#otp: i'm just thinking about our future
neroushalvaus · 10 months
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☮ monkeewholock follow
🎉🎉CONGRATULATIONS UNITED KINGDOM 🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉BYE BYE GROSS INDECENCY!!!!🌈🌈🌈 62 countries have now legalized sexual activities between men🌈🌈🌈
🐞 homophilespock follow
🚀 starrfleet follow
They are American, not British... But I'm pretty sure spirk has always been able to fuck since the show is set in the future.
📻 lesbianbobdylan follow
Christ, this is not about your cutesy uwu yaoi otp, go outside and smoke some grass
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🌻 flowerpower follow
Politicians are not your friends but damn Kennedy is fine, I look at one (1) picture of him and my head literally explodes
🌻 flowerpower follow
...i just woke up, why is my askbox full
🌻 flowerpower follow
🌻 flowerpower follow
guys stop reblogging this it's been like five years i've changed
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🎹 nixonsafascist follow
do you think they call him little richard because he has a little. Richard
🎹 nixonsafascist follow
easy website
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🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Being the only lesbian in your friend group sucks so bad. "beatles or stones??" i will kill you
🗣 lavendermenaceisreal-deactivated72537262
Disrespecting female social groups for male validation? Typical lesbian behaviour.
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Mike Jacker isnt gonna fuck you
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Oh no I think she couldn't handle that
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✌ draftdodgerdyke
DM me for the addresses of my Swedish and Canadian friends. Do not put your personal information in the reblogs.
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
You should be ashamed of yourself.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
I said, you should be ashamed of yourself. You disgust me. I assure you, when the commies attack us, you will not find your silly little post "groovy" anymore.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Jesus, don't flip your wig
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
My father fought in ww2 for you ungrateful degenerate.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Don't see what your daddy's unsexiness has to do with me and my lads taking a sexy sexy trip to Sweden.
#anyway only hot guys dodge the draft
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🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
in every interview i watch of the beatles they are so DONE and trolling everybody, these fucking annoying BITCHES, i need them inside me so badly
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
#this but not john lennon #i just can't forget the heinous things he said about jesus
idk I actually think it was very sexy of him, stop trying to cancel john in my post
✝️ jesusrevolution follow
The reading comprehension on this website is piss poor. John literally didn't mean he was greater than Jesus or better than Jesus, he was just trying to make a point about the world becoming more secular. Cancel culture has gone too far.
🚷 to-hell-with-the-beatles follow
How dare you say we piss on the poor?? Jesus died for Mr Lennon's sins and it's not "cancelling" to send him a few respectably worded death threats to remind him of that. He cancelled our Lord first!
✝️ jesusrevolution follow
Girl Jesus literally said it's cool, I dropped acid yesterday and saw Him and He told me.
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
help the girls (christians) are fighting in my beatles thirst post
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🛼 donovandyke follow
I will be glued to the tv today. If you don't want to hear about it, just blacklist #moonlanding !!
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🗣 claudeberger4ever-deactivated98975287
Hi I'm new to the Hair musical fandom so I'm not super invested in the whole discourse, but I just felt like this needed to be said: Friendly reminder that not being against the war in Vietnam does not make you a bad person!
🥁 ringoforpresident follow
it literally does tho
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Another win for us hot guys
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kimberlyannharts · 2 days
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At this point Power Rangers has done a few crossover comics, and they've all been some pretty logical and big name choices - the Justice League, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Godzilla. So today's crossover comic is one that definitely took people by surprise - Usagi Yojimbo, the long-running story of a wandering rōnin having adventures in feudal Japan (who also happens to be a bunny rabbit), written and illustrated by Stan Sakai since 1984. While an icon in his own right - funnily enough, he's a regular guest in TMNT properties - I don't think ANYONE really had HIM in mind as a contender for a crossover with Power Rangers compared to more conventional properties like Transformers or even My Little Pony.
After all, what do they know about samurai in Power Rangers?
It's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Usagi Yojimbo!
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= So I know I've gone on and on about Shawn Daley's art but I really just need you to look at them again. It just makes me so happy to see a more stylized take on the MMPRs - basically if you took Daniele di Nicuolo's art and ramped up the anime influence by 100. It gives the book that much extra charm
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= who the hell is THIS I'm here for the FURRIES not another random boring human!!!!!! it's like I'm playing Animal Crossing
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= Jason's attitude in this book annoys me but at the same time it wouldn't be a Ryan book if he wasn't writing Jason in a way that annoys me.
= (also, they knew about the Morphin Masters this early in their Ranger career? I guess Zordon did mention them in an early episode, but.........what have they done that's similar to this that Jason would know about kjkjdkf
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= I still think it's very weird that they didn't give the whole "maybe it would be easier if I was fighting alone" to uh.....you know.....Tommy, the loner? Who's so used to fighting alone that he struggled to adjust to a team? But I guess he has a girlfriend and Jason doesn't so.
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= Is this a safe space. because the rabbit is pretty hot.
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= YFIP: THE MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS - assisting the villain, thievery of a powerful artifact, assault against civilians, racism against furries
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= Like I've said before Jason's characterization here irritates me a bit but I'll give the book props that someone's actually allowed to call him out on it for once. Like man I wish Tommy in the main series was allowed to tell Jason to shut up once in a while like Usagi does here
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= Kim: Tommy, it's 4 pm! Time to go help our friends!
Tommy: yes honey
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= Wow, look at these guys! They're like......Shogun Rangers! ............wait a minute
= But seriously, though, I gotta say these are one of the best alternate MMPR designs we've gotten in ages - I LOVE how they apply all of MMPR's little details into each individual user. And the altered weapons are awesome, too. Between these and the Kaiju Rangers we've really been cooking with the alternate forms lately
= And as I said, they did manage to resist the urge to give Usagi a Ranger form. I did like my old "maybe he'll find a Samuraizer" idea, though
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= They both nearly died via crystal explosion a few hours ago but all they care about is their cool new outfits, just otp things <3
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= I was about to say "well yeah, duh, that's why the Dragonzord doesn't have wings" but then I remembered. oh yeah. technically the Zords aren't Japanese in origin in-universe, are they
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= It's nice to see Dragonzord Battle Mode! That was a form that didn't get a lot of spotlight in the comics - I think the only time we really saw it in the main series was Shattered Grid, and not for very long before it got destroyed by Serpentera
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= Kim and Usagi only get one real onscreen exchange but she also catches him in the Pterodactyl and they have matching bangs. I'll take this as a win, though Splinter is still her #1 rodent dad
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= they are so fucking sad
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= I think future books should bring Usagi back or just crossover with him again with no explanation. Make people think he's a PR character just like how people assume he's a TMNT character
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erinelliotc · 2 months
What do you like about Eddy? Do you really think him and Double D will work out?
I think Eddy is the most interesting, deep, complex and well-written character on the show. It seems contradictory to say this, but even though Double D is my favorite character, I think Eddy is the best character. He's full of content for psychological analyses, something I'm passionate about doing because I love psychology and writing, I love analyzing human behavior, so complicated characters like Eddy are perfect to me in that sense (just as I am fascinated by Jinx from Arcane). I have so much to say about Eddy, I feel like every day I think of something new about his character, and I find this so exciting!
My analyses of each Ed will only be done in the future after I rewatch the show another two or three times, so I won't write here everything I have to say about Eddy. But you can find some of my EEnE analyses by scrolling through the posts in this tag. I talk about him in some of them.
But about Eddy and Double D... EddEddy is my OTP, you know? I've already talked a lot about them, and of course I'm going to talk much more in the future too. You can read a little about what I think of their relationship here.
