#otp: see you brown eyes
tennessoui · 4 days
#30 for the ask game!
ahh thank you for sending this :D
[from this prompt list]
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
Anakin whips his head around the moment he hears the doors to the mess open again. But the gleeful anticipation in his chest curdles and then collapses in on itself when he actually sees his master making his way, head held high, towards him.
They'd both lost a wager against their troops through no fault of their own. The simple question, who can knock out more droids: the clones or the Jedi? Do you want to wager on it? had felt like it had an easy answer before the battle. But then at the onset of the charge, Asajj Ventress had been spotted and Obi-Wan's priorities had shifted to capturing the sith acolyte. And then, naturally, Anakin's priorities had shifted to following his master for his own good.
This meant that, altogether, the Jedi destroyed twelve droids. The clones destroyed almost five hundred.
At least, in recognition of their bravery and service to the Republic, Cody and Rex on behalf of the 212th and 501st had allowed a slight change in rules. Anakin was to pick an outfit for Obi-Wan to wear, and Obi-Wan to pick an outfit for Anakin.
Anakin hadn't even been surprised to walk into his quarters and see a replica of Jedi robes, in Obi-Wan's preferred tan and white, laid out on his bed.
He'd been fourteen when he started dressing in darker, nontraditional colors. Browns complemented by blacks complemented, for a period of about a year, by dark reds. He'd sought out difference as a form of self-expression, and he'd known instantly that his master had had his worries about it and what it could signify. If it meant Anakin was turning away from the Jedi or distancing himself in small but meaningful ways.
So of course, given the chance, he'd given Anakin a uniform of almost offensively white and beige attire. Anakin hadn't expected anything less. If Obi-Wan wanted to see him in the typical attire of a Jedi who was he to deny him for one meal? After all, Anakin had requested that the 501st's quartermaster mock up a trooper's shiny uniform for Obi-Wan to wear. He'd spent the last three hours thinking of quips to make, jokes about Obi-Wan's apparent inexperience, about his height in relation to the trooper standard.
And yet when he turns around, all those jokes die in his throat as he sees his master moving across the mess towards him, dressed only in the tight black body suit that troopers wear beneath their armor.
Anakin thinks for a wild moment that he's going to choke on his tongue.
Thank the Force that when Obi-Wan stops in front of him and finally allows his eyes to roam over Anakin's own outfit, he looks, strangely enough, just as affected.
"Oh," Obi-Wan says quietly, eyes filled with some strange emotion that Anakin instinctively shies away from. "They suit you, dear one."
"Master," Anakin replies in a voice that comes out far more strangled than he intended. "Where the kriff are your clothes?"
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beefrobeefcal · 2 months
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... And Nowhere to Hide feat. Frankie Morales & f!reader
Summary: An alternate ending to All Pent Up & No Where to Go in which Frankie really blows it. To find out where this all started, start with that fic.
Pairing: Frankie & Mouse | Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI) | Word Count: 3,190
PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTINUING Content Warnings: could be viewed as DDDNE, toxic relationship, alcoholism, broken relationship, domestic violence [not overt but could be viewed as such], hurt, drunk driving [don't do it!], ending of a relationship, body insecurity, adultery, cheating, there are no happy endings in real life bub.
Author's Notes: Even though this is an AU ending to All Pent Up & Nowhere to Go, I'm seeing this as the end of Frankie & Mouse. The original ending to that fic always felt like it didn't fit right and now that I am moving on from writing weight fics, this seemed like the right OTP to torpedo. I'm not sorry but I hope you'll forgive this beef anyway.
Thank you to @strang3lov3 for brainstorming this with me, and to @bitchesuntitled, @mothandpidgeon and @neverwheremoonchildfor their eyes and love.
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“That’s why you had to hide it then, huh?”, he yelled again, this time, sadness and hurt clearly in his voice. He didn’t know how to tell you the deep hurt he felt, thinking you were hiding seeking pleasure on your own from him; thinking you didn't want him anymore and could replace him with a fucking vibrator, “Wait till I’m not home and then fuck yourself? Don’t need me anymore?” 
You saw his body language show more than his words could say. He was hurting and had been hurting for a while. You had no clue that he was making this whole big change for you, and now you’d basically told him that after all that hard work, you’d replaced him. No, you had no idea what was running through his head. All you knew was that you were tired of being rebuffed and ignored and wanted to give yourself some much needed pleasure and release and he was mad at you for it. 
“How fucking dare you! You barely even look at me anymore – let alone touch me – and you want to give me shit for wanting to - to feel good?”, you yelled back, standing up from the bed. His face fell and his big brown eyes widened. Your emotions were getting the better of you, and you could feel the hot tears begin to flood your eyes. Your voice cracked. “What is happening, Frankie? Talk to me!” 
He said nothing. He just turned and hurried out of the room, and you heard the back door slam shut and the garage door open. You waited to hear the truck start, but nothing came. You grabbed your things from the bathroom and bedroom and settled into the guest room. 
Frankie stormed out of the house, slamming the door as hard as he could on the way out. He ripped the door to his truck open and got in, choosing to forgo  buckling his seatbelt as he pulled out of the driveway. 
How could you? How could you just lay on your shared bed, looking so beautiful and untouchable while you made yourself feel so good. Without him. He tried to forget how sad your eyes were as you pulled back your hand after his rejection. His pride wouldn’t let him linger on that because his pride was not going to let him turn the truck around and throw himself at your feet, begging for forgiveness. 
He pulled up to the regular bar the group would all hang out at, and sat for a moment. Frankie pulled out his phone, expecting to see missed calls, but all that showed up on his screen was the alert from their doorbell cam, announcing his departure. 
His heart ached. He was getting healthier and back in shape and he should be happier. But he wasn’t. He was feeling worse about everything and drinking more to offset it, and even if he didn’t want to acknowledge it, a small part of him knew that this was all on him, not on you.
He wanted so badly for you to give him a sign, anything, to come back to the house and make it right. He told himself he didn’t want to go to the bar again and drink until his broken soul was numb and he knew by being here again, he was putting another nail in your relationship’s coffin.  His fingers twitched on the steering wheel, as if to let him know the bar was just right there - all he had to do was go in and he could forget all of this, at least for the night. Frankie didn’t know how long he’d sat there, but he was brought back to reality as a loud group of people exited the bar to smoke. He sighed, biting back the sick feeling making his skin feel wrong, and went into the bar. 
Frankie was downing his third beer when a hand came onto his shoulder.
“No Mouse?”
Frankie looked up and saw Natalie, one of Santi’s previous conquests, looking back at him. He cleared his throat and shook his head, looking back down at his beer. “No.”
He heard her pull the stool next to his out and moved it closer to him. “Trouble at home?”, she asked, sitting down. He could feel how warm her body was against his, making the ache in his chest feel deeper, reminding him that he was here and you weren’t.
“I-uh..”, he cleared his throat again. “It’s not been great.”
Her hand came up and sympathetically rubbed on his. “I’m sorry to hear that, Frankie.”
He nodded, eyeing her, then took another sip of beer.
“Well, you look great.”, she says a little too enthusiastically for Frankie, and he only sighed in response. 
“Look, Natalie. I’m not gonna be great company. I just wanna cool down before I go back home and… and…”, he dropped his head in his hands. “I don’t fucking know what I’m gonna do. I don’t know how to-”
“Frankie.”, Natalie interjected. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. It’s pretty clear what’s going on.”
He looked up at her, brows furrowed in confusion. “You’re doing something for yourself, to make yourself feel better, and Mouse isn’t happy.”
Frankie wanted to correct her. He wanted to tell her that it was on him, that he was doing this for you and he felt like shit, and he wanted nothing more than to go home and hold the most important person in the world to him - you. 
But he didn’t. Instead, he accepted the shots Natalie ordered, and let her say horrible, untrue things about you, all because he was getting his ego stroked. 
So he said nothing, just nodded along. He didn’t put his barriers up and tell her to move her chair away. He didn’t stop her hands from touching him. He didn’t stop her from crawling on his lap, and he didn’t stop her when she kissed him.
Worst of all, he didn’t stop himself from taking her to his truck and doing everything he’d wanted to do with you to Natalie in the backseat.
Natalie was still in the backseat of his truck, pulling her bra back on and Frankie was drinking down the two day old, open bottle of Gatorade to wash the taste of her out of his mouth. 
Frankie’s head was swimming. The alcohol was working its way through his system.
The dread that washed over him was sobering for a moment as he put the lid back on the bottle and caught a glimpse of Natalie in a rearview mirror, warm soft light from the street lamps illuminating her silhouette. She smiled up at him and crawled into the front seat.
“I was thinking-”
“No.”, Frankie said, sharper than he intended, shaking his head and feeling the alcohol swirl his vision. His tone softened, “This shouldn’t have happened.”
There was silence from the seat next to him. He couldn’t bring himself to face her, so he slurred in a harsh whisper again, “This shouldn’t have happened.”
There was the sound of a sharp breath followed by, “Are you fucking serious?”
“Natalie, I-”
“Are you fucking serious, Morales?” Natalie’s words were accentuated with a slightly drunken lilt and cold laughter. “Oh my god!”
He growled and looked up at her angrily. “What did you fucking expect?”
“That you’d be done with that little fuckwit and wake up!”
Frankie stared at Natalie, aghast and trying to fight the alcohol in his system and find the right words to shut her down, but she was quicker.
“Look what she did to you! Your little feeder is mad you won’t eat and kicks you out!”
Frankie sat with his mouth slightly agape. He knew that was not what happened but he couldn’t spit it out.
“Oh come on, Frankie!”, she scoffed in a laugh. “I’ve known you for how long? And since you’ve been with her, you got fat. Like fucking fat! She made you fat because she’s a freak and who fucking knows why you put up with it!”
“Get the fuck out.” His soft tone was menacing.
