#others oc: niri
sweetmage · 4 months
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A little compilation of some of my favorite Dragon Age art I've done this year so far! Can't wait to have a new game full of more sad/funny little guys to draw 🥰
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ilovedthestars · 1 year
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OC-Tober Day 1: Fave OC
The OC that I've been rotating in my brain the most lately is Niri! It's from my Murderbot Diaries fic titled Old Unit, Young Unit. This is the first time I've drawn it and gotten pretty close to how it looks in my head! On the left is how it likes to dress when it gets to choose its own clothes, and on the right is (one of the many) uniforms it's worn on contract.
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OC questionnaire
Thanks @oliolioxenfreewrites here and here, @winglesswriter here, @the-golden-comet here, here, and here, @paeliae-occasionally here, and @drchenquill here!
Rules: answer the given questions in the POV of your OCs, then give the next people three more questions!
Holy shit I'm actually caught up?!?!
Previous Questionnaires:
Rounds One and Two Masterpost
Maddie, Ash, Noelle, Ewan, Jazlyn, Lexi, Alex, Carmen
Gwen, Gabriel, Liam, Xitlali, Akash, Jedi, Rose, Sam
See below for: Robbie, Hye-Jin, George, Wade, CJ, Teo, Atsila, Niri
#1- Robbie
Would you consider yourself loyal?
“Well, I don't exactly want to toot my own horn or anything but yeah, I consider myself loyal. If anything happened to Akash, I'd actually lose it. I got into a physical fight in his honor. That was how I displayed my powers for the first time, actually, so that was pretty cool. Sammy, too, I'm very loyal to my sister. And my friends at Alium, they're so dope, I love them, okay? So, yeah, loyal. Me. I'm that. I'm like a dog that way. ... I think that's a good thing. I dunno why I had to say that, I was done. *Sigh* okay I'm just gonna stop now and move onto the next question because holy shit I'm rambling, and I always do that, and I never know when to stop annnd I'm doing it again, okay for real this time. I'm done.”
If you saw someone unhoused on the corner asking for money, would you stop and give or keep going?
“From personal experience, I'd stop. My mother always makes sure I have money, cash, on my person at all times. And unfortunately - well, maybe not unfortunately, I dunno why I said that, the POINT is, I have this thing where if I see something bad happen, and I know I could help, but then I don't, I literally cannot stop thinking about that for anywhere between a full 48 hours to the rest of my life. I passed someone before, because I was late, and then ran back and gave them like five dollars because it ate me up, but they were happy, so that made up for the fact that I was late. Great, now it sounds like I'm humble-bragging. I swear I'm not trying to. My point is that I want to help people. And I'll stop there before I ramble again.”
Pineapple on pizza. Thoughts?
“Gonna be honest, never tried it. But I'm SUPER curious. I gotta know what it tastes like, but I'm scared. Both Ash and Noelle like it. Ash I don't trust at all - that girl likes the dumbest food combinations - and Noelle is interesting because she likes food and knows what goes well together, but also I don't remember when she's ever described food as bad, and she has other pizza toppings that she claims are better anyway. Point is, I'm curious but scared to try it.”
✨ Robbie intro post✨
#2- Hye-Jin
What's your earliest childhood memory?
“Oh, that's difficult. Hmmm... I'm not sure which is the first memory, actually. It's not like I memorized the time and dates of everything haha! [Pause] Okay, fine, I remember. It was the first day of preschool. I had only just turned three. Everyone in the class had these, uh, Assignments, I guess. Roles? Hm... Ah yes, jobs, so everyone in the classroom had responsibility. It was randomized, but I got the "caboose," or the person who stood in the back of the line. I cried really hard because I thought that was the worst job in the world, and my teacher probably hated me. I got to carry a flower, though, so I think that calmed me down.”
Do you dance?
“It's more like did. From, hm... Ah, kindergarten grade through sixth grade, I did ballet, tap, and jazz at a local dance studio. But middle school kinda allowed me to take more extra curriculars that were more convenient, so my parents told me I should probably drop dance after my sixth grade year was a mess. I didn't want to, but y'know it is my parents' money. I wish I could've kept it up.”
What smell you can't stand?
“Oh, cinnamon. I'm so sorry, but I don't like it. The smell, anyway. It's weird, I don't mind cinnamon as a taste. But the smell is too much. Maybe that's weird.”
Other Hye-Jin: OC in three, fun facts, bingo, deep dive, origin, outfit, questionnaire one, questionnaire two
#3- George
What never fails to make you laugh?
“A couple things. One: my sister, Carla. She's actually really funny. Watch a movie with her, and you'll see. She's yelling at the screen, insulting her favorite characters, getting way too invested. She tells me all of her thoughts. Two: stupid customers. Hilarious! Someone told me their newly installed voice activator was broken. They were going to pay me a LOT of money. They programmed their voices and everything! Turns out, they hadn't turned it on yet. Three: Liam. The guy can turn everything into an argument, it's fascinating to watch. But funny as in he's super clever, and he can roast anyone. The funniest day for me would be if they came with me on my job, i had to deal with a dumb customer, Liam roasted them, and Carla ranted about a new movie she found.”
How can you tell if you’ll get along with someone?
“Haha, that's funny. People skills are just a little overrated. It's been Carla and me in our house for a while, and we've been doing fine! I'm certainly not going to make friends doing my job no matter how much the homeowners want to talk to me. Liam is cool, and I knew I was gonna get along with him when we met, so he's literally the only example I have for this question. Okay... I knew I was going to get along with him because I was getting everything hooked up to move a lot of the data to our place, and I was talking out loud and Liam seemed bored so he inserted himself into the one-sided conversation and helped me figure out everything. Then the next day, I was working on one of the computers, and Liam came up to me and just started talking. He said I seemed bored, and I was. Sometimes I can't fix things at superspeed because I have to wait for the computer to respond, or the hardware is delicate or something. He asked me to 'infodump,' he said, about any topic I wanted to. The previous night, I stayed up late reading the entire file on jellysponges, so I just talked about them and suddenly, it was like no time had passed and the computer was done! Liam nodded, said my information would be helpful if he ever got into an Alii marine biology debate, and then he invited me to sit with him at lunch. That was cool.”
