#osomatsu-san ed 1
yumedoca · 1 year
The Visual Genius Behind UY2022 [Character Designs]- An Analysis 🧐 (Long Post)
Hai there, hope you’re having a great day! Today on ‘Yuca Analyzes Silly Things (For No Reason)’, we’ll be talking about how the remake uses different methods and techniques to achieve the fun aesthetic it’s known for as well as analyzing character designs and colors!
Note: There’s a lot to talk about when it comes to this topic, so I might not be able to cover ‘everything’, So I’m only analyzing sub- topics which comes to mind. And more importantly this is the first part of the analysis, since I had to split it because of how long it is and Tumblr only allows 30 images per post, so yeah.
With all of that aside, let’s begin!
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First, We’ll divide the analysis into sections to make it easier to understand and explain, for this part we’ll be talking about:
Naoyuki Asano and Colors
Lum’s Multicolor Hair
Character’s Designs
Conclusion (for now)
Naoyuki Asano and Colors We start off with Naoyuki Asano, who is the Character Designer as well as Chief Animation Director (for the first ED, as well as episodes 1- 13) for the remake. As in the reason the remake looks so bright and colorful and the characters is mostly because of him! Actually, this isn’t his first time working on a retro revival which he gave fun and aesthetic designs, since he’s actually done work as a Character Designer on Osomatsu-San as well…
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(Fun fact: Takahashi has stated that she has enjoyed his work on Osomatsu-San! But if he was chosen to design for UY specifically because of his work on this show has never been stated). Anyways, there’s a difference in how this remake is colored compared to most standard anime, on the topic of standard anime coloring, let’s look at the ‘Obstacle Course Swim Meet’ since it was first time Urusei Yatsura’s been animated with digital animation (if you don’t count the pachinko machine’s and stuff):
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Now, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE THIS OVA. Not only does it adapt three chapters into one episode, plus it’s own original material, but it also manages to capture the perfect essence of UY. This OVA is basically UY in a nutshell, lol. Storywise it’s hilarious, as to be expected as special created for the 2008 anniversary, but there’s one thing I didn’t like about this OVA, and that is… the colors. Like, how to put it? Boring? Yep, that’s it. The colors are the ones which are usually used in that specific era and were also used for Inuyasha (The Final Act) and Ranma 1/2 (Like this one, OVA 2008) and these colors (or atleast similar ones) were used in other anime at the time. It’s a natural choice they picked cuz Sunrise was doing Inuyasha at the time. But boy do I wish these could be better, It’s like a case of this is how it is because that was the only option at the time, but from a modern point of view it could be made much better, and that’s exactly why UY2022 is such a visual gem!
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Lum’s Multicolor Hair Of course, we can’t do a visual analysis on the remake if we don’t talk about what caught all our eyes first: Lum, or more specifically her new design. The fist aspect of her design we’ll be talking about is her hair. Lum’s ever changing iridescent hair has always been one of the most solid parts of her manga design, if you don’t count the bikini that is. But even though it was a staple of her design, when the manga was getting its anime adaptation, they were unable to animate Lum’s hair with it’s original look because of how difficult it was at the time with the restrictions when it came to 80’s animation, so instead they opted to choose a different color, something more grounded instead of the multi rainbow one and they chose dark green since that’s the color they chose for ten and they thought the color balanced well with the yellow in Lum’s design. And because of that most media depictions showed Lum with green hair and because of how more popular the anime is than the manga, her green hair became more well known then the manga’s iridescent color. Which brings us to now. For the remake they opted to give Lum the green(-ish blue for more of a standout color I guess…) hair, but here her hair changes color like in the manga, but here it depends on power, mood and surroundings. Here’s almost all of the different hair changes I managed to find in the remake:
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You can also see how her hair is layered with different or similar colors just even in one photo (not the Otoko Kumino one since she’s pretending to be a human), this is something which is inherited and applies to everyone in from the maternal side of her family by the way (as in her, her mom, ten and his mom). However since everyone sans Lum’s hair’s color doesn’t change, the only difference in the layered colors is that they’re more or less darker than the base color. Also to note is that there are some official art which gives her more Iridescent colors from the manga:
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And finally her hair changes color rapidly while electrocution…
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Then there’s her eyes, Lum’s eyes are colored bright green in the manga, most of the time that is, other times it’s colored dark green, blue or even yellow, so the remake’s colors aren’t that far fetched. Same for her eyeshadow. (Also her bikini’s a bit different as well in the sense her tiger stripes are limited and she also has string which holds it whereas she had no such thing in the manga. This isn’t a big change either, but I just wanted to point it out. I do prefer the manga’s though). That’s all for Lum, Now we can move onto the rest of the characters!
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Character’s Designs The character design in general is a lot cuter (like the round faces and all) than the manga’s artsyle, like the manga’s artsyle is cute af, but when the characters are drawn in a clearer and with closer shot they tend to look more elegant (or masculine if we’re talking about the guys). I tend to think of the artsyle as a combination of UY’s early artsyle and it’s final artsyle. It also kinda reminds me of how Takahashi draws the characters in smaller panels.
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‘My Man, his Gremlin gf, his cute ex, and the rich dude who stole his ex’
I also realized that the characters hair highlights were based of RT’s art as well, she doesn’t always give her characters highlights, but when she does, they look like…
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‘See how the outer highlights look like each other??’
Oh, and I should also state the the highlight change color depending on the surroundings as well similar to Lum’s hair. Now we’ll talk about the different method for colors used to determine the character’s hair:
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Characters like Ataru and Sakura have their hair colored as their most notable color (notable cuz of the coloring in the 80’s anime), Like Ataru’s hair in the manga is brown, but I’m pretty sure Sakura’s is black.
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Characters like Shinobu and Mendo have their standard hair colors as well, brown and black (which are also their manga hair colors as well), but both are tinted with other colors, for Shinobu it’s a tint of (purplish) pink and Mendo has a tint of dark blue, AKA the most used colors when Takahashi gives them abstract colors for their hair in official manga art:
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Characters like Ran and Rei have their manga colors, but as you can see their highlights are colors which sticks out more compared to their actual hair colors.
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And Characters like Benten have their alternative hair color from the manga instead of her actual hair color (In the manga, it’s black except when Takahashi’s going abstract, then it’s red). I think there’s also the option to use a random abstractly tinted color or just a random abstract color in general, like for Ryoko, but it’s used very rarely it seems. That’s really all the different types of hair color decisions made in the remake, everything I can think of that is (idk if I missed anything and sorry if I did). The decisions for the eye colors are really more according to what would suit them, and the colors chosen are different colors, some have regular Japanese eye colors like brown (like Ataru and Sakura), some have colors which the average Japanese doesn’t have (like Shinobu and Mendo). The aliens’ eyes also have two differences from the humans’ eyes…
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The Aliens…
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The Humans…
First, The aliens eyes are colors which are realistically impossible like ‘Hot Pink + Blue’ or ‘Bright Orange + Yellow’ meanwhile the humans have colors which are realistically possible. And second, the aliens have an extra layer of color surrounding their pupils, while the humans do not. An extra thing I want to point out is that Tobimaro’s stars are yellow instead of white, which I found kinda weird since what they were supposed to reference were originally white, but I guess these guys thought it would stand out more or something. Anyways, that’s it for the eyes! Now we’ll talk about skin and clothes. For skin color almost every character is the same as their manga counterpart except for I think Tsubame and Tobimaro, who are noticeably a bit more tan (but I don’t really care cuz somehow they look more handsomer because of that, also Tsubame doesn’t look all that alike to Godai now). As for the clothes it’s a combination of the manga’s and og anime’s colors like the ribbon on the sailor suits are colored like in the og anime instead of plain in the manga, Benten’s outfit is red in the anime instead of the steel color from the manga, The Tomobiki school uniform is like it’s manga counterpart with the black jacket and the shirt instead of the og anime’s blue jacket and random t-shirts and so on… We’ll end this entire part by appreciating how well the remake adapted Oyuki and everything related to her (like she has her actual ice hair? ice one piece? more icicles on her hair? All like the manga instead of the injustice they did to her in the og anime? Hell yea!)
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(Okay I have to say she does get ice hair later on in the 80’s version but it’s clearly purple and kinda soft like actual hair, and not much like ice minus a few blocky lines and little glazing, I still prefer the remake though. Also the 2008 OVA gives her ice hair as well but it’s no where near pretty as this one.)
Conclusion (for now) For now we’ll have to stop here since I’ve hit my image limit. I hope I’ll be able to complete this with the next part. The character designs for the remake is very well thought out and a lot of people probably watched the remake because of the character designs. I apologize if I’ve overlooked anything or made any mistakes. If you have any doubts or questions about this analysis feel free to send an ask and if you want me to do an analysis about other characters, feel free to send an ask for that as well (but once I’m done with the next part as well as an analysis on another character). You can check out my other analysis on my analysis tag.  And finally, likes are appreciated and reblogs are even more appreciated (seriously, please reblog this so more people can see this post, since I spent a lot of time on this!!). Hope you have a great day ahead!! 💕
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matsutoy · 2 years
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badlydrawnmatsus · 4 years
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music enthusiasts (b//l//m/atsus dont interact)
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miru667 · 3 years
A video of wips for my onceler zine cover piece! This drawing took me 6 months to finish haha. Click the readmore if you’re curious to learn more about my process and all the refs and inspos I used (transcribed from [this twitter thread]). [CLICK HERE] to see the finished piece.