“Or what?”, she challenged him, her drunkenness emboldening her. “You can’t go back to that. I won’t let you, Frankie. She doesn’t deserve you! I can’t just let you go back to someone who asks to be called ‘Mouse’ over her real name! There’s something wrong with her and she needs help, acting like this is healthy to do this to you. You have to see-”
“I am doing this for her!”, Frankie shouted, cutting Natalie off. His eyes had softened and were now pleading and his voice dropped to a lower volume. “I’m doing this for her.”
“Frankie, I ca - you don’t have to defend her. I get it, and I want to help -”
“Just get out.”
Frankie’s drive from the bar was - in short - chaotic. He’d stopped at a corner store and picked up a case of beer, then drove out to a quiet look out, downing one right another the other.
He tried to drown the heavy lump of dread as he watched the sky lighten. Something told him could find a way to fix this if he could think of the right words to say to you, and if he could get the water in the shower hot enough, he could scrub Natalie from his skin like it never happened. 
The drive to your shared house was confusing. The street signs were unreadable through his tears and beer fueled haze and his stomach felt nauseous from the smell of Natalie permeating the truck cab. He couldn’t remember what colour meant stop or go, so he just drove by muscle memory alone.
You’d tossed and turned all night long, unable to get comfortable. Any time you found yourself finally drifting off to sleep, the pangs of anxiety reverberated in your body, making your limbs ache and your skin feel too hot and too cold simultaneously. 
The light coming in from the window told you it was very early in the morning. The dredges of sleeplessness made your body feel heavy, making getting out of bed that much harder when you heard Frankie’s truck pull up.
As you padded down the hallway, you heard the back door open and Frankie’s heavy footsteps on the mudroom floor. You turned the corner into the kitchen and watch as he toed his boots off, looking slightly unsteady on his feet. The hair popping out from around his hat seemed more mussed and his clothing looked like he’d slept in them. He was clearly drunk and you were furious with him for driving home like that. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it as of late, and it wasn’t the first time he’d come home with his tail between his legs, drunk and pleading.
“Are you drunk?”
Your harshly spoken words cut through the heavy silence and Frankie looked up at you, eyes weary and desperate.
“Mouse - baby…” 
His words were slurred and desperate, and his voice was rough and sounded like he was in pain. He turned his body facing you and you saw that his lips looked reddened and worried and something on his neck. It was a hickey or bite mark, framed with a hint of red lipstick. Realization washed over you and you felt sick. 
Frankie reached out a hand to you, watching your face fall and pull away from him. “Baby, no, please!”
“What did you do…” Your words came out in a broken whisper and Frankie lumbered towards you, reaching out. Instead of falling into his hold, you shook your head and turned away towards your bedroom. 
The volume at which he yelled your name made you stop in your tracks and turn around, and what you saw made your stomach churn. Frankie’s fists were clenched by his sides and he was breathing hard. His whole body seemed to be tense, like a snake would coil up before it striked, and his face was twisted in anguish and rage.
You froze. This was not your Frankie - it was just Frankie, drunk and looking the way he’d described his dad. You watched in abject horror as he moved towards you, and both of you stared into the other’s eyes.
Frankie broke the connection first with a sharp sob followed by his voice cracking with his slurred words. “Don’t look at me like that! Please, Mouse - I can explain, baby!”
You shook your head, face twisting in hurt, confusion and anger. You couldn’t keep going through the cycle of fighting, Frankie getting drunk  and having to bear the brunt of it. You stood your ground, yelling back at him, “You’re fucking drunk again - I don’t want to hear it -”
Frankie shook his head. “Just fucking listen to me!”
You couldn’t hold back the tears any longer and sobbed, “Get out!”
Natalie’s words about how you were the villain were leaching into his mind, peeling back the rational thought and fueling the insecurities he carried. You were the one who did this to him. You were the one who was forcing him to change. Everyone else could see it - why couldn’t you? You deserved what he did because now you knew how he felt every time you went out in public and other men’s eyes danced over your body and he just had to sit back like a cuck and let it happen. 
His breathing was growing rapid, and his eyes were fixed on you like a bull seeing red. As you turned to go into your room, Frankie lunged forward and reached out, grabbing your arm. He yanked you away from the bedroom door. 
“Don’t you EVER walk away from me when I am talking to you!”
“Let go! You’re hurting m - “
“You don’t get to to tell me when to leave my house!”
“Frankie! Stop it!”
You pushed him back and turned around, but his arms came around your waist, pulling you back into him. His hot, beer soaked breath painted the side of your neck and face.
“Mouse! I just-I just wanna talk… that’s all, baby.. I love you and i don’t wanna let you go-.”
He was cut off by your elbowing his abdomen, and it gave you a chance to get away from him. You ran into your room and slammed the door and locked, then stood back and watched the door shake from Frankie’s fists pounding on the other side. 
Grabbing your phone, you dialed the only number your trembling hands could.
Will answered his phone groggily and all he heard was your panicked crying and Frankie screaming in the background. 
The morning was a blur. Will arrived with Benny quicker than you could have hoped for. Will and Benny had finally managed to drag Frankie from the house and out into the detached garage, but just barely. Based on the damage he’s inflicted on his friends who were trying to help, Benny was scared shitless as to what he would find on the other side of your bedroom door.
You’d finally opened the bedroom door when you’d made Benny promise that Will would keep Frankie out of the house. As soon as he was in the room with you, Benny’s concern had him kneeling on the floor in front of you, asking over and over if you were okay… if Frankie had hit you… if you were hurt… and each question, you could only shake your head. The reality of the situation was settling in, knowing this was not something you could just come back from easily and Benny held you as you cried.
Will had called Santi over to keep Frankie in place in the garage. The last thing he wanted was for him to get back into the house and see that Benny was helping you pack enough of your stuff to tie you over for a few days. 
Santi went into the house to get some water and found you standing at the kitchen table, wiping your eyes as you packed some important paperwork you weren’t sure you wanted to leave behind. He had no idea what to say, so Santi said nothing. 
He grabbed a cup from the cupboard and the pitcher of water from the fridge, leaving you in silence. 
You’d left that day and moved in with Benny and his two cats - Butter and Bagels. Frankie’s infidelity had come fully to light with Natalie laying it all out for Santi and then Frankie confirmed it all, solidifying your choice to leave.
The break up had affected every part of the group, and while you assumed that you were in the right for walking away, Will shocked you when he told you to forgive and get back with Frankie.
“You don’t get it. Honey, I know he fucked up, but you’re better than that. You want loyalty, you have to be loyal, Mouse.”, he’d said sternly to you from across the table at a Denny’s. “You don’t leave a man when he’s down, and Frankie has seen some shit. You belong together, Mouse. You know that!”
It was a given that when you told Benny what Will had said, he drove straight to his house, barged in and punched Will square in the face, breaking his nose. 
Santi had sent you a bullshit text telling you that while he was sorry for what happened, Frankie was his brother and he needed to stand with him. He wished you well and said he’d be around if you needed anything. You angrily toyed with the idea of sending a curse-laden response, but instead just blocked his number and deleted the message. 
It had taken six months for you to begin to feel like yourself again. You’d joined a social group in the apartment complex and made a few acquaintances in the laundry room. You’d even switched to a new department at the accounting firm, allowing you to work from home.
Home. You had a home again. Benny’s apartment was finally home for you and you were cautiously optimistic for your future. 
The bar you’d frequented with the group was now considered non-existent to you. Benny even vowed to not darken its doorway in solidarity, so the two of you had found a new dive to hang out in. 
It was a little further out of the way, but it was quieter, and less of a bar and more of an all-night bistro. It didn’t hurt that the bartender there was easy on the eyes, what with his shorter hair, the small offset blonde patch in the front and his jewel-toned southern drawl crackling light lightning across the bar. 
You hadn’t gotten the courage to speak to him, let alone hold eye contact. At least not until one evening, you’d bravely wandered in - sand Benny - and sat at the bar instead of the booth you normally did.
The bartender turned around and put his weight on the counter, leaning slightly towards you, and with his cheshire grin, he asked, 
“And what can I get for you, little bird?”
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In honour of @tentoorosemonth2023, here's fifteen brilliant and recent tentoo x rose fics i haven't recc'd before! please make sure to leave kudos and comment on these!!
all of these are tentoo x rose endgame.
*=multichapter, E=explicit
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the stars collide as the planets turn by hippiebanana132
Author's summary: Her eyes flicker open again, clear just for a moment below the matted red streaks in her golden hair. One hand still clutched in his, she raises her other arm with great effort to reach shakily towards the lapel of his brown jacket, dangerously close to his right heart. He gathers her hand up just as her fingertips brush his shirt, brings it up to his lips, tells himself the contact is for her.
My remarks: A superb slice of life fic in which we see the otp through the eyes of ten. So, so wonderful and emotional ❤️
Warnings: Mentions of a car accident; nothing graphic.
2. and now you are and i am now by @lordy-lou
Author's summary: He doesn’t find a single atom of regret in the ashes of his strictures.
My remarks: A short and sweet introspective piece on the immediate aftermath of the beach scene.
3. Hunger by @metacrisisdoctor (E)
Author's summary: His hands are out his pockets milliseconds later. He walks over to her in three large steps and cups her face in her hands and pulls her mouth to his. It's a hard, bruising kiss. It's a kiss he's held in far too long. It's the kiss of a man who stood at the grave of the woman he loves, and has been gifted with her resurrection.
My remarks: An incredibly in character exploration of how the OTP's first time could've gone down. A shot of serotonin. They ended up together!!!
4. Washed Up Together by @thirdeyeblue *(E)
Author's summary: Not long after being left on Bad Wolf Bay, the Doctor and Rose quietly contemplate why their relationship has yet to progress.
My remarks: An endearing and filled to the brim with good ol' pining take on early days of tentoo x rose; includes a drunk!Doctor and a bar fight 👀
5. The Existence of Pears by @bravehandsomehero
Author's summary: The Doctor is forced to face his greatest enemy in the name of love: Pears. Metacrisis Doctor/Rose.
