#otp teaching method
Angelique: If I had a nickel for every time Evariste hugged me, called me beautiful, or assured me he would never leave my side, I'd have a metric ton of nickels. But I'm sure that's perfectly normal for friends.
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dangermousie · 9 months
Xie Wei or Tushan Jing music school, which one is right for you?
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Two of my favorite cdrama MLs of 2023 both have spent some chunk of their times conducting qin lessons for their ladies. They must have satisfied them with their fingering skills because they eventually ended up marrying their favorite qin student (well LYF2 is not out yet but the novel ending has been out for years.)
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But which one of these excellent teachers would be right for you? Ladies and gentlemen, let's present our two music teacher candidates competing for your attention and your wallet, and their vastly different teaching styles.
Their qin-playing hobby got OBE:
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And due to psychotic family (?) members' fixation on manglement, their playing skills are no longer what they were (perhaps a reason to ask for a discount?)
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Both have a habit of using their lessons as excuses for other things:
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And tend to get vvv close to their students:
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I am just sayin', that qin room has seen some things!
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Do you learn better with a teacher who lets you get away with murder or one who will commit murder if you don't learn it right?
Xie Wei method:
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Tushan Jing method:
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Some time later, Xie Wei:
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Some time later, Tushan Jing:
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Ultimately, neither of these supposed Qin geniuses were able to teach their ladies anything though, so perhaps neither of the men should open a qin lyceum?
Let's conclude with a poll, of course:
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nimuetheseawitch · 5 months
Character asks: Lirael!
1: sexuality headcanon
Aspec. I think she definitely doesn't interrogate her sexuality at all and is pretty ace and at least a little arospec. She knows she's supposed to be interested in that, but she mostly doesn't have the time, patience, or interest for it. She's not opposed necessarily, but she doesn't have an active interest in it.
2: otp
Nicholas Sayre. I've said this before, but I think they would love researching magic together. Nick would teach her the scientific method, and she would show him her fuck around and find out method of research. They would fumble a bit around navigating relationship expectations and Nick wouldn't know how to deal with Lireal's asexuality, but by the end of their time in the books, I'm pretty sure they know they need to communicate better, and I have faith they'd figure it out (also, they'd have very weirdly powerful kids who would almost certainly become Abhorsens, although at least one of them is gonna want to just hole up in the Library of the Clayr for their entire life).
3: brotp
The obvious choice is the Dog, but I think she and Ellimere would become best friends pretty quickly. They're very different, but Ellimere reminds Lireal that there can be joy around responsibility (while they still both are overachievers going above and beyond to live up to a lot of intense expectations).
4: notp
Sam? I mean, there's the obvious bit about how she's his aunt, but they don't know that at first, so we do get Sam looking at her that way briefly. But they are friends. Also, even though they've bonded through the shared trauma of saving the universe, they still frequently just don't understand each other. And also end up not talking to each other for months at a time while Sam is locked up in his workshop and she's off fighting the Dead. But yeah, that's a big no for me.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
I mean, the aspec stuff. But outside of that, it's that Lireal hides out at the kennels at the Palace when she's there and doesn't want anyone to find her. The Palace library is fine, but she misses the Dog and the dogs in the kennels love her.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
I too am a nerdy gifted kid who weirded people out and read ahead in the books at school. I related to her so hard about that when I first read the book. Also the depression a bit. Related a lot in high school.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The weepiness sometimes. I've never been much of a crier, so that was always just uncomfortable for me to read.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon roll.
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Can we get Izumi for the ask game?
How I feel about this character
-> Ngl, I don't really like Izumi. I can't say why nessicarily, save for her treatment of 03 Wrath and how she treated the Elric brothers, because I just. Don't like her? I dunno, all the mother-esque characters make me feel weird. (This would include Trisha/03 Sloth.)
-> I don't really have much to say about her in comparison to other characters ngl. It's also 1:25 AM so I don't got my mind all there.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
-> I only ship Sig with her bc I don't see her with anyone else, and the two are canonically together.
-> I've seen a ship pairing of her and Olivier Armstrong, I'm not opposed to that shipping I think? I don't remember much about Olivier, needx to rewatch fmab still.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
-> I feel like her and Pinako would be decent friends??
-> Maybe if she met Hoenhiem she'd of befriend him, I'm pretty sure she befriended him in fmab so I wouldn't be off on the assumption.
My unpopular opinion about this character
-> Her beating the hell out of Ed after he told her that he and Al tried bringing back their mom was *really* uncalled for; A lot of her physical violence is uncalled for in my eyes, bitch threw knives at Ed when he was trying to get information from her. Unlike Winry, her violence doesn't come from worry (well, it does sometimes but it also doesn't; Izumi is also a grown woman whereas Winry is a little girl who ends up growing to realize that she can't just beat the fuck outta someone bc she's worried or frustrated with them because of that worry.), Izumi does it as a method of teaching. Even good behavior is given punishment.
-> Ed and Al are genuinely terrified of her, and when she hugged Ed after beating his ass; HE HAD A RIGHT TO LOOK AS BAFFLED AS HE DID.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
-> I wish she didn't beat Ed and Al to fuck like she does. Maybe then Ed and Al would've visited her or told her things, like when Ed became a state alchemist and shit. She learned years later.
-> 03 Wrath shouldn't of forgiven her. That's it.
-> That being said, I wish we could've had Izumi and 03 Wrath interacting more.
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phantomato · 1 year
Nott Sr./Voldemort, E
In an Arctic summer, two men talk about magic.
This fic was finished a year ago, and I reread it for the occasion. It’s one of my favorite Nottmorts—and there are a lot of those, so there’s some stiff competition!—because it was a labor of capturing what I love so much about doing research.
Last summer was the first time that I felt like I was confident in my job—because of the quarantine and pandemic, which hit while I was still new to being a professor, I took a few years to find my footing as a researcher. Teaching is a necessity; that role came with immediate pressures to learn and adapt. But research was tougher for various reasons, and when it finally settled—when I had direction and a project and a plan for the next 5, 10 years of work—it was amazing. Everything I’d wanted out of this career. I was so happy, and I wanted to write about it.
