#otp: this is the life we've chosen
mrsreginagold · 3 months
Fic: Your Angel Undercover
Fandom: Nikita
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Set during season 2, canon divergent. 
Summary: Distractions nearly prove disastrous for Ari and Nikita during a mission. 
Author’s note: Inspired by @rubyloops recent, lovely Nikari drawings. This was possibly one of the fastest turnarounds I’ve had for a piece, but the muses demanded my attention until it was finished. As such it’s relatively short and sweet. 
On AO3
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Your Angel Undercover
                  Nikita Mears drummed her fingers impatiently against the bar’s wooden surface: tapping out a beat with her nails as she observed her partner’s behavior across the room. 
                  She was a professional, dammit. Jealousy was beneath her. 
                  Her heart dropped when she noticed the warm smile on Ari Tasarov’s face as he charmed the young woman who was their target on this particular mission. 
                  Envy coursed through her veins and the beautiful former assassin frowned. 
                  It didn’t help matters that she was uncertain how to define her relationship with the handsome operative who had betrayed his organization to stay by her side. They started out as rivals, and then slowly but surely developed a trust and friendship, and now she couldn’t imagine getting through her day-to-day without him. 
                  At some point – she had gone and done the stupid thing and fallen in love. 
                  The admittedly pretty mark laughed loud enough at something her companion had said, prompting Nikita to clutch more tightly at the glass she held in her opposite hand. 
                  As if sensing her distress, Ari glanced in her direction. 
                  She flushed in embarrassment and turned away, taking a long swig of champagne in order to force her feelings back. 
                  She peeked over her shoulder to see that the conversation had ended, and he was making his way to where she was standing. 
                  She inhaled deeply, goosebumps prickling at her bare arms due to the cool air, regretting her decision not to bring along a sweater to place over her strapless black dress.
                  “You’re shivering,” a familiar, resonant baritone murmured, and she heard fabric rustle right before the warmth of his coat covered her shoulders.
                  “Did you get the flash drive?” she inquired, peering over at him. 
                  He really did look debonaire in his tuxedo, even without the jacket. The crisp white shirt clung attractively to his torso, accentuating the toned definition she knew he possessed beneath, as on more than one occasion she had seen him in little more than a towel. 
                  She chewed at her lip, unable to keep from staring when he gracefully leaned back against the bar. Part of her wanted to drag him off and forget about their goals entirely, but Alex would be furious if things didn’t go according to her plan. 
                  “Check the left pocket,” he gestured.
                  She did, smiling when her fingers brushed over tiny, sleek plastic. “Perfect. We can head out then.”
                  “What’s the hurry?” he eyed her. “I thought…”
                  She twisted closer to him, curious as to why he had trailed off. “You thought what?”
                  “I thought that maybe you’d like to dance.” He extended out his hand, a hopeful expression crossing his angular features. 
                  Nikita’s heart skipped, and wordlessly, she accepted. 
                  Their fingers tangled together as he escorted her out onto the ballroom floor. The hired orchestra was playing a romantic cover of a pop song that she recognized, and her pulse thrummed when Ari effortlessly swung her into a simple waltz.
                  She placed a hand on his shoulder, tipping her head back to look up at him, instantly swept into the vast sea of stunning blue that was his eyes. 
                  His grip on her waist tightened slightly so he could tug her closer, the pair swaying together to the music.
                  “I saw the way you were looking at me earlier,” he murmured, breaking the spell between them. “You seemed out of sorts.”
                  “I was just worried that you’d scare off that girl,” the lie fell smoothly enough, but she could tell that he didn’t believe her. 
                  “Were you? Or were you envious of her having my attention?”
                  She scoffed, tossing her long hair over her shoulder in the process. “Me? Jealous of a child? You must be joking!”
                  “Nikita…” and there it was: the quiet, sensual manner in which he uttered her name, instantly making her knees go weak. “Don’t lie to me.”
                  “I’m not,” she protested. “Ari, this really isn’t the place –
                  He cut her off, his mouth sealing over hers in an all-too-brief kiss. 
                  Her breath hitched, lips parting in an attempt to respond to the sudden affection, only to find that her words had also been stolen. 
                  A self-satisfied expression crossed his face, as if his suspicion had been correct all along.
                  Frustration bubbled up, and she yanked at his sleeve to get him to follow her so they could continue their discussion in private.
                  The elevator door slid shut and Nikita roughly passed Ari’s coat back to him. “What the hell was that?”
                  “It’s what commonly referred to as a kiss,” he shrugged the garment back on, ensuring that the flash drive was still tucked into the pocket.
                  “That isn’t what I meant.”
                  “I know it isn’t what you meant,” an aggravated look was aimed her way. “I was just getting tired of this continual dodging.”
                  “What do you mean, we aren’t –
                  Long, elegant fingers curled around her arm. “Yes. We are. We’ve been avoiding the elephant in the room long enough. I love you, Nikita.” 
                  “You what?” she blinked, incredulous.
                  “I said: I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment that we met,” the beautiful, clear gaze that she so easily lost herself in was sincere. “And I think those feelings are reciprocated, otherwise you wouldn’t have looked at that other woman as though you wanted to claw off her face.”
                  “Ari…” she swallowed, nerves swirling in her stomach at the intensity that was being directed solely at her. “What exactly do you want me to say? That I fell in love with you and can’t stand the sight of another woman at your side? That’s the truth: I’m hopelessly, desperately in love with you and I have no idea what to do about it.”
                  He didn’t answer in the traditional sense. Instead, with an abrupt, deft motion, he dragged her into his arms and captured her lips in a far more passionate kiss. 
                  The sudden action startled a gasp out of her, heat pooling directly at her core when he shoved her against the wall and effortlessly lifted her so she could wrap her legs around him as the embrace deepened further. 
                  All that mattered now was how he enveloped her with warmth, his taller, solid body pressing as close as possible, alerting her to just how much she affected him. 
                  She clutched at his shirt with one hand and brought the other up to weave through his hair, upsetting it from the neat style he kept it in. 
                  He caught her lower lip between his teeth, nipping deliberately to coax open her mouth.
                  She granted him entry, which allowed him to explore with precision, her hands busying themselves with undoing his bow tie. 
                  There was a ping of sound when the elevator reached its destination. 
                  Without breaking their kiss, Ari carried Nikita out into the hallway. 
                  She wasn’t certain how he managed it, but the next thing she knew he was holding her up against the door to their room. 
                  Her head tipped back when his lips eventually strayed to dart firefly kisses across the slender column of her throat. “Key?”
                  “Other pocket.”
                  She fished around in his jacket to locate the cardkey, handing it to him so they could continue somewhere more comfortable. 
                  The second they were on the opposite side of the door, her hands went to task, first pushing his tuxedo coat onto the floor while he guided them to the bed. 
                  She cast the satin still dangling around his neck to the floor and attacked the buttons to his shirt next, toppling onto the sheets with him as their attentions grew more lustful. 
                  “Oh my god, can you not?!”  a female voice shrieked in alarm. 
                  They froze. 
                  Nikita pulled away first, a horrified expression on her lovely face as she slowly looked to the side to see Alexandra Udinov sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.
                  “Er. We uh…we thought the room was empty.” She addressed her one-time protégé.
                  Alex crossed her arms and glared at them. “Did you at least get the flash drive?”
                  “It’s in my coat,” Ari finally spoke up. 
                  Nikita peered down at her paramour, noting that he appeared more annoyed than anything else. 
                  Alex stood, picking up the discarded jacket and searching till she found the object that she was looking for. “I’m leaving. We are never to discuss what happened here. Go about your business.”
                  Without another word, their fellow agent left. 
                  Nikita released a breath that she had been holding and exchanged a glance with Ari. “That was…mortifying.”
                  He inched one hand up her thigh and smirked. “Agreed, but if she had stalled my plans to make love to you for the rest of the afternoon, I would have never forgiven her.”
                  “Just the afternoon?” she grinned, parting the fabric over his chest. 
                  “As well as the evening, plus tomorrow morning,” he tugged his arms free from the sleeves and then twisted so he could pin her under him. “And the foreseeable future.”
                  “Promises, promises,” she murmured, and then drew him to her for an ardent kiss that ended the discussion. 
The End
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Tary for the character ask?
How I feel about this character: He is SO FUN. Artificer is a great class, and underneath all the weird self-aggrandizement he is just a sweet guy who loves stories and wanted to be in one instead of the life his father had chosen for him, and that's beautiful.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I don't know Lawrence but I'm glad Tary is happy. Also to be fair if he'd been around before Perc'ahlia was a thing I would have enjoyed him and Percy.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: His and Vex's friendship is a delight.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Sam's best character. I don't know if this is unpopular but I think it is. (Veth comes VERY close though).
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: as with a lot of the non-main PC characters in this post I just want to see him more! I would not be mad at another Darrington brigade one-shot.
my OTP: none that we've seen onscreen, but again, glad he found love and happiness with Lawrence.
my cross over ship: You know, I do not personally think that Tary's Lawrence was Lawrence Lorelei given that Lawrence L. was implied to be WAY too young in 836 PD to have been Tary's teacher, but I do want to see Tary and the Loreleis interact.
a headcanon fact: Tary's favorite pastry is like...something literally no one else likes and the Slayer's Cake keeps making it because he insists and it never sells well and he's like TOO BAD.
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tangleweave · 2 years
♡ Munday Meme ♡ - 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23
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{The Munday Meme}
4. Favourite thing about roleplaying?
Practicing my character portrayal. I work really hard to get the voices straightened out in my head so that when I'm writing a piece of dialogue, you can hear them when you read it. All of my muses share the "he" pronoun but you shouldn't be left guessing which "he" I refer to when I'm writing their dialogue.
5. Least favourite thing about roleplaying?
<sigh> Toxicity in the community. I realize this constitutes a minority, and a very small fraction of participants at that, but I've had the misfortune of running into a few who have been terribly disrespectful, pushy, and even flat-out insulting to their fellow RPers. I have no stomach for that. I'm here to disengage from reality and have some fun, not to engage in middle-school level dramatics (unless it's dramatics my partner and I have chosen to write for ourselves).
6. OTP for your muse?
Well, I've got seven muses, lol, but assuming you'd like to know my OTPs for all of them? Sure, I'll try it out. Be aware, too, that not all of my OTPs are necessarily in relation to RP interactions. With that said...
Beta Ray Bill -- Up until the publication of Argent Star, I would have immediately said Lady Sif. But I was so disappointed with her reaction to the notion of intimacy with him in his true form (augmentations, enhancements, equine face) that I've begun to reconsider that ship. Here on Tumblr, though, Bill found a curious kinship with the Olympian goddess Persephone, courtesy of the extraordinary @titansaints [check them out!] which quickly became a lovely, fluffy ship that I've thoroughly enjoyed.
Phil Coulson -- Two OTPs for this man, I gotta be honest. The first is with Melinda May, because do I even need to say why? But the second is here on Tumblr, with the illustrious Dejah Thoris of John Carter of Mars lore, provided by the talented @voice-of-barsoom [check them out too!]. It's a pairing I would never have thought of on my own and I stan it.
Groot -- Not really applicable in a canon context, for obvious reasons, but here on Tumblr, this one goes to Beth Riley, lovingly provided by the inimitable @brooklynislandgirl [if you're not checking them out, why not?!]. This is a ship that sails right down the center of platonic and romantic seas, and is stunningly soft... and really, I honestly do believe only Beth can adore Groot in the specific way she does. It is a testament to this fabulous writer.
Spider-Man (Peter Parker) -- Gotta toss this to MJ, out of recognition for her dedication. In most canon iterations of her, she's stuck with Pete through thick and thin, no matter what curve balls his life as Spider-Man has thrown their way, up to and including home invasion, abduction, mutation, and even death. If there's a runner-up, it's Gwen... because let's face it. If Gwen had survived, it would have been her. I don't currently have any Tumblr-based threads which ship Peter with anyone. (Yet.)
Stephen Strange -- Nnnnnngh. Okay, I'm going to out myself here, I know precious little about Stephen from the comics, so although I'm intellectually aware of his relationship with (and marriage to) Clea, I've not familiarized myself with those dynamics and nuances (but I'm interested to see what she brings to the MCU). I refuse to say Christine Palmer, I just never sensed any sparks there. Regarding RP, one of my favorite Stephen ships here on Tumblr is also probably my first one on this profile, with Sigyn Freyjadottr, as portrayed by @sigynthevictorious [yes, I'm reccing them too, deal with it!]. A true enemies-to-friends tale that really went the distance in the telling!
Venom (Eddie Brock) -- NOT Eddie / his Other. That's both obvious and low-hanging fruit. And to be honest, I think we've yet to see what a really good relationship for him in canon would be. However, here on Tumblr, there is absolutely no question at all, and this ship is my ultimate favorite OTP out of all the ones I'm listing for this question... this goes also to Beth Riley @brooklynislandgirl , who has generously worked with me to create an absolutely sprawling multiversal saga with our muses at its heart. BEddie for life.
Vision -- Okay, do you really expect me to say anybody but Wanda? Whether in canon or via Tumblr RP alongside the illustrious @illbringthechaosmagic , there's really just one woman for Vis at the end of the day, and it's Wanda Maximoff.
7. NOTP for your muse?
This answer will be far shorter, because the honest truth is, my muses tend to be pretty open-minded about relationships -- though as listed in my Rules segment, with the exception of Groot, they're all hetero males. That being said, even restricting themselves to women, these boys can get themselves in tons of trouble for the sake of a ship (and frequently do!). It's never characters I'm averse to shipping with... just situations, and a couple very specific members of this community.
15. What do you look for in an RP partner?
Primarily, someone who is decently literate and not afraid to write more than a smattering of words per tag. I'm not terribly picky about length beyond that... give me at least one paragraph. Or give me a novel. Either way, I'll run with it. What you give tends to be what you'll get in return.
16. Favourite trope?
<scratches the back of his neck> Damn it, you caught me, I'm a total sap. I really like that trope of when two characters share that revelation that they've got feelings for each other. It's been building up between them for an embarrassingly long time, and they just can't hold it in anymore. But this comes with a caveat... to be truly satisfying, I need the buildup. I need it to be sold to me.
17. Least favourite trope?
Betrayal whose flags were completely visible but entirely ignored. It kinda pulls me out of the story when I can see the turn of a coat coming from miles away and the characters can't pick up on it to save their own lives (sometimes literally).
18. Are there any AU's you'd like to explore but haven't had the chance to yet?
I have an AU concept which involves Hydra being successful in taking SHIELD down, except for Coulson, who assumes an offshoot Ghost Rider persona and seeks vengeance. I've also had a half-formed idea rattling around wherein all of my muses randomly exchange roles (Spider-Bill; Groot, Agent of SHIELD; Vision, Guardian of the Galaxy). As for universal shifts, I've been fleshing out some concepts for my spread of muses to all take up residence in the Star Wars universe (Venom is a shapeshifting spy, Stephen and Spidey are Force sensitives in exile, Coulson is an ex-diplomat turned crime lord... it's a whole thing). It's also kind of fun to imagine them all within the context of D&D (and I still have at least one request in my Inbox asking me to write a drabble of one of my muses in the realm of Dragonlance). What would happen to them in the world of Pokémon? Would they all be trainers? Y'know. Fun stuff. So the short answer is yes, there are... and I'm open to discussing them!
21. Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards?
Yes, but probably not the ones you'd think. My top three favorite characters in this spread of muses are Beta Ray Bill, Venom, and Coulson, in that order. Stephen and Spidey are present among this spread for several reasons, but among them is the fact they're mainstream and tend to attract eyes (and Follows) in a way my three favorites simply can't. Bill is obscure, Coulson is niche, and not everybody wants to interact with Eddie / his Other / Venom (or that pedantic distinction I insist upon making).
23. Do you ever get jealous when RPing? How do you handle this?
Oh jeez, calling me out, this is embarrassing... Okay, the honest truth? Yeah, I do occasionally get jealous, and that's not a good color on me. My method of dealing with it is remembering we're all doing this for fun, and we all chase the dopamine, wherever that chase leads. It doesn't always lead my mutuals towards me or the threads I'd like to work on, and that... really is okay. My own dopamine chases don't always lead me in the direction I know some of my mutuals would hope for either, and they're all incredibly gracious towards me about it. That's why I have multiple threads with multiple mutuals. At any given time, I have a ton of ideas and threads I can work on... and if a character I want to write for is lacking love, I can fairly easily find someone who'd be interested in threading. And even if my luck ran out... I've written a LOT of fanfiction over the years. I can write on my own, too! (If I ever get past the crippling anxiety and perfectionism.)
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Dear Francis,
Can you please help me out with Our Days. Because I completely fail to understand the point of this show. First Soh is into Mon, then he isn’t, then it turns out he hides true feelings because he can’t see a future, now he never felt anything in the first place… And what does “our days” actually refer to? My mind has been going wild over this: first there was the Soh dying theory (thankfully that wasn’t true!), then his problems with substance abuse (maybe that’s why he needed to move countries?), or maybe he had a run in with the law (like a sort of exile, but voluntary). But now it turns out his life “was planned beforehand by others,” in some Cutie Pie style of predestination. And finally, there’s the new subplot of Micky & Q, I believe. Don’t get me wrong, I thought they had very moving scenes with meaningful life lessons. But why so late in the series? Plus, I didn’t exactly move the main plot anywhere… 😬 Also, what are we so supposed to think of Saint? Because, other than being presented as the more “reliable” alternative to Soh, the character Saint hasn’t really been given any main reasons why he would be Mon’s otp. 🤔
We still have three episodes to go, but I have run out of ideas of where this show is headed. You seem like reasonably intelligent person, so can you please explain to me where this basketball show is headed and why it’s still worthwhile to watch? Because right now, I can answer neither of those questions. 🧐
— Thel. 💚
Okay, so, first I will never endorse watching a show you're not enjoying. I find that finishing shows is my priority and so I do watch shows I don't enjoy... but I don't think most people should, honestly. It's kinda pointless unless you're like me, lol. So never feel the need to keep watching a show you're not enjoying regardless of why.
As for the rest...
I do believe that Soh had feelings for Mon. And may still, honestly. He's chosen to deny those feelings of the future he has that cannot involve Mon and cannot be shared with him no matter how much he wants to share it with him. Soh has been shown this entire time to have loved Mon. He literally chose to enroll in university to be near him. Soh may deny it because he can't handle it, but we've seen him having multiple breakdowns over this loss.
The idea is that Soh was breaking out of his predestined life just a little bit, fell in love, and then was reminded by his mother that he has no future here, that he can't have the future he wants and let himself dream of for just a moment. And now he's not just given it up but is trying to pretend it never happened. Because it's safer and easier to just... not. To not dream, to not hope, to not love.
Saint is the past. Saint is an old friend of Mon's and he's supposed to be steady and loyal and kind. I think he got introduced a little late for my taste but I like him. He's a real darling and very honest about his affections and goals.
Mickey and Q are just the side couple? I... I dunno? I think it's cute, it's mostly just Mickey have a crush on Q and Q being an awkward young man about it because Mickey is young and it's cute. I like age gaps and I like them just being cute. Mickey is also a bit of a reflection of both Mon and Soh, breaking away from his mother but realizing he has to go back is why Soh feels like he can't be with Mon at all.
It doesn't exactly move the plot but it shows a reflection of what's going on and that's important too.
I think Our Days just refers to the time they're spent together, the limited time that they've had together as well as the time that Saint and Mon spent together in the past and came back together to rediscover in the present.
I am enjoying this show less and less the harder they go on Soh abandoning his feelings for Mon entirely because I definitely prefer SohMon to SaintMon... but I wanna see how this ends. So I will.
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burrowingdweller · 3 years
I think Meruem/Komugi is the only *accepted* non mlm ship actually. Maybe, maaaybe fandom will let you ship Pokkle/Ponzu, and Silva/Kikyo as well. There are others, but you can count on your fingers the number of shippers and fan content they have and they're often attacked, not so much on Tumblr, but on other social medias. If you type the ship name on the search bar all you'll find is hate. But I know people who ships Hisoka/Machi, Kurapika/Neon, Chrollo/Neon, Gon/Alluka, Kurapika/Queen Oito, and fandom treats them like real life criminals.