My remarks: An incredibly fluffy slice of life drabble featuring expectant parents tentoo and rose ❤️
6. hush now to sleep, on the wings of a butterfly by @nostradamus0
Author's summary: Mia pretends to fall asleep in the car so she'll be carried inside.
My remarks: The absolute CUTEST kid fic you will read featuring the Tyler family today. Contains like, illegal levels of soft.
7. in human condition by @queenofthecon* (E)
Author's summary: Rose gives the Doctor nothing short of a miracle; and then the universe threatens to taken them both away from him for good.
My remarks: Compelling character study of the Doctor and how vulnerable being human makes him!
Warnings: Whump, blood and injury, pregnancy
8. Bad Wolf Rising by @wyntereyez *
Author's summary: Werewolves thrive in Pete’s World, and they’re determined to bring about the Empire of the Wolf.
My remarks: This fic is, tragically, incomplete as of now, but it's probably one of the most engaging chapter 1's i've EVER read, and i am DYING to know what the author had in store!! Featuring an extremely in character Pete's world ensemble and a very House MD-ish Doctor who's been permanently injured, and werewolves, this fic is definitely worth a click!
9. shackles by @gingerteaonthetardis
Author's summary: She should've known. Like, she really should have known. Maybe it was just that she'd gotten sort of complacent, sort of used to the comfortable domesticity of their new life. Maybe she was just a fool. But he made it so easy to forget. When he folded her socks and handed her plates of banana pancakes and grumbled at the remote control, how could she not? How could she be expected to remember? That the Doctor was, at his core, incredibly reckless and fundamentally stupid.
My remarks: An incredible and humourous take on the 'handcuffed together' trope!
10. Together by @uthers-bald-head
Author's summary: Christmas dinner in the Tyler household is hectic but joyful nonetheless. Rose finds her mind wandering to the Doctor, but not the one that sits beside her.
My remarks: Short and sweet, with a perfect hint of angst concerning the time-lord Doctor.
11. moonlit kitchen floors by @zmbiicrsh
Author's summary: "You were easily convinced, you just couldn't resist me." Rose jabbed at him with a teasing voice. Though she never really knew when he fell in love with her and neither did he. It sort of just happened. So it really wasn't a surprise when he said sincerely, "No, I really couldn't."
My remarks: Captures an incredibly tender moment of dancing in the kitchen for these two ❤️
12. Street corner at two in the morning by @messierfourtytwo
Author's summary: A day in the life of Rose and TenToo. There’s something that Rose isn’t telling the Doctor…
My remarks: SO FLUFFY. Makes you want to melt.
13. spaces in between by @naaer
Author's summary: The fate of Pete's World is at stake, but the Doctor and Rose still find time to take a minute
My remarks: Tender drabble set in a dystopian!Pete's world. Beggginngggg for an extension.
14. Opposition of the Stars by @abadplanwellexecuted (E)
Author's summary: Post-Journey's End, first night in a hotel in Norway fic. Rose and the Metacrisis Doctor end up sharing a hotel room, and walls come tumbling down.
My remarks: When i tell you my SOUL left my body upon seeing this notification!! Written as it is by one of the all time greats, of course this fic is incredible!
15. Stargazing by @elialys
Author's summary: He's not cradling her bump tonight, nor has he pressed his lips to her tense skin to murmur words she cannot hear, only feel. He’s using one finger on her, the tip of it gently tracing patterns on the curve of her stomach. At first, she wonders if he’s spelling letters, trying out the few names they’re considering for her, but Rose quickly dismisses the idea, not recognizing any letter—nothing English. What he’s drawing isn’t random, though. There is intent in the way his fingertip slowly moves upon her.
My remarks: Intimate and tender and brilliant. Forever manifesting your return to Doctor Who😭😭😭
And that's it for this list!! I missed out on quite a few, so i'll probably make another list next week. Show these stories all the love!!
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chronic-escapixt · 11 months
His Rose ~ Details
(Kai Parker x Bennett OC fanfiction)
content warnings/tags ~ Dark fiction, dom/sub dynamics, abuse, murder, childhood trauma (mentioned). Minors DNI
I don't claim ownership of The Vampire Diaries or its characters. All credits go to the rightful owner(s). I only own my original character(s).
K.P. Masterlist
This fanfiction is born from my dissatisfaction with the way Kai was criminally underutilized in the TVDU. Honestly, I found him annoying at first, but he grew on me as season 6 went on. Thru Chris Wood's charming performance, Kai stole the show for me. I'll never forgive the showrunners for a lot of things, including underutilizing Chris Wood in this role & not allowing this broken king to have a real redemption arc.
On the topic of the showrunners, I'll never forgive them for how they did Bonnie Bennett or the Bennetts in general with how they were limited to magical plot devices for everyone else's use without any appreciative focus on their power & how it could really benefit them. Even though I love Bonnie & Kai, my otp endgame for her has always been Bonenzo, but I also adore Klonnie ❤️.
My AU changed and added plenty of lore around his coven & certain events. The plot follows the life of Bonnie's younger sister, Rosalina "Rose" Bennett-Ruiz. I go on to describe her below, but I'd like to state that she acts as Kai's antithesis as an innocent, fledgling witch. She's also Bonnie's support system. I always hated how the show often ignored that Bonnie lacked family around her that were unconditionally there for her. Bonnie's mom left when she was small, she lost her grams in season 1, and her father was a non-factor in her life until he returned... just to get killed off in front of her.
I wrote Rose & Bonnie's dynamic keeping in mind everything I hate about older sibling/younger sibling dynamics, like the one between Buffy and Dawn in BTVS. Bonnie deserves family that consistently supports her, encourages her to prioritize her well-being, and actually tries to lessen the existing load on her shoulders.
Another thing I kept in mind when adding Rose to my TVD AU is not to have her replace or take away Bonnie’s space in the plot. Now, I do give her Bonnie's plotline of being sent to the prison world in season 6, but this is essential to the story, and the way Bonnie was treated that season made me so sad that I have no problem taking traumatic experiences from her (of which she has more than enough) and giving them to Rose.
Okay... if you made it through my rant, congrats. I also want to offer my inbox as a place where anyone can offer up requests, scenarios, ask questions, even if you want to roast my cruddy writing... my inbox is open.
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🌹Rosalina "Rose" Bennett-Ruiz:🌹
Born: March 18th, 1994 (18yrs)
Gender: Female | Height: 5’1” | Hair color: Brown | Eye color: Hazel
Race/ethnicity: Black and Latino/Hispanic
Species: witch (Bennett)
Titles: Rosy (Kai), littlest witch (by Kol), kid (by Damon)
Rose is a gentle and kind-hearted person, always looking for the good in people and situations. She can be a people pleaser and overall naive when dealing with people, often seeing the best in everyone and believing in second chances
She highly values family, so bonding with Bonnie means a lot her. Due to her naivety and weakness, she can be easily manipulated and taken advantage of. Like Bonnie she’s compassionate and tends to selflessly help others. Struggles with powerful spells due to her insecurity in her magical abilities
She enjoys singing, gardening (honing her nature-based magic, making potions & studying herbology), sewing and cooking (she bakes when she’s anxious)
She has a strong aversion to blood & violence so spending time with vampires took a lot of getting used to
Trilingual: fluent in Spanish & Portuguese
Despite her demure demeanor and virginal innocence, with her stuffed animal collection, enduring love of cartoons and a lack of dating, she’s a hopeless romantic that harbors the hidden desire to submit herself to a powerful dominant
Family: Bonnie Bennett (half-sister), Jamie Ruiz (half-brother), Abby Bennett-Ruiz (mother), Matteo Ruiz (father 🕊️), Sheila Bennett (maternal gm🕊️)
Rose was raised in Summersville, North Carolina. She was a child model until 13 when her father tragically died. She was the captain of her high school majorette dance team. Her life drastically changed when Bonnie arrived on her doorstep.
Rose was 16 when she & Bonnie would finally meet. Bonnie and Elena came to Abby for help with a spell. Rose was shocked to find that she had an older sister as Abby never mentioned Bonnie or the life she left behind in Mystic Falls. She was even more surprised upon finding out about her magical bloodline and that supernatural creatures walked the earth. Unlike Grams, Abby never mentioned magic throughout Rose’s life and even went as far to suppress her magic with a binding spell
After Abby is turned by Damon, she decides to leave her family to learn control and find peace as a fledgling vampire. Rose moves to Mystic Falls with Bonnie where she learns magic from her.
Magic doesn’t come naturally to her. Admittedly having a 50% accuracy rate with her spells. She struggles with her confidence & focus when chanting and spells drain her much quicker even when she tries channeling the energy around her. Despite this, Rose is determined to improve, valuing her one-on-one time with Bonnie and spending late nights on her own practicing & memorizing spells. She is determined to use her magic for good, prove herself and lessen the load on Bonnie as the resident Bennett witch of the group.
Her role in the Mystic Falls gang is the “Bennett witch in training” or “the bringer of baked goods” (according to Damon), since she often supplies their gatherings with fresh pastries. Everyone underestimates her power, even Bonnie. She tries to keep Rose out of danger unless she can’t help it.
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🔪Malachai "Kai" Parker:🔪
Born: May 9, 1972 (22yrs)
Gender: Male | Height: 6'0" | Hair color: Dark Brown | Eye color: Blue-gray
Race/ethnicity: white/non-Hispanic
Species: siphoner (Gemini Witch coven)
Titles: abomination, black sheep, the defective twin (his coven)
Charismatic with a charming smile. Upon meeting him, his charisma operates as a façade to hide his lack of empathy and his sadistic tendencies
Can be hard to read but that’s because he struggles with expressing his emotions which stems from his abusive childhood. He’s cold and relatively unfeeling with people, but once he lets someone in, he’s fiercely loyal and protective.
