II -
sweat, cows, pig.
- Amyi 3.17
- Cuir de Russie
- Hyrax
Old Belle -
carrots, beer, hay.
- Carotte
- Sónar
- Basilico & Fellini
Old Boy -
musk, tears, cow.
- Another 13
- Ozone
- Osmanthus
Pearson -
meat, vegetables, crawfish.
- Gino: Steak Scented Eau de Parfum
- Eau de Cuisine
- Wild Carrot Oud
Reverend -
whiskey, incense, coffee.
- 7 Loewe
- Bourbon e Fava Tonka
- Black Opium
Sadie -
blood, tears, gunpowder.
- Bull’s Blood 2nd Edition
- Cool Glacier
- Rendez-Vous!
Sean -
whiskey, sweat, bullets.
- Malt Akro
- Monochrome
- Amour Nocturne
Silver Dollar -
fire, wool, metal.
- Encens Pyro
- The Sheepfold, Moonlight
- Rosenrot
Taima -
deer, blood, meat.
- Ma Bete
- Trinity Blood
- Good Girl Gone Bad
The Count -
sugarcubes, peaches, pears.
- Pixie Dust
- Allure Eau de Parfum
- First Base
Trelawny -
doves, rabbits, silk.
- Ruğa Sablo
- Wet Garden
- Baklava Musk
Tilly -
bullets, baby powder, swamps.
- 266ts Pontiff’s Harley
- Cashmere Mist Eau de Toilette
- Haxan
Uncle -
manure, horse, cow.
- D’zing
- L’heure Fougueuse
- Zoologist Cow
again, this is my first post so i’m very sorry about it being bad or isn’t looking right for tumblr. so sorry.
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yeyinde · 2 years
omg i just saw a tag on one of your recent posts saying you could talk all day about how the cod boys smell and i’m begging you PLEASE do!! i’m a huge fan of perfumes and one of my favorite things to do for characters is to compile scents that i think would fit them the best. i’m super curious what your thoughts are and i would love to hear more!
thank you so much for this!! i had a lot of fun with it! 🖤
Ghost: dead leaves, pine, cedar, fall air, laurel, balsam, smoke, clove bud, black patchouli, mushroom caps, dampened black soil. he smells like a thick, dense Pacific Northwest forest after a heavy rainfall or a piece of driftwood washed up on the shore — Roja Parfums APEX or Tom Ford Costa Azzurra
Soap: amber, violet, magnolia, guaiac wood, pink pepper, earl grey tea, steamed milk, vanilla, grass, clover, sun-warmed cornfields, muguet, honeysuckle, acacia, ozone, meadow air, tree moss, oakmoss, fir balsam, lavender, and cumarin (which smells like freshly harvested hay). he smells like a field in the zenith of summer, maybe freshly cut grass; something sweet and rich — Dolce&Gabbana Intenso or Viktor & Rolf Spice Bomb
Price: tobacco, agarwood, whiskey, resins, white musk, leather, vetiver, sandalwood, amber, suede, mysore sandalwood, vanilla husk, chamois accord, Alaskan cedarwood, tobacco leaf, black oak, cardamom, saffron threads, miel blanc. he smells like a pub that's always empty or an antique store; thick with smoke, and heavy with leather and tobacco — Tobacco Oud, Ombrè, or Tobacco Vanile by Tom Ford
Gaz: orange, Italian lemon zest, green apple, tonka beans, amber, woody vanilla, tuberose, iris, tiaré, paperwhite narcissus, night-blooming jasmine. he smells like the coast in the spring; sage and sea salt — Versace Eros or Frederic Malle Musc Ravageur
Alejandro: spicy (almost cola-clove-y), resinous, premium myrrh accord, frankincense, oud, myrrh, bergamot, neroli, patchouli. he smells a little bit like being on the balcony of a nightclub: fresh air cut with the thick tang of spice and smoke wafting through the open doors or the ocean on a humid summer night after a rainshower soaked the sand — Giorgio Armani Acqua di Gio or Ralph Lauren Polo Earth
Rodolfo: strong coffee, streusel coffee cake, nutmeg, brown sugar, toasted almonds, cardamom, ambergris, cashmere wood, vanilla, saffron. he smells like a cafe in the morning, sweet and robust; or a bookstore —Byredo Vanille Antique or Maison Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540
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gojo-mochi · 1 year
What One Piece’s Characters would smell like and Parfums they use
A/N: Let’s all pretend that everyone showers regularly or something alright
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Top Notes: Aquozone, Patchouli, and Bergamot.
Middle Notes: Sandalwood, Oak, and Green Mandarin,
Base Notes: Amber, Cedar, Pinetree, Leather, and Seaweed.
This man was born for the sea. So, as it should be, his scent somewhat matches that of the sea herself, but is mixed with the alluring wind of forests. Luffy is usually the first one to jump off the ship and run amok on a new island, barreling through dense thickets and tumbling across wet patches of dirt. The sea wind gently caresses his hair as the woods whispered their names onto his clothes. If you were one of the lucky people to be granted a hug by this rubber-man, you would first notice how his hair smells just like the sea air, salty and fresh, and somehow refreshing… just like his signature smile. As you lean in closer, the scent flows into something earthly. Sunkissed leather mixed with the tingles of pinecones and evergreen gives you a warm feeling inside that you can never forget.
Parfums I associate with Luffy: Kenzo Homme by Kenzo, No. 19 by Sukimuki, and Malbec Ultra Bleu by O Boticário.
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Top Notes: Olibanum, White Musk, Myrrh, and a bit of cleaner/acetone.
Middle notes: Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, and Yuzu.
Base notes: Oud, Frankincense, and Jasmine.
No, he doesn’t smell like moss, alright. (No matter what a certain Curly-eyebrow(ed?) Cook would say). I would say his scent doesn’t hit with most folks at first glance (Just like his scary resting bitch-face). The first whiff you get when facing Zoro is the somewhat bitter and sour smell of his sword polish. When you have three swords to take care of, you must have to use a lot of polish to keep them all pristine. Chances are that the smell will rub off on you as well. Once you get used to the polish(?) (cleaner?) smell, you’ll find that it swirls into alternate hues of floral and woodsy. You’ll find yourself getting lost in this confusing stream of different scents with floral, fruity, and woodsy overlays, slowly pushing that bitter scent(s?) out. Only then will you finally get to see what hides underneath all that frowning and indifference.
A/N: I chose the floral and fruity notes since Zoro likes to drink sake a lot! And Sake is usually brewed with both flowers and fruits ૮꒰ ིྀ ⍝ ⍝ ꒱ა!!
Parfums I associate with Zoro: Haxan by Parfum Prissana, Anubis by Papillon Artisan, and Macaque – Yuzu Edition by Zoologist (A/N: A fav!!).
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Top Notes: Tangerine, Mikan (A/N: Japanese Orange/ The Fruit that Bell-mère grew!, Peach, and Sorbet.
Middle Notes: Candle Wax and Orange Blossom
Base Notes: Ink, Tea, and Honeysuckle.
As a former resident of Cocoyashi Village, the sweet, tangy fragrance of tangerine(s?) and mikan(s?) would follow her everywhere, even if she didn’t end up bringing some of the fruit trees on board. Smooth, charming, and fruity, these are the first thoughts that pop up in a stranger’s head when face to face with this orange-hair(ed?) cutie.  And they wouldn’t be wrong! Whereas those who are closer to this navigator will find her aura soothes into something comforting and homely. I imagine that Nami likes to work into the late nights or early mornings on her maps, surrounded by empty ink pots, hand stained by ink, candles almost melted to the base, and a cup of warm tea that Sanji keeps on refilling while gently trying to get her to rest. I also imagine that Nami keeps a half-empty bottle of Mikan based perfume that Bell-mère once made; it’s not the best or longest lasting perfume, but it smells like home, and that’s enough for her.
Parfums I associate with Nami: Paradisi by Jorum Studio, Sorbetto by Brocard, and Figues & Argumes by Lancôme
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Top Notes: Gunpowder (A/N: Yes there are parfums that smell like gunpowder), Orchids, and White flowers.
Middle Notes: Leather, Nettle, and Galbanum.
Base Notes: Vetiver, Violet leaf, and Patchouli.
It hard to pinpoint what exactly “God” Usopp would smell like, though here I will try my best to explain my thoughts on it. As an almighty sniper and crafter, gunpowder and oil would be the main scents you’d get from him. The next whiff, however, will confuse most as they come across vibrant splashes of greenery among (us) a bundle of flowers. Having  his own garden on the Sunny where he grows his ‘Pop Green’ ammo and having trained on the Boin Archipelago, it would make sense that the plants he takes care of will rub off on him in some way. It has a much heavier scent, leaning more on forest vibes than the lighter and fruitier greens that Nami has. I imagine he talks to Nami and Robin while gardening and trade tips between the three of them.
Parfums I associate with Usopp: Forest Lungs by The Nue, Amour Nocturne by L’Artisan, and Nefertiti by Maher Olfactive.
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Top Notes: Cigarettes, Spices, and Neroli.
Middle Notes: Black Tea, Pink Pepper, and Musk.
Base Notes: Labdanum, and Tonka Bean.
Sanji would tend to stay away from strong smelling parfums or colognes when working in the kitchen, as smell is a huge part of tasting food. On a daily basis, Sanji would smell like cigarette smoke, the numerous spices he had in the kitchen, and sort of lemony. When he’s off the job, he picks parfums that would at the very least leave a long-lasting impression on whoever he’s trying to swoon that day. Deep and heavy, but not uses overbearing. The subtle savor of freshly brewed black tea that Sanji made cling to his form was followed by a whiff of something earthy and slightly sweet. It makes you yearn for a closer sniff, to fully envelop yourself in this soothing scent.
Parfums I associate with Sanji: Club De Nuit BY Armaf, Royal Oud by Creed, and Eau De Citron Noir by Hermès.
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Top Notes: Cotton Candy, Sugar, and Vanilla.
Middle Notes: White Musk, Lavender, and Eucalyptus.
Base Notes: Vetiver, Berries, and Cedarwoods.
Oh, sweet, sweet, Chopper, of course this adorable little guy would smell like the fluffy, sugary confection known as ‘Cotton Candy’. For the first whiff anyway, as this little Reindeer always has his nose on the lookout for sweets. On any island that the Straw Hats dock on to make a supply run, someone will get this little guy a snack or two. Whether it be Franky offering his little bro this cool new soda he came across or Zoro and Sanji both coming in with cotton candy in hand, arguing that Chopper should take theirs over the other (He takes both anyway). Chopper is always munching on something sweet that will ultimately smear all over the fur on his face.
