#other than that their childcare was impeccable
Sister Imperator: "Contrary to what people might tell you, ghouls make wonderful babysitters. Why, I left my little Cardi with them all the time and he turned out just fine."
Nihil: "Your ghouls taught him to bite people he doesn't like."
Sister Imperator: "Self defense skills are important!"
Nihil: "I needed ten stitches!"
Sister Imperator: -pauses- "To be fair-"
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foxymoxynoona · 2 months
i have a question to ask you because i know you’re american:
why do americans wear shoes inside the house?
like im genuinely curious. im trying not to judge (very much trying here), but i just. i truly want to know why.
this topic of debate always comes up on twitter and while there’s a lot of americans who DONT do this, there’s also a lot that DO. those that DO, their reasoning is—i cant believe this—it’s that… they think it’s nasty for your FEET to touch the floor/carpet. their logic is feet = nasty = so please don’t taint my precious floor/carpet with feet, whether it’s MY feet or yours.
my brain just cannot… compute that. like. huh??
and then every time a non-indoor-shoe-wearer points out that shoes are nastier than feet because your shoes STEP ON DIRTY GROUND OUTSIDE, the indoor-shoe-wearer will counter that with “um, no, actually, my shoes are not THAT dirty”.
and it also doesn’t help whenever i read a book by an american author, their characters ALWAYS wear shoes inside their houses. also in movies. i just… what. why.
do you wear shoes inside? if so, im sorry for this question, but i genuinely am trying to understand.
We don't wear shoes inside in my house, no, nor did I grow up with outside shoes on inside the house on purpose though now that she's older my mom does usually wear shoes in the house --in her case, she has to wear shoes all the time for foot issues, and while she has indoor and outdoor shoes, she sometimes just forgets to change her shoes. As a kid, it wasn't really a big deal though if we forgot to take our shoes off.
This isn't something I spend a lot of time thinking about lol but here are some random thoughts:
For us, we have small children and pets and spend a lot of time "living" on our floor if that makes sense --things get dropped, we sit on the floor and play on the floor, so we want it to be as clean a space as possible, especially since I don't have time to clean the floors every day (though we did just get our roomba working again!!!)
That said, we have pets who shed and whose feet do not always get washed when they come inside, so I know that our floors aren't impeccable; we were more diligent when we had crawling babies/toddlers. Also because of kids and pets making our floors dirty (WHERE DO THE PILES OF SAND COME FROM), we don't require guests take their shoes off if we weren't able to clean the floors right before or they're uncomfortable, and instead we clean the floors after they leave instead.
Related to ^, guest slippers are not common here. Whlie I have worn guest slippers, I really don't like wearing someone else's shoes, and I dont want to be barefoot at someone else's house, but socks are fine to me as the compromise. People who come over frequently (like childcare) will sometimes just keep a pair of slippers here because we have hardwood floors that are coooooold in the winter.
I think there is some general sensitivity to bare sweaty feet being on someone else's couch, floors, or furniture, or for sweaty socks too. Especially if it's sandals or someone's been walking a lot, their feet are a type of dirty, which I suspect is what people are calling out. I wonder if there's some regionalism about feet being dirty or private that influences this too? I was definitely raised that feet are inherently dirty because they are feet and i hadn't thought about that until you said it
I know there are people who don't live on their floor the same way our family does, and so they just think of their house floor as ground just like if they were somewhere else. If they drop food, they don't eat it, or they clean off something that falls, and they take off their shoes before they get in bed so they consider their living space clean
There are just people with different opinions/concerns around germs or dirt or what they want for their household 🤷‍♀️ Those are all my thoughts, I have no more haha. I know there are things in my house that others would find not up to their cleanliness standards (I dread the day my dad comes to visit 😭 and it took literal therapy to come to terms with my mom's standards).
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The Temptation of the Immortals (2)
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Warnings: cursing, canon typical violence for the Percy Jackson series, spoilers for the Percy Jackson series, nightmares, the gods being absent parents, references to Greek Mythology, mentions of starvation and trauma.
“I can’t believe you said I would do this Piper.”  You scowled at your friend and colleague when she told you about the call that she received last night as she was finishing her shift.  “When did I give you or anyone else any indication that I know what I’m doing when it comes to babysitting children?”
Piper shrugged unrepentantly, “You looked after us on the Argo, at camp and during both wars.”
“That was different and it wasn’t babysitting!  We were similar ages!  If you’re so keen on the museum expanding its focus into childcare, why didn’t you say that you would babysit this kid?”
“For the last time, it’s not babysitting.  It’s tutoring.”
“The question remains Piper, why didn’t you say that you’d do it?”
“Because I have a date tonight with Shel.”
“Oh, okay.  So I’m available because I’m single.”
“Glad we understand each other,” Piper beamed.  Seeing your unconvinced face, her smile disappeared and became a pout. 
“Don’t do the face.”
“What face?”
“The face that makes me feel bad for saying no.”
Piper’s eyes sparkled, “So you’ll do it?”
“Yes.” You groaned, rubbing at your eyes.  “I must be insane for even entertaining the thought of doing this.”
“Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree then.”  Piper quipped as she left your office.
You grabbed a piece of paper, balled it up and threw it after her.  Just like your hopes of convincing her to change her mind about this plan of hers failed, your paper ball missed its target.  Later in the day, once you had finished your shift and you were on the way out of the museum, you stopped by Piper’s office and she gave you the address of the boy that you would be tutoring. 
“The child you will be tutoring is Alexander Kneef.  Surely you’ve heard of his father, Bryan Kneef.”
To her surprise, you had no idea who she was talking about.
“He’s one of the top litigators in Chicago.”
“And Annabeth is one of the best debaters and architects in New York, what’s your point?”
Piper rolled her eyes and shooed you out of her office.  Feeling slightly nervous about your task now, you made your way to the address and knocked on the door.
The door opened immediately and you took the opportunity to study the man standing opposite you.  Admittedly yes, he was handsome with his green eyes, brown hair and impeccable blue suit that probably cost more than you would ever make however, you could practically taste the arrogance coming off of him in waves and deep down, you hoped the child you were tutoring wasn’t like his father.
“Are you just going to stand there?”
You inhaled deeply, “I was taught that it was rude to barge into another’s home without receiving permission to do so.”
The lawyer scoffed, “I hope you’re not expecting a gilded invitation.  You won’t get one.”
“Perfect.  I’ll turn around and go on with my day.  Take care.”
You pivoted on your heel and walked back the way you came.  “Why in Hades would Piper agree to this?  She had to have some inkling as to what the man is like; she was the one to talk to him on the phone and knowing that she still suggested me!”
“His lunch is at twelve precisely.  It’s on the countertop ready for him and I told him that you would be working on his reading.  Alexander is avoiding reading at every possible opportunity and I am concerned that he will begin to fall behind if this behaviour continues.”
You paused with your back to the lawyer, “You’re talking as if I’m actually going to set foot in your apartment.  Did you miss the fact that I’m walking out of the building?  I can continue so that you get a better understanding of my actions.”
“I will be back in two hours.”  Bryan Kneef continued as if he hadn’t heard you.  “That is if this school is as efficient as they claimed to be over the phone.”
“This school?”  You questioned.
Now it was Bryan’s turn to breathe deeply, “My son’s previous school informed me that he is no longer welcome at their institution.  I’m sure that your colleague told you who I am.  If that information becomes public knowledge, I will come after you will the full force of the law.”
Sympathy for the boy welled up inside of you despite his father’s threat.  How many times had your mother said those exact words to you about a school that you had attended?  All over something you couldn’t control.
“This is a bad idea.”
You faced Bryan, “Today’s focus is reading?”
Surprise flitted over his face at your words, “Do you have a hearing problem?”
Choosing to ignore that comment you pushed on, “What book in particular?”
“He’ll tell you.  Alexander takes after me so of course he’s going to be clever.  You may address me as Mr. Kneef or Bryan if you must.”
As you passed each other in the hallway, you could have sworn that a quiet ‘thank you’ passed the lawyer’s lips.
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Buying A Mobile Franchise In The Us: Top 10 Companies To Consider
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Mobile franchises are flexible businesses that provide services on the go. Franchisees deliver the services at the client's premises and run their operations using vans, trucks, or carts. Many home-service businesses like carpet cleaning, computer repair, and lawn-mowing fall under the category of mobile ventures. Other client-focused businesses like health services also run mobile franchises in the US. If you buy a mobile franchise, you can benefit from the flexibility and convenience of this business model. Let’s look at the Top 10 American franchises that offer mobile service options. 
Fleet Clean USA: This     company provides mobile fleet-washing services all over the US. Based in     Florida, this business started franchising in 2013 and has expanded its     operations. The company provides financing to franchisee partners to cover     equipment purchases. They also have third-party relationships to provide     allied funding solutions to their new franchisees. The initial cost of     investing in a Fleet Clean USA franchise ranges from $158000 to $322000.
Fabulous Floors: The     Fabulous Floors business specializes in resurfacing wood floors. Its     franchisee partners visit clients’ homes to work on their hardwood     flooring. This company provides one of the best low-cost franchise     business opportunities in the US. The initial investment for buying a Fabulous Floors franchise     is around $30,000.
Dream Maker Bath & Kitchen: This company provides home remodeling services through its     franchise units. This flexible franchise business costs about $200,000 to     start.
Rolling Suds:     Rolling Suds provides professional power-washing services. The     Philadelphia-based brand has been in business for over 25 years. It has     served over 25,000 customers in its lifetime. The startup cost for     starting a Rolling Suds franchise is about $100,000.
Monster Tree Service:     This business specializes in removing, pruning, and trimming trees. They     provide on-site services to clients and help them manage their gardens or     orchards. You need an investment of approximately $150,00 to start a     Monster Tree Service franchise.
The Dog Wizard: This     company runs mobile franchises to provide dog training services for pet     owners across the US. If you are an animal lover, this will be one of the best franchises to buy. Starting The Dog Wizard franchise requires an initial     investment of $100,000.
Pressed 4 Time: This     franchise business provides laundry, dry cleaning, alterations, and shoe     repairs. This reputable company is present in more than 25 states,     garnering credibility for its impeccable customer service. You can set up     a Pressed 4 Time franchise with an investment of about $100,000.
Send Me a Pro: This     company runs a network of tech-based franchises. Customers can request     home-based services from trainers, pet-care specialists, childcare     providers, and more. You can start your franchise unit under this brand     with an investment of $50,000.
Plumberz: This     company provides at-home plumbing services to clients. You can buy this     franchise to enter a recession-proof industry with an excellent work-life     balance. The cost of starting this franchise is about $50,000.
Mosquito Terminators:     This company provides mosquito control services to help clients get rid of     these common insects. It has already established close to 150 franchises.     You can start a new unit with an investment of $30,000-$80,000. 
You can explore these businesses to find a franchise that suits your needs. For more franchising advice, keep reading Franchising Magazine USA! 
Source: https://franchisingmagazineusa.blogspot.com/2023/03/buying-mobile-franchise-in-us-top-10.html
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molluskwritesfic · 4 years
Where the Roses Grow: Chapter Two
The compound on Arvala-7 didn’t house one bounty, but two. Elsi Nokk is an enslaved nanny with more than a few tricks up her sleeve. She’ll do anything to protect her charge, even if it means standing against - and then with - a certain Mandalorian. Rated M.
This story can also be found on fanfiction.net and Ao3.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: Mild violence, strongly implied child abuse, slavery and associated themes.
Chapter One - This Chapter  - Next Chapter
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Chapter Two
It was hot.
The walk hadn't started out horribly. Despite her trepidation, she was still able to appreciate a change in scenery after being penned up in the compound for so long. Thankfully, they'd only been in direct sunlight for about a half hour. After that, they walked in the shade offered by the maze of shallow canyons that stretched out around the compound in every direction.
The baby was having the time of his life. He perched in his bassinet, happy as a clam as he watched lizards skitter in and out of cracks. Life in the compound had been boring for Elsi, but it had been even more frustrating for him. Elsi had done everything in her power to keep him entertained and happy, but a child needed more than his nanny to play with while locked in the same building for so long.
There had been so many games of hide-and-seek.
