#otp: mending the wounds
passthroughtime · 2 months
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kuwana, seconds before his traumadump:
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salty-an-disco · 5 months
Yeah, sure, gonna do this too. Here’s a list of some of my ships and also just some dynamics I’m really fond of:
Gonna start with my explicit romantic ships, ranging from OTP (my personal description of an OTP is a pair I cannot imagine in any other relationship) to ships I’m just very fond of.
ContraHero (duh, my OTP of all time)
ParaCold (smth of a secondary OTP, I’d say, since I also can’t imagine them in any other relationship lmao [at least, long-term])
Foreign Body (Quiet/Stranger) (I can’t imagine the heart not being Stranger, tbh, and also, smth about the both of them having a ‘monstruous’ form aksmdjddj)
Skeptunist (it’d be a slooooooww and LOOOONNNG burn, but I think the progress would be so interesting and the eventual relationship so weirdly sweet)
Ghost Lily (Spectre/Witch) (reaching OTP to me, ngl, as I can’t bring myself to be invested in other relationships involving them lmao)
Sweethearts (Smitten/Damsel) (have no problems imagining them with others, but this is still my primary ship for them)
Eternal Challenge (Stubborn/Asversary) (same situation as above)
Aaannnnd that’s it for explicit romantic pairs I think, I’m. actually a pretty picky shipper akmaksmdjkdmd
Now let’s move to what I call my OTBesties. When you ship them, but in a ‘they’re besties!!!’ way :D
Dark Comedy (Contra&Cold)
Strategy Game (Skeptic&Cheated)
Shining Shield (Hero&Para)
Bare Root (Wounded Wild&Thorn)
Mending Hearts (Smitten&Broken)
Confined Minds (Prisoner&Skeptic)
Thespians (Oppy&Smitten)
Those are the ones that actively takes up more brain space, and ones which I most rotate around my head. Here’s some general dynamics I like exploring:
North Star (Cold/Oppy): their toxic yaoi wouldn’t last a year and be horrible for the both of them (mainly Oppy), and I’m all here for it.
Smitten and Skeptic, while not in OTBesties tier for me, is also a friendship I’m very fond of. I think they’d have coffee in the morning together.
Nightmare’s possible dynamic with anyone would be so interesting to explore, but especially with Tower– just. imagine the chaos
Speaking of– also Tower’s dynamic with Razor. Put her in the same room with some of the most relentless and violent vessels, I wanna see what happens
Wraith and Cheated would be an interesting dynamic when taken out from their chapter’s context tbh– Wraith is resentful because of how she’s been treated and only resorted to those drastic actions because that’s what you left her with. I think Cheated would sympathize with that and realize the hand he played (if you get him in her chapter) to get her like this.
Oppy and Hunted feel like they’d have a weirdly close and strong bond. Not OTBesties or explicitly romantic, but a secret fourth thing
Oppy and Contra have beef at first sight to me. They either completely ignore each other, or swear to make the other day’s worse, whatever they feel like atm
Also– since me and the folks in the discord started headcanon that while alive, Narrator could’ve been groomed by a cult and that’s why he has such a deep fear of death, and think eternal bliss is the best alternative for that– I’d like to see more of his dynamic with Broken. In a what-if scenario where they both got over enough of their bagage to have an actual conversation together, I think they’d have a lot to talk about.
Also, shout-out to my Happily Single Tokens, aka, characters I hc as non-partnering/not interested in romance/‘just not in the mood for it, dude’:
Cheated, Broken, Thorn (aro hc for her caught my the throat and won’t let go, I’m sorry Modeus), Prisoner, Narrator (AroAce and romance-repulsed king, tbh), and Hunted
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chaosrealm · 6 months
For the OTP/Ship game.
1, 13, 22, 42, 50, 51 - Reiko and Aella 😁
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1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’?
Both of them. Especially in times when one of them takes a risk to save the other and ends up hurt. "Why would you risk yourself? I had it under—" "Because I love you! And that is the only reason I need."
13. Who’s the bigger tease?
Unsurprisingly, it's Reiko. During a sparring match or even at royal feasts, Reiko can and will find an opportunity to tease Aella. He'll taunt that she could do better when he's got her in a hold she can't get out of. If she's made to wear a dress to a feast? Better believe he's stroking her thigh under the table.
22. What reminds each of their partner?
Reiko is reminded of Aella anytime he looks up at the moon and stars, hence her nickname: my light. She is his guiding light even in the darkest of days. Aella is reminded of Reiko when she's under the fur blankets in their bed. When she's having an awful day, she's curled underneath them, remembering all the memories they've made together.
42. What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
They love sharing rainy days in bed together. Whether focused on a book or unable to keep their hands off each other, they cherish their private moments together.
50. Who’s more likely to do something out of spite?
Reiko!!! After everyone told him he couldn't tame Onaga and that it was an impossible task, what did he do?? He tamed him!
51. What’s a non-verbal way they say I love you?
When they lock hands and butt their helmets together. A shared nod before any fight/battle. When Reiko insists he stitches up her wounds instead of her straining with her magic. Sharpening each other's weapons / Mending broken armor.
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danpuff-ao3 · 3 years
💝 Danpuff's Ships
Are you curious about all the ships I ship? Too bad, I wanna talk about them!
For the ships I love, why I ship them, and fic recs, read on!
[Side note: I will be selecting 1 fic for "my contribution" and "my favorite", but many of these have multiple good options! I'm just trying to keep this as concise as possible. If you want more recs for a given ship, please feel free to ask!]
Snarry (Harry/Snape): OTP, obviously! At least, I hope it's obvious!
> Why do I ship them? Because they are soulmates, obviously. (Ahem.) Rather than write a full essay about this (which I should totally do one day), I'll drop in a few: enemies-to-lovers is a classic. I love the age gap. I love the baggage, between the family history (Severus' connection to both James and Lily) to their own troubled history. The teacher/student of it, even. All of the things that make this ship so "wrong" is what makes it so "right" for me.
But even outside of all the juicy angst/drama/smut potential, they do share this really intense connection, for better or worse. They could so easily build one another up or tear one another down. They can be each other's greatest weakness or their greatest strength. And I don't think many people could really understand one another the way they can, if given the opportunity to do so. There is so much potential there, and I don't think they could ever be nothing to each other. And I love seeing them together in any situation, at their best and at their worst.
> My Contribution: The Best Kept Secrets
> My Favorite: When the Rose and the Fire Are One
Dron (Draco/Ron)
> Why do I ship them? Enemies-to-lovers. Family rivalry. Gryffindor-Slytherin. (Also, cute blond + cute redhead? Yes, please.) There is lots of tension to play with here, but at much more manageable stakes. They were young when they met, when they came at odds, and there's so much room for "sleeping with the enemy" and good ole scandal in their younger years, or potential for forgiveness and growth as they age.