I'm honestly afraid of telling you which one of those is my OTP, I really am, especially now that we've shared virtual hugs lol. The fear of you telling me "nah, your ship is disgusting, hate it, get off of my blog and DNI" is still here.
Maybe one day I'll tell you :,)
Sorry for taking so much of your time venting. Like I said, it's too lonely in here and you're basically the ONLY person who I ever talked about it here on Tumblr besides some confessions blogs. I don't even know why I've chosen you to send the ask, but I'm glad I did. Thank you so much for listening! I'll probably be interacting with your blog more from now on.
D: I thought Hisoka/Machi is okay, that’s why I didn’t mention it! :( I don’t know who’s Queen, guess it’s from manga, but others seem fine too, not that I would think of them tbh, but still fine :(
That’s sad... I like Hisoka/Machi btw, I think hetero ships with Hisoka underrated (not that there’s a lot of options, but I saw Hisoka/Bisquit, and while it feels like a pure crack ship - still works for me xD)
I’m glad you feel better tho! It’s so nice to know uwu 
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OTP Game
as used by @mercheswan
1. Johnlock (Sherlock)
2. Snowbaz (Carry On)
3. BrewerRose, aka David Rose x Patrick Brewer (Schitt's Creek)
4. Tedlexis (Schitt's Creek)
5. Hophie (The School for Good and Evil)
6. Tiana x Naveen (Disney's The Princess and the Frog)
7. Peraltiago (Brooklyn 99)
8. Sci-Set (Equestria Girls)
9. Tagatha (The School for Good and Evil)
10. Raymond Holt x Kevin Cosner (Brooklyn 99)
If any of these otps are part of fandoms you have not finished, TURN BACK THERE ARE SPOILERS
1. Do you remember the first episode/scene/chapter when you first started shipping 6?
Well, it was before I transformed into my fandom self so I didnt have the good sense to remember the occasion lol
2. Have you ever read fanfic for #2?
Yes! Not as much as I'd like, but YES! My favorite of the few is Lonely in London by banjjakbanjjak
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/phone background?
Nope, that honor goes to Johnlock~
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
I would retire the show full-stop 😭
5. Why is 1 so important?
Honestly, I have no idea. I have no idea why this ship of all ships is my chosen one but here we are. I think its just that the writing and thematic experience of BBC Sherlock is unlike any I've seen before. It has literally everything I could ever want in a love story and John and Sherlock, even if it's platonic, have an unconditional, soulmate bond. And let's not forget what I need for every ship: MUTUAL PINING AND TENSION
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Very serious. 😑 this is my serious face
7. Out of all the ships, which one has the most chemistry?
Snowbaz I think
8. Out of all the ships, which one has the strongest bond?
Johnlock, without a doubt
9. How many times have you read/watched 10's fandom?
I'm actually still not done watching B99...
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
I dont know if this means in fandom history??? Or the relationship in real time? Or for me personally??
Me personally? Johnlock, would you believe
11. How many times, if ever, have 6 broken up?
If you count the brief misunderstanding with Tiana witnessing "Naveen" and Charlotte's wedding, 1
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, who would survive? 2 or 8?
Snowbaz absolutely! In one corner we've got magickal teenage warriors and in the other corner we've got... magical teenage warriors ok but this one is limited in the confinements of PG
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship?
I cant remember the specifics but they had to keep their blooming relationship a secret bc their nasty boss threatened to fire them unless they broke up
14. Is 4 still together?
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15. Is 10 canon?
Now and forever!!
16. If all 10 couples were entered into a couple's Hunger Games, which couple would win?
By far my favorite question. Johnlock would get pretty far I think bc Sherlock could outthink all of them and John can repair any of his injuries (having a doctor on your team is such an op advantage). Snowbaz has the power of magick and flight on their side BUT Baz is incredibly flammable. BrewerRose and Tedlexis would be the first ones to die. Naveen and Tiana go next. Hophie is the sinnamon roll couple so I think they're combined ruthlessness would carry them to the top. Peraltiago and #10 both have experience as cops so they would at least know how to adapt to the ever changing situation. Sci-Set have magic but they wouldn't have the ethical flexibility to commit any kind of harm. Tagatha have magic as well, but they cant stop arguing literally to save their life
In conclusion, Hophie seems like the obvious winner. They are trained villains after all
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5's relationship?
Fucking Nicola
18. Which ship would you defend to death and beyond?
Johnlock till I die
19. Do you spend hours a day on 3's tumblr page?
I would if there was any fan content!!!!
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the 10 ships to break up forever or else she'd break them all up forever, which ship would you sink?
I mean #4 is already sunk so 😔
BUT if I could sacrifice another ship in return for #4's relationship it would be Sci-Set
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mrsreginagold · 1 month
Fic: I Stretch Out The Time And Now I Know Why
Fandom: Nikita 
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: R
Spoilers: Canon-Divergent Series AU. Takes place during season one. Summary: Ari and Nikita return to her loft after an escape gone awry.
Author's Note: There is admittedly a ton of traction when it comes to what-if scenarios for this pairing. The premise of this was simple: I was curious what it would have looked like if Nikita and Ari had started working together back in season one. I imagine it would go similarly to how this fic starts, but I doubt canon would have ever been so bold to allow them a romance. Luckily -- that's where my skill set comes in 😉
On AO3
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I Stretch Out The Time And Now I Know Why
                  “Might I ask what you were thinking when you threw the box into the river?” Ari Tasarov grumbled, crossing his arms in an effort to stop shaking after his dive into freezing water to retrieve it. 
                  “You didn’t have to go after it!” Nikita Mears resisted the urge to smack him on the side of the head for such a foolish action. “We could have left Percy’s dark secrets lurking at the bottom where they belong, but no. You’re so damn obsessed!”
                  “I’m obsessed?” He whirled on her, his stunning blue eyes flashing dangerously. “Need I remind you that you came to me?! You practically begged for me to help you locate the thing!”
                  “That’s because I thought it would give us both the upper hand on Division, but I had no idea Roan of all people was going to chase after us,” she ran her fingers carelessly through her damp hair. After Ari had jumped into the water, she had only felt it was right to go after him. The only benefit was that, due to it being cold, the Cleaner that had been sent after them had not followed. The blanket of night also gave them a much-appreciated advantage, so they could make it to her loft undetected. It just would have been a lot easier if they both weren’t soaked to the skin. 
                  Ari didn’t bother to argue further, though it was probably because he was focusing on trying not to shiver so badly. 
                  Pity clenched at her heart despite her irritation, as she also fared little better. Gently, she curled a hand around his arm. “Come on. It’s not much further and we need to get inside.”
                  He simply nodded and allowed her to guide him. 
                  They reached their destination shortly after. After ushering Ari into her home, Nikita quickly turned on the heat, and then gestured at the bathroom. “Why don’t you get out of those clothes and dry off? I’ll bring you something to change into in a second.”
                  “Dare I ask why you would have men’s clothing lying around?” he raised an eyebrow, though he was already in the process of removing his water-logged suit jacket. 
                  “I kept some of Daniel’s things,” she admitted, melancholy twinging in her stomach at the mention of her deceased fiancé. 
                  The former Gogol operative went still, clearly recognizing the sadness in her tone. “Are you sure you’re okay with me wearing them?”
                  She shook her head, her lips curving up in a brief, forlorn smile. “It’s fine, Ari. It’s not like they were getting much use. Besides, you’re about the same height, so it should fit fine.” She cast her gaze over him and found it difficult not to stare. His white dress shirt was nearly transparent from being dripping wet, clinging to a torso that was remarkably defined from what she could see. 
                  She turned away so he wouldn’t notice the flush in her cheeks. “Anyway – there’s fresh towels. Just make sure to leave me one so I can wring out my hair. I’ll change in here.”
                  “All right, I shouldn’t be too long. Leave the clothes outside the door and let me know they’re there.” 
                  She glanced back in time to see him slip the shirt off – giving her a nice view of his broad shoulders and a flawlessly toned back – before he shut the bathroom door for privacy. 
                  She inhaled deeply to calm the longing that had surfaced. It had been a while since she was left alone with a man that she found attractive, and she needed to focus. 
                  First, she quickly undressed and wiped the moisture on her skin off with a spare blanket, which she wrapped around her body so she could find clothing for both of them.
                  Then, after changing into a pair of yoga leggings and a tunic, she deposited the spare set of clothes outside her bathroom door and knocked so that Ari knew it was ready. 
                  She made a quick exit to her kitchen and went about brewing some hot tea. It would soothe her nerves and warm them both up, which was something that was arguably needed after their escape. 
                  Questions began to whirl around her mind as she prepared two mugs for the hot beverages. At the forefront was the most obvious: namely, how long her companion would be staying. If it was for a significant amount of time, they would have to discuss sleeping arrangements.  She also had to consider how they would retrieve the information from the Black Box that he had been so adamant in salvaging. 
                  And then there was keeping the desire at bay to kiss him, which had only grown stronger in the past few minutes. 
                  She sighed quietly as she measured out the right amount of sugar for the mint tea she had chosen. 
                  “Need any help?” the resonant timbre of Ari’s voice broke her out of her reverie, and she twisted around to tell him that it wasn’t necessary, only for coherent speech to disappear completely when she got a good look. 
                  The dark blue jeans fit him impeccably as she had suspected, but that wasn’t exactly what had captured her attention. 
                  She had left him with a couple choices of tee shirts, but he had forgone them entirely, revealing a beautifully muscled torso instead.
                  Her crush was standing bare-chested in her kitchen. She couldn’t think or speak or even move because of this. 
                  She was also fairly certain that he was aware of her distress because the corners of his incredibly soft-looking mouth twitched upwards, as if holding back a laugh, before he took a step towards her. “You didn’t answer my question.”
                  Well, yeah because you’re currently half-naked and very, very sexy, and I swear you’re doing it on purpose. She desperately tried to form actual words but failed. 
                  He continued to move forward, until he was practically on top of her, and it would only take a slight movement to be touching him. 
                  “Ari…I,” she licked over suddenly dry lips, still unable to find her voice due to his proximity and just how attractive he happened to look. His dark brown hair was ruffled, errant strands crossing partially over his forehead. Thanks to the bright overhead light in her kitchen: she could discern hints of silver at his temples. It was also easy to tell that the cobalt shade of his irises was becoming rapidly invisible due to his pupils dilating, which was a sign of his desire for her. Droplets of water still visible on his skin caused the hair that dusted his chest to be plastered directly to it, which only added to the sensual picture that he painted. 
                  He was impossible handsome while fully clothed. Now he was being borderline unfair.
                  She was conscious of the kettle beginning to whistle, but she couldn’t quite tear herself away. 
                  He took care of the issue for her by reaching around and turning the dial to the stove to off. “I wouldn’t want you burning this place down.”
                  “Right. That would be embarrassing,” she mumbled, finally daring to touch him by placing her palms on his chest. “Did you even want tea?”
                  His hands settled on the small of her back, and with a swift tug, he had drawn her flush against him. “Maybe in the morning.”
                  Nikita tipped her head back, so she could peer up at him. Being so close meant she could distinguish the flecks of green in the otherwise clear blue depths that stared back at her. 
                  Her pulse hummed as Ari bridged what little space was left between them, first grazing his lips along hers tentatively to test the waters before he took the chance and initiated a proper kiss. 
                  Pleasant warmth eased up her spine. He gathered her close, his hands sliding up under the hem of her shirt to caress at bare skin while the embrace turned increasingly feverish. 
                  A jolt of arousal shot straight to her center when he nipped at her mouth, outlining the shape of her lips imploringly till she granted him entry. 
                  With minimal effort, he lifted her up to rest on the nearby counter, and she felt him grin when she yanked him in further and circled her legs around his waist. 
                  If she was being logical, she would have stopped him when he peeled her shirt up over her head. She definitely would have paused after her leggings followed suit but then the jeans he’d borrowed were cast aside too. 
                  Rational thought flew out the window entirely once he hoisted her into his arms and carried her to the bed located in the furthest corner of the room. 
                  Completely naked, they fell back against the covers, unable to stop kissing or touching for more than a few seconds. 
                  She rapidly decided to tell her reason to shut up, and focused instead on giving in. 
                  Morning announced its arrival with pale light, which washed over the couple still dozing in Nikita’s bed. 
                  The rogue agent was the first to wake, a content smile crossing her lovely features when she noticed how deeply Ari was slumbering. 
                  He had earned his rest after proving an attentive, extremely giving lover the night before, and she was happy to let him, as it allowed her plenty to admire.
                  She followed the steady rise and fall of his chest as he slept, her gaze trailing lazily along the jut of his hip. The sheets were pooled around his waist, exposing plenty of his pale skin, and one arm was curled beneath his pillow, while the other was slung over her protectively under the covers. 
                  Should be downright criminal…looking that good first thing, she stretched, reaching out to push his bed-mussed hair away from his forehead. 
                  He stirred at her touch, his eyes fluttering open slowly. 
                  Her heart began to beat rapidly when she was swept into that familiar sea of blue, a loving smile crossing his lips before he greeted her with a tender kiss. 
                  She sighed against his mouth and pulled him forward, her hands coasting deliberately down a sculpted abdomen while he turned and trapped her between his body and the mattress. 
                  As far as she was concerned: every day should start with exquisitely crafted lovemaking, and it was clear that he was happy to provide. 
                  He tugged away from their embrace to nuzzle her nose with his. “Hi.”
                  “What’s this? The normally eloquent Ari Tasarov reduced to simple words?” She teased, her eyes glittering playfully. 
                  He chuckled. “It’s early and I’m preoccupied.”
                  “Clearly,” she arced her hips, starting them off on a slow, rocking motion that he matched in pace, his fingers entwining with hers as they became consumed with one another. 
                  The best part, arguably, was that they were equals in every sense of the word. Being able to sense what the other wanted only spurred their movements further, instantly leading to an almost blinding heat.
                  Bliss was quickly achieved, the pair collapsing back into the nest of blankets after they reached their pinnacle in unison. 
                  Nikita carded her hands through Ari’s hair while they recovered, still tangled hopelessly and in no hurry to move. 
                  He was easily distracted with tracing over the phoenix tattoo located on her hip. “Is there a meaning behind this?”
                  She glanced at it before replying. “I got it not long after I was recruited by Division. It made sense back then, a symbol of resurrection.”
                  “Still makes sense now, actually,” he shifted in order to lay on his side, face-to-face with her, and resumed stroking at the design. “It’s also a symbol of strength, and if there’s anyone that I know that’s brave enough to take down not one but two organizations hell-bent on covering up their actions: it’s you.”
                  “Is it bravery?” she curled up against him, listening to the beat of his heart and letting it soothe her. “Or am I not able to let go and move on?”
                  “I suppose that depends on how you look at it, but I prefer to think of it as bravery. I mean, you got me to change allegiances, didn’t you?”
                  “Yes, but,” she dropped a kiss to the center of his chest. “Are we enough? It’s just you and me and Alex right now. Maybe Owen if he can kick the Guardian programming.”
                  His mouth brushed along her forehead sweetly. “Sounds like you’d feel better if you got more recruits.”
                  “Maybe,” she sighed. “I don’t really want to think about it right this second. We should just take a day. Relax. Especially after all that happened last night.”
                  “Whatever you want is fine by me, love.”
                  “Right now, it’s you. Just you,” she looked up at him with a gracious smile. “Is that okay?”
                  And given that he showed how much he approved of her idea with a passion-filled kiss, she knew he meant it. 
The End
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mrsreginagold · 1 month
Fic: My Appetite You Feed
Fandom: Nikita 
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: R
Spoilers: Canon Divergent AU, set after “The Life We’ve Chosen.” A companion piece to Stay Here In Your Arms Forever.
Summary: Nikita and Ari have been experiencing intense dreams about each other. It’s time to figure out what to do about it. 
Author's Note: Ordinarily I keep all my one shots separate, but this is a direct sequel to a previous work. However: it's not required to read the first story. Like all my Nikari pieces, this can be viewed as a stand-alone. Once again my romantic tendencies got the better of me, but I somehow doubt that the muses minded.
On AO3
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My Appetite You Feed
                  She woke with the sharp cry of his name, clutching the bedsheets tightly enough to rip them. 
                  Nikita Mears panted harshly, her entire body tingling with want thanks to the dream she had just experienced.
                  She wished she knew exactly what was causing them, as they had begun not long after her return from the successful mission in South Ossetia. Returning with an alive, grateful Ari Tasarov had resulted in him fully defecting and becoming a member of Division.
  He had also become her partner both professionally and romantically and was the main subject of the intensely erotic imaginings that plagued her. 
                  With an exasperated sigh, the pretty, dark-haired agent flung back the covers and then rapidly removed her sleepwear. After a few steadying breaths, she trailed one hand down along her overly sensitized skin. With some precise touches – she could relieve the tension that had built up. 
                  It never took long. All that was required was to focus on picturing his elegant, handsome features and lean, nicely toned body. She had gotten a decent view of how he looked without his shirt thanks to his determination to take care of a bullet wound that she’d received, as he had removed the garment in order to make bandages. 
                  It was simple enough to create a clear image in her mind, her current dilemma abating with each deliberate ministration. 
                  In her imagination, Ari loomed close, those stunning blue eyes boring into her own while she thought of his hands brushing along her exposed form. It was the finer details that she latched onto – that playful sparkle in the cobalt-colored depths, the way his resonant baritone sounded when he murmured her name, and the dimple that flashed when his soft lips curved into a knowing smile. 
                  She recalled just how good that mouth felt when it was preoccupied with hers. How she wished he would explore the rest of her with such skill. 
                  Not long after she found a much-needed release, the guilt began to swim. 
                  Things were in a really great place with her love, and the last thing they needed as a new couple was this odd complication. 
                  After all: wasn’t it more common to fantasize about the object of one’s affection before they became an item?
                  Initially, she had suspected that the bullet itself had been laced with some kind of toxin. She certainly would not have been surprised if Amanda Collins had done such a thing, however: all the tests on it and her blood had come back entirely normal. 
                  With little in the way of answers, it left her at a loss. The last thing she wanted was to derail her relationship – but she also suspected that while Ari wouldn’t mind if she just jumped him in a Division corridor, he would wonder what the reason was. 
                  She needed to have a talk with her lover. 
                  Another sigh — this one beleaguered – emerged from the lovely former assassin when she rolled out of the confines of her bed and made her way to the bathroom. 
                  After a shower to both clean up and relax, Nikita emerged from the steam and wrapped herself in a fluffy, white towel. 
                  The irony of such a virginal color after what she had engaged in that morning was not lost on her and she shook her head before wandering into the walk-in closet to pick out something to wear. 
                  She pulled on some black lace lingerie first, and then settled on a sweater dress in a shade of cerulean that she knew complimented Ari’s eyes, which she paired with dark grey leggings. 
                  She tied her hair back in a low ponytail, and then applied her makeup, opting for neutral shades for her eyes and a soft pink for her lips. 
                  Satisfied with her appearance, she tugged on her favorite black boots and an overcoat to battle the winter air, and then finally exited her apartment, purse shouldered securely. 
                  As she made her way up the hall, the door to another apartment only a couple of doors down opened. 
                  Ari Tasarov, impeccable in a finely tailored suit, fell into step beside her. “Good morning.”
                  His alluring voice washed over her, immediately causing warmth to pool at her core.
                  She swallowed and did her best to remain steady on her feet. “Morning. Sleep well?”
                  “Quite.” The smile that crossed his lips was mildly secretive, which made her curiosity pique, but she didn’t question him further.
                  They continued towards the elevators at the end of the hallway, chatting quietly. 
                  It was once they were safely inside and descending to the lobby that the mood finally shifted.
                  Without warning, Nikita found herself trapped between the guard rail and her lover’s taller form, his lips seeking hers in a passion-filled kiss to properly greet her. 
                  She melted in Ari’s embrace, curling her arms around his neck and returning the affection as eagerly as he gave it. 
                  One hand swept over the small of her back, tugging her further into him as they nipped and teased at one another. 
                  She parted for air first, certain her features were flushed and that she’d have to redo her lip color before they went into the office. “What was that for?”
                  “For visiting my dreams last night,” he caressed lightly over the curve of her jaw. 
                  She lifted a finely groomed eyebrow. Was it possible that he was experiencing the same strange phenomenon? 
                  “And what was I doing, exactly?”
                  He chuckled, daring a brief nuzzle. “Nothing unpleasant, my love. You just happened to be there.”
