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AI Art Part 23 | My Hero Academia Winnie the Pooh
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This is what AI thinks Winnie the Pooh looks like in the world of My Hero Academia!
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Saw this really cool post of a 1982 "SF" (Science fiction but in Japan that included things like anime, manga, tokusatsu, etc at the time) magazine that did a survey of active fan groups/circles at the time - ~woo, precious data! Lets see what we got:
Love to see a good gender breakdown - as is often the case in these things, while it is of course majority men the number of women participating is very strong. You do notice the age imbalance there - many women in their teens and college-aged, but it drops off quickly. I suspect that this is primarily because this survey is right in the middle of the first wave of the "pop SF boom", where more approachable works like Gundam and new manga subgenres were rapidly growing the community. So the older cadre was more heavily men, while the new group is more balanced. However, this is the early 1980's - it might just be that when a woman graduates college she was expected to marry and "settle down" still, inhibiting participation in these kinds of groups. I think it is primarily the former, Japan had pretty rapidly changed in the 1970's and female creative types were commonplace by then, but I won't pretend the latter players no role.
The writing on this page just contextualizes the piece, not much to report, though it does note that "3 people replied 'other' for gender...as a joke!" Sure, jan!
Anyway, on to page 2, what is our poll question of the day...
ロリコンについてどう思いますか? What do you think about lolicon?
....*siiiiiighs* guys I didn't, I didn't look at the second page before typing this up! I just wanted to report the gender data! This just happens to me, I swear -_-
But I can't back out now I guess:
It actually splits the question by gender - men are asked "are you a lolicon" while women are asked "what do you think of guys who are lolicon" - sexists, way to erase the female lolicon. Not actually joking there, it is a quite a thing due to its overlap with rape and dubcon fetishes - but I won't pretend I have expertise on the prevalence of that in 1982 Japan's SF community, even if it you see it today. Anyway, most men are not lolicons (the tallest line), though others fall on a spectrum from interested to "graduated", certainly a choice of words one could make.
Funnily a good dozen say they are called that by others, but not themselves - I believe that is related to the vague line between loli & shoujo aesthetics at the time. Which is important to emphasize, as I always do on this topic - sometimes the word lolicon just means "youthful" or "cute", sometimes it means like high schoolers, and sometimes it means real-deal underage stuff, and you won't know without context.
Meanwhile two women label lolicon men as "cute!", good for those two living their truth, while others are broadly tolerant but have Opinions. Which is fun, because the rest of the page is people sharing said opinions, sorted into "good" or "bad"! Some choice ones:
★ It's a symptom of modern civilization’s sick parts, but also an inevitable phenomenon. It’s better than having a rabbit or cat complex. Don’t lay hands on young girls. Lolicon must remain platonic. (♂/19/)
You see this theme a bit, "symptom of modernity", the new sexual fetishes are a product of a changing world. Certainly up for debate, but also very "in vogue" for the 80's & 90's to worry about that sort of declinist narrative. Then again, guy is a catgirl and bunnygirl hater, not sure we should listen to their shit taste.
On the flip side you get the "natural way of things" types, of which this is my favourite:
★ There’s nothing abnormal about having a dream involving an uncontrollable urge towards pre-teens. Even Romeo and Juliet would have made Romeo a lolicon given Juliet’s age (14), but people don’t think of it that way. Only at that age can girls love and respect men without ulterior motives. (♂/19/)
That last line, you are telling me so much about you with that one!! You can see how this is discourse, right? Like if one side says you are a "symptom of modernity" you ofc respond with "this is how all guys are" and with callbacks to traditional culture.
The "bad" side has a lot of ruthless condemnation, with more than one call for the lolicons to simply die or labelling them worthless scum. The magazine's writers do try to keep the tone breezy but I do think this topic being actually contentious in the community pokes through here. Though this serious one really did undercut herself a bit at the end:
★ I can understand why one person of the same gender might feel admiration or affection for a child or young girl, but for a man to only be able to love much younger women? That’s a mental illness! If they aren’t willing to fix themselves, they might as well die. They’re enemies of women. It's not going to turn out like Nabokov's Lolita. (♀/20s/)
I mean they did also kill jesus Humbert Humbert in Lolita. that was a pretty significant thing that happened. like i understand where you’re coming from here but they very much did kill the Lolita guy.