To him, the change in scenery was magical. He would communicate this to his caretaker, who would humor him by nodding and forcing a smile. He also tried talking to his new friend - the Mandalorian - who ignored him entirely.
Elsi, mindful of annoying a new master - even if it was only a temporary arrangement - had to repeatedly reinforce their little 'be quiet' signal. Each time she held her finger over her lips, the baby would dutifully copy the motion and fall silent, only to forget a minute or so later and go back to chittering for attention.
Not that she blamed him. Their joint existence had been a lonely one.
. ~0~0~0~
Elsi didn't dawdle.
'Daddy's special quests', as Hetta so eloquently put it, was a not-so-discreet euphemism for 'Underworld Contacts'. Like almost every nobleman that managed to cling to power through the rise of the Empire, Lord Burkisn made deals - most under the table, some not - with Imperial officials and dealers. Elsi didn't hold it against him; he was a politician, and that's what politicians did. But now that the Empire had fallen, Lord Burkisn was scrambling to appease the New Republic while still managing old promises.
Although the Empire was technically gone, the power and influence of the Imperial Underworld remained. When an Empire Remnant called in a favor, you did your best to accommodate.
Elsi's soft shoes were soundless on the shiny tile floors as she bustled through the ornate halls, keeping to the walls in order to avoid other servants and the odd protocol droid that bumbled past.
Lord Burkisn had a wide range of servants in his household - approximately a third of them were slaves. Droids could do a slave's work, but weren't nearly as fashionable. House slaves were much harder to replace; you couldn't program them or fix them when they broke. They had to be taught. Fed. Like most pets: a potentially expensive long term investment.
She bypassed the main study - where New Republic representatives were often hosted - and down a set of stairs into the lower levels of the house. Lord Burkisn's private study was well-cushioned and unassuming, but Elsi couldn't help but feel the very air had been tainted by the people that had been hosted there over the years.
If you thought there was nothing worse than a nobleman that both owned slaves and had the gall to manipulate the New Republic system into letting him keep them - you'd be very wrong.
The prospect of a baby was troubling. Why would Underworld entities have a baby in the first place? Let alone a sick baby? Even then, why the hell were they bringing it to HER? Surely they had deep enough pockets to buy their own doctors and nannies to care for it.
She reached the polished oak door and took a moment to straighten out her cotton dress, ensuring she was prim and every hair was in its proper place. This gave her a moment to eavesdrop.
The conversation came in bits and pieces, muddled by the door.
"... Hays Minor. They won't…"
"...sold… from spice dealers on… delivery."
"We couldn't take it to… when it's…"
Lord Burkisn's voice rose above the others, shrill and irritated. "Where the hell is that damn nanny? I paid twelve thousand credits for that overpriced whore…"
Elsi grimaced, realizing that she'd already pushed her luck too far, and knocked.
Elsi eased her way into the room, head down with her eyes politely on her toes, hands folded chastely in front of her.
"About fucking time," he swore at her, which wasn't out of the ordinary. However, it WAS uncharacteristic of him to do so in front of business associates. Lord Harl Burkisn was tall and on the back side of middle aged with charmingly light blue eyes, chestnut hair streaked with grey at the temples, and impeccable jawline; handsome, really. He took great pride in his appearance. His usual suave, put-togetherness was a huge part of his professional image. "What took so long?"
Elsi lowered her head further in the perfect imitation of shame. "I came as soon as I was told, sir."
He growled under his breath, "Hetta…"
Elsi did nothing to confirm or deny the inference.
Thankfully, Burkisn moved on. He flicked his fingers to summon her closer. She obeyed without question.
Though her eyes were down, she quickly surveyed the room through her eyelashes. Her master was accompanied by two other men, a human and a twi'lek. They were reasonably well-put together, but their dark, closefitting clothes suggested mercenaries, not anyone high-ranking. They were all looming around Lord Burkisn's desk, upon which sat a large metal storage container.
Lord Burkisn led her to it and gestured for her to peer inside.
When Hetta had said that there was a baby, Elsi had assumed that it would be the child of another nobleman - perhaps a bastard that they didn't want their spouse to know about and were secreting away to live somewhere else.
She couldn't have been more wrong. Or confused.
It was a child, alright. A tiny green baby with massive bat ears held flat against a dirty brown sack of an overcoat. It was short, squat, and unlike anything Elsi had seen before.
The little creature was beyond pitiful; curled up in on itself like it was trying it's hardest to be swallowed up in the dirty sack that it wore, which was already much too big for it. It sat with its back to it's audience, pressing the front of its tiny green body into one corner of the box like it desperately wanted to hide.
It was awfully, awfully still.
Elsi's heart broke for it. She looked to her master for instructions.
Lord Burkisn seemed troubled. "Can you care for it?"
Elsi didn't like making promises. "I've cared for many children."
He scoffed and dragged a hand through his hair, making it stick out in every direction. "Yes. Yes. But this one?"
"I don't see why not. But…" She hesitated. "Is it alive?"
Burkisn whipped back around to study the child more closely. His eyes glittered nervously as his less practiced gaze caught what Elsi had seen at once: the unnatural stillness, how quiet it was. Children weren't supposed to act like that.
He turned and fixed the two couriers with a glare.
"Err…" The twi'lek shuffled nervously, very much out of his comfort zone. "Should be…"
"When did you last check?"
"This mornin'," the human said defensively. "It's been sluggish since we got it, but it hasn't done much since midweek. It just sits and stares."
"What changed then?"
"Nothin'! We kept in the landspeeder, just like always - "
"On Hays Minor? It's freezing there! And you just left it in the speeder?" Burkisn accused, dark eyes thunderous with disgust. "This precious, EXPENSIVE asset? And you've treated it so carelessly? Can you even BEGIN to understand what they'll do to m… to YOU… if it perishes? Do you change it? When's the last time it had anything to eat? Have you bathed it recently?"
Rich, coming from a man that hadn't done any of those things for a child in his life. Elsi wasn't fooled by the righteous tirade. It had nothing to do with the baby's welfare.
"Is it alive or not?" He went on to demand. He was worried. While coming to the 'rescue' of something valuable could be beneficial, having the asset die while under his roof would be very, very bad indeed.
The courier closest to the crate reached out a gloved hand and gave the box a sharp shake. Elsi was no stranger to cruelty; her expression didn't change.
The baby gave a barely audible squeak as it was loosened from its makeshift safe spot. Other than that, it's only response was to weakly shift to press its face back into its corner.
"See?" The twi'lek said triumphantly. "It's alive."
The poor thing was half frozen. Lonely and terrified. No wonder it was sick.
Elsi grit her teeth, anxious to be rid of the other adults so she could take over.
"If it's sick, shouldn't we take it to a medical facility?" The human courier piped up. His eyes ghosted over Elsi's form appraisingly. "No offense, but why're we just giving it to a house slave?"
Burkisn sniffed. "You've lost the right to make those decisions. And do you think I'd let my daughter, my own flesh and blood, be cared for by any less than the best?" He prodded Elsi roughly in the shoulder. "Your credentials."
Elsi's collar felt tighter than usual. It was the same practiced spiel she'd given to potential buyers since she was twelve, and she delivered it with less emotion than a droid. "Educated by the Flirkgen Order of Servitude, First Class. I am trained in all forms of childcare from birth to adulthood, including, but not limited to: childbirth, nursing, emergency first aid, education, and nutrition. To date, I have cared for…"
Burkisn silenced her with a wave of his hand. "You see? We can't risk calling for a doctor, anyhow. The asset doesn't exactly blend in, does it? And if they found out it…"
He cut himself off. Elsi didn't bother wondering who 'they' were.
"Can you care for it?" Burkisn repeated. "Nurse it back to health?"
"I'm not a doctor, master," Elsi said warily. She wouldn't know the full extent until she'd had a chance to look it over properly, but the poor creature already seemed half dead to her. "But I will certainly do my best."
"Good. It's settled." He clapped his hands with an air of finality. "You'll make it your top priority. All of your other duties are suspended till further notice."
That was fine by her, so long as she didn't have to be the one to tell Hetta. The child did NOT like sharing anything, especially the slaves that were at her beck and call. There were other childminder's in the household that were more than qualified to care for the master's child, but none of them were Elsi.
Elsi bowed deep. "Yes, master."
We waved her away. "Take it, then. I'll inquire later as to your progress."
With a final curtsy, Elsi bustled forward and picked up the crate, closing the lid in hopes of making the little creature feel a little safer. The metal was icy cold against her skin. Without a moment to spare, she hurried out of the room.
~0~0~0~ .
Elsi was exhausted.
The skin under her collar still burned, the already tender skin actively being rubbed raw by the collar every time she moved her head. Every muscle in her body threatened to give out at a moment's notice. She moved in constant fear that the next step would be the one to send her sprawling to the ground.
She wasn't sure she wanted to suffer that brand of embarrassment today. Not that she had much pride left after a lifetime of humiliation and servitude, but she already had enough to worry over.
She stumbled a few times, but didn't fall. She kept walking.
After several hours, their pace had begun to slow. With every step, a little of the strength she'd pretended to have was leached away. It took everything she had to put one foot in front of the other.
The Mandalorian didn't comment, but Elsi noticed how the brisk, utilitarian pace he'd originally set had dwindled to something that was clearly designed to accommodate her. She appreciated, yet hated it.
Being thought of as weak was usually a good thing. But it wasn't in this case because it was the truth. Being underestimated gave her an edge, one that - staring at the tattered, dirty cloak of the silent wall of armor that stalked silently ahead of her - she wished she still had.
The baby finally settled down, tired from the day. He sat in his bassinet, nibbling his cloth frog and peering out at the changing scenery. His dark eyes flickered as he sought out the lizards that occasionally darted across their path.
Elsi knew he must be getting hungry. She was, too. Their last shared meal had been that morning, and it was well into late afternoon now. Elsi was used to functioning on very little; years of being fed the bare minimum had taught her to ignore the empty gnawing in her gut.
She didn't want the baby to have to learn the same way she did, but had a feeling that the Mandalorian wanted to get somewhere specific before nightfall. The canyons weren't exactly the best place to spend the night. Too many places for an enemy to hide.
She would wait until then before asking for a brief respite to feed her charge.
As if to confirm her suspicions about the canyons, the Mandalorian suddenly came to a halt. He lifted a gloved hand, cautioning Elsi to do the same. It was unnecessary, of course, because she'd heard it as well.
A near-silent footstep. The soft clink of a rock being kicked out of place and knocking into another. A quick, panted breath.
Then silence.
Elsi cast a warning glance at the baby, who didn't need to be directly told to stay silent. The adults' sudden tension was more than enough. He gripped his frog tighter.
Elsi watched the Mandalorian closely, taking note of the tension in his shoulders, waiting for some kind of signal.
She saw the Mandalorian's hand ghost over his blaster.
When the first bounty hunter exploded out of the shadows, Elsi was already on the move. While the Mandalorian met the threat, both of them, head on, Elsi made a beeline for the bassinet.
Sand flew as the sound of battle echoed throughout the narrow canyon. The baby whined when she scooped him into her arms. She hushed him, giving him a little reassuring bounce before slinking away from the conflict.
The baby cried out, distraught. He'd tried to take his frog with him, but dropped it. Elsi cast a glance backward to see it lying prone in the sand, only a few meters away from where the bounty hunters fought.
She went on, melting into the shadows and through a passage in the canyon walls. Worst case, she could make him another.
Elsi turned twice down different paths before deciding they'd gone far enough. She leaned her back against the stone, tucking them away in a dip in the rock face. The sounds of the fight had faded, leaving the pair washed in a heavy silence. Elsi struggled to quiet her breathing, which rasped loudly in her throat as she fought to catch her breath.
The baby buried his face against her chest and grumbled.
"Froggy's fine," she sighed, tipping her head back against the rock and closing her eyes. "We'll get him in a minute."
From what she'd seen, the Mandalorian had been holding his own fairly well, so hopefully they'd be able to go back to the bassinet in a few minutes. Not that she wanted to go with the faceless hunter, but for now she preferred him to the others. At least she was almost certain that he didn't have any immediate plans for killing her or the baby.
Also, he had her fob. She couldn't go very far without it.