He can be observant, calculating and manipulative to taking advantage of someone and get what he wants
He’s a sassy man, often comes back with quick quips and has a natural sense of humor (typically dark humor)
When he’s comfortable, he never shuts up, has no filter and sucks with certain social cues. After being alone for nearly his whole life, will talk anyone's ear off without realizing they are not willing to listen
Kai can siphon all of a witch’s magic without killing them. He controls how the process feels - at its worst, a fast searing burn to a slight tingle. Overtime, a witch will regenerate their magic
High libido!!- He’s starved for touch and affection (though he would never admit that he needs anyone). Sexual desires reflect his sadistic personality as he enjoys dominating another person through absolute control and pain infliction
He likes raunchy comedies and media with half-naked women such as Bay Watch and MTV videos. A major foodie with constant cravings for sweet and salty snacks. He prefers snacking throughout the day but when he does bother to cook, it’s really good
He is fluent in old Latin, often found in grimoires and other ancient texts. When he was young he’d get his hands on old grimoires and study them, all the time to himself allowing him to hone his knowledge of witchcraft and technique
The Parker family is the head of the Gemini coven. Its patriarch, Joshua Parker is the coven leader. Kai is the eldest child, being half an hour older than his fraternal twin, Josette. Unlike Jo, Kai was born without the ability to generate his own magic, instead siphoning magic from lingering spells, objects, or other witches. When he was young, he would naturally gravitate toward the magic of his sister, so Joshua quickly decided to physically isolate Kai from everyone for fear of his son's "defect" hurting others.
As fraternal twins born of the coven leader, Jo and Kai would be set to merge on their 22nd birthday, where the winner takes the other's magic and coven leadership and the loser dies and is absorbed into the other but with the risk of Kai's siphoning ability giving him an edge in the merge, Joshua and Viviane continued having kids until she birthed another set of twins that would merge instead.
Kai's upbringing was lonely, spending most of his time locked in his bedroom up in the attic. Following his father's lead, most of his family excluded and demonized him. As he grew, Kai learned to internalize the cruel labels they gave him. If they wanted a monster, they would get a monster and on his 22nd birthday, May 9th, 1994, he would finally act on his boiling rage and resentment toward his family, unleashing the hatred he accumulated through a lifetime of torment onto his siblings when Jo refused the merge. To protect the twins, she would relent to merge with him but the coven was waiting and with the help of Sheila Bennett they banished him to a prison world of complete isolation.
Each year that passed only added to his hunger for revenge, left with nothing to do but plan his escape and seizer of coven leadership. He grew to take pride in what he had done to his siblings and his status as a sociopath capable of killing anyone who gets in his way without remorse.
AU-Specific Lore:
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Prison world Lore:
Prison worlds are created by Bennett blood sacrifice, meaning a Bennett must be bled to death so the gemini coven can channel her blood magic.
A prison world resets with the eclipse every 3 months.
Time works differently, so no one ages throughout their time there.
A prison world cannot create life so the only living inhabitants are those sent there or arrive via ascendant.
Kai is linked to his prison world so he can’t die. If something kills him, he’ll be out for a while depending on the damage but the magic will heal him back to life. Without Kai, the prison world falls apart so while he’s there, it sustains his life to sustain itself. Once he leaves, it ceases to exist.
The Ascendant - an ancient device created by the Gemini coven and a Bennett ancestor that only responds to a living Bennett’s blood magic. The ascendant is sensitive to magic in general, so even when the spell is done right, it will activate then fall apart. You only have one chance at the time of the eclipse to correctly do the spell, which Kai knows from experience because early on he tried collecting a vial of Bennett blood that he hunted down in a hospital and using Josette's magic he siphoned from a hidden dagger. Disappointment boiled over into rage when he did the spell beneath the eclipse, the ascendant disassembled, but he was not transported out.
The Gemini Coven Lair:
Exists as a interdimensional where the coven keeps ancient texts, grimoires, enchanted items (talismans, gems, ascendants, etc.), and materials for spells & potions
Infinite space that can be utilized by the coven leader: often includes a space for magic instruction, a library, spell casting, a gathering area for the coven, etc.
Accessed only by portal, which is summoned by a spell entrusted to high-ranking Gemini members
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anomalyaly · 15 days
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Finally filled out one of these character charts for my new MC, Elsie from my story Secrets of the Silent Stars! The story takes place starting fifth year with some of the events from Hogwarts Legacy.
You can read it on AO3 or Wattpad!
Character sheet by @kiwiplaetzchen
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Elsie Corvin
OTP: SebElsie (1), SebElsie (2)
Elsie (1), Elsie (2), Elsie (3), Elsie (4), Elsie (5), Elsie (6)
In-game photos (ps4):
Sorting ceremony
Restricted Section
Beasts class
Jackdaw's Tomb quest
Meeting the Sallows (and Lodgok)
Salazar Slytherin's Scriptorium
Mood board
Commissions and Art:
Elsie by ladyofsappho
Other works:
Stolen Vows: AU ACOTAR/HL one-shot EXPLICIT AO3/Wattpad
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Synopsis and background below:
Elsie Corvin lives a regular life under the scrutiny of her parents, always expected to do what is proper in order to someday be the best example of their family. But when a dinner party turns disastrous, she is thrust into a new world that she didn't know existed. As with all new discoveries, there is a darker side to the magic in her possession. Reluctant to be the "chosen one", she finds herself having to choose between doing what others expect from her or doing what is right.
Some secrets are best left hidden in the silence of the stars.
(See A/N for TWs)
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Family Life
Elsie Genevieve Corvin was born to two muggles, Arthur and Maria Corvin in London, England on March 14, 1874.
She is the oldest of three siblings - her brother Benjamin is a year younger, and her sister Lydia is 6 years younger.
Her grandmother (mother's side) had moved to America where she had Elsie's mother. Her mother met her father when he traveled overseas for business, and they returned to England where they married. Her grandmother went with them.
Elsie and her brother were close growing up. She would follow him and his friends around and listen in on their conversations to learn what she wasn't being taught, and he would help her.
Elsie was very close with her grandmother before she passed when Elsie was 10.
Her father is very demanding and calculated. They argue a lot when Elsie is home because of his expectations for her.
Her parents have two homes - her father's townhome in the city for business, and a countryside home outside of London for pleasure (a gift to her mother when they were married).
Her mother had 2 miscarriages in between her brother and her sister. Elsie was parentified by her family while her mother grieved.
Her father's father was high up in a finance company and passed on his wealth and job title to Elsie's father.
Elsie and her brother were given the highest expectations of the family - her brother to continue the family name and work at the finance company, and Elsie to help grow their wealth by marrying into another wealthy family.
Elsie met her suitor when she was 13.
She was taught by a governess when she was little and went to a finishing school when she was old enough. Elsie struggled to fit in and accept how things were taught, as her grandmother had raised her mother more progressively.
Her mother taught her to read. They have a strained relationship, but she is closer with her because of this.
She would sneak books into her room, either from buying them during her family's shopping trips, sneak them from her father's library, or her brother would bring her stories from his travels.
She was always naturally curious and would often get in trouble by her father or her governess/teachers for asking too many questions.
She was not very social and was considered an odd child. She made one or two friends growing up but generally was very sheltered.
Her emotional repression is ultimately what triggered her magic manifesting.
Elsie and her brother drifted apart when her magic manifested.
Elsie makes it her responsibility to take care of her sister, and she feels immensely guilty when she leaves for Hogwarts.
Physical appearance
Elsie has black hair and dark brown eyes that look almost golden in the sun.
She has freckles along her nose and cheeks.
She's not high-maintenance when she styles herself once she attends Hogwarts, but she likes to give herself a little bit of makeup and dress cleanly.
She wears her hair back in a braid to keep it out of her face when she styles it herself.
Random facts!
Her wand is made of Cherry wood and has a Phoenix core.
She loves daffodils.
Her grandmother taught her about the stars. She doesn't care for all of the facts about stars as much as she does about the constellations and what they remind her of.
She has a temper but she rarely lets it show unless thoroughly provoked. If she lashes out with big feelings, it usually means it's been repressed for a long time.
Her patronus is an Osprey.
Her boggart is often someone she values the opinion of (Fig, her parents, etc.) publicly expressing their disappointment in her or berating her.
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bluedalahorse · 3 months
Nils (for your character ask)
How I feel about this character: I enjoy Nils! I’ve said this to a few people, and maybe I’ve said this publicly on my blog, but Nils is fascinating to me because he’s not terribly earnest or romantic or effusive in a show where many characters are earnest. He has his earnest moments—especially in season three—but there’s also a practicality to a lot of what he does. Nils comes across as a little 18 going on 45 but still secretly 18. And I find that refreshing and interesting, in a show where all the characters are very teenagery teenagers. In addition, I think the intersections of Nils’s identity open up a lot of avenues for exploration in fic. Nils could potentially be richer than August and Vincent combined, but he’s also brown and gay and closeted. I’m sort of fascinated by characters who play up their privilege while downplaying the ways in which they are marginalized (to be fair that is almost the entire cast of YR) and this is definitely something I see coming up in how Nils goes about the world. How much internal conflict does that bring up for him? To what extent is he aware of it even, or to what extent is he becoming aware of it as a young adult who’s coming to understand his identity? I also just want to know more about Nils’s sense of South Asian identity, as someone who grew up in an area with a lot of South Asian diaspora. Like, I’m curious about how recently his family immigrated to Sweden, what specific part of the subcontinent they come from, what the family history related to Partition might be, whether it’s just Swedish spoken at home or whether Nils is more bilingual like Simon and Sara, etc. (Also, as someone who watched Sholay with a friend for the first time yesterday, I am wondering how many times small Nils has watched Sholay with aunties and uncles.)
