#others tho? others change clothes regularly
mifithemuffin · 2 years
there are two wolves inside you. one says hey outfits are not determined it's just what characters happened to wear on a particular day during which the game takes place. and the other howls they will wear a variation of that outfit until the day they die.
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lesbxdyke · 1 year
Decided to steal my own tags from This Post because I didn't want to detract from the very good points being made about wheelchair accessibility in the art
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So I'm disabled. And I often have to use crutches as a mobility aid. Sometimes one, sometimes two. And even with that, I still sometimes can't get around.
There have been numerable occasions in my life where something has been marked as 'accessible' that is not accessible to me, because it was made with ONLY wheelchair users in mind.
And like I said in my tags, it's a genuinely great thing that things are now being made with wheelchair users in mind! I am genuinely heartened and happy that wheelchairs users are being recognised in public spaces and accommodated for!
But they are not the be all and end all of physically disabled people.
I need the extra space of a disabled bathroom. Especially as another physical disability of mine causes me to often require space to change underwear or clothing.
However, if I'm having a bad pain day, I can't wash my hands. Because the only sink is at the height for a wheelchair user. So my options are to eschew hygiene and pray that a cleaner wipes down the door handle regularly so others aren't interacting with a thing that I have touched without washing my hands, OR risk furthering my own pain by bending to reach the sink, which could end in me stuck in the bathroom as my back seizes and I cannot move.
As I'm sure you can imagine from reading that, neither option is a good option, but one is a safer one for me. And I hate it. I'm 'lucky' in that I have to always carry baby wipes with me anyway so I'm somewhat able to mitigate the hygiene issue, but what if I didn't? What if I didn't have the extra disability and just had the back problems that required the extra space of the disabled bathroom for my mobility aids? What then?
I also have a radar key (for those not in the UK: disabled bathrooms are often locked. A radar key is a skeleton key for disabled bathrooms all around the UK) so I can always gain access to the disabled bathrooms. Except... I often have to find staff to help me open them anyway because the door handles are low and I can't bend to press them.
Now this post isn't me saying that the world should be built only to cater to me in particular (tho gods it would be nice!)
This post is talking about competing support needs and how my experience as a disabled person, struggling with how so much 'accessible' stuff is only designed for wheelchair users is just as valid as a wheelchair user celebrating that they can use an ATM and a public bathroom without needing the aid of a stranger or a carer.
I've seen quite a lot of people, in real life and elsewhere on the internet, want to call it Ableist when people ask for there to be a different option that would be inaccessible for a wheelchair user to use within an accessible area like a bathroom. They think it's able bodied people, or parents (since often in the UK, disabled bathrooms also double as baby changing, which is a whole different kettle of fish) demanding we take away the accessibility that the bathrooms are there for. They don't think about people on crutches, or canes, or with mobility that changes by day, or who can walk unaided but cannot bend, or, or, or.
Two sinks in a disabled bathroom would change my life. One wheelchair accessible, one not. I could wash my hands. Other people who needed the bathroom could wash their hands. Everyone could be hygienic in an accessible way!
Two ATMs, side by side. One lower, one higher. I can access my money. Wheelchair users can access their money. Everyone can withdraw their money safely in an accessible way!
Maybe there's no solution for some (like the door handle) but if others were solved, then the remaining ones would bother me a lot less. It's a lot less frustration and humiliation inducing to say "Hey, can you open the bathroom for me?" When you know you'll be able to wash your damn hands once inside, yknow?
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fuyuu-chan · 3 months
Few Bits of Your Life with Sylus <3
Warning: OOC (this was made pre-release of Sylus) not proofread either
Genre: Fluff
Fuyuu-chan: so i have many fic ideas about sylus, look forward to it lmao, but this is the first thing i finished even though this was not my first idea about him but anyway 乁⁠[⁠ᓀ⁠˵⁠▾⁠˵⁠ᓂ⁠]⁠ㄏ enjoy! ✨
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with sylus, yeah you can explore and try new hobbies or try to learn something you suddenly took interest in.
for example, cooking. this man cooks delicious. one night you were watching him cook intently and sensing you watching him. "Why are you looking like that?" "I have the urge to suddenly learn how to cook"
"And you just though about that now?" he raised an eyebrow before looking back at his cooking. "You could've thought about it before, like how did you even survive with just take outs and going to restaurants?" he says.
"Okay that's rude, at least i still ate, and restaurants serve good food" you says as you playfully roll your eyes. "not good as mine and its unhealthy" he states. "But if you actually want to learn then i'll teach you" he continued as he looks back at you after turning off the stove.
after that conversation a few days passed before he get to thought you about cooking since you two got busy about missions. he did let you pick what kind of dish you wanted to learn, he was taken aback when you said you want to learn his favorite food, he thought you wanted to learn first about your favorite, but he was happy nonetheless. the kitchen did get a bit messy but in the end you did it (mostly him tho). 
after a few more tries in other days, he finally let you do it in your own and surprisingly you did finish and actually made a decent and edible food.
the taste, its alright, need some improvement  but he was proud that you're able to do it in your own so you can make a dish and not just fried foods or take outs whenever you're by yourself due to him being away. after that he get to teach you how to cook other meals like your favorite and other more.
singing, oh my...sylus voice already sounds good but while singing. heaven bro. heaven. i tell you.
you love hearing his singing, and whenever he hums. you always request to him to sing or hum something before sleeping, it helps you sleep faster. to be honest he feels a bit embarrassed and shy to do it (he's stubborn about it too) the first time you requested about it but he got used to it now, and he is happy to fulfill that. he would spoon you while he plays with your hair and sing you a song (mostly your favorite songs) and once you fell asleep. gurl i tell you, you always have sweetest of dreams ever and a good night rest even have a tiny smile while sleeping in which he finds adorable <3. cant change my mind
let me tell you something. this man sylus is fashionable. i can feel it. like he knows what styles suits him. and he's there to slay.
like imagine being a fashion couple. IMAGINE. and you noticed how he also wear accessories in his clothes, like some chains in his pants with his belt and all. that's why you convinced him to wear jewelries, matching ones to be exact, i mean you have to take advantage of the situation, like if he is gonna wear jewelries at least match with him. (one of the reasons he starts and styling his outfits with jewelries) ALSO MATCHING OUTFITS. it could be colors, designs or style!!
so yeah, shopping it is. you bought matching rings, necklace and earrings. IMAGINE WHAT HE WOULD LOOK LIKE AAAAHHHHHH
okay. so sylus is a boxer right? he would definitely teach you moves. to further increase your knowledge in self defense. i mean yes you know how to defend yourself and all but there's no harm learning more. so yeah he would become your personal trainer. how cool is that more time spent with him. and you two would also workout together regularly. (and to have a chance to admire his muscles too LMAO okay IM SO DOWN BAD BYEE)
you and sylus always meets at a parking space where you two can hangout freely with no people, since at night theres usually no cars here nor people, its just you two, and the air feels good too. you two hangout/meet there after missions.
now is one of those days. you two are the only ones there at the parking lot as usual, just talking to each other about the missions you two just finished or how it is going.
you two would mostly spend time chatting for an hour or two but after, you two would drive together, using your own motorbikes, going around city having the time of your life. and he would either be beside you driving or behind you to watch over you and make sure you're alright. i mean its dangerous driving in the dark, even though you're used to it its better to make sure. better safe than sorry.
i would like to believe that this man would be so neat and tidy person. like he cleans the house, its literally sparkling when he cleans, he is also organize in his things. like when he also arranges furnitures (i can feel he does that too) and when one time you ask where your thing is that you put in the coffee table, he would be like "oh i put it in the bedside table in the bedroom"
the next time that he cleans tho or arranges things he would inform you or put it somewhere you would easily notice so you wont have a hard time. he is considerate and mindful after what happened.
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so having this man in the house, is amazing. you're not the only one who will clean cause he will help you no matter what (actually he would have volunteered to be the only one who cleans but since you always insist). i think he would also be more of the type of person who tends to be more neat compared to the two of you.
one more thing, peaceful reading with sylus. he's a reader himself. he loves reading, and definitely treasures that time with you.
would visit different libraries and bookstores. you two literally collects lots of books and even have a library of your own in your house.
Please do not copy, translate, repost to any other social media, Thank you
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sculkcensor · 10 months
Quiiiiick (lying) analysis on a little theory I have about the 'species' (ig?) seen in QSMP
so on Quesadilla Island, we see two major sentient peoples. We have the census bureaus (CBs), of which we know Cucurucho, Osito, and the pink ears one, tho there may be more. There's also the faceless people, who I'll call Workers for simplicity tho they seem to encompass all residents of the island who aren't the players, not just fed staff.
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The CBs may potentially have once been Workers, since they appear very similar, or indeed may have just been crafted to look like them. It's hard to say exactly what they are biologically, they may be robotic or not, too much to bother breaking down here but in summary it's not clear.
Conversely, Workers seem to be biological. They don't have the powers (flight, invis, etc). They eat and drink regularly, chat amongst themselves, get paid for their work, and importantly as we see from Walter Bob, can have families and children. They also seem to generally be free-thinking. They are as diverse as players personality-wise, but visually all look the same with a blank face, and communicating through books.
Fit's contractor also resembles a Worker.
Now onto the INTERESTING part, on Egg Island, we see three new 'creatures'.
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We have the Watcher, who is a plain black entity with a single eye, twice the height of normal players. (I could go into the mythology significance here but I'm trying to keep this short lol). We have the Eye Worker, and we have the Little Buddies (LBs).