Thoros Nott has always existed as a researcher, in my mind. I started building up the discipline that he works in a year before Sieidi, imagining the academic disagreements and the beginnings of the theory. I don’t normally enjoy worldbuilding (though I can be talked into brainstorming with a good friend <3), but academic magic is my exception: it’s so scant on the ground in the HP text, which is bizarre to think about for a book series which takes place at a school. And wilder still now that I’ve read a bunch of the public school novels which established the tradition that HP remixes; those are certainly not unaware of higher education and the existence of academic research. With Thoros, I wanted to invent a version of the research process which I know and love that could exist in the HP world.
I saw a post today which talks about making modern science feel magical, and for me, Sieidi is doing the exact reverse: it’s my attempt to make magic feel familiar and scientific. There are methods. Thoros collates notes. Thoros gathers evidence in order to better understand questions which underly the theoretical framework he’s developing. I’ve done that. I’m doing that. It’s a beautiful, rewarding, slow, mundane process.
And I’m still so proud of how that comes through. It’s a story about my HP OTP, yes, and it’s a story about falling in love with someone you once knew—both mainstays for me—but in Thoros’ voice and experiences, I see so much of what I love about what I do.
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asirensrage · 1 year
Some questions for Sayuri -
How does her trauma manifest itself in terms of symptoms? Rage, nightmares, flashbacks etc. How does she deal/manage them?
What is her teaching style? Do her pupils like or dislike her or is a mixture? Is she classed as a good educator by her peers?
What does she like to do in her downtime to chill out?
Does she have an OTP? What is their love language if she does?
How does she deal with enemies? Is is slow deaths or quick dispatches or something else.
What does she value most in the world - person, object, values etc. Same for what she dislikes/loathes
What is her fashion style in terms of clothing etc. What would be her go to outfits for work, fighting, date, chilling
What is her favorite literature if any
What would you describe their aesthetic as?
What is her fighting style?
You are a saint. Thank you for asking about her!! This really made me think (especially about the clothes and aesthetic loll)
How does her trauma manifest itself in terms of symptoms? Rage, nightmares, flashbacks etc. How does she deal with/manage them?
Dissociation, nightmares, anger, emotional regulation issues/dysfunction, trust issues, 
She does breathing techniques, finds ways to connect her mind back (like what she can feel, smell, hear, taste…), controls the anger and keeps it locked down because she knows with her ability it can be destructive and she doesn’t want that, with nightmares she’ll stay awake afterwards and watch cartoons. She knows she should probably do more but doesn't. 
What is her teaching style? Do her pupils like or dislike her or is a mixture? Is she classed as a good educator by her peers?
She works with children from the age of 1-4. She’s stern but more so guides the children to discovering their world around them and is patient to answer questions. She’ll explain things to help them understand why they can’t do something or how their actions can impact others (like hitting) and there are better ways to communicate. The kids love her and she’s a good educator to her peers even if she looks young . She’s one of those people who has an old soul but young face. 
What does she like to do in her downtime to chill out?
Watch tv, movies, read, any form of escapism. 
Does she have an OTP? What is their love language if she does?
Do you mean does she have one she enjoys as a fan or is she part of one? Her pairing isn’t necessarily a happy one (especially in the beginning) so I’m not sure I’d call it an OTP (but then again neither were Eric and Amelia so..). Her pairing with Dabi who’s a villain and deals with obsession and maybe corruption. 
I think her love language is quality time and touch, but she hates being touched without her permission or by strangers so it’s a bit of a catch 22. 
How does she deal with enemies? Is it slow deaths or quick dispatches or something else?
Preferably quickly so they don’t come near her again. The story starts with her accidentally killing a villain who was threatening the kids at her work. This method does not work well when faced with people stronger than her or who knows her strength. “The only good enemy is a dead one.” Alternatively, her method is also to run like hell. 
What does she value most in the world - person, object, values etc. Same for what she dislikes/loathe
Her sister. Tatsuko gave up a lot for her and helped keep her alive when dealing with their parents. Tatsuko also caused some of the problems that Sayuri has faced but she knows that her sister didn’t mean to. She was a child too. 
As for what she dislikes, she has little to no trust in heroes or authority figures. She doesn't like villains because she doesn't believe in causing chaos for the sake of chaos. She also doesn't like hurting people who don't deserve it. If she's honest with herself, she doesn't always like herself. She thinks she could have done more in the past and she holds a lot of grief and anger towards herself and her family.
What is her fashion style in terms of clothing etc. What would be her go to outfits for work, fighting, date, chilling
Ooo…I have no clue haha. Casually, she prefers comfortable clothing. Some of her stuff is baggy to help conceal her figure. It’s mainly just a habit from when she was younger but she's comfortable in it. She also prefers running shoes so that she can run if needed. Her outfits for work are more presentable and less casual but still a bit conservative. She does work with children after all. She’s often in pants and a t-shirt. 
What is her favorite literature if any
Romance books, not that she’d admit it. 
What would you describe their aesthetic as?
Darker colours, like dark greens and blues and reds. Water, storms. Her anger is like a volcano. Messy, like an art studio. Dried paint everywhere. Organized chaos. Does that make sense?
What is her fighting style?
She doesn’t actually know how to fight…which is used against her. That’s why she’ll often just try to run away. She will use her super strength to trip people up so that she has a chance to break them. She’s not well trained but knows how to aim when she’s causing destruction. She also has to be careful because using her ability is dangerous. She can (and will) break her hands and/or feet trying to use her strength and she can’t keep it up for long. 
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For Random OTP Asks! 😃
29, 31, 35, 36, 38, 43, 50!
eeee thank you!! so, Fenders is the otp in case ya'll hadn't noticed by now :D
#29: How do they emotionally support each other?
I see them both as their own versions of protective. They both have the ability to be self-destructive without realizing it themselves, but I think they see it in each other. Fenris reminds Anders to eat and rest and talks him out of his mental spirals with reason, not pity. Anders helps Fenris see beauty in things and focus on what makes him happy instead of the anger he carries. #31: Who would do the dangerous thing while the other person watches and panics?
Part of me wants to say it's Fenris doing the dangerous thing because he's always on the front lines, but then there's Anders lack of self-preservation. Pretty sure it's Fenris doing the panicking. #35: Who is ready to throw hands for their partner?
Both of them. Anders would break a nose with his staff for insulting his boyfriend, and...we know what Fenris does.
#38: What type of parents would they be?