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Okay first and foremost, August. It is extremely confusing to me that fandom seems to be so largely against shipping them after them having more than one vulnerable moment in season three, especially after that conversation they had about the initiations in August’s room. I swear, y’all decided they were illegal to ship on a secret group chat you didn’t invite me to. It just feels extremely obvious to imagine a first year scenario where they’re in a state of pining and repression that could put EM Forster’s Maurice or John Knowles’s A Separate Peace (shout out to @whambamglambam) to shame. And then if you really want to let the characters grow and end up on a journey, they could get back together as adults in like a second chance kinda way. Or they could be disasters as adults, dealer’s choice. Outside of August, I think Wille and Nils could be a great disaster ship and I would like to see more of that. For a time I kind of shipped Nils and Marcus, but now that I have the full shape of the series in my head, it’s not as interesting to me. I think long-term I ship Nils with whichever OC or OCs (not gonna rule out polyamorous Nils) allow him to feel a sense of growth and safety. I created an OC boyfriend for him in Swell the Numbers, and I think I’m going to have them stay together.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Vincent and Nils does zero things for me as a romantic pairing, but I really enjoy thinking about them as friends. I think there’s probably some things that bond them pretty strongly, like rolling their eyes at August being extra (but also maybe worrying about him a little bit.) But there’s also going to be points of tension, like the old money-new money thing, the differences they have around identifiers like race and neurotype, etc. I also think a lot about how Nils is frustrated that Vincent becomes prefect and rowing captain in season 2, and how Nils seems to take rowing pretty seriously and would have liked to be captain himself. There’s a lot underneath that line and I think we should dig out a little more behind it. Outside of Vincent, I like to think that Maddie and Nils have some kind of secret oddball friendship that began when they agreed to lie about hooking up at the opening party. It’s weird and consists a lot of the two of them texting memes to one another and neither of them knows why it works but it works. Maybe someday I’ll include this in a fic.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I’m pretty sure adamantly shipping Nils romantically with August but not with Vincent is an unpopular opinion. Outside of that… okay well, I don’t know if this is unpopular opinion, but I kind of enjoy having a headcanon where Nils’s parents aren’t homophobic and super traditionalist about gender roles or whatever, and are okay with him dating a boy. They just don’t want him dating an actor or an artist or something.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: YR didn’t really start explicitly addressing race as much until season 3, but now that we’ve seen how Felice thinking about race, it’d be interesting to see a similar storyline with Nils.
Thank you for sending in the ask! It was good to get a chance to ramble.
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lyranova · 1 year
"Fluffy Morning" for Greyche, please?
Hiya anon! *gasps* This is my first Greyche request in about…6+ months 😱! I’m so happy you requested for my Black Clover OTP 🥺💕! And considering what just happened with the manga leaks we definitely need some Greyche fluff! I hope you enjoy 🥰!
Word Count: 648
Warnings: Manga Spoilers
Gauche’s eyes snapped open and his breath was labored as though he had just run 100 miles. He sat up and rubbed the sweat off his forehead and he looked over to his side and took a calming breath.
There laid his wife, Grey, sleeping peacefully and with a small smile on her face. He took another deep, calming breath as he tried to force the memories to go away. He hated how all of those memories would just come up when he was asleep.
He quickly got out of bed and quietly exited the room. He walked to the adjoining bedrooms and opened the doors a smidge to see the sleeping forms of his son Aloys and infant daughter Maelie. They were sleeping as peacefully as their mother. He took his third deep, calming breath before he closed the door softly.
He quietly made his way back to his bedroom and snuck inside. He closed the door softly behind him and when he turned around to face his bed he saw his wife smiling at him.
“ Where did you go?” She asked softly, Gauche rubbed the back of his neck nervously before he walked back over to their bed and crawled in beside her.
“ To check on Aloys and Maelie. I wanted to make sure they were safe and still asleep.” Gauche muttered softly, Grey nodded before she moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around him.
“ Did…you have another bad dream?” She asked softly, she could tell when he had nightmares, because he would always get up and check on the kids after checking on her. When he looked away with a blush on his cheeks she knew she was right.
“ It’s okay. I still have bad dreams too. And it’s always that one day where we all nearly died…” Grey admitted quietly as she laid her forehead against his chest, Gauche wrapped his arms around her and rested his head atop of hers.
“ I…I always have that same dream too. The one where I almost lost you…” Gauche admitted too, and Grey looked up at her husband.
“ Do you think we’ll ever stop having these nightmares?” Gauche made a humming noise before he kissed the top of her head.
“ I do, I think the more happy and cheerful memories we make together the less that nightmare will appear.” Gauche told her as he pulled the blanket up and wrapped it around them, and Grey nodded slowly at his words.
“ How about we make some more happy memories today? In order to make that memory disappear completely?” Grey asked softly as she grinned a bit, and Gauche frowned.
“ Don’t tell me you’re pregnant again.”
“ I wasn’t!” Grey nearly shouted as her cheeks turned a bright red, she quickly hit his chest as he chuckled. “ I was going to suggest the four of us go out and have a family picnic. But since you want to be a jerk,” Grey rolled over with a pout and Gauche moved with her and pulled her close to him again.
“ Sorry, sorry I was just teasing you.” He quickly apologized as he kissed her shoulder. “ I think a picnic with the kids would be a great way to erase the memory, maybe I can contact Marie and see if she wants to join us.”
“ Oh that would be great! The kids would love to see her!” Grey said brightly, and Gauche smiled back before kissing her cheek.
“ But first let’s go back to sleep, I’m dead tired.” Gauche muttered as he placed one last kiss on her cheek before closing his eyes. Grey chuckled before she reached her hand back behind her and ruffled his messy brown hair.
“ Yes, let’s go back to sleep. We’ve earned it.” Grey agreed quietly as she closed her eyes and went back to sleep.
The couple stayed in bed until the early afternoon.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope yoh all have a good day~!
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daily-rayless · 11 months
Tear for the character meme, if you’re still doing that :)
Favorite thing about her:
There's a lot I like about Tear. She's the sort of serious, knightly figure (with a secret emotional side) that I often gravitate towards. I think the game does a good job positioning her between the hero party and the villain party -- primarily through her relationship with Van, but also through her connections to Legretta and Mohs, and even Yulia and the Score that everyone's fighting over. Early in the game, she's very much on her own side, not really aligning herself with Luke until after Akzeriuth. But I'd say my favorite thing is her character design. I think she's just beautiful, the contrast of the ashy brown hair (and so long and sleek) with her piercing blue eyes. I really like that her costume is predominantly brown -- a color that often feels underused in character design -- and her dress variously suggests a sorceress' gown, a knightly tabard, maybe even a nun's habit. (And of course a cello.) You can see at a glance that she's a serious, mature character, but she also loves beauty, which we initially see through her music.
Least favorite thing about her:
I know there's some debate in the fandom over this, but I feel like her English voice actor didn't get the best direction. Tonally, I think the voice is a good fit for her, and it makes sense for Tear's performance to be downplayed and subtle. But I feel like she sometimes sounds a little too lifeless -- maybe if they'd voiced the skits, where Tear gets her more funny and emotional moments, the performance would feel more rounded.
Favorite line:
Having just said that, I think there are some moments where her VA does bring it. Her first scene at Fabre Manor, when she shouts that she's going to kill Van, that's a great moment. I also think the scene in Daath's library before the Tower of Rem, where she tells Luke that she'll hate him if he becomes a hero, the VA does a good job of making her sound both stern and deeply shaken. Her "I love you" is also well done, emotional without sounding sappy or forced. I could pick any of those, but I'm going to go with her screaming "Luke! Stop!" at the Tower of Rem. I love that we've had this build up of her refusing to interfere with his choice, being logical, being his composed, mature mentor -- and then at the crucial moment, she can't do it. She breaks down and tries to stop him because even for her, her heart is stronger than any number of logical arguments.
I've never really considered this. I've always assumed (and the game shows) that she's really close to Natalia and Anise, and I think she always would be. If asked who her best friend was, she'd probably say Natalia. They have a good, contrasting chemistry, Natalia wearing her heart on her sleeve, being very forceful and even naive at times, while Tear probably needs a more upbeat person to bring her out of her shell; despite that, they still have a lot in common, fighting alongside each other, both of them being motivated by a strong sense of service and altruism. But thinking outside the box, it's sad that we never really see her interact one on one with, say, Jade. What's their dynamic like, when none of the other party members are around? I also think it would be really fun if, after the game, she became close to Peony through their shared interest in rappigs. She would shake her head at his eccentricities and (unsuccessfully) try to reel him in from time to time. But I would guess that out of anyone in the game, Tear would be the most enthusiastic about his amazing pets. I'd love to see them going to a rappig show or something together, or maybe picking a new rappig for the imperial pigpen Peony's bedroom.
I wouldn't say I have an OTP for her. I like LukeTear -- I know not every Abyss fan enjoys it, but I think it's a compelling, character-based slow burn. They seem drawn together because of each others' personalities, not just circumstances; they operate as friends as well as a romantic couple; they seem to bring out each others' good traits. And I've always liked how Abyss takes the idea of the stern, professional soldier protecting the softer, untested noble, but flips the typical genders. And of course Luke grows until he's strong enough to protect her in turn. But while I like it, LukeTear doesn't rise to the level of an OTP for me.
Nothing too fancy for this one, not her immediate family or anything. Thinking over the fandom, it's a bit surprising there isn't more variety when it comes to shipping her.
Random headcanon:
I don't have one. Though in turning the question over, I realized I'd love to know what was going through her head when she was standing with Luke in her garden and he asked for a knife. She's surprised by what he does, so what was she expecting? That could be an interesting character moment to explore.
Unpopular opinion:
As much as I like her costume, I think it looks kind of bad when animated. It's so stiff, all these weird flaps and angles sticking out. It looks great when she's standing still, awkward as all get out as soon as she goes faster than a walk.
Song I associate with her:
"Let Her Feel the Rain" by Tara MacLean. It's more about the mood than the lyrics. (Though some of them do feel Tear-ish -- they say when she cries her teardrops turn to ice; you will kneel before her at her altar imageries.) Ages ago, I did one of those memes where you had to randomly pick ten songs and draw a fan art during each song's duration. "Let Her Feel the Rain" made me think of Tear, and ever since then it always has.