Robin will routinely help him out by dabbing his face with a wet cloth. So, underneath the first honeyed layer, you’ll get a more herby and still slightly sweet smell emerging. His natural animalistic scent is mixed in with the smell of all the herbs in the medicine he makes. It is not as bitter or antiseptic smelling as you think; it is more akin to walking through a very clean forest path.
Parfums I associate with Chopper: Foxcroft Fairgrounds by Solstices Scents, Sun Men by Jil Sander, and Zucchero Filato by Kyse.
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Perfumes as Biomes
Tom Ford Soleil Neige
bergamot, white flowers, benzoin
actually somehow does smell like sun on snow!
Tauer Perfumes L’Air des Alpes Suisses
ambergris, fir, pine, lavender, tonka
herbal earth and bright cool skies
Heeley Sel Marin
salt, seawater, seaweed
sand, sun, salt
boreal forest
Caron Yatagan
pine, artemisia, castoreum
crisp north-woods conifers and muddy boots
Zoologist Koala
eucalyptus, honey, musk
a glowing eucalyptus grove
Oriza LeGrand Peau d’Espagne
leather, verbena, carnation
cowboys, sun, dusty herbs
deciduous forest
Guerlain Vetiver
vetiver, bergamot, tobacco, oakmoss
mossy forest floor
Tauer Perfumes Attar AT
leather, labdanum, sandalwood
bone-dry Arabian sands
Parfums d’Empire Corsica Furiosa
tomato leaf, grass, mastic
blazing sun and dusty scrub
Neela Vermeire Ashoka
fig, sandalwood, lotus, incense
shady juicy trees
Mediterranean coast
Hermes Un Jardin en Mediterranee
cypress, fig, bergamot, orange blossom
sun, citrus, gnarled trees, sea
Yohji Homme
juniper, licorice, sage
big sky country
temperate rainforest
Papillon Perfumes Spell 125
pine, olibanum, ambergris
foggy misty conifers
tropical rainforest
DS & Durga DS
frangipani, lotus, oud
bright blooms and wet earth
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wrathofrats · 9 months
Hiiiii I’ve seen some perfume posts going around and I’ve decided to make one for the old ghouls
Everything is purely based on vibes and what I think fits them best! Era 1- 3 ghouls (:
Smells of something smoky, mechanical. As bright as a factory fire.
- https://www.sirensongelixirs.com/products/archangel-mass-effect-garrus-inspired-perfume-blue-steel-icy-musk-leather-black-pepper-coal-gunpowder-sandalwood-vegan-indie
Blue steel, icy musk, kiss of leather, black pepper, dry coal & hint of gunpowder, citrus, & soft woods.
Suede, Gasoline Accord, Nutmeg, Styrax Pyrogene, Smoky Leather, Golden Amber, Cashmeran, Vetiver
Like a hug from an old familiar book, something intellectual and dusty
Vetiver, Black Ink, Jasmine, Birch
- https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/products/bibliophilia?variant=31891723386957
The vanillic scent of aging paper, the tang of fresh ink, venerable bookshelves of oak and mahogany, a sweet trace of pipe tobacco, an undercurrent of faded leather. Wear this subtle potion to invoke spirits of arcane knowledge and empower your perceptions.
Bright crispy and refreshing. Smells of tropical waters and the feeling of meeting your childhood best friend on a beach
- https://www.smallflower.com/products/outremer-oceane-eau-de-toilette-1_7-fl-oz?variant=37056704610455
Let the scent of ocean mist transport you to the Southern coast of France, where the bright, fresh Mediterranean sea fragrances the air. Oceane is a mix of marine notes that conjures the salty, sultry allure of the beach.
Salt Air is the fragrance of a perfect seascape with notes of sea salt to give you a fresh-out-the-water feeling. Grounding driftwood and green seaweed mingle with light floral notes of water lily for a perfume that smells of endless summers and breezy, beachy days.
Like a dark soil. A deep ancient being buried beneath the ground. Ominous greenery
- https://www.poesieperfume.com/featured-collection-ss/enchanted-forest
Notes: ancient hinoki trees shading moss covered stones, playful forest spirits, bone musk, a hint of gunpowder
Black spruce, smoky opopanax, oud, fresh cedar, hinoki, dry fir needles, oakmoss, frankincense, black tea.
Like a breath of fresh air. Air smells like the first deep breath in a national park
- https://www.victorinox.com/global/en/Products/Fragrances/For-Her/Morning-Dew/p/V0000897
Swiss made revitalizing scent interweaving a sheer citrus blend of lemon, bergamot and mandarin with white violet and airy musk.
A maximalist gathering of smokey woods, rich resins and a singular White Lily. Notes of unripe tropical fruits surround the full-bodied floral, bringing an unexpected neon brightness. Bohemian at its heart, this evocative floral is enveloped by a veil of incense, leathery saffron and unifying spice.
Something dark and horrifying. Like a terrible atrocity has occurred but you can’t place what makes you feel like something’s watching you
- https://sucreabeille.com/products/seems-legit
Rotten river mud, a few drops of blood, a swirl of tobacco smoke, sweet pumpkin pie, candy corn, tears.
- https://eaudespace.com/products/eau-de-space-the-smell-of-space-100ml
Latex, metallic, fire, gunpowder, rum and bitter almonds
Mossy. the smell of sitting on a rock the day after it rains
The smell of pavement on a rainy day
Forest loam under warm spring sunshine, new ferns poking up through decaying leaves, maple sap flowing over lichens, mosses and wet stones at the edge of a vernal pool.
Warm and sterile. Light a brightly lit well lived in hospital room
- https://www.toskovat.com/product/anarchist-a_/
Top notes: credit cards, snow, whiskey
Heart notes: dirty dollars, ink, candle wax
Base notes: green sacra resin, holy water, old confession room, priest’s clothes, plastic bag
White-collared promises that children follow, a better tomorrow. Only if you work for it
for every tomorrow.
And me, waiting in the cold, snow on my face, rye in my pocket, hoping for answers for a different age.
Society remains dying. And we have killed it. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?
- https://fzotic.com/products/room-237
a bracing vinyl shower curtain note followed by a supernatural green-floral accord that includes wild fleabane and estragon. In the base: whispering aquatic notes that smell like cool steam haunt a blend of soft woods, opoponax, and costus root.
Refreshing and feminine. Crisp ocean air on a cold winter night
Siren opens with a salty overtone of Pacific Ocean air and Jasmine vines filled with tiny white blossoms along the coastal landscape. The blend dives deeper into the water with notes of seaweed, driftwood, and ambergris, finished with a bonfire on the beach.
Danish Spruce, Eucalyptus, Vetiver, Calone, Ambergris, Baltic Sea Mist
Sweet and inviting, like your grandmas garden after she waters it.
An ode to the powers of nature. Intoxicating notes of sumptuous Bergamot are lavishly laced with blooming florals of Eden Rose and Lily of the Valley, a tangle of Orris Root completes this brush with a dangerous beauty.
- https://www.perfumesclub.us/en/4711/acqua-cologne-blood-orange-basil-eau-de-cologne-spray/p_44880/
Acqua Colonia Blood Orange & Basil combines the aroma of exotic flowering blood oranges with the characteristic essence of basil.
Warm and sweet. Masculine but comforting, like a hug from someone you love most
- https://www.vixtorm.co.uk/products/lava-cinnamon-b
- https://www.doctorsweettooth.com/products/cinnamon-bun-perfume-oil-roll-on
Irresistibly sticky and sweet cinnamon buns, the aroma of cinnamon spice and warm flakey pastry dripping with icing wafting through the kitchen
Spicy, crispy, hurts upon first wiff but is addictive the longer you smell
- https://www.aedes.com/products/menta-y-menta-eau-de-parfum
Moroccan mint, peppermint, mint tea. The name of the perfume menta y menta is repeated like a captivating mantra reminiscent of the movements of the dervishes turning to infinity. menta y menta is definitively a mixted fragrance. Notes: Moroccan mint, tea leaves, citrus, jasmine and roasted coffee
Tomato Leaf, Wild Mint, Blackberries
Dark water, an abandoned dock, secrets only a body of water can hold
Its scent portrait balances cool floral notes of lotus, pikake, and tuberose with bracing springwater and moss-covered stone. Wear for bright blessings and to facilitate deep meditation.
The inviting sound of waves crashing into the shore on an empty beach
Fog Drenched Forest, Fresh Rain, Crisp Coastal Air
- https://www.poesieperfume.com/fragrance/full-moon
fragrant white rice, shiso leaf, bitter yuzu zest, hinoki wood, green tea, lakewater
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Let's talk about the wonderful journey of smells and the lasting beauty added to scents made with Sandalwood and Oud Wood. Each part, every little bit, has a story to tell—a story of old customs, rare gatherings, and eco-friendly practices. In the detailed world of making perfumes, where old ways mix with new ideas, each smell is like a piece of art being created.
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transgenderer · 1 year
Agarwood, aloeswood, eaglewood,gharuwood or TheWood of Gods, most commonly referred to as oud or oudh (from Arabic: عود, romanized: ʿūd, pronounced [ʕuːd]), is a fragrant dark resinous wood used in incense, perfume, and small carvings. It is formed in the heartwood of Aquilaria trees when they become infected with a type of mold (Phialophora parasitica) and secrete a resin to combat the mold. Prior to infection, the heartwood is odourless, relatively light and pale coloured; however, as the infection progresses, the tree produces a dark aromatic resin, called aloes (not to be confused with Aloe ferox, the succulent commonly known as the bitter aloe) or agar (not to be confused with the edible, algae-derived agar) as well as gaharu, jinko, oud, or oodhaguru, in response to the attack, which results in a very dense, dark, resin-embedded heartwood. The resin-embedded wood is valued in East and South Asian cultures for its distinctive fragrance, and thus is used for incense and perfumes.
First-grade agarwood is one of the most expensive natural raw materials in the world,[4] with 2010 prices for superior pure material as high as US$100,000/kg, although in practice adulteration of the wood and oil is common, allowing for prices as low as US$100/kg.[5] A whole range of qualities and products are on the market, varying in quality with geographical location, botanical species, the age of the specific tree, cultural deposition and the section of the tree where the piece of agarwood stems from.[6] As of 2013, the current global market for agarwood is estimated to be in the range of US$6–8 billion and is growing rapidly.[7]
The odour of agarwood is complex and pleasing,[24] with few or no similar natural analogues. In the perfume state, the scent is mainly distinguished by a combination of "oriental-woody" and "very soft fruity-floral" notes. The incense smoke is also characterized by a "sweet-balsamic" note and "shades of vanilla and musk" and amber (not to be confused with ambergris).[6
note: apparently "amber" is apparently not the smell of actual amber, its a specific combination of other scents called amber
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vore-scientist · 2 years
A Well Deserved Rest [safe/soft non-sexual GT vore with fearplay]
A Tale of the Mystic Woods! 