In "short":
Eddy's backstory and his character development fascinate me. Characters who are emotionally broken to the point of developing a problematic personality fascinate me. Characters with mental disorders or traits of mental disorders fascinate me (I personally see him as ADHD with borderline and narcissistic traits, and perhaps a bit of histrionic traits too). I love analyzing and understanding what led them to that point, what made them so difficult to deal with, what hurt them so much that they developed an emotional armor and/or that makes them act like selfish jerks. The way Eddy's brain works fascinates me, his behavior, his defense mechanisms, everything. And to me the best part is seeing the little moments where the show shows us how he actually has a terrible self-image deep down and is not as confident and secure as he tries to show himself to be. I love seeing a character who isn't just a jerk, but someone who acts like a jerk because of things that happened that he tries to hide or that he doesn't even understand or realize happened (Eddy's reality denial defense mechanism is very strong, so I think a lot of the things related to his brother he genuinely didn't realize were problematic and had hurt him because his brain denied them to protect him. And it's common for our brain to block memories as a way of protecting us from the truth because it thinks we'll not have the emotional structure to deal with it, and I believe it may have happened to him), someone who is deeply hurt and does everything he can to hide it, someone who doesn't want to be emotionally vulnerable and tries to act like the most confident person in the world... Characters like this are the most interesting to me. And besides, I find Eddy extremely funny and annoying in an adorable way. I love his chaotic behavior, his voice and the way he talks (God bless Tony Sampson)
He and Edd were made for each other. Would they kill each other if Ed wasn't around? Absolutely. But their relationship is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and the combination of their personalities is what makes them grow and have their character development. They mature and improve because of the influence they have on each other. Their personalities complement each other perfectly because one is good where the other has to improve. And the love and affection they have for each other is visible and makes me emotional
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boogiewoogieweeb · 3 months
11, 16, 65 🪽
hi curry! 🤗🤗🤗 thank you so much for the ask - it's always a pleasure to see you on my dash or in my notifs! (and congrats on FINALLY getting the nedward shirt🥳 i can't think of anyone more deserving after having to endure such long waiting times trials and tribulations!)
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
oh, now this is a difficult one, because how on earth do i link only three??? tell you what; i'll compromise, and we'll do five, okay? okay. and because i know you're a fellow joplittle afficionado, i'm listing five of my faves for our mutual otp (unranked and in no particular order):
To Guide His Banners by mia_ugly
quiet hours by MyresLight (aka the inestimable and my dearly beloved @maedhrus)
the comforts of home by hazelmotes
i've become the person who says darling by vegetas
ringing in your ears by @manicpixiedreamjop (hi gus! plugging your latest fic because i simply can't shut up about it!)
five, as i said; though i have so, so many more i wish i could share. and just so you know, having to choose these five alone was already an unbearably cruel, nigh herculean task 😩
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
a better question would probably be "do you ever stop nurturing fic ideas?" 😂 at any given moment, there are at least ten fic ideas rattling around in the lobster pot i call a brain, most of them half-baked and vaguely formed; some of them with some actual substance and merit to them.
lately, i've been overtaken by a nefarious subset of particularly horny thoughts regarding a certain first lieutenant from a doomed arctic expedition and all the various ways in which his anger and frustration at his captain's questionable leadership might manifest... which i wholeheartedly blame on matthew mcnulty's line delivery of, "you were told not to speculate", along with that delicious little lip-curling sneer he does when he says it.
granted, it's not really sharing an idea so much as it is Thirsting After That Middle-Aged Man™, but i figured if anyone would understand, it would be you, curry ❤️
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
as everyone and their mums probably knows by now, i'm currently busy with several wips. but the ones i'm most proud of and probably the most eager to finish are my terror lieuts vampire hunters/dhampir!jops au, and the sequel to two cupped hands; both of which are sitting at about 35% completion rate. unfortunately, i haven't had much motivation to write lately, and so the actual completion of said wips remains a sisyphean task at present. that being said, i'm nothing if not stubborn, so if it takes me ten more years to publish either of those wips, so be it. i know they'll find their audience regardless of how much time passes 😁
aaand that's it! once again, thank you curry for a wonderful set of questions - i had an absolute blast answering them, and i hope you have just as much fun reading my answers! ily!
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niko-jpeg · 9 months
@vessel-posts-stuff I know you haven't been on that account in years, but I still wanted to include you. Thank you for introducing me to Tumblr and allowing me to make such wonderful friends. I think of you quite often <3
@v1vz-arttt We're moots on your old account, and while you didn't refollow me (?), I still love you!!!!!! Thank you for everything my good friend :)
@adorablemew Mew!!! Oh my god hi we haven't talked in forever. How did I get someone so cool to be my moot? Your art is incredible, your creations are wonderful, and thank you so much for putting up with me back in my previous Undertale fixation. You inspired me greatly.
@psycho-chair BITES YOU. You have been an inspiration for me forever at this point and I thank you for being just!!! YOU!!!! We need to chat more fr fr. You helped me through a rough time, no matter if you were aware of it or not. Also good to see another Crepic shipper here on the front lines. Sorta unrelated but I'm so glad my secret little otp has gotten a little more traction. You keep being you buddy grrrhshjfskjdhfdkjjksjkh <33333
@glitchysquidd Another instance of HOLY hell how did I get such a cool art moot???? You're really cool. I go feral over your art, whether youre aware of it or not. I love your vibe, your aesthetic, your everthing. Its so cool. You're so cool. A.
@thosegoodbois We don't interact much these days, but I still think of our conversations often. I like how unabashedly you you are. Its refreshing and fun and I still enjoy scrolling through your posts and seeing you on my dash. Tee hee.
@skyedancer2006 Hi hi!!!! We met because of a Secret Santa, and I'm happy we're moots. I love seeing you guys on my dash, and I love seeing the positivity yall bring to it all. Keep it up, and if I referred to you incorrectly, I am so sorry ack.
@bean-with-a-knife grabs your shoulders and shakes you. You are so. the most ever. We've been besties forever, and I'm so happy to have you as a friend. You keep me going, and encourage me when I'm not so sure, and you put up with my bullshit, and I absolutely love you big ol platonic kiss for you. Thank you for everything you've done for me.
@naaru304 HI!!!!!! You're so cool. I know we don't really talk but I really really like seeing you on my dash and you reblog all of the best stuff. YOUR ART IS SO EDIBLE ACK. Its so round and clean and just. Stuffs in my mouth and shakes it around and giggles cutely. I love it.
@p3-mochishira HI!!!!! Vamp you are such a moot. I love your edits and I love your ocs and I love your whole vibe. You light up my day and I'm so happy that we're moots. Big ol hug sent your way!!!
@queen-ofsunflowers oh my god you are such a cool author. And we're moot what. WHAT. AAAA!!!!! I really look up to you, and MnM is such a treasure I hold close to my heart. I look forward to whatever is in the future, and I wish you nothing but the absolute best in this coming year.
@mmmn-thirsty-for-vinegar Yet another cool incredible mutual I don't know how I landed with. Your art? incredible. The posing and lighting is immaculate. I love all of your art so much, and you're a big old inspiration foundtain haha. <3
@yoshikass HI!!!!!!!! I love your reblogs. I love the variety. I love everything. Your blog's vibe is also so much fun. You keep being you <33
@dollar-store-emo-413 Your brain is fascinating. Congrats on your freedom from our hell, and I wish you luck on your future /lh!! (for context we went to the same school)
@snowdoesthings Man. It's been forever and a half huh. I'm happy we're still moots, and I'm happy that we still kind of brush shoulders sometimes. I'm sorry you had to deal with 2020 me haha. Love you <3
@dexxeal Im in the walls of the Miku chruch btw can you come let me out I'm stuck.
@mhafanlol2000 Happy new year and I wish I'd see you around on HKRP more often ahah! See you in the new year :)
@cordycepsbian You're so cool. Like wow. I love everything about what you post. Your humor is so on point and your art is so skrunkly I'm obsessed.
@vivasharme Its so nice to see you again!!! I missed you a lot while you were away. I hope you're feeling better, and I can't wait to get back to talking soon. I'm gonna blow up your dms hee hee >:) /j
@someguyiguess23 Your art!!!!! Its so awesome I'm eating it and framing it and just. Nom. I hold the art you did of Nago dear to my heart. Your art is so shape!!!!
@christiankirbo Poyo
@mantis-on-a-table I adore your art so much. I have so many cool art moots but I especially love what you've got going on. Its so high quality and tickles my brain in such a wonderful way!!! Happy New Year!!
@extreme-exe water (you're a really great friend, never forget that!)
@wintar0 Hi!!!! We dont talk much but you're a wonderful moot. Best of wishes for the new year, and I can't wait to see more of you and your creations!!!
@drallion No, not for Drallion, for his creator! You've been such a delight in HKRP, I'm so happy I get to know you. <3333
@rentavoider Hi hi hi have fun on your trip to Italy and see you next year!!!
@crownne-prince !!!! HI!!!!Thank you for being such an incredible and encouraging moot. You really cheer me up and I love seeing your posts on my dash. Akechi is in your walls fun fact.
@lemmykirby Your art is so cool. I love the style and I love how its executed and bottom line I just. runs away with your art tee hee
@jayjar100 YOU!!! YOU ARE SO COOL NEVER FORGET THAT!!!!!!! I loved drawing your baby forever ago, and I think about them constantly. In fact I have some extra doodles laying around that I probably should post haha.