I guess I’ll go from left to right? :>
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7212 is my #1 ship in the fandom so of course I had to include some interaction for them..I purposely shaped that piece of confetti into almost-a-heart 9.9 In this interaction OG onceler is sizing him up to be his poster boy. It was inspired by this joke hc from junior: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/43633972614/truffulajam-you-there-me-sir-ive
The hose is from one of the lorax mini-movies but more specifically its from the nightblogging event in 2012, here’s an archive of a lot of the hose memes we created that night: https://oncelerswaterhose.tumblr.com/
He doesn’t actually have suspenders in the movie but they were a popular headcanon for him in 2012 plus they’re hot so I included them. It was important to me to include this transitional onceler in between vestler and suitler to remind us all that this is the same guy going thru different stages of his life.
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Gloves in the back pocket is from concept art: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/146926446017/early-once-ler-sketches-by-eric-guillon-part-5
I really love the way I drew and coloured the folds of his coattails here too, as well as the moss I added last minute onto the truffula tree trunk.
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The frame started out as just a plain brown rectangle and I thought, now that's not very seussy, so I referenced the Too Big To Fail frame in the movie. I believe it took me two whole days to draw just the frame. :,) And the seuss portrait I just referenced from google images but it was a challenge too; I had to completely redraw it near the end to make him look more accurate.
Lorax holding up a portrait of Seuss and using it to guilt the Onceler was inspired by a gag in Osomatsu-san where the characters would apologize to a portrait of their irl creator Akatsuka when they felt like they were being a bad adaptation of his original work 😂😂😂 loved it.
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But it was also inspired by a very powerful comic drawn by my friend Rachel: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/92807755387/tsg I would say Rachel's art has been the biggest inspo for me in the past decade in both style and emotion, so I'm really happy I could include her influence into my piece like this.
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I was SO happy I thought of a way to include these 2012 refs: -Complaint Box -☄☄☄ Waterballoon fight nightblogging event -gent's marriage to the fandom -ed helms finding out about oncest -Thneedville/Thornville High AU -WHO IS SWAG/askblog identity crisis nightblogging event -You Only Live Once(ler) -tiny chat parties -Camp Weehawken AU -tumblr anons/magic anons -normaler -Shakespeareler/"I must keep biggering" nightblogging event -Stay stupid, baby!
I wish I could've included more cuz these are still just above-water stuff in the fandom iceberg imo. If anyone wants me to explain more about any of these refs, feel free to ask!
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The flip phone is from the deleted scene, "YER ALL GOIN TO JAIL": https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/153925999832/truffulajam-youreallgoingtojailmov-from
The bottom fake button on his suit is canon: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/615761075955187712/miru667-you-know-your-life-has-hit-a-new-low
This is my fav interaction in the piece...you can see it as either aftermath onceler taking the hat off of biggering onceler to foreshadow his fall, OR you can see it as aftermath-ler taking off his OWN hat to crown biggering-ler as the fool, because he's learned what a fool he's been. And actually a 3rd interpretation is aftermath-ler telling biggering-ler "yes enjoy your happiness while you can, king" 😂
And then with old onceler's hand on aftermath onceler's back, an act of consolation...I think it's very important to be able to forgive ur past self for the stupid things you've done, or else how can you continue? How can you grow? I can guarantee that 10 yrs ago we ALL did stupid things in the fandom. I originally drew aftermath frowning but changed it to a smile because he's thankful for the lessons and he can still look back on things fondly. I feel the same as him and I hope others do too. For this interaction I was inspired by Pearl fanart, she's a comfort character of mine and has helped me thru so much:  https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/post/188267156772 https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/post/623806330932805632
Biggering onceler’s side profile gave me THE HARDEST TIME. It was already January and I just COULD NOT get it to look right and I was ready to go take a 5 hour depression nap because of it but then my friend Edu saved the day ♥
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Edu:  @hybridkilljoy​
Another friend contribution was the yellow bg. it was originally a boring flat gradient so Clara said "lmao what if I just gave you a yellow bg I painted to toss into ur file" because she had a rly good brush for it on procreate (and I was using paint tool sai and had nothing). i replied "oki" and then she just DOES IT..🥺♥
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Clara:  @clarabellumsart​
idk where i'd be without my friends
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I’m REALLY proud of this little area of my zine piece. The hand and blood is a ref to Truffula Flu, our zomb apocalypse AU. I had to redraw it twice to get it right. And I’ve drawn many a onceler chain but this is the BEST onceler chain I’ve EVER drawn. It took me many redraws to get it to look this way. Look at it just reaching out at you so fluidly..!! The lighting and the rust! Proud of me!!
The fallen truffula tree in the back...I really just thought "hey let's experiment with PAINTING" and went for it!! 😂 I wanted to pay tribute to my all time fav onceler fanart: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/27320592159/ask-drawn-onceler-money-in-the-trees-lol-hey Whoever the mod of ask-drawn-onceler was, if you see this I hope you're doing ok!!
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As you guys have probably gathered by now, nothing is ever too late to change for me. If I felt like I could redo something to be better, I'd DO IT. The tree is another example, I was rly bothered that it looked like tentacles (right) so I completely re-rendered it to be more soft and fluffy (left). What made me realize that I could do better was after drawing the trees here: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/673766406272286720/early-spring-cleaning-part-2-drew-these-btwn I realized that actually, less is more, and that I had over-rendered the tree in my zine piece.
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This was actually the first time I've EVER drawn old onceler, so I worked EXTRA hard...I hope I did him justice!! Every hair, every thread, every little thneed tuft was drawn with care. I even manually drew in the shadows for the stripes on his robe so they would look indented! And if you look closely in other screenshots, I also manually added shadows to every piece of thread that makes up the onceler suit stripes.
The LET IT GROW is in seuss font, but I didn’t type it, I drew the letters while mimicking the font’s style, then added edge lighting to make it look carved into the pot. Unfortunately we couldn’t keep the zine title in seuss font as well due to copyright restrictions and I think I might have died if I were to draw the title in seuss font too LMAO
The Audrey is of course intended to be movie Audrey but it's MY zine piece and I wanted to be a little self-indulgent.....so I drew some symbols on the plant pot representing my audrey oc, Audrey Grace. 🤫😇 She means everything to me. She is a direct result of the fandom and she keeps me in the fandom.
The blue kite originates from her mainverse askblog:  https://askaudtree.tumblr.com/post/71630954595/do-you-do-all-the-chores-in-the-house-hows-your She later uses it as a marker for lerkim hopping in zomb au:  https://audpocalypse.tumblr.com/post/178971798052/whats-that-blue-diamond-symbol-mean-its-on-your  She's a knife-wielding zombie slayer and also a kazoo master (the tree straightener in the pot has the same striped pattern as her kazoo): https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/629448230317490176/pls-click-for-hi-res-today-is-my-audreys https://audpocalypse.tumblr.com/post/179181386907/have-you-ever-run-into-any-lerkims-that-were
And because of spending so much of her life in an apocalypse, she’s learned to appreciate the fleetingness of life, because who knows what’ll happen tomorrow? Every moment is precious. This is cherry blossom philosophy: https://notwithoutmypassport.com/cherry-blossom-meaning-in-japan/
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I think it’s so cool that since it took 6 months, I would improve like halfway into working on this piece which made me have to go back and redo some things LOL XD. The smoke in the background from the cigar was also painted with inspiration from tofublock, whom I discovered during the latter half of those 6 months too:  https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/tagged/tofublock https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/post/668656911468625921/will-you-watch-the-stars-with-me Look at the way they paint their clouds TTWTT so beautiful... I came across them while working on the zine and a lot of their art reminded me of my audrey so I was very taken!!
I positioned and coloured every piece of confetti with intent. The confetti idea itself I think was from Taylor Swift’s lyric video for 22 (Taylor’s Version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9boiT64sm0Q&feature=youtu.be Again, inspiration that came to me while in the middle of working on the zine.
I composed the piece chronologically to mirror the rise and fall of our fandom experience, followed by the calmer, peaceful present days. Aftermath onceler in the piece represents the perceived death of the fandom but outsiders don’t realize we have AUs, we like characters other than onceler, we can extrapolate the story any which way...so that's all represented by the right side of the pic. We won’t stop biggering!
Thank you for reading if you made it this far.. I tried to include as much as I could into my piece so that hopefully everyone who is/was in the fandom feels seen.. Only the best for the Once-ler fandom, you know? And there’s actually so much more I can say about this piece but I’ll end it here.