Fenris would read ALL the books and prowl the internet for the best parenting methods, teach his kids sign language and be determined to help them master it. He'd be the dad that ran a background check on his daughter's date. Anders just goes with the flow. He'd play dress-up and have tea parties. #43: How do they say ‘I love you’ without actually saying it? Ex “Have you drank any water today?”
I feel like this is a Fenders thing for sure (once they're together, of course). Fenris brings Anders dinner in the clinic. Watches his back. Stands up against oppression of mages. Anders validates him. He is free with compliments. They stop fighting and actually listen to each other. #50: Who is more likely to cling to the other while they sleep?
Okay I am EXTREMELY partial to Octopus Fenris. I love imagining in bed and relaxed with his love he's so cuddly. But of course this can't be acknowledged outside the bedroom. ;)
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mahalshairyballs · 2 years
I'm pretty self-aware of my own tropes. And I do indulge in the ones that I like best, while trying to not use them too often.
Apparently OTPs reading for each other seem to be another one I have ?
In my previous fic, the sub SO and the Domme SO (who also has ADHD and dyslexia) end up having one of their little routine being the sub SO reading a book they're reading together to her?
And now I was thinking that the only moon boy who has probably ever read novels is Steven. Both Marc and Jake have never read much, Jake even less so than Marc.
None of them has been to college- even though Steven was convinced he did - and would rival any college student with the book knowledge he collected.
So, I already have Steven teaching French & Judaism to Jake later on. (Yeah they can share knowledge between them, but I don't think that method is permanent? For the new information to stick with Jake he needs to learn them 'the normal way' just like when they're communicating memories?)
But now, I'm thinking about Marc mentioning to Steven that he's never read (or finished) a novel in his life, and Steven wanting to rectify that. Marc would reply that he still has no time for that, especially since the three of them are alternating their time in control.
So Steven decides to read a novel to Marc ?
Marc : you'd waste the time you have fronting doing that?
Steven : of course! And it's not time wasted, it'd be a book I'd want to read anyway, and if I can do something nice for you at the same time, it's a win!
Marc *feeling all weird now* : thanks
Although how would that work ? If Steven just reads the book in his head I don't think Marc would hear it, like they don't hear each other's thoughts, but maybe if Steven *activily reads it in his head* it'd work? Like there must be a way, a feeling they get, to differentiate between when they're thinking to themselves and when they're talking to the others right? So Steven could do the same with reading, right?
If not, he could read aloud. Whether when they're alone or by reading for Layla at the same time too.
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topguncortez · 2 years
35,26,28 for Bob and Phoenix in opposites attract?
The descriptions you put on the master list sound so good and I can’t wait to know more about them
ngl this one was hard to answer without spoiling too much! this also got long so answers under the cut:)
26. What sacrifices do they make for the other?
Bob & Bea: Bea's biggest sacrifice was that she followed Bob out to California. She left the confines of her small town and Bob's family to move to be closer to him. It was scary and she didn't quite know what she was doing, but she wanted to do it for him. Bob's biggest sacrifice would have to be that he joined the Navy to give them a better life. He saw that he had two options in the town they grew up in: work on a ranch the rest of his life or go to college and be in debt and eventually move back to work on the ranch. He wanted more, and wanted to give Bea the best life he could, and that was by joining the service.
Phoenix & Cerberus: Phoenix sacrificed her reputation in a way. With her and Dragon's relationship, I focused a lot on the way that women get viewed if they start a relationship with men in their line of work. They did nothing wrong, and can't help who they fall in love with. Phoenix knew that there would be talk about her and Cerberus, just like there was talk about Dragon and Rooster, but she had support from not only Cerberus but her sister, Rooster and the rest of the daggers. For Cerberus, his biggest sacrifice is that he let Phoenix in. He let is walls drop and let her learn more about him than what his coworkers do. He let her know the most vulnerable parts, and shared with her the secret that he has tried hard to protect.
28. Who’s the better chef? Do they cook for the other?
Bob & Bea: So Bea loves to bake. She stress bakes which means that Bob has come home to a house full of pies, cookies, cakes, bars, one too many times to count (the squad loves it, Bob. . . eh not so much cause he gets a tummy ache). But Bob is the real chef of the pairing. When he moved out on his own, he decided to take a cooking class, cause he never really learned to cook. It wasn't something that his family really ever did except for roasts in the crockpot and pork chops on the stove. Bob was determined to be able to cook a good meal for him and Bea every single night.
Phoenix & Cerberus: Phoenix can cook. That girl knows how to throw it down in the kitchen. Cerberus tries to help but ends up getting lost and just steps back and lets her work. She has a method to her madness and it's easier to just do it than explain to someone. However, as the relationship progresses, she becomes a better teacher and teaches Cerberus how to cook her favorite meals.
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
Bob & Bea: It's not that their relationship is secret, is just that it's hard for either one to really talk about (again, the fic will explain). Bob hadn't ever found a time to bring up Bea and open that can of worms. He thought it was just better to keep quiet, like he usually does until someone asks.
Phoenix & Cerberus: Again, this is also a yes but no. It's a secret at first because of all the rules that come with dating someone in the same squad as you. They want to both make sure that this is something they want before they go telling Mav, Warlock and Cyclone. Also, Luke has a big secret that's got some baggage and he wants to make sure that Phoenix is gonna be around before he goes introducing her as his partner.
OTP asks!
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
Hiii! Can I request Dazai with a s/o that's always apologizing for everything? Like they dropped a pencil, they're apologizing, yk? Despite that, when they're in battle they're actually pretty scary and don't really show mercy? Lmao this is just something random but I love your writing :D
❥ Dazai with an apologetic s/o
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ᴀ/ɴ: i am glad you like my writing and I hope you enjoy this as well; and yay I finally posted 💕
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He tries to take his shot and flirt with you cause yay new people to steal their hearts in this agency
You keep apologizing while rejecting him as nice as possible so he is like (o▽o)??
“Belladonna, you don’t have to apologize, but it seems you are a very polite sweetheart who is just so lovable I might die so please strangle me with your delicate and innocent hands, you don’t have to use a method with blood—“
Yeah that didn’t happen
But he found it adorable and honestly sometimes just teases you with whatever crap he can think of for the fun of it all, what a gentleman
And slowly time passed until you guys became a couple cause I am too lazy to write it down
Now he has more permission to tease you in a relationship but he also fangirls shamelessly about how cute you are too
“Awww, belladonna you don’t have to apologize; it’s okay, anything from you is acceptable!”