@kotoneshiomiofficial You are so right. About everything. All of the time. You are correct and are the coolest trans fox girl I have ever met and I think you're awesome. Big ol heart for you <33333333
@finleyforevermore Hi Finnley. Thank you so much for everything. You are such a light, and a huge encouragement, and thank you for enjoying my HPII content (theres more cooking up trust me). You're a precious moot of mine, and I don't think I can ever describe how much I like your posts. And the fandoms we have in common? Incredible. UMTV, RTC, HPII, Sonic, etc. Like wow. I love it !!!!!! <3333
and finally @box-o. My darling partner in crime and girlfriend. I love you so much, and cannot wait to spend another year with you. Your art is so cartoony and fun, and thank you for passing the Sonic (no, not the metal) virus on to me. Heres to another year <3
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fuckyeahhiccannamonth · 4 months
HIIIII HICCANNA NATION, long time no post!!!
Sooooo long story short, a bitch overcommitted HARD last year, and had like 17 Hiccanna month posts that I completely ran out of steam to finish. And then because I felt so guilty I didn't finish THOSE, I also didn't reblog all the incredibly awesome posts the rest of y'all made, and I'm really sorry for not giving my people the love and appreciation they deserve!!! And then, of course, my life from like October through like March became an absolute shitstorm, and I got semi-threatened with eviction and then friend-dumped by one of the most important people in my life D: It was a whole Ordeal™️, and sadly, my brain was too fried to think about my favorite awkward blorbos 💔
BUT BY GOD, THE TIME HAS COME FOR ME TO GET MY LIFE TOGETHER AND PULL THROUGH FOR ALL YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE WHO HAVE MADE THIS FUNKY LITTLE EVENT COME TO LIFE!!! I WILL finish reblogging all of last year's Hiccanna Month posts before the end of this month if it kills me!!! And by god, I WILL have this event again, because it's what y'all deserve!!! I don't have the spoons to post much of my own stuff this year (except maybe some leftovers from last year lol), but I'm going to be more on top of my shit about hyping anyone and everyone who decides to participate :3 I'm so grateful for each and every one of you, and I can't tell you how happy it's made me that you all have made this event for my little rarepair OTP bigger and better than I ever imagined 💚🧡💚🧡
I am, however, following suit for some of the other RotBTFD ship months and cutting down from one prompt a day to two per week for 8 prompts total, with an overarching theme for each week. I honestly don't have the spoons to do a prompt every day this year, although for future Hiccanna months, that could change. The two-a-week format seems to work better for a lot of people anyways, since I've gotten feedback that 31 prompts in a row is, er…pretty overwhelming, to say the least ^^; So two prompts a week for this year, and we will see if people like this format better!
@gryffindorkxdraws a tag for you, as promised 🩵
AND NOW, the prompt list!!! Apologies for only giving you guys a couple weeks of prep time—I know it's usually more ^^; But y'all know I'm flexible about late submissions, and it's totally fine if you submit for Hiccanna month after July! And who knows??? If I'm feeling spicy, I might tack on a bonus week for the first week of August 👀👀👀
WEEK 1—MUSIC Special thanks to @lovestrucklyuniverse for suggesting a focus on music from Hiccup and Anna's movies—I'm enamored with that!!! Of course, these prompts are just suggestions, and if you'd rather make something inspired by a pop song, alternative rock jam, or Eurovision ballad that reminds you of Hiccanna, then have at it!
1. For the Dancing and the Dreaming—A re-imagining of our favorite Viking wedding song with Hiccup and Anna! They're certainly the sort of people who would do all manner of impressive feats and grand gestures to win each other over, but the joke is on them—they don't need to! Sometimes, pledging love and devotion is enough, and there's no need to slay monsters or gift troves upon troves of treasure to prove yourself worthy of someone.
2. More Than Just the Spare—One of my absolute favorite things about these two is how they rise above being overlooked and underappreciated and accomplish some truly spectacular things. This prompt is all about Hiccup and Anna showing that they can be more than anyone ever expected them to be—preferably together, while being madly in love!
WEEK 2—MOVIES AND TV Let's be real—we've all dreamed of seeing Hiccup and Anna interact (and adorably butcher flirting several times) on the big screen. Whether it's through an epic Disney-Dreamworks crossover (god, we all wish, right?!) or imagining Best Awkward Blorbos in your favorite TV show, this week is all about Hiccanna slaying in visual media!
1. Romcoms—Have you ever watched a romcom and gone "You know what would make this better? If it was about Hiccanna!"? Furthermore, have you ever watched a romcom and gone "Well shit, this is literally just about Hiccanna!"? Well, now's your time! Make something inspired by your favorite Hiccanna-coded romcom, or a romcom you desperately believe needs more Hiccanna energy in it! Or, hell, make up a brand-new cheesy romcom plot for these two and make us all swoon 💞
2. Dramas—We forget it sometimes, but not everything in these two dorks' lives is sunshine and rainbows. Hiccup lost a whole-ass leg! Anna almost froze to death! They both grew up lonely, friendless, and (relatively) isolated from their communities! For this prompt, take your favorite drama and Hiccanna-ify it—or aplify the Hiccanna you already see! It can be any subgenre you want—coming-of-age drama, period drama, weird avant-garde indie drama, you name it! Subject those guys to some Dramatics™️ and let us see :3
WEEK 3—LITERATURE AND TEXT PROMPTS This week is all about something so many of us long to have an excuse to do--write about the blorbos! Whether you're looking to try your hand at fic for the first time or you're coming back to add more much-needed Hiccanna into our ever-sparse internet ecosystem, these text prompts will hopefully get your fanfiction juices flowing. Pick your favorite(s) of the four for each day, and write away! If you want to try and do all of them then have at it, but don't stress yourself out!!! I wanna make sure this year's event is as chill and no-pressure as possible, since I know a lot of options can be overwhelming, especially for Anna and I's fellow ADHDers! And if you don't want to commit to writing anything, or writing just isn't your strong suit, that's okay too! Use this week to make something based on any literature that brings Hiccanna to mind, or any literary world you'd love to see our favorite awkward ship in. Happy creating! Also HUGE shout-out to @lilandraws for helping me narrow this down from 40 fucking prompts, because when I tried to just casually make a list of text prompts I liked, I got, um...a bit carried away ^^; Also for giving some absolutely hilarious commentary that singlehandedly got me through the workday, bless 💚💚💚 And thank you to @creativepromptsforwriting for the prompts themselves!
1. Pick your favorite(s)!!! a) “Two bros, chilling in a small bed…” b) “Someone just handed you a cat?” c) “Sorry I tried to kill you.” “It’s fine, but next time you should try harder.” d) “Takes one to know one.”
2. Pick your favorite(s)!!! a) He had prepared himself for all the different ways she could reject him. But what he hadn’t prepared for was for her to actually say yes. b) “Want to hear some random facts about geese?” c) “What are we?” “Human. At least I hope we still are.” d) “I can’t stop thinking about kissing you.” “And what are you going to do about that?”
WEEK 4—COMIC BOOKS And now, for the ultimate kick-ass combination of visuals and literature—the visual novel and comic book!!! Since Hiccup and Anna are, fundamentally, animated cartoons (as much as they are much more to all of us!), it seemed fitting to wrap up with this one :3 This week is all about comics, and what epic shenanigans and hijinks can come of Hiccanna-ifying them!
1. Sci-Fi/Fantasy AU—One of the things comic books and visual novels do best is exploring fantastical scenarios and limitless possibilities. The iconic superhero AU is probably the most well-known, but your options don't end there! Do you have a favorite comic about guys on spaceships exploring the galaxy and battling aliens? Or a comic about a party of DnD-style adventurers taking down an evil wizard? Throw some Hiccanna in it and let us see! The sky's the limit, and really, you don't even have to stop there! (Note: Using AUs for ANY of these prompts is real and valid and encouraged, so don't feel like this is the only place where you can use wacky AUs! This is just the one where they have a special focus/emphasis. But AU away whenever you like—Hiccup and Anna kinda require an AU to even be able to interact, so it sort of comes with the territory!)
2. Favorite Comic Book Adaptation AU—Many of us have been lucky enough to see a comic we like be adapted into something else, and can say with confidence that the adaptation kicks absolute ass,, whether it be a movie, TV show, novelization, video game, or whatever else! Like with the previous prompt, superhero comics might be the first thing to come to mind. Of course, I'd be delighted to see Hiccanna in the world of the Spiderverse, Invincible, or your favorite DC or Marvel movie, but keep in mind these aren't your only choices! Something like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World or Netflix's The Sandman would be a totally valid option as well! Have fun and go crazy :3
Aaaaaaand that's all for now! Tag those posts with hiccannamonth2024 or hiccannamonth24 so I can see them and reblog, and happy Hiccanna month-ing! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with and shower all my love on it 💗💖❤️‍🔥 See you next month!!! We will go through all of July…and beyond >:3
As far as content goes, literally anything is welcome--edits, art, drabbles/fanfic, videos, interpretive dance you record yourself doing that has Hiccanna motifs, it is all fair game as long as it’s Hiccanna-related!