Suddenly, the Mandalorian was there. He appeared without warning, scaring the shit out of Elsi - though she'd never show it.
He was more or less unscathed except for a gash in his upper arm. It looked nasty, but he seemed unbothered.
His helmet ticked forward minutely. "You good?"
Elsi's response was collected and emotionless. "Yes."
The child chirruped to say that he was fine, too, thanks for asking.
The Mandalorian cocked his head slightly, then held something out to him. The baby's ears perked forward when he recognized the beloved patchwork frog sitting in the warrior's hand. He gave a squeal of delight and all but threw himself out of Elsi's arms to get it.
Elsi almost dropped him, but was able to adjust fast enough to prevent him from falling. With a weary sigh, she moved to place the baby back in his bassinet, which still floated obediently at the Mandalorian's elbow.
The baby hummed happily and snuggled down in his blankets, squishing Froggy against his cheek.
Elsi's quick eyes went back to the gash on the Mandalorian's arm, then lowered submissively, fixing on the diamond shaped indent on his cuirass. "Your injury looks painful. I can dress it, if it pleases you."
His shoulders settled back; in surprise, Elsi thought.
"It's fine," he rasped. "We need to keep moving."
Elsi didn't argue.
. ~0~0~0~
Despite the awkwardness of the box, Elsi took the steps of the narrow servants' staircase two at a time, doing her best not to jostle the baby.
She winced and murmured an apology when she accidentally bumped it against a wall as she turned a corner, feeling the occupant slide from one corner to another.
Elsi bumped the door to her room open with her hip, and then closed it with her foot. As the head child-minder of a prestigious household, she had been granted her own quarters. She was still a slave, so it wasn't much: a small bed, a fireplace, a couple of chairs, a minuscule refresher, and a table that was covered with her current sewing projects.
She swept the half-finished articles of clothing off the table without a second thought, no longer caring if they got trampled and dirty, then sat the crate gingerly in their place.
Finally alone, Elsi flipped open the lid. Now she was closer, she caught a whiff of what could only have been the child; an unpleasant mix of bodily waste and mildew.
A distraught sigh hissed between her teeth. Elsi cautiously moved to pick up the baby.
The baby seemed to know she was coming and pressed itself more firmly into the corner. She crouched beside the table so that she was level with the box, reaching out tentatively towards the cowering child to smooth the fuzz on the back of its head.
The baby squeaked weakly, somehow succeeding in making itself look smaller. Elsi recoiled. Time was at the essence, but the last thing it needed was to be frightened even more.
"It's okay," Elsi hummed in her most reassuring voice, the same tried-and-true one used to soothe nightmares. She settled back just enough to kneel in the chair and rested her forearms on the edge of the crate.
The baby whined.
"Hey, hey. Shhh," she murmured, reaching out again and brushing her knuckles gently down the baby's spine. It quivered. She repeated the motion, "It's okay. You're okay. Shh."
The baby gave a plaintive squeak that was muffled by the side of the crate.
"Yeah, I know you're cold," she crooned. "Will you let me warm you up?"
The baby didn't comment, but it did turn its head, daring to peer at her with dark, watery eyes. Elsi noted the crusty discharge that had dried at the corners. Then the dampness of its nose.
"Can I hold you?" She asked, holding out her hands to it expectantly.
The baby squeezed its eyes shut.
Elsi figured that it was the closest thing to permission she was going to get. She gingerly wrapped her fingers around the baby's middle and lifted. He weighed next to nothing; she could wrap her hands all the way around him. She immediately transferred him to her chest, tucking his fuzzy head under her chin. Tiny claws curled into the fabric covering her collarbones.
Holding him in place with one hand, she bustled around the room, humming softly for the baby's sake as she unearthed cloth diapers, towels, and wash rags.
She took the supplies to the refresher, where she spread out one of the towels on the counter next to the sink, which she then filled partway with warm water. The child was far too small to consider using the tub.
Careful to cradle his head, Elsi eased the baby down on the counter. His sallow green skin stood out starkly against the fluffy white towel. The child stared up at her blankly through half-closed eyes.
"We're gonna get you clean, m'kay? The water's nice and warm for you. Then maybe you'll feel a little better. That sound good?" She explained to him kindly, but he only blinked in response.
The baby was heartbreakingly easy to manipulate out of his clothes, making her suspect that he was used to being handled roughly. She made a point to be as gentle as possible.
"Do you like bubbles?"
Before his bath, Elsi wiped him down and checked for injuries. He didn't react much to the water, leaning heavily into the hand that was keeping him propped up while she smoothed his skin with the gentlest soap she had and ran a kitten-soft washcloth over his ears.
After, she wrapped him in a small clean blanket instead of redressing him. His tiny robes would need to be cleaned before she would even consider putting them on him again, and even then, they were past use.
She would make him others, but that would take some time.
She laid him against her chest, lifting one of his little three-fingered hands to her lips to press a kiss to his knuckles. Elsi toed off her shoes and settled down on her bed. The baby snuffled a little, but otherwise stayed quiet as she tugged the other blanket over top of them both.
He felt much warmer now, at least. Elsi nuzzled the top of his head, breathing in the gentle smell of flowers from the soap. The baby mumbled softly before blinking his eyes closed.
It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. Elsi rubbed her hand up and down his back. Pressed kisses to the top of his head. Stoked his ears. Hummed a lullaby. Then another.
It seemed that he had given up, but children could be dazzlingly resilient. As awful as he seemed now, he could be up and playing in a day or two. She'd seen it before. Hopefully, a little love and attention would be enough to breathe a little life back into the poor little runt.
She wasn't optimistic, but that wouldn't stop her from trying.
~0~0~0~ .
The trio walked well into the evening, not stopping until the canyons were far behind them and they were surrounded by nothing but flat, rocky plains.
Elsi saw the logic. Out here, nothing could sneak up on them. The Mandalorian would see or hear anything a long time before it became an active threat.
Though she appreciated the strategic value of the decision, she loathed the bounty hunter for forcing them to travel so far before resting.
The last of the sun's rays were fading below the horizon, painting the desert in a myriad of lovely violet hues. The Mandalorian chose a flat-ish expanse of rock to kneel down, producing a collapsible lantern. He set it down at the center of the space and turned it on, casting them all in an orange glow.
"We'll camp here tonight."
Music to Elsi's ears. She all but collapsed to the ground, disguising her exhaustion as productivity by immediately starting to dig through the russack bag. She found the water and two jerky ration packs that she and the baby would share. She uncorked the water and drank, nursing it to make it last.
The last few hours had them walking directly into the setting sun, prompting Elsi to close the bassinet shutters so as to offer the baby some shade. He'd been quiet for the most part, but now that they'd stopped moving, he seemed to have enough reason to draw attention to the fact that he still was still secluded.
"Muuuu?" Muu? A soft, drawn-out squeaky sound, always turned up at the end like a question. It was the baby's name for his caretaker. It was cute, really. So much better than Nan.
Elsi forced herself back to her feet, ignoring the screaming of her aching muscles in favor of retrieving the baby. When the shutters peeled away, he rewarded Elsi with a wide, toothy grin.
Mood slightly improved, she got him out, but also tugged the bassinet over to where she'd been sitting: away from the Mandalorian.
The baby trilled conversationally at the bounty hunter, who continued ignoring him. In the time it had taken Elsi to get the baby and sit back down, the Mandalorian had removed his cuirass and sat prodding at its inner workings with a tool from his belt.
The baby was entranced by the occasional shower of sparks tossed into the air as the Mandalorian worked, but not so much that he was distracted from consuming every morsel of food Elsi placed in his greedy little hands.
She figured that she ought to hurry. While she was no expert on Mandalorians, she was vaguely aware of the limitations regarding the helmet. He hadn't been able to eat or drink all day, and while Elsi didn't really care much for his welfare, she knew she would if he became frustrated and decided to take it out on her. He could also die from heatstroke, which would essentially trap her and the baby in the middle of the desert.
Until a better option presented itself, he was their best bet.
Elsi didn't give two shits about seeing his face. She had better things to worry about than satisfying basic curiosity - especially curiosity that could end with him killing her out of rage. If he simply asked her to not look, she wouldn't. As her (temporary?) owner, he could also order her not to look, and she'd have no choice but to obey.
But she didn't think he would do either. The Mandalorian would probably wait until they'd both fallen asleep to remove his helmet; which was absolutely no problem for Elsi - she was already half-asleep sitting up. The baby was a little trickier. Elsi would have to make sure he was asleep before settling down herself.
Luckily, the baby hadn't slept much throughout the day. By the time he finished eating, he was snuggling into Elsi's shoulder, making the soft little grumbling noises he made when he was tired.
Elsi hummed to him, soft enough that only he could hear, rubbing his back in time with the melody. It was an old slave song, one she distantly remembered her mother singing for her when she was fussy and small.
The humming also kept the baby from hearing the sounds that the Mandalorian was making. Forgoing Elsi's offer to clean and dress the wound on his arm, he'd settled on cauterizing it with the same tool he was using to repair his armor.
It looked painful. She almost insisted that he stop and let her tend him, but then remembered that she didn't care.
Elsi tucked the sleeping baby in the bassinet, ensuring he was snuggly wrapped in his blankets and clutching his stuffed frog before she closed the shutters.
Confident that he would sleep through the night, Elsi lay down on the stony ground with the russack bag tucked under her head. Mindful to keep her back to the Mandalorian, she allowed her exhausted and abused body to finally rest.
~0~0~0~ .
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ddagent · 5 years
Modern Lion Pride! Modern Lion Pride!
Happy reading!
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(Part of the Modern Lion Pride verse; moodboard by @resthefuture​)
“Sorry I’m late, everyone; there was an emergency.” 
Professor Jaime Lannister, author of several distinguished articles and books about the War of the Five Kings and regarded as the foremost expert on Goldenhand the Just, entered the lecture hall with two small children and a baby carrier. His usual impeccable demeanour was replaced by a rumpled suit, a damp brow, and a scowl etched into the lines of his mouth. 
“Apologies, apologies,” Jaime reiterated as he crossed the room, deposited the baby carrier and briefcase on his desk, and settled Cat and Brynden into seats on the front row. Bending the knee, he addressed his two eldest. “Right, Daddy needs to give a lecture now, okay? So I need you two to be really good and do your homework quietly, alright?” Two golden heads nodded. He pressed a kiss to the crowns of their heads. “Good cubs.” 
Sweeping to his desk, Jaime unbuckled Joanna from the carrier and held her on his hip. Immediately, his youngest began grabbing at his crimson tie. “Da-da.”
“Yes, that’s my tie, little star,” Jaime soothed, only to be nearly strangled by his daughter’s tight hold. “Okay, no tie today.”
Bouncing Joanna on his hip, Jaime loosened his tie from around his neck, stuffed the fabric into his briefcase, and retrieved his glasses so he could look at the material for today’s lecture. Harrenhal. Wonderful. He could give a lecture on Harrenhal in his sleep; had, in fact, during the early days of his relationship with Brienne. He could do this. Lecture with a baby on his hip and two small children on the front row; one of whom had a tendency to get into mischief even in an empty room. 
He was Jaime Lannister. He could do this. “Again, apologies for the delay. Minor childcare emergency. Now, in today’s lecture, we will continue looking at the role minor houses played in the War of the Five Kings. Can anyone tell me, from the reading, what castle was occupied by warring sides in 299 and 300 AC?” 
No one. No hands were raised. Joanna, in the absence of a tie, kept pulling at his shirt. Jaime delved into the carrier and found her bear; his daughter immediately clutching at his fur. Still no hands. 
“It was in the reading, everyone. Chapter six. What castle was occupied by warring sides in 299 and 300 AC?” He sighed. “Films have been made. Songs have been sung. It was in the reading. Anyone?”
A hand went up. Unfortunately, it was the hand of his seven-year-old. Jaime, still juggling Joanna, knelt down beside his eldest daughter. “What is it, Cat?”
Jaime stifled the urge to laugh. Instead, he beamed down at his daughter and addressed the lecture hall. “Cat is correct. Harrenahl was occupied by two, and ultimately three warring sides in 299 and 300 AC. The third of these was not one of the major houses in the war.” He looked out onto a sea of blank faces. It was becoming abundantly clear that none of his students had done the reading. “Fine. Let’s take it step-by-step. Three warring factions; two major houses, one minor house. Can anyone name me one of them?” 