(After so long, i have returned to my fairytale comedy world!!!)
Story Summary/hook/plot: A party of adventurers are tired from a hard day of adventuring and need a place to stay! Unfortunately for them that place is Yonah’s tower, and he loves to play with his food guests.
Starring: Yonah Ha’Esh, Sophia of Orr, Myran the Witch, and our group of adventurers! 
Contains: Safe/soft non-sexual GT oral vore. Kick but action (well, i try), Fantasy violence and some gore/blood (think at worst, a smidge of Lord of the Rings level of gore/blood). Lots of swearing. Fearplay. 
Word Count: 11,000 words (yeah. Im sorry. I cant write short stories)
A snap of jaws and a disappointed hiss. They dodged the venomous fangs of the viper head of the dwarf hydra. What a stupid name for something with heads the size of horses! The head reared back to join three of its fellows, a tree boa head, a cobra head, and rock python head. Four of the six heads. While half were venomous, all were dangerous, and Avshi had barely avoided that last strike. They were slowing down, the fight had to end and end soon. 
To deter another from the same head Avshi shouted a quick spell and swung their staff to release it. It hit! The pained cries were their reward as magically manifested insects attacked the eyes and exploded into bursts of flame. Having used this spell just last week, they didnt have time to refill it with fireflies, so it mostly distracted the heads with a lightshow than doing any decent damage. That was fine with Avshi, it gave them the opportunity to run behind a boulder.
“Are you ready with that sleep spell yet?”
Tori didnt look up as they furiously re-strung their Oud “Im working on it! I didnt expect the damn thing to grab my oud and smash it! Be fucking thankful only the strings snapped.” Their long ears flicked in irritation. 
And pain. Blood trickled from a wound on his shoulder and he winced as he had to tense a muscle to tighten a string. They’d offer to help but Avshi wasnt musically inclined. 
“AVSHI, WE COULD USE SOME WIZARDY SHIT OVER HERE!” came a shout from Hilary who was doing surprisingly well! Ok not that surprising, she was very good at what she did. It was only surprising she was still doing so well. 
The elf jumped not the back of a non-venomous head and used the thicker scaled spines to hang climb to the base of the skull. With the hydra in a rage the head reared back, telegraphing its strike yet Hilary didn’t move. Not until it was too late. Too late for the other head to get out of the way and the cobra sank its long fangs into its sister. 
In theory a hydra should be immune to its own venom, but the envenomed head shrieked and the entire creature reered back in agony.
Had she done it? Defeated it all on her own?
No, that would have been too easy. Still, the head that had gotten envenomed slumped and even as the rest of the creature continued to fight, it shuddered as if it was ignoring an acute pain. 
Oren was occupying three heads all on her own, the half fairy had her wings spread. The forest around was too close for her to fly, but the feathers dazzled the eyes and kept the attention on her even as she had one of the heads bleeding from the eyes and one from the mouth. But where was Niran? 
They scanned the sky and spotted them, diving. There was one head left unoccupied, the one Avshi had just harassed. But it was regaining its bearings and looked up. Of course it looked up. So Avshi leapt and cartwheeled, spitting sparks from their limbs. The cries of “you idiot!” from Tori were ignored, or rather, Avshi’s momentum wasnt easily stopped. Hopefully it was worth the risk.
The head snapped towards them, shit! They had timed it wrong. The jaws opened as they were tall! They thrust forward their staff, or so they thought, it was really just their arm. The bite force of the hydra would be no match for them. They would crumple between the fangs. 
Only, that did not happen. The top of the jaw indeed rested upon their arm. It was still heavy, but there was no force. They peeked around and saw the neck lying on the ground, dark oily blood pooling around a gash. 
“Gottit!” Screeched Niran, who had a blade in her talons covered in the same blood, as she hovered a meter away flapping her wings with excitement. Then cried in pain and shock as one of the three TAILS whipped her and she slammed into a tree, going limp. 
Avshi was no healer, but Oren was. Only Oren was still occupied by the three remaining heads. But even as they joined Oren, it wasn't enough to let Oren get a break. And as they fought together, they were slowly losing. Avshi couldnt unleash any big magic without too much risk, and most needed more time than they got between breaths to cast. Simple spells only! Oren was slowing down too, magic at the limit, strength failing. Where was Hilary? Fuck, she had been pinned under a massive clawed foot, putting all her effort into being able to breath. 
Then music reached their ears, to be heard through the pounding of their blood. 
“Tumbala Tumbala Tumbala-laika”
The familiar, soothing melody flowed around them. Making their limbs become heavy. 
The world went black. 
The world was stars and colors! And their face stung. They sat up to find Tori slapping them in the face. They caught the next slap by the wrist “What about Chai?!” For their fighter… If the spell knocked them all out. For how long?
Tori jerked their wrist back and pointed. Oren had gotten out their sword, not their preferred weapon but much better to slice with than a morning star. Though the hide of the very dead hydra was proving very tough. 
“Why is it” Chai grumbled, climbing out of the hole Oren had cut open in the monsters belly, “That when we fight giant monsters, I always end up EATEN?!” she was covered in blood and stomach fluids and did not even bother to try and wipe any of it off as it was deep in every nook and cranny of her armor. 
“Not… always” Oren tried to say but Chai glared up at them. It was impressive to see the 4ft dwarf make the near seven foot half-fairy cower from just a glare. 
“Let me re-phrase” Chai swung her sword at the hydra corpse “Why is it, when a monster eats one of us, it’s almost always ME.”
None of them could dispute that, now that Chai brought it up. 
“We always rescue you!”
“And we always will!”
“That’s not the point!” Chai cried, “it’s always me and never one of you! And it’s always at the start of a fight! And then I dont get to fight! And that’s not fair!” she swung at the hydra again “Its not fair! it's not fair! It’s not fair!”
They let her rage a bit, partly because none of them wanted to poke that bear and partly because now that she said it, now that they thought back, she was absolutely right. Until she started to really carve into the hydra, going for the heads, and Hilary had to intervene. 
“Hey hey hey! We took a job to kill a hydra AND harvest it, we need the venom!”
Chai stuck her sword in the ground “Fine, so I will do the harvesting, since i didn’t get to do any fighting.”
What would have taken them maybe an hour working together took 3 with Chai insisting on doing the harvest all on her own, saying the blood and carnage was due to her. Hilary hovered around her, risking getting stabbed with venom coated tools to ensure that everything was collected properly. 
Hilary started to hold onto her foot long ears in worry, breaking the illusion that she and Chai were the same height. 
When Chai would start to get particularly irritated Hilary reminded her how badly they needed this money, and that her kind of elves were raised in the tradition of hunting beasts so Hilary knows what she’s talking about so please dont slice her ears off. 
The long harvest did provide Oren with time to at least start to treat Niran. They set the harpy’s limbs before giving them a healing potion. Pricey, and it does not perform any miracles. But the chance that Niran had no internal bleeding was incredibly slim and such potions stopped all bleeding. Very helpful to keep a grievously injured person alive long enough to get the help they needed. But niran needed more than what Oren could handle, especially without being in healing house with supplies and more hands. 
More experienced hands, which were clearly needed. 
“I believe I heard of a witch-” Tori began.
Chai stopped them “A witch! You want to take chances on a witch?”
Tori took a breath “I have heard tell of a witch who is *kind* and helps strangers who ask politely, and whose hut was recently seen nearby.”
“How do you know?” Chai accused. “And how recently! You’ve been with us this whole time!”
In response Tori wiggled their long ears, “I have sources! I…” their ears folded back “i hear the elves in the trees while they em gossip and em… decide whether or not to prank us”
Everyone but Hilary and Niran (because the latter was unconscious) looked at them in horrified annoyance. “And when were you planning on telling us this?”
“About the witches hut? It wasn't important, it was a piece of gossip until now”
“No about the imminent pranks that could be pulled on us from the shadows!”
“Oh, well, they’ve always decided against it. And why would I?”
“Why- Because people could get hurt! At least if they decided to attack we would expect it and not react so strongly!”
“But- ” Tori looked distressed and Hilary came to their rescue. 
“You all are too familiar with city and country elves that you haven't bothered to learn about forest elves. Different traditions.”
Now the stares were on her. “I also heard the voices, probably better than Tori. OW” she cried as she was struck by something. A small pinecone! 
“Which of you threw this!?” 
None of them confessed, but Oren muttered under his breath “maybe you deserved it, for keeping shit from us”
That started them all shouting. 
Tori’s ears twitched again “Hey everyone stop! I dont think any of us threw it, I think we’ve finally been pranked.”
The moment they said it, laughed erupted from all around in the trees and they all stopped arguing, though tempers did not calm, only redirected. And then honed on the elf that climbed down a tree. A contrast to Hilary’s plum purple skin theirs was a deep green, with bright green ripples. Their hair was straw yellow as well, Hilary’s was red. 
“Not the most cohesive group of adventurers, if just one pinecone can set you at each other’s throats!” they laughed. 
“Listen dod*” Hilary held her hands palms up, not acknowledging that her friend’s anger had finally disappeared, the astonishment causing it to be forgotten completely. (*Dod means uncle it is not a name)
“We have been tracking this hydra for days, and the fight was hard, we are tired and on edge. Perhaps we can come back to the village to rest and-”
“Not a chance! Your mother and isha’li* are still not on speaking terms and we dont want to add any fuel to that fire.” (*isha’li = my wife)
Hilary clenched her fists, “Fine, can you at least show us to the witch’s hut?”
“Which witch?” her dod smiled. 
“The kindly one that we heard gossip, supposedly nearby!” she explained “sorry but their name was not mentioned.”
“Must have been another village’s hunting party, but we do know the witch you speak of.”
And they gave them directions, obtuse ones of course but when in the Mystical Woodlands, obtuse was often the best that one could hope for. Chai, wanting to be helpful, led the way and carried Niran on their back looking like a coat made of feathers. They only got lost once, and only a little bit, before the witch hut came into view. It was more of a mound with hut-like qualities. And surrounding it were wagons! And destroying much of what must be the witch’s garden were the beasts of burden that pulled them. Many muffled voices could be heard as they approached the door. Chai knocked. 
The voices did not pause, but after a time the door opened. It unleashed a torrent of noise, happy chatter and singing, and revealed ruddy face of a dwarf who squinted at Chai. 
“I dont recognize you… are you trying to crash the party. That is a rather dirty looking shawl, even if feathered shawls were still in fashion it’s a bit uncouth to let one get so decrepid”
“What!?” Chai asked, quite confused.
“The family reunion!” the dwarf said angrily as if this would clarify. 