Your ever-determined Hiccanna month hoster person, Fuckyeahhiccannamonth 💚
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bxtonpxss · 29 days
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
Neya & Thor are the only two applicable options here when it comes to things outside platonic/familial relationships. Opacho is 5 and Jack is also just a baby, but she's like best frienemies with Faolan. I know when you hear OTP its usually referring to romance but I'm super big on platonic relationships being OTPs!
That being said Neya x chemistry, she's not overly complex but Neya is a kind-hearted and deeply supportive type of character who despite often being in situations where she's in way over her head, is willing to persevere and overcome whatever obstacle that may be, especially when it involves people she cares about! If our characters build a relationship through our writing then I will never say no to it! This also applies to Thor! They have a good relationship built through us writing together and/or chatting about stuff via messages I'll never say no.
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Pretty much anything, except you know the obvious and universal no no's.
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Hoo boy ok. So, Neya, for her era (and the author even states this in the manga) at 16 she's considered an adult. On that alone I'd do 2 years younger and 4 years older cause I'm just trying to think of how it'd be from her time period. Now, this ONLY applies specifically for [main verse || itsuwaribito] when she's in her canon universe or some other feudal-era settings. I understand she's still 16 and other people don't vibe with that, I don't force anything on people (at least not intentionally, if you ever feel like I write something that makes you uncomfortable please tell me!) and romance is never my first or main priority, I like crushes/gradual friends to dating/lovers etc when writing anyway. This also obvi needs to be discussed first cause duh. Also, I'm fine with like 'x character looks 16/17 but is actually 100+ years old' (I’m an Inuyasha girly uwu, so we love a good demon/immortal s/o pairing).
For the verse where she's stuck in the future, [verse || under a rock] she is by modern-day laws legally underage. I'd go for 2 at most maybe 3 years older, 1 year younger. For the sub-main verse set at the end of the series with her running her village [verse || nanushi] she's canonically an adult there so I can deal with 10 years older or whatever and when it comes to the monsters/demons/immortal characters, so long as both parties are consenting adults it's cool!
Thor's a talking rodent. He's adult age and would be considered a young adult by human standards I suppose. So as long as the other creature is adult-aged it wouldn't matter to him. I can't put too much thought into this one, trying to make the math make sense is gonna hurt my brain, but obviously NO child-age creatures.
are you selective when shipping?
Can't really say, like excluding Coschu x Surgechu, which happened gradually through jubilantsparks and I's constant gushing about our chus via DMs I've never really shipped seriously with anyone else before so I can't really give an honest opinion about it *kanye shrug*
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
When they start undressing and getting real handsy, but none of that will ever be happening here so no need to worry!
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
For Thor, specifically in his Lt. Surge Raichu verse (affectionately shortened to Surgechu) I shipped him with jubilantsparks' Fem!Pikachu OC Elysia who had a Cosplay Pikachu verse (affectionately shortened to Coschu). Coschu x Surgechu was fun and I miss them :') Also, Thor and Elysia in general were my favorite platonic OTP that could have easily become romantic cause they loved and cared for each other so much as best friends who could have just as easily become something more if they wanted to </3
NeRiya with Jade's Iriya . We've had many discussions about this enemies-to-friends/maybe more slow burn/redemption arc for Iriya. I cherish it deeply and Iriya deserved better than what he got in canon ; n ;
does one have to ask to ship with you?
Hmm, not really? I have a very chill and go-with-the-flow type of mindset when it comes to building relationships and shipping in general. The more our characters interact, get to know each other and the closer they become the better! If there's ever a certain aspect of their relationship you wanna discuss with me privately or plot, then just shoot me a message!
Also, I never assume anything so if you're invested off the rip in wanting to pursue the ship beyond them being friends then once again just message me. I'm here to have fun and write with folks, so go for it I will most likely never say no lmao. Crushes on Neya or Thor are also 100% ok, even if it's one-sided I have no problems with it, you don't even gotta ask me for that.
how often do you like to ship?
I've only had two (2) actual ships during my entire time here on this site. I have a bad case of anxiety brain when it actually comes to shipping and I never wanna assume or push anyone into doing anything so it's rare I ever approach. I'll just sit and vibe and settle with my time in the friendzone while making up scenarios in my head like the dork I am.
are you multiship?
Ok, after getting some answers on what multishipping is from an RP standpoint, I want to say yes I am. I'd have no issues with having multiple ship partners. Every character interaction is like in their own separate universes so like I can't understand limiting myself as a single ship. This is subject to change but like I said, I barely have any shipping experience.
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
More-or-less! As stated above I don't really ask or approach first for ships soooo if it happens it happens. I'm down for shipping off of chemistry through a gradually built relationship!
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
ooh chile I'm in a bunch of fandoms lol so I'll just go with the fandoms for my muses specifically. For Pkmn it'll always be ShinHika/Paul x Dawn/ Ikarishipping. Pokeani can pry that dynamic from my cold dead hands.
I like all the potential pairings within Utsuho's group, but that'd be too much to list. Gin x Kin, Neya x Uzume, Neya x Hikae, Hikae x Iwashi.
For SK I was a sucker for Hao x Tamao back in the day. It still could've been cute if Takei didn't turn Tamao into Anna 2.0. I find her whole personality shift weird.
finally, how does one ship with you?
Just write with me! I don't care how many asks or threads we end up having. I cannot reiterate how much I adore relationship building in writing. We write enough threads together and our characters grow to like each other or something I'm 100% down to clown! Also, If you don't suffer from perpetual cold feet like me, just shoot me an IM and let's talk about it! Easy peasy, promise I don't bite!
Nabbed from: @gamenu initially, but I've been seeing other moots do it too! Tagging: @sillymuses, @lostusagis, @museguided, @despairforme, + anyone who sees this!
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flutter2deceive · 1 month
Bitching about financials and job things under the cut
My company announced like 2 months ago that our jobs are being eliminated, but it's like this nebulous thing because they're outsourcing and we need to transfer all our products, so my end date isn't until 3/31/2026. Like that's so far in the future and I'm gonna get severence (at end date, i will have worked there for 20 years literally over half my life) + a retention bonus, so I'll be ok for a little while after the fact i think i hope
But anyway i decided to immediately start cost-cutting 2 months ago:
•canceled subscriptions (canceled hulu, paramount+ (i have a plex server hookup anyway), canceled ubereats (and also stopped ordering from them altogether), canceled or went down a level on my minimal patreon subs)
•signed up for Shell's rewards system (it's literally free and you save at least 20cents/gallon every single time and sometimes more without having to spend any money you just click a button and boom extra 10cents if you fill up on a specific day.)
•haven't done *any* fun online shopping or regular store shopping for that matter
•severely cut down my fast food spending (i'm sorry taco bell ily), and as my friends are in similar financial woes, we've stopped ordering food every weekend and opted to make cheap dinners where we each bring some small component like 1 brings pasta 1 brings sauce 1 brings garlic bread
•this isn't a recent change, but i never go out anywhere for like drinks or to see local comedy shows like i used to frequently do. I'm a homebody who goes into the office twice a week and goes to my best friend's house on saturdays and just sits at home the rest of the time
Even with all that!! My debit card is at $26, my 1 credit card is $3 away from its limit, the other is $21 from its limit. I *thankfully* get my paycheck at midnight, but like... woof!
Last paycheck i was down to less than $100 the day before as well. It's so mind-boggling to me that it's this bad. Partially because I've had some unfortunately-timed plumbing issues and had to pay a pricey deductible (but glad i have the insurance obv cuz of how much the total cost would've been otherwise.) But also partially cuz i feel like shit is so much more fucking expensive than it's ever been!! And the last gallon of milk i bought and properly refrigerated went sour like a full week before its expiration date.
I have a decent job and make pretty good money (for now at least.) I have made several cost-cutting measures recently. I feel like I don't *do* anything. And it literally doesn't matter!!
My best friend who has an equally comfortable job told me he had about the same amount of $ as me to last him til his next paycheck too.
And on top of the financial stress, i am so fucking stressed at work because no one knows what they're doing and i keep getting roped into things at the last minute with an IM that says "hey got time for a quick call?" And then i end up having to put together a complicated spreadsheet that is needed by end of week. Why didn't you fucking ask sooner than 2pm on a thursday?! Oh cuz someone who will still have a job at the end of this didn't do what they were supposed to? Ok sure I'll get right on that. And I do. I do get right on that and have it back to you within a couple hours. Because i stupidly care about my job.