After a few moments of dead silence, a hand rose in the middle of the lecture hall. “Yes, Podrick.”
“The–the young wolf, Robb Stark. He occupied Harrenhal in 300 AC.” 
“Correct!” At her father’s happy energy, Joanna clapped her hands together. Unfortunately, that made her drop her bear. Jaime bent down, retrieved Barty, and pressed it into his daughter’s hands. “Anyone else?”
No hands. Again. Jaime was about to send everyone home (his usual punishment if no one had done the reading) when Cat’s hand rose once again. He stepped forward, wondering if this would be a request to go to the loo or if his little lion had more knowledge of the War of the Five Kings than his undergraduate students. 
“Yes, Cat?” 
“House Bolton. They were on Robb Stark’s side, but they turned against him.”
“Exactly right!” Jaime grinned. “Come on, everyone, that’s two for Cat and one for Podrick. Has no one else done the reading? Can no one else tell me who the other faction was that held Harrenhal during the War of the Five Kings?”  
In the front row, Jaime caught Cat whispering to her brother. Then, after a moment with no other hands raised, his son thrust up his arm. “Yes, Brynden.”
Laughter rippled through the lecture hall. Jaime turned quickly on his students. “Brynden is not entirely wrong. Tywin Lannister, of House Lannister, held Harrenhal in 299 AC. My father is not as vicious as the Tywin of the time, but at least he knows his history. Which is more than I can say for most of this class.” 
Jaime turned his back to settle Joanna into her carrier before rounding on his students. “Because I was late, and because my children are here, I will give you this time to catch up on today’s reading. I will put the slides and notes from today up on Chalkboard so you can read them in your own time. If in our next lecture, you are not prepared, I will dismiss you without a second thought.” Jaime shook his head. “I’m disappointed in all of you. Apart from you, Cat, and your brother. Great work.”
The rustle of paper and the heavy thump of books echoed throughout the lecture hall as his students caught up on their required reading. Jaime answered a few questions from the class – mostly from his two students on the front row, one of whom was having trouble with multiplication. Then, finally, the lecture came to an end, and his students slunk out of the room and past a newly arrived Brienne. 
“I’m sorry; there was an issue with a shipment of artefacts, and I couldn’t get away,” Brienne explained as she crossed the room to join Jaime by the desk. Usually, in public, Brienne did nothing more but press a kiss to his cheek. Her lips now lingered against his, and Jaime resisted the urge to wrap his arms around his wife’s waist and hold her close. When they parted, she rested her forehead against his. “How was it?”
“Fine.” He reached up to press a kiss to the line forming across Brienne’s brow. “Stop worrying. Joanna didn’t cry the room down, Cat didn’t set fire to anything, and Brynden finished his times tables.”
Brienne beamed. “Good. Good.” As two small children packed up their backpacks, she glanced down at Jaime’s lecture notes. “Oh, Harrenhal! Did you know, it’s suspected that a Stark was at Harrenhal long before the Young Wolf occupied it?” 
He did know. He’d read the first draft of Catelyn’s article just last week. But Jaime didn’t say anything. Just enjoyed the light in his wife’s blue eyes as she talked about history as their pride left the lecture hall and headed home.   
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lonelypond · 4 years
Nico Attacks: A Campfire Tale, Ch. 2
LL, NicoMaki, KotoUmi, 1.5K, 2/4
And Then There Were Two
Umi examined the ground where the path opened, her keychain flashlight still working, “Definitely more sets of feet than just Eli and Nico, one of them smaller.”
“So one of the children?”
Umi shrugged, “It doesn’t look like anyone got dragged off so Eli must have gone...willingly?”
Maki was only half listening to Umi. The music had been gone for awhile now, but now a more insistent, probably artificial, wind noise started to rise.
“Something’s going to happen.” Maki hissed.
“Sprint across or move along the trees?”
“If that’s a portable lantern, we should grab it. And I’m going to head for the house. I think it’s that way.” Maki pointed to the right.
“So would that be a predictable choice?”
Maki huffed, “Probably.”
Umi unbelted her hatchet.
“This isn’t war.”
Umi’s face, in the LED bright of the keychain flashlight, was Honoka choosing bread serious, “you know Nico better than I do, what do you think is going to happen?”
Maki deflated, “Yeah, you might have to cut us out of netting.”
“Is everything between you two a duel?”
“Maybe.” Unexpectedly, Maki grinned, “Nico never backs down, never stops pushing. It’s always an adventure.”
“She could decide to call it a night and I would be thrilled.”
Maki chuckled, “Won’t happen.”
“Whose side are you on?”
Maki sprinted for the lantern but as she grabbed it, a howl started, one voice joined by another then another. Maki headed for what she thought was the path to the house but before she took more than two steps, the scarecrow started to move. Umi saw it grab her by the throat.
It seemed like an hour, but it was probably only nine seconds before Umi moved, sprinting to where Maki was struggling and cursing. As Umi was realizing Maki was in no real danger, Maki threw the camping lantern away, and the scarecrow was dragged forward by the wires attaching it, just far enough that Umi’s legs were entangled as she approached. Umi pitched toward Maki, twisting so the hatchet threatened no one. Maki grumped, skipping to the side.
“Keep that away from me. Nico forgot you’re always armed.”
“I am always prepared.” Umi sheathed her hatchet again.
Maki kicked the scarecrow, then decided to stomp on it for more catharsis.
“That’s Eli’s jacket.”
“I don’t care.”
The howls were picking up, and music was back.
“Really, Nico, can’t you come up with anything other than Bach?” Maki shouted into the night.
“It is a classic horror mood.”
Maki rolled her eyes, “She could have at least thrown in Saint-Saëns Danse Macabre. Or something modern.” Another shout into the night. “It’s not like she doesn’t know death metal exists.”
The sounds started changing, a shift from organ to a screech of metal crashing in a guitar riff.
“Thank you!” Maki shouted.
“Let’s not help the people attempting to terrify us.” Umi was taking cautious steps toward the tree line as branches shook menacingly. Suddenly, a spotlight glared directly in their eyes, and after it dimmed, black spots swimming in their vision, howls and guitars speeding up, gritty voices grinding out indecipherable lyrics, at least three songs shoved into a sonic blender, with that cacophony as a backdrop, the shifting shadows ahead turned animal. And started to growl.
When Eli saw the light, it triggered a rushing need to get closer. She couldn’t see anything ahead of her, barely felt anything as she pushed between Maki and Umi, her feet speeding her through the cloying darkness, even though part of her mind was screaming “That’s how the flame gets the moth,” it was not screaming loud enough to silence the terror of DARK.
As soon as there were no tree branches for Eli to thrash through, she felt hands pulling her to the side.
“HE…” She yelled but a grimy, sweaty hand clamped over her mouth and two people wrestled her forward. A child stood, shadowed by the camping lantern that was her current obsession, one of the twins.
Eli relaxed slightly when she heard Vik’s bright voice whispering “We’re saving you, Mom.”
Nico and Rin had Eli in a fairly tight grip, Nico hissing, “You say anything or run, I kill the light.”
Vik was smiling up at Eli, in a gray hoodie with adorable wolf ears. Rin and Nico were also wearing them.
“I’m going to sit,” Eli whispered softly, her legs too shaky to do anything.
Nico sighed, but nodded. “Gimme your shirt?”
“Just do it.”
Vik stood next to Eli, blue eyes wide, “Are Auntie Umi and Maki scared? Dia said her Mama was so grumpy about the pumpkin guts. How come we never have fun like this?”
Because Nozomi doesn’t enjoy terrifying me when small children are awake, Eli answered in her head, but she hugged Vik, “Every family has their own traditions.”
“This is so cool.” Vik was literally bouncing, spinning around the tilting pole while Nico was attaching wires to the scarecrow, while Vik was putting their ballet warm up exercises to good use. “Auntie Nico is the best.”
Eli shook her head, amused, happy that a Vik she was getting too used to seeing sullen and withdrawn was giving every sign they were having a great time. For that, she would forgive Nico many things.
Vik handed Eli a gray hoodie, “Help us howl, Mom.”
Eli thought about the DARK and then she looked at the brilliant smile on her child’s face. This was a crossroad and she knew which path to pick.
“Your mother always says I’d look cute with a tail.”
Maki and Umi backed up, instinctively.
“You know that’s probably just Nico and Rin, right?” Umi hissed.
“My feet won’t move forward.”
The shadows pushed closer, the forest was moving forward as metal guitar strings shrieked ‘til they shredded and clanks and chalkboard scratches answered growls. It was amazingly effective,
Umi recovered first. Which Maki only realized when she backed into something solid.
“Nico doesn’t scare me.” Umi stated, with zero conviction.
And then three running, hunched ‘creatures’ rushed toward them, circling them, growling, laughing, unrecognizable, faces smeared with dark makeup. Umi braced herself, Maki went for the treeline, but the middle ‘creature’, rolled in front, so Maki stumbled forward over them, grabbing at them but only pulling off their hoodie.
Someone pulled Maki up and as she turned, she screamed at a looming HUGE inflatable glow in the dark skeleton bobbing behind Umi. Throwing the hoodie in frustration at Umi, Maki leaned over, hands on knees to catch her breath. “Dammit, Nico.”
And then Umi said something unexpected. “I apologize.”
“For what?”
“This is not solely your fault.”
Umi got weirdly formal at the strangest times. Maki raised her head and waited for the full explanation as Umi examined the hoodie.
“Nico is not working alone. Kotori made these. I recognize them.”
“So what did you do?” Maki snapped.
Silence. Bordering on angry silence. Maki never liked teasing. Umi sighed.
“Kotori might have remembered that after the Halloween Hell Cruise, I wrote Aizuwakamatsu no Yurei.”
Her award winning play. Maki knew Umi hadn’t been writing. So Kotori was worried. Ha. Everyone has interfering wives. And the Halloween Hell Cruise had been a Nico Nightmare. Maki shuddered at the memory.
“So if my wife is devious and diabolical, what’s yours?"
“Crafty.” Umi said proudly. “And caring.”
Maki stomped into the darkness, muttering something that rhymed with “tripped.”
Umi stood, watching the bobbing, grinning, glowing skeleton. Then she reached into a pocket, pulled out her clasp knife, opened the blade, and punctured Mx. Bones with one swift motion. Air escaped with a whispering scream. Umi nodded her head, satisfied.
“Hey, that looked fun.” Maki grumped.
"Maybe you shouldn’t have stomped off.”
“Show off.”
Umi grinned.
“So how many more of these do you think Nico has planned?”
Maki shrugged, “She still seems to have infinite energy.”
“So not maturing?”
“Ha ha.”
“You’re enjoying this.”
“Aren’t you? It’s” Maki paused, “invigorating.” Maki and the lantern did a circle of the clearing, to check for clues, “Why’d you stop writing?”
“Exhausted. Kaito is a fine, intelligent child, but it’s exhausting.”
“I know.” Maki shot a glare back at Umi, “And Dia’s picked up some very judgy habits from a certain babysitter.”
“Your daughter’s manners are impeccable. She’s nothing like Nico.”
“You’re wrong there.” Maki pulled on a wire but it didn’t seem to connect to anything. “‘S funny, when I was younger I would have imagined me at a fancy black tie Halloween charity event with my supportive spouse who did most of the childcare while I lived at the hospital and then I met Nico and here we are.”
Umi considered that, “What else do you do when you fall in love with a brilliant, hard working career woman who wants a family and for you to keep being yourself? Support them like they support you.”
“Yeah.” Maki got to spend every day with music and people she loved. Because of Muse. And Nico. Other generations of Nishikinos had paintings, portraits stiff in oil to hang on walls, but for her family, it was a quick watercolor sketch Hanayo had made while Maki and Nico were having an impromptu concert with their daughters. It was Maki’s favorite piece of art, quick, lively, bright, made with love.
Maki found another wire and pulled. Netting crashed down around here, leaves scraping her cheeks. Nico wasn’t done yet.
A/N: Hey.