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zhiamomence · 2 years
ok ososan hipipo movie spoilers from what i heard from twitter so i gotta hid the spoilers below so if you dont want to read to safe yourself from spoilers please ignore this post thank you ^^
(just a reminder that I didnt watch the movie yet so this is anyone's review what i saw from official twitter ososan tag "I watched Osomatsu Hipipo", some of it really weird review bcus of their "fantasy"??? so im not including that :/)
turns out quite positive review so far, lots of silly funny parts especially the second part of this movie ( this movie takes 1+ hours jsyk)
some of them cried on the OP of this movie bcus i think it shows how far Osomatsu-san had become for 6 years
ED is also good too I mean it obvious bcus the song made by PUNPEE and very bop you can listen like the short one here tho lol
basically from what I know the plot is 6 of them just want to take a bite of the sparkling apple but then some said the apple is the "key" that the ending is so good??? could be a punchline or epic conclusion idk
i think the most people talking about is Ichimatsu in love with someone in the movie and some said that might be his gf which is idk if thats confirm bcus i wish i can watch it to prove :( BUT some find that cute when Ichi goes blushy meow meow lol (someone made a tweet that the other 5 got love interest that is not totoko and Ichi is the only one who doesnt have one (1) romance trope i thought that sounds great??? anyways bisexual rights to this guy [applause])
someone that i follow that this might be a good recommendation to watch :O
OK my thoughts about the review is like ok...... if they said its good i guess thats great to hear! Also i kinda expect a little bit about Ichimatsu part?? bcus before that theres a interview with staff that there might be change something about Ichimatsu on hipipo before so yeah like um 🧍‍♂️ anywyas writer of osomatsusan promised to make season 4 something else in the future!!
i think thats the whole review i can find and understand so far??? sorry if you not satisfied with it bcus i tried lol so yeah like and subscri
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osopine · 4 years
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hachichimitsu2 · 3 years
Hachi ✨ 20 ✨ She/Her ✨ 🇵🇭 ✨ INFJ 6w5
Hello, I’m Hachi! I'm a full-time freelance illustrator on Fiverr, and I hopefully plan to branch out in other artistic areas in my life! Expect me to dump all of my artistic interests over here : #hachichiart
I also have a children’s picture e-book that I self-published on Amazon. I made it as a requirement for my high school thesis, so while the art there is definitely a representation of my past, I still stand by the message I was trying to send. I hope to eventually branch out this series in a form of a webcomic of sorts, for people who can’t afford to purchase my e-book for financial reasons. These characters are extremely dear to me, and I can’t wait to expound on them when I have the time lmao. Here’s a tag regarding the series: #behindtheartistichand
Some note-worthy things to mention, this blog is generally 15+, but I do make sure to tag any NSFW content and general triggers out there. I often post and retweet adult animation, so I’d say tread carefully if you’re a minor. I’m also critical with the media I consume, but most of the time, I like to talk about why I like something rather than why I hate it. I just find it more fun to expound on the positives of my favorite things. I also don’t take everything seriously.
Please let me know privately if I did or say anything wrong. Sometimes I say things without meaning to, and I’m not the brightest crayon in the box, so constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. If you take offense with anything I posted, just send a polite DM and explain why it offended you so I can be educated regarding the subject. I’m also available for any questions, DMs and a genuine chit-chat.
1. Character-Driven Storytelling
2. Adult Cartoons
3. CGDCT / Slice-of-Life Shows
4. Pastel Goth / Creepy Cute Fashion
5. Coming-of-Age Stories
6. Magical Girls
7. Psychological Horror
8. Well-Written Children’s Media
9. RPG Maker Horror Games
10. Video Essays & Film Studies
11. Speed Metal / Vaporwave / Shibuya-Kei
12. K-POP / J-POP Girl Groups (Serotonin Babey!)
13. 4LT (MBTI), Typology, Cognitive Functions
14. All Types of Artistic Endeavors (OCs, FanArt, Comics, Film, Music, Fanfiction, etc.)
1. K-ON!!
2. Hunter x Hunter
3. Neon Genesis Evangelion
4. Ojamajo Doremi
5. Ouran Highschool Host Club.
1. South Park
2. Bojack Horseman
3. Moral Orel
4. Ed, Edd n Eddy
5. Infinity Train
1. Interstellar (Favorite Sci-Fi Movie of All Time)
2. Nacho Libre (Favorite Guilty Pleasure Movie)
3. Johnny Got His Gun (Scariest movie of all time due to the sheer existential dread)
4. Studio Ghibli Films (Particularly Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro & Grave of the Fireflies)
5. Perfect Blue (Favorite Anime Movie)
6. One Cut of the Dead (It’s hard to recommend this movie without spoiling it, but it’s an absolute must that you finish it in its entirety before you proceed to make any further judgments)
7. Coraline (I know almost everyone loves Coraline at this point, but it’s genuinely good.)
8. Interview with the Vampire (Favorite Vampire movie of all time that doesn’t seem overdone or cliché. It’s also really gay)
9. Get Out (2017)
10. Us (2019)
11. Up (2009)
12. Toy Story (Movies 1 to 3)
13. Hereditary (2018)
14. The Shining (1980)
15. Audition (1999)
16. Misery (1990)
17. The Green Mile (1999)
18. Shawshank Redemption (1994)
19. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
20. Mommie Dearest (1981)
21. The Others (2001)
22. The Platform (2020)
23. The Lodge (2019)
1. Homestuck (It’s been a good while since I read Homestuck, so my memory of the general storyline is fuzzy. I’ll re-read it once I have the chance)
2. When They Cry (Currently up-to date with the Higurashi anime and watched the live-action movies. Finally started to tackle the sound novels. Have yet to encounter Umineko and Ciconia)
3. Age of Youth (Favorite K-drama of all time.)
4. Squid Game (Battle Royale-type thriller series that tackles capitalism and the illusion of choice and free will? Sign me the fuck up)
5. Majisuka Gakuen (Favorite J-drama of all time. Also, yes, I’m biased because of my love for AKB48.)
6. Flight of the Conchords (Favorite live-action series of all time.)
7. Adult Cartoons (The Boondocks, Camp Camp, Superjail, The Oblongs, Bob’s Burgers, The Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Home Movies, Beavis & Butthead, Daria, Smiling Friends, Aggretsuko)
8. FilmCow (I absolutely love everything they put out. Currently up to date with VuloLives’s broadcasts)
9. The Eric Andre Show (A good friend recommended me this show, and I haven’t stopped since.)
10. Nathan for You (My humor condensed into one show)
11. CGDCT / Slice-of-Life Shows (Sweetness & Lightning, The Amazing World of Gumball, Spongebob Squarepants, Gakkou Gurashi, Lucky Star, Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight, Koufuku Graffiti, Hidamari Sketch, Pita-Ten, A Little Snow Fairy Sugar, Di Gi Charat, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Yama no Susume, Shirobako, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Saint Young Men, Gunslinger Girl, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, Osomatsu-san, Hey Arnold, The Peanuts, Arthur, Hibike! Euphonium, Nichijou, Asobi Asobase, Azumanga Daioh, Codename: Kids Next Door, Chowder)
12. Idol Anime (Love Live! School Idol Project, Aikatsu, Revue Starlight, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Pretty Rhythm, AKB600SEC // Will get into IDOLMASTER eventually)
13. Undertale (Will pick up Earthbound and Omori eventually)
14. RPGMaker Horror Games (Mad Father, Misao, The Witch’s House, Ao Oni, etc. Hoping to get into newer released games!)
15. Fictional Children / Adolescents Getting Trapped in Dangerous Scenarios (Digimon Tamers, Made in Abyss, The Promised Neverland, Alice Academy, Code Lyoko, The World Ends with You, Total Drama Island, Danganronpa)
16. Weird, Experimental or Slightly Disturbing Series (Serial Experiments Lain, Kuchuu Buranko, Invader Zim, Flapjack, Salad Fingers)
17. Shounen Anime (Yu Yu Hakusho, Mob Psycho 100, Dragon Ball Z)
18. Magical Girl Anime (Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Tokyo Mew Mew, Mermaid Melody, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, RWBY, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, My Little Pony, Princess Tutu, Powerpuff Girls, My Life As A Teenage Robot, Bee and Puppycat, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Steven Universe // Will pick up She-Ra & The Owl House Eventually)
19. The Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor (Don’t let the jump-scares deceive you. It’s a genuinely good character-driven horror series)
20. Sci-Fi Cartoons (Rick & Morty, Solar Opposites, Futurama, Bravest Warriors)
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1. Trey Parker & Matt Stone
2. Gain & Narsha (BROWN EYED GIRLS)
3. Hyuna (SOLOIST)
4. Sooyoung (SNSD)
5. Gyuri (KARA)
6. Hani (EXID)
7. Seulgi & Yeri (RED VELVET)
8. Sana (TWICE)
9. Yves & Olivia Hye (LOONA)
10. Shuhua (G-IDLE)
11. Yena (IZ*ONE)
12. Winter (AESPA)
14. Shiroma Miru (NMB48)
15. Yabuki Nako (HKT48)
16. Takahashi Minami (ex-AKB48)
17. Kojima Haruna (ex-AKB48)
18. Shinoda Mariko (ex-AKB48)
19. Sayaka Akimoto (ex-AKB48)
20. Watanabe Mayu (ex-AKB48)
21. Shimazaki Haruka (ex-AKB48)
22. Matsui Jurina (ex-SKE48)
23. Sakura Miko (HOLOLIVE)
24. Natsuiro Matsuri (HOLOLIVE)
25. Oozora Subaru (HOLOLIVE)
26. Inugami Korone (HOLOLIVE)
27. Houshou Marine (HOLOLIVE)
28. Kiryu Coco (ex-HOLOLIVE)
29. Momosuzu Nene (HOLOLIVE)
30. Kureiji Ollie (HOLOLIVE)
31. Takanashi Kiara (HOLOLIVE)
• Instagram: @Hachichimitsu
• Twitter: @Hachichimitsu
• I take art commissions on Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/hachichimitsu
• I have a children’s e-book on Amazon. Make sure to download the Amazon Kindle app to be able to read it on your smart device: https://www.amazon.com/Behind-Artistic-Erika-Marie-Vargas-ebook/dp/B08789CW3V
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yumiyumeuniverse · 4 years
Osomatsu-san for the character ask meme? 💕
Thank you, thank you so much for the ask @yuiaka ! As you or anyone else following my blog may have noticed by now, my um obsession with this show has once more returned (not that it ever really left to begin with), and it's not leaving anytime soon...