Ugghhh i hate everything atm... Except i was able to livestream my favorite singer Terri Clark's debut concert at The Ryman tonight. And i have a ton of Fran/CC fanfics queued up to read. And the Ghosts discord is constantly coming up with the cutest scenarios for H$, my current otp. And i am off the entire next week because next Friday is my birthday. And my dog is snoring.
So i guess it hasn't been such a bad day after all, Charlie Brown... or some such sentimental nonsense 🙃🙃🙃
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vartouhix · 3 months
She's an oc, so it's not like I have pre-determined OTPs for her. It's more like, as things progress and chemistry makes itself known, I come to have OTPs for her.
It's really hard to make me uncomfortable when it comes to fiction, because... you know... it's not real. xD As long as the characters are of age, I'm not really bothered, even if that means a 20-year-old with a 50-year-old. Talking about underage characters is where it does get a little different. For example, Eri and Deku of My Hero Academia. She's 7 and he's 16. If it was an AU set in the future where she's 18 and he's 27, then it's whatever to me. But yeah there are "age brackets" that I feel like are more appropriate. To keep going with this example, for Eri I would say muses the age of 6 to 10 would be okay. For Deku, maybe 14 to 18. It's just not the same, to me.
I think when you start identifying certain body parts, it needs a tag. Like I could write Jangmi sitting in Satoru's lap, and they're just talking, that's fine to me. Say that in the middle of talking, Satoru grabs her tits over her clothes and starts to play with them to try to get her hot and bothered, even tho he's just carrying on with the conversation like nothing's going on. At that point I would probably move it to my smut blog. If he was touching her waist or thighs or arms (just somewhere more innocuous) I don't think I would, tho.
Kind of? I'm really bad at just jumping into a ship from the get-go. Like if someone I just followed sent me a DM like "I love your OC!! Let's ship!" I'd probably have to turn them down. I need to see if they have chemistry before I ship. Now to be fair, it doesn't take a whole lot for me to see chemistry. When I was still in the kpop rpc, there was a muse who Vartouhi approached really aggressively because he was wearing her late fiancé's ring. They argued, she threw wine on him, when they went outside to talk privately she threatened him with violence... This was their first interaction, mind you, but after a bit of back-and-forth, I thought enemies-to-lovers would be really interesting for them.
Vartouhi (and Jangmi, given that she is Vartouhi but just with changes to fit a different universe) is very physically affectionate with people she trusts. That's her norm. You can't judge whether I ship her with anyone based on that alone. Actually I talked about this in this post here. But the point is, there has to be something more there than just physical intimacy for me to think to ship with someone. Even with all that I wrote yesterday about Jangmi having had a crush on Suguru, there's still the other half of the equation unaccounted for--how Suguru interacts with her, how he responds to her. So it's not really a wanted ship for me, because I have zero idea how their dynamic would really be, despite my headcanons about her side of things.
Oh, and me sending shippy memes =/= me shipping our muses. It's really just me wanting to send the other person things so they feel appreciated, or testing out if there could be chemistry. Or, of course, just Vartouhi/Jangmi being physically affectionate, as usual for them.
Satoru ( @impishsensei ), Nanami ( ofovertime... will be tagging them below so I'm not tagging them here ), Sukuna ( mangher ), and Megumi* ( @shiiikigami ) for Jangmi. For Vartouhi, Yusuke ( thuganomxcs ), Jongin ( @xlusory ), several of @pnxmbra's muses (but especially Maker!) because there was a point where we were trying her with a bunch of her muses, and Hoseok ( @virxle ).
*In her teen verse.
You don't need to ask for permission for your muse to develop attraction or feelings for mine. It can be one-sided. As for having Vartouhi/Jangmi reciprocate... I mean if you're writing little tells that your muse is attracted to/has feelings for them, I might pick up on it and if I feel the chemistry I'll probably write her as reciprocating anyway. If you haven't put tells in your writing, just shoot me a dm like "I think they have good shipping chemistry! What do you think?"
I wouldn't say ship-obsessed but I do really enjoy ships, and I'm certainly not "ship more-or-less" lol.
Hmmm... considering I'm rping JJK these days, I'm thinking of that. I think it would be the OT3 of Itafushikugi. They're so cute!! And we get to see more of them than Sashisu, but that one is a very close second. :3
We need to find out if there's chemistry. That's the key. So plot with me for threads, give me "what if?" scenarios in dms somewhere (that we can also turn into threads if we like the idea enough), send me lots of starter/drabble/muse reaction memes. Then, if you're not sure whether I ship it or not, just ask! Like I mentioned in my rules somewhere, even if I don't ship it, I'll just be really flattered that you do. :3
tagged by: no one! i was goin' thru my likes and found it hehe :3 tagging: @ofovertime , @limitlessscion , @blastintriumph , @rotinthedark , @mangher , @thuganomxcs , @deathfoed , @ingxnium , @pontevoix , @tunichtgxt , @osoreruna , @cherrygardn , @getsusekaii , @ntzenin , @chikoyama , @usagimen , and you!
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everharrt · 15 days
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In his most original creation, 10 years ago, Esmé was attached to a witch named Alice. He was charged with protecting her and his soul was bonded with hers. He fell deeply in love with her. I will always have a soft place in my heart for that ship, and if Alice's writer is out there somewhere I wish them nothing but happy days and to know I think about those two so very often.
As for presently - I only have 2 ships established on Esmé currently and I am deeply adoring both of them.
This will always be on a case-by-case scenario. Esmé is 35 minimum in his canon, pending younger for verses. In canon the most I would be comfortable would be perhaps 10 years? I feel as if a fresh twenty year old has a lot to learn and can too easily be exploited by older partners, so I'd like to steer away from inciting any of that dynamic or presentation. I can easily see him being involved with someone older than he is, however. There's not really a limit upward from 35. But again, it's all case-by-case, depending on the muses involved and the dynamic.
I can be. Mostly I look for chemistry with the muses and chemistry writing. We don't have to know each other intimately out of character --- the aforementioned mun who wrote Alice and I did not speak much out of character aside from dynamics on the occasion (things that reminded us of the muses) but we gelled very well with how we wrote and the chemistry was there. It really comes down to writing styles and interest in the ship itself. If one side is giving more than the other and it's obvious that they aren't really interested, it's easy to lose the feel in general.
I'm open to anything, mostly. No taboo topics, nothing squicky, and Esmé is a bit pickier with his partners / who he has interest in but if all of the right boxes are checked I'll give it a whirl.
All you have to say is "I ship this, do you?" I don't require much more, and a lot of people are shy or misread things. Just for clarification, sure. And if I don't see the ship that doesn't mean I won't in the future - it just likely means we need to write or discuss the dynamic more.
I won't say obsessed but I'm tired of tiptoeing and pretending I'm not interested in ships of all kinds. Character relationships are what drive our development at the end of the day. So I'd say in-between, ship favorable.
I'm not in any particular fandom but some favorite ships are: Spike and Julia from Cowboy Bebop, Kerrigan and Raynor from Starcraft, Ana Amari and Reinhardt from Overwatch, Fiona and Sean from Shameless, Wolfgang and Kala from Sense8.
Establish a dynamic of some sort and ask.
I stole this! Feel free to steal it and tag me if you'd like.