Keep in mind that he hadn’t seen you fight yet and so you are being described as cute and adorable
But HOT DAMN did he loose his shit when he saw you fight
He was like “my cute baby can be that merciless hottie?”
It’s such a turn on for him and he just loves your duality
As I always say (and if you didn’t see me say this then shush)
Duality is quality 🤌
After the first time he saw you fight, he held your hand and looked you dead in the eye
“…I want you to choke me to death with these elegant and merciless fingers, my love.”
And now he lives for the time he sees you fight and just keeps hyping you <3
Now it still makes him fawn over you when you apologize for something minor
I am gonna add this situation and it’s inspired by an OTP imagine
Yes he loves all women, but you know he might keep talking about how he needs a logical person (liar) and how he needs someone to humble him
But then you walk by, trip over a plotted plant and apologize to it
Dazai would be like “I want that one.”
Let’s say for example someone insulted you and is blaming you because of something, and you being the sweetheart you are; you are just apologizing to avoid further conflict with said person
Yeah no, dazai isn’t going to sit in the corner and see you letting someone blame you and insult you for something you didn’t even do
So he will call out the real person, insult the human making you feel bad and proceed to teach them to think with their pea sized brain before judging a situation
Then he will proceed to pepper your face with kisses and talk to you about how you are too good to be treated like that and that you deserve the best
One time you guys were going back home after a mission and dazai was sitting beside you cause lover privileges ✨
He just kissed your neck and got you very flustered and when you asked about why did he do that, he just casually shrugged and wrapped his arm around your shoulders saying
“You are just so attractive while fighting, I can barley hold myself; it’s not something bad, is it? :(“
Anddddddd he is trying to guilt trip you
Now you are apologizing and panicking
He is just smirking like a little shit and enjoying watching you getting flustered about it, how very kind of him
Once again I wanna say that he won’t hesitate to smack someone or rather smack their ego if he sees them at fault and they are taking it out on you
“How about you repeat what you said? I didn’t quite hear it.”
He will have an arm around your waist and just keep staring a them coldly
Honestly sometimes I don’t know who is scarier
A yelling mad dazai
A chill with a murderous look dazai
Either ways they are hell
Anyways he always gives you a kiss on the cheek when you apologize and tells you not to worry about it
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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Evariste's first thought upon seeing Angelique in the color-changing dress post-rescue: 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Evariste's second thought: OH NO! HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO MATCH NOW????
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arbitrarycategories · 3 years
Has no one said deku and his dad toshinori for the ask game yet 😞
Midoriya Izuku
favorite thing about them: his sheer fucking drive, man. this boy decides what he wants to accomplish and just accomplishes it. that’s fucking insane. thinking about Dagobah beach blows my mind every time.
least favorite thing about them: holy FUCK dude please learn how to care for your own mental health. there is more to health than physical. PLEASE learn this buddy.
favorite line: “Up till now, I’ve come across all types. They’ve refused to back down... so fighting was the only way to stop them. But... I never understood what made them turn out that way. If I had, maybe things would’ve worked out differently. Or, who knows? Maybe I still would’ve had to fight them anyway. Shigaraki killed so many people. He’s hurt people near and dear to me. And yet!! One For All is a power meant for saving, not killing. All Might taught me that.” from chapter 305.
brOTP: Midoriya & Uraraka
OTP: Midoriya/Bakugou, which if you follow me you already knew <3
nOTP: Midoriya/Chisaki. saw some overdeku art on pinterest today. why. what the fuck.
random headcanon: he was the ER kid as a tiny baby as well... breaking his bones in high school is just the upgraded version of needing stitches because he crashed his bike at age six. and needing stitches because he fell out of a tree at age eight. and needing a boot because he sprained his ankle trying to hop a fence “like a cool hero, mom!” at age ten. Problem Child <3
unpopular opinion: All Might telling him he couldn’t be a hero would NOT have made him turn to the villain’s side. I reread that scene before I started writing my fic, and not only does All Might outline all his reasons for saying “no” before he actually says no, but the horror on Izuku’s face says that he got the message. once he’s down from the building we even get a scene with introspection where Izuku resolves himself to living a normal life, and we all know how strong the boy’s resolve is! He deadass probably would have wound up as CEO of some company.
song i associate with them: Zero by Imagine Dragons
favorite picture of them:
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Yagi Toshinori (All Might)
favorite thing about them: he said "hey the world needs someone to provide hope" and then just went and BECAME that someone. not only is this an INCREDIBLE feat, it's just really admirable that he looked at the shit circumstances around him, and instead of (just) getting depressed about it, he decided he could fix it. he came up with an impossible, fairytale solution, and then just... made it come true. that's fucking ridiculous.
least favorite thing about them: Toshi I am begging you. please learn some self care. please I'm begging. Toshi. Toshi. this isn't what ur mom would have wanted.
favorite line: “So even now, I’m fighting to live! You changed my outlook!! I’m still alive! I’ll use this very hand... to shape my own fate!!” from chapter 131.
brOTP: Yagi & Aizawa. I think their friendship is nice and also Horikoshi's commentary on it is fucking hilarious.
OTP: NONE, jokes on you! I believe in AROMANTIC ALL MIGHT!!!
nOTP: Yagi/Aizawa. I've seen some cute art but. HOOO BOY the AGE GAP no THANK you SIRS.
random headcanon: he was ALWAYS the tallest kid in class. he drank lots of milk but the Tall was always just genetics. his grade school friends were jealous.
unpopular opinion: he may not be the best teacher but he is trying his best! the man literally is depressed and also has never taught before. he has no model to go off of other than Gran Torino who’s teaching method starts and ends at violence! in comparison to that All Might is actually very good!
song i associate with them: Get Along by Kenny Chesney
favorite picture of them:
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peak Dork Dad energy like, sir.
this ask was SO HARD to pic ONE fav line and pic for each of them! I just love them too much! But these are what I settled on for now <3
Thank you for submitting these characters!
Ask game: send me a character!