Do you prefer sweet, savory, sour, or salty snacks?
“I have been talking for way too long. Well, I mean, you may not think it's that long, but I don't do this unless I'm excited about something, and being a speedster it feels like it's taken forever. Anyways, I like all snacks because I have to eat a lot for my metabolism, but honestly out of those snacks I like salty chips.”
Other George: OC in three, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, fun facts
What is your favorite season?
#4- Wade
“Ooh, that's hard. [A couple seconds of silence.] Sorry, Liam's in my head debating all of them. Alright *claps hands* I think it has to be summer. There's so many things to do, and it is always pretty fun to just make a vacation plan. And the beach is awesome. Teo and Parker and I plan our summer - well I plan it; if the others did it'd be a disaster, and they know it. The point is, our summers rock.”
Where would you like to visit?
“I would like to go to Japan. There's so much stuff to do in Tokyo alone. I haven't been to Comic-Con, and I'd really like to, or an anime con. Being from Florida, I've been to Disney World a few times, but not Disneyland in California. Then again, the one in Tokyo... Man, there's a lot of planning that'd be involved. Can't wait til I graduate.”
When do you usually go to sleep?
“I try to be in bed by ten so I can get to sleep before eleven because high school times are shit and I want at least six hours before I have to get up, and that's still not enough sleep! Parker and Teo have it worse, though, since they both can't get settled down until, like, midnight. Uggghhh, we should ban school before nine.”
Other Wade: OC in three, interview, kiss, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, two truths and a lie
#5- CJ
How long has it been since you last travelled?
“Last summer, my family went and traveled around Sector 8 in Alium. It was so fun. Though I admittedly kinda missed Issa. She would've loved it. My favorite part was seeing an opera, actually. It's quite fascinating.”
Where is your favourite place?
“I find it a little strange to have a favorite place. Sometimes my room is a good place to be but sometimes I just want to leave it. Now, I think you're probably just referring to a place that statistically I'm more likely to be happy in. In that case *shrug* not enough data to say definitively, sorry. However, I sometimes stop by the library and just organize books that are there. They're always out of place. And the librarians know me by name. I don't think I have any bad memories there, so even though I don't go to the library every day, I think that's my answer.”
If the inciting event never happened, what would you be doing?
Other CJ: questionnaire one, questionnaire two
*bursts out laughing* “'Inciting event?' Like, as in stirring up something or like, in a story? Cause this is real life, baby. Okay, I'll play along. I guess one could say it was Rose showing up. I suppose if that never happened, I would just be living life like normal. Rose and I don't have a lot in common, but I enjoy talking to her. She is really friendly and thoughtful. So I guess I would be a friend short. And I would be content, but not as happy as I am now.”
#6- Teo
Do you speak more than one language?
“Uh-huh. Three, actually. English, Vietnamese, and American Sign Language! I'm fluent in all of them. My parents decided to try and teach me ASL when they realized I'd need, like, hearing aids, so they, like, took classes and taught me! And not to toot my own horn but, like, having three languages down meant my brain was, like, SO ready for kindergarten.”
What is your favorite thing to eat?
“Do NOT make me choose. It's literally, like, whatever I'm eating in the moment. Right now *holds up* it's this sandwich.”
What drives you to succeed?
“My boyfriend. And also, like, my own ambitions. I can do a lot of things. Again, not bragging, just a fact. I know, like, gymnastics, acting, improv, role play, those are similar I know, playing the guitar, singing, photography, ballet, graphic design, editing, I can go on. It's literally just me wanting to learn how to do more stuff, y'know? I want to build an impressive ass resume. Not just for, like, jobs, life in general. I'm always looking for new skills.”
Other Teo: questionnaire one, questionnaire two, kiss
#7- Atsila
What's the worst thing you've ever done? Do you regret it?
“The worst thing? Ha-ha-ha, what a question. What, in my opinion? Well, I wasn't paying much attention in my literacy class, so I failed! Hahaha, I'm kidding. I'm just not the kind of person to do terrible things, baby. I guess sometimes my competitive nature has made other people upset, but that's technically not anything I've done. Well, that's settled.”
What's the quickest way to make you laugh?
“I do love watching someone make a fool out of themselves. Deserved, though. I have standards. I won't kick people while they're done, but it's sure funny when those who get in my way fall over. Also, make a sexual innuendo and I'll be on the floor in stitches.”
What is your favorite song right now?
“There's this lovely piece called ‘Who We Become in the Shadows’ by Keano Adler. You wouldn't have heard of it, being Ceter and all. Anyway, I should get back. It was lovely talking with you.”
Other Atsila: questionnaire one, questionnaire two
#8- Niri
Do you sometimes wish to be someone else?
“Sometimes, yes. I don't want to lie. I'm thankful that it isn't constant. Usually, I am happy. Sometimes I'm not. It depends on the situation.”
Do you push forward or take time to rest?
“Hard question. [Thinks about it] I think I rest if I find a task boring. I push forward when I like the task.”
What is your favorite drink?
“I like hot chocolate. It is not just a winter drink!”
Other Niri: questionnaire one, questionnaire two
Tagging @sarandipitywrites @theeccentricraven @reininginthefirewriting @paeliae-occasionally @bread-roses-and-chrome
Y'all's questions: 1) Describe your ideal life. 2) What are you most looking forward to? 3) What's your most unique trait?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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theluckywizard · 1 year
OC SITUATION PROMPT, for Rose and Thalia (cousinverse Trevelyan interaction?): "A relative passes away, and you inherit their creepy, isolated mansion." from the spooky prompts + "A basket full of embrium and blood lotus" from the Artifacts of Thedas?
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A double prompt OC/ OC prompt for @nirikeehan and @melisusthewee for @dadrunkwriting! Please enjoy Chapter 1 of my yet to be named Spooky Castle fic featuring Rose Trevelyan, Thalia Trevelyan and Quinn Trevelyan, the oddball cousins chosen by their oddball Aunt Lucille to inherit her sprawling estate in Highever. Set in Niri's Temperance and Templars AU! WC: 2615 Rating: Mature CW: Some spooky body horror Characters: Rose Trevelyan, Thalia Trevelyan, Quinn Trevelyan, Cullen Rutherford
They stare at each other curiously across the dim span of the carriage, two practical strangers bumping and jostling toward a peculiar shared destination. Velvet curtains in Trevelyan colors buffet against the grasping clutches of a Fereldan Harvestmere. And though the carriage is opulent enough to be afforded sizable windows, the sun is oppressed under a layer of gloom and the pair sit in a darkness that defies the hour. A cumbersome silence lurches between them, their glances doing the bulk of their conversation.