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sotvtaughtmehowtofeel · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @autumnwoodsdreamer 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Prospect. I used to write for The Last of Us but alas, the rot has shifted
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Uncle Joel
Tell Her
These are all short little one shots for tlou
5. Do you respond to comments?
I really try to but I think the honest answer is no 😭 every once in a while I go on a bender and respond to like 50 comments but I get so anxious responding because I'm like hiii thank you 🧍‍♀️ the best way to talk to me is on here tbh but please please don't stop leaving me comments I love them with my entire soul
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Joel. It's a death fic, but honestly it's not very good lol I have a death fic for Prospect that is mostly written that's gonna be wayy angstier, I just have to finish it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
To see myself reflected in your eyes 💜 Cee and Ezra deserve to live a happy life thanks
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't, I've been lucky. People have been super supportive and so so nice on my fics (I love you all).
tbh I don't think my writing is popular enough to get hate lol.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have written so many crossover fics that will never ever see the light of day lol I do not have any on ao3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of (again I don't think my writing is popular enough for either of these things to happen haha)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Tumblr user tlouobsessed and I cowrote a fic (sobbed in our dms together). I took all the ideas we had talked about and wrote a little ficlet from them and I consider that cowriting
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh, how to answer that. Willow and Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) were my original OTP, I shipped them before I knew what shipping was. Nomi and Amanita (Sense8), couple of all time. There are more but I think those are my top two.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
No Light 😭 I have ideas but no rot left. Maybe season 2 will reignite it, but I just don't know. Also, Stolen Future, the Prospect death fic I mentioned earlier. Idk why but I'm having so much trouble just finishing it. I do hope to actually finish that one day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I can write some good dialogue and fight scenes sometimes
I think I do a good job with storytelling sometimes? Combining different threads across a story to bring it all together. I'm thinking of how the present and flashbacks interact in By Midnight Time and something from Stolen Future
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I cannot describe things to save my life. All of my fics happen in empty white rooms good luck I hope your imagination fills everything in. It's such a fundamental aspect of writing that I am so so bad at lol I'm trying to learn from my friends and reading published books but it's hard!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Prev also said this but I agree, italicize other languages. Otherwise, go for it, but do your research if you don't speak the language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer back when I was a teenager. Didn't know what fanfic was, but my sister and I had a LOT of feelings about Buffy and we had to express them somewhere so we wrote our stories.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
By Midnight Time. Now I just need to freaking finish it 😉
Although I'm also very very fond of Blood of the Covenant and Water of the Womb, a one-shot told from both Ezra's and Cee's pov
Absolutely no pressure tags: @orangechickenpillow @blooming-gwens @dilf-din @ellies-little-gun @ellies-enrichment @outer-edges @steeb-stn @wicked--loving--lies
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princesssarisa · 9 months
Character ask: Ebenezer Scrooge (A Christmas Carol)
No one requested this, but I answered asks for all the other main Christmas Carol characters last year, so it's high time I answered one for the iconic protagonist.
Favorite thing about them: His redemption arc, and how kind, generous, and full of joy he becomes by the end. Also the fact that Dickens breaks the standard rule of "Make the protagonist likable" and depicts a very unpleasant man, yet throws him into situations that make us engage with him even before he becomes likable, and then steadily earns our sympathy for him.
Least favorite thing about them: Well, he's obviously not a good person at the beginning of the story. That's the whole point.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I tend to be less social than many people are.
*I can be greedy and self-absorbed at times, though I try not to be.
*I try to be generous to those in need, as he is by the end.
Three things I don't have in common:
*I'm not an elderly British man.
*I'm not a business owner.
*I've never been a nasty miser.
Favorite line:
"If I could work my will, every idiot who goes about with ‘Merry Christmas’ on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart."
Explaining to Marley's Ghost why he doesn't believe in him:
“Because a little thing affects them. A slight disorder of the stomach makes them cheats. You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato. There’s more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!”
To the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come:
“Ghost of the Future! I fear you more than any spectre I have seen. But as I know your purpose is to do me good, and as I hope to live to be another man from what I was, I am prepared to bear you company, and do it with a thankful heart. Will you not speak to me?... Lead on! Lead on! The night is waning fast, and it is precious time to me, I know. Lead on, Spirit!
How vow of redemption:
“I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future! The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. Oh Jacob Marley! Heaven, and the Christmas Time be praised for this! I say it on my knees, old Jacob; on my knees!”
His giddy joy immediately afterwards:
“I don’t know what to do! I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy. I am as giddy as a drunken man. A merry Christmas to everybody! A happy New Year to all the world. Hallo here! Whoop! Hallo!”
His prank on Bob Cratchit:
“Now, I’ll tell you what, my friend, I am not going to stand this sort of thing any longer. And therefore... and therefore I am about to raise your salary!”
brOTP: In his past, his sister Fan, his fellow apprentice Dick Wilkins, Fezziwig as a mentor/father figure to him, and Jacob Marley, to whatever extent they were really friends and not just partners. In his future, Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim, the rest of Cratchit family, his nephew Fred, Fred's wife, and their soon-to-be-born baby.
OTP: Belle in his youth; in the present, none.
nOTP: Any of the ghosts or the Cratchit children.
Random headcanon: He's of Scottish descent. His family's surname was originally the Scottish "Scroggie" (from which Dickens may have derived his name in real life), but they Anglicized it to "Scrooge" when they came to England.
Unpopular opinion: Even though almost every adaptation shows him sharing romantic moments with Belle at Fezziwig's party, in the book I don't think their engagement took place until after his apprenticeship with Fezziwig. In the scene showing Belle with her husband and children on the night Marley died, her youngest child is just a baby, so she was still of childbearing age just 7 years before Scrooge's redemption. This seems to imply that she's much younger than Scrooge. I don't mind this fact; age gaps were common between couples of their generation. But apprentices in that era were usually teenagers, so unless teenage Scrooge started courting Belle when she was 10 or 11 years old, I sincerely doubt they were already sweethearts when he was Fezziwig's apprentice.
Song I associate with them:
Many songs from the many musical adaptations, but chiefly these.
From Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol:
"Ringle Ringle"
"All Alone in the World"
From the musical Scrooge:
"I Hate People"
"I'll Begin Again"
From The Muppet Christmas Carol:
"A Thankful Heart"
From Alan Menken and Lynn Ahrens' A Christmas Carol: The Musical:
"Nothing to Do With Me"
"Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Today/God Bless Us, Every One"
Favorite pictures of them:
These classic illustrations by John Leech:
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Sir Seymour Hicks in the 1935 film:
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Reginald Owen in the 1938 film (is it true or just a rumor that his wispy tufts of hair inspired the similar feather tufts of Scrooge McDuck?):
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Alastair Sim in the 1951 film:
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George C. Scott in the 1984 TV film:
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Michael Caine in The Muppet Christmas Carol:
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sycamorre · 9 months
Can I please get the whole girl gang with Ori, Mela, Vaela, and Riven!
[send me a character]
Oh boy you're making me do my homework over here!
Oriana —
Favorite thing about them: I'm going to be incredibly non-specific and say that her growth as a character was my favorite part of playing her. She started out as this uptight, dutiful monk who was scared to show her own face too much for fear of making people mildly uncomfortable (and honestly to avoid invasive questions) to someone who was finally getting comfortable with who they were was such a blast. I love her newly-acquired confidence and the dynamic it brings to her post-campaign. She's far from perfect, and never will be, but she's maturing and making a new purpose for herself other than being someone's errand girl.
Least favorite thing about them: She is the worst pessimist in the world and sometimes her logic is so quick to jump to the worst conclusions that she literally puts her foot in her mouth. And it hurts for me to write that every single time due to secondhand embarrassment but I have to commit.
Favorite line: "She loved you! She still loves you!" at the Prince during the final fight while she's trying to distract him (or something like that). Or Ori's first jab at Damak "Maybe you would see more of it if you stepped out of the shadows" since it still makes me chuckle.
brOTP: Even though the Ori/Damak ship didn't sail, I still think they probably stay pretty close and end up working together on jobs in the future. They absolutely still push each other's buttons, but that's just how they are and they don't question it.
OTP: I am so mad at myself retroactively for not giving into the OriRanna feels by the conclusion of the campaign but I do not regret bringing it up afterwards and getting to enjoy it now at least.
nOTP: Ori and Cobalt are forever divorced and they barely know each other, this is just canon.
Random Headcanon: Ori has a hard time accepting the fact that Sharaea is basically keeping her distance after the Prince's defeat. In part because she does feel that connection still and worries that Sharaea is hurting, and partially because it is such a strange sensation to her to be without the dreams for so long after such a major revelation. It takes her a long time to get used to it, but she still wishes that there was more she could do.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't know if it's an unpopular opinion among our little group, but I never had intentions of making Oriana some kind of fated hero. I never had thoughts of making her tied to a major NPC or giving her any kind of serious destiny, I just wanted to play a radiant energy bomb with the aasimar/monk combo because I thought it would be funny once I pitched the idea to Sam and he told me about Damak who was basically her foil. But I do adore how her story developed and how well it ended up narratively.
Song I associate with them: So many... "Like the Dawn" by The Oh Hellos, "Warrior" by AURORA, and "Drumming Song" by Florence + The Machine to name a few.
Favorite picture of them: I like a lot but honestly one of my favs is the one I made of Chibs trying to hit on her, partly because it's Chibs and partly because I did really like how Ori's outfit came out in this one.
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Mela —
Favorite thing about them: Literally the most wholesome member of the group. Not a bad bone or crystal in her body. I am so sorry for all that we put her though.
Least favorite thing about them: Only that I didn't get enough time to learn more about her and her backstory. Sigh.
Favorite line: "Real neighbors. Real family. Not just people that make you feel like you can pretend it doesn't exist."
brOTP: Mela and Halion. Druid buddies that deserve the world.