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onemanstampede · 5 years
I can compose a rundown of skilled attributes, clarify the various meanings of the expression "talented," and even give approaches to you to tell if your youngster is skilled. Despite what I state, however, in the same way as other different parents of talented children, you may in any case wonder if your youngster is "typical" or in the event that you are the main parent with a kid like yours. You may ponder, as well, on the off chance that you are doing the correct things.
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To truly comprehend what a skilled youngster resembles and what it resembles parenting a talented kid, you can tail me on my excursion as a talented parent. My child is presently in school, so you can find out about how my child created after some time and what it resembled for me as a parent of a talented kid.
My First Dreams of Motherhood
I constantly needed to have youngsters, bunches of them. When, at 41 years old, I learned I would at last find a workable pace mother, my fantasies of parenthood did exclude having a talented youngster. I didn't have the foggiest idea what that was!
My Premature Baby
At the point when my child was brought into the world a month and a half early, the exact opposite thing I stressed over was whether he was skilled. My essential concern was that he was solid and would not have a formative issues.
My Possibly Gifted Toddler
I was very befuddled by my child's initial advancement. Here and there he falled behind, however in others he appeared to be route in front of different babies his age.
First Signs My Child was "Extraordinary"
When I had the option to quit stressing over issues like formative postponements and hearing misfortune, I ended up bewildered and stunned by what my child could do, perusing his first word, for instance, at only barely 2 years old.
My Son's Fascination with Words
The interest with letters moved to an interest with words. My child's hunger for information first appeared in quite a while need to find out about words, which was his method for showing himself how to peruse.
Fixation or Hyperlexia?
My child was a late talker, yet an early peruser. It appeared as though I had quite recently quit agonizing over hearing misfortune and formative deferrals, yet there I was stressing over this current preschooler's fixation on words and perusing.
My Toddler's Sensitivities
My child kept on amazing and puzzle me. His sensitivities to the vibe of specific surfaces was one of those astonishments.
My Little Picky Eater
I know a few children are exacting eaters, however a portion of my child's fastidiousness originated from exotic sensitivities, especially contact. He didn't care for nourishments that had a rich surface, for instance.
Uncaring toward Sensitivities
I think now about Dabrowski's supersensitivities, however when he was extremely youthful, I'd never known about them yet I sure wish I had.
Potty Training and Bottle Weaning Woes
Attempting to comprehend what is "ordinary" advancement for most children is hard for any parent, however it very well may be significantly harder for parents of skilled children, particularly when they were brought into the world untimely! Those entire potty preparing and container weaning things were two or three those troublesome occasions.
My Search for Daycare
Searching for childcare was the primary indication of the issues that I would discover later in finding a solid match for my child in school.
Impeccable Preschool - Perfect Teacher
After a long quest for childcare for my child, I found the best childcare - ever.
My child's initial intellectual jump
Kids experience the equivalent formative stages, yet frequently skilled children experience them all the more rapidly and make significant jumps. My child had one of those jumps when he was three.
My altogether different young man
Since my child had fundamentally encouraged himself to peruse when he was three, I realized he should be entirely brilliant, yet he was distinctive in different ways, as well.
Aren't All Children Gifted?
That was my underlying response when my child's preschool educator revealed to me that my child was skilled. Her remark kicked me off finding out about skill. I took in the response to that question is "no."
There's a whole other world to perusing than...reading?
My child was a capable peruser when he was four years of age. It was really clear that he was perusing and fathoming what he read, however a few people needed me to think there was more to it than that.
Early Entry into Kindergarten
It had become evident that my child expected to begin school early, yet that was ending up being a lot harder than I suspected it would be!
Waiver for Early Entry into Kindergarten
So as to get my child into kindergarten every year early, I needed to get him tried. That didn't turn out so well. He did fine on the test. The outcomes simply didn't make a difference.
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Legal Translation of Documents
The law is a system of rules enforced through a controlling authority that a particular country or community identifies as regulating the actions of its members. If they are unable to abide by them, this may be enforced by the imposition of penalties. It is also a profession concerned with the rules of conduct of a community, their practices, customs and are recognized as binding by the individuals living in that particular community. Although moving into a foreign land may seem effortless, it is important to understand and abide by the laws of that particular country, for one to remain as accepted citizen or resident. At Language Interpreters, we provide wide variety of legal translation services in UK. Legal Translation of documents In today’s world, there are no barriers to communication. Being familiar with the law is thoroughly a wise move rather than staying in doubt. Approaching a legal translation agency or a professional delivering such services, like any other kind of translation eradicates the barriers in communication. The laws change or get amended after a certain period but one must remain aware of the changes implemented. Legal translation comprises converting documents from one language into another based on the clients/individuals requirements without altering the original meaning. It involves translating the legal text from one language into another and eventually producing it in the required language as per the necessity. In the UK, the current rules on purchases, warranties, and consumer protection differ on a local level and these complex rules are left to the translators to deal with for outlining them accurately in legal terminology. The intricacies associated with translating legal texts into simple terminology is immense. Legal translators need to use content and terms within the legal system prevailing in the country where the source document is originated. Using the legal terminology of the country the translator needs to translate the document into the target language that the documents need to be produced in. Laws relate to more than one sector as they regulate most areas of human activity. The legal translators have a profound knowledge of the concepts and terminologies not just related to law, but also public sectors like the Council and Social Services. Legal translation is an extremely complex task and a minor error in the translation can imperil a legal lawsuit and put one’s reputation at risk if performed incorrectly. Among the different documents that can be translated related to the law include contract documents, witness/court transcripts, policies, wills and trusts, litigation documents, and much more. Documents related to the public organizations comprises of a diverse range, e.g. witness statements, ID cards, evidence for court purposes, matters relating to childcare or social services, family, immigration, asylum, civil, housing, personal injury and also family matters or disputes like divorce, marriage/death certificates. However, It is vital to comprehend every aspect or detail before committing oneself. It indeed is the fundamental right of every individual to “ask” and “clarify” one’s concerns. An improperly translated document can directly affect people’s rights and if the translation is inaccurate this can lead to incurring legal consequences. The translator must be familiar with the business and legal practices of the country. Certified legal translation service
The certified translators at Language Interpreters possess the skill and expertise to carry out impeccable legal translations. Hiring our professional translator for a legal translation procedure helps accomplish a reliable outcome. They are diligent, proficient, technically sound and plays a vital role in legal translations. Our translators avoid interpreting obscurities, to ease the operations and produce a quality legal translation. Currently, due to the increase in migration, legal translation services has increased drastically. New advances in technology have taken control of the situation and made it an effortless process. The professionals at Language Interpreters offer tailor-made solutions in 100+ languages for 365 days for documents such as agreements, contracts, etc. rather than offering a common template for your requirement which could otherwise prove invalid. At Language Interpreters the legal translation costs are calculated on the total word count, not the number of pages. So it is vital to receive a quote, timeframe before you proceed with the service. Experts in Legal Translation Services Now, who can help with this? Where to find a legal translator? Look no further. Language Interpreters are here to assist you in making an appropriate decision. Your concerns can be embarked upon effectively by our team of experts without a doubt. Visit the website www.language-interpreters.com to know more about us and the kind of services we offer you. Nonetheless, it is fundamental that the legal translation services we offer are accurate and true to the original.
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annebeautyusa-blog · 5 years
Enjoy the Ultimate Luxury Experience with Your Hair products
Now everyone is very particular about their skin & hair products as these are the sensitive parts of our body. Every woman & men want to have smooth, silky and healthy hair whether it is short, long, curly or straight. Smooth and shiny hair unchangingly gives the weightier impression. Due to transformation online shopping is getting popular day by day. Most of young generation prefers to buy from the online stores as they feel it is the best way for shopping and they can save their money and time because they don't have enough time for going market due to their tight schedule of life.
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About Online Products:
There are a lot of e-commerce websites selling cosmetics. Almost all the products are available in online stores. When it comes to hair, there are a lot of top brands available for shopping. According to the seasons is available in every market. Seasonal sales are also increasing day by day. As per detail, each website is providing products with best offers. Essentially concentrated on beauty products; you can get an extraordinary looking skin with an impeccable surface with imported magnificence items that are effectively accessible online.
Young generations are mostly like to Buy Beauty Products Online as they found it a consistent way. Moreover, these online websites not only provide great offers and discounts but also allows you the best shopping experience without any hustle. The online store grandstands imported excellence items, human services, and childcare items at limited rates.
Advantages of Online Shopping:
If you want to grab and take the whole advantage of the best possible offer, you need to be more pries and flexible while buying the products. On public holidays, many of the e-commerce sites place the offers as buy two get one free like while purchasing nail art of $500 they offer you nail remover free. Like this is if you buy shower gel they give body soap-free; you can grab many more offers with this technique. When shopping from online keep your eye on discount codes. Rather than this buying bulk size or family pack gives you more benefits as compared to lesser size. This is a typical trend that every online shopping site provides to save your money at large.
What Is The Best Oil For Hair?
Natural Hair Oil derived from various plants has more than one benefit to count. Behind of styles we have loaded our hairs with layers and layers of chemicals. There are some very popular natural hair oils. Coconut oil is most commonly used hair product derived from coconut. It helps in preventing hair loss, strengthens hair and acts as a conditioner. Hair Thickening Growth Oil that prevents hair loss & promoting hair re-growth.
Castor oil is full of in vitamin E, proteins, and minerals. It’s very viscous oil and it’s hard to wash it off the hair, but that’s the only con. It works wonders on hair. Castor oil has anti-microbial properties that will help you get rid of dandruff and other scalp issues.
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nobodylikeyourp · 7 years
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Here you’ll find the five member groups of our site. They are all based on the five different areas of our town. The dollar sign next to the name indicates how much it costs to live in that area: One dollar means it's not expensive at all - quite affordable for the lower class. Two dollars means it’s smack dab in the middle(class), neither cheap nor expensive - you’ve got a good job and have a nice nest egg to spend on your home. Three dollars are for those that are upper class - ranging from expensive to rich kids of Instagram status. As well as having the option of resident we’ll also be welcoming visitors or tourists, they’ll have the option to rent, stay at the resort, or maybe their family has been coming to the town for decades and the family owns a home. Click below to read more about each group/area.
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MARKET DISTRICT $ - $$ #8E5858
The market district is the oldest area of Bristol, and it still shows. The town decided it wanted to keep its charm a long time ago, so they've kept all the historical buildings that they could. After the fire of 1890, the town lost some of the buildings in this area. Despite this, they still have the majorly of the main street in tact. The shopping center is the newest area in the market district. The town's local university also calls this area their home and is spread throughout a multitude of buildings. The main campus is where you'll find all the main buildings for the school, such as the administration buildings, student center, athletic department, and dorms.
The residential options in this area have a wide range and are available to fit any budget. Starting with studio apartments, which are the cheapest and are on the more run down side of the spectrum. The next step up are small - medium sized one bedroom and two bedroom apartments, they are a cheap but where they lack in square footage they make up for in amenities. The newest residential option is the block of townhomes, built in the early 2010s these homes range from three bedrooms to five bedrooms and can range from slightly expensive to moderately priced. Dorms are for the students at Bristol university, they range from doubles to quads.
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CEDAR CREEK $$ - $$$ #86B67B
Cedar Creek is what you would consider the suburb area of town, with tree-lined streets and nice sized houses. It is also the newest area of Bristol, development for the area started in the early 80s with the rise of demand for housing in the town. The majority of homes in this area are owned, not rented, and the population is a mix of families and 30+ (but there are no restrictions on this). Cedar Creek is a mostly quiet neighborhood, possibly because this is the only area where there's not a lot of tourists or college student.
Almost all of the residential options in this area have a nicely sized back/front yard, usually with a /white picket/ fence. There are two kinds of houses you'll find here. there are the medium 2-4 bedroom houses that are either almost development like and very similar to each other or houses that haven't been remodeled since they were built back in the 80s. There are also the large houses that are 4-6 bedrooms these homes usually have a nice pool in the backyard or impeccably landscaped yards and are all one of a kind.