The eye worker is most likely to be a regular worker who defected to the Watcher's side. We know that Egg Island was once owned by the feds, and whilst we don't know the details, it's likely there were Workers on the island that remained when the Fed left. (alternatively, this could be the Worker that boated to the island, but that's less likely, we do see them dead and this eye worker has no black corruption.)
The ONLY visual differences we see between Workers beyond their clothes are player-created ones (Walter Bob's haircut), yet this Worker has a clear biological difference in that it has an eye. There's two potential routes from this: we can make a slightly jumping assumption that somehow, working with the Watcher gave it this eye - either a surgical change (it does have advanced equipment, tho there's no surgical implications) or a natural change a la the black corruption, something that just Happened to this guy because it works with the Watcher.
Alternatively, ALL the workers who lived on Egg Island could look like that, and they just have a general biological difference to Quesadilla Workers.
Where am I going with this - well. The LBs GREATLY resemble Workers, just small with eyes. We know Walter Bob at least had/has a child, and likely other Workers had children too.
People theorised that the LBs were the equivalent of Eggs, but I want to suggest - what if they are the children of Workers? Either the children of workers on Egg Island, or ones from Quesadilla that ended up there somehow? We know the rebels were trying to boat ppl off the island, and Egg Island is clearly not that far from Quesadilla. If the Watcher can make ppl have eyes, it would track that they could also have gained eyes. And they're not working for the Watcher as far as we see, and do act like little kids.
I'm not even going to start on Cucurojo or whatever we're calling it now, I don't even know what's going on there lmao but it does seem to be a similar entity.
En fin, this is just rambling speculation. But please guys, can we make it cool to like MCYT, so I can make a QSMP theory video on PT without my audience trying to kill me for it---
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pappydaddy · 2 years
style (j.m.)
a/n: this is a test to see if i really am shadowbanned. i have excluded any links and tags.
show/movie: outer banks
pairing: jj maybank x fem!kook!reader
not requested
synopsis: good-girl kook y/n and bad boy pogue jj, something that y/n doesn’t want to go out of style. no matter what brought them together.
warnings: fwb kinda gig, secret relationship (a little), infidelity (kinda), steamy make-out
masterlist found under navigation in bio
next part: i wish you would, found on my obx masterlist under jj and series | how you get the girl posted!
note: i usually link and tag people, but in an effort to see if i am shadowbanned or i need to redo all my links, i decided to use this to test.
not my gif | my header
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Eleven o’clock at night, Y/N sat there, eyes trained on the window waiting for the text to pop up onto her phone. Dressed in her best dress with the shortest skirt that she knew he loved, she waited for JJ - the Pogue bad boy her parents hated. She wasn’t sure what it was about JJ that made her lose all control. Made her lose her good-girl facade, but she knew for sure it wasn’t to piss off her parents since they didn’t even know about her hanging around JJ, she made sure of that in fear that they would ruin it. 
  “jj and sandra are leaving the wreck in two dif cars” Kie texted the group chat between her, Y/N and Sarah, before adding three side-eye emojis. Y/N glanced at it, eyes narrowing. When Kie texted telling them that he was hanging out with her, anger and jealousy filled Y/N even though she knew she had no place. They weren’t actually dating. They are just slightly more than hooking up. JJ took her to their secret hangout spot for romantic picnics and she was content knowing that she was the only one he did that for. Their hookups were more like sleepovers with sex, he would spend weeks holed up in her room when John B just assumed he was hooking up with random people. 
  “kick a soccer ball at her new nose on the first day of school, y/n.” Sarah urged. Sandra Hanson was the only other kook other than Kie and Y/N who went to the public school. Sarah is planning to transfer, but she cannot make any promises as of yet. Sitting comfortably in slightly higher than middle class, Y/N’s parents were not too happy about their daughter wanting to go to public school, but they surrendered to her begging. They didn’t know it was a ploy to get closer to her crush, JJ. Sandra had been expelled from the Kook Academy for disorderly conduct. 
  “they appeared to be doing homework but idk, seems sus.” Kie texted back an update. Y/N stood from the foot of her bed, pacing around. She hasn’t heard from JJ for weeks. She hadn’t even really heard from him, only getting a ‘be ready by midnight’ text from him after radio silence. This wasn’t uncommon for them. Y/N had hinted about wanting more for their relationship and JJ had seemed to disappear for a little bit besides them hanging out within their friend group. 
 ‘jj doing homework? Yeah right” Sarah sent with an eye-roll emoji. “ idk tho why would jj suddenly take interest in sandra when hes obvi obsessed with y/n, something is up…” She added quickly, a second grey bubble popping up under the other. 
  Y/N ignored this as the clock changed to eleven fifty-nine, igniting a swirl of butterflies within her stomach. Nobody knew about them. Well, what there was to know about them. They didn’t know about the late nights spent tangled together, stripped of clothes and defences - naked in front of each other. They didn’t know that Y/N’s classic, signature red lipstick stained JJ’s neck and other bits of skin regularly. They didn’t know anything. 
  The distant and familiar rattle of John B’s van excited her. Looking out her window, she could see the dark silhouette of the van turning into her driveway, pausing for a moment. Even with the headlights off, she could see, in the glow of the moon, JJ’s arm reaching out and punching in the code for the gate in her driveway. A burst of warmth filled her heart at the thought of JJ knowing the code to her gate off by heart. 
  Rushing out of her room and down the stairs, she was too eager to wait for him to even get out of the van and meet her at the door. By the time he was pulling up, she was already out the door and locking it. “Wow, someone’s eager.” JJ whistled, eyes shamelessly raking her up and down, checking her out. 
  “Oh, shut up.” She teased, rolling her eyes in fake annoyance. The smile stretching across her red painted lips gave her away. JJ, despite her already heading for the van, got out. She paused for a second, breath-taken away by the sight. She swears he moves in slow-motion half the time. Like a cheesy slow-motion clip of a really hot character in a show.
  JJ was the type of guy that made even the simplest outfit look hot. Blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket (definitely not the outfit worn in the picture Kie sent the group chat earlier). Just three simple pieces of clothing and he looks like sex on a stick. She watched him, slightly slack jawed, as he stretched, his muscles flexing. The white shirt did little to hide his defined abdomen as the moonlight rained down upon him like a spot light. His hands reached into his blonde locks, tossing the perfectly styled hair just the right way (again, much different than the messy hair hidden beneath the backwards baseball cap in the picture Kie sent). 
  The one piece of solstice she had within her relationship was that JJ tried with her. The other girls he’s seen with, he puts in the minimum amount of effort with them. But with her, he tried. Tried with his physical appearance, his emotions, and his intellect. The sentiment warmed her heart, her vital organ glowing like a star (something only JJ could make it do). 
  “Alright, let’s get going,” JJ groaned as he stretched more, his white shirt rising up just enough to allow his lower stomach to peek through. She nodded, following him as he led her towards the passenger side of the van. Opening the door for her, he gave her his hand to help her up. The contact of their skin was like an electric stock to her, making her flex her hand once he let go of it, closing the door. Her keen eyes didn’t fail to pick up the same movement from JJ’s hand as he jogged around the van. “I thought we would just drive around, there is some really rich Kook thing happening on the beach right by our spot.” 
  “Sounds good to me.” She sighed, wiggling in the seat to get comfortable. As much as they both tried within their thing, they both found themselves one-hundred percent comfortable with each other. She knew them too well. This long drive could end in burning flames or paradise. Either sending them into another flurry of sex, heat, and passion or into another pit of minimum contact. 
  Two AM. JJ drives them back to her house, his wild eyes seeming to have a hard time staying off her as she lounges back in her seat. His hand, clamped on her bare thigh, squeezed gently, making her look over at him. Her eyes twinkled in the moonlight, her hair flowing around them as he sped down the street. The corner of her lips turned up into a sweet smile, making his knees weak. He wasn’t sure what it was about her, the goodest Kook of them all, that drove him wild in such a tame and domesticated way, but it scared him. It scared him that he loved that red lip, classic look so much. It scared him that he loved her. 
  Pulling up to her gate once again, this time the yellow-tinted headlights of the van reflected back of the steel gate, hitting them. Easily, he punched in the code, slowly driving forward as the gate squeaked open. The van was bathed in a comfortable silence, as if they had been married for five years already. Just enjoying each other’s presence. 
  Wordlessly, they both got out, JJ’s hand finding the small of her back as they walked to her front door together. Nobody needed to say anything. They had an unspoken communication that JJ was coming into her house. 
  Y/N had doubts. She was tired of their circles. She wanted something more, but the last time she brought it up, it sent JJ into hiding for weeks. All the lights were off, just as she suspected as her parents were on a business trip, as she opened the door, letting them both in. Without hesitation, he walks past her as she turns around to shut and lock the door. 
  She could hear the rustling of him shrugging out of his leather jacket, discarding it onto the coat rack he knew they used religiously. In the back of her mind, she considers telling him to leave because she knows this will never change, this will lead to the exact same thing, but as she turns around to see him standing there, she decides going in the circle of crashing down and coming back every time was a much better option. 
  “I heard you were out and about with some other girls. Audrey Glassman last night at a Pogue party and Sandra Hanson tonight at the Wreck.” She brought up, eyebrows raised as she tried to play her jealousy off as intrigue and curiosity. JJ could see right through her, he always could. 