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dinklebat · 3 years
me: alright since you already told everyone you won’t be posting stuff, you gotta finish this lesson plan for work, then finish my bio packet, then my ee-
me: yeah okay
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clockwork x camelia(@theweepingdemons)
- both extremely protective over eachother
- clockwork tends to be very >:/ around people but around camelia she gets super duper flustered all the time
- camelia is super oblivious. like…
- clockwork: gay noises. camelia: aha gals being pals
- as soon as clockwork confesses it’s another story. camelia becomes an absolute simp, at least to her standards
- it’s the pinnacle of
- camelia: i hate everyone
- clockwork: *exists* - camelia: i hate ALMOST everyone
ej x liu
- ej is very methodical and scientific whereas liu is extremely emotional
- the two just counteract eachother very well. liu is teaching ej how to better express his feelings and ej is teaching liu how to destress
- ej is also extremely protective of liu, so he gets along well with sully
doby x x virus
- this is probably my OTP out of all pasta ships even though it’s probably only me who ships it
- the two of them joined at the same time and were constantly partnered together
- friends to lovers 💕
- a typical interaction begins with a dumb idea of doby’s
- then cody is like yeah that’s possible, let’s do it
- hence a running total of 7 ruined microwaves between the two of them
kagekao x nathan
- kagekao is extremely flirtatious and nathan easily flustered (poor guy has self esteem lower than mine)
- also very PDA heavy
- kagekao definitely whispers random things in japanese just to fluster nathan because his mind will jump to the worst
jason x candypop
- both extremely chaotic high energy
- jason probably thinks he’s too good for romance but then candypop shows up and everything goes to djjeidjsjdkd
- probably get third wheeled by lj a lot (man still hasn’t realized the two are dating)
jane x nina
- they first bonded over their shared hatred of the feral rat bastard that is jeff✨✨
- jane is elegance and poise while nina is a feral scene kid
- ✨but they’re just so cute together✨
- that one extremely lovey dovey couple with constant PDA
- they wear matching halloween costumes
hoodie x masky
- the homophobic gays TM
- both extremely attracted to eachother but grew up in a very conservative area
- everyone in a 10 mile radius is just begging for them to just date already and get it over with
- the other proxies have definitely set them up on dates to no avail
toby x masky
- entirely one sided simping on toby’s end
- tim does not know nor care
- toby unironically calls him a dilf
- they are really close though, even if they’re not dating (yet)
toby x rowan
- street smart x book smart
- rowan is generally pretty calm albeit awkward whereas toby is this giant bundle of energy
-…also he is very small and toby is a tall buff boy
- “this is my emotional support boyfriend” *holds up tiny bundle of fae awkwardness*
- also funny because toby is a master of pop culture references and rowan has basically been in a coma state for over a century and knows nothing about modern pop culture
lawrencij (@crebby)x adam (@sanityisforlosers)
- they’re bastards and i love them
- probably play couples tennis against camelia and clockwork (and lose and subsequently rage quit)
- is it hate?? love??? idk i don’t really feel romantic attraction so i can’t say /shrug
- angry gremlin energy. i will not elaborate further
y/n x anyone
- in my au, y/n is a mostly normal human except they were born with a ridiculously high amount of mana (magical energy)
- this means all supernatural creatures are naturally drawn to them
- their mana levels are so high that just being near them turns supernatural beings’ powers and emotions up to an 11
- so basically literally every one is attracted to poor y/n, whether romantically or platonically
- I mostly write for y/n x any character not in one of these ships, but I’m down to write polyam relationships with any of these ships too (I’m already planning a y/n x ej x liu)
- I think y/n x jeff and y/n x kate are some of my favorites to write though
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shocotate · 2 years
Sorry, i'm sending a dissertation proposal for the OTP ask:
Thanks for the ask. I hope you enjoy the answers :)
OTP/Ship ask Meme
💚 First off, who is your OTP?
Pride x Lust, of course~!
⛈ Do they enjoy dancing?
Lust loves dancing, though she and Pride don’t get to dance as often as they like as haven’t installed a phonograph in the Lair by 1914, but have thought about adding records to the library. Pride used to hate having close contact with humans, so never learned how to dance, but reluctantly let Lust teach him in 1763, when she was posing as his governess.
They have danced together in public a few times, but it wasn’t until they started going to the opera more often in the late 1800s that they started to appreciate and enjoy it even more. Pride’s favourite move is the dip, not that he can break that one out in public unless he’s in his adult form. Most recently they danced together at a winter military ball. Lust attended in human disguise and was able to act like she was just indulging Selim by letting him stand on her feet.
⚡ What are their nicknames for each other?
Answered here.
💍 Would they ever get married?
They consider themselves parts of the same whole, so engaging in a human custom like marriage isn’t something they’re very interested in, especially since they wouldn’t be able to use their real names if they tried to forge some sort of marriage certificate. That being said, Lust does own a wedding ring that Pride gave to her before Wrath’s wedding. It is two golden snakes coiled together, with rubies for eyes, biting their own – or each other's – tails; it’s tricky to tell on such a small ring.
🌻 How do they spend time if the other is gone?
In recent times, as they are so busy on missions that they don’t get much time to spend together, only a few hours when Pride is able to escape the house during the night. If Pride is in the Lair when Lust isn’t, and doesn’t have anything to do for Father, and has checked on Sloth, he’ll probably read, maybe play some music on his violin or guitar. If he has time he might take a bath in the Lair’s bathing room, and if he’s certain no one will disturb him he’ll hang his container up to dry afterwards and take a nap underneath it, though still leaving enough of himself inside it for it to be connected to him. Even though he and Lust are in a relationship, he will not let anyone see his “drip dry” method of bathing.
Lust has a lot more free rein in some respects. If Pride manages to get away from his role as Selim there’s nowhere he can go but home, whereas Lust has her many aliases and can do what she pleases in Central or wherever she’s stationed. Of course, Gluttony is often with her so that will take up a lot of her time. When she’s home she loves to read. Lust doesn’t mind studying, but some fiction books have been put into their personal library, so she can borrow one from there if she wants something less dry to read.
👑 Who is the meme lover?
Memes as the internet sees them are less of a thing back then, but there are some unusual jokes between them. Lust particularly likes the weird annotations and drawings scholars left in the margins of old scrolls and books. She might reference them occasionally, and in the badly translated Xerxian alchemy book she stole from the First Branch, she might add some of her own to the margins there.