I know I've said this before somewhere on my blog, but Osomatsu-san is on the same tier as the shows Ed Edd n Eddy, Futurama, and Metalocalypse; the Matsuno brothers and their friends and family are living in my head rent free and I have no say in the matter lol
I will probably continue to post stuff about these 4 shows until either I die or Tumblr disappears, whichever comes first...
Er, anyway, I absolutely love talking about Ososan, so here's what I have to say about the show in relation to these questions (and please forgive me if this ends up long):
1. The first character I fell in love with: 
I'm going to be upfront and say when I first got into the show, it was originally when the first season was released, so essentially I've been here since day one. That said, while I like all of the brothers equally (but Ichimatsu is my favorite), I remember immediately taking a liking to Ichimatsu after the first 5 episodes. I can relate to the cat boy so, so much, and he deserves all the love in the world :3
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Iyami, surprisingly. I didn't really expect to like him all that much when I first got into the show, but after getting half-way through season 2, he started to really grow on me (and no, this has absolutely nothing to do with him helping that little blind girl in that one episode, not at all)
Also, Tougou, even though he's technically never appeared in San unless you count that cameo in the movie. I feel bad for liking him, especially after what he put the boys through as kids, but I think his character is very interesting (especially when thinking of him as a foil to Iyami)
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
I don't know if this counts, but I honestly don't like Atsushi all that much? If anything, I like the fan art and fan fiction more of him then his actual character, but that's just because he seems so bland to me in the show (and that I may or may not be salty on Totty's behalf lol)
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Again, I don't know if this counts, but I really like Hatabou lol I feel so sorry for him sometimes, since he seems to be treated as the show's punching bag from time to time, but I wouldn't say he's my favorite side character or anything like that
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: 
I really, really used to like Nyaa in season 1 and 2, but now I don't think I like her as much as I used to? I think part of this is due to me being a huge Totoko fan though, and since these 2 almost always seem to be at each other's throats (with the rare moments of peace), I naturally would like Totoko to come out on top
6. The character I would totally smooch: 
Ichimatsu period. I can't tell you how much I love this man! He would be a fantastic platonic life partner for me, and he deserves all the hugs and kisses in the world~. Although, if you follow my blog you're probably already aware of how much I love this purple cat man...
7. The character I’d want to be like: 
Now this is a bit difficult for me as, like I said before, I relate a lot to Ichimatsu, but I also relate a lot to Choromatsu too. So. If I had to pick someone I'd want to be like it would probably be either one of these 2, which is probably bad because these boys still need to get their lives together but that's okay. I know from current experience being in your early 20s is tough, but if the 3 of us worked together, it would be slightly better for everyone
8. The character I’d slap: 
In all honesty, with the exception of a few characters, everyone in this shows deserves a good slap at least one time to put them in their place, but if I had to slap someone in particular, it would probably be Dayon...
And then I would either be unable to do it because he's canonically a lot taller than I am or, if I successfully slapped him, he would probably kill me right afterwards. One of the 2. Oh well
9. A pairing that I love: 
Now. While I enjoy x reader inserts and self-shipping to a huge degree for this show (something you're probably aware of on my blog by now), when it comes down to it, I actually have a set list of who I would like the boys to end up with in the end game for canon's sake, which is as follows:
Osomatsu x Totoko
Karamatsu x Kinko
Choromatsu x Nyaa
Ichimatsu x Nozomi (the girl from the movie)
Jyushimatsu x Homura (or the girl from that one episode. Please don't make me say it :( )
Todomatsu x Atsushi
That being said, since I'm also a multishipper, while these are my main 6 I usually go for, I also like other parings, like Totoko x Nyaa, Chibita x Hatabou, Chibita x Karamatsu, etc. I'm also a huge fan of shipping Totoko with all of brothers in general as well, it's just OsoToto is a huge ship for me, and it seems like it has the greatest potential to be canon at the end of the day as well lol Oso and Totoko just need to get their lives together is all...
10. A pairing that I despise: 
Again, since I'm multishipper, there really isn't a pairing I dislike for this show, but I can understand if some people don't like certain pairings for their own reasons. That said, I'm pretty okay with just about anything, but if I do see a pairing I dislike, I'm just meh about it, I don't really hate anything.
However, for the sake of this question, I don't really like the idea of shipping the girlymatsus with the regular matsus (mostly because I always think of the girlymatsus as just female counterparts to the brothers, and shipping a brother with their counterpart seems a little bland to me in this show), but I can definitely see the appeal for it if you like that sort of thing, so please don't take this personally, this is just how I feel. This might also just be me being biased as well, since once again, I have a set list of who I want the brothers to end up with...
Although, on that note, I do like a lot of art where the girlymatsus interact with their brother counterpart, I find it very interesting lol
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tinyshinysylveon · 4 years
「おそ松さん」第3期第1クールEDテーマ「Max Charm Faces 〜彼女は最高♡♡!!!!!!〜」MV
please watch these dorky and yet adorable mascots of the matsuno brothers dancing to the ending of season 3 osomatsu-san 🥺 
Youtube [x] // Twitter [x] 
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epiphanyneuphoria · 5 years
My ranking of favourite blood-related anime siblings (from most to least liked)
1) Kimetsu no Yaiba - Kamado Tanjiro & Kamado Nezuko (no one can replace Tanjirou as BEST BIG BROTHER EVER. This anime is a heaven-sent)
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2) K-On - Hirasawa Yui & Hirasawa Ui (purest sister bond you’ll ever see in an anime)
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3)  3-gatsu no Lion - Kawamoto Akari, Hina & Momo (wholesome family bond)
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4) Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Edward Elric & Alphonse Elric (it’s in the title. Their strong brotherly bond can defeat everything that comes for them)
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5) Naruto - Uchiha Itachi & Uchiha Sasuke (when you say anime siblings, one of the first names that should come up is the Uchiha brothers. Some may disagree with Itachi’s actions but he loves his baby brother the most in the world)
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6) Ao no Exorcist - Okumura Rin & Okumura Yukio (sometimes I forget that they’re twins because they both have such different personalities but even when they clash, you know they care about each other)
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7) WWW.Working!! - Takanashi Souta, Kazue, Izumi, Kozue and Nazuna (I LOVE watching these siblings interact. Responsible Souta having to take care of the house and his sisters even though three of them are older than him. FUN)
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8)  Osamatsu-san - Matsuno Osomatsu, Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu, Todomatsu (everyone’s favourite sextuplets. What more can I say? You either love em or hate em)
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9) Ouran High School Host Club - Hitachiin Hikaru & Hitachiin Kaoru (most famous anime twins ever? Amirite? Best comedy duo, well trio if you add Tamaki)
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10) Charlotte - Otosaka Yu & Otosaka Ayumi (I know they have an older brother, Shunsuke but I like these two’s relationship more. You don’t wanna mess with best imouto or the oniichan will kill you)
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11) Naruto - Temari, Gaara & Kankuro ( they were fearsome when they were kids. I legit was afraid of them but as the story progresses, they grew on me)
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12) Koe no Katachi - Nishimiya Shouko & Nishimiya Yuzuru (the younger sister protecting the deaf big sister melts my heart uwu)
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13) Code Geass - Lelouch vi Britannia & Nunnally vi Britannia (idk what else I can say, the dude literally did everything he could just to give his sister a better world to live in)
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14) Ao Haru Ride - Tanaka Kou & Tanaka Yoichi (you’d be lying if you didn’t aaaw-ed at that scene when baby Kou was crying in his brother’s arms)
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15) Boruto: Naruto the Next Generation - Uzumaki Boruto & Uzumaki Himawari (he’s such a sweet big brother to Hima)
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16)  Seishun Buta Yarō -  Azusagawa Sakuta & Azusagawa Kaede (it’s cute and sad how clingy she is with her brother due to her syndrome. He tries his hardest to be a good big brother and she too did her best to recover so that he won’t feel sad anymore)
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17) Clannad - Fujibayashi Kyou & Fujibayashi Ryou (that heartbreaking scene when they both basically got rejected by the same guy and started crying, uggh my heart)
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18) Doraemon - Doraemon & Dorami ( not blood-related but more like oil-related lol since they both drank from the same oil can. They’re both the cutest)
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19) Mob Psycho 100 - Kageyama Shigeo & Kageyama Ritsu ( I haven’t watched this anime yet but I really like these two?)