  Bowing his head, he slowly walked to her, closing the distance between them and she let him, standing there unmoving as she watched him get closer. “Look, yes, I hung out with them, but Y/N, I couldn’t get you off my mind for the past few weeks. It’s been driving me mad. I couldn’t stop thinking about you when I was with them.” He told her earnestly, hands falling on her hips as he stepped toe-to-toe to her, his breath fanning her face as they stared into each other’s eyes. 
  She hummed, head bowing for a second as she nodded. She knew what he was saying. She found her eyes flicking up to meet his. She swore that for a second, she was feeling what her grandmother felt whenever she gushed about the time she met James Dean. The same handsome sparkle she sees in the old picture of the two (she was pretty sure they dated but, her grandmother won’t confess). “Yeah, I’ve been there too a few times.” She admitted. 
  It was true. JJ always seemed to occupy her mind. Even when she was with other guys. The way he cannot seem to keep his wild eyes on the road when they’re driving somewhere. The way he fits right into her house as if he lives there too. The way his eyes sparkle when he looks at her. It was never sexual (well, rarely sexual) whenever she thought of him. Sure, she thought of his touch, but it was the comforting feel of his hand on her lower back as he’s guiding her to their private date spot in the dark or the light feeling of his fingertips pressing into her upper back whenever he feels protective over her (usually whenever Rafe is nearby). 
  “What do you say, Baby,” JJ asked, using his hands planted on her hips to pull her flush to him. She gasped, looking down at their bodies pressed against each other. She could feel every bump and dip of his body. She could feel his defined muscles, she could feel the heat radiating off him. She could feel another bump. Gingerly, her fingers found themselves dancing along his back, feeling the way his muscles rippled when he moved ever so slightly. “You forgive me? Nothing happened with either of them, you have my word and I might not have much, but I do have that.” 
  He leaned his head down, their foreheads touching in such a sweet and innocent way, a stark contrast to the way their bodies felt flush against each other, his nose brushing against hers. Her eyes fluttered closed, but she could feel his staring at her intently. Her eyes fluttered closed as she relished in the feeling. His breath fanned over her lips as he watched her intently, not doing anything until he knew for sure she was okay. Slowly, almost non-existent, there was a nod. “Yeah.” She breathed out. 
  “Good,” He breathed out in the same way. “Now, let me show you exactly why you were on my mind when I was with them.” He whispered seconds before their lips crashed together in a feverish kiss. It was messy, hands roaming everywhere, lips mushed together so hard it almost hurt. Tongues and a little bit of spit moving from mouth to mouth, but they didn’t care if drool was rolling down either of their faces. They were too absorbed in the feeling of each other. 
  Chests rose and fell rapidly and it was only a few seconds in, but that’s how passionate they are. Hums, moans, and panting were the only sounds in the quiet house as her Hands gripped the bottom of JJ’s t-shirt, pulling it up. Her knuckles dragged along his abs (both for her pleasure and his) making his muscles ripple and his back hunch slightly. Humming into the kiss at the feeling, Y/N nearly ripped the shirt off him, making him pull away to get rid of the barrier before resuming the kiss with more vigour, forcefully lifting her up into the air, her legs wrapping around his waist as some sort of automatic response. His arms tightened around her waist, pushing her against him. Her pelvis rolled against his clothed bulge, making him whine slightly at the feeling. 
  The air in the room was already thick with the smell of arousal and sex. Their skin became sticky as they worked each other up, hands roaming each other’s bodies like someone exploring new land. It was as if they were a force when together, possessing the power to make any room seem like a sex room in under ten seconds. 
  With her back pressed into the wall suddenly, JJ’s weight pressing her flush against it, he rolled his pelvis into hers making her tear her lips away from him, the feeling of his clothed, jean-clad pelvis rolling against hers that was basically only covered by her panties due to her skirt riding up send shock waves through her body. His lips latched onto her throat without a second thought, inciting another gasp from her - a sound that drove him mad. Another quick roll and she cried out, body falling forward onto him. Tears pricked her eyes as her head pulled back, hitting the wall. JJ’s tongue licked the spot he knew made her weak, humming at the sound of her whimper before biting it gently, enticing a gasp from her. Her breasts pressed against him harder, her fingers disappearing into his blonde hair as he continued his attack on her neck. 
  Sure, she should have told him to leave, but that wouldn’t have fixed anything. There is no way to pull them apart. No matter how many times she tells him to leave, they just keep coming back because they will never go out of style. Never. Now, be that the sheer magnitude of their passion and feelings or the pull of the stereotype they so perfectly fit, Y/N had no idea, but she never wanted it to stop.  
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the-phantom-author · 1 year
Ludwig Ahgren | General Dating
Lud content! Lud content! This is the most unsure I've been of if this is in character. Reblogs are welcomed. Request are open!
A non streamer, you’d just be some rando. You work in a store that he visits regularly, maybe a coffee shop or bookshop or small hole-in-the-wall restaurant. He comes over often, asks you for your recommendations, and then tells you about his favorites. But he’d be so awkward about it.
You would also have to be someone who he would hee semi-regularly, he is chronically unable to approach people he thinks are attractive.
I see him as someone who is very playfully mean to those around him, however during the start of the relationship he’d not know how far he can push you, so he just doesn’t. You can tell that he’s holding back on something tho, it’s not until you first say something rudish to him that he starts to relax about it.
I can see him being very touchy as a boyfriend. Like you no longer have me space, its our space. Arms around your shoulders when he’s standing behind you, laying on you when you’re on the phone, or his legs on your lap. He just likes to be touching you.
This does not change if he can manage to get you on stream. He’ll have you sit next to him and he’ll knock into your shoulder, tap your kneecap, or squeeze your hand off camera. Most of the time it’s to make sure that you’re okay, just return the in kind and he’ll continue on with the stream, if you don’t he’ll figure out an excuse to off camera.
Loves to bully you. Will absolutely pinch and poke at you while you are just trying to watch a movie. Will pull on your hair when casually walking past you. He will get stuck in bits after being on camera, and he does sometimes forgets that you are not A) a internet personality and B) currently on stream. He does feel really bad about it afterwards, grovles in it for a while, even if you tell him that its fine and you understand.
He’s a big acts of service guy. Like anytime he goes away and sees you he’s bringing you something. He’ll act like it’s whatever; sometimes it’s your favorite snack, other times it’s flowers, occasionally it’ll be a piece of jewelry, but it’s always something. And it never fails to melt your heart. OR if you mention that you’re hungry he’ll get food to you. If your not in the same building as him it’ll be an uber eats, but if you are he’ll go and make you something.
He would let you wear any of his clothes, but also have you seen what he picks out to wear??? No, the thing that you do is buy him stuff to wear. He’ll poke fun of you for doing it, but he actually appreciates it. Would actually bring it up on stream/The Yard, “My girlfriend bought this for me, I think she thinks i dress poorly.” and everyone around him, chat included, tell him he does.
Also stream appearances. Baling streams, prove that you both can only bake one thing. Or Challange Streams, that’s the one thing that could get you out of your head while on stream, just proving that you're better than him at random games or that you have a faster typing speed then him.
I strongly believe that he is extremely exhausted when he ends the stream. Like ready to pass out at any momnet. Automatic heads to his room, where he hopefully will be able to nap with you. Unfortunately he doesnt always make it, he has a bad habit of falling asleep out in the hallway, or the kitchen when getting a glass of water, or the chair in his room. He’s always fine after, especially if you’re in his eyesight when he wakes up.
He has a lot of opinions on things, and he like to talk to you about them. Like he’ll talk and talk and talk about things to you if you are willing to listen, and he is always surprised when you do.
More on that point he will run all of the mogal mails by you. He is actually a one take jake when it comes to filming them, but he likes to sit down in front of you while you're eating or making a smoothie or something and just ask if he can run something past you. He lets you ask questions and criticizes it. He says it helps him get the understanding of what the average person would think of the content of the video.
He’d be so down to adopt a pet with you. Aren't all of the pets in that house qt’s??? It does not even matter what kind of pet you want. You want a dog, cool. A cat, He’s so about that. A snake? Do you know how many views he could milk that for in stream.A hedgehog? That’s now his precious baby.
In conclusion, our annoying theater kid English major boyfriend is a fiend but we love him.
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supermoongirl9 · 2 years
Your 8H is also about some 'guilty pleasure' you may have and in which you should invest and indulge more as a way to feel happier.
It's about derivative astrology here, not only for rising signs.
Capricorn placements and their 8H in Leo in derivative ? Changing hair cut and hair color more regularly could be nice tbh. Or finding other ways to make yourself feel more seen tho! makeup, clothes etc cause ultimately it's about that !
Aquarius = Virgo 8H; embracing your neat freak side and not letting others decide; it's ok to like some material items that will make ur life better.
Pisces = Libra 8H; being a luxurious lover; wanting to receive more/better gifts (+ offering them); spending for ur loved ones.
Aries = Scorpio 8H; indulging in better sex, exploring more of ur fantasies (or trying to even find what they are).
Taurus = Sagittarius 8H; actually spending more time on that passion of yours + see how far it will push u (could even make u travel somewhere).
Gemini = Capricorn 8H; embracing your responsible side, giving orders to people; being the actual boss (and acting as such).
Cancer = Aquarius 8H; doing things that 'aren't ur style', surprising urself somehow (and not caring abt what others will say).
Leo= Pisces 8H; being so in love that you don't recognize urself; indulging in ur creative side (try it, do not care abt the result).
Virgo = Aries 8H; being bolder, taking more risk in general (maybe even starting a fight or something) and esp sexually speaking.
Libra = Taurus 8H; taking ur time to do things for urself (w/o taking others into account); enjoying ur fav meal, a massage or else ALONE.