She doesn’t manage to annotate that much of the book before she dies, because she was hoping she and Pride could annotate it together, and Pride ends up finishing it himself. He spends the majority of his time while Envy is impersonating him, when not with Father, doing so, and if he were to find any of her drawings unexpectedly it would just add more to his bottled up grief. If Envy hadn’t gotten in his way once he’d finished annotating the book, he would have been able to mourn by himself finally, or even with Envy if things had gone well.
🍂 What is an inside joke they have?
They have the odd and even sibling order joke, that Lust would be in charge of the even numbered siblings (Envy 4th and Gluttony 6th), and Pride the odd numbered (Sloth 5th and Wrath 7th). This coincidentally ended up happening once Wrath was made, since Pride was already in charge of Sloth completely, and it ended up balancing itself out when Greed left. Lust’s fondness for the dodo bird gets brought up occasionally due to Lust’s woodcarving hobby, as it was the first thing she carved. They still aren’t extinct even in 1914, so they joke that after the Promised Day they’ll go to FMAuritius and see the dodos. Or maybe just going to a zoo outside of Amestris will be easier.
🌷 Are you nervous to talk about your OTP? Why?
Sometimes. I’ve had less trouble than I expected, but the fandom is so fraught it can be tricky deciding to mention it at all. I wonder if I should make a more blatant sideblog… 🤔 no, then I’d get even less done.
🧵 Is your OTP Oc x Canon?
Nope 🤣
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because-of-a-friend · 3 years
Seventeen Reaction: You Stress Knitting
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Thank you so much for all of your kindness and patience @pocky-otp 💕💕💕 so glad to have a follower as sweet as you!!! And again I have to say that this request is sooo unbelievably cute!!!
Ok for some reason, tumblr is now letting me do all 13 gifs again, but in case it messes up again and any of you have an other preferences as to how I format if it won’t let me do all 13 gifs, please let me know or specify in your requests!!!
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Immediately asks you to make him something. And he wears anything and everything you knit him!!!! It makes him so proud to sport any sweaters or hats or scarves you make. He’s happy that it’s something that helps you destress and that you also get to see him using what you make. He also likes to watch you do it. It becomes sort of a stress reliever for himself to watch you methodically pulling yarn over your knitting needles. He doesn’t usually talk since he knows you’re stressed during these times. He’ll just wait for you to be done and then ask if there’s anything you wanna do or talk about to make you feel better.
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Finds this very interesting. He had always wondered why there were so many sweaters, hats, and plushies made of yarn around your place, now he knows. He’s kind of relieved to have a tell that notifies him when you’re stressed so he knows when to reach out to you and ask how you’re doing. He’s also happy that you’ve found a healthy outlet to express your emotions so he’s always supportive of it and assures you that it is no burden to him to have an ever growing collection of knitted scarves. He may also ask you to teach him some basics so he can do it with you when you’re especially stressed and he wants you to know that he’s here for you.
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He thinks this is the cutest thing he’s ever seen. He will never let anyone know, though. He’s terrified of you knowing how much of an effect this has on him. He loves coming home after a long day to see you sitting by the window, knitting needles flying, biting your bottom lip. Since he knows you knit when you’re stressed, he has to resist the urge to walk over immediately and wrap his arms around you and trail kisses up your neck. He’ll usually leave you space while you’re working and let you come to him. But he also enjoys watching you go from overly stressed to relaxed as you knit away. He’s happy it brings you so much joy and relief.
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When he finds out he’s like “cool, to each their own, I guess.” Since it’s your own thing, he won’t bother you about it too much. He might catch interest after seeing you do it so many times or if you make something he ends up really liking. He’ll be like “I must learn how to do this.” But overall, Junnie is probably going to leave you to do your own thing. If he’s getting worried that you’re overly stressed and notices that every once in awhile the knitting isn’t doing much to help, he’ll conversate with you about it. Jun’s gonna ask you really simple questions about knitting, methods, patterns, colors, knowing it’ll direct your thoughts towards calmly explaining it all to him instead of you being overwhelmed by whatever it is that’s causing you so much anxiety.
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Also finds this incredibly cute and incredibly entertaining. He’s going to want to know everything about knitting. Honestly, it becomes less of a stress reliever and more of a fulltime hobby with how much you’re knitting with Soonyoung. He loves learning how to knit stuff and coming to you with his finished projects and showing them off (no matter how rough they look at first lol). He’ll also want to know everything about why you like knitting and how you started and how it became your go-to when you were stressed. He’s very invested in your interests, and wants you to know he supports you.
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Also not really going to stick his nose into your business. He has his own stuff he likes to do on his own time, so he leaves you be with your knitting. But that one sweater you made him is his most cherished possession. He wears it as much as possible, to the point you’re worried it’ll just unravel from the wear and tear. “Wonwoo, please, it’s so hot out, why are you wearing that sweater again???” You had better be knitting another sweater for him to have when that one falls apart.
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(He looks so good here omfg)
When you tell him, he’ll be like “Haha what?????” To him stress relief means long naps and warm drinks and breathing exercises. He’s not sure he understands how knitting could be your go-to when stressed. He’ll want to listen to you explain how it calms you down and watch you explain how to knit and see how your eyes light up as you’re talking about your interest and- why is he suddenly blushing??????? He soon comes to adore your passion for knitting and is also one that is very happy to know you have a healthy outlet to help you work through your feelings. 
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Stays 500,000 feet away from all of your projects lol. He is convinced if he touches anything you knit, it’ll simply fall apart in his hands. He loves that you have a hobby but he is going nowhere near it. If he catches you knitting randomly, he’s definitely the type to get worried. Knowing that you knit when you’re stressed, he’ll tend to get antsy wondering if you want to talk or need help or if you would like for him to bring you food or if you need sleep. He’ll think through every possibility and then test the waters by talking to you and seeing what he can do to help you feel more at ease.
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Minnie is such a bighearted sweetheart, he wants you to be happy always and forever. You can hardly even start knitting before you’re wrapped up in Mingyu’s arms. “What’s the matter babe?” Usually you’ll end up knitting furiously as you rant at a very attentive Mingyu who is nodding enthusiastically to show you he’s listening. He likes to wrap himself around you from behind so he can watch your knitting as you speak to him. He just wants you to know that someone has your back to help you with whatever is overwhelming you, so whenever you pull out your knitting supplies, he’s going to be present and supportive.