There is an editorial at the end, and it echoes something one of the comments also states; that the lolicon boom was seen as coming from "hard" SF fans, the people who did the really nerdy stuff. There is a word they use actually which is neat: 根暗/Nekura, meaning someone with a "gloomy root". It began seeing use as a slang for hyper-serious, boorish people in the late 1970's and became a fad to use in precisely 1982 - here is a live record of that! They associate "hard SF" fans with these sort of gloomy types who can't take a joke or appreciate hanging out with the buds at a bar, that kind of thing. From there, and here I am reading between the lines, these fans like a sort of "idealistically sterile" world, and lolicon as a preference (in comparison to Real Adult Women) flows naturally.
I mention this because astute readers might be going "oh, like otaku?" and that word was only just buzzing around at this time - it is typically dated to 1983. The editorial writers note that these nekura-types are nowadays proud of that fact, wearing it like an identity:
A: I’m not really sure why, I don’t fully understand the inner workings of the SF world, but it’s like, out there, hardcore SF fans are considered gloomy. Maybe that’s why there’s this connection to lolicon? B: But surprisingly, everyone’s actually pretty cheerful. In today’s world, the 'dark and gloomy tribe' is trendy. It’s like they’re enjoying calling themselves gloomy, almost as a fashion statement.
So yeah, I can totally see proto-otaku discourse going on at the edges here.
There is a third page but it continues in a similar vein. A bunch of mentions of Hideo Azuma, who I am growing increasingly convinced was more of a lodestone for the lolicon boom than is currently appreciated - he is the ur-reference everyone makes. More discussion of girls in sailor uniforms as a gateway drug, yeah yeah, "is fine as long as its fiction", of course of course, one of the magazine editors remarking he wants "a wife for practical uses but a daughter as a pet" yeah okay we can call it we're done here, no more survey data anyway.
Not the topic I expected to find, but still this is really valuable "primary source data" - you can't trust the literary class fully on these things, having first hand quotes from community members on otaku culture in the era is always valuable.
Sorry if you got tricked into reading this - in my defense I did too!
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I hope whoever decided to read Id is enjoying it. I had a random thought for the class: how big is it? Like did only one classroom get Isekaied, or did a whole graduating class get it? Like the Class of 2018 or something? I’m assuming it was a singular class since even towns can have a sizable year for students. That can be a lot of characters to try to create. Not impossible, just a lot of work.
MC: rouge-ish, stealth, wild magic(?), mild immortality?, disguises, Heroes’ Shadow
Prez: leader, commander, fighter, strategist
Tomboy: fighter, pretend damsel in distress
Bully: barbarian, orc in laws
Prepper: ranger-ish, survivalist,
Mama: logistics, underworld connections, torture encouragement
Goth: Outerplane connections (warlock?), craftsmanship (of an undecided sort)
Clown: support, morale, bard, jack of all trades
Football jock: Paladin
Flower girl: potions, poisons, botany
Queen Bee: insect control(unwanted)
Influencer: cult creation(unintentional)
Skater: slacker,
Chess student: Pokémon summons, tactics
Art student: scouting magic
Teen Mom: lore keeper, record holder, divination, domestic support, fairy friend, mother
Baby: cuteness, defend at all costs, morale booster
Rat: size shifting, mascot, food vacuum
I think I got all that right at least. Lemme know if I missed something and I’ll edit the list. That’s 16 characters not counting Baby and Rat so far. Nor any Fantasy Land characters. Theatre and nerd kids were mentioned, and one otaku, but I haven’t seen anything else come up for them. I know I introduced Skater, but not quite sure what to do with him. I had a thought about him becoming a sort of messenger/runner to put his skater skills to work, but also not entirely sold on that.
