#i am legit surprised they let me keep this relatively chaste
mrsreginagold · 3 months
Fic: Your Angel Undercover
Fandom: Nikita
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Set during season 2, canon divergent. 
Summary: Distractions nearly prove disastrous for Ari and Nikita during a mission. 
Author’s note: Inspired by @rubyloops recent, lovely Nikari drawings. This was possibly one of the fastest turnarounds I’ve had for a piece, but the muses demanded my attention until it was finished. As such it’s relatively short and sweet. 
On AO3
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Your Angel Undercover
                  Nikita Mears drummed her fingers impatiently against the bar’s wooden surface: tapping out a beat with her nails as she observed her partner’s behavior across the room. 
                  She was a professional, dammit. Jealousy was beneath her. 
                  Her heart dropped when she noticed the warm smile on Ari Tasarov’s face as he charmed the young woman who was their target on this particular mission. 
                  Envy coursed through her veins and the beautiful former assassin frowned. 
                  It didn’t help matters that she was uncertain how to define her relationship with the handsome operative who had betrayed his organization to stay by her side. They started out as rivals, and then slowly but surely developed a trust and friendship, and now she couldn’t imagine getting through her day-to-day without him. 
                  At some point – she had gone and done the stupid thing and fallen in love. 
                  The admittedly pretty mark laughed loud enough at something her companion had said, prompting Nikita to clutch more tightly at the glass she held in her opposite hand. 
                  As if sensing her distress, Ari glanced in her direction. 
                  She flushed in embarrassment and turned away, taking a long swig of champagne in order to force her feelings back. 
                  She peeked over her shoulder to see that the conversation had ended, and he was making his way to where she was standing. 
                  She inhaled deeply, goosebumps prickling at her bare arms due to the cool air, regretting her decision not to bring along a sweater to place over her strapless black dress.
                  “You’re shivering,” a familiar, resonant baritone murmured, and she heard fabric rustle right before the warmth of his coat covered her shoulders.
                  “Did you get the flash drive?” she inquired, peering over at him. 
                  He really did look debonaire in his tuxedo, even without the jacket. The crisp white shirt clung attractively to his torso, accentuating the toned definition she knew he possessed beneath, as on more than one occasion she had seen him in little more than a towel. 
                  She chewed at her lip, unable to keep from staring when he gracefully leaned back against the bar. Part of her wanted to drag him off and forget about their goals entirely, but Alex would be furious if things didn’t go according to her plan. 
                  “Check the left pocket,” he gestured.
                  She did, smiling when her fingers brushed over tiny, sleek plastic. “Perfect. We can head out then.”
                  “What’s the hurry?” he eyed her. “I thought…”
                  She twisted closer to him, curious as to why he had trailed off. “You thought what?”
                  “I thought that maybe you’d like to dance.” He extended out his hand, a hopeful expression crossing his angular features. 
                  Nikita’s heart skipped, and wordlessly, she accepted. 
                  Their fingers tangled together as he escorted her out onto the ballroom floor. The hired orchestra was playing a romantic cover of a pop song that she recognized, and her pulse thrummed when Ari effortlessly swung her into a simple waltz.
                  She placed a hand on his shoulder, tipping her head back to look up at him, instantly swept into the vast sea of stunning blue that was his eyes. 
                  His grip on her waist tightened slightly so he could tug her closer, the pair swaying together to the music.
                  “I saw the way you were looking at me earlier,” he murmured, breaking the spell between them. “You seemed out of sorts.”
                  “I was just worried that you’d scare off that girl,” the lie fell smoothly enough, but she could tell that he didn’t believe her. 
                  “Were you? Or were you envious of her having my attention?”
                  She scoffed, tossing her long hair over her shoulder in the process. “Me? Jealous of a child? You must be joking!”
                  “Nikita…” and there it was: the quiet, sensual manner in which he uttered her name, instantly making her knees go weak. “Don’t lie to me.”
                  “I’m not,” she protested. “Ari, this really isn’t the place –
                  He cut her off, his mouth sealing over hers in an all-too-brief kiss. 
                  Her breath hitched, lips parting in an attempt to respond to the sudden affection, only to find that her words had also been stolen. 
                  A self-satisfied expression crossed his face, as if his suspicion had been correct all along.
                  Frustration bubbled up, and she yanked at his sleeve to get him to follow her so they could continue their discussion in private.
                  The elevator door slid shut and Nikita roughly passed Ari’s coat back to him. “What the hell was that?”
                  “It’s what commonly referred to as a kiss,” he shrugged the garment back on, ensuring that the flash drive was still tucked into the pocket.
                  “That isn’t what I meant.”
                  “I know it isn’t what you meant,” an aggravated look was aimed her way. “I was just getting tired of this continual dodging.”