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Myungho adores all forms of art and creativity, so he loves that you have this outlet. He’s not always sure of himself when it comes to talking stuff out and knowing what to do to make you feel better. So he tries to show his support by silently coming up behind you and complimenting your knitting. He’ll rub a hand up and down your arm and press a kiss to the side of your head, “That looks really good babe! I like the colors you decided to use!” He might bring a warm drink for you and then he’ll leave you to knit. He doesn’t want to make it worse by saying the wrong thing so he’ll wait until you’re ready to come and talk to him. 
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Loves, loves, loves, loves, LOVES this about you. He honestly gets so overexcited about knitting and getting you to teach him your ways, he totally forgets that you knit when you’re stressed. Honestly it’s sort of helpful. You’ll be stressed and wrapped up in your knitting, replaying negative thoughts over and over and then BOOM! Suddenly you’re being greeted by a ball of sunshine who wants to know all about what you’re knitting today. Seungkwan unknowingly has a natural talent for taking you out of a bad mood and getting you happy and laughing again.
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He also is sort of just like, “Ok, cool.” He most likely doesn’t take an interest to the knitting specifically, but he’ll want to know more about its importance to you and how you started knitting and why you like to do it so much. If he notices you looking particularly stressed out while knitting, he’ll give out a simple “Hey babe, something up?” He just wants to open up the floor for you to speak out about your issues if you want to, but doesn’t want to add any pressure. He’ll be very gentle and soft spoken with you when he sees you knitting so he can be a source of comfort when you’re stressed.
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Is also the type to be worried when he knows you’re stressed. When he sees you on the couch, curled over knitting needles and muttering you yourself, he can’t help but wonder what’s going on in your head. He’ll let you blow off steam and give you space for awhile. When it seems like you’re feeling a little better, he’ll approach you and ask a nonchalant question about what you’re knitting to segue into a conversation. Once you’re talking, he’ll say something to let you know he’s here to talk to. “Hey cutie, is there anything you’re worried about?” Overall, he’s just wants to do what he can to be there for you. 
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1rintooru · 4 years
Little Agreements
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Pairing: teacher! Sugawara Koshi x gn! reader
Themes: fluff, enemies to lovers 
Word Count: 2k one-shot
Warnings: light swearing - that’s all!
Summary: You and Sugawara are rival teachers at a reputable elementary school. Even though you can hardly stand each other, your students have started shipping you together and it’s just awfully annoying! Little do they know, you’ve been keeping a secret from them the entire time.
a/n: teacher suga is good suga... this was so fun to write and purely self-indulgent - i can't get him outta my fat brain🥴 but enjoy anyways..!
You clicked your pen once. Twice. Three times. Perhaps to an outsider it would appear that you were annoyed – impatient even, but you knew it was nothing more than a habit, much like the restless tapping of your foot or improper care kept to personal belongings. You eyed the worn-down mathematics book that was currently being hastily shoved into a backpack, the spine barely keeping the pages glued together.
“Looks like you’re all set to go,” you proclaimed, putting down your pen and eyeing the student in front you. The boy beamed, yanking the zipper of his backpack shut and throwing it over his shoulder.
“Couldn’t have done it without ya, teach!”
You nodded and smiled appreciatively. You were flattered but you couldn’t take all the credit. The boy you were tutoring for a couple weeks now always claimed he didn’t care for school; you still remembered how he once told you that sports were ‘where it’s at’ – whatever that meant. However, the improved grades paired with the purple shadows under his eyes told you an entirely different story. He’d made his way to the door, his hand already grasping the handle before turning around, an impish grin plastered on his face.
“Even though you and Sugawara-sensei are cute together, we’re still gonna beat your butts!”
You bolted out of your seat and glowered at the young boy.
“Don’t you have other classes to tend to?”
He smirked at your chagrin.
“I’ll see ya around!” he shouted, sending you a quick a wave goodbye before finally leaving the room. You plopped back into your seat upon hearing the door close behind the student, rubbing your temple discontentedly.
Ah. Of course.
How could you forget the school speed quiz? It was an annual event that the school implemented three years ago as a means to motivate students and raise class scores. The idea was that a group of children would be chosen to represent their class and be quizzed on a variety of subjects – the questions becoming increasingly difficult as the game progressed. At the time you sneered at the idea and even complained to the school director that it would only waste funds and resources. Now you were glad that he didn’t listen to you, though he could have skipped laughing in your face. With that being said, the event was a double-edged sword. It made you incredibly happy and filled you with pride seeing students find the joy in learning again, but on the other hand it only exacerbated the teasing comments from the students. They adored seeing you two together and you never could quite wrap your head around it. After all, you and Sugawara were rivals.
Your eyes darted down to your wristwatch: fifteen minutes left until next period. Not a whole lot of time, but just enough to shotgun a coffee and have snack in the solace of the staffroom. You hurriedly tidied the mess on your desk, arranging everything to your liking for the next class before finally stepping out into the bustling commotion of the school hallway. Excited chitter-chatter and non-discreet gossip filled halls as you found yourself surrounded by young children. Each face was familiar and you could have assigned a name to every single one. Even the tall one with fluffy gray hair and gentle brown eyes with the recognizable birthmark.
Wait, no – that’s no child; that’s Sugawara.
He walked towards you with a pep in his step and a bright grin, parting the busy hallway like Moses as students stared at him slack-jawed and awestruck. He was the school celebrity, proven by the sheer number of students that called out to him as he passed – and he loved it. You tried to swerve around him, but it was surprisingly difficult to escape through a sea of grade schoolers.
Damn it, just when you were looking forward to that coffee!
“Here, like I promised.”
Sugawara’s voice rang clearly as he firmly pressed a stack of essays into your hands, the weight of the stack momentarily catching you off guard. Your eyes instinctively scanned the first page laying on top. As per usual, your students performed well in academic pursuits but that wasn’t what bothered you.
“Green glitter gel pen?” you teased, lifting an eyebrow questioningly.
His hazel eyes gleamed confidently. “Hey, we agreed that I would help grade assignments that you couldn’t catch up on – you never said I couldn’t use my colored pens!” He mirrored your teasing lilt before continuing. “Besides, from a psychological standpoint the color green is more uplifting and motivational than a harsh red.”