OTP: Mela is an independent Genasi who don't need no one... though I could be swayed about a certain fae...
nOTP: Literally anyone who would try to be mean to her in a relationship will meet a swift end by my hand.
Random Headcanon: 100% think that Mela's magic is flavored to look like the crystals on her body. If she wildshapes and doesn't specifically want to look a certain way, the animal she changes into will have things like crystal horns/claws, the flame sword she summons has the appearance of a crystal blade, etc.
Unpopular Opinion: I do wish she had gotten a chance to use wild shape more. I think Mela being a cute little critter sneaking around would have been amazing.
Song I associate with them: "Come Out and Play" by Billie Eilish
Favorite picture of them: That dang sketch I never colored, rip
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Vaela —
Favorite thing about them: Drinking game QUEEN. Also just the fact that she doesn't take any shit while still having a lot of heart and empathy to those who earn it. Something about that balance between the two just made her all the more lovable.
Least favorite thing about them: she can out-drink my high constituion monk I do think I missed out on really getting to know her during the campaign, and I regret that a lot.
Favorite line: Not a specific line but I think back to Vaela's talks with Erosen when he was ready and willing to be her stand-in dad before Vaela was ready to reach back out to her family and i can't help but smile.
brOTP: Vaela, Riven, and Mela is the real brot3 and nothing can change my mine
OTP: I mean... I definitely have a certain paladin that turns a lovely shade of pink when someone talks about her because she sure is pretty and really cool to boot~
nOTP: Zaresh and his memory is not allowed to ever hurt Vaela again. If Damak didn't do it, Ori would have definitely put him out of his misery.
Random Headcanon: Very little thing, but I could see her gathering small, light trinkets that remind her of her friends and tie them to her bow, possibly for good luck, and possibly as a way to to tell which direction the wind is blowing when she's aiming.
Unpopular Opinion: I still think it would have been cool for her to pull an Erosen and punch Zaresh in the face. Just once.
Song I associate with them: "Dear Fellow Traveler" by Sea Wolf
Favorite picture of them: So fun fact: I never finished them but I started making emojis of the party members for kicks and here's the one I started of Vaela:
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Riven —
Favorite thing about them: Riven's sassiness and perfect comedic timing always leaves me in stitches. She really felt like the heart of the party in that way.
Least favorite thing about them: This is the hardest thing and most of my "least favorite" things are mostly the things Oriana keeps fretting about when she thinks about Riven being in such a high position so I'm gonna go with not much at this time to be honest.
Favorite line: Not a line again, but specifically the scene between Ori and Riven where Riv dressed her up while Ori reassured her that she didn't think any less of Riven after they all found out about her half-drow heritage. That always felt like a major point in their friendship and I hold onto it fondly.
brOTP: I wanna say Riven and Halion just because I think their friendship was so neat, and it hurts a bit when I think about their falling out post-campaign. But there's also Riv and Damak's sibling-ish dynamic that I love a lot, too.
OTP: As much as he pushes Ori's nerves, I do think Riv and Delethil are on the same wavelength as each other and fit very well together, even with Eravin in the mix.
nOTP: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Random Headcanon: On the occasions where Oriana comes up to Aerenth on business (either with Ranna for her research or at the request of various Tyados officials who think she's got some kind of in with them because she's friends with Riven), Ori always makes a point to find Riven and any of the other girls that might be there with them after all the formalities are done and run off into the woods to find a clearing to just hang out in like they did before.
Unpopular Opinion: As much as I understand the reason why she and Del made the choice to execute Vasion, I still disagree that it was the best decision.
Song I associate with them: "Savage Daughter" by Sarah Hester mostly because of the rebellious vibes
Favorite picture of them: I mean... I think it's obvious (also bonus Vaela).
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saturdays--sun · 8 days
wait wait wait!! all of those questions for izumii!! owo
please i’m so starved of my otp content…….
i'm so sorry you've been so starved. here are your rarepair otp crumbs, ma'am.
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string of fate ୧ ‧₊˚ what’s ur current relationship status with ur fノo? does the love in ur relationship run deeper than the mariana's trench or is it just surface level attraction? are u perhaps friends with benefits? married?
we're dating. unfortunately. for better or worse. that's a very loose term for it, though, because "dating" can usually imply some kind of potential break up, which is pointedly something that will not happen. we're far too entangled in each other for that to ever be a possible outcome for our relationship — it's been like that since the beginning. it's hard to make a dog let go when it's finally gotten what it wants in its teeth.
gorgeous visage ୧ ‧₊˚ does ur fノo keep photos of u in their wallet? or do they maybe have a locket of ur hair? what about u? how much evidence do u keep of them in ur day to day life?
absolutely not, he'd rather drop dead than do corny shit like that. that said, he might have a picture of me as his phone's wallpaper — not the lockscreen, though; he can't be too obvious about it. and maybe he wears one of my hair ties around his wrist, but that's just in case he ever needs it. it just happens to be one i gave him. don't worry about it.
this fic is so painfully canon to me, so my lockscreen is a picture of us together that i somehow convinced him to take. he's mean mugging the camera. it's so funny. beyond that, i like to think that he'd let me wear his jacket sometimes. maybe his scarf, too. i dunno.
double ୧ ‧₊˚ do u and ur fノo have matching tattoos? if not, would u consider getting one or two in the future?
we don't, but i can imagine us hypothetically getting some at some point in the future. i don't think it's something he's ever necessarily thought about, but it's not something he'd be opposed to — excuse to have something referencing him permanently put on my body and all that.
soulful gaze ୧ ‧₊˚ they say the eyes are the window to the soul. u look fixedly into ur fノo’s eyes and see an emotion so raw and undoubtedly pure, so real that it fills your chest with something indescribable. what is that emotion?
anger. hatred. rage. ten out of ten times, it's one of those, or something very close. he doesn't feel much else, and he outwardly expresses even less. but every now and then, it's something almost soft. almost vulnerable. something almost loving, in the stilted and jagged way he loves.
honeyed skin ୧ ‧₊˚ what do ur fノo‘s lips taste like? does their chapstick linger on your tongue, leaving the ghost of its flavor there? or do they taste like the faintest trace of their natural, unadulterated essence?
the vague iron of blood — usually his own; occasionally someone else's. cigarette smoke. the soda he took from my fridge. food he stole from me while i was mid-bite. something faint and uncharacteristically sweet that's only ever there in the quietest of moments.
lilting voice ୧ ‧₊˚ how does their voice sound to u? what does their laughter sound like to ur ears? do their whispers sound like the most saccharine song of the nightingales? is their tone as smooth and rich as velvet or is it scratchy, a little grating, but nonetheless charming in its own way?
he sounds annoying and loud to me because that's what he is — annoying. and loud. his voice is rough at best and grating at worst, but when he's not yelling, i like listening to him talk. when he's mellowed out — as mellow as he can be; when i'm the only one around to hear him — there's something soothing in it. something warm, in spite of everything.
slightest touch ୧ ‧₊˚ is your fノo affectionate by nature or are they only willing to express themselves through touch when in private, when no prying eyes can judge them for showing their love for u so openly? are u perchance the one who prefers to avoid physical affection in public? are there times where u find urself so desperate for their touch, their kiss, that u feel as if you might burst at the seams if u don’t feel them right there and then?
no. he's never been affectionate a day in his life, and he's definitely not going to start now. what happens behind closed doors — the quiet moments; the ones where i'm the only allowed witness; the ones where he cages me in his arms and presses me to his chest and buries his face in my hair; the ones where the kisses aren't marked by jealous anger and instead by something uncharacteristically soft instead — don't count. if nobody else knows they happened, then they didn't. you won't catch me admitting to any of it, either.
inheritance ୧ ‧₊˚ what’s one trait of theirs that u would love for ur future children to inherit? is it their strength, their wit, their kindness? a particular physical attribute of theirs?
ideally, akina would inherit none of his traits, but unfortunately, he was doomed from the moment he was conceived to be his father's son. he's just a mini him. you can imagine the type of stress i'm under. but, if there's one trait i'm glad he got, it's that he's stubborn — resilient. in a city where so many awful things happen — things both of his parents have been witness and victim to — it's comforting, in some strange way, to know that he wouldn't crack and collapse under all of it.
intimate knowledge ୧ ‧₊˚ what are some hidden features of ur fノo that not many people are privy to? things like a secret birthmark, the fact that they are ambidextrous, the bump on their nose that is actually the result of breaking it as a child. do these small facts about them fascinate u? do the stories behind them make u swoon for them even more, if possible?