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20) Cardcaptor Sakura - Kinomoto Touya & Kinomoto Sakura (I hate Touya so much when I was a kid because he was just like my brother who likes to tease and bully me. Never really liked him still but I appreciate his way of trying to protect sakura, no matter how annoying he is)
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21)  Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World - Ram & Rem ( another pretty famous twins in the anime world. I don’t hate them nor do I like them but they’re okay)
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22) Durarara!! - Heiwajima Shizuo & Heiwajima Kasuka (I like them but they weren’t really my main focus of the anime)
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23) WWW.Working!! - Yamada Kirio & Yamada Aoi (they’re so annoying. In a fun way. lol)
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24) Naruto - Hyuga Hinata & Hyuga Hanabi (I’m indifferent with Hinata but I liked Hanabi back then and was so sure that the manga would include her more but LOL)
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25) Gintama - Shimura Shinpachi & Shimura Tae (I don’t watch Gintama properly. I skip a lot of episodes and only watch some arcs when I feel like it so I don’t know much about these two except that they do love each other)
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26) Durarara!! - Orihara Izaya, Orihara Mairu & Kururi (not fond of the twins. Am fond of Izaya)
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27) Gintama - Kamui & Kagura (like I said, I don’t watch Gintama properly and I’m not planning to watch it in order but I actually like these two as individuals)
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28) Kyoukai no Kanata - Nase Hiroomi & Nase Mitsuki (his imouto fetish is annoying as hell. this anime is far from perfect but I enjoyed it nevertheless)
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shiftythrifting · 6 years
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1) DEAD IN DOG YEARS / IN DOG YEARS. / I’M DEAD. / DEAD IN DOG YEARS 2) the osomatsu san brothers as ceramic pigs 3) SEXY BOY “traffic” sign. other signs on the same rack (not pictured): “16 AND SEXY”, “MINE IS 13 FT”, “FINALLY RETIRED”
Ed’s Grove Inc. Discount Warehouse in Maine
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One Punch Man 13 (S2 Ep 1) | Afterlost 1 | RobiHachi 1 | Kimetsu no Yaiba 2 - 3 | BSD 25 - 26 (S3 Eps 1 - 2) | King of Prism - Shiny 7 Stars 1 | Shield Hero 14 - 16 | Double Decker! EX 3 | Sarazanmai 2
The shows that have made it this season will be getting their tags...soon. Because I fell behind early in the season, trying to read ahead is nastier than it really should be...
Update: I forgot to roll out the tags...! Sorry about that.
One Punch Man 2 1
This season’s name…sounds counterintuitive, to say the least.
I love how Genos is carrying a box of hijiki (which looks like hair) and Saitama’s wearing a shirt that says “hair” (in kanji) all over it. It’s funny for a bald man and his “work of modern art”.
I never knew Genos was so blunt. Maybe because the last season was a good 2 – 3 years ago…and was by Madhouse and Shingo Natsume, and so this feels slightly different.
Oh, Sonic…! I didn’t realise how much I missed you! (Not to mention, you look hot with the off-the-shoulder shirt, y’know?)
“Enoki” is a type of mushroom.
Oh, Garou!...Oh wait, there isn’t much more of the episode left, is there…?
Afterlost 1
Oh great…this is the second time the subs don’t work on my device of choice. Then again, it seems to be a problem with the ad blocker and not the video…Okay, fiddling with the ad blocker worked.
Let’s play Spot the Main Character Amongst All the CGI Guys! Yay! (obviously sarcastic)
Without the volume…this OP is, to not put it lightly, s***.
Shoumetsu means “extinction”, not “lost”.
And the reward for Jankiest CGI this season belongs to…
Okay…this is stupid…if it f**ks up even more, I’m out of here!
I know the horned owl is your mascot, but that doesn’t mean you needed a real owl.
Waittttttttt…how did the scientists know Yuki’s father was responsible for this stuff anyway?
I feel like Takuya was shoehorned in. I mean, there’s a better example of this character type in Naofumi (Shield Hero).
This guy’s name, as we know it, is Geek. Wow (sarcastic). Also, I find it funny Takuya has a “ta” on his licence plate.
“…she’s just a package.” - Welp, you don’t get any more blatant than that for female denigration! I think Anime Feminist had a field day with this one.
Come to think of it, I saw some helmets back at Geek’s place but Takuya never seems to use one…
You had one job, Takuya…*sigh*
I swear I said a few previews ago I don’t like 1st person cam…no one ever listens to me, do they???
Not dis shitto agen!
Okay, enough complaining. It seems Yu-no wasn’t bad enough, so they had to produce something like the Chaos Dragon and Seisen Cerberus of old…
RobiHachi 1
It’s Takamatsu being Takamatsu again. Also… I forgot to mention this earlier, but…Taiga Umatani seems to be related to Kurari Umatani (who is credited for Boueibu), so…I wonder if it’s a collective writer’s name for Studio Comet, like Izumi Todo for Toei? The only thing that goes against that is the fact “Kurari” existed during the Diomedea days of Boueibu. Also Isekandar seems to be related to Yamato’s Iscandar (which Takamatsu seems to like, based on the fact he once used Matsumoto metres as a shorthand for being in space). If you don’t understand, Yamato’s endgoal contains a place called Iscandar and that’s by Leiji Matsumoto.
Okayyyyy…what are these rabbit creatures…? But yes, it does smack of Boueibu simply because the episode layout’s the same.
Hmm…? So Robby seems be En (the do-nothing life) in spirit, but Kinshiro in background, but also he runs away from his fortune. “Hmm” indeed.
Oh! That’s what this string of misfortunes reminds me of! The monsters of the day from Boueibu.
Hatchi is a Kinshiro in looks but an Atsushi by being a goody-goody.
Hmm…they actually bother to show girls now…apparently Takamatsu went to a boys-only school, which is why his original works focus on dudes (as in, you can pick out when Takamatsu is adapting someone else’s work because it has a heavier focus on girls as supporting characters).
Mechs and spaceships are probably two of the only ways I accept CGI…and you, Takamatsu sir, have just done it (the latter)!
Aw! Lookit his (Hatchi’s) face light up like a Beppu’s! It’s cute!
Hatchi getting out the hatch…lame, but still somewhat effectve on me (because that’s my wordplay game you’re playing, Takamatsu…!).
LOL, it’s a transforming mech. It seems my words from a few comments earlier were basically foretelling the future.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 2
Yikes, “Sakonji Urokodaki” has a lot of strokes…
My Little Sister Lives For Headpats…hey wait, don’t all anime kid sisters do that(?)
For some reason, I know the “Don’t Lose Your Way” meme from Kill la Kill and yet I’ve never…watched KlK…?(!)
I swore that was Giyu (it’s the haircut, I swear), but it’s a random demon…
When all you have is a hatchet…use your head. (LOL)
Ooh, nice eyecatch!
This is really black comedy, in a sense. (I remember this demon fight from the manga which is why I say that.)
Hmm…this wispy stuff wasn’t in the manga.
Come to think of it, I don’t know how Tanjiro got his scar…
If you squint really hard, you can see CGI Urokodaki and Tanjiro…
He probably has no footsteps because of his shoes. Or the fact he’s a ninja. Were there ninja in the Taisho era…? Update: Tanjiro has the same kind of shoes…oops.
Come to think of it, Daisuke from DN Angel had to dodge traps every day before he became Dark…(thinking of this because I reread the first volume of DN Angel recently)
Oh! Manga panel preview! That’s quite fun, really.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 3
I just really like how Tanjiro’s eyes grew larger with what was clearly resolution before he closed the door.
Why do the non-descript hunters look like Giyu too…?
I’ve never seen KnY so comedic…and that’s coming from someone who thought the Head Demon fight from last episode was funny.
Welp, this is…kinda interesting (<- says a fan of Touken Ranbu).
This letter writing…it reminds me of Kekkai Sensen somewhat.
This realistic water…it’s beautiful, but it looks like it came straight out of Niagara Falls. Is that…too realistic for anime?
“No matter…”
It’s a fox version of Speed of Sound Sonic! Then again, the real Sonic is around this season and probably won’t be happy about that comparison…
Is “that guy”…Giyu? Or the demon who slaughtered Tanjiro’s family?
Spider lilies! I didn’t mention it last time, but the symbolism of the spider lily makes the ED real cool.
Bungou Stray Dogs 26
I’v read the wiki page for Chuuya enough to know the next few eps involve the LN Fifteen, so even though I haven’t read a translation of the source material, I know some of the ins and outs of it already.