He wasn’t entirely wrong. You both had agreed that you would tutor his students in mathematics and sciences while he would help grade assignments to take some of the workload off your plate. But that didn’t make his claim any more convincing and it only made you roll your eyes disparagingly.
“That pseudo-science is why I’m the one tutoring your students.”
“Geez, point made Y/N!” he scratched his head embarrassedly, the other hand defensively creating a barrier between the two of you.
“Y/L/N,” you quickly corrected him.
Sugawara’s posture visibly deflated at the curtness of your words. As mature and gentle as he was, he had a tendency to have his heart on his sleeve. You felt a little guilty and even considered saying something to mince your words, but the opportunity was stolen from you as a group of young girls skipped past, snickering as they went.
“Oh my god, Y/L/N-sensei and Suga-senpai are flirting again!”
Your secure stance faltered as the unsuspecting comment hit you like a brick, nearly making you drop all your papers. Sugawara’s eyebrow quirked upwards, thoroughly amused by your loss of composure. You hoped that the heat you felt in your face couldn’t be seen from the outside as you gingerly smoothed out the folds of your sweater.
Sugawara’s playful grin immediately dropped as he noticed the daggers you glared at him.
“Huh?! A-ah it’s not like I told them to call me that! It – it just kinda happened.”
Seeing him so flustered would normally have made you smile, but you weren’t going to give him any kind of reassurance. Besides, it would have only worked as ammunition for privy students stalking your conversation. So instead, you simply shook your head, an exasperated sigh just barely escaping from your pursed lips.
“Well, if you don’t mind, I have a coffee waiting for me – and you have recess duty, have you already forgotten? So, if you’ll excuse me.”
You gave him a patronizing poke on the shoulder as you moved past him, beelining towards the staffroom.
The two of you were so vastly different in your teaching methods. You took your work seriously and prided yourself in the academic success of your students – your class always scored extraordinarily well. You were stern but incredibly ambitious and dedicated to your craft. Sure, Sugawara was popular with the kids, but playing the role as best friend wasn’t going to help them pass their classes. You failed to understand why most of the schoolchildren were obsessed with you two being an intimate couple; even prior to the school speed quiz event the two of you were rivals. His laissez-faire teaching methods didn’t mesh well with your own – in fact, you resented them. That’s why it was akin to pouring salt into a fresh wound when each year your respective classes tied during the annual event.
You decided to ignore the thought. This year was going to be different.
Oh, how you loved being the one responsible for cleanup duty.
At least, that’s what you would say if it weren’t that you were the only one responsible for cleanup duty.
As you watched one of your students – a petite girl with long dark hair – collect a pile of dirt into a plastic dustpan, you began to wonder how Sugawara roped you into this. Again. You and him had a lot of agreements, for the sake of professionalism of course, but this was not one of them. The school day seemed to drudge on forever and you were not spared from any incessant comments, even in its final moments. Ironically, one of your pupils turned into somewhat of a teacher as they explained to you what ‘shipping’ and ‘OTP’ meant.
Why on earth would they consider you and Sugawara something like that?
You dismissed the remaining students after carefully examining the room. The floors were cleaned and the whiteboard was spotless, but the wastebasket hadn’t been emptied and the desk arrangement was crooked. It wasn’t exactly up to par with how you usually left the room, but you were no heathen and you noticed just how lethargic everyone was becoming.
You also needed to find a certain someone that deserved to be chewed out.
That certain someone was found in the school’s gymnasium, excitedly talking to the school volleyball team that was retiring for the night. The frustration you felt immediately melted once you saw how animated Sugawara became as you overheard his motivational tangent. His passion was infectious and easily fired up the young boys in yellow and blue jerseys listening to him.
Was this where Sugawara always disappeared off to?
It was a silly question, really. Seeing him zealously offer game strategies with the biggest grin on his face made the answer obvious. You cleared your throat, suddenly feeling awkward as all the children – and Sugawara – turned to face you. The boy you had tutored earlier today, now clad in a yellow jersey spoke first.
“Well teach, did ya know that Sugawara-sensei was a volleyball player in high school too? He was a setter, believe it or not!”
You could only stare dumbfounded as your eyes bounced back and forth between the braggadocious athlete and a proudly grinning Sugawara. The lack of response on your end began to unnerve the gray-haired man as the corners of his mouth began to twitch downwards and his eyes glossed over with doubt.
You shrugged, “I don’t really see it, honestly.”
The both of them gasped in unison. The young teen stared at you dumbstruck – his jaw would’ve hit the floor if it could, while Sugawara staggered backwards as if a spear had punctured him in the chest.
“She’s a tough cookie, Sugawara-sen–” the teen’s underhanded comment earned him a swift kick from his teacher.
“Well, I think it’s time to call it a night. How about we tidy up and retire for the evening?”
And just like that, Sugawara had roped you into another cleaning duty. Thankfully the volleyball team was still so fired up from his speech earlier that the tidying up went by remarkably fast. Eventually you and him stood alone in the building, after finally saying your goodbyes to the remaining kids.
He looked at you and cocked his head to the side, to which you nodded in response. Perhaps it was a simple unspoken agreement or maybe it was just a force of habit to head home together. Regardless, it was hard to imagine it any other way.
The cool autumn air greeted you the moment you stepped out of the gymnasium. Goosebumps pricked your skin as a crisp autumn breeze embraced you, sending a shiver down your spine. The sky had turned into a watercolor of fiery oranges and deep purples as evening drew closer. You glanced over to Sugawara, nestled in the layers of his scarf and his hands hidden in the pockets of his coat.
“Do you have regrets?”
Sugawara paused, brown and orange leaves twirled with the wind just short before his feet, but that wasn’t what stopped him. He was clearly perplexed by your question.
“Regrets?” He scrunched his nose as though the word itself repulsed him. He dug his hands deeper into the depths of his pockets and his features visibly softened as he pulled out a golden ring. It gleamed magnificently as the rays of the setting sun reflected off the band. Seeing him fit the ring snugly onto his finger prompted you to do the same, pulling out the velvet pouch that protected the ring within it. Sugawara smiled as he watched you slip the ring on, fondness etched into his features as he extended his hand towards you. You happily obliged and entangled your fingers in his.
“How could I ever have regrets with the life I have now?”
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