#otp: do you lay eggs
worlds-worst-ships · 3 months
Do you ship it?
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theladyheroine · 7 months
Unexpected OTP Pairings ✨
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❥ Okay I know Valentine’s Day was last week! Almost two weeks ago! But recently I’ve been wanting to branch out a bit with my blog writing, & writing prompts are something I love a lot! So, I’m trying something new & came up with a few OTP ideas! I hope you enjoy, thank you & have fun!
❥ F x M writing prompts! I didn't specify who is who though so everyone can read!
Former! Villain x Superhero
Not even a real villain, just some dumb person who steals things or who makes evil schemes that always fail. Kind of like Dr. Doofenshmirtz, & they’re actually really nice in real life! But when a superhero comes to stop them, they instantly fall in love! Seriously has heart eyes & doesn't pay any attention to the hero’s grand pre-fight speech.
Or doesn’t put up a fight at all, just hands them the stolen goods & escapes. Leaving Hero completely confused as the Villain they were supposed to stop didn’t even bother fighting, which is still good but they’re still confused.
After this, the Villain now decides to become a Superhero!! To not only impress their new crush but also because they've always really wanted to be one anyways! It was just the push they needed.
Cue them now running the streets in a completely different outfit trying their best to stop the bad guys! Usually, it doesn’t end well though: they’ll trip over the air & let them escape, or maybe just show up late to the fight & it’s already over.
It’s even worse when their Hero crush joins the fray, and then they’re really clumsy or just start sputtering like an old car. Their former henchmen, now turned sidekicks, try to console them as they lay on the couch completely embarrassed by their feats.
Oooooor, they are super confident & much better at being a superhero than they ever were being a Villain. Maybe this confidence goes to their head a bit & will literally try flirting with Hero on the battlefield! Hero gets a bit embarrassed sometimes & their other super-friends tease them about it. If this does happen, Hero might end up trying to run away from the former Villain in an effort to focus on their job. But it just ends up being really funny to watch.
Bonus: They have opposite powers or maybe one has no powers at all.
Dashing Thief x Friendly! Detective
I'm sorry this one is a bit short!
A notorious thief with a heart of gold who only ever steals from bad guys & acts more as a Robin Hood character than any. Hardly ever keeps anything for themselves; just struts around after dark on the lookout for anything suspicious. Not one person has been able to catch them & their identity remains a mystery. Would be cool if they were a nobleman/woman or had some kind of big fancy hideout. 
The detective is actually their friend/partner (maybe)! The good egg who actually sees the thief’s true intentions instead of just mucking around in a Halloween costume. Although they're pretty ticked at the way Thief does things, they usually keep their coworkers & the boss off Thief's trail. Maybe a newbie or an intern at the detective agency, determined to prove themselves on the field. 
Maybe they met as civilians & the thief switched to a disguise to hide from authorities, but bumped into the detective who was out on a coffee break. It was love at first sight for both of them, so cute! 😆 They do a lot of coffee dates now, but sometimes Detective overdoes it.....
One is the brains, and the other is the brawn. Together they can get any job done! The Detective’s coworkers find it strange how the Thief shows up more often when they're specifically on the job. The Boss is suspicious but sometimes finds them cute.
Often swing by each other’s places to not only hangout but help each other with cases or special kinds of info. If the Thief has any sidekicks, no doubt they’ll spill funny stories of missions gone wrong or close calls. 
Stealing each other's hats and impersonating the other one for fun, then cue a playful chase scene around the room! So cute!
Dragon x Wizard
I know some people like fantasy stuff!
A dragon is resting in their cave until they hears footsteps at the entrance. But instead of finding a grumpy old knight, they find a wizard! Maybe the Wizard was exploring the caves nearby or on a journey to the next town, but instead of feeling scared or angry, they started fangirling/fanboying over the dragon instead! 😆
Likes to ask them all sorts of questions & sometimes can’t stop talking. Now Wizard can come whenever they like & the two become friends!
The Wizard visits whenever they can, showing off all sorts of new spells or potions they've created. Even though it might not be as impressive as their fire, the Dragon still finds it cool & applauds.
The Dragon will always try to impress their wizard friend with tall tales of each piece of treasure. How they got it, where they found it, if they fought anyone over it, etc. But sometimes those stories are exaggerated…
The Wizard will be in absolute awe at the Dragon’s stories & can’t help but be a complete chatterbox about it. Asking more questions about different things like how their magic works, how they can fly with all that extra weight, or if they can learn a fire-breathing spell from them instead—
If the Wizard lives in a tower then the Dragon will visit just as frequently! Usually it’s in the early morning or during sundown when there are fewer people around. But if the Wizard lives in a town or city, it might take some time for the Dragon to come around. It’s not that they don’t care, but dragons are more solitary creatures. Either way, they enjoy each other's company & the dragon likes to ask questions about different thingamabobs on the Wizard's shelves.
They can both be pretty clingy but that’s sometimes a bit tough to handle because the poor wizard has to be extra careful, especially with pouring bottles or waving their wand around if they’re not even two feet apart. Doesn’t mind but sometimes will complain a bit if their partner won’t stay cooperate.
Extra Duo!
Since I loved the superhero one a lot I thought of another one: what if a Hero’s Sidekick & a Villain’s Henchman fall in love!
The Henchman does end up giving Sidekick any tips about their next plan. Cue the Villain throwing a tantrum in their lair wondering why the Hero is always one step ahead of them. 😅
They like to hangout in civilian settings together! Bonus if they found out their secret identities on accident lol
Extra Bonus if the Henchman or both villains become heroes at the end!
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bcbdrums · 6 months
This One's For You
A Soul Eater fanfic. Read on: AO3 | FFn
Seventh in my series of 31 prompt-based one-shots. Prompts from this list.
AND... Monthly OTP prompt fills from this list for Spirit and Stein, because I cannot stop writing about them. I’m happy to hear recommendations each month for which prompt to write next.
A/N: This started with a tiny, vague mental image I've been holding for months that I needed to express, and a plot formed around it. My hope was for a short fluffy something, but, Stein decided otherwise... Yeahhh the characters took complete control of this one. I had next to nothing to do with this until near the end when...a song that is tied to these two for me decided to jump into the story too. And I don't write songfic, haha. Aaahhhhh this one might be out of character, I'm not sure. They're teenagers. Spirit is 16 which would make Stein 13, in my headcanon. I also headcanon that Spirit played electric guitar as a teenager then gave it up. There's an Easter Egg for another of my fics in this which gets revealed in the end notes if you don't catch it yourself. And of course, don't read the end notes cuz spoilers. Oh, there's one line directly implying something NSFW that I'll leave up to interpretation. But just a warning that it exists, I guess. That's why the "teen" rating. And, it doesn't get mentioned in the story, but I'm compelled to inform everyone that Spirit's hair is in a ponytail. Because. Yeah. Okay, anyway. 7. Bells (from the December list) 4. Peace (for April, from the monthly OTP list)
This One's For You
Spirit was half-reclined on his bed when Stein walked into their shared bedroom. Half, because it was nearly impossible to play his guitar properly if he lay flat the way he truly felt like doing. Instead, he had most of both of their pillows shoved up behind his back and up under his elbow so he could lean his head and shoulders against the wall with the guitar nearly flat across his lap, though his legs were crossed to help elevate the neck of the instrument.
He plucked two strings together in harmony, listened to the sound through the amplifier and the way it decayed with the delay setting he'd put on, and then plucked another two in the progression.
The full light of the sunset was blocked from entering the windows by the thick of the trees outside, but the room was still beginning to turn pink from the glow that couldn't ever be fully shut out, and golden pinpricks of light were hitting the wall above Spirit's head where they broke through the foliage.
Spirit glanced up at his partner still standing in the open doorway as he plucked another chord. He took in the tense posture, the stiff set of Stein's jaw. Watched his bright, ever-calculating eyes study his position on the bed before Stein finally reached behind him to push the door closed. The meister's gaze shifted to the window, blinds closed on Stein's half but raised on Spirit's.
Stein crossed the room briskly, pulled the cord to close the rest of the blinds to perhaps five inches—a height that would still allow enough light in as long as the sun was up, but that would block the view of the interior to any passersby.
Stein's hands were empty, and except for the way he was holding himself Spirit couldn't see anything amiss about him to provide evidence as to the meister's seeming sour mood. He shifted up slightly on the pillows and pulled the body of the electric guitar nearer to his stomach as he observed his younger partner.
He plucked another two strings, and Stein turned from where he'd paused at the window.
"Writing another song for some girl?"
There was a bite to his tone that Spirit recognized wasn't truly meant for him. Whatever had upset his meister, he was apparently going to take it out on him rather than talk about it. Which wasn't really a surprise.
Spirit lightly shook his head. "No. Just playing around."
He picked a simple pattern across three strings, and Stein's brow furrowed.
"Can you turn off the delay?"
