#ouat s4a
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heatherfield · 2 years ago
Hi! Just wanted to tell you that you tagged the DW post with 10 and Donna with "ouat s4a" too 😅 which isn't really the same fandom
Bahaha you're so right, I totally did. 😂 Thank you for letting me know!! I tag so many things back-to-back and sometimes my fingers have a mind of their own. At least I can see my brain was connecting that it was "season 4" lol.
Thanks again! I fixed it.
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justlookatthosesausages · 7 years ago
Hi there! Here's an interesting one. Let's play with the idea that OUAT's Frozen arc was launched in a later season (perhaps even the last season). How would it have affected the fandom? You think things would have been done differently considering what we now know of the characters? What would you have wanted to see? I'd love to hear your thoughts! -Haig-fan since 2012
Very good question indeed!!
I honestly don’t think it would have changed anything. I understand your point, especially with the fact that the OUAT!Frozen arc was 11 episodes long and released between Frozen and Frozen Fever in 2014, so it’s some content we were craving for and we totally bit on it with happiness. 
The casting was (is) perfect and I think that, even today, after Olaf’s Frozen Adventure, we would still have found it on point. So mmmmh nothing on a wish list we would have been disappointed to not see I guess
also it’s an AU so...
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idkmybffjillyy · 2 years ago
i might just be dumb for only realizing this know or i just filled a plot hole - will scarlet got picked up in the initial dark curse and was cursed in storybrooke from day zero. events of ouatiw happen starting s2 of ouat and time may flow differently in wonderland/victorian england realm than in land without magic. so maybe after cylice wedding and scarlet queen after living happily in wonderland THEN season finale of s3a ouat hits and the initial dark curse is reversed pulling everyone back into the realm they were initially pulled from pre s1 ouat. in theory will wouldve been in wonderland serving cora queen of hearts BUT cora left wonderland to go to enchanted forest right before the curse hit so he couldve been under her service there or otherwise took the chance to escape with his heart to sherwood where he was once happy. SO after 3a he ends up pulled from wonderland (with no knowledge why) into enchanted forest and (for a while it seems like) "no more jumping realms, no more magic beans" so he can't get back to anastasia in wonderland and explaining why he's then later in storybrooke in s4a (through snow/zelena's curse in s3b)
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hortus22 · 8 years ago
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Emma Swan Outfit, first date with the Captain in 4x04
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thebigmick284 · 5 years ago
Talking about Frozen and OUAT S4A with a friend and I’m reminded of a scene in 4x01.
Yeah, it’s a neat Frozen parallel but Regina is acting unbelievable petty here. I hate this whole storyline with the writers trying to make us feel bad for Regina here and upset at Emma but this is just so... cringeworthy.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 7 years ago
ranting on TWD s9 again. :] ... other rants in #*twd or #*twd s9h
uh this is more about recent news, recent filming spoilers. Also FTWD deaths. -Carol, shows, pro-Rick. 
‘wait and see’ is hard. I guess I just want TWD AU to be good too and hoping/waiting is hard.
i guess i go rant till next year lol.
Lately im just waiting for more info on Carol. I wanna know what Carol will be like in s9, TWD AU or the fumbling dead...BUT the filming spoilers tho...it’s like rubbing salt in my wounds about TWD’s potenial runied/AL leaving over and over.
It’s all just a bummer. I should not read into the filming spoilers that much. ..and omg avoid forum drama.
 Like I wanna see spoilers and I can’t help but hope for good Carol spoilers. Like getting spoilers about Caryl (and answers about C/E), Carol & Henry, and Carick/TF. :((( But then I get sad again and again. Idk what’s going on. I guess I assume there’s no good Carol spoilers and no Carick. :((((  Actually it’s just seeing any Rick spoilers is just sad. Also this whole Rick (and Maggie) dying/leaving the show thing is like dragged out rubbed in our wounds all till like when the ep airs their death/leaving. Like November or December.  Ugh. I just wanna get it over with it and to know what’s canon. Cry and move on. :\ So then we can make TWD AU fanarts..or do it now. ......I think it’s good to know what’s canon so then we don’t wonder and worry about avoiding it. It doesn’t mean to watch the show live but just reading it and know it and then just let it go and then make fanarts. xP
I was gonna not watch s9 anyways but dang just learning about s9 or what is canon ...is hard. sigh. but in time we will be alright. ...