Scorpio = Gemini 8H; find someone to gossip with; write ur secrets somewhere; talk to a stranger w/o caring abt what you say.
Sagittarius = Cancer 8H; watch that sad movie/listen to that sad song and cry; spend more time pampering urself (take a bath w a face sheet mask on idk); talk in a gentle voice to urself; treat urself like a little kid for once (comfort food and all).
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lostrealities0 · 7 months
OC time babyyy
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Quick summary:
A digital entity but not ai. No programing or files. No one knows how he came to exist.
The Purple Dragons snuck a virus into Donnie's tech. When Donnie finally cleaned it out, he noticed there was still something there. Enter, a confused as hell Net.
At first he could only be in screens, then he could form a hologram. Eventually, with Mikey and Draxum's mystic powers, his holographic form can become physical to his will.
Lots of random details. A lot of them:
Once he got his physical form, he could not change it.
He can mentally "shift" between digital, hologram, and physical. Their physical body continues to live, even if they aren't in it.
You can tell when he is in his physical body because his markings will glow slightly.
In screens and holograms, he can transform himself into whatever he wants.
They decided to have a softshell because it seemed more convenient. (He also chose to be a turtle because the others were)
The physical form is flesh and blood, they aren't a robot.
Once he gained a physical form, he became fascinated with the senses. Always wearing clothes, listening to music, etc
He does get overwhelmed tho. Like, he's either easily overwhelmed by everything or can't get enough. No in-between.
Donnie disliked him for a while because Net came from the virus.
They become close though. Net is close to everyone.
They're a little shit.
Doesn't understand physical needs. For a while, everyone had to constantly remind him to eat/sleep/etc because he would go days without it otherwise.
Identity crisis? Haha what's that?? Net definitely doesn't have that (he does)
He has a lot of similarities to Donnie, both personality wise and physical. The two think it's because he "woke up" in Donnie's tech
Which is main root to his identity problem.
He quickly picks up traits from everyone else too. The first week or so after being introduced to everyone, he mimicked them a lot.
He gave Splinter peanut butter when they first met because he read on the Internet that rats love it.
He can float/fly as a hologram.
He can access the Internet in his mind at all times.
Forgets they can't when physical. Leo laughs everytime they land on the ground (he make sure they're okay tho)
Sometimes has glitch episodes. Very painful.
He technically can be injured when digital, it's just more of a spirit thing.
If they shift while hurt, the injuries can still get worse since the body is still alive.
If the body dies, he does too.
Mentally, he's around the same age as the turtles
Pain scares the fuck out of them. Whenever Leo has to give him a shot or something, he literally has to be pinned down and restrained by mystic powers so he doesn't go digital.
He regularly steals. From the boys, the store, the bank, anyone and everyone is a potential target.
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coreene-simblr · 1 year
Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
Thank you all so much for tagging me @papermint-airplane @treason-and-plot @hazely-sims I feel so grateful to have wonderful mutuals like you guys!
Answers are under the cut!
What’s your favorite Sims death?
I play Sims 3 the most so I'll answer it for that one. There are so many cool deaths in Sims 3, unfortunately I only experienced a few and in those my favourite is definitely the meteor one. I got this only one time in my 10+ years of playing. I remember it like yesterday, I had just made a new sim, was planning on playing a legacy and sent her to university. I shit you guys not she got hit by a meteor on her first class activity. As that was my only sim, the game was over xD
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
Ahh, hard to answer. You kind of have to go with Alpha hair in Sims 3. I remember I used a lot of Alpha cc for sims 2 back in the day. Before MM was this popular. I really do not like alpha cc in clothes for Sims 3 though. I guess a bit of both?
Do you cheat your sims weight?
I never actually felt the need to do that. I personally like exercise and my sims usually are on the active side as well and they keep good shape. I certainly don't mind seeing sims who are a bit on the heavier side around town.
Do you move objects?
Probably not as often as other simmers, tbh. I do build but I don't like clutter. If I feel the need to use it I will, but it doesn't happen often.
Favorite Mod?
Definitely Nrass MC. It just makes it so easier to fix some of the quirks this game can have. Also being able to just makeover townies, is a must for me. Even though I carefully select my randomizable outfits I'll still take them to cas for a touch up.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
Ah, hard to remmeber. I think I had open for business in Sims 2 as my first expansion but the first one I specifically saved up money for was Late Night for Sims 3.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Kara Down, had a post dedicated to her a few weeks back and it's here xD
Have you made a simself?
Eh, not on looks exactly like myself but definitely on traits, Kara is pretty much me/my alter ego. I made her when I was 12 and didn't know how much I liked dancing or clubbing xD Realized it after I grew up and got to do those things, haha
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Hmm, there was this hair mutation my only 4 generation legacy had. It was a very nice shade of blonde, I liked that.
Favorite EA hair?
For Sims 3 it's this hair Karen has in this post.
For Sims 2, harder to choose. I love all these ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) my favourite is gonna be the Bella hair.
Favorite life stage?
Always gonna be YA. In every iteration. Loved university stuff in Sims 2 and I love that stage in all other games.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Well, I like building the lots my sims play in. A lot of the cc lots out there have too much clutter and I do not like clutter. Whenever I download a lot I'll end up deleting all those decorations anyway so why bother. Adding the fact that I'm an architect in RL, I just notice, specially in residential lots, some no-no's we were thought in school.
Short answer is, I build them for myself to play in and share just in case if people would like to add my things to their games.
Are you a CC creator?
I haven't dabbled with creating meshes but did some recolours, tattoos, lots or whatever. Am I a cc creator tho? Nah, I just share the stuff I make for myself.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Sim Squad? No. Simblr friends? I would like to think, yes. I consider people I chat regularly under posts as my simblr friends :D
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I am in more control of the town but less in control of my sims these days if that makes sense? I try to do what they would wish to do and leave certain things to their autonomy.
What’s your origin id?
Do not use origin. I have the games on discs and I created their disc images long time ago. I use the no-disc crack for them now as I couldn't set the disc image to work for Sims 3 on this laptop.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
I do not have that much cc for sims 3 but first people that comes to my mind are @sweetdevil-sims and @simlicious. Love their edits to simple maxis clothes and simlicious' patterns. They are out of this world in quality! looking at @aroundthesims for some objects I find myself looking for also.
How long have you had simblr?
I think I have been sharing my lots on @simsitecture since 2017 but haven't interacted with the community much back then due to my main blog being something else. I changed this blog to be a simblr I think about a year ago and since then I've been more active here.
How do you edit your pictures?
I have a few actions for brightness and saturation in PS. I use those on images I think that are too dark etc. Nothing else.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
Sims 2: Nightlife
Sims 3: Late Night
Sims 4: Get Together
Hmm, think there is a pattern there...
I think most of you guys have already done this but I'll tag some people I haven't seen share this yet. There is no pressure to do this and also if you want to do it and haven't been tagged consider this your tag!
Tagging @simstryingtheirbestok @zergula @ts3strayastray
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bossyuri · 1 year
Ima put my random thoughts about SRV in here! It probably won't make much sense but wtv sdfsg
again I haven't placed the last building or conquered the whole map yet, as context, but i did finish the main story aside from that.
So ima start of with thoughts while disregarding how the bugs affected the experience!
Overall, I had a good time! I really enjoyed it. I love the new crew. I loved the focus on friendship. I'd say the story overall is nothing really special though, which I don't think is necesserily a bad thing. Sometimes a chill story packaged in a fun game is good ya know.
I loved finding out bits and pieces about our friends through dialogue, I think that was great, and I really liked that it felt like a solid friend group. Modern Yuri (as I like to colloqually call him lmao) is so much more mellow from having a good support system early on lol. But he's still got some Classic Yuri in him.
The rival gangs I think that thematically, visually, their music and stuff, they were great. I liked them a lot, they had good contrast, their music when you fight them rules. I do think that they were a little underused in the actual story though so they don't quite leave the impact that say, the Syndicate did. The threat they posed felt more theorical than anything you actually see. Again not the worst thing, but I feel like they could've used a bit more time to be more present. (I did like how the Panteros stuff ended because it tied in with other things later though!). Like I think in particular that the collective could have been used a lot more.
That said I did play with looong months-long break for the first quarter of the game so idk how that affected my impression. And the last few missions I think were really, really cool, I really liked them! But I felt like the middle parts after a certain point weren't quite as memorable.
But I don't think it was bad! And the game isn't quite over yet, so I'm looking forward to what's to come.
Also I did like how narratively the game tries to give you a nice fantasy release from a lot of real life issues. I'm sure many people at Volition had to face these frustrations in their lives and it felt like. relatable yknow.
Now though.....so I work in game QA, going on my 7th year, and the game released in....really an unnacceptable state, which was really a bummer and really harmed it. I don't blame the devs. Devs want to give us good games. But they don't control release dates.
and they did not control covid. I know a lot people see covid as an "excuse" to fuck up games but trust me as someone who was working in the industry through it all, it absolutely messed up a *lot* of stuff that you may never know about. My setup from home is still not ideal. And thats not even getting into employee burnout but anyway-
I've had crashes to desktop, blockers in missions (regularly), broken multiplayer (tho i havent had a chance to test it again after patches) needing full game restarts for a variety of reasons (clothes broken, face broken, world stopped populating, quest blocked...) the clothes system still breaks for me after so many months after release (thought its a lot better. i dont fear the stores as much anymore lol). I don't know if it's a quirk of the PC version, but it would have been so much more of a good experience if they had had the time to polish the game more before release. Lots of gamers don't have much patience for this kinda shit, and it's a shame for a game that has a lot of love put into it.