                  “Well now I need to know,” she drew him close into the circle of her arms.
                  He grinned then, which was outright criminal. 
                  She was about to prod him further when the doors to the elevator opened. 
                  She narrowed her eyes. “We’re continuing this conversation later.”
                  “Of course,” he drew her hand up to his lips and pressed a feathery kiss to her knuckles, and then escorted her out into the day. 
Unfortunately, various meetings kept Nikita busy well into the afternoon. 
                  When she was finally able to take a break for lunch, she immediately headed for what served as Division’s library, where Ari often spent his free time researching. 
                  The operative hurried along the corridor, utterly consumed with the urge to see the man that she loved. She was so unaware of her surroundings that it nearly caused her to collide with her good friend, Alexandra Udinov.
                  “Whoa, Nikita, where’s the fire?” her former protégé joked, catching her arm with one hand to keep her from stumbling.
                  “Sorry, Alex, I wasn’t really watching where I was going. You haven’t happened to see if Ari’s around?”
                  “I believe he’s finishing up a meeting with Ryan.”
                  “Oh. I guess I’ll go wait.”
                  The dejected look that crossed Nikita’s face caused Alex to tilt her head curiously. “Is everything all right?”
                  “Everything’s fine, I just, you know, need to talk to him.”
                  Her friend folded her arms over her chest, arching her eyebrows skeptically. “Job stuff or relationship stuff?”
                  Nikita shuffled from one foot to the other, her features coloring considerably, which gave her companion the answer. 
                  “Nik, I might be crossing a boundary here but, I have to ask. Is everything okay with the two of you?”
                  “Of course everything’s okay. Why wouldn’t it be okay?  It’s not like I’m having sexual dreams about him every night that result in bringing myself to orgasm on my own in the morning instead of going to him instead, I mean that would be ridiculous.” She clamped one hand over her mouth, her face aflame. The words had just come tumbling out before she could stop them. 
                  “That’s both graphic and oddly specific,” Alex bit back a chuckle. “So, dreams?”
                  “Intense, erotic dreams that I don’t want to wake up from,” now that the truth was revealed, Nikita slumped against the nearest surface, which happened to be a wall. 
                  “You should tell him. He’ll be flattered and will probably want to cater to your every whim.”
                  “That’s just it, Alex! I love Ari so much, and I don’t want to wreck the good thing we have going. We’ve been taking it slow, waiting for the right moment to take things to the next level.  The last thing I need is him thinking that I’m some kind of sex maniac because I’m not. But every time I close my eyes, all I see and feel and want is him. And what if…” she trailed off, her expression downcast. “What if after we finally consummate, he’s no longer interested?”
                  “Again, you should be telling him this, but one thing has been painfully clear since the two of you got together. Ari adores you. If all he wanted was something physical, it would have happened already.”
                  “You think so?”
                  “I don’t think. I know. Nikita: every time I see you lately, you’re glowing, and it’s because of that man. No one, not even Michael, has gotten this kind of reaction from you. And what’s more, I’m sure Ari’s aware of this too.”
                  “So you’re basically saying I should talk to my boyfriend and then drag him to bed to get all this sorted?”
                  Alex snorted in laughter. “Yes to the first part, but I think that second bit is your own frustration at work.”
                  “Fair point,” Nikita took a gulp of air and then straightened her posture. “Well then; wish me luck.”
                  “Good luck.” Her fellow agent patted her on the arm and then headed down the hall in the opposite direction. 
                  Nikita inhaled once more, this time to steel herself, and took the path that led to her boss’s office. 
                  The object of her affection stepped out into the hallway just as she arrived, which saved her the trouble of having to wait for him.
                  Her heart flipped happily upon seeing him. “Hey. I was looking for you. Alex said you were in a meeting?”
                  “I was just on my way to you, actually. There’s been some news,” Ari linked their arms together and began to escort her down the corridor. 
                  “Good news or bad?”
                  “A mix of both,” he admitted, which explained the partially solemn expression on his attractive features. “Mr. Fletcher is sending me out on a solo assignment. The fact that he’s doing so means that I’ve earned some trust around here, that’s the good part.”
                  “And the bad?” she pressed gently. She knew how hard her partner had been working to become a reliable member of the team, and she was glad for him in that respect.
                  “The bad is that I’ll be leaving next Monday, and I don’t fully know how long I’ll be away,” he confessed, turning so that they were facing each other. “I know it’s not the greatest timing, but I asked for a long weekend for the two of us. I figured there’s some things we need to discuss.”
                  She adjusted his tie. “You figured correctly. How long of a weekend are we talking about?”
                  “We can head out now, actually.” He curled his arms around her waist and touched their foreheads together.
                  “It’s Tuesday afternoon.”
                  “Yes. Almost six whole days where it’ll be just the two of us.” He promised, ducking his head to press a light kiss to her lips. 
                  “Mmm. I can think of plenty of things to keep us occupied. And to be fair: we do deserve a break, don’t you think? It’s been hectic since we returned, and we’ve never really had a chance to…connect properly. There’s something important I need to talk to you about as it is.”
                  “I have something important to tell you too,” he reached around her to twist the knob of the door that was directly behind them and then backed her inside. 
                  “Ari this is a supply closet.”
                  “Well aware,” she could detect a hint of gravel in the already low register of his tone, which sent a pleasant shiver coursing up her spine. “But I couldn’t wait any longer to do this.”
                  Ordinarily, he was careful when he kissed her, preferring to hold her against him as if she was something delicate that could shatter in his grasp. 
                  This time, however, it was as if something primal had been unleashed. 
                  Nikita gasped against Ari’s mouth when he lifted her effortlessly to shove her between the nearest surface and his solid body. 
                  Something dug into her shoulder, but she paid it little mind, circling her legs around his waist to anchor them together and give in to the wild embrace that escalated. 
                  With one arm draped securely over his neck, she daringly moved her free hand slowly down his chest while he bit insistently at her lips, pausing right over his heart to gauge just how rapidly it was beating. 
                  She was certain her own was a hurried staccato that matched and dug her fingers into the soft fabric of his shirt, her head tilting back when his mouth strayed to traverse along her neck. 
                  Molten heat gathered right below her stomach as his tongue darted out and laved at the hollow of her throat, a strangled cry emerging when he veered to the left and sunk his teeth into her shoulder hard enough to leave a mark. 
                  “Did you just –
                  He didn’t let her finish the sentence, his mouth seeking and practically devouring hers this time. 
                  The embrace continued to grow in passion while they pressed close together, causing absolutely delicious friction in spite of being fully clothed. 
                  She could tell how affected he was by her, which made her grateful for the privacy because she was seconds away from bypassing layers and having her way with him right there. 
                  He seemed to sense this, and abruptly pinned both of her hands over her head, tugging away reluctantly from the kiss. “Don’t get upset, but we’re going to have to wait a little longer. I know I instigated it, but I want to take my time somewhere more comfortable.”
                  “Why did you think I’d be upset?” she stared up at him, breathing heavily.
                  Ari eyed her seriously and let go of her hands. “Why wouldn’t you be when we got so worked up?”
                  “That’s true, but in this instance I happen to agree with you,” she traced a pattern over the slope of his shoulder. “And this isn’t exactly the most romantic spot in the world.”
                  He chuckled. “It isn’t. But I simply couldn’t wait to kiss you. In fact: I’ve been craving it since this morning.”
                  “You too?” she joked, nuzzling against him. 
                  “Can you blame me? It was a great kiss in that elevator.” He laughed earnestly and nuzzled back, content to hold her as they both caught their breath properly. 
                  “So was the one we just had,” she murmured, touching her lips to the freckle on his nose. She wanted to spend hours exploring him and revel in the simple intimacy that quiet moments alone gave the two of them. 
                  He sighed, his eyes fluttering shut, and allowed her to express her devotion for a few seconds more. “We should get going. I don’t want any of our free time wasted.”
                  “Then take me home,” she whispered, daring a nibble at his earlobe. 
He caught her mouth in a relatively chaste kiss so that they could finally make their exit mere moments after. 
                  As Nikita didn’t specify what she had meant by “home,” it was a toss of a coin to decide which apartment they would begin their mini vacation at.
                  Ari won, so the couple headed to his place, and she was quick to notice that he was in very bright spirits. “Why do I get the feeling that you have something planned?”
                  “Whatever gave you that idea?” He smirked, startling her further when he scooped her up so he could bridal carry her. 
                  Though she yelped in surprise, she didn’t hesitate to hook her arms around his neck. “You didn’t answer the question.”
                  “I don’t have to. See for yourself,” he gave the front door a kick once it was unlocked and carted her inside. 
                  She stared, entirely in awe of the scene in front of her. 
                  Somehow, he had created the perfect romantic space for the two of them. 
                  Plentiful rose petals in shades of crimson, pale pink, and white formed a path towards the bedroom. Sheer curtains covered the large windows, allowing the natural light that poured in to generate a warm glow. The couch that took up a corner now had several comfortable-looking throw pillows of various sizes, and a huge plush blanket was draped over the back. 
                  There was a vase containing more roses set upon the coffee table across from the television, and an open record player, already prepped with a vinyl. 
                  “Ari…when did you have time to do this?”
                  “I’ve been working on it here and there,” he admitted, setting her on her feet and then removing her overcoat. He took that and her purse to hang up while she removed her boots. 
                  Cautiously, Nikita stepped forward, not wanting to disrupt all his handiwork. She bypassed the rose petal trail and instead tip-toed to inspect what record they would be listening to. 
                  Soft footfalls alerted her to Ari’s presence right before his arms passed around her waist. He pulled her back against his chest and nuzzled at her shoulder. “Does it meet your expectations?”
                  “It exceeds them,” she sighed quietly and turned her head so they could share a sweet kiss, her hand sliding up his neck to toy with his hair. In the time since he had joined Division he had begun to grow it out, and she enjoyed messing with the longer strands at the base of his nape. 
                  Like clockwork, when her fingers brushed over the sensitive skin there, a low moan emerged from her beloved. Ever since the removal of his kill chip, that area was especially reactive, and she grinned when he automatically dragged her closer. 
                  They continued their embrace for a few more moments, until Nikita twisted around so that she was facing Ari, and he could draw her flush against him, the pair teasing at each other’s mouths until they had to part for air. 
                  “You’re making it quite difficult to have a discussion,” he muttered. 
                  “Sorry,” she grinned, not remotely meaning it. “Am I a distraction?”
                  “You know exactly what you are doing, Nikita,” he punctuated the syllables of her name lightheartedly, dropping a kiss to her forehead before moving away briefly so he could start up the record. 
                  A romantic ballad began, and he offered her a bow. “Will you join me in a dance, my love?”
                  “You know you never have to ask,” she gladly accepted his hand when he held it out. 
                  They swayed with the music. While she had been trained in the basics of dance, he was more accomplished and naturally graceful. Yet – he never once had made her feel inferior about it. As a result, she loved it when he would twirl her around, whether it was at a fancy gathering or merely through her kitchen. 
                  With a content sound, she rested her head on his chest while they created a winding path through the rose petals on the floor. “What was it you wanted to talk about?”
                  “My dreams, actually. Specifically: the ones I’ve been having about you.”
                  Her eyes flew open, color blossoming on her cheeks. “In the interest of transparency, I need to tell you that I’ve also been dreaming about you. Constantly.”
                  He cupped her chin and tipped it up, so they were gazing into each other’s eyes. “I have a feeling these dreams may be connected.”
                  “I’m not sure about that, unless yours have been as sexual as mine.” She mumbled.
                  “Darling, I’m pretty sure we’re projecting.”
                  “What do you mean?”
                  He sighed, his shoulders dropping. “When you traded me for Alex, Amanda had me rendered unconscious for a short time. After we came back to Division and I had that kill chip removed, I had them draw my blood to check for anything that she might have had me injected with.”
                  “I had my blood checked too, because of that bullet. It all came back clean.”
                  “As did mine, but there was an elevation in pheromones. I wasn’t even aware she’d been experimenting with them.”
                  “I wouldn’t put anything past that woman, but that doesn’t explain why either of us would start having those kind of dreams.”
                  “I’m fairly sure that it’s my fault.”
                  “What? Why?”
                  “Because I couldn’t resist kissing you that night in the truck. Once I had a taste it was like I wanted to drown in you,” The guilt on his attractive face made her heart drop. “Nikita, I’m so sorry. I never wanted to rush you –”
                  She shushed him by placing her hand over his mouth. “Ari, what makes you think you have anything to be sorry for? You didn’t know what she had done, and you sure as hell had no idea what it would result in.”
                  He twined their fingers together, his eyes flashing defiantly. “If there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s my feelings for you. Nothing about that was a result of what she did to me, and they began long before things changed between us, but it’s also why I’ve delayed us being intimate. I keep on worrying that once we give in…”
                  “That we’ll grow tired of each other?” she finished.
                  He nodded. 
                  “It’s crossed my mind too,” she squeezed at his hands reassuringly. “But Alex reminded me of something today.”
                  His brow furrowed in confusion. “You talked to Alex about this?”
                  “More like blurted it out. It wasn’t on purpose,” she shook her head. “Anyway – it reminded me that we needed to face this together, and keeping the dreams a secret wasn’t going to accomplish a thing. So: maybe we just jump in, see where this leads, and stop overthinking.”
                  “Is that what you want? Truly?” 
                  She grasped at his sleeves and yanked him towards her, so they could nuzzle each other. “Yes. Make love to me.”
                  No further coaxing was needed. He gathered her against him, captured her mouth in a fervent kiss, and then steered her towards his bedroom. 
                  Her dress and leggings formed a quick pile on the floor, followed by his suit coat, button-down shirt, and slacks. 
                  She pulled away to catch her breath and toy with the hem to thin tee he still had on, prompting him to raise his arms so she could peel it over his head. 
                  She raked her gaze slowly across his exposed torso, appreciating the lean, yet perfectly sculpted tone now bared to her. 
                  It certainly didn’t hurt matters that his broad chest was rising and falling steadily with each breath that he took, painting a sensual picture that she tucked away in the back of her mind. 
                  She took a step forward, dragging her nails tantalizingly through the hair that dusted his skin, before drifting her hand down to trace around the waistline to his boxers.
                  Their gazes met, her eyes begging permission that he willingly gave and within seconds she had him completely naked. 
                  Before she could even the odds, however, he stopped her. “Wait.”
She merely received a mysterious smile. 
                  Without another word, Ari dipped his head and kissed her chest through the lace still covering her, her heart racing when his attentions turned zealous. 
                  Nikita hissed sharply, her body arcing directly into his touch as searing warmth flooded her core.
                  Reaching back, she blindly unhooked her bra and hastily freed herself so she could guide him back to her uncovered breasts. 
                  He took his time, devoting attention first to one, then the other, with what became almost agonizing pleasure. 
                  Another provocative bite was bestowed which caused her knees to buckle, though he caught her immediately after.
                  She was fully nude before they crashed back on the bed and his hungry kisses moved down along her body, only increasing the liquid heat that had rushed to her center.
                  He peered up at her, his eyes glinting dangerously with a promise of what was about to occur. 
                  “I swear Ari if you don’t –
                  Her head fell back when her words were cut off and a strangled gasp emerged instead. She was entirely at his mercy while he worked utter magic with his hands and tongue. 
                  The dreams had nothing on the real thing. She became lost to sensation, her vision swimming while he continued in his task, his name falling from her lips as a repeated mantra. 
                  She had never imagined that he would be quite so attentive, and if his goal was to ruin her for all others – he had accomplished that in spades. 
                  Only after she had reached completion twice over did he let up. She fell back against the nest of blankets, breathing heavily and flinging her arms up over her head. 
She watched him as he crawled back over her, a content smile crossing her lips when he started pressing firefly kisses all over her skin. He paused in his trek to devote particular attention to the bite mark he’d made earlier that day, and then settled comfortably against her. 
                  Silently, she traced a pattern over his shoulder, grateful for a chance to regain some of her composure and bask in the familiarity of them simply lying together. 
                  His mouth grazed lightly along hers before he stole her breath yet again. 
Nikita draped her arms around Ari’s neck and returned the embrace, sliding one long leg against his and hooking it over his waist. With a deft movement, she turned the tides so she could be the one on top. 
There was a low, rumbling chuckle from her bed mate. “Eager, are we?”
                  “Hey, you started this,” she reminded him, taking a moment to admire what lay before her properly. 
                  And what a work of art he was, all elegant lines and chiseled tone in just the right places. 
                  The truth was: she had never wanted another as much as she did currently. Letting him know this was her next course of action. 
Determined, she leaned in to kiss him lovingly before setting to task. 
                  She bit suggestively at his earlobe, tracking nonsensical patterns wherever she could reach, which elicited a low, almost inhuman growl from the man in her grasp when she lingered at his abdomen.
                  She smirked, satisfied at the reaction, and resumed the journey with her mouth, drifting along his clavicle before coasting lower. 
                   His hands threaded into her hair to keep her steady while she explored, uttering partially coherent phrases in his native tongue the more avid her attentions grew.
                  Nikita grinned, enjoying the rush of power.
Ari gripped tightly at the pillow, his head tipping back to expose the elegant column of his throat and his pulse turning erratic the further she wore on – until he eventually let go entirely. 
It was understandable that he needed a short break to recover, and she didn’t mind in the slightest as it resulted in them cuddling together under the sheets. 
Nikita curled as close as possible, drawing a heart right over Ari’s before stroking absentmindedly at his skin. 
She felt her lover shift, the motion languid and belying his exhaustion, his lips ghosting over her temple right before he murmured: “Just a few more minutes, I promise.”
                  “Take your time,” she insisted, kissing his throat, and going back to trailing patterns through his chest hair. 
                  One hand moved up to clasp around hers, halting the motion. “I will, but only if you stop that.”
                  She blinked as a realization hit. Of all the possibilities she had entertained about him, being ticklish had not been on the list. 
                  His expression turned alarmed when he saw a very mischievous smirk cross her face. “Oh no. Nikita–
                  She pounced, not allowing him a chance to protest further, attacking right under his ribs. 
                  The rich, warm laughter that emerged was worth making him squirm, and she rewarded him not long after with an affectionate embrace to make up for it. 
                  “I hope you realize that there’s going to be payback for that later,” he turned, trapping her under him and surging forward for another kiss, which she happily gave. 
                  “I expect no less,” she caressed along his shoulder blades and hooked one leg over his, sufficiently tangling the blankets around them further in the process. 
                  Truthfully, she didn’t think it was possible for him to look more alluring than at that moment – with his hair tousled to perfection and the vast sea of his gaze glittering with tender emotions that were directly solely at her.
                  It certainly didn’t hurt that he was naked and in her arms either, but that was beside the point. What mattered was the fact that, for all intent and purpose: this gorgeous man was hers and hers alone.
                  It was clear that the feeling was very much mutual when his mouth became preoccupied with hers and limbs entwined naturally. Finally – their time had arrived. 
                  Still, she could feel him hesitate, and it caused her to part with him long enough to ask if all was well. 
                  “Everything’s fine. It’s just that after this, there’s no going back.” He sighed, rubbing at her arms soothingly in reassurance, though whether that was more for him or for her was the question. 
                  “If it helps, I’m a little scared too,” she admitted. “I mean, I’ve dreamt of this exact moment for a while now.”
                  He rested his forehead against hers. “I only hope I can meet whatever expectations you’ve set.”
                  “I think you’ve done a pretty great job so far,” she knew she needed to give him that extra push, so she rotated her hips invitingly. 
                  The effect was instantaneous, those stunning eyes meeting her own in silent question, which was answered by him joining them moments later. 
                  She gasped, her grip on his back tightening a fraction. It felt so right to be one with him, their bodies molding together as though they’d been made for such a thing. 
                  He started them off with an even pace, allowing her time to adjust to the sensation of being connected. 
                  Touched by his consideration, she reached up to sweep loose strands of hair away from his eyes, murmuring encouragement so he would go faster. 
                  Their lovemaking transformed into an intricate dance – Nikita meeting Ari’s precise movements with her own, the pair meeting repeatedly in feverish kisses that mirrored the tangle of their bodies. 
                  She cried out when he shifted and changed his angle, their motions losing grace and giving way to raw, unadulterated passion. Her nails dug into his skin hard enough to leave marks, and the next thing either one of them knew: they reached their pinnacle in unison. After that, all that was left was to fall. 
