#otp: for what? doing my job?
tomkblyth · 2 years
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itsoneofthemuses · 2 years
I don't post much here because, well, this fandom has become a surprisingly hostile and unwelcoming place for anyone who has criticisms of the show, characters, or plots. For instance, I keep seeing a lot of posts where people not only feel free, but are applauded, for defending the show and characters from imagined attacks while chiding others on being kind.
I struggle with this a lot because people should be free to post whatever they want (as long as it doesn't cause harm, ie isn't racist, sexist, etc.). There appears to be some kind of opposition to discourse and discussion around these parts, so I do my best not to comment or reblog anything where the sentiment isn't already similar to what I want to express because people seem to perceive that as hijacking the intentions of their post. Even if I disagree, I have no interest in courting that kind of infamy.
But if my friend posts their own thoughts on their own blog or Twitter, I don't see how that is offensive or can be seen as an unfair, unkind, or otherwise antagonistic attack. The fandom, the tags, and the show don't belong to a specific kind of post or person.
If you hate the content or comments from that poster... Block or ignore. We're hopefully all mature enough for that level of courtesy. If you want people to chat with, on the other hand, hit me up.
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tim-lucy · 5 months
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floofle-universe · 1 year
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This is their dynamic Shion told me
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
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| HAPPY ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY | May 15th, 2022 - Day In The Hole (4.22)
Time to celebrate the very first Chenford kiss that ended up short-circuited Tim's brain! We have come so far since then. THEY have come so far. They got to practice a lot more and live out their fantasies… and then some. But this is where this new chapter started. A year ago, with a glorious moment where these two idiots decided to practice kissing for work, because that's how committed they are to their job. With Lucy going for the kill by divulging her role-play fantasies and Tim being so shooketh that he still hasn't fully recovered. With them going for some extra-credit by deepening the kiss… to give their backstory some more depth I guess. Because as we all know : make out stop crime! Happy anniversary besties!
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vayneoc · 3 months
hi ✨
Main reason I went missing: CAPITALISM.
aka "I work, and then I am too tired to do stuff". And sadly, vp is the stuff which takes for me quite a lot of time.
I still draw some things, and tweak photos in lightroom, because I can do all that on my phone (pretty much all the hobbies I'm left with at the moment are still here only because I can do them on my phone 😔)
Going to my laptop, making poses in blender, exporting, opening cyberpunk, putting all the shit together and taking about 30-50 shots, then picking 3-5 favs and editing all that... that's a lot(
I'm not sure when I'll get back to vp and cp2077 in general (but I'm still around every now and then if you need me... mostly for Hanako's hashtag tho)
So... be back when I'm back, I guess :(
As a little love boop, here, have some special stuff from stash I didn't post eventually for some reason:
My sleepy morning babies
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Hanako, trying to keep together her shitshow of inheritance, and Vayne, just up and ready to try and keep together her... life, ig?
cya 🖤
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dylanconrique · 1 year
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karihighman · 2 years
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“What happens undercover stays undercover.” - Tim Bradford in the 5x01 promo to Lucy Chen
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canongf-archive · 1 year
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i worked an extra long day, came home to this, and started crying. why is he so cute, huh!!!
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jaeshoney · 8 months
yalll not one of my coworkers (who don’t do her damn job) complaining about me to our supervisor about being on the phone even tho no one came up to the desk at all in those two hours.
And when my supervisor told me she said that she was like “don’t you complain about other people being on the phone, when you do the exact same thing” i really started laughing bc that’s crazy
I can’t wait til i see her so i can say something bc girl you dont do your job so why are you concerned about me, i do my job quite well that’s why I CAN be otp like my conversations be funny asf too so just laugh and get on with it bitch
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itsoneofthemuses · 2 years
title: we drank a toast to innocence, on AO3 here
rating: gen, hard hard gen
warnings: none, a brief mention of Isabel using but it’s not even specific.
a/n: title and inspiration is from Dan Fogelberg’s Same Auld Lang Syne (and if you listen to it/read the lyrics, you will understand what I mean).  A big thank you to @onlyforchenford who is a hype woman extraordinaire and is overall lovely.
He sees her in the frozen food aisle. It's Christmas Eve, he’s just finished a shift and this is supposed to be a pit stop before he finally goes home and collapses into bed. Despite the years, he thinks he'd recognize the curve of her jaw, the slope of her shoulders, anywhere and he knows that this won't be anything quick and neat, not for him anyway.
Even though he knows there's a warm bed and sleep-soaked kisses waiting for him, he can't stop himself from calling out.  Maybe that’s the pattern he’s destined to repeat with her; reaching out and, no matter her initial response, watching her walk away  
"Isabel?" She jerks, wide startled eyes meeting his as she whirls to face him.  It's nearing 9pm on Christmas Eve, he reminds himself, he certainly didn't expect to run into his ex and she probably didn't either.  He keeps his voice tentative, unsure he could do anything else even if he wanted to. "How are you?"