Spirit couldn't help but smile as he shifted again, leaned forward to flip the switch on the amp at the foot of the bed, and then attempted to get comfortable again.
When he looked back at Stein, the meister's brow had furrowed. It was clear to Spirit that he was looking for a fight, but the weapon was in no mood to give him one. But the alternative, experience had taught Spirit, was that if he didn't provide something then Stein would simply leave and manage his frustrations elsewhere, whatever they were.
Experience had also taught Spirit that more often than not, that didn't end well for either of them.
"Come here."
The furrow in Stein's brow deepened and he raised his head just so, so that the overhead light reflected off his glasses and hid his eyes. His jaw had tensed further, and a frown was just visible at the corners of his mouth.
"Come here," Spirit repeated just as gently.
He shifted further upright on the bed, laying the guitar across his lap for a moment to tug up his jeans as he uncrossed his legs and pulled his collared t-shirt back into place, it having become a bit twisted in his relaxation.
Stein looked uncertain, but after a moment he moved forward and crawled up onto the bed to sit next to the weapon. He pressed his back against the wall as he shifted nearer, which Spirit found telling.
He lifted the guitar into Stein's lap.
"Let me show you."
"What? No. I've told you, I don't need to try it to understand how it—"
He cut himself off abruptly as Spirit moved right next to him and set his arms around him, made more difficult by the posture Stein had chosen; Spirit had to wiggle his chest between Stein's back and the wall to get even remotely near enough to aid in the holding of the guitar.
The meister had gone tense and yet pliant as Spirit shifted the guitar to an appropriate angle, took hold of Stein's left hand as his own right hand muted the strings.
"I'll just show you some really basic chords. Here. Third finger, third fret, first string. If you only strum the first four..." Spirit held Stein's finger to the string and then lightly strummed. The processed sound came through the amp, sounding a bit strange pointed away from them and too soft to truly ring through the space. "That's a simple G-chord."
Spirit could feel Stein's heart pounding through his back, no doubt from anxiety at the unexpected contact. But he'd not pulled away. Spirit had learned that sometimes, despite the meister's seeming aversion to touch, it wasn't completely unwelcome. It was simply that he didn't really understand what he wanted.
Stein had no response, visible or otherwise, to the chord that resulted from Spirit's holding his finger to the string.
"Give it a try," Spirit encouraged, lifting Stein's right hand so he could strum the chord.
After a moment, the meister swallowed and blinked into focus. His thumb moved inelegantly over the strings, and the sound bled through the amp.
Spirit let go of his left hand, and Stein's instantly released the string. The remaining echo became discordant.
"You have to hold onto it. Here, this is an easy C. Just four strings again."
He manipulated Stein's fingers into the shape, and this time the younger boy held on when Spirit let go. Spirit strummed the chord, and then moved his hand out of the way. After a moment, Stein's tentatively came up to copy the action.
"And, ah... An E-minor, that's the easiest. First and second fingers, fifth and fourth strings, second fret."
He waited, and Stein slowly copied the instructions to hold the strings down. His brow had furrowed again, and Spirit could feel his heart rate starting to relax.
"There, see? You can play a lot of songs with just three chords. And a capo, haha."
When the minor chord had finished ringing from the amp, Stein carefully slid the guitar toward Spirit.
"You play something."
Spirit's smile tightened in disappointment. "You don't want to give it a try?"
Stein shook his head. But, Spirit noted, whatever frustration the meister had been trying to bury when he entered the room was gone from the bright, green eyes. In its place was a different sort of anxiety that Spirit didn't fully understand, but recognized was something Stein only allowed him to see.
Spirit took the guitar and carefully shifted back into his spot against the pillows. He kept his surprise hidden when Stein followed, kneeling to face him as Spirit got comfortable again and positioned the guitar.
He was about to ask if Stein had any requests, but the meister preempted him.
"Not something you've written for some girl."
Spirit huffed quietly. It was always 'some girl' with the younger teen. He had teased before that Stein would understand soon enough, and his partner had teased right back that his hormones were overactive and that he could probably take something to treat that.
It had been a very awkward end to the conversation when Spirit quipped that he had his own treatment, and Stein hadn't immediately processed the meaning. He'd gotten to it without Spirit spelling it out, but the meister had definitely behaved differently toward him since then, Spirit suddenly realized. He supposed Stein really was still just too young for that sort of thing.
"Why not?" he couldn't help but ask.
Some of the anger rose again behind Stein's eyes. "Because they're not important."
"I work hard on those—"
"You're usually on to the next girl in less than a month. So the songs can't really mean that much."
Spirit's lips had parted in surprise, and he held the annoyed gaze of his meister. There was more Stein wanted to say, he could tell. Everything in his posture and eyes and the renewed set of his jaw spoke of frustration.
Spirit was disappointed that his attempts at soothing his partner had backfired, but it was momentarily forgotten as irritation mingled with the guilt Stein's words had stirred deep in his soul.
"Do you even remember them?"
The accusation cut even harder, and Spirit wondered if Stein meant the songs or the girls. His brow furrowed in defiance even as he realized that for both, and for most, the answer was no.
"How can you care so little about something?"
It would be an insult to think Stein meant the songs with that question. Not that it was impossible, but, based on the absolute ice that was touching the meister's voice, Spirit knew otherwise.
It wasn't that he didn't care... It was that they just weren't really looking for a relationship. Neither him, nor the girls he flirted with. It was something mutually understood that didn't even need to be spoken. They were just teenagers having a good time, after all. It's what teenagers do. Stein was just too young to understand.
He took a long, slow breath and closed his eyes as he realized he'd been frowning so hard that his forehead hurt. It wasn't Stein's fault. He was only seeing things in the way he knew how. He would understand someday. And then, Spirit could tease Stein about his girlfriends and remind him about how he had been so sure it was a waste of time. It would be something they could laugh about together.
His mood resolved, he sighed and opened his eyes to reply. But then his lips parted again when he saw Stein.
The meister had dug his fingers into Spirit's blankets and had his eyes tightly closed, head downcast as he scowled at whatever was in his mind. Spirit bit his lip, and then turned the guitar volume down before reaching out to gently touch Stein's shoulder.
Stein didn't pull away, but Spirit felt rather than saw the sudden hitch in Stein's breath at the contact.
"It's not..." he began softly, unsure what had Stein suddenly so upset. "It's not that I don't care. I do. But they only care so much, too. They care the same amount that I do. It's just...not anything serious."
Stein looked up. His eyes were bright with unshed tears, and Spirit's stomach swirled in unease. Whatever anxiety Stein had come back to their room with that Spirit had been trying to help him forget, he'd clearly made much worse. And he wasn't sure what to do now that Stein had turned his stress fully against him.
"Why are you okay with it?" Stein finally hissed on a single breath, immediately clamping his jaw closed again as he struggled to regain control of his emotions.
Spirit puzzled over the question. He thought he'd just answered that. It was mutually understood between he and anyone he pursued that it was just casual.
"I thought..."
Spirit focused on Stein's face again.
"I thought you were better than that."
Spirit frowned. Stein wasn't anyone to suddenly come in and be his moral judge. Not with the things he did, the worse things he imagined doing...
It must have shown on Spirit's face, because Stein suddenly scoffed and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Spirit was quick however, not even watching the fall of the guitar as he reached up and gripped the boy's arms, halting his escape before he'd even stood up.
"Stein!" he said. The meister tensed under his hold.
He wanted to be angry. He wanted to tell Stein that it was none of his business what he did with any girls. But he knew that couldn't really be what was bothering his young friend, and getting to the bottom of that was far more important. He slowly let out a breath, let his fire cool again.
"Stein. It's okay, I promise you. They're okay with it. There's nothing wrong with any of it..."
Stein tensed further, and Spirit frowned quizzically.
"Why do you care, anyway?"
The only reply was silence.
Spirit watched the taut muscles of his partner's neck, watched as he barely breathed under the weapon's hold. A golden-pink light from the window was reflecting off the front of Spirit's guitar, heralding the sun's departure.
The moments passed, and Spirit started slowly turning his thumbs in circles against the tight muscles of Stein's shoulders.
"Just play your guitar, Spirit," Stein said hoarsely.
Anger forgotten, Spirit's chest ached as he realized Stein had begun crying. What was truly upsetting his partner? Was it something he had done?
"Only if you stay."
It was a feeble plea, as Spirit knew Stein didn't really care for his guitar playing one way or another. And apparently, given his opinion on Spirit's usual endeavors with it, he probably disliked it entirely.
Silence again. Spirit watched the light on the windowsill slowly change to amber, dust floating through its beams.
"Then let go of me."
Spirit let go, banking on Stein keeping his word, and grabbed up the guitar from where it had fallen on the bed.
"Come back here."
Spirit watched as Stein reached up and took off his glasses, wiped his face with his sleeve, and then slowly turned back around on the bed and tucked his feet under him. His expression was as flat as he could make it, given the circumstances, but in his eyes Spirit still saw that anxiety that only he was permitted to see.