Favorite picture of her:
Oh, there are so many good ones, her basic character portrait from the original booklet, art of her in new outfits from escort titles... How about this one from one of the light novels?
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Thank you for the ask!
Meme taken from here.
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evanspresso · 2 years
otp questions: Evan and y/n edition.
a/n: again, I did not proof read so if you find mistakes. NoOoOo you didn't 🪄🪄🪄
6. who holds a grudge the longest?
She walks past the bookshelves, scanning for the book her favorite author had just put on the shelves. She smiles silently when her eyes catch it and she quickly snatches the book and holds it to her chest.
Y/n makes her way around the gigantic bookstore in case she finds anything else to add to her collection of 'book's I know I won't read but tiktok says they're amazing'.
That's when he finds her, tracing her fingers against the back of a few books. He watches her from the door, her eyes narrowed as she reads the back of one of the books she had just picked up. He watches her shrug and hold it close to her as she makes her way to the register.
Thats when he decides to go in, knowing she won't push him away while she is in the middle of paying. "Just these two, thanks." Y/n says to the cashier.
"I knew you'd be in here." Evan says breathlessly. His goofy smile on full display as he looks down at his girlfriend.
Y/n glares at him and huffs out as she taps her card against the machine and waits for the cashier to put the two books she bought into a little brown bag.
"Oh. so now you want to keep me company." she says flatly.
Evan groans, following behind her as she takes the bag and heads straight for the door. "Y/n, I was busy. I can't just drop everything and do what you want to do all of the time."
She stops dead in her tracks and turns around swiftly causing Evan to crash into her small frame. "All of the time?! are you serious?! I always wait for you and support you in whatever you're doing. Sometimes it would be nice if you could take just one hour out of your busy schedule and, hmm I don't know, do something with me."
"Well, I'm here now." he says flying his arms up and around the two of them causing her to roll her eyes and look around to make sure nobody's eavesdropping on their conversation.
"Well, you're shit out of luck. I want to be alone." she says before turning around and walking away.
69. who is most likely to hurt the other's feelings unintentionally?
She excuses herself from the large table and makes her way towards the outside of the restaurant. A breath of fresh air is what she needs. Okay, maybe a cigarette wouldn't hurt either but she feels left out and she's just so tired. Meeting new people, especially your boyfreinds insanely cool friends will do that to you when you are an introvert.
They're all very nice, and very welcoming and y/n feels selfish feeling this way but she can't help but wish she was sitting next to him. He felt so far away and to be fair, he had barely said a word to her all night. She knows he doesn't mean any harm by it and he's just excited to see his friends and catch up.
So, getting away for a few minuets should be the right remedy to shake off the feeling of loneliness and self doubt. Y/n reached into her purse for her cigarettes and lays it between her pink lips as she digs into her purse for the lighter.
"Shit." she curses, the objects inside her purse clanking against each other as she digs her hand around looking for the lighter that she can't seem to find.
"Y/n?" Evan's voice cracks into the night making her look up at him as he stalks towards her. She stands up straight and gives him small smile as she goes back to digging into her purse.
"Here." he says reaching for the lighter in his pocket. You gave it to be before we went in, remember?"
"Oh, I forgot! Thanks, honey." she says as the cigarette bobs against her lips when she speaks. She arches her neck out as Evan lights it for her. His eyes burn into hers causing her to shiver before she blows out a puff of smoke making him close his eyes.
"What are you doing out here? You okay?"
"I just needed some air. I feel a little out of place." Evans's eyes narrow and he steps closer to her causing her eyes to widen as she says, "I'm fine! I think it's just my anxiety talking." She shrugs.
Evan shakes his head and wraps his arms around her tightly causing her to let out a squeak in response. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you felt uncomfortable. I should have been more mindful in there. Hey, I won't leave you alone." He rambles.
Y/n giggles and drops the cigarette from her fingers and stopms on it before wrapping her arms around him even tighter, nuzzling her face into the comfort of his chest.
She feels him hum against her as he runs his large hands down her cheeks and lifts her head up to look at him. When their eyes meet they smile lovingly at one another causing butterflies to eruption in y/n's stomach.
"I know you didn't mean to Ev." she says quietly while he bends down to pepper soft kisses against her blushing cheeks.
73. Whose hobbies/interests change every 2-5 business days?
Evan stumbles slightly causing him to curse under his breath making his way towards the kitchen with bags of groceries on each arm.
He doesn't even notice y/n standing behind the island counter with flour scattered everywhere. She sings along to one of her Spotify playlist's rolling out the pie crust, which, by the way is very uneven.
When he puts down the bags he quickly takes a seat at one of the stools and huffs out, finally being able to relax after the hustle and bustle of the grocery store and busy streets.
Evan's eyes bug out at the sight of his girlfriend with flour in her hair, covered on her apron and all over the kitchen cabinet handles. She sing songs along with the music as he watches her move clumsily around the kitchen.
"Hey pumpkin! I'm making a pumpkin pie from scratch. I was thinking of making the whipped cream from scratch too, but I see you bought some." She says peaking into the bags on the floor.
Evan presses his lips together as he watches her skip towards him, throwing her arms around his shoulders. He knows he's going to get flour all over his shirt but he doesn't care. He just wants her kisses.
"Sounds delicious." He hums before she gently pecks his lips before trying to pull away. Evan is quick, pulling her close to him again to keep her from moving. Y/n laughs and shakes her head at him.
"Missed me?" she questions him going back in for more tiny pecks. They both giggle against each others lips while Evan runs his fingers through her hair making y/n deepen the kiss. Earning a victory moan to rumble against them.
"We better stop before we get a sugar rush." she jokes motioning to the pie.
"I'm gonna go take a shower and then I'll come help." he says, pinching her side causing her to yelp and shove his shoulder playfully.
"Get out of my kitchen!" she jokes.
Evan laughs, making his way towards the bathroom, passing his office where the candle making set y/n bought last week sat halfway done.
74. Wh'd be able to not talk the longest?
Evan is known to take roles that are mentally challenging and and is one God damn, good actor.
So, when Y/n suggests that they play the quiet game while they make the drive to his parents home for his birthday he know's he's game.
"Okay, no touching or stoping shirt or doing something stupid while driving." Y/n explains the rules as Evan drives.
"Okay. How long are we going for?"
"Until the other person looses. Duh."
"What if we get to my parents' and nobody's lost yet?"
Y/n stares at him unable to think of what to do in that case scenario which causes Evan to chuckle and turn his direction back towards the road. "Um. Okay, then I guess the game pauses and we continue on the way home." she shrugs.
They both nod in agreement and Evan holds up his hand and does a 3..2..1.. countdown on his fingers and they both hold their breath as the game starts.
They both laugh silently and sit in silence. Smiles are contagious between them. Y/n realizes how hard it is to sit in silence when all she wants to do is talk to him. Tell him jokes, make him laugh.
He's her man and she loves to just sit and listen to him. His voice is music to her ears. Like gumdrops and sugar plums, she can't help but feel giddy when she hears it.
Evan wiggles his eyebrows at her as she gives him a playful smirk. Y/n watches his face harden as he concentrates on the traffic while he bobs his head to the music playing through the speakers. Her eyes travel the length of his body, the way his veins pop out just right when he grips the steering wheel, how he twitches his nose slightly when he changed lanes.
She smiles softly catching his gaze which causes him to return the favor. She decided that she loves him in this moment and she wishes she could freeze time and stay like this forever.
"I love you." she nearly whispers.
60. who's the most childish?
"Five more minuets and then it's time for bed." Y/n yawns.
He's been playing with his new VR set for hours. She didn't mind it at first, she loves watching him have fun. He even let her try it out. Hours later, there they were, still in the living room as he stumbles around, giggles and oof's bouncing off the walls.
"Okay, okay" he says in a rushed tone.
y/n sighs out dramatically and rolls off of the couch, groaning as she makes her way to the kitchen to make them both a glass of water. She groans when she comes back from the kitchen, seeing him still engulfed with the set.
"I'm going to bed. You coming?'
"Yeah, yeah, five more minuets." she says tiredly before heading to the bedroom. With both classes of water in her hands.
55. whose the best cook?
"You spoil me, you know that?" she hums, wrapping her arms around his torso from behind.
He hums back in response as he picks at the basil leafs and tosses them into the dish. The air around them smells like heaven and Y/n's stomach growls louder than she appreciates.
She blushes timidly when he turns to look at her, "You must be starving." he says before she nods in agreement.
A yelp escapes her lips when he suddenly lifts her up and walks her towards a clean part of the counter and places her on it gently. "What are you doing?" she questions.
Evan stays quiet, a bashful smile plastered onto his lips as she watches him tear off a corner piece of the fresh baguette. He stands between her legs and lifts his hand towards her mouths she can take a bite of the bread.
"This should tide you over." he smiles.
7. who secretly knows all the lyrics to the others favorite song but refuses to expose themselves?
"I'm gonna head to the stair master." Y/n says after taking a swig from her water bottle.
He nods once from his place by the weights and grunts heavily picking up the next heaviest set.
Evan watches as she starts at her slow pace and admires the way her body fits into a perfect pace, her hips sway from left to right. He watches her in her purple leggings and sports bra, her perfect ponytail swinging as she takes each step.
"My turn!" she shouts snapping him out of his daze. The song that was playing coming to an end. "Hey spotify" she says loudly, "Play 'stole my heart' by One Direction!"
Y/n laughs happily, turning to look over at her boyfriend who grimaces. "Reallyyy, again?" he whines.
"You know you love it!!" she shouts as the song starts to blare over the speakers.
Evan's lip twitches as she starts to sing along to the song. He decides to keep his dignity and lip sing.