"Tim?" He knows it's not really a question, he looks a little older, but not particularly different, not really.  Some grey threaded into his stubble, a few more careworn lines, crow’s feet carved a little deeper.  "I-what are you doing here?" She starts out a little incredulous but she's smiling by the end and she leans forward to hug him.  Her purse left hanging off her forearm spills as she moves and then they're both chuckling as they bend to pick up all the little items and papers that are strewn across the floor between them.
He pretends not to notice as she swipes a Kleenex that was caught on the end of her purse strap and dabs at her eyes. He answers her question instead.
"I just got off shift, had to grab one or two things before I headed home." He looks around, a little awkward now that the surprise is wearing off. "What's got you out so late on Christmas Eve?" She doesn't look like she's using. Her hair is shiny, her eyes are clear, and her face is full with the smooth patina of makeup enhancing her pretty features.
"Same." She holds up a container, some kind of frozen dessert, and he nods before he reaches inside the freezer, hand hovering over a tub of Cherry Garcia before he decides he’ll do without it and just grabs a box of frozen Belgian waffles sitting just to the right, adding it to the Arrowroot cookies and turkey bacon already clutched in his hands. She eyes him without judgement but he knows she knows none of this is for him. It's a silent agreement that they'll head to the checkout and then... And then.
Read the rest on AO3
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tim-lucy · 1 year
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CHENFORD IN EVERY EPISODE: 5.12 “Death Notice” “Lucy and I started dating a few weeks ago. I suspected as much.”
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strangesem · 1 year
Dropping in with a request!
Could you do either Miles or Hobie (you can choose) with a Spider person reader who everyone thinks is scary and intimidating but actually just really quiet and shy?
THIS IS SO CUTE (and also very much fits my spider-sona 🤭)
hobie brown x intimidating but shy reader
a/n: I took a brief hiatus bc I’m trying to get my license but I’m back and more feral than ever
FIRST OF ALLL I feel like part of the reason people think you’re intimidating is bc of your spider-suit?
like maybe the mask is “spooky” or it’s super dark or what have you
and if you have good posture that would definitely make you seem sm more intimidating? like you’re just standing there upright saying nothing
even though you’re only quiet bc you’re shy, no one knows that!!!
except for hobie
tbh I feel like he originally approached you to annoy you or knock you down a peg?
but when your response was so quiet and soft he was like ?????
he doesn’t believe in consistency soo you’re basically his new best friend
but genuinely you would both bond so fast, largely due to how well your personalities even each other out
but also because no one else really talked to you bc you seemed “scary”
I also feel like you’d end up forming a trio with pavitr bc he’s too sweet to be intimidating by your “rough exterior”
and pav is the number one supporter of you two getting together I’m serious
“I can feel the tension, you guys should go to dinner after this”
“DID YOU SEE THE WAY HE LOOKED AT YOU? he’s in loooooveee”
speaking or pav; when you first met he *did* get jumpscared a little bit with how quietly you move around, and compared you to a ghost
it really stuck with hobie bc he immediately started calling you “ghostie”
(you’re crushing way too hard at that point to care let’s be real)
once you get together he’ll probably start spending more time in your world; just chilling at your place
teasing you occasionally about how nervous you are to even just open your door and talk to a delivery guy (he WILL do it for you if you ask though he doesn’t care lmao)
he’d also want you to spend a bunch of time in his dimension bc he wants you to go to his shows! go to all his favourite pubs with him!!
but if that’s all to overwhelming for you, even just lounging in his bed is more than enough to appease him
he likes that it smells like you after you leave
also!!! he definitely would want his partner to wear his clothes
if you’re bigger and his “normal” shirts don’t fit you comfortably? he’ll steal some oversized shirts and wear them a bit before handing them off to you!
hobie loves loves LOVES taking part in conversations where people are talking about how intimidating you are bc it’s hilarious to him
peak comedy even
“nah they’re a little cutie pie; couldn’t hurt someone if they tried”
“[spider-sona name]????”
miguel absolutely despises you both though bc hobie’s full time job is already being a menace to him and then you just stand off to the side and stare? WHISPERING TO HOBIE??? he can’t.
peter b parker though? he LOVES you guys. you’re his otp and she will sometimes point to show mayday what “true love” looks like
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Manhattan with Husk plz! (Love everything you write! ❤️ 💙)
A/n: THATS SO SWEET! Thank you.
Prompt used:
[ moscow mule ] - one muse fixes the other a drink to take their mind off of the day past
*ೃ༄ cocktail-inspired otp prompts ˚◞♡ ⃗
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It was the first time that anyone had made him a drink but he couldn't help but be grateful for someone was actually making him one. Leaning a tired cheek against his palm he watched you closely as you mixed the different ingredients.
"You sure you know what you're doing?!"
Blinking, you stuck out your tongue turning your back towards the cat demon. "I've watched you enough times...so let me do this."
Snorting, Husk rolled his eyes shifting in the seat nodding his head. "Ya ya. I'll keep my mouth shut...until I try it at least." He stated.