"Just... Relax," Spirit said, even as he couldn't help but frown.
The conversation had unnerved him, and as he continued unnecessarily shifting around for comfort, he couldn't think of a single thing to play.
He heard Stein sniff, and when he glanced up the meister was wearing a rarely-seen expression of distress that he rapidly hid away again behind the impassivity he preferred to show the world.
Spirit considered the issue as he tried to think of something to play: why would Stein care about his dates? It wasn't like he ever brought them back to their place. They were never in Stein's way...
Spirit's eyes widened as he slowly sucked in a breath.
Was that the problem?
He always came back at night—most nights. But with as much time as he spent taking girls out, he barely even did his homework lately. He supposed that outside of class and their extracurricular assignments, he really...hadn't been spending much time with Stein.
Had Stein been surprised to find him at home that evening?
A different guilt had Spirit's stomach turning with that revelation. He leaned back on the pillows and after adjusting the volume set his fingers to the guitar strings, decisively shaping a chord. And then as an afterthought, he stretched one foot toward the amp and pushed the corner of it so it turned on its dolly and wasn't facing entirely away from them.
Stein was watching him, his glasses folded in one hand but face as still as stone. Spirit began plucking out a practiced melody, suddenly self conscious about singing, and hoped it could at least be a beginning to an apology he realized now was necessary. Part of him still wanted to argue that Stein would be no different in a few years, but that didn't absolve him of the hurt he had apparently caused in the present.
He shifted his attention to the song, picking out each note with precision as he tried to work up the courage to sing. He had never been nervous around Stein with this sort of thing before, but the sudden realization that his every action of late was being watched and judged had him uncertain how his partner would respond.
"Are you making this up?" Stein asked suddenly.
"What? No," Spirit said, brow furrowing.
"I haven't heard it before."
Spirit sighed.
"I don't play this one in front of you."
Spirit watched as familiar curiosity began to rise in Stein's eyes despite the anxiety and the hurt, and he shifted back again as he focused on adding more complexity to his playing, strumming the chords before picking out the melodic lines.
Stein shifted too, reaching back to turn the amplifier the rest of the way to face the bed and then set his glasses on top of it.
"This one is different."
Spirit didn't look up, intent now on getting the song exactly right.
"This one is more interesting."
Spirit pursed his lips as a mixture of pride and affection started silencing the disquiet in his head.
"Ah... I hope so. I've been working on it for months."
He looked up and paused in the middle of the progression, letting a suspension chord ring out.
Stein was looking at him in yet another way Spirit had never been able to make sense of despite the years he'd had to try to understand. He had looked at him that way the very first day they'd met, and sometimes would even stop mid-conversation to just stare at him, usually after something Spirit had said; it was something deeper than curiosity, but seeming just as without explanation to even the meister as it was to his weapon. For awhile it had been unnerving, but Spirit knew at least there was no ill intent behind it. And whatever it meant, it was yet another expression that Stein reserved only for him.
Now, his attention was pulled away from Stein's wide, searching eyes to the way the rosy-orange beams of the sunset were making the edges of his hair seem to glow around his face. Spirit reached forward and Stein's focus instantly shifted, following the motion of his hand, but he didn't shy away when Spirit feathered Stein's hair between his fingers.
The light brought shining life into the thin strands of silver, and they sparkled almost translucent in the golden rays. The contrast of this radiance—all drawing his gaze back to Stein's verdant eyes staring back at him—with the dull overall appearance the meister seemed to want to effect had Spirit smiling.
For as much as Stein was an enigma, Spirit knew him better than the facade he showed the world.
A question had formed in Stein's eyes as to what suddenly had the weapon's so soft, but he didn't voice it. He only stared back as Spirit smoothed down the hair he'd disturbed and then returned his hand to the guitar.
"This one's for you."
"It's not perfect yet... I'd wanted it to be a surprise. But..."
Spirit started the song over, felt his fingers shake suddenly as he became more aware of his audience. His voice was no steadier than his hands as he began singing to the softly strummed chords.
He didn't glance up as he felt Stein shifting, heard a pair of shoes fall to the floor, and he knew without looking that the younger teen had taken up position on his knees with his feet tucked under him, hands likely fidgeting with the seams of his pants.
"'And I think we're chosen, like our fates are woven...'"
Spirit grew no less nervous as he sang through the lyrics, but Stein had asked him to play. And he owed him this he supposed, if his guess about his meister's current melancholy was correct. Finished or unfinished, he shouldn't ever leave Stein in doubt of his place in his life.
He reached the end of a chorus and paused in playing again, finally looking up. Then, his face fell.
Stein's expression was tense, confused. His brow was furrowed and his eyes unfocused where they were directed at Spirit's left hand on the strings, and his fingers were gripping tightly into the blankets again.
"You...don't like it?" Spirit asked quietly, amazed the words made it past his lips as his heart began to sink.
Stein's eyes, suddenly bright with something Spirit couldn't identify, snapped up to his. When his lips parted to speak, they trembled.
"I do."
Bewildered now, Spirit's heart ached in the fear that he'd somehow made everything worse.
"Come here," he said, almost a plea as he shifted on the pillows again and moved the guitar to lean more against his stomach.
Stein hesitated, but then awkwardly moved not to sit beside him, but to lie partially across Spirit's crossed legs with his head touching the body of the guitar. Spirit's brow rose, but Stein met his eyes in quick explanation.
"I want to feel it."
Spirit considered a moment, the angle making it impossible for him not to touch Stein's hair while playing at the least. But given the meister's chosen posture, he supposed that didn't matter.
He also decided not to mention that Stein would feel the vibrations far better by being next to the amp, and once he'd found an acceptable angle for his right arm, he strummed a chord.
Stein shifted slightly, raising his knees and gripping his hands over his middle. But his eyes stayed locked onto Spirit's. Spirit strummed another chord, and then picked out some of the melody of the song as he watched Stein curiously.
He realized all of a sudden that his partner's expression had changed. Stein was looking at him in that private way again, but deeper in his eyes behind that mysterious look was...hope.
Hope for what?
Spirit felt another pang of guilt, and he glanced at his left hand to cover the nerves he suddenly felt.
"I'm, ah... I'm going to cancel my date tomorrow night," he said. He plucked out more of the melody. "If you're not busy... We should do something."
Against his thigh, he could just feel Stein's heart rate increase through his back.
He looked down again, his own heart pounding as he met Stein's eyes. An instinctive yearning joined the race of blood in his veins, and before he could think about it, he was tentatively curling his soul wavelength along the edges of Stein's.
Stein's brow rose, and Spirit's stomach turned nervously as he saw hesitation in his meister's eyes. Since when had Stein ever been uncertain about resonance? But it faded quickly, and as Stein's soul slowly entwined with his he watched a soundless sigh escape his partner's lips.
Somehow resonating still gave no clarity to the look in Stein's eyes, and there was something in his soul that he was keeping guarded. But there was also such a great relief in the connection that Spirit felt his own anxiety begin to calm in time with Stein's.
Outside the window, the sun dipped below the lowest branches of the trees and sent brighter beams of light piercing the room, illuminating Stein's face and Spirit's hands and reflecting brightly off the guitar. Stein closed his eyes against the invasion and shifted to be more comfortable on Spirit's leg, the side of his head still leaned against the instrument.
Spirit cleared his throat as he shifted his hand up the neck of the guitar and shaped the next chord, readying to sing the song's chorus again. Stein's soul was relaxing into his, and Spirit's own slowly calmed in response. He wished he could convince Stein to let go of whatever it was that still had his heart pounding, but he was grateful for the trust he'd been given; if Stein wanted him to know, he would tell him eventually.
He strummed the chord. He watched Stein's expression soften with the sound, the lines of tension in his forehead ease. Their resonance matched effortlessly to the frequency, and Spirit strummed the chord again.
He sighed and reached down to Stein's chest, and the meister's eyes opened briefly when Spirit separated his hands and wove their fingers together.
Spirit sang, and soon his voice was the only audible sound as the last echoes from the amplifier died in the small room.
The tension on Stein's face continued to ease. He turned slightly to press his forehead into the now-silent guitar, but it didn't block the light and he kept his eyes closed.
Stein's wavelength was still gradually relaxing, and Spirit wrapped his around the younger teen's and let the warmth and safety in the sound take him. He let go the If nothing else, he hoped Stein felt the same assurance that he did—that there was no greater sanctuary for his soul than in harmony with his partner.
Spirit released Stein's hand to strum another chord, letting his fingers brush silver hair after following their natural path across the strings. When he reached for Stein's hand again the meister's was already blindly seeking his, and when the smaller fingers folded between his they held on tight.
Spirit continued to sing. And as the sun finished its descent, he watched the light slowly fade from Stein's face.