                  “What do you mean, we aren’t –
                  Long, elegant fingers curled around her arm. “Yes. We are. We’ve been avoiding the elephant in the room long enough. I love you, Nikita.” 
                  “You what?” she blinked, incredulous.
                  “I said: I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment that we met,” the beautiful, clear gaze that she so easily lost herself in was sincere. “And I think those feelings are reciprocated, otherwise you wouldn’t have looked at that other woman as though you wanted to claw off her face.”
                  “Ari…” she swallowed, nerves swirling in her stomach at the intensity that was being directed solely at her. “What exactly do you want me to say? That I fell in love with you and can’t stand the sight of another woman at your side? That’s the truth: I’m hopelessly, desperately in love with you and I have no idea what to do about it.”
                  He didn’t answer in the traditional sense. Instead, with an abrupt, deft motion, he dragged her into his arms and captured her lips in a far more passionate kiss. 
                  The sudden action startled a gasp out of her, heat pooling directly at her core when he shoved her against the wall and effortlessly lifted her so she could wrap her legs around him as the embrace deepened further. 
                  All that mattered now was how he enveloped her with warmth, his taller, solid body pressing as close as possible, alerting her to just how much she affected him. 
                  She clutched at his shirt with one hand and brought the other up to weave through his hair, upsetting it from the neat style he kept it in. 
                  He caught her lower lip between his teeth, nipping deliberately to coax open her mouth.
                  She granted him entry, which allowed him to explore with precision, her hands busying themselves with undoing his bow tie. 
                  There was a ping of sound when the elevator reached its destination. 
                  Without breaking their kiss, Ari carried Nikita out into the hallway. 
                  She wasn’t certain how he managed it, but the next thing she knew he was holding her up against the door to their room. 
                  Her head tipped back when his lips eventually strayed to dart firefly kisses across the slender column of her throat. “Key?”
                  “Other pocket.”
                  She fished around in his jacket to locate the cardkey, handing it to him so they could continue somewhere more comfortable. 
                  The second they were on the opposite side of the door, her hands went to task, first pushing his tuxedo coat onto the floor while he guided them to the bed. 
                  She cast the satin still dangling around his neck to the floor and attacked the buttons to his shirt next, toppling onto the sheets with him as their attentions grew more lustful. 
                  “Oh my god, can you not?!”  a female voice shrieked in alarm. 
                  They froze. 
                  Nikita pulled away first, a horrified expression on her lovely face as she slowly looked to the side to see Alexandra Udinov sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.
                  “Er. We uh…we thought the room was empty.” She addressed her one-time protégé.
                  Alex crossed her arms and glared at them. “Did you at least get the flash drive?”
                  “It’s in my coat,” Ari finally spoke up. 
                  Nikita peered down at her paramour, noting that he appeared more annoyed than anything else. 
                  Alex stood, picking up the discarded jacket and searching till she found the object that she was looking for. “I’m leaving. We are never to discuss what happened here. Go about your business.”
                  Without another word, their fellow agent left. 
                  Nikita released a breath that she had been holding and exchanged a glance with Ari. “That was…mortifying.”
                  He inched one hand up her thigh and smirked. “Agreed, but if she had stalled my plans to make love to you for the rest of the afternoon, I would have never forgiven her.”
                  “Just the afternoon?” she grinned, parting the fabric over his chest. 
                  “As well as the evening, plus tomorrow morning,” he tugged his arms free from the sleeves and then twisted so he could pin her under him. “And the foreseeable future.”
                  “Promises, promises,” she murmured, and then drew him to her for an ardent kiss that ended the discussion. 
The End
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Young!Remus Lupin x Female Reader: Marauder Invasion (Night Intruder, Part 2)
A/N: Un-fucking-believable, pardon my french. I’m sorry to sound like a broken record, but I just want to take a second to thank each and every one of you for the time you’ve accorded to this reader insert, it honestly means the world to me. The support you’ve shown came completely unexpected and I honestly hope that you guys are going to like what follows! The third part is probably going to be out before the end of the week, if you would still want to read what I have all mapped out in my head, that is lol
WARNINGS: Marauder squad (a very legit warning if you think about it), a LOT of swear words and my hideous English - the usual. New to the series? Accio first part! P.S. This gif made by talented @potter-imagines-here is this part summed up. I couldn’t resist :)  As always, I hope you enjoy, lads xo
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Sitting in the Grand Hall, you tried desperately to focus on the Transfiguration essay you had finished writing yesterday, proof-reading it. Both Lily and Marlene kept silent, their interest in cinnamon-sprinkled porridge phenomenal. 
When you finally abandoned any attempt to fall asleep at around six in the morning, you lay in your bed struggling to keep your mind from wandering towards a certain Gryffindor Scarface, whom you once considered your best friend. As you kept rereading the same line in your Herbology textbook an hour later, sitting cross-legged on your pillows, you heard Lily’s worried ramble, as she grabbed your shoulders, still half asleep, her piercing green eyes studying your face.