The two women had been the unwitting beneficiaries of a dreadful mishap involving a flower arrangement, a step ladder and a pair of pruning shears. The victim in question was their mutual relative Lucille Trevelyan, an eccentric, abrasive woman who had retreated from the Free Marches to Ferelden on the remains of the substantial fortune her dead husband had left her. There she reveled in a brazen sort of freedom and isolation that made her the subject of savage speculation. Mysterious parties with unsavory guests. A predilection for non-human companions. Morsels of truth that grew into bombastic, indulgent tales on the lips of horrified relatives.
Through some miraculous oversight of property law, Lucille’s sprawling estate in Highever tumbled into the hands of her two unmarried nieces who, having only seen each other as children, now appraise each other with wary glances.
Nobody could doubt the relation. Though Lady Rose’s face is long and angular while Lady Thalia’s cheeks are nigh cherubic, they both bear striking red hair, eyes as blue as the bottom of the Waking Sea and a spray of freckles that betrays their shared appreciation for the outdoors.
Thalia rankles that her cousin appears to have dodged the infamous Trevelyan nose, a pronounced little bend in the bridge that marks most in the family while Rose envies the perfect oval of Thalia’s face. Thalia’s hair is pinned in carefully organized plaits, the kind of elaborate arrangement that requires a second set of hands while Rose’s streaks in a long braid over her shoulder, strands of her hair wildly mismanaged. Indeed, the whole effect of Rose’s look and countenance is one of having given up, an impetuous disregard for all the expectations carefully bred into Thalia in her tidy capelet and proper frock.
“Did you know Aunt Lucille well?” asks Thalia after lightly clearing her throat.
“Mostly in the abstract. Speaking in hushed tones about her was one of my mother’s favorite past times,” replies Rose, stretching her leather-clad legs across the carriage. Thalia regard’s her cousin’s rather dashing hunting outfit with a twinge of jealousy. If only she had the nerve to exist with such forcible disregard.
“I assume our mothers could have entertained each other for hours,” Thalia answers, a smile emerging tentatively. “Though never around our fathers, I suspect.”
“It’s true, Father had a soft spot for his renegade sister,” Rose says, laughing softly into her lap. “And from what it looks like, Lucille had a soft spot for renegade nieces.”
Thalia’s head jerks up at that, trying to assess what Rose could mean, what she might be able to detect. Rose tilts her head slightly, amused by the strength of the reaction.
“Come, you didn’t think I couldn’t figure out what that that strapping bodyguard was all about, did you?” asks Rose. “I won’t tell.”
Thalia isn’t sure if Rose is picking up on the truth or suspects her of something far more salacious. And to some degree of surprise, the latter doesn’t bother her in the least.
“I— he’s— father thought we could use some protection,” fumbles Thalia, but her cheeks betray her. Rose smiles out the window, peeking at Thalia’s guardian who rides dutifully alongside the carriage, her knowing smile landing on Thalia with such force that she finds herself staring at her lap.
“Suit yourself. I’m just happy there’s something pleasant to look at other than this dreary, blighted countryside. Your father did us a favor,” she says with a smirk. Thalia can’t help but match it as her eyes fall upon him with a flutter of affection. Ser Cullen bobs along at a trot, his handsome features tied up in an expression that is somehow both resigned and exasperated. The soggy weather could do that all on its own though the task itself, an unanticipated jaunt across the Waking Sea to a strange estate might be a contributor as well.
“What if we don’t want any part of this estate?” Rose asks.
“From what I understand we’re stuck with it.”
“We can’t sell it?”
“I don’t believe so. But the lawyer is meeting us there and we can ask him.”
“Well. Let’s hope it’s interesting at least. If it’s nice enough maybe we can leave our dreadful families behind and live like a pair of queens,” Rose says. “I’m nearly thirty and my mother is still trying to marry me off to the highest bidder.” 
It’s a fairly novel thought to Thalia, deviating from her prescribed path, though her own circumstances have forced her to consider what manner of prosperous marriage she could possibly secure. Perhaps Lucille was onto something, living her best life as an independently wealthy woman away from the suffocating scrutiny of her own family. Maker knows Thalia would like to break from hers.
Rose snorts as they rumble into view of the estate, the kind of ancient country refuge with hollow little windows that watch them from its soulless depths. How Aunt Lucille spent so many years in darkness is bloody beyond her. She watches her younger cousin marvel at it, her blue eyes wide and searching, following the crenelated edge of the parapets and up the little towers that punctuate the line of the roof.
“Maker, it looks several ages old. Have you seen any documentation on it? I’d like to know the history behind it,” Thalia says, puzzling it out like studying it could make it less hostile in its impression. 
“I’m sure there will be a steward to enlighten you on such matters,” says Rose, her lips turning softly at Thalia’s genuine curiosity. “Maker knows they can ramble on.”
“Oh I’d be delighted if they did,” Thalia answers, her continued enthusiasm defying Rose’s cynicism. “And with any luck, Aunt Lucille kept up with her library!”
“Let that be our first incursion then. I suspect she had more interesting tastes than our own parents.”
The carriage rumbles and crackles to a stop on the gravel drive and Thalia and Rose are both startled to see a man clad in deep red and gold stretched long across a garden wall, his feathered cap pulled low over his eyes as if sunning himself pointlessly beneath the heavy stratus of the sky. If it weren’t for a pipe bouncing slightly in his teeth, they might believe him dead. The carriage seems to have barely stirred his interest. 
“What do you think? Is that our lawyer?” asks Rose, tossing a secret smirk to Thalia. Thalia wonders if this is what it’s like to have a normal sister.
“You there, Ser,” calls Ser Cullen in his honeyed tenor. “Are you expecting the Ladies Thalia and Rose Trevelyan?” Rose’s knowing smile finds Thalia again.
“Nice voice,” she remarks. Thalia bites her bottom lip and then lets a tiny laugh pop through her nose at last.