A/N: I imagine Spirit wrote something far more interesting, musically, but the lyrics I couldn't help but reference are from this song which I'm obsessed with because of this incredible art. So I selfishly put those in. I also have no skill whatsoever in writing lyrics and I needed lyrics, so, why not pull from my obsession...lol. Those lines also hit the right vibe as in...the song Spirit wrote is about them, their relationship. Just kinda...two hard-hitting lines to get the point across. But no, Spirit wrote something far more interesting. Pretend as much or as little of that song is part of this as you want, I didn't think much past those two lines. Even though that song is them to me, it's not them as teenagers so yeah. And if anyone even remembers, this song he wrote for Stein here is fact the song he played in Cadenza. I cannot help myself but to reveal... The tragedy here is that Spirit only partially-understood Stein's distress. And Stein ain't gonna tell him. Augh. Angst. (I'll tell if asked.) Okay, anyway. Thanks for reading!
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I love seeing your YiDiao tags, so YiDiao and 15, 24, 27, 29 and 30?
Teeheehee. I had hoped that if I was out on the dancefloor making a fool of myself eventually some other people may toe out onto it.
Thank you nonnie.
15. Who wakes up first?
Oh that's an interesting one, because I can see points for it being both of them. Martial arts requires a lot of discipline, especially to get as good as Diao has at his age, so I imagine he's not unused to early morning runs. Plus he's shown getting up kinda early to water his plants, so I think he's probably pretty domestic and used to taking care of himself, what with being shipped over to England. It's canon that he has domestic household skills like cooking that Kuea doesn't have. Plus it just kind of fits my vibe for him. But if he doesn't have anything planned for the day he isn't opposed to sleeping in late once in a while.
As for Yi, he is also very dedicated, but in a different way. He's a successful businessman and has a lot to look over. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's the type of person to keep himself busy to avoid unnecessary Thoughts and Feelings.
They probably both wake up early. When Diao wakes up early he lets himself have a few minutes alone and then wakes up Yi because he knows that is what he would want. To not be wasting time laying about all day.
When Yi wakes up first he uses it as an excuse to watch Diao sleep without getting teased for it. To cuddle him some more and enjoy it.
Also, morning sex is definitely a thing for them. Why not start the day off right?
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear when during inappropriate times?
This is another one that I feel like it could be both of them but in different ways. Yi tries to do it in a sexy alpha male kind of way sometimes. But he's very soft about it. It's not degrading in any way, even in a teasing consensual manner. He asks Diao what he wants. If he feels good. If he wants it deeper. In a different position. He gets off on Diao getting off.
Plus, he'd be lying if he said it didn't inflate his ego a bit. What, he's only a man. What type of man wouldn't want to hear about how their dick is rocking their husbands world?
Diao sees this and understands it. He knows what Yi wants to hear, and he usually plays along. He's also the one who is more likely to get dirty in a more raunchy way.
He wants to hear and to know how Yi wants him. It's a mutual confirmation of their importance to one another.
He's more likely to be a bit bratty and demanding when he's high strung and willing to work Yi up for both of their benefits.
I'm imagining a time where Yi is going slow and soft, and it's nice, it always is, but it's not the itches that Diao needs to scratch so he eggs him on.
"Come on, I thought you were going to fuck me?"
He doesn't do it often, but every once in a while, in the heat of the moment he has a mouth that could make a phone sex operator blush.
27. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
Oh this is adorable. I think probably Diao tbh. Yi would say that he doesn't have a singing voice, but he probably hums quietly instead.
29. One headcanon about this otp that breaks your heart?
Hmm. Probably that Yi never thought Diao would actually love him. He probably thought he'd be happier with Kuea, or someone else his age. That he would marry him out of obligation, and never know that Yi actually loved him.
(because just telling him that is too easy and Yi is not emotionally smart enough for that.)
I guess maybe, sometimes he still worries if his love comes across as much as he hopes it does. He probably worries a lot about wasted time.
Diao thinks it's heartbreaking that the accident had to happen at all, that Yi blames himself, that it put such a detour in their relationship that they almost didn't come back from properly.
I'd say also, that as much as they love their (eventual) kids, and have come to understand that their families never wanted the best for them, that they still miss the idea of their kids having traditional grandparents.
30. One headcanon about this otp that mends it.
Not to be a whore for the concept of a found family, but I'm always a whore for the concept of a found family. They have Lian and Kuea and everyone else to support them.
They will probably always regret a lot about their relationship,but they come to understand that anything in the past doesn't negate what they have now.
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allylikethecat · 8 months
January OTP Prompts
I'm not sure how closely this one follows the prompt, but alas I was inspired *by* the prompt and that's how this whole thing works right? Thank you so much for all the continued support on these! We are in the home stretch! (I also didn't proof read this one, like at all so if it makes even less sense than usual that's why)
WARNINGS: Discussions of past drug abuse, and speculation that Fictional!Matty has relapsed (he has not)
27. Ringing bells
Matty was missing and George was losing his mind. The warning bells had gone off ringing that morning even if he hadn’t realized that’s what they were at the time. Matty had been moody, more subdued, snapping at anyone who dared acknowledge him, scratching at his arms and fidgeting as he moved eggs around on his plate without actually eating them. George had found himself growing irritated at him, they didn’t deserve his abuse. Matty had snapped that he was fine and to lay the fuck off when Ross had asked how he was doing. I’m not going to run off and get high, Matty had snarled, you can stop looking at me like that. 
He had pushed his plate away, his phone still sitting on the hotel restaurant table. “I need a cigarette,” he said, standing up. “I’ll be right back.” 
That had been three hours ago, and no one had seen Matty since. George wondered if he had left his phone on purpose, knowing he was easily trackable via Find My Friends. George regretted not standing up, not chasing after him with an I'll join you. But he had been thankful, in the moment for the relief, the ability to roll his eyes at Ross, commiserating over Matty’s antics without the man in question to see them. Soon dread filled his belly as the minutes ticked by and Matty didn’t return. George knew they were all thinking it, even if no one dared speak it outloud. 
“I’ll just call him,” said Ross, “make sure he didn’t get trapped talking to a fan or something.” That’s when they realized his phone was sitting on the table. The screen lit up, the device vibrating silently as the line rang.  
He wasn’t in their hotel room, he wasn’t in the fitness center or the garden. The woman at the front desk was unsure if she had seen anyone matching Matty’s description leave through the front doors. George wanted to cry. They had been doing so well. Things had been going so well. Matty had been doing better. He knew that being back on tour was hard for him, the come down from the admiration of a roaring crowd to the silent isolation of a nondescript hotel room giving him whiplash. He knew that Matty still fought cravings every day, but he met with his therapist bi weekly and was making an active effort to stay healthy, to stay clean.
He needed to call Jamie, he needed to call Tim and Denise. He felt like a failure, he was supposed to be the one keeping an eye on Matty, keeping him safe and instead he had lost him. Matty disappearing to god knows where and getting into god knows what. He was Matty’s partner, Matty was his other half. He saw the signs, he knew that Matty was having a bad morning and instead of treating him with compassion he met him with annoyance. 
They walked through the ground floor of the hotel a third time, growing desperate. George wanted him to be in the hotel, wanted him to be sitting just outside some little side door rather than out in the world where anything could happen to him.
“DON’T LET THE DOOR CLOSE,” Matty shouted and George blinked, not actually expecting to find him sitting on a small loading dock, surrounded by a twelve foot fence topped with barbed wire like he was imprisoned. 
“Matty?” George asked in disbelief, standing in the doorway, holding it open with his body as Matty flung himself into George’s arms. 
“I came out for a cigarette,” said Matty, he was crying, tears of relief George realized. He blinked, shocked to find he was crying too. “The door shut behind me and locked, and I didn’t have my phone.” 
“You’re okay,” said George, running his hand down Matty’s back, the words a mix of comfort and vocalizing his own relief. “You’re okay.” 
Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
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mjonesing · 3 years
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“He didn’t leave anything behind.”
“Just us.”
- S06E04, Teen Wolf
For @seek--rest 💚
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lordzuuko · 7 years
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When you’re surrounded by people who love and accept you for who you are. It’s Asexual Awareness Week and Peter got a handmade spidey plushie from Ned, a shirt from Aunt May and a pin from Mr. Stark. 
Ace Peter Parker commission for @thurindos | Redbubble
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send me a MCSM character and i’ll list:
Favorite thing about them
Lukas is a pretty chill, kind and paitent dude! Despite Axel's constant needling remarks and disregards he dealt with it up until he couldn't take it anymore. He is fairly level headed under pressure and tries to find solutions. Over all Lukas is a pretty nice guy!
Until you cross him
Then he is a venomous little thing. My man really wanted to do Aiden like that and I am LIVING for that side of him.
Least favorite thing about them
Mainly regarding season 1 Lukas- how he never tried to call off Aiden and his crew. Naturally no one should take responsibility for someone else actions but the guy didn't so much as throw in a 'Not cool' or let the Blase Rods know their bullying wasn't right. Though I think he genuinely thought it was the team just razzing each other.