They come from such different backgrounds, and there's so much they can teach one another, but their backgrounds are similar enough to have common ground to work with. Both care deeply about their families. Their coming together can bridge so many gaps and mend so many wounds. Not to mention their dynamic is fire! Funny, silly, sweet Ron with bratty, saucy, witty Draco? C'mon. That is a recipe for comedy gold. And all that spark they both have within one another, that they bring out in each other? SMUT HEAVEN. I rest my case.
> My Contribution: Collateral Damage
> My Favorite: At Your Door
Fleurmione (Fleur/Hermione)
> Why do I ship them? Two strong, capable women? Yes, please! Not only do I love their individual characters, but the tension between them is/can be oh-so-sweet! (You see a pattern here, I presume?)
They're the sort of characters that other characters get off on the wrong foot with. There is a presumed arrogance to both of them (Fleur with her looks, Hermione with her intellect), but they are also so much more than that. They are both smart, gifted, brave, loyal women that might butt heads, but who can work together very well when given the opportunity. They would also have a lot to teach one another, and could so easily enrich one another's lives. They would for sure be a powerhouse couple with plenty of sparks between them!
> My Contribution: A Little Taste of Wasting Time
> My Favorite: Français
Linny (Luna/Ginny)
> Why do I ship them? Oh look, I ship something soft! There's just so much to love about Linny. They are both brave, adventurous souls. They could travel the world together, learn so much together, and always have such a good time. They would protect one another, be loyal to one another, follow one another to the ends of the earth. Ginny would keep Luna somewhat grounded in reality, while still taking Luna's hand to be carried away by her imagination (and her wisdom.)
> My Contribution: (None, yet!)
> My Favorite: You burn me
Snilch (Snape/Filch)
> Why do I ship them? Delphi. Next question.
Joking, but Delphi's Snilch fics did sell me on this ship. I read a fic ages ago where Severus was with Harry and cheated on him with Filch, and I remember being infuriated/heartbroken. (How dare he cheat on Harry?? Break his heart and mine?? Excuse you!) (Also if anyone happens to know that fic please send it to me.)
So it's funny to me that all these years later I've come to appreicate this ship (as a pre-snarry ship that ends when Snarry starts, mind!) I love a good age gap. I love the naughtiness of student/caretaker hooking up. But I especially love the idea of two outcasts coming together and being less alone together. The idea of Filch feeling drawn to Snape and appreciating him, especially in a time when so few do. Meeting their needs together, chasing away the loneliness together. Not a romantic connection, really, but an important connection all the same.
> My Contribution: (None, yet!)
> My Favorite: Intruder
Snegulus (Regulus/Snape)
> Why do I ship them? To be fair, with so little canon material, this may seem funny, but hear me out: The angst potential! That's it. That's my case.
Jokes aside, I was initially drawn to this ship from Snarry of all things (because yes, doesn't this make a great pre-Snarry ship??) There's the drama potential in Severus hooking up with his bully's brother. The drama potential of Regulus coming from such a blood purist family and hooking up with the half-blood. They were in school together. Were in the Death Eaters together.
Imagine how his death would have affected Severus were they still romantically involved! Especially if it was a secret relationship and he had no one to confide in about losing Regulus.
Then I have a very specific headcanon of Regulus. Sirius being the oldest was primed to be the heir. Regulus the spare. I imagine him being very quiet and all around ignored, first because he's the spare, then because Sirius is causing so much ruckus in the family. I envision him as very sweet but lonely and that being something Severus would be drawn to.
> My Contribution: Right Now (One Day)
> My Favorite: The Turning Point
Dremus (Draco/Remus)
> Why do I ship them? Age gap, for one. The drama, for another. Draco, from a blood purist (and wealthy) family hooking up with a poor, half-blooded werewolf twice his age?? THE SCANDAL. I love it.
They are different in so many ways, but I think it works and they can balance each other. I see Remus as being very calm, patient, and solid. He can handle Draco being a bit of a brat. He can be understanding and supportive of Draco as he tries to change for the better. He's someone warm and kind and so unlike the people Draco grew up around.
Then Draco, trying to become a better person after the war. Remus being initially attracted to him because of his youth and beauty, but staying attracted to him for being clever and vivacious. Remus finds him entertaining and amusing
> My Contribution: Birthday Party
> My Favorite: Only One Word
Jeddy (James Sirius/Teddy)
> Why do I ship them? A cute little age gap (6 years!) + being godbrothers? What's not to love? James having a big ole crush on Teddy, Teddy being in denial and/or trying to resist. Secret hookups at the Potter house. Inevitably having to tell the family with much anxiety. Sweet Teddy and mischievous James! This ship has much fluff potential while also having enough "wrongness" for flavor! (I have a type, okay.)
> My Contribution: (None, yet!)
> My Favorite: The Lies We Live With
Scarry (Scorpius/Harry)
> Why do I ship them? ...if you know me, you know this is a weird one, but hear me out!
I'm married to Snarry, but Scarry is the gardener I sometimes fantasize about, okay?
You have that juicy, juicy age gap. Scorpius being the son of Harry's old school nemesis. And also his son's best friend. (Also his student if we want to play Professor Potter, which I often do.) All the drama/angst potential! Imagine Harry's children reacting to Scarry. And Draco!
And me being me, and this being my ship list, I must factor Snarry into the equation. So I like to imagine married Snarry with Scorpius crushing on his best friend's dad, who is married to Severus Snape. How terrifying! Or, on my angstiest days, imagine Harry slipping up and breaking two hearts. But today is not an angsty day so let's forget about that.
Mostly I like to imagine cinnamon roll Scorpius from Cursed Child (yep, Cursed Child, don't @ me, I have literally no shame.) So maybe, if Severus died, and Harry moved on, I think it's sweet that he would move on with someone so different. That he will always love Severus, and Severus will always be special, but he can love another special someone, too, and be happy. In such a different way.
> My Contribution: Teardrop in Your Palm
> My Favorite: Aubade
Dralbus (Albus Severus/Draco)
> Why do I ship them? Much like Scarry, we have the age gap. Plus Albus hooking up with his dad's old rival. Plus his best friend's dad. Imagine sneaky, clever Albus on a mission to seduce, and Slytherin Draco taking what's on offer. Or curious Albus being drawn to people so different from his own family, and wanting to know more about Draco's past, and being drawn to that darker side of him. (Not necessarily Dark, mind, just darker.) And imagine Draco thinking he's going to use Albus then move on, but can't cuz he went and fell in love like an idiot.
Then imagine the family reactions and bask in the drama.
> My Contribution: (None, yet!)