“It really is,” she says, the admission spilling from her like a dam breaking.
They watch as the lounging man’s leg falls from the wall, swinging gently and he lifts himself languidly, emerging from under his cap, squinting at the carriage. He laughs, shaking his head as Cullen rides closer. Their discussion is muffled but the women can still see him. 
“Oh no,” says Thalia, almost reflexively. “It’s cousin Quinn.”
“Quinn? The Quinn? No. It can’t be. I thought he was in Markham living off the dregs of the tourney.”
“Not anymore. From what understand he is a tourney knight now. Look— the rosettes at his waist. Those are the sort won in the archery tournaments. And the feathers in his cap are those of some manner of exotic bird from Seheron. An Ostrich I believe? They’re only given to those with enough points in the Grand Tourney.”
“You gathered that from all those bits and bobs he’s wearing?” asks Rose, her brow high. “Well if he’s wearing them all at once the rumors about him being a shameless showboat are true.”
They emerge from the oppressive darkness of the carriage, their maladapted eyes wincing at the light diffusing through the gloom. Thalia shakes out the rumples in her skirts and reorganizes her capeand then glances around appraisingly. Rose takes a few brash steps out behind her and draws her shoulders high around her ears, pulling her wool cowl up over her chin. 
“I think Ferelden is trying to burrow its way inside me,” she mutters with a little shudder.
Ser Cullen dismounts from his handsome black Forder and makes his way back to the women with the third Trevelyan. Cousin Quinn makes a foppish bow before them, removing his soft cap from a head of golden locks with a flutter of Ostrich plume. His smile is thrust to one side in such a way that both women are sure he must be at least some measure the impish layabout they’d heard he was.
“I can think of several things worse than sharing an estate with my two beautiful young cousins,” he declares as if it’s a great compliment. Rose raises her brow at his cheek. Thalia gapes. They each catch a whiff of brandy on his breath. He winks at them both. “Quinn Trevelyan, at your service.”
“Do you always wink at your relations?” asks Rose tartly, folding her arms.
“If you’re afraid I’m singling you out, I do it to everyone,” Quinn says, his smirk outstripping Rose’s own in its utter brazenness. His blue eyes shine like the only bit of open sky in this cursed place and he turns to Thalia’s scowling bodyguard and pitches him another cheeky little wink. Rose’s eyebrow raises high again. Ser Cullen’s handsome features vanish under a cranky glare, the set of his mouth a rebuke all its own. He reaches for the back of his neck and paces anxiously back and forth beside the three Trevelyans.
“So you’ve inherited as well,” remarks Thalia, impatient to get down to business.
Quinn flashes an inscrutable grin and reaches into the breast pocket of his velvet doublet withdrawing a haphazardly folded bit of paper of the same expensive heft as the ones that each Thalia and Rose received. The women look it over together, exchange a glance and then shrug. Little has changed for them. What’s one more stranger to quibble over a castle with?
“Splendid. I wonder who else we can expect. Aside from all the grasping imps who will soon hear of our fortune,” quips Rose, her eyes sweeping up a stretch of mossy masonry, eerily verdant, seemingly the only pop of color in the whole of the estate save the new arrivals.
Ser Cullen, whose pacing has grown only more frenetic stills himself long enough to inform the three of his intention.
“I’d like to sweep the perimeter. Lord Trevelyan informs me—“
“—there’s no one home,” finishes Quinn, replacing his cap and glancing up at the castle.
“No steward? No lawyer?” asks Thalia, a tic of consternation marring her brow. “No staff? No housekeeper? Who is maintaining the grounds?”
“Do they look maintained?” asks Quinn, sipping placidly from a small flask he’d withdrawn from his interior pocket.
“Perhaps Aunt Lucille liked things a little wild,” Rose remarks, making her way toward the entry with leisurely, tentative steps, waiting for the others to follow.
“Her reputation is a sterling testament to that,” remarks Quinn. “I heard her Qunari lover was a Ben Hassreth spy.”
“Really, Quinn,” huffs Thalia. 
“Certainly no more shocking than absconding with one’s fetching Templar guardian, I should think,” he says, his eyes brimming with delight. Rose’s eyes dart to Thalia’s so quickly that the youngest Trevelyan fumbles for an answer. She tugs her gloves onto her hands more firmly. “Don’t worry,” Quinn says, turning a sly glance from Thalia to Cullen who is striding away at a forceful clip. “I won’t tell.” Thalia rolls her eyes and grumbles softly to herself, applying herself to the situation at hand to stuff down the fluster inside her.
They approach the great oaken door that’s broader than all three of them abreast, all amused by the comically small keyhole that secures it. Quinn braces both hands against the door and jostles it but the lock holds fast. Shocking neither Thalia nor Rose, he breaks out a tidy little set of lockpicking tools and sets to work feeling for the pins. 
“You’re a mage?” hisses Rose, pulling Thalia aside pointlessly. The secret is out.
“Don’t worry, my keeper is here. You’re in no danger,” Thalia answers and there’s an edge of bitterness to her tone that most might miss, but Rose nods slightly, her expression soft. Not the sympathy Thalia expected, but then neither cousin seemed to be cut from the same stiff cloth as the rest of the family.
“I’m just— surprised is all,” she says quietly, memories of her older brother drifting in wraith-like. Rose wonders passingly if Thalia knew anything of their dark secret.
“Bastard of a lock, this one, but I think—“ Quinn eases his hand gently in a rotating motion. “—that should do it. Rusted probably.”
“Rust? She can’t have been dead that long,” says Rose.
“Perhaps there’s a side entrance she used,” suggests Thalia. 
“At any rate,” Quinn says, standing to give the door a stiff shove. It swings inward on a deep and contrary groan, the laden air of Highever rushing in as if the dwelling yawns. “Shall we?” 
They step in tentatively, simultaneously, surveying their inheritance side by side. A pair of staircases curl and cling along the back wall of the grand foyer, a space so suffocated by dust and cobwebs that it’s no wonder the castle inhaled. The center of the space is marked by an unusual table made from the twisted trunk of a great tree. Spread over it are dried leaves and stems. At first glance it appears haphazard, as if someone had left their herbalism workbench in the midst of a project. But a closer inspection reveals patterns, intentionally arranged. The three stand over it, shaking their heads, marveling at it even as their skin prickles. Even as their breath freezes in their lungs.