Do we have a straight mage character decided? I know all the Party have a degree of magical ability, but did someone decide on who would dump all their points into sorcery? I can see Otkau mayhaps going that direction, going all Elder Scrolls/Elden Ring Sorcery would be right up an otakus power fantasy but then again what kind of otaku is Otaku? Does Goth get anything from her Patron other than cell phone service? I wouldn’t mind seeing her become a bit of a cross between Teen Titans Raven and Frieren. From my understanding she’s not a physical type so spells would work for her fine.
Thanks to this post I was granted a couple thoughts regarding a piece of technology that I have tragically overlooked which is a goldmine for comedy and usefulness: Goths Phone and her bargain. Whatever her deal was to get cell service, assuming that she accesses earth’s internet, this also implies that her phone has unlimited battery as well. So the Party calls home first thing they can so they can let everyone know that they’re alright. Then they take turns with it when they’re feeling homesick. They can also use it to get blueprints of various devices and designs, certain details of things like the best metals to prevent infection, search videos explaining certain subjects, use it to video and photograph their adventures, and so on.
I can’t decide what’s funnier: either a) she is now a walking cell tower that the Party uses. (A kinda short one at that, especially compared to how tall Mama is. Are we really sure they’re actually siblings let alone twins? I know that’s what they say but can you blame me? Are we sure their parents didn’t just snatch another baby out of her cradle?) So the Party has the advantage of using their phones to a limited degree, mostly for sending messages to each other since communication is vital in this world. Each person using her as a reference point whether they have service or not. The closer the better of course. Instead of having three bars they say they have ‘three Goths’. Awake she’s most ‘receptive’, asleep less so but you can still get a signal, unconscious/hypnotized/etc. has zero. Or maybe just the tiniest bit so the Party can track her down if necessary.
Or B) her phone is the only one that works and so the Party kinda ‘take turns’ using/stealing/borrowing it for various reasons. To call their families when feeling homesick, reference some history or scientific tidbit for their current situation, take pictures/videos of certain books/places/things/etc, how the football team is doing, check for updates on their favorite fanfiction, etc. They barter and trade for Phone Time creating a sorta sub culture surrounding the Phone. Goth is all dramatic when she doesn’t have her Phone.
I didn’t come up with situation A until I was halfway through writing this.
Goth, in the fetal position and murmuring, a dark haze surrounding her: Life is suffering. To deny suffering is to deny existence. And so we are inextricably linked to it.
But why? Her Phone has been borrowed so Influencer can use it to stream. Hence she has been bereft of her phone and now is bored.
Influencer: And with that we’re going to have to start wrapping up this Stream! Thank you for taking the time to teach us about this local board game, Mr. Farmer.
Farmer: Mah pleasure Missy! Anything to help out ta Heroes Party!
Chess: Less heroes and more normal teenagers right now. And thank you for showing me how to play this game! Now if I can just find someone else to play it with.
Farmer, looking at Goth: Ar ya sure that one is alright?
Influencer: Oh she’s fine, she’s just being dramatic. She does this every time.
Farmer: Ah, like a catto ya? One tha didn’t get tha cream?
Chess: Yep! We’re trying to find a pair of cat ears to make a little headpiece for her when she’s like this. Here’s your silver.
Farmer: Silver?! Milord I can’t-
Chess: No lord stuff, we’re just normal people right now. I know we agreed four copper for the board game, but the rest is for taking time out of your day and being so patient with us. Think of it as a thank you gift.
Influencer: Mr. Farmer, do you want to say anything to the people on the other side of this?
Farmer: I just talk to tha little box ere? And they can see me good ya?
Influencer: Yep! Just like we talked about earlier!
Farmer: Ah thanks ya folks fer listen’ to an old man go on about his favorite game. Er, is that good or?
Influencer: All the stuff on the side? Oh that’s the other people talking. They’re all saying thank you for being on this stream. A lot of them seem to be interested in making this game back home and trying it themselves.
Farmer: Ah! You’re all too kind!