TWD s9 speculations ~
so some filming spoilers coming out sounds like the gory comic death scene will happen. The heads on the pikes, killed by Alpha. They’re gonna film a zombie herd soon and whisperers may be part of that, I guess. i think of FTWD s4A and the deaths of Nick and Madison and how it seems like cheap deaths. I guess Rick and Maggie will go out like that... boring. not moving,imo. Doesn't impact the story or..............I’m just bitter. I just really want a good ending for Rick (thee main character). Like he saved his people and he dies and everyones lives without walkers as a threat and they’re safe in a community forever. 
  Travis’ death was meh (k it was really bad. wtf). ..I know I just won’t like whatever will happen with Rick and/or Maggie. For some reason, I feel like some characters got a good death scene for the overall story. Like Glenn, Sasha and Carl,imo. Their deaths were like they brought a new chapter to the story/show. Idk I liked Sophia and Merle’s deaths too. Anyways, their deaths changed the story. ..Or I guess they changed Rick characterwise in his story.  sigh.
Dang it’s like three weeks and AMC still didn’t confirm it or anything about AL leaving news. It makes me think AMC/writers wanted it to be a surprise that Rick dies/leaves the show (like how Nick and Madison died). ugh that’s even more lame. 
Dang it’s like AMC/showrunners? doesn’t let fans to trust them or get them excited at all for the story. It’s like some writers/AMC don’t care about the story’s core story and the fans.   So blah. I know some fans were disappointed that they were ‘spoiled’, but like that’s way to hard for me to handle that. I’m glad it was leaked and for me to know ahead of time...though the waiting and the dread sucks. 
UGH Skybound mailbag thing makes this hiatus worse by dragging the unknown..rubbing the salt..with their vague spoilers. And saying it in a troll way too. It’s cos we don’t know what’s up with Carol and writers made it that dumb way on not making it clear in their lackluster s8 finale (s8 finale shouldve been like s2 finale foreshadowing timeskip and next arc-Michonne/prison). I just wanna know if C/E happens or not, or Caryl be endgame, or will Carol ever have romance, will Carol interact with TF/Rick/Henry, in this TWD AU. geez. ...I want spoilers. I want confirmations and then leave the show-canon alone.
Carol speculations in s9.
- uh it seems like Carol is in Kingdom and just hanging out with Henry and Kingdomers in 9A. idk about Carick but we got a lit bit of something from filming spoilers, in 9x01. meh. :\ Some Caryl moments but how Skybound answered it, idk it depends on how I see it (on tumblr). As long as Caryl still be soulmate-y. Sigh I miss Carol or I miss what the show used to be and the potential. 
AMC is having a bad year/June, huh? lol ..partly their fault, anyways. wtf TWD shows are like destroying itself and then now the Hardwick (TTD) news of him being an abuser. sigh. Damn we really got BTS drama. :\ With the shows losing their leads, is it part of the lawsuits and diverting away from Kirkman’s story or something? idk.
I just wanna say, poor FTWD fans who watched recently. Writers/Gimple/AMC? litterally just scraped off the original storyline of the Clarks family for to focus on newbies, Morgan. So it’s a spinoff show within the show. ( It’s like TWD in s9 will be doing...with changing to Daryl’s) Anyways that’s really awful to the FTWD fans to suddenly to change the storyline. That’s like ..probably something I would just quit the show ..It’s something to feel like I won’t the trust the writers. Gotta have trust in the writers and the writers gotta gain your trust.
I was thinking about fandom stuff..and reading some posts. i guess i let it slide that the TWD show was going downhill early on. idk when. most say s6 is when it got worse. i always say that TWD was not the best but it was just a fun drama ensemble show for me. Well thats what fandoms do..they want the very best of the show/media. Also fandom is all opinions...it’s best not to read into it too much.
s2 is my fave season...even when I didn’t feel the TF love like on other shows or when I got annoyed with Shane/love triangle. (why is everything relate to OUAT wank. I learned a lot from that show/fandom. maybe just being deep in the fandom. it hurts more.) Ok like s2 or other seasons compared to s6-8 is different.. Different style and stuff-writers/showrunners.., idk. There are some good moments. It’s also like based on the comics’ story. Most say s5 is the best is what comic fans say is loving the Hunters arc. (s3 and the prison arc-tho i dont like this season). So yeah ..kinda depends on the comics and it’s all show business. Kinda hard to compare or not idk, Kirkman’s comic story may be better because it’s original and flows better naturally. There’s more personal intimate moments with like 5 main characters but the show got other good parts too. (better medium story telling) idk. like the show has Carol and other plots went better, but lack TF moments and many dull characters. Also Kirkman isnt the best writer either so...idk what im saying. TWDG telltale game has the best storytelling. tho super depressing but also got realistic moments.