“Y/N, are you hurt?!”
“What?” you furrowed your eyebrows, looking at your friend as if she’d gone mental.
“Your face…” Lily said, confused, not noticing any visible scratches.
“Oh!” it finally dawned on you as you jumped off your bed, leaving Lily behind. “It’s nothing, it’s just…”
“You didn’t kill that poor guy last night, did you?” Marlene asked, disappointed, awoken by all the commotion.
“No, I…” your brain was running at the speed of sound, trying to come up with a legit excuse for the blood smudged all over your face. The fact that you couldn’t invent anything that very instant was maddening you even more – you were sick of lying for Remus. “I guess I cut my palm and the blood ended up all over my face… You know how agitated my sleep gets, so…” Lie number 10005000697.
From the looks on girls’ faces they didn’t buy it, nor did they ask any more questions ever since, not even regarding last night’s visit. As a matter of fact, they refused to talk to you, point blank. And you were perfectly fine with that – if someone would make you lie on Remus Lupin’s behalf one more fucking time, you were going to kill your now least favorite werewolf in the world.
When you were about to pack your things and head for your Potions class, you felt the bench you were sitting on tremble, as masculine voices echoed all around you.
“Marlene, Lils,” you barely found the strength to crush a groan in your throat before you could let it out. “Do you mind if we steal Y/N here for a couple of minutes?” the infamous Gryffindor Chaser, James Potter, placed a chaste kiss on top of Lily’s head, standing across the table from you, his eyes fixed firmly on yours.
“Make it fifteen,” you turned your head to your right just to meet Sirius Black’s resting smug face. This boy had so much swagger you internally wished he’d choke on it one day.
“It’s important,” a small voice to your left added and you didn’t have to turn around to know that Peter Pettigrew was sitting there.
What is this, a fucking Marauder Invasion? you thought, grabbing your essay and standing up in an attempt to flee.
Before you could make as much as a step away from the trio, both Sirius and Peter placed their hands on your shoulders, making you sit back down.
“On a different note,” you heard Sirius speak sweetly. “We can talk here.”
You turned his way and honestly contemplated whether you should silently hex him. Noticing your glare, Sirius did justice to his name for once, his smile quickly fading. Moony had probably told him all about your non-verbal ways of performing spells.
“It’s okay,” you snapped your head back only to see both Lily and Marlene standing up. “You can stay here. We have finished eating anyway”.
You tried to catch Lily’s eye, silently begging her to stay, but she only muttered ‘see you’ and both girls disappeared from the Great Hall so fast as if they learned how to apparate. You followed them with your narrowed eyes, unbelieving. You could bet a galleon both Lily and Marlene knew what was going on, thanks to Potter and his sidekicks.
“So, Y/N”, James took Lily’s seat right in front of you, studying you face. You stared back at him, daring him to continue. You were never close with James or any other of the Marauder squad except for Remus. In fact, you were positive the legendary marauders were scared of you shitless. “I bet you know what we came here to talk to you about”.
You rolled your eyes, masterfully hiding the expression of utter surprise behind it. What did Remus tell them? Why in the world would they come to plead his case considering they didn’t even know you?
“We think you might have misunderstood Moony last night”, Peter let out, letting go of your shoulder.
You directed your glance at him with a burning desire to facepalm. This was just plain stupid. You couldn’t believe Remus would talk his friends into having this conversation with you.
“Oh I understood him alright,” you assured them, your gaze travelling from one marauder to another. “And even though I have no fucking idea what you four fuckboys were up to last night, I think it’s only fair that Remus should come banging on my door himself to justify that shitty stunt he pulled! I am so done playing Madame Pomfrey with that jerk seeing that he has his head so far up his ass that he just wouldn’t see how my heart can’t take seeing him bleed anymore!”
It took a minute for the meaning of your words to settle in. When you realized you might have just confessed your undying love to a certain werewolf in front of the three closest people Remus had – after you, of course – strangely, you couldn’t bring yourself to give a flying fuck. Last night and this whole consequent mess had started to finally have its toll on you, and a part of you was glad that your naked feelings were now out in the relative open.
“I will just pretend I didn’t hear ‘the fuckboys’ part, because the rest of it is brilliant”, Sirius finally spoke, making you turn his way. “I know we have never been that close, Y/N, but I have it on a good authority that you are a girl to die for, you get what I mean?” you raised your brows at him in confusion.
“We weren’t with Remus last night, Y/N”, James informed you in a low voice. “That idiot got himself in a double duel with Gerard Crabbe and Lucius Malfoy when he heard what these two trolls were saying behind your back… And he didn’t even invite us.”