Chess: Here, let me walk you back to the village.
Influencer: Be safe Chess! And so what did you all think? An interesting game for a small farming and logging village so far from the road ya? And all handmade too! Kinda makes me wonder how many games our own world used to have like this that have been lost over the generations….I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that HotdogMan. You know the rules, I really don’t want to ban anyone…. Yes we’ll try to bring the game back with us so Earth can play with it as well.
Influencer: Ohhh~ that is so nice of you! However this isn’t a normal stream….Yes I’d love donations just as much as the next gal but in Fantasy Land there is no way to access a Patron- Patron, Patrón, Petrol, Patren. Pttthhh! PATREON! Ugh, what are words? Yeah, we can’t access any of that money. And Fantasy Land doesn’t accept Visa or PayPal either.
Influencer: Well I’d love to stay and chat more but my Time is running out here so we’re going to have to wrap up! As always a great big thanks to Goth and her Patron…..um……Chat I haven’t even started attempting the name and you’re already making fun of me!!😭…..There are like no vowels in its name so of course it’s hard! Ugh, ok here goes. Thank you Ktchre-, no Cacgken- guh, Crushzu- argh…. I know how to pronounce Cthulhu Chat, its name is not Cthulhu. I wouldn’t be made fun of by y’all if its name was that simple….. No PolyPomPoms, it’s an Extraplanar Entity. Gender isn’t a thing with it. No its gender isn’t fluid, either. How do you get even fifty genders in the first place? That doesn’t- The point is it doesn’t have one!… No I don’t know how that works and quite frankly I’m not going to ask.
Influencer: As always: stay safe, be nice, be awesome, and hopefully we’ll be here again next week! Fantasy Land Adventures signing off! Bye~!
After packing up her setup Influencer walks over to Goth.
Goth: -even when the sky is overripe, it withholds its bounty. Thus here we are, bereft of its-
Influencer: 🙄Alright Goth, here’s your phone back.
Goth: Life has returned! The sweet succor of-
Influencer: 😑 And here I thought I was bad. Or that Bee was annoying when she couldn’t get her Java anymore.
Goth: You know, I was thinking…
Influencer: Dear god, please not this again.
Goth: There is a way to do this without all this torment and suffering.
Influencer: 😓Of course it is.
Goth: A path that would benefit both our desires.
Influencer: Don’t say it Goth, don’t you dare say it.
Goth: You could-
Influencer: I’m warning you!
Goth: -make a pact with my Patron.
Influencer: AAAARRRRGGGG!! We’ve been over this a gazillion times! No!
Goth: It’s excited to talk to you! It wants to help! I’m sure it can give you a wonderful deal! Probably better than what I got…
Influencer: It -wants- to make me its Chief Cult Leader! It -wants- me to convert everyone into its cult! Just like every one and thing else around here! I got enough problems fending off every blasted religion, cult, government, and organization out there, don’t you start harping on me too!
Goth: Cmon, what’s a half dozen cults?
Influencer: I’m still not over that little ‘celebration’ in that one town. I can only imagine how bad it could’ve been if Clown didn’t help me reword myself to make it just a drunken celebration instead of something worse. Remember I almost got that one Holy Order nearly come down on our heads for that? I am not starting up anything else if I can help it.
Goth: Don’t act like you’re special there, we all have nearly run afoul with many such groups. Remember when Prep killed that one holy animal thinking it was just a random Fantasy Land critter? Or when Football flirted with the wrong Lady in Waiting? Also you don’t seem to mind the Base.
Influencer: Because they tried to sacrifice me, so I had no choice! Thank goodness MC ungagged me there. Base is reasonable only because Mama and Prez got things under control! I can’t handle that kinda pressure.
Football: Here you two are. Where’s Chess?
Goth: He’s walking that farmer back to his village.
Football: Hm. Prez wants everyone in the Command Tent. We’re due for another Meeting.
Influencer: So soon? I thought we were going to have that Tuesday?
Football: That was the case, but since it’s Prez I’m sure there’s a good reason for it.