Just idk Oh well. I watched TWD for the main characters, Caryl, Carol. But lately things are not happening like I want or like it was in s5-6. There’s Less TF (like how the comics are..tho s9/after AOW was hopeful but AL and LC wanna leave.)Caryl and Carol/ TF interactions or Carol part of main plot haven’t happened since s6 and Idk if we come back to that. Like will Caryl’s relationship grow and does Carol and TF moment return-like will we have Carick moments? SIGH Waiting and hoping. It’s tiring. do whatever you want. I’m still a fan of Caryl, Carol/TF/Carick, Richonne.
Idk I’m just bummed and having a hard time with s9 and yet Rick and Maggie are leaving. Yeah ..I just wish I have an ending to just end it but I don’t have one. There’s no end...Idk it’s hard to make an ending to stop and to not hope or expect more. 
I want to not watch s9 yet I want/hope this TWD AU to end it right..blah. I guess till I get more info ..wait and see...
Whatever this rollercoaster ride continues and I probably rant again soon. :P
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captain-emmajones · 4 years ago
Hi! It's Santa! I think my favorite plot twist was Killian as the Dark One too! A close second would be from season 1: when we found out that Ruby was also the big bad wolf. I have just one more question for you (and then tomorrow, we'll start with something else): What plot hole or inconsistency in OUAT did you find most frustrating?
Hello dear Santa! 
Ruby as the wolf was SUCH A GOOD plot twist. I also loved it, now that you mention it. 
Mmmmm, I got really frustrated at the end of s4a because we didn’t get to see Killian (or Emma) deal with the fact that Gold was about to kill him? But I think nothing will ever top the anger I felt during season 6 when everyone was like “yup Killian just left Emma that makes sense”. IT MADE NO SENSE. I’m so bitter about it, it’s the only moment in the show where CS felt seriously OCC (if I dare say so about the very show). But, fortunately, they ended up back together and all is well that ends well -- but I’m still frustrated over this writing choice. 
What about you? 
Have a good day Santa! xx 
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panzertorte · 8 years ago
I was tagged by @lucresias, thank you:)
Post 10 of my favorite characters from different fandoms, in no particular order, and tag 10 people:
Pacific Rim - Hermann Gottlieb Hunger Games - Haymitch Abernathy Man From UNCLE (TV/Film) - Illya Kuryakin Star Trek ENT - Malcolm Reed Rogue One (Star Wars) - Baze Malbus & Bodhi Rook and Everyone Leverage - Alec Hardison Torchwood - Owen Harper Marvel - Hawkeye SGU Stargate Universe - Rush & Young & Chloe OUaT (up until the end of s4A, haven’t watched since) - Rumplestiltskin & s1!Emma
Tagging: the usual ones or whoever wants to;)
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somewhereapart · 7 years ago
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Author’s Note: His wife may be frozen, but Robin and Regina are playing with fire, running on borrowed time. For OQ Angst Fest 2018, Friday. Prompt #12: We can’t keep this up forever
Review on Ao3 or FFnet
She shouldn’t be doing this. They should not be doing this.
But with Robin’s hands on her hips, in her hair, cupping her breasts, she can’t bring herself to care.
He’s going to leave her, she knows, as soon as she finds the answers she’s been seeking in one of her old books. Someday, she’ll grab the right one off the shelf, learn the key to breaking Marian’s freezing curse, and she won’t be able to tug him down to the plush bed in this hidden room, won’t be able to press her lips to his like this, won’t be able to moan at the way he trails his mouth over her jaw, her throat.
The thought makes her heart ache and her eyes prickle with unshed tears. She’s grateful for the way his tongue is tracing her collar if only because it means he can’t see, can’t feel the way she swallows thickly against the lump in her throat.
And then he lifts his head and breaks the spell, frowning down at her with such painful affection in his eyes, one fingertip brushing a lock of hair away from her brow as he asks, “What is it that’s troubling you, milady?”
Regina scowls and wraps her arms more tightly around his neck, twining her fingers up into the soft hair at his nape, and telling him what they both know: “We can’t keep this up forever.”
His gaze falls to her lips, his expression falling with it, and he lets out a sigh that tickles against her chin. “Must we talk about that now?”
“We’ll have to talk about it eventually,” she tells him, regretting every word.
Robin doesn’t seem any more keen to dwell on the future than she is, that fingertip trailing through the hair along her crown again. “Eventually,” he murmurs, his head ducking down closer to hers until their lips are a breath apart. “But not tonight.”
He kisses her again, and she shouldn’t let him. She should put a stop to this.
But what’s one more sin stacked atop all her others?
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