But they're still patching the game, and the QOL changes that they keep adding are really good. The game is a lot more stable for me too so I will definitely keep playing, and I'm hoping that my mental state will allow me to make some fun content from it. I'm still kinda hoping for a steam release sometime so I might get to replay the story again if that happens. Because taking screenshots on epic is a goddamn pain.
So huh anyway. I don't think anyone cares that much but if you've read that far thank you! And also thanks for sticking around with me for so long despite my dropping off the face of the earth in a depression spiral. But I'm still around and Yuri is still around. And Saints Row V is fun!
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Hey!! I saw your addition about eshakti on a post you reblogged from me. If you're up for it, would you be able to go on a fashion rant/ramble about sizing? I started T about a year ago (tho I've been off it for a few months because of ADHD-related restricted-meds-are-hard-to-refill reasons). With the fat redistribution I've experienced my loose-fitting off-the-rack sizes have been fluctuating. Anything fitted has been 50/50 since sometimes the garment structure is *more* helpful in maintaining the correct silhouette (less dependent on body/shapewear). Any advice for how to account for when your weight and measurements are mostly the same as before, but now it's all in slightly different places?
I say this with so much love, compassion, and seething irritation at how indecipherable the garment industry has made measuring and sizing: Which measurements are you taking that are all the same despite totally different distribution?
If the only measurements you've been taking are the Bust-Waist-Hip triad, I have some good/bad news for you.
This is an example of the measurements eshakti asks you to provide in order to tailor your clothes for a custom fit:
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For a jumpsuit, they ask for sixteen discrete measurements.
I re-measure wifey and I every 3 months or sofor the following:
1) Shoulder
2) Chest
3) Bust
4) Underbust
5) Waist/Wearing Waist
6) Hip
7) Upper Arm
8) HPS to Bust Point
9) HPS to Waist
10) HPS to Knee
11) Wearing waist to knee
12) Thigh
13) Calf
14) Knee
15) Ankle
16) Front Hip
17) Back hip
18) Front rise
19) Back rise
20) Total Rise
21) Inseam
22) Outseam
23) Hip at Crotch
24) Neck
And honestly this is like. A minimum of the measurements you should keep on hand for custom fitting*. I'm willing to bet that you're measurements have changed DRAMATICALLY, just not in the off-the-rack stress points. If you want to learn how to take these measurements, articles like this can help you learn how to do it accurately!
*Good news, eshakti has diagrams showing you how to measure EACH of these points without ever having to toggle away from the page where you're entering the numbers! Very user friendly imo
Now, if you keep these measurements up to date, you can alter off-the-rack clothes to match them in the places they need to be adjusted by ensuring that the measurements of the garment are at least 6cm (2in) larger than your own measurements. The thicker the fabric, the more extra room you should give yourself.
You could ALSO order custom fitted clothes instead of tailoring off the rack ones if you want to spring for it. Here too, you should add to your measurements for thicker fabric like wool, as well as for outerwear. For street clothes that are not meant to create a tight silhouette, add 3cm (~1in)to your measurements. For outerwear, you can add up to 10cm (~4in)depending on how many layers you expect to wear under it and how thick of a textile you're using. A nice thick woolen frock coat should get 7.5-10cm (~3-4in) added to each critical measurement to account for fabric thickness, under-layers, and movement. (FYI if you expect to wear heels or lifts with a bottom consistently, make sure you measure you're inseam/outseam, etc so that the hem will land where you want it to on the shoes, don't just use you're normal measurements).
Now. If you're someone who regularly has measurement fluctuations for one reason or another, it can be helpful to track those fluctuations for a few months and see if you can identify a set of measurements that can account for sizes that match you the majority of the time through your fluctuations. Get your close fitting clothing in this pseudo-median measurement set. Then get clothing that is meant to be loose-fitted in the a measurement set made up of your maximum measurements plus about 2-5 centimeters (1-2in). These clothes can be comfortably worn loose during high-end fluctuations, and can be paired with belts, suspenders, garters, and other securing accessories to fit them more closely during lower end fluctuations.
Structured under garments or protective under garments can also go a long way towards either maintaining a certain distribution of weight at various major points, OR of creating additional bulk while wearing clothes that were meant for you at a higher fluctuation. I'm a huge proponant of using undergarments to creste the silhouette you want and then adding your clothes on top of it! That's what people did for LITERALLY ALL OF FUCKING HISTORY before the trending silhouettes started getting too form-fitting and slim to accommodate that. Before the fashion became "literally as small as humanly possible like if you could turn invisible in profile that'd be great".
I mean hell, isn't that what we trans people do with our packers and binders and titty inserts and tucking and such? If you're already taking the time to adjust your silhouette that much with under garments and accessories, might as well have fun with it and get the whole package!
You don't have to wear a bustle to pad your butt the way you want it, and stays can be a great way to distribute the weight of your street clothes and support your silhouette. Frankly, a return to longline under garments would be a great way to create cleaner lines and more creative silhouettes.
Off the rack clothing sizes are an abomination unto god and man, and the absolute fucking refusal to use a standardized measurement scale is something I will literally never stop being spitting mad about though.
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smol-grey-tea · 2 years
Back on my Nameless bullshit cuz I'm hyperfixating on it again and just today finished replaying Lance's route
Wanted to take this post to infodump about the character designs. Yes we all know the outfits are really strange and aren't co-ordinated at all, especially Red's, but I think at the end of the day, the outfits are the doll's default clothing and since they're just dolls the outfits prioritise design over practicality so it kinda makes sense that a doll's clothes wouldn't translate well into a human body
But I didn't wanna talk about their default outfits, I wanted to talk about their school uniform. They all (excluding Yuri) wear the exact same uniform. Yet they all manage to wear it in a way that highlights their own personality thru it.
Starting with Lance, he wears his blazer buttoned up with a plain and formal tie, showing how plain and straight forward his personality is.
Yeonho wears a bow but it's slightly lopsided, showing he's a bit fancier than Lance's tie, but he's inexperienced and younger than the others so he a lil confused but he got the spirit.
Tei wears a bow, like Yeonho, but it's straighter and more professional, so he's definitely fancier but knows what he's doing.
Yuri's suit is more professional too, as he's a teacher in the school, but he also regularly wears a pair of sunglasses to show how he is the only one of the boys to really care about his appearance as to change it so much, and especially with the choice of sunglasses showing status and how he views himself as cool
Finally, Red doesn't button up his blazer, nor does he button up the top button of his shirt, and he doesn't even wear any tie at all. This shows just how different he is to everyone else and also that he's more of a free spirit who doesn't particularly conform to the majority. Also, not buttoning up blazers/coats and top buttons is an autistic mood, on top of having difficulty with tying bows and ties. I personally headcanon he just straight up doesn't know how to tie knots like that at all and needs Tei to tie his shoelaces for him, but he eventually gets fed up with relying on Tei and just buys velcro instead
I'm not done yet tho cuz now I'm gonna talk about the girls too:
First of all, Soi's uniform is, again, the same as the other girls, but the way she wears it really emphasises her larger than life personality. She wears a ribbon in her hair as well as a bow tie but also with an um,, open,, chest? She definitely cares about her appearance and expresses herself in a very feminine way with her posture as well. Did you know Soi only has 1 sprite? Somebody else who uploaded the character sprites talked about this, but it's very easy not to notice her lack of sprites because of just how expressive her 1 sprite is on its own. It's just so expressive she doesn't need any more than 1 and you don't even notice it!
Shinbi on the other hand, has a formal tie, showing she's more reserved than Soi, but she's regularly seen either with her hands in her pockets or holding a strawberry milk carton, showing that she has quite a laid back attitude, compared to Soi's energy
Eri, I think, is the only character to have 3 different outfit sprites, which is 1 of the few things I would change about the game - I think if the main characters are dolls shouldn't they dress up a bit more? I don't even think Red has a justice warrior sprite, altho that's probably thrown out in favour of the play cg in his route. Eri's uniform is plain but still a bit messy - she has a bow tie but it's lopsided and she doesn't button up her blazer, which shows that she knows her own style and hobbies but isn't too organised or professional about anything herself
I don't rly know what else to add and it's kind of late. Maybe someone else has made a similar post, maybe that person was me, but this is what I made and now I'm posting it so everyone else can see it too :)
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eggluttony · 2 years
While Eggman overeating and getting fatter and sexier naturally/unintentionally is super hot, the concept of him WANTING to gain weight and his perverted thoughts coming out during stuffing sessions/dirty talk is just a MASSIVE turn-on for me sghsgshfhdk it’s way too hot 🥵
I know it’s probably not the most in-character thing for him to think or want but… it’s just so damn hot to think about 🥰 Like him actively wishing to gain pounds and become bigger and bigger SGSHSJSH- THTS SO SEXY yes king become the morbidly obese slob you wanna be 😌 We won’t complain lmaoooo
While I don’t see Eggman regularly weighing himself, he obviously checks himself out in the mirror and when he sees his “developments”, i love to imagine it turning him on, like- ohhh my god I am absolutely huge… his round belly starts to develop into rolls and his hips get wider with love handles as well as his ass n tits and he’s just like yeeeeees I am so fuckin sexy 🥴 When people start to tease him about it in bed and really lean into the concept of him becoming hundreds and hundreds of pounds fatter it really makes him horny
His belly and tits start to get so much softer, instead of his harder sort of fat before he gained a bunch, and all of him starts to jiggle when doing stuff, even during the smallest of activities after a while - his clothes are getting super tight even after moving up so many sizes constantly and, if he’s wearing clothes with a belt or a waistline, he starts to get a veeeeery prominent muffin top sgdhdgsk- Moving about/daily activities are becoming so much more tiring and he wishes he could just sit back, eat some of his favourite fattening desserts and be worshipped like the absolute king he is, just to spare him the effort of “strenuous activity”
He notices these changes in his body and behaviour frequently and he’s quite shocked (and even appalled) with himself… until he’s alone sgshsjsh- sometimes things like this can be concerning when he notices in public spaces, but once he’s by himself and can reflect, he’s extremely horny and gives into his gluttonous and lustful desires…
OKAY IM GETTING CARRIED AWAY I GOTTA STOP TYPING SGSHSGSKSHSK what do you think tho?? Like, do you like the thought of him actively liking gaining weight, enjoying the changes in his body?