> My Favorite: The Mark of a Good Man
[End Note: Which perfectly makes this a TOP 10! I have plenty of others I like, but I might make a separate list of ships I love and want to see more of.]
[Also: It would be cool to see y'all's ship lists so please tag me if you do one! Doesn't have to be a Top 10, I just like seeing people's ships and why they ship them!]
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lunatriense · 2 years
Okay, since that Greek Fire one broke my heart, Greek Fire 30
I'm sorry, anon! The prompt was for a headcanon that breaks my heart though lol.
One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
When Yang goes to Mistral to catch up to JNPR, and she and Pyrrha finally see each other again, there's a long, tense moment where they look at each other and don't know what to do. Pyrrha is hesitant; Yang came halfway around the world to be there, but she's afraid to hope that it was for her — she could just as well be there solely to make Cinder pay, or even Pyrrha herself. Nevertheless, she hopes Yang came for her. She still loves Yang with all her heart, that's never changed, and the pain of her absence — and much more, her anger and perceived hate — have haunted Pyrrha like a vengeful spirit the entire time they've been apart.
Yang walks up to her, and Pyrrha braces for the worst, but rather than attacking her — physically or verbally — Yang just embraces her. She holds Pyrrha tight, and after a few moments Pyrrha realises she's trembling and silently crying. Pyrrha starts to ask if she's alright, but Yang cuts her off, deeply hurt and obviously so, asking her what's wrong with her. Pyrrha apologises for leaving like she did, but tells Yang why, that she thought seeing her would only hurt her more. Yang clarifies; not that, although it wounded her — how could Pyrrha think that she hated her?
This confuses Pyrrha, but before she can ask about it Yang continues; she could never, ever hate Pyrrha — she loves her. Even when she said the terrible things she said, even when Pyrrha abandoned her, even when everyone told her to forget Pyrrha, that after all she'd lost it was crazy to leave again when she wasn't even fully recovered on what sounded like a suicide mission, the only thing that kept her going was that love and the knowledge that Pyrrha loves her back. It's all she had to hold on to, her life preserver in a sea of darkness.
They have their issues to work out — they definitely need to work on communicating, and after this episode they know that — and amends to make, but just being together again brings the colour back to their lives.
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grace-lightwoodd · 3 years
I saw you’re updated prompt list can I request number 18 “I didn’t want to be a burden,” for my otp, Thomastair please 💕
I didn’t want to be a burden
Ship: Thomastair
Prompt list: x
Warnings: suicidal ideation, implied depression, intrusive thoughts.
Notes: Please reach out if you are struggling, you aren’t alone <3
Thomas didn’t know when it started. He didn’t know when he’d stopped being able to sleep, his mind occupied with thoughts he knew he should never think.
He didn’t know when the sleepless nights had turned into something much, much worse, something he began to dread each time the sky bled as the sun disappeared under the horizon.
It was nights like this that Thomas craved relief. From what, he couldn’t be certain. He’d no reason to feel this way, he knew. Other people had it worse, so who was he to be so self-centered that he couldn’t bring himself to even think about anything but his own pain? Why did he lie in his bed night after night, considering an escape?
Then he thought of his parents, who had already lost a child. They couldn’t lose another one; It would have broken them. He thought of his sister, who’d already been through so much. She knew the worst of the world: she’d seen the cruel words and the unkind realities nobody should ever have to know. Thomas refused to be the reason she knew that pain.
He thought of Alastair. Thomas’ suffering was nothing compared to his. And if Alastair was healing, why wasn’t Thomas?
And then the realization had sunk in: the only reason he was still alive was because of those around him. Thomas only lived because of his partner, his parents, his sister, his friends.
He knew that his mere existence was an inconvenience, but his death would only burden them more.
God, Thomas was so selfish. He was selfish to even entertain the idea. Hell, he was selfish to even believe that anyone would bat an eyelid at his passing.
Would anyone even miss him?
He could feel his heart racing, his breath coming out in uneven huffs. He could feel the sting of tears in his eyes, but all he could think about was how pathetic he’d look if anyone saw him.
Then, as if Thomas had somehow manifested his nightmare scenario into reality, the bed shifted with a small groan. Alastair was awake.
Thomas quickly wiped away his tears, desperately trying to calm his erratic breathing before his partner asked questions.
Too late.
“Thomas?” Alastair asked, his voice thick with sleep. “Are you alright?”
One simple question. That was all it took for him to break down, letting go of any last bit of pride he had left as broken sobs escaped his lips.
“I’m sorry,” Thomas sobbed, his hands coming up to cover his face. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” said Alastair, scooting closer to his partner. “It’s alright.”
It couldn’t be further from okay. How was Alastair so nonchalant about this? Was he annoyed? He’d every reason to be—it was the middle of the night, after all. Thomas had just woken him up with his groveling and self-pity. Anyone with half a mind would be angry at him for the inconvenience.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Alastair asked gently. “You don’t have to if you don’t wish to.”
Against Thomas’ best wishes, he told Alastair everything. Words gushed from his lips like blood from an open wound; he barely processed he thoughts before he voiced them aloud, only pausing every once in a while to let another round of sobs shake his body.
Alastair remained silent, patiently listening. Even in the darkness of the night, Thomas could see the tears glistening in his eyes as he covered his mouth with his fist.
When Thomas finished speaking, the room went silent. Too silent, in his opinion. It allowed his mind to run, to come up with scenarios he knew to be unrealistic.
What if Alastair left? What if he couldn’t stand to be a part of Thomas’ life anymore?
His eyes darted around the room, searching for anything to focus on other than Alastair. There wasn’t much to look at; everything was covered with a dark veil of shadow, making it difficult to see the entire room.
Rough skin grazed Thomas’ hand as Alastair interlocked their fingers. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked gently. “Have you even told anyone?”
Thomas shook his head, still unable to meet his eye. “I didn’t want to be a burden.”
“A burden?” He echoed. “The people worth knowing will never be burdened by you. And the people you know are some of the best.”
“You’re not angry?”
Alastair brought Thomas’ hand up to his lips, planting a gentle kiss on his knuckles. “I’m angry at myself for letting you think that you could ever be a burden. Pain isn’t a competition. Everyone experiences it, and we all experience it in different ways. There is no pain that is lesser than any other.”
Thomas cuddled into Alastair’s chest, resting his head over his heart. Neither of them spoke, the only sound being Alastair’s steady heartbeat under Thomas’ ear.
And for the first time in what felt like an eternity, Thomas could feel hope swell in his chest. He was beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, the promise of something better. A life where he wouldn’t think of his own death.
He knew that it was a ways away, but he didn’t care. Now he could see a future where he didn’t used to. He could see happiness in his reach.