Goth: Alright then, let’s go. Hey Influencer, just think about-
Influencer: We are done talking about this!!
Football: Er, what did I miss?
Goth and Influencer: It’s nothing.
Football: Right. ‘It’S nOtHiNg!’ Geh, women.
The standard 'entire class gets isekai'd to a fantasy world and the outcast MC is basically discarded' anime setting, where the MC, now assumed dead, decides to instead help the class of Heroes in the shadows, making sure they live up to what the people need.
However, the entire class knows that he's alive and are hellbent on dragging that son of a bitch back into the spotlight and to give him the recognition he deserves.
(And maybe because he was basically the entire class's Little Guy™.)
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Welcome One & All
My name is Otaku Senpai. I was dubbed this name by friends who noticed something. I have over 700+ anime titles under my belt. That's right, a shit ton. So they granted me this name. A Senpai of Otakus. Now don't be alarmed, I'm just an ordinary person with hobbies and dreams. So yeah, you can just call me Senpai.

Well, for one. Anime. But that's an obvious one. Secondly, Twitch Streaming. I play chill games to chill music and even sometimes D&D. That brings up the third hobby. D&D.
Play, DM, talk about, write. D&D is fantastic. Fourth, YouTube. Its been a minute but I create anime and Otaku related content, like AMVs and Vlogs. Lastly, photography. I do all sorts of photography but love to do cosplay and landscape photography.

I enjoy writing. In all senses. Either creating character backgrounds, food for thought, etc. In this instance, you will see reviews on anime, anime seasons, anime award shows, etc. I'm hoping to become more and more active as the year progresses and I get back in the habit of doing this.
And there you have it. I will be doing a Q&A blog later on with any questions you ask me and some from past experience. I hope that we will get along and become great friends. Until then...
I hope you have an anime filled rest of your day.
~ Otaku Senpai
#anime#otkau#otaku senpai#otaku nation#senpai#gamer#gaming#twitch#vtuber#pngtuber#photographer#streamer#youtube#me text
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Just finished JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable and I have three things to say;
1) Koichi should've been a Jostar instead of Josuke.
2) When Kira said the hands of Mona Lisa gave him a hardcore boner made me choke 😂😂😂😂 I wasn't expecting that.
3) I'm hardcore simping for adult Jotaro.
#okay but if I start and finish part 5 before part 6 comes out that would be great#im not going to rush it though#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojo's bizarre adventure diamond is unbreakable#anime#anime / manga#anime nerd#simping for another fictional character again#text post#otakucore#otkau#anime fandom#anime fangirl#I'm obsessed#tv shows#anime obsessed#anime online
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Como el trabajador asalariado No hace un partido politico para revolucionar el Estado, esto sucede
La olla de presion explota, por seguir creyendo que los partidos burgueses van a hacer algo.
Recuerda NO hacerle caso a nadie que no busque abolir el trabajo asalariado. Ya es hora de formar filas, y hacerles sentir que son un grupusculo.
As the salaried worker does not make a political party to revolutionize the state, this happens. The pressure cooker explodes, for continuing to believe that the bourgeois parties are going to do something. Remember NOT to listen to anyone who does not seek to abolish wage labor. It's time to line up, and make them feel like they're a bunch
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'Now I've got that feeling once again I can't explain You would not understand This is not how I am I have become comfortably numb' "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd High key, when I saw her backstory in Ep. 7 about how she doesn't find joy in anything (sans pain), that song was playing in my head. Maybe its a reach, but I think the hook and some of the themes of that song fits her. #Kakegurui #kakeguruianime #MidariIkishima #anime #manga #otkau
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Classroom Of the Elite episode 6 Discussion!! please give a view here and let me know what you guys think
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Drawing of my bias Suga XD
#suga#bts#army#bts suga#bts army#kpop#bts fanart#fanart#bts art#artists on tumblr#anime#pikachu#kawaii#manga#manga art#min yoongi#yoongi#min suga#anime art#otkau#art#sketch#doodle#korean#kpop art#kpop army
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#saw a post about fruits basket voice actors and i recognized them from two series my brother and i have watched together#and i just like. he puts up with a lot for me#because the one anime i recognized is called 'brothers conflict' which is a very. Very shitty reverse harem anime that we still meme about#and then the other one is a complete tonal shift and is 'pyscho pass' which is like a sy-fy thriller with lots of blood and gore#it cracked me up#miscellaneous#psycho pass is one of my fav animes of all time ahh#we still talk about it together lol#but yeah he's seen a lot of stereotypically 'female' animes because of me ^^;#though i have watched a few like. otkau bait shows with him to joke about them purely but mostly we both cant stomach that shit
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I still can’t believe I got dragged for being an otaku I...