“My name is Chai bat L’SodGivah” then remembering that this witch was rumored to respond well to politeness quickly smiled “my friend is injured and we would be grateful for assistance”
The dwarf blinked “but, I am Pitri Ben L’MassaTzila, a mushroom farmer what-” then he finally noticed the crowd behind Chai and the harpy on her shoulders. “you are here for Myran!” he turned his head almost all the way around to shout. 
“WHAT! DID THEY NOT SEE THE SIGN?” came another voice through all the others which did not quiet down. The dwarf looked sternly at them. 
Chai tried as politely as she could to show the dwarf there was no sign.
“FUCK I’ll be right there!” 
“They’ll be right over”
It took longer than expected for a voice that sounded fairly close by the door for a second dwarf to appear. Clearly related to the first, unlike Chai who had little resemblance aside from being a dwarf. These two had the same ears and same noses, the same eyes, and similar hands. They had rather different expressions of beard fashion however. The first had his beard cut fairly short and with small braids, barely long enough to make the pattern that formed a meaning “all the world is my teacher”. Very profound for someone so plastered. The second dwarf had a much longer beard and with absolutely no order to the decorations, or any cohesion except for possibly a theme: random shit I found on the ground. Buttons made up the majority of the objects braided in, along with trinkets and toys, intact and broken jewelry, and even some animal bones. 
“I cannot believe I forgot the sign” they sighed and waved their hand. On the other side of the open door a sign appeared 
“Oh don’t look like that I’m not going to curse any of you, the sign wasn’t up yet” they said and bowed with a fist to their chest “Myran Bnei L’MassaTzila. The witch” 
They were let in and had to wade through a crowd of dwarves following the witch who had smartly put their pointy hat on so they wouldnt lose them and followed them to the kitchen. 
“How long has this party been going on?” Chai asked, having been mistaken by several drunk guests for a niece or daughter or wife and even mother. “I’m not that old!” she had exclaimed, as the person who asked was at least her own age, if not older. 
“We do so aplogize for having you work, you could point us to another witch if-” Oren started to say but Myran waved him off. 
“Oh don’t bother I needed a break from my great grandmother. Again nagging me to get married, as if she doesn’t know I’ve had a boyfriend for over a year. And just because he’s not a dwarf.” 
“IT'S BECAUSE HE’S A CONVICTED CRIMINAL!” came the voice of the aforementioned great grandmother. 
Myran shook their head. 
It was all a little more information than any of them wanted, and now they were standing in the witch’s kitchen awkwardly as the witch rummaged around cabinets and drawers. Asking them what had happened and becoming more precise until they had handed off half a dozen herbs and jars. Then they stomped their food on the floor. 
The ground didnt shift beneath their feet but the kitchen disappeared and in its place was clearly a witch’s workshop. Muffled party sounds came from… actually the direction wasnt clear. Myran had Chai put Niran on a hard pallet that was clearly meant for patients of a particular shape and size (humanoid). And they all let the witch do what witches do. 
After a few minutes the witch announced “Your friend sustained much less damage than it initially looked. Cheaper healing draughts will do fine, as well as plenty of rest.” they went over to the table full of the supplies they had brought from the kitchen and started to mix a few. “I will also replace the bandaging. It was well done but should simply be replaced for cleanliness sake I will use that opportunity to apply the healing draught as a salve directly.”
Oren asked if he could watch, as he had some medicinal knowledge but wished for a bit of on the spot training. Myran agreed “It would be very difficult to make things worse”. Oren wasnt sure if he should be insulted but Myran was the host and he was the guest, he had to be polite or he might end up a frog. 
Or a mouse. He thought as a cat almost as large as the witch lumbered into the room mrowing for attention. 
“No the party is not over it is only day 3.”
The cat mrowed again in what was clearly a questioning voice.
“Eight days! You know this, i told you. I am just helping some folks.”
The cat flicked his huge fluffy tail and immediately locked eyes with Chai who had stepped back. And trotted over to her. 
“Wait, no, I’m-” and she sneezed “Allergic…” it was mild but it was annoying. The witch did not call off her cat which proceeded to rub against Chai with evident affection, seemingly unbothered by the occasional sneeze. 
Hilary counted 20 sneezes, not really keeping proper time, before Niran stirred and everyone rushed over. Except Chai who tripped over a cat. 
The harpy was breathing much easier, and the clean bandages made a huge difference. Myran had even cleaned up Niran herself, getting the detritus and blood from her feathers. Even has her chest rose and fell with ease, her voice was a little shaky. If she were not covered in feathers, it would be clear her chest was very bruised. 
“Where are we? Did we kill the hydra?”
“You killed a hydra!” Myran whistled “and you all survived! Im impressed! Do you have some extra venom? Think of it as payment for my helping when im supposed to be on vacation.”
It was explained to Niran what happened and Niran took some medicinal tea and fell asleep. That prompted most of them to think about sleep. And one of them to voice the question that the rest did not out of politeness. 
“Um, if you dont mind, is there a place we can stay for the night?”
Myran sighed a very heavy sigh “Normally I would offer a room or even two, but even with many of my relatives sleeping in their carts, Ive got people sleeping on the floor.” 
Where could they possibly go that was safe? The elves, or at least the one village, had refused. Staying outside was out of the question. They needed proper shelter. They all looked to each other but no one’s face gave any hope. Except. 
“Avshi, do you have an idea?” asked Oren. 
“Well…” They said, “There is a chance that my friend Yonah is nearby.” 
It was always a chance in the Mystical Woodlands. Even if The Woods seemed to know exactly what someone inside it needed, it doesnt mean it would lead the someone to it. It could decide to be precocious and play keepaway. His friend’s tower could be within walking distance!
“Oh, I believe it is!” Myran said.
That lead to a brief conversation as Avshi and Myran discussed how they knew Yonah. As residents of The Woods, Myran and Yonah had run into each other, but there seemed to be more to it than that. Myran spoke with a high degree of familiarity, and was able to infer that Avshi’s years at the wizard academy had overlapped with Yonah’s. 
 “Unless the tower has moved since last night. If you can imagine, I ran out of… emm, a few things. I do owe him, canyou make a delivery for me? Consider it payment for my helping out” 
“I thought you wanted some hydra venom?” 
“This is more important. Just give me a minute to gather the items.”
Logically the members of the adventuring party had assumed Myran had requested consumables from this Yonah. Booze, snacks, maybe a blanket for someone to sleep on. But as they gathered more and more items, increasing in rarity and value, this logic fell apart. All of them were too polite and too unfamiliar with the witch to inquire. 
Suffice to say, it took longer than a minute, and then a minute longer for the witch to write a letter and tucked it into the basket of items. 
“If it is in the exact same spot as it was earlier…” they gave directions which were mercifully simple, relatively speaking. 
They all thanked the witch profusely as they were ushered out. Once again Chai was accosted by several drunk guests who believed her related to them or someone else at the party. At least a few were sober enough to be embarrassed when corrected, that she was the one dwarf at the party who had no relation to anyone else here. 
Finally they made it out, the sun was just starting to set. If they were lucky they could make it to Yonah’s before it got dark. 
They were lucky! And were even luckier to not run into any difficulties on the way. And it was very obvious when they arrived at their destination. 
It looked a little witchy to be a wizard’s abode. A huge orchard and sprawling garden surrounded the more classic looking tower. Many of them were hungry and had to be reminded not to take any fruit. Hilary pointed out that the corner section near the boundary to the forest would be free for those in need to take from. Avshi pointed out that they were not in need, his friend should be able to provide food. It would be more than a little uncouth to show up while eating apples from their host’s orchard. 
“So, how the fuck do we get in?”
They were at the base of the tower, but there were no doors and the only window was 50ft up. Avshi looked a little guilty. 
“You eh… climb” 
The rest of them groaned. Of course. And of course there were thorny vines that crawled up the tower, which provided the means of ascending. This would be fine normally, but one of them was currently incapacitated. The irony of it being the only member of the team who could have flown up was not lost on anyone. 
“I think i have enough strength to climb” she said
“You can’t even walk!” Chai pointed out, “Or have i been lugging around your feathered ass for no reason!”
“I have talons, climbing is easier than walking” she insisted. Chai’s disgruntled attitude towards Niran faded as she watched the harpy still struggle to climb, and she insisted she be underneath in case of an accident. And it was painfully slow. Until Oren slipped and was impaled by what was surely a poisonous thorn. 
Or rather. Wasnt. The thorns being revealed as illusions, of a sort. One could grasp the long thin shafts, but if you tried to get cut by one, or accidentally scraped up against one, it didnt exist. 
“Is this some sort of magical plant? Or is it not a plant and just a complex illusion?” Tori asked. They were asking Avshi, even if they couldnt look at them to indicate this. 
“Knowing Yonah, it’s probably both.”
“Woah!!! Does every wizard’s workshop look like this?” Hilary climbed up to the window ledge and out of sight. Tori was next and then Avshi, who gathered enough breath to say.
“No… this is what you get when you’re employed by the Mystical King.”
The workshop had everything a wizard could possibly want, and then some. Multiple desks with drawers of all shapes and sizes. Tools and materials littered the desks. There was a bench that was clearly dedicated to alchemy. There was a fireplace just for making potions and another for more general preparation of materials. Every bit of wall was covered by shelving and cabinets, and the shelves were full of bottles and jars and books and things that even Avshi couldnt identify. There were even things hanging from the ceiling! Baskets and cages and devices! 
“I see he’s gathered more junk” Avshi tried to sound less impressed and less jealous than they really were. Was that ether loom? What was Yonah doing measuring fae realm activity? 
“Oh, cool, so this is AHHHH” Oren had joined them at the window sill and walked forward. Falling to the workshop floor a few meters below.
They were so distracted by their friends impressive workshop they had forgotten to tell them that Yonah wa-
“THIS PLACE IS HUGE, Avshi is your friend… is he not human? I thought only humans could be wizards?
Seeing them down there and yet the workshop still looked midiscale from where the rest of them sat made their brain hurt. 
“Ugh, yeah em, so-”
Niran climbed up and squawked excitedly “Wow! THis place is amazing!” then she looked down and concerned. “What are- oh, my head.”
And they fell down, thankfully landing on Oren. 
“Yeah so Yonah is-”
“Holy fuck, this place is a mess! Are all wizards like- FUCK”
Avshi sighed and Tori and Hilarly laughed as Chai too climbed in and fell onto the floor. 
“What the fuck is going on here! Is this some wizard trickery or-” Chai demanded as she got off or Oren who had just been relieved of Niran. 
“As I was saying, Yonah is half-giant.”
“Bullshit! Only humans can attend the wizard academy” she spat as if she was personally victimized by this (admittedly specisist) restriction. 