Ooh! Kitty! (If you’re a manga reader, you’ll know the cat’s significance.)
I think at this point in time, all viewers are used to Dazai’s bulls*** by now.
Is it just me…or did Bones use CGI for the city? It actually looks kind of good…! Sasuga Bones!
I have a fic that predates Fifteen and could be set in the same period (the fic’s vague enough that it could’ve been them at 15, 18 or even 12)…and basically the only thing I got wrong was the fact Chuuya doesn’t have his hat (because I wrote Chuuya as having his hat in the fic). Also, the banter is tenser than I imagined it, but that’s subjective and something only I, the fic writer, can compare.
I wonder who the yellow-tinted Ability holder is…? Update: That’s Randou. Spoke too soon.
There was a box in the subs…I wonder what symbol that might’ve been.
“…closest to the explosion.”
BSD 3 2
Oh, so that’s what Randou was for! I see now.
Chuuya may be OP, but he’s one heck of a fun character…also, he’s not as OP as Saitama, so…yeah.
Oh, the ED from last time is the OP. I should’ve known.
I like the almost storybook-style of this episode!
I thought Dazai was faking releasing the hostages…I was wrong.
Face-stealing aliens return! (They were around last ep too, I think, but they were harder to see then.)
Again, watch for the cat!
Well, with only one suspect (or 3, if you count the Sheep kids), it was quite easy to figure out one of them was behind it. I kind of suspected Randou, anyway, considering what I’ve learnt from all the mysteries I’ve read.
Because I was watching this episode with the volume down low (so I could hear the OP and ED), the volume really did work wonders for the plot this ep…!
King of Prism – Shiny 7 Stars 1
This is the final debut of the season, so basically how this and Shield Hero perform will decide what will stay and what will go. Oh, yeah…apparently this is the companion to a movie, but the movie and TV series have slightly different content.
This dude’s (the one at the very start’s) so grumpy.
…welp, I didn’t expect it to be that much CGI.
This chunk of exposition…makes me feel like I missed something. It was probably in the previous movies, come to think of it…
Basically, this is…uh, Makura no Danshi or Room Mate all over again??? I’m noping out of here…! Bye!
Shield Hero 14
I’m putting this on the chopping block…just so you know.
…uh, age gap romance? It’s hard to tell at this stage, but they (Filo and Melty) sure act like it is romance.
Welp, this survived the chopping block. “Raphtalia backstory” is a good enough reason to stick around for, isn’t it?
Double Decker! EX 3 (FINAL)
I always miss the OP when I’m not watching Double Decker, but I miss the ED even more…
I can’t believe they tried to get away with a Spirited Away parody…!
I can’t believe I get to see Dr Apple all buttered up like this…
I love how Kirill is censoring himself. (At least he can prove he’s not a girl, unlike Valery/Milla, whose entire shtick is the confusion between genders.)
Oh! I think I know the answer to the case already! It was Kirill’s soap, so Doug is the “killer”. But then…why is it Derick, of all people???
LOL, the angles were so reminiscent of Detective Conan…
Underwear-stealing sextuplets…? Why does that kind of sound like Osomatsu-san…?
Ahh…I really am going to miss this ED. See you next time!
Shield Hero 15
I never thought Raphtalia would be so angry…that’s Naofumi’s job.
Okay…it’s the age-old question: do demis listen with their animal ears or their human ears? Do they even have human ears??? (That’s 2 questions, isn’t it…?)
Uh…CGI dinosaur, much?
Shield Hero 16
…and of course, the Queen is a loli. Of course (<-sarcastic).
“Why’d I even have to feed this KFC farm?” – LOL, but I wonder what it sounded like in Japanese…? (i.e. I didn’t listen to it and when I try to do that, there’s always something over the top of it…)
Sarazanmai 2
I wonder if I’ll ever get used to watching Ikuhara on a weekly basis…?
Wait…y’mean, Keppi’s breath smells like cucumbers? Uh…okay, TMI.
Enta’s Japanese house kind of looks like the one in Mawaru Penguindrum.
Wait…why does the Japanese word for “Fish Buffet” (Osakanazanmai) end in –zanmai? Does that mean Sarazanmai is…Dish Buffet?! (LOL)
Notably, one of the signs said “Union” in katakana. It must be an English play on words…y’know, trade union and union = connecting with each other? I’m surprisingly enjoying myself a lot with Sarazanmai, by the way. I didn’t think I would, but I am!
I think that might be Irohassu water. Or Dasani. I saw both those brands in Japan, but I don’t remember which had the green flowers.
Oh…my goodness! Nekoyama (Cat Mountain) Mokichi (written with kanji for “hair” and “luck”). It’s a Boueibu monster! Frick, I’m laughing too hard!
It’s very small and very thin, but the word next to the cat in the eyecatch is neko.
“…Meow God!” – It’s a pun on “Oh, My God!” but with a “meow” in it. It’s pretty forced, but it does get the nuance of the joke across…
Why the heck did the subbers choose “herb” as the word for weed in this? “Weed” is sufficient, right? Right…?
Well…if that spurt of water wasn’t symbolic…I don’t know what is.
The title translates better as “…but I want to steal”. Y’know, add a little force into it.
The two As and the “sara” below it seem to make a zombie face, huh?
Ooh, that ending…
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Top Five Sakurai Takahiro Roles
Since it is indeed his birthday, I thought I would do a top five roles. Keep in mind, I will only include roles of anime I’ve seen, and this is based on personal opinion so I might be a little bias. Technically this isn’t an “anime role”, but I just wanted to add Cloud from the Final Fantasy series because I feel like with today being literally a celebration of Smash Bros (DUDE I’M SO HYPED), I gotta give him a shout-out for that too.
I actually had to take out a lot of roles because he has had so many good supporting roles. I almost felt like having honourable mentions for the honourable mentions. If you don’t see one of your favourite roles on this list, it might be because I had to narrow it down. One character I had to make the difficult decision of removing was Francis Scott Fitzgerald from Bungou Stray Dogs which is one of my favourite anime/manga to date. I only excluded it because I felt like even if the role was iconic, I wouldn’t have cared as much as the other entries if they had replaced him with someone else. This is the same with Net-Juu no Susume’s Sakurai (they have the same name with different kanji).
Rumours say he’s married too, but we can’t say for sure since he seemed to just make a “slip-up” during a radio show or something like that. I have a hard time recognizing some of his roles. He’s really cool and almost made my top ten (if only it wasn’t for all the other great actors, he probably would’ve made it past honourable mentions).
And I might start adding a gif of the actual seiyuu for all my new favourite top fives as well as edit the other ones too (it won’t affect reblogs).
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Honourable Roles (That I Haven’t Seen Yet):
Claude Faustus (Black Butler)
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I’ve been told multiple times that the anime is bad and to read the manga. People usually watch the dub for this too. Claude still looks classy though and has a good voice to match.
Yamato Kurosawa (Sukitte ii na yo)
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I watched one episode of this anime, so technically I have seen it a little, but it just didn’t stick with me because I found the anime quite dull. I really shouldn’t make that judgement from just the first episode and the name. That name is cheesy. Say “I Love You” is the English name. I’ll give it a try again someday. He seems like the type to play a good charismatic love interest. The girl is another story.
Shogo Makishima (Psycho-Pass)
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Yeah, I already know this guy is a crazy nut. Psycho-Pass is a series I really want to watch but somehow never end up watching? It’s weird. I look forward to seeing what this role has to offer.
Miyuki Kazuya (Diamond no Ace)
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Ah right. That baseball anime that I haven’t watched but plan on doing by the end of my lifetime. Too bad I avoid sports anime (don’t ask me why. I just do.)
Kishibi Rohan (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
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Okay, I know that Hiroshi Kamiya played him in the video games and all that, but we’re talking about anime here. Sakurai played him in the anime series. Do I have a preference? No. I’ve watched/played neither. Jojo seems like fun though.
5. Ja’far (Magi Series)
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This was *this* close to not being included on the list, but it ultimately changed my mind when I remembered the Sinbad series spinoff along with the fact that I would really hate anyone else having this role even if it’s such a minor character in the main series. Now, with that in mind. Ja’far is literally the brains behind Sinbad and is his trusted advisor even if we see him trying to kill him in the Sinbad spinoff because he was originally an assassin blah blah blah... He’s Sinbad’s boyfriend best friend (who coincidentally pretty much never has any interest in women and follows Sinbad as his advisor), and I have a lot of favourite scenes with him in it I’ll put a couple of links just because I feel like I’ve met so few people who have seen both anime. Magi is a series full of really strong people (both women and men) and tons of laughs. That moment and a couple of others can be found here and here. 
4. Suzaku (Code Geass) 
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Here’s a more controversial role because a lot of people hate him. I didn’t find him that bad. His heart is in the right place, and with Lelouch being a douche a lot of the time, it’s kind of funny how both are. I didn’t like Code Geass that much because it’s a mecha anime which is why I placed it a little low on the list (I did warn that I was biased).