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The shit people do for veiws.
#this isn't even like quirky#it's disgusting#and tiktok stay glorifying this shit#otkau dirty is cute#this is not otaku dirty
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I've seen a lot of people complaining about the "anime" feel of Engage, and yes, I agree it definitely feels more anime compared to previous titles, but, I'm gonna try to explain why I think this happened
Fire Emblem has always taken inspiration from anime, even from as early as FE3. at first it was smaller details, like hair shapes, face proportions, etc. However, as time moved on, these inspirations became more noticeable. Why? Well it's because Fire Emblem's art direction mirrors that of anime. I'll explain here.
FE3/FE5 were made in the 90's, with exaggerated, poofy hair and big eyes, seen here:
And the anime of the time:

What about the early 2000's? FE7 was released in that decade, and the style has changed a bit, with more square squared eyes and more defined chins

FE9/FE10 also came out in the 2000's, with more stylised female characters akin to those of School Days or Higurashi:

From here, the influence dials up a notch, with 2010's anime being more, I don't know how to put this, modernised? This Otkau Magazine article explains it better

And what of 2020 anime? Much more expressive and "moe". Just like Fire Emblem Engage.

In conclusion, Fire Emblem has evolved with anime itself into what it is today. whether you think that's a good thing or not is up to you to decide.
#lin speaks#JESUS CHRIST THIS IS LONG#just thought I'd point this out#probably not as accurate as it could of been#didn't feel like including every game lol#fire emblem#fe17#fire emblem awakening#fire emblem engage#fire emblem path of radiance#fe engage#tw long post
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Incorrect quotes 5
Mammon: I think we're missing something.
Beel: Teamwork?
Levi: Cohesion?
Satan: A general sense of what we’re doing?
2 himbos, 1 otkau and 1 normal demon
#petition to save Satan from his brothers#obey me incorrect quotes#obey me shall we date#obey me mammon#obey me beelzebub#obey me leviathan#obey me satan
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Genshiken is a good connection to what we were just discussing in class. It is one of the first anime that actually become somewhat self-aware and goes into the lives of otaku. That is not to say that all anime fans are otaku, but this show portrays those who are and the clash between their lives and the lives of typical society members.
Genshiken does a good job at humanizing otaku rather than portraying them as an ‘other’ that can be grouped easily into a generic type of person. The otaku portrayed vary from introverted people who have a hard time assimilating with other people such as Kanji when he was joining the club at the beginning of the show, to those who would appear to be an ‘ordinary’ person by societal standards due to their outward appearances. This shows that otaku is not just one thing, it is a shared interest that can be used to describe a person, not define them. Though, this shared interest can be analyzed to generalize how the group as a whole might behave, not individual members of that group.
I like how it also exposes the idea of gatekeeping one’s interest. This is a very often situation of otaku and it can often be negative to those who are not already within that otkau’s culture and interests. Anybody who wishes to assimilate to otaku culture can often be faced with those who block the interest from outsiders by labeling them as not true fans. This wiggly line between being a true fan and being a connoisseur is very interesting.
Overall, Genshiken is very tame compared to what we are used to in class. It’s almost described as a slice of life anime that deals with a specific culture of people. The ability to be self aware to the viewers is an interesting quality for an anime to have.
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