                  “What I really want to know is: what the hell was Amanda trying to do?��� Nikita muttered, thoroughly wiped out, hours later after she and Ari had engaged in multiple rounds. “Clearly if she was attempting to pull us apart, she failed spectacularly.”
                  “I don’t think she anticipated that my feelings for you would be reciprocated,” he trailed one hand gradually across her hip, content for the moment to just lie there and exist. 
                  She peered up at him from where her head was pillowed comfortably on his chest. “It still doesn’t explain it.”
                  “What? Like you don’t want answers?”
                  “Of course I do, but not right this second,” he chuckled, continuing to stroke lazily at her skin. “Besides, that’s part of why I’m going on this mission. To find answers about what kind of experiments she was doing.”
                  She exhaled quietly and let her fingers dance along his torso. “I should be going with you. What if you run into her? You really think she wouldn’t take the chance to finish the job and kill you properly?”
                  The despair in her tone was enough for him to twist and pin her beneath him, his mouth coaxing at hers and his hands creating paths that she hoped he would discover with his lips later. “You’d just distract me from getting any work done, and you know it. That’s why we’re taking this weekend – to get all of this out of our systems. But if it stops you worrying, I’m not planning on going alone. Mr. Elliot is accompanying me.”
                  “Owen is? When did the two of you stop wanting to kill each other?”
                  “Turns out that we share a fondness for the same woman.”
                  He simply smiled and kissed her lovingly. “In the meantime, I think we could do with some food.”
                  “Ari Tasarov, if you dare leave this bed –
                  “I’ll order take-out.”
                  “…that’s fine.” 
The End
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mrsreginagold · 5 months
Fic: A Funny Thing That I Cannot Explain
Fandom: Nikita
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: R
Spoilers: Canon-divergent AU, would take place sometime during the second season. 
Summary: Nikita discovers that the more time she spends in Ari’s company, the more she wishes for it to never end. 
Author's note: I love them your honor.
On AO3
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A Funny Thing That I Cannot Explain
                  Nikita Mears winced when far too bright illumination hit her directly in the face and an evening of incredibly bad choices decided to remind her of its existence.
                  Her head was pounding, and she felt sore all over. Groaning, she clung tightly to the pillow in her arms while burying her head further into the plush fabric. “Kill me.”
                  “Where would the fun be in that?”
                  She shot up abruptly at the sound of a familiar, deep, and incredibly alluring male voice. 
                  Ari Tasarov merely peered over the rims of his reading glasses and lowered the book he was holding a fraction. 
                  Unable to help it, Nikita gaped at the image he made beside her. His dark hair was tousled attractively, and his exquisitely defined torso was on full display since he was shirtless with the bedsheets pooled around his waist. 
                  Her heart thundered as she glanced down, relieved to see that she was covered, but frowning when she realized that it was by one of his dress shirts. 
                  She inhaled shakily before asking, her voice unsteady. “What happened last night?”
                  There was a rustle of fabric and then a feather-light brush of fingers against her arm. “You don’t remember?”
                  She glanced over at him, pulse jumping when she saw him stretching languidly before resting on his side. He propped up on one elbow, so they were face-to face, and brought his hand up for a gentle caress along her cheek, which caused her breath to catch.
                  “The room probably needs to stop spinning before I can,” she admitted with a hard swallow, resisting the urge to reach out and trail her nails through the hair that dusted the broad expanse of his chest.
                  His lips curved into a slightly wicked smile, as if he knew exactly what direction her thoughts had headed. “I suppose I’ll just have to remind you myself.”
                  His proximity and her addled mind made it very difficult to focus.  Ari’s eyes were a stunning mix of blue and gray, framed by eyelashes that could make other women jealous. They were arguably his best feature, though the rest of him was just as appealing. 
                  Not helping matters was the fact that he was observing her so intently, and it was taking every ounce of her self-control to not pounce. 
                  She was seconds away from having a full-blown crisis, tempted to pull him to her and claim that soft-looking mouth in a kiss, but reason demanded that she know the extent of their current intimacy. “Ari, just answer me one question honestly.”
                  “What’s that?”
                  Nikita took a sharp breath. “Did we have sex or not?”
                  “Call me old-fashioned, but it’s definitely not standard practice to make love to someone who is unconscious.”
                  Relief was the primary response she felt to his answer, though it was tinged with some disappointment as well. “I was unconscious?” 
                  “To be fair, you had consumed quite a large portion of alcohol. I didn’t realize cocktails were so dangerous.”
                  With an embarrassed sound, she flopped with minimal grace onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. “I don’t know why you put up with me. I swear you have the patience of a saint…though. Wait a minute,” she furrowed her brow and looked at him. “If nothing happened, why are you naked?”
                  He flipped the bedsheets back to reveal he was wearing pajama pants. “Not completely.”
                  “You didn’t answer the question.”
                  Ari shrugged and got out of bed – running his hands through his hair and smoothing it away from his face. “Maybe I wanted to see how you’d react. Or maybe it was because someone barged into my bedroom, took off most of her clothes, and I needed to cover her up.”
                  “The second part sounds more likely, and more humiliating,” she threw one arm over her eyes, her pretty features flushing considerably. “Could I ask you one more thing?”
                  “Of course,” she heard him rummaging around. 
                  “Help me to the bathroom? I want to freshen up but I’m worried that I’ll get sick if I move too quickly.”
                  He turned back around from where he had been messing with the room’s coffee maker, his expression softening at noticing her distressed one. “Sure.”
                  Ari’s method of helping, apparently, was to bridal carry her into the washroom. 
                  Nikita was torn between mortification and appreciation for this gesture. She found herself leaning towards the latter when he went to get her some fresh clothes. 
                  She took advantage of the privacy while he was out to brush her teeth and then started the shower. 
                  A brief respite in the warm water combined with some medicine for the hang-over was just what was needed to clear her head, and by the time she emerged, she saw that he had placed a new outfit for her on the counter. 
                  She was touched that he had respected her space despite the fact that she wouldn’t have minded if he had joined her. Quickly, she dressed and then wandered back out into the hotel room. 
                  Her companion had also changed and was now fully clothed in a simple white button-down, tucked into dark blue jeans. Both seemed to cling to his build in all the right ways, making color rush to her cheeks as she recalled just what lay beneath the fabric covering his chest. 
                  He was preoccupied with examining the contents of a room-service spread that was laid out on a roll out table, and if he had any inclination of how keenly she was checking him out, he didn’t show it. 
                  She cleared her throat to announce herself. “What’s all this?”
                  He looked over in her direction with a smirk. “I believe it’s referred to as breakfast.”
                  Nikita rolled her eyes. “I know that, but why go to the trouble?”
                  “Because, we don’t have to be back at our respective headquarters for another couple of days and I want to spend this one with you.”
                  Her heart flipped at the warm, inviting and completely sincere expression that lit up his handsome face. “Really?”
Ari bridged the distance between them and tucked a lock of hair back over her ear. “Really. We’re in Paris, Nikita. We should take advantage of it.”
                  The idea of exploring the most romantic city in the world with him had an appeal she couldn’t resist.
                  “One stipulation,” she inched closer.
                  “What’s that?”
                  “Just for today: we aren’t agents for rival organizations working together in secret. We’re normal. That’s what I want.”
                  “Very well, we’ll be an entirely normal couple,” he leaned in, nudging her nose with his. “On a completely normal date.”
                  “As long as that date starts with you kissing me because I’m about to lose my mind if you don’t.”
                  He grinned before doing exactly as she requested.
                  The kiss was tentative at first – a testing of the waters, so to speak – but any imaginings that Nikita might have had paled in comparison to the delicate sensation of Ari’s lips against hers. 
                  She relaxed into the embrace immediately and curled her arms around his neck to tug him closer, nipping playfully at his mouth to signal that he could be less careful if he wished. 
                  Skilled fingers weaved into the silk of her hair, the kiss deepening as they allowed months of pent-up emotion to take hold, teasing and tasting each other until they had to part in order to breathe. 
                  They stood there illuminated by the light pouring in through the room’s windows, foreheads touching, and eyes closed, unwilling to separate just yet. 
                  He was the first to break the silence, amusement lacing his tone: “We should eat before the food goes cold.”
                  “I’m half tempted to call the whole thing off and drag you back to bed,” she confessed with a nuzzle.
                  “Fun as that would be, I have plans for you that involve clothes,” he took a step back, though he twined their fingers together so he could lead her to the breakfast table. 
                  “Damn,” she half-joked, beaming when he gallantly pulled out a chair for her. “We’re in a country with nude beaches, so I thought we might have a work-around.”
                  He choked on his drink at her remark, which was a reward in and of itself. “That’s not what I had in mind.” he sputtered.
                  With a giggle, Nikita loaded up her plate with scrambled eggs, some croissants, and fresh fruit. She figured that whatever Ari was plotting, it would require energy. 
                  They fell into pleasant conversation while they ate and enjoyed their coffee, and when it was finally time to depart – they did so arm-in-arm. 
The life of a rogue operative was actually the furthest thing from glamorous, and though Nikita had traveled to many foreign countries, she had never been given the opportunity to explore. 
This was partially what drove her to dive fully into the guise of tourist, much to Ari’s delight. 
Their first stop of the day was to procure sunglasses – though her hangover had abated somewhat, the bright sun still hurt – and brochures to guide them through the famous landmarks. 
They perused shops, visited the Paris Opera House and the famous Notre Dame cathedral, and then had lunch at a quaint café. When the weather began to chill later in the afternoon, they ducked into a store to get jackets before they continued to the Eiffel Tower. 
The couple had an early dinner in the famous restaurant that overlooked the city, and finally took a romantic walk along the banks of the Seine. 
Though her feet hurt a bit from walking so much, and exhaustion was starting to seep in, Nikita was in bright spirits. “Today has been wonderful.”
“I’m glad.” Ari bumped her shoulder with his, pausing at a scenic vantage point on the bridge that they were crossing. “I know things haven’t been easy lately.”
“They haven’t.” She confirmed, referring to the ever-complicated battle to take down the organization that had turned her into a lethal weapon, for better or for worse. “Having you by my side certainly takes the edge off though.”
They stood close together and watched the sun dip into the horizon – appearing to disappear into the famous river. The sky above was awash in hues of red, pink, and orange, and she now understood why the song La Vie en Rose was so beloved. 
A flurry of emotion settled in her heart when she turned to gaze at her companion.       
There was no doubt that the man beside her was handsome, but the evening light cast a soft glow that befit the sharp angles of his face and made him irresistible in her eyes. 
Her heart began to beat rapidly. Instinctively, she reached out to touch him, only to falter when his gaze caught her own.
A quizzical look was directed her way. “What is it?”
“Do you ever wonder if we should just stop? Run away. Adopt new identities. Start a proper life?” The words came pouring out, and she blushed before ducking her head. “I mean…”
“What are you actually trying to say here, Nikita?” elegant fingers curled beneath her chin to tilt it back, so she was looking at him properly. 
Her breath hitched. His expression was utterly tender and full of affection but tempered by concern at her unexpected rambling. 
“I’m trying to say that I’m in love with you,” she declared. “I tried very, very hard not to fall for you because the life we lead is always uncertain, and I’m sorry but, I couldn’t help it.”
He shushed her and placed a palm against her cheek. “Don’t ever apologize for how you feel.” He leaned in and granted her a sweet kiss that seemed to calm the anxiety that had erupted unintentionally. 
Then – he said the words that would change everything. 
“I love you, Nikita. If you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
Tears sprung to her eyes, and she practically leapt into his waiting arms, stealing a far more passionate kiss. “As if I’d want to get rid of you. Let’s go back to the hotel.”
He smiled against her mouth. “Fine by me.”
                  Although she had been the one to suggest it, by the time they reached their destination: Nikita found herself dealing with a different case of nerves. 
                  The irony of them ending up back where they had started wasn’t entirely lost, and while she certainly wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the night in Ari’s arms, she was also hesitant. After all – the man she loved had been utterly respectful in every sense of the word, mindful of her boundaries and putting her feelings ahead of his own. 
She followed him silently after they reached the floor they were staying on in the hotel, mulling over her insecurities when it came to the subject of intimacy. She was no virgin, but her few sexual encounters had been brief, to the point, and usually as part of a cover. The truth was she had never actually made love with someone besides the fiancé that she had lost, and that was some time ago. Nikita was certain that with Ari it was going to be about more than the physical act. 
“You’ve grown quiet,” her companion remarked, jolting her from the reverie. “Is something wrong?”
Her cheeks flared with color, and she shook her head. “Nothing’s wrong! I was just thinking.”
He turned around to face her, apprehension written on his striking features. “If you think we’re moving too fast, I’m fine with slowing down.”
“That’s not it.” She shook her head again and draped her arms over his shoulders. “I want this. I want you.” She kissed him lightly to prove her point. “But I also don’t have the greatest track record when it comes to relationships.”
“I wouldn’t say that” he leaned in, pressing his forehead to hers. “Earlier, you seemed to be doing just fine.”
“That’s because you’re the first man I’ve felt comfortable enough around to let my walls fall,” she confessed. “And I’m afraid of taking the next step and having things end up awkward between us after.”
“I’m honored that you trust me,” he murmured, nuzzling their noses together. “And I understand your trepidation. You’re also the first person I’ve wanted to be with in this way in some time.”
Her heart fluttered at the affection and his heartfelt admission. She leaned into him instinctively, emitting a quiet sigh. “I didn’t mean to ruin the mood by laying this on you so abruptly.”
“You’re not,” he whispered, pulling back just enough to look deeply into her eyes. “Nikita, the last thing I want is for you to ever feel uncomfortable. Whatever happens between the two of us needs to be mutual.”
At a loss for words, she nodded, her heart skipping when he offered her a gentle smile and another kiss that she gratefully returned. 
“So…what now?” she inquired.
“Now – we go into the room, and I draw you a bubble bath.”
She blinked, not expecting that answer. “A bubble bath?”
“You need to relax,” he elaborated, taking the room key out to unlock the door. “When was the last time you were pampered?”
His response to that was to hoist her into his deceptively strong arms, lifting her effortlessly so he could carry her inside. “Now, that simply will not do.”
Though his action had momentarily startled her, Nikita was quick to wrap her arms securely around his neck. 
He toed off his shoes but didn’t let go of her once they were through the entry, pausing only so she could pull off her ankle boots, and then he carted her off to the bathroom. 
It was there that he set her down carefully on the small vanity chair, and she watched contentedly while he discarded his coat and then rolled up his shirt sleeves.
She cast aside her own jacket by draping it over the back of the chair as he tested the temperature of the water before letting the faucet run. 
A delicious strawberry scent filled the air after he added a few capfuls of shower gel to the bath. Then he rose and faced her, wiping his hands off with a spare washcloth. “I’ll leave you to it.”
“What?” confused, she snapped out of her trance-like state. “I thought you were going to join me.”
“I never said as much,” he chuckled, moving to her side, and brushing his lips against her temple. “However, if you decide that’s what you wish –I’m right outside.”
Stunned, she watched him exit the room and then returned her attention to the state of the bath. 
When it appeared to be more foam than water, she turned off the faucet and methodically began to undress, wondering just what kind of point her beloved was trying to prove. 
Surely it’s a test…he’s probably stretched out naked on the bed by now, waiting to see how desperate I’ll get.
Completely nude, she padded over to the door and cracked it open, peeking out cautiously. 
Ari was indeed stretched out on the bed, perusing a magazine, but had not removed one stitch of clothing. The only alterations were that he had undone several buttons on his collar and his sleeves remained rolled up. 
Blushing, she ducked back inside and hastily wrapped a towel around her body. Well. I read him wrong.
After a few more minutes of consideration, she realized that her embarrassment over the circumstance didn’t change the fact that she wanted him there with her.
She breathed in deeply to steady herself, quickly checked to ensure the bath wasn’t starting to chill, and then opened the door again so she could lean against the frame.
He looked up from reading, the crystalline blue of his eyes glittering with appreciation as they took in the sight of her. “Yes?”
She extended out one hand. “Please join me.”
                  He smiled and stood, his fingers entangling with hers seconds later. 
                  She coaxed him into the room, drawing him to her for a kiss while her hands worked to free him from his shirt.
                  The crisp fabric parted over his torso, and he rotated his shoulders in assistance so she could slip it down his arms. 
                  She pulled away from the kiss so she could stare at her leisure, her eyes roving over the sculpted contours of his chest and abdomen, and then lingering along the fine taper of his waist. The bright light of the bathroom should have been unforgiving, but being able to discern the bits of silver in his hair frankly made him more of a sensual picture than ever. 
                  Without preamble – she lunged, claiming his lips urgently and quickly removing the barriers that remained between his skin and hers. 
                  Strong arms circled around her protectively while they embraced, and she marveled over how right it felt to be with him. She could barely stop kissing or touching him long enough to steer them over to the tub, and she jolted in surprise when he scooped her up and did the work for her. 
                  They sank together into the bubbles, naked limbs entwining while they became lost in one another. 
                  “If you’d waited any longer, the water would have gone cold,” he remarked, tugging back to caress at her face.
                  “What can I say, I’m all about timing,” she smirked.
                  A playful grin was directed her way before he dipped his head and pressed several kisses to her throat, his tongue laving over her clavicle and then drifting further down. 
                  She tilted her neck back and reclined fully against the edge of the bathtub, her legs hooking over his waist under the water to keep him close as he continued in his explorations. 
                  Ari proved a generous lover: discovering paths along Nikita’s increasingly sensitized skin that he followed with both hands and mouth. 
                  Suds of strawberry-scented foam were eased aside to grant him better access as he worshipped her body in a manner that was downright intoxicating. Even the most feather-light brush of his fingers along the curve of her hip was enough to spark pleasant tingles, heat gathering at her core the longer his ministrations wore on. 
                  She idly wondered if he was drawing everything out on purpose, but then he finally joined them together with a fluid thrust and the world around her shattered. 
                  A whimper tore from her throat, and she gripped tightly to his biceps, her legs coiling around him to anchor them fully before they set off on a steady rhythm.
                  Their eyes met; raw emotion evident in the bright blue of his gaze that was mirrored in her own. As she’d suspected – this was about so much more than a physical attraction. 
                  Her heart thundered as they engaged in an intimate dance, damp skin causing delicious friction that led to inevitable surrender. 
                  His mouth found hers right as they reached completion, embracing wildly in a manner befitting their coupling until – at last – they were entirely sated. 
                  They stayed in the bath long enough for the water to turn cold, at which point Ari suggested that they finally switch to the more comfortable appearing bed. 
                  Nikita made no protests and was quick to join him in cleaning up around the tub, as their exertions had resulted in plenty of water splashing onto the floor. 
                  They wrapped themselves up in the comfortable, fluffy robes provided by the hotel and settled together on the mattress not long after. 
                  With a content sigh, she cuddled close and took his hand within hers, grazing her mouth lightly over his knuckles. “I want more days that are just like this.”
                  “I want to give them to you,” he admitted. “Were you serious earlier? About stopping?”
                  “Did you think I wasn’t?” she slung a leg over his.
                  He reached out with his free hand and tucked a lock of errant, still-drying hair back over her ear. “I just know that bringing Division down means a lot to you.”
                  “It did… I’m not so sure anymore.” She traced an invisible figure over the triangle of exposed skin revealed by the open collar of his robe. 
                  “Then let me rephrase that,” he leaned in to give her a languid, gentle kiss before murmuring. “What is it that you really want, Nikita?”
                  She searched his gaze, taken in by the honesty there, and knew to be sincere in return. After a moment of pondering his question, she answered. “I want to be happy, Ari. With you. With a life where I’m not constantly looking over my shoulder. What about you?”
                  “I want to be the one who makes you happy,” he confessed. “And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to ensure it.”
                  “I think I already knew that; I just wanted to hear you say it,” she smiled, stretching, and then twisting so she could pin him beneath her, hands fisting in the soft fabric covering his chest. “I also think we’ve taken a long enough break.”
                  There was a low, seductive sound on his part and then she was yanked into an ardent kiss that proved that there was nothing further to discuss for the time being. 
                  After all – the promise of a future was more than enough. 