“Perhaps Lucille is playing a prank,” says Rose, apprehension nibbling at the edges of her mood. The whole atmosphere of the place feels hungry, having drawn them in. The door finally shuts again, the long moan of the hinges silencing with a thunk, closed in behind teeth. 
“Blood lotus. Embrium,” mutters Thalia, hovering her fingers, tracing the shapes in the air. “These symbols— I’ve seen things like this before. In my books— the ones I had Father secure for me.”
“Maker’s breath!” cries Ser Cullen, his boots scuffling as he hurries into the gaping foyer behind them from some manner of side room. “Lady Thalia, come back with me. All of you— step back.” They stumble back, submitting automatically to the authority that steels the Templar’s voice and they follow his gaze up. Cullen loops an arm around Thalia protectively, his sword singing as it unsheathes.
They all stare, transfixed. Swinging gently on the residual breath of Ferelden air, hangs a man in the sort of staid finery one might expect of a professional. His bloated face gray, his eyes unblinking. 
“Well then,” says Quinn swallowing. “This must be the lawyer.”
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rowanisawriter · 1 year
Rowannnn pls share with meeee
🧠 share a snippet where the character realizes something important
niri because we're friends i'm going to be brave and post a snippet from something original i've been working on.... it's called iteration and it's about two weirdos running into different versions of each other over the years.. i've posted about it before i think...
here they're attending a group meditation after dodging each other for a couple of weeks...
ask game here and i'm hiding this under the cut so as not to force my dumb ass oc on others unless they want lol
He can’t focus on meditation with her sitting beside him. His mind is pulled in all the different directions of her, the little tidbits she’s let him find about her teasing him around the corners of his brain like he’s stuck in a maze she’s created. Her name, her job, her reading habits, her go-to drink, her car. He can name the details he knows about her on one hand. 
They sit by the back window and sunlight pours in to beam right at the back of her head. Her hair, a light brown, now looks gold and red and bronze. The blunt cut has dimension. The baby hairs on the back of her neck are a darker color. He peels his eyes off her and stares at his knees but catches her hands on her own knees, her fingers tapping to some unknown rhythm on her jeans. Without thinking, he puts his hand over hers. 
She meets his eyes. Around them, the rest of the group quietly contemplates, the hush silence of the room gives the moment a dreamlike quality, filled with the breathing and thinking of other people all focusing inward. He can only focus outward, feeling the warmth from her hand, seeing the light bounce off her hair. The overpacked agenda that pokes out of the side pocket of her purse. The mysterious thoughts that swirl in her head. The gaping hole in his chest that her presence in his thoughts has suddenly and randomly filled.
She smiles at him, carefully, the corners of her lips lifting upward slowly. He feels that tug in his chest again and fights that forward lurch his body tries to make. His fingers tighten around hers. 
In the moment, he’s filled with a sense of nostalgia so powerful that it threatens to flatten him, even though he’s here now, living this memory.
When he looks back in the distant future, he will always remember her like this. 
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demarogue · 2 years
Hi, I’m Dema
Hello Friend! Welcome to this virtual rubbermaid bin full of random shit I like. Sorry for the mess. 
I’m a writer and artist mostly on Tumblr for fandom reasons. You might think: you should probably side blog! And I do, but in a way that isn’t particularly useful. You can find my art-focused account at @demadraws​, writing at @demawrites​ and a random aesthetic thing at @demaesthetic​ but otherwise all of the fandom stuff is right here, jumbled together with cats and memes and PSAs. You might know me from this stupid meme:
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Which I made for my buddy Niri, but remains true of my OCs, my fics, this blog, me, etc etc.
I follow and read a lot of fandom work but currently am creating for these ones (edit: reduced to just one because I’m trying to exit the other):
Dragon Age
Currently writing Cullen and Cassandra ship fics, but I’m a Solasmancer in my heart and am kicking around a few things for future.
Letters to the Dead – [M, multi-chapter] In the wake of their sudden breakup and Solas' disappearance, Niva Lavellan copes by writing letters she know she cannot send, and by taking the path untraveled. Is it still a rebound, if he's the one? (Cullavellan)
You’re Bad but You’re Mine – [M, multi-chapter] The Inquisitor is not a good man. Cassandra knows the Inquisitor is not a good man. He is dangerous, and deceitful, and self-interested. He is cunning, and promiscuous, and if he has a moral compass at all, Maker only knows which direction it points. He is worse than terrible at his job; he is a liability. He was an assassin. Is. He is an assassin. But for all that, Cassandra cannot help herself. She's as drawn to him as a moth to flame.
Lethologica – (currently on Hiatus) [M, longfic] Before the Mage Rebellion and the Inquisition, Alethea Trevelyan knew nothing of war...or much of anything, in the world beyond her circle. Young, noble-born and pampered, she faces a reckoning after a protracted stay in the worst-case scenario future, realizing she must transform into something else – and find ways to connect with those who she instinctively trusts the least – if any of them are to survive. (Cullevelyan)
I tag stuff here with #dragon age and #da:i 
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lewis-winters · 1 year
I hope OCs and aus are okay for the fanfic game: 'Natalie had to admit, she got an odd kind of satisfaction when people mistook their dæmons for each others.'
The staring right after the initial realization, however, she could do without.
"O'Keefe," she snaps, drawing the boy's bulging eyes away from the departing Niri and Arthur, and up to Nat's own, where she meets them with a sharp raise of her brow.
Next to her ear, from her perch 'round Nat's neck, Elowyn hisses; "The fuck ya lookin' at?"
O'Keefe swallows; "I thought--"
"Didn't know he could do that."
Send me an ask with the first sentence of a fanfic and I’ll write the next five.
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vortship · 1 year
are there any important npcs in your oc's life? what are they like?
Yes! She has quite a few actually! Most of them have their own posts giving the rundown.
Niri Litch- Hal's ex best friend, Hal betrayed her and she's out for revenge (and justice).
Eni Rolo- Old classmate of Hal's, incredibly power hungry.
Halship- Irken ship Hal downloaded her personality into, now wants to kill and replace her.