Your breath hitched as you felt the drops of cold sweat roll down your back. Oh Merlin, he couldn’t have…
“When he went out of the dorm yesterday he told us he had a date in the Astronomy Tower”, Peter picked up where James had left off. “Of course we automatically assumed that he had finally grown a pair and was going to tell you how he felt about you. Sirius and James wanted to follow him, but I talked them both out of it, privacy and all… I wished I didn’t though’, Peter added, his voice small and sad.
“Oh My Godric,” you subconsciously covered your mouth with a palm of your hand, the scene from last night playing over and over in your head.
“…So when he came back at night all three of us were already asleep, it wasn’t until this morning that he told us what had actually happened. We spent two hours searching for this,” Sirius produced Rem’s wand out of his robes, as your best friends’ voice resonated in your ears:
I don’t have it… I lost it when I fell…
“Is this all some kind of an attempt to redeem Remus in my eyes? Please tell me it is!” you urged all three of them, imagining all too-well Remus standing up for you after Lucius and Gerard called you a mudblood behind your back and getting himself a double duel rendez-vous. Actually, that sounded exactly like what Moony would do. Remus John Lupin, always a gentleman.
“No,” all three Marauders showed no mercy, shaking their heads negatively.
“Moony doesn’t even know we’re here talking to you”, James added, his eyes darting around warily. Somehow you got a feeling that if Remus had known, the remaining three marauders would have ended up running from his hexes faster than Snivellus from shampoo.
You felt blood boil in your veins as a wave of anger consumed you.
“What a stupid moron! I bet that Malfoy bitch insulted me on purpose… What kind of idiot would fall for that?” you felt your face redden against your will and you smashed both of your hands on the table surface, making a couple of heads turn in your direction.
“A head-over-heels-in-love idiot, I’d say”, Sirius winked at you.
You closed your eyes for a second, regaining composure, trying to prevent your heart from jumping out of your ribcage. Remus, your best friend, was in love with you. And you told him yesterday that you wanted nothing to do with him.
Still, some things didn’t add up. He must have noticed how much you cared for his sorry ass. Why didn’t he tell you he cared for you too, or at least didn’t kiss you senseless, instead of walking away every time the atmosphere in the room got heated?
“Okay, you three, listen to me,” you opened your eyes abruptly, eyeing all three of them. “This changes nothing. Don’t expect me to wear a Marauders T-shirt now that you’ve helped me learn what has really happened. I still disapprove of your ways of having fun.”
Just when Sirius was about to open his mouth to protest, obviously willing to tell you more about all those ways in which you two could have fun, James shut him up with a very telltale look.
“And If you tell Moony I love him before I do, I will skin you alive, is that clear?” you finished, pretending not to notice their antics.
Your message was definitely received. Peter nodded frantically, moving a couple of inches away from you. James threw both of his hands in the air, his expression dead-serious.
“Clear as vodka”, Sirius swallowed hard, a mix of fear and admiration almost tangible in his voice.
The sound of the school bell reached your ears.
“Alrighty then,” James seemed way too happy at this beginning of the school day announcement. “See ya around then, Y/N?”
Not waiting for your answer, the three marauders rushed out of the Great Hall, never before had been so keen on making it to their Potions class on time.
As expected, Remus never showed. Considering that his broken hand was the last to be healed, you thought you might have done a next to shitty job on it. Your mind fixed on how bad Remus was having it that very instant, you completely fell out of the class discussion. When Slughorn asked you something about a poison antidote, you didn’t have a slightest idea what the conversation was all about.
“You just made your House lose ten points, Mrs Y/L/N,” all the Gryffindors groaned silently. “And earned yourself a three hour detention. Maybe next time you’ll honor my lectures by paying your undivided attention to what I’m saying”.
The day passed in a blur. Every single time you wanted to go see Remus in the boys’ dorm, fate seemed to be against it. Professor McGonagall asked you to help her out with the preparations for tomorrow’s class right before lunch, so you missed the meal entirely, rushing to the DADA class and still not making it on time, but luckily, getting away with a warning.  
When at 8 p.m. you finally made it back to the dungeons to complete your detention, you were a nervous, tired mess. Scrubbing what seemed like century old cauldrons clean, you somehow managed to fall asleep, exhausted from last night and a really bad day you were having. When you stirred awake, one of your hands buried inside an exceptionally disgusting cauldron, professor Slughorn came in, saying he’d accompany you, seeing it was well past 10 p.m.
When you stumbled through the hole behind the Fat Lady’s portrait, struggling to keep your eyes open, you tried to stop yourself from nurturing a tiny hope living in your chest that Remus would be waiting for you in the Common Room, as usual. You heart still fell once you spotted no one in the dimly lit chambers – crushing a sigh in its wake, you slowly made your way up, to the room you shared with Lily and Marlene.
The talk you ached to have with Remus was going to have to wait.
My first ever and oh-so special tag: @zakthedrak 
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