“Well, half-humans are often allowed but-”
“As if they’d let a half giant? I cant see that happening” she said. 
“No… ehhh, they didnt really know…”
As they talked the ones who didnt fall down to the floor carefully made there way down. Avshi showed them to the corner of the windowsill. Once Avshi pointed  it out, the ladder was visible to everyone else. 
“I wouldnt do that if I were you!” Avshi warned as Hilary started to wander off towards a very interesting and mobile device that sat on its own pedestal off to the side with obvious intent to climb. “We aren't here to adventure, we are here to rest.”
“You aren’t?”  said a new, distressed voice from above. “A whole team of adventurers and not a one is here to rescue me. Just my luck”
Somehow the voice managed to be distraught and downtrodden and sassy. Its source was sitting in one of the hanging cages. The group scrambled up to a better vantage point on a workbench to see what had to be a princess. 
“He has a captive princess?” Oren sounded a bit put-off
Avshi sighed, they really should know before they- 
“We really arent in any shape to rescue-” Oren continued
“I’ll save you princess!” With a running start, Hilary leap up and out, right onto the cage. Causing it to swing. Hilary might just be 3ft tall but her leap and impact on the cage had plenty of force. The princess screamed. 
Or they could make fools of themselves. That could be entertaining.
As if on cue low thuds could be heard, and then felt, in the pattern of footsteps. And as they got closer, the shadows in the room grew longer, the lights flickered. The creaking of the cage’s chain quieted but Hilary did not jump off. No one moved much at all. 
“Are… should we go?” Tori asked. 
“Go where!?” Chai snapped. 
But there was no more time to discuss. The trap door in the room flew open and the owner of the tower emerged. 
The immense figure rose over their heads and the trap door closed with a slam. Half giant maybe, but still plenty large, with arms as thick as tree trunks, and fire behind the spectacled eyes. And yes, in wizard robes. Flashy, brightly patterned, with a matching hat. Smoke rose from under that hat, coming out of the explosion of black curls. He looked around before locking his eyes on the grouped up adventurers. 
Sophia screamed! It sounded like fear but it was delight. The powerful and rare magical items Yonah had set out were far inferior bait to herself!  Yonah would get all the credit if she didnt get to play her part. But she had! So she shrieked with all her might. 
Yonah did not know if Myran had called ahead so he could prepare to host visitors or prepare to fight adventurers. So he had prepared for both! He would know which it was when the time came. Still preparations had been made. 
First, he set up sophia in a cage and hung it by the oldest, rustiest chain. It wouldnt break, but it would be very obvious if someone tried to rescue her. If they noticed her at all. He set out Some very tantalizing treasures. Which would either fall or cause something else to make noise, if moved. 
And he had prepared food! He didnt prepare any extra food, not really, just more variety than he had planned for just him and Sophia. He also got out nice beds, made sure the bathing pool out back was clean and had fresh water. Tidied up the sitting room. It was last minute so he wasn’t going all out, but it was a good excuse to clean up a bit. 
When he heard the chain creak and sophia scream, he sighed. He had hoped guests, but he supposed adventurers were just as fun. 
First thing first, he got out his staff and pulled at the enchantments he’d set in his workshop. Nothing crazy, just to set the mood, before he stomped up the stairs. He had done enough wizarding today, so it was time to be a monster. It required a lot less brain power to be a monster. 
It required very little thought to stomp up the stairs. It took very little thought to take a deep breath and lower his voice and bellow as he lifted the trapdoor to his workshop. 
He took another deep breath
Wait SHIT there wasnt just one of them and he KNEW that. He’s been TOLD that! How could he have been about to say the wrong rhyme! Wow, and he called himself a first-rate villain. 
Time to switch tactics. Maybe a little bit more thought. He looked around but focused on the cage and the desk where it seemed all the adventurers had foolishly stayed. 
“Well well well, what do we have here” he smiled down at them. “Some foolish adventurers here to steal MY princess”
Oh watching the reactions of smallfolk was always so amusing. They pushed the one familiar face to the front. The one in robes as bright as his own, which made a really brilliant contrast to their dark skin. His friend smiled up at him.
“Ehhhh, Hi Yonah, actually! No! I brought-”
“Ah! Avshalom” Yonah chuckled, putting a hand on his desk, leaning casually yet maintaining his threatening aura. “I see you’ve brought me dinner.”
That got the exact reaction he desired: alarmed confusion. Well not exact, they also frozen in place. Pathetic! These folks were professional adventurers and a simple declaration by a giant that he was going to eat them had them petrified. Time to teach them a lesson. He just had to choose his victim. 
“Stay- stay back!” yelled the dwarf who drew her weapon pointing it at him. At least someone had some brains. 
“You’re the one in my house!” he snarled and moved the hand on the desk to quickly snatch her up, getting the arm holding the blade in between fingers as he squoze. 
“Thank you for volunteering to be the first course!”
She spat at him. Good aim too, if not for his glasses it would have got him in the eye. 
“Oh so rude, fine, be that way” and he stuffed her into his mouth, taking care to remove any other weapons she might have on her. Wow she tasted AMAZING! Better than any dwarf he had tasted before, which would never admit to Myran. As he swallowed he swore he heard her scream “WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!” and though he couldn't chuckle, he believed he had solved that little mystery. 
The rest of the adventurers on the desk stood there in shock, even Avshi’s eyes had widened. They were still all there once he had finished swallowing. So he growled at them, or tried his best  as he caught his breath, “Are you going to just stand there and feed yourselves to me?”
That’s when a small weight impacted the back of his neck followed up by a sharp pain. The elf! That’s who was missing from the group and she was perfectly positioned to leap from the hanging cage. And dammit she was not easy to shake off, having burrowed into his hair after the assault on his neck. Reaching under his ponytail he felt the warm blood but the wound was not deep and hopefully not-
Fuck. His vision swam from the exquisite pain. Poison. What had Myran said? Fought a hydra? He couldnt even begin to guess which head’s poison this was so a basic poison neutralizer would have to do and if more was needed at least he would be conscious long enough to get such aid. 
In his scramble to find the vial of poison neutralizer the adventurers had finally gotten their wits together and scattered, and he could still feel the elf on his head. Trying to stab his head actually. More of his blood ran down his cheek. It hurt a lot but the small blade couldnt even reach his skull. Still, it wasn’t ideal and he gave himself a few seconds to extract the little shit from his now tangled and bloody curls. 
He got ahold of the elf and held her by the ears in front of his face, licking his lips. “Elves always taste so sweet! OW!” 
He dropped her but he felt her get purchase on his clothing. Not that he cared, he looked in the direction the arrow in his hand had come from! One capable of flight had made it back to the window sill. The arrow had not gone deep at all and he could see as he approached the Harpy struggling to notch another arrow, all her strength spent on the flight and single attack. 
Right… an injured harpy Myran had said. Probably shouldn't eat her… that would be too cruel. But he was not above scaring her. 
“I’ll save you for later” he said, picking her up and trying, without making it obvious, not to hurt her. This wasnt entirely successful. And the others werent making it easy, something tried to trip him and something else flew by his releasing some sort of powder. Thanks to Sophia’s propensity for activating her curse in front of his face (which creates large amount of purple dust), he avoided breathing any in, though it did sting his eyes. 
He opened the hanging cage and placed the harpy inside. “I think i’ll rpluck you clean, then roast you, like a chicken.” Sophia climbed out and onto his shoulder laughing uproariously. 
“Dont worry Yonah, ive been keeping my eyes on them! There is a druidic half fairy and it would be very tasty.”
Good a mission. A fairy eh… he closed his eyes and sniffed. Yes. he smelled it. 
When he opened his eyes he was looking at a cabinet. Closed. He opened ione door. Nothing. 
Opened another. Nothing. 
Wait! Some of his jars moved. 
“ON YOUR LEFT!” sophia shouted. 
So confusing as she was sitting on his right shoulder. That’s where he looked first. 
The half elf, it was on his alchemy bench! It had out a flute and music filled the air. 
Logically he knew there couldnt be twenty of the same half elf when before there was just one, but the tune. The music said ‘no, there are twenty! Its a feast, you should gobble up every last one’
Try as he might, he couldn't get his hands on any of the tasty little buggers. 
A new tune filled his brain. It entered his right ear and chased the offending tune out the left. His vision cleared. 
“HEY! THAT’S NOT FAIR!” Yelled the half elf above Sophia’s singing, “Having your princess-” they were silenced when Yonah finally snagged his target. 
This time when his hand got shot, he did not release it, he embraced the pain and brought the little bard to his mouth.
“Fancy meeting you here” 
Chai didnt have to see to know Tori had a guilty shit eating grin on their face.
“Oh we are so fucked” she said. “This is how we die! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!”
Tori had conjured up a little light and it was SO MUCH WORSE. Never, in all the times she’d been eaten, had she been made to SEE the fleshy death prison. The pulsing pink walls, the disgusting fluids. To make matters worse, there was Tori.
She grinned as she removed her foot from that formerly smug face. 
It was hard to focus now with two idiots fighting inside his guts but he had to! These adventurers may be tired and unprepared for fight, but if he let his guard down they could seriously hurt him. Probably not kill him in battle, but there was a decent chance of taking him down and surely they would want to cut out their friends. That would kill him. If they didnt kill him before performing such an extraction. 
No. No. Sophia wouldnt let that happen. Avshi woudlnt let that happen! However he really didnt want to end up in the possible future where his friends would be negotiating for his life. He would end the fight soon… he just wanted one more morsel. That half-fairy. He really wanted that half fairy. 
That half-fairy flew by his face AGAIN, this time casting some sort of spell. Yonah closed his eyes and held his breath again. 
The half-fairy swore as even from his closed eyelids he could see the flash of light. 
He opened his eyes and turned around to chase after them. 
What followed was a veritable game of cat and mouse. Or cat and bird. Yonah suspected he was being led on, he just had to figure out to what end! 
Avshi was still on the workbench, not helping him, not helping the other adventurers. They looked conflicted, eyes wide, gripping their staff and pointing it at Yonah occasionally, but pointing it at Oren too. 
“DONT JUST STAND THERE!” Screeched the harpy. It was so shrill it was like a saw on Yonah’s brain. “Why aren’t you DOING SHIT!?”
Avshi didnt have an answer. They must have assumed Yonah was just playing, they were right but Yonah was really selling it, and now he wanted to sell this betrayal. 
“Because they are my friend! And they always bring me the most entertaining dinners” 
Yonah wished he could see the expressions of the two he’d eaten as they kicked up a new storm of protests. The harpy shrieked again “Avshi is a hero! They would never!” 
“Wouldn’t they? I’ve already eaten two of you and. Oh!”
He finally spotted the fairy again. By the window. A strategically smart choice, they had in practicality infinite space behind them should they need to flee. But they wouldnt flee, they woudlnt leave their friends. 