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RIDGEVIEW $ - $$ #8E8558
Ridgeview is the area you go for peace and quiet, its homes are all pretty spaced out, with long gravel driveways and tons of trees surrounding them. It's an area that is relatively untouched by man other than the homes that are located here. Located right next to the Bristol state forest, Ridgeview is filled with trails that you could get lost for hours or days wondering. This area is the largest but does not have a huge population in it. Ridgeview takes up the entire west side of town.
Ridgeview has quite a few nice properties, especially for those looking for a secluded home on a budget. You'll find the local trailer park nestled in these woods, home to a quaint but lively community of people. You'll also find the small 1-3 bedroom and medium 3-5 bedroom homes that where they may lack in square footage they make up for in the property itself. Most of the homes located here own 3+ acres of land, sometimes it's all forest while others have taken the time to clear some, if not all, of their property of the forest.
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LAKEWOOD $ - $$$ #58688E
Lakewood can be summarized by any home on the east side of town within five minutes of the lakeshore. Lined with sandy beaches, and sometimes outcropping of rocks this area is always lively with tourists and natives in the summer months. This area is where you'll find the local resort/inn that has been around for over 100 years and has around 75+ rooms available. It has recently been remodeled and although the paint may still be drying they have made sure to keep the charm that has kept people coming back for decades. Lakefront property here can be quite expensive - because of its high demand and lovely views - so unless you bought your property 25+ years ago you're sure to pay a pretty penny to live here. Most tourists pick Lakewood to stay because of the resort, but many others rent homes or cottages here along the lake front, then there are the families that have been coming for generations that own their own summer lake house.
This area of town is possibly the most jumbled, you can find a tiny house right next door the mega-mansion. Some of these homes are quite old, dating back to the early 1900s while others are brand new. The lowest option here are small cottages - usually, a part of an association that will share one beach area. These are usually rented out or are for people who only come in the summer (but there are no restrictions on this) they are three bedroom max and have almost a summer camp vibe to them. The actual houses located here are definitely year-round places, ranging from 2-6 bedrooms and those that are bordering the lake will be much pricier than those with out beach access. Then there are the mansions, these are most commonly beach front and do not necessarily have a lot of land because the house takes up 80% or more of the property. Luxurious and large these are the homes that the rich have come and built next to the lake. Ranging from 4-14 bedrooms these homes are all a million+ homes.
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NORTH MARKET $$ - $$$ #588C8E
The North Market is located in the recently remodeled warehouse district, just north of the Market District. In the early 2000s, the town decided to clean up this area, because it was starting to become the bad side of town, was pretty run-down and was mostly abandoned. The town sold the land for very cheap to some developers under the strict agreement that they would remodel the area and not tear the historic buildings down. Now the area is very popular with the young professionals, has quite a few restaurants, and cocktail bars.
Since everything here was completely remodeled, all the residences will be new just in older buildings. The smallest options, which are moderately priced, are medium size lofts - ranging from 1 or 2 bedrooms with nice sized living rooms. The large lofts have spacious living rooms, kitchens, and 1-3 bedrooms, some even have community roof access. The xl lofts have tons of room, the bedrooms - although still only 2 - 3 bedrooms - have tons of space and the living rooms and kitchens are all top notch in appliances. These are pretty expensive and are just slightly cheaper than the luxury apartments. The luxury option are all in one brand new building that is located where one of the worse warehouse's was. They ended up tearing it down with approval from the city and built an apartment building with top notch everything, the building has a rooftop pool with entertaining/grill area, gym, movie theater, and childcare center. These range from 2 to 5 bedrooms and are expensive - especially the more bedrooms you get.
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rankbooster786 · 4 years
Nursery school in Qusais
Do a nearby web search or air out your business catalog and you're certain to discover page after page of neighborhood nursery schools.
They all guarantee to take extraordinary consideration of kids, to show them the essential ideas of letters, numbers, hues, etc, and that they're superior to the opposition.
Is perusing every one of these promotions the genuine key to discovering great nursery training? Would it be advisable for you to be influenced by those promotions and every one of those extravagant guarantees, or is there a superior method to limit your pursuit and settle on your choice?
The initial phase in addressing those inquiries is to be straightforward with yourself about what you're searching for by method for nursery schools and what your specific needs are.
Is it accurate to say that you are extremely simply scanning for a childcare supplier? Provided that this is true, there are presumably not many things you have to stress over other than your youngster's security, the tidiness of the house or office, what number of other kids there are comparable to the quantity of grown-ups, etc.
Cost also will be a factor. nursery school in Qusais There are numerous youngster minders who work out of a private home, simply hoping to bring in some additional cash, and if childcare is all you are searching for, this might be impeccably sufficient for your kid.
Be that as it may, in case you're truly searching for a genuine nursery with having kid instructed certain things before the individual even goes to junior school, at that point obviously your necessities will be more explicit.
Perhaps the most ideal approaches to discover great kindergartens is to ask different guardians. Try not to spare a moment to move toward guardians in your congregation or spot of love, those in the local who have kids in school, or different guardians you may know in the area.
Tell them what you're searching for in light of the fact that regardless of whether they can't make suggestions, they may know different guardians that live locally that can. You can likewise do a great deal of research about nursery schools online by looking at nursery school sites to discover which nursery schools are accessible close to you.
The following stage is to filter through your decisions of pre-schools by doing some legwork.  nursery in al nahda sharjah Make a rundown of neighborhood nursery schools that appear to offer the exercises that you're searching for. Visit them to get a thought of how they lead their business when the kids are there.
On the off chance that they offer guidance, request to see the books or toys they use to do as such. How would they approach showing your kid? Is it true that they are qualified instructors? Provided that this is true, what number of are educators versus what number of are simply guardians?
Discovering great nursery schools will include some work and exertion on your part, however consider how much time and exertion you put into picking anything essential to you, regardless of whether it's a vehicle or occasion goal. Discovering nursery schools that will be suitable for your kid should get no less exertion from you.
Pristine Rainbow Nursery, established in 2010, provides a fun and supportive learning environment for children of multicultural and diverse backgrounds. Learn More
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tritonhospitals · 4 years
Triton Hospital - Best Childrens Hospital in South Delhi
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Best Childrens Hospital in South Delhi
While it might be surprising for new parents to take their kids to the hospital, you need to know that in the initial years of your child, you are required to visit a pediatrician consistently. These regular visits to the pediatric are required with the motive of regular checkups, vaccinations, or any other complications like a sudden fever, severe cold, and cough, etc. It is very important for new parents or even the ones who are expecting to search for the best children hospital in their city. Since a city like Delhi is jam-packed with a lot of medical professionals who deal with children and their health, this list of best and most-rated, top children hospitals (pediatrics) in Delhi will give you a brief idea to choose the best for your kid.
The children hospitals mentioned in the list offer medical care and safety procedures/treatments to infants right from their birth to the age of 18 years. The hospitals mentioned in the list work with the main objective of ensuring the best medical care for children for their physical and mental wellbeing. These hospitals are equipped with advanced medical equipment and best in class facilities than any other hospitals present in Delhi. These medical hospitals for children have a qualified team of doctors who are general physicians, surgeon specialists with the main mission of attending to all the medical requirements reported by the parents.
Triton Hospital
Located on the outer ring road right opposite Nehru Place, Triton hospital is one of the best childrens hospital in south Delhi that offers plenty of facilities when it comes to child care, neonatal surgeries, and neonatology. Triton Hospital is majorly known for being easily accessible and offering the best and latest equipment under one roof with impeccable infrastructure. Specializing in labor, child, and mother care, triton Hospital should be your go-to when it comes to looking for the best children hospitals (pediatrics) in Delhi. The pediatric and NICU/PICU services available at the treat on hospitals are prominently managed by their own Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care group. Comprising of the most famous neonatal and pediatric intensivists, Dr.Anuj Gupta, Dr.Deepali Gupta, Dr. Deepak Sikriwal, and Dr. Sunny Agrawal, Triton Hospital is known for bringing intensive experience for the betterment of your child through secure Healthcare and neonatal and pediatric intensive care.
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals
Established in the year 1983 and belonging to the premier Healthcare group of India, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital is one of the major health Care Unit that offers tender loving care along with the latest technological equipment. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital believes that children are the bright future of the country and their health is of utmost importance to benefit the future. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital has a special pediatric Intensive Care Unit with 24/7 availability of neonatologists, intensive, and paramedical staff. Known for offering regular vaccination programs for children and a separate Department that supervises neurological problems in children along with proper nutritional guidance, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital can be another choice while searching for the best children hospitals in Delhi.
Medanta, the Medicity
Known for their whole sole motive of delivering world-class healthcare facilities to people who are suffering, Medanta has created a safe environment that suits and comforts the patient. Medanta The Medicity is an appropriate Hospital when it comes to the best hospitals for children in Delhi due to their compassionate staff that ensures a pleasant overall treatment experience for your children and a new mother.
BLK Super Specialty Hospital
Known among the most reputed Health Care Centers situated in New Delhi, the BLK Super Specialty Hospital was set up by the most experience of technician and gynecologist BL Kapoor in the year 1959. The BLK Super Specialty Hospital ranks among the very famous and best children hospitals in Delhi that provide promising neonatal and adolescent medicine besides childcare.
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
AIIMS is amongst the oldest and the most preferred Hospital available in India. A hospital that is also known as one of the iconic Institutes present in India, medical Services true expert doctors and surgeons for children and adolescents. The pediatric department at All India Institute of Medical Sciences has been awarded as the best pediatric department by The Week magazine.
Artemis women and child center
Situated in Gurgaon, the Artemis women and child Centre is known for their exemplary services and talented surgeons who are gentle with children while offering the required Medical and technological support. Artemis women and child centers believe in giving special care to handling children foot Asif development and neurodevelopment disorders. Being the first Hospital ever in Gurgaon to have been accredited by the Joint Commission International, USA, the Artemis women and child center can be another promising choice in the list of 10 best children hospitals in Delhi.
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Max Super Specialty Hospital
A prominent name that is a product of Max Healthcare, the Max Super Specialty Hospital which was established in 2006 has been recognized as one of the most prominent and renowned tertiary care providers which offer treatment in several disciplines of medicine. Known especially for Pediatrics, the Max Super Specialty Hospital is considered to be one of the best centers for childcare there a comprehensive approach is adopted to diagnose and treat children with the most appropriate outcomes.
Fortis Memorial Research Institute
Another child care hospital that is a tablet in Gurgaon, the Fortis Memorial Research Institute is a prominent name that boasts of an impeccable faculty and state-of-the-art techno along with experts with appreciated medical facilities. Known for their special pediatric clinic that is located right in the premises of the hospital, the hospital deals with child hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and genetic problem, and even ADHD.
Artemis Hospitals
The hospital that combines cutting edge technology, a team of talented doctors, and varied expertise, Artemis Hospital stands among the well-known healthcare facilities in Delhi where the best quality treatments are given to infants, children, and adolescents. Looking for an empaneled Hospital a well-qualified team of specialists who are adept at handling neonatal and pediatric emergency along with making available a full new range of renal replacement therapy for children, Artemis hospital can be one of your choices when looking for the 10 best children hospitals in Delhi.
Moolchand Children Hospital
The Moolchand children hospital also known as the more Chand Medcity is another prominent name while looking for the best children hospital in Delhi. With extremely superior and trusted Healthcare facilities, Moolchand children hospital is a Health Care Unit that has been frequently visited by multiple-generation of several families. Being one of the oldest establishments when it comes to their facilities for children, Moolchand children hospital can two ways about when it comes to technology and the experience level of pediatric surgeons.
While taking care of a child is of utmost importance for a new parent, choosing the right Hospital with the most experienced pediatricians is equally crucial. We hope the list of top 10 best children hospitals (pediatrics) in Delhi helped you to find the right Hospital with equipped facilities form for your child.
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trivialqueen · 5 years
Here’s the next section of that original story. Still currently, and creatively called, Hospital Romance Drama. As always, I’m neither a doctor, nor British.  I’m just a girl who fancies herself a writer and likes slow burns, smart women, and tall men.