Favorite line
"I hope they dig a hole, put them in it, surround it with lava and-"
Again I am LIVING for this level of anger from the soft spoken lad
Lukas x Petra! The duo had known each other for a long time. They SCREAM sibling dynamic and I am here for it when Petra has to lay into him like a sister scolding a little brother.
Lukas x Jesse no contest! There is incredible chemistry between the duo even if one picks the meaner options. Builder Rivals turned allies turned close friends after many many horrifying missions and adventures.
I do support brOTP with them as well but he is one of my fav people to ship with almost any Jesse.
Nope! This bottom bitch is for everyone
Random headcanon
Whenever Lukas feels like he needs inspiration from his friends he will go to their town and shadow them for snippets in his book. He dreads ever having to go to Boomtown as it is a complete nightmare for someone who likes things to be in order as much as he does. It doesn't help that Axel specifically put out posters of him around the town with explicit instructions to egg, burn and mess with his hair in any shape way or form. Not because he doesn't want Lukas to visit - but because its funny.
Unpopular opinion
Need more angry Lukas in the world. Screw the lemons - GET MAD LUKAS
Song I associate with them
Favorite picture of them
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peakyxtommy · 4 years
“I’m gonna marry you one day”/“I’m gonna have kids with you one day”
Summary:  ​“I’m gonna marry you one day”/ “I’m gonna have kids with you one day”
Prompt List: @otp-promptly
Characters: Tommy,  Michael,  Isaiah, & Bonnie
Gif Credit To All Owners. - @bonniebirddoesgifs​
Tommy: (Sorry Tommy’s so long, I just am in love with him, this was the scenario stuck in my head at work last week) 
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He would make it out the office on time, ready to come home to you. To relax and enjoy the evening in whatever way you wanted to. He missed your presence today only being able to give you a peck goodbye in bed this morning before having to rush off early for a meeting. 
When he enters the house, he slips his coat off to hang on the rack. Going to his office to lock up his gun and set down his briefcase, before going search for you. Sometimes he curses himself for having a big house because the search could take a while, if he didn’t pass one of his housekeepers or you weren’t out in the open. 
He hears pots clinking around in the kitchen, deciding to check there first. When he does he finds you, talking on the phone and at the stove stirring egg noodles. You’re oblivious to his presence as your back is toward him as he stays in the doorway. He can see your shoulders are tense as you stir the food and the words that come out your mouth next make him tense as well.  
“Yes mother, I know. I just haven’t gotten around to talking to him about kids yet. We’ve just gotten married. Things are busy with the business right now and I’m busy with my job. When the time comes you will be the first to know, I promise.” You release an exasperated sigh, fed up with the conversation as it was one you had plenty of times with your mother before. He knew you loved you mother but sometimes she would rub you the wrong way which would get you irritated. 
The thought of children has passed through his mind. He wanted many when he was younger but after the war it wasn’t something he ever really thought about, at least until he met you. Once he fell in love and he wanted you as his wife, his forever. The thought passed through his mind ever once in a while, even though he wasn’t one to bring it up. Watching you with his nieces and nephews and how you looked after your own family is what solidified it for him. He knew you would make a great mother and you both valued family which was important to him as well. 
As he watches you turn to get the lid for the pot, your wide eyes come in contact with his calm ones. He gives you a small smile, as you begin to rush your mother off the phone, promising to call her over the weekend. He takes a seat on the counter, as you place your phone down. 
You come to stand between his legs, as he grabs your hands into his to rest on his lap. Before you could even get a word in, he steals them from you by saying, “I’m gonna have kids with you one day. If that is something you’d be interested in, not just your mum.” He speaks in a serious tone before he smirks at you. In those moments all your worries are pushed to the side and your stomach is filled with excitement.
 “If she had it her way, we’d probably have a little one running around here by now.” You both release a small chuckle, as you continue on, “Thank you Tommy. We can talk about it over dinner.” You stand on your tiptoes to give him a sweet kiss that lasts a while until your timer goes off. 
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“I’m gonna have kids with you one day” You speak to him, late at night in bed, catching him off guard. He definitely doesn’t think of himself as parental in nature, as he was still young, you both were. You were both cuddling and talking about the future. It was one of his favorite ways to spend the night with you. Talking and telling various stories. Most of the time it was light small talk, but times like now it would switch to a serious topic. He would get nervous at your response or what you would ask next as he sometimes wasn’t the best with words or always opening up so freely as you were an open book. He should have seen this topic coming as you both talked about marriage lightly last week. He loved you and couldn’t see himself spending life with anyone else, but kids were something he wasn’t ready for yet. 
“What do you think, hun?” You speak a little louder, to catch his attention.
“Honestly, I’m not ready for kids yet. Maybe, one day I will be.” He responds looking into your eyes, watching as your facial expression takes in his words thinking of them before breaking into a small grin. 
“That’s alright Michael, I promise. We can revisit the topic another time in the future. I’m happy with us right now as are.” You squeeze his warm hand tightly before pressing a kiss to his lips.
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“I’m gonna marry you one day” You are both walking home from the restaurant when the words that leave his mouth after his third date with you. He liked you from a long time from afar. Your parents were friends and you grew up with him living in your neighborhood. You two would hang out from time to time but never exclusively. 
When he asked you out last month, you were surprised, but agreed to the date. You both agreed to take it slow because it was your first serious relationship and he was so smitten by you, that he didn’t want to mess this up. When the words leave his mouth, you were shocked to say the least. 
“When that day comes, I hope I’ll be ready.” You reply with a small grin, as his hands hold yours as he continues to take you home. 
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“I’m gonna marry you one day” Those are the words that leave his mouth as you both lay on the plaid blanket out of breath from chasing one another around and laughing in the lilac field. It was your one year anniversary. Bonnie decided to take you out for an afternoon in the woods for a picnic. He packed little sandwiches, chips, and juice boxes. 
“I love you Bonnie Gold. When that day comes, I’ll be ready.” You reply, head resting on his soft chest, arms wrapped around your waist, as you stare at the clouds above, thinking about that day.  
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Snorpy :)
Oh boy. Essay time.
How I feel about this character: I’m going to come right out and say it: I kin the little bastard, so my feelings are complicated.
He’s a fantastic character. It’s taken me a long time to get to the point where I’m happy to say that (you’d think I’d be all for him from the beginning given I’ve had this URL for months, but no - that development came maybe sometime last month).
On the surface he’s an extremely weird, nervous homebody who’s kind and helpful and likes things Just So and is astoundingly gay and oblivious, but he’s got a cynical practicality to him and a steel core that’s easy to miss if you’re not looking. Even if he’s got a lot of strange ideas (plenty of which I am sure are outright wrong), they’re canonically not totally unfounded. He gets a lot right, more than most characters I think, even if the angle he’s coming at things from is off, and I think the presentation of him as odd and irrational is partially for laughs and partially because the devs were trying not to give the game away while still laying the foundations for endgame content (everyone I’ve streamed for has been totally blindsided by the post-credits stinger, and it’s beautiful).
There’s a lot of depth to him we just get hints of, and even if it’s not all down to Grumpinati Meddling, Snorpy has canonically Gone Through It and yet fundamentally his greatest motivation that he gleaned from this is keeping his loved one(s) safe, even to the point it became a vice, and that’s incredible.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Chandlo, naturally! I could ship him with some others - mostly the Journalist - but Snorpy and Chandlo are a package deal and I think anyone else involved would have to be okay with both that and the understanding Chandlo will always come first in Snorpy’s eyes.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Floofty, the Journalist, Lizbert. All at once. He’s got a fair few relationships outside Chandlo - the trouble is that one is a really complicated and difficult relationship at the point of canon, one tends to be dismissed since people (reasonably) like to perceive the Journalist as just an audience insert (which I have Opinions about as well, but this is about Snorpy), and the other is missing, presumed dead. Awkward.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Buckle up. I’ve got a list.
Blessedly people are realising this, but he is absolutely not skinny and seeing him drawn thin gives me hives. He’s probably one of the roundest grumps in the game, perhaps only after Eggabell, who is An Egg.
He isn’t particularly shy. He’s wary around people, but that’s different - he just doesn’t give out his trust easily. With people he isn’t extremely attached to and afraid of losing, he’s pretty forthright about what he thinks and what he wants.
Hello, obnoxious ‘uke’ stereotype from the late ‘00s and early ‘10s! I haven’t missed you. He’s an absolutely useless homosexual and he’s mostly very polite, yes, but he’s FAR from helpless and, like I said, he’s not afraid to outright tell people what to do.
I mean, come on, he’s practically carrying Snaxburg along with Chandlo in the end. He’s taking charge, giving out orders and upgrading and distributing tools. He’s afraid of a lot of things, but all that is totally trumped by his care for others when the chips are down.