He stepped forward. 
And a knee gave! 
Then CRACK, both knees hit the floor, the pain exploding though his nerves and he roared. He struggled to his feet, leaning on the knee that hurt slightly less, and saw the elf run out from under his robes. Anger flared and he snatched her up. 
“Another for the dessert cage” He laughed through the pain. Then swung around with the cage in front of his face. 
The half-fairy slammed into it, the magical spear they had summoned dissipating into golden sparkles. They screamed as they tried to fly away, only to tear at a wing that got caught in the rusty metal. Yonah turned the cage around to grin at them. 
“You can eat me just let the others go!” they begged. 
Yonah smiled wider as he peeled the fairy off the cage. “I already ate them, and I was going to eat you regardless!” 
Ugh the half fairy’s wings! Tricky to eat without harming them! So he didn’t try too hard to avoid that. They’d be bruised but nothing broke. But it was worth it. The fairy was big and would be so filling. And most important, tasted amazing. There is no way to describe it other than magically delicious. 
All the while the two in the cage screamed. At him. At avshi. And we’re sobbing as the last swallow sent their friend to his stomach which was now obviously full and twitched with its lively occupants. The fight was over. He sat at his desk, sighing from the relief in his knees and his fullness. 
“A glorious meal!” He declared as he poked at a thoroughly embarrassed Avshi. “I must thank you for finding such tasty victims!” 
Sophia climbed down to Noogie them, “good job.”
“Please, don’t.” Avshi muttered. 
Being eaten was bad. Being defeated? That was worse, it meant that they were going to DIE. 
“This is your fault!” Chai elbowed Tori.
“My fault! You’re just looking for someone to blame!” 
“Its Avshi’s fault.” Oren growled, trying again to claw at the walls but only ending up with handfuls of mucous. “We will get out of here! We just have to think.”
“Thinking isnt escaping! You’re out of magic, neither of us have weapons and the princess can out sing our bard! Fuck fuck fuck. Move the fuck over!”
The stomach was getting more active and the sharp burning pain all over her skin was getting worse. Shoving her feet at the opposite wall she grabbed Tori and swapped places. Tori screeched with pain as their face went under briefly, their exposed skin covered in fresh acidic fluids. 
Oren was doing his best to use his wings as a shield, but his back stung and the feathers were soaked and heavy and aching. Fluids may accumulate at the bottom of the chamber but they secreted from every inch of flesh. 
“Damn,” Yonah tried to move his knees and one did with a great deal of pain, another refused. He looked at the cage, at the Elf who glared back down at him. His eyes had actual fire, but her’s were hotter. 
“What did you do?”
“You think i’m going to-”
“Was it more poison?” 
The scrunched expression confirmed his guess. “And yet I can’t even move the other!”
Avshi hopped own onto it and yonah roared again. “FUCK.” Avshi didnt say anything but poked and prodded at it. “Oh yeah, this is broken, just a tick tho- YIPE” They squeaked as Yonah grabbed them and placed them back on the desk. 
Then reached across the desk to a set of drawers and pulled out one of his precious vials of healing potion and popped the cork. 
“Fuck” he hissed, “Can’t take this until i let them out.”
“YOU’RE WHAT!?” Screeched the harpy and yonah sighed “Avshi, you explain.”
What had the monster just said? 
That earned another jab from the outside
“So impatient!”
“GAHHHHH” she had no words but with renewed vigor did her best to give the giant an aching belly. Tori and Oren helping her. They all knew from the contented humming that it wasnt working but it made them feel better. 
For all Avshi had insisted they knew yonah was going to let their friends go, they still looked visibly relieved as yonah finally said it. Even as yonah chuckled as said friends became irate at this. Hilary and Niran, still in the cage didnt believe it at all, calling him a liar. Those in his stomach, though it was harder to understand the words, were either pissed about being made to think they were going to die or also didnt believe it and wouldnt until they were let go. Understandable. 
It would help if Yonah did indeed spit them up but the giant wizard wasnt interested in doing so immediately as he put his hands on his knees and stood up. Hold that. Nope. that hurt too much. He used his staff to get to his feet and make his way over to the cage to unlock it and held out his hand. The two women backed away and he sighed. 
Then he screamed as his hand was assaulted! He withdrew it with both of them attached. With his other hand he removed the harpy before he flicked his wrist. He flicked his wrist in an upward direction and the elf lost her grip to be launched into the air. And was quickly snatched in the same hand as she began her descent. Instead of placing them on the workbench he let them go onto the top of the cage. Less confined but not a place to easily run away. 
“I’m not going to eat you.” 
No surprise that didn’t win them over. New tactic. 
“I’m not going to hurt or kill you.” 
This was minimally more believable and then he added, looking directly at Niran, “I was told you were injured, I’m not going to do anything to harm you more. Also you have too many feathers.”
Niran ruffled said feathers but did not move, “you said you were going to pluck me! And roast me alive!”
“I did say that, but I’m not. I dont cook… people… I am not an ogre or a troll.” He extended his arm up to the cage again. 
“What about me!” Hilary demanded. 
That was a trickier answer. 
“Perhaps I will, indulge a little later” he licked his lips “but would let you go.”
Hilary was still untrusting, but she could believe he wanted to still eat her, and Niran had by now decided to scramble onto the giant’s arm. Hilary was pleased to see Niran was not being careful of how her talons gripped into the giant’s flesh. The trickle of blood down the arm didnt result in any retaliation from the giant so perhaps he was telling the truth. And Hilary climbed into the open palm. She failed to stay standing as he drew back his hand and walked over to the bench. He was about to set them down but Avshi smacked him with a bit of magic. 
“Yonah! Stop fucking stalling and release my friends. NOW.”
So instead Yonah snatched Avshi up rather roughly. Sophia leaped onto the arm and hung on, climbing up to his shoulder. Since he needed at least one hand for this he pushed Avshi into a pocket and with great effort went to the window. 
“Fuck, i can’t get out of my damn tower! I’ll need. Ugh i hate wasting these!” 
He reached into a sleeve and tossed down a small piece of quartz. 
CRACK! He was outside! On the ground! But also down one port crystal. 
“Yonah…” Avshi got out their staff again as yelps came from his middle. 
“Just a moment” Yonah winced, as he set his eyes on his destination. 
“What the FUCK! What is going on!” Demanded Chai. Something magical had happened, and she had no idea what. 
“Why dont you go outside and find out?” Tori snorted.
The chamber then squished considerably, and a moment later, lurched violently. 
Judging by the size of the wriggling mass that made its way up his throat, it was the half-fairy. Effort was almost so great that he couldnt enjoy the burst of flavor from said half-fairy as it reached his mouth. Almost. 
They came out cursing. Good. That meant they were perfectly fine! He reached into his mouth and felt clawed hands grasp his fingers. He pulled out the most disheveled looking half-fairy in the realm before SPLOOSH, dropping them into the bathing pool. 
Next was the… 
“I am NOT going last!” Chai dragged Tori back into the chamber as it convulsed again, “ I got here first so I should be next!”
“It doesn’t matter!” Tori insisted but Chai was stronger than them and at the next lurch got herself into position to be squeezed up and out. 
Finally the half-elf exited his throat and lay on his tongue. But did not spit them out. He was not done getting his taste. He was not done being a bastard. He reached into the river to get a handful of cool water into his mouth, swishing it around to clean off the sour fluids from his treat.
His audience watched with horror, but did not make any direct comments on his actions. 
With the little morsel now a little more clean he could taste them proper again. And he rolled his tongue around a few moments as he watched the rest of the smalls. 
All the adventurers except for Avshi were washing up in the pool, there was a pile of clothes by the river where Avshi was set to laundering. A punishment from their party members which they had accepted with dignity. Chai was submerged to her nose in the pool and was content to be like a rock. Hilary had her big black eyes locked on him, reflecting the starlight. 
Niran was helping Oren with his feathered wings. The ends of the feathers were raw and curled and brittle from the exposure to the acids. He had totally forgotten! He crawled over to them, which spooked them. From a pocket he drew out a small bottle and with a little encouragement the Harpy took it and sniffed the contents. Her eyes widened and she glared at him before taking out a small dab of goo and mixing it with water before applying it to the feathers. Oren shuddered as the suds were rubbed in, not with pain, but with relief. 
What was that bard doing! That was very brave, and very dangerous. 
Yonah stuck out his tongue which the bard clung to, with hands, and teeth! They had decided to bite back. That earned them a pinched midsection and a nice bellyflop into the water.
“That was very stupid” Yonah said with a slight slur as his tongue felt so odd, “I could have bitten down!” 
“Fuck you!” Was all they said before stripping and hastily getting every bit of offending stickiness off their skin. 
“Very forward, not so surprising from a bard” Yonah winked at Tori “Maybe later.” 
Tori’s ears folded back with fear and embarrassment and said nothing. Chai finally took pity and waded over to hand them some soap. It was lavender scented. 
Yonah flopped down on the cool mossy ground next to the pool, his whole body ached from he fight and from throwing up three people. He winced as a few arrows stuck in his person shifted. Arrows that, in all the excitement, he hadnt noticed. Sophia came over to him with a cloth and healing salve. Not nearly as powerful as the one Niran had been given, nothing so magical, just to keep his wounds clean.
“Is this really the duty of a princess?” Hilary asked as Sophia yanked the second arrow out. 
“That’s not a princess!” Chai snorted “that’s a minion!”
Yonah grinned “she’s a bit of both”, then he remembered the potion! He downed the healing liquid in one gulp. Even if it took a minute to start working, just knowing relief was coming was a start. 
Sophia smacked his nose with the bloody cloth “I am a princess! I am not just a bit of a princess.”
She paused in her work to bow to the company “I am Princess Sophia of Orr, captive to the great and terrible Yonah Ha’Esh. We are pleased to be your hosts.”
Most of them looked bewildered at this. One of the Mystical Kings' own children? They looked to avshi for confirmation and they nodded. 
“What makes you think we are staying?” Chai snorted. 
“What makes you think you’re leaving?” Sophia shot back, “None of you are in any condition to be out in the woods at night! Even if you all stuck together.” 
“No thanks to your giant!” Oren pointed out, trying to stretch his wings and wincing. 
“Aw I was just playing” Yonah sighs “It had been a while since I got to battle adventurers! I told Myran not to tell me anything about you, I didnt want to have an advantage.”
“You KNEW we were coming and you STILL ate us!?” Tori couldnt beleive what they were hearing. 
“Hmmmm yes, i wanted a nice appetizer. Or you can think of it as… payment.”
“We would have rather just paid you money” Chai points out. 