Finn- Hal's half brother and newly appointed mafia leader after the death of their father.
Esma- Warden of Moo Ping 9 where Hal was once a prisoner. Once a decorated solider, now essentially a babysitter for delinquents. She hates her life, and Hal for escaping.
Not to mention her deceased parents, Miki (Niri's socialite sister), and some others.
Bonus drabble on how Niri and Hal met
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targaryenfamilyorgy · 6 years
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Art progression through the years. 2015?, 2017, 2019. I am v embarrassed to have forgotten her marks this time around tho
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green sea
OCKissWeek #3 (Niri/Ravina, 521 words)
Niri was sitting at the edge of the cliff, her feet dangling in the air. Under her there was a sea of green, trees until the horizon. Somewhere down there her clan had to camp right now, she was so close to them and yet so far. Without thinking about it her hand touched her chin. Maybe she would be able to get the vallaslin when she was reunited with them. Although it probably wouldn’t matter much, given that she had escaped from the slavers and travelled around for all these years, trying to get back.
A sigh escaped her lips and she turned around to look back at the camp. Did she really want to go back now? Now that she had found people she liked and became like a little clan of four to her? She still couldn’t find an answer to that as she felt being pulled in both directions. Her gaze didn’t stay on the camp for long but was drawn to the forest underneath her feet again.
She sat there for quite some time, the wind freshening up and playing with her hair when she heard steps behind her. The way the footsteps sounded she knew who it was already and didn’t turn even after she could feel the other sitting down behind her and as Niri leaned back arms were wrapped around her waist.
“You think we will finally get to meet your parents?” the raspy voice whispered, sending a shiver down her spine. Ravina knew that Niri was weak to her voice and of course she used every chance she got to make use of that.
“Mhmm, it will still take time to find them I suppose but they are down there somewhere,” Niri answered, pointing down. And Ravina could see that it would take a while to find someone who was used to the land in this woods. If Niri was sure that they were there then at least it wouldn’t be a pointless search.  When something had proved trustworthy then it was Niris gut feeling.
But Ravina could see that Niri was too deep in her thought, had been ever since they came near this place. In order to get her mind off of what she could find out there she planted a little kiss on her shoulder which caused Niri to flinch a little.
“Ravina, what?”
“Don’t worry too much about what’s going to be,” the breath was tickling Niri, “you will see that soon enough. And if you worry what they say about that nice dwarven lady in your group… well, let me try to make a good impression, for once I will really try. I’m just going to be your companion, just as the others.”
Ravina placed short kisses on Niris shoulder, trailing up to her neck and almost not touching her skin at all. And yet those kisses made her shiver, Ravina could feel that perfectly. She would be someone Niri could always lean on at times like this and if it stopped her from brooding then showing her affection like that was the least she could do.
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monocytogenes · 2 years
Interview with a Fic Writer
Tagged by @sleepswithvillains :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Apparently I'm up to 12 at this point lol
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 14554 (Think they're all one shots, though I do currently have something longer I'm working on)
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? So, I wrote Making Use as a fic prompt response not long after The Force Awakens came out, and I think it must've been one of a small number of Reyux fics at that time because that thing TOOK OFF. It's got 441 kudos on it and still accumulates some here and there periodically. Like, I don't even like it that much but I'm glad it makes people happy, haha.
That's followed by A Certain Comfort (Phasma/Hux, 127) and a few Batman universe fics (Locard's Principle, 86; Metaphorically, 76; Mistakes, 70.)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yeah, I try to respond to all of my commenters, though I haven't always in the past. If they leave something really excited sometimes I let it sit for a bit so I can properly match their energy.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I write a lot of angsty stuff but don't usually leave it on that note. Looking at ending alone, probably Mistakes; it's a Crane/Harley fic I wrote some years back about her coming to stay with him while still in an abusive relationship with Joker. Lots of unrequited pining there; very hurt/no comfort.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? ...This is making me realize that I don't write a lot of fics that end happily vs. things have slightly improved, I guess. I suppose Better to Be Wrecked, my SW/Quinn fic, is technically rather optimistic because it's basically a meditation on him contemplating suicide over the years and then getting treated mercifully by the woman he loves at the end, haha. Some of the stuff I wrote for Gotham (before that show went off the rails, woof) is kind of positive in outlook too.
7. Do you write crossovers? Nah, I'm more into exploring characters in the context of their own settings.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Nah, thankfully.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I've done text RP for years, and written a fair amount of smut collaboratively, but up until more recently I haven't really considered putting it into fic, lol (as @nirikeehan is wont to say--be the smut you want to see in the world!) There's the implication of it in Better to Be Wrecked and I've got something more explicit with that ship in my WIPs at the moment.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No. Fwiw, if you want to reference my OCs or worldbuilding stuff or whatever, feel free to ask.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? Don't think so. Someone recorded a read of Mistakes once, which was pretty cool.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope, but I've beta'd for Niri and I wrote a scene that's part of the backstory of her fic The Force's Will (which like, if you like Hux being smart and calculating and capable, Reylo, Poe being a badass, or at all want a take on the future after TLJ that's infinitely better than whatever the hell TROS was--read it. It's great.)
13. What’s your all time favourite ship? I can never pick one favorite, lol--honestly it's easier for me to express what ships I really don't like. For instance, having spent a lot of time in the fandom for the new trilogy, I really have zero interest in Kylux--I see their relationship as more of a complicated platonic/vaguely familial thing. (Weirdly, the ship I was probably most into with Hux was when I RPed him with a younger Leia, because they were a really incredible intellectual match for each other. I can also get behind several m/f ships with him and Hux/Poe, haha.)
I'm currently neck-deep in SWTOR and Quinn/SW is sitting in my 'favorite' slot right now, lol.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? I have a lot of WIPs kicking around for Quinn/SW that I may or may not finish but I'd like to. There's definitely a lot of things I've got from different fandoms that I start and never complete, and I'm trying to get better about that.
15. What are your writing strengths? /checks the comments on my stuff, lol
I've been told I'm good at characterization (which like, good, because when I get into a character I'm inundating poor Niri with paragraphs of speculation about their inner lives, lol.) Honestly, the most treasured comment I got back when I was doing online RP was when I was playing a setting-native OC and was told 'he's so well-developed that I keep forgetting he's not actually part of canon'. Especially as someone who remembers a time when OCs were constantly being accused of being Mary Sues or whatever, that meant a lot.