Tiny, sparkly boots caught his eye, pink glitter a marked contrast from the dull grey laminate tile of the hall. A small girl sat between the corner and a stretcher, back against the wall, short legs kicked out before her, stuffed animal in her lap. “Excuse me, young lady,” He crouched slowly, not wanting to give her a fright. She was not one of the junior doctors or a patient that needed to sit down and shut up for their own health. She was at best four years old. “Which ward are you a part of?” The little girl hid her face in the stuffed bunny she was holding, eyes peering up at him and then darting away only to look up at him again. They were striking eyes, for one so young, intelligent and the color of Baltic amber.
“Mummy says I shouldn’t talk to strangers.”
“Ah, well your mother is entirely correct. My name is Felix Magnusson and I am the Director of Surgery here. It’s my job to make people feel better.” He handed her his ID card, which she took, giving him a weary look. His name seemed to mean something to her. She stared at his ID for a long moment before handing it back to him.
“Mummy makes people better.” Which probably meant this was not the child of a patient, which helped narrow down things considerably.
“You must be very proud of her. Is she a doctor or a nurse?” He had a fair idea of how many members of staff had families now, although he had not yet organized them in his mind based on age of their child. There were, however, only so many Black doctors or nurses on staff and of them about a handful were women.
“She’s a nurse. She had to work today.”
“Did you escape from the crèche?” In that case someone would be looking for her and it would be easy enough to contact them, he had all the extensions for the departments saved in his phone.
“Matilda and I were playing hide and seek, but she hasn’t found me yet and I’ve been hide-ed for ages.” It didn’t answer his question, but he sincerely doubted the child care center would permit their charges to play hide and seek on the wards. There was only one Matilda on staff as far as he knew, and she was not employed as a childminder, she was a nurse on Irene.
“What’s your name, Sötnos?”
“Adelaide. Mummy calls me Addie.” She was slowly warming to him, no longer hiding behind the stuffed bunny in her lap.
“I think I might know where your mother is.” If his hunch was right about Matilda, and Adelaide’s mother was her same race there was only one Black woman who was a nurse alongside Matilda who would have a daughter roughly the same age as this little girl. Phillipa Gardiner, ward manager on AAU.
“Yes, we’re on the right floor. The nursing station is just down the way. Would you like to walk with me or stay here?” She stared at him for a long moment, almost a full minute, he could see the wheels turning in her eyes.
“Will you carry me?” She asked it so sweetly, complete with doe eyes. There was no way he could say no. None.
“If you like.” She carefully stood up, bunny dangling from her hand.
She was a light little thing, only about three stone and she fit easily in his arms and on his hip. Like riding a bike there were some things muscle memory never forgot, carrying a child was one of them. Her curly pigtails brushed his cheek as she looked around.
“You’re so tall. You’re probably the tallest person in the world!” He couldn’t help but chuckle at that pronouncement. It was perhaps the first positive comment he’d gotten about his height in years. Usually people found his height intimidating, even adults.
“Far from it, my dear.”
“I’m the tallest I’ve ever been.” She said brightly. Then, more quietly, “I can see everyone’s flaws.” He felt himself choke on air.
“Matilda says you eat children, is that true?” Ah. There it was. An unoriginal slander, it ranked up there with the rumors that he was a vampire (despite the fact he was actually quite fond of sitting beside a sunny window if given the chance).
“Is that a baby?” It was such a non-sequitur that Sofia Grace looked up from the file on Mr. Jacobi.  Marcus Xavier had asked her to consult on a patient. Although Gareth Morris was technically the lead consultant on the Acute Admissions Ward, he was by training a General Surgeon, and in general more invested in spending time in the private care ward rather than providing leadership on AAU. Marcus had really stepped into the void, but he was only a registrar, and a young one at that. His instincts were good, however, Mr. Jacobi had something very wrong with his lungs.  Marcus was pointing down the hall at Magnusson, impeccably dressed as always, but with a new accessory. She almost did a double take. Magnusson was carrying a child. Not only that, but he was carrying the child as easily as anything else. Like he was made to. A natural. It was unnerving. Björn the Slasher was good with kids.
“No.” the surgeon answered dryly, a little girl was secure on his hip, face tucked into his collar under the stares of strangers. She had pink, glittery Ugg’s on, they cast dancing sparkles of light across the tile. Her natural hair was drawn up in curly pigtails that reminded Sofia Grace of Cindy Lou Who. She was the most adorable little thing she’d seen in ages. And she clung to Magnusson like he was her father.
“Ummm…” Marcus stared at the girl.
“Miss Adelaide here is three years old, which I believe makes her a toddler, not a baby.” The little girl pulled back slightly to whisper something in his ear. He chuckled warmly.
“Excuse me. Her birthday was last week, she is now four years old.” Adelaide settled back against his shoulder, one hand reaching out to trace the pattern on his tie.
“If one of you would please page Sister Gardiner?” Marcus started immediately, still staring at the child and the surgeon.
Since his arrival Magnusson had made two nurses and an F1 cry. Yet Adelaide wouldn’t even look at anyone else. He kept her close on his hip and was admittedly, very good with her. Moreover, it was the most relaxed she’d ever seen his posture.
“Addie!” Pippa Gardiner went immediately to the girl, who allowed herself to be transferred to her mother without complaint. She smiled up at Magnusson, who visibly softened and smiled back.
“You were supposed to stay with Matilda!”
“This is still a hospital Sister Gardiner,” His tone was still soft and kind, but his words and eyes were thunderous. “Why didn’t you take Miss Adelaide to the crèche?” Marcus quietly slipped away, avoiding the confrontation. Sofia, however, couldn’t bring herself to abandon Pip to the Jötunn, even if he wasn’t half as fierce as usual in the presence of a toddler.
“They wouldn’t take her short notice. Addie’s pre-school closed this morning. Their watermain broke.” Magnusson’s jaw clinched.
“And so you asked one of your subordinates to become childminder in addition to her other duties?”
“I didn’t know what else to do,” Pip sounded like she might cry. He was up to three nurses now. “My mum lives too far away and can’t drop everything to come help. It was this or call in sick at the last second.”
“You could have come to me.” Of all the things she expected him to say, that was not what she expected.
“You?” Sofia Grace didn’t mean to butt in but when she was surprised, she had a habit of just blurting out her thoughts as she had them.
“Yes.”   He looked a bit insulted. “I have a fair bit of authority here and a fondness for children.” He shot a glance at the little girl in her mother’s arms, his smile soft and amused, “And no, Miss Adelaide, not on toast.” The girl giggled. Giggled! “Now, let’s see what we can do about finding you a place in the crèche so that we may all get back to our jobs.”
It was a kind gesture and yet he still managed to make it sound terrifying. Sofia Grace watched as he headed down the hall, Pippa and Addie rushing in his wake. She did not envy the crèche today.
Back in his office Felix sat down heavily in his desk chair. Fleur Gerald, the daycare manager was a canny old bitch. He was surprised she worked with children. She’d refused, again, to take Addie because they didn’t accept walk-ins. Not even for employees. It took him promising funding for another two minders and formal revision of hospital policy for her to agree to let Adelaide join in the story hour going on behind them. How the hell did this hospital not have proper childcare? It made him wonder after the maternity/paternity leave policy if they were so unaccommodating. He rubbed his temples before opening his eyes and gazing at the photo on his desk. He was not a picture person, as a general rule, nor was he interested in much clutter on his desk. This photo was an exception. Magnus was five, his Byronic curls spilling out from under his colorful earflap hat his Mormor had knit him. It was his first time on ice skates without assistance and he was positively radiant. Beaming. Glowing. Ice skating was his favorite hobby since Felix had first brought him to a rink. It was something he and his son still had in common, fifteen years later.
He would not have survived as a divorced father without the help of the hospital crèche. He’d taken for granted, it seemed, how blessed he’d been at his first hospital. They’d had some of the finest child care providers, even a pediatric nurse on call in case something happened. He never had to worry when he went into surgery or was otherwise unavailable, if something happened to Magnus there were structures in place until he could get to him again. Saint Sebastian’s had none of that. The budget needed to be trimmed, considerably, he couldn’t afford to be rearranging and expanding departments, but the crèche, as it was couldn’t continue.
“You?” Most people were unaware he had a son, since Magnus had been old enough to not have to stay at the crèche when he visited. But she seemed incredulous at even the thought of him liking children or be willing to assist a parent. He was fine with his reputation as a hard ass, after all, he was. But perhaps he should at least appear less anti-family.
“Matilda says you eat children, is that true?”
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Want to be a Proofreader? All You Need to Know.
Today’s post is all about proofreading! I am going to jump right in. Let’s get started!
You need to have an interest in the written word. This is a big one. If you don’t have an interest in the written word, in any form, whether it be reading, writing, proofreading and so on, then this is not the job for you. If you don’t enjoy correcting mistakes, then proofreading in particular is not the job for you.
You need to be able to spelll. See what I did there? Did you spot that? If so, go you! If not, that’s okay – don’t give up just yet. Try some spelling tests, and if you still don’t spot mistakes – then proofreading may not be the job for you. Try reading and reviewing books instead, if that’s something you enjoy.
You need to enjoy reading. If reading, or even the thought of reading bores you, this is not the job for you.
You need to decide what you want to proofread. Books, blog posts, newspaper articles (the list goes on). There are tonnes of options. Do some research on Audiobook proofing too. Audiobook proofing is listening to an audiobook file, and reading along with the manuscript while listening to the narration to make sure there are no mistakes. Such as: has the narrator pronounced something incorrectly? Has the narrator added or missed any words/sections? Did they stumble while reading? The narrator may not pick up on their own errors, so having someone else look at it. You can work with the author, or directly with the narrator. The author will decide.
You need to have impeccable attention to detail. Whether you are the frist (see what I did there?) person to look at the draft of a manuscript, or the second, you need to have impeccable attention to detail. You cannot miss a thing. How do you know if you have impeccable attention to detail? I have planted little errors throughout this blog post to give you an idea (I have made notes after the fact to tell you). If you haven’t picked up on any so far, then you have an idea of your attention to detail. Always remember, whatever you’re proofreading, it’s not just your business you’re representing, and your reputation for what you do, this reflects the author as well. Readers can be quick to point out errors, and the authors work can even sometimes lose stars on reviews because of it.
You need to have something in you that shudders when you see errors. Th followig sentense, is so complety wronge in so; manny ways taht if proofreading is for u then u feel uncomfortabel even readig this right now… You’re squirming aren’t you? How did that make you feel? Then that’s your answer to whether you should be a proofreader or not. You’re welcome!
You need a space to completely focus, so you won’t miss any errors. This one is crucial. Those without kids, turn off the TV, don’t work near any construction sites if possible, and find a peaceful and quiet spot in or outdoors. For the parents, being a mum, I know the noise that comes with kids. Screaming from excitement because Bananas In Pyjamas is on the TV or my baby squealing while playing with his favourite toys, these kinds of distractions while trying to proofread will end in a disappointed client. I know what you’re thinking… what the hells bells am I meant do? Just ignore them? Of course not. If you can, and I know this one is tough, but if you can get the kids to nap at the same time, this is a perfect time to proofread. Another one to try is childcare, but with the cost of childcare these days it may not be an option. If it is, and you can, go for it! Don’t feel mum/dad guilt about your little ones watching TV either… it is a life saver for me. I am not saying all day but allowing them watch it so you can work is okay if you are okay with it! You could also ask a friend, or a grandparent to come and babysit. If you have older children who can entertain themselves, don’t have any kids or they have left the nest, then go ahead and grab some coffee or tea, have a sit down, and proof proof proof!
You need to have patients. I did it again! Have you been on the look out for more errors? I hope so. If you missed this one, maybe it’s time to try some spelling tests which can help you with spotting errors in the future (this one on Merriam-Webster I really like. Give it a go). Patience is an important one, especially if you’re proofreading a large manuscript (depending on the size of the manuscript it can weeks, the time varies, but safe to say it won’t be done in a short time). Sometimes you can come across something you are proofreading that has so many errors, you can barely read it. Patience is a must with this as well.