“I dont need money. I'm a royal mage.” He rolled onto his back and placed sophia on his chest where she lay down as well. He put a hand over her and stroked her. 
“That’s bullshit!” 
“No, he really is” Avshi said, “i told you before.”
“And I much preferred getting to eat you. Pity im only half-giant, i could only fit three of you in. So only three of you have paid your rent so far.”
Niran froze “but… you said…”
Yonah waved hand at up at the sky dismissively  “yes yes, I wont eat you, but the elf… hilary was it? I still want payment from you. Oh and Avshi of course.”
“Yes, Avshi, what do you say to that!” Chai sneered and all eyes except for yonah;s were on them. 
Avshi just shrugged “Wouldnt be the first time”
“Uch!” Chai rolled her eyes and splashed water in their direction “All this time! You knew this could happen! That he would eat us!”
“And that he would spit you out!”
“It's kind of my thing” Yonah admitted “Its delightful good fun to be a villain, but I’m not interested in taking lives so thoughtlessly!”
“Not… interested?” Hilary asked, not so sure she liked that choice of words. 
“It’s a lot easier to not spit people up. Takes a lot more thought to be merciful once ive gotten someone into my stomach, and it really wants to keep you tasty little morsels.” as if on cue his stomach growled loudly and he pat it affectionately. “My stomach is demanding I stuff one of you back in, but I dont think it’d let me be merciful again tonight” he laughed. 
Only Sophia and Avshi knew that he was joking. 
“Speaking of food!” he sat up, sophia falling into his lap, and looked at them with hungry eyes. “I think it's near time for dinner.”
All thoughts of leaving were gone by the time they were eating the dinner Yonah had set out for them. He had gotten out a very nice table to set on his larger one, and set a cushion on each chair! To go with the food he put out jugs of wine and cider. Finally he sat down. Fuck. Even with the healing potion he knew he shouldn't be walking so much, he dreaded what state his knees would be in tomorrow. 
Yonah used another teleport to get back into the tower, after Avshi took the crystal to the workshop. 
Then came the real difficulty. Getting down the stairs to the kitchen. Slow steps down the stairs, using his staff as a crutch. 
He needed booze. He reached for the cider that he had just put down. 
Giant’s Booze was rather low in alcohol but so delicious that it was still easy to get drunk on. 
But the food. The food! Chai was sure she had never eaten so well in her entire life, and judging by how little anyone was talking and how enthusiastically they were eating, her friends thought the same. There was lamb stew spiced with… that was dwarven spices, from HER mountain, he couldn't have known. And a squash soup loaded with plenty of vegetables. Spiced flat bread that paired perfectly with the cucumber and tomato salad and bean paste. 
“You must visit more” Yonah said to Avshi “especially if you bring such exciting guests!”
“Yonah you cant eat everyone I adventure with.” Avshi laughed. 
“Not with that attitude! But if you call ahead, I would consider” he winced as a brief shot of pain went through him “I would consider not tormenting them.”
“I dont think a villain can make promises” Yonah winked.
“You’re an ass.” Avshi pointed out. 
“I do try my best”
Tori finally stopped inhaling soup to speak with Sophia. 
“How did you know how to cancel out my song?” they asked “That style of interference is a technique that Beit Ha’Kolanu* teaches, but you said you’re a princess!”
(*house of our voices)
Sophia grinned “Yonah had a bard come around to give me some pointers. And with my princess vocal training, picking up some bardic techniques was simple!” She would not give up the name of the bard.  
Hilary was still eyeing yonah nervously, “You… wont be taking payment tonight will you?”
It took a moment for Yonah to register she was talking to him and he disengaged from catching up with Avshi. 
“What, oh, no no no, that would be so rude of me.”
“Since when do you care about being rude!” Sophia called him out “You’re just fucking tired and don't want to toss up your dinner!”
“Both can be true!” Yonah said “but I am thinking about having a royal dessert”
Sophia ran a hand through her braid “we’ll see about that- Yipe!”
He took her in a hand hand brought her to his face to lick her “Maybe I should have dessert early!”
“Woah woah!” Chai shouted,out of her chair and with a knife in her hand. A dinner knife.... Niran screeched, and Oren spread his wings in a show of aggression. 
“What kind of villain are you! Your princess doesn't deserve being eaten! His Mystical Majesty would kill you!”
Yonah didn’t respond, for he had one of Sophia’s arms in his mouth. Sophia shoved at his face 
“He’s being greedy!” she huffed “I rarely deserve it anymore, if i ever did.”
It took a moment for them to realize that of course, if the giant and princess were being so casual about it, he wasn't intending to kill his captive. For one thing, it was extremely rare for giants to do that, and for a second…
“How long have you been a captive?” Tori asked. 
“Oh, about three years” Sophia yanked her hand out of Yonah’s mouth but he just licked her face. “Gross!” she yelled “Why must you do that at dinner! It's so gross!”
“Better her than me…” Hilary whispered but not quiet enough for Yonah to miss it. His ear twitched and he licked his lips.
“I could swap!” he said, but he didn't. He set Sophia down and she wiped herself off before finishing dinner. 
Morning came and his fears were confirmed. Knees nearly the size of his head they were so swollen. It was only with magical assistance that he managed to get out of bed, but he couldn’t make it to the kitchen. Stairs were not happening. He made it to the living room, picked out a few books so he wouldn’t have to get up for new ones, and sat on the couch. Then lay down on the couch, propping his feet up. That helped. 
“Hey IDIOT!” 
Oh right. His royal dessert. He’d be happy to spit her up… if he wasn’t so disinclined to move for the next several hours. At some point he would have to! He’d need to eat, need to use the toilet… he’d need to get to find someone to heal his knees. But right now, he just wanted to lay on his couch. 
Sophia grumbled at his reluctance but did understand why, so she didn’t insist on being released just yet. So he’d get his few hours on the couch with his books. And a belly full of princess. It would be so pleasant if it weren’t for the throbbing pain. 
Did he smell smoke? That was definitely smoke. From the kitchen. 
Since sophia could hear him he groaned very loudly before making his slow painful way down the stairs to the kitchen to find 6 small people attempting to cook on his stove and use his toaster. They weren't exactly failing, but were having some difficulties. 
“I have smaller appliances” yonah growled making them jump, thankfully none of them fell, not off the counter nor into any heated appliance. 
Instead of retrieving such things he sat at the dining table and directed his guests to each location. Avshi did a little magic to direct airflow and remove the smoke smell caused by bread stuck in his giant-sized toaster. 
“We were trying to make food for you as well” Avshi said. 
“That’s… nice” Yonah frowned a bit, suspicious. 
“Some of us objected!” Chai added and Yonah grinned. “But Avshi was… persuasive.”
“I am grateful for the effort, if you think you can manage it, kasha and eggs would be a fine breakfast.”
They could manage. Boiling the buckwheat and scrambling eggs wasnt so hard at a larger scale, especially with Avshi providing some kitchen magic, with Yonah’d direction. 
“These are basic spells Avshi!” yonah chided. 
“I don't really need cooking spells on adventures” Avshi pointed out.
Not as fantastic as dinner had been, but still a very enjoyable meal was prepared. Piles of toast and jars of jams were opened even though yonah protested at a few, made with rarer berries and fruits, there wasnt much he could do about it. 
“Will your princess be joining us?” 
He wasnt really sure who said it since siad princess thrashed, visibly, in his stomach while yelling to be let out and if he takes one bite of food with her still in she’d make him regret it.  But he barely noticed with all the eyes on him. It was annoying to feel embarrassed about it, Sophia was fine! They’d all been told the details last night. And most importantly, he couldn't get up to spit her up in the sink. He had to do it here, at the table. 
It was challenging as he couldnt even stand to get a better angle, but he managed it. And with a CLUNK Sophia hit the table and started to cuss him out. How he could have done this when he had woken up! When he walked into the kitchen and was already standing and could reach the sink! but NOOOOOOOO. 
Yonah chose to take a cleansing swig of water and then use a cleaning spell on Sophia before she dismissed her glass form and took seat at the midsize table full of silent seated figures. 
“Well? Don’t tell me you’ve never seen someone spat up before! I mean aside from last night. If this made any of you lost your appetites I will be severely disappointed.” and she took a piece of toast and a large spoonful of yonah’s most valuable jam. 
They did manage to eat breakfast, and even clean up. 
Yonah insisted they make their way to the living room, not upstairs to the workshop, when the adventuring party began to say their farewells. Most were intrigued and/or confused, with Chai being suspicious. Once again Yonah lay on his couch, though only after he picked out a few more books, smallfolk sized, and a scroll. He also piled some pillows to properly elevate his legs. It was very awkward but the relief was very worth it. 
The adventurers had been all placed on an ottoman next to the couch. Sophia sat on Yonah’s chest with her own book, thoroughly uninterested in what was going on and making sure everyone knew this. 
“You’re very good adventurers” Yonah mused. 
“Excuse me?” Chai squeaked.
Yonah snorted “Look at me! You nearly took me down and that was with three of your lot out of the fight, and the rest of you tired from a day of adventuring already. Of course, i was holding back, didnt want to hurt my guests.” he chuckled, “but you gave me a run for my money.”
“We werent being paid by you… to fight you.” Oren pointed out. 
“No. No you werent, so how about instead I pay you to adventure for me?”
“EXCUSE ME?” Chai nearly choked, “we are NOT accepting money from an evil wizard! Certainly not one who ATE THREE OF US!”
“Hush!” Tori elbowed her. 
“But, he’s evil! We’re the heroes, our reputations!” She continued to protest.
“I am not hiring you as an evil wizard” Yonah corrected her, “but as a royal mage. His Mystical Majesty has authorized me to fund quests should the situation call for it. And the situation calls for it.”
He lifted up a hand and twirled it in the air, making the books  and scroll he got out earlier levitate and open to fall upon the ottoman in front of the now curious smalls. Old books that he had managed to untangle about 90% of the mysteries of, and a scroll that remained wholly incomprehensible. All this led to the locations of a few magical items as well as means to do some reconnaissance on decaying fey realm structure. King Ben needed to beef up the protective wards on sensitive parts of the forest. 
Not that the adventurers needed to know this. Their job was to solve a few puzzles, survive the treacherous quests, and bring back the items and information. They didnt need to know what it was all for, even if they begged to know.
“I’ll tell Avshi upon your return, but i will have Eli draw up a contract that they will regret breaking should they tell the lot of you. Oh fuck i forgot! You all need to sign a contract for this quest” none of them looked happy, in fact they all looked like they were about to turn down the job.
“Dont worry,” yonah said which only made them worry more, “It’s just an employment contact for the king’s records, budget stuff mostly. Ok it has some magic binding but it just lets us know if any of you die on the job, it wont curse you for abandoning the story”
Finally he told them how much they’d be paid and Chai nearly fainted. No one had anymore objections. 