He wasn’t Tantalus, reaching for something that seemed within his reach but would shrink away whenever he tried to grab it. He was no longer grasping at straws in a pathetic attempt at attaining happiness.
It was within reach. It was here, even. It always would be, when Alastair was around.
Thomas could feel the light in his heart, the way that Alastair always seemed to make everything a little bit better. In the darkest of days, Alastair was the light.
Thomas hadn’t been hurt like James had, he hadn’t had his reputation compromised like Eugenia, he hadn’t been forced to grow up too soon like Alastair. Everyone around him knew pain like he never would, but his own was still valid.
In the end, they were all made out of flesh that could be cut, bones that could be broken. And that wasn’t a bad thing. Because the flesh could heal, and the bones could mend. And that was all that really mattered.
Taglist (lmk to be added or removed): @writeforjordelia @ohcoolnice @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1
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homeformyheart · 3 years
*cough cough* 40. for the uh the LT route? :)
i am so so so sorry this took so long but inspiration suddenly hit around 10pm and finished it 3 hours later. i hope whichever anon you are gets to see this, since it's been months 🥺.
author’s note: this one hurt and takes place long after the events of the current books (and long after my canon relationship storyline). i hope the switching of tenses isn't too jarring, but it's sort of needed here given the POVs. enjoy! copyright: all characters, except the oc detective, are owned by mishka jenkins @seraphinitegames. series/pairing: the wayhaven chronicles – adam du mortain x f!detective (lyra kingston) x nate sewell (LT route) rating/warnings: 14+; angst based on/prompt: OTP angst prompts // 40. “I’m still not over you.” (in bold) word count: ~1k summary: after months spent trying to bury her feelings for nate and adam, lyra gives in before giving up.
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nate glanced up from his tome at the large grandfather clock, the antique façade indicating that it wasn’t quite late enough for bed. he held back a sigh – time seemed to move slower these days.
he used to count down the days, when the only way to tell time was to follow the watch schedule and listen for the bells. sometimes it made the endless days at sea a little more tolerable.
other times, it was complete torture.
to know that life was passing by and yet being unable to move forward with it. he had never hoped to experience anything like that again.
and now time is one of the few things he no longer has to worry about.
time in essence, is the quintessential part of human existence that he has no right to claim.
instead, it speeds past him.
pushing the world around him toward newer heights and frightening changes, the awe-inspiring advancements never failing to strike him with renewed hope and fear.
it’s not that time is accelerating the world around him, but that he is no longer able – or perhaps willing – to go with it.
but today – and yesterday, and the day before, and so on, and he’s sure it will be the same tomorrow – he wishes he could fast forward by a decade or a century. maybe more since he’s not sure how much time it will take for the deep-rooted ache in his soul to heal.
maybe it will take nine hundred years.
his longest and dearest friend comes to mind. adam is staring out into the darkness, unmoving in body and in spirit. for a split second, nate wonders if that’s what he needs – the ability to lock away the hurt and let the centuries grow protective ivy over it.
he chases the notion away with a shake of his head, knowing that the hurt was just collateral damage for opening himself up to the possibility of a truly special kind of love with lyra.
adam tenses and nate dutifully returns his gaze to the words in his lap. a brief apology and easy forgiveness said to each other in passing months ago should’ve been enough to mend the rift between them.
but nate knows too well that time doesn’t heal all wounds. he knows the origin of the saying is locked away somewhere deep in the recesses of his mind, but he’d rather not think about how much he’s lost because of time.
it doesn’t heal, but it does provide distance.
a human-sized distance he desperately wishes didn’t exist.
* * * * * lyra’s done nothing but put unit bravo out of mind for the past few months, working diligently with agency researchers and hoping that space and time would force her feelings to pass.
for the most part, she thought she succeeded. it was easy enough to bury her head with work. in the windowless rooms she practically lived in, it was even easier to lose track of the days that turned into months.
but time still has a way of simultaneously moving too slow and speeding up when she least expects it.
and for brief moments, she thinks she understands her mother a bit better.
shut out an old life and it distracts from the pain.
she supposes there’s no need for the agency facility to track time in human hours, considering most supernaturals don’t need to sleep and everyone generally works around the clock.
truthfully, she enjoys the hourless days, her watches and old personal phone buried in a duffel bag somewhere.
except in those moments where time decides to remind her of its hold over human life and pull her down the road to memories shoved behind a door with loose hinges, creaking in the wind.
time, the friend who never calls except when they need something that takes too much, shoves memory after memory in her face and reminds her of all that she turned her back on – without a word of explanation.
just her leaving behind a couple of two-word sentences hastily scrawled with nate’s favorite pen and all of her things put into storage.
it’s a not-so-gentle reminder that time won’t let her forget and that the memory of a person is not beholden to their material possessions.
she knows this to be true when seeing a thick tome makes her long for those nights spent curled up in the library and walking by the training rooms takes her back to those combat lessons.
lyra presses her eyelids down to ease the stinging in the corners. the tears were supposed to stay behind with her things, that was the deal.
she wipes furiously at her cheeks while walking briskly towards the exit. she lets pure instinct take her down the familiar winding and hidden road through the woods, stepping out of her car just before the turn that would bring the warehouse into her sight.
she can feel their presence as she steps closer to the outside entrance, its dilapidated façade still the same and yet it now mirrors the ache in her chest.
the ache carries her forward until she’s speeding through to the inner doors, desperately seeking an answer to questions she’s still too afraid to ask.
but it isn’t fear that has her throwing the door open and panting to catch her breath, oblivious to the conflicted emotions swirling in front of her.
“i’m still not over you.”
the words ring loud and true in the otherwise quiet living room, both vampires attuned to her rapid heartbeat and pointedly avoiding each other’s gazes with practiced ease.
adam makes to leave, fists clenched tightly at his side and the movement helps nate find his voice.
“who were you speaking to, lyra?”
her name tumbles with hesitation from his lips, the tender familiarity of the sound is one he hopes to remember in its purest form, when he used to punctuate it with darling.
acknowledging the distance between them might begin to taint it but he says it anyway, his heart leaping slightly at the glimmer of hope in her eyes before dread quickly draws it back into place.
nate’s warmth and adam’s steadiness immediately draw her in and lyra grips the doorframe a little tighter in futile resistance. she knows now without a doubt that no amount of distance will lessen the pull.
but maybe time will.
after all, time is a human construct. creating the space to heal, to grow, to learn, and to love.
and vampires have all the time in the world.
* * * * * taglist: @kelseaaa; @anotherbeingsworld; @wayhavenots; @gingerbreton; @gloynporslen; @sosolenoo; @writer-ish; @alyssalauren; @takemyopenheart; @pearlsandsteel; @babycracker; @mevnraels; n sewell: @missameliep;
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klaineharmony · 3 years
AO3 Tag Meme!