he has big soft brown baby cow eyes and it's the cutest thing on the planet. i love it. mean ass dude with a baby face. that's what the sunglasses are for, because without them, he's nowhere near as intimidating. also because i'll make a comment about them if he's not, and he can't stand it or the weird, embarrassed feeling it gives him. it's so cute. don't tell him i said that.
cherished memories ୧ ‧₊˚ moments have the tendency to sear themselves into one's mind. are there any particularly fond memories u share with ur fノo that stand out among the rest?
plenty of them stand out, but my favorite ones — the ones that i come back to, over and over again — are the soft ones. the mundane ones. the ones that border on being something almost domestic. one that specifically comes to mind is the time i was laying on his chest while he played some video game. it was nice.
unshakable devotion ୧ ‧₊˚ how far would ur fノo go to protect u? would they let the world burn down to ashes if it meant u would be safe and unharmed, even if it would mean they would perish too? are they more of the ‘hero’ type, in which they would lay down ur life in return for the welfare of the universe?
there is not a single circumstance on the entire planet that he could ever be put in where he would willingly allow even a hair on my head to be harmed. for as many times as he's said he's going to kill me, not one of them has ever been true — he'd rather let the world be destroyed — rather destroy it himself — than ever let something happen to me. he's never cared about himself — to hell with being something as worthless as a hero, too — but he'll be fucking damned if i get hurt while he's still around.
dialect ୧ ‧₊˚ what are ur fノo’s love languages? physical touch, words of affirmation? acts of service? gift giving? quality time? do u two have ur own little way of showing love to one another?
hollow threats to mask his actual feelings because he's never had these types of feelings before and he never learned how to process anything in any way other than anger and violence. but also quality time. he's possessive, but also just clingy. he'll never admit to that, though.
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attackmybutt · 11 months
Looking for an RP partner
So... lately I have been having an itch to write/RP... it's been years since I last wrote anything substantial... but I want to hop back onto the "bicycle" so to speak, so here's to some self advertising and info about myself.
Before you proceed, keep in mind I'm 29NB and any future partners willing to RP with me MUST be 21+. I would prefer it if they were 25+ as it would mean they are closer to my age, but I'm not going to be nit picky about the age range as long as they are 21 years old.
I have some RP experience both in tumblr and discord, but as I previously stated, it's been years. I also written a fic here and there, years ago.
My replies tend to vary from one liner sentences to multiple paragraphs in one go or in-between depending on my creative juices. You don't need to match my length (if I get crazy and reply you in one too many multiple paragraphs) if the creative juices aren't flowing.
I am looking for a casual partner, someone who feels comfortable with me and vice versa. Someone who wants to have fin with me and making up stories for our favorite characters/ships.
Also very important for me, communication is key. Specially before starting a RP and during. We have to know each other's squicks, hard no's and anything that could be potentially triggering to either one of us.
I am very open minded and I am willing to RP almost anything for example: smut, GL, BL, HET, dark stuff, violence, gore, bdsm, a/b/o, mpreg/fpreg....etc. Thinking about it, I might just RP about anything as long as it's talked to beforehand, there might be some instances where I might say no, depending on the characters and the story being written. (I'm saying like if the situations call for it I might bre willing to write vore, which I personally don't like)
I shall only RP in discord and discord only. It's easier and cleaner. I ain't going back to tumbr RPing, unless I get begged to go back to that mess. I don't wan't create a character tumblr blog ever again, or do I?
I am an ever loving multi-shipper and love many ships, however I do have my OTPs.
I don't mind doing RP with OCs, whether they be OC x OC, or MC x OC. I do have some OCs that live mostly in my head. (I might share them one day to the world, maybe, maybe not.)
And now... it is time to put down the list of some of the fandoms I am willing to RP and the characters (muses) I am comfortable to RP as and some of the ships that go with it. (Bold means I feel way more comfortable than usual writing for the character, don't know why, some characters just sing to my soul I guess?) Regardless, I'll RP as anyone and I'll do any ships, unless they are a NOTP. This is just a sample list, if you decide to RP with me, we can talk more in depth about it.
Jujutsu Kaisen -I am all caught up with the manga- (muses: Gojo Satoru, Itadori Yuuji, Nanami Kento, Zenin Maki, Todo Aoi) (Ships: Any/Yuuji, Maki/Nobara, Satoru/Suguru, Nanami/Vacation, etc...)
Chainsaw Man -I am all caught up with the manga- (muses: Denji, Power) (ships: any/any)
Gintama -I am feeling nostalgic- (muses: Shimura Shinpachi, Sakata Gintoki, Kondo Isao, Okita Sougo) (ships: ginshin, kondo/okita, hijikata/okita...etc)
Dragon Ball (muses: Son Goku, Vegeta, Bulma..etc) (ships: any)
Demon Slayer (muses: Kamado Tanjiro, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Rengoku Kyojuro, Uzui Tengen) (ships: any)
Uh... those are the ones that are coming up with some character preference... Here's another list of other fandoms I am in and are willing to RP. It is mixed media, not only anime like the above list.
Daimond no Acce
A Song of Ice and Fire (that includes the shitshow that GoT became)
House of the Dragon
SuperBat (yes, just the ship. I am familiar with DC to some degree, movies, some cartoons -Justice League-)
Marvel (I'm stuck in stucky, but I am more comfortable with Marvel than I am with DC)
Naruto (No Boruto anything.)
Fate Series
...and more... just ask and I shall let you know. If you decide we would be a good RP, just sent me a message here in tumblr or an ask. (and pray I actually see it cause I'm bad with that kind of stuff)
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xcalibxr · 1 year
Hello there! As far as I have seen, there's not a bunch of extremely popular ships out there for Drake which means there's so much potential for ships, but my OTPs for Drake are SmoDrake, LawDrake, ZoroDrake, and Drake with @akagamiko's Shanks (I LOVE DRANKS OK!!!!!! NEVER WOULDA THUNK BUT HERE WE ARE!!!) There's also a lot of ships I've never explored, so there may be a new OTP on the horizon!!
Okay, SO! If you're character is 18-19 and wants to ship with Drake who is 33, it's just not gonna happen. I'm sorry. That's a 15 year age gap, BUT that only bothers me if the character is 18 or 19 years old. 2 years ago they'd be 16-17 and Drake, 31. NO. Please. Just no. Once you hit 20, DO AS YOU PLEASE, but please don't throw your 18 or 19 year old over here and expect Drake to be wooed. I will block you without hesitation.
Once the clothes are off, I'm tagging it NOT SAFE FOR DINOS (nsfd as you may see in the future) !!! Touching, kissing, straight up making out feels pretty suggestive to me and I'll put like a suggestive tag on it, but that's pretty safe for dinos!!!
I enjoy the build up and everything that happens after. The slowburn is excellent. The yearning. Lingering glances--or touches--secretly when the person is distracted or SLEEPING OR faking it off as swatting a fly or getting something out of their hair---all of THAT.
Other characters who I think would be interesting to pair with Drake would be Killer, Kid, Katakuri, King--damn, that's alotta K's--Hina, O-Kiku (VERY RECENTLY DISCOVERED THIS might work), ROBIN, Nami (ginger couple), IKKAKU (learning of Fossil Fuels through RP). I can also try OCs--I used to write several tbh, and Drake has had a lovely relationship with @bucketfullofocs Aya before I was lured away to Pokemon Fandom and gave Drake a break cause we didn't see him for a long time. I've even dabbed a pinky into Drake and Corazon (a Still Lived Corazon AU I think) and the possibility was surprisingly nice. I guess I'm just a sucker for people bigger than Drake and much smaller than Drake PFFFFF.
I have no problems with people asking if they can ship with me, but once that happens, lets have a few interactions and see how they mesh! If I've chatted with you and I like you, I think it'd be a bit easier to do.
However if we've never interacted before and you wanna ship, we DEFINETELY have to see how our characters will mesh with each other.
I LOVE writing my OTPs because it makes me happy and I enjoy shipping AND considering Drake's backstory, he just honestly feels INCREDIBLY LUCKY that someone actually wants HIM like, this mans hit the jackpot!!!, but I wouldn't say I'm ship-obsessed.
LawDrake held the top spot then SmoDrake came for my neck, but now since I've seen this incredible artist draw ZoroDrake/DreZo/ZoDre on TWITTER, I have written at least 10 fanworks and it is KING. Seeing them interact on WANO WAS SO. GOOD. DAMNIT. They were just fighting / arguing tho HAHAHAA. Two himbos together is amazing, ok?
Memes or just send something into my inbox! Just get the ball rolling. Ask about it after some interacts! That's all ya need!
tagging: i dont remember who i grabbed this from BUT DO IT!! perhaps @videcoeur ?
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