The End
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mrsreginagold · 5 months
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Nikari + The Tumblr Post That Sums Them Up Perfectly
Credit to the original post here
7 notes · View notes
mrsreginagold · 6 months
Fic: Every Time I Breathe I Take You In
Fandom: Nikita 
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: R
Spoilers: Season 2 AU where Ari betrays Amanda and works with Nikita and her team. He has been with them for several months at the starting point in this story. For the purposes of this universe, Nikita and Michael have remained friends but have never been a couple. 
Summary: Nikita decides to go for a midnight swim to clear her head. She isn’t expecting company, but Ari has been proving a man of surprises as of late.
Author's note: When it comes to my OTPs, fluff generally starts to become a priority. This is just one of many Nikari pieces to drift in that direction.
On AO3
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Every Time I Breathe I Take You In
                  There were remarkably few places to be alone with one’s thoughts in an estate the size of the one Nikita Mears currently occupied with her team. 
                  Things had been especially hectic as of late, leaving the former Division operative in a state of frazzled nerves more often than not, so she had taken to late night swims to clear her head. 
                  While the indoor, heated pool that adjoined the property was a popular destination during the day, it was quiet and isolated past midnight. This led to it being a perfect spot for mulling over feelings and contemplations, which seemed to circulate especially around a certain individual. 
                  For the past several months, Ari Tasarov had become an unexpected ally – betraying his organization, his ex-girlfriend, and much of what Nikita had assumed that he stood for. She knew all too well how difficult the transition could be once such a decision had been made and had not hesitated to offer him sanctuary in return. 
                  The truth was: she’d anticipated him turning the deal down, but then he’d surprised her and everyone else by accepting and coming to live on the grounds. 
                  This alone was an adjustment that had taken time to accept – less so on Nikita’s part and more on everyone else’s – but as it turned out, having Ari around resulted in no shortage of benefits. 
                  For one thing, the man was an excellent cook. She’d asked him one time where he’d picked up the skill and his sole response had been a mysterious, alluring smile. 
                  Which brought up an additional benefit, at least where she was concerned: plenty of one-on-one interaction in order to sus out what her feelings for him happened to be.
                  From the instant that they had met, there had been a spark of attraction between the pair. The burgeoning affection had only increased on Nikita’s end after Ari had rescued her from certain death. 
                  There had also been that incredibly heated make-out session between them in an elevator prior to the aforementioned heroics, but at the time she’d thought that it might have been because he’d been aware of her potential fate. 
                  Nikita sighed softly, floating lazily on her back as the moment replayed over in her mind now that it was at the forefront. She could easily imagine the solid heat of his body as it pressed against hers, his soft mouth seeking her own over and over, and those talented hands threading into her hair to keep her close. 
                  A bloom of heat erupted right below her stomach at the memory. That was another thing she hadn’t expected him to be quite so good at. 
                  With a frustrated sound, she sank under the chlorinated water, holding her breath for as long as she was able and attempting to empty her head of the sensual picture. 
                  She broke the surface once she needed air, slicking her hair back from her face and carefully opening her eyes when she had swept the remaining drops of moisture away so it wouldn’t sting. 
                  Her vision went blurry momentarily before clearing, and her heart skipped several beats when she witnessed the man she had just been thinking of enter the room. 
                  “I thought I might find you in here,” Ari’s deep, resonant voice belied amusement. He was dressed in a thin, pale blue button-down shirt, the sleeves rolled up and collar unbuttoned just enough to reveal a triangle of the toned chest that lay beneath. This was paired with black pants that were also rolled up along his calves. His feet were bare, and he carried a pair of large, fluffy towels, so he had clearly anticipated what she would be doing. 
                  “Who tipped you off?” she swam to the edge of the pool and rested her arms on the mosaiced tile that framed it. “Was it the nerd?”
                  He snickered quietly at her nickname for Birkoff. “Actually, it was Alex.”
                  “Really?” Both of her eyebrows shot up. “I thought it would at least be another month before she began speaking to you.”
                  He set the towels down on a chaise nearby and then picked a dry spot close to her where he sat and dangled his feet in the water. “It wouldn’t have surprised me if it had taken a year. I can’t say I blame her either, after…” a disappointed frown marred his angular, handsome features. “Well. After.”
                  Instinctively, she slid closer. “You can’t dwell, Ari. You have to look forward.”
                  The corners of his mouth turned up briefly. “That’s easier said than done.”
                  “Trust me,” she reached up and grasped his wrist, her grip firm but not unkind. “I know.”
                  Eyes of brilliant, cobalt blue caught hers, the sincerity in them making her pulse thrum. “It helps having you around, Nikita. You’re the one person here who doesn’t judge me outright.”
                  She swallowed, pleasant butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. “Just give them time.”
                  “I am.” His hand crossed over her own, squeezing in reassurance. “Besides, what they think isn’t what matters.” His gaze never left hers, the hidden meaning in his tone becoming clearer by the second. 
                  A substantial part of her wished to kiss him, so she could recall exactly what it was about his taste and touch that drove her so wild. The more logical side didn’t want to startle him by being too aggressive. 
                  “Could you…move over a bit?” she inquired.
                  He arched a brow curiously but did as she requested.
                  She swam over to the ladder that was closest so she could exit the pool, aware of him watching her as she grabbed a towel and then rubbed down some of the moisture from her one-piece bathing suit. 
                  After drying off slightly, she moved to sit beside him and dunk her feet back into the water. “There’s something that I’ve been meaning to talk to you about, but it’s taken me a while to come to terms with it.”
                  Ari exhaled, though his face betrayed little emotion. “It’s all right. I think I know what you’re going to say.”
                  “And what’s that?”
                  He kicked up a tiny splash. “You don’t feel the same way that I do.”
                  She paused, thinking over how best to communicate to him that he was completely wrong about that. 
                  She settled on tenderly placing one hand on his cheek and turning his face towards hers. 
                   “Ari, ever since that night and that moment we shared in the elevator – it made me realize just how much of my life isn’t real. It’s all theater and play pretend. But you? You’re real. What you make me feel is real. And I can’t risk losing that.”
                  He reached out then, framing her face between his hands and whispering with conviction: “You won’t lose me, Nikita. But I won’t be some sort of consolation prize. I know that’s what Amanda really wanted: not my love, but my influence.”
                  “That isn’t what I want. I want you. I want you so badly that it terrifies me.”
                  Whether it was his doing or hers, it was hard to say, but in the next second she was in his arms.
                  The ardent kiss that was shared threw them off balance enough to tumble into the pool. 
                  She grasped at his collar while underwater, breaking from the embrace and kicking to propel them back to the surface. 
                  They emerged, sputtering and coughing. 
                  “That probably wasn’t the smartest idea,” Ari gasped.
                  “Probably not,” she managed, laughing quietly, only for it to die once she got a better look at her companion.
                  There had been an unintentional perk to their impetuousness in that his shirt was now soaked through and clinging to his slim yet well-built torso. 
She allowed herself to stare at her leisure, and thanks to how transparent the fabric was, there was little left to the imagination. 
                  Her eyes traveled slowly along the breadth of his shoulders and then headed down, appreciating a broad chest and tapered waist. 
                  As he ran his fingers through his now damp hair, she got a clear view of a toned bicep, and when he finally met her eyes again, the look that crossed his face was adorably befuddled. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
                  “I’m not allowed to stare at a handsome man?”
                  “You find me handsome?” he quipped, crossing what little distance was left between them and snaking his arms around her waist beneath the water. 
                  “Ari, I just told you that I wanted you so badly that it terrified me,” she rolled her eyes but circled her arms around his neck. “I figured it was a given.”
                  “Desire can work in mysterious ways,” he touched their foreheads together. “And admittedly, I’m out of practice when it comes to being the one who’s being lusted after.”
                  “Let’s go about fixing that,” she mumbled, brushing her lips tenderly over his and reaching for the buttons on his shirt. “Starting with getting you out of these wet clothes.”
                  His hands moved up to still hers before they got too far. “Wait.”
                  “Don’t tell me you’re ticklish.”
                  “A little, but that’s not why I stopped you,” he confessed. “I want this to be special, not some wild fumble in a swimming pool.”
                  “It wouldn’t be a wild fumble –
                  He cut her off before she could protest further by placing his fingers gently over her mouth. “Yes it would. I can do much better than that. Follow me,” he twined their hands together and escorted her out of the pool.
                  Nikita’s curiosity grew as Ari guided her through the labyrinthian maze of tunnels that ran under the house. They had stopped only for a moment to gather some blankets, and while she wasn’t minding the lovely view that she had of his elegant frame in still drenched clothing, she had to wonder just what he had planned. 
                  “You’re not cold?” she queried, noting that visibly: he was unaffected by the chill in the air. 
                  She, however, had cocooned herself in one of the blankets to keep from shivering. 
                  “No, but then I do hail from a country known for harsh winters,” he cast a glance back at her. “Don’t worry. It’s not much further.”
                  “Ari, I didn’t even know these tunnels were here.”
                  “I’m not surprised, they’re well-hidden for a reason. Judging by the architecture and our location, it’s likely that they were built back during the American Revolution.”
                  Her brows arched at the guess. “When did you become an expert on both American History and architecture?”
                  “I needed a hobby,” he shrugged.
                  She gave him a look. 
                  He drew to a halt and elaborated. “I’ve been looking into building an underground safe house for a while. The research led me into some unexpected areas.”
                  “You were looking into building a safe house? Even though you’ve been staying with us?”
                  Ari turned; his expression was serious, making her breath catch. “I sensed that I may no longer be welcome before too long.”
                  She sprang forward, shaking her head. “No. No, I’m sure the others will –
                  “Let’s not kid ourselves, Nikita. I’m an outsider and I always will be. If all that’s gained from this is a chance to rebuild my life and a night with you, so be it.”
                  “No.” She stamped her foot, which probably didn’t look too imposing in a flip-flop, but she didn’t care. “Ari your home is here…with me.”
                  “I want that more than anything,” he stepped forward, taking the chance to run his fingers through the damp strands of her hair. “I love you. But it doesn’t change the fa –
                  She interrupted him with a fervent kiss, looping her arms around his neck and pouring every ounce of emotion into the embrace, hoping it would get her point across better than words could. 
                  He kissed her back just as ardently, which told her that the message was received loud and clear. 
                  He pulled away first, nuzzling at her nose. “You stopped listening after I said that I loved you, didn’t you?”
                  “Completely. Now can we please get to wherever we’re going?  Because I’m ten seconds away from tearing your clothes off and having you against a wall.”
                  “As fun as that sounds,” he abruptly scooped her up and began carrying her the rest of the way, smirking when she let out a squeak in surprise. “You’re going to have to wait just a little longer. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
                  “Better be,” she murmured, snuggling close. 
                  Eventually, they came upon a door, and Ari instructed Nikita to close her eyes for the short remainder of their journey. 
                  Though she was practically buzzing with anticipation, she humored him by doing so. 
                  She felt him set her down on a plush surface, and then heard him rummaging around before she flinched when the area was flooded with enough bright light to make spots appear against her eyelids. “Okay…what’s going on?”
                  “You can open your eyes now.”
                  Carefully, she did, only for them to widen once she could see clearly. 
                  They were in an atrium, surrounded by glass walls that shimmered when the overhead lamps reflected upon them. She was seated on a comfortable bed, and there was a wild array of plants and flowers stretching out across the ground. She could pick out roses, jasmine, and several types of wildflowers, along with plenty of herbs, vegetables, and fruit. “Ari, what is this?”
                  “It’s home. Well, it will be, once I convert the rest of it,” he walked over to her side, a wide, beaming smile gracing his striking features. “I’ll have to take out most of the glass on the west side for privacy, but I planted all of this first.”
                  “So you just found this place?” she looked at him quizzically.
                  “Actually, I bought it.” He confirmed, reaching out one hand so she could stand at his side, observing his handiwork. 
                  “You were serious about putting down roots then; I guess I just didn’t expect that to be literal. I also didn’t peg you for having such a green thumb.”
                  “It’s something I indulged in where I could over the years,” he moved behind her and circled his arms around her waist. 
                  Sighing, she leaned back. “It’s beautiful in here. How far are we from headquarters?”
                  His breath ruffled her hair. “About thirty minutes. I never intended to stray too far.”
                  “Good.” She twisted to face him, pressing her palms over his heart. “It can be our private get-away.”
                  He dipped his head, his lips grazing hers tantalizingly. “I’m hoping, someday, that it can be more than that. Home wouldn’t be complete without you by my side.”
                  Her heart cartwheeled happily at his words, and she nudged his nose playfully with her own. “That sounds absolutely wonderful, but first, I need a promise from you.”
                  “What kind of promise?”
                  “Let me prove to you how much I love you,” she toyed with the top button on his shirt before popping it open. “No more hesitation.”
                  He chuckled from low in his throat, pulling her in further and slipping the blanket still around her shoulders onto the bed behind them. “No more hesitation…no more doubts. I promise.”
                  Elated, she caught his mouth in a passion-infused kiss, effectively shifting the mood towards more pleasant pursuits. 
                  Now that there was nothing further to distract either of them, they took their time. 
                  Skilled hands eased Nikita out of her swim wear, while she focused on getting Ari out of his mostly dry clothing, smiling when he tugged his arms free of the shirt and she could take a moment to appreciate the alluring picture in front of her before continuing until it was skin against skin. 
                  Her breath hitched when he stepped closer, her fingers skimming over the sculpted muscle of his arms and chest as he stole another kiss and guided her onto the bed. 
                  He settled comfortably against her, causing her to moan quietly and revel in the velvet texture of his skin. She then hooked one leg around his and turned the tides so he would be the one under her instead. 
                  She smirked at the stunned expression on her lover’s face when she straddled his hips and dragged her nails through the hair that dusted his chest. “Now, stay still.”
                  “Easier said than done,” he hissed as she ducked her head and purposely nipped at his throat, her tongue laving at his Adam’s Apple briefly before drifting lower. 
                  Her hands moved up to pin his against the blankets while she continued in her quest. She recalled his earlier comment about not being used to the one being the object of desire, and she was determined to worship every inch of him until her point was made. 
                  With each kiss and touch, she could sense his resolve crumbling and made mental notes of where he happened to be the most sensitive. 
                  It was when he uttered several curses in his native tongue that she was certain she had him exactly where she wanted him, and not long after: she succeeded in her task of driving him over the edge. 
                  With a satisfied grin, Nikita crawled back up the length of his body, darting firefly kisses along the path she made. 
                  His chest heaved with each breath that he took, painting a very sensual image that she pocketed away in her mind before she rested her head on the pillow next to his and slung an arm over his torso. 
                  “Penny for your thoughts?” she inquired, sweeping an errant strand of tousled hair away from his eyes. He had been growing it out recently, and she rather liked the way it accentuated his face. 
                  “I think you might have chased any coherent ones away,” he looked over at her, an ocean of blue glittering with amusement. “Typically, there’s a bit of patience where seduction is concerned.”
                  “Patience was never one of my virtues.”
                  “Clearly.” His already deep tone was laced with enough gravel to prompt a pleased shiver to run along her spine. 
                  Instinctually, she curled into his embrace. “I feel like there’s going to be some subtle payback.”
                  “Nothing will be subtle about it, darling,” he shook his head, mischief glinting in his gaze right before he swiftly trapped her between his body and the mattress. “Or quick, for that matter.”
                  “Oh really? I bet I can take anything you dish out,” she challenged. 
                  “We’ll have to see about that,” he arced one brow in response, and then his mouth descended on hers. 
                  They reclined further into the nest of blankets, Nikita gasping when Ari’s lips strayed to travel, feather-light, along her neck. 
                  She was quickly consumed by sensation, heat blossoming at her center while he gradually explored, leaving no area of her body uncharted in an effort to prove good on his earlier words. 
                  She inhaled shakily as he did so, unexpected feelings surfacing at his actions. Previous experiences had always been on the brief side, with a fair amount of clothing left on. She had made it a point not to expose herself entirely in order to shield her heart from disappointment, and yet, with him, she was willing to risk it all because of how strongly she cared. 
                  A startled sound escaped when he paid special attention to her breasts, her hands moving up to card through his hair and keep him steady. At the same time, a practiced hand stroked up the curve of her hip before finally darting between her legs. 
                  Eventually, she let go as he reduced her to a trembling mess, collapsing back against the pillows, sated. 
                  It took her a bit to regain enough composure to open her eyes, only to find him staring at her with a self-satisfied expression that she immediately wished to wipe from his face. 
                  “To be fair: you were the one who started this,” his shoulders shook with mirth thanks to the look she directed at him.
                  She lunged forward with a growl, sending him toppling back onto the mattress, cutting off the genuine laughter that emerged with a wild embrace that gradually turned romantic the longer that it went on. 
                  He turned to bear her beneath him again, limbs entwining naturally as they became fully lost in each other. 
                  She locked her legs around his waist, arching her hips in an invitation that he willingly took – joining them with a quick thrust before they began to move in time. 
                  They rapidly gained symmetry, unable to stop kissing or touching in some way as their union wore on, until, at last: they fell, one in every aspect. 
                  By the arrival of morning, Nikita has lost track of just how times she and Ari had made love. All she knew was that she was going to be pleasantly numb for a good few hours still, and pondered how he even had the energy to get up and make them breakfast. 
                  She sunk, happily, into the soft covers of their bed and watched him wander around in the small kitchen nearby. He had a blanket wrapped around his waist instead of bothering with clothes, which allowed her plenty of his lean, perfectly muscled frame to ogle over while she waited. 
                  He seemed well-aware of her admiration and looked back over his shoulder. “I am not working with an open flame while completely naked, sorry to disappoint you.”
                  “You didn’t have to make pancakes.”
                  “I know, but I seem to recall you describing these as orgasmic so I thought I’d put my skill to the test in a different way.”
                  Giggling, she sat up, gathering the bedsheets around her in a make-shift dress so she could rise and assist him. “You have any blueberries around here?”
                  “I knew I was forgetting something,” he shut down the stove temporarily and walked over to take her hand, escorting her over to a row of various berry plants. “We also have strawberries.”
                  “I’ll take a bit of each.” She knelt down and began collecting one kind, while he went to grab the other. 
                  With handfuls of fruit, they made their way back to the kitchen and fell into a routine of cooking, talking quietly and basking in one another’s company. 
                  A short time later found them back on the bed with a tray of food that they could share.
                  Nikita chewed on a slice of strawberry with a smile, observing Ari while he topped the pancakes with some butter and syrup. “Careful, we don’t want to make more of a mess than we already have.”
                  He laughed softly and began cutting into the breakfast. “It will probably drip onto us rather than the bedding, but that just gives me an excuse to take a long hot shower with you later.” He leaned across to kiss her sweetly and then offered her the first bite. “I’ll let you be the judge of how well these turned out.”
                  Her grin spread before she enthusiastically dug in. 
                  He watched her fondly, resting his chin against his hand. “How are they?”
                  “Fantastic,” she mumbled, mouth still full. She took a sip of the tea he’d made for her to wash the remnants down. “The blueberries were the right call.”
                  His way of thanks was a gentle kiss to her shoulder before he began to eat as well.
                  It was silent as they finished their meal, and Nikita took the opportunity to fully appreciate how handsome Ari could be even during the simplest of moments.
                  Love bubbled up within her, and when he briefly left in order to put their dishes away, she stretched out lazily along the covers. “I think I might just take a well-earned nap. You’re welcome to join me.”
                  “Sounds perfect,” he didn’t waste a second in taking her up on the invite, and the next few minutes were spent getting comfortable under the blankets again. 
                  She cuddled close, pillowing her head on his chest and basking in his natural warmth. “You know…with a bit of paint and a feminine touch, this truly could be ours.”
                  “Ours, I like that,” his fingers danced over the slope of her shoulder. “Are you certain?”
                  “I am,” she peered up at him. “Let’s make this a home.”
                  The kiss he bestowed was evidence that he approved of her plan, and they settled in for a long rest, content and very much looking forward to their future. 
The End
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mrsreginagold · 6 months
Fic: Please Hold Me Close Tonight
Fandom: Nikita
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: R
Spoilers: For 2 x 15 but set in an AU where Nikita and Ari are secretly seeing each other.
Summary: Though *nothing* had gone as he planned; Ari Tasarov is looking forward to taking a moment to relax. Nikita Mears has other ideas.
Author's note: I tend to jump around in Ari and Nikita's timeline a lot, though it's never been intentional. There are plenty of pieces I have ideas written down for that I still haven't gotten to, in fact. I suppose that's just the nature of creating.