I also think I'm pretty good at connecting ideas through the course of a fic; in one shots, I love starting with a simple notion (sometimes from the first line, e.g. "Hux was not afraid of him"; "Quinn had grown accustomed to contemplating his own death") and deconstructing/reconstructing it in different ways. A lot of the fics that influenced me early on were highly thematic and downright lyrical, so that influenced my writing quite a bit.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? As I've been writing a longer, more actiony WIP lately (my upcoming Imperial Agent fic), I've been struggling at times to find a good balance in terms of how descriptive I want to be--like, where to really move the action and where to let the characters talk and breathe. The plot's hashed out; it's just a matter of figuring out how to get from A to B, scene to scene, in part because I haven't written something super lengthy in years.
I get really particular and perfectionistic with dialogue too, sometimes; if you struggle with that as well, I find that voice-acting it to myself helps (like, literally when proofing that fic I've been doing the British accents to get the cadence right; sometimes I crack myself up when they're just perfectly sassy.)
And, you know, actually finishing stuff is a challenge, lol.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I think if it's an actual language and you're not fluent, it's best to run it past someone who is since Google Translate is Not Great much of the time. Usually I'll just indicate that the characters are speaking another language and try to represent when something comes up that doesn't have an English equivalent; you don't want to distract the reader to the point that they have to dig for footnotes but you also don't want to totally erase some of that contextual information.
I've seen this done well with an untranslatable word here or there (that, again, you can mostly deduce from context clues) and with short, subtle remarks that a character is using a familiar form of address or something. And yeah, in sci fi/fantasy stuff, I'll either do those things or repurpose slang on occasion to keep the immersion going (e.g. my Star Wars characters say the likes of 'stars forbid' or 'bantha shit' a lot as a 'they're from a different place with different belief systems' nod.)
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Lol I was writing like, shitty Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic back in elementary school and such so I guess that counts? My earliest stuff on ao3 is Batman fic; I got super into the Nolan movies years back and kind of entered the larger fandom from there.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet, but want to? Well, I've got like two different unfinished projects with Imperial Agent/Shara Jenn so I hope to grace the world with those two, lol. (She's so gooooood.)
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written? There's a special place in my heart for The Incarnation of Failure. Like, there's no romance in it, it doesn't make my top 5 for hits or kudos, but it's effectively a humanizing love letter to Hux and Phasma and the First Order in general in the aftermath of TFA. I'm still sad about how their potential was squandered by the canon, but in my own mind, this fic is part of my canon.
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ramencoupon · 4 years
i have a destiny discord server and you should join it
im remaking this promo post bc um <3 i want to put this in the tag again
we got..!
channels for art, writing, talking about your ocs
channels for lore, opt-in roles for freshly dropped content and leaked/datamined information, lfg
pronoun roles and other for fun identifier roles (platforms you play on, characters you like, what subclass you main)
channels for non-destiny stuff too
(new) rp channels!! for ur ocs
destiny bots like servant of niris and charlemagne
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ilovedthestars · 2 days
question, apropos of an ask about my OCs sitting in my inbox (waiting for me to have enough braincells left after homework to answer it)
i realized that when i talk about my murderbot OCs on here i'm kind of. assuming that people already know who they are. but only two of them are actually in a fic on ao3, and the others I mostly talk about on discord with a small handful of people.
i don't think i've ever done a "hey these are my OCs" post on tumblr. and i honestly feel kind of weird about the concept but. maybe someone is interested in the Lore that hasn't made it to ao3 yet. so, interest check:
Names you may or may not have heard me throw around: OldUnit, Niri, Aybee, Hope, Enigma (the polaris crew); Yuma and Crowbar. These are all OCs that exist within the Murderbot Diaries universe.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
OC questionnaire
Thanks to @eccaiia here, @mysticstarlightduck here and here, and @elsie-writes here!
Other questionnaires:
Robbie, Gwen, Maddie, Noelle, Jedi, and Kelsey here.
Carmen, George, Akash, Sam, Lexi, and Ash here.
Gabriel, Carla, Parker, Rose, Alex, and Ewan here.
Liam, Hye-Jin, Wendy, Wade, Issa, and CJ here.
Teo, Niri, Jazlyn, and Anathi here.
Below the cut, I will do Tyler, Xitlali, Atsila, and Raissa!
#1- Tyler
Are you an outdoorsy person or a fair weather freak?
“Outdoors suck. Would rather stay inside. Gym is inside. Books are inside. Why bother dealing with outside?’
Do you like animals? Have any pets?
“Have a poodle named Jolene. No, we didn't style her hair. She's perfect as is.”
What's one thing you keep on you at all times?
“... Did you know that the last thing you think about before you fall asleep is the first thing you remember in the morning? So the night before a big test, study right before going to bed! That'll keep you up at night.”
#2- Raissa
Do you have any weird or unusual habits?
“Absolutely not. There is nothing weird about me. Though John complains about me sighing too much. He once said I breathe out more air than I breathe in.”
Are you a night owl or a morning bird?
“These are ridiculous Ceteri phrases that make no sense. But my answer is neither, or both. You decide how to interpret it. I have devised a daily potion that allows me to properly function on a mere five hours of sleep, rather than the eight most people need. I'm up early and late. Now, if only I can get my team to help find a way to eliminate sleep altogether...”
Who is the person you hate the most? Why?
“Atsila McLain would be such an easy answer. And I can tell you want me to say her. But no. She was merely annoying. I try to avoid thinking about her Aequales as long as I can. She thought of us as nemeses, but it was one-sided on her part. But maybe if she stopped trying to take what was rightfully mine, I would stop. She never experienced anything I did. And in the name of peace? She was an awful person. It was a relief when I killed her.”
#3- Atsila
What are your biggest pet peeves?
“Oh, spirits, I hate when people aren't doing what they're supposed to do at the speed they should do it. I mean, how hard is it to adhere to a schedule and complete your tasks in an efficient manner? I don't understand it! I tell people to do something, and they don't do it! Or, they do it in the least efficient way I've ever seen. Even something as simple as walking. Walk diagonally to get somewhere faster. No need to stay on a certain path. But no it seems like every other person here is staying on the path.”