Tagged by @bywayofmemory - thank you so much! 
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
51. I have all of my three-sentence fic in one catch-all “fic,” though - I don’t do as much of it as some of you! I tend to write longer stories.
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
557,450. (Wow!! That’s more than I thought.)
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
There are 34 fandoms in the list on my AO3 dashboard, but quite a number of them are duplicates (e. g., “Newsies! The Musical - Fierstein/Menken” and “Newsies - All Media Types” and “Newsies (1992)”). It’s really about 18, total. Some of them are Glee, Chronicles of Narnia, Newsies, The West Wing, Harry Potter, Sherlock, MCU, and Little Women.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Mending Our Mistakes (Little Women, Jo/Laurie)
Wounded With His Wounded Heart (Sherlock, Post-Reichenbach, Sherlock/John)
Silver and Gold Crowns (Chronicles of Narnia, PC movie ‘verse, a sequel to Lirenel’s Terror Gold)
Balancing the Scales (Chronicles of Narnia, focusing primarily on Peter and Ed post-VoDT)
Cries in the Night (Harry Potter, Harry/Hermione)
These surprised me a little bit! I would have guessed Mending Our Mistakes, and Wounded just because Sherlock is such a big and voracious fic-reading fandom, but not the others.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Always! I love getting feedback from readers, and I started off really participating in fandom on LJ, where the back-and-forth in comments was much more like conversation. I miss that.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I hate angsty endings, honestly, and I don’t write them much. There can be angst in abundance in a fic, but I want my happy endings! That said, the two angstiest things I’ve written are probably Requiem (The West Wing, a futurefic meant to commemorate the real-life 2011 Norway bombing) and Secrets and Ghosts (A Chronicles of Narnia/Imitation Game crossover).
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I do! Not often, but I like them when I do. I think the craziest one I have started (not finished, as I have way too many WIPs) is a Glee/Chronicles of Narnia crossover called The Substance of Things Hoped For. I also started a Narnia/White Collar crossover during TSF this year that I haven’t posted, because I keep hoping I will finish it.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
It’s very, very rare. I can recall one instance where I received a nasty comment on a Klaine fic, and once when I received a mean comment on a Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers fic, but those are the only two that spring to mind.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, but rarely. And I don’t have a kind, I don’t think? Except to say that if it doesn’t actually do something for the plot, and for the emotions of the people involved, then I generally don’t write it. Smut for smut’s sake is really difficult for me to write - it’s difficult to write anyway!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven’t, though I’ve taken requests or prompts from people!
12. What’s your all time favorite ship?
It is utterly impossible to answer this question. I have an OTP for pretty much every fandom. I will answer with Klaine first, because they were my first experience with a really big fandom and a wonderful community of people. But Josh/Donna from The West Wing, Harry/Hermione from Harry Potter, Jack/Sarah from Newsies, Jo/Laurie from Little Women, Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter - there are so many. 
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
This is difficult - I wrote two stories really close together, one for The West Wing (Distraught Conditions) and one for Beauty and the Beast 1987 (Love and Hope). I’m honestly not sure which one was first!
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
We’ll Be There To Defend One Another, which is also my longest fic and the first story I’ve ever cracked 100K on. It’s a love letter to Newsies (1992) with polyamory 19th-century style and lots of historical notes (probably too many. This is my time period and I love talking about it.) But, oh, I love this fic and this ‘verse - I have snippets and notes for a whole series of stories, at this point, if I can ever finish the first one!
Tagging: @coffeegleek, @redheadgleek, @jackabelle73, @whatstheproblembaby, @wordshakerofgallifrey, @honeysucklepink , @sothinky, @thelittleredheadedmusician and whoever else would like to! :)
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passthroughtime · 2 months
a sudden sunday kuwagami
been tagged by @jichanxo, @phantasy14 & @overdevelopedglasses
i hate my writing with burning passion atm (friendly reminder that if you have something to say about my wip, please say it, it really helps), so i decided to touch up some old drafts i have, with nothing special happening there as well. you know what this one is
Kuwana’s eyes light up with curiosity, and he puts his hand on the side of Yagami’s face, forcing him to look at him. Yagami shivers, his fists grip the blanket like a lifeline. Never before has Kuwana’s touch been that velvety soft. Yagami leans into it and closes his eyes, hating himself for it. He is a weak, weak man.
“Oh, Yagami,” the smug asshole says, caressing his cheek with a thumb gently, “do you need something from me? You can just ask.”
Yagami bites his lip, so he won’t physically be able to say anything. This is awful. He hates how little his body needs to react this way.
Kuwana hums and, shuffling closer, presses his lips to Yagami’s forehead. With a gasp, all self-respect leaves Yagami, and he leans to Kuwana’s neck for a kiss or a bite, but, from a lack of energy, settles on a wet touch. At least this, he thinks, mouthing at the neck helplessly, his breathing ragged, embarrassed from a thought that there is an actual possibility here for him to get off on this.
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princess-sengoku · 3 years
I have a request for the Ultimate OTP Questions list, if you don't mind: Zhao Yun/Lu Bu
(Alright i got it. Sorry about a bit of a wait.)
Zhao Yun x Lu Bu OTP questions
Who is most affectionate?
Zhao Yun
Most common argument?
Probably what their strengths can be used for. Zhao Yun is for his lords and Lu Bu is for himself
Who apologizes first?
Zhao Yun
Favorite non-sexual activity to do together?
Riding red hare together or training.
Who drives and who rides shotgun?
Zhao Yun drives and Lu Bu will take the missle launcher (shotgun)
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Lu Bu will carry Zhao Yun in anyway he wants.
Nicknames(this took me a while)
Zhao Yun to Lu Bu: big bruiser, machoman, strongest warrior alive
Lu Bu to Zhao Yun: Hero, warrior
Who Proposes?
Zhao Yun
Who sings along with the radio?
Zhao Yun but really depends on the music.
Who worries the most?
Zhao Yun. He knows Lu Bu is strong, but he can do some incredibly dumb decisions that threaten his life. He's also concerned about Chen Gong, Lu Bu's strategist, for putting him in precarious situations and just feeling that he may have other intentions.
Who wants to take selfies with the other?
Zhao Yun
Who likes to playfully tease the other?
I think Lu Bu might do it more. (If Zhao Yun does it, it might cause the next DW opening in Xiapi again)
Weirdest taste in music?
Lu Bu
Who remembers what the other orders in a restaurant?
Lu Bu
Who is embarrassed to take off their clothes in front of the other?
Zhao Yun
Who tops?
Lu Bu. Not surprised
Who initiates kisses?
Lu Bu
Who reaches for the other hand first?