Nikari Fanmix Here
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Please Hold Me Close Tonight
                  A sigh that was a mix of beleaguered and outright exhausted emerged from Ari Tasarov as he slid the key card for his hotel room into the reader on the door.
                  He entered his temporary abode and slipped out of his suit jacket, which he flung haphazardly over the back of a chair, and then removed his shoes before unceremoniously diving, stomach-first, onto the bed. He let out a muffled groan. “Hello gorgeous. I might just lie here for a while if that’s all right.”
                  “Fine by me, I’m not minding the view.” 
                  Reflexes honed by years of experience flew into motion. With a quick twist, he was sitting up and aiming a weapon directly at the woman who mirrored his action. 
                  Ari’s bright, clear blue eyes narrowed. “How the hell did you get in here Nikita?”
                  Nikita Mears answered with a brief shrug before gesturing at an open window. 
                  Though irritation bubbled up within him, he lowered his gun slightly. “And to what do I owe the honor of your presence?”
                  “I can’t just stop by to say hi?”
                  This resulted in a perfectly arched eyebrow. “Somehow I doubt that.”
                  They stayed exactly as they were, staring each other down, until Nikita finally gave up and put her gun back into an inner pocket of her coat. 
                  He read that as a positive sign and set his own weapon on the bedside table before rising to his feet. “What’s wrong?”
                  An innocent, confounded expression crossed her lovely face. “Why would you think something’s wrong?”
                  “Because, Nikita, you don’t just make a random visit. Especially when we’re supposed to be keeping this a secret.”
                  She scoffed and crossed her arms. “A secret implies trust between two parties and that’s far from the case here.”
                  Apparently, she was upset about something he had kept hidden from her. Now – to find out what it was. “You’ll have to elaborate on that a little further dear.”
                  “Don’t do that.” She snapped.
                  “Do what?”
                  “Call me dear like I mean something.”
                  He froze, her words digging in much deeper than he expected them to. 
                  After a loaded, silent moment, he took a step in her direction only for her to back away. “Nikita. You do mean something; something quite special.”
                  “If that’s the case then why’re you hooking up with Amanda behind my back?!”
                  That stopped him in his tracks, his heart thumping erratically and prompting him to swallow before speaking again. “I am not hooking up with anyone.”
                  “The cat’s already out of the bag, Ari.” There was genuine hurt in Nikita’s eyes, which only made him feel worse despite the fact that she was jumping to conclusions. 
                  “Fine, you want me to admit it? My past relationship with her is beneficial. But beyond a kiss, nothing happened!”
                  “You expect me to believe –
                  He cut his companion off by grasping her shoulders, looking deeply into the dark brown depths he had grown so fond of, and repeated: “Nothing. Happened.”
                  “How can I believe you?” Her own tone had gone soft, her eyes glittering with unshed tears that he could tell she was holding back.
                  His answer was to kiss her to get across exactly how much she meant to him. Not his career, or his ambition, or Amanda. Just Nikita. 
                  It only took a few seconds before she relaxed in his arms and responded to the embrace with an eagerness that cleared up any further confusion. 
                  Ari couldn’t help but smile. Immediately, he swept her off her feet and hoisted her up in his arms, angling his mouth more passionately over hers in the process and deepening the kiss just the right amount. 
                  She moaned, threaded her fingers through his hair, and pressed as close as possible, which was admittedly the desired reaction. 
                  He pulled back long enough to regain some air and a hint of composure. “I can’t believe you’re jealous of Amanda, of all people.” The tease was accompanied by a tender brush of his fingers along her cheek. 
                  “And you’re not when it comes to Michael?” she retorted, raising an eyebrow.
                  “Of course, I get jealous,” he confessed, carrying her over to the bed and setting her down upon it carefully before kneeling to remove her boots. “But he isn’t here now, is he?”
                  She unbuckled the belt that kept her peacoat wrapped around her slender form, and then cast it aside. “No, he isn’t. And neither is she. So: let’s forget all about them.”
                  With her shoes taken care of, Ari surged up so he could capture her mouth with his again, cradling her face between both hands and infusing as much as desire as he possibly could into the kiss. 
                  Her fingers coiled around his tie, dragging him forward with her as she reclined onto the plush covers.
                  He was more than willing to accompany her on that particular journey, his hands traveling down her neck, then slipping beneath her cardigan sweater so he could push it down her arms. 
                  She deftly loosened his necktie so she could tackle the buttons to his dress shirt, the heat between them increasing as it opened further and further over his chest.
                  He settled on top of her, moving back momentarily to fully undo the knot in his tie and toss it on the floor. 
                  There was a quiet huff of irritation when her practiced hands delved beneath the crisp, pale blue fabric of his shirt only to come in contact with the thin tank top that he had on. “Why are you wearing layers?”
                  “Because it’s New York in winter,” hastily, he shrugged out of the garment and shucked the undershirt over his head. “There. Happy?”
                  “Much better,” she grinned and trailed her gaze slowly across his exposed torso.
                  “Now you’re the one over-dressed,” he playfully tugged at the hem of her top. 
                  She slid one long leg over his and, in an agile movement, twisted and pinned him under her. 
                  He stared up at her, breathing uneven, while she straddled his hips and peeled off her camisole. 
                  She placed her palms on the center of his chest, eyeing him hungrily and smirking. “You were saying?”
                  He stole another kiss to effectively end any further discussion. 
                  The next few minutes were a blur as they rid each other of their remaining clothing, naked limbs entwining instinctively as they crashed back onto the blankets. 
                  Ordinarily, he would take his time to explore, but there was a sense of urgency in every kiss and touch on her part, so he joined them instead with a decisive thrust. 
                  Her legs locked around his waist to anchor them together, canting her hips to meet his movements and clawing at his back to spur him further. 
                  He shifted his angle, so he was buried deeper and continued at a feverish pace, determined to give her exactly what she desired. 
                  It was as they were reaching their peak in unison that he slowed down a fraction – just so he could watch her fall apart in an exquisite manner, right before he followed with a primal sound. 
                  They collapsed – still intimately connected – in a tangle, breathing heavily and in no condition to consider moving any time soon. 
                  After a bit of time passed, Nikita reached up to caress a pattern over Ari’s shoulder blade, which prompted him to finally lift his head from where it was resting in the crook of her neck. 
                  He studied her, taking in the alluring image she made with her tousled dark hair waving out along the pillows, her skin glistening with moisture from their exertions. 
                  His heart swelled with affection, and he reached out to cup her face. “Is it just me, or was that more intense than usual?”
                  “It wasn’t just you,” she sighed and brushed her lips lightly against his palm. “I got a little carried away.”
                  “A little?” he shook his head and turned just slightly so he could gaze down at her. “You marked me.”
                  “I wanted to,” she trailed her hands slowly over the scratch marks that now littered his back. 
                  “Clearly there’s more to it,” he leaned in, touching their foreheads together. “What’s really going on Nikita?”
                  She inhaled shakily, nuzzling him before replying. “Lately, everything feels like it’s been slipping through my fingers…I just didn’t want you to be one of those things.”
                  “Maybe all this sneaking around is part of the problem,” he surmised.
                  “Maybe, but,” she chewed at her lower lip, a habit that occurred whenever she was uncertain. “I’m not exactly ready to go public about whatever this happens to be.”
                  He nodded, understanding perfectly what she meant. “The truth is, neither am I. All I know is that when I’m with you, even when we’re not like this,” he gestured at their still entwined bodies. “You’re all I want.”
                  Her breath hitched, even though he hadn’t gone as far to tell her that he loved her. It was something he implied in every kiss and even the most fleeting of touches whenever they had their time together. “Ari, I –
                  He claimed her lips before anything else could be said, bearing her back against the blankets. 
                  They embraced ardently for several minutes before he tugged away, blue eyes glittering with promise. “Stay for a while? I’d like to take my time.”
                  She nodded rapidly, which prompted a grin, another kiss, and then he proved true to his word. 
                  Sunshine filtered in through the curtains of Ari’s hotel room, washing over the bed with enough illumination to draw him from slumber. 
                  He wasn’t expecting to open his eyes and find Nikita still lying beside him, already wide-awake and staring in a manner that could only be described as contemplative. 
                  He stretched languidly and then carded one hand through her hair. “You’re still here.”
                  “I didn’t want to leave you,” she murmured, curling close to him, and ducking her head to kiss his throat. 
                  His pulse jumped. “To be fair, I was hoping you wouldn’t go,” he inhaled her scent and wrapped his arms around her securely. “I’m just used to not getting what I want in this situation.”
                  She sighed, her breath tickling his chest. “I love you; I don’t know when it happened or why or…hell, I’m still not sure what it means. But I know, with certainty, that I am head over heels in love with you.”
                  A relieved sound escaped him. “Thank goodness, because I love you too, more than I thought was humanly possible.”
                  Nikita peered up at him. “We are complete idiots.”
                  His laughter filled the room. “Oh, we’re hopeless all right. But it doesn’t change how I feel.”
                  She smiled warmly, pulling him forward for a kiss that he gratefully returned, and he realized that whatever the future held – he would be with her the entire way. 
The End
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mrsreginagold · 19 days
Fic: A Picture Of Perfection
Fandom: Nikita
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Canon-divergent AU, set roughly two years post series. 
Summary: Nikita returns home to find that her husband has been preoccupied. 
Author’s Note: After composing some angst, I felt that it was more than fair to follow it with married Nikari fluff as recompence. It was an absolute joy to put together. 
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A Picture Of Perfection
                  There was a time when Nikita Mears had dreaded the return home after a mission.
Coming back to an empty apartment was, simply put, depressing. It also compounded her isolation. She had made it a point to not get attached to people as a rule – but one day she crossed paths with the leader of Division’s rival organization, Gogol, and everything changed.
                  Ari Tasarov was a man as enigmatic as he was handsome, and from the start, there had been an intense spark between them. Nikita wrote it off initially, refusing to believe that she could be romantically attracted to the enemy. She’d even gone so far as to get involved with her former handler, Michael Bishop, but that relationship fizzled out over time. 
                  Things shifted dramatically when Ari offered her sanctuary after a mission gone awry. It was something unexpected, particularly considering how many times she had refused his proposals to work together in the early days. That compassion allowed her to see a side of the man that she had not before, and it resulted in a slow build of friendship and trust. 
                  Eventually, their feelings evolved into something much deeper: a passion that burned so brightly that when they made love for the first time – it had been a revelation for them both. 
                  He chose her, and to leave Gogol, not long after. 
                  They married quietly and focused their efforts on bringing the operations that molded them down together: a mission which proved successful. 
                  Two years had gone by in what seemed like seconds. 
Now, whenever she had to travel for business, Nikita practically zoomed back home at the end of it. Being the current head of the new and improved Division, with her beloved rightly at her side, gave her plenty of perks, but occasionally she still had to go out into the field solo. 
                  Being away from Ari for a significant amount of time put her on edge, and currently the anxiety was stronger than usual as he had to stay behind in order to recover from an injury.          
                  The beautiful operative shouldered her overnight bag and pulled out her cell phone while she waited in line for a taxi to pick her up from the airport. Her most recent job had ended a little early, so she wanted to let her husband know. 
                  There was no answer at first, which caused worry to swirl around her stomach, but after a few more rings, he finally picked up the line.
                  “Nikita?” his rich, soothing baritone immediately quelled her concern, as just hearing him say her name was enough. “Is something wrong?”
                  “No, honey. The mission was successful, and I took an earlier flight,” she smiled.
                  She swore she could see his dimples flash when his reply was decidedly more enthusiastic. “That’s fantastic. Want me to come pick you up?”
                  “I’m getting a cab,” she admitted. “I should be home in roughly an hour, depending on traffic. You haven’t been having any wild parties while I’ve been gone?”
                  He laughed, which was warm and alluring and only made her want to get there faster. “Well, I had to do something to keep myself occupied.”
                  She knew him better than that. Of the two of them – he was arguably the quieter one, more at home with a good book and a glass of red wine than he was at a social gathering. There was also a subtle shift in his voice that meant he was teasing her. 
                  “Mm, well, you have time to clean up. Seriously though: you’ve been taking it easy?”
                  “My love,” she could hear the amusement in his tone. “I’ve been waylaid with a sprained wrist and bruised ribs. Of course I have.”
                  “Good. I’m next in line, so I have to go, I’ll see you soon.”
                  “I’m counting the minutes. I love you.”
                  She grinned. “I love you too.” After saying goodbye, she hung up and went back to waiting, though less patiently than before.
                  The drive to the loft apartment that she and Ari shared went by quickly enough, though she was buzzing in anticipation by the time the building finally loomed into view. 
                  Nikita tipped the driver a little extra for making sure to keep delays to a minimum and then she practically bounded into the lobby. 
                  She bypassed grabbing the mail – she was fairly certain her other half had already taken care of it – and instead headed straight for the elevators. 
                  After pressing the button, she balanced on one foot, then the other, in a repeated cycle until the lift arrived. 
                  They lived on the seventh floor. However, since there was no one else heading up, it only took a few minutes to arrive at her destination. 
                  She took her key out of her purse and made the short walk to their front door. 
                  Her heart was already dancing around happily at the thought of seeing him. Three weeks had been far too long to spend apart, and she was definitely going to prove how much she had missed him in that time – though she reminded herself to be gentle. 
                  She turned the key in the lock and opened the door, then was immediately overwhelmed by the most delicious scent once she stepped inside. 
                  Her dark brown eyes widened upon the scene before her.
                  Plates piled high with various baked goods took up the entirety of their kitchen table. She could see cookies, brownies, a few pastries, and even a cake. 
                  “Uh…dear husband? Why has our home been converted into a bakery?” 
                  “You’re back early,” Ari emerged from the kitchen. “I was about to get started on some dinner for us.”
                  Her pulse quickened at the sight of him. Ordinarily, she wouldn’t be surprised to see him in a three-piece suit, as he kept his appearance impeccable while they were in the office. Today, however, he was dressed more casually. He wore a pale violet button-down shirt, left open at the collar and with the sleeves rolled up over his forearms, tucked into black jeans. The outfit clung in all the right places, offering little to the imagination about the perfect, leanly muscled frame that was underneath. The only thing that marred the otherwise flawless picture was a brace on his left hand to help with the recovery.
                  It took all of her willpower not to walk over and start tearing his clothes off, but she managed, somehow, to control the urge. 
                  “Well, I probably could have a sugar buffet, though that wouldn’t be exactly healthy,” she sauntered towards him after depositing her luggage on the floor. “Why’d you make so much?”
                  “I was bored while you were gone,” he stepped into her space, the clear blue sea of his gaze –which had been a key factor in why she had fallen so hard for him –sparkling invitingly. “Am I not allowed a hobby or two?”
                  “Of course, but I have a hard time imagining you accomplishing all of that one handed.” She reached out to place her hands on his chest lightly. 
                  “I might have done some calculated late-night shopping,” he confessed, and then gestured towards the kitchen. “We have a new mixer, by the way. Along with some pots, pans, cooking utensils and a pressure cooker.”
                  “My, you have been busy,” she smirked and circled her arms around his neck, effectively drawing him close. “Think you can spare a kiss?”
                  A low, throaty chuckle was his response, immediately prompting familiar heat to cross along her spine. “For you, dear wife, always.” And then his mouth found hers.  
                  His lips were soft against her own, the embrace deepening instantly due to knowing each other so well. His good hand weaved into her hair to cradle the back of her head, and he punctuated his attentions with tender nips that served as a reminder of what she had been missing. 
                  She arced further into his arms, wishing for the moment to never end, but he eventually pulled back with a sweet nuzzle.
                  “I’ve missed you,” he swept an errant strand of hair away from her eyes, his touch ghosting across her cheek as it drifted down. 
                  “And I’ve missed you,” she leaned into his hand and turned her head slightly to press her lips to his palm. “It was awful sleeping alone.”
                  “Yes, the bed felt gigantic without you in it,” he held her as tightly as he could manage, his injured hand resting gingerly on her hip. “Let’s not do this again any time soon.”
                  “Deal,” she was only too happy to agree, her fingers twisting into the crisp fabric that covered his chest. “So…you remodeled our kitchen?”
                  “I updated it a little,” he smiled and laced their fingers together so he could show her the improvements. 
                  Nikita let Ari guide her around the marble counter. “Well, you definitely spend more time in here than I do, so I’m sure I can trust your judgement.”
                  “One day I’ll teach you how to cook,” he promised, grazing his lips to her temple. “We’ll start with something simple.”
                  “Like a pancake? Cause that went swimmingly when I tried it before,” she grimaced as the memory of her culinary mistake surfaced. 
                  “To be fair: salt and sugar are difficult to tell apart when they aren’t labeled properly.”
                  “Still, I’d rather not repeat that disaster,” she confessed, leaning back against his solid form while he curled his arms around her and rested his chin against her hair. She looked towards the cabinets and noticed that there was now a rack to house the new pots and pans. “You didn’t put that in yourself, I’m guessing.”
                  “No, Owen stopped by to help me with the organization. I rewarded him with a share of the brownies. I’m planning to bring in a bunch of that into the office anyway.”
                  “Good because as much as I adore your baking, there’s no way we can eat all of that,” she twisted around to face him, her hands delving to the buttons on his top so she could undo them. 
                  He blinked, the corners of his mouth twitching as he held back a smile. “What’re you doing?”
                  “Checking on that bruise,” she peered up at him, fixing as innocent a gaze as she could in his direction.
                  He made a skeptical sound before observing: “Why is it that the first chance you get, it’s to take my shirt off?”
                  She parted the fabric over his chest so she could inspect the area right below his ribs and ignored the remark. There was still a bit of mottling on his otherwise flawless torso, but it appeared to be fading. 
                  Ari hissed when Nikita dipped her head and let her lips brush over the wound. She pulled back quickly upon hearing the sound. 
                  “Don’t be, it’s just a little sensitive still, that’s all.”
                  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she kissed the same spot, gingerly this time.
                  Another quiet sound was uttered, and his fingers laced into her hair to keep her steady as she bestowed affection. 
                  She travelled up, kissing directly over his heart before lingering along his neck, where she scraped her teeth deliberately. 
                  He dragged her, one handed, into a full embrace, right as she shoved the garment down his shoulders. 
                  He pulled away momentarily to assist in the removal, tugging one arm swiftly out of a sleeve and laughing as it took a few extra seconds to do the same to the other. 
                  Freed from the shirt’s confines, he pulled her flush against him, his lips claiming hers yet again while he began to back her towards their bedroom. 
                  She raked her nails provocatively through the hair that dusted his chest, helping him along as their clothes formed a trail on the floor. 
                  They were completely naked by the time they made it to the bed, and he couldn’t help another teasing comment right before she distracted them both. 
                  “You sure you’re not putting some kind of aphrodisiac in these things?” Nikita did her best to hold back a moan as she took another bite of a chocolate chip cookie.
                  The couple had finally emerged from their room after what turned into many bouts of lovemaking so they could sample some of the treats that Ari had made. 
                  They were standing together in the kitchen again, though Nikita was now clad solely in one of her husband’s shirts, and he had opted for his favorite lounge pants.
                  “I’ve done no such thing,” he rolled his eyes at the insinuation and reclined back against the tile counter after polishing off a brownie. 
                  Silently, she finished her dessert and then crossed into his space, eyeing him with more hunger than she had the food. 
                  He instantly recognized the look she gave him and tilted his head back with a groan. “Again? When did you become so insatiable?”
                  “It’s your fault for being so sexy,” she retorted, drawing a pattern over his bare chest before leaning in for a kiss that was as sensual as it was sweet. 
                  He didn’t hesitate to return the embrace, which told her that he was not minding this homecoming one bit.
                  As far as Nikita was concerned, everything was as it should be, especially when Ari yanked her close and she became lost, once more, in his arms. 
The End
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mrsreginagold · 5 months
Fic: Fill The Spaces Inside Of My Heart
Fandom: Nikita 
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: R
Spoilers: Canonically refers to events in 3 x 12 but diverges drastically. Nikita is also not engaged to Michael. 
Summary: Nikita has been avoiding Division’s latest guest, though whether it’s because of her own guilt or a different emotion entirely is something she can’t quite figure out. 