"Rude." Grabbing one of the many glasses, you then poured the moscow mule in the glass. "Now try it and please be nice!"
"Ya, we're having sex so you can't be mean to me. It's the rules." You stated crossing your arms over your chest waiting for him to try it. "Well..."
Shaking his head, Husk picked up the glass taking a sip of the alcohol. "It's good."
"Ya. Really...I mean it. If I didn't like it and I was tryin to lie you'd know it."
Grinning, you lent across the bar top giving him a light kiss tasking the vodka. "Thank you Husk."
"Just don't be too good and take my job." He stated pulling you in close.
"I make no promises."
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waokevale · 6 months
Looks at you with my eyes sitting in front of you like I'm interrogating you (but it's actually a really nice cozy room). I have heard tale of this WXwood ship. Tell me what you find compelling about the ship I'm considering joining you in WXwood land. Literally just say words at me I'm listening
Alright, very well then, so I shall! 🫡
At first, it was kind of an ironic ship for me, because they seemed like the classic "opposites attract"
But once I got digging, I found they're not actually that opposite, they share plenty of things in common and neither is actually a black or white character. Inevitably I became enthralled with this ship and now it's one of my top 3 or so OTPs.
Here's my reasoning and what I found:
1. WX-78 is actually a bit of a softie if you dig through their quotes enough. They act tough and logical to presumably hide whatever ounce of empathy they have left, that didn't escape them completely. (But they're not doing too good of a job)
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Etc. They either use this uncharacteristically soft tone or hide a kind gesture or well-intentioned thought behind robotically constructed sentences and insults.
And of course, I don't have to show the quotes for machines or metallic structures, since WX openly sees them as their family and acts basically the same as Wormwood does with plants.
Meanwhile, Wormwood isn't always an empathetic creature. He can sometimes be callous, apathetic and even have favorites amongst plants (and people too), though he doesn't directly state that. He also isn't as dumb as he portrays himself to be, he definitely knows something, but either has too limited English speaking skills or is actively choosing not to say much.
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He often sobs or cries when a creature dies, but there are times he reacts with either "whoops", "oh" or "too bad" like it's a small inconvenience at best.
And those are only some of the examples (I can't show them all since I'm answering this on my phone and therefore there's an image limit)
2. Here's a reason why, despite being vastly different at first, they'd ultimately become friends:
WX-78 actually likes plenty of things that correspond to Wormwood, it's likely for them to eventually settle, once they know enough about him.
And what are those things they like, you might ask?
Bees (going back to their previous quote) since WX is frankly enamored by bees, and since Wormwood blooms, there's countless of them surrounding him. if they were to hang around him, they'd hang around bees too. 👌
Their quote for green gem is: "PRESSURE AND IMPURITIES HAVE PRODUCED PLEASING PERFECTION" which is. well. Something.
They're very fond of pumpkins, describing them as: "IT HAS A PLEASANT SHAPE" while their seed as "IT IS A SOURCE CODE FOR PLEASING PLANTS" And guess who just happens to have a pumpkin skin ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
The lunar affinity. WX practically WORSHIPS the moon, it wouldn't be surprising that, if they found about this aspect about him, they'd get very excited and embrace it, because c'mon, it's the moon. They have dozens of quotes describing how THE MOON IS SUPERIOR, I wouldn't be able to fit all of them into this post, just trust me on that.
WX-78 doesn't hate all organic life, besides they're just playing out a role. But they do certainly appreciate some plants, such as potatoes and lureplants. The former because they can relate to them (potato battery) and the latter because "AWW, IT'S JUST AS EVIL AS I AM". Would it be too farfetched if with his influence they'd grow to appreciate organic life more?
3. Wormwood's quote for W.A.R.B.I.S armor suggests that he admires WX and would like to mimic them. (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all)
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4. The survivors farming animation is quite charming, I certainly loved their small interaction there. They're also shown in the official Return Of Them vignette, farming on the side.
5. I like the fact that one of them is afraid of water and the other of fire. Adds an interesting dynamic.
6. They just work. Despite wanting to "DOMINATE ALL ORGANIC LIFE" WX-78 appreciates people who can stand up for themselves. I'd guess Wormwood would be a huge pushover at first, no doubt, but with their influence, he would certainly have to grow a spine (metaphorically speaking)
Likewise, WX-78 struggles to show kindness to non-robotic creatures, because they fear they might come off as WEAK and SENTIMENTAL. Things they loathe to expose about themself. Wormwood could help them show that it's okay to love organic friends and be nice to others! (sometimes at least.)
I'd say they balance out each other perfectly and that is quite rare to see in modern pairings. While they'd definitely struggle to get along at first, they'd surely grow fond of the other one day :)
I hope this convinced you. if not, I'll try and dig up some more stuff. Then again, keep in mind that there aren't many canon character interactions besides whatever crumbs we've got from their quotes and official animations.
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vayneoc · 1 year
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and Vayne
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