HELLO I have a fucking intense boner fnjsbkgsbwkgksbh GOD SAME
Of course I do love the idea of Eggman accidentally overeating, unintentionally gaining a lot, and then being shocked by his own transformation with just how far pure mindless gluttony can take him and how it's like he just can't control himself sometimes. It's really sexy when he's oblivious, then in denial, and then embarrassed and a little ashamed, it's a prime state for him to be teased for the bad habits and poor choices he makes without even realizing sometimes.
But I'm also really weak for him totally getting into it, not just all the big stuffings but even weight gain. I like to combine the best of both because I can see it working that way for him, where he accidentally and naturally gains and is embarrassed and nervous that he's put on this much weight without even noticing but gets turned on by that and realizes he's actually not sure if he wants to stop now he's aware and it's not just because he hates trying to lose weight.
If he doesn't gain intentionally at first but realizes he's loving it and can't deny it, he says fuck it and gives in and gains purposefully but tries to tell himself and others he's just taking time to relax and treat himself, to try to feel less guilty about it when it's really just an excuse to let his greedy slobby side come out. He swears he can stop whenever he wants so it won't go too far but of course that's not true because it's addictive and he's bound to get carried away hehe ;)
I LOVE the thought of him specifically admiring his fat in the mirror as part of being madly in love with himself, I think about it all the time! Him posing and feeling himself up, being proud of his big round belly as he rubs, pats, and shakes it in his hands, loving his squishy tits and big butt, and how everything wobbles around. He loves everything about himself and thinks he has the perfect, most gorgeous body shape and size and he's so right.
He blushes like "Oh man I'm getting so fat..." and gasps and tuts and is appalled but is also in awe and wonder as he feels himself up in the mirror, grabs thick rolls of soft fat, squeezes his butt, cups his tits, takes in how much bigger he's gotten and gets hard as he realizes he just looks even sexier fatter as all his best assets get bigger. He ends up jerking off excitedly and surprises himself by blurting out how he's such a greedy fatass and looks so sexy.
The hornier he gets, the more he wants to get fatter and then the thought of that turns him on even more to the point he can't stand how good it feels to be getting fatter and how hot the thought of gaining even more is. He gets so carried away in the thoughts as he jerks off aggressively and cums so hard, realizing his heart (more like his dick lol) really wants to, even though his mind is conflicted with knowing he shouldn't but he's loving it and can't help his desires.
He secretly fantasizes about being seriously pampered and overfed constantly and becoming a being a slobby obese fatass of an emperor, with a massive belly that draws attention so eyes are always on him. He just sits back and is worshipped and fed with days full of constant bliss, pleasure, fullness, and sleepiness, lounges with his huge stuffed belly proceeding him, eats and eats and gets even more food at the click of fingers and gets fatter and fatter.
He has wet dreams of being a massive morbidly obese lazy fatass and wakes up to the tent of his boner in the sticky sheets and the naughty fantasy on his mind, so he waddles to the kitchen for a late night feast, clearing out the entire fridge and pantry while imagining those dreams coming true. He wobbles back to bed severely overstuffed and bloated, loving how fat and huge his belly feels when packed full and he wishes it looked like that while empty and even bigger.
Or of it's morning, he stuffs himself with a big hearty breakfast and then struggles to pull himself and his fat stuffed belly out his chair- or when he's especially horny, he orders for an even bigger breakfast in bed and ends up too full and heavy to get out of bed. And that just further encourages him to be lazy and go back to sleep, where he just keeps dreaming of getting huge while his stomach digests and more fat is added to his frame in his sleep.
During a stuffing session and/or when he's in bed with a partner, he really likes being teased for his awful habits and how he's been getting fatter. He starts off seeming flustered and in denial, then nervous and blushy, but he gets so turned on that the excitement takes over and he stops pretending he doesn't love it as a big smile is finally on his face and a giggle escapes him as he admits that being so fat feels really good and he wants to be bigger and fatter.
Talking about how fat he's getting and the subject of fattening him up further in dirty talk drives him crazy, he gets so hard and leaky while his fat is jiggled and played with, he starts moaning and sighing in delight of how fat and soft he feels and the thought of getting bigger. When it gets him horny, he doesn't think rationally or worry anymore and instead loves how naughty it feels and associates every jiggle of his heavy fat body with feelings of pure ecstasy.
He tries to grind up into them excitedly during it only he just pathetically humps his own soft fat of his growing belly hang but that feels great too and he loves it. He tries to reach to touch himself but it's also difficult reaching his dick and when he's told to imagine what it would be like if he couldn't reach to do it at all anymore and always needs help with it and he knows that would be appalling and frustrating but it excites him way more than it should.
He starts moaning and panting and almost pleads as he says he needs more, he needs to eat more and he needs to get fatter. Greed and desire takes over and makes him so horny and he gives in. During a stuffing session, his mind tells him to eat and eat and have more food forced down his throat and feel his fat belly expand and bulge until it feels like he's about to burst and keep going and he eats sloppily and messily like a pig the more desparate he gets.
He'd love to be way fatter because it's so exciting for himself and others to play with it. Some of his biggest orgasms happened while his fat was played with and wobbled and kissed and he's told to imagine getting even fatter. He loves feeling like a blob of fat and everything jiggling and shaking as he thrusts or gets fucked or gets jerked or sucked off and cums while smiling wide and moaning as he's called a big greedy fatass and kinds of other teasing names.
When his body gets bigger and softer, he has even more fun admiring his developing body with how the slightest movements make him jiggle all over, how much his round belly proceeds him so he can't see his dick or his feet, how his tits sag heavier than before, his heavy wobbly belly hangs, and his fat plump ass jiggles. He wonders what it would be like to become a big blob of lard, how it would feel to just drown in it and he can't stop eating to get there.
He finds himself loving the process, the pressure of his strained creaking bodysuit sounding like it's going to split, seams feeling like they're going to tear, when his belly muffin tops over belts and waistbands, buttons and zippers straining and about to break and pop, feeling himself getting too big for seats and doorways, his bed, and bathtub. He tries to sound disappointed whenever his wright gives him issues but his sighs and groans sound more like arousal.
He's a bit blushy when clothes get tighter and it's more obvious that he's barely squeezed into them as they're strained and buttons and his bodysuit are creaking, shirts are riding up, his squishy love handles and butt are spilling out, how his moobs are showing through everything. But it also feels so good, how it's all barely containing the thick squishy fat and imagining getting big enough to ruin these clothes and keeps eating and enjoys feeling it get tighter.
The times he does explode out his clothes, he moans deeply as all his fat abruptly spills out every angle and his fat belly looks massive when he looks down, it feels amazing. He feels an intense rush of pleasure and his cock hardens under the layers of fat. If it happened in the middle of eating then he just shoves the next bite down his throat and keeps going, thinking of getting enormous and he becomes addicted to stuffing himself silly.
All the days of being so packed full after meal after meal and snack after snack to the point he can't move starts feeling like accomplishments that he's proud of himself for. The tummy aches he gets are signs he's eaten enough and if he doesn't feel round and heavy and tightly stretched then he hasn't. He loves waddling to the pantry for more food and stumbling into bed with an overstuffed gut and sometimes can't even gorges on late night snacks after.
Every new roll of fat and fresh set of stretch marks he notices all over his body in the mirror, everything getting bigger and fatter and even his cheeks and multiple chins. It makes him feel so giddy, he can't believe how sexy he looks and how great he feels and how he just wants more! He's gaining by the week with constant stuffings and lazy days of sleeping and gaming and eating until he's about to burst, always thinking about his next meal and nap.
Eventually everything starts making him breathless and tired easier, too much heavy fat to carry to move and he's too full and sleepy to function mentally. He just wants to lay back and eat big tasty fattening greasy meals and junk and sweet sugary desserts and go to sleep with his hands resting on top of his huge packed full gurgling stomach. He wants the most work to be moving his jaw to chew and his poor stomach working extra hard to digest all he forces into it.
He also doesn't want to move because his back fat and huge plump ass feel like big cozy cushions, his tits and belly are comforting to hold and pleasurable to play with. He's so warm and fat and comfortable and the satisfaction of being stuffed to the gills on top of it is exhilarating. He just wants to sit there like a lazy slobby fatty and ask his robots to do literally everything for him and judge him for becoming extremely obese to the point it's getting really shocking.
There's confliction. It's so wrong but it feels so right. He really shouldn't but he just really wants to get bigger, it still doesn't feel like enough even when it starts giving him problems. And even though he knows he's getting too fat and he's too full and should stop, he keeps shoving more food into his mouth as the fantasy and thought of how he shouldn't actually just really excites him more and he likes telling himself he needs it. He likes when partners tell him he does.