Zhao Yun
Who kisses the hardest?
Lu Bu
Who is the most ticklish?
Zhao Yun
Who brings an animal they found home?
Zhao Yun. Lu Bu allowed it only because Lu Lingqi found the animal cute.
Who holds the umbrella for the other when it's raining?
Lu Bu, he's taller and can find a big umbrella for the both of them.
Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?
Zhao Yun. At least it's outside with other warriors around, still he doesn't do it often.
Who kills the scary bugs?
Both but Lu Bu will do it more often.
Who asks the wierd questions at random in the middle of the night?
Lu Bu
Who hogs the blankets?
Zhao Yun
Who wakes up first?
Zhao Yun
Who wants to stay in bed longer?
Lu Bu
Who always makes coffee for the other each morning?
Lu Bu. He doesn't want to give too much coffee though as Zhao Yun will musou attack out the window.
Who cries during certain films or reading sad books?
Zhao Yun
Who gets scared of horror films?
Neither? Zhao Yun is too courageous for that and Lu Bu is Lu Bu.
Who cuts the other's hair?
Lu Bu.
Who says "I Love you" first?
Zhao Yun
Who tells their friends and family about their relationship first?
Lu Bu
What does their friends and family think about the relationship?
Lu Lingqi: She would be happy. She prefers Zhao Yun over Diaochan because at least he didn't keep him away from her while she was growing up.
Diaochan: She would be a bit surprised but accepting. She seemed to have feelings for Lu Bu, but will stay out of it unless Zhao Yun breaks his heart.
Chen Gong: He would think this is a good thing for Lu Bu. Anyone that can keep Lu Bu from any unnecessary killing sprees is great for him. Plus he would use this as a offer to ally themselves with Shu
Zhang Liao: He would be fine with it. He just hopes Zhao Yun would make a nice opponent for him to train sometime
Liu Bei: He would be a bit concerned (who wouldn't after they got kicked out of Xiapi in history) but the benevolence in his heart would at least let go of the grudge and accept it for one of his favorite officer's sake.
Liu Shan: He's fine with it. He just wants peace.
Guan Yu and Zhang Fei: Guan Yu wouldn't like it personally because Lu Bu messed with his sworn brother's dream and Zhang Fei wants to drink so hard to forget this relationship exists. While Guan Yu tries not to let Zhang Fei drink himself to death, he tells Zhao Yun to be careful at least
Ma Chao (and Ma Dai): Ma Chao wants to vanquish the injusticable creature that took Zhao Yun away. Ma Dai stops his cousin and ties him up on the horse. He silently says that he's fine with it but Ma Chao is going to take some time and get a clearer head for it. He tips his hat like a silent apology and rides off.
Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?
Zhao Yun. Just a night at one of the karaoke bars.
Who cooks the best?
Lu Bu, especially when it's meats.
Who wears the other's jacket?
Zhao Yun
Who uses cheesy pick up lines?
Zhao Yun
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear at inappropriate times?
Lu Bu. He would be so awkward with it though. at least Zhao Yun blushes easily.
Who makes the other laugh the most?
Lu Bu
Who needs more reassurance?
Zhao Yun
Who would have to bail the other out of Jail?
Zhao Yun has to bail Lu Bu out
What is their Theme song?
This. It doesn't have the guitar riff that Dynasty Warriors tracks have (it isn't from a dynasty warriors game anyway), but i can see them battling to this together.
Who would sing their child back to sleep?
Lu Bu. It calms down Lu Lingqi faster.
What do they do when they are away from each other?
Zhao Yun would probably go to train and see what's happening in the south (Nanman). Lu Bu would be bored and ask Chen Gong where's the Wei forces. That is his training for today at least.
A headcanon about them that stabs your feels
One day when Zhao Yun shows up in Xiapi castle, he noticed something was wrong. Dead soldiers of Lu Bu's army laid on the castle walls and among the grounds. Zhao Yun grasped his spear tightly as he rushed inside. Along the way, he saw a Shu flag. Did something happen without Liu Bei knowing and to Lu Bu? He got to the throne room and Zhang Fei, visibly drunk, was there with blood on his pike. Chen Gong was no where to be found, neither was Lingqi, Zhang Liao, or Lu Bu. "Master Zhang Fei? What did you do!?" Zhao Yun would ask in increasing anger. Zhang Fei, still out of it, only acknowledged Zhao Yun with an "ugh" and threw Lu Bu's headpiece back to him. The headpiece was also tainted with blood. Zhao Yun started to cry. Lu Bu... He can't be gone... How did this happen? He wanted to kill Zhang Fei. He didn't care about how his lords felt or what it would do to his position, he killed his love out of spite and drunkeness! Before he could get his spear off of the ground, he was knocked out by Zhang Fei, an ache in his head too great by a clean headbutt.
A headcanon that mends the previous one?
Zhao Yun woke up in what looks to him like a hideaway, the birds tweeting outside in harmony. He didn't want to get up from the bed, one Lu Bu was dead to him and two it hurts to move. He noticed he still held the headpiece Lu Bu wore and placed it on the table next to him. He wasn't fully awake but when he came to, he felt someone big and strong next to him in the bed. It sounded like a bear but calmer. As he turned, Lu Bu was alive and in bandages from the wounds he had gotten. Zhao Yun also found bandages on himself. He was so happy they were alive. Liu Bei, Chen Gong and Lu Lingqi came in as well from the outside. Liu Bei had apologized to Lu Bu and Zhao Yun that he didn't know Zhang Fei was attacking them and he didn't know about the incident til Chen Gong and Lingqi explained to him about it. Zhang Fei would be in Jail for it and shouldn't be bothered at all. Chen Gong felt regretful about the situation that he never saw it coming. After their worries were quelled and apologies was given and accepted, they left Lu Bu and Zhao Yun alone to heal. They cuddled comfortably in bed, Lu Bu silently wishing that Zhang Fei would be executed but he's fine with both alive to do battles again.