Is no one going to talk about the fact that he put together a machine that fucking blends snax through remote control, just because? He wasn’t even sure he was going to use it? He nearly put knives on the trip shot? What the fuck else is he doing in that cabin?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Oh, grump, I have to pick one? Uh. Actual scene where he makes up with Chandlo, and explains what’s been going on. It’d do double duty of tying up that loose end in a way we can see and give us a deeper look into his backstory.
Heck with it, I’ll cheat: even a single scene with him and some of the other characters who aren’t totally willing to trust that everything is fine discussing how incredibly shady Snaktooth is.
My OTP: Snorplo. Obviously.
My OT3: Snorpy/Chandlo/Journalist. They’re a trio of paranormal investigators.
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bnhasimpgirltm · 4 years
Stop Being A Brat (Dabi x Reader)
Pairings: Dabi x Reader
Warnings: swearing 
Genre: Fluff (a little angst)
Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 2217
A/N: I basically just said Dabi is a Todoroki, so I hope that’s okay anon. I’m so sorry I couldn’t get to this sooner! I hope you like reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Disclaimer: I don’t condone vandalism
To say you were angry would be an understatement. 
To say you were infuriated would still be an understatement. There were no words to describe the red hot anger that was flowing freely through your veins.
“DABI!” You scream, waiting a second for your boyfriend to appear. When he doesn’t you scream again. “DABI, IF YOU DON’T GET OVER HERE I’LL SKIN YOU ALIVE!” 
You hear a shuffling, and then cursing. “What?” Dabi asks, rolling his eyes. He was clearly annoyed, but you weren’t having any of it.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Your fists were clenched at your sides, and you were trying not to cry and make a fool of yourself.
“Tell you what?” Dabi asks, kicking his feet up on the counter of the bar and pouring himself a drink.
“You know what, Dabi. Or should I say Touya?” There, you said it. 
He sets his drink down. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he lies smoothly. You knew better though.
“Stop trying to lie to me!” You cry out. “You think you can get away with lying to me? Just stop it!” 
“How did you know?” He asks you, smirk adorning his scarred face.
“I put the clues together,” you answer him simply and vaguely, not wanting to give yourself away.
“You were never supposed to know,” he grabs your hand and rubs the back of your thumb. “But it doesn’t matter now.”
“I hate when you do things like this,” you quietly whisper. “I hate when you try to flirt your way out of things, and you think it’ll work just because I’m in love with you.”
“So you do love me,” he says, smirk returning.
“I’m so done with you right now,” you scoff and shake his hand off. 
“Aw come on, wait-” he starts, but before Dabi can say what he wants to say, you’ve left. 
Walking down the hall, you go to the only place you can think of going to that isn’t you and Dabi’s shared room.
“Toga, are you in here?” You knock on the door and crack it open a little.
“OO (Y/N)! Come in!” Toga swings the door open and you walk in then sit on the floor. “I thought you were with Dabi?” 
“Yeah I was, until he pissed me off and I left,” you explain.
“Yes! You go and be a badass!” Toga laughs and shakes you by the shoulders. “Now we can have more girl time without stupid Dabi always getting in the way!” 
“Toga we didn’t break up we just had a fight!” 
“About what?” She asks, curious.
You hesitate to tell her what you fought about. It seemed so personal to Dabi, but Toga is your best friend. So you tell her. 
“Remember how that Todoroki kid died in a car crash or something?” You lower your voice, making sure no one else can hear.
“What was his name again? Tuyo or something like that,” Toga thinks.
“Yeah, that kid. That’s Dabi. He’s Touya Todoroki!” You whisper yell.
Toga sits in shock for a second, then her eyes widen, processing what you said. 
“WOAH!” Toga yells, then she screams.
“Toga! Keep it down!” You clamp your hand over her mouth and she giggles. Loud footsteps come running down the hall, and Shigaraki and Magne push the door open, looking for the threat.
“Why are you two always doing strange things?” Magne asks, shaking her head. You release your grip on Toga and she puts her arm around your shoulder.
“We’re best friends, that’s why,” Toga pulls you closer to her and you grin at Magne.
“Best friends or not, you need to buy more groceries tomorrow. Bright and early, remember? Wouldn’t want anyone recognizing you,” Magne says.
“I can transform into other people remember Magne?” Toga says in a “duh” voice. 
“I’d like to avoid leaving bodies behind for the heroes to track back to us,” Magne walks out of Toga’s room and into the hall. “But I guess you can have your fun.”
“Yes! Thank you!” Toga jumps up and climbs into her bed. “I’ll go to sleep now so I can get up early tomorrow.” 
“What about me?” You ask. “Can I sleep in here?” 
“I love you (y/n) and you’re a great friend, but I need my sleep and I can’t get that if you’re complaining about Dabi all night,” she smiles at you. 
“Ugh, fine. Good night Toga,” you groan and get off the floor. 
“Night (y/n)!” She says back, turning off her light and leaving you in darkness. 
Leaving Toga’s room, you quietly make your way to the room you shared with Dabi. Standing in front of the door, you contemplate whether or not to go in or not. You could sleep on top of the bar or on the floor. It might be uncomfortable, but you it would spare you from having to see Dabi.
“Screw it,” you say out loud, knowing that having to see Dabi isn’t as bad as sleeping on top of a bar counter where countless villains have thrown up and put their hands on. 
When you open the door, it’s dark, and Dabi is asleep.
Or so you thought,
“So you did come back,” Dabi snarkily notes. 
You ignore him and get on your side of the bed.
“Talk to me,” he tries again. You don’t want him trying to talk to you, so instead of ignoring him, you stare at him, and them push him off the bed. He lands on the floor with a thump.
“Stay down there,” you growl, covering yourself in a blanket, then turning your back to him.
“Fine,” he retorts, then tries to grab his pillow and an extra blanket on the bed.
You see this, and grab his pillow and wrap the extra blanket around you.
“Give me my damn pillow,” he grabs for the pillow, and you hug it tighter.
“No,” you roll over so you’re on top of his pillow.
“Stop being bratty and just give me the pillow,” he sighs and tries to roll you over. You activate your quirk, the ability to make things bigger, smaller, lighter, or heavier at your will by rearraging the molecules and slightly altering the chemical composition, and use it on yourself.
“Stop making yourself heavier,” Dabi grunts trying to lift you up. “You’re such a nuisance, did you know that?” 
“How do you know I used my quirk? I could just be a heavy person,” you argue.
“Earlier this week I was able to throw you over my shoulder and carry you around like a feather.”
“Well, I ate a lot of protein and carb-loaded,” you smirk and continue to crush his pillow. 
“Protein and carbs aren’t going to make you one hundred times heavier,” Dabi scoffs and gives up. “Fine, I’ll just make myself comfortable on the floor.”
“Great, and I get this huge, soft, nice, warm bed all to myself,” you sink into the bed and starfish out over the mattress. The only response you get from Dabi is an annoyed grunt as he lays back down on the floor.
When morning comes, you yawn and smile because you got such a good sleep. You look down at the floor and see that Dabi isn’t there. Either he already got up, never went to sleep, or is sleeping in someone else’s room. 
When you push the door to the bar open, Dabi is sitting next to Twice, both of them on bar stools. Twice is waving his arms around and animatedly talking about something, while Dabi nods and probably pretends to listen and care about what Twice is saying. 
“Wow Dabi, you look exhausted,” you joke. “I wonder why.”
“Shut the hell up, you know exactly why,” Dabi snaps back. 
“Am I interrupting something?” Twice looks back and forth between the two of you, watching your glaring match.
“No Twice, I was just leaving,” you give Twice a strained smile and throw another glare at Dabi. Then, you storm out of the room, a menacing aura floating around you.
After you leave, Twice looks at Dabi.
“What?” Dabi asks, scratching at the counter with his nail.
“Whatever you did, you should probably fix it,” he glances at the door, making sure you aren’t listening. 
Dabi scoffs and rollshis eyes. “I didn’t do anything wrong. (Y/n) is just being a brat.”
“It needs to be fixed immediately,” Magne cuts in. “If you and (y/n) can’t resolve your issue, you can’t go on missions. It messes up the team dynamic.”
“Yeah right, you need me on these mission,” Dabi looks at Magne and Magne keeps a poker face.
“We don’t need you unless we’re burning something or someone,” Magne says. “It doesn’t even have to be you. Fire quirks are common, we can replace you.”
“Fine, I’ll go talk to her,” he sighs and gets off the barstool. “If she won’t apologize it’s not my fault.”
“If she doesn’t apologize you two are going to be here until she does,” Magne announces. 
By the time Magne is finished talking, Dabi is leaving the bar and trying to find you.
“I hope she isn’t permanently mad at him. I like them together, they’re good for each other,” Twice sighs and dramatically throws his head against the counter.
“More importantly, if they’re mad at each other it could mess up our missions,” Magne trys to explan to Twice.
“They’re my OTP,” Twice ignores Magne, and goes on and on about his OTP.