Who is the person you look up to the most?
“I don't look up to anyone. Literally, I suppose, everyone--I am rather short. Figuratively, no one. I suppose Carmen is rather efficient. And organized. She's highly intelligent and... She listens to me. I admire her loyalty and companionship.”
Do you have any major fears?
“Absolutely not. [Pause] I suppose boredom. Mediocrity.” if I may add - it's because she's terrified at the state she'll be in if something isn't going on Right Now
#4- Xitlali
Do you have any allergies?
“I think this is a personal question. I mean, what kinda questionnaire is it? Would rather not answer it. But ekaberries. I break out in hives if I eat it.”
How many people have you kissed?
“Not as many as I'd like, but I'm only twelve, so I'll probably kiss a few girls before long.”
What is your favorite number?
“My favorite number is 63. I find it incredibly satisfying knowing it's divisible by 7. 91 is a close contender for the same reason.”
I feel like this is all of the prominent TSP characters I feel need to answer these questions. Next time I'm tagged will begin the repeats.
Tagging softly @aziz-reads @thegreatobsesso @i-can-even-burn-salad @mk-writes-stuff @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
What is your favorite thing about rain? What is your least favorite thing about it?
@willtheweaver @elsie-writes @dyrewrites
What is something you don't mind waiting a long time for?
Have you ever been punished for something you didn't do?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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theluckywizard · 1 year
Lucky's Writing Prompt Page
Hey folks thank you for coming to prompt me! I take prompts any day of the week.
I love when prompts are a little specific: character or ship + dialog or feeling prompt + situation/location/item. Feel free to mash up prompts. Throw in emojis. Whatever. Make it interesting. Constraints feed my creativity. Spicy requests welcome! Thank youuuuu!
*** 8/9 This week I would love some platonic prompts for Bethany & Cullen, all manner of prompts for Rose x Garrett, angsty ones for Hawke siblings, Garrett & Leandra, Rose & DA2 gang. Feeling the angst!
Prompts can be for specific fic AUs: In the Shattering of Things (my DA:I long fic): Rose x Cullen, Rose x Garrett Hawke
Kiss Me Moonstruck (my DA2, Act 2 matchmaking romantic comedy romp): Rose Trevelyan x Garrett Hawke
A Splinter of Light (nightmare!AU where Rose is trapped in the future, m!Hawke, Dorian, Fenris, Bethany, Anders, Merrill, Elegant)
My OCs: Rose Trevelyan, Garrett Hawke, Mina Cousland
Other Characters I would like to write: [Lady] Elegant, Bethany Hawke, Carver Hawke, Cullen, Cassandra, Sera, Dorian, Varric, Cole, Vivienne, Josie, Leliana, Ellendra, Blackwall
My Ships: Rose/Cullen, Rose/Hawke, Alistair/Mina, unrequited Hawke/Aveline, Cullen/Bethany Hawke
Other relationships: Hawke & Varric, Hawke & Bethany, Hawke & Carver, Hawke and the rest of the DA2 gang, Bethany & Carver all together, Cullen & Dorian, Rose & Vivienne, Rose & Sera, Rose & Josie & Leliana, Rose & Cassandra, OCs Addie & Carys (Rose's personal guards)
Prompt Lists (or send me a quote or lyric of your own!):
Fic Title Prompts & Setting Prompt
Han Solo Quote Prompts
Bottles of Thedas Prompts
F. Scott Fitzgerald Sentence Starter Prompts
Sleeping at Last Prompts
Niri's The Black Company Prompts
Charles Dickens Prompts
75 Angsty Dialogue Prompts
Artifacts of Thedas Prompts
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azulsartdump · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons for the mafia au you drew azul in?
I’M GLAD YOU ASKED ANON! I actually have a few headcanons regarding other people’s ocs for the au. Details are under the cut!
First off Azul is their shootout specialist and undercover spy. She’s survived more shootouts than anyone in the family and usually gets out of them with minor injuries. (And by minor I mean she’s got a few bullet holes in her, but none of her vitals were hit so she’s okay!) She’s also an undercover spy that’s sent out to fancy events that other families will be at to get top-secret info.
@butter-beel ‘s oc Niri is their collections officer. She patrols the streets of the family’s territory and makes sure no one from rival families is causing trouble. Once a month, she goes through the shops and collects protection fees from the owners. If someone can’t pay, she has to, unfortunately, teach them what happens when they don’t meet the family’s expectations. Most of the time she’ll just give them an adequate beating, but there have been a few occasions where arson may or may not have been committed.
@cloviaglade ‘s oc Sorrel is their best hitman. She specializes in sniper rifles, but she’s also trained in hand to hand combat, throwing knives, and almost every other type of firearm you can think of. She’s one of the more cocky assassins the family has and she tends to leave a tag she finds funny behind on nearby buildings whenever she successfully kills a target that you can see here lol.
@3rdgymbros ‘s oc Samantha doesn’t really know what she’s doing there lol. She caught Azul finishing someone off in a back alley during an undercover spy mission and was threatened to join the family or be killed. (Really the only reason she was given that choice was that Azul thought she was really pretty and doesn’t like killing cute girls.) She mostly just hangs out around the family’s main estate, but she’s a good cook and everyone enjoys the food she makes. She’s also sometimes brought along on Azul’s undercover missions as a plus one so the operation will be a bit less suspicious.
@0beyme ‘s oc Izanami is the family’s weapons dealer. She’s not associated with the family exclusively and deals with a few of the rival families in the surrounding territories, but she’s the best weapons dealer they got, so it’s to be expected. She’s the most popular choice for most families because she has rather quick turnaround times and a very large catalog of weapons she can provide. It also means she’s the most expensive weapons dealer, but it’s a fair price to pay when she can provide both quality and quantity quickly.
@lucifan-rad ‘s oc Set is the big daddy Don of the family. His family is an offshoot from Diavalo’s family that was created after a falling out over the succession of the original family. Through his tireless work and help from the few members that left the original family with him, he’s managed to build up a group that rivals the power of his older brother’s. He doesn’t leave the main estate of his family very often, but when he does he always has Niri and Sorrel on standby near him in case something goes wrong.
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