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for the otp ask meme (because i realized i forgot to send this lmao), your opinion on soulmate au? 👀
Oooh thank you for that ask 👀 (sorry I’m so late with answering life’s a whirlwind of stuff to do atm) 
Thinking about it, I don’t believe either of Cherik are very enthusiastic about their soulmate! It’s a cruel world after all.  Maybe Charles is a bit more optimistic, but he has also been thoroughly disillusioned by his parents. His father - so, his mother’s first soulmate - died when he was very young - why care to find your soulmate when they’ll be taken from you far too early anyway? - and her second soulmate (let’s just pretend it’s an AU in which you can have multiple soulmates, either all at once or one after the other (because polyamory/OT3 :3)) seems to hold no love whatsoever for her, Charles or even his own son Cain. To Charles, soulmates are a thing of science, intriguing in that he wants to find out if genetics or human history have an influence on how the universe chooses your soulmate. If - if - he is to ever meet his soulmate, he doesn’t expect those biiig Romantic™ feelings like they’re always depicted in media.  Erik however has been brought up with a loving pair of soulmated parents. They taught him joyful expectation towards his missing puzzle piece before they were killed and he was taken away by Shaw. Now, one might think he held on to that while Shaw tortured him, starved him and experimented on him - and he did. Except that this feeling of entitlement to a soulmate has slowly vanished, because who would want a monster like him? Even after escaping his tormentor, he is a broken man, a machine only built to kill and destroy and take, not give. So, he drifts without actively looking for the one Fate has destined to be his.  Now, their meeting. Maybe it’s a name-on-wrist AU, a fireworks-upon-first-meeting AU, a glowing-chest-when-bumping-into-each-other AU. Anyway, they are both so surprised and so scared to finally have discovered each other - and also so in love. Charles has an enormous fear of losing Erik, so he won’t let him out of his sight - his doubts about fate and science and genetics vanished the moment he laid eyes on his soulmate - while Erik is overjoyed with being Charles’ centre of attention even though he feels like he’s not worth it, so not worth it. Slowly, they settle into their new reality, teaching each other how to let go of their disillusionments and fears...  And then, of course, Shaw comes and fucks it all up and dies a horrible, terrible death. Which still leaves Erik and Charles to pick up the pieces, to mend the wounds which were torn open again - except they have each other now, safe in their knowledge that they are fated to complete each other, even if they always get in arguments about mutant segregation vs. integration. 
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pinepickled · 4 years
10 for the OTP asks. For Asmo and Raphael, I guess?
Ohh, I actually ship these two! I hope you don't mind that I used my take on Raphael.  And feel free to write anything for the ask i sent, i know it was confusing X)
Asmodeus hissed as the angel ran antiseptic across his wound, baring his teeth to the side to avoid startling Raphael.  Despite his seething anger, he didn’t want to scare his old friend.
“Why did you do it.  Why risking coming down here for something so inconsequential.  This would heal in three days time, less even.” He growled.  Raphael rolled his eyes, puffing out his chubby cheeks.
“Because you would have been in pain for those three days, and I’d tagged along with Michael anyway.” The angel said all too lightly.  It was frustrating.
“Don’t treat this like some sort of game! Dammit Raphael, what would have happened if a demon got to you while Michael wasn’t around? You know what the people here like to do to people like you? How could you be so careless?!” He seethed, trying to keep whatever control he had left tight around himself.  Raphael remained unphased.
“Listen here you stubborn, stubborn demon.  I don’t care if I get tortured to high ends, because when my friend- no, when my soul gets hurt, it is only right I come to mend him. Now silence, before I stuff something in that mouth of yours to keep you quiet.” He said sternly.  Asmodeus couldn’t help it, his lips twitched.  Raphael’s soft face and wavy hair pulled up in pigtails just couldn’t cut an intimidating figure.  Asmodeus briefly wondered how Raphael would feel if he knew that nothing could get Asmodeus off like a pair of pigtails and some nice glasses.  Something to pull on, something to cum on… his inner demon purred at the thought.  Asmodeus quickly shook the thought from his head as Raphael began applying bandages.
“Why did you come here with Michael anyways?”  He asked, watching the angels face closely.
“Because I missed you.”
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astarionbae · 2 years
hey! i’m interested in how that quote relates to mina/milo if you don’t mind explaining? thank you!
For those, my darling Leaf was referring to this quote that I reblogged!
Milo and Mina have this very intense friendship and they both really love each other, but Milo is more afraid to acknowledge it whereas Mina is literally the bustling sunshine and rainbow that's not shy to admit that she has feelings towards him. He's not ashamed of her or anything like that, it's just because of his mutant ability and given how he grew up in the Essex Rehabilitation for Mutants, he actively believes that once something good happens to him that it'll eventually get taken away from him. He never had a grace period.
On the other hand, Mina is the embodiment of lunar light! That is her mutant ability. She's bubbly and a light that keeps on shining no matter what. Things might have not always gone according to plan for her, but she certainly has love in her heart that spans for every thing and every one. Because of this, Milo is instantly drawn to her as she is to him and his mysterious nature, and his ideal of, "If I keep those I care about at an arm's length, they won't abandon me or get hurt in the end."
Of course, Milo is so in the deep end for his feelings for her, that whenever he interlaces their fingers or cups her face, asking if she's okay and absentmindedly brushes the corner of her lips with his thumb, he tries to tell himself that it's just because she means a lot to him as friend but oh, we all know the truth. Milo is inconsiderably, undoubtedly, and unconditionally, in love with Wilhelmina "Mina" Moon.
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onehelluvafirstdate · 4 years
All Valenfield from important questions #14 ,22 ,24 ,29
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
Both of them! They’re very affectionate because they’ve had enough of acting like they weren’t more than just partners/best friends
Jill grabs Chris’ ass do fluster him. He blushed really easily and Jill likes to use that against him, especially in public and professional settings
Jill wraps her arm around his waist and pulls him close
Neither of them really do, but when Jill pulls him close, he holds her hips to press her against his body.
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day?
I would think that both of them are, but Jill is a little bit better than Chris. Claire informed her of the possible idea, and kind of “taught” Jill. They both prefer traditional sex (as in in-person), but they’ve definitely done it when they were on separate missions (back at their respective hotels, of course
Both of them technically do, but in different ways. Jill would put little sticky notes on his desk (whether it was back at RPD or in the BSAA, or at their study room if they live together), while Chris would text her.
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
Jill would start dancing! Chris would be cooking something or cleaning the kitchen and Jill would turn on some music to dance with him.
Chris loves using his height to good use when it comes to being affectionate. He likes picking her up and spinning her around
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
Chris would have tried to do something cool while Jill would scold him (lovingly) as they drove them to the hospital or while she was mending his wounds.
send in a ship + a #! I would really appreciate it if you clarified which post it was because I reblogged two OTP ask memes with #s :)
please mainly stick to cleon! i’m better at coming up with headcanons for them. but if you’d really like, I would be okay with cloti, valenfield, zutara, and royai!
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lunatriense · 2 years
Schneekos 29 and 30
One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Oh, that's a tough one but I think this should work. Note that this is following the show timeline (fix it, IQ!!! 🙏🙏🙏) rather than one of my preferred timelines.
Because of her upbringing (thanks Jacques) Weiss made a horrible first impression and Pyrrha believed she was only interested in using her for her own benefit. By the time Weiss had managed to befriend Pyrrha anyway, it was obvious to her that Pyrrha was pining for Jaune hard. Weiss assumed she had no chance, that Pyrrha must not even like girls (after all, if she did why would she pick Jaune of all people?) and so she just tried to bury her heartache with the first not-Jaune person that seemed interested — Neptune, which of course ended poorly.