“(Y/n), get off the bed and talk to me,” Dabi stands in front of you, and you take his scarred hand in yours.
“Maybe, I shouldn’t have gotten so angry about you being a Todoroki,” you say thoughtfully.
“Are you trying to apologize?” Dabi laughs loudly and puts his arms around you. “That was the most pathetic apology that I’ve ever heard.” Dabi climbs into the bed next to you.
“Whatever, it’s all you’re going to get,” you roll your eyes and snuggle closer to him.
“I’m glad you’re not angry at me anymore,” Dabi nuzzles his face into your hair. “Magne threatened to make us stay out of missions until we made up.”
“You're talking to me because you didn’t want to stay out of missions?” You gawk at Dabi and swat at him with the back of your hand. 
“Well yeah-” Dabi starts.
“I knew this had ulterior motives,” you frown and start to get up.
“No wait, I’ll make it up to you,” Dabi grabs your wrist and you look at him.
“How?” You question, wondering what your boyfriend would offer.
“What about we egg Endeavor’s house?” He suggests.
You think for a moment. Vandalizing the property of the asshole hero who turned out to be your boyfriend’s father? Hell yeah.
Voicing your thoughts to Dabi, you smile and say, “Well what are you waiting for?”
You and Dabi snuck four brand new cartons of eggs out of the hideout at eleven at night  (Toga had gotten back from grocery shopping earlier that day) and went to Endeavor’s house. It was extremely large and could probably be better described as a mansion than a house.
It was the perfect canvas for your little “project”.
“Why don’t you throw the first egg? He was the biggest ass to you,” you hand Dabi the egg, and he smirks.
The egg hit the front wall of the house, and  cracked open, the wet yolk sliding down the wall.
You and Dabi repeatedly threw eggs and spelled out a quite nice looking ‘Fuck you’ on the front of the house.
“Wait look at this,” you grabbed a couple of eggs and threw them against the garage door, creating an exclamation point to really send the message across. 
“It’s great,” Dabi steps back to admire the art you two had created. 
“I know, I can’t wait until the news finds it!” You clapped your hands and gushed excitedly. 
Getting back into the car that the League hyjacked from a civilian, you flip off Endeavor’s house and scream one last “Screw you!”
It didn’t take long for the media to find out. By the time everyone was awake, Toga had turned on the little television shared by the League, and the first thing that you saw was the headline “Pro Hero Endeavor’s House Egged By Unknown Perpetrators”. 
“Ha! Dabi look we made the news!” You yell.
“Wait that was you?” Twice screeches, “That’s how you made up? By egging Endeavor’s house?”
“I can’t blame them, Endeavor is a jerk,” Toga flops down on the couch. 
“You guys wrote ‘Fuck you’ on his house with eggs?” Magne questions. “That’s very childish.”
“Good thing we’re pretty much children,” you twirl around and kiss Dabi on the cheek. “You’re forgiven, that was so fun!” 
“Thank God, I was beginning to think that Dabi would just be mopey and sad forever,” Twice says.
“Be quiet Twice,” Dabi shoots back. 
“I’m just saying,” Twice puts his hands up defensively.
“You’re the best!” You move kiss Dabi again, this time on the nose, but he moves up and you end up locking lips.
When you both pull away, he looks back at you with that signature smirk, then says, “I know.”
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little-murmaider · 3 years
For ships I would imagine Skwisgaar to fumble quite a bit at the beginning until finding a groove of Show Don’t Tell. All he believes he knows is guitar and metal, when showing himself he’s all like an egg, eventually cracking and showing more than his encyclopedic knowledge of guitar.
If its w/Toki, he’d probably secretly love watching him play games on his computer. Witcher and Skyrim, anything with Dragons being something that catches his attention?
If its w/Nate, I bet it’d be smth where the two sit in mutual peaceful silence for hours while intoxicated, laying on one of their massive beds while listening to death metal or adult contemporary. No words, and when they silently leave for music business they both think it was a great hangout and plan to do it again.
w/Abigail, even though its super ooc i could see it bein microscopically like a FB’s Day Off [Ferrisbones], where the two leave work for the day w/another pretending its a sick day and look at fine art and wonder the meaning of it. Go to fancy places. Abs cracks and explains to him why she set her code of Not Dating People In Business. She is free to philosophize about work and life while Skwizzy listens, the whole time she thinks he’s annoyed but thats just his face.
I myself am a couple of screwdrivers in so this might be extremely incorrect. I am too drunk to finish dinner so I’m pinching carmelized onions off of my pan and hunched over the kitchen sink typing with one hand while eating carmelized onions. I was gonna do a baked potato type deal with onions on top but then I looked around and i forgot i ate the last potato two days ago. im eating carmelized onio
Please stop picking onions out of the pan as delicious as they are that's the easiest way to burn your fingerprints off. All of these are such exquisite interpretations, thank you for your thoughts, I love Skwisgaar and his two boyfriends and his one girlfriend. And the thought of Skwisgaar and Abigail as Cameron and Sloan!!!! (My secret otp) I WILL cry forever. Thank you so much.
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lazuliquetzal · 3 years
a miscellaneous collection of jokes cut from AA Batteries
none of these snippets are meaty enough to warrant their own post, so i'll just group them all here!
this mostly scenes and jokes that don't really go anywhere.
1. The Joke I've Been Trying To Shove In Since Chapter 3
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all week, and I’ve heard Kuramochi-senpai claim that Eijun has a girlfriend,” Akira snaps.
2. The Deleted Introspective Chicken Monologue
The first time Akira saw Narumiya Mei pitch, way back in the beginning of the summer, he was inexplicably reminded of their neighbor’s chicken coop.
“What?” Haruichi asked, when Akira voiced his observation.
“Loud,” Akira had explained. “And kind of terrifying?”
“You’re talking about chickens, right? The things that lay eggs and cluck around all day?”
“Obviously, you’ve never been chased by a flock of angry chickens.”
Kominato Haruichi, born and raised in the suburbs of Kanagawa Prefecture, didn’t seem to fully appreciate the comparison, but at least he tried to.
“In that case,” he’d said, struggling to grasp the metaphor, “Eijun is kind of like a flock of chickens too, right?”
“No, it’s —” Akira huffed. “Chickens don’t care. All they do is eat and poop. There’s nothing but violence going on in their heads. That’s what he reminds me of.”
“That’s kind of a strong opinion to have on a person you’ve never met,” Haruichi said.
“Oh, I don’t know what he’s like as a person,” Akira said with a shrug. “But as a player, he seems rather bloodthirsty.”
Akira had never caught for a pitcher like that. Eijun was Eijun, and Furuya was Furuya, and Nori-senpai and Tanba-senpai were themselves. But Naruimiya Mei seemed like another beast entirely — ambitious and fierce and proud, complete with the skill to back it up. He’d asked Miyuki-senpai about it later, and even though he’d barely answered, he’d gotten enough information to confirm his suspicions.
But it wasn’t until weeks later, after everything, that he’d been able to truly appreciate the danger of Narumiya Mei.
They were sitting in the stands, just after beating Sensen Academy, watching Inajitsu play Sakurazawa. Eijun had been sitting next to him, and they’d watched the game with wide eyes.
“I want to catch that knuckleball,” Akira said, upon seeing Sakurazawa’s ace.
“Of course you do,” Eijun laughed. He elbowed him in the side. “I bet you’d have been a knuckleballer if you were a pitcher. He even has the same name as you.”
“Maybe,” Akira shrugged. He lowered his voice so that the senpai couldn’t overhear. “I know they want revenge, but I’m kind of rooting for Sakurazawa.”
“Public school representation,” Eijun agreed.
But it wasn’t to be. Slowly, steadily, Inashiro Industrial had worn away at the ground under Sakurazawa’s feet. It was the first time Akira had witnessed such offensive defense.
It wasn’t like Eijun, spirited and fearless. Narumiya Mei’s pitching was insidiously perfect, a wall that couldn’t be overcome, a light so bright that it scared you away into the shadows. He was loud, like Eijun, and he was tricky, like Eijun, but Narumiya Mei just felt different.
Like he wasn’t looking at you. Like he had bigger giants to slay.
Inajitsu won, and Seidou’s baseball team boarded their bus and headed back to campus, and Akira took a nap.
Later, that same day, he would fight with his brother. He wasn’t thinking of Narumiya, then, but he would think of him later.
Eijun’s stronger than that, he told himself, after letting Miyuki Kazuya run out and chase down Eijun. He obviously doesn’t need me. He won’t break. Not for baseball.
But Narumiya Mei was an opponent he’d never faced before. Fierce, violent, and out for blood. Like a chicken, as stupid as that sounded.
Sometimes, it’s the stupid things that you have to look out for.
3. The Akagi Team Group Chat
“Where’s my phone? I have to tell everyone that we won.”
“Oh, use mine,” Eijun says, and he holds out his phone. “That way Wakana won’t get mad at me for not checking in.”