“What’s the catch?” Chai asked when she got her wits back. 
Yonah took a deep breath.
“Before you do any of this” he waved a hand at the books and scroll. “I really need you to fetch me a witch to fucking fix my knees”
thanks for reading. if you liked this story PLEASE LET ME KNOW. REBLOG, ADD COMMENTS, SEND ME A MESSAGE. ANYTHING TO LET ME KNOW IT WAS ENJOYED. (reblogs to spread my work are PREFERRED)
Read all mystic woods so far: https://vore-scientist.tumblr.com/tagged/mystic+woods+story
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essentialoilbulk1 · 10 days
Discover the Essence of Luxury: Buy Agarwood Products Online
In the world of exotic fragrances and premium wellness products, agarwood stands out as a symbol of opulence and sophistication. Whether you’re a connoisseur of fine scents or simply exploring high-quality natural products, buying agarwood products online offers a unique opportunity to access this prized commodity with ease and convenience.
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 What is Agarwood?
Agarwood, also known as oud, is a fragrant wood derived from the Aquilaria tree. This remarkable tree produces agarwood as a response to fungal infection, leading to the formation of a dark, resinous heartwood with a rich, complex aroma. Historically revered in various cultures for its therapeutic and spiritual benefits, agarwood is now sought after globally for its luxurious scent and versatile uses.
Why Buy Agarwood Products Online?
 Access a Wide Range of Products:
When you buy agarwood products online, you gain access to an extensive selection that might not be available in local stores. From raw agarwood chips and essential oils to high-quality incense and luxury perfumes, online platforms offer a diverse range of products to suit different preferences and needs.
 Convenience and Comfort:
Shopping online eliminates the need to visit multiple stores or deal with the hassle of physical shopping. You can browse, compare, and buy agarwood products online from the comfort of your home, anytime that suits you. This convenience is particularly valuable for those with busy lifestyles or limited access to specialty stores.
 Authenticity and Quality:
Reputable online retailers often provide detailed information about the source and quality of their agarwood products. This transparency helps ensure that you are purchasing genuine items. Many online platforms also offer customer reviews and ratings, giving you insights into the experiences of other buyers and further guiding your purchase decisions.
 Competitive Pricing:
Buying agarwood products online can sometimes offer better pricing compared to traditional retail outlets. Online stores frequently run promotions, discounts, and special offers that can make your purchase more affordable. Additionally, the ability to easily compare prices across different sites helps you find the best deal.
 Popular Agarwood Products to Explore
 Agarwood Essential Oils:
Renowned for their deep, woody fragrance, agarwood essential oils are used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and enhance mood. These oils are often blended with other essential oils or used alone to create a luxurious, calming environment.
 Agarwood Incense:
Agarwood incense sticks or cones are ideal for creating a serene and uplifting atmosphere. They are commonly used in meditation practices, spiritual rituals, and as a natural air freshener.
 Agarwood Perfumes:
High-end perfumes featuring agarwood as a primary note are a testament to its elegance and allure. These fragrances can be worn to make a lasting impression or gifted to someone special.
 Raw Agarwood Chips:
For enthusiasts and collectors, raw agarwood chips offer a more traditional approach to enjoying its aroma. These chips can be burned on charcoal or used in various crafting projects.
Tips for Buying Agarwood Products Online
Research the Seller:
Choose reputable online retailers or specialty stores known for their quality agarwood products. Look for certifications or endorsements that validate their authenticity.
 Read Product Descriptions:
Pay attention to product descriptions, including details about the origin, grade, and processing of the agarwood. This information helps ensure you’re getting the product that meets your expectations.
 Check Reviews:
Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and authenticity of the products. Look for reviews from verified buyers and consider both positive and negative feedback.
 Compare Prices:
Take advantage of price comparison tools and check multiple online stores to find the best deal. Ensure that the pricing reflects the quality of the product.
Buying agarwood products online opens up a world of luxurious scents and premium wellness solutions at your fingertips. Whether you’re seeking to enrich your personal collection or find a special gift, the online marketplace provides a convenient and reliable way to explore and buy agarwood products online. Dive into the exquisite world of agarwood and experience the sophistication and tranquility it brings right from the comfort of your home.
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ahmedperfumes · 18 days
Discovering the Best Perfumes for Men and Women: A Journey Through Kuwait's Fragrance Culture
In the world of fragrances, finding the perfect scent is an art. Whether you’re looking for the best perfume for men, a signature fragrance for women, or indulging in the rich, traditional aroma of oud perfumes, Kuwait offers a stunning range of options. Let’s explore some of the best perfumes available in Kuwait, and how they can make a difference in your scent wardrobe.
The Best Perfume for Men: Elegance and Masculinity
When it comes to perfumes for men, finding a fragrance that exudes confidence and masculinity is key. The best perfume for men typically balances strength with subtlety, leaving an impression without being overpowering. Some of the top contenders include:
Dior Sauvage: A powerful scent with notes of bergamot, Sichuan pepper, and ambroxan, making it a popular choice for men who want to make a statement.
Creed Aventus: Known for its fresh and woody scent, Creed Aventus is perfect for those who prefer a balance between luxury and practicality.
Tom Ford Noir Extreme: This sensual fragrance combines warm spices with sweet vanilla, offering an intriguing blend perfect for special occasions.
These best perfumes for men are ideal for the modern gentleman, leaving a lasting impression wherever you go.
Best Fragrance Perfume for Women: Graceful and Feminine
For women, the right fragrance can elevate confidence, style, and mood. The best fragrance perfume for women is one that resonates with their personality while being versatile enough for daily wear. Some standout choices for women include:
Chanel №5: Timeless and elegant, this classic fragrance features floral notes that make it a staple in the world of feminine perfumes.
Lancôme La Vie Est Belle: With its sweet and floral composition, this perfume offers a delightful mix of iris, jasmine, and orange blossom, perfect for everyday elegance.
Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium: A modern scent that combines notes of coffee and vanilla, creating a bold yet inviting fragrance for confident women.
These fragrances are celebrated for their unique ability to capture femininity and grace, making them the best fragrance perfumes for women.
Perfumes in Kuwait: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity
Kuwait is a hub for luxury fragrances, blending modern brands with traditional Arabian scents. The fragrance culture in Kuwait is deeply rooted in tradition, with oud perfumes playing a significant role in daily life. Oud, also known as “liquid gold,” is derived from the resin of the agarwood tree and offers a rich, smoky aroma that is both timeless and unique.
Best Perfume in Kuwait: Where to Shop
If you’re looking for the best perfume in Kuwait, there are several places where you can find high-end and niche fragrances. Kuwait’s perfume market is vast, offering everything from international brands to local Arabian perfumes. Some top locations to explore include:
The Avenues Mall: Known for its luxury shopping experience, The Avenues houses several perfume boutiques like Dior, Chanel, and Jo Malone.
Harvey Nichols Kuwait: This high-end department store is a go-to for premium international and niche fragrance brands.
Arabian Oud: For those who love traditional scents, Arabian Oud is the perfect destination for oud-based perfumes and other rich, Arabian fragrances.
These stores offer a wide selection of perfumes in Kuwait, from designer brands to locally crafted masterpieces.
Oud Perfumes: A Tradition Worth Celebrating
No conversation about perfumes in the Middle East is complete without mentioning oud perfumes. Oud is a symbol of luxury, and its deep, woody scent is often used in special occasions and daily wear in Kuwait. Some of the best oud perfumes include:
Amouage Interlude Man: This is a complex fragrance with smoky, woody notes, making it a favorite among oud lovers.
Tom Ford Oud Wood: A modern twist on the classic oud, this perfume combines oud with exotic spices and vanilla, creating a luxurious and versatile fragrance.
Ajmal Dahn Al Oudh: Known for its pure oud essence, this fragrance is perfect for those who appreciate traditional Arabian scents.
Oud perfumes are celebrated for their distinctive aroma and long-lasting impact, making them a must-have in any fragrance collection.
Whether you’re searching for the best perfume for men, a graceful fragrance for women, or the rich and smoky allure of oud perfumes, Kuwait offers an impressive range of scents. From international designer fragrances to traditional Arabian perfumes, there is something for every taste and occasion. The world of perfumes in Kuwait is vibrant and full of variety, offering endless opportunities to find the perfect fragrance.
So, next time you’re on the hunt for a new scent, whether in Kuwait or online, remember that your fragrance says a lot about who you are — and the right one can leave a lasting impression.
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dufrau · 24 days
This week i had a sample set from Scents of Wood that I tried out.
I have a travel size of their Vanilla in Bourbon that I wear at night sometimes because i find gourmands comforting, but I don't love that one especially it was just pretty affordable and filled a niche for me when i bought it. But I was interested to try more from the house.
Their "thing" is that they barrel age the alcohol used in their perfumes, so their naming convention reflects that. The main note of the fragrance followed by whatever barrel the alcohol was aged in. Some of them are barrels used to age booze and some are virgin barrels etc.
Plum In Cognac - I think this is the most popular fragrance from this house but I didn't love it. I will say I think it's a more compelling Vanilla than the Vanilla in Bourbon I have, but after the opening I don't feel like it really gave Plum or Cognac. It's nice. Leans feminine.
Oud in Calvados - Now THIS is a good boozy scent. It's all calvados, apple brandy. No oud to speak of. Up close I get sort of a wet wood/ wet cardboard scent that feels a little library-ish, but its mostly sweet spicy booze. It's aggressive and a little sloppy, like the way barrel aged beers tend to be completely taken over by the barrel? I don't know what the occasion is to wear this but i don't hate it at all.
Oud in Oak - This leans in the barnyard-y direction oud can take. a little diaper-y. But there is a nice warm wood backbone to it that makes its mostly okay. Not to my taste though.
Hinoki in Hinoki - This was actually really nice but the connotations it gave me made me not love it? It's a soft, gently smoky gently spicy wood. I think it's very comforting. But to me it smells like Pier 1 or Christmas Tree Shoppe or something, and I got some bug spray vibes too at times? I dont know. I think it smells good but i dont want to wear it.
Leather in Bourbon - No bourbon to speak of, this is not even slightly boozy. Pretty nice though. It feels like a tamer, watered down Naomi Goodsir Corpus Equus to me, I'd wear it if I didn't already have a better version of it.
Patchouli in Rye - This was the winner of the bunch for me. It's very rose forward with a spicy patchouli backbone that keeps it from feeling floral despite BEING floral. Patchouli and rose is a classic combo and I don't know if this is necessarily doing anything new but it's doing it well regardless. I feel like the barrel aging makes a lot of these pretty harsh in various ways but this one just feels like good perfumery start to finish.
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