Now all that is well and good, sad but not heartbreaking… but then we come to the fall of Beacon. Weiss gets a call from Jaune — Pyrrha's in trouble. She and Ruby rush to assist, and even though she wants so badly to be up there to help, she knows Ruby is faster and speed is what matters. Every second counts. She places her glyphs, Ruby dashes up the tower, and all Weiss can do is wait and hope with all her heart for the best. But Ruby's great, right? Even if she and Pyrrha together can't win the fight, she can at least get Pyrrha out of there.
And then she hears Ruby scream and sees a blinding flash and the wyvern turns to stone. And for hours, she doesn't know what's happened. That sounded really bad, but petrifying the wyvern is good, right? Ruby's not answering, Pyrrha's not answering; are they okay? Nothing's happening up there now.
Someone finally shows up — probably Qrow — and goes to look. He comes back down with a comatose Ruby, but no Pyrrha. Weiss starts to panic and rushes over to ask, and all she receives in reply is a pained look and a shake of the head. She's gone.
Weiss never told Pyrrha how she felt. Never told her how important she was to her. She watched from afar as Pyrrha pined after the densest boy on Remnant — who repeatedly snubbed her to woo Weiss herself after very explicit rejections, no less. Now she'll never get the chance. What if she had? Would things have gone differently? Would Pyrrha be there beside her still? She'll never know, but she'll always be haunted by the thought.
One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Although neither of them said so at the time for fear of scaring the other, both Pyrrha and Weiss knew from the first night they spent together dancing and laughing, then huddled close under the stars until sunrise sharing secrets and hopes and old wounds with each other that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. They had other friends who they loved dearly, yes, but no one else — no one — understood either of them like the other, like only a kindred spirit can, and they could feel it immediately. It didn't matter where, it didn't matter how, only that they had each other.
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sasorikigai · 3 years
4 + 7 + 22 (for Hanryou, any verse plz)
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30 Ways For Your OTP To Say “I Love You” Through Actions || @sonxflight || selectively accepting!
4. Looking out for them to make sure they’re okay.
7. Covering them with a blanket when they fall asleep.
22. Kissing a scar that they got from something traumatic. 
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || Ryou Sakai manifests himself as a beautiful, deep, still lake in the middle of a concrete world; and Hanzo Hasashi, amidst the brutal, implacable in-between realm of his attentiveness and throes of obsidian dreams, he remains being tested. Tested by the nightmares that he is seeing in reality, tested by the cage that locked him behind the bars of reality, tested by the unthinkable horrors of an unexpected knock on his doors of chimerical fantasies, and tested by all of the supernatural abilities of his unfamiliar self still, as he continues to be tested by the dualistic beauty and destructiveness of him that crushes and wrings him out into no one. No Hanzo Hasashi, the once formidable, greatest warrior ever known in Earthrealm living vicariously through Satoshi and Koharu, as a dedicated father of two, along with his most beloved, Harumi, exists even as Scorpion, whose presence may terrify even those who have faced their absolute worst nadir. How the seemingly indomitable pillars of his foundation has crumbled, as his diminishing resolve would fade into the most gentlest wind possible, as walls are melting, and the once verdant trees of the Hasashi Compound are flickering with sound of a strange music.  
Hanzo Hasashi knows, by his crumbled heart and by his damaged soul, one of the most courageous decisions he will ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting his heart and soul. In the end - life is all about to have been afforded every opportunity to find beauty in that which seems mundane. For allowing myself to love the world and all of its inhabitants with reckless abandon. Although he may struggle to see through scalding magma of his tears, unspilled, and yet rendering the scope of his world blurred in wavering obfuscation, ‘tis better to have lived in vain than to hold the world and all it has to offer at arm’s length. Time would never heal all of his wounds; they will perpetually remain, and in time, Hanzo Hasashi’s mind will protect its sanity, cover them with scar tissue and the pain would eventually lessen, but as the misty fields of withered flowers stir beneath the torrential firestorm as the blackened floating ash suffocates his throat and throbs the dilated depth of his bloodshot eyes, he would retrace the unfettered, unconditional love he used to have for his family as he would become a roaming animal. It knows him, follows him until the Earth memorizes his footprints, burying them under their ancient embrace. 
How he traces the shape of home, amidst the neglected expanse of overgrown lands once constituted Hanzo Hasashi’s entirety, as only moribund stretch of hollow, voidlike air remain stagnant as he continues to ache. How Hanzo Hasashi aches; unbearably so, intolerably. Fatigue settles in, pulls heavily at his eyes, at his bones. And the pit of his stomach burns so scorching hot that it’s blistering. Nothing feeds him anymore, nothing fills him. Stale, nothing with flavor, nothing with meat, nothing with substance. Knowing the eternal echoes of love which still values and respects him mitigates the excruciating despair, as the richness of Ryou Sakai’s loving impression blossoms radiant blush over the paled raised flesh over Hanzo’s right pectoral, where Bi-Han’s fatalistic stroke plunged deep into his aorta. Surrender had come naturally, to his chagrin and steeled resolve to gaze deep into the supernatural unfathomable depth of glacier ocean, as the surging magma of his flooding sanguine dripped, as crimson-streaked path would mark the plunging spiral of his inevitable, irreversible death. 
He may still mourn the loss of an ideal he never got to have in fruition, and yet, the deep hole in his heart had been mended with the golden joinery of Hanzo Hasashi’s effulgent, magnanimous warmth, along with Ryou Sakai’s potent, self-effacing sacrifice as the splendor immaculate light fused and bonded to his own Arcana. Without those nightly visitations of nightmares and night terrors, dreams that trail him without hope as the pulse of his irregular heartbeat seemingly were out to collect his heart and soul’s penumbra, as already phantom and faded recollections of his halcyon past would become stickly sweet, rot, and decay into the realm of something dying. 
All the smells, the feel, and the even greater feeling of belonging in the arms of his beloved, as Hanzo’s own remain secured around the contours of Ryou’s shoulder as they wind around and gently lain on the chiseled belly as the planes of their existence continues to blur and merge without distinguishable lines, Hanzo Hasashi lets himself drown further as he kisses Ryou like he doesn’t need air, as his hold grows taut and possessive as he couldn’t ever let this moment go. as corporeal and bodily warmth enfolds atop Hanzo’s broad torso and expanse, the brushstroke of their pristine love buries the portrait of hurt as Ryou Sakai’s ravishing body and soul becomes the balmy repose in which Hanzo Hasashi will let himself be lost in the depth of the fragrant night. ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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