3. Osomatsu (Osomatsu-san)
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(he’s the one in the red hoodie. It’s hard to find gifs with only one of them. Don’t ask me why their nipples are bandaged. You really don’t want to know.)
All the voice actors in this anime are pretty much stacked in terms of the six brothers plus buckteeth (Iyami). I just find it funny how they’re all perceived as good-looking in real life and have all these good-looking characters then go onto this. Anyway, this character is none other than the oldest brother of the sextuplets (gotta feel for their parents). The anime itself wasn’t as funny as I had hoped, but the casting made everything all better. Having a cast like that makes it so much funnier. It’s really hard to explain. You ought to watch the whole anime if you want to know why this is on the list. It’s random crap, but it’s sometimes the funniest random crap. Just their outbursts alone were enough for praise. If it weren’t for the fandom (OH GOODNESS YOU DON’T KNOW WANT TO KNOW WHAT’S THERE. WHERE’S THE BRAIN BLEACH?) maybe I’d be a little faster to watch the second season.
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(I have never seen so much pain in one screenshot)
2. Atsumu “Yukiatsu” Matsuyuki (Anohana)
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And this kids is the type of person you should stay away from. In all seriousness, this character was one of the plot twists I didn’t see coming. I won’t get into detail, but I wouldn’t call him crazy in the same context as maybe someone like Izaya or that kind of more “charismatic” crazy. He’s the type whose craziness stems from loss and pain, and to be honest, you really start to feel it by the end. Sure, he’s a douche for a good part of the series, but a lot of the characters are for good reason. I found one moment with his character actually kind of heartwrenching. Just let the guy live in peace. And let me have my feels in peace too, okay? I actually found Anohana sad (I’m quite the wimp). 
1. Arataka Reigen (Mob Psycho 100)
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I feel like I almost don’t need an explanation for this one. If you haven’t watched Mob Psycho yet, go do that. It’s a really good show. I love it so much. Arataka is one of my favourite characters. He’s the lead in that amazing ED (that art style and animation are amazing). I usually don’t like these kinds of characters. Arataka is different because it progresses throughout the story that he’s more than what he seems on the surface. He actually cares about Mob. his reactions, actions, and scenes are one of the biggest highlights for me. It’s no wonder that I love this anime so much. With Setsuo Itou’s debut as Mob and Sakurai's great performance in this role, I can’t really express enough how much you might enjoy the anime. You really should go watch this anime. Want some scenes? Here (featuring Hosoya) and here, but for full effect, go watch the show. It’s worth it.
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hekatekun · 3 years
8, 15 , 16 and 17!
hii thank you for asking<3
8. Have you seen osomatsu-kun?
no 😔 it's been on my list forever now i just take a billion years to start watching anything
15. Which opening theme do you like more?
nice to neet you has a special place in my heart im a sucker for big band jazz stylings. 2nd place goes to the cour 1 op in s2 :)
16. Which ending theme is your favorite?
you guys remember that emo as hell ed in s2 cour 2? with the ceramic busts and whatever? literally tha best im sorry to the lesbian ed you're a strong contender
17. What is your favorite episode or segment?
my fave segment of all time is in s2e23 Iyami-san Is Troubled i think that's what pushed this show into becoming my latest big interest. BUT. i will say s3e5 as an overall episode im weak as a zaimoku enjoyer but also all their opinions on marriage & kids was literally everything ive discussed before s3 had even started to the point i had a friend message us (me & our mutual friend i work on all my fics with) asking how we managed to predict the episode
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kihocrystal · 6 years
Winter 2018 Final Impressions
I’m a month late, as usual (whoops!), but here’s my final thoughts on the animes I watched this past season! 
The “reviews” will be in alphabetical order!
3-gatsu no Lion S2 - 9.0 / 10 (A)
This second season of 3-gatsu was great! It’s just… a really great drama show about fighting depression (& a bunch of other character storylines)!
extremely complicated, emotionally complex… this arc brings all sorts of emotions & angles into the forefront
multiple perspectives too: Hina’s, Rei’s, the bullied girl’s, the bully’s, the teachers’, and Akari too!
The art style can pull off both thick-outlined / bright colored style and watercolor-esque style incredibly well
it really is beautiful how it can visually portray both light-hearted and emotionally intense scenes
This season continues to show how good it is at character development for characters both main & supporting!
We get to see Rei moving through the ranks as a shogi player
and also moving through the ranks of conquering his depression! He’s improved more than ever before!
We get to learn about the white-haired master player (Souya); I liked how he has his own quicks and challenges he has in his daily life
Along with the other head shogi guy (Yanagihara)! (& how he shoulders his legacy for his friends)
Even the last episode offered some perspective from the foster mom about Rei & her kids
this show is just… really good at making normally-hated characters sympathetic, hot damn
Aside from bullying arc, this season also showed Hina preparing for the transition to high school
The finale episode was nice and sweet, with Hina saying goodbye to Takahashi and even getting a haircut!
This continues to be one of the best drama anime in recent years! Not to mention SHAFT’s best show since Madoka Magica :3
Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Z - 7.5 - 8.0 / 10 (C+)
And so ends the G series of Cardfight Vanguard… this final season I’ll say though is kind of a mixed bag
The plot had interesting ideas and moments at times, but the execution and pacing left a bit to be desired
though I will say it was definitely better than last season (CFV G NEXT)
This season didn’t waste any time getting to the main plot, as Chrono has to face off against a Diffrider right away
the diffrider stuff is continued from last season, but for the most part, it’s a new plot kicking off!
The rollout of all the new Diffrider Apostles (& them showing their strength) definitely made them look like powerful foes
not to mention the Zeroth Dragons, which were also shown to be powerful and very risky to use
Also knowing that anyone in the main cast could end up being The Vessel added some intrigue as well
the reveal that Kazuma would be the vessel definitely was a well executed twist imo~
However the pacing in places felt a bit too fast for me… the Relics subplot felt like it wrapped up too quickly, for example
the final fight against Gyze also kinda felt rushed… Gyze didn’t even have any dying words after his defeat :/
As a final season specifically, I feel like it kinda pales in comparison to Stride Gate, unfortunately
The cast was also kinda hit and miss in terms of how well they were utilized in the plot
some of the apostles definitely had more screen time than others (gredora only got like… two episodes)
plus gastille (the supposed apostle leader) got beaten sooner than like 3 other ones???
some villains carry over from last season too, such as Noa (Chaos Breaker) and the red-head punk kid
I liked all the new villains this season, personality-wise! (Also Yukari Tamura in there is a plus)
also no Am and Luna this season, really…
the previously established OG cast were integrated fine, for the most part
including Aichi and Kai getting the kill against Chaos Breaker Dragon
but the final episodes kinda just shoe-horn in a bunch of cameos that just didn’t feel natural :/
it just felt like “OH SHIT, this is the last season actually! Quick, throw in a bunch of cameos!”
this also applies to G characters, which makes less utilized characters (like Am & Luna, as mentioned before) look out of place :(
Sure, I’m saying a bunch of negative stuff right now, but I REALLY LOVE THIS CAST… I JUST WANT THE BEST FOR THEM
It’s the main reason I love CFV G, after all~
This season was definitely an improvement over NEXT for sure! The plot was interesting, I just wish the conclusion was better
The final episode basically just felt like an OVA, really… aside from the last scene, it didn’t really feel like an epilogue at all
I guess it just bums me out bc the original series got a good epilogue episode, so I know they could do it here, too…
In any case, this was a decent season to end the G series with! Not the strongest, but not the weakest either.
I’m gonna look back on my time with CFV G fondly for sure, if for nothing else than the great ensemble cast :’)
It’s gonna be weird going back to the OG cast for sure… I arguably liked the G cast better than the OG one :’D
Osomatsu-san S2 - 8.0  / 10 (B)
The consensus among fans seems to be that this season wasn’t as good as the first season
As for me, I… probably agree with that (though I still enjoyed this season!)
As with most comedy anime, whether the jokes land is pretty subjective. I feel like I didn’t laugh as hard this season? IDK
There were more “seasonal/holiday”-based episodes this time around (i.e. summer, new year’s, etc.)
What stays the same though is that this show is at its best when featuring the main brothers themselves
Skits involving the side characters (like Iyami, Dayon, etc.) didn’t make me laugh much…
I will say though that I enjoyed the second half of the season more than the first half~
Enough about the negatives, let’s talk about this season’s memorable skits / episodes!
The premiere was really good, as it poked fun at the huge popularity the show unexpectedly got xD
plus a bunch of references that *aren’t* gonna get them removed from streaming sites this time!
Jyushimatsu getting an “apprentice” with a little kid was also pretty funny~
The Karamatsu taxi skit, the spooky inn, & all the characters being stuck on an island were also good skits!
Ep. 18 (Iyami, Alone in the Wind) was also a crowd favorite, since it brought the feels for a change :’)
The finale 2-parter pulled a bait-and-switch yet again!