Likes, comments, reposts are greatly appreciated xx
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artxsticsuper · 1 year
⋆ ⭒𓆩 2023 - 2024 MASTERLIST 𓆪⭒ ⋆
✰ Welcome to the 2023 - 2024 masterlist! (Also, the first ever masterlist on my blog)
Disclaimer: Not all entries will be posted on Tumblr but each of them will contain a link that will lead you to the post from here or my other platforms. Once an entry is complete, a link will be added to it so feel free to check back!
The Incredibles
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┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐ Main Incredibles characters and their elemental visions in Genshin Impact:
Mr. incredible/Bob Parr, Elastigirl, Violet Parr, Dash Parr, Frozone, Edna Mode, Syndrome, Evelyn Deavor, Winston Deavor
Incredibles 2 X Sanrio: Elastigirl/Helen Parr (My Melody) X Evelyn Deavor (Kuromi)
[Edit] Elastigirl X May: God is a Woman
[Edit] The aesthetic of The Incredibles
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Turning Red & 4☆Town
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[Edit] [Soft] Robaire 🌹: Jordan Fisher - All About Us
(MerMay) 4*Town members as mermaids: Robaire, Jesse, Tae Young, Aaron T, Aaron Z
[AU] BirdTown & Headcanons
BirdTown logo
Tae Young: Easter
Barbie and Ken Mugshot Redraw ft. Aaron T. and Aaron Z.
[Shitpost] Red Panda Ritual scene edit
Jesse: Father’s Day
Outfit redraw! ✨
[Pride month post] Bisexual Pride
[New pfp] Werewolf Jesse
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It Takes Two
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[Edit] The aesthetic of It Takes Two
[Edit] May: Supalonely
[Edit] May: Lizzo - PINK (bad day)
Butterfly Monarchy
[AU] It Takes Two: Lovedollz
Season of the Witch
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The Amazing Digital Circus
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Caine: Hundreds of all seeing eyes
Random TADC sketches
[Edit] Pomni, Jax, Ragatha, and Caine: Circus
[Mild NSFW] Caine: Jacuzzi [NSFW variant: Chapter 4]
Chef Bubble on the hunt for a thanksgiving dinner
Jax: Mistletoe
POV: You’re a parasite
Horse Photoshoot
Happy New Year 2024!
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Miscellaneous & Stuff from other fandoms
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Happy New Year!
[Puss in Boots: The Last Wish] Death
[Spider-Verse] Hobie Brown: Nine Inch Nails - Closer
[mini comic] On the way to watch the Barbie movie
Barbie Girl
[MC:SM][PASTEL GORE] Wither Sickness ft. Petra
[FNAF] Foxy
How my OTP’s would kiss under the mistletoe
[Hunter X Hunter] [Badass Edit] Kite: In victory or defeat, it’ll be hell.
Verbalase running from Hisoka
Birthday Hunter
Year of the Dragon: Mushu
TADC: New Year’s Day
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dreamsinthewitchouse · 5 months
YOU'RE WRITING STUCKY?!??! my first otp, first fic i wrote, my first big chunk of time in fandom was all stucky. tell me anything at all about either/both of your stucky wips! i'm 👀👀👀
Graceeee 💕 I AM! OR I WAS? I mean, I've written lots of stucky, but last year I took a break from it, and then firstprince hit me like a mack truck and I haven't been able to get back to it... But I'm always gonna love stucky in some capacity, and I'd really like to finish these WIPs, so I'll gladly tell you about both!
(Also, very glad to run into a fellow stuckie in firstprince circles - you're very welcome to scream about these two with/at me whenever you feel like it! 🥰)
Okay so here goes.
Where We'll Be Saints is a Romeo+Juliet '96 AU that I've been working on for years - still no clue when it's going to see the light of day, but here's hoping. ✌🏼
The early afternoon hummed with heat, billowing curtains drawn against the summer’s dying breath. Bucky sat in front of his vanity like a saint at a shrine, brushing his hair with slow, methodical strokes. The room was reflected in a mirror framed by silk roses, with a couple of faded polaroids tacked onto the corners. Beaded rosaries draped over the shoulder of a wire mannequin, sea shells piled in a glass jar. Bottles of perfumes with stoppers shaped like flowers and hummingbirds, coated in a thin layer of dust. Joan of Arc in a mother of pearl frame. 
Bucky was wrapped in a floral dressing gown, cinched at the waist and flowing around his hips, falling open to expose the tips of his collar bones. He had one leg thrown over the other, a radiant post-bath glow on his cheeks. 
Stationed at his feet, Steve was mesmerized by the bristles running through the soft, dark brown locks, Bucky’s fingers curled around the tortoiseshell handle. 
Push the Sky Away is mostly domestic stucky + Avengers family, sequel to Pisces Season.
Steve is holding a photograph of Bucky, Gabe and Monty sitting outside the mess tent, sharing a bottle of bourbon. Bucky stops behind him, hooking his chin over Steve’s shoulder. 
“Peggy took this one. She gave it to me before she…” Steve trails off, pushing the picture towards Bucky. 
Bucky reaches over to smooth his fingers over the crinkled edge, soft to the touch. 
“I told her. That you were— that I was looking for you.” 
“You did?” Bucky lets his gaze sink into the photograph, the scene slowly coming alive in washed-out sepia. 
The familiar twist of Gabe’s mouth tugs at something deep in his chest. Bucky can hear Monty’s voice, not-so-gently ribbing him for being the last one to get up, emerging from the tent — Steve’s tent — wild-haired and yawning wide enough to crack his jaw. 
Bucky’s hair in the picture is combed carefully to the side with a stubborn strand falling over one eye, him having run out of pomade sometime before it was taken. His smile is bright, but layered underneath is the unmistakeable, gaunt look of a man who can’t quite believe he cheated his own death.
Because he didn’t. 
Ask me about my WIPs?
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maglors-anion-gap · 1 year
Fingolfin for the character asks!
I'm not beating the "never answers asks" allegations, am I?
[ask game] edited for "not a tv show"
Why I like them
DILF. I want to do indecent things to him. Um ok, serious answers only. I kind of just realized this, but there's maybe a parallel between him and feanor and manwe and morgoth. (mandatory disclaimer that I like feanor, I'm not comparing him to morgoth, and I dislike attempts to flatten him). In that fingolfin is willing to give feanor a second chance after, lets be honest, feanor screws the pooch. There's obviously some smart politicking going on with that forgiveness speech, but still. Compare it to manwe who believes strongly enough in mercy that he will give morgoth a second chance as well. I know some folks are kind of adamant that there's zero goodwill between feanor and fingolfin, but speaking from experience, shitty sibling relationships often contain that "we're not speaking but I'd still kill for you" (and he does, without a second thought). Just kind of obsessed with the loving your brother so much you dream up a better version of him in your head to forgive. There's more that I like about him, probably even more than this, but this is what's on my mind right now.
Why I don’t
I can't think of anything to put here, love of fingolfin is clouding my judgement. Opening invitations for you or anyone reading this to drop their quibbles with fingolfin. (I'm not holding a mallet behind my back, I promise)
Favorite scene
I have a hard time picking a favorite, but the one I'm rotating in my head right now is one he and fingon share: coming down into alqualonde, seeing the fighting, and joining in without asking questions. Do they think the teleri are trying to prevent the noldor from leaving? Do they correctly know feanor started the fight? Do they join anyway in desperation to leave valinor? Or is fingolfin simply willing to kill for the older brother who can barely stand him just because he doesn't want to lose another family member?
Favorite line
Come, open wide, dark king, your gastly brazen doors! Come forth, whom earth and heaven abhors! Come forth, o monstrous craven lord, and fight with thine own hand and sword, thou wielder of hosts of banded thralls, thou tyrant leaguered with strong walls, thou foe of gods and elvish race! I wait thee here. Come! Show thy face! (lays of beleriand)
Favorite outfit
Brain go brrr so I don't remember any canon clothing but nailsinmywall drew this picture of him in a massive fur trimmed cloak a while back that it's kind of printed on the backs of my eyelids. That's my fingolfin. He killed that bear himself ( <- to be read in the Ratatouille "with this thumb!!" accent).
I don't really have OTPs for fingolfin, per se? There are a lot of pairings I like for different reasons, and at different stages of his life. Silly plug for "over the unclear eyes of memory" which I wrote a while ago for trsb but still really like. Reembodied fingolfin/anaire. In my head, anaire is great, I love my anaire. And obvs you know "the room where they do what they don't confess" but I'll drop it here for any followers who missed it. Fingolfin/maglor inadvisable coping.
I feel like brotp is such a weird way to phrase it, especially considering they're at each other's throats constantly, but feanor. Low hanging fruit, I know. I'm obsessed with how messy they are though. Otherwise maedhros - which is like, a political union for the ages, and kind of a screwed up thing where they both try to re-do the whole feanor&fingolfin thing but do it right this time (but they can't make it better because feanor's dead, and maedhros isn't feanor because he's the one kneeling for fingolfin, and fingolfin isn't feanor because he's himself but he's not himself because he's king and - haunts the narrative haunts the narrative haunts the-)
Head Canon
I don't care what jirt says. His eyes are BROWN. They are dark BROWN. Also: loves filing paperwork. Devastated when turgon leaves because fingon does not love filing paperwork.
Unpopular opinion
I think the fandom has drifted from "wow the charge against morgoth is so courageous, fingolfin is awesome" to "wow that is super depression-core and kind of a metonym for the future prospects of the noldor" to "... and this makes him less of a good person." which. I have issues with. Yes, ditching your responsibilities as king to commit suicide is not ideal. But, I don't think jirt lauds this as great leadership anywhere in the text (no one sings about it because it's so awful - if it was good, there'd be a song). It's like. Orpheus turns around because he's narratively bound by the audience's human urges of love. Fingolfin does what he does because he's not a person: he's the noldor's narrative rage and suffering and useless perseverance and spite and revenge. The only thing that chaps my ass more is saying it makes him a bad dad. At baseline I kind of hate the circular bad dad discussions but I don't think the solution is to cram more dads onto the list. And I have issues with "losing the fight with despair invalidates you as a parent." Like we already hashed this out with denethor and elwing, let's not do this with every other tolkien parent. And I think it super flattens the complexity of "you need to be a solid figure for your children" vs "you live in unabated misery and you have more interiority than just being a parent."