Akira rolls his eyes, but unlocks Eijun’s phone anyway and opens up the Akagi group chat.
eyyyyyy noice
Congrats, Eijun!
aki is that you? tell your brother to stop being a coward and respond to my messages
wtf wakana how did you know
ei only messages first when he finishes a manga and wants seiichi to write fanfic for it
Eijun rips his phone out of Akira’s hands.
I DO NOT????/?
hi ei, stop being a coward and respond to my messages
4. Teenagers are Idiots
Akira hovers in the first-years’ conversation, occasionally chiming in. It’s not until they’re halfway to the parking lot that reality finally hits.
“Holy crap!” Akira exclaims, nearly walking into a pole. Luckily, Kanemaru catches him by his windbreaker before he can bruise his face.
“You good?” He asks, lifting an eyebrow.
“We just played baseball,” Akira says, instead of answering the question.
“Why are you like this?”
“We just played baseball!” Akira repeats, still disbelieving. He swivels around and grabs Eijun’s sleeve. “Ei, slap me!”
Eijun doesn’t hesitate. He slaps him so hard that Akira almost falls over.
“Ow! That hurt!”
Toujou snickers while Kanemaru grimaces.
“What did you think would happen?”
“I don’t know?” Akira says. “Oh my god, it’s been so long since I’ve played in a real game! I think I’m high on adrenaline!”
Kanemaru looks at him incredulously. “Who are you?”
“Oh, no,” Eijun says, groaning. “I forgot about this part. Akira, you’re going to crash so hard later.”
Akira laughs. “Pfft, this isn’t middle school anymore, I’m fine! We just shut down Teitou High! I’m invincible!”
The next thing he remembers is Eijun shaking him awake.
“Go away,” Akira grumbles. “Leave me alone to die.”
5. EijunxTire OTP
“Your fielding sucks too, dumbass,” Miyuki reminds him. “And take that thing off. This is a warm-up jog, you’re going to strain yourself.”
“No need!” Eijun announces. “During my banishment, I spent several weeks in the company of my beloved tire! We have a bond that goes beyond that of an athlete and his training tool! This is nothing!”
“Sawamura!” Coach Kataoka yells from across the field. “This is a warm-up! Take the tire off!”
Eijun stiffens. “Yes, boss!” He yells back, and he stops to untie the tire.
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deschroyer · 3 years
The sun pelting at his closed eyelids isn’t exactly annoying. Not lately.
Troy clenches a hand into his white sheets gently, a ghost of a smile on his lips as the familiar feeling of anticipation builds within him. The apartment is still, he feels puffs of air on his face, and hears the sounds of the city waking but it all sounded far away. His hand begins to crawl slowly up the sheet, almost mapping the form of the body beneath. It is only when he feels a shift that Troy halts; he really wouldn’t want to wake her. He inhales deeply once, holds that breath, and opens his eyes to the light.
Curled adorably amongst himself, in his bed, was his Grognak.
His breath whooshes from him in an instant, and he can legitimately feel himself blush. Grognak lay deeply asleep, face turned to him, but sprawled mostly starfish style across half of the bed. His hand rested on the thigh nearest him, right at the edge of the sheet that covered her to her waist. Gazing at the stretch of pale skin available to him, Troy suddenly seems parched. He thinks of Steven commenting that Grognak was two handfuls and wants to attest to just how true that is at the moment. This thought causes a smile to erupt on his face as he throws the offending hand over his eyes instead.
He could wait for her to wake to misbehave.
Taking his hand away from his eyes, Troy sits up slowly before jumping out of the bed. His eyes reverently watch Grognak sleep as he slips into a pair of pants. The chuckle that escapes him as he takes note of the floor covered in articles of clothing is positively sinful.
Once buckled into his jeans, he leans over Grognak, brushing his lips across the crown of her smooth ass head.
He’s never felt more content in his life.
It’s about an hour later, and Troy is sufficiently caffeinated and on his way to prepare breakfast. He’s not needed at BurgerShot today, he’s removed his Taxi ad, and now all that is left is to spend as much of Grognak’s remaining time in the city with her.
He does have a plan in mind, but knows that with his lady that can be blown in a second.
With a short chuckle, he goes to the stove, drops in a pat of butter and begins to warm a small pan. Turning around, he walks to the fridge – Why does fridge have a d in it– and chuckles again as he grabs ingredients. Eggs, cheese, ketchup, some peppers… just a bit of mustard.
Troy’s head reels with thoughts of love as he begins to whip up omeletes for him and Grognak. Things could have gone so, so wrong, and yet here he is enjoying being the happy spouse. There is the brief thought of Grognak and Anto talking while cooking dinner together, but that thought is chased away after a snarl of anger from Troy.
Breakfast now finished, Troy returns to the bedroom with two servings of eggs and a single glass of orange juice clutched tight to his left side.
The side where my ribs were broken after-
A hard shake of the head and Troy is carefully settling the glass on the night stand, his eyes treated to the sight of Grognak’s pale back as she rests on her stomach.
Would this ever get old to him?
Sitting gently on the space left on the bed, Troy sets down one of the plates and gently shakes Grognak’s shoulder.
“Grog, wake up please. I’ve made you some breakfast,” he murmurs.
The buzz in his head is overwhelming as she awakes, his anticipation has hit its absolute peak. His heart pounds furiously in his chest as she stirs, his focus is trapped on her face as her eyelids part.
“Troy,” the best noise in the world, his name from her lips, “It’s about time. Do you have any idea what time it is?” Her voice is thick with sleep.
His eyebrows actually knit together in concern here. Was I supposed to wake her earlier? What time is… “Uh, no. I wasn’t really thinking,” this is all too true: his thoughts are more scrambled than the eggs. A consequence of being near his love; he’s learned this, and it only takes a moment for him to reorient. “Did you need to be up earlier to make it out of the city today?” Troy asks in all seriousness.
Grognak rises up onto her hands and knees, the sheets falling from her skin in a way that distracts.
“No, no, it’s just that your timing could be better. Ooh food!” Grognak exclaims.
Troy smiles tenderly as he offers her the plate in his hands. He picks the second off the bed as he watches Grognak eagerly tuck into the meal.
“There’s somewhere I want to take you today,” Troy says as he lifts the fork to his mouth.
I’m not a writer, so I’m sorry for any grammer or tense mistakes. I am simply here to obsess over my OTP. If you do have any criticisms, feel free to leave them of course! :*
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baronvonriktenstein · 3 years
meme: your OCs
Oh this will be difficult ... I’m gonna do this in two categories because of a specific reason
Main 7
my favorite female character Kagame Kageshima: I’ve had her the longest and she’s very cool.
my favorite male character Kolya probably? But it’s hard to say. He’s the most fun to mess around with since I made him a monster fucker tbh.
my favorite book/season/etc
my favorite episode (if it’s a tv show)
my favorite cast member
my favorite ship Ren/Ryu
a character I’d die defending Subaru, but I wouldn’t have to. Mugen, I think.
a character I just can’t sympathize with N/A
a character I grew to love Ren on a technicality. He’s a rebooted version of a previous character that was a total piece of shit so like... he wasn’t all that likable at first.
my anti otp N/A because I wouldn’t even care if people did incest ships for my OCs lol... I guess Kagame/Subaru would be the biggest nope for me though now that the thought has crossed my mind.
Cannot believe my self-insert isn’t on this list at all...
Secondary 7
my favorite female character Jocelyn because she’s the only girl lol but also she’s a babe
my favorite male character Jacob, the super chill demon dude, or Delivery Boy Haru, the character that started as a random background character that turned into kind of an easter egg and then got a few episodes to himself.
my favorite book/season/etc There’s a season, probably, where Jacob, Hayden, and Pip are all introduced and treated as major components of their (fictional) show.
my favorite episode (if it’s a tv show) That episode where Jocelyn, Jamie, and Danny come home to find Pip completely dismembered in their home with a cat laying on his chest. :) Don’t worry, he’s fine.
my favorite cast member ......... *sweats* OK so, Hayden is played by Hakkai from Saiyuki in my massive crossover actor AU. So it would be him.
my favorite ship Canon: Danny/Jamie/Jocelyn Semi-canon: Jacob/Haru/Hayden or Jacob/Hayden Non-canon: Haru/Pip would probably be cute!
a character I’d die defending Probably it would be Danny or Jamie. I don’t know. I haven’t daydreamed enough about their problematic traits.
a character I just can’t sympathize with N/A?? Hayden probably isn’t sympathetic but he’s not a bad guy? He just feasts upon human fears.
a character I grew to love All of them but honestly the “secondary characters” Jacob, Hayden, and Pip, AND the “minor character” Haru really uhhhhh overshadowed the three main for me lol
my anti otp N/A
Thank you so much :3c
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lordzuuko · 7 years
Tumblr media
Excuse me, please take time to appreciate two boys who love and support each other in a school full of smart kids just like them.
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