You don’t need any formal qualifications. You don’t actually need to have completed any course to be a proofreader. It could benefit you in some ways, as some clients do prefer to see some formal qualifications, but most people will go by your proven skills. If you work for a newspaper, or magazine they may prefer you have some formal qualifications. If you show them your history of proofreading, they give you a go and see your talent – then the fact you don’t have any formal qualifications wouldn’t be important, would it? But that’s not up to me to decide! I’ve completed a Certificate in Professional Editing and Proofreading via Australian College of Journalism (before I had my boys) and I really enjoyed it. I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. I then built on that by jumping right into it, learning a lot by completing proofreading jobs for different clients. In my opinion, if you’re good at fixing errors, and you have a great eye for detail then take on proofreading jobs, build a portfolio, show how good you are at it then spread the word.
You need to know how to use Track Changes in Microsoft Word. It would be easy for someone to accept some work to complete, say they did it, send it back to their client, accept the money and disappear. This is one sad scenario. A rare scenario, but one of the examples as to why Track Changes is great for both ends. On the proofreaders end it shows the hard work they’ve put in and for the clients side of things, they can see the errors that have been corrected, and the comments that have been made. The author can then go through it and accept or decline any changes. Track Changes is something you need to use with every job, in my opinion. Some authors might contact you and say, “I trust you, don’t bother with Track Changes, just go ahead and fix it” … and that’s up to the author. Don’t know how to use Track Changes? Find a Microsoft tutorial here.
Freelance, or work the 9-5? There are benefits to both. Freelance: you work when you want, where you want, and you choose the jobs you want (depending on your schedule, current circumstances, workload and so on) but you aren’t always guaranteed the same paycheck every time. The 9-5: you’re always guaranteed a paycheck (unless you do something horrible wrong and get fired), but you are stuck to the same hours, every day, and sometimes with little flexibility depending on your boss. This is the part that is completely up to you. I love being a freelancer, as I can work for myself, from home with the kids, in my own office space and I work directly with authors. One other point I would like to make as to why I love being a freelancer, is you can generally offer much lower fees than what the bigger business can.
Some tips from me:
1. Offer your services for free or a discounted price. This might seem silly, given I have been talking about making this your living. But hear me out, you can find places where people offer their proofreading services for a discounted rate, and sometimes even for free. Goodreads is one of the best places, as an example. Have a look at this link, there are all sorts of proofreading discussions – including writers looking for proofreaders, be it free or discounted and there are other proofreaders offering their services. Why would I do this? Well, maybe you want to do some proofreading to add to your profile, maybe you want to help out some authors and do this for them free of charge (getting a book ready to release, everything from book covers, to complete edits, to marketing can really add up!) then that way you can show those authors how great you are at your job and also be doing them a favour. I say, in this world, if you can help someone, then do it! Always.
2. Be kind. This is a big one. Writers, me being one of them and knowing many of them, work on their books, they live these books, they breathe these books, this is their hard work, their ‘baby’. So one of the most important things is to be kind. Let’s say you are having difficulty reading a sentence, no matter how hard you try you just don’t understand it, it doesn’t read quite right. So, you aren’t just going to leave it and move on right? Of course not! A true proofreader would lose sleep over leaving such things. So, you make a comment. Would you say ‘I can’t read this. Fix it.’ Uh. No. If you aren’t understanding something, I suggest something like, ‘this sentence didn’t read quite right, suggest some tweaking.’ This is much nicer, and you won’t leave your clients feeling like you are horrible to deal with and not want to return.
3. Build a relationship with your clients. Your clients are people too, not just clients, remember that! In some business settings we feel like we have to keep up some sort of wall, but it’s okay to get to know your clients. Check in with them, and their families, and how their writing is going. Following and connecting with them via social media. I feel like reading someones manuscripts and blog posts, you get to know them through what they write, and this is such a great chance to make some great and even long lasting connections. Now, I’m not saying tell them your deepest darkest, because, we still need to be professional, but develop a nice rapport with them, and make sure you support them in their writing endeavours because who doesn’t love supporting others reach their goals?
4. Be confident in your skills. Being confident in your ability to be an amazing proofreader will help you when it comes to marketing yourself, sending quotes, sending invoices after completing a job, contacting authors you’d like to work with, posting to your socials and so on. It can be hard when you’re starting out and realize how many other proofreaders there are offering their services, but don’t let that scare you. You all have a love for the same thing, now go out there and connect with some authors and share your talent with them. Enjoy reading some amazing books in the process.
5. Read over your work before submitting. Allow enough time when you quote your client to allow you to read over the manuscript/blog post once more. It’s a little trick I have to make sure that I haven’t missed anything. Of course, mistakes happen, and that’s why we have a backup like this. If you have the time, take a small break from proofreading (even just a couple of hours) before going to read it again. Then your mind will be fresh. Sometimes if you look at something too much, you will miss the errors that may still be there. A little tip that works for me.
7. Put yourself out there – everywhere! This is a big one. You need to be places where potential writers can find you to be their proofreader. Social media, when used correctly, is an amazing way to put yourself out there and connect with others. From Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to Linkedin, Goodreads, WordPress, Tumblr, Pinterest and more. Go ahead and sign up to as many as you can and spread the word. Remember, there are many different jobs you can do that involve the written word. You aren’t limited to proofreading. But if you think you’ll love it, and be great at it, then go ahead and get started! Emma xx
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Fruitful Child rearing in Graduate School
As a parent, my essential objective was to gain positive youth experiences for my girl. My objective for graduate school was to remain centered and complete with a degree. When I began my lord's and doctoral program, my girl was in third grade; I understood that to be a fruitful parent and a focused graduate understudy I needed to draw a few limits and be pragmatic and niggardly with my chance. I let my counsel know forthright that I couldn't go to gatherings after 3:00 pm since I needed to be home when my girl returned home from school. I esteemed the time I went through with my girl and regarded my counsel's timetable by being straightforward at the start of our consultant/advisee relationship. In the event that you are a parent getting ready to apply to graduate school organize how much time and push to provide for your tyke, life partner, consultant, associates, and other contending commitments. Comprehend that doctoral level college may take longer since you have different obligations. To complete your degree and bring up a glad youngster, you don't need to be an immaculate parent or an impeccable graduate understudy. In looking for a harmony between the two duties, attempt to wipe out things, individuals, and responsibilities that deplete your vitality and are not a need. Similarly as with everything, you need to pick your fights and leave now and then. Here's the manner by which to begin. 1. Organize Your Opportunity: To be a viable parent, you should have the capacity to invest quality energy with your kid and yourself. You should make the most of consistently to attempt to achieve a harmony between your scholarly life and your child rearing obligations. The blame of not chipping away at your theory or exposition is typical, yet graduate understudies who are child rearing have the additional blame of not spending "enough" time with their kids. The additional time you spend feeling remorseful, the less time you spend either child rearing or completing school. To lessen the blame you should turn out to be more sorted out by making every day, week after week, and month to month need records. 2. Treat Graduate School Like A vocation - Deal with Your chance: In the start of your graduate program, coursework is regularly in view of a strict class plan, around which youngster mind must be composed. In any case, it is essential that you benefit as much as possible from the time you have accessible. At the point when the coursework stage is finished, you are in charge of overseeing and organizing your hours for the duration of the day. Treating graduate school like work will help you to adequately deal with your opportunity, your calendar, and your youngsters' timetable. Regardless of whether you don't have a class, be gainful regularly when you are far from your youngster, so you can invest quality energy with your kid without feeling remorseful. 3. Self-care and Schedules - Setting a Sleep time: While you are in graduate school, unstructured time isn't your companion - you require a standard that works for your family unit. Numerous specialists find that youngsters advantage most from an organized, safe, and unsurprising condition. It is essential to give your youngster a particular sleep time schedule that works for you and your tyke. You can build the sleep time as the kid ages. With a daily sleep time routine you can plan work and unwinding time for yourself. Your physical nearness isn't sufficient, as a parent, companion, and graduate understudy, you are required to be rationally present in every minute and in whatever you do. When you have booked time to deal with your thesis, deal with your paper. When you are home, invest that energy with your tyke. To complete your degree and still appreciate the valuable minutes with your kid, you should stay sound both physically and rationally. To do as such, you should make some individual prizes for yourself and put aside some fun time for you also. 4. Graduate Family Lodging: When you are scanning for a doctoral level college and you have youngsters or are contemplating beginning a family, consider the college's assets that are accessible to graduate understudies with kids. Graduate family lodging is as critical as budgetary guide. Graduate family lodging regularly includes a group of comparable guardians who are in graduate school confronting comparative obligations. These lodging groups regularly have dealing frameworks that may include trade for childcare; escorts to and from schools; data about educators, schools, and principals; pamphlets; charge data; tyke bolster; grants; postings for low maintenance occupations; things to purchase/offer; and childcare or different administrations. 5. Social Guardians: At the point when individuals say it takes a town to bring up a tyke, they regularly imply that bringing up a kid ought not be the sole duty of the organic guardians. As guardians and graduate understudies, you require a system of tutors. Try not to be reluctant to request encourage or to utilize accessible assets, for example, on-grounds childcare, after-school care, free or lessened lunch programs, summer camp projects, tyke mind endowments, and other understudy run bolster gatherings, for example, single-parent gatherings, separated parent gatherings, spouses of graduate understudies, and so forth. 6. Exploit Grounds Summer Projects for Youngsters: At the point when the mid year get-away happens, you may at present have classes. Therefore, you should organize exercises for your kids. Numerous colleges offer summer programs for youngsters. Some of them offer grants in view of the monetary needs of the partaking understudy. Your association or assistantship honors may qualify your youngsters for these projects. In any case, these projects are by and large not costly. Projects can be 1-2 week programs, some are private based, some attention on scholastics, PCs, and workmanship, while others concentrate on games. On the off chance that you can assemble a progression of these camps, you can cover the whole summer break for your tyke. 7. Administrations for Guardians: Regardless of whether your school does not have graduate lodging, it may give different administrations to graduate understudies with youngsters. A few schools have sorted out understudy parent gatherings, for example, Michigan Express College's Understudy Guardians on a Mission, which offers child rearing classes and open doors for understudy guardians to interface with each other. Verify whether your college offers college sorted out exercises for the offspring of graduate understudies and other important administrations, for example, on-grounds childcare, coupons for sponsored childcare administrations, and grants for graduate understudies who are guardians. 8. Sponsored and Unsubsidized Credits: Since you have youngsters, your budgetary needs may surpass the principles ascertained for a normal graduate understudy without kids. You should round out a FASA shape and finish the segment which gets some information about uncontrollable issues at hand. Direct and FFEL Stafford Advances are either financed or unsubsidized. You can get a sponsored advance and an unsubsidized credit for a similar enlistment period. While a sponsored advance is granted based on money related need, an unsubsidized advance isn't. 9. Setting Needs and Being Specific: As a graduate understudy with child rearing obligations, you should turn out to be more composed than the normal understudy. As a result of time confinements, you can't take an interest in all division exercises. You should be specific regarding which exercises, to what extent or frequently you partake. Don't imagine it any other way, some support is required. Your participation and investment in national gatherings, grounds workshops, and introductions are vital segments of your achievement in your doctoral level college. Your perceivability in these national, grounds, and division occasions causes you to wind up noticeably better known by your counsel, advisory group, and different people in your field. Your capacity to connect with staff will help with regards to securing - associations, assistantships, chances to work in a lab, and suggestions for what's to come. 10. Libraries and Saved Readings: Frequently, held readings are required and just accessible at the library's hold work area for a restricted measure of time. Perusing these things at disliked circumstances may guarantee that you trek to the library isn't squandered, and you can locate the material when you arrive. Since held readings are frequently accessible for a one-to-two hour day and age, you may require more than one checkout period to complete the material. To spare time, photocopy the record to peruse amid a more advantageous time. Furthermore, when you go to the library - make certain to bring exercises to possess your kid. There isn't much in school library to divert, engage kids, or to keep them calm. In any case, most libraries have recordings or potentially calm investigation rooms that can be saved early. When I was not able bear the cost of a TV and a VCR, my little girl and I would watch recordings in the library together, or she would observe discreetly while I read articles by her. As a single parent, teacher Wendy Y. Carter, Ph.D., finished three experts' degrees and a PhD. Her witticism is a Decent Postulation/Exposition is a Done Proposal/Thesis. She is the maker of another imaginative intelligent asset apparatus on CD—Kiddie Academy! Proposition and Achieved. To take in more contact the creator at [email protected]. Or on the other hand visit Website
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