Part 1 was actually pretty serious, but the actual finale just has them trying to break out of hell xD
OH YEAH, I still really like the live-action stuff they do during the ending sequences
the first half’s ED was my favorite (the stop-motion of the brothers riding in the car)
I don’t have much to say about comedies generally, but Osomatsu-san is still my favorite in recent years ^^
Even though this season didn’t hit as hard as S1, it still provided some fun laughs~
Pop Team Epic - 7.5 / 10 (C+)
What can I really say about this show? It kind of defies description ^^;
Ok, yeah, it’s a sketch comedy, but it’s a really… crazy and random sketch comedy
The jokes are hit and miss (and in my experience was a bit more… miss than hit)
I never really laughed out loud at this show either
but then again, the humor here is more “being confused at what’s going on, but going along with it anyway”
There’s also a lot of modern anime references, so you might not get those jokes if you don’t follow most recent anime
Each episode has a long skit in it, plus a bunch of bite-size skits
I personally preferred the short skits over the long ones
There were a couple song parodies which I enjoyed (including the Earth Wind & Fire parody)
Also, this series definitely benefits from having an English simuldub! Some skits I found funnier in English!
OH YEAH, the voice actors (in both languages) change every episode, with female and male VAs in each episode
that enhanced the enjoyability of the sketches too, since I liked hearing favorite VAs do silly dialogue and performances!
I wouldn’t say this ranks among my favorite anime comedies, but it’s definitely unlike any other I’ve seen! ^^;
Your mileage will *definitely* vary with this one, so give it a try and see if it’s for you!
The Ancient Magus’ Bride (Mahoutsukai no Yome) - 8.5 - 9 / 10 (A-)
This was a very enjoyable fantasy drama show! Some people feel this show was overhyped, but I still thought it was really good!
I really liked the cast overall, especially Chise
She has really good character development throughout the show! She really becomes more strong and confident!
Seeing the fantastical world through her eyes was interesting as well!
Especially since those mystical elements were also responsible for her terrible childhood…
Elias was also an interesting guy… he and Chise have an interesting relationship together
Their relationship definitely has aspects that are unhealthy, but they do grow closer to each other by the end
If people can’t get past the whole premise of “him buying Chise to be his bride” though, I totally understand ^^;
They help each other learn too, which I liked to see
The supporting cast was also enjoyable! Not much to say about them individually though
The dragon keeper was nice and we got to learn about Elias’ origins through him
The dragons in general were great! Especially the old one that turned into a tree :’)
He gives Chise some good sage advice, even after death :’)
Angelica, Silky, and Stella (among others, like the other anti-hero duo) were good support characters too~
I liked Stella’s role of “normal girl who learns of the supernatural’s existence”
Cartaphilus was an… okay villain, I guess (though his methods were quite creepy indeed, which added some intrigue)
Some character designs are a bit questionable though… like who approved the vampire’s design? ^^;
Another large appeal of this was the world building of the fantastical elements!
I liked seeing all the different types of locales & supernatural creatures, both good and bad
As a low-fantasy show, this show does a Dang Good Job with the fantasy!
Chise learning more about herself and gaining confidence through these experiences were a highlight as well
I enjoyed each story arc as well, even though most of them were more explorative and introspective
This show can be dang beautiful sometimes, through both its art/animation and its stories (Thanks, Studio WIT!)
Some were better than others, but they all deliver either a heartwarming (or a dark) story
Some favorites of mine were the dragon-based ones, and the vampire loving the old man
The finale was good too! It’s unknown whether this conclusion is anime-original or not, but it was definitely a good S1 ending~
If you love low-fantasy shows, this is definitely one to check out!
Violet Evergarden - 8.5 - 9.0 / 10 (A-)
Best *new* anime (that I watched) of this past season, hands down~
Though to be fair, I still need to watch A Place Farther than the Universe… and Yuru Camp… and After the Rain…
Going into this season, this show was hyped and back and somehow… a lot of people were *disappointed* with this show?
I think it had to do with expecting a different show than what we got; as for me, I knew it’d be an episodic drama the whole time :P
But yes, this show has a (mostly) episodic plot with an overarching character arc. If that’s too slow for you, then you probably won’t like this show.
In any case, back to the positives! The first one being how good this show looks visually… as expected from KyoAni~
there’s so much detail in the backgrounds and the character elements (especially the lighting on objects like Violet’s metal hands)
this aspect is one thing *everyone* agrees on regardless, so… yeah, this show’s really pretty!
The main star (and focus) of this show was Violet herself… you can really see how she changes for the better from beginning to end
You get to see how “robot-like” she was at the start of the show, but she slowly learns about dealing with emotions of others… and herself
This character arc is definitely the “main” plot of the show, along with her coming to terms with Gilbert’s death and her war killings
The episodic plots were good in their own right, too!
Ranging from Violet’s start as a Memoir Doll to the different clients she works with, they all teach her something along the way
These sometimes focus on the side characters working at the Doll Agency too, so we get to learn more about them as well
The one that comes to mind first is Iris’ episode, where she (messily) reconnects with a former lover
Not all of them get a full episode in the spotlight, but they do get some focus scenes from time to time
Violet’s clientele episodes were the most memorable out of this lot IMO
ESPECIALLY EPISODE 10… that was the BIGGEST feels trip
I knew exactly how the episode was going to end, but I still teared up at that ending!
The finale was action packed, but also was a beautiful way to show how far Violet has come
I know some people’s issue with this show is that “it doesn’t know what show it wants to be” re: the action stuff, but I was fine with it personally
in any case, it was a pretty good book-end for Violet’s development, since she finally understands (a least a little) what “I love you” means :’)
I understand certain people’s gripes with this show, but this really is a great little drama show that *will* deliver the feels~
P.S. I also watched Fate/Extra: Last Encore this season. It hasn’t technically ended yet, so I can’t give final impressions on it right now. However, my current score for it is a 7.5/10 (C+).
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awkwardtaco056 · 6 years
Okay so all about me, the 2018 edition
What’s my name? Call me Ray!
Race? I’m Black/African American
Pronouns? They/Them/Their is best!
Orientation? Pan with a strong female preference and demisexual
How old are you? 18 years old, though I could pass for 12 or 13, lmao. My birthday is May 15 (Taurus for the win)
Personality? I’m lowkey really shy lel so if I’m awkward it’s not personal, I’m just Big Introvert
Music I listen to?
Childish Gambino
Ariana Grande (I’ve adored her since her Nickelodeon days)
Fall Out Boy
Panic! At the Disco
My Chemical Romance
Twenty One Pilots
Ed Sheeran
All Time Low
Mac Miller (I love The Divine Feminine)
Big Sean (Love Dark Paradise)
Atlas (underground rapper on YouTube and Soundcloud, he’s great!)
Lo fi hip hop (really calming music genre, 10/10 would recommend)
Do you like muscials? Yes!!! My #1 fave is Hairspray, but I also adore Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, and I’m causally into Be More Chill and Heathers 
Youtubers I Like?
Game Grumps (another fave!)
Thomas Sanders (my fave!!)
Steven Universe
Gravity Falls
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
South Park
Other shows I like?
Voltron: Legendary Defender
I Am Jazz
Adam Ruins Everything (Really eye opening show about life’s misconstrued views)
1000 Ways to Die
Animes I watch?
Sailor Moon (I’m a hardcore moonie)
One Punch Man
My Hero Academia
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
Manga I Read/Have Read/Started Reading?
Sailor Moon
Dragon Ball
Kitchen Princess (finished)
Chi’s Sweet Home
Death Note
One Punch Man
My Hero Academia
Love In Hell (finished)
Assassination Classroom
Haganai! I Don’t Have Many Friends
Dragon Ball Z
Things I tag? Definetly triggering things, politics, LGBT things, just about anything! Ask me and I’ll totally tag it for you!
What Do I Do? Don’t be fooled by my lack of a theme; I’m an aspiring artist!
Favorite Ways to Art? I usedgood ol pen and paper for years, but recently I’ve gotten pretty decent at digital art. I also found that I enjoy charcoal, though it is very messy. A solid percentage of the work by me overall is traditional, but I do mostly digital now
Trusy Bag? Yep!, although that picture is a bit dated. I still have that bag though
Other Social Media?
Twitter: I’m gonna try really hard to be more active on here
DeviantART: where you can find most of my art that does and doesn’t make it on here (plus really old stuff I wince at blargh)
Instagram: My main IG account that also lacks a theme where I post memes, multifandom stuff, occasional selfies, my personal life, basically anything I please! My art on IG can be found under the hashtag #disneyfan056
Patreon: This is new territory for me honestly, so I haven’t really used it lol
YouTube: I post occasional nightcore videos and lo fi mixes! You can also look at my playlists to see what I jam to when drawing  
AO3: Not only do I draw, I write! Here you can find my older fanfics from FanFiction.net, and newer ones!  
Spotify: My other music go-to other than YouTube, here you can find my OTP playlists and see other music I love!
I also have another Tumblr blog! My aesthetic blog is @ my-heart-is-a-kaleidoscope056
Do you take requests? Recently not so much, I’d much rather get commissions, but I’ll take suggestions occasionally :0
Do you accept art trades? We’ll talk about it
Do you take commissions? Yes! I take them through PayPal; message me for more info!
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