Author's Note: We Go Down Together by Dove Cameron and Khalid is essentially their theme song, particularly in season 3. Tragic, doomed by narrative OTPs have long been a problem of mine, but at the very least I attempt to fix things for them when canon doesn't comply.
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Fill The Spaces Inside of My Heart
                  It was arguably the rarest of circumstances for Nikita Mears to overthink her actions. Part of what made her so excellent at survival was her ability to perform quick judgements while under pressure. 
                  And yet – there she was, standing, frozen, hand raised to knock at Ari Tasarov’s door, and completely uncertain of how to proceed. 
                  The former head of Gogol had been in Division’s custody for roughly two weeks. In that time, he proved useful in gathering intelligence for missions, but remained at their headquarters while his wounds healed. 
                  Injuries, as it happened, that Nikita bestowed upon him. 
                  She was sure that the overwhelming guilt regarding how severely she had treated him would pass, but his proximity also resulted in something unexpected. 
                  From the moment that the pair met, there was an undeniable simmering attraction between them. However, Nikita had never taken the time to dwell on it. Now, with Ari around consistently, she found herself distracted by him more often than not. 
                  It did not help that the man was frustratingly handsome, but what really disarmed her was the intensity in his gaze when it was directed at her. 
                  She feared that if she stared too long into that ocean of clear blue – she would inevitably drown one day. 
                  It was often difficult to form coherent words while in his presence, and though she’d rehearsed her apology about ten times over in her mind, it was of no use. She was entirely at a loss as to what to do or say. 
                  She was also so lost in her own reverie that she didn’t notice she was no longer alone till a strong hand landed on her shoulder. 
                  “What are you doing here, Nikita?”
                  Her response was a startled shriek while she pivoted around to find herself face-to-face with Ari. 
                  He blinked several times, surprised by her reaction. “Perhaps you should lay off the caffeine my dear.”
                  One hand flew up to her chest, her breathing erratic at the unintended jump-scare. “Or maybe you shouldn’t sneak up on someone who knows over a hundred ways to kill you!”
                  His lips twitched in amusement, and he crossed his arms over his chest before replying. “A fair point. However, it doesn’t answer my question: what are you doing here?”
                  “I…” cohesive thoughts rapidly deteriorated once the shock subsided and she got a better look at him. “Did you go for a swim?”
                  His short, dark hair was damp, with errant strands swept to one side and falling across his angular features rakishly. There was still moisture evident on the skin revealed by the vee in his white tee-shirt, which clung to the surprisingly sculpted planes of his torso in a manner that left little to the imagination. This was paired with black sweats, while his feet were bare. 
                  “I had a quick shower,” he explained, concern crossing his face over how intently she was staring. “Are you okay?” 
                  “Y-Yeah,” she stammered, bringing her gaze back to his. “I’m just not used to seeing you wearing something like that. I figured you wouldn’t touch anything that wasn’t Armani.”
                  “Right now, I don’t exactly have a choice,” he chuckled. “And I highly doubt anyone would appreciate it if I wandered around naked.”
                  Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure, she thought, idly, and then flushed at the lustful turn her musings had taken. “Right. That would be a bad idea.”
                  “And cold,” he teased, taking a step forward. “But I doubt that you came all this way to chat about the finer details of fashion. What’s on your mind?”
                  She inhaled sharply, trying to calm the butterflies that had begun to flutter around her stomach. “Actually, I came to apologize.”
                  His brow furrowed. “Apologize? Whatever for?”
                  “What for? I hurt you. Repeatedly. It took a week for the swelling to go down! I nearly cut off your hand! Take your pick!!!”
                  He moved closer, seemingly undaunted by her outburst. “Nikita, you were doing what you were trained for. You don’t need to apologize for what’s essentially your job.”
                  There were sole inches between them now, and her heart rate picked up as she trailed her gaze over his mostly healed face. The cut on his left cheekbone had yet to disappear entirely, and the bruise was still fading on his right eye, but other than that: there was no evidence of how badly she had beaten him. 
                  Unable to resist, Nikita reached out and delicately traced along his jawline. “I’m so, so sorry…” she whispered. “I should have given you the benefit of the doubt and instead I lost control.”
                  His hand caught hers, stalling the motion. “It’s all right. If what you need is my forgiveness, you have it.”
                  Relief flooded her senses and without a second thought, she stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips lightly to his cheek, murmuring her gratitude when she pulled back slowly. 
                  Those stunning eyes of his searched hers immediately after the impromptu affection, the air between them becoming charged with emotion. 
                  “Why did you really come all this way, so late at night, Nikita?” He queried.
                  She drew in a shaky breath and then answered, honestly. “You. I wanted to see you.”
                  It was evident that this was the response he had been waiting for, as his next action was to gather her into his arms for an appreciative, passion-filled kiss. 
                  The world around them shattered as they gave in to the embrace, Nikita draping her arms over Ari’s shoulders, a delighted squeal escaping when he abruptly lifted her up and carried her the short distance to his temporary quarters.
                  There was a tell-tale click as the door shut behind them, offering complete privacy. 
                  Her pulse jumped considerably when his mouth strayed from hers to gain purchase on her throat, her head falling back to grant him better access. 
                  He nipped teasingly at her clavicle and then slipped the cardigan she wore down her arms, leaving her in a simple black camisole. 
                  Goosebumps erupted due to the cool air and the contact of his elegant fingers while they travelled along her back, eventually sliding under the silk to trace over bare skin. 
                  She mumbled something incoherently against his lips, finally parting for air to communicate what she wanted with an insistent tug at his shirt. 
                  It was peeled up over his head rapidly, her hands eagerly discovering the beautifully toned chest and stomach now exposed to her touch. 
                  She yanked him close for another fervent kiss, the pair toppling onto the bed in the corner of the room. 
                  Clothing quickly formed a pile on the floor, naked limbs entwining once there were no more barriers, and they sank together into a welcome nest of blankets. 
                  Ari proved a very giving lover, pressing lingering kisses to every inch of Nikita’s skin and dedicating time to areas that proved more sensitive. 
                  She raked her nails through the hair on his chest and hooked one leg over his before twisting and bearing him beneath her, amused when an astonished look crossed his face due to her actions.
                  “I told you I was here to apologize,” she tilted her head, a playful smile crossing her lips while she straddled him. 
                  “I think this goes above and beyond an apology,” he eyed her, hunger evident in the sea-colored depths of his gaze while one hand slowly inched up her stomach until he could thumb along the underside of her breast. 
                  She shivered, her nerve endings exploding into overdrive from the slightest brush of his fingers. “Or maybe I’m just being thorough.”
                  “I’m not minding,” he admitted, sitting up just enough to follow the path he had created with his lips instead. 
                  Coherent thoughts drifted away instantly when he purposely lavished devotion to sensitized skin. She coiled her legs around his waist as they settled into a sitting position instead, exchanging a meaningful look before joining together with a fluid thrust. 
                  They continued this way – as equals – exchanging romantic kisses while they found a perfect symmetry of movement. 
                  She clawed at his back hard enough to leave marks when their motions began to lose grace, which he took as a signal to gently recline her beneath him.
                  They reached completion not long after. 
                  “How many recruits do you think have engaged in this exact scenario?” Ari’s tone was thoughtful as he stroked idly over the curve of Nikita’s hip. 
                  They had resituated to face one another, a tangle of sweat-streaked skin and rumpled blankets, basking in the afterglow from multiple rounds of love making. 
                  She reached out and traced an invisible pattern across his chest. “Given the average age tends to be in the late teens, I’d say most if not all?”
                  He chuckled, low and incredibly attractive, filling her to the brim with want all over again. “I can’t say that I’m surprised.”
                  She sighed, stretched lazily, and then curled further into his arms. “Neither am I, though I don’t envy anyone on sanitation duty.”
                  There was a huff of laughter before his lips grazed her forehead. “Any port in a storm, as they say. At least these beds are more comfortable than the ones at Gogol…or whatever prison awaits me.”
                  Reality came crashing back as she remembered their situation – and the fact that she was partly responsible for it.
                  Nikita peered up at her lover, noting the serious expression on his face. Her heart clenched. “Ari…”
                  “It’s all right Nikita,” he threaded his fingers through her tousled hair, risking a nuzzle before whispering: “There’s much I still have to atone for.”
                  “Maybe you can do that here. I could talk to Ryan, ask if there was another option.”
                  His eyes widened at the sincerity in her voice. “Is that even possible? I don’t blame anyone here for wanting to shoot me on sight.”
                  “Division isn’t the same now. I have more sway. Ryan is much fairer than Percy or Amanda without even trying.” She crawled half-way on top of him and looked intently into his eyes. “Ari, please let me help you.”
                  The silence stretched between them for a long moment as he searched her gaze. 
                  She found herself holding her breath in anticipation for his answer. 
                  Slowly, a tender smile was directed her way and he swept her into a loving kiss.
                  “Is that a yes?” she mumbled.
                  “There’s nothing I’d love more than to remain here with you.”
                  Judging by how eagerly she returned his affection – it was clear that she wished for the same thing, and to remain exactly where she belonged. Namely, with him. 
 The End 
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mrsreginagold · 27 days
Fic: Let Me Steal This Moment From You Now
Fandom: Nikita 
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: For “The Life We’ve Chosen”. Serves as a missing scene in the episode. 
Summary: The conversation between Ari and Nikita on the night before pivotal events occur ends differently.
Author’s note: I promise that this is the only time I will ever treat this pair as the tragedy that they are. It legitimately hurts to not give them a happy ending, but I wanted to explore how a kiss would have happened if there had been a chance for one. To make things flow a little easier, I did have Nikita and Michael put the brakes on their engagement, just as a selfish little caveat since I was allowing the canonical ending to remain here.
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Let Me Steal This Moment From You Now
                  She wasn’t certain how he remained so calm. If it had been her in his place – she would be in a state of panic. 
                  Nikita Mears had to admire Ari Tasarov’s resolve, particularly given the circumstances. There was no guarantee that the mission would succeed, even with her promises – which were not hollow, but still tinged with pragmatism. 
                  Clearly, he had been in the business long enough to read the signs and draw his own conclusions. He had only been under Division’s protection (though really, hers) for the span of close to a month, and their history didn’t exactly paint a shining picture. 
                  Yet: in spite of everything she had put him through, he appeared to trust her. She wished she could understand why. Their past was rife with tension and multiple cases of backstabbing, mainly on her part. At the same time, the attraction that had sparked not long after they had met only continued to grow, which perhaps explained why she had been so tough on him in the first place. 
                  It was difficult, admitting when you liked someone.  It was downright impossible when said person worked for an agency that rivaled the one you wanted to destroy, at least at the time. 
                  Nikita sighed and pulled her overcoat tighter around her body to guard against the chill in the air, her gaze raking over her companion as they stood, silent, outside of the truck they were using as transport. 
                  Ari appeared less fazed than she did by the rapidly dropping temperature. It made sense; he hailed from a country known for frigid winters. 
                  He looked in her direction, those perceptive, beautiful blue eyes catching hers, his brow furrowing when he noticed her discomfort. “Perhaps we should wait inside?”
                  She shook her head, rubbing her palms together. “It’s fine. They shouldn’t be too much longer.”
                  “Nikita, surely you realize that I don’t like seeing you distressed?” His tone softened, as did the look on his face. 
                  The beautiful, dark-haired operative’s heart did a tiny cartwheel at his compassion, but her response was clipped. “Then maybe stop being so defeatist regarding your survival rate.” 
                  He blinked, astonished. “I’m not being defeatist. I’m merely being realistic.”
                  “Then stop it,” she griped, stomping away from him, though uncertain of where she could go since they still had to wait for the return of their companions. 
                  Snow crunched under her boots as she drew to a halt and took a deep, steadying breath. She hadn’t meant to start an argument – and really, it had not reached that point. Ari simply brought out that side of her.
                  She went still when she felt his hand on her shoulder. Of course he’d followed. 
                  “I’m sorry,” she murmured, not wanting to turn around just yet. “I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
                  “Clearly, something else is bothering you,” his touch drifted down, light and fleeting before he squeezed reassuringly at her arm. “What is it?”
                  She twisted to face him, tipping her head back due to their height difference. He really was quite handsome, with his striking, angular features and a stunning gaze that pierced right into her soul. 
                  “Why are you so resigned towards death, Ari? Would it be easier, after everything you’ve done?”
                  His lips pursed before he responded. “Do you think I want to die, Nikita?”
                  “Maybe,” she shrugged. 
                  He grasped at her shoulders abruptly. “Of course I don’t want to! I want…” he trailed off, letting go of her just as quickly as he’d latched on. 
                  She watched him begin to pace, muttering quietly in his native tongue.
                  She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “You can’t get out of this by trying to be incomprehensible.”
                  “That’s not –” he threw up his hands in frustration. “Nikita, you seem to be under the impression that there isn’t anything out there for me that’s worth surviving this for. You’re wrong. There is, but it’s not something I can possibly have.”
                  She took a step towards him tentatively. “What is it?”
                  “What is it that you think you can’t have?”
                  His eyes met hers then, the clear expression in them causing her heart to clench. 
                  Then he said the words that she had been secretly longing for. “Simply put, you.”
                  Her pulse jumped at the affirmation, her breath catching in her throat. 
                  “If there was time, we’d be someplace else – preferably warmer – where I could put this in more poetic terms and make love to you for hours on end.” He started towards her. “Where this ridiculous world we choose to be a part of doesn’t have to matter and I can finally have you all to myself. But I know it’s nothing but a fantasy. You have Michael and I –
                  She brought one hand up to his mouth to silence him momentarily. “Michael’s not part of this equation. We’re taking a break.”
                  “Surely not. What about the engagement?” He gaped at her in disbelief.
                  “I gave him back the ring, for now. The truth is: when you told me that there wasn’t a happily ever after in this business, your words resonated. I rushed into Michael’s arms not long after I rejected you the third time, and things escalated so quickly that I never really thought about what I truly wanted. I got caught up in the perfect ideal and then it all crumbled to dust when I had to cut off his hand to save him."
                  "That wasn’t your fault,” he whispered. “You did what you thought you needed to.”
                  “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect the people I care about. That includes you, Ari. I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t matter to me. But now time is running out,” tears began to form at the edges of her eyes, forcing her to wipe them away hastily. “Why didn’t you say anything about how you felt earlier?”
                  “You mean besides the fact that I thought I’d already lost you to another? Because I never believed that you would return my feelings.”
                  She glanced at her feet, shame taking over. “God, Ari, I’m so sorry. This really isn’t the way I wanted you to spend what might be your final night alive.”
                  “I’m spending it with you. That’s enough,” surprisingly warm, elegant fingers curled under her chin, tilting her head back so she could see the grateful expression on his attractive face. 
                  Before she could say another word, his lips brushed hers – feathery and tentative, as if asking permission. 
                  She pulled back long enough to catch his eyes and grant it, before gripping at his coat collar and yanking him to her for a proper kiss. 
                  They embraced tenderly, his hands moving around to cradle the back of her head so he could angle his mouth more passionately over hers. 
                  Nikita sighed, giving herself over to it – to him. Ari’s kiss was tinged with a melancholy that couldn’t be fully shaken, and she could feel a part of her heart shattering.
                  To keep herself from sobbing, she gripped on to him tighter. She needed him to know how deeply she had fallen in love with him. 
                  He seemed to get the message quickly, and she gasped when she was unexpectedly pressed up against the side of the truck. She hadn’t even realized that they were that close to it. 
                  The mood shifted, heat blossoming between them as what had started out as innocent evolved into a full-blown make out session. 
                  With surprising strength, he hoisted her up in his arms, never once breaking from their kiss. Instead, they met over and over, exchanging fervent bites and teasing at each other’s lips, while she circled her legs around his waist to anchor them together. 
                  Her hands traveled to undo a few buttons to his shirt. It was far too cold to let reason completely leave the premises, but she still needed to feel him in some way. She wanted to know what she would be missing as their future wasn’t set in stone. 
                  Her fingers came in contact with the firm tone of his chest, her nails scraping through the soft hair that dusted his skin which was flushed with heat. 
                  Ari groaned, his lips straying from hers to lay claim on her throat, one hand dragging the zipper to her jacket down further for better access. 
                  Nikita hissed when he bit down on her neck, arousal jolting straight to her core. “We shouldn’t do this here.”
                  “You’re right,” his words were muffled against her flesh, his teeth scraping provocatively. “Of course you’re right…you deserve a soft bed and a man who isn’t courting death.”
                  “And yet I want you.” 
                  This finally prompted him to pull away and look at her. For the first time since the entire ordeal began, there was hope in his eyes. 
                  Her heart skipped a beat. “I love you. We’ll figure a way out of this.”
                  “I love you,” the conviction was unmistakable, as was the strength of his arms as they wrapped around her, even when he set her carefully on her feet. 
                  They took another moment to bask in one another, foreheads touching and eyes closing as they breathed each other in. 
                  Eventually, they made their way back inside the truck, fingers laced together as they contemplated where to go from there. 
                  Little did they know – there wouldn’t be a later. 
The End
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mrsreginagold · 7 months
Fic: Just You And I Love
Fandom: Nikita
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: R 
Spoilers: AU for the end of the first season. Ari shows up at Nikita’s loft instead of Alex. Nikita and Michael did not get together romantically.
Summary: A major change of plans puts Nikita on the run with a man she once considered an enemy. 
Author's note: This is my first fic for this pairing, written roughly a year ago. My sincerest apologies for any formatting issues, it's been a long time since I posted writing to tumblr.
Nikari Fanmix Here
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Just You and I Love
                  It had all gone wrong in the worst way. 
                  “I had it planned perfectly,” Nikita Mears growled as she hurried up the stairwell, arm in arm with the man who had botched said plan. “And then you showed up.”
                  “If you’ll forgive my impertinence on the matter, I hardly see how that,” Ari Tasarov gestured at the looming wave of fire that was literally on their heels. “Is considered a plan.”
                  She pursed her lips but denied him a response. Instead, she focused on getting them both to the roof. 
                  “You’re welcome, by the way,” he stated, as if they weren’t fighting for their very survival and were having a completely ordinary conversation.
                  She glanced at him. “For what?”
                  “Oh, I don’t know: saving your life?”
                  “You took a bullet to the shoulder and then fell on top of me, how is that saving my life?”
                  “I beg your pardon, but I pushed you out of the line of fire. How we happened to land was a mere accident.”
                  “Was it now?” she arched an eyebrow, amused despite their dire situation. 
                  After all – she and Ari had danced around each other flirtatiously from the moment they had met. 
                  “On my honor.” He crossed a hand over his heart.
                  “Right. A criminal with honor. Silly me, should have seen that coming.” She shoved one final door open and stepped out into the chill of night. 
                  Ari followed. “As ridiculous as an assassin with a conscience, then? What a pair we make.”
                  She whirled, fed up and exhausted. “Look. I have been chased, shot at, injected with multiple toxins…it has not been a good day. And the last thing I need is you lording over me with some bullshit superiority complex.”
                  His brow creased, genuine concern washing over his attractive features. “Toxins? Nikita: how are you even still standing?”
                  “Built up endurance. I admit that it slowed me down though,” she took a deep breath, shutting her eyes momentarily. “The fresh air is helping.”
                  In the next second, his fingers had curled under her chin to tip it up, and she blinked her eyes back open, his angular face looming closer as he inspected hers. 
                  Unbidden, her lips parted when he ran his thumb over them, and she wasn’t certain what disarmed her more: his worried expression, or just how damn blue his eyes happened to be. 
                  “We should get you somewhere safe where you can rest,” Ari finally surmised, his gaze drifting away from hers to survey their surroundings more closely. “If we procure a car, I can get us to shelter. First: we need a way off this roof.”
                  “I can rappel across to the other side,” she stepped away from him and looked over the ledge. “Can you climb down via the fire escapes?”
                  “Or I could rappel across the same way, I’m not an invalid.” There was a spark of irritation in the ordinarily dulcet tone. 
                  She looked back over her shoulder to see him standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, his expression mirroring his words. 
                  Nikita cleared her throat. “And make your injury worse?”
                  “It was a graze, Nikita,” he put emphasis on every syllable of her name, which prompted a shiver that wasn’t remotely unpleasant to ease up her spine. “I’m perfectly capable of holding on.”
                  She planted her feet more firmly to the ground and frowned. “All right then, show me.”