When he's horny he gets really carried away and can't help himself. He forgets about the shame and guilt and gives into dirty desire and lust. He loves the heavy indulgence and tells himself he needs and deserves to feel good and gorge freely to his heart's content and grow. They're just barely restrained deep dirty desires of complete gluttony and obesity and when that smallest amount of restraint is lost, it's easy for him to let himself go and get absolutely huge.
He gets so huge that he surpasses type 2 to 3 obesity class and when he's finally pushed to get back on the scales by concerned robots, it reads error and he's embarrassed to move up to a bariatric one and find that he's now considered morbidly obese. And he's seriously shocked and appalled with himself but at the same time this is the beginning of his fantasy coming true and he can't help but feel a bit excited at how fat and heavy and enormous he is!
He's worn out after waddling to the scale and the shock so he just wants to lay back down and rest. And when he thinks about all the food he ate to get this big he just starts craving more. So he soon finds himself lounging and stuffing his enormous big soft fat belly again just minutes after the discovery because he can't stop now, it feels so good and he needs to eat even more to be satisfied now that he's so fat and rest more because he's so heavy it's tiring.
As much as I love unintentional weight gain with him, I really do adore the thought of him losing control and giving into a desire to become a lazy slobby greedy morbidly obese fatass too. And go ahead and give in to your true desires you adorable fatty, we will absolutely love it! God I'm so fucking weak for him 🥵🤤😍💘💜💖💕💗 This got fucking long oops lol. And nooo you don't need to stop, getting bigger asks makes me so happy and brings out bigger responses like this aagjfhsbskfbskg 💕
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spaceinvadeeer · 2 years
it's been almost a year since i wrote the first entry of me and jun's nordics timeline, but better late than never hihi (the first part got updated though so be sure you check it out as well!)
70s: sweden finally snaps and gets ABBA fever. the sudden change in facial hair and clothing piqued finland's curiosity and with baby steps, they've finally started to mend their fragile relationship and phone each other regularly. they'd previously write to each other but the letters eventually rose suspicion from their higher-ups, and after being confronted about it both men now live in constant fear that they're being monitored and potentially called out for their sexual orientation (especially sweden. he can't sleep at night and it wears him out quickly). meanwhile norway is fed up with being a country, and gets very invested in the hippie movement since he vibes with the general desire for freedom. he goes clubbing every other night and ends up dragging denmark along, even tho the latter is super anxious about getting caught and what the others would think. norway is definitely the most relaxed and open at that time, so he may actually flirt with denmark and let him know that the cryptic letters he kept handing him for a while now were coded messages supposed to hint that he was interested in that dumb dane.
in parallel to this is iceland, who has remained quiet and discreet over the last few decades being able to keep the trauma at bay by busying himself, but now that the economy is doing fine again he starts overthinking, and gets plagued with severe night terrors. with norway constantly out and about and being oblivious to his brother's distress, iceland is taken in by finland who takes on the guardian role temporarily.
80s: after almost a decade of trying to drown his worries in parties and illicit substances, norway gets his shit together again (mainly due to the hippie hype dying out), and tries to get in touch with iceland again; they come together once more after a bit of an argument. denmark and sweden start going to therapy around that time, and the former ends up getting on medication which messes with his head a lot.
90s: with the steady rise of the internet and the world wide web, the nordics all get a little closer since it is now much faster and practical to communicate. video calls become a staple as soon as webcams get their commercial release and finland is particularly fond of it, which makes him open up a lot more and finally get in a proper relationship with sweden. ladonia makes his appearance around the end of the decade and gets more or less abandonned to sweden's care, but he's more than happy to care for a kid. and he knows his partner is also gonna be absolutely thrilled, so that's how they start their little family.
2000s: sealand
this is just a huge summary of things tbh, there are a bazillion events and tidbits i didn't include in there otherwise it'd become a 60 pages essay and i need this to be tumblr-friendly
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pappydaddy · 2 years
style (j.m.)
a/n: this is a re-write because i think the original sucked ass (and was barely getting any notes so here is a unwarranted re-written version of style!
tv show/movie: outer banks
pairing: jj maybank x fem!kook!reader
not requested
synopsis: good-girl kook y/n and bad boy pogue jj, something that y/n doesn’t want to go out of style. no matter what brought them together.
style - you're here| i wish you would | how to get the girl (j.m.) - coming soon
taglist: @rottenstyx | @boxofsilentwords | @popeheywardssecretgf | @lexi-2004 | @i-always-come-back-xoxo | @rootbeerfaygo | @luvhanns | @thelakespoets | @lonely-simplicityty | @smarie7543 *line through your user means i could not tag you lovely!
warnings: fwb kinda gig, secret relationship (a little), infidelity (kinda), steamy make-out
masterlist | taglist | wips | navigation
- not my gif -
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  Eleven o’clock at night, Y/N sat there, eyes trained on the window waiting for the text to pop up onto her phone. Dressed in her best dress with the shortest skirt that she knew he loved, she waited for JJ - the Pogue bad boy her parents hated. She wasn’t sure what it was about JJ that made her lose all control. Made her lose her good-girl facade, but she knew for sure it wasn’t to piss off her parents since they didn’t even know about her hanging around JJ, she made sure of that in fear that they would ruin it. 
  “jj and sandra are leaving the wreck in two dif cars” Kie texted the group chat between her, Y/N and Sarah, before adding three side-eye emojis. Y/N glanced at it, eyes narrowing. When Kie texted telling them that he was hanging out with her, anger and jealousy filled Y/N even though she knew she had no place. They weren’t actually dating. They are just slightly more than hooking up. JJ took her to their secret hangout spot for romantic picnics and she was content knowing that she was the only one he did that for. Their hookups were more like sleepovers with sex, he would spend weeks holed up in her room when John B just assumed he was hooking up with random people. 
  “kick a soccer ball at her new nose on the first day of school, y/n.” Sarah urged. Sandra Hanson was the only other kook other than Kie and Y/N who went to the public school. Sarah is planning to transfer, but she cannot make any promises as of yet. Sitting comfortably in slightly higher than middle class, Y/N’s parents were not too happy about their daughter wanting to go to public school, but they surrendered to her begging. They didn’t know it was a ploy to get closer to her crush, JJ. Sandra had been expelled from the Kook Academy for disorderly conduct. 
  “they appeared to be doing homework but idk, seems sus.” Kie texted back an update. Y/N stood from the foot of her bed, pacing around. She hasn’t heard from JJ for weeks. She hadn’t even really heard from him, only getting a ‘be ready by midnight’ text from him after radio silence. This wasn’t uncommon for them. Y/N had hinted about wanting more for their relationship and JJ had seemed to disappear for a little bit besides them hanging out within their friend group. 
 ‘jj doing homework? Yeah right” Sarah sent with an eye-roll emoji. “ idk tho why would jj suddenly take interest in sandra when hes obvi obsessed with y/n, something is up…” She added quickly, a second grey bubble popping up under the other. 
  Y/N ignored this as the clock changed to eleven fifty-nine, igniting a swirl of butterflies within her stomach. Nobody knew about them. Well, what there was to know about them. They didn’t know about the late nights spent tangled together, stripped of clothes and defences - naked in front of each other. They didn’t know that Y/N’s classic, signature red lipstick stained JJ’s neck and other bits of skin regularly. They didn’t know anything. 
  The distant and familiar rattle of John B’s van excited her. Looking out her window, she could see the dark silhouette of the van turning into her driveway, pausing for a moment. Even with the headlights off, she could see, in the glow of the moon, JJ’s arm reaching out and punching in the code for the gate in her driveway. A burst of warmth filled her heart at the thought of JJ knowing the code to her gate off by heart. 
  Rushing out of her room and down the stairs, she was too eager to wait for him to even get out of the van and meet her at the door. By the time he was pulling up, she was already out the door and locking it. “Wow, someone’s eager.” JJ whistled, eyes shamelessly raking her up and down, checking her out. 
  “Oh, shut up.” She teased, rolling her eyes in fake annoyance. The smile stretching across her red painted lips gave her away. JJ, despite her already heading for the van, got out. She paused for a second, breath-taken away by the sight. She swears he moves in slow-motion half the time. Like a cheesy slow-motion clip of a really hot character in a show.
  JJ was the type of guy that made even the simplest outfit look hot. Blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket (definitely not the outfit worn in the picture Kie sent the group chat earlier). Just three simple pieces of clothing and he looks like sex on a stick. She watched him, slightly slack jawed, as he stretched, his muscles flexing. The white shirt did little to hide his defined abdomen as the moonlight rained down upon him like a spot light. His hands reached into his blonde locks, tossing the perfectly styled hair just the right way (again, much different than the messy hair hidden beneath the backwards baseball cap in the picture Kie sent). 
  The one piece of solstice she had within her relationship was that JJ tried with her. The other girls he’s seen with, he puts in the minimum amount of effort with them. But with her, he tried. Tried with his physical appearance, his emotions, and his intellect. The sentiment warmed her heart, her vital organ glowing like a star (something only JJ could make it do). 
  “Alright, let’s get going,” JJ groaned as he stretched more, his white shirt rising up just enough to allow his lower stomach to peek through. She nodded, following him as he led her towards the passenger side of the van. Opening the door for her, he gave her his hand to help her up. The contact of their skin was like an electric stock to her, making her flex her hand once he let go of it, closing the door. Her keen eyes didn’t fail to pick up the same movement from JJ’s hand as he jogged around the van. “I thought we would just drive around, there is some really rich Kook thing happening on the beach right by our spot.” 