A wish
Reembodied, gets to see all his family again (and I do mean ALL), repair relationships, have a fancy beverage as a treat, etc etc
5 words to best describe them
charismatic, intelligent, steadfast, beefy, DILF (sorry, I'll see myself out)
My nickname for them
I shan't say - unless ? - no...
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beevean · 6 months
I'm wildly out of the loop on sonic fandom(casual games enjoyer that mainly shared art or hcs with my irl friends only), so hearing about the muzzle discourse is crazy. It's such a minor thing, I can't imagine being that hung up on it. It reminds me of HoD criticism about Juste's running animation, that gets blown up into that specifically being a super mega big game ruining problem, somehow.
I think people with these sorts of criticisms see them as proof of the game design team is stupid and evil, but it just sounds like they don't even have a real problem to be mad about. Some of my favorite sonic fanart is playing with the designs even, so I really can't imagine wanting such rigid enforcement.
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I think this is the tweet that started it all (a week or so before Frontiers' release!). And. Yeah. It's just an aesthetic preference. Nothing more.
With the other design discourses, I can at least understand why someone might find it important. Silver's eye shape? Actually an effective tool of conveying his personality, that coincidentially is being warped by writers who don't understand the character. Sonic's blue arms? Yeah, they do throw off his design, although I think it can be done well - in Boom he wears a brown bandanna and in the movie he's furry lol. Sonic's shorter quills? Stretching it as far as I can, I can see how for some it blurs the distinction between Classic and Modern, and makes the latter less aeodynamic. Sonic's green eyes in an alleged Classic game? I can maybe see how Classic purists would dislike the idea of using the Modern design in a game that was meant to go back to Sonic's roots... but that game was Sonic 4 so who cares lmao.
The muzzle curve is literally a nitpick that should have stayed a nitpick. It just doesn't matter in the slightest. You can simply say "yeah I prefer the design on the right" without meaning anymore more.
(the fun stuff is when discourse gets blown over by people who QRT only to say "who careeeeees lmao the sonic fandom is insufferable 💀" my dude and pal. you are the one who are spreading the tweet you allegedly don't care about. you are part of the problem)
I think there is a tendency to finding all sorts of ways to make your opinion seem more important than others, from claiming that your OTP is secretly a bastion of representation that shouldn't be disrespected if you care about real people, to pretending that your preference for a design is rooted in some complex design theory. It's not enforcement of the design (the Sonic fandom in general has a very... loose relationship with canon lol), so much as touting yourself as smart and worthy of being listened to.
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
Ask game umm,, fitzgerald
Oh Fitzgerald!!!!
Favorite thing about them: His motivation / how much he loves his wife. To me he was a pretty :// character the whole Guild arc, but the second it was established that his motivations were led by his love for his wife his popularity for me skyrocket. I'm just VERY week for the trope of men loving their wives A Lot, especially when they're villains and especially if they love them the wrong way but still love them with everything they have nonetheless (Hades from Hadestown!!!). Also, he's funny! He doesn't take himself seriously and that makes him genuinely likeable for me.
Least favorite thing about them: I don't like stereotypical caricatures in general... I'm not even from the usa and I hate usa cultural (and non) colonization as much as the next person, but I don't think moral principles should be applied only to the people (in this case, countries) you like, y'know. I think stereotypical caricatures are detrimental for everyone. When his ability was revealed I rolled my eyes hard, like, c'mon, at least pretend to treat your characters equally.
Favorite line: “You're like two peas in a pod” sskk enabler line there was an unfortunate page layout here so I can't share the panels without clogging the post, but “I will bring back my family. No matter the price I must pay.” from chapter 35. I like the double meaning in how he's both referring to his ability and to his being willing to do anything, literally even give his life if it's for his family. I find it really bittersweet, Fitzgerald is fully willing to die if he can't build an happy world for his family.
brOTP: I REALLY LIKE HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH SSKK AJKHVAJVGM I made a post about it forever ago but I really like the idea of him being this kind of weird uncle figure to them. It's really fun and endearing to think about.
OTP: I mean, I don't know Zelda, but I can safely say that I want them to be together? Other than that, the concept of putting Fitzgerald in the fukufukumori equation but just for the drama is endlessly amusing alhkcjvsblcfkusbcfwl.
nOTP: Really nothing I can think of. I barely remember ever seeing Fitzgerald ships at all tbh.
Random headcanon: He bought a nice house for his bald neighbour from chapter 45.
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Unpopular opinion: Look I don't know what opinions the fandom has on Fitzgerald. I think his new brown suit is even more atrocious than his previous creme + pink combo.
Song i associate with them: He's the last character I would be thinking about when listening to music lmao. I feel like I'm not good at this section.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Have not spent enough time thinking about Fitzgerald to have a favourite anime picture of him
Favourite Mayoi card: (terrible butler etiquette)
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Send me a character?
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maybeimamuppet · 7 months
Veronica and Cady for the character thingy plss
eeep i just found this and don’t remember when i got it i’m sorry friend!! i’m assuming this is for the list and not the bingo but if i’m wrong i’ll do it again lol
ok i have to do cady first bc it won’t let me type beneath veronica’s picture so woo i love it here soooo much /s
favorite thing about them
she has so much depth! i love how adorable she is and how bubbly and high energy and yet soft spoken and sweet she is but she also has a dark and vindictive streak in her that’s really fun to play with. also she’s like really fun to torture sometimes lol whoops
least favorite thing about them
again i hate how many people she uses for her own gain and how power hungry she gets
favorite line
“shuck! i started to say shoot and i almost said fu-” for funnies and uhhh
“fearless is the one thing i can be now, no friends, nothing to lose” and whatnot for like more emotional. also all of i see stars i still get misty every time i listen to it
damiaaaaan. they wear matching outfits whenever they can, damian comes over to cadnis’ house for movie nights twice a week at least, they watch bootlegs together without janis bc she doesn’t like them. just. mwah. i could go off but i’ll hold back lol
aaron. they only worked bc of erikyle. if i could drop kick every other aaron into the road i would.
random headcanon
she can talk backwards!
unpopular opinion
there’s a point where she is fully aware of what she’s doing and how wrong it is and she actively chooses to continue for a hot second until the burn book being released and whatnot snaps her out of it that people do not talk about enough. i know i’m guilty of it too but she is not all innocent and naive and coerced into this shit like she’s a full teenager she knows damn well what she’s doing
song i associate with them
a change in me from beauty and the beast which hath inspired many a fic in my early days. at the plaza from the violet hour loosely inspired i’ll be there for christmas. like very loosely. uhhh and i think the like vibes of true love from frozen (or basically anything anna sings lol) even if it’s not necessarily the same meaning
favorite picture of them
i picked two for both her and veronica bc iiiim greedy lol
alright well one of cady’s is with ronnie for some fuckass reason thanks tumblr!!! i tried i swear
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favorite thing about them
honestly this isn’t as much to do with her as a character as it is to do with the people who’ve played her but she has done so much for my self esteem in a really roundabout way. as someone with dark brown eyes and frizzy kinda untamable brown hair reading fic about her helped me appreciate more things about myself.
if you struggle with self image i really cannot recommend highly enough finding a character who looks and acts like you and reading stories where someone is absolutely, irrevocably in love with them. whether that’s platonically or romantically. i know it’s weird but being able to look in the mirror or at some aspect of my personality that i don’t like and say “that’s still lovable” is WONDERFUL.
least favorite thing about them
i despise the way she treats martha and also baby girl is kind of a doormat!! she’s one of those shitty wicker doormats that scratches the hell outta your feet but like dang!!
favorite line
not a line but her face in the musical when jd and kurt and ram start fighting
but also the way barrett delivers the “oH MY GOD!” over chandler’s corpse is immaculate
and i had one of her like super iconic ones everyone knows in my head but now i can’t remember it siiiigh
marthaaaaa buddies since babies. also like. still alive and post MUCH therapy jd has a lot of fun potential
poly heathers!! but to put them individually in order, mac, chandler (those two are almost tied), duke
JD. i know he goes by his initials and that’s just his name but i was trying to yell that. i do not like him i think he stinky get him outta there
random headcanon
she’s not allowed to wear pants with drawstrings anymore because she’s gotten stuck in them too many times. also she’s not allowed to use superglue bc she’s glued her fingers together too many times.
yes both of these are true of me shut up
unpopular opinion
she’s a lot weaker than most people think and a lot stronger than most people think st the same time
and i’m not always a huge fan of her being autistic i think she’s just that painfully awkward and dense
song i associate with them
it is so much harder than you would think to pick songs that are not from their shows?? like the only one in my head is i’m blue dabadeedabadie like i don’t KNOW OKAY
favorite picture of them
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salemontrial · 3 months
OOOH i see you reblogged an emoji ask game!!!! prepare to answer 👁 (eye color) 🌍 (nationality) 🍜 (fav dish) 🍉 (fav fruit) 🐈 (fav animal) 🌻 (fav flower) 👥️ (otp (describe the main tropes behind it as well pls)) 📚 (fav book) 🎶 (fav musical artist) im very curious👀
👁 Green but I have partial heterochromia and my right eye is split pretty much evenly green/brown
🌎 Australian but everyone knows about it cos I talk about it constantly--😭
🍜 Chicken yakitori
🍉 Probably apples🫶
🐈 Crocodiles🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊
🌻Pink hyacinths
👥 Fuckkkk probably my very specific view of mixtape. I'm not sure about tropes tbh I don't like deducing ships to tropes, my flavour is very rebellion-corruption based though.
📚 Probably Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuinston purely because I tie a lot of happy experiences to it
🎶 Siouxsie and the Banshees, Body Void and Mitski because I can't choose
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