                  It was finally his turn to blink rapidly in confusion. “Beg your pardon?”
                  “Show. Me. Your. Arm.” Purposely, she bridged the space between them. 
                  Though it took him a second to process what she was asking of him, he shrugged compliantly out of his over-coat and then his suit jacket. He then passed both garments to her while he un-did the knot in his tie. 
                  Despite her best intentions to not be affected, her breath still caught when he started to pop open the buttons to the crisp white dress shirt he wore, revealing pale skin inch by inch until it was loose enough for him to slide it down the injured arm.
                  She shoved the miniscule bit of disappointment that he hadn’t taken his shirt off entirely to the far, far away regions of her mind and turned her attention to where it was needed. 
                  As Ari had stated, the bullet had grazed him, and as far as she could tell there was no shrapnel stuck in the cut. Still, once they were safe, she’d definitely ensure the area was cleaned and bandaged properly. 
                  “What’s the prognosis?” He inquired; his voice softer now that she was so close.
“For now, let’s make a tourniquet out of your tie. We’re going to have to ditch these clothes eventually anyway.”
There was a low chuckle. “If you wanted to see me naked, all you had to do was ask,” playfully, he began to undo another button on the shirt.
She stopped him before any more of his lean yet remarkably sculpted torso could be shown off. “Ari, be serious for a minute, please. It’s still bleeding, and I don’t want you getting weaker on me.”
He acquiesced and allowed her to wrap the silk around the junction of his bicep and shoulder blade. 
Nikita apologized softly when he made a pained groan as she tied a firm knot to keep the fabric in place. “There, that should do it.”
He pulled his sleeve back up and re-buttoned his shirt most of the way, though he left the collar undone enough for her to get a glimpse of what lay hidden beneath. 
She narrowed her eyes. He had to be doing so on purpose by this point. 
In order to distract herself from staring at him, she moved over to a different part of the roof, where she’d hidden some emergency supplies and the rappel hook to get to the adjacent building. 
Ari came to stand beside her once he was finished with putting his suit jacket and overcoat back on. “Is everything accounted for?”
“We should pick up some food and new clothes while we’re on the road, but other than that, I think we’re good,” she shouldered the duffle bag. “You want to go?” 
“By all means, ladies first,” he made a sweeping gesture with his left hand. 
“I guess chivalry isn’t lost,” Nikita murmured while she launched the hook across the building. 
She tested the line for safety and stood on the ledge, about to grab on to the anchor so she could propel herself across, when he gripped her arm.
She paused. “What?”
“Be careful,” his gaze caught hers, the sincerity in it making her heart skip a few beats.
She tugged him forward by his coat collar, her mouth seeking his to initiate a tender kiss of reassurance. 
His arms curled around her protectively and he deepened the embrace, his lips gentle and warm against her own. 
Instinctively, she raked her fingers through his dark hair, allowing herself one light nip at his mouth before she pulled away. 
He stared at her, those eyes glittering with a swirl of emotion that made her reluctant to part from him. “Make your way over once I send it back,” quickly, she grasped the carabiner and took off. 
He followed soon after, landing on the parallel roof with grace and striding directly to her side. “See? Easy.”
She bit back a smile, took his hand, and together they headed down the stair-well. 
                  “Next order of business is to get us some wheels.” Once they were out on the street, Nikita assumed immediate command. “Something that wouldn’t be traced right away so we have time to switch out the license plates.”
                  “I’ve gone on the run before, Nikita,” she was certain Ari was rolling his eyes judging by the sarcasm dripping in his tone. “Our best bet would probably be an impound lot.”
                  “Huh. You are more useful than you appear.”
                  His chest brushed against her back, alerting her to just how close he happened to be. “Darling, you’ll find that I’m full of surprises.”
                  Yes. Being a full-on temptation is arguably the biggest one of those.
They kept to the shadows and alleyways of the city until they found the local impound lot and Nikita quickly utilized her break-in skills. 
From then on – it was a matter of finding a mode of transportation that was inconspicuous.
When they finally settled on a vehicle that was silver in color, she rummaged around in her duffle to see what she could use to hot-wire it, only for Ari to dangle a key in front of her. “I think it will be much easier with this.”
She gawked at him, wondering just how he had managed to sneak into the office and get back without her noticing. “When – how did you?
He exhaled, small clouds of breath emerging in the air thanks to the cold temperature and stuck his hands in his coat pockets with a shrug. “Stealth was my forte was I was in the field.”
Her eyes widened further, and her jaw dropped. “You were an operative?!”
“You could say that with less surprise you know.”
Impressed, she unlocked the door and flipped a switch that opened the passenger side. “It’s not that. I know you’re former KGB, but I guess I just figured you for more of an analyst.”
Ari’s mouth formed a bemused smile while he moved around to the opposite side of the car. “Let’s just say…I worked my way up.”
She slid into the driver’s seat, adjusted a few things including the rear-view mirror, and finally asked which direction they would be heading in. 
“Go north, I’ll navigate.” He promised, settling as comfortably in the seat as he could. 
Touched by his trust in her, Nikita put the car into the right gear and, with that – they were on their way. 
They drove for several hours before stopping at a Walmart that remained open late, where they purchased some new supplies, clothing, and food. 
Nikita finished changing in the gas-station bathroom first and waited, sipping at a hot coffee for both warmth and the necessary caffeine to keep going.
She was alerted to Ari’s presence when he cleared his throat, and once she got a good look at him, she nearly dropped the cup she was holding. 
The man looked amazing in tailored suits, but a case could definitely be made for dark jeans, a flannel shirt, and a black leather jacket. Additionally: he’d tousled his hair so that it fell in looser strands over his forehead, and the effect was arguably a pleasant one. 
He drew to a halt in front of her. “I feel ridiculous.”
                  “Yeah but you’re hot.” She blurted before she could stop herself.
                  He tilted his head, mirth lighting up his striking features. “Really?” 
                  She coughed awkwardly, darting her gaze away. “I uh…I’m guessing they don’t have many of these places where you’re from?”
                  “What gave that away?”
                  “Well besides the fact that you have a taste for the finer things, I know that progress there is slower.”
                  “It’s a mix of modern and ancient, like many cultures,” he confessed, falling into step next to her as they exited the mini mart. 
                  “Of course. I still can’t exactly picture you driving up to a McDonalds and getting a Big Mac, though.”
                  He snorted at the remark. “I prefer the Quarter Pounder.”
                  She laughed as well. “I’ll keep that in mind.” 
                  They reached the car and got back inside. Nikita immediately keyed the ignition so she could fiddle with the heater. “How much further do you think?”
                  “Another couple of hours.”
                  “And how’s the arm?”
                  “A bit sore.”
                  She laid a hand across his forehead to ascertain if he had a fever. “You’re a little elevated. There are some pills in the duffle. That should hold you over till I can dress the wound.”
                  “I’m trying not to read too much into how eager you seem to be to get my shirt off properly.”
                  She rolled her eyes and then focused on the road as she pulled out of the parking lot. “If you can flirt, you’re in no immediate danger.”
                  It was significantly late by the time they reached the cabin. Ari’s condition seemed no worse than before, but Nikita wasn’t about to take any chances.
                  He let them inside and she deposited her duffle and the additional bags of supplies and non-perishable food on the kitchen table before searching for the first aid kit. 
                  Wordlessly, she guided her companion into the bathroom and took the liberty of unbuttoning the flannel.
                  He pulled his arms free with a wince.
                  She was unable to resist ogling his uncovered torso, her eyes roaming over a broad, beautifully muscled chest and abdomen. He was slender but toned perfectly for his build, and the only flaws she noticed were a few littered scars. She wondered if there were any special stories behind them, but shifted her focus to the task at hand and removed the tourniquet as gently as she could.
                  He hissed in pain when she doused the exposed cut with peroxide. She went about cleaning efficiently, utilizing tweezers to pull away small bits of fabric that had gotten stuck. “I’m sorry, I’m going as quick as I can.”
                  “It’s fine. I’ve had worse.”
                  She completed the cleaning portion and grabbed antibacterial ointment. “I never thanked you for earlier. I’m sorry about that too.” She placed a fresh gauze bandage over the wound and taped it in place. 
                  He cupped her chin tenderly. “Nikita, you don’t have to apologize.”
                  At this point, she loved the way that he said her name: with allure and deep meaning all at once. 
                  For the second time since this whole thing started, she found herself kissing him. Like before, it was tentative – a way to search her heart and the bubbling emotions that he instilled. 
                  With a remarkably quick motion, he trapped her against the wall directly behind them and deepened the embrace.
                  He teased at the shape of her mouth beseechingly until she opened for him and allowed that clever tongue to explore. 
                  Giving in was easy when he was pressed close enough for her to feel the effect that she had over him, her hips bucking in natural response. She felt him smirk knowingly and gasped into the kiss when he hiked her leg over his waist, ensuring that they were touching as much as possible despite still being mostly clothed. 
                  In retaliation, she dragged her nails through the hair that dusted the expanse of his chest, delighting in the heat of his skin and the low, incredibly sensual-sounding growl that emerged from him.
                  His mouth eventually strayed and gained purchase on her throat, trailing down further and further, nibbling purposely at the cleavage revealed by the low cut of her tee shirt. 
                  At the same time, one hand skimmed under the hem, tracing a light circle over her taught abdomen, and eventually working its way up until he reached the base of her bra. 
                  This was where he paused, pulling back to study her reaction.
                  Her heart cartwheeled at seeing the devotion in those gorgeous blue eyes. “Why’d you stop?”
                  “I just needed to be sure that this was what you wanted,” he admitted, a slightly bashful expression crossing his handsome face that felt somewhat at odds with his disheveled appearance.
                  “Well…I mean, we are supposed to be resting,” she looped her fingers into the beltloops of his jeans and gave a gentle tug so that he was back in her arms, which she wrapped around his torso. 
                  There was a wry chuckle, and then he touched their foreheads together. “I suppose we could argue that it was my way of ensuring that you actually made it into the bed?”
                  “We could, though the second I hit those pillows all bets are off as to whether or not I’ll stay conscious.” 
                  “You’re tired,” he observed, ducking a kiss to her cheek in understanding. “It’s all right. I’m exhausted too and the last thing I want is either of us passing out on each other.”
                  A peal of genuine laughter escaped her at the mental image. “You’re right, that would be awful.”
                  He stole another kiss, emphasizing that they would definitely continue what they had started when the time was right.
                  She curled into him, reluctant to let go but knowing that they were making the right decision given the circumstances. 
                  “I’ll go get changed and make sure we have enough blankets,” he parted from her, but squeezed her hand gently before doing so. 
                  She watched him walk off, admiring the sway of his hips for a moment, and then moved out into the kitchen to put some things away before she got ready to turn in herself.
                  “Well, this should be interesting,” Nikita murmured once she was in her nightgown, fluffing out her hair and smoothing over the silk fabric. She had completely forgotten that she had picked something so feminine until she put it on, and now her heart was thundering at what Ari’s reaction was going to be. 
                  Timidly, she emerged from the bathroom, her long hair loose around her shoulders and her face fresh and clean of makeup. 
                  She padded on bare feet to the bedroom, her pulse pounding with each step, until she finally opened the door. 
                  The bed looked very warm and inviting; but it paled in comparison to the sight of her companion already situated against the pillows, reading a novel and still shirtless. 
                  Ari peeked over the edge of the book, and she held her breath in anticipation. 
                  She had never seen someone move that fast before. She was in his arms in the space of a heartbeat, lost immediately to his taste and touch, goosebumps erupting across her flesh when her night dress hit the floor. 
                  “You’re very naked,” she mumbled while he guided her towards the bed. “I’m not mad about it.”
                  “I might have anticipated that you would change your mind,” he darted kisses along her neck and then reclined her onto the blankets.
                  She moaned when his tongue laved at the hollow of her throat. “We’re definitely not getting any sleep, are we?”
                  He shook his head. “Not yet.” 
                  “I can live with that,” her breath hitched when he slipped off her underwear, effectively removing the final barrier between them. 
                  If someone had told her only weeks ago that she would not only find herself on the run with Ari Tasarov, but would willingly take him to bed, Nikita would have laughed in their face. 
                  Now that she had him: she wasn’t about to let go so easily. 
                  He rapidly proved that the feeling was very much mutual. 
                  She pulled him to her while limbs entangled, unhurried kisses were exchanged, and hands took to task. 
Talented fingers ghosted over the curve of her hip, their fleeting touch prompting a pleased sound and making her body arc into his. 
                  His mouth drifted from hers to place gentle kisses along her shoulders, coasting lower and lower until he finally lay claim to her breasts and snuck one hand between her legs.
                  Intoxicating heat gathered at her core, arousal clouding her senses as she became lost to sensation.
                  Her experiences with seduction had typically been brief and to the point – a way to disarm a target. 
                  This, on the other hand, was another matter entirely. 
                  There was nothing to rush or distract Ari from being masterful in his art, culminating in her world shattering from the pleasure of it. 
                  She lay there, boneless and trembling, one hand shakily running through his hair while he nuzzled affectionately at the crook in her neck until she calmed down.
                  “You all right?” his face loomed into her vision, the ocean-colored depths of his eyes catching her dark ones. 
                  “I’m wonderful…though curious over how you managed to be so good at that.”
                  A rich, warm laugh was his answer, and he nudged her nose with his. “Uh-oh. I might have my work cut out for me.”
                  Nikita quirked a brow and slid a leg against his. “That may be, but first,” she twisted and toppled him under her, delighting in the surprised expression her action caused. “I have you right where I want you, and it’s my turn.”
                  He hissed softly when she straddled him and began to duck kisses to his chest, grumbling something in Russian that made her look up at him with a smirk, and then continue without preamble. 
                  “You were wrong earlier,” Ari struggled to regain his composure after the onslaught of Nikita’s passions had slowed down. 
                  “About what?” she ran her hands lazily over his chest, watching the steady rise and fall of his breathing pattern. 
                  “You’re not the one who’s going to pass out from exhaustion.” He arched one eyebrow and gave her a significant look. “You’ll have to be gentler.”
                  She winced slightly and grazed her lips over his collarbone. “Sorry. Do you want to pick this back up later? I’m okay with sleeping and cuddling.”
                  “I think I just need a little more time to recuperate,” he confessed, pulling her close so they could snuggle under the blankets properly. 
                  She complied with a happy sigh, continuing to intermittently shower his chest and neck with light, feathery kisses and drawing invisible figures along his torso. “Truth be told, I think I needed this.”
                  His laughter puffed at her hair. “I think we both did.”
                  “It’s not easy, you know? This life. Constantly looking over your shoulder and uncertain of who to trust,” she nuzzled at his throat. “You forget how to feel after a while.”
                  “You’re right. It isn’t easy,” he shifted so they were facing one another, his expression serious. “That’s why I knew that I had to leave Gogol and cling to what humanity I have left.”
                  Her heart clenched in pity, and she leaned forward to kiss him softly. “I understand completely.”
                  “I know you do,” his words were muffled against her lips, In a graceful motion, he turned to pin her under his welcome weight. “And I think I’ve regained enough energy.”
                  She locked her legs around his waist, arching her hips in invitation. “Then don’t waste any more time.”
                  He didn’t. 
                  With a fluid thrust, they were joined together. 
                  She grasped at his back, crying out at the overwhelming feeling that being one caused after a gradual build up. 
                  He was still at first, allowing them both to adjust to such intimacy, and then he slowly began to move. 
                  Nikita let out a shaky breath, her fingers inching down his spine while she met his motions with her own and symmetry was gained. 
                  He kissed her, soft and sweet, and murmured something in his native tongue before adjusting his angle and burying deeper. 
                  Her head fell back, and the entire room seemed to spin. This felt beyond right, or natural, or any other platitude she could have come up with. 
                  Ari felt like home.
                  They continued their dance, entwined together in a tangle, sweat-slick skin causing oh-so-perfect friction. 
                  And when they finally careened over that proverbial edge – it was as one. 
                  Nikita was uncertain of how much time had passed by the time she woke. 
                  She stretched, lazy and cat-like, not willing to rise just yet, flinging one arm out to Ari’s side of the bed. 
                  When she came in contact not with his warm skin but a cooling space where he had slept, her eyes finally flew open in alarm. 
                  “Ari?” she sat up abruptly, gathering the sheets to her chest.
                  It took her another moment, but then she heard the sound of the shower running. 
                  Relieved: she pulled the sheets with her as she got out of the bed and made her way over to the bathroom. 
                  There was still a pleasant numbness from the previous night’s proclivities, as Ari had proven a thorough and giving lover and she’d lost track of just how many times they made love before succumbing to slumber. 
                  With a fond smile, she pushed the door open and dropped the sheet on the floor, wasting zero time in joining him under the soothing hot spray of water. 
                  She snaked her arms around his waist from behind and pressed a kiss in greeting to his left shoulder blade. 
                  He glanced back at her. “You finally returned to the land of the living I see.”
                  “Stop,” she laughed against his skin. “How long was I out?”
                  “…it’s roughly one P.M…”
                  Her eyes went wide. “What?!”
                  He was quick to turn around and hold her. “You looked so peaceful, my love. It would have pained me to wake you.”
                  Her embarrassment at having slept so long dissipated when she was distracted by how attractive he looked with water dripping over his well-built frame. 
                  “Well, I’m fully awake now.” She slipped her arms around his neck, pressing their nude forms together. “Not to mention starving.”
                  “I can make us something,” he reached to turn off the water, but she stopped him, shaking her head and touching her lips to his.
                  “Not for food.”
                  He raised a brow but didn’t hesitate to capture her mouth with his. 
                  It would be a little while longer before they exited the bath. 
                  Nikita was certain that Ari had put some kind of adrenaline booster into the food she was currently devouring. Not only was it absolutely delicious, but she felt a gradual buzz of energy building within her.
                  “Okay,” she set down the fork and eyed her partner suspiciously. “There’s got to be some kind of special ingredient in here.”
                  He merely rested his chin against his hand and grinned. “Not telling. My recipe. My secret.”
                  “Well, that settles it: you’re incorrigible,” she settled back into the chair. “Absolutely determined to drive me crazy.”
                  He laughed sharply. “You’re already quite aware of that, darling.”
                  “Don’t start.” She looked away from him to the maps and documents scattered across a nearby coffee table. “When did you start plotting our next move?”
                  “While you were still asleep. I took a walk, and then began going through some things.” He rose, gathering their empty plates so he could clean them. 
                  She moved to inspect all the work he had done while he did the dishes and was engrossed in a specific map by the time he returned to her side with a much-appreciated cup of coffee. 
                  “Here,” he sat next to her, one arm draping over her shoulder so he could take a look at what she was so enthralled by. “Ah. Yes, the intel suggested one of the boxes is there.”
                  She accepted the drink, taking a sip and then settling back more comfortably against him. “It feels so surreal. When we first met you suggested that we work together to find them and now, here we are; and I’m sorely tempted to just throw all of those into the fire and run off to some island somewhere instead.”
                  He set his mug down and shifted so he could embrace her. “Not the worst idea. That being said: is it really what you want?”
                  Nikita groaned, unsure, and put her own cup aside so she could turn and curl up in his arms. “Right now? I just want you.”
                  He brushed his lips along her temple. “Besides that, Nikita.”
                  “Is it so wrong to want a home? A normal life?”
                  “Of course not, but I’ve been watching you for some time now.”
                  “That’s called stalking.”
                  “Where I come from it’s called surveillance. And that’s not the point I’m trying to make here, what I’m trying to say is: I’ve seen what drives you. It’s helping others and making an actual difference. You won’t be satisfied until Division is taken down. And I won’t be satisfied until you are. We’re in this together now,” he tucked a stray lock of hair over her ear, looking deeply into her eyes. 
                  She searched his gaze; her heart flipping at the sincerity and love apparent there. “You know…when you first showed up at the loft, I thought things were going to go very differently. And then: you saved me. And I never asked why.”
                  He stroked along her arms. “I saved you because I’m in love with you. That’s it. Plain and simple. I just never thought you’d accept that.”
                  “It’s more than accepting it,” she cradled his face between her hands. “I’m in love with you too.”
                  His reply to her confession was to kiss her so ardently that they toppled backwards on the couch. 
                  It was not long before they were irrevocably lost in one another, but what mattered the most was that there was a future – and they were going to face it together. 
The End
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