  “Sounds good to me.” She sighed, wiggling in the seat to get comfortable. As much as they both tried within their thing, they both found themselves one-hundred percent comfortable with each other. She knew them too well. This long drive could end in burning flames or paradise. Either sending them into another flurry of sex, heat, and passion or into another pit of minimum contact. 
  Two AM. JJ drives them back to her house, his wild eyes seeming to have a hard time staying off her as she lounges back in her seat. His hand, clamped on her bare thigh, squeezed gently, making her look over at him. Her eyes twinkled in the moonlight, her hair flowing around them as he sped down the street. The corner of her lips turned up into a sweet smile, making his knees weak. He wasn’t sure what it was about her, the goodest Kook of them all, that drove him wild in such a tame and domesticated way, but it scared him. It scared him that he loved that red lip, classic look so much. It scared him that he loved her. 
  Pulling up to her gate once again, this time the yellow-tinted headlights of the van reflected back of the steel gate, hitting them. Easily, he punched in the code, slowly driving forward as the gate squeaked open. The van was bathed in a comfortable silence, as if they had been married for five years already. Just enjoying each other’s presence. 
  Wordlessly, they both got out, JJ’s hand finding the small of her back as they walked to her front door together. Nobody needed to say anything. They had an unspoken communication that JJ was coming into her house. 
  Y/N had doubts. She was tired of their circles. She wanted something more, but the last time she brought it up, it sent JJ into hiding for weeks. All the lights were off, just as she suspected as her parents were on a business trip, as she opened the door, letting them both in. Without hesitation, he walks past her as she turns around to shut and lock the door. 
  She could hear the rustling of him shrugging out of his leather jacket, discarding it onto the coat rack he knew they used religiously. In the back of her mind, she considers telling him to leave because she knows this will never change, this will lead to the exact same thing, but as she turns around to see him standing there, she decides going in the circle of crashing down and coming back every time was a much better option. 
  “I heard you were out and about with some other girls. Audrey Glassman last night at a Pogue party and Sandra Hanson tonight at the Wreck.” She brought up, eyebrows raised as she tried to play her jealousy off as intrigue and curiosity. JJ could see right through her, he always could. 
  Bowing his head, he slowly walked to her, closing the distance between them and she let him, standing there unmoving as she watched him get closer. “Look, yes, I hung out with them, but Y/N, I couldn’t get you off my mind for the past few weeks. It’s been driving me mad. I couldn’t stop thinking about you when I was with them.” He told her earnestly, hands falling on her hips as he stepped toe-to-toe to her, his breath fanning her face as they stared into each other’s eyes. 
  She hummed, head bowing for a second as she nodded. She knew what he was saying. She found her eyes flicking up to meet his. She swore that for a second, she was feeling what her grandmother felt whenever she gushed about the time she met James Dean. The same handsome sparkle she sees in the old picture of the two (she was pretty sure they dated but, her grandmother won’t confess). “Yeah, I’ve been there too a few times.” She admitted. 
  It was true. JJ always seemed to occupy her mind. Even when she was with other guys. The way he cannot seem to keep his wild eyes on the road when they’re driving somewhere. The way he fits right into her house as if he lives there too. The way his eyes sparkle when he looks at her. It was never sexual (well, rarely sexual) whenever she thought of him. Sure, she thought of his touch, but it was the comforting feel of his hand on her lower back as he’s guiding her to their private date spot in the dark or the light feeling of his fingertips pressing into her upper back whenever he feels protective over her (usually whenever Rafe is nearby). 
  “What do you say, Baby,” JJ asked, using his hands planted on her hips to pull her flush to him. She gasped, looking down at their bodies pressed against each other. She could feel every bump and dip of his body. She could feel his defined muscles, she could feel the heat radiating off him. She could feel another bump. Gingerly, her fingers found themselves dancing along his back, feeling the way his muscles rippled when he moved ever so slightly. “You forgive me? Nothing happened with either of them, you have my word and I might not have much, but I do have that.” 
  He leaned his head down, their foreheads touching in such a sweet and innocent way, a stark contrast to the way their bodies felt flush against each other, his nose brushing against hers. Her eyes fluttered closed, but she could feel his staring at her intently. Her eyes fluttered closed as she relished in the feeling. His breath fanned over her lips as he watched her intently, not doing anything until he knew for sure she was okay. Slowly, almost non-existent, there was a nod. “Yeah.” She breathed out. 
  “Good,” He breathed out in the same way. “Now, let me show you exactly why you were on my mind when I was with them.” He whispered seconds before their lips crashed together in a feverish kiss. It was messy, hands roaming everywhere, lips mushed together so hard it almost hurt. Tongues and a little bit of spit moving from mouth to mouth, but they didn’t care if drool was rolling down either of their faces. They were too absorbed in the feeling of each other. 
  Chests rose and fell rapidly and it was only a few seconds in, but that’s how passionate they are. Hums, moans, and panting were the only sounds in the quiet house as her Hands gripped the bottom of JJ’s t-shirt, pulling it up. Her knuckles dragged along his abs (both for her pleasure and his) making his muscles ripple and his back hunch slightly. Humming into the kiss at the feeling, Y/N nearly ripped the shirt off him, making him pull away to get rid of the barrier before resuming the kiss with more vigour, forcefully lifting her up into the air, her legs wrapping around his waist as some sort of automatic response. His arms tightened around her waist, pushing her against him. Her pelvis rolled against his clothed bulge, making him whine slightly at the feeling. 
  The air in the room was already thick with the smell of arousal and sex. Their skin became sticky as they worked each other up, hands roaming each other’s bodies like someone exploring new land. It was as if they were a force when together, possessing the power to make any room seem like a sex room in under ten seconds. 
  With her back pressed into the wall suddenly, JJ’s weight pressing her flush against it, he rolled his pelvis into hers making her tear her lips away from him, the feeling of his clothed, jean-clad pelvis rolling against hers that was basically only covered by her panties due to her skirt riding up send shock waves through her body. His lips latched onto her throat without a second thought, inciting another gasp from her - a sound that drove him mad. Another quick roll and she cried out, body falling forward onto him. Tears pricked her eyes as her head pulled back, hitting the wall. JJ’s tongue licked the spot he knew made her weak, humming at the sound of her whimper before biting it gently, enticing a gasp from her. Her breasts pressed against him harder, her fingers disappearing into his blonde hair as he continued his attack on her neck. 
  Sure, she should have told him to leave, but that wouldn’t have fixed anything. There is no way to pull them apart. No matter how many times she tells him to leave, they just keep coming back because they will never go out of style. Never. Now, be that the sheer magnitude of their passion and feelings or the pull of the stereotype they so perfectly fit, Y/N had no idea, but she never wanted it to stop.  
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
10, 22, 26 and 49 for Ryder? :3
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10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
Ryder is ex-corpo. Ofc he's book-smart. He even reads a lot and has an entire bookshelf at home. You're likely to find books everywhere in his apartment. Yeah, he doesn't look like a book worm but he's. Do not underestimate him just because of his looks. ;) He's also intelligent. He just doesn't show it to hide his origin.
22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?
Vijay is his best friend :) He's been his lover a few years ago. Now they're friends (yes, you can still be friends after having had a relationship – it's not easy but possible). Hizumi follows after, tho Ryder thinks of them they're a bit strange (but hell who isn't in this city?). He's also gotten friends with Vanessa Vergara and Ivarr not long ago. :) He knows a few more but these are merely aquaintances for him rather than friends. Ryder doesn't have as many friends as Vijay and mainly knows people through him. He's just not the 'go to talk with everyone' type of guy.
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
Ryder's got the apartment in the Glen. Yeah, fairly large for a single guy, I know. But he's got the money for it, so why not make himself a nice home? Sure, he doesn't like corpo but he just can't live in a small shitty apartment in one of these stinky mega buildings. He's got a certain pride alright? He loves his loft apartment — much of steel and glass, nice city view, one big room, high ceiling, brick walls. Big TV, king size bed, book shelf, a bar etc. You can't kill everything corpo when you're born one. His appearance now is seen by others mostly that he's a light goth dude. His style however is inspired by 1980s Depeche Mode and the overall German techno scene. People love to wear dark clothing in Germany when they go to a rave. Rave is essential for him to express himself. His hair has always been and stays black. He wore it differently when he was still a corpo. It looked more neat and not as messy as now. He's glad he got rid of it. Too snobby. Same for his appearance back then. When he was still with his Corpo family he had a different hairstye, shaved regularly, had no tattoos neither implants or scarifications and also no cyberware – just scars he received from his father. He started with adding the complexions on his face (not around the eyes) and found a liking in looking slightly different with that (his father had a different opinion though). After he made a cut with his corpo life he began to get himself a tattoo on his back what slowly went into becoming an entire upper arm-chest sleeve. He's also got anothr big black on mathing to the rest on his left lower leg. Lastly he changed his eyes and finally started to value how he looked.
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
When Ryder speaks his first language, German, his voice often sounds kind of hard and a bit darker, hes also speaking pretty fast — no one's going to understand him then. He tries not to sound like a German speaking English 'cause he sets great value on pronounciation. Sometimes the German accent comes through, tho. When he speaks English his voice sounds a bit softer, given that English in general sounds softer than German.
If you wonder how his voice sounds like, here's a link to Gísli Örn Garðarsson speaking for a bit. :)
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